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LOWELL JOURNAL LOWELL. MICH. I LIVE PIPER III AUVE TOWN. Termi:—$1.50 a your; Jli ct». for Six IIIOM. j'jk.et. "W. ECI-N-ej, Exlitor nml PubliHhor. All kinds of Job Printing dono in fint- cltuu stylo. Prici-H AM LOW as tbu Luweat. New Type, Now Preaaett. LOWELL BUSINESS CARDS. P ECK * MPDANSEI.L . PhjKlcliuu uiil 8ur- feuu*. OBlce lu Duik Dluvk. OBKBT MARSHALL. Cooiwr, Kju.1 W.lrr lit. Flour b u n U unl all kluiU of (Autom B OTCK M HASH, SfuiuracliiritK of Azr<, UMtocltl. MlU plclu. Sc. OM How Toluli mad* MW, M o w r n u d K«a|>rn rv pal red A. CHAPMAN. Phoiwraph Atllal. Kooma M » to rost-Oflloe, up ataln M M. CUABE. Bakery and RcaUurut. Op- pod la Miulc Ball. b T BICKEKT, Lowrll BakfrT and lira tauranl, Oppoallc PuUcn'a Uluck. ^|U. C. A. C H A P M A N . Mlllliirrj- and l)n Making. Bccoud dour J O. W M T , DrunM and Rlallunrr. A»ni ^^^forOBnu^eRubbfr I'alnt. Op|>uiilte For J O. SCOTT, Hardwarr, Kaah liuora and Olaaa. Bullden llariwarr a apcdally Oppoalta Forvat Mllla. J Q. LOOK, Drucgiat and SUUourr, Ac. . Union Blocfc C M. DBTXNDOBP, Agnt for Domicile Bnaio ^ a ^Jiy Un * t ' ^ Ur W«ii D ODGE A HICK*, Attoninra a t U w . No- lary Public, Sc. Oter WeaVa Drug Store. DITEBER A MANGOLD, dralen in On>oert«* and Farmer* Piuluoe. Main St, MCOM Block. Weal Side. W 1LHBLM A FLANAGAN, diiUeni In Boola and Sbura, Clotldng, Ac. I'ulou Block, Wort Side. J OHN GILES A CO., OruorrtW and PTOTU lona. Crockery, (liana Ware, Ac. Union Ul'k m T h KATI! EKWA X. Dry (iooda. Cloth- lag, Boola, Shoe*, llaU, Cap*. Ac. Union D AKS HOUSE. Comer Main and Wm( Water Street*. A. Uake, Proprietor. A TKINS M ADAMS. Dcalim In Acricullural laplemonta. Farm tool*, Ac., IIridge St. J C. TBAIN, dealer In Farm Producta. Wool, * Pelt*. Pork, Ac. Bridge SI. L m t B T , Hal* and Uoanllng SUbU, Monroe St., Tboa. Tale, Proprietor. H B. SHBPARU, Hardware of aU kind* Door*. Saab, Ulaa*, Ac. Ilauk Ulock. O W K * WHITE, Boot*. Sboea. Leather, Ae. Bridge Street. 0 * 0. H A K E , Marble Worka, one door ea«t of t Music Hail Block, Bridge •treet. •T. STONE. Carriage Builder. Bri.lga St. AU kind* of repairing done in Snt-claa* D KLOI O. HENRY, Ilau*e and Oarrlage I'alntar. King A Amphlett'a Block. •JJ W. ATKBT.Meat Market. Oppodla Bank If lUON M. PEBRT, AttomeT at I-aw and JVL laUdtor In Chancery, llank Ul.ck, 0. BARBER, Oroceriea. PnivUlon*, * Crockery, Notion*, Ac. Orahaui n Block, Bride* s t m t . C O. STONE t CO., Dry O00.1* Uoota and * Sho—• Hata, Capa, So. Bank Block. B. DLAIN, Fancy Urr Oooda. CarpMlnn. * P— Capa, Notion*, sc. Urahama Block. L OWELL OMNIBUS LINE, C. M. watter*. Proprietor. Leare order* at Hotel*. C MeCABTY, Wholewlc and KetaU Uronr. a Bank Block. E A. a t l N D E R U N , Notary Public. I/iwell * National Bank. All the latoat atyle* of twaaring done. riBABLES ALTUBN, Clothing, Oanu Fur- c ' l * , ^ WINOLKB, Wholesale and la Orooeriea and Prorlalosa. T A. IA1.LT, Deatlac Office orer Po*wmc*_ 'Va MpacUl attecUoo glren to ptsMfrsllon of W J. WEUil, Physician and HureeoD. Offlw a orir rotuOoL Boddanoe, W V, D. Jsst A B.OBANT, Burgaon and HomiMpaihle A . Phyridao. Offloa orer Bcott's Hardware K U N t U , Jujtlce of the Peace and No- , Unr Public, Qraham'* Block over Barber a MOW, AMaoeattouasthB Tailoring buidneaa. 0. M. CHASE, Homeopathic Phyddan. Office orer Lowell National Bank. Lav anil Collertloa Office of DODGE 8c HICKS. K mU EsUte Atfcitcy, Loans Ne- gottuted. Offiae-BHdga Bt., orer Weef* Drug Slore. «. A. aoaiaon, "• 0 TO " ROBINSON, STONE & C o , Manufacturers of and Dealers In I of HABNBW, SADDLES. THUKKS. I, SHEETS, NEW, COMBS, BRUSHES, buslum Uarnea* Oil, Si aph Ac. UDilkrs of our own uianuiacture Oan^ Warning a Specialty. Locked Wast sad et Flat rirar bridge. LOWELL JOURNAL. OFFICII IN QltAHAM'S It LOCK—id FLOOR •DUJf VlVIMUa, VIVAMUH." 8l..'.o I'RH YKAIt IN AI)\ANi:K. VOLUME XV. LOWELL, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY. F E i m i AUV 1, ISSO. NUMBER 32. JOB WORK, tt'C'lf Al— Cards, Bill-Heads, Circulars •TCrrc.. rtf EXECUTED TO ORDER, IN Till Neatost and Promptest Manner, IKIi AT REASONABLE RATES. n-.V{<p1y bete Ufur* onUrlna *U •Ixihara GHANI) RAPIDS CARDS. Benj. A, Harlan, Attorney and Solicitor. Special atteotion lo ronTerancIng, Writing Win*, and bu*lnr*a In Pruliate Court. Office. OVER CITY NATIONAL BANK. (IRANI) RAPIDS. MICH. ukcoit snrr, BIKRT a. OAVIS HUNT & DAVIS, ABSTRICT, REAL ETATE AND LOAN OFFICE. UNDER CITY NATIONAL BANK. URAND RAPIDS, MICH. J. ORTON EDIE Physician. Surgeon & Accoucheur. OFFICE, DR. BLISS" BLOCK, URAND RAPIDS, . . MICH. Rnddence-No. V7 Sheldon St. . a. WILLUH*. J**. a. WTUI. Allegan. Or. Rapid*. WIHU BS * WjUe, ATTORNEYS and SOLICITORS 0»er City National Hank. (IRAND RAPIDS, MICH. The ••PALACE HOUSE of Michigan SWEETS HOTEL, GRAND RAPIDS, UICH. BEST HOTEL IN THE CITY. SID. H. Roo*rTU.T, I T F PICKERING. Frink C. SirrokD, I Uerka. Manager. OXJ'x'T^E.K M O X J S E . GRAND HAVEN, MICHIGAN T. F. PICKEItlNG. Manager. MRS. S, WEBSTER TEMrERiiirE RESTAURANT. N«. SO Caul Street, OB AND BAFIDB, MICH Meals, 25 cents. 87yl Day Hoard. |3.00 per week. (EatablisliiHl 1801.) BENJ, A. HARLAN, CYRUS E. PERKINS HARLAN & PERKINS, >ENS10N & BOUNTY AGTS. All perBODi now diwiblwl oilhur by din- wuk- or wouudn receivod In tlm •errice of the United 8Ute« aro entitled to pension and should ut oncu niAku application there- for, Write to us. Many now receiuntf pensioiinare entitled to increow. Wo can w- cure the Mime if Ui» case in denerving. HABLAN & PERKINS, Orand^Rapids, J BRICK I M ' * At SARANAC BRICK VARD: made M O from Pare Patter Clay free from q 'CRACKS, SEAMS or LUMIB. M K"" and well burned Parties contemplat- ftj big building will uleue eiamlnr tUe*e JJJ M brick before pureluulng ^ COLOR UNIFORM. »ni3 A MONTH guaranteed, tltadayat Uomt nude by Um- Industrious. Cap lul not rwiulrrd; we will start you. _en. women, boy*, and girl* make money f«*ter at work for u* than at anything el*e. The work I* light and t.lra**nl, and aucfc a* anyone can go ngtiiat. Tnoae who ara wlae who aee thl* nollce will *eiid u* their addreme* at once ud sr for themwlves. Coetly outfit and terma free. Now 1* tlie time Tboae already at work are laying uj> In rye* kuma of moo«x. Addrr^n Tttt E Si CX}^ Augusta, Maine. Vyl OUBLM A. BIIWIOX, MYBOH U. WALK IB RENWICK I WALKER. ATTORNBTB AND SOLICIT OH*. Ow Nat'l Bank, Lowell. Mich. PracUea U »U U * Court*. ^ 3Pj%.Xt3£SI Zt. If you wast a Oood Meal for IS eenU, go lo g a v i s ' fiestaurant, OK T B I BUDQE, OPPOSITE FOREST MILLS. Used •oooamodatioiw for Horses Milton M. Perry, R«1 Eslile. Lou ud lisoruce AGENT Good FARMS and LOTH FOR BALE OR KXCBANUE. UOUHE8 TO RENT on ruwouabb tamu. H.W. AVERY, DA AX. KB IK FEESH HEATS. Poultry, OyBtere, A a d A H Kinds cf Oams In Season Ifiid For Ail KindB Of Live Stoek^Sill Pork, Uidei, Mich LOWELL BAKERY And Rbataurant, W. B. RICKERT. proprietor. 00 TUEBE FOB YOUR lEALS AND LURCHES. AdvcrtiMo in (hn Lowell Journal No llaltor AdTurUsIng Medium IN WESTERN M1CU1UAN HELEN OF TYKE. BY IIR.iur w. uiKurtLLovir. What phantom U IhU that appear* Through the purple mill* of the yt.\:*, lUelf but a miat like three? A woman of cloud and of lire; It i* «be; it i* Helen of Tyre, The town in the midtl of the ica*! OTyre! in thy crowdni atreel* The phantom appear* and retreat*. And the uraelite*, that tell Thy UUea and lion* of bra**. Look np aa they aee her pat*. And murmur "Jciebel!" Then another phantom I* • e . n At her *id-, in a gray garbardine. With I card that Hoat* t<) hi* wai*t; It i* Himon Magua, the Seer; He •(Irak*, and ahe paute* to hear The word* he utteia in h*«t«. He *ay*: "From thl* eril fame. From thia life of *orrow and ahamr, 1 will lift thee and make thee miue Thou haat been Queen Candare, And Helen of Troy, and ahalt be The Intelligence OtTine! 1 ' Oh, aweet aa the breath of morn, Tu the fallen and forlorn Are whbipervd word* of prai.e, Foc.tha famlahcd heart belicrea The faliehood that templa and deceive*, And the promUe that betray*. Ho *ha follow* from land to land Ths wisard'a beckoning hand, Aa l leat ia blown by the ga*t. Till abe Tanlihn* Into night! 0 reader. Stoop down and write With thy finger In the du«t. 0 town in the mid*t of the *ea«, W ith thy raf la of cedar treea. Thy merehandiK and thy ahipa; riion, too, art become at naught, A phantom, a ahadow, a thought, A name upon men'* lip*. —Atlantic Monthly. Got Your Job Priuiiug - A T T U E - Lowell Journal Office. NEW TYPE! NEW PRESSES! Subscribe for tb« LOWELL JOURNAL! Thi'^Ptoplt'e Paper. k FLVEU IN THE FANCIK8. From the Ikaton Commerrial Uullelln. Ho wanted to speculate, heard of ev- ery-body niitklng raoney in stocki, tlm newspaper! were full of it, the stock sale reports liegan to stretch from one- third of a column in length to two coi- umiiB in the iiewspai»ers. The money articles were continually reporting how every species of stock was advancing, and chrouiding u guneral activity in the market. Young men, meetyros, with arms- akimbo and hats knowingly cocked up- on one side invited him to lunch or dine, and spoke of making live hun- dred or a thousand "on the street" in this or that "fancy." Even older heads, which were white with the ex- perience of many winters, spoke with each other in his hearing of "the rise in Erie," of the "start in Atchison," of netting "live thousand in Calumet," .Vc, From day to day. hot its was the slim- mer of 1871', hotter became the "COJI- pers" and other fancies. Hosts of forgotten companies were paraded in the stock list, some that operators of a dozen years ago consld- enddead and buried past resuscita- tion, began to appear among the quo- tations, rising like a fresh crop of as paragtis after a recent cutting; new names that Kastern operators were unfamiliar with except such as had been in the California mining district, or had read I tret Ilarte's stories, became plentiful. Street brokers that had for a long lime been swapping Jack-knives suddenly became important and busy and made so much money amid the rush of outsiders that half a dozen of the smaller fry astonished tlieir land- lords by paying their otHce rent. Nin- kum was determined to look into this matter himself, so one day he got a friend to take him down among the stock brokers that dealt in "Spangle," 'Red Dog," "l. ulge,' 'Swellingtoii Farm," "llig Bullion," and all those stocks which he had seen quoted in the news- pa|iers and heard his friends talk so kuowingly about Every thing wits "booming"—1W of this and a 1,000 of that—"Go j e r 200 seller thirty.""take"- em,'—"sold."— "What's bid for any part of a 1,000 Hard-Yeller Guldh"— "one dollar margin"—"buyer sixty"- "my option at thirty days," 11 a, ha. ha, I'll lake 100 more." Tbese were a few of the expressions that came out of the almost undistinguishable mass of bowlings and shoutings that he listened to coming from a crowd of ap- parently halfraulic men that seem- ed to have recently .escapid from a lunatic asylum. What wonder that he had a touch of the speculative fever—was introduced to a lively broker who would "do his business for him." "Yes, Mr. Sharpit was just the man, sjioke quickly, had a gloosy silk hat on awry and a hand that was grasped full of powers of atlor ney, memoranda and other pajiers.a lead pencil behiud hlu ear and a jerky style of interrupting you as thougli he fully under-stood by your eye all you were going to say, and diden't want you to take the trouble to repeat It. He shook hands with Ninkum, glad lo see him—"going to be big bi/.— money easy—things only half value now"—"going In for a riyer, ehV" and Ninkum, who was half confused b\ the telegraphic style of talk, tliought he'd "go ill." Tl^topchinge," said Sharpit, "every- Uiing 'booming' now then what do you think (Tf SpanglesV" "Ah!" said Ninkum, "they are small affairs." "Yes, but sure to go up shall we say n hundred Spangles i*" "A hundred ain't mauy spangles," said Nlnk, sumewhat bewildend and thinkiuu of metal instead ol stock. " A M see, go yer 600 then. Now what d'yer say to a hundred Red "SunSred red- dogsl" said Nlnk; "thunder, I'd rather sell a hundred dogs than buf one." "All right, old boy," oald the brisk broker, making a memurandiim; "now then, any tiling in the 'Slap Vpf 1 '" "Slap UpV" said N. what a puzzle look, and wondering what the broker was talking about, and trying to look as if this was a species of bhuu thai he understood. "Yes! new mine—forty foot level just open—copper vein six foot thick; news from the mine every day; better say a thousand Slap Ups; cheap thing al a dollar." "1 should say so, too. with copper six feet thick." "Yea, all right—now then, shall I buy you some shares In the HulgeV" "Yes! oh, yes." said Ninkum. "that's what 1 came down for, to buy some- thing on the bulge; that's what an old ('aliforula filend told me—'wheu there's a bulge,' says he,' go lu for yer thousand dollars."' "Very well," said Sharpit, "I'll man- age that. Now, don't want to soil somethingV say Aliriglit, for in- stance." "Sell," said Nlnk, looking puzzled, "why if 1 had anything to sell, 1 should, of course, sell all right," "No matter whether you've got it or not, my boy. you're good for a thousand Allriuhts, I s pose." "(if course I am, sir," suld N.. straightening up; "my Alii ights you can depend on." "Very well, my Iniy, I've got your order; I'll tlx things," and he dashed off ere Nink- um could stop him to say a word more or ask what stocks he ought to buy. Ninkum turned to his friend who had introduced him to Sharpit, but he was gone, IIf asked of a bystander whom he hail seen in conversation with him, and was informed that he had gone into ttic board, whither ilj appear- ed numerous brisk and anxious-looking individuals, with long books under their arms, were tending, Clad to see you doing something In stocks, Mr. Ninkum," said the party addressed, whom ho then recognized its a business friend of old times that he had for some time lost sight of, and who appeared to be going to the board himself. "Doing something?" said Ninkum, "why 1 am not doing anything, yet- only getting posted up," "No matter," said the broker, know- ingly, "Sharpit is a good fellow, keeps his customers' business lo himself- you needn't be afraid 1 shall mention your doings, Mr. Ninkum." N. bowed stiffly, and walked off won- dering what the man meant. The next momiug ho found out to his astonishment what ho had been doing in his brief dialogue, which he supjiosed to have been harmless "chaff," by the following statement. dollars,you know, and that lot of slock I never had—eh V" "Get you out, I reckon 1 did; why nee here," and taking his pencil and a fragment of i aper from his pocket he wrote the memoranda and handed it over to the astonished Ninkum: Difference on 1,000 Red Uog .... (J2... »3,000 Difference on 1,000 Allright .S.VjO »f.,W0 Paid Hharpit'a bill and brokerage 4.U1H Hold A00 Hpangle ... . 11 .... Hold I.U00mapUp...H 7S,. Bold TM Uulge .. f 1,289 .... #560 .... 750 .... 750 »2,000 orncK o r It. SIMHIMT 1 tu., Uulllou Avenue, It llouuhl fcwncnunlof A. Mnkuni. iOO l'<in*olM*teil Si,»ii«lo UJi* I.i WlMap Up I oj per <*IH. SO lluUi* Mlnliuif'o 41 S"lil fur acomnt of A. Nlknum 1.000 lle.1 IKw KSW- I,IMI Allrlgbt Cupper mv M.M0 ».U0) II.JM 00 I.Ml 00 1,1100 00 CoiumlMlon H on .1.710 ibare* M.JIS Ti y . II. ••leaaeaend pmnd eheeh fur Mll'Tl and the iwwera nf l.tooilod lii« and l.wo Alinaht be- fore 1 oVIoek. Ninkum's hair fairly stood on end. "Thick, and 'powers'—why, what in the naino of all that's extravagant does this mean?"' Just then Charley Fliers came in, I sty, Ninkum, lend us live hundred for a couple o'days, will yer'( Saw you down street yesterday giving Hob Sharpll an order hope you made a hit." IJother Hob Sharpit, I gave him no ^der at all," "Come, old fellow, that won't do," said l-'liers; "why, I slood right beside you and heard you say you wits going in on the Hnlge, and that you would sell Allright," Why, yes."said Ninkum; "1 always mean to sell all right, and to b':y when anything is on the bulge." "Ha, ha. ha!" laughed his friend; "are you really so jolly vr-en as not to know that Allright and liulge are two of the biggest mines in the market." "What! Hulge—Allright ? then these infernal bills are—" "That," said Charley, taking the paper out of his hand—"that! why, that's one if Sharpil's statements; 1 ought lo know it, I've seen enough of 'em," Whew'ew, said he, its he glanced at it; "he's let you in on Spangle, Slap Up and Hulge nil at once; why, bless you, those have all gone down a dollar since the llrst board yesterday. Why, Nink, you aro out seventeen hundred and ilftv dollars already," What /'gasped Niakum—"seventeen hnnd' d and llfty lost in one day V" Ceaainly,my boy; you went in at the very top of the market—claiming at high water, you know—market broke at second board, shares dropping every minute this morning." (•real heavens! what shall I do," said Ninkum, whose available capital in the ready was not over live hun- dred. "and here's his other bill," and he handed it to his voluable friend. "What! Hy George! you have sold the very thing, old boy; couldn't have done belter—now you'll lend me the live hundred," "Lend you Ave hundred dollars! why, I shall not have live hundred cents to lend," gasped Ninkum. "Hut the prolll on this," said Filers. "I'rollt! what do you mean - '" "Mean! why, you've made a clean thousand or more—that's what 1 mean." "I don't see how." "Don't see! Why, here, 1'llllx it for you; here, sign this blank power, make me your broker; I'll lix this; borrow live hundred and bring you the balance of the money." "Me the balance? What money? Only get me out of this scrajie. that's all. and I'll reward you." "Will you? Well, sign these two powers of attorney, then, and trust to e." Scarce knowing what he did or why, Ninkum signed Ids name, and his act- ive friend was off like a shot. Astheday wore on Ninkum fell anxious—to be sure he hadn't seen anything of Sharpit coming after the ^l,'.'18.75, nor had he heard from Fli- ers, although it was now half-past o'clock, and that worthy had left him live hours previous; so conquering his dread of meeting Sharpil, he saunter- ed down toward the Stock Kxchange and the scene of day before yesterday's encounter. The place was almost de- serted; four or five Jaded-looking man were slandlng round, and one who was smoking remarked to another who was tearing up paper and scatter- ing the bits about, thai "there would be a reaction to-morrow after such a tremenduous slump," and the pajier- scitterer hoped "those infernal scamps who locked up funds In New York might gel stuck themselves." Ninkum met two men with long books going into the slue entrance to an up-stairs olllce who itopped to say to each other ihat things were "off likei. jug-handle" and "it had been a big drop," Crossing the street he met a broker whom he hail frequently seen w ith Fliers, and ventured to ask if he had seen that worthy, "Seen him! yes; just left me; gone up to the I'arker House to dine. Charley made a big hit to-day sellin' short, 1 believe, anil he feels pretty well over It" Ninkum passed on, and as he reached Parker's went in. There sat Fliers at one of the tables, a plate of venison and a bottle of champHgn" l-fore him, evidently enjoying himself after the fatigues of the day, "Ah, Ninkum!" said he espying that worthy, and extending both hands in welcome, "is that you, sit down old fel low; lake some champagne; I was coming round after dinner to see you.' "Did you." gasped Nink, in a faint voice, "did you manage to get me out < of that scrape, thu forty-two hundred Dneyou leu my nommtulon |3,'i8S "There, my boy, what do you think of that?" "Due me," his eye-i sticking out like lobsters -"due me; what do you mean ?" "Mean! why 1 mean I went to the party whom your broker sold t h e 1,000 Red Dou to; the market was batted and he knew it; down two and a quar- ter and he was glad to pay a difference of two Instead of taking the stock: ditto the party who bought Allrights at nine, which Is now down to four, he w as glad to settle at three ami a half difference. Those two little transac- tions, you see, gave us 81,282 profit, after payingSharpit, if we hadn't any- thing else, but we still had the stock lie bought for you. such as it was." "Hut I tell you," persisted Ninkum "I never told him to buy for me. 1 only had a dial about red dogs and my being all right and somothing else, I don't recollect what." •'Well, he thought you did, and it's all well for us both that he did, for I sold out theSpangles, the Slap I ps and Hie Hulge for just what they would bring-a loss to bo sure, but lidded lo our prollta on differences, and we've got over three thousand dollars on hand. Now, how much shall 1 allow you fur brokerage?" ''Charge me just what you please, my boy, said Ninkum, grasping his hand and upsetting a glass of chnm- pagne upon the lloor. "Why, 1 ought to pay you for getting me out of such an infernal scrape. U'i; all Greek to me even now, and I cannot under- stAnd it. Do just as you like." "Well, would you be satisfied if 1 brought you two thousand dollars as your share to-morrow?" "Two thousand dollars! why, Char- lie, it's downright robbery lo take it- you iniisl be joking." "Well, il does seem like robbery, from a commission point of view, but will you give me a receipt in full for that amount?" "Certainly I will." "Well, then excuse me now, for here's old Cutemklose coming to settle with me, and I'll see you to-morrow," Ninkum went off wondering wheth- er he was dreaming or whether Fliers was playing a practical joke upon him, II was his first experience in fancy stocks and he was bewildered; how- ever, about noon the next day Fliers came in, and, tossing a bundle of bank- notes on his desk, told him to count them. Mechanically Ninkum began, "one hundred,two hundred, three hundred, four hundred" (they were all one-hun- dred dollar notes), growing more agi- tated as he proceeded, till he counted up two thousand, and then paused and looked up, with his hands trembling and btart beating quickly, and mouth wide open, at his friend who was watching him. "Are you satisfied?" said Fliers. "Satisfied! Why, you can't bo in ear- nest that this is all for me; that what I accidently said to Sharpit has brought me in all this money—here, take half of It." No," said Fliers, laughing; "I've taken the linn's share already. If you are satislied.sign this receipt in full." Ninkum had his name written in a second. "Now," said he, "tell me how I came to make such a hit." Why," said Filers, "fools rush in where angels fear to tread. No sane man would have tliought either of buying or selling its you did, and It's just such men as you make these "hiI j" this season, and almost in the same manner. You made It on a fortunate bieak in the market that you did not know enough of to anticipate; in fact, my boy. It's the Nlnkums that have very generally made in the fancies, not the experienced operators. Hut lake my advice, don't try it a second lime," A Hear Story. After all, gentlemen, said old Col. Neblelt, the best way to kill a liear is to shoot him, provided a man has a good rille, and knows how to use il. Hears were plenty when I settled on l-ittle River, and wa used to make up parties to hunt them. A liear hunt was matie up for the second week in the Novemlier after I moved on to my land, and 1 was asktd to join il. 1 wasn't much acquainted in the neigh- borhood, and the |ieople didn't know my ways; so 1 thought I might run a joke on them, and make them supply me with bear meat to lay in for the win- ter. It is one thing, you know, lo kill a liear, and antither thing lo gel iiim home. Some ten days before the hunt was to come off I went out and baited the bears, and then went out and watched for them. Hy good luck I struck three of tnem that da v. but didn't kill them not a bear. I don't suiipote, gentle- men, that there was a man In Ken- lucky who could outshoot me in those days. I marked each of them exactly alike by shooting off the tip of the right ear and pulling a bullet through the left ear. That was all I wanted ol the brare just then. When the day for the hunt came along, and the party called al my place lo pick me up, I told them that I wits under the weath- er and didn't allow that I fell well enough to go. '1 wish 1 coul' 1 go,' 1 said, 'because I've got some tame bears lodse In the woods and would like lo look them up.' 'I hey stared al me as if they allowed that 1 w as crazy, i'er- haps you don't believe me,' '1 said, 'but what I tell you is a fact. There are five of those bears that 1 raised and petted, and they are marked with my hog mark, 1 have been meaning to gel them home la-fore winter and lay in the meal of three or four of them.' At this they laughed in my face, 'There's no ioke about it. gentlemen.' said I. •my mark Is a crop of the right ear and a hole in the left. If you happen to shoot any bears with that mark on them you may know that they belong to me.' They promised that if they got any bears marked in that way they would bilng them home to me, and went off laughing. Now, gentlemen il is the truth, If I ever told the truth in my life, that that parly got just four bears on that hunt, and three of them were marked with my mark. They brought those three bears home to me, and I had plenty of hear meat for the winter, and after that nobody in the settlement ever Ihoiight of disputing my wonl about anything." Sclect Siiylng*. The hiiura .no ricwlna angol*, That *tiU go gliding by. And bear each loinulu'a teco'd up To Ulm who *ii * on high. C, OoneA, Hrevlty is the greatest of eloquence. —Cicero. As if you could kill time without in- juring eternity,—77ior«iii, The pulpit as a platform three feet above contradlQlion.—•SiVZ/ey Hmilh. We follow the world in approving others, but we go before il in approv- ing ourselves.—/.awn. An avowal of poverty is a disgrace to no man; to make no effort to escape Ills indeed disgraceful. -Thiicwiid-i. When a man has not a good reason for doing a thing, he has one good rea- son for letting it alone,—Hn/ftr Scott. When Death, the great reconciler, has come, il is never our tenderness that we repent of. but our severity. Urorijc Kliut. The forgiveness of enemies solely because it is heaping coals of lire on thei'heads is a vice, not a virtue. /•'. A. Durlcwje. The fortunate have many parasites; hope is the only one that vouchsafes attendance upon the wretched ami the beggar, -Ulieiutohe. I never had a man come to me for ml vice, but before ho got through he had more advice lo offer than to ask {or.—Juah Uillingt. There is no real life but cheerful life;therefore valetudinarians should be sworn, before they enter- into com- pany, not to say a word of themselves till the meeting breaks up,—di/i/faoH. With every exertion, the best of men can do but a moderate amount of go<Kl, but il seems in the power of the most contemptible individual to do Incalcu- lable mischief,- Washin'/lon Irciwj. In youth we are mad for persons. Childhood and youth see all the world In them. Hut the larger experience of men discovers an identical common iu lure appearing through them all.—fm- erton. Do not think of knocking out anoth- er man's brains because he differs in opinion from you. It would be as ra- tional to knock yourself on the head because you differ from yourself ten years ago,—Iloract Maun. Of all the agonies of life, that which is most poignant iind harrowing—that which for tlie time annihilates reason, and leaves our whole organization one lacerated, mangled heart-is the con- viction that we have been deceived where we placed all the trust of love, —Ilnhrtr Lytton. How often a new affection makes a new man! the sordid, cowering soul turns heroic. The frivolous girl be- comes the steadfast marlyrof patience and ministration, IraiiBllgured by deathless love. The career of bound- ing impulses turns into an anthem of sacred deeds. —Chuiiiu. For ourselves we own that'we do not understand the common phrase, •A good man. but a had king." We can as easily conceive a*good man and an unnatural father, or a good man and a treacherous friend. If in the most im- portant of all human relations we find him iCharles 1.) to have been selllsh, cruel, and deceitful, we shall take the llburty to call him a b id man, in spite ot all his temperance al table, and all his regularity at cha|iel.—J/(ic«/(i/«y. (Jt'KEit SritiiKKT.—The doctors of Hellevue Hospital al New York are transforming Thomas Coulter's linger end into a nose. Coulter is twenty- two years old, and lost his nose by lu- poid, a malady closely related lo can- cer, which destroys every tissue with which it conies in contact. The prog- ress of the disease was arrested at Hellevue Hospital two years ago, but il left the face woefully disligured, with a depression where the nose should have been and the skin so con- tracted that the lower eyelids were inverted, ex|>osing the mucous mem brane of thu eye. Aplastic operation was |>erformed al the hospital a year ago which nearly restored the eyes to their normal condition, and having heard that an English surgeon at Hir- mingham had built up a nose for a man. Coulter besought the Hellevue doctors lo try the same experiment on him. His entreaties prevailed, and last November preparations Ivgan by freezing the middle linger of the left hand, removing its nail and destroying its mitrix with uilric acid so that nail would grow again. Two Maps were raised Irom the surface of this uailiess linger end, December 12, tin patient lieing under the inlluence of an aiiesthetie, and were attached to llaps ralsid from the face, the end of tin linger being placed in a |Micket made in the skin where the nose had been. The whole was then kept in place by plaster of pads '• mdages, the patient iieiug also kept under the inlluence uf Morphine. The extemporised nose is alieady knilting Into place, and the digital arteries having been tint up, the linger is to be amputated at the middle joint, and the wonderful new nose will be complete. vicronv AT LAST, Collaime of /''nsfoiW.sf Fruinl in the I'lne Tree Shite. From Senator Qialno'a Speoch al Auguala, Wcdne»dHy Lvoning. Augusta, Me., Jan, 21. -A monster I meeting was held at Granite Hall this evening. The hall was crowded, Kx- Govemor Anson !'. Morrill presided, and congratulated the people on al last having a Govemment. Senator Hlaine then took the platform, and was received with great enthusiasm. He said: MI!.CLIAIILMAN AND I'EI.I.OW-CLTI- ZKNS: I thank you most sincerely and most deeply for thu manner in which you have received me, ami I congratu- late you that we once more meet its peaceful citizens of Maine, under the protection of a legal State Government chosen by the people, with the validity of its title patent to the world. We have had a long and trying contest with desperate men, who sought to disfran- chise voters by the thousand, and to substitute a false count for an honest ballot as the source of power to a State Government Hut for all our troubles and trials, and for all the wrongs we have so patiently endured, we are this day richly repaid, when we remember the instriimentalltles by which we have triumphed without liring a gun, with- out shedding a drop of blood, without striking a single blow, without one disorderly assemblage. The people have regained their own right through the might and majesty ol their own laws. Fi lends al a distance wondered why we did not use force on the very first day of the session, aid.seat the Republican members of the Legisla- ture who were duly elected. That might easily have been done, for Iti 1 - puMicans were present in the propor- tion of four to one; but when we had got through wllh il we .should only have proved that we were physically the stronger | arty. We should only have established the fact ihat our tribe could give the loudest war-whoop and could assemble the largest number of braves fot a given battle; and after the battle was over we should have been remanded to the courts for a tri- al of our title. We preferred to go to the court, and have our title confirmed in advance. A K KOWINO D u o , - A Virginia pa- per tells tills story of Mr. Davis S. For- ney's dog: "Mr, Forney look his dog into the house (this was not at home- therefore not a trick), and gave us his pocket-book with inslructiuns to carry il a distance to the field and place it somewhere on the fence in a direction that the wind would blow from it lo the house. We did so and returned. Mr. Forney came out with his dog. I'resently the dog pricked up its eats and commenced to sniff the air, started off iu a direct line lo where the |iocket- book was. passed it a few feel, cauu back, reared upon the fence, got it, came to its master and laid it in hi hand. We look a number of hats to the lot; these he brought in, selecting his master's first," il is generally supposed that the roots of grasses do not penetrate very deep, but these roots have been traced as far down into the soil as four feet Parsons plowing for seeding think that just loosening the surface Is sullicient' but If deep plowing is necessary for any kind of i rops il b for grass, unless the soil has been deeply worked for other crops,—AmericanCultlcotor. WHITS VKItSfS SIIOT-OVXS, It was our belief tUat as plaintiffs we could not impiove our standing in court by committing a breach of the peace on the threshold of the Cham- ber of.I ustice. We remembered that we were a New England coiiimiiiiity, and we believed that of all the New Kngland States Maine has been the most exempt, from its origin to the year IcT'.i, from every foi.u of defiance of law. A law student in Yale Col- lege, w hen asked what he would do in cast; of trespass and an unlawful occu- pancy of his land. a'iswensi that in New Kngland he would proceed by will of ejectment, but in Texas he would take a double-barrelt d shot gun. We agreed with the law student, and stuck fast lo the w iil of eject- ment. We went before an honest court, before a non-partisan court, be- fore a court that could not lie used to promote the party interests of any set of men, before a court us able and up- right ;us il was fearless, and as learned as any that sits w ithin the limits of the I'nion or on the Federal or State benches, and with the Judgment of that court in our hands we quickly took possession of the State Gou'ru- ment ami firmly hold it to-day, TIIK I'AHTV T o n s ASl NllKII, The masses of the people in all par- ties want honest guvemment and the attempt lo inllict dishonest govem- ment on the people of Maine by the Democratic leaders has torn asunder the Democratic party, as will liecome manifest when the next attempt is made lo rally their shattered ranks al the pulls. The bulllid leaders now Ibreaten an appeal to Congress though in what possible form I cannot conceive and they boast that they w'll so pre- sent their cause as to induce Congress to recognize them as the proper Gov eminent for counting and declaring the electoral vote of Maine next Au tumn. They even apeak with couil dence of the asserted sunpathy and support of a Democratic House and Democratic Senate. Sir. if 1 should say they would receive it, I should feel on my return lo Washlngtoii that I had casta wanton instill upon a Democratic Congress, The Democratic party has, 1 think shown a remarkable readiness to do the wrong thing, and its record for the past twenty-live years has been one of the political sins and blunders almost past comprehension. Hut when the Maine Democrats come to ask their brethren of the Nation to share and to carry the ugly load under which they are now groaning, 1 venture to think that they have overestimated the te- merity and folly of Democrats in oth er States. When they ask them to ap- piove the fiat and fraudulent counting out of tliirty-seven Itepublican mem hers of the Legislature, out of the 100 that were legally and indispiitably e- lectisl, 1 hazard the opinion Ihat the National Democralic |iarty will call a halt, and ask to be excused fiom that burden. 1'erhaps, however, Maine Democrats assume confidence from the fai t thai during the prolonged strife over fraud, and even aftei its full exjiosure, and when it lay pros- trate under a decree from a Supreme Court, no leading Democrat of the Nation was heard lo utter one word ol remonstrance, while away off from In- dianapolis came a message of greet ing from Thomas A. Hendricks, ex pressing admiration fur tlie backl-'one which Governor Garcelon had dis- played in thecounling-oul conspiracy. The iHjlilical friends of Mr. Hendricks have never accused him of an extra supply of spinal strength,and I desire to say to him, from a pleasant acquain- tance of many years,thai I don't think he ever po.«sc»sed the backbone tu do actsfor whit- li die congratulates Gov ernor Garcelon llONOKAUU: liXChl'TIONS, In saying that no leading Democrat from abroad sent a word of help and hope to the friends of good government, or a word of rebuke to the authors of the fraud, let me make an honorable exception of several leading Democratic edilors of leading papers, who denouui- ed, with unsparing severity, the cause of the Maine Democracy, There words brought cheer and courage to those w ho were Ugliting for the right. gratulate ourselves that every man has done his duty, and, animated by a single impulse, with no selfish ends to gain, the entire Republican party has stood together for the right. We con congratulate ourselves that Ae carried this controversy through with our own atrengUi.and with notnoughtof seek- ing aid from the National Govemment, or from any oilier power of any kind outside our own limits and our own people. In looking back over the nine long weeks of continuous labor, we can see nothing omitted, and nothlngcould have been dono better; and of the many things on which we may offer sjiecial felicitations nothing could more earnest or more heartfelt then the thanks we tender General Cham- berlain for the dignity, fidelity,efficien- cy and completeness with which, at a most critical hour, he served the Slate and aided in preserving civil and social order. IOLI.V OK TUK ( uNal'llUTOES, The conspirators who are foiled in their bad designs are adding great folly lo their already terrible record. In leaving the State House they have taker away the Seal of the Slate, and they have also abstracted the re- turns ot the election, which they had previously falsified. Perhaps in thia last act they are endeavering lo mur- iter the witness of their evil deeds for the past three months, but, whatever ll'eir motive may be—petty and Im- potent malice, or any attempt to hide the evidence of their guilt—they may be assured that they cannot embarrass the Stale govemment, and will only add, if that be possible, to the guilty eoiidemnatlon under whleh they are now resting. In seizing the Great seal they seem desirous of emulating the in- famy of England's worst king; but they will find the act as harmless to the rightful Govemment aa William found the spiteful venom of James; and shoultl some lucky fish-net again drag the Seal to light, it would only be use- ful as a lasting memorial of a Demo- cratic ami Greenback conspiracy and its impotent end, NOT A LOCAI. ISSUK. Mr. Chai rnmn, the Republicans of Maine and throughout the land felt that they were not merely fighting the battle of a single year, but fur all the future of the year; not merely lighting the battle of our own State alone, but for all the States that are attempting the great problem of State govemment throughout the world. The corrup- tion or destruction of the ballot is a crime against free government and when successful is a subversion of free government, it is tills fact which has carried tlie interest in the struggle lar out and beyo: .d our own iKinlers, and it is this fact which ren- ders our peaceful and lawful vjclory if such priceless value. One year ago, in Thi- Nuith Amerkan Review, In dis- cussing a cognate question and before 1 iytd ever dreamed that a crime aguinst the ballot was possible In Maine, 1 used some words which I venture, in closing my remarks, lo quoleas appoelte tothe great subject we are now considering: "The mighty power of a Republic of 50,000,000 of people, with a continent for their pos- lession, can only be wielded permanent- ly by being wielded honestly, in a fair and generous struggle, by partisan power. Let us not forget those issues and those ends which are above party. Uigani/.<sl wrong will ullimately be met by organized resistance. Impartial suffrage is our theory; il must become our practice. Any party of American clti/ens can bear to be defeated, but no party of Americans will bear to be defrauded. The men who are interest- ed in a dishonest count are units, and the men who are interested in an hon- est count are millions. I wish to speak for the miliionBof all poll ileal parlies, and in their name to declare that the Republic must t>e strong enough, and shall be strong enough, tu protect the weakest of its citizens iu all their rights." State OH luspeetlon. The Hon, C. G. Luce, State 011 In- spector, has prepared his official report for the six months ending December .11, from which It appears that he has nineteen deputies and that there is yet one district lor which there ia now no deputy, J, T. Elliott, who held the place, having resigned and his successor not having yet been appointed. The total number of barrels Inspect- ed is 5li,1)48, of which 328 were rejected. The number of gallons Inspected was 2',u8O,iM0, of which UUW were rejected. The total auiouul ot lees collected was and total amount of salaries and expenses, 87.048,40. To this add salary and ex|ieiises of the Inspector, and it gives a total disbursement of 88,034,7il, leaving an excess of 86.838,- f.7 ol rei -ipU over disbursements. The report of the former State In- siiector, for the six months ending June :io, shows an Inspection of SI.S8U barrels, making a total for 1870 of 91, 237 barrels. So lar as the Inspector has been able to learn not a lile has been lost and not a iK isoii lias suffered bodily injury by I he use ol kerosene oil in the Stale lor the six nionths that the present law has been In force and an luvestigatiou made into Hie reports of such accid- ents which have appeared from time to time in the Slate press has shown them to be mistakes. There have been three lamp and one lantern explosion in the state w ith iu six months and two of these were on account of defect- live w icks and burners, in "Iwaking of the common com- plaint that the oil now used goes out before it is half consumed, gives a dim light, smokes, etc., the u^peclor says that all the law provides for Is thai the uil shall pass the 120 degree test, and that Ibis provision has lieen rig- idly enforced. He says that the chief cause of complaint is the undue a- mounl ot parallinein the oil, and that 11 the chill test provided for In the law of 1877 should be restored this would lie prevented. In reference tothe effect of tlie law upon the price of oils, the report says thai one year ago Michigan oil was twenty-three and one-half cents per gallon at w holesale in the principal markets of the Stale, Now water- white oil is twenty-one cents. Wllh the general ad vane# In prices. It Is ale to suppose that under the old law We til would have been thirty cents. and we send them back cheer for their : shall use in the State this year not far courage, their manhood and the c«n- from &,000,000 of gallons. Even though sistency with which they upheld good all used this oil the saving to the peo- principles. IplH o( the Stale would be from 8400,00<i Al home here to uight we can con-Tto 8600,090.

