lundquist and blogmeter, giulia dini and viviana venneri. new frontiers of online corporate...

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Page 1: Lundquist and Blogmeter, Giulia Dini and Viviana Venneri. New frontiers of online corporate communications. Milan, 8 February 2013

2007-11-05 | 1

8 February 2013 Sala Dino Buzzati · Corriere della Sera · Milan

Page 2: Lundquist and Blogmeter, Giulia Dini and Viviana Venneri. New frontiers of online corporate communications. Milan, 8 February 2013

Social media from a corporate perspective

Page 3: Lundquist and Blogmeter, Giulia Dini and Viviana Venneri. New frontiers of online corporate communications. Milan, 8 February 2013

How companies use social media for corporate communications

Wikipedia • 34% no pages in english • 10% top pages • 56% poor pages


• 12% no LinkedIn company page

• 2/3 have only the automatically generated profile

File sharing


34% have no YouTube channel

1/3 offer corporate (not just marketing) content

• 17% have a profile on SlideShare

• 14% have a precence on Flickr

• 18% use Pinterest


• 23% have a corporate/branding presence

• 43 fanpages analyzed


• 29% have a corporate/branding presence

• 54 account analyzed 60% corporate profile

40% branding initiatives

Page 4: Lundquist and Blogmeter, Giulia Dini and Viviana Venneri. New frontiers of online corporate communications. Milan, 8 February 2013

What kind of corporate presence on Facebook? 4 “educational”



16 corporate fanpages

7 CSR thematic fanpages

9 sport sponsorship


7 special initiatives fanpages

Page 5: Lundquist and Blogmeter, Giulia Dini and Viviana Venneri. New frontiers of online corporate communications. Milan, 8 February 2013

Main findings

The trend is to open multiple Facebook fanpages

No Facebook pages dedicated to financial content

Just 1 company has a fanpage communicating its employer branding activities

Few examples of fanpages related to CSR or social initiatives

Sports sponsorship pages are the most engaging, but they don’t convey any corporate message

Page 6: Lundquist and Blogmeter, Giulia Dini and Viviana Venneri. New frontiers of online corporate communications. Milan, 8 February 2013

Beyond fans: focus on engagement

Success is not just a matter of number of fans

Effective fanpages are those engaging users on specific issues, topics or project through content designed specifically for the social media environment

The research shows that thematic pages stand out in terms of brand engagement

“All-rounder” company pages are relatively common (a total of 16), but excluding few examples, are less engaging and harder to manage

Page 7: Lundquist and Blogmeter, Giulia Dini and Viviana Venneri. New frontiers of online corporate communications. Milan, 8 February 2013

Content is the king: Barilla CFN

Page 8: Lundquist and Blogmeter, Giulia Dini and Viviana Venneri. New frontiers of online corporate communications. Milan, 8 February 2013

More person, less company approach: BNL Job

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About Blogmeter Social Analytics

Page 10: Lundquist and Blogmeter, Giulia Dini and Viviana Venneri. New frontiers of online corporate communications. Milan, 8 February 2013

Comparison, Engagement & Metrics

The importance of COMPARISON

ENGAGEMENT.. more than just counting fans!

Which metrics & KPIs?

Page 11: Lundquist and Blogmeter, Giulia Dini and Viviana Venneri. New frontiers of online corporate communications. Milan, 8 February 2013


COMPARE: to build, evaluate, orient social media strategies.

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ENGAGEMENT: the interaction between a brand and its COMMUNITY

(not just an AUDIENCE)


Page 13: Lundquist and Blogmeter, Giulia Dini and Viviana Venneri. New frontiers of online corporate communications. Milan, 8 February 2013

Metrics & KPIs


It depends by the strategy/goals of your social media activities.

To use a fanpage for branding:



To create a community on your fanpage:


Page 14: Lundquist and Blogmeter, Giulia Dini and Viviana Venneri. New frontiers of online corporate communications. Milan, 8 February 2013

Metrics & KPIs

To use a fan page as a customer care channel:

RESPONSE TIME: how long does it take to answer your clients’ question on your brand page?

Page 15: Lundquist and Blogmeter, Giulia Dini and Viviana Venneri. New frontiers of online corporate communications. Milan, 8 February 2013

6 tips to be successful on Facebook

1. Don’t open a page just because everyone is doing it, think if it makes sense for your company’s purposes

2. Be sure to have a social media editorial calendar and dedicated resources

3. Create content designed for the social media environment

4. Behave more like a “person” rather than a “company”

5. Listen, participate and engage

6. Monitor your performance

Page 16: Lundquist and Blogmeter, Giulia Dini and Viviana Venneri. New frontiers of online corporate communications. Milan, 8 February 2013



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Page 17: Lundquist and Blogmeter, Giulia Dini and Viviana Venneri. New frontiers of online corporate communications. Milan, 8 February 2013

2007-11-05 | 17

8 February 2013 Sala Dino Buzzati · Corriere della Sera · Milan