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LOWELL JOURNAL. One Dollar a Year. Of&oe In Train's Opera Souse Slook. Three Cents Per Copy VOLUME XXV. LOWELL, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 16. 1880. N U M B E R f.i. WASHINGTON NEWS. VranU of Dally Ooourronos a t t h » Knttonal Capital Tk* Mr**hlya Navy T.nl l^l.rK.m.at— Th. raa-AMfrtMS Will Om taalH—•!*•» tMlara la l b . , 1 faacary—Ulh.r Nul.*. CAPITAL BLVT WAIHJKOTO*. Oct IL AdTloef reodTtd at the Mai In* Hospital (UU that tb.re arc MTaral caM* ot yallew f»T.r al Kay Wwt, bat Oara la M <Uor«r of the illiaaia •praadlnr W AMI KOTO*, Oct II.—It U laid thai 8*e- retary Traor, la Ua aauuol npoft, wlU laoomioand tha •nlAijament an>l Improto- •Mot of lb i Orookljra Nary Vo.d The atttmatod aipaaM wlU ba IS.lOJ.OiO, tlia outlay to ba mada •» tha rata of au.OW a ya«. WaanicoTva, Oct tL-OomaiaDdarOood- rioh. ehalnnan of tha btal board, tala. graphad Baoretary "I racy Uiat tha l e t of tha dyaMnlM orulaar VMUTI U* had bean Mccaaafol to a dayrca nut anlloipaud. Tha KUM wara Orad Bvn tlmen In aa.cat^aa Btinuvc, iB'taad of thirty roloutoa, which had bean animated aa tha na<-a«aary Uua to Ira that narabai of >h >U Tba >peed of tha vaate wai op to mjolraMaata aad oran bayond. WABBIK TO*. Cot II.—The Departmaot of AJT m^lara taporUtha (eitaral paroent- aice of Ute eondltlon of corn atm.7, ajralmt KL» -a Bonth no; potatoca. «g*in«t Ml laat October; buckahi-at. 90. (ffiinat K.I teat year; tobacoo, S-.7. acaloat MVII b ItNl The prallminary eedmate yl.ld an MTO la l£8 for wheat, IL9 lor rye and tin l«r barley, WisaiHOTOK. Oot la-The total amotmt al atandartl tllrer dollar* in the Traaaury •falaat which entlBoaiaa can be leaoaJ la Of.U»a total ooloaca of 8 I.IW.- CiO *liT«r dollar* th*r* la In tha Treaa- mry t28S,«3.xa W ila,t which there U in airoalatlon t?M.7l3.IK}of oertlBoite*. Tha anxmnt».'it«nd«d dollar* In dieaUUqn * M.STH.nT. udtlwamaant of •llTeretitll- oatee ta the Tre.*ary U WAatHMOlom Oct IS.—Tha Dapartaaeat •f But* U InformM! through lla legation at Banoa ijnt that tha AnciaUne GOT- eraBMat baa Imad a decree prrmiUlaf the Bolaa to • eopea operation* la gold for aa*k WAIXHCOTOI. Get 12.—The Praaldaot lata ftMay altrmoon appointed Joha W. B.aok. bora, ol Ct.h. A«aoelate Ju-Uoe of the Ho- prante Court of ibe Territory of C'ah WAaautOTo*. Oct U-Beeralary Blalaa, la aa<*Mr U> aaaaroaa laviiaUoaa from the •ovtk, antboilaee the annonncemant that tba delcg tta to tha InlarmaUonal i cngma will ba takaa un a 'ootham trip la Jaaa> ary. It wa* thouirtat that it would be too faticniac to take In both the North and •nuth la oaa tlneraiy aad that Ootober waa aot a laTorakia aeason (or tUllinf the WAURXOTQK. CoV U—John Henry Hayaaa, Oauul at Davdad Ta k y, write* te the State Departmnnt under date of Angait B, that obolera wa* raging then in Bagdad and Urn •urroandinf count y. It origlaatod amoogiho Arab* In Boathera MeaopeUml*. and tpraid rapidly in aplto of qoantttlse reitrlotlooi In Bagdad Mxty aiao deatha were i*ported la uua day. THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. At Their Aonaal Metlaa la WaaklagtoB Thar Kleer OBeer* WAaxwotoM. Oot 1|.—Tha Knight* Taw- alar ta aaadon ycaterday elected J. P. * OoWa, ol NansyWaola Qraod Master and Hogb MoOordy. of Michigan. Deputy Ocaod Maater of the grand encamptnenl. Oener- ai OoHh'l* a Btale Senator from L'banon, Pa., aad tha Urnetal of the Third Urlgado of tba MaU>aal Guard of Penntylyanla W a m a l a m e Thocnaa, of MeyavUle. Ky. waa elected OnodUaneralLiilmo; H Henl- ley Boyd, of Kan FraneUoo. Grand Captain- Oaaaral; Henry DaUia 8(o>ldard. of Bryan, 'Vei, Grand Senior Narden; Kloitola* Van Blyck, ol ProTidenoe, R L. Grand Juiiffr Warden; H. WaiMLin**, of Meriden,Ooan , Qnad Treaeorei, and W. B. la*are. ot Biohmond, Va, Orand Recorder. Denrer. Ool, wai aeleolad a* tbi piao^, andtba •eooad Taeeday in Aoguat, 1H33, a t tha tine of the next triennial ueeltag. Draak UerMlf li Uealh. Ibt JOSUD, Ma, Oct 11-On Ootober 1 Mr. aad Mr* Richard Ambrose oommenoed celebrating their tenth wedding annirena ry. Thund y Mr«. Ambrose died from ex- OSMIT* use of W Itky and star ration, while ber bnaband i* in a crliical ooadl.ion and aot *(pert id to U»e. Th.r oommenoed drinking on the date meniionad and kept K up erar Mnue. baring looked Uieuvetre* la lite boa** The hu.band waa remoTed to tba bosptul and doee BM yet know of kls «lfe'l death Karen fla4l/ Hnrt. InutAroiis Ind.. Oot ll-XesUrdgy moralag at Idlj o'clock, a* the Rati.boand pa-ttagur train wa* leHnng Torre H«uw, the looomotlr* apd emi car onntsinlng nee-boma left the track, tlyongh aa opea awltoh. The engineer waa alight- ly iajarod MOM of the pawurota were knrt Fir* flae raoe-hone« billed from there ta Islington ware Injacod They •ra Jewmlah, badly hart; Nettle, Maad T, t aad Olanrlew Belle., He* yet*aa* rrabeb y Drewaed. Tirmoa. Oat. Oot I D - U a a MnLeod, with ble wife, b • soe and two hired aea, left larerharoo la*t Saturday with two fishing boats for Oojden ralley. It ba. (MM alormy after they left, and it to feared that a squall Atruck aad cap* sod tbelr boat*, a* both boats bare b^ found oa tbara, bodiy diaagod " 'Miser* ml the WaBaa'e CwagreM. Duma, Ool. Oot ll.-The Woman'* eopgrass ea Thnreday elected .alia Ward H«ir«, Prealdent; IfebeU Howland, of )l«w Tork. Secratary; HentioUt Woloott, of Mawsckusetu. Treasurer; bophia Hoff- mmet New York, and Charlotte Pierce ot feshaylraala, Aqdiior*. Vloe-presldenta wan chssau from tilths Slafea •taall r^ae* ler Lraehla*. Oa, Oct IL—William Moore, a THE FALL CAMPAIGN. PollUolaoa Ara Buay ID Various Part a of ttaa Country. OBrlal Relerne from the Dak .la Lie*. tleee—Pietalbltlea'e He.l Ueleal la Coa- aaelleal—Momlaeet ler C'eagreie -Other Nalet. AMONO mi rOMIICIA** NiW Yon* Oct IL-The (lreanbsok*ra will iae*t in conrsntlon on the '.'in inM. In tht* rite to noiuloate a Huta ticket Pinaa K D.. Oct ll.-The oniolal fa- turn* from all the legMatlre dlitricts In South OakoU *how that In the recent elec- tion the lie publican* e looted 1.1 • ot the ICQ member* and wonlO hare a majority of HA on Joint ballot In the Legislature. BitMAkci, N. a. Oot 11. -The full of- ficial return* o( the tecnJ elroUon In North Dakota *how a total roU of a).'**), liana- trough (Hep. i. for Congre**, recelred a majority of IX.OUU, •ehile Miller .Bep^), for Governor, ha* liCOJ maj.>r1tr TBO ma- S ty In faror of probiUUon la 1,100. bty per cent of Ibe total vole wai In faror of the con'Utullon. and 70 per cent waa tha areiage Kepub lean VOM. HAmniD. C..an, Oct 12 - T h e offloUl r*tura* from the recent election (how the defeat of the prohibitory amendment by ?7,t8 roU*. The rote waa; Xaaa a . o t l ; a*ya. M),*7i. Muaaruxa Ind. Oct 12,-The IndUna Woman-^nlTraga AMoclitio i In «ei>sinnbeia yeeteiday re-elected Helen M Oougar a* preeidant (X*xna*D. U, Oct l i - T h - Democratic count* con rem Ion recently aalected Jo- seph M. Poa to fill the T.icancy as candidate for county trea*arer. Mr INie announced that If elected ha wou d.d <n»'« the proflt* of the cQlce. supposed lobe iSXOUO a year, lo the rharl;aMe Initltntloni of the dty. ezcept'fiv.i 00 a year, g.ioh in offer make* a candidate ineligible to serve If elected and Mr i'oe wi 1 be oblige 1 to withdraw. BARTixaa. Neb. Oct. Il—Th* Deintv cra Ic ccnventlnn of tha Second Congree- •lonal dlntrlct ha* nominated C G. Cesper, of Butler County, m fill the Tioanny created by tba death of Hoa Jame* Laird. The rtohlbltlon>*t< in convenllon here nominated Her. C E Dentley for Con- «re«a NIWTOBS. Oct ISi—Report, aaytbatex- Prealdent Clereland han declined the niter of Tammany Mall tbathebeiome candidate for Congree* In the Ute a H Co*'* dl*trtct Oswcoo. N. T . Oot K—C<ingree»maB Nutting, of the Twenty •erenth di t lot who ha« been eerloosly III at hi* home la thi* city elnoo tha sdjournmcnt, redgned on Saturday. AXTELL IS KINQ- la* rauiaiK I'alt Lower* All Reeerdi fot Mtatlloni ef All A«e<. Ttaai HAITI. Ind.. UCL 13 —lUtell, the S-yeerold atilllon. with the help of the running horse Farmer John, waa *ent Thursday to beat tba it-re.ir-old record tttlSHi l>«ld by the California fillr. Hunol, and lowered It 1^ aecondA The diet quarter was reached In !tl. the b*U lolW^; Ibe three-qusneni In and th* mils la *:11, the great aUillcn finishing •troag without a wabble or falss tlroks Beilde* reducing th* tjiree-ynr-old reo- cord ths performanoy bests the r cord for stallions at all age*. WililBnu tha drlrer, wu tak*n from hi* sulky and borne aloft oa tb* •bouldan of bis admirers amid cheers for th* gallant colt and drlrer. Axtell wa* *o>d Friday nluht to Colcnal Con ley, of Chicago, for tl(H,axi. It I* •op- posed that Oonisy repreaentn a syndicate. The syndicate which purohaved Aztsli is composed of ths followiair gentlemen: W. F. IJaun, Terrs Haute. I n d ; A. E. Brush, Detroit; Oulonel J. W. (Vinlsy, ( bicarn. and Mr. F. T. Mnran, of Detroit Tbeee gentlemen were sjtisSed that the Bile waa done easily and within Axtelfa limit, snd thst bis fntura promised greeter eveuU Theee men are th* ihrewdsst of gentiomen horsemen, and tb* fact that thay were olfsied ll'i.UUO ad- ranee for the bargain ustlhos to thslr good »udg»e*v FOUGHT HER MOTHER. A Mad Mrargte Helween Twe tVemea Voi'ewed by a Hnrrlble Nslelrie. MA k so A IX. Minn . Oct 14,-Mr*. Lisrltt, mother of Mra F. Rjod. of Manhitll, who lately became insane. Saturday afternoon seised a butcher knlfs and atteupted to kill her dangbter. Mrs. Heed was aloas with hsr baby and held her mother on the floor while crytug for help erer two hour*, when, fearing .oomplste exhaustion, abs Strugglsd loo MI, civghc liar nhlld and rushed from the hou«e to the uclghbnn. The inasna woman then tired her cloths* with matches und was burnsd to death. Mgra **ia band on ths S.Taansh, Flor- ida A WNtora road, wa* taksa fron tb* trala ktn y«H«tday by a posse of BMB and tjraebed. UU only oIfansa was ibrowtng a •tone tb* dsy before at a cltlasa Oeman. Oriler..! (a Leave. hornot, Oot IL—Dlspsi hes say tbst ths aatbwltlM of Dfuiartlaud. Afiioa, hare ordsrad sit Oarmans ta quit the country, and bare seised Qarmsa u sslonariss as bostsgsa (ok tho nfsty of naUve agonu Ira- pdwaed by tba Oannan* KHM by a Urng. PaiLAau^aiA. Oct 11.-Samuel J. Cresa- wsU, a v-ealtuy Iron manufactursr of tbU dty, dtod la a dsaUK'* offlre yesterday Itom tiA eBeott of Mid* ga. («h*a lo re. beve pai» wblls having two tsstb ex- Mysr* Oat of Jalt Cotmcca, 0„ Oct ll-AUa a Mrera •M NUasad from ths county) .11 Ftidsy oa |),ua> bciui Tbs case was <*>"» np on a writ of e n or sltd a susp.-nsl n of ssnf tacotfd untttihe quratiun U tluaUyi dto- l'aa«ed Aw ijr. TiaxiLWA. 111. Get 11.-Hon. L D. Wbit- ing. ol thi* place, after a long aud painful tllaasa, died at bla homo yesterday morn- ing at o'clock, aged ilW yean. Tha fnaeral will be held it hU late reeldeuoe Uanday. He was a member of the Constl- tutional oonvsntion ol IH7i and for about e'ghteen years a member of the Stat* Legislators a* Representative and Senator, beside* . elding many Usier offii e*. Three Kea KllUd at Laadag. LAMSINO. Mtbk, Got 14.- While a crew wu engaged In dealing away a wreck oa lb* Lansing Tranrit railway Sunday tb* hoisting beam of ibe steam derrick broke aad fell upon a doftn men, killing Peter Qnlaa, tb* conductor of the ecnatmctloa train, of W**t Bay City, George Ruby, of Jsckaon, a mschlQitt, aud John Teatale ••st. a brakeman, of Dsy Oltji Weary ef Life. St. Lotas, Oct 14.—Mm Lonisa Ernst, a highly reapectsbla German lady orthia city, while tenporariiy insane on Baturdsy attempted suicide by Jumping from a tower of tl>e St LouU bridge Into the river, a dUtaoce of 1.0 feet, but the wu taken from tha water uninjured. Tw« Ralere Meet BULIH, Ool IT-TH* C u r of Ruuia sr. rived hers yestardsy lo visit Em|>eror Will lam. Tba Kmperor, seveial of ths royal Prince*, Prince Hlama- ok. Counl Herbert , Blsmsrelc aad a number of Genersis and court oflldd* met tho Cur nt the ttallon aad embrsoad repeale<liy. A Keatneky Villi*. Iiaatreyed. SOICIMXT, Ky.. Oct 14 Th* village ot Norwood, four mile* north of here, was d*- siroysdby&r* Saturday night Only on* hous • U Ufu Two person* are mlsdng. Tha fire started from an explosion of a ksgof gunpowder. Ths Imu U not y«t known. A Murdereaa Cunvlct.'t 8Mtnrro»T. PA. Oct 11—Annie Mlll*r, alia* "Dutch Annla." wh • haa been on trial here for the kl ling of Hill Hsilron Uat Au- gust, ba« been foupd guilty of minder In the second degree and will prolmbly suffsr th* full peaslty, twelve yuan' imprlsca. msnt Many Huoaaa D»lray*'l. Mvmoa. Oct. 14.—Fire duaiicrcd seventy boa*** in the vlllag*cilS;etlic uuur \Vur<e- burg. HavarU, Raturdar. Many pa sons were lujuriad and a In?jo Mimbut roudeied hoiMliks an 1 sbuviug. CeUwrino LawU falnlaJ ona night In "OlivsKa," but it didn't cauao a tipple In Mm play. Twuonly a cougji. and they had a botii* of & • Hull's Cough Pynjp to hfifid, of course. A LADY U* BO. OABOUHA WRITBS; Uy labof wu tkottm Mtd toas p a n f u l «ha» on two former occutoas; phvd- Auca asltiplsned; ! thank you for "Mother a Friend." It U worth lu <=«.. A l - Unta. Ga., for partloulin. Sold by all 4n^3U, CONFIRMED. The favorable impn-seion produced on the Hrat apixarauco of the ngiveMblf liquid fruit lemrdy Hyrup of Figs a few years ago han been mure tlumcui ftrmwl by tno pU'Hiwnt oxp-rience of all WIMI have uard it. and tho sucoeos of Hie pro prietor* ami manufsctiirera of tha Cali- fornia Fig Hyrup Company. LENGTHEN YOUR UAYS. You can prolong tour days hv using Looae'a Extract Re«l Clover tloisums. ll is the Imtt bkxMl purifier in tho mar- ket. and thouiwndB atuat itavalue. For wis by all drugggiu. A FOUL PLOT. A Oonaplraoy to Do'ent tho Buds of Juatlno D.aoovorjcL •Is Mea fadlaled U Chleacs for Aitemy*. tec la Hrlbe Taleemea-An OOWr .r •««00 far a Maa Whe Wnuld Uuld Oat Agaiaa* Caavlelloa. TAURSKU) w i r a THS ivsoia CBICAUO, Oct 14.—Il hu been learned that the oonierence between connael (or Ibe >Uta In the Cionia oase and tba police office re on FritLiy night re* laied lo another bold ounapiraoy which has been nnsaithed Sis of the principal workers In It are under armt. A plot to pack th* Jury who ara tu try the men so- rusrd of the murder ot Dr. Crouln has < sen discovered, and eaveral men a e under ar rest aad -jflil bs brought before Judge Mo- Ccnn*U TbU consplrscj ot which Luthsr Laflia M IU says "there hu betfn no more un- acmpnloui audaci ina or wicked attempt to inlerefera with the oanee ef Justice'' wu revealal by oaa of the veniremen whoa U wu wnght to corrupt Gooig* Trcb. pp«U. foreman of tb* Page Uird he- flaiBK Uompaay *t 44 Krle stree.. w u *um- nioned as a Juror lut To** *y afternoon He Wu oot examined that dcy and of ma again W*dDa*day mora ng. remaining with th* oth ir unexamined Juror* In th* ant4>-*oom. About 10:111 o'clock Wodnaa. d y morning 11*1118 Mark L Soloman. with whom he wu well acquainted, met him aad tnvttad bim out to have a cigar. ThU civlilly extended. K loman ssked Tschsp- pat If be didn t want to make some money. Xschappat gave the meet n*lural reply la the world, an affirmative on -. "Vary wall, then," reeponded Bolomaa, "you ge on the Jury and rick for aa ae- quIlUlaadyon shall have ll.uu"' At the noon adjournment Tsohsppat went to hU plsee of busiaeea, rstoinln^at t o'clock. He w u •>smlnad somewhat later and was excused for cause st 4 JO, be having said that h* touU not give th* d*- f*ndant* a fa'r trial. Aa b* w u leaving the building Soloman met him and said: "Where w*r* yon thU noon tim*? 1 locked overrwbere lor yea Th*y *ald to m* they would make it tV»<*>." Tschsppsi un hU way to hi* place of employment met hie employer, Mr. Page, to whom be told theee oltoum tancea Mr. Page told him to say nothlug about it nnUl be saw blm *gaia Tb* next,day, Thoreday. Mr Pag* w*nt to tb* coururuom and repeated the state- ment t o Mr. Mills, wiih whom be U InUmately scqoamlcd Mr. MUU held an Interview with Tachappat, who re- peated the Uo-y at be had told It to Mr. Page. Teihappst a u than In- Vited down to tho State'* Auora«y'* •'ffic* and •e*ted la an anta-rocm. Bailiff Soloman was than calUd in end clouiy questioned He denied every thing. He wu immediately confronted with Tee hap. pat, and. i^alislog hU poaiUca, be broke down and made * fail ooaf*Hicn, In which b* implicated the** who w*t* ladictedSat- orilay night Soloman'* oonfeeelnn In It* material puloU U that h* w u handed a ll*t of oor- mpt or corruptlbU Juror* by DalllS Atox- and*i L. Hankt, who said: "If wa get a maa oa thi* Jury to Bx It or if yoa txooe maa II means iMW, halt of it for tba Juror and tb* other half for ua" Farther, rdo- man wu to approach the veniremen bo knew and Hank* those be w u acquainted with Immediately oa Bolomaa'* eonteutoa Banks wu arrasled, and b* too confused •nd produced a lUt ot laieaiMn which tallied with Holouian'a. Every wan who*e Mm* wu oathes* iUU w u Immediately u n t for. Ikes* ar* tb* m*n who were to mr*Uriou*ly brought lo th* But* At- torney'* office F.ldny night Borne ot them st tout told all they kaew leadiiy. and from their stateuimU the coanecUoa Of Frederlok W Xmllh. Tbomu K ,va- n*ugh and Jeremiah O'Dunnell wu eetab- llshed. So Important and urgent wa* tba discov- ery of the bribery conaplrscy considered thst Ssturdav (oriiaoon nn sppllcalloB wu made to Jodge Horum for s tpeelal grand Jur- to be oaliod imioeiHalely. The appU- catlon wu grant*d and an order w u Im- mediately Uiued Ths membert w*re summoned for I o'clock at which hoar they were sworn In. Ex-Mayor Joba A. lloche wu msde foreman Judge Hor bn's charge ta them wu very brtof. They retired to the grand Jury to'm itr- mediately and remained ib*r* till 11:80 o'clock at night, at wh'eh hour they re- tained with ludlotmenti i gainst tlx men— Alnx*nder L Hanks. Mark L Soloman, Fiedarick W. Hmilb. Ihomas Kuvanangb, Jeiemlsb 0 Donnell and Juseph Kuuan. A HORRIBLE SCENE Death Cemet la aa Awfel shapi (a a Llaemaa In Mew V rU Nr» Yoaa, Oct 11—A crowd of people at the corner of Oitter end Chambera etreet* wluirt*ed a hor ifying cene Fri- day. At the tculhweet coiner of Chamber* aad Center atreau tb*r* U * telegraph pole flfty feet high, wjtb a double aet of arc varms on ll exu-nd nir esatsndftesl and north aad south On tbe'esims are te laphone and telegraph wires sud nine eUclrio-light wiiea Jnil before I o'clock Friday afteenoon two Uaimen of the Weatein Union Telegraph Company were Mnt lo cut dow n tlx dead wlr** hlch w*re on the pol* They climbed up, snd at abuat 1:16 o'cluck one of them. John Feeks, wu seen to be falling by a flremsn In the enxlne house hes|de the pole. The other lluamaa got down I the pale at rapidly u pou Ms sad ran | away. He w u evldentir badly scarad snd no or.e tried to stoii him. As Feeki fell bs struck on on* of th* crosa-snna with hU head and on- band on the *l*rtrlo-light wire*. The oarrent w*. CompleioL In *n Instant th* body stiffened Tha bead waa rslsed. •nd the wbol* lorni *eeraed to hive been rut In *n Iron mold There wu no movement The man wu dead HI* leg remained I over the crcss-b*'. but his feet, chin snd bsnds ware elevated, u IhSugh he had suffered mortal sgnnv. In an Innsnt the . fleeh wa* burned *nd lamed red A ho:rl- | hie fmuru* *ppesied upon bis throat and ! wrist* He hsd not'aken bis rubber glove* i with blm. and the oversight bail led lo bte death. Blood from bla tody tpaUered oa the people below. I Deputy Coroner Jeaklna. who kaa wit- Be**ed *om* bonifying sight* daring hi* official cantor, said that ttis spectacle wse the most gbully he hsd ever ssen Ua i w u oa the aaen* wbii* the effort* were be. i log made to get the body down, and after. I ward vUwed the body. He said: Tse wire wb ek i ei ihiovgb ih* llMm*a'a ' cheek *<ia*nU* entered at tbe m- nth. tl burned elear lalo tu* cheek bone, Tne barn 1* ike tbroat severed the windpipe and oaoy maici** snd ve ot Jost below in* Ad am's apple. It the msn bad remsmed taipeadtd la lb* air much langar the bead woold hare beea eoonleiely severed from the body. Th* shook may or nar oot bare k:ll*d h is la. Staatiy. Ml ll aenelnly rendered hlia uoooo- sdou. to Uai hit lace tell forwsrd en ibe ethsrwirea. I e*n sol tay ja«t wh ek wire b* caught bold e( Bnt, lor hit ntnd dropped from ll after tbe Oncers hrd been smpaiated by the barns and lallen to the ttreet" lle.tk >r an Ohlu Judge. OArroK. O. Oot 11 Word hu been re- ceived here of the death at hU home la Oeriolltca Thursdav Blght'of Judce Robert Raley, oaa of the c mmon pleat Judg * for this dlKrict He had beun holding court hen thi* week. Ills deslh wu occuloned byafaillrcmau apple-ires la which ba wu picking fruit He fell oa a picket fsnce below, snd ooe of ths idikeU eater- l o r We eld* brok* two rib* and eaat*d aa bMaorrbago. Judge Ualey wa* cos of th* beat-known men la this section of tha country. Threw Herself Over Niagara. NIAOABA FALIJ. N. T . Oct 111-Mia Lonto PeUchke, of Huffalo. 11U thought h u com- mitted snlcid* by going over the falia. Tba tulkiwlng Utter hu been picked op A Goat "DBAB riiauDii: You have drive* me to lb a I lorn ve you more than a Ibostand timet, Irnt I ran stand no more. May God for* g.v* you at I fern -a you. I die Uv ni yon. ••P. a-Karoweil forever Tooa Wira" ailll ABroa*4. Nxw Yoaa. Oot 11—All effort* to extxl- eate the ooesn steamer City of New York from Gedney'* channel have t lied, and tha doun tug* •ns*u*d In tbe Uak have abandoned It Tho work of lightering tha cargo then oommano-d and U expected to tak* a day. It I* t*ared that th* v*h*d hu iaaUined tarlou* damage. llealh of a Veteran if IVeterlao. Nxw OHXAN*. Oct 12. —Tb* Time* Demo, ci at'* Opelonsu special records the death of Theod re Clomeat Rultalle, a nntiv* of France, at his bnme In that parish Hepnr- tlclp ted In the battle of Waterloo and at the time ol his death wasldyeur* old Mela Another Nan'a Wife. MABICN. Ind. Oct 13 —Ratull Boa* MV- eral day* ago tide a ore-tout-* iw. maul aad wedge f cm Tbomai Marks and left tbe conutry with .Marks' wire. He veaturad back yetterday and now lie* In Jill Charged with grind larceny. Knbb-il of Her Ulamsada. Bx. LOCI* Oct IS.—Mra George Hoey. wit* of " 0 d Hr-aa" Hoey, of Kvana and lloev fsma, waa lobbed In broad daylight on the ttreet Frldsy of a taobal containing |U..'iOu wor.b of dlauionda Bhewuoabar way lo tbii theater. ' Three Men Hurne I tu Death. Rico. Cel.. Oct 14 —Fire SatnrdWmora- ng burned tbe St. James Hotel ani throe Other buildings John Phillip*. *tlgtn*er ot th" Jumbo mina. I'uh Cnrpenlar und one Otbur man ware burnod to death. With the nineteenth century dawned the era of wonder. It liaa also proven an era of wtrpriee—for not- wiihsUndinK it* giant stride* lownnii uniisual knowledge, we are told that there are still, in M-qiieetered plrtcea. a few ritlun* who havn't heard of Salva- tion Oil. _ IF YOUR SKIN I* rough, and pimply or covered with blotches and sores, and you want a clean smooth skin and fair complexion I'se Sulphur Hiltere. The heel medicine in such case* I ever sold.—C. E. Rcheff- ler Jt Co., Druggiatt, Lawrence U s a*. STATE OF TRADE. A Cleee Weaey Market, bnt There Are laatnallaee of \n laereaae la Ih. Tel. wme af Le(lllm<ta lla>lnaa>. Nxw Yoax, Oct 11—H G. Don i Oa'* weekly review of trada wys; Tbe Gov- ernment crop report wss very sncoursg- tog. but the lo** of (told by th • gre*t for- eign banks-over II.IOO.lOJ by England. 14.1100.000 by Germany and t4.7UQ.UXI by Franoa-wu large enoagh to Increase ap- prehensions of monetary pressure Large shipments went Irom London lo Brssll and Kgynt Tbeaa two opposing inHut-ncea raleJJ tbe markets during the vieek. Crop* •re Urge snd imaineaa hjsvy. snd tbe com. metcii . i ullook most favorsble. but money U compaiatlvely oloee. and there U a poeel. bility thst tl may be e:o*ar yet Tba voiums of trade U incressing at nearly all tateiior point*, end thl« involve* a larger damend for inaB*y. Tb* b nk etoarlngs lut week war* 0^ per cent larger than lut year at New Voik. 'J per cent BmalUr at Hoston. PhiUdelphU aad Chioago. th* decrease being large at Chi- cago. bnt 11 per cent Urgar at all ether aitlea taken together. This locreasa at C ita where specoUtive •i-llviiy h u the tlnflaenoa indioaies a greater voiam* at togltlmate butlnesi than hat ever been reaorded at thU season In any previous year, aad the ha vy rallrci.d esrninga, 10 per oent above lad yesr for September, tell the tsme story. Kaw Yoa*. Oct 13 - T h e husinss* failure during tba lut ssvea dart aumber, for th* Dnitad Staiaa, IKl. and for Canada. !0, or a total of 814, a* compared with Ixt. lut week and 10J the week prevluu* to the last For tb* oorrespoudlag week lut year tbe flgurea were in. re| (esentlng IUB fallurea lu the United -tatoa aud 04 In tbe Dominloa of t'sn ida , UNLUCKY JOHNSTOWN. lypheld Fever Breaks Out Among ths Hurvuo.e nl Hie HIMMI. JOBNSTOWM.PS., Oct IS - Postilenoe hat followed the Hood in the Conanaugb val- ley, and ths borrora of trpboU fever now confront the strlckan people At near u can be aatlmsted djn person. B-e sick with the terrible dUease and kindred fevei*. while abouttwtaty deatht are Uaciable lo IU ciuae during thi put mootk The caou of the epread of the dlaesu U due. aooordlog lo tb* stalameal ot Dr. M-itthew*, local member of the Staie Board of Hsaith, to tha debilitated coodilion ot thi reai- d*nU ot tha valley and the poor sbiiter af- forded by th* Uin| orary structure* ikit are Inhabited Three more oodiet were foand in the river yetterday. making a total of tan found during tho put *iz djya A TERRIBLE TRAGEDY. A Maakan Alleuapts lite LUe ef a Tfataaa bnt Kills Her ll>ua lualead. CITT OF Mixtco, Oct 11-A horrible doubto murder occurred In tbU city Thura- day night A man and woman ol the lower due became Involved in a quarrel Tho man was aoen to draw a knife und make a past at the woman, who w u carrying a babe. Instead of * riklng bar it penetrated the child'a body and killed it The woman Jumped on the man and suoceaded in wresting tbe knife from him. She plunged it into hi* heart and he sank lo tbe earth a Tbe murderess waa arrsslad LORD HOWE'S REMAINS. Werkiwea at Tleuaderega. X. Y . Illaeover the Menalat ef Ike U.nerai Who Led the llrlllah la the Kevolellonarr War. TlcoxntaooA, N. Y, Oot 11. - laborer* *ng*ged In digging a aewer ih on* u.' Hi* principal aua*is ol tbU village Thursday atruck a lomb*Uin* and belojr ll Immd * coffin containing the bonea of a human being. The none wu wuhsd off and found lo contain the inscrip- ll m and date of the death of Lord Hose 'i he skull wu Intact, but the rest uf tb* bon** were disjointed and coniideraiily d*r*y*a Aa toon u it had been leAtned about the village an liuinruae crowd ot peopi* saaembled end many penrant mad* dcaperate effort* to procnr* piece* of the bones. The coffin, which w u of o*k w u in a fairly good stile of pres- ervation. Several years sgo the street where the remtlnt were fennd wsa flllad in asvaral feet, which aocounw forthadaptb uf tbe tombs lone'a location Tbe teinalna will probably be relnlerred at once In tbe village cemetery. There la considerable excitement over hU discovery. [Lord (leorxe Asfuttet Howe wtt born in Eilisml in I7.'4 and was mot Oead la Ibe bat- lie st T conapro*a July \ 17W. He entered tba army al a very early a.»e. toon rute lo dlttluo- too. and ID ITJ. W.I» teul lo tbtt country In coemaad of tne S xt cth rcirimant On July 1 ITJa nnder C imaiender-ia-Chiel J.imes Abercrtimti r. he isadeii at ibe ontltt ot Lake O one fominf -intdeniy a poa u e Piroch leroes twe dsys ister at Fort Ticonderoas he fed at the bead of bis curpa m ike entoiag •klranlth.) A CHURCH - TN "ASHES Baa. T. Ue Will Tslmaia'a UnMklya FUafe Wllbont Nlieller. Nxw Yoa*. Oot 14 —The famous Brook- lyn Tabernacle, ot which itev. T. Oe Witt Tslmage. D. P.. U pulcr, and built in 1U73 •t a cost of tlT'i.UJH was on Sundsr. for lb* eecond time lu Its Mttury. t'ttally di-atroyed by hr*. At 3:I.S o'clock a m. a puliccman dievovared flamet Issuing fmm tha amall w'ndowa over the main enlr&noe. aad ru»b- lag to the oearett algnd-boz aeut an alarm. Tbe Oremen found the tire had assumed largw proportions, and Ic became evident that tlie edifice wu doomed lo deatrucUca UbarnedUkea tinder-box. and the fire- men. deepalilngof saving U. dlreoUwl their effort* lu the adjololag pro|>orly. Th* origin of ths Dre U unknown, but it to thought that it may have been caused by llgblning. The loss on the chnrch building. Including the organ, which wu one of the Uneat In the country la • l.V'.UOU. It la aald to be covered by an Inaurance of II2i,UM Dr. Talmr.ge hu lasued an ap- peal to the public for hel[v BASE-DALL. Staadlagar Ike Ciebi la the American A*, aoelnllon Gp la October IX. Tbe itat naenl that the aeason of the American Bau-Daii Aisociatlon would dose on Katardsy lut wu en error. Al a recent meeting of the auootatlon 11 w u decided to extend the seaann until Oc- tober 17. Thj following tabu ihuw* tho standing of ths olubt: Brocidrn L^B • Cmclanatt AthUtie Bait more Ceiumbut .... Ktataa fi.ly.. Luuitr lla KILLED AN AGED WOMAN. A Cruel Muid.r Cuuiiui^tad at Wealhecly fa., by William Hlaaclsy. HATLIRUM. Pa. Out lt-Mia Walbert, age 1 v., of Waatharly. tblr county, was ahot •nd Inatanlly killed Hiturday morning by William SumrUy. aboui 3'. yeara oltl, a boarder. Stangley and Mrs Wallierl had a quarrel Friday n>ght and Htanglny wu greatly enraited In the uiorni g, after Mr. Wdbert h*dgunstu wo;it, -tangley locked * illlls child, lb* only oth*r ii-rupani nt the huu e, la u room t" | ie.eiiibi-r making any outcry, aad then abut Mi. Watb- rt The murderer mad* bl* es<-sj>u Bllllaga Taken lu I'rlaua. WAVSRLCO. l a . Out. II. -M B. Billing* wu taken to the peniteullary *1 Aaamo*a W*dne*dsy to urva a Ufa sentence for lha Binrdsr of Kingsley He did nnltay much when ba w u lak-n ewav exi^pl that ha expected to get a new trial. The Supreme Uonrtrefbsed to ynint hU iwtitlnn for a writ of babeu corpus end be will not ba admitted to bail wh le ins rpiieal U pend- lag. Sonth Dsknln Offlrlal Ketama. DISHA BOX. N. O . Oc*. <4.-Ths offldd canvass of lbs vole of Heath Dakota show* lb*t tbe tot il veto for llorernor wu Tll,'«Vi Mellette iltepi recalv.d .VI,IU; HcClnre (Dent). '£1.441. For Congrets, GliTord (Rep i received M.lSi: Picker tle)i <, .Vi,. <•7: Jeffries Dom i. &'Oki; Uootb iDtm I, SS.1MX For prohibition. .HU.-Mi; a g a i n s t SSfA C'oaxrrsnJKn Nnltiav Kra gn«. Oswaoo, N. Y., Ool 14 - H o n . S' W. NuV ting. Representative In Conureta from tho Twenly-uventh dtstrlct who h u been dangvroutly ill at hi* hom? in thliciiy sine* lb* idjournm-nt of Cungnns, hst re- tlgned Governor Hill hu Uaasd a proo- lamal on calling tor * *|>ocial elect!' n oa November & ir... Lnil. fir rt. . Hi II »ri 41 VA ..n (1 •Ut ..w •111 ..:t» et .01 .«o . M .411 iw IM MICHIGAN STATE NEWS. THE MARKETS. A Kmldrn llealh. OTTAWA. Ont. Oct i-'.-Thnrsdsy Judge Oliver delivered tbe addraa* at the aavaiL log of th* T baret statuo In thU city, and In the evening attendod a banquet given by tbe Sanate and the faculty of the Unl veralty of Ottawa Upon leturning borne ha oompUlned of having caught cold and died in a few bonra Uaeer Kxeute foe flnbbrrr. WABASH. Ind, Oot i'l-WIIHSBI Null, a young tarmi-r living near thla dty, "held up" bs neighbor, Levi Hummel, late Thursday nlglil an I robbed blm. Ue ad. mil* Ue crime and uys in paliiaiion of it that Hummel (hot at hU dog. Natl WLB ptoood under bond* Mn-l I'ev lei- Floitlnc a frlanaer. GBAXO H t n u * . Mich.. Oct IH-Cbri* Johnson rrcovnred tl.^IS damage* in the Halted States Court Fiidiy from Warden Witklatof lbs lens prison to a flogging gir*n th* [Ualntlff while couflned in ibe prison. KlChtesn Tr-ira lor Maaalanghlar. Suxaanooxx, C m , Oot IS.-Doni d Mor- ris <o. who w u convicted ol uisnaiaugbter for lha killing of Cunstabln Wurren In ISiiS. ba< been teulenced lo eigbt*«u year* in Ih* paulteatiary. Killed br a Med Uelt OABUIIX P*. Oct I'J.-Aa Infuriated boll on Friday gored lo death tha 12.y*ar. old danghur o.' Mr. Rod baugh. living n*ar thla city, aud aevarely Injured another ehlld. Naa LIVE STOCK—Ntuv** Hbeep II oe* FLOUB-Good lo Choice .. . . Petenta WHEAT-No. t Red if. o. b.).. H*pi*mocr S JRS-No.* White ATS—No. X Whil* HVE—Wtttern PORK-Me*. | LARD—Steam.. CHJtBSE. WOOL—Dometne ClllCAtJO. ^ BEEVES—Shipping Hteera.... Cow* Bloc if la ri'fltjra -Uutcher*' 8l**r* i Infer or Cai'le HOOH-L ve-Oiod to Choice.. SHEEP BUTTER—Creaiuerv. Oood lo Choice Oa r j KGOB—FreaS LLLLI HIM CORN— I Self-WorkI | j Hurl Infer or I POTATOES—(per bu I ... POKK—Mc.a , LARD-Steam rLOUR-Scr ng Patenta 1 Wl ler Palenia | Hakert S rai(<li GRAIN—Whe«l, No. t Corn, No. -.. O.iit. So. i., Rye. No. t Harlev. No. LDMIIER— IVm i no D-*»ed Sdlax... F o r nij IVmmnii Uoania Fencing Lith Shingloj KANSAS CITV. CATTLE—H -tt . Fair lo Ooo>i HOGR—Uett Mtd.um SHEEP-Ueal Medium OMAHA. CATTLE-Bjtt Med um HOGS Pain and dread attend the uso of tnoet catarrh remedies, Liquid* and rnuff* are unpleasant as well aa dangerous. Ely's Crckni Balm is safe.pleaMut.easily apulied into tho nostnU.and u surecure. It cIpHnaos I tie nasil pawages and houla the inflamed membranes, giving relief at once. Price 50c. Tho most obmnate caae* of catarrh are cured by the uae of Ely's Crcnm Balm, Mm only agrees Win remwly. It is not a liquid or a annfT, U easdy applied into the nnalrilit. Forcnlii in the fn-ad it IB maitical. It give* relief at uuoe. Price 60c. YOKk. Oct it 14 00 * 4 4) tsa S m < a • « n >10 • 4 u 4 >4 w t AS 53 w un) a n so c Tj U I » a a 10 a » » M 01 -J » 0 ) i so o < n n ou it * w KM Irl 3 00 iuu a < IVI 1 90 o t T) 19) u 4 40 101 n 4 90 « a rs 8-i a IH M A UM 3*»'i> IV b a 4? Ili a 15 « U Mi Oil il ( S' , ^ t » « t.1 ® » iw tW .• 4 00 I w o I u> < iu a < t i SO .1 3i< ill ft w 41 9 4IK lO 14 17 00 1*17 Hi Kill ..3100 il 11 M II V) it 1 10 {t«U) in 10 11 )l - 10 1 w f4 11 i M 3 "I QIOJ 4 1) *>1 4 *1 3.71 lit 4 14 3 7i ,( 4 a iiu U 3 t i 13 81 ',1 4 m nil Jt t 00 3 70 u 3 «> FORCED TO LEAVE HOME. Over CO people were forced to leave their home yrelerday to call for a free trial package of line's Family Midicine. If your blood ii had, jour liver mid kid ne.VB nut nf ofder, if you are constipated ninl have headache and an um-ightl) complexion, dont fsil to call on any druL-gisC to-ilay for a fre^ Maniple of ihis giaiil remedy. The ladies praise It. Everyone likes it. Large size package 50 cent*. Bicycle for sale -bi-aji. t-nquirw at the JUI-UNAL Office. THE LIQUOR LAW VOID. Tha Werk ef the Le(lslalere t'adoee by Ona Snip of ibe Hhears. Darin* tho last days of th* legltlativa •ewion * new liquor law waa paa*;d whiob Increaaed tha lax from t-'lW lo l-VO It I* now diteovsred thai a grav* eiror or *oroe- thing woite ha* be*n mada Two oonfar- enoe comniliteea were appointed by the Houae and *ach oommlttee made a report, both of which were printed In full In the legiaiatlys |oiiriial on tb* same day. Tbe Hons* confrreni-e rominittee * report waa adopted by both the Houae and henat* and lha bill ordared *ngroiiaed and enioli*d, but whoever prepared tbe oouy for tbe en- groaaing and anrolilng ciork rllpped from thi lagltlalivi<|uarnal aeotiun 3 ol tbe Son- att amended bill, inatevl ol aection 3 aa reoiunuoudail by the eecond conference oominiUee. tdopted uy the House sod oon- curred tn by the -Senste and tbii a-ctlon which waa not adopted by the Leglalatura aud omits the reauicllon* upon druggltU. *ppear* a*a portion of tlia.law tlgned by lb* Governor snd tbe odlolals of both hnuset. while lb - tec'.lou which was adopt- ed aid wh ch placed retlricllon* njion the dioggiiu wai left out ol the law. The ra- snlt of thla erro- wll' bs that ;b« new law will bainoperatlv* and tha o'd liquor law of Michigan will remain tn fore*. Lived Mora Than a Caalary. "Judga" Runi-e.a* lie wa* fsniiilarly call*4, died at bis home In Port Hnroa town- ship lb* other morning. Had b* llv*d natH November 14 next be would have been ona bnndred and two yeara old. HI* full aim* was Zepbaaiab Webster Bnnca. H* wa* born at liartford, .Conn.. November 14, I7S7. The famoua charter oak alood oa what wa* the original Rnnoe farm Judg* lluno* oeenplad many public omoet, b*lug on tb* bench of tho county court In 1SJ4 and lor B:teen year* thereafter, and waa a member of th* Territorial Leglslalur* from Itt-'l to IS-'t Health la lliehltaa. Report* to tbe Stato Board of H*allh by flfty-tbr*e obaerver* lu different part* of tb* M*t* for the week ecded on tbe Mo In- dicated that tonilll-ls. typbo-malarial fever. Influenxa, eryaipelaa. ecarlet fever, pnerperd fever and membranou* cronp lncr*a*ed, and that cholera Infantan, in- flammation of tbe boweit, cerebro-apinal menlngitla, Inflamiiialion of tbe brain and measles decreased in area of pr*v*I*Boa. Dlphtberia wa* reported al aiventeea piaoea, acarltt fever at fourteen, typhoid f*v*r at Ihlrty-tlx *nd meatie* at Hv* r lacea Th* Grand Have* Fir*. Tha recent great fire at Or*nd H*v*n da- •troyed all ol the best part ot tho buslne** oenler, and deilroyod hundreds of tb* Ana *hadstreetot nhich tbe town was quite proud Many lamiile* who herelofor* bad every co nfort were penniless, and would be ob:igsd tu begin life anew. Rillef waa oomlos In, UulTalo. N. I., being the Snt to send a contribution. The contents ot tb* ban* vault* and aafes wero recovered tn a fair *tale ol preaervstlon. I'ropoa^ Itrllilin- a Canat Orand Rap da and Holland bualnen mea ar* propo>ing to run a canal Irom th* former city to Holland and Lake Michigia *t a probable cost of ti.iaXl.OJU The Hol- land route Is ths «ho teat and easleit for Orand Itnpida to connect with Lake Mlohi. gun. A cuiumlttee composed of members of the Hoard of Trada and other wealthy citliens of ilrand Ilipida and Holland wlU fully inveatigate tbe routa Short Oui Ni-war llama. Mra Osoakl. a Hay lily woman, w*a fln*d r*o*ntly lor beating a woman whom ah* •ooused of wltcbcrolt Anguttua Hei-kinau naa killed al a raH- say cro.<tiu( near Ooldwafer the u'.bar day, train runniiiB nia bng^y down and t-iang- llng hit body feurfuiiy. Frank Donald, a young man of twenty- two yeara. rode up in tbe wire tblp of th* Oeoeola mine ih* Hlhur morniaic when ha bad b«*n told not to du to, ano when near tba surlac* foil an 1 waa killed John Grler, who livee on a farm near Coldwsler. went ou such a spree reo*ntiy that ba died In a bsru there Thre* Blvers clnlma to bar* lw*nty-elz facUiriet where products are turned ont and shipped *11 over the world HaptLats at Lyona ura happy bocaus* they hav* a Uu* new church and bav* It aH pa'd for. Fannl* Crawford, aireJ tan y a n . who lives near Usttie v'rej'», waa Injured re- c 'nllr. snd i-al 1 she h.nl fallen from a ma chine In the burn. 1 hn attendiug phrsl- ciun Iho'ighi nil - i . n d ri-.-'n, and Investi- gated tbe ease, wbivu resulted in the ar- real of tha en I a bru'.her, a boy of aeven- tien yeare. for criminal aitaulL He con- fes*ed the crime. Peter Gemberllng wa* killed by n train at Denton H.runr tli • r lut Detroit (ipitnlis s ii-i\e aiioul form*d a company to bore fui «:i» und oil. Thay think the Ualo gas-belt runs up Into Michi- gan *omewhere south- st of Jsckaon. Muskegonltet intend to make tbi-ige live- ly for "Colonel Wilcox." the man who cheated *o many or ihnm not long *go la th* p*nilon butluess A Detroit woman ow na a clock that waa onoe tb* property u Stevens T. Maaon. Mlebigan't tlrtt lioveru'>r. The dock iUU keeps correct timr. While George .'ohn-on. * milkman ot Muiksgon. waa e.iiing tnpprr recently wtth hi* fsmlly some one entered th* ho as* and itol* l-l\ Th* demand for Michigan appl*a la larger tbl* year than *v*r before. Many farmer* conlr«cl*d H eir crop for 11 per barrel, but they are now worth ll.SO, and the price will probably roach tl.73 and JsmssTisrnoy.aldsnnan from th* Tw*lfth ward of Detroit, wo* recently Indicted for accepting a bribe of t70 for the award of a aoatract for sewrr building in IBtt Roberlton 4 Son are full of fall Koods. i kmm • j i " j THE GREAT l&erman Remedy.l TRUTHS FOR THE SICK. TTST , K-.r tiiH-i lirilliilv |llilliiuaS|ii.||.i|i>|ienil lonai i.i iiii|iilirii:iu- Illw^lUnrevou^ TTTMrTT rhatilnalniulnllKonc Iroclliii!: il MI. u»i Isumirg Iiiirxut |U nlil riv-e you. "oKratrTaTIIoar! cioaolv contiiud in itho imlU and work. aho|n; rlrrka,whoilii not iirorureanltirlonl i-xerriia', andnllwho arci-oiidiu-ilin doors, sheiiM u-o M I . nn nmiaia They nil not then be weak anil ^ . Wl forarntewhtiehrLl eiltia lllTTKHS Wil l luitssalatorcure. Ill cr Inllt. Cleanse the vlllaMtll ^lotal when yun »ei I it Inipnrliles Inirst I nilliniiiKh the alinl in rlniplea,illnli'bet.l ind Mores. Relv onl ftrLriit'R iiinxiui.i ind health will lol f I'H III ^i i.riinii llinKRS rili cure Liter (.'aa. lalnt. Diiulbcdl*. •iiu-aged:ltHlllcare on. io>uUiTlroni Itiuum ntiam, uae a luillle oi si i nini in m us il m-vi'r fnila loi nre tt: SrLriiDK HirrEas n ill build you up and make you Mruogacd lealthy. SCLVIH'K liirrr.a n lil make your blood i>ure. rich and ttroog nnsm: bottle. lYv It: you i-nre.nrnsoitMroox, will nnt regret IL >nd ynur flesh hanC | Lailica lu ilt'lU'sii he.nlih, who are ail rnnilonn.abnnid nac iSuLi-iiru lirmms. Try si Li-m a m r I TKIIS to-night, audi Min will tleep well| ind feel ln'ttiT forlLl "A new thcor>' has been startctl with rejrard to the use of soap on the facc. Women who for year, luvc been careful of their com- plexions would never, under any circumstances, wash the face in soap, as it was said to roughen and coarsen the skin. Now, that Ivory Soap lias been invented, this idea is exploded, and a well- known physician in the metropolitan profession recommends his women patients to use it freely every day. lathe ing the skin well. He states that none but the most beneficial results will be effected by this method of improving the skin. He holds—with considerable plausibility—that the pores of the (ace become as much clogged by grease and dirt as the hands or any other portion of the body. And if .soap is considered a necessary purifier in the bath, its needs must be felt equally on the face. By an abundan: and regular lathering the facial pores, he claims, are kept open, clean, free from the clogging matter that produces unsightly blackheads, acne, pimples, and a pure, healthy, fresh and brighter complexion is the resultant Not mincing matters, he says that the trouble with most women who have s^ ,ow, pasty skins is, that from year's end to year's end they never have a really clean face." —Brnk/jm F.jgU A WORD OF WARNING. Ther* life many wbitt soaps, each represented to be "just as good as ths 'Ivory';" they ARE NOT, but like all counterfails, lack the peculiar and remarlt able quilitta of the genuine. Ask for " Ivory " Soap and insist upon getting if. Copyr'ghl IMS. by frocter A Gamble. IsTIEW Lumlier Yard. m s m w D i a , DKALUU IK LUMBER, LATH S SHINGLES. Yard at rear of Train's Hotel, Lowell. Mich. To Invalid and Wounded SOLDIERS! The undersigned ut the request of man* Invalid Soldiim, liaa qualified aod Wn admitted to practloe m the Interior Department, and all the bureaus thereol and is now Readv to Pposeeuie Claims, for thoM that mm be entitled to PEN- 8ION and BDUNTY. MILTON M. PERRY. O H A S . L-A-WSTBR, rtoruEroa or NATIONAL HOTEL. Near D.. O. H. 4 M. Dt-pm, x,ow MI .T.. - aczczz. r T«t CUu r,«rd and Roomaal Kaawaala Rate* Lurrjr •nd raod HUbU la Cou:«rUuu- l)o you want tlui U-ti Meillcnl Work puiiilalMid? Pcnd 3 l-oi-m atumpi to A. 1'. OiM'WAl A Co, Ikistoo, 4l:i»«., aud rcculvu i . |ij . Cro«. WALL PAPER at I at '.S. Winegar's, Lowell, Mich. 7 ( l Til GREAT TUBULAR WEU AND PROSPECTING MACHINE lAi&out lor •ocmdlu aktra oUwn h.Yt ItiinL SELF CLEANINS. OrUl dr.i». CO t. SO Mlniu. OATAIOSUE FSEE, LOOHIS 5 HTMil, TIFFIN. OHIO mucblae. FuuMiii.TJ Milton M. Perry, Attorney A Counselor at Law, rriin'i Hall Block, - Lowell, Mich. SpeciiJ altei;tion given to Oollectiona IJonveyam-ing, Loana and Sale of Real Estate. FRANK C. ALGEIT, Attorney nt L a w . Collections Given Prompt Attention MONEY TP U)A.N AT CURRENT RATES, AND l.NSUKANCE WRlTTtN. I'nlon iiiock. - I OWHLi,. MICH CITY Bus Line FOREMAN & TALBOT, PROP'S, Order* for PaurDgrni or Ragitaxv Irft al Trala's Hoti-i, Darla HOUM or Fort-man A Al- drlch'i Market will rrcelra prompt attMitioa. AT J. E.LEE'S MEAT HARIIET Co tbe Bnd(e, will alwata found the choieent cut* of Meat, Fish and Poul- try in their Mason». at Price* Ainaj. Seatuuable. J - 33. LEE, . Lowell, Mick. New Grocery. A Clean New Stock of Groceries. AND Provisions IN THE Graham Block Give Us Your Trade I We will uie you wed. Pricps low as the low- est. Your " itrohngo Hespeolfully Solicited. A. S. MOUNT ili

