magazine • summer 2017 rd fundraising legislative assembly ... · alert magazine 3 w elcome to...

MAGAZINE • SUMMER 2017 Take a Tour of the Saskatchewan Legislative Building Visitor Services Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan Your Train Awaits at Southern Prairie Railway 3 rd Annual Fundraising Breakfast French Festival at Pike Lake PAGE 10 Saskatoon Celebrate Canada

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Page 1: MAGAZINE • SUMMER 2017 rd Fundraising Legislative Assembly ... · ALERT MAGAZINE 3 W elcome to our Saskatchewan summer, the season we all look forward to with holiday travel, and


Take a Tourof the Saskatchewan Legislative Building Visitor Services

Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan

Your Train Awaitsat Southern Prairie Railway

3rd Annual


French Festivalat Pike Lake



Celebrate Canada

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Page 3: MAGAZINE • SUMMER 2017 rd Fundraising Legislative Assembly ... · ALERT MAGAZINE 3 W elcome to our Saskatchewan summer, the season we all look forward to with holiday travel, and


Welcome to ourSaskatchewansummer, the

season we all look forwardto with holiday travel, andmaking time to be out andabout in this greatprovince. With that inmind, let’s remember to besafe and please talk toyour children about safety

on the street, in the parks, in campgrounds, aroundwater, as well as when travelling though airports.Have a great summer and safe travels. For safety tipscall Child Find 306-955-0070 or 1-800-513-3463 orvisit our website at

We are featuring some activities that Child FindSaskatchewan was involved with in May. As a memberof the Provincial Partnership Committee on MissingPersons, we play a role in Missing Persons Week. TheGovernment of Saskatchewan declared April 30 toMay 6 as Missing Person Week. Child Find attendedvarious community events for Missing Persons Weekas highlighted in this issue.

The Saskatchewan Government has proclaimed Mayas Missing Children’s Month for the last 27 years. Thisyear as they proclaimed Missing Children Month,Colleen and myself were invited to attend the ProvincialLegislature where we were recognized in the houseby six MLA’s - three from the government and threeMLA’s of the opposition. It was a great honour to berecognized so many times that day.

In 1992 Child Find started the Green Ribbon of HopeCampaign and again this year we distributed GreenRibbons throughout Saskatchewan. You will findmore information in the following pages on our involvement in this very important month.

On May 25 we commemorated International MissingChildren’s Day by hosting our 3rd Annual FundraisingBreakfast. Our event was a great success, due in partto the incredible story of guest speaker, Jonah Kent,who was missing for 17 years. Jonah’s case was oneof the first cases that we registered in early 1985.(read more on page 10)

We are faced with many challenges and opportunitiesas we serve the people of Saskatchewan. However, wemaintain a positive outlook with the implementationof our programs into the areas of education andawareness to the issue of Missing Persons, as you willnote as you read through our ALERT Magazine. Formore information on our programs and servicesplease call our office at 306.955.0070 or visit our webpage at

We wish to thank the family of the founder of OurLady of the Prairies Foundation for their generousdonation and to say congratulations on their 60th

Anniversary. We would also like to say Thank You toSTC for their service and support of Child Find overthe years and we are sure going to miss them andthe service they have provided to us.

While our programs and services remain our mainfocus, one of our goals is to increase our Board ofDirectors and our volunteer base throughoutSaskatchewan. Our volunteers help deliver our programs in the hope that this will aid in decreasingthe number of missing persons in this province. Education is the key to keeping our children andyouth safe.

I would like to thank Darrell Nordstrom, TD CanadaTrust, Assante First Avenue, Child Find’s Board of Directors, our staff, volunteers and all who attendedour 3rd Child Find Fundraising Breakfast. We appreciatethe dedication of our sponsors who are listed in thismagazine as well as on our website. We also send abig thank you to the Saskatchewan Federation of Police Officers and the Saskatoon Police Associationfor their continued support.

We believe that “all Children and youth have the rightto be safe.” We are committed to our mission to makeour community a safer place.

“a missing Child is everyone's responsibility.”

Child FindMissing Person Services

Phyllis Hallatt, President



President’s MessageMay is Busy at Child FindRiverlands Heritage RegionBeauty and History of Our Legislative BuildingEnjoy Summer! Westlake PhysioSuccessful Child Find BreakfastSouthern Prairie RailwayJim Pattison Children’s HospitalOutlaw Caves of the Big MuddySummer EventsSask Golf Tournament ScheduleMay is Missing Children’s MonthMissing PersonsBoat Safety

Published byChild Find Saskatchewan

PresidentPhyllis Hallatt

ManagerJim Germain(email: [email protected])

The content in ALERT Magazine is intended to be used forgeneral information, educational or awareness purposes onlyand is not meant as an absolute safety system. Generalguidelines, tips and strategies provided are to be used at thesole discretion and assessment of the reader and does notguarantee safety in all situations. The reader will judge andevaluate any and all advice/information and follow it at theirown risk with the full understanding that guidelines do notexclude anyone from possible harm. Child Find SaskatchewanInc. will in no way be held liable nor accountable for guestmaterial published in ALERT. Questions or grievances withany guest material is to be directed to the author/contributorof the article. ***ANY OPINIONS EXPRESSED IN EDITORIALOR ADVERTISEMENTS ARE NOT NECESSARILY THOSE OFCHILD FIND SASKATCHEWAN.