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mad* MW, M o w r n u d K«a|>rn rv pal red

A . C H A P M A N . Phoiwraph Atllal. • Kooma M » to rost-Oflloe, up ata ln

MM. C U A B E . Bakery and R c a U u r u t . Op-• pod la Miulc Ball .

b T B I C K E K T , Lowrll BakfrT and lira • tauranl, Oppoallc PuUcn'a Uluck.

^ | U . C. A . C H A P M A N . Mlllliirrj- and l)n Making. Bccoud dour

JO. W M T , D r u n M and Rlallunrr. A » n i ^ ^ ^ f o r O B n u ^ e R u b b f r I'alnt. Op|>uiilte F o r

JO. SCOTT, Hardwarr, Kaah liuora and • Olaaa. Bullden l lar iwarr a apcdally

Oppoalta Forvat Mllla.

JQ. L O O K , Drucgiat and SUUourr, Ac. . Union Blocfc

CM. DBTXNDOBP, Agnt for Domicile Bnaio ^ a ^ J i y U n * t ' ^ UrW«ii

DO D G E A H I C K * , Attoninra a t U w . No-lary Public, S c . Oter WeaVa Drug Store.

D I T E B E R A M A N G O L D , dra len in On>oert«* and Farmer* Piuluoe. Main St ,

MCOM Block. Weal Side.

W1 L H B L M A F L A N A G A N , diiUeni In Boola and Sbura, Clotldng, Ac. I'ulou

Block, Wort Side.

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m T h K A T I ! E K W A X. Dry (iooda. Cloth-• lag, Boola, Shoe*, l laU, Cap*. Ac. Union

DA K S H O U S E . Comer Main and Wm( Water Street*. A. Uake, Proprietor.

AT K I N S M A D A M S . Dcalim In Acricullural lap lemonta . Farm tool*, Ac., IIridge St.

JC. T B A I N , dealer In Farm Producta. Wool, * Pelt*. Pork, Ac. Bridge SI.

Lm t B T , Hal* and Uoanllng SUbU, Monroe St., Tboa. Tale, Proprietor.

HB . S H B P A R U , Hardware of aU kind* • Door*. Saab, Ulaa*, Ac. Ilauk Ulock.

O W K * W H I T E , Boot*. Sboea. Leather, Ae. Bridge Street.

0 *

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•T. S T O N E . Carriage Builder. Bri.lga St. AU kind* of repairing done in Snt-claa*

DK L O I O. H E N R Y , Ilau*e and Oarrlage I'alntar. King A Amphlett'a Block.

• J J W . A T K B T . M e a t Market. Oppodla Bank

I f l U O N M. P E B R T , AttomeT at I-aw and JVL l aUdtor In Chancery, llank Ul.ck,

0 . B A R B E R , Oroceriea. PnivUlon*, * Crockery, Notion*, Ac. Orahaui n Block,

Bride* s t m t .

CO. S T O N E t CO., Dry O00.1* Uoota and * Sho—• Hata, Capa, So. Bank Block.

B . D L A I N , Fancy Urr Oooda. CarpMlnn. * P — Capa, Notion*, s c . Urahama Block.

LO W E L L O M N I B U S L I N E , C. M. watter*. Proprietor. Leare order* at Hotel*.

CM e C A B T Y , Wholewlc and KetaU Uronr. a Bank Block.

EA . a t l N D E R U N , Notary Public. I/iwell * National Bank. All the latoat atyle* of

twaaring done.

r i B A B L E S A L T U B N , Clothing, Oanu Fur-

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W I N O L K B , Wholesale and la Orooeriea and Prorlalosa.

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W J . W E U i l , Physician and HureeoD. Offlw a orir rotuOoL Boddanoe, W V, D.

J s s t A B . O B A N T , Burgaon and HomiMpaihle

A . Phyridao. Offloa orer Bcott's Hardware

K U N t U , Jujtlce of the Peace and No-, Unr Public, Qraham'* Block over Barber a

MOW, AMaoeattouasthB Tailoring buidneaa.

0. M . C H A S E , Homeopathic Phyddan. Office orer Lowell National Bank.

L a v a n i l C o l l e r t l o a Office o f

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G R A N D H A V E N , M I C H I G A N

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MRS. S, WEBSTER T E M r E R i i i r E

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O B A N D B A F I D B , • M I C H

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M brick before pureluulng ^ ™ COLOR UNIFORM. »ni3

A MONTH guaranteed, t l t a d a y a t Uomt n u d e by Um- Industrious. Cap l u l not rwiulrrd; we will start you.

_ e n . women, boy*, and girl* make money f«*ter at work for u* than at anything el*e. The work I* light and t.lra**nl, and aucfc a* anyone can go ngt i ia t . Tnoae who ara wlae who aee thl* nollce will *eiid u* their addreme* at once u d s r for themwlves. Coetly outfit and terma free. Now 1* tlie time Tboae already at work are laying uj> In rye* kuma of moo«x. Addrr^n Tt t t E Si CX}^ Augusta, Maine. Vyl



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PracUea U »U U* Court*. ^

3 P j % . X t 3 £ S I Z t .

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t a m u .

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Ifiid For Ail KindB Of Live Stoek Sill Pork, Uidei,



A n d R b a t a u r a n t ,

W. B. RICKERT. proprietor.



Advcrt iMo in ( h n

Lowell Journal

N o l l a l t o r A d T u r U s I n g M e d i u m


H E L E N O F T Y K E .

BY IIR.iur w. uiKurtLLovir.

What phantom U IhU that appear* Through the purple mi l l* of the yt.\:*,

l U e l f but a miat l ike three? A woman of cloud and of lire; It i* «be; it i* Helen of Tyre,

The town in the midt l of the ica*!

OTyre ! in thy crowdni atreel* The phantom appear* and retreat*.

And the uraelite*, that tell Thy UUea and lion* of bra**. Look np aa they aee her pat*.

And murmur "Jciebel!"

Then another phantom I* • e . n At her *id-, in a gray garbardine.

With I card that Hoat* t<) hi* wai*t; I t i* Himon Magua, the Seer; He •(Irak*, and ahe paute* to hear

The word* he utteia in h*«t«.

He *ay*: "From thl* eri l fame. From thia l i f e of *orrow and ahamr,

1 wi l l l i f t thee and make thee miue Thou haat been Queen Candare, And Helen of Troy, and ahalt be

The Intel l igence OtTine!1'

Oh, aweet aa the breath of morn, Tu the fal len and forlorn

Are whbipervd word* of prai.e, Foc.tha famlahcd heart belicrea The fal iehood that templa and deceive*,

And the promUe that betray*.

Ho *ha fol low* from land to land Ths wisard'a beckoning hand,

Aa l leat ia blown by the ga*t. Ti l l abe Tanlihn* Into n ight! 0 reader. Stoop down and write

With thy finger In t h e du«t.

0 town in the mid*t of the *ea«, W ith thy raf la of cedar treea.

Thy merehandiK and thy ahipa; ri ion, too, art become at naught, A phantom, a ahadow, a thought,

A name upon men'* lip*.

—Atlantic Monthly.

G o t Y o u r J o b P r i u i i u g

- A T T U E -

Lowell Journal Office.


S u b s c r i b e f o r t b «

LOWELL JOURNAL! Thi'^Ptoplt'e Paper.

k F L V E U I N T H E F A N C I K 8 .

From the Ikaton Commerrial Uul l e l ln .

Ho wanted to speculate, heard of ev-ery-body niitklng raoney in stocki, tlm newspaper! were full of it, the stock sale reports liegan to stretch from one-third of a column in length to two coi-umiiB in the iiewspai»ers. The money articles were continually reporting how every species of stock was advancing, and chrouiding u guneral activity in the market.

Young men, meetyros, with arms-akimbo and hats knowingly cocked up-on one side invited him to lunch or dine, and spoke of making live hun-dred or a thousand "on the street" in this or that "fancy." Even older heads, which were white with the ex-perience of many winters, spoke with each other in his hearing of "the rise in Erie," of the "start in Atchison," of netting "live thousand in Calumet," .Vc, From day to day. hot its was the slim-mer of 1871', hotter became the "COJI-pers" and other fancies.

Hosts of forgotten companies were paraded in the stock list, some that operators of a dozen years ago consld-e n d d e a d and buried past resuscita-tion, began to appear among the quo-tations, rising like a fresh crop of as paragtis af ter a recent cut t ing; new names tha t Kastern operators were unfamiliar with except such as had been in the California mining district, or had read I tret Ilarte's stories, became plentiful. Street brokers that had for a long lime been swapping Jack-knives suddenly became important and busy and made so much money amid the rush of outsiders that half a dozen of the smaller fry astonished tlieir land-lords by paying their otHce rent. Nin-kum was determined to look into this matter himself, so one day he got a friend to take him down among the stock brokers that dealt in "Spangle," 'Red Dog," "l. ulge,' 'Swellingtoii Farm," "llig Bullion," and all those stocks which he had seen quoted in the news-pa|iers and heard his f r iends talk so kuowingly about Every thing wits "booming"—1W of this and a 1,000 of that—"Go j e r 200 seller thirty.""take"-em,'—"sold."— "What 's bid for any part of a 1,000 Hard-Yeller Guldh"— "one dollar margin"—"buyer s i x t y " -"my option a t thirty days," 11 a, ha. ha, I'll lake 100 more." Tbese were a few of the expressions that came out of the almost undistinguishable mass of bowlings and shoutings that he listened to coming from a crowd of ap-parently halfraulic men that seem-ed to have recently .escapid from a lunatic asylum.

What wonder that he had a touch of the speculative fever—was introduced to a lively broker who would "do his business for him." "Yes, Mr. Sharpit was jus t the man, sjioke quickly, had a gloosy silk hat on awry and a hand that was grasped full of powers of atlor ney, memoranda and other pajiers.a lead pencil behiud hlu ear and a jerky style of interrupting you as thougli he ful ly under-stood by your eye all you were going to say, and diden't want you to take the trouble to repeat It. He shook hands with Ninkum, glad lo see him—"going to be big bi/.— money easy—things only half value now"—"going In for a riyer, ehV" and Ninkum, who was half confused b\ the telegraphic style of talk, tliought he'd "go ill."

T l ^ t o p c h i n g e , " said Sharpit , "every-Uiing 'booming' now then what do you think (Tf SpanglesV"

"Ah!" said Ninkum, "they are small affairs."

"Yes, but sure to go up shall we say n hundred Spangles i*"

"A hundred ain't mauy spangles," said Nlnk, sumewhat bewildend and thinkiuu of metal instead ol stock.

" A M see, go yer 600 then. Now what d'yer say to a hundred Red

"SunSred red- dogsl" said Nlnk ; "thunder, I'd rather sell a hundred dogs than buf one."

"All right, old boy," oald the brisk broker, making a memurandiim; "now then, any tiling in the 'Slap Vpf1 ' "

"Slap UpV" said N. what a puzzle look, and wondering what the broker was talking about, and trying to look as if this was a species of bhuu tha i he understood.

"Yes! new mine—forty foot level jus t open—copper vein six foot thick; news from the mine every day; better say a thousand Slap Ups; cheap thing al a dollar."

"1 should say so, too. with copper six feet thick."

"Yea, all right—now then, shall I buy you some shares In the HulgeV"

"Yes! oh, yes." said Ninkum. "that 's what 1 came down for, to buy some-thing on the bulge; that 's what an old ( 'al iforula fi lend told me—'wheu there's a bulge,' says h e , ' go lu for yer thousand dollars."'

"Very well," said Sharpit , "I'll man-age that . Now, don't want to soil somethingV say Aliriglit, for in-stance."

"Sell," said Nlnk, looking puzzled, "why if 1 had anything to sell, 1 should, of course, sell all right,"

"No matter whether you've got it or not, my boy. you're good for a thousand Allriuhts, I s pose." "(if course I am, sir," suld N.. straightening up ; "my Alii ights you can depend on." "Very well, my Iniy, I've got your order; I'll tlx things," and he dashed off ere Nink-um could stop him to say a word more or ask what stocks he ought to buy.

Ninkum turned to his friend who had introduced him to Sharpit, but he was gone, IIf asked of a bystander whom he hail seen in conversation with him, and was informed tha t he had gone into ttic board, whither ilj appear-ed numerous brisk and anxious-looking individuals, with long books under their arms, were tending,

Clad to see you doing something In stocks, Mr. Ninkum," said the party addressed, whom ho then recognized its a business friend of old times that he had for some time lost sight of, and who appeared to be going to the board himself.

"Doing something?" said Ninkum, "why 1 am not doing anything, y e t -only getting posted up,"

"No matter," said the broker, know-ingly, "Sharpit is a good fellow, keeps his customers' business lo h i m s e l f -you needn't be afraid 1 shall mention your doings, Mr. Ninkum."

N. bowed stiffly, and walked off won-dering what the man meant.

The next momiug ho found out to his astonishment what ho had been doing in his brief dialogue, which he supjiosed to have been harmless "chaff," by the following statement.

dollars,you know, and that lot of slock I never had—eh V"

"Get you out, I reckon 1 did; why nee here," and taking his pencil and a fragment of i aper from his pocket he wrote the memoranda and handed it over to the astonished Ninkum:

Difference on 1,000 Red U o g . . . . ( J 2 . . . »3,000 Difference on 1,000 Allright .S.VjO

»f.,W0 Paid Hharpit'a bill and brokerage 4.U1H

Hold A00 Hpangle . . . . 1 1 . . . . Hold I . U 0 0 m a p U p . . . H 7S , . Bold TM Uulge . .

f 1,289 . . . . # 5 6 0 . . . . 750 . . . . 750

» 2,000

orncK or It. SIMHIMT 1 tu . , Uulllou Avenue, It

llouuhl fcwncnunlof A. Mnkuni. iOO l'<in*olM*teil Si,»ii«lo UJi*

I.i WlMap Up I oj per <*IH. SO lluUi* Mlnliuif'o 4 1

S"lil fur acomnt of A. Nlknum 1.000 lle.1 IKw KSW-I,IMI Allrlgbt Cupper mv

M.M0 ».U0)

II.JM 00 I.Ml 00 1,1100 00

CoiumlMlon H on .1.710 ibare*

M.JIS Ti y . II. ••leaaeaend pmnd eheeh fur M l l ' T l and

the iwwera nf l .tooilod lii« and l .wo Alinaht be-fore 1 oVIoek.

Ninkum's hair fairly stood on end. " T h i c k , and 'powers'—why, what in

the naino of all that 's extravagant does this mean?" '

J u s t then Charley Fliers came in, I s ty, Ninkum, lend us live hundred

for a couple o'days, will yer'( Saw you down street yesterday giving Hob Sharpl l an order hope you made a hit."

IJother Hob Sharpit, I gave him no ^ d e r a t all,"

"Come, old fellow, that won't do," said l-'liers; "why, I slood right beside you and heard you say you wits going in on the Hnlge, and that you would sell Allright,"

Why, yes."said Ninkum; "1 always mean to sell all right, and to b':y when anything is on the bulge."

"Ha, ha. ha!" laughed his fr iend; "are you really so jolly vr-en as not to know that Allright and liulge are two of the biggest mines in the market."

"What ! Hulge—Allright ? then these infernal bills are—"

"That," said Charley, taking the paper out of his hand—"that! why, that's one if Sharpil 's s tatements; 1 ought lo

know it, I've seen enough of 'em," Whew'ew, said he, its he glanced

at i t ; "he's let you in on Spangle, Slap Up and Hulge nil at once; why, bless you, those have all gone down a dollar since the llrst board yesterday. Why, Nink, you aro out seventeen hundred and ilftv dollars already,"

What / 'gasped Niakum—"seventeen hnnd ' d and llfty lost in one day V"

Ceaain ly ,my boy; you went in a t the very top of the market—claiming at high water, you know—market broke at second board, shares dropping every minute this morning."

(•real heavens! what shall I do," said Ninkum, whose available capital in the ready was not over live hun-dred. "and here's his other bill," and he handed it to his voluable friend.

"What! Hy George! you have sold the very thing, old boy; couldn't have done belter—now you'll lend me the live hundred,"

"Lend you Ave hundred dollars! why, I shall not have live hundred cents to lend," gasped Ninkum.

"Hut the prolll on this," said Filers. "I 'rollt! what do you mean - ' " "Mean! why, you've made a clean

thousand or more—that's what 1 mean."

"I don't see how." "Don't see! Why, here, 1'llllx it for

you; here, sign this blank power, make me your broker; I'll lix this ; borrow live hundred and bring you the balance of the money."

"Me the balance? What money? Only get me out of this scrajie. that 's all. and I'll reward you."

"Will you? Well, sign these two powers of attorney, then, and trust to

e." Scarce knowing what he did or why,

Ninkum signed Ids name, and his act-ive friend was off like a shot.

A s t h e d a y wore on Ninkum fell anxious—to be sure he hadn't seen anything of Sharpit coming after the ^l,'.'18.75, nor had he heard from Fli-ers, although it was now half-past o'clock, and that worthy had left him live hours previous; so conquering his dread of meeting Sharpil, he saunter-ed down toward the Stock Kxchange and the scene of day before yesterday's encounter. The place was almost de-ser ted; four or five Jaded-looking man were slandlng round, and one who was smoking remarked to another who was tearing up paper and scatter-ing the bits about, thai "there would be a reaction to-morrow after such a tremenduous slump," and the pajier-sci t terer hoped "those infernal scamps who locked up funds In New York might gel stuck themselves."

Ninkum met two men with long books going into the slue entrance to an up-stairs olllce who itopped to say to each other ihat things were "off likei. jug-handle" and "it had been a big drop," Crossing the street he met a broker whom he hail frequently seen w ith Fliers, and ventured to ask if he had seen that worthy,

"Seen him! yes; just lef t me; gone up to the I 'arker House to dine. Charley made a big hit to-day sellin' short, 1 believe, anil he feels pretty well over I t "

Ninkum passed on, and as he reached Parker 's went in. There sat Fliers at one of the tables, a plate of venison and a bottle of champHgn" l - f o r e him, evidently enjoying himself a f t e r the fatigues of the day,

"Ah, Ninkum!" said he espying that worthy, and extending both hands in welcome, "is that you, sit down old fel low; lake some champagne; I was coming round af ter dinner to see you.'

"Did you." gasped Nink, in a fa int voice, "did you manage to get me out

< of that scrape, thu forty-two hundred

D n e y o u l e u my n o m m t u l o n |3,'i8S "There, my boy, what do you think

of tha t?" "Due me," his eye-i sticking out like

lobsters -"due me; what do you mean ?"

"Mean! why 1 mean I went to the party whom your broker sold the 1,000 Red Dou to; the market was bat ted and he knew i t ; down two and a quar-ter and he was glad to pay a difference of two Instead of taking the stock: ditto the party who bought Allrights at nine, which Is now down to four, he w as glad to settle a t three ami a half difference. Those two little transac-tions, you see, gave us 81,282 profit, a f ter payingSharpit, if we hadn't any-thing else, but we still had the stock lie bought for you. such as it was."

"Hut I tell you," persisted N inkum "I never told him to buy for me. 1 only had a d i a l about red dogs and my being all right and somothing else, I don't recollect what."

•'Well, he thought you did, and it's all well for us both that he did, for I sold out theSpangles, the Slap I ps and Hie Hulge for just what they would b r i n g - a loss to bo sure, but lidded lo our prollta on differences, and we've got over three thousand dollars on hand. Now, how much shall 1 allow you fur brokerage?"

''Charge me jus t what you please, my boy, said Ninkum, grasping his hand and upsetting a glass of chnm-pagne upon the lloor. "Why, 1 ought to pay you for getting me out of such an infernal scrape. U'i; all Greek to me even now, and I cannot under-stAnd it. Do just as you like."

"Well, would you be satisfied if 1 brought you two thousand dollars as your share to-morrow?"

"Two thousand dollars! why, Char-lie, it's downright robbery lo take i t -you iniisl be joking."

"Well, il does seem like robbery, from a commission point of view, but will you give me a receipt in full for that amount?"

"Certainly I will." "Well, then excuse me now, for here's

old Cutemklose coming to settle with me, and I'll see you to-morrow,"

Ninkum went off wondering wheth-er he was dreaming or whether Fliers was playing a practical joke upon him, II was his first experience in fancy stocks and he was bewildered; how-ever, about noon the next day Fliers came in, and, tossing a bundle of bank-notes on his desk, told him to count them.

Mechanically Ninkum began, "one hundred,two hundred, three hundred, four hundred" (they were all one-hun-dred dollar notes), growing more agi-tated as he proceeded, till he counted up two thousand, and then paused and looked up, with his hands trembling and b t a r t beating quickly, and mouth wide open, a t his friend who was watching him.

"Are you satisfied?" said Fliers. "Satisfied! Why, you can't bo in ear-

nest that this is all for me; that what I accidently said to Sharpit has brought me in all this money—here, take half of It."

No," said Fliers, laughing; "I 've taken the linn's share already. If you are satislied.sign this receipt in full."

Ninkum had his name written in a second.

"Now," said he, "tell me how I came to make such a hit."

Why," said Filers, "fools rush in where angels fear to tread. No sane man would have tliought either of buying or selling its you did, and It's just such men as you make these "hiI j" this season, and almost in the same manner. You made It on a for tunate bieak in the market that you did not know enough of to anticipate; in fact, my boy. It's the Nlnkums that have very generally made in the fancies, not the experienced operators. Hut lake my advice, don't try it a second lime,"

A H e a r S t o r y .

Af ter all, gentlemen, said old Col. Neblelt, the best way to kill a liear is to shoot him, provided a man has a good rille, and knows how to use il. Hears were plenty when I settled on l-ittle River, and wa used to make up parties to hunt them. A liear hunt was matie up for the second week in the Novemlier after I moved on to my land, and 1 was asktd to join il. 1 wasn't much acquainted in the neigh-borhood, and the |ieople didn't know my ways; so 1 thought I might run a joke on them, and make them supply me with bear meat to lay in for the win-ter. It is one thing, you know, lo kill a liear, and antither thing lo gel iiim home. Some ten days before the hunt was to come off I went out and baited the bears, and then went out and watched for them. Hy good luck I struck three of tnem that da v. but didn't kill them not a bear. I don't suiipote, gentle-men, that there was a man In Ken-lucky who could outshoot me in those days. I marked each of them exactly alike by shooting off the tip of the right ear and pulling a bullet through the left ear. That was all I wanted ol the brare just then. When the day for the hunt came along, and the party called al my place lo pick me up, I told them that I wits under the weath-er and didn' t allow that I fel l well enough to go. '1 wish 1 coul'1 go,' 1 said, 'because I've got some tame bears lodse In the woods and would like lo look them up.' 'I hey stared al me as if they allowed that 1 w as crazy, i ' e r -haps you don't believe me,' '1 said, 'but what I tell you is a fact. There are five of those bears that 1 raised and petted, and they are marked with my hog mark, 1 have been meaning to gel them home la-fore winter and lay in the meal of three or four of them.' A t this they laughed in my face, 'There's no ioke about it. gentlemen.' said I. •my mark Is a crop of the right ear and a hole in the left . If you happen to shoot any bears with that mark on them you may know tha t they belong to me.' They promised that if they got any bears marked in that way they would bilng them home to me, and went off laughing. Now, gentlemen il is the t ruth, If I ever told the t ruth in my life, that that parly got just four

bears on that hunt, and three of them were marked with my mark. They brought those three bears home to me, and I had plenty of hear meat for the winter, and af ter that nobody in the settlement ever Ihoiight of disputing my wonl about anything."

Sc l ec t Si iylng*.

The hiiura .no r i c w l n a angol*, Tha t *tiU go gl iding by.

And bear each loinulu 'a t e c o ' d u p To U lm who * i i* on h igh .

C, OoneA, Hrevlty is the greatest of eloquence.

—Cicero. As if you could kill time without in-

jur ing eternity,—77ior«iii, The pulpit as a platform three feet

above contradlQlion.—•SiVZ/ey Hmilh. We follow the world in approving

others, but we go before il in approv-ing ourselves.—/.awn.

An avowal of poverty is a disgrace to no man; to make no effort to escape I l l s indeed disgraceful. -Thiicwiid-i.

When a man has not a good reason for doing a thing, he has one good rea-son for letting it a lone,—Hn/ftr Scott.

When Death, the great reconciler, has come, il is never our tenderness that we repent of. but our severity. Urorijc Kliut.

The forgiveness of enemies solely because it is heaping coals of lire on the i 'heads is a vice, not a virtue. /•'. A. Durlcwje.

The fortunate have many parasites; hope is the only one that vouchsafes attendance upon the wretched ami the beggar, -Ulieiutohe.

I never had a man come to me for ml vice, but before ho got through he had more advice lo offer than to ask {or.—Juah Uillingt.

There is no real life but cheerful l i fe ; therefore valetudinarians should be sworn, before they enter- into com-pany, not to say a word of themselves till the meeting breaks up,—di/i/faoH.

With every exertion, the best of men can do but a moderate amount of go<Kl, but il seems in the power of the most contemptible individual to do Incalcu-lable misch ie f , - Washin'/lon Irciwj.