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Page 1: LOWELL JOURNAL. - Lowell Ledger Archivelowellledger.kdl.org/Lowell Journal/1889/10_October/10-16-1889.pdf · LOWELL JOURNAL. One Dollar a Year ... ordsrad sit Oarmans ta quit the

LOWELL JOURNAL. One Dollar a Year. Of&oe In T r a i n ' s Opera S o u s e S look . Three Cents Per Copy



V r a n U of D a l l y O o o u r r o n o s a t t h » K n t t o n a l C a p i t a l

Tk* Mr**hlya Navy T . n l l ^ l . rK .m.a t— T h . raa-AMfr tMS Will Om

taalH—•!*•» tMlara la l b . , 1 faacary—Ulh.r Nul.*.


at the Mai In* Hospital (UU that t b . r e arc MTaral caM* ot yallew f»T.r al Kay Wwt, bat Oara la M <Uor«r of the illiaaia •praadlnr

W AMI KOTO*, Oct II.—It U laid thai 8*e-retary Traor, la Ua aauuol n p o f t , wlU laoomioand tha •nlAijament an>l Improto-•Mot of lb i Orookljra Nary Vo.d The atttmatod a ipaaM wlU ba IS.lOJ.OiO, tlia outlay to ba mada •» tha rata of au.OW a y a « .

WaanicoTva, Oct tL-OomaiaDdarOood-rioh. ehalnnan of tha bta l board, tala. graphad Baoretary "I racy Uiat tha l e t of tha dyaMnlM orulaar VMUTIU* had bean Mccaaafol to a dayrca nut anlloipaud. Tha KUM wara Orad Bvn tlmen In aa .ca t^aa Btinuvc, iB'taad of thirty roloutoa, which had bean animated aa tha na<-a«aary Uua to I r a that narabai of >h >U Tba >peed of tha vaate wa i op to mjolraMaata aad oran bayond.

WABBIK TO*. Cot II.—The Departmaot of AJT m^lara taporUtha (eitaral paroent-aice of Ute eondltlon of corn atm.7, ajralmt KL» -a Bonth n o ; potatoca. «g*in«t M l laat October; buckahi-at. 90. (ffiinat K.I teat year; tobacoo, S-.7. acaloat MVIIb I tNl The prallminary eedmate y l . ld an MTO la l £8 for wheat, IL9 lor rye and t i n l«r barley,

WisaiHOTOK. Oot l a - T h e total amotmt a l atandartl t l l re r dollar* in the Traaaury • fa laa t which entlBoaiaa can be leaoaJ la

Of.U»a total ooloaca of 8 I.IW.-CiO *liT«r dollar* th*r* la In tha Treaa-mry t28S,«3 .xa W i l a , t which there U in airoalatlon t?M.7l3.IK}of oertlBoite*. Tha anxmnt» . ' i t «nd«d dollar* In dieaUUqn * M.STH.nT. u d t l w a m a a n t of • l lTere t i t l l -oatee ta the Tre.*ary U

WAatHMOlom Oct IS.—Tha Dapartaaeat •f But* U InformM! through lla legation a t B a n o a i j n t that tha AnciaUne GOT-eraBMat baa I m a d a decree prrmiUlaf the Bolaa to • eopea operation* la gold for aa*k

WAIXHCOTOI. Get 12.—The Praaldaot lata f tMay a l t r m o o n appointed Joha W. B.aok. bora, ol Ct .h . A«aoelate Ju-Uoe of the Ho-prante Court of ibe Territory of C'ah

WAaautOTo*. Oct U - B e e r a l a r y Blalaa, la aa<*Mr U> a a a a r o a a laviiaUoaa from the •ovtk, antboilaee the annonncemant that tba delcg t ta to tha InlarmaUonal i c n g m a will ba takaa un a ' o o t h a m trip la Jaaa> ary. I t wa* thouirtat that i t would be too fat icniac to take In both the North and •nuth la oaa tlneraiy aad that Ootober waa aot a laTorakia aeason (or tUllinf the

WAURXOTQK. CoV U—John Henry Hayaaa, Oauu l at Davdad Ta k y, write* te the State Departmnnt under date of Angait B , that obolera wa* raging then in Bagdad and Urn •urroandinf count y. I t origlaatod amoogiho Arab* In Boathera MeaopeUml*. and tpra id rapidly in aplto of qoan t t t l se reitrlotlooi In Bagdad Mxty a iao deatha were i*ported la uua day.

T H E K N I G H T S T E M P L A R .

At Their Aonaal Metlaa la WaaklagtoB T h a r Kleer OBeer*

WAaxwotoM. Oot 1|.—Tha Knight* Taw-alar ta aaadon ycaterday elected J. P. * OoWa, ol NansyWaola Qraod Master and Hogb MoOordy. of Michigan. Deputy Ocaod Maater of the grand encamptnenl. Oener-ai OoHh'l* a Btale Senator from L'banon, Pa., aad tha Urnetal of the Third Urlgado of tba MaU>aal Guard of Penntylyanla W a m a l a m e Thocnaa, of MeyavUle. Ky. waa elected OnodUaneralLiilmo; H Henl-ley Boyd, of Kan FraneUoo. Grand Captain-Oaaaral; Henry DaUia 8(o>ldard. of Bryan, 'Vei, Grand Senior Narden; Kloitola* Van Blyck, ol ProTidenoe, R L. Grand Jui i f f r Warden; H. WaiMLin**, of Meriden,Ooan , Q n a d Treaeorei, and W. B. la*are. ot Biohmond, Va, Orand Recorder. Denrer. Ool, wai aeleolad a* tb i piao^, a n d t b a •eooad Taeeday in Aoguat, 1H33, a t tha t i n e of the next triennial uee l tag .

Draak UerMlf l i Uealh. Ibt JOSUD, Ma, Oct 1 1 - O n Ootober 1

Mr. aad Mr* Richard Ambrose oommenoed celebrating their tenth wedding a n n i r e n a ry. T h u n d y Mr«. Ambrose died from ex-OSMIT* use of W Itky and star ration, while ber bnaband i* in a crliical ooadl.ion and a o t * ( p e r t id to U»e. T h . r oommenoed drinking on the date meniionad and kept K up e ra r Mnue. baring looked Uieuvetre* la lite boa** The hu.band waa remoTed to tba bosptul and doee BM ye t know of kls « l f e ' l death

K a r e n f la4l / Hnrt. I n u t A r o i i s Ind.. Oot l l - X e s U r d g y

moralag a t Idlj o'clock, a* the Rati .boand pa-t tagur train wa* leHnng Torre H«uw, the looomotlr* apd emi car onntsinlng n e e - b o m a left the track, t lyongh a a opea awltoh. The engineer waa alight-ly ia jarod MOM of the p a w u r o t a were k n r t F i r* flae raoe-hone« billed f rom there t a I s l i ng ton ware Injacod They • r a Jewmlah, badly har t ; Nettle, Maad T,

t aad Olanrlew Belle.,

H e * yet*aa* r rabeb y Drewaed. T i r m o a . Oa t . Oot I D - U a a MnLeod,

with ble wife, b • soe and two hired a e a , l e f t l a re rha roo la*t Saturday with two fishing boats for Oojden ralley. I t ba . (MM alormy after they left, and it to feared tha t a squall Atruck a a d cap* sod tbelr boat*, a* both boats ba re b ^ found oa tbara, bodiy d i a a g o d

" 'Miser* ml the WaBaa'e CwagreM. D u m a , Ool. Oot l l . - T h e Woman'*

eopgrass ea Thnreday elected . a l i a Ward H«ir«, Prealdent; IfebeU How land, of )l«w Tork. Secratary; HentioUt Woloott, of Mawsckusetu. Treasurer; bophia Hoff-mmet New York, and Charlotte Pierce ot feshayl raa la , Aqdiior*. Vloe-presldenta w a n chssau from t i l t h s Slafea

• taa l l r^ae* ler Lraehla*. O a , Oct IL—William Moore, a


PollUolaoa A r a Buay ID V a r i o u s Part a of ttaa Country.

OBrlal Relerne from the Dak . l a Lie*. tleee—Pietalbltlea'e He.l Ueleal la Coa-

aaelleal—Momlaeet ler C'eagreie - O t h e r Nalet.

AMONO m i rOMIICIA** NiW Yon* Oct I L - T h e (lreanbsok*ra

will iae*t in conrsntlon on the '.'in inM. In tht* r i te to noiuloate a Huta t icket

P i n a a K D.. Oct l l . - T h e oniolal fa -turn* from all the legMatlre dlitricts In South OakoU *how that In the recent elec-tion the lie publican* e looted 1.1 • ot the ICQ member* and wonlO hare a majority of HA on Joint ballot In the Legislature.

BitMAkci, N. a . Oot 11.-The full of-ficial return* o( the t e c n J elroUon In North Dakota *how a total roU of a).'**), liana-trough (Hep. i. for Congre**, recelred a majority of IX.OUU, •ehile Miller .Bep^), for Governor, ha* liCOJ maj.>r1tr TBO ma-

Sty In faror of probiUUon la 1,100. bty per cent of Ibe total vole wai In

faror of the con'Utullon. and 70 per cen t waa tha areiage Kepub lean VOM.

H A m n i D . C. .an, Oct 12 - T h e offloUl r*tura* from the recent election (how the defeat of the prohibitory amendment by ?7 , t 8 roU*. The ro te waa; Xaaa a . o t l ; a*ya. M),*7i.

Muaaruxa I n d . Oct 12,-The IndUna Woman-^nlTraga AMoclitio i In «ei>sinnbeia yeeteiday re-elected Helen M Oougar a* preeidant

(X*xna*D. U , Oct l i - T h - Democratic count* con rem Ion recently aalected Jo-seph M. Poa to fill the T.icancy as candidate for county trea*arer. Mr INie announced tha t If elected ha wou d.d <n»'« the proflt* of the cQlce. supposed lobe iSXOUO a year, lo the rharl;aMe Initltntloni of the d t y . ezcept'fiv.i 00 a year, g.ioh in offer make* a candidate ineligible to serve If elected and Mr i'oe wi 1 be oblige 1 to withdraw.

BARTixaa. Neb. Oct. I l—Th* Deintv cra Ic ccnventlnn of tha Second Congree-•lonal dlntrlct ha* nominated C G. Cesper, of Butler County, m fill the Tioanny created by tba death of Hoa Jame* Laird.

The rtohlbltlon>*t< in convenllon here nominated Her. C E Dentley for Con-«re«a

NIWTOBS. Oct ISi—Report, a ay tba t ex -Prealdent Clereland han declined the niter of Tammany Mall tba thebe iome candidate for Congree* In the Ute a H Co*'* dl*trtct

Oswcoo. N. T . Oot K—C<ingree»maB Nutting, of the Twenty •erenth di t lo t who ha« been eerloosly III at hi* home la thi* city elnoo tha sdjournmcnt, redgned on Saturday.


l a * rauiaiK I'alt Lower* All Reeerdi fot Mtatlloni ef All A«e<.

T t a a i HAITI. Ind.. UCL 13 —lUtell, the S-yeerold atilllon. with the help of the running horse Farmer John, waa *ent Thursday to beat tba it-re.ir-old record tttlSHi l>«ld by the California fillr. Hunol, and lowered It 1 ^ aecondA The diet quarter was reached In !tl. the b*U l o l W ^ ; Ibe three-qusneni In and th* mils la *:11, the great aUillcn finishing •troag without a wabble or falss t l roks Beilde* reducing th* t j i ree-ynr-old reo-cord ths performanoy bests the r cord for stallions a t all age*. WililBnu tha drlrer, w u tak*n from hi* sulky and borne aloft oa tb* •bouldan of bis admirers amid cheers for th* gallant colt and drlrer.

Axtell wa* *o>d Friday nluht to Colcnal Con ley, of Chicago, for tl(H,axi. It I* •op-posed that Oonisy repreaentn a syndicate.

The syndicate which purohaved Aztsli is composed of ths followiair gentlemen: W. F. IJaun, Terrs Haute. I n d ; A. E. Brush, Detroit; Oulonel J . W. (Vinlsy, ( bicarn. and Mr. F. T. Mnran, of Detroit Tbeee gentlemen were sjtisSed that the Bile waa done easily and within Axtelfa limit, snd thst bis fntura promised greeter eveuU Theee men are th* ihrewdsst of gentiomen horsemen, and tb* fact that thay were olfsied ll'i.UUO ad-ranee for the bargain ustlhos to thslr good »udg»e*v


A Mad Mra rg t e Helween Twe tVemea Voi'ewed by a Hnrrlble Nslelrie.

MA k so A IX. Minn . Oct 14,-Mr*. Lisr l t t , mother of Mra F. Rjod. of Manhitll, who lately became insane. Saturday afternoon seised a butcher knlfs and a t teupted to kill her dangbter. Mrs. Heed was aloas with hsr baby and held her mother on the floor while crytug for help e re r two hour*, when, fearing .oomplste exhaustion, abs Strugglsd loo MI, civghc liar nhlld and rushed from the hou«e to the uclghbnn. The inasna woman then tired her cloths* with matches und was burnsd to death.

Mgra * * i a band on ths S.Taansh, Flor-ida A WNtora road, wa* taksa f r o n tb* t ra la k t n y«H«tday by a posse of BMB and tjraebed. UU only o If ansa was ibrowtng a •tone tb* dsy before a t a cl t lasa

O e m a n . Oriler..! (a Leave. hornot, Oot IL—Dlspsi hes say tbst ths

aa tbwl t lM of Dfuiartlaud. Afiioa, hare ordsrad sit Oarmans ta quit the country, and bare seised Qarmsa u sslonariss as bostsgsa (ok tho n f s t y of naUve agonu Ira-p d w a e d by tba Oannan*

K H M by a Urng. PaiLAau^aiA. Oct 11.-Samuel J. Cresa-

wsU, a v-ealtuy Iron manufactursr of tbU d ty , dtod la a dsaUK'* offlre yesterday Itom tiA eBeott of Mid* g a . («h*a lo r e . beve pai» wblls having two t ss tb ex-

Mysr* Oat of J a l t C o t m c c a , 0„ Oct l l - A U a a Mrera

• M NUasad from ths county) .11 Ftidsy oa |),ua> bciui Tbs case was <*>"» np on a writ of e n or sltd a susp.-nsl n of s s n f t a c o t f d u n t t t i h e quratiun U tluaUyi dto-

l'aa«ed Aw ijr. TiaxiLWA. 111. Get 11.-Hon. L D. Wbit-

ing. ol thi* place, after a long aud painful tllaasa, died a t bla homo yesterday morn-ing at o'clock, aged ilW yean. Tha fnaeral will be held i t hU late reeldeuoe Uanday. He was a member of the Constl-tutional oonvsntion ol IH7i and for about e'ghteen years a member of the Stat* Legislators a* Representative and Senator, beside* . elding many Usier offii e*.

Three Kea KllUd a t Laadag . LAMSINO. Mtbk, Got 14.- While a crew

w u engaged In deal ing away a wreck oa lb* Lansing Tranrit railway Sunday tb* hoisting beam of ibe steam derrick broke aad fell upon a dof tn men, killing Peter Qnlaa, tb* conductor of the ecnatmctloa train, of W**t Bay City, George Ruby, of Jsckaon, a mschlQitt, aud John Teatale • • s t . a brakeman, of Dsy Oltji

Weary ef Life. St. Lotas, Oct 14.—Mm Lonisa Ernst, a

highly reapectsbla German lady o r t h i a city, while tenporariiy insane on Baturdsy attempted suicide by Jumping from a tower of tl>e St LouU bridge Into the river, a dUtaoce of 1.0 feet, but the w u taken from tha water uninjured.

Tw« Ralere Meet BULIH, Ool I T -TH* C u r of Ruuia s r .

rived hers yestardsy lo visit Em|>eror Will lam. Tba Kmperor, seveial of ths royal Prince*, Prince Hlama- ok. Counl Herbert

, Blsmsrelc aad a number of Genersis and court ofl ldd* met tho C u r nt the ttallon aad embrsoad repeale<liy.

A Keatneky Villi*. Iiaatreyed. SOICIMXT, Ky.. Oct 14 Th* village ot

Norwood, four mile* north of here, was d*-siroysdby&r* Saturday night Only on* hous • U Ufu Two person* are mlsdng. Tha fire started from an explosion of a ksgof gunpowder. Ths Imu U not y«t known.

A Murdereaa Cunvlct. ' t 8Mtnrro»T. PA. Oct 11—Annie Mlll*r,

alia* "Dutch Annla." wh • haa been on trial here for the kl ling of Hill Hsilron Uat Au-gust, ba« been foupd guilty of minder In the second degree and will prolmbly suffsr th* full peaslty, twelve yuan ' imprlsca. m s n t

Many Huoaaa D»lray*' l . Mvmoa. Oct. 14.—Fire duaiicrcd seventy

boa*** in the vlllag*cilS;etlic uuur \Vur<e-burg. HavarU, Raturdar. Many pa sons were lujuriad and a In?jo Mimbut roudeied hoiMliks an 1 sbuviug.

CeUwrino LawU fa ln laJ ona n ight In " O l i v s K a , " but i t d idn ' t cauao a t ipple In Mm play. T w u o n l y a cougj i . and t hey h a d a botii* of & • Hull 's Cough P y n j p t o hfifid, of course.


Uy labof w u t k o t t m Mtd toas p a n f u l « h a » o n two fo rmer o c c u t o a s ; phvd-A u c a asltiplsned; ! t hank you for " M o t h e r a Fr iend." I t U worth l u

<=«.. Al-U n t a . Ga . , for p a r t l o u l i n . Sold by all 4 n ^ 3 U ,

CONFIRMED. The favorable impn-seion produced o n

the Hrat ap ixarauco of t h e ngiveMblf liquid f ru i t l e m r d y Hyrup of Figs a few years ago han been mure t lumcui ftrmwl by tno pU'Hiwnt oxp-r ience of all WIMI have uard i t . and tho sucoeos of Hie pro prietor* ami manufsc t i i rera of tha Cali-fornia F ig Hyrup Company .

L E N G T H E N Y O U R UAYS. You can prolong t o u r d a y s hv using

Looae'a E x t r a c t Re«l Clover t l o i s u m s . l l is the Imtt bkxMl purifier in tho mar-ke t . and thouiwndB a t u a t i tavalue . Fo r w i s by all d r u g g g i u .

A F O U L P L O T .

A O o n a p l r a o y t o D o ' e n t t h o B u d s o f J u a t l n o D . a o o v o r j c L

•Is Mea fadlaled U Chleacs for Aitemy*. tec la Hrlbe Taleemea-An OOWr . r

• « « 0 0 far a Maa Whe Wnuld Uuld Oat Agaiaa* Caavlelloa.

TAURSKU) wira THS i v s o i a CBICAUO, Oct 14.—Il h u been learned

that the oonierence between connael (or Ibe >Uta In the Cionia oase and tba police office re on FritLiy night re* laied lo another bold ounapiraoy which has been nnsai thed Sis of the principal workers In It are under a r m t . A plot to pack th* Jury who ara tu try the men so-rusrd of the murder ot Dr. Crouln has < sen discovered, and eaveral men a e under a r rest aad -jflil bs brought before Judge Mo-Ccnn*U

TbU consplrscj ot which Luthsr Laflia M IU says "there h u betfn no more un-acmpnloui audaci ina or wicked at tempt to inlerefera with the oanee ef Justice'' w u revealal by oaa of the veniremen w h o a U w u w n g h t to corrupt Gooig* Trcb. pp«U. foreman of tb* Page Uird he-flaiBK Uompaay *t 44 Krle stree.. w u *um-nioned as a Juror l u t To** *y afternoon He W u oot examined that dcy and of ma again W*dDa*day mora ng. remaining with th* oth ir unexamined Juror* In th* ant4>-*oom. About 10:111 o'clock Wodnaa. d y morning 11*1118 Mark L Soloman. with whom he w u well acquainted, met him aad tnvttad bim out to have a cigar. ThU civlilly extended. K loman ssked Tschsp-pat If be didn t want to make some money. Xschappat gave the meet n*lural reply la the world, an affirmative on -.

"Vary wall, then," reeponded Bolomaa, "you ge on the Jury and r i c k for aa ae-quI lUlaadyon shall have l l . u u " '

At the noon adjournment Tsohsppat went to hU plsee of busiaeea, r s t o i n l n ^ a t t o'clock. He w u •>smlnad somewhat later and was excused for cause s t 4 JO, be having said that h* touU not give th* d*-f*ndant* a fa 'r trial. Aa b* w u leaving the building Soloman met him and said: "Where w*r* yon thU noon tim*? 1 locked

overrwbere lor y e a Th*y *ald to m* they would make it tV»<*>."

Tschsppsi un hU way to hi* place of employment met hie employer, Mr. Page, to whom be told theee oltoum tancea Mr. Page told him to say nothlug about it nnUl be saw blm *gaia

Tb* next,day, Thoreday. Mr Pag* w*nt to tb* coururuom and repeated the state-ment to Mr. Mills, wiih whom be U InUmately scqoamlcd Mr. MUU held an Interview with Tachappat, who re-peated the Uo-y a t be had told It to Mr. Page. Teihappst a u than In-Vited down to tho State'* Auora«y'* •'ffic* and •e*ted la an anta-rocm. Bailiff Soloman was than calUd in end c lou iy questioned He denied every thing. He w u immediately confronted with Tee hap. pat, and. i^alislog hU poaiUca, be broke down and made * fail ooaf*Hicn, In which b* implicated the** who w*t* ladictedSat-orilay night

Soloman'* oonfeeelnn In It* material puloU U that h* w u handed a ll*t of oor-m p t or corruptlbU Juror* by DalllS Atox-and*i L. Hankt, who said: "If wa get a maa oa thi* Jury to Bx It or if yoa t x o o e maa II means iMW, halt of it for tba Juror and tb* other half for u a " Farther, r d o -man w u to approach the veniremen bo knew and Hank* those be w u acquainted wi th

Immediately oa Bolomaa'* eonteutoa Banks w u arras led, and b* too con fused •nd produced a lUt ot laieaiMn which tallied with Holouian'a. Every wan who*e Mm* w u oa the s* iUU w u Immediately u n t for. Ikes* ar* tb* m*n who were t o mr*Uriou*ly brought lo th* But* At-torney'* office F.ldny night Borne ot them s t tout told all they kaew leadiiy. and from their s ta teuimU the coanecUoa Of Frederlok W Xmllh. T b o m u K ,va-n*ugh and Jeremiah O'Dunnell w u eetab-llshed.

So Important and urgent wa* tba discov-ery of the bribery conaplrscy considered ths t Ssturdav (oriiaoon nn sppllcalloB w u made to Jodge Horum for s tpeelal grand Jur- to be oaliod imioeiHalely. The appU-catlon w u grant*d and an order w u Im-mediately Uiued Ths membert w*re summoned for I o'clock at which hoar they were sworn In. Ex-Mayor Joba A. lloche w u msde foreman Judge Hor bn's charge ta them w u very brtof. They retired to the grand Jury t o ' m i t r -mediately and remained ib*r* till 11:80 o'clock at night, at wh'eh hour they re-tained with ludlotmenti i gainst tlx men— Alnx*nder L Hanks. Mark L Soloman, Fiedarick W. Hmilb. Ihomas Kuvanangb, Jeiemlsb 0 Donnell and Juseph Kuuan.


Death Cemet la aa Awfel shap i (a a Llaemaa In Mew V rU

Nr» Yoaa, Oct 11—A crowd of people at the corner of O i t t e r end Chambera etreet* wluirt*ed a hor ifying cene Fri-day. At the tculhweet coiner of Chamber* aad Center atreau tb*r* U * telegraph pole flfty feet high, wjtb a double aet of arc varms on ll exu-nd nir e sa t snd f t e s l and north aad south On t b e ' e s i m s are te lap hone and telegraph wires sud nine eUclrio-light wiiea

Jni l before I o'clock Friday afteenoon two Uaimen of the Weatein Union Telegraph Company were Mnt lo cut dow n tlx dead wlr** • hlch w*re on the pol* They climbed up, snd at abuat 1:16 o'cluck one of them. John Feeks, w u seen to be falling by a flremsn In the enxlne house hes|de the pole. The other lluamaa got down

I the pale a t rapidly u p o u Ms sad ran | away. He w u evldentir badly scarad snd

no or.e tried to stoii him. As Feeki fell bs struck on on* of th* crosa-snna with hU head and on- band on the *l*rtrlo-light wire*. The oarrent w*. CompleioL In *n Instant th* body stiffened Tha bead waa rslsed. •nd the wbol* lorni *eeraed to hive been r u t In *n Iron mold There w u no movement The man w u dead HI* leg remained

I over the crcss-b*'. but his feet, chin snd bsnds ware elevated, u IhSugh he had suffered mortal sgnnv. In an Innsnt the

. fleeh wa* burned *nd l amed red A ho:rl-| hie fmuru* *ppesied upon bis throat and ! wrist* He hsd no t ' aken bis rubber glove* i with blm. and the oversight bail led lo bte

death. Blood from bla tody tpaUered oa the people below.

I Deputy Coroner Jeaklna. who kaa wit-Be**ed *om* bonify ing sight* daring hi* official cantor, said that t t i s spectacle wse the most g b u l l y he hsd ever ssen Ua

i w u o a the aaen* wbii* the effort* were be . i log made to get the body down, and a f t e r . I ward vUwed the body. He said:

T s e wire wb ek i ei ihiovgb ih* llMm*a'a ' cheek *<ia*nU* entered at tbe m- nth. t l

burned elear lalo tu* cheek bone, Tne barn 1* ike tbroat severed the windpipe and oaoy maici** snd ve ot Jost below in* Ad am's apple. It the msn bad remsmed taipeadtd la lb* air much langar the bead woold hare beea eoonleiely severed from the body. Th* shook may or na r oot bare k:ll*d h is la. Staatiy. Ml ll aenelnly rendered hlia uoooo-sdou. to Uai hit lace tell forwsrd en ibe ethsrwirea. I e*n sol tay ja«t wh ek wire b* caught bold e( Bnt, lor hit ntnd dropped from ll after tbe Oncers hrd been smpaiated by the barns and lallen to the t t r e e t "

l l e . t k >r an Ohlu Judge. OArroK. O . Oot 11 Word h u been re-

ceived here of the death a t hU home la Oeriolltca Thursdav Blght'of Judce Robert Raley, oaa of the c mmon pleat Judg * for this dlKrict He had beun holding court h e n thi* week. Ills deslh w u occuloned b y a f a i l l r c m a u apple-ires la which ba w u picking f ru i t He fell oa a picket fsnce below, snd ooe of ths idikeU eater-l o r We eld* brok* two rib* and eaat*d a a bMaorrbago. Judge Ualey wa* cos of th* beat-known men la this section of tha country.

Threw Herself Over Niagara. NIAOABA FALIJ. N. T . Oct 111-Mia Lonto

PeUchke, of Huffalo. 11U thought h u com-mitted snlcid* by going over the falia. Tba tulkiwlng Utter h u been picked op A Goat

"DBAB riiauDii: You have drive* me to lb a I lorn ve you more than a Ibostand timet, Irnt I ran stand no more. May God for* g.v* you at I fern -a you. I die Uv n i yon.

••P. a-Karoweil forever Tooa W i r a "

ailll ABroa*4. Nxw Yoaa. Oot 11—All effort* to extxl-

eate the ooesn steamer City of New York from Gedney'* channel have t lied, and tha d o u n tug* •ns*u*d In tbe Uak have abandoned It Tho work of lightering tha cargo then oommano-d and U expected to tak* a day. It I* t*ared that th* v*h*d h u iaaUined tarlou* damage.

l lealh of a Veteran if IVeterlao. Nxw OHXAN*. Oct 12. —Tb* Time* Demo,

ci at'* Opelonsu special records the death of Theod re Clomeat Rultalle, a nntiv* of France, at his bnme In that parish Hepnr-tlclp ted In the battle of Waterloo and a t the time ol his death wasldyeur* old

Mela Another Nan'a Wife. MABICN. I n d . Oct 13 —Ratull Boa* MV-

eral day* ago t i d e a ore-tout-* iw. maul aad wedge f cm Tbomai Marks and l e f t tbe conutry with .Marks' wire. He veaturad back yetterday and now lie* In Jill Charged with gr ind larceny.

Knbb-il of Her Ulamsada. Bx. LOCI* Oct IS.—Mra George Hoey.

wit* of " 0 d Hr-aa" Hoey, of Kvana and lloev fsma, waa lobbed In broad daylight on the ttreet Frldsy of a taobal containing |U..'iOu wor.b of dlauionda B h e w u o a b a r way lo tbii theater. '

Three Men Hurne I tu Death. Rico. Cel.. Oct 14 —Fire SatnrdWmora-

ng burned tbe St. James Hotel a n i throe Other buildings John Phillip*. *tlgtn*er ot th" Jumbo mina. I ' u h Cnrpenlar und one Otbur man ware burnod to death.

Wi th the nineteenth cen tury dawned t h e era of wonder. I t liaa also proven an era of wtrpriee—for not-wiihsUndinK it* giant stride* l o w n n i i uniisual knowledge, we are told t h a t there are still, in M-qiieetered plrtcea. a few r i t l u n * w h o havn ' t heard of Salva-tion Oil. _


I* rough, and pimply or covered with blotches and sores, and you want a clean smooth skin and fair complexion I'se Su lphur Hiltere. The heel medic ine in such case* I ever sold.—C. E. Rcheff-ler Jt Co., Druggiat t , Lawrence U s a*.


A Cleee Weaey Market, bnt There Are laatnallaee of \n laereaae la I h . Tel . wme af Le(ll lm<ta lla>lnaa>. Nxw Yoax, Oct 11—H G. Don i Oa '*

weekly review of trada wys; Tbe Gov-ernment crop report wss very sncoursg-tog. but the lo** of (told by th • gre*t for-eign banks-over II.IOO.lOJ by England. 14.1100.000 by Germany and t4.7UQ.UXI by F r a n o a - w u large enoagh to Increase ap-prehensions of monetary pressure Large shipments went Irom London lo Brssll and Kgynt Tbeaa two opposing inHut-ncea raleJJ tbe markets during the vieek. Crop* • re Urge snd imaineaa hjsvy. snd tbe com. metcii . i ullook most favorsble. but money U compaiatlvely oloee. and there U a poeel. bility ths t tl may be e:o*ar y e t

Tba voiums of t rade U incressing a t nearly all tateiior point*, end thl« involve* a larger damend for inaB*y. Tb* b nk etoarlngs l u t week war* 0 ^ per cen t larger than l u t year at New Voik. 'J per cent BmalUr at Hoston. PhiUdelphU aad Chioago. th* decrease being large at Chi-cago. bnt 11 per cent Urgar at all ether aitlea taken together. This locreasa at

Cita where specoUtive •i-llviiy h u the t lnflaenoa indioaies a greater voiam*

at togltlmate butlnesi than hat ever been reaorded a t thU season In any previous year, aad the ha vy rallrci.d esrninga, 10 per oent above l a d yesr for September, tell the tsme story.

Kaw Yoa*. Oct 13 - T h e husinss* failure during tba l u t ssvea d a r t aumber, for th* Dnitad Staiaa, IKl. and for Canada. !0, or a total of 814, a* compared with Ixt. l u t week and 10J the week prevluu* to the last For tb* oorrespoudlag week l u t year tbe flgurea were i n . re | (esentlng IUB fallurea lu the United -tatoa aud 04 In tbe Dominloa of t 'sn ida


l yphe ld Fever Breaks Out Among t h s Hurvuo.e nl Hie HIMMI.

JOBNSTOWM.PS., Oct IS - Postilenoe hat followed the Hood in the Conanaugb val-ley, and ths borrora of trpboU fever now confront the strlckan people At near u can be aatlmsted djn person. B-e sick with the terrible dUease and kindred fevei*. while about twta ty deatht are Uaciable lo IU ciuae during th i p u t mootk The c a o u of the epread of the dlaesu U due. aooordlog lo tb* stalameal ot Dr. M-itthew*, local member of the Staie Board of Hsaith, to tha debilitated coodilion ot t h i reai-d*nU ot tha valley and the poor sbi i ter af-forded by th* Uin | orary structure* i k i t are Inhabited Three more oodiet were foand in the river yetterday. making a total of tan found during tho p u t *iz d j y a


A Maakan Alleuapts lite LUe ef a Tfataaa bnt Kills Her ll>ua lualead.

CITT OF Mixtco, Oct 1 1 - A horrible doubto murder occurred In tbU city Thura-day n igh t A man and woman ol the lower d u e became Involved in a quarrel Tho man was aoen to draw a knife und make a past at the woman, who w u carrying a babe. Instead of * riklng bar it penetrated the child'a body and killed i t The woman Jumped on the man and suoceaded in wresting tbe knife from him. She plunged it into hi* heart and he sank lo tbe earth a

Tbe murderess waa arrsslad


Werkiwea at Tleuaderega. X. Y . Illaeover the Menalat ef Ike U.nerai Who Led the llrlllah la the Kevolellonarr War. TlcoxntaooA, N. Y, Oot 11. - laborer*

*ng*ged In digging a aewer ih on* u.' Hi* principal aua*is ol tbU village Thursday atruck a lomb*Uin* and belojr ll Immd * coffin containing the bonea of a human being. The none w u wuhsd off and found lo contain the inscrip-ll m and date of the death of Lord H o s e 'i he skull w u Intact, but the rest uf tb* bon** were disjointed and coniideraiily d*r*y*a Aa toon u it had been leAtned about the village an liuinruae crowd ot peopi* saaembled end many penrant mad* dcaperate effort* to procnr* piece* of the bones. The coffin, which w u of o*k w u in a fairly good sti le of pres-ervation. Several years sgo the street where the remtlnt were fennd wsa flllad in asvaral feet, which aocounw for thadap tb uf tbe tombs lone'a location Tbe teinalna will probably be relnlerred at once In tbe village cemetery. There la considerable excitement over hU discovery.

[Lord (leorxe Asfuttet Howe wtt born in Eilisml in I7.'4 and was mot Oead la Ibe bat-lie st T conapro*a July \ 17W. He entered tba army al a very early a.»e. toon rute lo dlttluo-too. and ID ITJ. W.I» teul lo tbtt country In coemaad of tne S xt cth rcirimant On July 1 ITJa nnder C imaiender-ia-Chiel J.imes Abercrtimti r. he isadeii at ibe ontltt ot Lake O one fominf -intdeniy a poa u e Piroch leroes twe dsys ister at Fort Ticonderoas he fed at the bead of bis curpa m ike entoiag •klranlth.)


Baa. T. Ue Will Tslmaia 'a UnMklya FUafe Wllbont Nlieller.

Nxw Yoa*. Oot 14 —The famous Brook-lyn Tabernacle, ot which itev. T. Oe Witt Tslmage. D. P. . U p u l c r , and built in 1U73 • t a cost of tlT'i.UJH was on Sundsr. for lb* eecond time lu Its Mttury. t'ttally di-atroyed by hr*. At 3:I.S o'clock a m. a puliccman dievovared flamet Issuing f m m tha amall w'ndowa over the main enlr&noe. aad ru»b-lag to the oearett algnd-boz aeut an alarm. Tbe Oremen found the tire had assumed largw proportions, and Ic became evident that tlie edifice w u doomed lo deatrucUca U b a r n e d U k e a tinder-box. and the fire-men. deepalilngof saving U. dlreoUwl their effort* lu the adjololag pro|>orly.