In youth we are mad for persons. Childhood and youth see all the world In them. Hut the larger experience of men discovers an identical common iu lure appearing through them all .—fm-erton.

Do not think of knocking out anoth-er man's brains because he differs in opinion from you. It would be as ra-tional to knock yourself on the head because you differ from yourself ten years ago,—Iloract Maun.

Of all the agonies of life, t ha t which is most poignant iind harrowing—that which for tlie t ime annihilates reason, and leaves our whole organization one lacerated, mangled h e a r t - i s the con-viction that we have been deceived where we placed all the t rust of love, —Ilnhrtr Lytton.

How often a new affection makes a new man! the sordid, cowering soul turns heroic. The frivolous girl be-comes the steadfast marlyrof patience and ministration, IraiiBllgured by deathless love. The career of bound-ing impulses turns into an anthem of sacred deeds. —Chuiiiu.

For ourselves we own t h a t ' w e do not understand the common phrase, •A good man. but a had king." We can as easily conceive a*good man and an unnatural father, or a good man and a treacherous friend. If in the most im-portant of all human relations we find him iCharles 1.) to have been selllsh, cruel, and deceitful, we shall take the llburty to call him a b id man, in spite ot all his temperance al table, and all his regularity at cha|iel.—J/(ic«/(i/«y.

(Jt'KEit SritiiKKT.—The doctors of Hellevue Hospital al New York are transforming Thomas Coulter's linger end into a nose. Coulter is twenty-two years old, and lost his nose by lu-poid, a malady closely related lo can-cer, which destroys every tissue with which it conies in contact. The prog-ress of the disease was arrested at Hellevue Hospital two years ago, but il left the face woefully disligured, with a depression where the nose should have been and the skin so con-tracted that the lower eyelids were inverted, ex|>osing the mucous mem brane of thu eye. Ap la s t i c operation was |>erformed al the hospital a year ago which nearly restored the eyes to their normal condition, and having heard that an English surgeon at Hir-mingham had built up a nose for a man. Coulter besought the Hellevue doctors lo try the same experiment on him. His entreaties prevailed, and last November preparations Ivgan by freezing the middle linger of the left hand, removing its nail and destroying its mitrix with uilric acid so that nail would grow again. Two Maps were raised Irom the surface of this uailiess linger end, December 12, tin patient lieing under the inlluence of an aiiesthetie, and were attached to llaps ralsid from the face, the end of tin linger being placed in a |Micket made in the skin where the nose had been. The whole was then kept in place by plaster of pads '• mdages, the patient iieiug also kept under the inlluence uf Morphine. The extemporised nose is alieady knilting Into place, and the digital arteries having been tint up, the linger is to be amputated at the middle joint, and the wonderful new nose will be complete.

vicronv AT LAST, Collaime of /''nsfoiW.sf Fruinl in

the I'lne Tree Shite.

F r o m S e n a t o r Qialno'a S p e o c h al Auguala , W c d n e » d H y L v o n i n g .

Augusta, Me., Jan , 21. -A monster I meeting was held at Granite Hall this evening. The hall was crowded, Kx-Govemor Anson !'. Morrill presided, and congratulated the people on al last having a Govemment. Senator Hlaine then took the platform, and was received with great enthusiasm. He said:

MI! .CLIAIILMAN A N D I 'E I . I .OW-CLTI-ZKNS: I thank you most sincerely and most deeply for thu manner in which you have received me, ami I congratu-late you that we once more meet its peaceful citizens of Maine, under the protection of a legal State Government chosen by the people, with the validity of its title patent to the world. We have had a long and trying contest with desperate men, who sought to disfran-chise voters by the thousand, and to subst i tute a false count for an honest ballot as the source of power to a State Government Hut for all our troubles and trials, and for all the wrongs we have so patiently endured, we are this day richly repaid, when we remember the instriimentalltles by which we have triumphed without liring a gun, with-out shedding a drop of blood, without str iking a single blow, without one disorderly assemblage. The people have regained their own right through the might and majesty ol their own laws. Fi lends al a distance wondered why we did not use force on the very first day of the session, a id .seat the Republican members of the Legisla-tu re who were duly elected. That might easily have been done, for Iti1-puMicans were present in the propor-tion of four to one; but when we had got through wllh il we .should only have proved that we were physically the stronger | arty. We should only have established the fact ihat our tribe could give the loudest war-whoop and could assemble the largest number of braves fot a given batt le; and after the battle was over we should have been remanded to the courts for a tri-al of our title. We preferred to go to the court, and have our title confirmed in advance.

A K K O W I N O D u o , - A V i r g i n i a p a -

per tells tills story of Mr. Davis S. For-ney's dog: "Mr, Forney look his dog into the house (this was not at home-therefore not a trick), and gave us his pocket-book with inslructiuns to carry il a distance to the field and place it somewhere on the fence in a direction that the wind would blow from it lo the house. We did so and returned. Mr. Forney came out with his dog. I'resently the dog pricked up its eats and commenced to sniff the air, s tarted off iu a direct line lo where the |iocket-book was. passed it a few feel, cauu back, reared upon the fence, got it, came to its master and laid it in hi hand. We look a number of hats to the lot; these he brought in, selecting his master's first,"

i l is generally supposed tha t t he roots of grasses do not penetrate very deep, but these roots have been traced as far down into the soil as four feet Parsons plowing for seeding think that just loosening the surface Is sullicient' but If deep plowing is necessary for any kind of i rops il b for grass, unless the soil has been deeply worked for other crops,—AmericanCultlcotor.

WHITS VKItSfS SIIOT-OVXS, It was our belief tUat as plaintiffs

we could not impiove our standing in court by committing a breach of the peace on the threshold of the Cham-ber of .I ustice. We remembered that we were a New England coiiimiiiiity, and we believed tha t of all the New Kngland States Maine has been the most exempt, from its origin to the year IcT'.i, from every foi.u of defiance of law. A law student in Yale Col-lege, w hen asked what he would do in cast; of trespass and an unlawful occu-pancy of his land. a'iswensi that in New Kngland he would proceed by wil l of ejectment, but in Texas he would take a double-barrelt d shot gun. We agreed with the law student, and stuck fast lo the w i i l of eject-ment. We went before an honest court , before a non-partisan court, be-fore a court that could not lie used to promote the party interests of any set of men, before a court us able and up-right ;us il was fearless, and as learned as any that sits w ithin the limits of the I 'nion or on the Federal or State benches, and with the Judgment of that court in our hands we quickly took possession of the State Gou'ru-ment ami firmly hold it to-day,

TIIK I'AHTV T o n s ASl NllKII, The masses of the people in all par-

ties want honest g u v e m m e n t and the a t tempt lo inllict dishonest govem-ment on the people of Maine by the Democratic leaders has torn asunder the Democratic party, as will liecome manifest when the next at tempt is made lo rally their shattered ranks a l the pulls. The bulllid leaders now Ibreaten an appeal to Congress though in what possible form I cannot conceive and they boast that they w'll so pre-sent their cause as to induce Congress to recognize them as the proper Gov eminent for counting and declaring the electoral vote of Maine next Au tumn. They even apeak with couil dence of the asserted sunpathy and support of a Democratic House and Democratic Senate. Sir. if 1 should say they would receive it, I should feel on my return lo Washlngtoii that I had c a s t a wanton instill upon a Democratic Congress,

The Democratic party has, 1 think shown a remarkable readiness to do the wrong thing, and its record for the past twenty-live years has been one of the political sins and blunders almost past comprehension. Hut when the Maine Democrats come to ask their brethren of the Nation to share and to carry the ugly load under which they are now groaning, 1 venture to think that they have overest imated the te-merity and folly of Democrats in oth er States. When they ask them to ap-piove the fiat and fraudulent counting out of tliirty-seven Itepublican mem hers of the Legislature, out of the 100 that were legally and indispiitably e-lectisl, 1 hazard the opinion Ihat the National Democralic |iarty will call a halt, and ask to be excused fiom that burden. 1'erhaps, however, Maine Democrats assume confidence from the fai t tha i during the prolonged strife over fraud, and even aftei its full exjiosure, and when it lay pros-trate under a decree from a Supreme Court, no leading Democrat of the Nation was heard lo utter one word ol remonstrance, while away off from In-dianapolis came a message of greet ing from Thomas A. Hendricks, ex pressing admiration fur tlie backl-'one which Governor Garcelon had dis-played in thecounling-oul conspiracy. The iHjlilical friends of Mr. Hendricks have never accused him of an extra supply of spinal strength,and I desire to say to him, from a pleasant acquain-tance of many years,thai I don't think he ever po.«sc»sed the backbone tu do actsfor whit- li die congratulates Gov ernor Garcelon

llONOKAUU: liXChl'TIONS, In saying that no leading Democrat

from abroad sent a word of help and hope to the fr iends of good government, or a word of rebuke to the authors of the fraud, let me make an honorable exception of several leading Democratic edilors of leading papers, who denouui-ed, with unsparing severity, the cause of the Maine Democracy, There words brought cheer and courage to those w ho were Ugliting for the right.

gratulate ourselves that every man has done his duty, and, animated by a single impulse, with no selfish ends to gain, the entire Republican party has stood together for the right. We con congratulate ourselves that Ae carried this controversy through with our own atrengUi.and with no tnough tof seek-ing aid from the National Govemment, or from any oilier power of any kind outside our own limits and our own people. In looking back over the nine long weeks of continuous labor, we can see nothing omitted, and nothlngcould have been dono bet ter ; and of the many things on which we may offer sjiecial felicitations nothing could b« more earnest or more heartfelt then the thanks we tender General Cham-berlain for the dignity, fidelity,efficien-cy and completeness with which, a t a most critical hour, he served the Slate and aided in preserving civil and social order.


The conspirators who are foiled in their bad designs are adding great folly lo their already terrible record. In leaving the State House they have taker away the Seal of the Slate, and they have also abstracted t he re-turns ot the election, which they had previously falsified. Perhaps in thia last act they are endeavering lo mur-iter the witness of their evil deeds for the past three months, but, whatever ll'eir motive may be—petty and Im-potent malice, or any at tempt to hide the evidence of their guilt—they may be assured that they cannot embarrass the Stale govemment, and will only add, if that be possible, to the guilty eoiidemnatlon under whleh they are now resting. In seizing the Great seal they seem desirous of emulating the in-famy of England's worst king; but they will find the act as harmless to the r ight ful Govemment aa William found the spiteful venom of James ; and shoultl some lucky fish-net again drag the Seal to light, it would only be use-ful as a lasting memorial of a Demo-cratic ami Greenback conspiracy and its impotent end,


Mr. Chai rnmn, the Republicans of Maine and throughout the land felt that they were not merely fighting the batt le of a single year, but fur all the fu ture of the year ; not merely lighting the battle of our own State alone, but for all the States that are at tempting the great problem of State govemment throughout the world. The corrup-tion or destruction of the ballot is a crime against free government and when successful is a subversion of free government, i t is tills fact which has carried tlie interest in the struggle lar out and beyo: .d our own iKinlers, and it is this fact which ren-ders our peaceful and lawful vjclory if such priceless value. One year ago, in Thi- Nuith Amerkan Review, In dis-cussing a cognate question and before 1 iytd ever dreamed that a crime aguinst the ballot was possible In Maine, 1 used some words which I venture, in closing my remarks, lo quo leas appoelte t o t h e great subject we are now considering: "The mighty power of a Republic of 50,000,000 of people, with a continent for their pos-lession, can only be wielded permanent-ly by being wielded honestly, in a fair and generous struggle, by partisan power. Let us not forget those issues and those ends which are above party. Uigani/.<sl wrong will ullimately be met by organized resistance. Impartial suffrage is our theory; il must become our practice. Any party of American clti /ens can bear to be defeated, but no party of Americans will bear to be defrauded. The men who are interest-ed in a dishonest count are units, and the men who are interested in an hon-est count are millions. I wish to speak for the miliionBof all poll ileal parlies, and in their name to declare tha t the Republic must t>e strong enough, and shall be strong enough, tu protect the weakest of its citizens iu all their rights."

S t a t e OH l u s p e e t l o n .

The Hon, C. G. Luce, State 011 In-spector, has prepared his official report for the six months ending December .11, from which It appears tha t he has nineteen deputies and that there is yet one district lor which there ia now no deputy, J , T. Elliott, who held the place, having resigned and his successor not having yet been appointed.

The total number of barrels Inspect-ed is 5li,1)48, of which 328 were rejected. The number of gallons Inspected was 2',u8O,iM0, of which UUW were rejected. The total auiouul ot lees collected was

and total amount of salaries and expenses, 87.048,40. To this add salary and ex|ieiises of the Inspector, and it gives a total disbursement of 88,034,7il, leaving an excess of 86.838,-f.7 ol rei -ipU over disbursements.

The report of the former State In-siiector, for the six months ending J u n e :io, shows an Inspection of SI.S8U barrels, making a total for 1870 of 91, 237 barrels.

So lar as the Inspector has been able to learn not a lile has been lost and not a iK isoii lias suffered bodily injury by I he use ol kerosene oil in the Stale lor the six nionths that the present law has been In force and an luvestigatiou made into Hie reports of such accid-ents which have appeared from t ime to time in the Slate press has shown them to be mistakes. There have been three lamp and one lantern explosion in the s ta te w ith iu six months and two of these were on account of defect-live w icks and burners,

in "Iwaking of the common com-plaint that the oil now used goes out before it is half consumed, gives a dim light, smokes, etc., the u^pec lor says that all the law provides for Is thai the uil shall pass the 120 degree test, and that Ibis provision has lieen rig-idly enforced. He says that the chief cause of complaint is the undue a-mounl ot paral l inein the oil, and that 11 the chill test provided for In the law of 1877 should be restored this would lie prevented.

In reference to the effect of tlie law upon the price of oils, the report says thai one year ago Michigan oil was twenty-three and one-half cents per gallon at w holesale in the principal markets of the Stale, Now water-white oil is twenty-one cents. Wl lh the general ad vane# In prices. It Is

ale to suppose that under the old law We til would have been th i r ty cents.

and we send them back cheer for their : shall use in the State this year not far courage, their manhood and the c«n- from &,000,000 of gallons. Even though sistency with which they upheld good all used th i s oil the saving to the peo-principles. IplH o( the Stale would be from 8400,00<i

Al home here to uight we can con-Tto 8600,090.


taac l l . MUblfaa. rahraan 4. I iao

R d l t o r U t t ' o n i m e n t .

(Jou. f l r a n t nml |nrljr ar«' al l lnxium. If h r mi i a i iK l l irrr long ha nmy form t i t* habi t of munklni .

H i t National dril l WM r r d u c o l f l l . -JOI.WW durlnK J a n u a r y . Thta l» the

way w r ara runblnK OU LU««ril ImiI'S-rujHcjr.

Mercun WM II|>CII«HI M u r-r-u r Y In the Jot'HNAi. IMI wrrk an<l In Irat than

31 h o u n afU-r thr i^ iwr w#» out wo h a d a cold tpcll.

MaKgi*' Mile hell admlU that *hc> Is 4x11. But ahf la gay aaevr r , 4 wht-n-• v r r t h r gpta mixrd up In a r r o w d »hc

H i tb« who le lump.

T h e ba lance of t r edr In f a r o r nf t h e Uni ted State*, in merchandlae, in 1879 wan 1251.350.477. f o l u m b u * d i f c o t e r f d a p r e t t y goo<l country over here.

There live* a gooae In Madlnon coun-ty . N. Y. wh ich it noUmnly declarvd to be 43 yivan old. W h a t a durable HinnkH-giving d i n n e r t h a t old bird would make.

The L o w t u . JorBNAl. m a n h a i got w o r r a i aga in .—Onnd Hapidt Demo-erat. Ah , *ol Well, (tome folk* are al-way* pok ing around to i w what they

can And.

Sena tor Voorhew U greatly alarmed

a t the negro • xodui f rom Nor th Caro-

lina l o Indiana . I t ' i votei lie'i afraid of and the tall ivcamore may well l h a k e fo r h i i day* are numbered.

The fu i ion i i t* of Maine wrapped the d r ape ry of t he i r non*en*e about them

and cuddled down to unploatunt dream*. In o ther word*, being teetotal ly bu i t ed , they iho t their wad* a n d retreated.

Harr ie t Ho imer is Mill f a i th fu l ly a n d di l igent ly a t work t ry ing t o find t h a t

perpetual motion. A lady *tranger vi*-ited he r t h e other day a n d Harr ie t naid if *he h a d t h a t lady etranger"* tongue •he would look no fu r the r .

A few wlae (7) men in Detroit a r e t r r hard lo find no good in Ocn. Grant '* record. Had they lived 18 centuriee ago o r m o r e they would have out-Rhout-ed t h e whole crowd in declar ing Ihat no

good could come out of Nazareth.

W h e n It become* generally k n o w n

tha t a m * " ha* an i tching fo r office it U not a t all atrange that he *hould find a good many roter* ready to •cra tch him. Murtn ' t i tch if you dont want lo be


Oen. Boynton of the Cincinnat i Ga-zette has preferred charge* against Gen. Sherman , alleging conduct unbecoming an officer and a gent leman. It is a good way for Gen. Boynton to b r ing him*elf into public notice and tha t , no doubt , is his object .

S tephen A. Douglass J r . , son of Ste-phen A. Douglass the fo rmer idol of Democracy. U a s ta lwart Republican. H e w e n t south several y e a n ago a red-hot Democrat ; ho re tu rns a redder-hot Republican. He lias seen and hoard and fel t and is convinced.

j u s t as many of hi* fr iend* were get-

t i n g r e a d y t o begin a W a * h b u r n boom for t h e presidency, Mr. W a a h b u r n an-nounced that under no c i rcumstances w o u l d he be a candidate . He is f o r Gran t . Meantime the Blaine boom i* echoing all along the l ine and if it con-tinue* to grow unt i l J u n e . Blainu will be t h e man .

I n d i a n Commissioner H a y t ha* been summar i ly bounced by Secretary Schurz for being crookedly intere«ted in a sil-ver m i n e found on the I n d i r a reserva-t ion in Ari ion*. H a y t figured to have the boundarie* re-«urveye<l *o a* to place

the mine outride of t h e reservat ion, whe re t h e " r ing" could freeze to i t . H e needed bouncing a n d al l good m e n . r e gardle** of party, will be glad tha t he ha* received his walk ing paper*. W h e n m e n in public office get cor rup t t hey should be retired to pr ivate life with au official order lo "g i t " t h a t cannot be misunderstood.

Under the bead of • 'Detroit 's benefae-tor a l l i s t , " the Free Prea* gives a n ac-

count of wha t a cer tain rich m a n pro-poee* doing for tha t ci ty. He i* to en-dow *ome wor thy i u t i t u t i o n t he r e w i t h unto ld lhou*andj or erect *ame th i ag

new t h a t Detroit wiU be ever proud of.

The Free Pre** would be glad lo men-t ion t h e name of thi* great bencfactor bul^cannol for the reason tha t it doe* not k n o w his name. W e will merely say lo t h e Free Press t h a t w c h a r e ou r rea-sons f o r not wish ing t h e benefac tor ' s n a m e made public at just th is t i m e .

W e desire to have the plans carr ied out w i t h a s l i t t le ostentat ion as po**ible.

That jolly old ta r of the Wabash . Sec-re tary Thompson, smokes 12 cigars a day and is said lo have averaged t h a t n u m b e r per day for fifty year*. These c igars a r e manufac tu red in Ind iana a n d of tobacco raised in tha t S ta te and are said to b* rank enough l o th row a l amp

post i n to *pa*mi. These c igars cost

| I 0 per 100 by the box and some mathe-mat ic ian hai figured il u p and found t h a t the Secretary ha* imoked up | 2 I , -900 d u r i n g the fifty y e a n he has been in t h e b u s i n e u . Young man . you w h o have jus t commtneed puffiing the weed, abs ta in , and fifty year* hence you will h a v e money t o loan o n real e*tate se-c u r i t y .

Osalh U FuMUhen.

The leading newipapera of t h e coun-t ry a r e a t a l<ws lo know wliat to do lo be M.ved. The cost of whi t e i«pe r hav-ing increased &0 per cent , s inro the

" b o o m " commenced, and a f u r t h e r ad-Vance l)eing threa tened by t h e paper

t'oiubinalioD, tike pro*pef t is a n y t h i n g b u t enrouraging. Then- a r e j u s t t w o th ing i lo do to save t h e publ isher f rom low. He must reduce the size of his paper or increase the t u W r i p l i o n price. Tu do either is a decided unpleasant job f o r t h e publisher but nelf-preeervatloa wi l l demand one or the o the r il the pa-

pe r Shylock combinat ion cont inue to ex-t o r t t h e consumen ' lust cent and take h is wood pile bexidt-e. The Chicago Time* ha* decided to retulu its fo rmer t i ze a n d add one «*-nt per copy t o t h e price of t h e paper . Other leading pa-pers will doubtless follow null. The

burden however doe* not fa l l entirely puUj j l i f r s of t h e big dailies. Many

country publ i shen find tbemi>elve* un-oomfortably squeezed and will reduce t h e s i te of their pupera o r Increase tho eubscripl ion price. At preecnt t h e J o n t -

VXL publisher will do ne i ther bu t it will be u n d e n t o o d that the prosent pr ice m u e t be paid in good money a n d w i t h

promptnese . This i» no t ime fo r a n y newspape r to c a r r r dead or unnecessary weight . The b u r d e w tha t ^nust be

bo rne a r e suft lcieot .

A Trip lo Ana Arbor.

The editor of the Joi'HN u alien.led t in uniiual ineetlng of thu s m i e IVesn Aaaurlallon at Ann Arbor Inst week. Tlie seaalnn niiened at noon on Tuesday, nd juurned for dinner at I p m. . rr-aa-•etnliled nl 2:15. m l j o u m r d nt 2:45. to

vl*li the I ' l i l ven l ty . re-asaeinbled Acain at 7:90 anil ad journed rim ilk nl 10:80 the venilif It was said to lie the Urgest gnther lng of MichlKan edilors ever convened In the State . Certainly I lien- was an ez ie l len l repn-sentatlon of the noble liaml, but for nil th is the m i l l -ing was not a slicces*. Il was giiotl w hal there was of It Mit there WUN not enough of il. If the objeet of Ihe meet-lug had lieen n visit to the various de-pa r tmen t s nf 1'ie U n i v e n i t y , or to test the generous hospltallly of Ihe first fnin-llles of Ann A r l w and of the U n i v e n i t y facul ty , then indeed would the meet ing have been a sucress. f u r certainly "he e i l i ton t he r e assembled wore tnvstcd very kindly and enti'rtaine<l most hos-pitably by the good |ieople of Ann Ar bor and t h e U n i v e n i t y . The tour th rough t h e U n i v e n i t y was well wor th the t r ip there, and hereofter . in t h e near fu tu re , we shall have •mne th ing to say about wha t our e j e s s a w . our e u n heard and ou r head thinks.

Tlie meet ing of the Association was not of sufficient dura t ion to be very profitable. The address of welcome by Hon. R. A. Bcal was excellent, the re-sponse there to by Hon. Geo. F. Lewm of Sag inaw, was well said and Ihe few re-

marka on the paper question (or tariff vs. f ree t rade) were spiri ted. At t h e evening *essioii Gill Osmunof t h e Even-ing New* read a very aensible. »harp anil well wr i t ten paper on "Wi ld Cat News-papers" and Silas F a n n e r of Detroit , read an interest ing history of the carly n e w s p a p e n of Detroit. The press gong then listened lo a profitable ten min-ute*' talk by W. S. George of the Lan-

sing Republican on the make up of a new*paper. Brief discussion* on the subject of libels followed and a commit -tee was appointed to ascertain what leg-islat ion i* needed to protect the innocent editor againat the wile* of the enemy. Tlie above con*tiluted pret ty much t h e en t i re programme. As we said before it was good, wha t there was of i t . but there wa* not lialf enough of il. The meet ing was ju*t nicely commenced when it ad journed . Had the A**ocia-tion remained over and held an all day session on Wednesday it would liave been a ancce**. There are many impor-tant question* that ought to have come

before t h e A u o c i a t i o n f o r d i s c u u i o n and there are a great many seemingly un im-por tan t question* that migh t have been di*cuKied wi th profit to most of t h e m e m b e n . W e lio|>e the next i n f l i n g will not a d j o u r n before the last member in lias t ime to take off his overcoat. It doesn't jiay to go 200 miles to spend four h o u n in organizing and get t ing ready for business and then a d j o u r n wi thout doing any business. The off icen elected for the ensuing yea r were—for presi-dent R. A. Beal of Ann Arbor : vice presidents. L. A. Duncan of thu Niles Republicnn. Geo. F. Lewis of the Hagin-awian . and M. D. Hamil ton of t h e Mon-roe Commercial : for secretary, E. S. Hoskins of the Bollevue Gazet tee: for t reasurer , E. T. Grabill of the Greenville Independent .

Much credit is due to Hon. It. A. Bcal fo r hi* kind personal a t tent ions and lib-

eral i ty in looking a f t e r the we l fa re of tne vir i t ing m e m b e n . The thanks of the Awociat ion were also due and tendered

t s o ther good citizen* of that city and to Prerident Angell and facul ty of the Uni-v e n i t y for bestowed blessings and fa-v o n . The supper at the U n i v e n i t y wa* excellent and the toast* and resjionses were happy. Take it al l in all it was a very en joyable meet ing—what wa* lack-ing in the p rogramme of the Awociation wa* made up by what had lieen prepared fo r the press gang outside.

tonrt and Laaal >'•««.

Bcportad txpnulj (or lb« Jcm m l by Rrcwlck 4 Walker.

The case of the townsh ip of F i fe Lake v*, Eno* P u t m a n and o t h e n , now pend-ing in the Circuit Court is one of con-siderable importance. The defendant* have beou cu t t ing lumber in a leased saw-mill a t F i fe Lake, and f requen t ly have several million feet of t imber and log* there, but no realty. On th is per-sonal property the township author i t ies a re a t t emp t ing to collect a t ax fo r 1878 and 1879, amount ing to about <900. The defendants say tha t they canno t bo taxed a t Fife Lake, on p e n o n a l proper-

ty there—that they pay tax on all their personal proper ty a t Grand Rapids, where the i r residences and office are. H i e *uit i* to settle the que*tion wheth-e r p e n o n a l property is properly taxable where it Is si tuated or where Ihe owner resides.

The Supreme Court has reversed Ihe decision of the K e n t Circuit in the case of L. P . Eddy vs. J o h n Manshaun. in-terpleaded wi th Myron Page. Tho act ion was brought in just ice cour t on a prom-issory note which became duu more Hum six y e a n before sui t was begun. The plaintiff declared on t h e nolo and tho de-fendant pleuled orally as follows: "De-f e n d a n t pleads l imitation of s ta tu te ; t h a t t h e cause of action did not accrue wi th in six y e a n preceding tlie com-mencement of sui t ." The j u s t i c e held this pleadinK iiiHufficient to admi t the evidence, and the Circuit Cour t on ap-peal held the same way . And now the Supreme ( 'our t say* both cour t* were in error . Tin pleading fully appriMsi Ihe plaintiff what the defendant ' s de-fense was . and that ia enough for jus-tice's court (15 Mich. 21)7: S m i t h vs.

Dudge. 37 Mich. W4.) Tho object ion t o the pleading iieemx to liuve been tha t the s ta tu te require* a general issue in all cases w i th notice of any i.|iecial defense, whi le in th is case Ihe special defense was pleaded alone; but this is mere mat-te r of form. When t h e de fendan t noti-fies the just ice orally wha t bis defense is, the just ice ought to put it on his docket in due fo rm, but if he fai ls to do 10 t h e de fendan t i* not t o lie deprived of hi* defense thereby. If the pleading was imperfect in substance it would be dif-ferent , but even t hen Ihe de fendan t ought to be allowed to amend , and the privilege wa* denied in this case.

Sui t has been brought in the U. S. Circuit Court o l New York , by Mr-.

E m m a Loril lanl , agai iui the S tandard 011 Company, lo recover royal t ies which she claims in conse'iuence of t h e use by

tho Company of an invent ion f u r recti-f y i n g and d u t i l i n g petroleum. M n . Loril lanl c la ims to have succeeded to the rights of Ihe inventor and p a t e n u e

Knot Klenr in 1M7, ami t h a t tho Oil Comiutny has msdu UMJ of (he invent ion

since with vast profit , and has

failed to pay her any royal ty. She slaki-s her claim at the m slest sum of 11,500.-000. The Oil Coni|iany i» said lo l>e the

lann-st and most priHi|>en>ii<i cor|>>raliou

In America.

I^KAL J f a n c w ' C o r t T .

The caie t iefore Jus t ice Weeks. aKiilnsi Ihe "scale man . " was a d j o u n m l unt i l to-day al ten o'clock

« • « IVnlimilnrKrnph*.

(•tu. North linn lupeii convir t i i l iti llir Macomb clrcini of rape on a girl of I? years last sl immer.

Dr. Ilurliind of Hay City has li/en ar- ' rested on a charKe "I fo iging Ihe name of Win. Mclnlosli in a note,

Aaron AIIINIII nf Clayton. Lsnawee county , amiisi-d himself by dlKiurblng n religious ini'etliig. It ciMt h i i u f l l '.ii

J o h n Van Heck of Mouth F rank fo r t . Benrie counlv has been shut up. He wouldviolatethe law nnd the red ribbon people went for h im.

T. 11. McGraw A Cos , cooper shop at Hay City has just t aken n contra>i to get out 100,000. and |ierhap* 150.000 salt Iwrrels thi* year,

J o h n Coupples, fo r nieallng clover aeed f rom Ihe railroad warehouse in Je-rome. wan m ilt to Jackmin for five v e a n by the Hillsdale circuit .

J o h n F. Duval, the Cadillac almenlee is alleged tu owe aliout $5.1X10. His c r e d l t o n have al tacbi 'd the good* and his lormer store Is closed.

Henry Unbelief, a young man about 25. u n m a n led. w a* killed by a fall ing t ree on the 28th. He lived fou r mile* f rom Nashville. Barry county .

Mn, F, G, Baili'V. of Venice, Shiawas-see county , r w n l l y took some jKiison-o u s d r u g . mis taking it for magnesia, and had a nar row escape f rom d is t i l .

The noted kissing case of E n n l n d a Young against Richard Smith , in Eaton county , has been finally settled by Smi th paying Ihe j u d g m e n t or.d costs amoun t ing to >281.

Messn. N. P . E. . and J . H . W h i t e have offered to donate to the state a ful l block of land within t h e city l imits of Port Huron, for Ihe location of the pro-posed school for the blind.

Two men named Cart r idge a n d Forbe* have been arre*tcd fo r b u r n i n g down t h e ho iue of Tho*. G e n t u . th ree mile* f rom Marine City, on the 14lh. whi le Ihe family were away f rom home.

A n d e n o n Wing , an a t to rney of Mon-roe. died on the 25th. a f t e r an illnes* of of only a few dav*. H e was a win of t h e late J u d g e W a r n e r Wing : was liorn in Monroe, and was about 35 y e a n of age-

Wallace Ames, a former hotel keeper and bu*iness man of Por t Huron, but lately operat ing In min ing land* in Col-orado. died a l a Chicago hotel on Ihe 27th. Hi* illness was short : dro| isy.

J o h n Denahue. of Farwell has paid •30 and costs liecausc he would sell l iquor to m i n o n . which the law s t r ic t ly forbid*. A Grand Rapids saloomsl lias gone to Ionia for 90 day* for the same thing.

Two voung men named Cornelius McCarlny and Spencer Robinson got into an al tercation while d runk in a lumber c a m p at U k e v i e w , Montcalm county in which McCarthy wa* *truck on the bead wi th a board and wa* so severely in ju red that he died soon a f te r .

Gen. Divight May leaves propertv worth some $30,000. His fa ther . Roelc-well May. came to Michigan wi th his wife and live chi ldren some 10 v e a n ago and settled on Gull Prairie, and this is t h e B n t death in t h e family.

A Battle Creek physician adver t ises himself by boasting of " in t roduc ing 1.-993 h u m a n beings in to this wor ld ." Now if he will tell how many he has usher-ed out of the world, we' might lie able to s t r ike a balance and come tu some conclusion.

A Mr. Yost, wife ami seven children of Alpine. Kent County , have suffered terribly from diphther ia . Five out of Ihe seven children have died wi th in a week, nnd the o ther two are not expect-ed lo live, and t h e father , mother and g randmother a re all sick.

The evening t ra in on the Detroit. Milwaukee railroad last Monday even-ing ran over a splendid Percheron *tal-Hpn near Corunna , and killed it and ane ther h o n e was badly in jured . Both of them belonged to Capl. W. E. Ccm-min, who claims comiiensalion for Ihe loss.

A remarkable sulisidence of land oc-curred at t h s mou th of Whi te lake on the 18th, The s teamer Snook was ly-ing on tho nor th side of the new chan-nel, lied lo one of Ihe piles, when many of Ihe crew observed that a consider-able port ion of tho sand hill lying ad ja -cent was suddenly disappearing, t ak ing with it a portion of the pier t o wh ich tho Snook was a t tacked. W h e r e there was former ly a bill in now 15 to 18 feet of water .

New York has five leglnlaton out of ' CIIKWrrHHAU:.-Br Irtuentin nsnmim, , , " " l i - - ™.i

MlrhlmiL silnlMl nn Inr IMh ilat i>| Juuiarr. A |l I'M'. In HIP illns-lnl nml ilrllirml, In farnr nf Wllllun W Wuil. pUlnlllT •ml acalad Uw •«nds SMl rballlei Ami (nr want lh«n>nf. Ihm nf lb* n«l NUIeur n«ij*ii,ln II. Illrks dir iU

folka and Tblncs.

Josh Billings has made $100,000 by his poor spelling.

In China ge«*e are popularly supposed to car ry l e t t e n .

Gui l ford coun ty , N. C. kill* and sells 200,000 rabbit* annua l ly .