Th* origin of ths Dre U unknown, but i t to thought that it may have been caused by llgblning. The loss on the chnrch building. Including the organ, which w u one of the Uneat In the country la • l.V'.UOU. It la aald to be covered by an Inaurance of II2i,UM Dr. Talmr.ge h u lasued an ap-peal to the public for hel[v

B A S E - D A L L .

Staadlagar Ike Ciebi la the American A*, aoelnllon Gp la October IX.

Tbe i tat naenl that the aeason of the American Bau-Daii Aisociatlon would dose on Katardsy l u t w u en error. Al a recent meeting of the auootatlon 11 w u decided to extend the seaann until Oc-tober 17. T h j following t a b u ihuw* tho standing of ths olubt:

Brocidrn L^B •

Cmclanatt AthUtie Bait more Ceiumbut.... Ktataa fi.ly.. Luuitr lla


A Cruel Muid.r Cuuiiui^tad at Wealhecly f a . , by William Hlaaclsy.

HATLIRUM. P a . Out l t - M i a Walbert, age 1 v., of Waatharly. tblr county, was ahot •nd Inatanlly killed Hiturday morning by William SumrUy. aboui 3'. yeara oltl, a boarder. Stangley and Mrs Wallierl had a quarrel Friday n>ght and Htanglny w u greatly enraited In the uiorni g, after Mr. Wdbert h*dguns tu wo;it, -tangley locked * illlls child, lb* only oth*r ii-rupani nt the huu e, la u room t " | ie.eiiibi-r making any outcry, aad then abut Mi. Watb- r t The murderer mad* bl* es<-sj>u

Bllllaga Taken lu I'rlaua. WAVSRLCO. l a . Out. II. -M B. Billing*

w u taken to the peniteullary *1 Aaamo*a W*dne*dsy to u r v a a Ufa sentence for lha Binrdsr of Kingsley He did nnl tay much when ba w u lak-n ewav exi^pl that ha expected to get a new trial. The Supreme Uonrtrefbsed to ynint hU iwtitlnn for a writ of b a b e u corpus end be will not ba admitted to bail wh le ins rpiieal U pend-lag.

Sonth Dsknln Offlrlal Ketama. DISH A BOX. N. O . Oc*. <4.-Ths off ldd

canvass of lbs vole of Heath Dakota show* lb*t tbe tot il veto for l lorernor w u Tll,'«Vi Mellette i l t ep i recalv.d .VI,IU; HcClnre (Dent). '£1.441. For Congrets, GliTord (Rep i received M.lSi: P icker tle)i <, .Vi,. <•7: Jeffries Dom i. &'Oki; Uootb iDtm I, SS.1MX For prohibition. .HU.-Mi; against S S f A

C'oaxrrsnJKn Nnltiav Kra gn«. Oswaoo, N. Y., Ool 14 - H o n . S' W. NuV

ting. Representative In Conureta from tho Twenly-uventh dtstrlct who h u been dangvroutly ill at hi* hom? in th l ic i iy sine* lb* id journm-nt of Cungnns, hst re-tlgned Governor Hill h u Uaasd a proo-lamal on calling tor * *|>ocial elect!' n oa November &

i r . . . Lnil. fir rt. . Hi II »ri

41 VA ..n (1 •Ut ..w •111 ..:t» et

.01 ;» .«o . M .411

iw IM



A Kmldrn l lealh. OTTAWA. Ont . Oct i - ' . -Thnrsdsy Judge

Oliver delivered tbe addraa* at the aavaiL log of th* T baret statuo In thU city, and In the evening attendod a banquet given by tbe Sanate and the faculty of the Unl veralty of Ottawa Upon leturning borne ha oompUlned of having caught cold and died in a few bonra

Uaeer Kxeute foe flnbbrrr . WABASH. Ind, Oot i'l-WIIHSBI Null, a

young tarmi-r living near thla d ty , "held up" b s neighbor, Levi Hummel, late Thursday nlglil an I robbed blm. Ue a d . mil* U e crime and u y s in paliiaiion of it that Hummel (hot a t hU dog. Natl WLB ptoood under bond*

Mn-l I'ev lei- F l o i t l n c a f r lanaer . GBAXO Htnu*. Mich.. Oct IH-Cbri*

Johnson rrcovnred tl.^IS damage* in the Halted States Court Fi idiy from Warden Witkla tof lbs lens prison to a flogging gir*n th* [Ualntlff while couflned in ibe prison.

KlChtesn Tr-ira lor Maaalanghlar. Suxaanooxx, C m , Oot IS . -Doni d Mor-

ris <o. who w u convicted ol uisnaiaugbter for lha killing of Cunstabln Wurren In ISiiS. ba< been teulenced lo eigbt*«u year* in Ih* paulteatiary.

Killed br a Med Uelt OABUIIX P* . Oct I 'J .-Aa Infuriated

boll on Friday gored lo death tha 12.y*ar. old d a n g h u r o.' Mr. Rod baugh. living n*ar thla city, aud aevarely Injured another ehlld.


Hbeep II oe*

FLOUB-Good lo Choice .. . . Petenta

WHEAT-No. t Red if. o. b.).. H*pi*mocr

SJRS-No.* White ATS—No. X Whil*

HVE—Wtttern PORK-Me*.

| LARD—Steam.. CHJtBSE. WOOL—Dometne

ClllCAtJO. ^ BEEVES—Shipping Hteera....

Cow* Bloc if la ri'fltjra

-Uutcher*' 8l**r* i Infer or Cai'le

HOOH-L ve-Oiod to Choice.. SHEEP BUTTER—Creaiuerv.

Oood lo Choice Oa r j KGOB—FreaS LLLLI HIM CORN—

I Self-WorkI | j Hurl

Infer or I POTATOES—(per bu I ...

POKK—Mc.a , LARD-Steam

rLOUR-Scr ng Patenta 1 Wl ler Palenia | Hakert

S rai(<li GRAIN—Whe«l, No. t

Corn, No. -.. O.iit. So. i., Rye. No. t Harlev. No.

LDMIIER— IVm i no D-*»ed Sdlax. . . F o r nij IVmmnii Uoania Fencing Lith Shingloj


Fair lo Ooo>i HOGR—Uett

Mtd.um SHEEP-Ueal

Medium OMAHA.

CATTLE-Bjtt Med um


Pain a n d dread a t t e n d the uso of tnoet ca ta r rh remedies, Liquid* a n d rnuff* are unpleasant as well aa dangerous . Ely 's Crckni Balm is safe.pleaMut.easily apulied into tho nos tnU.and u s u r e c u r e . I t cIpHnaos I tie nas i l pawages and houla the inflamed membranes , giving relief at once . Price 50c.

Tho most o b m n a t e caae* of ca t a r rh are cured by t h e uae of Ely's Crcnm Balm, Mm only agrees Win remwly. I t is not a liquid or a annfT, U easdy applied in to the nnalrilit. Forcnli i in the fn-ad it IB maitical. I t give* relief a t uuoe. Pr ice 60c.

YOKk. Oct i t 14 00 * 4 4) t s a S m < a • « n >10 • 4 u 4 >4 w t AS

5 3 w

u n ) a n so c Tj U I »

a a 10 a » »

M 01 -J » 0 ) i so o < n n ou it * w KM Irl 3 00 iuu a < IVI 1 90 o t T) 19) u 4 40 101 n 4 90

« a rs 8-i a IH


3*»'i> IV b a 4? Ili a

15 « U Mi Oil i l ( S' , ^ t » « t.1 ® » iw t W .• 4 00 I w o I u> < iu a < t i

SO .1 3i< ill ft w 41 9 4IK lO 14

17 00 1*17 Hi Kill ..3100

il 11 M II V)

i t 1 10 {t«U)

in 10 11 )l - 10 1 w

f4 11 i M 3 "I QIOJ 4 1) *>1 4 *1 3.71 lit 4 14 3 7i ,( 4 a i i u U 3 t i

13 81 ',1 4 m n i l Jt t 00 3 70 u 3 «>


Over CO people were forced to leave their h o m e yrelerday to call for a f r ee trial package of l i n e ' s Family Midicine. If your blood ii had, j o u r liver mid kid ne.VB nut nf ofder , if you a r e constipated ninl have headache and an um-ightl) complexion, dont fsil to call on a n y druL-gisC to-ilay for a fre^ Maniple of ih is g ia i i l remedy. The ladies praise It. Everyone likes it. Large size package 50 cent*.

Bicycle for sale -bi-aji. t-nquirw at t h e JUI-UNAL Office.


Tha Werk ef the Le(lslalere t 'adoee by Ona Snip of ibe Hhears.

Darin* tho last days of th* legltlativa •ewion * new liquor law waa paa*;d whiob Increaaed tha lax from t-'lW lo l-VO It I* now diteovsred thai a grav* eiror or *oroe-thing woite ha* be*n mada Two oonfar-enoe comniliteea were appointed by the Houae and *ach oommlttee made a report, both of which were printed In full In the legiaiatlys |oiiriial on tb* same day. Tbe Hons* confrreni-e rominittee * report waa adopted by both the Houae and henat* and lha bill ordared *ngroiiaed and enioli*d, but whoever prepared tbe oouy for tbe en-groaaing and anrolilng ciork rllpped from th i lagltlalivi<|uarnal aeotiun 3 ol tbe Son-a t t amended bill, inatevl ol aection 3 aa reoiunuoudail by the eecond conference oominiUee. tdopted uy the House sod oon-curred tn by the -Senste and tbii a-ctlon which waa not adopted by the Leglalatura aud omits the reauicllon* upon druggltU. *ppear* a*a portion of tlia.law tlgned by lb* Governor snd tbe odlolals of both hnuset. while lb - tec'.lou which was adopt-ed a i d wh ch placed retlricllon* njion the d iogg i iu wai left out ol the law. The ra-snlt of thla erro- wll' bs that ;b« new law will bainoperatlv* and tha o'd liquor law of Michigan will remain tn fore*.

Lived Mora Than a Caalary. "Judga" Runi-e.a* lie wa* fsniiilarly call*4,

died at bis home In Port Hnroa town-ship lb* other morning. Had b* llv*d natH November 14 next be would have been ona bnndred and two yeara old. HI* full a i m * was Zepbaaiab Webster Bnnca. H* wa* born at liartford, .Conn.. November 14, I7S7. The famoua charter oak alood oa what wa* the original Rnnoe farm Judg* lluno* oeenplad many public omoet, b*lug on tb* bench of tho county court In 1SJ4 and lor B:teen year* thereafter, and waa a member of th* Territorial Leglslalur* from Itt-'l to IS-'t

Health la l l ieh l taa . Report* to tbe Stato Board of H*allh by

flfty-tbr*e obaerver* lu different part* of tb* M*t* for the week ecded on tbe Mo In-dicated that tonilll-ls. typbo-malarial fever. Influenxa, eryaipelaa. ecarlet fever, pnerperd fever and membranou* cronp lncr*a*ed, and that cholera Infantan, in-flammation of tbe boweit, cerebro-apinal menlngitla, Inflamiiialion of tbe brain and measles decreased in area of pr*v*I*Boa. Dlphtberia wa* reported al aiventeea piaoea, acarltt fever at fourteen, typhoid f*v*r at Ihlrty-tlx *nd meatie* a t Hv* r lace a

Th* Grand Have* Fir*. Tha recent great fire at Or*nd H*v*n da-

•troyed all ol the best part ot tho buslne** oenler, and deilroyod hundreds of tb* Ana *hads t r ee to t nhich tbe town was quite p roud Many lamiile* who herelofor* bad every co nfort were penniless, and would be ob:igsd tu begin life anew. Rillef waa oomlos In, UulTalo. N. I . , being the S n t to send a contribution. The contents ot tb* ban* vault* and aafes wero recovered tn a fair *tale ol preaervstlon.

I'ropoa^ Itrll i l in- a Canat Orand Rap da and Holland bualnen mea

ar* propo>ing to run a canal Irom th* former city to Holland and Lake Michigia *t a probable cost of ti.iaXl.OJU The Hol-land route Is ths «ho teat and easleit for Orand Itnpida to connect with Lake Mlohi. gun. A cuiumlttee composed of members of the Hoard of Trada and other wealthy citliens of ilrand Ilipida and Holland wlU fully inveatigate tbe rou ta

Short Oui Ni-war llama. Mra Osoakl. a Hay l i l y woman, w*a fln*d

r*o*ntly lor beating a woman whom ah* •ooused of wltcbcrolt

Anguttua Hei-kinau naa killed al a raH-say cro.<tiu( near Ooldwafer the u'.bar day, • train runniiiB nia bng^y down and t-iang-llng hit body feurfuiiy.

Frank Donald, a young man of twenty-two yeara. rode up in tbe wire tblp of th* Oeoeola mine ih* Hlhur morniaic when ha bad b«*n told not to du to, ano when near tba surlac* foil an 1 waa killed

John Grler, who livee on a farm near Coldwsler. went ou such a spree reo*ntiy that ba died In a bsru there

Thre* Blvers clnlma to bar* lw*nty-elz facUiriet where products are turned ont and shipped *11 over the world

HaptLats at Lyona ura happy bocaus* they hav* a Uu* new church and bav* It aH pa 'd for.

Fannl* Crawford, aireJ tan y a n . who lives near Usttie v'rej'», waa Injured re-c 'n l l r . snd i-al 1 she h.nl fallen from a ma chine In the burn. 1 hn attendiug phrsl-ciun Iho'ighi nil - i . n d ri-.-'n, and Investi-gated tbe ease, wbivu resulted in the ar-real of tha en I a bru'.her, a boy of aeven-t i e n yeare. for criminal aitaulL He con-fes*ed the crime.

Peter Gemberllng wa* killed by n train at Denton H.runr tli • r lut

Detroit (ipitnlis s ii-i\e aiioul form*d a company to bore fui «:i» und oil. Thay think the Ualo gas-belt runs up Into Michi-gan *omewhere south- st of Jsckaon.

Muskegonltet intend to make tbi-ige live-ly for "Colonel Wilcox." the man who cheated *o many or ihnm not long *go la th* p*nilon butluess

A Detroit woman ow na a clock that waa onoe tb* property u Stevens T. Maaon. Mlebigan't tlrtt lioveru'>r. The dock iUU keeps correct timr.

While George .'ohn-on. * milkman ot Muiksgon. waa e.iiing tnpprr recently wtth hi* fsmlly some one entered th* ho as* and itol* l - l \

Th* demand for Michigan appl*a la larger tbl* year than *v*r before. Many farmer* conlr«cl*d H eir crop for 11 per barrel, but they are now worth ll.SO, and the price will probably roach tl.73 and

JsmssTisrnoy.aldsnnan from th* Tw*lfth ward of Detroit, wo* recently Indicted for accepting a bribe of t70 for the award of a aoatract for sewrr building in IBtt

Roberlton 4 Son are full of fall Koods.


kmm • j i "



l&erman Remedy.l

TRUTHS FOR THE SICK. TTST , K-.r tiiH-i lirilliilv

|llilliiuaS|ii.||.i|i>|ienil lonai i.i iiii|iilirii:iu-I l lw^lUnrevou^

T T T M r T T rhatilnalniulnllKonc Iroclliii!: il MI. u»i I s u m i r g Iii irxut |U nlil riv-e you.

"oKratrTaTIIoar! cioaolv contiiud in

itho imlU and work. aho|n; rlrrka,whoilii not iirorureanltirlonl i-xerriia', andnllwho arci-oiidiu-ilin doors, sheiiM u-o M I . n n nmiaia They nil not then be weak anil

^ . W l forarntewhtiehrLl eiltia lllTTKHS Wil l luitssalatorcure. I l l

cr Inllt.

Cleanse the vlllaMtll ^lotal when yun »ei I it Inipnrliles Inirst I nilliniiiKh the alinl in rlniplea,illnli'bet.l ind Mores. Relv onl ftrLriit'R iiinxiui.i ind health will lol f


^i i.riinii llinKRS rili cure Liter (.'aa. lalnt. Diiulbcdl*. •iiu-aged:ltHlllcare on.

io>uUiTlroni Itiuum ntiam, uae a luillle oi s i i n i n i in m us il m-vi'r fnila loi nre t t :

SrLriiDK HirrEas n ill build you up and make you Mruogacd lealthy.

SCLVIH'K liirrr.a n lil make your blood i>ure. rich and ttroog

n n s m : bottle. lYv It: you i-nre.nrnsoitMroox, will nnt regret IL >nd ynur flesh hanC |

Lailica lu ilt'lU'sii he.nlih, who are ail rnnilonn.abnnid nac iSuLi-iiru l i rmms.

Try s i Li-m a m r I TKIIS to-night, audi Min will tleep well | ind feel ln'ttiT forlLl

" A new thcor>' has been startctl with rejrard to the use of soap

on the facc. Women who for year, l u v c been careful of their com-

plexions would never, under any circumstances, wash the face in

soap, as it was said to roughen and coarsen the skin. Now, that

Ivory Soap lias been invented, this idea is exploded, and a well-

known physician in the metropolitan profession recommends his

women patients t o use it freely every day. lathe ing the skin well.

He states that none but the most beneficial results will be effected

by this method of improving the skin.

H e holds—with considerable plausibility—that the pores of the

(ace become as much clogged by grease and dirt as the hands or any

other portion of the body. And if .soap is considered a necessary

purifier in the bath, its needs must be felt equally on the face. By

an abundan: and regular lathering the facial pores, he claims, are kept

open, clean, free from the clogging matter that produces unsightly

blackheads, acne, pimples, and a pure, healthy, fresh and brighter

complexion is the resultant Not mincing matters, he says that the

trouble with most women who have s^ ,ow, pasty skins is, that from

year's end to year's end they never have a really clean face." —Brnk/jm F.jgU


Ther* life many wbitt soaps, each represented to be " jus t as good as ths ' I v o r y ' ; " they ARE NOT, but like all counterfails, lack the peculiar and remarlt able qu i l i t ta of the genuine. Ask for " Ivory " Soap and insist upon getting if.

Copyr'ghl IMS. by frocter A Gamble.

I s T I E W

Lumlier Yard. m s m w D i a ,



Yard at rear of Train's Hotel,

Lowell. Mich.

T o Invalid and W o u n d e d

S O L D I E R S ! T h e undersigned ut the request of m a n *

Inval id Soldi im, liaa qualified aod W n admi t t ed to pract loe

m the

I n t e r i o r D e p a r t m e n t , a n d al l the bureaus thereol and is now

Readv to Pposeeuie Claims, fo r t h o M tha t m m be ent i t led t o PEN-


M I L T O N M. P E R R Y .

O H A S . L - A - W S T B R , rtoruEroa or

N A T I O N A L H O T E L . Near D.. O. H. 4 M. Dt-pm,

x , o w MI .T.. - a c z c z z .

r T«t CUu r ,«rd and Roomaal Kaawaala Rate*

Lurr j r • n d raod HUbU l a Cou:«rUuu-

l)o you want tlui U-ti Meillcnl Work puiiilalMid? Pcnd 3 l-oi-m atumpi to A. 1'. OiM'WAl A Co, Ikistoo, 4l:i»«., aud rcculvu i . |ij . Cro«.


at I

at '.S.

Winegar's, Lowell , Mich.

7 ( l

Ti l


PROSPECTING MACHINE lAi&out lor •ocmdlu aktra

oUwn h.Yt ItiinL

SELF CLEANINS. OrUl dr.i». CO t . SO





M i l t o n M. P e r r y , Attorney A Counselor at L a w ,

rriin'i Hall Block, - Lowell, Mich. Speci i J a l te i ; t ion given t o Oollectiona

IJonveyam-ing, Loana a n d Sale of Real Estate.

FRANK C. ALGEIT, A t t o r n e y n t L a w .

Collections Given Prompt Attention


I 'nlon iiiock. - I OWHLi,. MICH


Order* for PaurDgrni or Ragitaxv Irft al Trala's Hoti-i, Darla HOUM or Fort-man A Al-

drlch'i Market will rrcelra prompt attMitioa.

AT J. E.LEE'S MEAT HARIIET Co tbe Bnd(e, will alwata b« found the

choieent cut* of Meat, Fish and Poul-try in their Mason». at Price*

Ainaj . Seatuuable. J - 33. L E E , . Lowell , Mick.

New Grocery. A Clean New Stock of

Groceries. AND

Provisions • IN T H E

Graham Block

Give Us Your Trade I We will uie you wed.

Pricps low a s the low-est.

Your " itrohngo Hespeolfully Solici ted.

A. S . M O U N T

i l i

Page 2: LOWELL JOURNAL. - Lowell Ledger Archivelowellledger.kdl.org/Lowell Journal/1889/10_October/10-16-1889.pdf · LOWELL JOURNAL. One Dollar a Year ... ordsrad sit Oarmans ta quit the

L O W E L L J O U R N A L : W E D N E S D A Y , O C T O B E R 1 6 . 1 8 8 9 .

B u s i n e s s C a r d s . I L O W E L L J O U R N A L


J l . W. VOONO. Physician »nil Hur-* i ron . OlBoe ovur YrltT it Loolc'nl"!*

OC. McUANKELI-. M U.. PhyOenn and . Surffon 44 Brldd* 81-

MC.UKRENK M. D . PhTrtcuin and Sur. • fron. Ofllc# ovrr ScoU s Hardware.

Wr . BROUKH. Physician and Hiir-Rrnn, ODl.-r orer M RuIfD« slor»

Office Hmir. "lolOa. m.. 1 lu 4 and Tin Hp ni


ALBKRT JACKH4IN. A .orwy and Botio-tor. UTerl/i»<*ll Sailonal Hank.


BO. WII.SOH, Oontraofir and hulldxr . RrsMrnCT W Hudson s t , Uiwell, Mich.


JC. HC«rtT, Hanlware. Hash l)oor» and t Ulass. RulMrrs Hardwair a spwlally.

Opposll.- Kor»«l Mills

D8N OILE9 A <—. lon<. Crockcrv, Kc.

idoOAKTT. Bank Block


L O W E L L , K E N T C O . , M I C H . «T

C H A R L E S Q U I C K .

S u b s c r i p t i o n J I . O O a Y e a r .

R A T E S F O R A D V E R T . S I N G .

JOHNOILBSAOW., OMCVlW and l-Wfl* lon<. Urockcry, Ac.

Q IDOOARTT, Wliolc*iil» and Rioall Onswr.

XYRON H. WALKER, A T T O R N E Y A N D S O M f l T O l t

O v e r F o u r t h N a t i o n a l B n n k , Canal 8lr»fl Trlcphonc So. 407.


Local btulnfas Item* S ccnU per line cach In-wrtlon.

Lunl ad'crtlsrmsrit" at statute prices Cants of Thanks M cent* each, renardless of

tha number of llnea. All Items Intended lo heneflt any one's bu«l

ness will be charned for al adTertl-ln* rate* llesolutloni of condolenw>, fl.M. Marrlajfe, death aod Wrth notice* free.


•imo.i nmcr. HINHI a nsvu

H U N T & l » A V I 8 ,

A b s t r a c t s of T i t l e , R e a l E s t a t e ,

Loan and General Insurance A g e n t s . ONDEK CITY NATIONAL BANK


wa. I.TITO K. uro.CLSRRFARII*. ramaw. HIXC

Tatenm, Clappenoa & Hine, COUNSELORS AT LAW.

umcxa : G R A N D R A P I D S ,

75 Lyon St, Court Block. M I C H . Bpaclal Attention lo Probate Builnets

State OolleclWw.

D r . E . D . M c Q U E E N , RMldant Veterinary Bnr jeon.

Omduate of OnUrio Veterinary Odlego. Toron to Canada, profeasionally

A l U s i i to i l l D l m i e i of a o n e t and Cattle Hospital for Lame and Dlneased Horse* Call*

will reoelre prompt attention nlrhl or day. O r r i C B AT PEBBIN-8 LIVERY BARN.

s . P . H I C K S .

Attorney, Loan*, Collectlonnand InHurance.

MONEY to LOAN o" REAL ESTATE SECURITY In sums of fSOO and upwards at currrnt


L O W E L L . - MICH.

H E N R Y N . S T O N E ,

I n s u r a n c e A g e n t ,

Of f i cc with B o w n e , C o m b s & S t r i k e r ,

L O W E L L , M I C H .

PUIICIM Writ ten at, the; Lowest Prices.

^ . . . ^ wi l l emr* y®«r Dr .Bol l ' s Cough Syn ipcuugn r« r

S A L E S M E N ^ WANTED. Salary nr Cnnimlsslon Paid weekly; <leai1y woik; reliable stock; outllt tree: no < X|»-rlence needed Write for term* and lestliii»iilal<. < Ke ferto this paper I il'wHi

J . B. N E L L I 8 A CO. , Snrserynien. RIICHKITKR. N. Y.

P E C K H A M ' S

C r o u p R e m e d y

F o r C h i l d r e n .

A P l e a s a n t , Safe ani l C e r t a i n C u r e fo r W h o o p i n g C o u g h . C r o u p ,

C o u g h s , H o a r s e n e s s

And Similar Affections Common to Children.

Sold by All D r u g g i s t s , - F r i e e 25c

Hare found Peckham's Croup Remedy the ever bad In the liouw for croup

| Iw. | 4ir . | 1m. I t m . | l y r .

1 •olumn. : H.OO j |10.00' $» 00 HWO \ ^ . 0 0

H column. I » » eOOl 15.00 e(Wi 45 00

14 column, 1 -• 4 00' 1000 in.oo | eon

ucolumn.I n | t go l too innoi non

Column* i l Inches In leaRth. (Xrd* In Directory Column, $1 per line per

year. Card* of I In. In Directory, | J per year


R knot mlno-tnoiiKh I Mad ilreame.1 It so-To trai-e 11 i' h pawilunate times a people'* enr. Or. lennln; calcst the gtvea world Heart, lo

hear It* Ibmblilnc putte* phus.* snd liem more slow Until it catch my voice's ebb ami Ho"'

And leup In Klad re.poosn Nor. rlnrfnE clear. Shall thi- fali't note I strike pierce tlirouc*

••arth'silrenr And waltlnc noise, to charm awhile its woe

I ask no more- if words of mine. n« «l»hs low breathed from lips I iove. shall And their

way. And cather thence iqich tender melodlea. Buch uew liom qiii»erin|t life, as haply may

Witch the Uml IikiU fmtii out a woman's eye*. Or win the smile of children at their play

-Temple liar

T i l l - U N C L K F R O M A B R O A D .

beat mr4lrln> and couxha"

(Sdyll MB*. P. K MILLSB.

Ludinxton. Mich.

Lowell & Hastings R. R. T I M E T A B L E :

L*ive I^well. '• Elmdale.

Ar.1v* at Free port.

TRAINS SOUTH. : :a * • 7;40 A » 11:10 AM


ve Free port. »:4» A • ive at Flmdsli, I0:i0 A M

Lowell II^UAM

4:«. m 4:10 M 5:10 r a

.'-.to r m r u

8:01 r *

^ A T A P P H E L Y ' S

!-I.T c r e a m B a l m



H a y — F e v e r i n H e a d A particle Is applied Into eseh nnslrll

anil Is agreeable. Price nuc. ut all drug-(Istsi or by niall, reulstered. 111) rents .

KI.V imoniKRH. M Warner Bl., NewYork.





.00 a YeaF,

SPEAK RIGHT OUT. THAT brigl 't and shining light « f mtKl-

ern democracy, t h e Nashville Amer ican , appea'a to t h e democratB everywhere t o

tu rn out in full fo r re and bury forever lieneatli the weight of their balloU Iht-miPcrcnnlH and bummeni and bounty f^rdbbeni and Grand Airay i i lunderers and ini|)nrte(l citrlH't-kiKKers and home-made Rcnlawagx, who h u w since the in-Buguration of I'te*; lent Harr ison been disport ing Ihemselven to the con tempt

of honest and decent men," W h y certainly, of course. " T u r n out In full force" your ent i re

gang of kuk luz , red shirts, r. gulatora. midnight prowlers, masked atwOHsinii. negro whippera, hallot boz Bluffers und political footpads, and begin t h e work of " r e f o r m " a t once.

Run up the rebel flag, hur rah for Jeff Davis, d a m n the Yankee, and buat your biler.

That ' s t h e way to do i t . Don ' t repress your feelings, brethren.

Didn ' t you m a k e the c m n t r y what it is? Isn ' t it all yours? Are not these old Union soldiers—these bummeni and bounty- grabbers you speak of—a lot of spared scapegraces, saved only by your

tender mercy? W h y permit them longer to cumber

tne ear<\i!—Detroit Ti ibune.

WE SEE tha t a Urge number of the

delegates lo the congress of the three Auiencas are in lavor of a common sil-ver coin which shall be the legal tender

between the citixen* of all t h e states. I t would certainly lie a good scheme.

INTERNAL KEVESCE COLLECTOR STEK-ETEEhas appointed U10. W . Per ry , of

the Bellevue Uazette, Deputy Collector for tho third division of th is district , composed of Ea ton , Barry, Allegan. Van

Buren. Kalamazoo, St. Joseph, Cass and Berrien counties. Mr. Perry was tbe Secretary of t h e Michigan Press Associa-tion a t its meet ing this year, a n d brings to th is position all the quali t ies requir-ed. as he » young , energetic, compet-ent and popular .

A READER suggests t ha i the reason the purchnsing power of a bushel of wl-eat

is grenter to -dsy than thi r ty yeare ago is on account of the develoDment of this

country , good count ry roads where there was simply a trail , and rai lroads form-ing a network over th is vast count ry . Surely tha i is one reason, hut what brought about this wonder fu l develop-ment . W h a t is the cause of these vast sys tems of rs i l roads that m a k e as good markets for products in the sparsely set-tled west as in t h s overcrowded east , if not ti e wise policy of the Republican party in protect ing home induslriee

against tbe pauper labor of the Old World.