Orvillo Gran t is now employed in the the Chicago postoffice.

A s ta tue of Gen. Phi l K e a m e y is t o be erected in Newark .

The bodies of 22 victims of tho T a r disaster have lieen recovered.

Libby prison, a t Richmond, is again used as u tobacco warehouse.

Tlie peach blossom, P e n i a ' s myst ic flower, is a favor i te in embroidery .

Sacramento electricians c la im to havo discovered t h s best elcctr ic l ight .

Planche. the celebrated d ramat i c au th -or. is still l iving at the age of 82.

Senator David Davis owns 6.000 acres of improved land in McLean county . III.

There are in Brilinh India upward of I.(KK).000 Chris t ians.

Over 1.000 rbeeao factories aro operat-ed in New York state.

Arizona conta ins 73.000.0u0 acres of land. 5,000,000 of which a r e surveyed-

After 25 y e a n ' cour tship Ihe bishop .if Manclii-ster, Kngland. is about to mar-ry-

H i e price of nails is liiglii i at pii si-nt than al any l ime for the |inst s iz year*.

One hundred years ago a pocket hand-kerchief was deemed a vulgar object.

The depar tu re of Chiaesi ' f rom Sim Frenciacn is said lo exceed the arrivals ,

A small house near Zane«villu. O., wa* " to ted t w o miles on a cyclone 's wings . "

According to the direclorv census the i / »f i-:- : ..t A..O

The yield of Ihe Black lllll" gold re-• lon for t h e |>nst year I ' es t imated *1 15,000,000.

Richard I Irani W h i l e «nvs " I h e *hll-Iillve fnn i l ly 111 Kngland rl»e*

very blgli ."

The m l l l e n of Mliuu IIIMIIIS are storing Hour uill l l there I* a dnellne In frelghi* ol nnvlgntloii o|iens

l ib . t h e Irony of cidncldi ' i icelThn llrsl t ( in | ie ranee sue let v III t h e Unltisl Stale* was otgnnlr i i l nl Hnrntogn.

Al though g i n e r lne w as dlM-overad by Scheele ill ifiO, It Is only within the last few y e a n tluit it bus lieen mnmi-f a c t u n i l commercia l ly .

An en-iililerman in Syracusi ' married hi* cook. I l wasn ' t I b r e e weeks liefore she fell heir to fW.OOO.

The westem-lnii ind Union Pacific t ra in f rom Omaha on the 21th Usik out 480 sacks of AiiHtrallan mall for the nex t ( t e a ine r f r o m San Francisco.

lAiudon Examine r says that many Br i tons w h o t ravel o n t h e Conl insnt m a k e b lackguard* of theniselTea in or-der tha t the i r luitlonallty may lie re-s|H-cte<l.

Everybody who ascends Bunker Hill inonumei i t coun t s t h e steps—2V5. H i e Orcension* average 50 jier day. • l yielded .H-MO in lees durin: ; the |ia»t year .

Bnaik lvn has authorized a contract fo r a $1,000 m o m i m e n t over tho v ic t ims of t h e Brooklyn theater lire.

Eng l i sh au thor i t i es statw t h a t , out of every five loave* of bread eaten in Eng-land In 1880. th ree mus t come f rom tho Un i t ed S ta le* nnd Russia.

A Cal i fornia jmper says tha t it Is now considered a well-settled point Iha t tlie

Croduct ions of raisins in tnat suite will p m a d e prolltable.

The Boston Congregationalist depre-ciates t h e prevalent habit of mak ing f u n of hi* s a l an i c m a j e s t y in w h o * penon-al i ly t h e editor believes.

A n old m a n in Alexandr ia , N. Y., ap-

Cnl ly died, and was about to be e d , ' b u t revived In t ime to disap-

po in t t h e under taker a n d his weeping young wi fe .

Mr. E u g e n e Schuyle r wi l l receive $8,-000 f r o m Scribner 's Monthly for h is "L i f e of Pe te r the Grea t , " reserving all right* of publ ica t ion in book form.

Tildcn has d i s in ined his pr ivate secre-t a ry . Nephew Pelton, a n d replaced h im w i t h O. W . Fowler , who was of g rea t service t o h im in t h e last cam-paign.

Oliver Dairymtile. Ihe great Minneso-ta f a rmer , in tends th is year to cul t ivate 80.000 acres of wheat , employ 700 men, 20 s t eam t l i r e shen and 3o reaping mo-chine*.

A m u i g e m e n t * are lieing made for a new Amer ican Arctic expedition next year , unde r Dr. Besgols. of the Polaris scient i f ic staff . I t is to lie fitted out by pr iva te enterprise.

The largest ecclesiastical edifice built a n y w h e r e since the reformat ion is the great episcopal cathedral recently erec l :

ed in Ed inburgh . The movement to-wards episcopacv i.-, widespread in Scot-land.

Tlie first college journal issued was t h e Yule Li terary Magazine, in Februa-rv, 1830, Secre tary Evar t s being one of l is f ive f o u n d e n . Last week the secre-ta ry ' s son. Sherman Evarts , was elect-ed i ts editor.

A new Canadian canal is projected. I l is proposed t o connec t t h e w a t e n of Lake Ontar io wi th t h e Bav of Quinle by a canal of less than two miles In length .

A Frenchman ia Frankl in . Pa. , found t h e o the r dav t h a t h is w i f e h a d eldped. H e followed u p the guil ty pair and finallr sold out h is interest In t h e wife for | i 5 0 .

A sovereign jiassing th rough a town in Hol land was charged $80 for two egg*. On th is he said that eggs were •ure ly scarce in that t own . "No," — pi ied ' the landlord, " b u t kings are ."

An English coachman was osked lo t ie a p a dog. a n d he resigned on tho g round tha t it was t h e but ler ' s du ty . T h e but ler declined and resigned, a n d a f t e r six servants had left t h e earl tied u p t h e dog himself .

The cur ta in of St. J ames hall in Buf-falo d u r i n g a per formance Ihe o ther n igh t was to rn a lmost in t w o by t h e rollera accidental ly get t ing out of con-trol . It cost $800.

Tho Bell te lephone company has com-promised w i t h the London iwetoffice, ag re ing t o pay f r o m 12 t o 20 per cent , roya l ty for tho privilege of using the in-vent ion iu London.

Question (by Sunday school teacher): " W h y did the Lord dr ive Adam out of t h e G a r d e n of Eden?" Answer (by bov w h o had been to the Zoo): "Because A d a m gave tobacco lo the W a n . "

The Scotch chemis t w h o thought he had discovered how lo m a k e arliflcial d i a m o n d s h a s b a d l o t a k e a ba rk seat, bu t you can ' t ge l the m a n w h o w e a n a real d iamond to do likewise.

The consumpt ion of wr i t ing paper in the Uni ted Suites is one and three-quar-l e n tons per day for each 1,000,000 in-hab l t an t i , which would m a k e the ag-gregate daily consumpt ion about eighty-fivs tons.

Tlie n a m e of the old f r iga te In Ihe old ship house a t Sackel l ' s Harbor is tho New Orleans. Her keel was laid in 1814, bu t s h e wa* never finuhed. A t tha t t ime she was supposed lo be the largest vessel in the world.

A " spor t sman" near San Francisco fired at w h a t he believed lo lie a wild ca t , a n d f a t a l l y wounded a l i t t l eg i r land seriously i n j u r e d her elder sister, a young lady of 18, who wore s tanding beh ind a d u m p of bushes.

The folly of the exis t ing system of Ind i an m a n a g e m e n t , r emarks t h e New-port News, " i s seen on a small wale in t h e p e n l s l e n t keeplne up of a separate nat ional i ty in Rhode Is land, where w e have a tr ibe of Narraganse ts wi th not a single Narraganset t Indian in it.

A Phi ladelphia firm ha* contracted for I h e delivery of 250.000 o u a r t i of *traw-berrica at Phi ladelphia f rom Charle*ton, S. C., and oilier |ioint* in South Caroli-na and Florida hetwi-en now and May I ,

It has lieen ascertained by careful an-alv*is thai rain which falls in towns of ten becomea luiivily charged with in-ju r iou* pro|ierlie*. and c a n only in ru-ral d i i t r ic ta IK* regarded us thoroughly safe d r ink ing water .

A y o u n g man of Kvansville. who has lieen a i l ing for some years, and was at length given u p by Ihe doctors, has fo r e ight weeks lived a lmos t entirely o n beer, unt i l he is so fa r recovered as lo b e able to cat nnd dr ink anyth ing .

Before n fight be tween t w o factious of population of Mvmphik i» 40.923. against St . Loui* sAioolhoys began, tho com-43,497 last yaar . | Iwtants were all searched by a joint

J . F. and Lewis Kathbone, of Albany. l ' 0 , n r n i , , 7 ,f

0 ^ nobody carriad a : ».•« /w. - - - i . . . . . . - ' i weapon: but one ls>y effectually secn>l-

ed a pistol nnd shot" an opjionent wi th it.

There is some talk th is yea r by t h e Irish societies of almndoning t h e ' cele-bration of St. Pat r ick 's day nnd devot-ing the money t lms saved to the help of s tarving I re land. I t is believed that FSO,-000 would be saved in this way in New York ci ty alone.

A liotanist says there are 42.000 dif-ferent k inds of weads in the United SlaV:*. and every man is willing to swear t h a t 1.000 of them were lo be f o u n d in I h e ga rden he look care of when a boy.

Tho roaming correspondent of the H rl inglon Hawkeyd tells of a self-sac-riflc ng t raveler who devoted hi* ener-gloi to devour ing eve ry th ing uponn cer-ta in railway statiun din ng counter, nn 1

have given $25,000 each to t h e Rocbes-te r u n i v e n i t y .

The rite of t h e Tombs (N. Y.) w as oc-cupied unti l IKW by a (sind connec t ing wi th the North river.

Millionaire Flood has given bis daugh-ter, who is the affianced of Jes.-e Gran t , $2,500,900 in I | ier cent, bonds.

Gen. Pat tersou of Philmlelphia, Gran t ' s old commander in Ihe Mexican war . will accompany t h e la t te r on h i i Mexican tour .

The Philadelphia Bulletin gives this : "Cuba 's gree t ing to Gran t : •Shake!"

A lady in Greenville. Ala., has a j a r tha t has been in use for ,'i0 years , ami a set of ch ina t h a t is nearly one hundred years old.

In the uni ted k ingdom then- a re 50.-000 Jews, w h o havo 00 synsgogum Uni tar ians h a v e 355 uiiuister*. Q u a k e n havo K l meet ing houses 14.508 m e m l i e n

frtiilnnl I herein nimisl. 1 have lerlnt ii|>U MKI •hull eiisiw fur Mleal Publlr Aurtlnn, mr rm-ilii*.lbilb*hlahf«ll>ldiler. allhe wcrt enirasre In ihe tlrviill (Viurl rxiinn, Ktourt Itlnek, *0 rail ed.l I* Ihe rll/nfllraml llatitds. Ibal Uln* Ut* plae* fiffbnljfla* Ihe lln-ull i-nud nf Ihe Itoualj • hrrrln said l>r»mUf« are illualnl, nn Hslimlar Ihe IMh da; nf Man h. A II nHialln n rlis k In Ihe fntrnism nf Mill ilar. Ills fiillimluXilMi'rtlird mtl ralalr, It Ins anil Im Inn IB Ihe etninlx nf Kelil. ami Hlair nf MII'IIIMKII, aa fnllnwa. In wll: Theisul lutlf 11 *| nf On- s.mih weal iiuarlerlMl of aeiilnfl number four ML In biircahl|i numbrr (We ill nndh. anil nf rai«r munlier nine Hi weat allnslisl In Kenl isiunl,r. MIrhliran or ao much Ihetenf aa ma; lie nerraeaiy lu aaluf/ aald ese-rullnn and i-nala

Hslisl ihs CSI (l*r of Januarr. A. p. IM Fanusn W. I'tra,

HherllT o( Keol COUBIT. Mich. C lu A I'laaua, SI w?

Allnrnr) > (nr llalnlUt

UIICRIPm HAI.E llr Tlrtue of aaeztruUon. i ' laaued mil nf, anil under the aval of Ihe Hu perlnr t'niirl n( (Irand Haplda la Ihe ronnl)'o Kent. In Ihe Hlale nf Mlcblfan. allealed nn llir lllh day of (Vtobrr.A. P.,llffv. to me dlm-lrdand drlherrd. In farnr of Ihe Cltjr Naikinal llank of tlrand llaulda, plalnlllla and axaloal Ihe rooda and rballlra-and for waol Ibereuf, then uf ibe rral eslale of Eilmund J Hklnkman t William Wetlerbouae the defendanU Ibereln named. I hare le«M uiwn and shall ez|K>*r (or (ale al Public AlUTlO*. (or Teadue.l to Ihe blsheal bid-der, al Ibe weat entrance tu the CltvuK Court niotna. il'ourt Illork, ao talled.l In Ibe rltjr of tlrand Raukla. that lirln« the plarr (or holdlnr Ihr (Ircnll Court o( Ihe Countr wherein aald premlae* are allualed, on Ralurdar the IMb da) o( March. A. P.. IWOat 10o'clock In ibe (orcnoon nl aald day. the fnllowlni deacribed real estate, lylnr and belnjc In Ihe Countr o( Kent, and SUIe o( Mlclilxsn, *a (nllow*. lo-wlt: Lota thirty (80.) thirty two iu.i ihlny (our lit) and thlrly alz (Ml, Weal DlrMun ultref, Kcrlbners addition to the dly of (Irand Kaplds-and aim lot* tweniy nlm-IS) and Ihlrly-one ISH, Jefferson atreel. Bcrlb-nera aildlllon lo Ibe elljr o( (Irand ilaplda. In Kenl rounly. Mtchlzan. or ao much lberao( aa maj- lie neceaaary lo aallkfy aald exeouUcn and

Dated Ihe SOthday of January. A. D., 1M0. rREEUNO W. I F.CK,

ShertIT of Kenl Count/. Slleh, SiMosna £ F u r r a u , ll«T

AUoneya (or PlalntUT.

D i a a o l u t l o n .

The co-) ia r tnenhip here tofore exist-ing between Ha tch and Craw i* th is day d iuo lved by mutua l conaent . All deb t s owing laid firm mu*t be paid to Wil l iam W. Ha tch and all llabllilie* of said firm arc assumed and will be paid by h im.

Dated th is 9th day of J a n u a r y , A . D. 1880. W I L L I A M W . H A T C H ;


T A K E NOTICE. All p e n o n s indebted t o t h e late firm

of Ha tch & Craw a r e hereby notified that their accounts m u s t be paid a t once; If not paid by t h e fint of March, next , said accounts ' will be placed in t h e hands of nn a t to rney fo r collection.

The flouring business will be cont in-ued by the u n d e n i g n o d a l Ihe Lowell Mill, as heretofore.


W H Y ?

PLAINFIELO, N. J . Dec. 25th. 1879. MKSSBU. ELY BROS.. Owego N. Y.,

Gen t l emen: I l a k e th i s oppor tuni ty fo r complimvii l ing you u p o n y o u r very 'val-uable and much needed pre | iarat ion " E l y ' s Cream Balm" for Ihe cure of Hay Fever and Catarrh. The form of th is medicine and the me thod of its reaching t h e diseased mucous m e m b r a n e (viz: by absorption) r e n d e n it f a r super ior l o a n y other remedy of t h e kimt in t h e n iarkel . I have sold several dozens nnd have yet to hea r the flnl compla in t of its fa i lure to do w h a t you claim fo r it. I unhes i ta t ingly recommend it to t h e t rade as a very saleable article, and to those who nn- sufTerinp f rom t h e above ment ioned compla in ts as t h e great cons ldera tum—"tna t Balm of Ely's." Most respect ful ly v o u n ,

R. J . S H A W Druggis t .

A minis ter re la tes h is exlierience t h u s : I take pleasure in add ing to your m a n y

lestimonials. tha t last Thur sday (Thanks-giving day.) not being able to preach on account of rheumat i c pains in t h e shoul-der , I bought a botllu of St. J acobs Oil, which , a f t e r us ing several times, rel iev-ed m e wonderfully-. Dr. B. P ick ,

Rochester, N. Y.

L< W E L L M A R K K T M .

Corrected on Tuesday of each week by J O H N G I L E S & CO.,


Butter , f resh 16 Bean* per bu 70c @ 1.10 H r a n p e r t o n $12.00 Cheese per lb . . . 16 Calf sklna. d r y 12c.

•- •• g r e e n 9c 10c. Eggs pr dux, f resh 12 1-8

• F lour pr cwt $3.25. H s j p r m n $12 00 10.00 Hides, d iy 9c (tf 10c,

" i{recn fc 7 c . Lsrd pr lb d 7c O a t s pr bu 40: .

Po ta toes pr bu 00 4 35ct*. Ta l low prlb 0c . Sheep pel ls 10 to 75. Wheat exl w h i t e . .$1.12 pe r bnshel . Clove (Seed 4.25 T i m o t h y seed 3,00. Honey whi le c a p . . .15

D o e x t r a c t e d . IS c . Corn 50c per b u » h . r u r n i p s 2 0 a b n * h . Ru t s ha t* 25c. " Turkey* 8c . Chicken 6 D u c k . . . . 7 . Geess . . . . 5 Csbbsge 6cta. per head. Drd Apples . . . . 7 c Drd Peaches . . . H e . Onion* Y e l l o w , . . . ICd Bush . Onions R e d . . . , 9 0 c . D n s d H o g s . . . . 4 50

H . G . M o W i l l i d m s ,



One two-year old hei fer and two year ling steer* strayed Into my inclosure one mile south of Bowne Center on t h e twe l f th day of Ibis mon th . The o w n e r I* rei|uiKted to prove property, pay charge* and lake t h e m away .

WILLIAM PARRITT. Bowno. Dec. 22. 1R79. 29w4.

N o t i c e .

la hereh) ( l im lhal Ibe eo partDarahlp hereto-forr rilalliiK lietarrn Ufander W. Ihalfr and Ky|> pater I" llkka. undrr thr linn name oFHudae A llk'kala Ihladay diaaolfed by mulual conarat.

All perai ma liatins |>aprr on rtep-«ll wllh I hp la. and Iintra and arcoiuita left with lliem (or col lecllim are niiui-ated lo call al their former ol-fire and nlilain Ibelr |>apera And all |ieraooa uwlac Ihr aald late Arm a n reoueated lo call sad aetlle wllh ellhrr nf ua. We will bp found al oar former OHICP orer alum o( J. C- Wrat

Haipd Lowrll. Mk-h, Pec Ilat. 1ST*. Hlcned EI.VANPEH W. POPdE.


\ f OKTOAdE BALK -Notice la herebr rleen . 'I Ihat delaull havln( been made In tne con-dltlona of a i-enaln IlKirtKa*!-, whrirby the pow er o( sale therein has become oneraU'e. aald mci i ^WP made and executed by Cornelius Powllaon .mil Uarvarrt A. Powllaon. hla wife, and Keuben Uulck and Pbebe J. Uulck. hla wl(e, al! of Kent| County and Bute of lllchlf an. panlea o(lhe drat

K: therein, lo Pankl Aberr. o( UmnrUlt, my ol Monlcalm. Htale o( Michigan, party o(

Ibe atcond part then-ln, beartc* dale the Iwenty-Brat day o( Ilecemlirr In Ibe year ot our Lord, one thouaand el(hl hundred and aerpnty •one, and m-ordp<l In the office of the K»*Ut*r of Peedaforlbe county o( Kent. In Ibe Bute ol Mlcblxan on the tweatv-aUth day o( January. A. p 1STj. al . o'clock P. M. la Vol. » of Mortgnge* on Pare IT*. Bald mortgage waa duly aaaigued

Kaald Daniel Aberjr to one certain frank T. ng o( Lowell. Kent County. Michigan, on the

alitcenthdayofjuly A. P. 1ST9, which aaalgn-ment was n>corded In the llpgialera office for Kent County, aforeaald. al S and H o'clock P. M, on the ISth day of Aumisl. A. P. loTll, In Uber 81 o( Mortgagra on pagp JH, upon which there ia claimed to be due. at Ihe dais o( this noUce ths •mm of Three Thouaand Fight Hundred nnd Elghtr three dollars and ninety aeren centa. prtnclnal and Intereal therein; there baring been default made In Ibe payment of the same by aald Mortgagora according to the cor-nanta In aald mortgage written, and alao not so Included In said principal and Intereal aa altoraeys (ee of iwenly llTedollara. aUpulaied In aald mortgage In caae anr pmceedlngs art taken lo (orecloas Ibe aame (n aay mat law. And

hare been the

la caae anr proceedings are lakea f aame tn aay manner prorlded by tull or proceeding al law or equity

conaummated to collect or rrcoter the m t l era aecurrd by aald mortgage, nor ths two | imla aory notea glren by tha aald Consllaa Poxliaoo. Reuben Quick and ona certain Bldner B Smith. Said notea bearing erea data o( aald mortgaga and executed aa collateral security thereto, and deacelbed la and accompanying aald mortgage Now ther*(or«. notice Is hereby glren, lhal by rlrtue of the power ol sale la aald mortgage con-tained and of Ihe statute la sneh caae made and pmrlded, said Bcetgace wlU be (orscioaed by a sale of the land daseribsd Ihsrsta sad (or thst purpoee. on Friday the ISth day of March. A. D 1W0. al ua o'clock A. M. at the west entrance of Ihe Circuit Court rooma, conn block so called. la the dly o( (J rand Rapid a. Kent county, Mlchl

Sn. that being the building or plioe where Ihe rculi Court (or Ihe cooaly of Ktat la holdaa,

Ihe land deecribed In said mortgage or ao much thereof aa may be neceaaarr lo aatlafy aald debt Intereal Ibereoo. allomeya fee and coals and al

I by Uw. wUl be sold St public auc heat bidder, said land deacribed

pensea allowed by Uw. wUI be sold St public auc lion, lo the hlgheat bidder, said land described as (ollowa: All the (ollowlng real eatale situate In Ibe rlllagr of Lowell, county of Kenl, State of Michigan, commencing al the north weat comer nf rlllage lot No. flee and running thence eait •Ixly (ret, on south line ot High street : thence aoulh aerentr feet, thence weat sUly feel lo weal line of lot Ave thence north on weat line of lot •re lo place of beginning, all on block one o( Abel Areey'a recorded pUt ol the rlllage o( Low. ell a(oreaald.

Paled thla 10th day o( December. ISH FRANK T. KINO, Aaalgnee

E. W, Do nog.« 8 P. Hiats. Attornen (or Aaalgnee

$1500; TO WOOD A YEAH, or lo »*0s dsy In your own locsllty. No risk Women do aa well as men Many

make more than the amouM stated a bo re. No one ran (all In make mooer faat Any one caa do Ibe work. Von can mate (mm SO eta, to | 1 aa hour hr derotlng rour erenlnga and apart time lo Ibe bualneaa. It coats nnhlng lo try the bual-neaa. .Nothing like It (or money making ever o(-fared before Bualneaa pleaaant and ttrtrlly boa orahle Reader. U vou want lo kaow all aboui Ihe beat paring bualneu before Ibe public, ssad us your addreea aad wt - 111 aead you flUI panic ularaaad prirate terma (res: aamplea worth f t also free; yeu caa then make np your mlnda for

Biraelf. Addrraa GEO ROE STINSON k CO. rtland. Maine

QUERY—did you see Eclectric oil band in another col? n y l


And Pract ical Tra in ing School is No. 1, W College J o u r n a l f ree on applicat ion. Address. C. 0 . 8 W E N 8 B U R O . Pr inc ipa l



; coKTAiaiao <

r • iDl ieh . J i iDiper&Spi r i t io fHi t r fc i t j is > IcsuatuTil iwa. ICS k

D l i t u u v th* Z'.doiyi A Bliddsr, Oenorrliia, VtakaMisi, Ortr-

Xxtrtioai, J l u t , Slrictnr*. .bcincUon of ih* Urlas,

Ml'' II Dloeaara nl Ihe I'rimmry nii'l Hrannl Orgaaa.

Va 9i WM M m* wMtsw la MAL- OR FIMaLI .

I ' r l f f «lna« l > o l l u r .

rnrt-t ,«• xiiM -» n* BILL. u a « •usasros s oo.

. .'r/erirts ittiue. DSTROfT. •- I.I in it. Pftrr.aisra.

PENSIONS: All dlaabled Holdlera. aad heirs of drcaaae<l

Boldlera who died fruai eonttquencea of terrkv la the Army, are ealltltd to PENSIONS NO AR

. REAK.S allowed after July 1, l(ND Bend atamps School, Blank and Miscellaneous Books, timncUom' l n ^ l"B d* 0 ' ^ i . r a

Fine Sta t lonory. Notions Ac. P. O. BullduiK, Lowell, Mich,.

| ^ O W E L L N A T I O N A L H A N K .



Wl F Street, WABH1NOTON, D. C.



<.V» 000. »10 000,

I ' r a v l l c H l l l o r M ' HIIOTIIIK.

j A* I make a sptt-lally of Ilorve ShoeinK I am preitared lo g h e

Ent i r e Satisfaction. n l h a l linn. Con t r a d e d sir in le r fe r inx

cured or no p a r . OW). ROUSE.

I > E X I t O I X


l* . The haying al if-ngth accomplfsl.ed Z t o t . l The walked away. Miring; • Thin'! The «reksprrrlousin»aloday of bearing.

^ r i l 1 , r , ' t• ' ^ T m W .





U i i f k l o n ' H A r i i l c u S o l v e .

Tin- Isstl Salve in t h e world fo r cut*. bruises, sunn , ulcers, salt rheum, le t te r , cliiiipjiod hands , chilblains, corns, anil all k;.ids of skin ••ruplluiu. This - a l i e is guanui teed to g ive perfect sa tUfact ion in every case or money re funded . I ' r i ce , 2.1 cents per box. For sale by Hunt and :

Hunter .

DHllBATE ORDER rtute nf Michigan; County , 1 of Kent.-sa Ala aeulon of the Pruhal'e Court fur Ihe County ol Kenl. holden at thr I'm hateOfflce, In the City o( (Irand Raplda, on >ynlaesday. the aerenth dar ot Januarr, In Ihe year oue thouaand eight bundre<l ami rlgbly.

Present -Cyrus K. ivrklna. Judge ot Probste. In Ihenullcr ol the catate ol Ashbel Wlnegar. '

deceaaed. | On reading anil Ollng tho pelltlon, duly reri-

fled, ot WllUnl B. Wlnegar. aon ot aald deoraaed praying that the Inatrument now on Die In ililn Court purnunlng lobe the last WUI and Terla I mrnt o( said drceaked may l« admit led to pro- i hate and lhal execullon tbi-rro( and admiini itnllon of aald estate may begranlnl to aald pe- | Uiloner

Thereupon II U ordered, that Monday the 1

aecond day of February nut. al urn o'clock In i tba furrnovu. I>r an>igurd tui IU iKaili.* Of wld l"-tllion, and that the belra al Uw nf aald decwav ' ed. and all other peraooa Interealed In said ratale. ' are required to api>ear si a seaalon o( aald court, i then to be holden al the Probate office. In lb» I clly of (Irand Rapids, |a said county, snd abow i cause. If any there he. why the prayer of the tie- i tltlonrr should not be granted. And 11 la further I n t r • -, , -—»—••••«•. nmre aucn ordered, lhal said petlilon.r glre nollce to the ' 1 0 "^ro"; B f t of Glaaart persona Intereated in aald eatale, o( the tendency .V,r* on.h*.l>d- BraalUaa Pelf of aald pellllon. and Ibo hearing Ihereofhy csua- | J , , ? ' ^n'1 ! a M '^nsea In Bleel ing a cony of IhU order to lie publlahed In Ihe ' ""sul'aUon slwaya free I/jwgii JocajfiL, s newspaper prinled and dr- I K S L f t ? " 1 ? - s l * s y « rlran. All

auceeMlve i / I , ' e . , w k ol- monlh. Ho

i , B , i ? i i n T , i . D , > r r o p , w . A. r o i o u u c . M- D.. BssUUnl

rhy . lolan aad •urgtaa.

O f f i c e 2 0 4 W o o d w a r d A v e n u e

Una* and naooss for Board lag PaUsaU 114 WiNlUWARU « VKNUB.

Dr. Sutae's Tarkl>h Bains aud Hygalaa Oars.

DR snXXET has b»en twenty year* al act I re practice la ihis (Hate, twalre yaar* la a large general practice. Lssl eight years ha* dcroted sll hla Urns aad anenles lo the study aad treatment of hla fcpedalUes, els; All Forms of Chronic, Surgical Kjs sad Ear DIs-easea. panlcuUny CatanhotUie Nose,Kara. Throat and Rruachla. all of which are bra. treated by Inhalalloas of >artous forms sad Intern I Medicines. Polypus ot the Eara. Rata and Womb aucceaatnUr rvmorfd sad treated. Prirate Dlsesias of Male or Female; Burglcal Operai loot performed for Croat Eres.«. lub Feet Hair (Jpa-Tumnra It"** Ms eaaea sad all forma of Deformltlea Mnal CurraWrra, Hip I'lseaaea sad Club FreiAited with Bra.-ea. AH forma of Eye aad Ear Dts-saaas I*rated with the beat ImrrovemeaU of the Ace. Vrry serere raaes of Throst Lung, Eye, Esr and Uterine IHaeaart cannot bo as tuc«a«(ully treated at adlaUnce. beer* tuch m u t f - - - -

F O F t

Dry Goods

- A T T H E

Boston S^ore!

A l L a S O

Boots and Caps,

Shoes, Hats and Carpets, &c.

Biggest Stocks. Best Goods, and

Lowest Prices.

H. Jaeobson & Oo.


A . T C O S T . |

l inking fjuilo u larue «toch of winter goods on hand, which we do uot w a n t ' lo carry oyer, and in order lo make room for spring purchases, we offer the bal-ance of onr



^ T J ^ S AT COST.


N E W F I R M.

W A L L A C E LANOS, fo rmer lyemplo j -ed at J o h n K o p f s aa an U n d e r i a i e r ,

would respectfu Mr announce lo Ihe People of Lowell

and Vicini ty t h a t he has entered

Into par tnersh ip w i t h O. Kopf on the

Bridge in t h e Under tak ing Business where vou will a lways

And a Oood Assortment of

Beaver Cloaks Cloakings AT COST


( g l a n n e l . V a d u w e a r

A T C O S T .

A T C O S T .

Ill fac t , e v e n tiling iu the wav of win-, ter g o o d , will be marki^ ldown to ac tua l j coal, s n d as eve ry th ing in the khatie ol ' woojen good* is advancing, it will | M v

those in want o ; the above RI«HIH lo tak'i-a d v a n t a g e of t l m sale, which will commvnce on

Monday, (an. 5th.


SHROUDS. Also a splendid

H E A , R B E For ihe accommodat ion of Our Pa t rons . Mr. Langs is too well k n o w n l o l e e d a n y recommendat ions as an Under taker . You will also tlnd a large assor tment


FUBNITUEE! which will be sold a t bot tom priow.

Hoping l o ge t our share of pa t ron-age. V o u n t ru ly ,


Palaraaaoj atajr where U Is ussd. Il to the ibeapetl medicine tier made Flrt drops auaei a turtara sa large aa the hand Uae dost couawn tore IhroM U»e hottle haa eared broa chlila Fifty ceau worth baa cured aa old tttad-lag cuugh llpoatUrely runs calanh. stthaia

Ihe back, and the aaaw quaalily lame back at S ytara Handing It earea awelled neck sad all other lumort, rheumailani, neuralgia, oeatract-loa o( the mate lea. tuff joUta, • ^ d l S e l U s e , an.1 p^n and ^ren^a In ' • •hare U Bsybe'nor from wh« srlte. It sTwsyt dost you renla worth hat cared bad blixidy dytaalery Oat le . lh.. i ^ ? . t i U U ^ Il "111 cure any caae of pliss that It poatlble to cure, btz or tight spplkatloat

fe^a^afts1^. " H ' s k s £

e o 7 i and wounda of tttry daecrtwl.n .3

UoloVour diiurgUt (or Xra. Freeman's Ksw Natural Dyee. For htighlaest and dursbllllr t( n t 'u l < >" , 0 » lbs, price


NS. Probate.


rredll glren. Chargrt loa" " r "

A t P o t t e r H o u s e , L o w e l l , F e b . ^ n i e r t ' f t u w l a u d B r o n s o n 8 t « . , l O t l i . O r a n d

^a'satloas, N. la Adraace. Our Housi

, M estaUlltbed In I HO# V'e fllo CAVKATB. aim «btaU THAIiE MAKKS, llLSION 1'ATtNTB, JU-


^J»!'"'«">as. gc , "Mow to Procure Patents, teat free oo requeal; also tample coo-1* of lha Scinrrinc Haioan, the Urea tors Jour

R . 8 . « A . C. L A C E Y , a,!, r ATTOKjnrea . •M r Hireet, near Pslsnl Offloe.


L O W E L L J O U l i N A L . ^ •Ah. Mr. Hhutl le. glad to mt siiniinnrv dismissal by Mr. Hchur/ . 11 nt It r have n- tumeil to ( I ra t t sn with hen Ixiwell youths gn M-renadiiiR

courag ing prosiiecls of hea l th : and Mrs. have felt free to a t tn . k the Indiitn H u n a n | chnrch i.wl.iv," ^ lencmi. we wiiulddeeni it advisable fur them to LOWELL, MICH

A. i l nwan l remains nt Ann ArU-r havi- her sim tn-iite<l fur Salt Kbi'iiiii A L i v e P a p e r i n 11 L i v e T o w n .

D e t r o i t , G M l l u v e n & M l l w n u k e e

H A I L a l l U A U



Steamboat Eilireas.

BfcMslI, • • • f Express, • aOwosto.

Through Freight. • OOINO WEST

Saturday Night Jllied. Through Freight.