OP ALL art icles of human production and consumption, t h e products of the f a n n e r , especially breiidstulTs. are pre-eminent ly neces»aries. No substi tute ezists in our widely separated |)anilells

of lat i tude, fo r grain, beef, pork and dairy products . Every blow intended to di-stroy protection is a s tab a t the well being of the f a n n e r more than at

any or all t h e other classes. And kere let ua ask what is the i tnporianco of the much vaunted World's market to Amer-ican farmers? A howl of distress was lately heard a t Ibe New York Corn Ex change because the "8 cen t s per day Asiatic and Afr ican loborer" was offer-ing grain in tho English marke t s lower than our f a n n e r s could, would or should supply it- These conditions are not now. Over f i f ty years ago Gen'l. Jack-son. the demi-g'Hl of tho democrats , the man who they claim put the i r party on a permanent foundati '>n, wrote the fol lowing to L. II . Coleman, of Virginia, who warned him ths t his protection ideas were liable tu lose him hlselect inn:

" D r a w f rom agricul ture tin- aupeia-bundant lalior, employ il in inecliamsm and manufacl t i res , thereby r m i t i n g a home marke t fur your breadstuff ,and ills t r ibn t ing labor to a most pmfl table ac-count . and benefit to tho countrv will result . Take from AgrlculturH in t h e United Slates, six h u r d r e d thousand men. women and children and you at once give a home marke t for more breadstuffs than all Eunipe now fu r -nishes us. In short , sir, w e have been too long subject to the policy of these British merchants , ll Is t r u e we should become a l i t t le more Americanized, and instead of feeding the paupers and lalKir era of Euro|>e, feed our own , or else in a short t ime by cont inuing our present policy we shall all become pauper* our-selves."

Did any one ever see any article more

completely Imbued with t h e Protection idea than this? Can any one tell us why it is not t rue ?


Catarrhal Ueafnei*. Hay Kever—A New Uuine Treatment .

Sufferers an- not generally aware t h a t these dlseaHett are contagious, or tha t they are d u e to the presence .of l lv 'ng parasi te! in t h e l ining membrunoa of the nosu and eus tachian tubes. Microscopic research, however , has proved this to lie a fact , and the result is t h a t a simple remedy haa been formula ted , whereby ca ta r rh , ca ta r rha l d i s fnesa and hay f e -ver a re permanent ly cured In f rom one to th ree applicat ions made at home by the pat ient once in two weeks. N. B.— For ca ta r rha l discharges peculiar to females (whiles) this remedy is a speci-fic. A pamphle t expla ining th is new t rea tment is sent on receipt of ten cents by A. H. DiJCOK A SON. 803 W. King St . .

I TVimritn, i '.unuda.—ScieiitiJIc American.

Sufferers f rom catarrhal troubles I should read the above carefu l ly . (17yl)

The widow Mnuvalro had «iilTer«<l msny reverses of fnrtstne Her eldest son. who had heen her snle support, bail |ierlslied by *hii> wrr^k and left his f"ur motl.erle^ children to tier enro. This inlufnrliine hml Imlelluitely postponed. If not entirely prevented, the marriage of her ilaiiKhter, ImMes cutting •liort the studies of her second son, who wa* obliged to coinn home nt unci! and m-ck for work. Dut in the midst of the nn: le t in of the poor family an unexpected ray of hope appeared.

A letter wn* received from Ilfuno Mao-vaire, tho widow's hrotber-ln-la ' who had left home a- a sailor twenty years liefore. He wrote from I)lepi«. which win but a few miles awny. and Nild Ihnt he hail just come from America with all his worldly K'««l'.and intended immediately to visit UnnondvOlc, his native place. At that time It was not very unusual to see at Dieppe merchant*, whose shlpe crowds"! the harlsir, and who had left home years before, In tho dre* of common sailor*, and the sijlil of these fortu nate onw was a constant source of ••ncourage-fient to tbe ambitious, and of hope to the penmless. The unexpected news of their un-r!o from America, therefore, gave rise to the most delightful conjecture* in tbe Mauvalre family, for although be did not state tbe ex-act ami.unt of his fortune, it was easy to see from the Jovial tone of Ills letter that he wa* a msn of wealth and prosperity. Once start-ed. Imagination ran riot, each one adding something to the first supimtition.

'Te r lups if he had como liefore, my poor Didler need not have worked so hard," »ij:hed the widow.

Julienne, her goddaughter, who helped with tbe housework, replied quickly,"But there are bis children tu bo provided for. and beside* the rich uncle will no ilnulit >co lo il that Miss Clemence has a rich marriage dowry."

"That would lie no uie now."said the youug girl, shaking her heHil hopelenly.

No use!" repented Julienne. "Is it not for the want of a dowry that Mr. Mark's parents have refused their cunMi.it to his marriage and sent him olTtu sear Your uncle lias hut to say tho word and tho young man will soou como back again."

Perhaps he does not want to come hack." said Clemence in a low tone, and turned away.

But her brother, thinking less of the man than of the marriage, added oousoimgly: "If he does nnt another will. You may be sure, •deter, that a pretty girl with su uncle from America nyed never want for a lin.-l.aiid Very likely he will bring uyoung friend with him. some millionaire that be bos chosen for • nephew."

I hope bo will do nothing of the kind." cried Clemence in dismay. "I am in uo hurry lo get married."

"What is most urgent is to Und a good |>ORI-lion for you. Martin." said the widow tu an anxious tone to her son.

"Tho count has almost promimxi mo the overseer's place," said the young man.

His mother answered: "But he seems to Iw in no hurry. Tliat is always the way with t i e rich. They think only of their own pleas-ure*, and when a t last they happen lo remem-ber the bit of bread promlsnl to a fellow creature the poor roan bus starved lo death."

"Uncle Bruno will not forget us." suid Martin. "The letter says. 'I shall be in Or mondville to-morrow with all my worldly goods.' Ho will soou ho here."

"Clemence. is everything ready f" osKed Uie mother, bustling alsiut.

For answer her daughter opened the pantry aod showed tho well tilled shclvra. Near lo a roost leg of lamb was a huge ham. flankrd by two dishes of wheat cake* and a bo« I of sweet crcnm. while several Jugs of elder and a butler tart completad a bill of fare which made tbe children exclaim in delight. The widow had taken from InT linen chest her best tablecloth, which had grown yellow through want of uso. and Julienne now hast-ened to set tig fible. putting in the place of honor the only silver >poon. Just then one of tlm children who had heen wotchiug out-iiilo rushed Into the houae exclaimlug: "Her* be is; hero he is!"

"Who is i t f asked tho others. "Undo Bruno, of cournel" answered a

cheery voire, and there appeared in the door way an old. bearded sailor, holding in one Imnd n small bundle and nn his other wrist a green parrot, while on his shouldur perchcd a monkey. Tlio younger children in aMj i/bt ran behind their grandmother's chair ami the grown persons gazed at tbe aowcomer in dismayed silence.

"Von need not be afraid of my menagerie." •aid tho sailor, laughing. "Come aud l.iss me, children, for I have traveled three thou-land Itagues to have thai pleasure."

Martin Mauvalre was the llrsl lo recover hiniM-lf suflicietilly to greet his-relnllon; then Clomeuv. her mother and tho eldest of the children followed his example, but nolhiu^ could Induce tho liirce little ones to stir.

"My faith! I lliought I would never bo here." said tho uncle; "ll is a long walk from Uisppo."

His nephc^r glanced down and saw that tha traveler's IwoU were covered with mud.

"Do you mean to suy that you walked all the way!" ho criej.

•Indeed, 1 did. Uo you IhlnU I could sad acroai the Ueldsf"

"Bu t -your baggagef" "I have my baggage on tne." " I beg your pardon, uncle, but wo thought

from your loiter that you would" "That I would come in a Ibteo decker, tuy

boyf" "No."replied Martin, forcing n laugn."but

with your trunks for a long stay." "Mel Trunksl" "Vcs; you said you would bring all your

goods." "And I have brought thcm-myiiorrot sod

niy monkey." "Is that a l l f "All excepting my bundle, and there Is

nothlli;; in thi* but some heellnai sucks aud old shirts. But what does ll mailer, a* long as one's conscience awl digest loo are gmsll Excusome, sUter-lo-law, but I *ee d d t r In your pantry, anil I am thirsty after my wolt Come, Ilochambeau. say how-do lo your r* lallons."

11* tnndea sign to the moukey. who leaped from his ihoulder and lurn.-d three •umer-kaults across the room, thuu sat up, grinning and scratching ins head. His master then seated himself at the Ublu and, with a glance a t the half open pantry, declared that hi- wai nearly fiimlihel. There was nothing to be d >iie but to m t boforu him tha bam and the •bier which be bad seen, but Mum. Mauvalre ihul tbu pantry door on tha nut of tho daln-tin. Wlille hu was nuling and drinking, tho traveler nave his relajlons an aoeoiirit of liU life at stu. and ended by disdarlng that lie hail laved nothing, hla pay always lieing •pent a* soon as earned.

In less than an hour tho Mauvalre family weie aware that the uncle from whom they had ei|iucled so much, immessed tin other wraith 4ban n elieerful dla|K>sitlon ,ind nn ex pel lent apiMtlle, snd their diMiii|s4iitmenl was so k e n Ihnt it soon liecams apiatrenl to him Martin grow Ihouglitful and silent, L'lcmence sadly left tbe nsnn, and their mother, on seeim; that tho youngest grand child was In terror of the monkey, insisted on banishing it Ui the ganlen. At hist the uncit-found himself alone with hi* nephew, and having drained bis glass, he threw bimtulf buck In his chair, whistled softly for a minute sud then, tlxing his eym on tho )oung man. laid slow ly

" I t aeeins Ut me. my boy.ibnl tile wind U blowing from tho nortbeasl in this liuuse Vou are like icicles to your father's broiher. But never mind, you will all be torry for ll."

He tisik up n knife and began culling s fresh slice of ham, and hli hearer, struck by hi' confident air wondered whether i (rick were being played: "He wants to try us," thought Martin, "ho never would lie 10 Jolly snd nuitented If im bad not a cent In the world. Wo have been Id inur

Muttering some evasive reply to his uncle's lost words, he slipped out of the room and Uastvuod lu tell Ua mother aad sister " bat ^ts

raipiclons were. In a rew minute* tne u u m returneil to the sitting room with smiling faeos and profuse npolities for their absence, the women saying that household matter* bail detaimsl them.

"Vou have bod nothing to eat, brother," said ihu widow, opening the pantry snd bringing out the leg of lamb, "why has not Julienne attended lo her duty* Clemence, where i . the tart yon made for your u n d e r

In another minute thoy wero all |>arMking of a generous meal and talking merrily

The visitor looked admiringly nt his pretty niece and said- "Von are the image of your father, my poor Oeorgo. Though 1 hav* never seen you liefore. my dear, 1 have beard a great deal slout you."

"From whomf" she asked In surprise, and |t that moment a voice behind her exclaim fig "Clemencer made her start up and look round her It was only the parrot, who was perching on the luick of her chair

'•(.'lenience Mauvalre," it said solemnly. "Who taught It h.*r aamef sskfd the

mother Uncle Bruno answered: "Jak. learned It

from a young man who happw. t l to lie on the ship with us coming over Ha was a o a live of Ormondvllle."

Was It Mark r cried tho girl. That is hi* name, my dear. He Is coming

home determined to settle himself In life, lie talked a great 'leal about yon "

Then he has not forgotten me." thought the girl, with a bright blush overspreading her face.

'1 have something for you, sister." said tb* mllor. "but I am afraid there will IM sad n w s " —

I t is aliout poor Didler!" murmured the widow, with a mother's quick perception.

"Vou are right." he said; "I chanced to he on tbe const of India whore he was wrecked, r.nd 1 found the spot where they had buried him with some other*. 1 planted a bush on the grove."

"Oh. thank you. Brother!" said the mother, tearfully.

"Then I learned that his watch was In the prmesaion of one of those miserable I .a-cars, so I bunted him up and gavo blm all 1 hod for It. and here It U "

He put an old silver watch Into her hands, and she. recognizing It as hnr son's, pnjsed It tn her lips and soblwl softly. Tho others wiped their eyes, and Uncle Bruno hurriedly drank a glaw of cider to bide his emotion. A long talk followed, and although the Mau valres found Hint their first Impressions had been correrl—their relative having returned to his home absolutely as poor as ho hsd left It—the attentions they now liestowed on him were dictated by pure offection instead of by policy, as liefore.

Martin having left the room for a minute, came hurrying lack to ask his undo what he would sell tho monkey for.

"Sell Rnohambeaur cried the old man. "Why, I raised him myself, and he ha* always been my companion. He loves me de-votedly. snd shall never have another mas-ter. Who wants hlmT

Tho young man replied, with a disappointed air, that tho count whs [Kissing and took such a fancy to tho funny animal thst he told Martin to find out tho price and bring it up tu the chateau.

Tell him it is not for sale." said the undo, lighting his pipe.

It is very nnfortunate," said Martin, wistfully, "for ho said that he wanted to see mo aliout the position—and your refusal will put him in such a Ind humor."

The untie, on bearing what this position was. said: "Then I give you tho monkey, Martin, and you can do what you like with bim. Now go at onto, liefore the -.•onnt change* his mind."

An hour later tho young man returned and delightedly recounted how ho had ob-tallied tho position nt a good salary.

It is all your doing, Druno," said the widow; "how thankful wo are that you came home!'

"Why. I brought you nothing hut two useless brutes," ho answered, with i. twinkle In his eye.

But Clemence put her arms about his neck, and laying her pink cheek ugains' hi* bronzed one whispered softly: 'Nearest uncle, you liavo given to each of us a price-ICM treasure—to my brother work, to my mother a remembraflce and to me—a liope.^ — Adapted fur The B^och from the French of Eiuli Souvcstro by Isabel Smlthson.


BY C. 8. LARZBLETtF. J . L . H U D S O N ' S

c o n t a i n s a l l o f t h e N o v e l t i e s o f t h e S e a s o n , c o n s i s t i n g o f

BROADCLOTHS, BRILLIANTEENS, ALPACAS, HENRIETTAS a n d t h e M o s t C o m p l e t e L i n e o f F l a n n e l s t h a t w a s e v e r s h o w n b y a n y o n e f i r m i n L o w e l l ,

b e s i d e s m a n y o t h e r f a b r i c s o f fine e f l f c c t s . T o o N u m e r o u s t o M e n t i o n . T h i s D e p a r t m e n t i s

b e y o n d a n y d o u b t t h e l a r g e s t a n d b e s t a s s o r t e d i n t o w n .

C L O C K S . A H S T D

Bhall I Attend School •

To the boy o r gir l in the t o u n t r y who , baa finished the studies of the distr ict < school, and to the boy or girl in town i who is old enough to "go to work."' the | question natura l ly conies, "Shal l I go .»school any l o n g e r ? "

They ara too ap t lo think tha t becnuBe Ih ry have mastered the three R"s they , . , , , „ , , T , / - , . - t i 11 ' have • learn ing"enough. T h e y a r e n o w W e h a v e n o w i n s t o c k t h e m o s t c o m p l e t e l i n e s o l h t a p l e a n d r a n c y U o o d s , L l o a k s , U n -

inrge enough io help on the f a r m or d c r w e a r a n d H o s i e r y e v e r o f f e r e d t o t h e p e o p l e o f L o w e l l a n d V i c i n i t y . clerk in ihe store. School la on ly for chi ldren and they are too old t o go to Hchool. They mus t be ea rn ing their

sa l t ." They do not expect lo en te r up. on a professional lift and not nerd

iv more educat ion. By fa r loo many follow Ihe i rcnurseof

reasoning s n d never go f a r t he r t han the distr ict school or g r a m m a r gradeaof ihe village school. They make a fat.il mis* lake and usually find It out Inter in life when it is tuo late lo remedy. They a t e not loo old lu at tend school longer. They have j u s t reached Ihe age l o ob-tain tbe greatest good f rom s rhoo l t ra in -ing, to receive the crowning benefits. To stop going to school nt this point is like slopping in a race before Ihe g'utl Is rend led. The prize Is not won in tha i « n v . It Is like p lucking the f r u i t liefore

is ripe. I t ni'iy develop in to some-th ing good, but t h e chsnces are againal its lieing as good as though i t h a d been lef t longer o n j h e tree. You a t e "neve r too old to learn " Do not be a f r a u l to go I n n cla*>ea with pupils y o u n g e r than yourself. In our colleges we find men uf forty In ihe class room wi th lioya of sixteen I t shows pluck and a goodly supply of cotumon sen»e Be not itshHiiied of w ha t >«u do not know, but lie thoroughly nshamed if }<u are a young person and are not do ing your level best and embrocing every oppor-tuni iy to learn and improve yourself .

It is very na tura l for boys nnd girls. when they reach a certain age. t o want lo commence "businew. ' ' I t is cha iac tensi le of Amer ican youth to wnnt to make some money on their own sc-count. Hence we see ihe pernicious habit of leaving school a t s n ear ly axe. even before a common sihool education is finished. In a few years they a t e sorry, very suriT, t i n t lliey did not re-main in school foi'ger. But it is too late. Do not be in loo big n hur ry tn ge t Into business. Do not lie 1" such g rea t haste to make money . A spirit of t h r i f t and enterprise is commendable In a n y boy and should be encouraged; b u t be will h a r e many long years for basineas a f t e r his proper schooldays are over , a n d af ter be becomes a man . Money is not all nf life. One should prepare himself to lire ti. t h e fullest ex ten t and highest devel-opment of his being.

Parents make a great mis t ake in tak ing their chi ldren from sch.iol looyoting. Tuo many th ink tha t tbe chi ld should remain in fichnol only so long as he is too small to remain a t homo. As soon as tbe boy is old enough lo he lp with the "spr ing w o r k " or help in Ihe ston

J " . A - G i K I E T S

C o m e a n d

A Plea for Hoys. I am sorry that boys are not generally un

dentood. Between U and 14 years of age lbs masculine nature Is a mixture of mis chief, and sensitiveness, and spunk, and fun. and trouble, and pugnacity, which ihe diem istry of tbe world falls to analyze. A little girl is deflnalilo. Hbo laughs alien die Is pleas"!, crio* whon ihu feels Ind. |sMlf» wbeu she is cro** and eats when she is bun gry. Not so with a boy. Ho would rather g o a nutllng than tu eat. forgeU al the llsli pond bo has not bail bis dinner, ufton laughs when ho fwls bad, and luoks siibmisaive to an Imposition practiced upon till he gets tho perpetrator alone in the middlo of Uie road and tumblcx him Into tlw dirt, till eyes aud mouth and none are full that the fel low Imagine* thai twfure hi* time h« Im* ro turn si to dust.

A boy under a calm exterior may hove twenty eniolious struggling for aK-etulancy Especially do I feel for a boy who lias more fun alsKinl than he can master. How well I rgineinlier the country achoolhouse, where wo all bnd to Iw solute, though one boy would make a fucu enough to pnl the whole sch< ol In duuger of t mining oicr with giggle, ll Is an awful tiling for a child not to dure to Ijngh when the mcrriineut rise- mi l well* up (111 the Jacket gets flight and tbu Issly i* a bull of Inn. und lie knows Hut if out of one of the eoi tiers uf bis comprsWed li|»>a*nickcf abotllil esoipe nil tba Isii* would gooff in ex ploMlon. I n-nimilier liiiMK when I bad at scl.ool such ri-spoiisihillty of reprn»loii n-st Im: on ni<- and proved imfidlbful.—Dr Tal Uj*g - in Now York Ul»e.-ver.

Eiomple. Courage. HUo covv:irilioc, is contagious,

and the olllcer who longs to lead brave men into battle of ten needs only to ahow his own personal dar ing.

During the defense of Vicksburg siz batteries wero coiuploted by tho Con-federates under t h e eyet nnd fire of the Federal troops. Ono of these liatteries. in process of construct ion, was u n d c r i h e couiinaiid of Col. Henry W. Alien, ond bo main had live or six guns in position. Tho enemy discovered hta mpldly nccom-plinhed task, und by tho Unio Ihe lost gun was fixed tlieir shells fpll thick and fast mnong tho ('-onfederulu soldiers.

Tim men. unused to such warm work, began to dodge, n ccurso of action which mused tho Ire of t ' leir Intrepid com-mander . Springing upon tha moat ez-poeed gun. hn shouto I:

"Soldiers, you cauu- here to fight; you arc ordered to build this battery, and (drawing his revolver) I'll shoot down tho first one of you that dodges f rom this work. No soldier of mine shall dodge from his du ty , "

The effect was sudden and tremendous. Tho colonel remained standing e rec t on his g u n , and tlm men a t once mailed around him.

" W u won't dodge!" cried they. "Gel off tlint gun! We'll d ie with youl"

There was no more dodging tha t day. —Youth's Companion.

W e h a v e m a d e e x t r a e f f o r t s t h i s s e a s o n t o m a k e t h i s b r a n c h a b i g s u c c e s s .

g e t o u r p r i c e s a n d b e t h e c r i t i c .

G r e a t B a r g a i n s i n U n d e r w e a r . W e a r e H e a d q u a r t e r s f o r D o m e s t i c D r y G o o d s . E x a m i n e o u r S t o c k B e f o r e B u y i n g .

R R M E M B E R !

T h a t t h e R i g B a r g a i n s w e a r e o f f e r i n g i n S u i t s a n d O v e r c o a t s d u r i n g O c t o b e r a n d N o -

v e m b e r a f f o r d s y o u a n o p p o r t u n i t y y o u w i l l n e v e r a g a i n e n j o y . D o n ' t * m i s s i t . M a k e a b i g

s a v i n g w h i l e t h e c h a n c e i s y o u r s .

J . L . H U D S O N , L o w e l l , M i c h .

Country W»Us. ' How fa r f rom all fluk drains, b a m

yarda, etc.. must a well be in brder tu Insure s u f d y f rom drninago into it f r om theao duposits of filth? An ar t ic le on this subject in Tho Sanitary Inspector says for every fool downward of n sub-soil drain or u well, tho sur rounding soil Is drained fou r feet o:i all sides, A welf, therefore, twenty feet deep, und in which tho water liaasellled near tho bottom, or has been pumped d r y . drains tho soil about 100 feet a round il, speaking gen-erally. Tho Inspector says tho best all round samplo of water in Maine that has ootno l o l h a t office was f rom a well, hut il was situated in a Hold 430 fncl f rom nil human habitations. Tho worst samplo also came f rom a well, but il was nt tlio edgo of a barn yard.—Lewisron Journal .

Elsie—What did you say then. Amy—I asked him calmly to think

)y<.r my propuuitlon. Elsie—Calmlyl Hood grnciousl I t

aearly drives hioi in to hysterics lu th ink l l a l i i -Bos ton Herald.

nn busy days, or the g h l is large enough to help wi th t h e housework, ihey are taken f i o m school. If you have the welfare and best interests of y o u r child a t hear t , keep him in school,eTen if you yourself m u s t work a little harder and cannot count qui te so many dollars at ihe end of » year . It is a fa r better nnd safer legacy t o leave your child a good education t han to leave him n uch mon-ey. Give h im a n educat ion und you give him aomethlng t h a t cannot be tak en away; something t h a t is not apt to be divided a m o n g lawyers o r t-quander-ed. Do nnt ib inh that you should not have t h e child work, but do no t let it in. •erfere wi th a good,thorou£U. complete acboollng.

Do not th ink t h a t beca-.'so you are not to follow a professional career you do not need a good educat ion. Whatever life ynu a r e t o lead you ne«<l a good gen eral educat ion. You may,ptswibly.raise just as good wheat and junt as much to he acre w i thou t s | iending several year*

it srhool. but you v.;*) not m a k e as good H f a imer in t h e trui-. • rnse of ih« won*. You will not tie so much of a man. Ynu may be able to conduct a succesaful business, but you ui l l not be fitted for is great usefulness in tbe wr r l d .

To every boy and girl, lo every ynung man and woman, I would say KO to school. Where? To some good High School. If you are too fa r advanced lor that, ko to some good college.

High schools are all about you and there a r e several good colleges in our Stale, f e n d for catalogmH. Select your school a n d then (/o. " B u t I cannot •fford l l . " You cannot afford not t o g .

••Where there 's a will there ' s a way'". If j o u r parents cannot afTord to send you—many them could afTord to send you if tney only thought ss>—|iay your own way. Adopt this as a mol to : •"I «ill find a way or ttuike one . " Work lor a r e a r or two and save you r money ind then go^ Work yacalhuis . Thmts ands pay (heir own woy thro. igh school every yea r and If you have ( r u e "g r i t " you can do so. Alaive all do no t give it up. Do not get discouraged. If you •'annot go this year go n e x t . Your chances for sue ess ih life a r e much bet-ter if vou pay j o u r own way through school lhati if It is paid for y o u .

In conclusion let m e give some res -ons for a i lending higher schools, in (he words of Prealdent L. R. Fiske. of Albl-• n College: "To obtain knowledge; lo secure cu l tu re ; to widen t h e range of intellectual vision; to develop power; lo hi come a leader in t h e world of thought ; lo procure self-poise of mutu-al life; to lay ihe foundai lnn of great-ness; t o (It fo r usefulneta ."

R E M A R K A B L E RESCUE. Mrs. Michael Curtain, Plalnfield, HI.,

makes the s ta tement lha t she caugnt c t ld , which settled on her lungs; she was t reated for a mon th by her family physician, but grew worse. Ue told her she was a hopeleaa vii 'tim of consump-lion a n d lha t no medicine could cure her. Her druggist suggested Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumpt ion; she bought a bottle anil to her delight found herself benefited f rom Ihe fir t dose. She cont inued Its uae and a f t e r taking ten bottles, found herself anttnd and well. She now does her own housework and is as well as she ever waa Free trial Irnt ilea of this great discovery at H u n t A Hnnter 'a Drug Store, l a rge bottles 50c. and | L

H A P P Y HOOSIERS. W m . Timmons, Poeimaater of Ida-

ville, Ind . , writes: "Kleolrlo Hitlers has done more for m e than all other medii.ines combined, for tha t hsd fe-1-Ing ar is ing from kidney und liver troub le." J o h n Leslie, f a rmer and aiock-man of the same place, says ; "F ind Electric Blttera the best medicine for Liver a n d kidneys, made me feel like a new m a u . " J . W. Gardner , Imrdware merchant , same town says; " E ectno Hitters la juat the th ing fo r a man who is all r u n down and don ' t ca re whether he lives or dies;" he found newat reng th good appet i te and fel t Jus i aa though he had a new lease on hie. Only AOc. a 'bottle, a t Hunt 4 Hunter ' a Diug Store.

nurhl*D'sArniea Rslya. The Beat SALVE in tho world for cuta,

Bruises, Sores, Uloera, Sa l t Rheum. Fe-ver Sorea, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chil-blains, Coma, and al l S k i n Eruptions, and positively curea Pile#, b r no pay re-quired. I t la guaranteed to give perfect aatiafaction, or money r e funded . Price 25 cents per box, For sale by Hunt ft H u n t e r _

imCNKKHHKM—MUCOK IIAHIT—In aH (be Worlo (here Is but one Cure,

Or. 1 1 ^ * ' (iutiten s p e d lie. It ran be given In a cup of tea or coffee with-

out the knowbrtie of the person Uklnr It.eflVct-ln* a speedy and permanent curr, whether the pemou Is a moiteraie drinker or an alaohnlln wreck. Tbou-ana* of drunkards hsvo keen cund who have taken the (loldea PpeiHtlc In their tea or ooffee without their knnwfc-dve. ind to d*y believe Ihey quli drnk ng of their own free will. No harmful effeel* resubhiK ftom ilielradmlblslralian Cures luarnnteea. Kei d fur rirvulara and full particulars. Adilm* In confMeace, OJLOUI brxeme Ou.. 1S4 Hoc* St., Clnclnnstl. O.

Killed by Ills Tletlm. Those of us wlki have aeen a toad

" t a k e i n - n bumbleliee o r n wasp can testify thai predatory creatures somo-t imes make mistakes in judgmen t when Uiey choose their victims A southern exchange gives us another lively a n d more tragic iliustralion of the s a m e fact .

A fishing parly came to Mount Ver-non, Va.. from the capital recently, a n d a f t e r viewing the Washington estate nnd securing a f ragment of the famous

IT WON'T BABE BREAD. In o the r l VFORTO,UIBSALE.-Cal»ia E. FIM th and Ma words. Hood'a Sarsa imnl la will not do ' . ' '1—v. 'P mdwrd L. imptisibiliiteg. l i s proptietors lell plain-1 dat.d Aiuru-t u t *IHS'I aud iL^df-' ly w h a t i t has done, submi t proofs f rom Jo* ." ' "h- K-ni-ter ef Uevds of K-M rvrastv. any disease nr a f fecdon caused or ; I * 1 , J ' . ' , ; . ! ! ' k

prompted by impure bloo I nr Imv s ta te -s. pires. HaM M,irtrs*re of the system, try Hood's Kareaparilla. The experience of nlbera is sufficient as-surance tha t you will not lie t l issapoml-ed in t h e result.

C A S H I E R Wm. E. Durgin. of the Boston Loan

^ Co.. 275 Washington S t . . says: 1 rec-clierry tree, a part of which Is still on I ommend Rulphor Bitters as the verv sale, went several miles down the river ' " ' -lo lish. Toward evening.' when the pis-catorial sport was about to b# aban-doned and camp htmck for the night, an eagle was noticed approaching, bearing in Its talons a burden lhat apparent ly worried it.