7 in a a. II *1 » a M l r a. 1 sn r a. « 10 r a

llrst ascertain if tin' Indv uf the buinra carries shiNitinK-iniiis. Is so. to "limk 11 leedle oudl ."

Urn. have fell rreetonttncKtiieiiiiiiiiiiniin-iiii ^ r to in the past fur its undoubted crooked- I " " l

1l ' , r ; H ! , l , i H

a a I II I al * S |»|».||. | h | Jol» • i ( . .U |||«* t | OCMM. Imt Imvi* a lwayf Mtlillpl n ^ y Au\ m I.H lirk^. I woiiM 111 mr r»nu nnruiii. ut-m*. MN III»»*-*a*«*•».. — - rv«I'LNIII mn |MII m IH^ IM

J a n . .H Mr. A. Wonlen living three sponslbility the re fo r u |ain Mr. Ht hu r / . 1 not have lieen in l leriKl\ place for f i . • • - i . . . . — . - 1 j )uke Floming, n Texnn, vowed m a n ]

years ago llmi In- wmild die in hislHiut at lonia Miiuniav tne i ieirniiants wen ' . . . . . , u . 1

shortly thereaf ter ret eiving a disputch fined | .) and ctsds, the costs iiinnunlinK 1 , , , 1 1 , . 1 i 1 Hlatliiir Iti . u K,, 111.11 l>w.n (1 ill 1111 ilciliI.

* 1.1 A. H. « U A a S *0 a • . I 17 r. a.

It » r a. II B P a.

Pit to all princliial polnlt Eaat. ipany't ofBre. Lowell. ling Cars no all day Iralnt

Mixed. • •teamooal Expreaa

t r Through llcketa to all for tale allhe C o r o r — '

Udlea snd Hmpklaii iwa . r ^ . Fullmaa Sleeping cart on all alfht Iralnt

r.O.TAIT. W J. MORUAN, Lowell Agent Ast'l Bopt Deirolt. Mich

^ L o w e l l P o s t - O f f l c e .

MAILS CI-IIXE For D. O. II. * M. Eait. II A. a.: l;»5 r a. For D. ti. U. AM. Wet(.<«ap a.:*;»P a for Fallaatburgfa, Alloa Ureal and (Iraitaa

7 -ON A M For Wett Campbell. CUrtaTllle. Campbell,

Carleton Onl«T. Ha. tine a. North Irrlng. Fillmore, rrseport. Bowne snd Alto, 7 o'clock A a.

for Keene. mall closes erery Fridsy at I r. a. Pott-offlce houra (mm 7 o'clock A. a. to 8:30 p.

a. Open (rom It to 1 o'clock on Sunday*. J AS. W HIKE. P. M


B . A . M . Regular Coorocatlon of Hooker Clitplrr So.

TI. M Masonic Hall, on Wedneaday errnlng.un or before Ihe full moon In each month

M. M. Paasr, Sec C. BAILED. H. P

A . o T u . w .

Bagular meetings of I»w^ll Lodge So. JS, Ural aad third Frldsys of each month (Quarterly meetings third Friday erenlnga of the monlba o( M«ch, June. Septemby ^ ^ « b r r M w

Taso. B CABTsa, Rec.^

GKO. W. BOUSE Practical Hone Hboer, Broadway, weal of Union Block, wett tide,

Bta of BI* hone thoe.

T H. BICKERT. Denllst. Succetaor lo E. F *f a Doty. Rooau orrr Bcollt hsrdvtmtore. Work Warranted.

HN. TATLOR, Iron Founder. Msnufscturer Dealer in Agricultural Implemenlt. Cor

Jscksoa sad Arery Streets.

J o n n i a l J o t t l u g s .

The jai l at Reed Clly wn* burned Sun-


Feb. 1 t h e Jackson prison contained

874 convicts.

A new barlier shop jus t opened on Ihe

east side.

The Michigan wool growers meet at

Lansing next Tuculny.

Dr. A. B. Spinney , of Detroit will bo

a t the Pol ler House Feb. 10.

Dr, J . I . Boot of thi* village will

toon re turn to Grand Rapid*.

A n office has been bui l t in connect ion wi th Hatch '* mill , on the we*t side.

Boni" necessary improvements have been r^ade in t h e Lowell National hank .

David Wa l t e r of Allegan c o u n t y blew ou t hi* bra in i la*t Friday. Poor whis-


Seasoned beech nnd matilu wood sold readily on the s t reets last Sa tu rday fo r

$3.00 per cord.

Mr. J . Langley, of th is village is dan-gerously ill and doubts nf his recovery

aro enter ta ined.

Alber t J . Co* was r u n over by tho

c y * a t Ludington Saturday n ight nnd

to |120. It would lie cheaper t " plead gui l ty 7 or 8 t imes than to gu In trial and have tu pay ttisl*.

KUIM, II rati field & Co. have gone to Canndn to purchase horsea f u r their

sale atable Only six of the seventeen horses brniight hen- a few days since remain to la' Mild. They keep some of Ihe finest horses the country iilTonla tor general use.

Invitation* are out for t h e (Irand

Mnsi|uerade Ball given by the L C.

Band February 'JOth. This par ty will undouliledly lie the biggest success of the season. Tickets for sale b y J . Q. I^Hik. J . ( ' . West . P. (>. News room and

H u n t & Hun te r .

A wedding takes place in Vergennes to-day—Mr. Orion Hill and Miss Delia Hoag, daughte r of A. R. Huag, EM|. Their many w a r m friend* in thi* vicin-i ty and el*ewhere will wish t h e m "Oud vpeed;" a long, hajipy and pro«pir.iu* union. So mute it lie.

A (irand Rapids girl, aged 16, was forbidden to mar ry the idol of her heart and she s t ra ightway left he r mother '*

shel ter and went toSaginaw whe re she entered a houi>e of ill sha|Ni a n d would no t go out f r o m thence for 100 mothers. Another bright angel gone lo the devil.

Rev. J . 11. Burnham lias lieen engaged to speak in Trale 's Hall the second Sun-day of April , a f ternoon and evening. I t is proposed there to organise a Liberal League. Liberal* give thi* ma t t e r your earucsl consideration and when the l ime comes let uso rgan i t e t h e strongest league in Michigan. E. A. CHAPMAN.

s ta t ing his wife had lieen found dead. No f u r t h e r luirticulars. except Mm. Wortlen was in usual health the day

previous. The only child of Mr. and Mrs. W .

Calkins, aged two m o n l h i , wan Imrii-l J a n . 2H, at Oakfleld Center cemetery.

Tho o y s t e r ' social, held a t ( i ra t tan

Orange Hall J im. 30lh, fur thu heiieflt

of t h e Excelsior Agricul tural Society of Cook s Corners, was pronounced a suc-cess.

A series of meelings wi l lcomfnence a t O r a t t a n Church Feb. 3. Rev. Mr. Thomas officiating minister . Ml I'D.

Lowell Public Rchoott.

KEPilRT FUR JANt'ABV No M'hool davs, '• hovs enrolled,

" S S u : •• days a t tendance . " " absence, " pupils tan ly , " t imes " " minutes •'

Pe r cent of a t tendance, " " " absence,

tardiness. Average dally a t t endance .

" " absence, •' " tardlneM.

No. pupil* t ruan i 3. •• case* corp. pun i shmen t I .

No. vUlls f rom school officers. 10. patrons, 4.

Whole number of vi*it*. 85, J . A. MAT, Principal.

insUnt ly killed.

Rov. R. G. Crawford of Inula del iver-

ed a l e d u m a l the M. E. church in t h i s village last evening.

E. Eugene Hatkin*, of t l r and Rapids

spent Sunday in this village w i t h hi*

f r iend C, A. R«nwjck,

Protect ion E n g i n e Company No. 1 will give a big dance, March 4th , a l Train'* Hall . All Invited.

M i u Ella Daw*on contemplate* going to Grand Rapid* w o n , to take and giv

lesion* in voice cul ture ,

Carr and Davi* are put t ing up a new mea l marke t bui lding on t h e bridge,

we*t of the express office,

W m . Hewi t of Campbel l gives a dance a t bis hall on Feb. 20th, to which al l a re invited. Music by Stone's quadr i l le


Mrs. Clara Hull of Ionia has been spending a few days wi th her 1 wren la, Mr. and Mrs. W. W . Hatch of Ibis vil-


The Royal Templars of Temperance have organised a lodge of 40 member s a n d report m o r e applications constant I

coming in.

P ro f . Thomas T u r n e r . t h e p h re nolo gist look craniological su r r eys of a large number of head* dur ing his stay here

l u l week.

A large concourse of people a t t ended t h e Pa ine Orlebrat ion last Thur sday . It was pronounced a success by all w h o

part ic ipated.

a P . Hicks holda forth in the office formerly occupied by Dodge A Hicks. His business is a t torney. Collection and

Loan agent .

A. W. Hine and his clarionelte have become members of Worden ' s orches t ra This band is improving rapidly and

m a k e very fine music.

Report says tha t Dr. A. M. Elswor th of th is village will soon open an office here for the purpose of p rac t ic ing his

fo rmer profesaion—M. D.

C. R. H i r e , O. W . Parker and J . M. W e a t h e r w a x are on their way to sunny Florida. They will probably remain

ihere t w o m o n t h s or longer.

The Congregat ional sta lely will have

a social a l the residcace of Mr*. M. N. Hine on Wednesday evening. Fell. l l t h .

All a re invited to hi' present .

The m e m b e n of t h e Baptist church

and society will hold a c h u r c h social at M n . E. J . Booth's residence Ihis evening

All are cordially invited.

Rev. Mr. Tllley will deliver his llflli leclurc on Bunyan ' s Pilgrim'* Progress nex t Sunday evening. Subjec t . Chr i t -Hans t igh t wi th the Apol lyon.

1. E. St rong, the jeweler has been mak ing noticeable improvements in tlie l i neo f c leaning and repain t ing hi* es-

tablishment on the bridge.

Mr. J . H . Delaney. who has j u s t open-

ed a d r y goods store in Tra in ' s bui lding on t h e bridge, announces tlial ho will close ou t his slock of goods iu th i r ty


Rev. W . H . Ware, of FallaMburg will

deliver a lec ture at the M. E . church , in

t h i s village, on Friday evening , Feb. 8. 011 Thomas Paine, giving his t rue his-tory. A general invi tat ion i* extended

t o all. Mr. H . H . Gill is t ak ing a survey for

t h e purpo*e of number ing the houses in Hie village. Tlie number ing on all s lroets r u n n i n g cost "'Jd west lo com-mence nt Flat r iver: n i n n i n g nor th and

aoulh to commence a t Main and Bridge


ANOTHER FIRM FROM IOSIA.—Notices are up • ta t ing tha t D. E. Wenger & Co. of Ionia will open their Grea t New York Bankrupt Furnishing Store in the east Btore of Music Hall block, on Saturday,

February 7th.

PRIZE DBAWISO.—Atklna & Adams come out wi th the announcement that they will give a big prire fo r 1880, Any-one purchasing and hau l ing home a mowing machine, single reaper or com-bined reaper and mower d u r i n g tho sea-son will be given a ticket t o the draw ing, which will take place a t their store in Lowell, on Monday, Aug. 2nd, 1880, when Ihe person hold ing the lucky number will lie given t h e machine h e hail purcliased and hauled home. Try your luck. You cannot lose anyth ing , nnd s tand a chance of ge t t ing a first class mach ine for haul ing it home.

A r o t i n t l i i iul A b o u t .

Alton Alomi.

The people still cont inue tu lutrk. Henry Shoup lost a t ine horse and

Pat Hul l ikan a valuable cow. Alton Grange are having very inter

eating meeting*. Reading of essays, select pieces, discussion*, Ac, Al ton Literary Society now hold their meet-ings at t h e Hall once in two weeks. They meet next Wedneaday night . REP.

Itlle Olllll.' j | .. .

I n a caae of aiwault and hattory triwl m i l M ^ ^ , l , , , , n n r n , n K h o < ' n u w , o f M h l i m n y v n K n r l ' • * at Ionia S a l u r d a r the defendanl* wen- , r , l i n <»«" '• R«l''<""- ""id his u n n i n c h i n g support of men

.imriu- •i.ornaO.r em >,irini> u iiiamitrli whom everybody know*tuUeunworthy, simply because he is so mentnlly cunsti-lu ted as to Is- nn r j inclined to lielieve t h e sssiimpliuns of honesty niiuln by

designing hypocri t ical harp ies w h o m he may have under hlni, t han Ihe state-men t s of honest men cognizant of the derelictions and shor tcomings of the

part icular official. I t would seem Ihat the actual c r iminal i ty of Coluiiibus De-lano was not m o r e disastroua in its con set|nences in Ihti Inter ior Depar tment than Ihe undoubted personal hunesty and integri ty of the impracticable and iKiurlsinish Carl Schurz. W e havo had Ouray and his d a n here pnw-wowing. but what good was t o be uccomplished thruiigh their presence is not yet mani-fest. Commissioner Hayt ' s accomplice. Oen. H a m m o n d , is lying very ill at one

of ou r hotels. His pe r ju ry proved too heavy a blow fo r h im. lending to a ful l confession of his complici ty in the fmuils , and to complete physical pros-

Iration, f rom which recovery is iloulit-

ful . The President gave another evening

reception on the 23d, and will hold the last of tho season ou t h e 7th prox. Lent is so near at hand Ihat t h e Whi t e Hnnsc

is preparing itself for a long rest from tho severe labors of receiving callera, which onr gay and fa-diionablo season imposes upon its occupants . To the people general ly these recep t ionsa t sume a monotonous fea ture by repeti t ion, for there is necessarily very l i t t l e depar tu re f rom the s tereotype about t hem. The Kiuie picture of elegant ami elaborate toilettes and brilliancy is seei at ent h, and a f t e r a t t endance upon one or two, the mind na tura l ly wearies of the sight. But to the s t ranger it is, of course, in-tensely interest ing, and no visitor to Washington should fai l to a t tend, o r omit ciillliig upon the families of the Secretaries on their reception day*.

20, 178. IHfl. 358,


WW. 80.

158. 1058.




In Ora t tan , on Fr iday, J a n u a r y 30th, Mr. J o h n Ward , aged 79 years. The f u n e r a l was held a t G r a t t a n Cathol ic c h u r c h on Sunday ,

In Ixiwell, on Sa tu rdav . J a n . 31st. of dropsy, Mr. Sebastian Wunsch, aged 79 year*. Funera l was held a t the res idenco on Monday.

At Six Lake*. Montcalm county , Mich. Mrs. 1. Corliss, former ly of th is vicinity, in the 79th year of he r age. Tho re-main* are expected here to-morrow, Thursday , fo r in te rment in the Keene cemclerv, Mrs. Corliss was among the first settlers of Keene; she has for a number of years m a d e her homo wi th Cornelius Corliss, her son. Deceased is a s is ter of Messrs. G . R . a n d E. Sayles of Ixiwell. The f u n e r a l will be held nl the M. E. Church in th is village on Thursday , al 10 o 'c lock.

Waahlnglaa Letter.

Howne Dret l t le t ,

Work has already conimtnced for the bui lding of the parsonage.

Rev. D. Gostelow is a t .>resenl ho ld ing special meet ings with t h o Paris Baptist church. A good degree of interest is manifented.

Rev. and Mr*. D. Gostelow were par-ticularly requested to be present ut tho residence of Mr. Hale of Aloakn, last Tuesday evening whero their m a n y

friends in t h a t vicinity wished to wel-come them lo a donat ion par ty ar ranged for their express lienetlt.

Henry Gould of S o u t h Lowell has purchased a fa rm In t h e vicinity of St . Loui*, Macomb Co. whe re he in tends to remove in the spring. Wc are »orry to lose Mr and Mrs. Gould, but wo bo-speak fo r them a host of w a r m f r i ends nmeng their now acquaintances .

J . E. R.

Cauaon Kepctl t ,

Miss Bell Noy. of Cannonsburg is now principal of the Union School, in place

of H, Martin.

Sir. a n d Mrs. J ames Howard liavo a fine young son which weighs nine aud

one half pounds.

Mr. and Mr*. W m . Grouuer'* Infant *011 proved too frail fo r this s tem world and him gone to blossom iu a more gen-

ial d i m e .

Mr. nnd Mrs. Abraham Kromer in-tend to make a visit lo the *tale of New

York , in t h e spring.

Mr. H . G, Smith and E. (.'base, of Lowell have been vis i t ing in Cannons-

burg .

Wednesday evening, a f t e r a t t end ing church , a few of t h e young people of Cannonoburg in company w i t h the i r Lowell friend* went to Mr. M. V. Krill '* and hud u social visit InteniHTsed wi th mnslc and r e f r r shmrn l s . Tlio evening |ins*ed plwuantly and all fi ll they had been sirengthened sp i . i lus l ly , moutully and phyaUally. A f t e r which they went to serenade Mrs. Hyde ; when, t o their

mrprise. Ihov were greelcd ivlth a shot f rom a revolver which cansisl theiii to

HIT in aliinn to their respective hnme*.

Ann Aiber-Orallan.

Total number of s tuden t s in the Cni-

versity count* up 1.410. P ro f . R. A. Proctor ' s lecture " o n the

Moon and other Satel l i tes ." at U n i v e r -s i ty Hall, J a n . 23. called out l lf teen

hundred people. J a n . 21. a most successful u | ieral iun

wa* performed upon a Kansas lady, by whlch an ovar ian t u m o r was removed which weighed 25 pounds. This lady was accompaniMl by C. S. K n i g h t , her fami ly physician—a graduate of '78, w h o hud located a l K i n v i n , Kansas, a n d was t h o first M. D. t o r igh t ly diagnose th is pat ient 's diHlcully, This case a t t rac ted much at tent ion a t the HotpiUil. Dr, K n i g h t a f t e r seeing t h e lady ou t of dan-

ger returned to Knnuas. Tho last wishes of Lucian J . Hoioing-

ton—the llrst pa t ient lost d u r i n g the present college year—were thai a po*t mor t em exani inat ion bo held, wh ich re-vealed the fact tha t the l i g h t kidney was entirely suppura ted , and the liver weighed 7 1-2 lbs. Thi* but cont inued

Prof . McLean's conclusions. J . Thompaon of Lowell was al Clinic

J a n 31, but waa advised by the medical facul ty to have no th ing done in the line of surgery fo r h i s cancc ious ntTtction.

Mrs. Lucy Slo«king nnd M. A. I^ssl-

jl'rom our Regular Conrtpondenl.)

WASHINOTOK, D. C., J a n . 31, 1880.

The suffrage movement here grows a|ince, though it cannot a t ta in sufficient s t rength t o induce Congress to restore it. So uiiiled arc t h e taxpayer*general ly against it, and so imbued is Congress w i t h the same feeling, tha t only nt1

Ieg!*lator», with new ideas, can lie induc-ed to give us again the liallot. The feeling ia general tha t w e now havo Ihe best fo rm of Dlslrlcl Government had fo r m a n y years. Congress has full super vinory power, and the right of appeal to il fo r redress upon any grievance, real or fancied, is freely exercised by our citizens. But wheu appeal to the lial-lot, as against t h e power of our mob el-ement to exercise it* right, is urged in lieu of tlial to Congrc**, only our brok-en-down political hacks, and aspi rants fur office, who realize lha l only the mob can ever give them position*, or men like Mr. Durant . whose mind is ful l uf Fourierisms, 1 an lie found to mipport t h e theory. Universal sufTrnge is not popular hero, for our conservative peo-ple realize tha t the ulcer found iu every clly, through the denizens of its s lums and hells, it is an gangrenous and dan-gerous here as elsewhere, nnd they are perfectly willing to let well enough

alono. At the Capitol mat ter* wag a long us

usual . The Senate wn-i enl ivened, re-cently, by Senator Bayard, who deliver-ed himself of hi* llnancial pent-up bur-den to an extent not at all palatable to the Western and Southern Democrats, i ho deprecate any iiitrodiiction of liard

or pajier money issues into national pol-itic* a l present. Bayard i* a mobt able

lawyer ami reanoner, and his ex pre* sion* have, therefore, great weight particularly so jus t now, when he is an aspirant for t h e Whi t e House occupan cy; but w e feel assured that Ills lack of personal magnet i sm and oratory, which prevent* him f rom be ing a popular poli lician outs ide of l i t t le Delaware, united wi th his financial view*, will bury him *0 deep t h a t even Sammy Tilden, with all hi* paralysis of body and puree-*lring*, will dUlnnc* him at t h e next Democratic convent ion. In the House the discussion on t h e revision of rules largely occuple* t h e day, hence the wheels of legislation are moving *lowly.

Since the laughable lilt between 8un-*et Cox and Horr , of Michigan, the House has not lieen enlivened wi th

smile, save in the res taurant room*, nor baa it exhibi ted that confusion which marks the proceedings when impor tan t

legislation is before it. The colored exodus f rom North Caro-

lina, which has ••aused so much con-

sternat ion and excitenieiil a m o n g cer lain politician* and newtpapers , and which led to Senator Voorhee*' investiga-tion commit tee , now exhibi ts a atrnnge development . So far f rom having s politicnl bearing, t h e evidence taken by the Senator shows the ma t t e r to be tin result of a n unprincipled scheme to ben efit a railroad, l b s sgent of which testi lied that he went into "Ni.rth Carolina for no o ther purpose than to induce the colored people to t ravel over his road to Indiana, and fu r ther , that he intended hereaf ter to go to this S ta te ami per suade them lo retuni to their old homes, thus ge t t ing double fare. It skeins in-credible Iha t , for a smal l p i t tance of per-c?n tagr on t icket* sold, a railiim'l offi-cial would cajole ignorant, credulou* negroes f rom their homes by means of u

swindling promise of work and g i f t s of land, e tc . . induco them to sull their small p i t tance of properly and then send them a m o n g s t rangers to s tarve, for all he knew or cared. They were poured in upon us. a n d hundreds of them were kept huddled together in a church he-longing to one of our Colored congrcga lions, and all thia wa* done unde r tin plett of char i ly . I t is a Uity that t h e lin-famous scoundrel inst igat ing this f raud caunot l>e puntohed w ith au lucarcrra lion in the peni tent iary for a t e rm of of years, A felon's garb is the proper ado rnmen t for such soulless kuaves.

A last w e have reached tho t rue iu-wanlne** of the Ind ian question, which

has culminated iu the discovery of Com-missioner Hayt ' s i rreguluri t i fs , and his

One day la*l week, feeling that death with nboiit to t atcli him in its natural grip, he d rew his Uowiv upon a fellow disperai lo and the la t ter shot h im throtigh and through the henrl.

An emplnye in a meniigerie at Lyons was nearly oaten alive latelv by heven lions, into whose cage he had oiilereil fo r Ihe purpose of cleaiiing it. The lion tamer , a woman , hap|iened to Is- on the spot and rescued the man.' but not tic-fore lie had I-TU fearful ly mnti lnled.

On a recent voyage f rom Hong Kong 1

to San Fmncisco t h e captain of tho ship liad one son washed overlxiard and drownetl ami another Isirn to h im. so ho laiuU'd wi th a.s many as he started with.

The New Orleans Picayuno is chnriln-ble enough to believe lhal t b i r e a n - h u n d -reds of mi'ii engngod in |Nilitics who are not Imil at hear t , and w h o would lie wil l ing to get an honest l iving if Ibrv could gi t it wi thout work .

According tn the dovolopmeiits of a pending law-suit in BnlTalo tho bus im-s of m a n u f a c t u r i n g glucose is a profitable one. It is alleged that the shares of tho Bul ta lo g ra j s ' sugar comiiany, tho origi-nal value of which was $11*1 each, a r e now worth |'30,000 each, and it is said that tho concurn inakes from ?30,000 to $40,000 |ier week.

A let ter recent I v mailed a t Chester, Orange county , N. Y. was addressed t o a certain person at "lisr-'l IdrJ-.'. Ho-l u m . " In the mail car it foil to Capl. J . J . Cox lu distriliiite, and at last it occurred to h im that its dest inat ion might lie No. 121 One Hundred a n d Twenty-second street. Harlem. T h e letter was forwarded and there found i ts owner .

The aggregate steam power of the world is a t nresent 3,800,000 horse pow-e r employea in stat ionary engines and 10,000,000 horse power in locomotive engines. This steam power is equal to the working force of 23.000,000 nurses, and onn horse consumes three t imes as much food as one man . The s team power, therefore is equal t o t h e sav ing of 75,000.000 h u m a n beings.

Af te r some seven years of labor Elder Rounds of tho advent church of Ports-mou th , N. IL, has completed a m a p aliout 200 feet long, representing tho dates and events cbroiiich d iu tho Bible f rom B. C. to 1881. According to t h e KIIIIT'S c ipher ing Chris t is coming on ear th iu SepteniDer. 1881, aud will re-main I.OOO years, dur ing which t ime "all nations will be converted, and at the end of tha t l ime the world will lie di«tro%ed and rebuilt, and tve roign for-ever iu Paradise ."

The recent arrest of o v e r a d o z e n c o u n -torfoiters in Oswego causes the Palla-d ium of that city to remind its readers t!mt it has long advocated the obtablish-ineiit of money-making manufactor ios there. It regards this arrest as evidence tha t i ts advice was followed.

Tho mild win ter is responsible for niiineruus unusual occurrences, and it may account for tho ap|ienraiice along tho shores of t h e Hudson of ag rea t num-ber of American eagles, Thoy are sa d by those w h o have observed their movo-

Tu-A fLno bonded deb t of Port Huron be o n •friondly terms " wi th I 9 . L 0 . 1 . 1 . t k t . 1 ? , i r ^ i ' i 1 t ' " ' 'vijd ducks which frequent tho riv-

To iimko room for spr ing <IHHIS. I of-fer my ent i re sti» k of c lo th ing and o v e r m n t s n t less t h a n wholesale p r i r e t . Call and secure giKids eheap.

CHAS. ALTHEN. Cor store, Trnln's block, Lowell,


Having purcluiMsI Iho Forest Mill* 1 desire toannoi ini o to It* |>itron* and

j customers gonerd ly my purpose uf eon-

| tinuinir tho busin-Ms a , horeloforo car-, ried on bv this Mill, g iving s|iecial at-

lent iun lo oiist'ini »• k, and I IIO|N-1 wi th fair deal ing to merit and rocoivo a

| liber-il share of pa t ronage. The water ' hjis now gone down so wo aro prepnred 1 to do eiistoiii gr inding p rompl l t .

E. K. w i s N R I t .

T O T H E LAIUKS. The IVerlr-s Cradle Swing is now nil

exhibit ion at tin-'.HI r e n t Store. Tlie Swing it self-pniiadliiiK by tho oreli-pan t . Is niHtanlly rhungi-ablo while In the swing, to a n i ' l in ing ur Ilat [s-si-lion. Makea an oxcelleilt ciadle—|ier

[ fect ly safe, and t h e motion •"'Her nnd more heal thful t han riKkimt. W i n n

not in use occupli * no more room than a child 's high chair. Can be h n n g in any iloorwny in nn ins tant . No troubl" In move to any |*irt of the housi ' . It has lieen Ir i t lbfnl ly 1 allisl Mother 's J o y a n d Baby's Ih'liglill

UTNLU'I FITRT S.-UI II--- ; o i l . C L o r l i n , . t

Weathorwax's Column

owing machines l*»t |

corner store. Train 's

State Newt.

Wm. Nuwhal l . of Jenniaonvilk- . Ot ta-wa county , has been sell ing liniior on Sunday, and concluded tha t u fine and costs to the ninount of ^10 nnd 15 days iu jail would about 111 his ease.

The boy w h o car r ied off the West Point appoin tment in the fourth con-gress lonu distr ict ut t h e recent examin-ation at Paw Paw was nn on ihan , who has had to fight his own bat t les thus far in life. And he has got the stuff in4iim t h a t wins.

Tlie case in the supreme court a^uiiist the several miimbers of tho original Niles wa te rworks for t h e u s l a w f u l exer-cise of f ranchise , was recently decided in favor of t h e people, fining t h e m e m -bers of the company f l each and costs of suit.

rjt.i - » i i ,» ' . i . fcsja. ,1M. «iVal,/', ' ,*

F o r p n c e u n d full imrt iculars i iddn ss or call on E. O. Kelly, at the 99 cent store Lowell Mich., General Agent for Kent , Ionia and Ingham counl i ' s.



lerest, but which the holders a r e willing | ,. r

lo r e fund a t 7 per cen t . , a n d ye t there an- men wi th brass enough to stand up in public and advocatc repudiatiun.

A sneak thief uanietl J . Owens uf Sparta . Kent county , has been convicted as lieing a disorderly charac te r under t h e s tatute , ani l has been seutoiiced to lonin for one year . Owen* fail is I to support his wife, deserted he r jus t liefore con-finement a n d levanted for tho" nor thom lumber camps.

John McCluro of Scofield, Monroe Co., left home t w o months ago and has not lieen heard f rom since thougn ho prom-ised to w r i t e back. His wi fe and child-ren are grentlv distressed on his account and fear tha t lie is sick somewhero and unable to communica te wi th thoin. Ho has lost a (hiiuib f r o m his left liaml b y which he may be idenlil led.

Tho win te r is not so " o p e n " up no r th as the wea ther latulv In this locality would seem to indicate. News froiii Manistee says thai snow there is aliuul a foot deep , ' and sleighing is excellent: there i* plenty of act ivi ty and cunmge again in the lumber camp, . At Ros-cominon. aliout Houghton nnd I l iggins lakes, the snow is aliout 16 incbos d ^ p and sleighing never was better .

Hall & Townseiid of Ionia sold t o Messrs. Swan. Whi le A.Smith, of Mii'-ke-gon, 1,040 acies of ext ra quali ty pine timber, which is es t imated to cu t 14,-000,000 feel . The price paid was •33,-845, an average of $82,50 iier acre. The land is i n O<ceoln coun ty , a n d tho logs will lie p a t into Ihe Muskegon river at Evarl . over the Laboufe logging rail-roatl, a dis tance of 10 miles.

A lire started iu R. B. Sniith'H school teat factory a t Por t land, Fr iday n ight , and before i t subsided resulted in t h e dest ruct ion of tha t establisluuvnt, the Hunter tool company 's nmchinery, etc., and Griffin & Cniupbeir* plaining mill. The losses are a* follows: Hunte r tool compony's loss 11.500, insurance $(500; R. B. Smi th $3,000, n o insurance; (iriffin & Campbell '* mill and machinery $0,000 no insumnco

Thoy bad an s d u l t r y case up for trial a t Char lot te the o the r day . Men w h o never kmjw what it w s to a t tend cour t before sa t patiently th rough t h e weary hours wal l ing for It to come on. Jus t before tho case was o|M'ued. J u d g e Hook er very properly ordered the room clear-ed of nil unuer 21 years of age. and iiiany disappointed faces passed out and d o w n . One young fellow f rom Ches te r thought he was terribly abused because be hud ]iaid hi* railroad fare to town for the sole purpfise of a t t end ing the trial , and then had to leave, whi lennother one per jured himself before tho judge that lie m i g h t remain.

One of tho foremost sellers ot chain pugne iu this country has not vet hoiinl of or worried almut "the fai lure of the wine c rop in France . So long as cider aud cnrlNinic a n d hold out he i t sa fe .

Though l ly iugsnow Hakes ai- souu1

what more uumerou* in Loadvillo than Hying bnllots. Wi l l iam Taylor caught a s|M-nt pistol ball In tho |iahii of hi* hand whi le wa lk ing a long Iho airi-oi tho oth-er day .

Of rich Phlladolpbiaiis who died last year . Asa Packer loft an e*tnii valued at over $8,000,000: Thomas 11 Powers almut tho mnie : Bloomtli'ld II. Moore ove r $3,000,000: Roaalii-BcnviU $l..'a"l,-000 and George Falls $1,325,000.

A railroad which croisos Worcester county has a now suiie •inlendent. who. l o prevent tn i in b a n d s r iding o n o the r t rains t han there own without paying, issnod au order .so strict that conductors, engineers nnd bnikoinon were required to pay full faro on their own trains . When ho found how it worked hei-isiied a second order kindly pormit l ing hands to ride f ree on their own trains .

LIST tu* LETTERS romiiining in t h e Po,t offlco at Lowell, Kent County Mich. Feb. 4. K^O.

I .'ii lies List.—Mrs. Sophia A. Kinnoy, Miss Minna McArthur . Mis. M. Milett.

Gents List .—John Crtueri, J o h n Nich-als, E. W. Nelson.

Foreign List,—Mrs Sally Shu|H-. Persons call ing for these letters will

ploase »av "ADVEBTIBEII" and give t k e duto of il'iis no)ice.

J A S W. H I N E . P. M.


T i n i e r a n d K c p n i r t r r uf . 'Huisical

I n s t n i n i c u t N

is iu b iwo l l and will pi-omptly a t tend t o all calls. Special nt teut iou given to Reed I i is truments. Twoiity-livc years exporioiico. All work warrnntis l sat-isfactory. Leave orders al Pot ter ' s Ho-* tel.


On Fr iday, J a n . 23, iu tho village of Lowell, a Ladies' pocket lunik contain-ing money. The ownei can have it by calling on t h e unders ignsd ot Weather -wax 's store, proving pro|icrly nnd pay-ing charges.


Waterloo, Iowa, J a n . 25, 18;u. I was taken wi th an acu te at tack of

rheumat i sm last fall, and confined to bed. At first employed a physician, without benefit; then sent to Wangler Bros." d r u g s t o r e , nnd obtained a bottle of St Jacobs Oil, tho use of which soon gave m e relief, nnd cured me of tho at-tack. I can safely recommend it to all suf fer ing wi th rheuniai is in . Respectful-ly. MATT. MCDERMOTT. 1. C, R, SllUpa.


Tho most wonderful remedy uf t h e nge is now placed within the "reach of all. Be he rich or bo ho poor, it costs niilhing lo give this groat remedy a tri-al. l)r. King's Cnlifomia (ioldoii Com- , iHiuud. fo r dys|ie|isia. sick headache, low spirits, loss of apiM-titc. coming up j of food, yellow complexion, gonor.il de-bility. drowsiuens. l ivorcomplaint , j a u n - 1 ilico a n d billousut iai. for which it is a | cottnin nnd rpcedy cure. No |Kr>on 1

should be without it. In order to prove , that it will do all wo claim fo r it you are given a trial bottle f r ee of cost." which | «i l l convince you ol of it* truly wonder-ful morit", auil show j on w but a lobu-lar 11110 tlollar ei/i Isitllo will do . i 'or sale bv Hunt A Hunter . Uiwell Mich.

O110 of New \ ciir'a proniinciit 1 bomisl . 1

Mr. Vlls rl ( ' Dang, 111 Bowoiy. viyi.. ' S t . J acobs Ud cured a well-known

anciionci r. and maiiv oibei promiiiont 1

ciii^ons of thi ' iiniatisni. It is a lollablc reined v.

NOIIIIOH for all mado at Altbon's block.

Rev. Wm. H. I ' hapmau. Pas to r of M. E. church . Oenrgelown. I). C., writea: " H a v i n g hud nn opport nity lu tost tho excellent qiialitios nf I r. Bull 's Cough Syrup , I hesitate not to say. it is tho liest roinit ly I hnvo ovor used in m y f am-ily.


My hoiiso and lot in Lowell. Good location, liist-class conveniences, a n d in all respects detirablo properly. Will bo •old at a bargain. E. P. DOTY.

281 f

MILLINEdtY 1 have jus t rcceiveil a largo stock of

Win te r t ioods a n d a m nre|>arud to sell cheaper than any one else in the ci ty. You will find my goods t h e very best I tha t could lie pufchascd . Hals tn ron ied ; in s tyle fo r $1. Old ha ts made now fo r | 40 ccn t j . Please call and examine my gotsls liefore purchasing elsewhere.

Ultf MliV. E, S P R A G U E . 2d door west of P. O.

Celluloid collars and cuffs a t ( ' . Altbon's.


I n tlie S t ree t s of Lowell 011 tho 21st, inst. a now whalebone whip. Tho find-

er will Is* liliernlly rewarded if ho will leave it at .1. C. Scotts .

G o to J . C, Wssl ' s fo r tho best 5 and ten cent cigar in town. T o - a '.Oer. |

I n s u r e y o u r l i f e

In the Mutual Benefit Association of Michigan. A policy of $5000 for only | l Cnoapest a n d ' liost insurance iii Mich. For part iculars call on F. D. Eddy at tho Post-office.

Chow Jackson ' s Best Sweet Navy To-bacco.

A now supply ot Bri t tana Toa|iots, Castors. Silver Plated ware. Jewel ry , Table Cut t lery , Umbrellas . Mirrors, Ac., jus t received "at t h e 09 cent store. Music Hall block.

Few aro aware of the Importance of checking a cough o r common cold iu it* llrsl s tage. That wh ich iu Ihe begin-n ing would yiold to a mild remedy, if neglccted soon iireys upon tho Lung*. Dr. Bull's Cough Sy rup affords ins tan t relief.

W O R T H K N O W I N G . Crenm Balm has the proiwrty of r e - .

diicing l-M-nl i rr i tat ion. Sores in the { mi'.jl passage are luraled up in a f e w ! days. Headache, the effect of Ca ta r rh , | is dissipated in an almost magical m a n -ner. Ex| iectoration ia made w : , H y- ' f i n A n i l T ) f V C I I Sense of tas te and smell is more o r less I r n l l l i r . K I K X I restored. Bad taste in tho m o u t h and I ' unpleasanl breath , whe re it results f rom ca ta r rh is overcome. T h e nasal pass-1 ages, which have been closed for years 1 aro made f n o. Buy a Ixitllo fo r 50 cents 1

and you will rocommeiid it, or t ry a 10 | cent Hamolu bottle.

QUERY: W h y will men smoke c o m - 1

moii toliacco, when they can buy Mar- j burg Bros. Still of North Cnrolina at iho siinio price?

S t o r e . LOWELL. - MICH,

j. 11. Dti LiiMy o|iens a full line, and well assoited

Stock of Dry Qoods In tho store of J . C. T R A I N O N T I I K R R I D G E .

My stock will consist of Staples, Domes-tics. Tr imming, Silk iu all Colors,

Plain nnd Brocaded, also Plain and Brocaded Satins and

A'a" Velvets. KldGloves. Hos-iery. Laces. Ham-

burg Edgings. aud in (ni t

E v e r y t h i n g l o i i n i l in 11 I l m t - c l a s s D r y G o o d s S t o r e .


H E R E W E A R E !

Enfire Change of

P R O G R A M M E .


Fresh from the Hub.

J. H. PEUfW. Come and See

The Best Stovh of



A marvel lous euro fo r ca ta r rh , diiih-theria. canker mouth , and heatlacne. With each Iwttle th«re is an iiigoniuns m u a l In jec tor fo r t h o more successful i t r en tmon to f tbu complaint , wi thout ox-t m c l u u m Pr ice 50 cents .


M T g Sowing Machine Co. havo u p e m d au olllce wi th E. O. Kelloy at tlie W) j Cent Store in I.0W0II. Please call and j

. xumino tho liest Sewing Machine in the ll 'orW, None Genuine wi thout tho Singer M T g Co's. Trade Mark on | a m i of machine. Wo ful ly wa r r an t every machine. Sold on easy month ly

payments . C. F. K E N N E D Y ,

Special Agent .


Tho Lowell Foundry wi th a ten-horse steam power and llrst-cliisa equipment tbroiigliout. A good business and de-sirable location. Will lie sold at a Uir-ga in . Fo r f u r t h e r port iculars app ly to or address

H. N. TAYLOR, Adiuii i istrator. Lowell . Mich.

P . S.—All persons indebted to tho es-t a t e of J o h n Taylor. deceased, nre re-quested to call at tho Foundry olllce and settle without delay. 27ivl.


Lowell. • Mich, | N L O W E L L .




Bought at very Low


Figures, will be sold ot Prices

That Cannot be Beat.

voortntt iillui! U«on«. .idt.Dstwiili-nhDi. •mlii '•t 'w/n -ymp,' '•>" "•"<,»? iri inaM.

.Win "ic1 Tmr, will to* peitoa poBtlniM sluarli i JiJ'Ovit ! ' l u * ! ' i " l "hjM'i ,

I r 'Srau '. k: Vll" • liny niacout. with bron-u , c . i i tnjr b: "I intl brwuhlri It f r y t . ...un.l .«t t i 1. ir U no rtmr-ly• Anr >1, u.-li noiuriut ii" l~Jtils Dr. smltlii v i syi »wil ls :< , .J

.'1. ui, <l'l»-t»--, — | . .1 u' I <1 ' U<h« fui-ta. TWUln* 11

i>rti. IIk^v-i,^ AtOiiiM.UttlMjr. Un.ac j n , ») Wbat 'lut'iiusb Vkut-ii Ow tu u J «iib NlflitWtTi, » .|«sl.'i o a u *. 11 w. jm 1 « &I >1 rl&.

A few day* since a goulleman. «h i lo a t t empt iug to light n cigar at bo rail-road depot in Williani*|iort, bad M I I I I O

dillculty in making tho liiv t ake bold. He atiueezed t h e end of the cigar and a lady'* gold ring dropiwd f iom It.

SEWING MACHINES, Whi te , Now Homo, and Royal M.

J o h n . Tlins- of tho btlt-.l nnd UM mnchiues iu t h e n i n i k e t . NONE B E T - j TER. All with tho Intest Improvoments. ; Sold cheap for cash at Cluis. Altl icu's

Tho Jiiimnoho make .1 \e iy curious c l o t h i n g hou«e, l a iwd l , and hantlsome kind of cop|s r bv cast- - — . . ing il under wate r , the metal being j v o T t i i-' h ighlv heated, and the «l i ter slso be-i n g hot . The result is a l ieaul i ful ro*o As F e b n i n n Ist comes o i iSuudav . the ' coloretl tint which 1* not affect , d bv n u i ( , n , „ ( | i r U M f l i r l h l . c o r r „ : t M 1 . , exiHMiiro to the atmoMibore. , , , ,, 1 ' ,11111011 of my rebus will occur nl mv

" I f you was a de ten t i iersou,"rcmaik- S( ( ) r , , j fondav, Feb. .'d nt o'clock ed a shrill female voice on the rai lway, , 1 1 1 1 " y o u would shut down that window i P - U i o s o that havo handed 111 sohi-a n d not txpou i n je t o t h e d r a f t . " "Mini- l ions a r e re<|Ue8lcil t o present o r as a m " was the replv a* the window wan 1 m a n v a* powible. Those that havi not sof t ly lowered, "1 t hough t f n n n vour i s o l v t , 1 „ , , | a l l j face that vou were over lo. and there- , ' , . , fore out of the d r a f t . " Madam'* reply t l ' v ' , r f0 1 ' d w u i n g one of iln.-o olognnt is not recotdod, priros. Send in your solutions.

T h e r e is in t h e "arcbiv. ." „f Mr. A. B. J o l l y W t y o u m . Hul l , uf Daabury , Conn., an old Hint- n , , v t i f IIKI iu-vi.- IT-. lock shooting-irou thai was carried bv his fa ther iu tho revolut ionary w a r and That in this town I bore are scoivs ol w i t h which he fooletl a lory b y [Hiking : jK-rwons passing our store every day it up f rom behind a reek to d raw Ins 1 whose lives are made nmerab le by' indi-Qrv a n d t hen k i l l ing him. It would ap- gcMion. dyspepsia, sour nnd dlslren-od , pear that the lory drew a lino bead, as s iomuch, l iver complaint , coni t ipa l ion . t h e bullet f r om bis "fowlingpieco" s truck j when for ^5 centa w e will Sell t hem Sbi-tho flint lock and hn? since remained ; loh's Yitaliavr, g u a m n t e e d t o cure thc.iu ' ' ' So ld bv M - : ' *

. . . gii'.rdltWnilrf. ' I Lltr* i-i Hit I.imp. Thrwt

(lit 1 •• 'Is. n. tjlin in in • Uo u .bllM,

of iKV l»'li. M ~ - . cuiuoUtJ

ii n suidoy lini(ilMMitiuri& — 1 , . 1,-1 tri""'*- <

ibn »il. 11, Hwiwt llmtlh rH UI, 1 »ll*p tl-e Cl-tf IIWl

I «>i uii,dtriir.sn>lih\si,l Mi, l\iu.Ki imn.i 11 u

i,ct t urn-, .r til lilt.bat w •uiiiNr .iv ,'l nt mriilM. thtt w- uflVr. In (Oal Win t*ii in tny |wiv u tinlfi-l

. Willimmcullbtl'.irt,Lit' UlllM,-!. wlik-h IU Umrly

g " I u«t will Del isirt. tf p t !••• It* Slm», liMcmld "r »

uniiu . ft*ul litetth, pio. tpptUlr. J^utiil htt.r Irh* dull nun In Ihi u .». nr tny "f tin ini> t„n a«-lu. »nili. 1 MllliucU Uloul ISliiitl.

1 U' i Bl'W • I i h " ' " ' " 1 I . iwiifionot pistil*, ptm In th* bf.K tiyl Ii |,«, * b b . n o - . J -t t n i f t I,'tbMi|'l>r«. Wtt»-1,1 >0.1? .> ' nlrtl . Ibta m.sl'.-inn "111 t«i» run.'or w •oil s, -fi . f '

I i Sit.. • r r .1, Uih.f«i.i.'l1n.|iliw,.u4l. 11 • nm • hwt Vf iftilt, ktlt Itli. urn. lib unit •Urn U.n i|WflnaJo.oOsr»tulirm;n lit J52s>«" aSo ' If. I "bi, n In path's Hlllllnii. ii,ilvtlf_ 1 .ha I ' . ; " - ' ,1!.- •.n* mvi-. r »itU. ' mlr-•is.mi v U m Uiitr"«;>' Tlut

th II v .Mfr ' 1 -


H o w Y o u r

We huue the

Account Stands, AT T H E

J o u r n a l Off ice

imlieddud t'lerein.

( 'all \iid Set Call and ><

S l ' K V l M K N S O F r i t l N T l N O .

VliVFli I ' lS lNt l Sl'AC'E,

lllll \ .v» I ' l i s W ' O n r Now Sleaniglnr

Our New Monev Drawer .

U yna wtnt a tnmt tMt nif. tliunt ,lij»«tln tHrti brrtth, toun,l tlttp. tn,1 rlrtr .s,in)<i, i;w,. ut" lis. KniraSsm 11 s,,i. Ill,h, 111'l 111 ilh.

Wvdiiimt Kll j-.ni that Ihlt Itannv for til ill« bul to i,o«invei,ri* wt or Ii* mrrli®. 1S..1 wr uIT r. In (<KI<1 ftuli. >30 to i<n> i tnon lOIUIr l " ih , dltetMof lb* nusii,, I.i\ i.nnr KmNt.vt, Kbivb t tlniflv uw ut tbli n-mcsly win nol euro.

• • T i p t bf l L!»tf Kuui, li.rn. Ai>si by a roil*,! IUQIU*. 10,11 brvtili, p.-T ..| rir-.arnl bvt.l tctar, ilull iviln In ilu- tlilo, ytllot «k!n.or my of IhcM ty"i|,tam>. Itku Ur. HniUhl Slllllnsln nlo.«l IMrlflrr.llltttumrurt. Pbyilc'tn< rtounni.nl It tt btinj t mil rrfruHr ifitSj, tu 1 onf 'o o.' n-llnt 111.111 lu til n*->.

It It rnnlilly Uklni llir pUcr ol Hit old. tlnn tnd uiictmlu rcmnlltto! ll„ |»ul. X/"' toiu.i hsv-

1 liitf httfn tol4iliirin( lb* frw mvlilLt. "''If jtj hiTiIUj:; £1:IUI, wlib rtij mul frvft-

l»b ikln. mprlcloin upiS'lllr otln in HII- b.icl; ui bijn. • bKh tt llmtt clitncn to tiioublrn. U, itU: tour tMltl m Is bt, tn I rtiirun; ibrilti lusVrs yc; f,tl nml «iitl4Mi.',i.i»iii, tt,! Oi uldu.. lir.suatbt Mlllimu lllocl I'urlll.-i tl Olli «•. II nill I Oliu ly rurr you.or »II win l.'ifr 1 iho tbove r»««rl

W J t l Hi»i tpptatlni 111 Ibe form of llirplrt Illotcbwt,Uollt.llivrs,luU.sullRhtom Ubi 1 mttltui, Uunrn-w.Swollia Jnlutt.tll itsuli lloin idlM^slnmllllcn "f Ibr niis>l. lort^p-iir 1 tn •.•nfaigraioiu of the l.lvcr. hirwliU h In. sni 1 . > siiliuuit ll;o,sl Curl tier inn MVfr.fiilliin r, 11 u.'



The best in toim ma wore comintj

•.ill thu tune.

mvoimio 1«h! b/ iht Ulghctl aulboriu. Ani. w Olilli i i i rtt". .if ih* Uvtf BDI 1UU rnimlv win •

vTwriui'la u«, ilv iu tynirn 1. •. »iw "J" ' tuu tbf d'l'ir-l inftrnnlUin 1 '*01 ,-bar»o.

nn U. A. i-MI I II .V CO.. ItopV tor, Pt J.M Weatbevwax,

Sl.WS O F T H E W E E K .

M I C H I G A N .

Tlie ninTcnl iun i-f Ihr <-<'"nty •upcrii i lond-r n U nl thr iiwir OIIUMII H" •I ,"IIIII rri iUy »(• torniHin nt Kalmnixwi. » « r r tho m w t nuroi*"-ful • I tn inn the nnmioiJiKiin h»* e t o r Imil. J- T. Cobb «•« tc -r l iv ln l i r r t cUry u u l !»»»<• U ' * i » nl Mnnn* trrwurcr.

Thr luxly "f » m m «»» m n IITCF nrw AiU by Ihe iiluht c * p r i « "e*! nn the Uelri.ll »nil I l l U m i k i v rulruwl December t . The train .l.ppiiiil ImiiiNttately, anil Ihe IMKI)' WM finiiiil to li»»e been mnrdereil »ml iilaerd on the lr»rk. A coroner'* inqueat ami all other eimelTom (mini to diarover who hi- waa or who were hi» iiiniilerera. The Innly haa now been Identlbed an thai of ( leo. I.e.-. a • tone-cotter , who waa laat heard frmu al work in Oiinton county.

A party of live pi-mona runaiatinK o ( Mr. tMell. wife and two children and Mr. llnuae.all of l . ittle Traterae, aet out in a araall Iniat (rum lU-an-r Inland Jan. 13 lot home, but were ahut iu by fielda o l ice and aU per i ibed except Mr. Ilouie.

The burned wiMilen mill at White Pigeon waa iiwnnl by a widow lady named Mra. lloRera. A portion of the machinery waa aared. The i 'UKinrfr ba re ly 1 wi th hi* h f f . T h e II between tfi.UUU anil Iti.OOU; no innurance.

I'tol . E. J . McEwen. principal ol Colby wademy. N. 11.. ha» Jnnt been appointed t o Ihe chair of Kngllab literature of tho Htate AKticultnral College. Mr. McEwin received tm education al Kalamaioo and waa prim-ipal o l the high achool there t w o y«*ra.

The Michigan coal company'a new worka, lour milet weat of Jaekann were totally con-aumed by fire Monday morniag. The amoke •Uck , 46 {e<-t high, fell. They will Iw imme-diately rebuil t . LVM five thouaand dollar*; no inauranco.

The aalea of the Allegan grange "tore lavt yrwr amounted to (lOO.OUO.

Prank Marti, * Ofrman l i r i n g in the town-abip of Linooln, Oaceola county , waa inaUntly k i l lc l on the aoth by a fa l l ing tree . He waa an. am1 learea a wife and aix children, the oldoiit IV ycara old.

Frank Ueama, of (ler.»ta,Van Buren county, IP yean of age, while bunting on Snnday ac-•identally ahot bimaelf. Hia body waa found Monday merning; hiaclothing burned off and hii Ueab terribly criaped. The whole charge uf the gun entered near hia heart.

A aon of Thomaa Mancbeiter, aged 3 yeara, «a> burned to death at Arenac. Saturday after-noon, during the temporary abaence of bia paranta. The lad'a c lothing c a u g h f f i r e , )nal how it not known, but it ia snppoand Irom tba itova.

A terrible fight took place Bnnday erening at the camp o l Jamea Uaragll, aix milea from Lake View, between Cornelina McCarthy and Hpencer Koblnaon. McCaxthy aaaaulted llob-miun w i t h an ax, cutt ing him aererely. llob-inton, then ae i io l a board and atruek McCar-thy a blow on the head, which reaulted in hia diath. Both are young men. Whiakey waa Ihe primary" came.

Oen. Uwigbt May died at hia home in Kala-maioo Wedneaday, a l ter an i l lneai of fire weekn. during all but one of which be waa aonfinad to bla bed. Hia trouble waa an alleo-Uou of the bladder, i n r o l r i n g t o aome extent Ihe kidneya. Oen. May waa born in Bandera-Ueld, Maaa., September b, IBM. Hi i tiarenta remored to Michigan w h e n he waa H yewa old. and he waa brought apt working on a farm and teaching achool in bia teena, • ntering the UniTeraity in 1816, graduating from the literary department in 1M9. He atudied law in the office of Lothrop A Uuflield, U e t r u f , and practiced aa an attoruoy tbere-alte:, i rat a l Battle Creek and f»r many yeara pant a l Kalamaioo. He went i n t o the army at an early atage of the rebell ion, and roae auc-renalully till he waa breveted a brigadier gen-eral, He waa not mualered ont until 1866. l ie waa eleolad l ieutenant goyernor of tho SUIe lur one term and attorney general two leriun. He waa a man of not a l ittle lorce of character, and had many warm friend*. He leavea a w i f e and daughter, recently married, Mr*. Will Brown, o l Ml. I'leaaanl.

On the SUh Willie John*on,|15 yeara old. of Fairgrove, Tuncola county, waa fatally injnred by the exploaion of hi* gun while hunting. The breeob pin blew ou l and 'truck him in the forehead, penetrating the *knll. He lived but a few hour*.

John Bradford, a ' farmar l iv ing IT mile* from Maniateo, while d igging at the bottom of a well bO feet deep, wa* buried nnder 16 feel of aand and debri* b y the caving in of the well about 4 p. m. on t h e 23d. Mtaiurot for hii relief wore at once in i t i tnted. bul be wa* not rcacnud until 6 o'clock the next morning when it wa* found that be bad *u»tained no •erioui injury, nutwithatanding bi* burial lor 10 hour*.

The board o l Commiaaionor* of the Slate re-form »chi>oI for girl* organi ied in l-amiing Wedneaday and elected the fol lowing officer*: freaident, Mra.8.K. Fuller, Orand llapid*; «eo-retary, Miia Kmma A. Hall of Fl int; treasurer, W. II. Walby. o l Adrian. All the mrmbera were preacnl but one, Mr*. Jamea F. Joy. Ileaolution* deciding not to locate the now in-•t l tul ion wharc any other S la te inati lution ii iiuw located, and deciding to receive propoaal* lur the location until April were adopted.

Abraham F.IUell. a rcaident of Norlhrilla. Wayne connty. in good circuni«lanee*, com-mitled auicide on the 'J6tb. cut t ing hi* throat Irom ear to ear. Uomcdtic ilifficultii-a are •mid to have induced the act.

A fire at I'ontiacTbnraday morning dmtroy-ed the old Lord iteam flouring mill, on l a w -rence *treet. entailing a loa* of about (b.UOU; iu*nre<l for i3,U0U. The property IM-Ionged to the Kecond national bank, and haa been out of u-rvice for *oine t ime.

John F. Uuval . tho Cadillac abientee, i* al-leged to owe about 15,000. Hi* creditor* liave attached the goodl and hia former atore i* cloted.

A Mr Voat, wife and aeven children, of Al-pine, Kenl county . hare anflered terribly from diphtheria. Five out of t h e *eveii children died within a week, and the other two at la*t aoconnt*. were not expected to live, and the lather, mother and grandmother wore all •ick.

Jamea Hulbcrt, a drunken apendthritt , atole all the bondn and Taluable paper* lielongmg to hia lather, William UullH-rl o l Ann Aiboi on Sunday ol la«l wei k, and on Tburaday re-turned aiiu demanded money on threat of abooting hi* father on the apol . Ho wa* ar-rruled bul tho paper* wore not recovered.

The third annual meet ing of the Michigan Hlate Sheep Breeder*' Aaaocialion will be held at L a m i n g , Tueaday evening, February 10. ami continue through the next day.

river. F.ight Uvea were loat, 1 chambermaid*, 'I eooki , 'i cabin boy», 1 fireman and I deck hand. The boat and cargo were valued at • 1 8 0 . 0 0 A

The factory of the Kdlaon eleetrie light com-pany wa* damaged l e t iumly !•) lite early Mon-day morning. Many machine* and p a l e t m were deattoyed. Inmreil.

The I lev. Sir. Ilayden, who hail two trial* at New Haven, Oonn,, on charge of the m u n l e t of Maty Stannanl , ha* lieen teleaaol in 6,000

hail. A party of iMiy* playing nn lha ice on Han-

ilall'a pond,near North I'tovidenee, II. I., "'"ke tht'iugh Monday af ternoonanddrowned. Two bod lea were recovered.

Tlie ahoe a h o p o l the King« countjr peniten-tiary, BriKiklyn, took lire Monday in the loft . Aa aoon a* the fiamea were diacovered the priaoiiera were ordered to quit work and tall Into line, even while the machinery waa in full operation, for the engineer in the lower part of the bui lding waa ignorant of the fire above. The ptiaonor* hail lieen at wotk about two hour*, and were promptly marched back U> Ihe ptiaon. The Bay State ahoe and leather company bad a very large atock on hand, and they eatimaled th . i r loaa at two hundred and eighty thouaand dollar*. There were about t w o hundred women and girla employed from outaide. and thove ate thrown out of em-p l o y m e n t Total loa* about three hundred thouaand dollar*

On Tueoday the Supreme Conrt of Maine anaweted the quoation* •ubmit ted by the r n -aion branch of the I-egi*lalnre. reaffirming the i l legality of that organiaatliin. Ihe Fu-*ionl*t Oovernor Smith lo reported aa taving ho lielieved that tho controveray had now end-ed. He *aid that while the previona opinion of tho Judges w a . baied on a Uepublican Mate-ment there waa room for reaaonablo doubt , but in view of the fact that tho conrt had de-cided againi t them on tho fu*ion *Utemont. thoy could but gracefully anhmit . He had got through playing governor, and abould g o home.

At t h e Scranton file work*. Providence. Pa^ Tnea^ ' j morning, a largo gr indi tone bur»t, ki l l ing Wil l iam Faftia* and ahatloring t h e building.

Tno'day forenoon Charlea Ponder, aged 30. local preacher of the M. E. chnrch. •nic ided by banging himie l f on h i i farm, f o n t mile* weat o l Now Albany. Ind. Cauae, imani ty . produced by religioua exc i tement in relation to *anctification.

A di«i>atch from Augn«la. Maine, on Wod-neaday, aay* that the fu i ion legiilature, af ter a prolonged aecret aeaiion that afternoon, ad-lourned t o meet on the 6 rat Wedneaday of A u g u . l next . Many of the member* will g o home, not to return before that ."ute, other* will go back t o the people of their di*tri«t» U abide by their deolilon aa to Joining or re-maining out o f the «Ute bon«o legii lalnre, Otbert will U k c their *0*1* among their He publican brethren.

In the ca*e of Charlea Demand, ex-treaaorer of the Mawachuu-tl* hnme mi**ionarjr*ociety charged with embe i i l emcnt , lhe Jury diaagrocd and were diacharged.

Seven Fuai inc«t Senator* took thair »cat» in tho Hopnblioan Legialature - f Maine on Tburaday and twentv-two Fmioniala took neat* in the Houae. The present Sl-vte Treaa-urer. White, turned over hia book and ac-count t o the now trea*urer Holbrook

The invcatigation of the Indian department which bad been going on for a fortnight, under the direction of Oon. Clinton B. lfi*k of St. Loui* and the board of Indian commi**ionor* ended Tburaday in tho removal of Commia-aioner Hayt .

The e icea* of export* over import* for the 13 month* ending December 31. 1879. wai I251.S50.497.

The long atanding anit of tho S i . Loui*. Al-ton and Torre Haute railroad company again*! Samnel J . Tilden. Cbarle* Butler, and other* ha* ended at la*t by virtual confeaaion* of Judgment by the defendant*, and the repay-ment of aevcral hundred thouaand dollar*.

At Ottawa. O n t , on Friday a grave digger bad thrown three or lour ahovclful* of aand on tho cuHin of a imal l -pox vict im, when ho fancied ho board a aoiao. The coffin wa* raited, ana it waa found that t h e peraon ali l l lived. He wa* taken back to the boapital.

The Auburn light infantry departed from Ai'ijn.ta, Me., Friday morning. There i* no military or extraordinary police force at the atate bon*c now.

The bakery of Prank Field A Co., Chicago, a font-atory briok building, valued at twenty . thoii*anil dollara. wa* burned Friday n ight . Tho origin of the tiro it a myalery; the «took waa valued at thirty thouaand dollara; machin-ery a l fonrteen thonaand. Inauranoo on atock. twenty tboiinand dollara. on machinery eight t b o u u n d dollara.

P E R S O N A L .

Prince Bi*marck ha* arrived at Berlin

Telegram* from Caprea annonncc Ihat a civil marriage ceremony between Oen. Oarrl-baldi and Donna Franciaco wa* performed Monday. The Oeneral at the aamo time recog-ni ied bia t w o children. Mui l io and Clelia.

Capl. John Carann. United SUtea revenue marine, and in command of the cutter Man-batten on I>ake Ontario for the paal two yeara. died at Oawego Monday afternoon.

Maurice Thompaon. widely known throu<b-out the weal and nonthweat, died a l the F i f th Avenue Hntel, New Vork, Tueaday night.

S. S. Hayea, former controller of Chicago, and for many year* a loading buainea* man, died Wedneaday night, aged 59.

The llev. J . M. Tower committed auioide at Fairbault. Minn., Tburaday morning by aboot-ing. He leavea a wife and aix children in Win-nebago. III-

T h - Pope'* health i t cant ing anxiety. He •une-r* from lit* of *hivetiDg and greal pro«-tration. but pcrtitta in hi* a*nal occupation*.

Boaeontfield It auRoring f rom an attack of g o u t

inflation and prnrlding fot a needed incteaae In lha volume of currency hy free rolnage of gold and ailvrr and thelaane of cold and t l lver certificate*. Ordered printed and teoom-milted.

Jan. SC.—ID the Houae Hi . Ortb (Rep.. Ind.) offered a reaolution lu t t ruc t lng the c o m m i t U e on railwaya and oanalt to Inqalre into the ox-iieillenay o l providing fur a turvey t o aaoer-tain the praoiicabillty of oontlrtrnoting a thip canal from Toledo. Ohio, to tke n a » l | a b l * water* of the Wabaah river at or near I * -layette, Ind. Befened."

Mr. Knott (Dem. . Ky.), ehairman of the commit tee on Jndieiary, reported a bill remov-inn thi* tMiliiloal diMbiii l lM of Wm. II. l a l i f f trro, Virginia.

Mr. Conger (Hep. Mich.) oppoaed the bill on the ground that, in hit petit ion, the peti-tioner referred to t h e late war aa the " " • b e -tween the Southern Bute* and the uni ted Htatra," in»tead of the "war of the rebellion."

The Speaker thought thai the tone of the pet i t ion did no l exhibit any diapoaitlon o o th* part of t h e petitioner t o be hyperoritieaL It waa In tho ntual form. Th* ohair waa alway* on the t ide of pentionera, and in favor of relieving ditabilitie*.

Mr. Conger—I d o not rank pentionera and tho*e who aak amneaty in the aame olaaa.

The Speaker—Th* chair would *l*ot them all to full c i t i ienahip, and tboae w h o have

offered, he wonld have penaioned. The bill waa finally paaaed, yeaa 172. nayt

63. a number of Itepnhlloana vot ing with the Demociat* in the affirmative.

F O E E I G N .

The commit tee appointed t o examine into the mental condi t ion of Franciaco Otero Oon-f aim, the wonld .be aaaaaa;n of King Alton to, havo aubmitted a report, a U t i n i he ia in tane.

The Naplea police b a n arrcated two Amor icant, charged with ateallng 83.000 franca from the l lmalan navy at Brntaelt-

The Dncheaa o t Harlboroogh'a f u n d f o r th* relief o t the Iriah dlatreaa amonnt on Wednea-day to £29,900.

A Oabnl dlapatch aaya that th* Ohum*** have aent word to Oen. Roberta that th*y have determined to fight t o the laat extremity nnlaaa Yakoob Khan la ralnaUted in Oabnl aa ameer.

Count Von Moltke. chief m w h a l ot the Oerman empire, in reply to a ooneapondent who rcqneated h im to n*e hit infloenoe with the emperor for rednctlon o f the army, writea a* fo l l owt : "The power o t the emperor can. not impreaa all nationa with the conviot ion that even a victorion* war ia a national ml*-fortune. That eonvictlon can only be the ed-ucation of nationa. tho frni t o f which we ahall neither of aa l ive t o aee."

A Berlin correapondtnt report* that at the

Erernment cannon foundry auch large ordera vo boon received that a number of freah

hand* haye been engaged and all are Working extra t ime.


W i n t e r P r u n i n g .

T h e r e a r e f o u r d i f f e r e n t g n u l w i o f p r u n i n g f r u i t t r e c n . T h o l l r s t m i d

t r m * o n e l« t h u m b p r u n i n g — t h e y o u n g

n n d H u c c u l e n t s h o o t , w h i c h s t a r t s I n t h o w r o n g p l n c e , I w l n g r u b b e d of f o r

u l p p o d w i t h t h e t h u m b n a i l . I f d o n o i n t i m e , t h i s s u p e r s e d e s a l l o t h e r p r u n -

i n g . I t s a v e s t h o w a s t e of w o o d a n d

g r o w t h w h i c h t a k e s p l a c e w h e n l i m b s o f m u c h s l / e a r o c u t a n d c a s t a w a y .

T h e n e x t , a n d n e a r l y a l l i e d t o t h u m b -, i s t h o r e m o v a l o f s m a l l s h o o t s

w i t h tTie p o c k e t k n i f e . T h i s I s f r e -

q u e n t l y u s e d I n p r u n i n g w e l l m a n a g e d t r e e s , a s n o o n e w i l l a l w a y s p a s s a l o n g

a n d e x a m i n e t h o r o u g h l y I n t i m e , a l l

h i s t r e e s , a n d e v e r y p a r t o f e a c h . T i l l s w o r k w i l l b e c o n f i n e d t o s h o o t s

o n l y a y e a r o l d . I f t h e s e t w o m o d e s a r e t i m e l y a p p l i e d , y o u n g a n d r a p i d l y

g r o w i n g t r e e s w i l l b e k e p t I n n e a t a n d

c l e a n s y m m e t r i c a l s h a p e , a n d t h e n e -

c e s s i t y w i l l n o t o c c u r ^ f o r c u t t i n g a w a y l i m b s . T l i e t h i r d m e t h o d , n o t w h o l l y

o b j e c t i o n a b l e . I s t h e r e m o v a l o f s m a l l l i m b s n o t o v e r a n I n c h I n d i a m e t e r , t h e

w o u n d s h e a l i n g w e l l o v e r In a f e w

y e a r s , a n d r e q u i r i n g n o s p e c i a l p r o t e c t -i o n o f p a i n t , w a x o r o t h e r c o m p o s i t i o n .