When aver Ihe fishermen tho hird'a flight wea iencd . and a d rop of blood waa noticed to fall on the canvas. A moment later the eagle began rapidly descending. aod soon fell lo the ground. ^

Hastening to the spot, the men found 1 H ' j ^ u i v e and ^ i r a l c u r e for 'NeTwius

best medi Ine 1 ever used. There is nothing like them to give an appeti te , tnne up the system, and to do away with tha t Isiiguld feeling which is so f requent among those confined indoors.


An old physician, reiired f rom prac-tice, liaving bad placed In his hatios by an East India missionary tbe formula of a s imple vegeiable remedy for the sp-edy and pe rmanen t cure of Con sumi-tion, Bronchliis, Catar rh . As thma, and all Throat and Lung Affetllnns.ala-

tho bird dying, yet firmly grasping in its I powerful talons a large sized ferre t aa lla prey. The animal was fighting frantic-ally for f reedom, and had killed its cap-tor in the battle. The eagle had evident ' iy stolen a march upon its cunning vio-t lm. but gn-atly mistook its game.

The ferre t was held In audi a manner as lo Inflict upon it no vital in jury . I ts head lieing entirely nt liberty, il had lacerated Its captor in a terrible manner , nnd nl length killed It. The eagle was a monster, measuring fou r and one-half feel f rom t ip lo lip. Tlio ferret waa killed by tho fishermen, nnd the pair will be mounted in their war l ike nttitudo.— Youth's Companion.

dial's or Nlinkespeare's. The vicar of Stratfonl-on-A von preach-

ed a senium in jusliliciiiion of the pro-jecled fur ther limtilntiim of his church by tlie erection of a huge nnd unslglnly re red os. The reverend gentlemun's lino of defense Is highly iiileresting, witness the follon lng:

"Nobody needs m cuse me of want nf reverence for the jsa ' t 's memory , or want of enn- fo r hla last rest ing place, l iut . though I do not objet-l to tb i i church being commonly called Shake-ipeare's church, nor to receive g i f t s for it in lainor of h is immortui memory, atill. our pr imary object In promoting ita bealificirtion is that it is God's liottse."

Candid, ot nny ralel Whpn 1 w a n t money for i t . il is Sliakcspeare'a church . Wlien 1 want tu spend the money In ac-cordance with my own ideas, und in tie-fiance of Ihe general s endmen lo f tho na-tion. then il Is God's house.—London Truth.

KvnlutluD al Ihe Iloolblacks. I think iliot nothing reminds mo mora

tha t styles have changed and are chang-, ing lhan bootblacklng. H i e small boy who appeared f rom the most unsuspect-ed places and yelled. "Shine, si^lit" has dlsappeami entirely f m m the New York flreets. and In his place. In uni form cor-ners, are very prelenlious Issitblack Ing pedesuils with two foot reals nnd a plat-form fur the chair . some of I h e w not only very comfortable but very elubonite. and where one can enjoy a rest, a cigar and paper while having a " s h i n e . " - N e w York Cor. Detroit Tribune,

Debility and ail Nervous Complaints , a f t e r having l isted its wonderful curu-live (lowers in Ihotisand of cas<>i<. has fell it iiis duly to m a k e it k - o w n to his suffer ing feHowa. Aciunted by this motive and desire In relit ve human suf-fering. I will send free of charge, to all who desire il, (ids receipt, in German . French o r English, wi th full directions for pre|Mrliig anil usim/. Kent by mail by addre f r ing tvith s t amp, naming Ibis paper. W, A, NOYIS, MP Power's Bloul^, Rochester, N. Y. (i9y Ieow)


The new vegetable tonic-al terat ive nnd blood punl le r is in tho ^itape of a pleasant syrup, a n 4 contains' in a con-centra ted form the most valuable vege table c i i ra t i \es . which have been tie-velo|)ed by tiKKlern metllcal and scien liflc terearch. I t acts directly upon the blood, tbn>ugli i t Imparl ing tone anil vigor t o 0 ie ent i re system and eradics t ing rlisense. and is unequalled naA cure for Sen-full •us. Cancerous and other bu-moni, whether consiiluittinnl 6 r Other-wist , Catarrh. Rheumat i sm, liys|iepsiH. | iro| isy. sick and netvous headatdie. fe-male weakness, and ell Idtssl Mver and kidney diHiises. Price fl.OU. i b\ Clark & Whe ar .


Mrs. C. A. Johnson, of Toledo, had every avmploni of heal I disease, shorl nesa of iireaih. could not lie on lell SH e. cough, (mins in chest, etc., yet a f t e r Ic-ing given up (t> die, was cured by Dr. Mile's new cure. Sold by Yeiter & Look.

J . M. LOOSE RED CLOVEU CO. 1 have been using you r Ez t rnc t Red

Clover for about three moiiths among my patients, whoae maladies • ai led fui it. 1 can r t p m t only one case, of can-cer. U e reporta of all altermitives thai lie ever tued, you r Ext rac t Red Clover s t ands a l the head of- the II t . 1 have one more cancerous subjec t using li .and one of Scrofouloua Opl i thalmy. Each havo no t uaed it long enough to to re-iioil upon. Please s ldo me two dozen bottles ot your Fluid Ext rac t Red Clov-er , Youra, etc. .

Dr. J . Lemoreux.

' Morttag •*, lure S. H.H M.irtncre •'epiember 4l*t, ISO. ut

Mitgdalena Kjder. The ani/.tineni waa rrecrd-r 1 *'• J * ' al Uie ofN v of *«id Unct*-ter In MberWof M.rlgajfi on (>**" 47). Hit.}

" ' " l , ' l m ir.ifife a».W-d (In iwne July Itih. s» to E ll llh.li*. The asslnment was rrcnlisl Julr 13'h. • « . at IteiUer's oin,-w aforesal.1, In Liber 141 of XiMTngea. oa p ige 411.

Raid mo iwife provide f.ir the piymenlof an attorney fee of twentr five dollars fn eaie el f reclosure. Nr. suiiai U-v or In .qul'y has been liist(iiited lo recover ibe debt n .w remsfnlag ae-C'' .•,l ' T Slid in irf«««e. or any pan thereof. And •It ihe da'e of thi* n-slce tl e amount claim-ed to lie due upon *a| I m rtcawe. Is Doe Hun. orr.1 and Sevenlten Ho I irs nnd Fifty two coat* 1(117 &<i:*nd In addl Im thereto i t« «un> of Twent j flvo Oullani a* an attoraey fee for torn-d sure.

Notice Is lieieby given that by v'nuo of tuld

rwrr of -ale and lu o-.-contance with Ihe-lalut* •Uch case made and provi led said inoitgace

will lie f'ireclo-eil hv a u i e of ibe prenitae* thereindescrlu-sl ai Pulilic Aie-Um to tne high-est bblder at tbe front (aou hi door, of Uuurt lllock (*o calle.li on Lyon aireel. In ihe diy ot tlrai.d K'^ids, bi said cou-ilr nf Kent, isnld Court Bl IC« lieing the pU -e of holding th* Cir-ctilt O.url for ina county of Kent! oa fhurvlay, I he Bib day of January, A. U 1890. at 10 o'ulock :u the forenoon of liist day.

The prennik-a described in raid m-nxs** are n« folios*; --all of tint cer aln pi-ceor par-eel nf land situsle In Ihe lown of AL/oma K-nt coiiiny. Mu-liigan d-scrllied as foil.iw*; Tbe Nonh halfiU, uftboHutltli Eist fourth i«i of •h- Norh (Vest fourth I5|t of iiec<l.,a TwVntr ;. ghl ( -Si cHitainiiig Twenty |* i) acres m -re or Jej'vOnd lu lowe Nluellh Njf tb. Kauga Kliveo

ia.led. Lowell. K"i.t Co.. Mich . October #, 1389. K. u. MfL'Ktt.

i P. HICK*, AUy. for Aasign**. (UwlS)

aa . m

The Chlrf Renaiea for Uis Rfr . t mo ctss of llom.'s B.uaapar»Ia Is louiid In the arttcioindf. It Unie'ilt tin i witi', nnd il;o fact that Hood's BsraaparllW tidinlly ac MiinpUibes what ll clalund tci i , it ul'.il haa given lo thli mcdiclno a jiopalarlty ni.il tale greater lhan that ufnny oilier fatnapa-

Merit flood's 8ir*aparill:i cutca Scrofula, Salt Rlicnm a:.d all HuiAan, Pyipcpala, Blck flcadaehe, Olllouancu. overcome* That Tired Feeling, creates an Appeiile, alrenglb. ens llio N'crvos.builds n;i tlm Whole System.

• lead 's Muraiparl l ln Is sold by all di uu-list*. «l;i;x tut (4. 1'icpurcd by & L Uoud fc Co.. Apulkocatlci. Luwill. Mall.

Pirifnia in the tnosl alt/ant form HE LAXATIVE ASQ NUTRITIOUS JUIOI

-orT i i s -FIQ8 O F CALIFORNIA,

Ctxnbitied wi th the medic ina l v irtues of n lnnts k n o w n t o be mos t l ienencinl to tlie h u m a n syhlein, forming nn agreeable uti'l efTcctivu Inxat ive to rerma-ticntly cure H a b i t n a l Consti-pat ion, ami t h e m a n y IIIH tic-pendiiiK on a weak or inae l lve condi t ion o f t h e

K'DNEYS, LIVER AND B O W E L S . ll I. ihr rsmt (irrllent remedy Inns n to

eLiMSf THS amen emcntur When on* Is Kilioui or Conatlpated



E v e r y one is u s i n g it and a l l are d e l i g h t e d w i t h It.

s i s toun ortuoattr ron t t ' V o ® » x ^ x c a - a

MAauf Aorumo catr cr


wuibviiu. KY new rm. * r

pRORATR OKIlRK.—State of Michtgtn. i>>ua-I ly'ifK.ni. u . At a sneion of il e Probate Court for said f iuiity of Kent, held al the Pro-hste Oltli-e III the t py of Orand Itaplds. on (ha Sjib day nf S'oi-nt s r in th- yearonslhouauid. -ight liun> re I a 'd eighty tiloe. •

Present Cyrus E Perkins, Jo Igj of Probate, lu Uie matter of (lie estate of

GIDEON n COVILL, decea*ed

1 ul-a Covill ho ' la / tiled in Iht* court her pe-'inon pnylng ihat ihe adinlnfslraif'in nt said estate in«y Im grnnti d Loreu Lewis or aome oth-orsupald. person.

It I* ordeled Unit MOSDAV. Tite S<rH DIT or Ocrosita. s«XT.

si ten o'clock In the forenrv.n, a( said Pmbsle 0 Pee. he spp ilnled for hosrlng -alii peUtlcn.

A nd ll Is • nisher tlnlered. That a copy of thla order be published llirre successive weeks pnj-1 i.iu* to said dor of hearlnr. In Ih- l/mell Jour-nal, a newspaper prltilrd aud clrvulailng In said - — L'YKUH K. PEMKISS.

Judge of Pi',hal«. • HwS.

o. nnty of Kenl.

I JROaATK'JRDER. -SIITEof slu-mgan.coualy I of Keiit.m. At a sn*liinnf the Probate Umrt for the aiat- tv of Kenl. lie 1.1 at the Probate Ot-IJce. in th - City of. firs ml K-pId*. oa Uie tSth •If r of fVi^e-m'irr In ilw* j w t oo«9 (hoixMnd eight huudnsl and eliflity nine

Present ••.vnis K Perkins Judge of Probate lathe nutter of the estate nf

JOHN O. (10 JUSEI.U dcerssed.

Ilob-rt llunter. J -.. h u l n i rendered to I nl* court bis fl'ial account as special adtaloialralor of * Ud estaur. i

Il 1* ordered, thill FI.IOAY. THE ernnATorOcrosiaiitXT.

at ten o'clock In the lorenonn at .aid Pmhote om.e. be spp.bited for •xauiiolug and allow tag said aeooui-t.

And It Is Further Ordered, That a cony of this onler beiiiibbsbed C.ree niccei».lve»ee»*prrtl-' on* lo ••Id • lay of bearing In Ihe Lowt LL Jocos-*t-a newaiwper prlated and Hrcnlatlngla Mid County of Kenl. CYKUH E. PERKINH.

(A tnie copy.) Jacge of Probata AooLeaD. il.noy, Reglat-r. — -(HarS)

pHOnATF. GRrElt-Viute of Michigan.county I of Krai. mi. Al a session of Ihe Probve .•oiirt for aald county of Kenl. held at th* Pro-bate Omce. Inthe cllyofniond KapMa. uo tb* iHd d*y jf Sente,nber. ID Ibe year ooe ihousud eighl hundred and riithtr.nlne.

j'n-sent. Cvnn E Perkins, Judge of Probate. In the mutter nf the estate of

B <BEKT 0. BOhTWICK, deceased. '

An Instruineni In vrlllpg purporting tn be lb* last will and testament of *ald drcessed, having lavn tiled In n Is coiel for pmhaie.

It Is ordensl, lhat Monday, tlie t l* ' day ot Oct toher next, at ten o'clock to the fon>noooio»i •aid Proliale Office, bi appolated prov-ing Mid In-lmmeni.

And ltI*ftmbvrordsrod, Thalia copy nf ibis ordi • lie publislied lluee succe* Ive wesks pr»-i loin lo -aid day of hmnng. In the T>rs-tu. Joca-Coun"-o'll 'Jot ' ' p r i D l e , 1 , , , M l drcutatlngia said

UU j" 0 L " CYRUS E. PEMKINH. A . h i T i * SfTT Judge of Pmbate. Adnlph H Ms son, Reglaler. " Rw«.

l o o l c ' a O o t t o n . K o o f c C O M P O U N D

'omtsiacd nf Cotton Ho-1. Tan* and • J nnvniyal-a rojanit uiacoiari by an '

pbyali-lan. U tlie-Cm'ull'i vncit •a e. Kitoc-iuol. rnoe | l by mail.

; i. ' ' . Ft—"11-JV" - L0?*1'1 '" t Conk'a Otioit ItiM.t Compound aad (ska no luhsdluti . bio'nse stamps for >t u . s I 'OMi | ILV'T'LL „

!lloc>, UI Woudwsid s»r„ Detroit, Mlih.

W H > W E A R P A N T S That dnnnl fllorwi-arsallafai-torilv.when you can Uny the Dvirolt lliatH. thai or* P*'fei( hi sole. n. sud wnrkmasahlp.

p A M S O / t T R A L L J ) .


L O W f i L L J O U R N A L : W U D N K H D A - Y , O C T O B E R 1 6 . l a w .

A. J. BOWSK. a. g. ooaoa. oag't s t a l ^ a .

B o w n e . C o m b s & i > t r i k e r ,

B A N K E R S ,

L o w e l l , - M i c h i g a n .

Transac t a General Banking Busineee a n d issue Draf t s available in al l

parts of ihe World.

M . C . G R I S W O L D ,



B u s i n e s s M e n ' s A s s o c i a t i o n .

Regular Meet ing ' i Fir i t T h u f t d a y in every reonlh, at B. C. Smi th ' i s tore . A . W . W E E K E S , P r e s .



C H A S . A . C H U R C H .

A O E N T .

P f t r Q i l o - S o v e r u l choice f a r m s lo-FUI O J l C i , n Keene, Vergen-nee, Bowne and Boston. Alec several houses aud lola In t h e village of U)well . Can suit all claaees of customers . For f u r t h e r par t iculars inquire a t the office Ol 8 . P. HICKS, Slf over Wes t ft Co's d r u f store.

N e w M i l k s C o l w . S A T O ' S ? t h e highest price in cash. Drop a poatal t • m e and 1 » i l l call ut once.

J . 8. DANIELS, Lowell, Mich., P. O. Box 270


L y o n B l o c k , L o w e l l , M i c h ,

A General Bank ing B u i i n e n Conducted.

x j s j L s / r m a n d c o x x a e o r x o w a .

Urafta Mold on all Foreign Ceunlrle*.

t 5


What ' s (ha DM?

Th* dally press '* «• tl do ( -Bit shu ' - lh -u*»J

Thai people their follas may dtaesrd. But what * inei ase*

For p—ple still Mow oat the go*. Aod trslns at crtwdnra try to psa*. While ladle* still chew gum. alas! Ths farmen atlll areflgnlng noles -

So what'* the n el And burlag wild B^hemlaa oat*.

g i what'* the ute? For ihoog't we warn ihem day by day. Y*< sack.r* still wUtdoany pay For •eery "nn.p" tbai eoinea tfcsir way.

Bo waat's tbo use! - c r -

Will Price U clerking fo r E R Col-lar .

Nnvrlt iea a n d nlc-naca a t Miss Boe-wor th ' s .

New Goods, new styles a n d low prices a t Mrs. Uilei 's .

A r t h u r Ball, f r om Stauton, la visiting St W . R. ChHd'«.

Grapes. Cal i fornm. Concord and Bvteei Ca tawba , a t Ricken 'a .

Geo. Bunce and wife, of Muskegon, visited al Aaron Bunco's t h i s week.

R. D Stocking will get you guns and bicycles a t lowest prices. Call a n d aee.

l i r a . C, 0 . S tone , of Por t ' and la m a k -i n g Iter daugh te r , Mrs. C. E . Phtlley, a r i s i t .

Dr. Rickert has Ihe new improvrd ap-p a r a t u s for us ing vitalized a i r in extract-ing teeth.

The meet ings of the L, B. ft L. A. will be held s t HUB OFFICE instead of King. Quick ft King's office.

A l e s . A. Barber and Ar thu r Sherman h a v e re turned f rom Wisconsin wheie i hey have been a t work on a F loor ing mi l l .

Rev. Edwin W . Shaw, of E t a t Cale-don ia . h i a been declared Insano and sent to t h e Eala inazno Asylum a l t h e ex-pense of the coun ty .

Miaa l i s t tin I l s r t , of Keene , dug 60 buahels of potatoes in 9) hours, with a hoe. on a w a g e r of *5. A gir l 15 years o 'd p ' ck td t h e m o p , and did t h e houae w o r k healdes.

The Methodist ladies cleared about on the aupper they gave last evening

. . hile they a id not have u large a c rowd aa was desired a very pleasant l imo w u had.

Rlckert 's Orchestra haye concluded lo h s v e cards in conneution with their psr-t y a t Train 's Opera House th is evening, t o accommodate those no t wishing t o d a n c e . Specta tors will be charged 25c , ladles free.

T h o W. 0 . T. U . will mee t w i t h Mrs C. Johnson. Fr iday, al 8:80 p. m . I t is desired t h a t all who can will br ing lit e r a t u i e suitablu for prison dlatr lbutinn; o r send i t before to Mra. Johnatm. Bub. j ec t for p. m . , ' 'S tudy of t h e Bible."

A foppiah young fel low, on t late, W i t h a goa l goi into deba te , Hia a r g u m e n t s subtle W e r e m e t by reba i ta l .

• • W W

Hia new pania we are m a k i n g a t da te . S m t i h , the (allor,

Mta.' F r eeman Honkina died last T l i u n d a y a t Ovid, and » a* broughl heiv b t i u r d s y fo r burial . Mrs Hopkins Hv eti a t f e g w u n for sever,il years , t h e was a daughte r of Mrs. Ovendhlnt and leaves a large circle of friend* and re la l iv t s lo mourn her loss.

The Congregnlinnsl Association held the i r meetuig a t the So. Boston cliurcl Monday ami Tuesday, Rev and Mrs J . S Kdmtinds. MeMlames 0 . A Ko lit sun , Orton Hill, l l . U. Per ry , D. L. Eat nn . Louis Bolter. C. C . Wtnegar and Miss Ella Winegar represented the Cou g r e g a t p m a l c h u n h of Lowell.

Th» Ihretthers c s m e to Silns Toles' Monday even ing miend tng lu thresh fot l i im Tuesday, but about midniKbt i h e b t r n snd s tack* of grain wero dimiover-ed in fl imes and were total ly de«iroyed I t was with the utmost d mctiliy lhat t h e threshing machine and engine wero savedV T h e loss was abou t $1,600 w i t h h g h t inaurance,

Tho fu l lnwing is the program of exer -cises a t lite raising of t h e F lag a t tin Central school building this af ternoon

Song—•'America," School History of ine American Flag—Mag

gle Tate. RecKaiinn—"Mending the Old Flag,"

B s»le McCsrly. Song—-'A Thousand Years ." School Rec | t s i ion—"Unlnn and Liberty,

Florence McDam.ell. Recl i .nIon—"What Mean These Ban

n e r s r , Ivan I lodge. St ing—"Bayle Cry of Freedom,

School.' Riciiation-^-"The American Flag ,

Beii le Newton. E x e r c i s e - H u b e r t Clark. Motile Stone,

Delia Winewar. Winnie Johnson. Song—"Red White and Blue," School

I Miss Mary Loe is v e r j sick at A . L. 1 Peck 's .

Phoelic Headwor lh is a-alalanl in Church ' s bsnk.

Mi ' s May C o bren has been very sick for t h e past week.

M n . Dr. Clark ia making southern Michigan friends a visit.

Mrs J . H. Adnms returned Monday f r o m a visit w u h loniu friends.

Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Rii-kert have moved down town for (he winter.

Mr. J a s Kpittal. of York. N. Y., is visi t ing ul M M Perry 's this week.

Miss Lillian Remington, of lonis . is I visi t ing her f r i end . Mrs. 1). U. Isaik

Mrs. Dr. Peclp leaves S t f u r d n y for Csl i fornia wliere slie will spend the winter .

Mr. and Mrs. J , H Rickert hove mov-ed Into the house vacated by W. B. Rickert .

The village is bull dng an addit ion nn t h e engine house to store d ie old band eng ine In.

Mark Fuller has moved into Ihe house recently built by B. C. Smith on Wash-ington St.

Ciias. O' l ieron. rf 81, Thomas, Onl. , m a d e his molher , Mrs. J . O ' l ieron, a shor t visit issl week.

Homer K n a p p and family have re-turned to Lowell to reside, atiii a re liv-ing in the L}on Block,

Mate Althen took first p remium at the West Michigan Fair on her display of Art and Decorat ive Work .

J a m e s B 'and ing wss qui te badly burn-ed a t t h e west w m d ichool house yester-day by an explosion of alcohol.

Me,srs. W i l b u r and Smith Ally, f rom CMcigo , are in town af ter tlie few lia.-s lef t by Arthur Wood last week.

Mis* Bosworth has a fresh new slock of Millinery giiods which she will be pleased to have you call and examine .

Lost.—The top of a ctifT but ton, gold rim and stone set. Person finding same please call ut t h e bank and lie reward-ed. U. N. STONE.

Mrs M. C. Griswold wns appointed Grnnd*5larshal of t h e Grand Cbap ie r O. E. S. a l their meel ing a t Lansing, last week.

, C . M. T u c k e r leaves to-day for her home s t Indianapolis , Ind . , a f t e r a

ery pleasant vis i t in her parents , Mr. nd Mrs. R. H u n t e r , J r .

Last week Mrs M. C Griswold at tend-ed t h e session of tbe Grand Lodge Order of t h e Eastern S ta r , of which she was G r a n d Matron fo r two years.

When in need nf fine job pr in t ing of any k ind , neat ly executed nnd done al low prices, call a t the JOURNAL Officc. A fine line of samples and types lo se lect f rom.

The Michigan Cutter Co. started up Monday and to-day ois-ned u p " f u l l biHst ' f o r the fal l and winter , turning nu t cutlers a t t h e r a t e of l lnr ly a day, finished complete .

" A s ihe ha r t pan t s for the clear run n ing brook so pan t s my hear t for Thee," Why speak of psn ta? Iiecause JOII can get the t e ry finest made lo order at B. C. Smith ' s for $4 00.

J . D E ' l inwnod and family lenve S i t -u r d a y for Detroi t , where Ihey will make their home They will be missed by the f r iends they h a f e made In the i r three year ' s residencv here.

Asa Fletcher called a t th is office Mon-day and lef t a twig of a p lum tree which had several hloa-oms on it. He says he has a tree filled w u h t h e b ossoms. which m u s t present a very cur ious s ight s t th is season.

(3eo. Angell leaves this week for Si. Johns , wheru he takes t h e position of billing clerk in t h e R R office. Geo. will be nim*ed very much , est* d a i l y by the young ladies, wi .h whom he was a universal favor i te .

Chas. T. Wooding , of Aberdeen, Wash. Ter., was recently elected State Senator , and finding his hi nors alhmst too great to b f s r . has come lo Michigan lo rest. He Is in Grand Rapidi and will be here in a f e w days,

J o h n Close lef t last Fr iday for the South. J o h n leaves his fami ly here. They have j u s t moved Into Inn New-c o m b house a t Segwun and are cosily located for t h e winter . Hero is success l o you, J o h n , and may y o u soon return t o s tay.

Ed won! E. Denny died a t his resi-dence in G r a n d Rapids, Fr iday, Oct. II , of brain t rouble , leaving a wife and one son T h e funera l was held Sunday a t Grand Rapids . Ue is a son of Mr. and Mrs J , W. Deuny and leaves a large circle of f r i ends and relalivee lit t ins vi-c in i ty .

On the cars , (two ladles e t t e r breath-

" T i ' U . — D e a r ! the t ra in mus t have changed t ime .

3d Lady.—Yes, the conductor told me it had.

i s t Lady.—My. its lucky the train wasn't late o r we would have been left, j u re .

Lowell is one of (he best marke t s in t h e state fo r all kinds of f a rmers , pro-duce. As a n apple marke t i t teads them

Dong RaliJ: ng of the Flag.

a l l . There ore s e i en buyers of first class fn i l t , be-ides two evaporators where the "outo ' ' can he disposed of moal advantageouslv. This town s tands first nn t h e Grand Trunk system for f ru i t sh ipments .

Compnny M 6th Mich. Cavalry held a reunion a t i h e home of Brad Kronlnger a t Whltneyvll le la*t week, present among w h o m were W, J . Ecker . Chas. Winks . Eras lus Hull, Amos Abboti . Lewis Densn-ore. Wm. Godfrey , d i e t . Case, Samuel Har t , Benj . Kmintain. Pe rm. Hudson and L. L. Fairchl lds f rom this pIsco ami vicinity and J . Godfrey, ti emerly of Bowne. now of Beldlng Tney all had a big l ime a n d will repeat i t ni xt yea r Tney meet next year with Chas. W i n k s of thi" township ,

Import imt a t this l ime nf great Inter est in th ings Pan-Aiher icsn , a re two articles tn HtRPF.RH MAOAZINE for No-vein Is r: One bv Thnnias A. Janvier , lescrlb n g t h e "Mexlc in Army , " and polmlnie m i l wha t lis excel lent orgam-Mllnn signifies for the f u l n r e of Mexico; the other, bv Ihe former Envoy Ex t r a ordinary a n d Minister Plenipotent iary of the ' Repithlifl of Coliimhia to the United S ta les . Htm R l c i n i o llecerra.on

The Repub'i ' t of CoKmbla . " giving a Irualwortl tv account of tho reoources an-l the present social and |iolilical s tate •f Columbia .

The Grand Rapids Democrat of rite lOih • oe* Wm W Sintmnns. nf ibis place, a g rave •••justice hv publishing in article r ega rd ing the t r ea tmenl nf Mrs. Simmons, w h o lias been insane fnr sev eral years. Mr. Slmmnna has given his wife ihe la>«i care and kindest a t tent ion anyone mm hi bestow,ever since she waa first allllcied. neglecting everv lh lug for her : and unt i l Ihey were so boor t h i t it was Impossible for him to longer c a n for her. he lias refused In send her lo t h e asy lum and ll Is only j istice tn Mr Rhimnna t h a t his patience, care and self sacrifice should be k n o w n .

S. V. Mtckel Imuglil. apple trees for an orchard f rom N. P . H u s f d . eighteen vears ago. Tbe trees proved to he good slock and trim to name. This year Mr. Mlcktl sold the app'es on t w o acres fo r •8?5. Ihe Inn er taking them on the trees. There is n o t h i n g paying t h e f a rmer so well l o -dav as good f ru i t . The profits lo the f a r m e r s ' . f Ionia f rom ^he f r u i t crop is a very important Item in their Incnme. The value of nn orchard is largely in the selection of varieties nnd the secur ing of healthy, vigorous stock and. to secure these, purchases should he m s d e of k m w n , reputable growers. Probably no tmm Is lielter nb'e lo give fnrmera t h e full value of their money than H r . Husled and buyers will do much be t te r with him than the travel Ing nu r se ry agent ,—/onfa Express.

Bnv a pair of | 5 . boots a t Hudson ' s for p i .V).

<'hss. t.'arver made Lowell a flying visit Sunday .

Sweet Ca t swha . Concord and Califon-ia grapes nt Rickert a.

sirs. Peter Morse is visiting Ben jamin Morse and oti ier relat ives.

Mrs. and MIsr J e n n i e Ciiampenoy vis-ited Ionia f r iends th is week.

Mrs. C. O. Trask, of I thaca, m a d e Ella Swan a short visit ibis week.

Mrs. M. M. Chase is making her son, E m m e i t . a visit ot a few wteks.

For Rent Cheap—A new house, 5 rooms. Enquire a t Ber l in ' s Grocery.

G. J . Johnson, the c igar manufac tu r -er, bun gone lu Chicago on a business tr ip.

I have a very fine 5-year old Ham-bletnnlun mare which I will m il very cheap. HENRY IRONS.

Malie Althen Is having excellent suc-cess wiiit her Grand Rapids CIBASCS in painting.

Mrs. Hiler has j u s t recei jed he r new winter good* a n d will be pleas* d to show Ihem tu you.

Go lo Rlckert 's for choice confection-ary . Concord. Cal lfurnia and Sweet Catawba grapes.

Social a t M. C . Barber 's Wednesday evening. A pleasant t ime isant icipaled all a r t invited.

Dr. Votings has rejuvenated hia office and with fiaint and paper haa m a d e a very coxy place of It.

Wanted—pasture fo r 18 t o 20 COTS. Musi be within 2 miles of town a n d f u r ninhed with water . D. E. SPUING.

If you want l o buy a good secoud-hAnd coal slove cheap, call and see the one a l Stocking and Sherman '* store.