T h e f o u r t h a n d l a s t m e t h o d i s n o t t o

b e r e s o r t e d t o u n l e s s t o c o r r e c t g l a r i n g

o r I n c o n v e n i e n t d e f e c t s f r o m p r e v i o u s n e g l e c t , a n d c o n s i s t s I n s a w i n g o f f

h e a v y l i m b s . I t I s s c a r c e l y e v e r n e c -e s s a r y , e x c e p t I n g i v i n g s p a c e t o p a s s

u n d e r o r c u l t i v a t e t h e g r o u n d , w h e r e

l o w b r a n c h e s e x c l u d e e n t r a n c e . F o r

If t h e h e a d o f t h e t r e e i s s o m e w h a t d i s t o r t e d . I t I s b e t t o r t o l e t I t r e m a i n

p a r t l y a s i t i s , t h a n t o m a k e g r e a t m u -

t i l a t i o n . I f t h o h e a d s a r e t o o t h i c k , t h e y m a y b e t h i n n e d o u t i n s u c h a w a y

a s t o c u t of f o n l y t h e s m a l l e r b r a n c h e s .

T h e l a s t o f f o u r m o d e s s h o u l d b e a -d o p t e d o n l y a s a r e l u c t a n t n e c e s s i t y .

E C " " "

C O N G l i E S S .

Jan. 26.—in the Senate on motion of Mr. Fcrrv (Hop. Mich.). Wedneaday WM *el ajiart for the eulogie* upon the l i fe and character o l Senator Chandler.

Mr. Conkling l l lep. N. Y.) prcaenled the concurrent resolution ol tho New York legitla-u n e , reuionttreluig againat the cont lrucl ion of a twing bridge acront the Detroit nvur at De tro i t Helorred.

Mr. Cameron (Hep. Pa.). j>re*eiUd a petition

Detroit river. againnt the contlaucl iou bridge over the

D O T R O L T I N B R I O R .

The new tran»ler boat for t h e Canada Soath-xrn ua* hiicce«*lully launched at Wyandotte on Saturday. Her dimen*ion* aro: length of keal. 245 leet ; length over all. 566 feet; breadth of beam, 45 let-.; breadib over all, 75 feet; depth of bold, 13 feel C inchea.

Iho Supreme Court bat *n*tained tke deci*-iuu of Judge Chamber* and di*mltted the bill to enjoin the erection of the now market build-ing. Tho work ha* been proceeding without interruption,

Oert le Phelp*, daugbtei of Marvin Phelp*, an employe at thr Antiadel bonne, l e l l home on Ibe 29lb uf Novemlier laat, aince which t ime nuthing ba* lieen heard uf ber. No cauae can lie a**igned for her tuddon and mytler iou* iliiapjioaranoo.

A enr iout fact waa brought out in the potl-iiiortem e iaminat ion ot Henry Ha<hcn, who • u abut iu hi* •lur* on Orand Hivcr avenue Friday night. One ball bail pa**rd through hi* Leart. no thwi th .Unding which bo l iv id nearly t w o hour* altorwardt.

A ineeling wat held Monday evening in the in t e l e , ta of tho propoacd bridge over the De-troll river, and it wa* decided l o tend a*lroi .g delegation to Waabinglon to advocatc the uieanure liefore the Coligreaaional Coiumittee whieh row ha* it in eliarge.

The Btnalc ha* confirmed K. II. Murray, Kentucky, lor governor of Utah Territory .and Norman Buck.aatocUle Juitioe of the auprume court of Idaho.

The whole number ot new bui ld inm and ad-ditiona put up in t h e c i ty during 1879 wia 735, ut an aggregate coat of •1.^81,850. The liat include* 283 frame i lwel l ingt , SI brick dwell-ing*, and 85 brick block*.

"1 b e - e v i v a l meeting* under tho llev. Dr. I'eiitaeoat, have lie.-ii ao largely a t iUnded that il b u been decided l o contlriuo them another iiiuntb.

Kdward McKay, a painter, oommit lcd aui. oiiie in Windtor Wedneaday night by cut t ing hit throat with a raxor.

There i . to be a cunTcnlion of minittcra ot ihe f |1» in Ihi . c i ty Febrnarv 11. to laat t w o day* l u object wiU be t o contider the . t a l e of religion thruugheut Michigan. Dr. Penteooat and other , barn the matter in cbtrgo.

M I S C E L L A N E O U S .

T h e report of the N-w Orlean* Bat)ervi*or ot . l eau iboa la abow* that during the paal yet»r no l a . i n g l e death wa* occaaioned by . team explo-t ion, a fact unprecedented in the bitkiry of Minalaaippi • loamboat navigation.

Davit , tho I lepublican Oovernor nf M v n o , having aa be aaya avaurancea thai Smith, the Ku*ioiii*t Oovernor intended U. Mtie the SUU-llouae by force Saturday night, ordered out ibe mil i t ia Friday n ight and d u n m i Saturday anil Sunday tho Oapltol wa* garrUoned by inililury conipanie* with * Oatl ing gun.

At r. boiler exploaion in a aaw-mlll al Tran*-tor. I'cnn., Saturday morning, Jiwoub Orant and Sclb De ( i trn . were inatantly ki l led.

T h r achooner Cberubin, from Miragoane. December 17th, \ i a Jackaonville. January 5, loat her captain ami mate (0 . J. and 0 . E. LankJ from yellow lover.

T h e ateamer Charmer, with 2,100 lialea of cot ton , wa* totally dea tmyed by fire on Mon-day, 15 mile* *buve the mouth of the Hed

In the H o m e , by Mr. Ma*on (Rep. N. Y.), a re<|uctl to incorporate a coloni iat ion and gen-eral improvument ooamo-American buroau in Ibe United Slate* The bill incorporate* Tburlow, Weed, Cardinal McClotkey, and twen-ty eight otbert a* tuch bureau. The capiUl t loek uf .which ahall be no lea* than (1,000,000, and may be increaaed, and the object of which it to be the encouraging, promotion and con-duoting of emigration from over-orowded c i l ie t and other dintricta o t the United State*, and f rom Oreat Britain and other jiarU of Enrnpe, t o theaeveral . la te* and Urritoriea of the United State* needing emigrant*, and for other humane and commercial purpoaea.

Jan. 27.—In the St-nat* Mr. KdmnndalBep . V t , ) ollered a rnulutiun which wa* agreed to, in t lruc l ing the committee on Judiciary l o in-quire whether the te t l lemonl or adjut lmenl between the United Slalca and the railroad! mentioned or provided for in the act of Feb-rnary 22, 1875, to provide for tho •e t t lement with cerlain railway oompamea, any d i t e n m i -nation or diBeronco of treatment tha i ba* been made by United Slate* offioer* in favor of one or more of tuch companie* a* againtl other*; and it to, what further legulal ion, if any, on the aubject ia e i p e d i o n l

In the Houae Mr. Ooode ( Dei man of the commil tee on th* Virktown cele-br*tinn. reporliil a bill appropriating (100,000 for a monument at Yorktown, and (20,000 to enable t h e oofnmll lee on the Yorktown eele-bration to make all necenaary arrangemonta fur *ucb a celebratinn ut the centennial anni-renary of the battle uf Yurktnwn aa ahall lieht Ibr biatorical •ignificance of the eccaaiou. i'a>*ed.

Mr, Stone I llep„ Mich.), reportiii a bill to prevent the i inlaKfuUiandling aud carriage of mail nit l ler. Placed on the calendar,

Jan. 28.—The day wa* net apart in both houam to Ibe memory of Zachanab Chandler. A* aoon a* the Journal waa read Senator Ferry Introduced th* following roaolutiona:

lleaolved. That the Senate haa received with profound aorrow tho annonneement ot the death ot Zacbariah Chandler, late Si<nator o l Ibe United State* from the State of Michigan, and for nearly 19 y e a n a member of thit body. •

lleaolved. That to eipreaa aomc a*tii].ale ot hi* many tervicea in hit long pnMic career, rendered oontuiouoat by tearlea* and |ialri-ol lo devotion, the buainea* of the Senate be now aatpend d. that the aaaociate* ot the de-parted aenator mry pay a filling IriLuie W bi-publlc and private virtaea.

Tho reaolution* wtre an*nimou*ly *greed tn •nd tpjeebe* were made .ea log i t l io of the dead by Senator* Ferry, Anthony, Blaine. Bayard.


FLOCB—Oily paatry b r a n d t . . . . . . . . . 6 OOutfi 25 Patent*. 6 50(48 00 Low g r a d o 8 00(43 M Rye 6 00vt6 25 Buckwheat 6 2 0 ^ 6 40

WH«i l—Ext™ white 1 24(^1 80 No. 1 white 1 2 2 4 1 37 Amber 1 1 8 m 25

UAILLKT—1 30<S»I 50 per 100 lb*. Oour—ISiAIPc per haaa. Oali—S8((t4Ic. per ba . HT*-65f l f l0c per bath . SKID*.—Clover. $4.35(44 75 per ba . APFLU—(3 0 0 ® ( 3 60 per bbL u x u w u — 2 0 l&'ib per poand. UUTTM—Prime qaal i ly . 1 7 0 1 9 Medium 14 J

18c. BUR*—Unpicked. 80o(t l 10 per ba ih . Plo»

ed. ( 1 35(41 45. O n n i n i - I f i ^ l S c per lb. CIUNRXBUCS.—(8 50(59 00 per bbl. D HI UI ArpLis - 8(48>J' cU. per lb. DIUKU PXACHBI—I64ra0 c per lb. D&E89ID B o o s — 4 6 1 0 0 5 25 per e w t Eooit—Freah 18019c. pickled. 15019 . F'un—Wbitefitb. ( 5 2 5 3 5 50 per half barrel;

trout , 14 0 0 0 4 25 per half bbl. HICIOBT NN*—She l l bark, ( 3 2 5 0 3 50 per bbl Hop*.—35 o 04Oper lb Hium.—Orcen. 7 0 7 ^ 0 per lb.; carod. 9 0 ^ 0 .

Shi-ep «kint, 7 5 0 2 50. H A T - 1 1 8 0 0 0 1 5 50 per toa ; baled ( 1 5 0 ( 1 8 . HOSCT—Strained. 124140 per lb. Comb, 1 8 0

19c. O i n o n a - M i c h i g a n ( 3 7 6 0 4 52 per bbl POTATOKA— ( 1 4 0 0 1 60 per bbL

Bale* from ttore 1 0 0 45c. per butt-. POULTBV-Live chicken*. 35045o jier pair;

dreaaed. 7c per lb ; turkey, drea*ed,10 0 1 1 o per lb.

1'u.H—Wi.ccjnun Bine ( 1 7 0 0 1 85 per ba. Field, 700 0 90.

Paovuiomi— Pork Meaa, ( 1 3 5 0 0 1 4 00; Lard 7 0 83*; Ham*. 10 0 10X o, Shoul-

der*. 6 0 6 } ^ o ; Baoon. 8a, extra Mea-Beet . ( 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 50 per bbL dried beef ( 1 1 0 1 1 2 5 p e r c w t

SALT—Saginaw. 9 1 4 0 0 1 45 per hbl; Onondkfct fine. ( 1 45; coarae, 91 85

Tallow-6<a5>to per poand. Wool>—Hickory. ( 5 2 6 0 6 26 per oord; maple,

( 6 25; beeohand maple I I 60 0 6 00; a o f t 1 4 00.

D e t r o i t S t o c k M a r k e t .

T h o of l ror lngi i o f l i v e s l o c k a t t h e C o n -t r s l y a r d s o n H a l u r d t y w e r e : C a t t l e , 318; h o g s , 11,957; s h e e p , 2,347. T h e c a t t l e m a r k e t w a a a c t i v e a n d a l l t h e y a r d a w e r e e n t i r e l y flllsd w i t h s t o c k a t t h e b e -K l n n l n i t of t r a d e , b u t w a s p r e t t y w e l l d i s -|IIHO<I of w i t h i h o c lone o f t u e i w o e k ' s b n s i -n e s s . (•(KHI b u t c h e r i n g s t o c k w a s a l i t -t l e h i r o n t t e r t h a n t h o p r e v i o u s w e e k , w h l i o p r i c e s f o r t h e b e t t e r R r a d e e o f H h i p p i n f c c a t t l e d e c l i n e d 1 0 ( 5 1 5 c p e r c w t . S a l e s w e r e a s f o l l o w s : 2 g o o d s l e c i t , a v 1,3S5 His , a t 14 25 p e r c w t ; 4 s t a g s , a r 1,083 l b s , a t ( 3 60 p « r c w t ; 8 b u t c h e r i n g s t e e r s a n d h e i f e r s , a v 1,024 l b s , a t 12 95 p e r c w t ; 2 h e i f e r s , a v l,17f< l b s , a t | 2 VO p e r c w t ; 2 g o o d s t e e r s , a v 1,440 l b s , a t | 3 50 p e r c w t ; 4 g o o d h e i f e r s , a v 906 l b s , a t | 3 60 p e r c w t ; 1 o x , 1,760 l b s , a t | 3 25 p e r c w t ; > g o o d s t e e r s , a v 1,283 I Its, a t | 3 HO p e r c w t ; 19 f a i r n i l z e d b u t c h e r i n g c a t t l e , a v 950 l b s , a t | 3 05 p e r c w t ; 24 g o o d s l e e r s , a v 1,026 l b s , a t 13 60 c w t ; 2 c o w s , a v 1,-050 l b s , a t ( 3 p e r e w t ; 4 b u H s , a v 1,600 l b s , a t 9 2 76 p e r c w t : 2 g o o d s t e e r s , a v 1,250 l b s . a t | 3 60 p e r e w t ; 10 g o o d s t e e r s , a v 8KW l b s , a< 93 26 p e r c w t ; 7 s t e e r s a n d h e i f e r s , a v 845 l b s . a t 9 2 95 p e r c w t .

T h e s h e e p m a r k e t w a s m o d e r a t e l y a c -t i v e a u d t t o c k s o l d a t p r i o e s f u l l y 26o m o r e p e r c w t t h a n t h e p r e v i o u s w e e k . S a l e s w e r e a s f o l l o w s ; 73, a v 82 l b s , a t 94 75 p e r c w t ; 45, a v 108 l b s , a t 95 45 p e r c w t ; 103, a v 84 l b s , a t 9 4 7 5 p e r c w t ; 77, a v 8 t i l b s , a t 9 6 p e r c w t ; 79, a v D O l b s , a l 94 85 p e r c w t ; K7, a v 63 l b s , a t 93 26 p e r h e a d ; 89, a v 05 lbi | , a t 9 2 60 p e r b e a d ; 186, a v 80 l b s , a t 93 40 p e r h e a d ; 60, a v 90 l b s , a l | 6 p e r c w t ; 67, a v 80 l b s , a t 93 50 p e r h e a d .

T h e h o g m a r k e t w a a d n l l , p r i c e s b e i n g q u o t e d a t 94@4 50 p e r e w t B a l e s w e r e aa f o l l o w s : 8, a v 239 l b s , a t 94 6 0 p e r c w t ; 21, a v l d 8 l b s , a t f 4 SO p e r c w t ; 6 , a v 242 l b s , a t 94 50 p e r c w t ; 89 , a v 238 l b s , a l 94 60

82, a v bK l b s , a t 9 4 46 p e r c w t His , a t 91 p e r c w t .

K) p e r c i 25, a v 111

Baldwin and Cameron. In the Uou*e t imi lar apeeohea were made by l i c p i c e n t a l i v e * New-lierry. Brewer, Barrowt. Hnbbell , William*, Conger *nd other*.

Jan. 2 9 — I n the Henate a communicat ion wa* reooivod from the Secrt-lary o t War rec-ommending , on the tiiggcalion of Oen . New-ton, that (1,60>1,000 bo appropriated in annual ins ia l lment* for the improvement ot the Har-lem river, New York.

Mr. Kernan introduced a bill to provide for oelebrallng the lOOth annivoraary of ihe treaty of peace and recognition of American inde-pendenoe by an exhibit ion of the art*, mann-faeturer* and product* of mine* iu New l o r k i n 1883.

In t h e Houte the regular order being de-m a n d c l , con.iSeraUon waa retnmed of the bill declaring all public roada aad higbwayt poal roulo*. The previou* quentinn w*» neo-onded and the bill patted, yea* 134, nay t 97.

Mr. Warner (Dom., O.), tr im the oommiltea

A M u s i c T R A P . - A b e n e v o l e n t a n d

i n g u n i o u s C i i i R i n i i H t i u n , w h o l u i s t e r n -

I K i r a r l l y t u r n e d f r o m i w r k t o p h l l a n t l i r o j i y , h i t s d e v i s e d a m e t h o d o f r e d u e

i n g t o u m i n i m u m t h e i n j u r y w h i c h m a y l i e d o n e b y a m u s i c i a n w h o p l a y s

o u t o f t u n e o i t i m e . I n a c c o r d a n c e w i t h t l i e p l a n of t h i s a b l e i n v e n t o r ,

e v e r y m e m b e r o f M r . T h o m a s " o r c h e s -

t r a w i l l l i e s e a t e d o v e r a s e p a r a t e l ra i>-

diMir , s o c o n n e c t e d b y w i r e s w i t h t h e

c o n d u c t o r ' s d e s k t h a t a s s o o n a s a f a l s e n o t e i s p l a y e d M r . T h o m a s c a n

t o u c h a n e l e c t r i c k e y a n d s p r i n g t h e

t r a p w h i c h , i n s i n k i n g , w i l l c a r r y t h e

o f l e n d e i d o w n i n t o t h e c e l l a r , a n d i n -s t a n t l y s i l e n c e h i s I n s t r u m e n t . I t i s

u n d e n t o o d t h a t t h e n e w l y - i n v e n t e d

t r a p s a r e n o w b e i n g p l a c e d i n t h o h a l l , w h e r e M r . T h o m a s ' c o n c e r t s a r e g i v e n ,

a n d t h a t t h e y w i i l b e i n w o r k i n g o r d e r b v t h e 1 s t o f M a r c h , T h e y w i l l g i v e

t h e c o n d u c t o r s u c h a c o n t r o l o v e r t h e o r c h e s t r a a s h e h a s n e v e r y e t h a d .

a n d t h o u g l i , o f c o u r s e , e v e r y t i m e t r a p i s s p r u n g t h e o r c h e s t r a w i l l b e

w e a k e n * ! b y t h e t e m p o r a r y l o s s o f

m u s i c i a n , i t I s b e l t e r t h a t t e n c o r n e t -i s t s s h o u l d b e e l i m i n a t e d t h a n t h a t

o n e b a r s h o u l d b e f a l s e l y p l a y e d . M r . T h o m a s h i m s e l f i s s a i d t o b e d e l i g h t e d

w i t h t h e i n v e n t i o n , a n d t o l i a v e s u g

g e s t e d , a s t h e o n l y i m p r o v e m e n t o f

w h i c h i t i s c a p a b l e , t h e t i l l i n g o f t h e c e l l a r w i t h w a t e r , BO t h a t o f f e n d i n g

m u s i c i a n s m i g h t b e d r o w n e d a s w e l l a s

e l i m i n a t e d f r o m t h e o r c h e s t r a .

W h e t h e r t h i s u u i o n d i i i e n t h a s b e e n a c -

c e p t e d o r n o t w e a r e n o t i n f o r m e d , b u t i t i s c e r t a i n l y w o r t h y o t c a r e f u l

c o n s i d e r a t i o n .

I t h e r o f t h e l a s t t h r e e m e n t i o n e d

m o d e s o f p r u n i n g m a y b e p e r f o r m e d

i n w i n t e r , o n h a r d y t r e e s l i k e t h e a p -p l e , i f t h e c u t t i n g a w a y i s q u i t e m o d -

e r a t e , a.a i s a l w a y s d e s i r a b l e . H u t

w h e n e v e r d o n e , t h e o w n e r , i f h e h i m -

s e l f k n o w s h o w s u c h w o r k o u g h t t o b e d o n e , s h o u l d n o t c o m m i t i t w h o l l y o r

b l i n d l y t o a n o t h e r p e r s o n o r t o a h i r e d

m a n . I f h e d o e s h e m a y l o s e m o r e

t h a n h e w i l l g a i n b y t h e o p e r a t i o n . E v e n i f h e d o e s h i s o w n w o r k , l i e w i l l

w a s t e m u c h t i m e i n l o o k i n g w h e r e t o

m a k e t h e n e x t c u t , a n d n o l d o t h e

w o r k s o w e l l a s b y t h e m o d e w e h a v e f o r m a n y y e a r s a d o p t e d , b y w h i c h w e

c a n l a y o u t e n o u g h w o r k i n h a l f a n

h o u r f o r a l a b o r e r t o w o r k a t w i t h h i s

s a w a w h o l e d a y , w i t h o u t m a k i n g a s i n g l e m i s t a k e — d o i n g t h e w o r k m o r e

r a p i d l y , e a s i l y , a n d w i t h m o r e p e r f e c t

s k i l l , t h a n h e c o u l d w i t h t h e o w n e r

s t a n d i n g b y a n d c o n s t a n t l y d i r e c t i n g h i m . I t i s e f f e c t e d b y s i m p l y t a k i n g

a p i e c e o f c h a l k a n d d r a w i n g a d i s t i n c t

c h a l k - l i n e f o r t h e c u t o f t h e s a w t o *

f o l l o w . T h e a l t e n l i o n o f t h e o w n e r i s

n o t d r a w n o f f , w h i l e h e t a k e s a g l a n c e

a t t h e g e n e r a l s h a p e o f t h e t r e e , a n d ' s e e s w h a t b r a n c h e s m u s t b e s p a r e d , a n d

u s t h o w n e a r to t h o t r u n k o r m a i n

j r a n c h t o c u t t h e m . T h e w o r k m a n

h a s n o t h i n g t o d o b u t t o f o l l o w t h e

c h a l k - m p r k , a n d h e d o e s n o t l o s e a

m o m e n t i n l i s t e n i n g t o v e r b a l d i r e c -t i o n s w h i c h h e o f t e n m i a t a k e s . I f t h e

c h a l k i s a f f i x e d t o t h e e n d of a l o n g

r o d o r p o l e , t h e o w n e r m a k e s e v e r y

m a r k a s h e s t a n d s b e l o w .

T h e r e a r e m a n y c u l t i v a t o r s w h o p r e -

f e r e a r l y s u m m e r p r u n i n g , b e c a u s e t h e

n e w w o o d m o r e q u i c k l y g r o w s o v e r

a n d c o v e r s t h e w o u n d . I t i s q u e s t i o n -a b l e , h o w e v e r , w h e t h e r t h i s a d v a n t a g e

i s s o g r e a t a s i t s e e m s t o b e . I n e x p e r -

i m e n l s w h i c h h a v e b e e n m a d e , a n d t h e

i n t e r i o r of t h e w o o d e x a m i n e d i n a f t e r

y e a r s , i t w a s f o u n d t h a t t h e w o o d i n -s i d e w a s m o r e d e c a y e d a f t e r s u m m e r

t h a n a f t e r w i n t e r p r u n i n g , t l i e h o t

w e a t h e r a t t h e t i m e o p e r a t i n g u n f a v o r -a b l y o n t h e f r e s h l y c u t w o o d . H u t a t

w h a t e v e r t i m e t h e c a t t i n g i s d o n e , a l ! w o u n d s l a r g e r t h a n a n i n c h i n d i a m -

e t e r s h o u d b s c o v e r e d e i t h e r w i t h p a i n t

o r w i t h a s u i t a b l e w a t e r - p r o o f c o m -

p o s i t i o n . T a i n t i s p e r h a p s a s g o o d a s

a n y t h i n g ; o r a n e x c e l l e n t c o m p o s i t i o n

i s m a d e b y b o i l i n g a q u a r t o f p i n e t a r t h r e e o r f o u r h o u r s , a n d t h e n a d d i n g a

p o u h d o f b e e s w a x a n d a q u a r t e r o f a

> o u n d o f t a l l o w , m i x i n g w e l l . W h e n

w g i n n i n g t o t h i c k e n a f t e r r e m o v a l

f r o m t h e fire, s t i r i n a p o u n d o f i i n e l y

s i f t e d r o a d - d u s t , d r y p o u n d e d c l a y , o r p u l v e r i z e d b r i c k d u s t , w h i c h e v e r h a p -

p e n s t o b e m o s t c o n v e n i e n t , a n d c o n -

t i n u e t o s t i r t i l l s o l i d , t o p r e v e n t s e t -

t l i n g . I n w a r m w e a t h e r i t i s e a s i l y

s p r e a d w i t h a k n i f e , a n d w i l l s t a y

w h e r e i t i s p u t . I n c u t t i n g a w a y a l i m b , n e v e r l e a v e

a p r o j e c t i n g s t u m p , o r m a k e a w o u n d

l a r g e r t h a n n e c e s s a r y . I f l a r g e , s e t t h e

s a w b e l o w a n d s a w u p a s h o r t d i s U m i e ; t h e n s a w d o w n s l i g h t l y f a r t h e r o u t t i l l

t h e l i m b f a l l s . T i l l s w i l l p r e v e n t t h e

t e a r i n g o f t h e b a r k . A s s u m m e r p r u n -

i n g a l w a y s c h e c k s t h e v i g o r of t h e t r e e , m o r e o r l e s s a c c o r d i n g t o i t s a m o u n t ,

t h e f o l l o w i n g m e t h o d h a s b e e n a d o p t -

e d o n t r e e s o f m o d e r a t e g r o w t h t o g a i n

t h e a d v a n t a g e o f w i n t e r o r s p r i n g p r u n i n g , w i t h t h e s p e e d y h e a l i n g o f

t h e w o u n d , b y c u t t i n g i n s u m m e r ; H e -

f o r e t h e b u d s s w e l l , t h e c o n d e m n e d

l i m b i s c u t o f f s e v e r a l i n c h e s o r a f o o t f r o m t h e t r e e , l e a v i n g a f e w b u d s o r

s m a l l s p r o u t s o n t h e s t u m p , t o k e e p u p

s o m e g r o w t h . T h e n w h e n s u m m e r a r r i v e s , s a w of f t h o s t u m p . H y t h i s

m e t h o d t h e t r e e i s n o t c h e c k e d i n

g r o w t h b y t h e l o s s o f t h e w h o l e l i m b i n

s u m m e r , w h i l e a l l t h e a d v a n t a g e s a r e s e c u r e d e f a s u m m e r c u t . — C ' o f < n < r v


G l c a r i t n g H .

O f a r e c e n t s h i p m e n t of 2 0 6 l i v e

h o g s f r o m M o n t r e a l t o G l a s g o w , 140

d i e d o f t y p h o i d f e v e r o n t h e p a s s a g e .

T h e r e c e i p t s o f h o g s a t C h i c a g o f o r

t h e flrst t h r e e w e e k s i n J a n u a r y , IH79 ,

w e r e (1.18,200, a n d f o r t h e s a m e t i m e i n

1RH0 f o o t u p o n l y J » 0 ^ 3 2 . T h o H u r o n C o u n t y A g r i c u l t u r a l S o -

c i e t y . w h i c h h a s h o l d i t s t w o l a s t f a i r s a t V e r o n a MIHK, w i i l h o l d i t s n e x t

f a i r a t H a d A x e , t h e c o u n t y s e a t . A w r i t e r In The (iardm s a y s t h a t i f

IMi t t ing s o l i Is p l a c e d f o r a d a y o r t w o

n t h e h e n y a r d e v e r y p a r t i c l e o f i t i s d u g o v e r , a n d a l l g r u b s a n d e g g s of i n -

s e c t s a r e p i c k e d o u t . I n 1807 , 4 2 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 h e a d o f s h e e p

p r o d u c e d 1 4 6 . 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 p o u n d s o f w o o l ;

n 1 8 7 7 , 8 5 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 h e a d p r o d u c e d 2 0 8 , -

0 0 0 , 0 0 0 . T h e s e figures I n d i c a t e a

g r a f t i n g i n c r e a s e i n t h e y i e l d o f w o o l

p e r s f c o e p . T h e e x p o r t a t i o n o f A m e r i c a n h i d e s

t o E u r o p e h a s r e a c h e d l a r g e p r o j i o r -

t i o n s , E n g l a n d a n d G e r m a n y t a k i n g

t l i e m o s t o f t h e m . T h i s h a s n o w b e -

c o m e p e r m a n e n t , a n d i t I s r a t h e r i n -c r e a s e d b y t h e e m b a r a s s m e n t s t h r o w n

i n t h e w a y o f A m e r i c a n c a t t l e t r a d e i n E u r o p e . T h e s h i p m e n t s of h i d e s i n

n i n e m o n t h s a m o u u t t o l . o o o . o o o .

M r . A . F . W o o d , M a s o n , M i c h . , w r i t e s t o a n e x c h a n g e a s f o l l o w s : " T h e r e i s

a g r o w i n g d e m a n d f o r S h o r t r h o r n s .

H a v e l a t e l y s o l d t w o b u l l c a l v e s — o n e

t o F , H a l c o m , I o n i a , t h e o t h e r t o F . A . S t o w , F o w l e r . T h e s u p p l y o f l o n g -

w o o l s h e e p d o e s n o t e q u a l t l i e d e m a n d

a n d M i c h i g a n p e o p l e b e g i n t o s e e t h a i

t h e r e i s v a l u e l u o t h e r t h a n fine-wool

s h e e p . '

F a r m l l o l p .

W h e r e f a r m s a r e l a r g o e n o u g h t o a f -

f o r d I I , a n d t h o s e w h o f a r m a r o e n -g a g e d I n a l i f t p u r s u i t , t h e b e s t r e s u l t s

h a v e b e e n f o u n d t o f o l l o w f r o m s o

m a n a g i n g a s t u h a v o t h e h e l p e m p l o y -e d a l l t h o y e a r r o u n d ; a n d a l l t h o b e t -

t o r I f s u c h h e l p b e m a r r i e d , a n d c a n b e c o m f o r t a b l y d o m i c i l e d i n t e n a n t -

h o u s e s o n t h e g r o u n d . A d v a n t a g e c a n

t h u s l ie t a k e n o f e v e r y t u r n 'of g o o d w e a t h e r t o g e t t h e w o r k d o n e a t t h e

p r o p e r m o m e n t , t o t h e g r e a t b e n o l l t o f

t h e t m b s e q u e n t c r o p . M o r e o v e r a m a n r e g u l a r l y e m p l o y e d i s l i k e l y t o D i k e

m o r e i n t e r e s t i n h i s w o r k t h a n o n e w h o

k n o w s h e i s b u t t e m | K ) r a r y , a n d t h o

e m p l o y e r h a s m o r e c h a n c e t o b e a r p a t i e n t l y w i t h t h e m a n w h i l e b o t h

a r e l e a r n i n g o n e a n o t h e r ' s w a y s . T h e r e i s b e s i d e s t h e a b s o l u t e q u e s -

t i o n o f l a b o r a t t h i s s e a s o n , a n o t h e r

w h i c h a l w a y s t r o u b l e s o n e , n a m e l y , t h a t o n e o f w a g e s . T h o c a r p e n t e r , f o r

I n s t a n c e w h o g e t s i n t h o c i t y S'.'.M) t o

8 3 p e r d a y , h a s t o p a v p e r h a p s 8 1 0 o r

8 1 8 p e r m o n t h f o r h o u s e - r e n t , w h i l e p r o v i s i o n s o f e v e r y k i n d h a v e t o b o

p u r c h a s e d , a n d o f t e n a t h i g h r a t e s .

E v e n t h e s m a l l e s t s c r a p o f f u e l h a s t o b e b u t i g h t , a n d t h e r e i s n o t h i n g b u t

w h a t c o s t s h a r d c a s h t o g e t i t . A

h a n d o n a f a r m , e s p e c i a l l y i f h o i s c o m f o r t a b l y t e n a n t e d , h a s l e s s r e n t ,

l e s s e x i H m s o i n p r o v i s i o n s , a n d l e s s

d e m a n d o n h i s w a g e s i n e v e r y w a y , a n d t h i s s h o u l d a l w a y s e n t e r i n t o c a l -

c u l a t i o n s a s t o t h o w o r t h o f s e r v i c e s .

E v e n w h e n t h e s i n g l e m a n i s b o a r d e d

I n t h e f a m i l y , i t i s s t i l l a b o u t t h e s a m e . S i x t e e n d o l l a r s p e r m o n t h a n d I w a r d

o n a f a r m I s b e t t e r f o r t h e h a n d t h a n 81.-M) w i t h o u t a n y o t h e r p r i v i l e g e s , i n

a c i t y , a s a n y s i n g l e y o u n g m a n w h o

h a s t r i e d t h e d i l f e r e n c e c a n r e a d i l y

t e s t i f y t o . I t i s n o t t h e r e f o r e a f a i r c o m p a r i s o n

b e t w e e n t h e a c t u a l c a s h w a g e s o f t h e

c i t y a n d t h e c a s h w a g e s o f t h e c o u n -t r y . N o m i n a l l y l e s s , t h e r e s u l t i s

g o n e r a l i y g r e a t e r , a n d t h i s r e s u l t

s h o u l d b e t l i b a s i s u f c a l c u l a t i o n s

T h e r e I s n o l o u b t h o w e v e r t h a t w e l o s e m u c h . y t r a n s i t o r y l a b o r , a n d i t

w i l l b e W i s e f o r a l l w h o c a n t o m a k e

s u c h a r r a n g e m e n t s a s w i l l e n a b l w t h e

l a b o r e r t o b e s t e a d i l y e m p l o y e d t h e

w h o l e yess.—Oermautown Ttltgraph.

THE LADIES' FAVORITE: Amnnithnmanr thnntanil. nf ladlet who haTO

II .ed l>r. l lMM't Ka.orlUi PreKrl|iUim and pin-lunred II their favorlla reinmlr. beeaute to elll-

dent in Iht illteaio. anil WMknWM*p*cull*rto women, are many who a-e woll and faTorably known In lha world of ieller*. aa well at arU.i.. niuilelint. and a «holi> who.1 of name, from Ihe hrllllanl rank, ot wrallh *1111 fuhlon. It it pre-emlnanllr the lailiea' Knvorliu Pretcrl|iUon. II. u.e. while lielnii lar mor* u f n and emi lnnl. eiimi|illnii them from tho*e imlnfnl, raiulie operallon.. and and the avarlnii ol ihi«e mm hanleal oonlritanre. made like l'eli<r I'lndar't raior Mill.r't raiora lo tell, ralhar than t o enra.

KIl.t.MoitK. Ind., March 10. lata. Iiu. U. V. IMllira:

Or >u "ill -Vi.'ir Kavont* I'reterlpllon hat re-tlored ma to hoailh.

Vour. truly. t inACBCIKKTR. 41] Kutaw H tree I, IIAI.TIMOHK. Md.. I

June lOlh. IBi*. ( On. It. V. I ' l iurr. llulfain. N. V.;

I I X A It MM M y w i f a w . t a hopeleat Invalid for n*trlr M jeara. Vour Kavorde l*re«-npllim hai euredhtr. Thanklully youn, lUT. M t f a v .

THE DEAF HEAR THROUGH THE TEETH Perfhclly. all Ordinary Oin<er*aUnn. l.n-iurra.Coa. cert*. Ml'.. Ill- .Veil- < fmnnrli lo Ihe Nrrvm o f i l rarllii by mean, of a recent woudi-rhil aclentine luvrnllnn - I h e Denlaplioni-. For n-n^rkable public li«U on lha Deaf, alwi on Ihe Ih-af and fhinin. MI the .\ru I'or* HmihLMepL "i*; ihe .Ven- litrl ffiriilltin Aihxt-

me, Nov. ai. efi-. Kvery deaf penon thonld .end Ibr rH>* lllu«irnt«*<1 ilc-H-rliitlvi* iHunphli'l to ili« A m r r l e m i Wenlwpl iune Co.. t'lnrliinatl. Ohio.

Aa the government oltera to g ive tect ion

of land, or 160 acre* freee, thoac w i t h i r g to

further their inlereata will d o wel l to addreaa the Northern Michigan Colony, whoae adver l laoment I* contained in thia paper. Thla a t fordt an exoolloul opportunity t o aecure * good home withont anv outlay.

H I N T U T O B U T T E B - M A K E H 8 the UUe of kralnable Utile pamphlet, tenl free

In any addrea* for one .tamp. Addreaa Holler 1 pmvtmenl Co.. llulfain, N.V. Il Milt you how Pi ncrea.o aroount of hulter from nlven amnunl nf

rream « per eenu, Iniprore quality of buller 10 per cent make "gtl | .*dn" or lolden colored tmller the year round. Krery fanner and dairyman thould .end ttamp for 11.

Act wi*«ly—be ready- havo ou band "Dr Hellera" Cough Hyrup," and y o u wi l l have nolh ing t o tear--niit even a doctor'* bill

Anr HAVINII* UASUUKLTUI? Thi* ia a I|uea-l i on ot r i ta l importaaoe to the ludui lr la l thr i f t of our country; aad while oar leglal*-turct are pondering the qaeat lou, w* would e*rne*tly advi*e every one l o take Hall'a Bal nam tor Cough* and Cold*. Warranted t o cure.

A thoroughly medieinal preparation which i*a auro euro tor fever aad ague—Reed a ( l i l t Kdge Tonic .

A g r i c u l t u r a l I n v c u t l o i i H .

M r . J o h n P . S m i t h , o f C l a v e r a c k , X . Y . , h a s p a t e n t e d a n i m p r o v e m e n t i n

t h r a s h i n g m a c h i n e s f o r w h i c h l e t t e r s

p a t e n t N o . 6 3 , 0 M w e r e i s s u e d t o h i m A p r i l 3 , 1800 . T h e i m p r o v e m e n t c o n -

s i s t s i n s o c o m b i n i n g a p e r f o r a t e d

a p r o n a n d c o n c a v e s w i t h t h e r o t a r y

c y l i n d e r o f a t h r a s h e r a s t o c r e a t e a n u p w a r d b l a s t t h r o t i g h t h e a p r o n t u

l i f t a n d a s s i s t i n c a r r y i n g t h e s t r a w t o

t h e c y l i n d e r .

A n i m p r o v e m e n t i n c o t t o n s c r a p e r s ,

c h o p p e r s , a n d d i r l e r s h a s b e e n p a t e n t -

e d b y M e s s r s . S a m u e l A . D e l - ' o r c e a n d

W i l l i a m V . M c C o n n e l l , o f C r o c k e t t , T e x a s . T h e o b j e c t o f t h i s i n v e n t i o n i s

t o f u r n i s h a n i m p r o v e d m a c h i n o f o r

c u l t i v a t i n g c o t t o n w h i c h s h a l l b e s o

c o n s t r u c t e d a s t o b a r o f f , s c r a p e , c h o p ,

a n d d i r t t h e c o t t o n u p o n b o t h s i d e s o f a r o w a t o n e p a s s a g e .

M r . W i l l i a m I t . l i e s , o f F a l r m o u n t ,

111., h a s i n v e n t e d n n i m p r o v e d c h e c k

r o w p l a n t e r , o f t h a t g e n e r a l f o r m i n w h i c h a c o r d o r c h a i n i s p r o v i d e d a t

r e g u l a r i n t e r v a l s w i t h l u g s , t a p p e t s ,

o r k n o t s , w h i c h c o r d i s s t a k e d u p o n

o p p o s i t e s i d e s o f t h e He ld , a n d w h i c h

k n o t s o r t a p p e t s , a s t h e m a c h i n e i s

d r a w n a c r o s s t h e field, s u c c e s s i v e l y o p -

e r a t e t h e d r o p p i n g d e v i c e s t o c a u s e t h e c o m t o b e d r o p p e d i n p e r f e c t c h o c k

r o w . T h e i m p r o v e m e n t s c o n s i s t i n

t h e n o v e l c o n s l r u c t i o n o f t h o d e v i c e

u p o n w h i c h t h e c o r d o r c h a i n a c t s t u

i m p a r t t h e m o t i o n t o t l i e s e e d s l i d e s ,

a n d i n t h e p e c u l i a r c o n s l r u c t i o n o f g u i d e s f r o m w h i c h t h e r o p e o r c h a i n

p a s s e s o u t t o t h e f r o n t a n d r e a r o f t h e

m a c h i n e .

C b a r c o a l f o r H o g x .

W e h a v e b u t l i t t l e d o u b t t h a t c h a r -

c o a l i s o n e o f t h e b e s t k n o w n r e m e d i e s

f o r t h e d i s o r d e r e d s t a t e i n t o w h i c h

h o g s d r i f t , u s u a l l y h a v i n g d i s o r d e r e d

b o w e l s , a l l t h e t i m e g i v i n g o f f t h e w o r s t k i n d s o f e v a c u a t i o n . P r o b a b l y t h e

t h e b e s t f o r m i n w h i c h c h a r c o a l c a n b e

g i v e n i s i n t h e f o r m o f b u r n t c o r n -

p e r h a p s , b e c a u s e w h e n g i v e n i n o t h e r

f o r m s t h e h o g s d o n o t g e t e n o u g h . A

d i s t i l l e r y w a s b u r n e d i n I l l i n i o s , a b o u t

w h i c h a l a r g e n u m b e r o f h o g s w o r e k e p t . C h o l e r a p r e v a i l e d a m o n g t h e s e

h o g s s o m e w h a t e x t e n s i v e l y . I n t h e

b u r n i n g o f b u i l d i n g s a l a r g e a m o u n t o f

c o m w a s c o n s u m e d . T o t h i s b u r n t a n d p r a t i a l l y b u m f , c o r n t h e h o g s h a d ' a c c e s s

a l w i l l , a n d t h e s i c k c o m m e n c e d r e c o v -

e r i n g a t o n c e , a n d a l a r g e p r o p o r t i o n o f

t h e m g o t w e l l . M a n y f a r m e r s h a v e

p r a c t i c e d f e e d i n g s c o r c h e d c o m , p u t -t i n g i t i n t o a s t o v e o r b u i l d i n g a fire

u p o n t h e g r o u n d , p l a c i n g t h e e a r s u f

c o r n u p o n i t , l e a v i n g t h e m s t i l l p r e t t y

w e l l c h a r r e d . H o g s f e d o n t i l l s l o p s

a r e l i a b l e t o b e a t t a c k e d b y i r r i t a t i o n o f t h e s t o m a c h a n d b o w e l s , c o m i n g

f r o m t o o f r e e g e n e r a t i o n o f a c i d , f r o m

f e r m e n t a t i o n o f f o o d a f t e r e a t e n . C h a r -c o a l , w h e t h e r i l b e p r o d u c e d b y b u r n -

i n g c o m o r w o o d , w i l l n e u t r a l i s e t h e

a c i d , i n t h i s w a y r e m o v i n g t h e i r r i t a t -i n g c a u s e . T h e c h a r c o a l w i l l b e r e l i s h -

e d t o t h e e x t e n t o f g e t t i n g r i d o f t h e

a d d , a n d b e y o n d t h a t i l m a y n o l b e .

H e n c e i t i s w e l l t o l e t t h e w a n t s o f t h e h o g b e s e t t l e d b y t h e h o g h i m s e l f . — A ' .

E. Farmer.

W h i t e G r a p e s .

A s a m a t t e r o f e x p e r i e n c e , i t i s

f o u n d t h a t t h e m i x t u r e o f c u t s t r a w a n d r o o t p u l p , a l t e r n n t e l a y e r s o f e a c h

s h o u l d s t a n d f o r a t l e a s t t w e n t y - f o u r i l ( ' " h o u r s b e f o r e b e i n g f e d , a f t e r w h i c h i t

— . . . J b e c o m e s h e a t e d o f i t s e l f , a u d t h e c a t t l e

^ a : ^ ^ t C r o t ^ R t i t w i t h g r e a t r e l i s h .

O n e of t h e b e s t a g r i c u l t u r a l p a p e r s i n t h e c o u n t r y , a n d o n e e s p e c i a l l y a d -

a p t e d t o o u r o w n l o c a l i t y i n T H E M I C I I I Q A N I I O M E S T E A I ) , a g a z e t t e f o r

t h e f a r m a n d fireside, p u b l i s h e d a t 64

B a t e s s t r e e t , D e t r o i t , b y t h e H o m e -

s t e a d C o m p a n y , a t 8 1 . 5 0 a y e a r . O u r

f a r m e r f r i e n d s w o u l d d o w e l l t o c a l l a t t h e E R A o f f i c e a n d e x a m i n e t h e

p a p e r , f o r w e t h i n k i t w o u l d j u s t s u i t

Ibtm—Bochater Era.

T H E W E E K L Y S U N A lame cluhl-iitge paper of 8 0 broad columnt

will be tent po.l-pald to any addreaa. on* year, for

ONE DOLLAR. Addret*. TIIK SUN. N. V. Clly


Suitable for I'arllef. Church Sodnblet. el U*lIod free for I So

"OAMKS." Unadllla. N. V.

FLORIDA. We will leave Detroit on Ktbruary 11 wllh a party

for a lour throuiih the I .anil of Flower*. Ticket", good pi return up toJane I, |4U for Itound Trip. Our arrantemenla are limply perfection. Itedui-cd ralei Ui Naaiau. I lar an* and all Southern retortt. Send fi« circular lo RBBRT8 A IILLBTT, Bicqralon Agenlt. netrolt.

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1 1 1 1 1 P H O T O - C O P T I K O A G E N T S . M) OT1IKHS. can double their pniUta by Uk

L * Sample uf tho New AMI lUAi Tir f i .

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Avenl* that want Somtthlnc SK IF and very Taity. will Ond thl. Juit the thing. Sample, only II.OU each. They are furnlthod only by Iho

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P h 7 * 1 o i a n t , and Af f l i c ted P e o p l o . A l l o n ' t

y o u r

APRON ECLIPSE VIBRATOR I m p r o v e d ! P o r f o c l e d ! W a r r a n t e d !

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1 8 6 1 I M I L O B. STEVEN'S & CO

of Cleveland. Ohio, tndChlcaco, llllDOlt. »We their enure allenUon Pi the butlneta of proiecullnn

WAR CLAIMS. Arreart ef I'entUn ill imed only In olalmt prv-

wiiUd Ixfor*

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Addrett, with tump,

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C l e v e l a n d , O h i o , o r C h i c a g o , I I I .

Y O U NiG M E N will ta te money by altandlni th* fllVHI.VJMft COI.I.KUK al KALAMAIOO. U L C U . Send fo Journal

t ' o m u m p l l o n C a u l i e C u r e d

HAIL'S BALSAM roil T I I K txiifi*.

ER.MMCATKS C « n « h * , t ' o l d a . r n r i i u i o n l i t . l l r o m h l l l «

A * l l i i i i a , ( ' r u u p , tt l i u o p l i i K f a l l e n ,

All Dlsoacoc of tho Breathing Organn H A L I - ' H H A L S A M


I he

I r f -nd inK S p o r l l l c l o r C o t u n r t i p l U t i Il >oolhet and l.e.1. ihe m. mhi*"' ihe lull*!,

.nflamed and pobontd ly II"' d iumr. and i die. ihe ninlil »WCA1>. and linhlntit a m i "

hc»l, whiih tccompany il. A MASS OF EVIDENCE

I U . been accumulating diilini! J pcliud of | T W r . ^ T % - M ^ i : * K A B H p'">ini[ ih' c''"-c c y of I IAI . I . 'H I I A I . S A M m -1 whet' ihe hretlhing oiaam j 'e -ifl'' inK Ihe c«lim*lion in which ih- remedy i« he d by ihe public and die medical pruloiion. bold b) all U i u u m i , .

Price fi per boule.

S W I F T A D O D D S ,

W h o l c f a l e Oniggi ibi , • DCTUOIT, Sole AgcnlH fi r Mii hiRan.

" " " ' W E ' E I S ' " " ' " " 1

Of ihe nlneleenlh century, And one ihat like* cutul uok wilh ihe iii.eniion uf ihe Iclephonr. iKe electric licht and wher tdenUSc mai.cl . of ihe a|[e, ii dial of

Henry 's CARBOLIC SALVS Thl* Compound p o o r w , ihe ino«i rtm.rk-

able Ilealln* rropenic. of any known -Kent

' " ^ ^ • o W ' c l j V r U u i s E a I i . l U n i c . U n ^ . b ^ l ^ . u r ^ , and for

no fAmily be wiihoul a bo« of il in the h « i « . Pbnlc i .n i eiiol i u vi i lue.; And ihe thou. laniU wko luve u«eil II. unlle in recoramcnd. in^il. Beware of counleifeili.

Ail- /or Utnry'i (Mrbolie Saltt, nnd Inl:' no oilier.

Jons F. U r s K V , CI 'RRAN IW 'O Sol* Proprletofi. - . s m VOKK.


Proprietor.ofTHAVKK^ I ' l X H U . .Sole A g i i i l * lor M i c h i g a n .


SYRUP! 50 Y e a r s B e f o r e t h e P v b L ' * ^

rronounced by *11 to be Ihe m o d I 'IJUMHT

and i r n r A C I o r * remedy how w M l . for TBI

roiiE o r Couiuii , O o u w , C«oor, H o A u w f m

tlokllnK *rn.*tioii* of the throat whooping


WITUIN TH* IAITT rrw n u n * . I t Rlee* relief

when-rer n*ed. *nd ha* the power to lmp*r

benefit that ctNNor be h*il from the m l i t a t M

n o w In nte. Bold by *11 Urugglat* at J6 oont*

per botf l*

S E L L E R S ' L I V E R F I L L S

*rc al to highly recommended for earing Uf*

I complaint , comtlpat iou . tick-beadaobee, f e t w

and ague, and all diteaae* of the t tomach a i ^ ^ _

l i t er . Bold by all U r u g g l t U at 28c per b o i , ^ ^ ^

R . E . S E L L E R S A C O . . P r o p a .

Pittaburgh, Pa 1)111 III V Kir Introdnclni Huekey* Cbum. add. D I U I ll I y. y lie.rd. ll.publlo.Mnec*Co., Ohio.

Htnip »t free. Cook A lllaaell. CI«T»l>nd. O

j o e . v i w i r . l . V T K O - T h e belt rhanc* (Tor ' offorvd. pply al once. French (Ml Ulnl*-

luro company. Kalamaioo, Mleh.

«KitII1' VltATKS and Uatkel*. In in* 10 yf*n. lle.1 and cbeipeM mail* No d (ur ktre ClrcolU.

N.D UA ITT.USPS. Iluftalo W V.

N o n i i i l n e • l . i b l l <'nrwtf In M lo-JOilny^ Ki, p n y (III Cwrw^. Hit. J Si ki-iikn*.. 1 ..*li.inon. Ohio.

H a b i t Jk m n D l K i u e t . iThouudinraJ. UiMlFilM. P.DM Mluwrlu. Dr. f . K. Mu.b. Qdaer J d t l •"



Jl Fort Street We*U l lc tro l t , , , I Arehltecl* i handler Block. B o v d | noy'. Opera Iloute.. etc.. etc. .

r n r r .M ACIIKSTIKRAITHINU I.ANIW r i tKa. r n t u . •'end fur particulart lo offlc* of Tho

I Northern MIcLUan Colony. Detroit. Ulchlnn.

Pure Blood Will Tell.

T " » l K , l n , t""-* AOIKT* ID W n l l T R n town—8oi*ll c a p i t a l - l ^ n *

; • • U l l l U U pp.Bu- Pamphlou frw. K. M. P. I Co., P. 0 . no* RJO. netrolt. Mich.

.W V I I I ' l l V X 117 U f l . V . Importer* nf *11 kind* or

„ . Hint Seed, lllrd Tonic, Fuh tilob*a.8e*Hhellt. " A heant i ful face i t n j o y forever. ' po«der. lllrd. Kjo*. c * u l i « u * Free. L a m * Hoa**

The lad ie s of B a l i l m o r c , Cincinnat i a n d j in the y / m , u t Snerinr HU (I«T»I*MI. Ohio.

Lou i sv i l l e have a l w a y s been oe lcb ia ted for t h e i r beauty , nnd Iho h i g h e s t mci'.ic',.l a n -thor i ty bits l ong s inoo docidod liiitl Ihoir d e a r and lovely complex ions nro a t t r ibuted to P 0 U E RICK BI.U0D. i.) t h j y n e v e r resort to the u s u a l c o ' n u n i c : . the very b s t of w h i c h are danTorous. If l i^t l ! li!.-ck P imple s . Dlotchcs or p.ny of i h e s k i n d i s -

1 M^OR SA I.K.—K Sle*ni V*ehl SO feet 1 • nf dr*w • ' Inn a foot of w tor. A .pan of Ur*r I'adrut

1 Pony Maret (fail). Top Buuy. I w*nl * *ood 1 trotior 151, to 10 handt. (). W. HUNT. SI Orit-1 wold i i n v l , lii'lrolt.

html macblnerr, U loU In Heed Clly; M acrw near 1 heboyian; lu acre* near VaMar; IM act** near Alpena. Mich: >41 arre. In Iowa; II lota In

, , . Aekley. Iowa. U. 8. WuHMIIl. W Jcffenon *,0-e a s o s npnear t h e y never a . -ompt lo cover nuu, lutroll. Mich. • un b y uiinir Face Powders b-.-.l l iko n l o-ice 1 n i i j n i A t h e O R E AT B L o o i i P U R U - I V H . RIISA - { R i c e s T t m p t f a i M Uiit«l u d I t a U a r u t , DALIS. It i s ft suro cure i.-r C: :a iu la , Cor. B a t e a A C o n g m a a Bt'a. Detro i t .

Dlecrs and a l l t k t n d i . M . . . j A & J S M a n i r a n o v e n s m d c o n . u i o i c l . . .0 oiooa niilml Uin*KiiiK.i In Klecant SQItwnhKew runliur* Or.o bo l l lo w i l l c o n v i n o jo-.i of i n p r c a t e i e . ^ r b o b « i ONK DOUJ* j w d y H w w l n

mer i t , For ta lc by all (IruK^iotSi [ . ' — !_

Apoll NALK—Or will exeh*niro for Detroll raal c l a l e . * farm nf 180 acri'i. two mllei north o t

' Uie vlllaue of liudion. lA-nawe* ooanty. Mich. | Hrlc-k houio. barni. orchard, well fenced, food

road.. tchiHilhouioonth*premlto*. AddreuJouN I II. Ill-om.l, Bank Chamber*. Ilelrolt. or O. W. j n u m . m (iriiwoid a t . netrolt.

ILKLAN D'S R E S T A U R A N T it the qeit p l a n on tne eontlnont 10 »et * mo*l fo

2 o C . T W E N T Y - F I Y E C E N T S . 2 6 C .

UT Jefferton Are., Detroit. Mich


Propriclon. • S E W V O R K .

S W I F T \ D O D D S ,

WIIOICMIO Drtiggim*, • D m u i i T .

So le Agi'iil* for Micl i igan.


P A P E R M A K E R S !

If you at . In «aut of a



For Circular bufore buylnn.

Ir* that i r e n w i ' * I t1» RMEDY FUULOEURA. ( i ln*

lau Rlwf .cum eaaM j tlandm* lo I ,

| ordinary CAM. In 1 dy*.

T p S S S T T r C I C c l a T J I . "sfcLS'Si „'J I\ mt'rf'i tijmnm, IMU 8 1 a boll hk Bold

W r i t i n g o f t h e w l i i t e g r u p e s n x h i l

i t e t l a t t h e m e e t i n g o f t h e A m c r i c i u i I ' o m o l o g i c a l S o c i e t y , M r . E . F . E l l w u n -

g e r o f U o c h e a t e r H i i y B : I t w a s m y p r i v e -

l e g e t o l i s t e n t o t h e d i s c u s s i o n o f t h o S o -

c i e t y o n g r a p e s , t o h e a r t h e re |H>r t o f U i e c o m m l t t e e o n n e w f r u i t s , m i d w a s g l i u l

w h e n a s e n t l e m a n g o t u p a n d p r o

t e s t e d a g a i n s t t h e m i o r t , w h i c h g a v e t l i o " W i l d e r M e d a l ' t o t h e L a d y

W a s h i n g t o n . N o w . 1 w o u l d n o t c r i t I c l s e t h e r e p o r t o f t h e c o m m i t t e e , h u t

I w i s h t o g i v e m y o p i n i o n o n t h e s u b -

j e c t , c o n s i d e r i n g i t o f s u l l i c i o n t i m p o r -

t a n c e , u n d e r t h e c l r c u i n s t i u i c e s ; T h e L a d y W a s h i n g l o n i s a i t o g e t h f r t o o

n e w t o h e c l a s s e d a s a g r a p e f o r g e n e r -

a l c u l t i v a t i o n . I n Utn y e a r s f r o m n o w . i t m a v s t a n d a h o v e o t h e r s i n s i / e a n d q u a l i t y , h u t i t m a y n o t , i t m a y o n l y b e

w o r t h r a i s i n g i n c e r t a i n l o c a l i t i e s , I

a m r e a l l y s o r r y t h a t s o m e o f t h e ( l e r -m a n d e l e g a t e s f r o m M i s s o u r i , t a k e i t

f o r g r a n t e d , t h a t b e c a u s e i t r e c e i v e d

t h e W i l d e r M e d a l , i t w i l l b e t h e l e a d -i n g w h i t e g r a p e o f f u t u r e . O v e r

a n d o v o r a e a i n , I t a s t e d t h e d i f f e r e n t

k i n d s , a n d I t o o k t h e t h e " N i a g r a " a s t h e b e s t o f t h e w h i t e g r a p e s o n e x h b l l -

t i o n ; t h e n t h e P r e n t i i s ; t h e n L a d y

W a s h i n g t o n ; t h e n D u c h e s s , a n d a t l a i t , I ' o c k i i n g t o n . M y r e a s o n s : I k n o w

t h o N i a g r a t o b e a p u r e s e e d l i n g , a n d

t h e r e f o r e o f s p e c i a l v a l u e , w h i l e t h e D u c h e s s , I f o u n d t w o y e a r s a g o , t o

c o n t a i n t o o m u c h o f f o r e i g n b l o o d .

W o u l d l i k e t o h a v e a l l tested b y s o m e o f o u r p r o m i n e n t g r a p e m e n , f r o m

M a i n e t o M i n n e s o t a , a n d t h e n In ten

y e a r s f r o m n o w , l e t u s a g a i n c o m p a r e

n o t e s a n d s e e h o w w e s t a n d .

S k i n o f B e a u t y • a o y F o r e v e r .


Oriru ta l Cream or Magiral Bfaul i l ier . • M I I AN

n M M f J T M

l*AlrhM IIKI •v»ri blrmUh •in Iwauty.

•I'-*! in MI nf Uilrtr

imr*. •tttl U

u - u . 11 u


In tv*rf cite of fever »m! acuf. It U alwayt I thorough remnly. while for ditordrrt of the atoui' arh, torpidlif of i)>e llrer, Indigeillon and di%. turUncci of ihr anlou) forcet, whlth dcbiliuic, IT hat no tqalvulcmt and can hare po IUMUIUIC. It ihould nol be confounded wllh the triluratrd cjrapoundi of cheap iplrlli tZ'j eiientlal c i l i , often idd under ibe name of Dllterv

Send one, two, Ibr** or Hvo dollar* for a t*mple

ii*. hr eiprea*. ot the boil candlei In Amerle*. put up elecanUr cod •trlr-.tr pur*. lUfort lu *11 Chlcaio. AddreM.


Y F R E E O P C O S T .

At yo* T*IM yoar t i luesc* . io acx U M to. epportunpy ol | i pet*<al opportunl'i d r m r i l l M * keOM

jClnc't New Dttconnr Ibr C u — M l f . Colil«, Aithmi, Brenchitit, tad a l

u d Lunf tSec l lou , Wfcn k I* to* Ui*. Thit It Iht oalr remedy rea c*a iMIlliaLT • • u ow u doln* a* rtpreuaMd **d * i piMf vea caa R t * Trial DottU .*** OF coer. or a n f f t a r

P I S O S ' U P C f OR

• PUn'a l 'urr for I'miauMip. • • i l . . laKlwllivbHii eoo«hrarf- H

• iHne. |>n.F . m a l l - f c o t l l e H

I Inr«r. Hold rvM.vwUrfe. U i t H H A N D 0 1 . U O * W

• Warranted Ui dnt Inyor*. H

o n , i i M r T ION


GLASS; W H I T E - L E A D i

O I L & C O L O R S

W 1 L L I A X U Z D * (Of Ii« UU Ina M ft

•UU. iwi la Uiaas aa4 Ua4 " I i | HWlMato * IUUII 4Mkvla

r n v c M A AMiRirav

I W n r i m . h t l t d u , UMal ta* l ^ k naitftr

I B I S * S A W i t ft 14 C o o g n u S t E u t . D t t r o i t . Wle*1-

U I l U C G I S - n ^ G R O C


avi ivwH***.

L A W AMD P A T E H T S . m o * a. araaor*. atwMrin* C.I.M.1- . V U .

in I'.uoir.u.'i. IWl llM .1 IMrt. . . ..<1 r m l f i

Ofao. la IU BUU X $

IA B 0 E Mb. Feather Pillowi, $1 each, jMb Bedi Id, rood Hew Fctlheri 15c. lb. Simple FBEE.

J j , W. Morriion.43JeS. Are., Detroit. Obeap-oi l Feather Duiteri i s the world. Simple Free


M e r i n o s h e e p f e e d i n f l o c k s w h i l e

m u t t o n s h e e p s e p a r a t e a l m o s t a s m u c h

a s h e r d s o f c a t t l e w h e n f e e d i n g .







| ; 0 1 , U S 7 H T I I ' N

BUSOSJOTSITT rio? a'lvantacrt lo h*v ar* llM.ntiiffhly # work, Ifiier wrliinf

ml llic r • r ruiK>g of bu^inriipaprn hukC nitliiiitf a Ihuruush Ltikincat

educdiiou fthoiild cni|i:lrc of ihe bu«i-rtr«k mm of Dnroil where il can br»i

be had College patier mailed free.




to csaminc the U(ht Runnlag

N E W H O M E Sewing Machine. We hare Juil added irrerai new leatuiu lo the machine, which will inlcretl every on* who conieoplaiet bvyiof a Sewing Machine. D.n' l fail lo try one before buying any other. Il will coil you Bathing lo try it. Mtch.nei lent on Itial lo any pan ol the country. Send for dicular *nd Intnl. Agenlt wanted in unoccupied lerritory.

Addrtu, J O H N S O N , C L A R K & C O .

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i K | I , f l E W T : THE ONLY MEDICINE T h a t A c t a a t t h e S o m e T i m e o n


and the KIDNEYS. THRA* RRRAL ORR*O* *R* THE u t o n l RJEMT-







o r UOPY I ' R L A . | ER UHEA*


lepcdtr^iii —i humor* | ripelied nalurally.




WHY auffer t o n g ^ r / r o m t h a t o r m a n t

% ? h , " S * l r , » o o t i d i a t r M * from C o n -• t l p a t l o n a n d Pik>* 7





I'lmr PrutrlM kill U, or %eiU gil tl f v I I POU. tnUHuponkiiniiffll. mrtJltO.

VOLS. ncBASKOX k CO., h * M m , | |Ulll««l|'-i|M*.) Barila«lM. Vt. {

More Iban one hundred and twenty-f ire tboutand bott le* of Dr. Boll'* Cough Byrap bare been t o l d by a alngle flyn in Balt imore— Heaar*. W m . H. Brown 4 Bro.

The aaperior ayttem of teaching btuine** calculation* at the Orand llapid* I'raelieal Training School baa eonlrlbnted largely t o th* tnree** of that popular inatitntUin.

P E R F E C T E D " B U T T E R C O L O I U ( (2I*M RATTER LIT* *»\NR IK* »***AAA4 TI.— 1 • • • • • *• MJII J

A warded tba lo i i k w k t l l i lt , w^al

Itf i lre* n« t ter the , l l l^d(r fdco lor tk i t . a r ro iad . The larccx UNTTRR liorer* mm — — — U P K C T . Uiodb;J l t f iebeWtteamcrl i t .


Thoutanili of Ilalrynien ttr I T IH 1 'KU naUoaalDlpIom* at N. V. Hairy I alri It cotlt. who ui«*ill. whereto get It,

J^-USL H l S ) F T H E » r i R S T J » . F T N D

Golden Medical Discovery

!»•»? ON.* TEWFIONUFUL lo ou. pint FUO I Si!d E ery


P a r a o u a * F a r e A l i v e P I 1 U make new Rich Blood, and will coapUlely change th* Meed la lb* enure tyitem in UIM* Moolht. Any penea who win Uk* i pill each aifhi from i lo i* week* may b* natoi*d to touud haakk if tuch a thlna ba poadbla.

W Dr. Vicrcc't (Inlilcn Ucdl^al PUcovcry caret all n n m a r a , frnm tlie w o n l Hero r a l e to L common B l o t c h , r i m p l e . or K m p t l e n , Kryt lpe laa , S a l l - r b r a i u , F r v e r S e n * , Sca ly a a - cauieil l y tail bli " * ' "" _ B r t U U porltvlng. and inrieoralinv miillclne.

Eipectally hai It manllci lol i u poleoey InT.tirlng ( l e* . Here Eye*. Krrarnlon* Here* a n d B w r l l l n s * . W b l t r H-relUnc*. Col tre a r T U f l h t f j Deck, u u l

blood, ore couiiucrod by UUi powerful.

T e l l e r . Baae Kaah, Ba l l* . C a r h a B .

:k, and E a t a r s r d e l a n d * . If you feci dull, drowir , dehllllateil, hare is i low color of tk'n, or Tellowlih.hnmm i | face or IxMly, frequent hciulache or i l i i t inc is . liad lat le In nionlh, ir


In the cure nl |te»i«r"..?|l., %rrrrr r o u g h . , IVrak l o n g . , ami early tlare* of C a a -a a a t p U a a , It hat attonialie<l the medical faculty, ami eminent pbyilclan* pratwusee It tba greaieit mcdlcal diKovory c l the age. ^old by druggi tu .

i l i i t ineta. had la«le In nionlh, Inlcrnal heat nr cfillto rin^Jjrom

ci l Uiacotxry liat no equal, a t It e d e c u perlect and radical cure*.

odTi -kllernaled with hot flntlies. irregiiliir apiiolllc, and tongue coaled, you aro aufferi: Torpid L iver , or " B l l l o a a n r M . " A t a remedy for all tuch caaol Dr. I'lcrco' Meillcal

No n t e nf t.-ikln* iho large, repultlve. nantenui pill*. T h * t q ^ ~ . . . ellcU (Lltile I'llltl aro acarce ly l a m e r I b a a m i u t a r «

\ ® T C O S « 5 - r .

. — n * rcllt'U (Lltile I'lllt) aro s c a r c c l y l a m e r t b a a r e da.

B e i n g r n t l r r l y i r s r U b l e , no parlicular care i i required Tliey oiicrnte wlilioul ilitlnrbance to I" wiiile tiiliiK ihcin. 'iTioy operate wlilioul ilitlurbahce 1

t i t l e m . d i d . or occupatiim. Fur J a u n d i c e , Headi u B <_onit l | i* l luB. J i n p « r e B l o o d , r . i l n In t h e i th*aider* .

\ O I

© W O 1

Tha**Iltlla Giant" Cathartic.

c b e n t M o m a e h , R u t h or U I o o J l o i l e a d , lltko U r . l - lorce ' t P l e a t a n t P n r g a t l r e r e i l c i k Bold by d r u g g m t . WOHLDV DUPEKSiUT IKDICAL AhSOCUTIO*. P rop 'n , Boflklo, 11.1,1.

T l g h l u t - u of I brat. U l u l B e a a , Hour Krnc la l l en* tnm • l a m a c b . Bad T a . l e In Month , B i l l a u t attach*, r a t a l a r e g i o n o f k l d n r y * . I n t e r a n l F e v e r , Uluuled '