Mrs. Dennis Talbot , of Hersey—for-merly of this place—siied last Fr iday a l her home and waa buried Sunday .

Dan Malcolm, a n. 'phew of Dr. 1. B. Malcolm, is in t own . H e will leach this winter in tbe Bailey dwlrici In Vergen-ne». -

Regular meet ing of t h e G. A. R. Wed-nesday evening. Oct. 23 All members are requested to be present. Special Muster.

Tbe Young Lfldies of tbe Congrega-tional cnurch a r e l a l a i n g of pu l l i ng on a business mens ca rn iva l for the benefit tif the church .

B. C. Smith , t h e tailor, will be " a t home" tu his cus tomers right a long, and will cont inue l o m a k e panls lo onler f rom | 4 upwards .

Two inmates of t h e insane a s y l u m at the Ionia prison escaped Sunday noon and have not s ince been heard from. Their names are Guyse and Bul land.

Boys, bo ca re fu l wha t k inds of birds you shimt. Whi le the legislature puts a p remium on t h e scal |is of English Spar-rows. it is still u n l a w f u l to shoot the nat ive song birds.

Will tbe lady w h o , h a s the Ist. Vol. of ••The Rise of the Dutch Republic." by S(ptley. d r a w n f rom the Ladies Lit-erary Society please, communica te with Mrs. M. M. P e r r y .

Mr. and Mrs, 8 . P . Hicks lef t Satur-day tor Mass.. whero Mrs. H icks will spend a couple nf month visi t ing her old homo and fr iends. Mr. Hicks will re (uru next week.

Anyone wishing a coat or vest clean-ed or rebonnd. or pantaloons repaired, can have it done nea i ly and cheap by leaving il w i t h Mrs Wm Dennis, n o n n corner uppoaite West Ward school.

The Cedsr S p r i n g s Clipper s ays l h a t : None but a mean m t n will upb nld his

wife fnr powder ing he r nose on a s w e a t y day and then t u r n around and c o m b his back hair np over (he bald spot on (op of hia head, '

A note for Ihe educational co lumn: W h y is It l h a t in R R cuts east and

west (he banks on t h e south side of the t rack are covered wi th verdure, while on tlie opposite sido of the t rack there ia no growth a t a l l ? "

Mrs. Jss . Hodges , of Grand Rapids. | and her sister, Mrs. J a n e t l e Burleson, j »f California, a re visiting Lowell f r i ends

th is week. Mrs. Burleson has no t been i in Lowell in four teen years a n d finds ' t h e place changed more lhan the people. |

Mrs. J o h n Ha lch met with a serious j accident last n igh t . In some way she got her t h u m b in Ihe cog gear ing of a , cu l l i ng box, inatigling the flesji a n d , c rushing i h e lione. A physician was called who d reswd the wound a n d will endeavor lo MAvq t h e t h u m b f r o m am putat lon.

Mr. Philley has recently taken photo-g raphs of two groups, each containing five general ions . I h e first were Mrs. Abner Knapp . Mrs. L . Day. Mrs. N. Lunn . Mrs. Davenpor t and Blanche Da-venport . The second were Mrs. Samuel Wells, Mr*. W . M. Andrews. Mrs. Men rit Sayles, Mrs. C. D. Miller and h i b y Miller.



Baptist Note*.

Rev, F. E Wr igh t , of Rockford. will j supply t h e I/iweTl Baptist pulpil next S u m l i y morning and evening.

The pastor a t t ends ihe Baptist State Convention in Grand lUoids th is week.

Wil l all the brethren make an ext ra effort to have a good meel ing ThurBday evening?

Y o u n g Peoples meet ing next Sunday evening 0:15 o'clock. Huliject, "Forgiv-ers ." Will each have a ^ r s e o f r c r i p l -ure. which tell* eil . ier of ou r need of i r ece i . ing fo g ivenessor of ou r du ly of exe 'cmtng it towards other*?

Tbe writer of iheso notes wishes to say thank you to the Conimou Council I for their ilecisnm not to allow any more street peddlers or fakirs. We have no use for tha t class of p-ople. O ir mer- | chan t s a re well qualified lo supply ( n r | needs. To license wrong doing ia dr-1 ing wrong. Be ye not par takers with [ ihem In their sin.

Congregational Notes.

Notice—The social will be held next Fr iday evening a t t h e residence of Mrs. Martin N. Hine. Ref reshments will be rerved. Everyone cordially invited to be present .

The Woman ' s Home Missaionary So-ciety of ibia church will meet a l the Li-brary on Wednesday. Oct. 16, a l th ree o'clock in tbe af ternoon. SEC.

P rog ramme of the fall meet ing of the Orand River Aseocistlon of the Congre-gational churches held wi th t h e church of South Boston, October 14 and 15,'89:

MONDAY AFTERNOON. W o m a n ' s Home Missionary Meetinf . Opening Devotional Exercises. Reports f rom Societies. f h e Relation of Ho .ne Missions lo For-

eign Missions, Mra. J . 8 . E-Imtinds. Mus i c -S ing ing , Mrs. H C. 1'insler. Reeding Missionary Leafiel l , Mra.

Helen G. Smi th . „ , Mra. Geo. SI. Lane, of Detroit , Presi-

den t of t h e W. i l . M U , will beprenent and address the meeting.

MONDAY EVENING. Opening address by the re t i r ing mod-

era tor . Mr. J . T. Miller. S u b j e c t -"Hear t iness in Religion " .


Organization a n d Business, Devotional Services. Paper on "Moral i ty and Religion in

the Secular Schools." Rev. J . P . Bar ton . Discussion. Paper on " A m u s e m e n H . or W h a t

Shall We en joy , " Rev. J . T. Husled. Discussion. Recess.


Business. Paper—'-Too many churches In some

localities. W b s t shall w e d o s b o u t i t ? " Discussion. Pape r—"Thn e women to one m s n in

c h u i c h . Why ? ' ' R e v . J . 8 . Edmunds . Discussion. Recess.

TUESDAY EVENING. Words of Mutual Encouragement and

advice OB our church -vork. Communion services. A d j o u r n m e n t .

Teachers' Ezomlnallon.

Examinat ion of teachers fur the pub lie schools ol K e n t County for the Fall of 1889 will bo held as follows:


A tic , j Rockfonl . 8 j Grand Rapids.


August 80 a t Grand Rapids, Sept. 27 Oct. 25 ' " " " Nov. 29 " " " Appl icants for first s u d second grades

mus t a t t end Aug. 1st. By ordi r of t h e County Board of

Hchool Examiners , EUGENE A. CARPENTER,

4m4 Secretary.

B U F F A L O B U F F A L O , 1


FLANNELS! W a r r a n t e d o i l w o o l , h a r d t w i s t a n d w i l l n o t s h r i n k .

TheBesl Flannel in I h e M a r k e l W x a e



C L A R K & W I X E G A l l ' S . You will now find in mr stock

T H E F I N E S T L I N E 0 1 W A L L P A P E E I


B r o w n s 1 0 c t s . p o r d b l , r o l l ; G i l t s 20 c t r , . p e r d b l . r o l l . Latest lleslgn* In In cor*tlnn» to Mntrh.


We are Makioga Speciail? o( Wall 'aper Reinnanls, See Them, C L A R K S : W I N E G A R ,

L O W E L L , . M I C H I O A N .


Boy* high cut shoes at HoberUon t son'a.

S E E T H I S ?

Y o u r t u x e s m u s t b e p i l it t h i s m o u t l i . H E N l t Y M I T C H E L L .

L o w e l l , u c l . 0,'HV. M a r s h a l .

Farm tar Sale.

80 acres seven miles f r o m Lowell, 1 mile f rom Alto; 05 acres under cul l lva taion; 50 acres now seeded down; Oood house and b a r n j well aud cis tern; spr ing brook runs t h rough the f a r m ; good or-chard . 125 t r ies ; k n o w n as the Coppens Homestead; P r i c e | 4 0 . per acre; t e rms t down, lialance ou l ime; ti t le perfect .


(10w0) Augusta , Mich.

The floral decorat ions a t the funera l of Mrs G r a n t a r e worthy of special no-n c e Among lite many lovely tributea wen* a bunch of Calla Lilliee and a pil-low of w h i l e flowers upon which thi; word " M o l h e r " was traced in purple. Others were two wreathes of au tumn leaves and a crows of flowers f rom Mrs. Capt . Mills a n d Mrs. Hoodly, of Ionia.

Coo|iers, beat Ihisl Sol. a n d J o h n Randall made , in five days laat week. 615 barrels, uf which Sui. R a n J a i made 100 Friday, in ten hours. The coopers a t Marshall 's simp will bank h im against any man in t h e Slate fo r len hours work. Tbe ou tpu t o( Mundiall'a shop last week, was 8.288 barrels, a n d even t hen he can ' t m a k e them fas t enough.

The Lowell Furn i tu re Co. ahu t down Monday for a abort t ime. Since mak ing their ex tens ive repairs last summer , whereby they increased their capaci ty, t h e five sa lesmen ihey have ou t have lieen unable to dispose of t h e products as fast as they were turned ou t , and gs their store rooms are small they decid-ed to shut down unti l their surplus is dispn-ed o f . They will employ addi-tional sa lesmen a n d endeavor to keep th ings booming .

Literary Note.

Some l ime ago the DKTROIT FREE PI ESS offered W.OOO in prizes for N e th ree best serial aloiies sen t in heforo Ju ly 1st. The n-sult of ih iscompel i l l tm has la-en l l ia i Major Joseph Kirkland, of Chn-ago, 111., haa taken the first prize nf 41.000. His story is en l lded Tho Oupiain uf Company K. Mr. Kirkland is the au tho r of Zury . the Meanest Man in Spr ing County . The McVeys. and oilier s tones . Tne second prize goes tu Oinitha, Neb., and is t aken by Mrs. E l m W. Peal t le . Her story is e n d led The J u d g e . The third prize of #500 was awarded to Elbrldge 8, Brooks, of Bos-ton, Mass. The tit le of ills s tory la, The Son of Iss ichar .

The Lowell Woolen Mill*.

Persons in w a n t of all wool goods | such as Shir t ing and Dress flannels. Red ' flannel, sheeting, double nr single widih .

Yarns , Ladies Fancy MILLA, Stockings and Socks In ail sizes, can g e l them a t t h e Lowell Woolen Mills a t Rig:k Bot tom Prices. We also make heavy winter shir ts snd cut and make pants lo on le r only |4 .00 per pair . Call and see these goods. HK-NKY F. CLARK,

Lowell Woolen Slills.

At Hiat.

Horace G. Atkins died a l his home on E. Bridge S i , S i t u r l o y . Out. U . '89, in bis 09. h year . He had been K great sufferer f r o m rheuiuat lsm for s t t iu i 4 years. F u n e r a l services a t t h e f t i p i i s t church, Monday, a t 8 p . in. Eta was born in W s l e r b u r y , Vermont , (Wf. 16th, 1620. Emigra ted to Michigan In 1854 Came to Lowell in 1878, where he has since resided. He was honest and u p -right in all hla dealings.

C a N ,'l Thank. .

W e tv.ke th is oppor tuni ty of re iura -ing our hea r t f e l t t hanks tn the frienda nnd neighbors who so kindly a 's is ted our bro ther in hia long illness: also for their s y m p a t h y aud help a l t e r his death .


Lowell Market*.

Corrected every Wednesday. Bai ley Corn Whea t , while, Whea t , red Gala Ry*. ••• Bui te r Egg" Potatoes, Apples Peaches

Boy* Tap Sole *boe* al Roburu m & Bon's.

JO 75-90

Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.

When Dabr wo* aiclt, we pave her CuatorU. When *ho wu a Cb:M. i^e cried for Cajlor"*, When she bccaue U-ts, tho ciun; to Castiii U, When Ibo hod Chllilreo, ah* ijarc them Culorla.

Least Money I F o r t h e M o n e y , THE



Buffalo Skirting Flannels Cook and Heating Stoves,



WE ALSO CARRY A . I L j A R G t * : L - i i v j e

Of The Celebrated B A D G E R S T A T E S H A W L S

I n a l l t h e d i f f e r e n t g r a d e s .

m y me rat. DONT fiil TO SEE THEM .


APPLE PARING MACHINES At Manufacturers Prices,

Dandy! Eureka! Excelsior! BUT AND BE CONVINCED I

W. R. BLAISDELL & CO. Lowell. J a a 8.

Tery Pine Beaver Shawls E x c l u s i v e S a l e in L o w e l l o f B o t h t h e s e L i n e s .


A Valuable Itemedy.

Brown's Compound Blood Purifier and Tome is sold by Velter & Look, d r u g -gists. f 1 per batllo.



C e o . O. T a y l o r a n d J. W . V a n d e r h u l e ,

Practical Painter* and Decorslors.



Quaranleed Katlafactory by TUP. PENIN8ULAK WHITE MtAD AND COLOR WORKS. Delroll, Michigan. (U mo* S)

T i E E E



Steam & Hot Water Heaters S t e a m I i t l i ng ant l P u m p R e p a i r i n g .

I R T I F I C l A i STONE W I L K S . F U G G I H G , ETC Any perso a Intcmlin* to lav waih*. enrbatonr*, or any-

thinic of that 5 n, will Hud ll lo thrlr Interest toxet my prises

H T A l l l v ork at Lowest Living Rales, and 8 a t -isfaciion guamnleed . (18

O L I D R E J U j I - A . B I J I S . "


BOOTS ts® SHOES. W e carry the Larges t and Best Stock in town, comprising

evervth ing in the line of foot-wear.






Berger Steel R o o f i n g and Gal-

vanized E a v e Trough ing .

Mavr In Hock A fuil lltn of ihn LAIWI lur.iroT»tl

GASOLINE STOVES. A Specially in lib- of


Builders Hardware. 1 ^ ' ^ —

U. R. FJCHT In seeking to gel ihe best am! most for t o u r nmnev, this October IS^O,

R. U. RIGHT n of a 1 nidlng place ? You say vou t rade with Ro

RIGHT U. R. j In your selection of a Iniding place ? You say vou t rade wi th Robertson ft Bon?

ItoberlacD & Son's is the place lor tlio Best and Ibo Cheapest,

Our Fail anil Winter Hlock of

Boots, Shoes, Rubber Goods, And LUMIIERMAN3 sbCK8 a re the most comnlele lluii wo have yet oflTcred

t o the public. These goods have been ~i Iccted with great care; special pains have been taken lo gel

GOOD GOODS AT THE LOWEST PRICE. In b u y i n g y o u r F A L L AND W I N T E R STOt 'K we invite all to t ome and se«

us. Vou will leave our store with the Gi l UN O l ' SATISFACTION ou your coun-t enance tha t comes f rom gel l ing you r monevs wor th .

Yours fnr serviceable and Mvlish footwear .

R o b e r t s o n & Sod, T h e S h o e n e i

Page 3: LOWELL JOURNAL. - Lowell Ledger Archivelowellledger.kdl.org/Lowell Journal/1889/10_October/10-16-1889.pdf · LOWELL JOURNAL. One Dollar a Year ... ordsrad sit Oarmans ta quit the

L O W E L L J O U R N A L : W f i D N K S U A Y , O C f O B E R 1 6 . \ m .

POWDER Absolutely Pure.

Thin powder ncti-r \ .'f pur Uj Mrrn^lli »nJ whllnKimrni'Mi Mur. I»-OII ODIICAI than Uir nrllnitry kiiiilK. »ii<J oni.not b« ><ild Inconprllilunwlih th-- multlliidi- "f I"* .»t . uliiirl wplght alum or pho'plial" pnwiler* <olJ ool/ in CBDI, llojal ualmit Towl'-r I'" 1*) Wall SI. N. Y. i l ' i - a i

HUMPHREYS' UH. Ili'MrauTi'snKmcH arfM-lvDtlflcaiit aod

cure wilt.oui aninlnK, lurf lux orrrdtiebiK the •jtilem. una are lu taci ami dwlUMaaTerclin r eBcd lcaa f th rWor ld .

NEIGHBORHOOD NOTES. | Miss Minnie l^ss i tor clow.l hor *ch» I : in distr ict No. 7. frnctionnl of Qrat ton

Adrn i t euu . 8" '1 Onkfielil. Oct 12. \» tlio p n ^ c m i-uf , « „ , n • ' a lurge nu iu lv r of visitnm. T h e t-xei-

Mr. an>l Mrs. Dere.*. f rom O r a r d C|!H.H v v e r i . Hno-deciaiuaMonii, aingmg, Rap|(l», hnvebeen iiere for the last werk . e t r

reuairinit one of t h f i r houses lo rent to! . „ , „ 0 . O. T i n k h a m . ' Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred \ \ mRier.of Iwvvn<',

"• t i_ i_ 1 mado 11. l<H».|ler nnd Imnilv a vi-iy Miss Let tie Morriser. who has '"••"n ! V i b i t Oct . I'J, S u m l i u .

t ak ing vocal and insi rumenial lessons a t I r ' M.VUD. Grand Kapids for the past f ew yeare, ia | , r , now leaching. She is considered our | so. itii>ian. I>,t l e i che r and is well liked by h e r j T , I P w , i a l h , r „ v t . n . flMp a n d f a r m e r . n , a n v P u P i l • • ' ««• busv pn-paring for winter .

MPJ. Dr. l iorraw* has b .*n qui te ill E 8 , m u v e l in to the Cogswell for the past few d a j u I | l 0 U M . ^

Sewing machines, Needles a n d Oils al i The at lendnnce nt the reunion of the Althen's. | l i s t Mich Inf iy . w i n hirgr. This local-

'lited by Cl-in. l-o' klin and J . C

•ar atwiued to Twenty dollars for nn ext ra g<Kid suit j mill all f..r In.ldiiig Ihe reunion, ns il

of ciotniK made in lit you. Wha t do was decidrd uiiaiiiinouslv io hold the you think ol lhat r Hn'mh the tailor is { next on the Maine da te and nt Grand

T H E M A N D A R I N ' S HEAD.1

J . H Thorn,*on » sale of llve a locksnd ^ f a r m implement* is w t for Oct--J . lbM». | U | | , T | l m ol ihe yeai

LOT OF RTTCKVAL fevers . Comatkni. lullammalloni Wanna. Worm Keter. Worm t elle. . . prrlBC Ctlir.orTwIhlDgof lufanu.-J pimrrhea. of lailldtrn or Anulu Urae • l e r / i onpioc. uuioui folic .'holcrn Morbaa. Vomllln* Daaglia. Cold, liruuchltla. Veacalala. icolharUe.Vac*»che . .a l iradachea. Blckllrailacbe. Vntko.*] I|ra»*»alB. UUmu Btomach . . . Z tappreaaed o rpa ln fa l I 'erlads.. iVhliea, too ftofiue ivrl KU. . . . Croup.CoiiKli, Uincull Ilr'allihm , Hall U h e a u . r.ravlpeUt, Eruplluiu., K t inana t l im . Kbvumiatlr I'alus. ,

' E C l f l C S ' e * « r a u j Acne, Chllu, auwria... .SO •ilea. Ullud or Ulcvdluft . .40

loplni C

ifnln. Eniirged Olandu, Sivt'Iilnu.

Kneral rtfhimv,l'hyilc«l opari and Scanty SccreUom

•Sk-kucufrom IlMhm. llTtr Seminal Weak " unUuT^Cfceharm*. l.i

jknraa. Wetting lied I! , -.0d». nlthSpann .. f the Uearliralplunion I . t|>um, KL Vltui' Twnce I .<

. l'lcerate<ISotT Threat. , nieatlana * ErnpHont.

Sold by Dru«l«i«. or aent nottpald on receipt of price. Da. UI-HNIRETM' JIA^UII. (Ill pacral rlcfaly bound In cloth and Rnld, nulled fne. llamplirera'MedlclarCo.liSralionSl.N V.

uenia't'old InUiellnul Couch. Violent Cnuxha..,

iprtwd Urealhlni; "ml Hi arlng..

making them.

Altou Atoina.

Mrs. J . B. Sabin. from Belding. is visiting Alton fr ends.

Mike Delaney, who diitl last Sunday morning at hU'home In Vi-rg.-unes, was buried a t the Gra t tac cemetery last Tuenday.

In lam w e e k s item in speaking ol Elder Andrus ' former home i t should have read Crooked Corners instead ol Crooked Lake.

Mrs. J , R. Whi t e has I wen visi t ing her sister. Mrs. Geo. F . Whi te , fo r a lew days .

H. D. Weeke 's young people have cousins visi t ing tlu-iu f rom Adr ian .

W . B. Aldr lch . wife and daugh te i visltetl f r iends in Bowne laat Sa tun la ) and Sunday .


N. Cleveland nnd daughter , of Ixvini-ilns. have maile relatives luve a shor t visit, nlitl hix thiugbter is guest of Her aunt , Mrs. E, Riix-ock.

Tbe ladies of the Foreign Missionary society of the M. E . church , bold a s | s i; Ul meeting; Ibis week to elect tleleg.iiin to at tend the disU ict meet ing u t Caison City.

A meetlnR of t h e Grand River Asso-cimion of the Congregational chu rches commenced Monday ut Ibe Union Evan-gelical church .

W. P. Perr in h a s postponed the sale of his horse unti l Sa tu rday , U. t . a.'i, on account of tbe slow sale of bis t ickets .

All who e.\|K>ct to buy a n y t h i n g in c io tn ing will no well to examine the biu bargains a l Hudaun's.

ilmau—lloraet. Cattle, .Sheep. • - Sent tree. BixruuxTr

• - , N. V.

I ' l t l t KS FOR YOUR


Write us for i»rlcfs or iny Inlnrra^llon wanted.

S l H M E i l S M O R R I S O N & G O . ,

Simmn'l"" Merchant". 174 S.Water SI.. ITHCKCO n'KiikKCP-Metnip'iUun .Nmional Ua

' T h i s is t h e b l a n k e t t h e d e a l e r

Mid m e w a s a s g o o d a s a 5 A . "

FREE-—Ucl from your dealer free, the IA Iliiok. It has liandsame piclnrcs and vi: i iMc inforiuation abinil hordes.

ii.M or three dollars li.r a J/A llmse lllanket will make your horfco worth inure nnd eat lcs< to keep warm.

( B'A Five Mile * 5/A Boss Stable

A5k 5/A Ehdric I 5/A Extra Test

-ivies at p ie . - . 10 siiii .veiv-bo'• • ean'l Rd them In.i • •"n •It.t; . 1 in'


A R E T H E S T a O M G E S T . 1T''"1ITT1«.- 1'A LAIjeL NOtir. -.r-,.,iN

Man il liv ' ' v . mi. i- 'b • Unions llur,-.



Vou.hould reiitTllrClin*. l l . u . N1 .1. Uc.un'

y.-u can .rtiw .tlToitl .• ll. 110: Chirac.J UAILV N co.n imi 1.11c cm per ni| u'^socb^ e you cjn't; il ' lorfilmi-« ,1.111,. ii... Vouuu .>i inknuu uLcuiili when Ihey Ii i|ip>n--m>l .1 Inter. Vci UM in Uir 1 tecniti ccninry, .1 ill* i> .CCLLOILOL IM- JIR UEM I' I

llhei-ir>li JUD >011 LMII . .1,1 lo ;f, l- li.,id.

^ ^ i Q T r i E R S '

F R I E N D -

DANOtK toLIPK or MUTHEn^Ct i lUy.

*,on 16

fiRADFltU).REGULATOR C O , - - — JrwuC -A Tl+A/VTA. 1 OA.

F O R H A L E B Y Y E I T E R & L O O K

very low You can get i h e linest worsted pante for fU a t B. C, Smith 's .

f ! SO buy* a pair of mens Tip Bole OU (Irnln clioco at Kobvruuu£ Son's. Luce or Congrnn

See those (10. overcoats at Hudson's fo r #7.50.


Uenry Mishler nnd wife, of F ree port. S u n d a j e d wi th f r i ends here.

Will ie l lesperg^r . of Dut ton . is visit-ing relat ives here this week.

Mi*a Rose Needham, of Lowell, spent Sunday with friends here.

E. Heintzelman and family enter ta in ed f r iends f rom Dut ton , S u n d a y .

L Blough, Joe Lehman a n d M, J . Stubl were in Grand Hapids S. t tunlay.

Mrs. Hi ram Secse intends to s t a r t for a visit wi th her parents i a Canada this week.

Mra. J o h n Layer and a lady fr iend. from Ind.. a re viaiting the l o r m e r a par enta, Mr. and Mra. Ruben Woods.

Mr. and Mra. Yoder. of P e n n . , art visiting relatives here.

Mr. Mishler, of Ind., is visi t ing hie son. Joseph, of this pi ce. BIUDOET.

A p p l e s W u n t c i l !

Wil l pay cash for apples, e i the r small or lance, a t King. Quick & KIIIK > Evaporator , at any t ime a f t e r Aug. 25 7ni3. A. TKIPP. Mangr , Lowell.

There Is no guess work about it—it is a reality tha t Smith , the tai lor , has the lineal line of sui t ings, pan t ings and ov-ercoat ings ever shown in Lowell , and he ia making ' h e m u p for very low prices.

T orgonnea Tlaltnr.

Mrs. W . L. Merriiuan and Mrs. E . L. Bennett went t o Grand Rapids to Bee Pompeii .

J o h n Crakes and family w e n t to Hast-ings last week to visit f r iends.

Miss Lizzie Clements, of F ree port , is visiting her aister, Mrs. Frank McGlock lin and family ,

G. W . Crosby is spoiling t h e looks of his pr.-mlses by moving i h e G m n n e Had and sht ds up nea r his house a n d barn.

Mrs. A. Yerkes and Mrs. E . L. Ben-nett went to Grand Rapids la<t wet k to a t tend the W . C. T. U . convent ion .

Ocloiier 0 was Orlando Odell 's eigh-teenth bir thday and his parent* surpr is ed him with an elegant gold w a t c h and chain on t h e occasion.

A very pleasant surprise pa r ty a t Omer Adams' , Oct . 7iii. it being Miss Cora Adams ' s ix t een th b i r thday . There were no presents, u e hear.

Mrs. Cleland, of Cherry Creek. N. Y., is visiting her sister, Mrs. J . S . Daniels.

Dr. Rickert does best work a t prices t h a t aro reasonable.

No guesswork on t h e s ty i e sa tSmi th ' s . The latest plates r ight before t h e eyes of customers.

Wanted—To sell or exchange for horses or o ther good property. 1 billiard table, I billiard and uool combinaiion t ab l eand 1 |iool table. Pool and billiard balls,cues and full outf l t fo r billiard hall .

G . W . S T A R K .


A. W. Goodell went to Ok lahoma this week.

Andrew Darling, of Berlin, h a s a lu-n o r of t h e s tomach, and is dangerously

Olmstead A Myers have s tar ted a chain p u n n fac tory .

F iUgibbons & Sayles have manufac-tured aisiut la.OOtl apple barrels so fa r this season at the haraimr shop, Thev expect to m a k e about 20,000.

Charley Dake started for Oklahoma last Tuesday morning. I t all depends on how he likes t h e coun t ry or not, whether he remuins.

Quite a number of Saransc O. A. R men made a visit to the Lowell Posi, Wednesday evening.

Tuusday evening, about e igh t o'clock. some |iersoii, ell her accidenial iy or with evil intent , th rew a stone th rough a win-dow ol Mrs. Betsy Patterson s residence, 111 th is village, breaking a pane of glass and narrow I v missing ihe head of Mis Mary Ann Merrill . The good ladies of ihe bouse were both terribly f r igh tened

Thomas Wilson died Thursday morn-ing kt 4:00 a. in., ul the home of his son Daniel, in this village.—Loot/.

Fine photographs ut all prices over Mrs. 11 der s millinery store.

Every th ing In the latest and nobbiest j ' ' " t tho fa rmers look out for the i r styles of pant ings and sui t ings at l " " , ' , r v . s s it is repuned the P . M. and Smith's, Tlie most faniidious cannot 1 t l ' e deputy P. M. were out very lute a laii to be suited. a few nights last week. PBTK.

Z . B A I T S

Bus iness C o l l e g e ( E S T A B L I S H E D 7 YEARS.)

S h e p a r d - H a r t m a n B u i l d i n g , / 1 - F o u n t a i n S i .



B o o k - K s e p i n g , S h o r t - H a n d , T e l e g r a p h / . P e n -

m a n s h i p a n d B u s i n e s * F o r m i .

J . "U. L E A N , a n . FJUUCIPAL

Froepon .

E m e r y Wait is said to be wi th typhoid fever .

H i r am Kiircher re turned home f rom his visit in Petoskey T u i x l u y evening.

The stave mill here is doing a paying hiisin-Bs and l.eglnniiig to ge t a good supply of bolls.

Per ry Weed's K> tie daugh te r fell anil sprained her ank le while swing ing last Sunday and it h.-ts lieen very puinfti l .

The yield of poiatoea in t h i s section this year will be very small, but they are ol excellent quali ty and good size.

Arza King and wife, of Lowell, were tbe Kiiestsof Win ail'l John Pa rke r and the i r families, of Campbell, a few da> s last week.

Cyrus Brown, of Ctr l ton. has the lin-est orchard we have seen this fall. Never saw small trees laden so heavily wiih f ru i t ss Ins.

A street fakir s t ruck this town Tues-d iy af ternoon und as usual " d o n e u p " several, to the tune of f rom one to six dollars.

Conrad SmelkerV team got unt ied whilf Inlched in town Monday morn ing , and ran away.—Ueruld.

Tho neatest col lage on Ihe S. & S. addit ion can be Isiuuht d i r t e h e a p , (HOO down and ibe balance on mon ib ly p a j -men t s . Enquire uf J . D. Eliinwood.

Wml l.o\ivll LlnlcMt

Ed. St inton is going to move his house soon, we hear.

Miss Manve Gibson has got b tck t o Lowell and will e n lo rcln ol. We saw her smil ing face on t h e si reel S a t u r d a y .

Marcus Sterl ing hits moved t o S a r a n a c to woik in a mil l . We wish hhn sue., cess.

Wil l Peck is s'ill pack ing apples. W:ill ia a gissl bund ut the buMness.

Edward Green is plasiering his house and will paint it this lull.

Mr. J u r y ' s ooUtoes are t u r n i n g nut gtssl . He hits got over 1,00;) bushels und onl\ gone over J of t h e ground. We hear he has 2? acres of JKIIUUH s.

S a m . Thompson will h ive a sale Ihe 22il of Oci. ami 1 hen we unders tand he will sail f u r Old England.

The U. B Qua ' t e r ly meet ing will lie held Oct, 20-i7, a t the church near the Swee t school IIOUHD,

D. L. Sterl ing is going to ( r randvi l le lo visit his duugli ter , Mrs. L. H. Wern m a n .

Ed . Kiel, of Lake OJessa, is visi t ing f r iends here.

Wil l Peck had a very pleasant b u t social t ime last Sunday , and he requested me no t 10 say a n y t h i n g al iout i t ; so, for fear if he sees this he will feel b u n , 1 will refrain f r o m say ing any more.

E d . Dunham visited Alabka f r i ends last week.

If you want boots o r shoes now is ihe l ime . Hudson is closing out a t less t han lirst cost.

If there IR a busy man m town, it is B. C. Smith , the tailor, and he is will-ing to keep r i g h t on busying himselt mak ing you r clothes.

Parncl t I 'ulnta.

Mike Delaney, whose death has been Its iked lor so long, called h im away Sundav morn ing , at 5:30 o'clock.

W e see in one of the local iMtpers t h a t Mr. J a m e s Dorau is dead. l l shoutd ImvH read Mis. J a m e n D o i a n . Deceased was aged 50 years and tt montlis . The family has the s y m p a t h y of t h e whole couuuun i ty .

The home of J o h n Hoag was visited by dea th un Mond-ty, Oct. 7th. and i l i e i r toni igest daugh te r , aged 4 years , was ca r ' i ed away .

Rich Talbot has m i n e d 10 Gd . Rapids, whe re he intends woiking on m e g r a d e .

A big t ime and a big crowd a t J a s . IL Ifron's Friday, Oct. Mill, in honor of the i r daughter Annie. Dancing and ea t ing occupied the t ime very pleas-an l ly .

The Star Ronto contract fo r ca r ry ing ing ihe mail f r om Pamel l to Cannons burg was a w a : d e d to Jits. Schoonmuker , ol L'annonsburg, who sub-let il to Jus . Doran.

••Whew. Pete, we hud a P. I . meet ing a t c u r school houso Saturday eve., Oct 21."

" I s tha t s o ? " "Yen, we had thin speaking and a

thin meeting. Par t i - s on the f m n t seat lionored the sjieaker by keeping the i r h a l s on."

t i ra t tau Uatlierliiu«. Mrs. Frank Donovan is very sick.

H O W S T H I S !

W e offer One Hundred dollars reward Miss Myrtie Rich, of Greenvil le, pass-! f " r ""J1 c " " 1 i : u

1u , r r h lhat r a n n o i be

ed last week wi th friends here . 1 ' " " -d by taking Hall's Catarrh Cure, I'. Chenev & Ol,, Pro|is„Tole.lo, O. We, the undersiKiied. have known F.

J . Chenev lor the htsl 15 vears. mnl Ik>. leive him |s-rfectly honorable in all busi-ness transvctinim. and linancially able

M n . L. B. Cook, who has lieen very si. k, Is some bet ter ,

Mr. and Mrs. R . KIIIK, of Greenville, are v i sa ing at Geo. Smith 's . , , .

w , . „ . . . , , Vurr>' " l " «"y obligations made by Mrs. J . A. Russell is visiting I r iendsa t their l inn . Wi-st Truax . wholesale

Toledo, Ohio. drugKists, Toledo, O. Walding, Kin-

R. A. Weekes commences a live mos, , I'"," ^ T ' l V vh" ,F,H"1'" (lrllKl>'isLs, To term of school iu the Mason dis t r ic t , Oct. , ' • ^ H - > " n H o f e n , cashier To-14 l l1 I ledo National Bank. Toledt , Ohio.

j H a l l s Caiarrh Cure is token inter-The socialTiold with Mrs. Chas . Wat- n u l h .aciing directly upon the blood and

kins, Oct . 11, wus a success. Iteceipls, | IIIIICOIIK suilacvs ol the svsiem. Price 13.30. 75c. per bottle. Hold by all druggis ts .

The concer t held a t Ashley chu rch , , 100 L A D i r i w a n t p h the evening of Oct. 0, was g rea t l r en - ' 1 U 0 L A m h 8 WANTED, joyed by all. A collection of ( 8 was j And 100 Men to call on any druggis t Handed 4n. 1 fo r a f ree trial package of L a n e s F a m i l y

Rev. J , H . Fairchilds, of Ashley, ex-! t h e1 ^ i 1

R o | . ^ a n ? Herb rem-JH-CIS to a t t end the Baptist S l a t e f o n - I ' 1 ^ p 0 ; r r ' , ' i f

h 3 ; V ' vention held at Grand Rupids t h i s ! " o u n , a ! " » - . t o r diseases

of the blood, l iver and kidney s i t is a pos-j i t ive cure. For oonsilpation and clear-

Mrs. Doron, a former res ident here, {ing up the complexion i t does wonders, •lied a t hei h o m e iu Cannon , and the , Chi ldren like it. Everyone praises it , funeral services wero held al t h e Oral-1 La rge size package, 50 cents. A t all tan Catholic church , Oct. 9. druggis ts .

In one of Ihnso tall New York flat liouset which, without boliig very magnlflcent. are very pretty, a lady was arranghiR theorna-menis ami furniture of a purlur Into which the hail evidently Ju-t mnve.1

81ie wa« a very large woman, hut of elegant proportions nnil her drew wn»|iBiiilanme—• morning rolie of lilue ra»hmere richly em-bnil.ler.sl. Bebiud her a little while capped maid iinjiackeil a linskel of hrlc-a-hrat. ami. HaviiiR duatnl eaeh piece, handed It to her mistress.

Tlinuish the open wlndowi came the sound of trallle—the runilile of wogons. the roll ol carriage wliwls New York waaat lt» buileat and gayeit on that elear. late, aiilnmu day Now nnd Ihen the ery ol •ome streel vernier was hen 11I. ami a newslmy wa« Mlivlng toat-Intel pnrelmwr* by roaring 'extraw—ex Iran ," In deep, horror rtrleken tones, and, amid all these noise*, ever anil anon arose a wad—tlirlll ami plaintive ai ths dniek of Iht Inmhes—which M«nied 10 coma from tho In-terior of the houae.

"Is there a sick child In tho hmiso, I'hcelior the lady ustisl, after she hud llslenetl with t ihudderlo thla sound for several tnliiulea. "What a fearful rtuill"

-Ve. . my lady.* replied Plitabo, "and It H tearful to Iw sure it's the Janurena' little boy. if ynu please, my lady."

Phwbe. we nr» In America, and you must try to say ma'am, us the other maliU do,""

,id the mistresa, with a smile, "I am not rich enough to play my lady here ID my na tlve'couutry, though lha title belong! to me lu England."

Yes. ma'am. I'll remember, ma'am," talo the maid. "Itut if you please, ma'am, that U the junitress' child a-howling. Sarah, al the second flat, ma'am, sho told me how it WUJ It lu l l sleknes-s. ma'am, ita bealingi.''

••BeatingsI" repvnteil ihe lady. "Yes. my l a - l mean yes ma'am. She .tow

Deal ll awful, she does." "Do you supjiose she Is dnlng it no<*r "Yes, ma'am." wiu I'buebe. "Ami tin; people in tho houso permit I t r

cried the lady. "They dotri Interfere.•' said Phoebe. "They

have spoken. If you please, but she says a» her child U her own property, please ma'am, and she'll do as she likes."

The lady smiled. '•Show mo the way to the Janitor's room.

Phoehe." she said. "UV Mow; the sounds come up the regis-

ters. I suppose," said Phcebe, Tlieu the two descended the stairs together.

At a door lending from the entrance ball— a pretty door with a little sliding panel be side it like those at the IHJX olllces—they (mused at the Instant a terrible •cream was heard within, and the lady opened the door and entered.

A wiry, old woman In a black dress and while apron, with a little cap on he rhead-the very picture of neatness—flood in the middle of an orderly room, holding a little Iwy by the collar of his pluk shirt waist and beating him w iih a bundle of tagged leather thongs. It is the old instrumeut of punlsli-ment on some vessels yet, I believe, hulsall-omimku Ihem nnd sell them to civilians a* "furniture heater*" now.

This woman was putting tbe thing to Its original purpose, and the torture of such blows, even when given by her weak, little old arin. must have been terrible to so small a child.

"Take that and sass mu again," she c r ied-"taku that, and Hint!"

A mouienl iiioi-e and she paused. Some one had coolly taken her by the collar of her drew aud drawn her hack. Now a lady, to whose shoulder the Janitreas* head scarcely reached, took the cat-o'-nine-lalU from her and Jix'w the walling child towai-d her.

"You ought to bo ashamed of yourself." said this unexpected visitor, curtly. "If the ehlld needed correction s little switch would 110 enough. I've a mind to have you arrestod for using this."

"And what right have you to Interfere, iiia^ani. I'd like to knowi" cried the womau.

"1 am Lady Vernon." responded theoiher, guietly.

She knew lhat the woman waa of English olrth by her accent, and she chose to overawe her by a title. She succeeded.

"Pin sure, my lady." cried ths Janit' •your ladyship can't know huw lha child

tries my pnlieitce, and all I have to bear." "And I'm sure." replied my lady, " t i n t

you'd have to control your temper, for though the owner of this house is ubroad I ronld write to him and have you dlsinlssod, vou know."

"Put suro you'll not do that to a poor wid-ow, my lady," sobbed Ihe lanitress.

"If yon strike the child again 1 shall," said l.aily Veruou. "Phcebe, lirlng Ihe child up «tolr« aud anuise him a little Now, my good woman, what is the price of this thing("

"It's my furniture lieater, ma'am," cned the woniaii. "worth a dollar."

The lady placed some money on the tahle snd walked awny <?ith the .•at-o'-niue-tails uuder her inn. while the lanitress darted after her.

"A real Iady. r the said. In an awe stricken voice. "Ah. but ihey aro 'aughtyl they're born to it."

It so happened that I.ady Vernon was bom In Massachusstta. a Yankee girl to the back-Iwne. and a country mluUter's daughter, but an Englishman of title had come to "the States," met her and married her. She had gone to Kugland with him and there great misfortunes hsd befallen her. Her husbanil broke hU neck while huuting, aud a few weeks aflci'wanl her little aon was drowned. The nurse had left him forainoment near the shore al a teasida resort, to which she had taken hmi; when she returned h» was not tu be aoen. His hat Uualin - upon Ihe water told the tala. And shortly th - widow found ihul the sad event had made a dllference in her means and iNwitiou. The estate* went to tlie second broiher iu the event of the child's death, nnd that which was hers as his guar . dlan during his minority passed away.

She cared very little, for her heart was broken by this aeoond blow, nnd with what little ronmliifd to her she left the home en itemed lo her by snch fond recollections, plainly weing that the new heir was glad to have her go. lie had always haled his broth-er'* wife, "that Yankee womait"

That was live years before. TI1110 had soft-encil her sorrow, hut life had little lo offer her She had loved too well 10 marry again. Uer parent* w ere dead aud ihe had bevu so only child.

She had traveled quietly over Europe dur ing Ibese years, aud now roturned to dwell in her native umd, bringing her maid Phssbe with her.

The girl now knelt on the Ooor playing With the child, a pretty little fellow, wall cared fur at lu cleanliuess.

"Why does sho lieat you so. darlingf" she asked. "How euuld any on* strike him. uta 'amr

"Heaven know*," raid Lady Verpon "Pha-lie, he Is Just the age my boy would have been, i think." Uer leait began tu fall

A foolish fancy that tbe child w u like her lost sou came into her mind.

"Troulile uoftuiu tha bralu, I fancy,* tb* aald to hnrtelf.

Tho child played with Phcabe for an hour, and then tho girl conveyed a meuuige to the janltn-s that Uuly Vernon would like lo have him come up wli«.iever uc CIIOM, oa sliu bad taki n n fancy 10 him.

The old English woman, overawed by tho fact thst n great lady patronised the child, licnl him no more, umi sent him up stairs at fresh and tidy us hands could make hint Slut hml nl least tho virtue of eleaidlnua,and hour afler hour the child played in the losUs fui aparlnienta of the dear good lady, as he called her, showing no trace of ths olsiUnacy of which hisgrandinolhoraccuscd hint

He was a genllemiudy little fellow, and never broke what he wns allowed to ploy with, nnd Lady Vernon, who fancied her heart grown cold since the object of her adoration had been torn from it, found her-self once more warmly attached lo a living creature.

She began to wish that tho child belonged to her, and from that went on saying to her-self that it might. She could adopt tho boy, perhaps; remove him from his grandmother's influenee. educate him, and bring him up as her aon He wns one lo do her credit. Yet any mother will understand how- a molher would shrink from puttlug another in hor dead son's place. It almost seems like trrach ery toward that other nearer and dearer ono, and I.ody Vernon hesitated, and indeed aban-doned the Idea more than once, only to recur to it again. She strove hard not lo love the child, but her heart was beyond her control

l.lttle Martin crept Into ll, though tho strove lo banish him by tbe thought of her baby Roderick, whoso grave wai In the sea. OIM day, to steel herself agalqst ibis uew

love by memories of her boy. Lady Vernon took from the depths of ono of her traveling trunks a box In wulch "he kept Roderick's •oys. She Inniod Ihem over and her tears fell upon them.

"No. my tiahy." sho said. "I will not hav» snnther son 10 lake your place—I will not." flien she cried out to Phirbo: "Ah. Phtebo, here is the mamlarln he loved sol He had Ihe head in his hand when nurse left him 00 the shore. Oh. Phmbe!"

"Dear heart, so he had." said Phcebe. "Hr used to take the head out always."

At that moment little Martin ran into the room. Us spied the Iw* of toys and rushed tiwerd it,

"Vou mutt not tonch them." said Phosbo. "They are dear little Master llndenck's, and

he it dead." And -Jie drew him back For the first tune thechlld showed the tem-

per the Janltress credited him with. "They are minor he said. He ran up lo tady Vernon again and

caught her ar ia "Say." bo cried,-"they are miner aud sud-

denly he seized the mandarin in both hands aud itathsd out of tbe room with it.

Ijtdy Vernon stared In amazemsnt. The toy he had clutched was iu her eyes • sacred relic of her dead tan.

"Stop hlni, Phcebe!" she gasped. "110 11 a bud child—a rude little oreature. after all!"

Phiebe started in hot pursuit, but the child was already back again. He had availed himself of the elevator which was coming up. He wai radiant, smiling, his cheeks aglow.

'•See!"1 he cried to l^ady Vernon, and pro tented her with the china mandarin noionger hendlots. but wearing his round, smiling face, hit arebed eyebrow*, and hit braided pigtail again.

"That Is Just what he waned."addM little Martin.

Lady Vernon had never fainted in her life or sbo would have dons so then Sho was bewildered, terrified.

She examined the mandarin cloecly. She as positive that the head ho wore had origl

nail* belonged to him. Besides, tlio toy wai nut an ordinary one to he matchcd in every shop.

This was tho head that had been lu her child't band when he was IMt by bis nurse upon the beach. She looked at Martiu again.

'•Where did you get tha t f she asked. "I t Is mine," said the child, "and so are all

those." Lady Vernon was trembling from head to

foot A moment mors and the had tent for tho Janltress

The woman oame a t one*. "Where ({id your grandson get IhlsP tho

lady asked, pointing to the mandarin's head. •'The chauy headf He has always had It,"

said the old woman. "It fits the image; but indeed I think bo's no thief. Anyway. It's been with him since 1 had hhn."

'•When did you get himC asked l-ady Ver-non. "Where! Whose child is hof Vou call him your grandchild—is he really to'"

Tho woman heeltated. Then the answered, dowly:

"No, my lady, I've nothing to do with him any way. Hois nobody's chilli, I've always thought. William and mo never had any chddren—wo married late In life—and one •lay a gvntleman William had been groom to nune to blm. 'I 'm going to lie married, WH Ham.' said he, •and there's a buy I'd like tu have out of the way. I've bsen a little wild, and—you understandr And William of course thought l.e did. So he lold William that he'd give blm a lum of money to lake the child to America and call him his grand child—ond it was enough 10 open a public house with, and that was William's aiubitiou. So he paid the money and we got the boy the day we went aboard thlp, live years ago thit autumn. Hr cried a good deal and wanted his molher—some light of love of the gentle man's, I snpisise And he had that chany head iu his pocket, he's kept It ever since. He don't break anything, sud—1 hope noth Ing it wrong, ma'am f"

"No—go on!" gasped my lady "Tell m» 'he gentlemairs immel"

"The gentleman's name was Mr. Alfred Pnrnhum," said the Janitrass "And my poor husliand failed ia the public house, lost all, aud left lha child on my hands lienides when he died. Ohl my lady, what is i t f

" I t is this," cried Lady Vernon; "Mr. Al-fred K'urnhani is my husband's younger In-other. My child inlisrited tho estatea and titla. In order tu gain them for hiniwlf he aUlucted my child, und all this while I have believed him dead. It Is he—it it Ihe little follow therol I have loved him from Ihe flrst My heart told mo the iruth, though I did not understand. Roderick, my <tsi'ling. .vine to me—I am your molher!"

With « •cream of -joy the child (lew Into tier arms.

"And to think that I should nevet have known It," the mother cobbnd, "bnt for thai little inaudarln's brad I What blind A'orms we poar mortals a r d "

I fancy that Mr. Alfred Farnham bated his Yankee sister-in-law mora tbau ever, and yet she was lenient to lum.

"I could 1v.;iil8h you terribly," she said. "But you were my husband's brother; I

shall keep tbe story lo mytelf. Tho family lawyers will maintain silence, and the world need only know thai my boy—the rial Lord Vernon—I* restored to ins. Only, at you have a place in Scotland, yon will go to it and never let me see your face again."

And Mr. Alfred Faruham, though before the lawyers ho affectA-d 10 Iwlieve that ths Yankee wife al his dead brother had tricked them all. wus glad to Uke himself away lo safety.

"You are too merciful, lady Vernon," one uf the legal geutlemen who kept the family secret said tu lier, but she answered;

'•Alone there by tile sea ho might hove murdered blm—cast his body into the wave* and left him there to drowu. He spkiisl my buy't life and that is why I spare him— am ilv pride haa uotbing to do with it—Mary Kyle Dallas in Tho Fireside Coaqaniou

A REVGLUTION'ZER—M. P . Would vou w h i p a - s i c k horee? No.

Then don I use ordinary pill,8aUz,Beniia. etc. , fo r sick l iver, bowlea.etc , only use Mile's Pill* (M. P . ) the safest a n d imresi of pills. Samples f ree a t Yei te r & Look's,

DESERVING CONFIDENCE. I t U nul te surpr is ing to not ice the nu-

merous roportH of remarkable cases of nervous diseases cured, such as lieud-ache, fits, nervous prostrat ions, hea r t affect ions, St. Vi tus ' Dance, insayity a n d prolonged sieepltssnoss, by Dr. Mile's Reetr ra t ive Nervine. This new und improved brain and nerve f. od, nnd medicine, is everywhere ga in ing a re-murkuble reputntlon tor cur ing the worst nf these diseasea, a t well ss the in ju r ious effecis of worry , nervous Irri-iHtion, menta l a n d physical overwork . Yeiter & Look modrugg l s t s , will give a w a y trial but t les of this wonder fu l remedy, l l poaitively contains no opium or morphine .

E I L E R T S D A Y L I G H T LIVER P I L L S aro a boon to suHerera f rom Sick-headaches . Sour Stomach, Torpid Liver nnd IndlKestlon, Sugar-coated , pleas a n t t o lake and warrauted IAIgo through by duyl igbt .

EII .EIIT'8 EXTRACT o r TAR & W I L D CHKliltV is a sale, reliable und pleasant remedy fo r Congli . Colds. Bronolutis, As thma , a n d all th roa t t roubles ; will ie-lieve and benefit cousumption. Try it and be oonvmoed. Every • bottle war-ran ted ; price SOc. and ono dol lar per bottle. Hold by a l l diuggista. Prepared by the E m m e r t P r o p n e t a r y Co.. Cliica-gu, HI.

M o t h e n will find Dr. Wlnohcl l ' s Tee th ing Svrup j u s t the medlc ioe to have In the house for t h e ch i ld ren ; i t will enre Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat , and Regula te the Bowls. Try i t .

DR. J A Q U E S 1 6 E R M A N WORM C A K E S destroy worms and remove them Irom t h e system. S a f e pleasam and effective.

H A P P Y HOME BLOOD P U R I F I E R is tbe Peoples Popula r Medicine lor pur-i fy ing the bluod: prevent ing o r cur ing Dyspepsia, Billiousnese, Headache, Doils aud all Feoe r s a n d Malarial Disea-ses

Pr ice 50c. a n d one dollar per bott le.

UNCLE SAM'S CONDITION P O W -D E R will c u r e Distemper, Coughs, Colds, Fevers and most of the diseases to which Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Hogs and Poul t ry are subjec t . Sold by hli druggists .

U N C L E SAM'S N E R V E & BONE LINIMENT will rel ieveSpra 'na.Bruises ,

s t l sm.

BUY YOUR Grain Drill,



Feed Cutter,

Feed Steamers,


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Single or Double





Times May Be Hard But My Prices Ara Not 1

Are yon weak and weary , overworked and t u e d ? Hood's Sarsapari l la is j u s t the medic ine to pur i fy y o u r blood a n d give y o u s t reng th .

P I L E S ! P I L E S I P I L E S ! Dr. Will iani 's Indian Pi le Oin tment

is the only sure cure lor Blind. Bleedinir or I t ch ing Piles ever discovered. I t never fai ls to cure old chronic cases of long s tanding .

J u d g e Coons, Mayivi l le , Ky. , says : "Dr. William's Indian Pile O in tmen t cured me a f t e r yea rs o ' suf fer ing ." '

J u d g e Coltlnbury, Cleveland, O , savs: " I have found by experience tha t Dr. William's Indian Pile Oii i tment gives immedia te and permanetA relief."

We h s v e hundreds ol such terti ino-nials Do not suffer an ins tant longer, sold by all druggists al SOc and f l per box. (SRi 11

Neuralgia and RheumatU all druggists.

Sold by

P * A L L A N ' S *




T b e a e Oooda C o n t a i n I h e Leaves o r ISecdlrs of t h e f l u e Tree .

Uso thom for a pleasant smoko and spoedy relict for INFLUENZA. ACUTE AMD CHRONIC CATARRH. CLEROTMEH S S0R£ THROAT. HAT FEVER. ASTHMA AHD ALL BRONCHIAL DISEASES; they are f roe f rom adulteration, oa nothing Ifl used lo their manufacture bu t the BEST OF TOBACCO and FRESH PINE HEEOLES.




Corner of Oenesee Atenuo Eatt Kaglnaw. Michlgnn Dr. Elmilio & Co. ara a company nr regular graduated physician*, who have dmoted many i esrs to tho aludy of Chrnule, Nrr .on* Nnd Hportal IMteaset. Tbe phymclsn lo chaige uf thit office I* a graduate of ono of Ihe lead ng colleges of Ihe Unltod .states, and la n*• Isierad lo bolh humlsiiheni as an M. II. This sn-ableslbeiD to lieat all private Iniuhlni nhh ex-cellent reaulta. All tufferers applying tn them •Ul receive iheir honoat opinion nf their com-plaint. No DipetimrBlliui; no Mercury used They will guarantee a pntfilve cure in oTery case thoy undrrta-e,orforrelt fWl. Theirreoaun lor doing t o It Ihis-wliero thero it no organ lo dis-ease, and nothlDg but an lonqtanlc trouble, or.in nlher word*, a conglomeration of symptoms pro-duclog certain re«ulta. there Is no reason why It cannot be removed if the proper mmedles are applied, therefore they guarahiee. 1 hey wl«h It ilbilnotly understond that they do not calm tu porform mi) oalliHUUs, or to have mlrauuloua powers; they only claim lo bn skillful and sun nwful ptiywchms tlmr 'Ughly Infurinod In their sneeialty-Chrmilo and Hpoetal Diseaie* of Men and Women IVopki renlillug lance can. by explaining their imuiilo he treated at their homes Th* counw nf treat went will not in any wav Interfere wiih their buslne** Abtolulereereoy In nil cases. Charg-es moderau) Ail il rets; I 'a E t s t u s & Co, East Haglnaw. tllehlgau. Onice hours M to l l a . m . * to 4 and 7 lo H p. ni.^ week day* only. Hontn* I, 2 and 9 Hox tm.

N. U Con-ultAllnn ami advice free.


IVopki renliliug at a dls. • I n drtall

i R I B I D


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CO TIUDS iuax •

U f o x n i T C s Dears, Humors, Bom. Ulcers, 8vfelll»s, mors, Abtcetses, Blood Polioalng. Salt mm. Catarrh. Bryilpelat, Rhoumatlun, laH Btoodsoa Bkln Oltcasce

" , or » Uottles for t i

I CLOVER OO-Detrott, Mich.



Ih3 GRACE H3SPITAL (orntr Joko B Miset tad ntills Attast,

hrlfblt, kirh. A r tnml Hosiilial l.nhs rrcepUnntnS tratlmsol

0 sir , »»•. ni"il«i •>- eumira.. spMisilm u .sth S'l'siimsnt- hiue ws.B. Mali nn OJWP WIORS OI lha |.i»Pil«i ikrrrlw vcuimi |»ilnl hjlii SIHI vsnint-1 on "Iwo tptelsl wtlUs lot ilir.llrn I•fnly- wo li'.slf I.>OII«* wtutlllilly luuilshrfl. ssJ wllb fir if Di.slrm censrsaiMe. •l.'I'lll jHilipnt* b»*f Ibecom-lorw and eritacji a ihnr liuoas*. Wmd illf.ll.i" l .r usek . privslr rooms.IIOOI •I".1" i« Muu i»i «»»«. 'fbTslcisni an.l surs^us ol .ItOer scbun. m.y sei.U lino tieat pailrau-lu prlvsle looms Twn OSHUul llh/ticUat. fui luilhtt p.rUcuisi., SIMISM

BOKUT H. HtUXUt, Bsptrlataadtat.



L O W E L L , M I C H I G A N .

The Place to Buy Everything Cheap!


A n d you will be convinced.

BEST COUGH MEDICINE Recotnraended b y Phys i c ians . C u m w h e r e a l l .;

else fai ls . Pleasant and agreeab le to t h e taste. C h i l - -• dren take it w i thout object ion. S o l d b y oil druggis t s , i i



Detroit, G'dHaraJMiltMakce B A I I j W A V


ID offset Octnber 8.18N.

PA89KNQER T RAINS W W So.#, N.i.l. No ». No.S, No.IS. Mixed Uav*.

loo la,


a. m. Il;i» p. ui. |I:I7

noon. II;U0 p.* m.


O.Rapid % 6:10 UM 4:10 10:40 i M PA88KNUER TRAINS EAST

Leave, No.4, No.S. No.S. No. O No.M. Mixed a- m. a. m. p. m. p. m. a- m.

O.KapIdi, 8:50 10:81 SiU |0:M l | ; t t

L>well, 7;80 10:18 «;« l | ;U P i : a

Ionia, 7:4^ 11 .'B 4 50 lt'37 %M

Numbers Sand 10 run daily all other tralos dally Hundsy eicepied.

Nimibors 4 aud 6 du not run west of Ortuid Rapids.

Through Uokets to all Principal pointa Eait and West ara on sale at Lowel Hlation. A. O. HKVULAUftr. JOHN W LOUU.

Ageui Lowell. Trafflc Manager. De troll.

T h e M a i l s . OOINO WEST,

0:18 a . m.—closed pouch to r O r a n d I tapids .

11:43 .a m.—Way mal l , 8:61 p . m.—Way mail .

OOINO BAST, 7 ^ 0 a . m.—Closed pouch lot Detroit.

12:16 p. m.—Way mai l . 4:22 p. m.—Way mall .


6-50 a.m.—Mail by carr ier t o Chandler . Campbell , W . Caiupbell, Clarks-vtlle, Cari ' j ton Center .

FROM THE BOOTH. 6:00 p. m.—Mail r e v i v e d f rom No.

I rv ing , O'Donnell, Freeport , Lo-g a n , Bowne, Alto .

OOINO NORTH. 1:80 p . m.—Hal l f o r Fal lussburg,Alton,

Gran t , G ra t t an . FROM THE KORTH.

11:80 a . m.—Mall received f rom above p lases .

All mails cloee 88 minutes before t i m e above s ta ted.

Poet Office open f r o m 7 a . m. to 7:80 p. m . . s t anda rd t ime .

Sitisiacter; Teas aod C«lm

art Uo** thai


The VsrdletorUM rataOy st tka

BREAKFAST OR TEA TABLE regardUMr these goods aad whsaosthsf <

a mosthapoitisatoM-

W h e r e did vou qet that

Tea or Coffee? Our ax perl *00* wlui Teas aad Oeffaas

hies us to

G u a r a n t e e Satisfaction, or ther mar be roturned and money rafooded.


C O F F E E S .

Please favor us with your orj tas ,




West , Sou thwes t and Northwest . wiu. s i s o u ST RAX

Chicago and Orand Trunk R'y. Detroit. Od. Haven and Uitieauk* Ǥ.

Toledo, Saginaw and-Milttegon B't,

OartDB " " • a a t , HopUaOwr a a d QcUbor.

H A L F B A T E S .

Toe partiaalars apply to Btallea Af«At.