All rights reserved by Child Find Saskatchewan. Reproductionor transmission of all or any part of this publication by anymeans is strictly forbidden without prior written permissionsfrom the publisher. Although great care is taken to avoid errorsin the preparation of advertising material and editorialcontent, any errors or omissions on the part of Child FindSaskatchewan are limited and dealt with solely by printing aretraction statement and/or correction in the following issue.Alert Magazine is the intellectual property of Child FindSaskatchewan.

©2012 Child Find Saskatchewan

202-3502 Taylor Street EastSaskatoon SK S7H 5H9Tel: 306-955-00701-800-513-3463Fax: 306-373-1311

Email: [email protected]

Message from the PresidentSUMMER 2017


PresidentPhyllis Hallatt

Vice-PresidentDwain Orr

DirectorsCourtney FisherJonathan Durance

Thank you for believing ThaT a missing person is everyone’s responsibiliTy

Cover Photo by Alan LefevbreSaskatchewan Legislative Building

Thank You!Child Find Saskatchewan would like to thank these sponsorsfor their continued support to the children and families ofSaskatchewan by supporting our efforts in the community.

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SUMMER 20174

There is rarely a dull moment at Child Find during the month of May. Our staff was notonly involved in the preparations for our Annual Fundraising Breakfast but also GreenRibbon Month, and Missing Person’s Week which ran April 30 to May 6. The theme

this year was missing but not forgotten – What you left behind. Child Find Program Liaison,Colleen Whitedeer was invited to speak at the opening ceremony of Missing Persons weekat The MacKenzie Art Gallery in Regina on May 1. Colleen spoke of living with the pain ofhaving a missing person in her family and how it affects all aspects of her family’s life. Her

brother, Timothy Charlette has been missing from thePrince Albert area since the summer of 2014. She wasalso able to chat with Minister Gordon Wyant about theissue of missing persons and her family’s struggle.

The Month of May atChild Find Saskatchewan

18-102 Cope CrescentSaskatoon SK S7T 0X2Phone: 306-477-4740

[email protected]

Honourable Bronwyn EyreMember of the Legislative Assembly

Saskatoon Stonebridge-Dakota


As part of Missing Persons Week, Child Find was invited to the Saskatoon Police Service on Friday, May 5 for the unveiling of a sculpture honouring Missing and Murdered IndigenousWoman. This work of art was created by Cree Artist Lionel Peyachew who was inspired by thewords of Gwenda Yuzicappi, mother of Amber Redman who was murdered in 2005. Yuzicappilikened her daughter’s dancing to an eagle flying above the clouds. If you haven’t alreadydone so, be sure to make a point of visiting this incredibly beautiful tribute. For a condensedvideo of the unveiling and ceremony go to the Saskatoon Police Service facebook



Y: S










Y: C





VOLUNTEERWe need U to help make a difference in the life of a child. Wherever you are in Saskatchewan, is where we need volunteers.• PROGRAMS• SERVICES• FUNDRAISING

Please give us a call at 306-955-0070 or 1-800-513 FIND (3463) •

A Missing Child is Everyone’s Responsibility

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Craigmore Church

The Riverlands Heritage Preservation Region Tour is aself-guided driving tour takes that you along the west sideof the North Saskatchewan River between Petrofka Bridge

and Wingard Ferry. It includes cultural and historical sites as wellas areas of natural history. Directional and informational signsguide you to over two dozen sites and the tour can be started atany point. For more information about the Riverlands tour and aprintable map, go to

We are a not-for-profit, volunteer organization that relies onmemberships and fundraising to carry out our mission of preserving and raising awareness about some unique historyalong the North Saskatchewan River. In addition to history, thereare also many opportunities to enjoy the beautiful river valleyscenery and great picnic spots.

While on tour, please respect the natural environmnent and allprivate property and also drive safely as you navigate the gravelroads and rural intersections. Be sure to bring your camera;there are many great photo opportunities.

with family and friendsand enjoy the beautifulprairie landscape...

about the history ofthis great region

ome explore

pend a day


a part of Saskatchewan that youmay not have known existed...










786 786


















Riverhill Cemetery - ArmillaryPeetrofka Picnic Area

with family and friendsand enjoy the beautifulprairie landscape...

a part of Saskatchewan that youmay not have known existed...

about the history ofthis great region


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Experience the beauty and history of theSaskatchewan Legislative Building. Take aguided tour inside the renaissance-inspiredcentury old building; and then step outsideto continue your discovery with a self-guidedexterior walking tour. You’ll enjoy theQueen Elizabeth II Gardens and cultural andnatural points of interest along the way.

It took four years to build the Saskatchewan Legislative Building,from 1908 to 1912, at a cost of 1.8 million dollars. The interiorfeatures 34 different types of marble from all over the world; as aresult the building is often called ‘The Marble Palace.’ In the originalspecifications, the Legislative Building was supposed to be facedwith red brick. Imagine that! Thanks to our first Premier, WalterScott, the building is faced with beautiful tyndall stone from theManitoba Tyndall Quarries; be sure to look for fossils in the stone!

Beauty and History in Saskatchewan


We invite you to join us at the SaskatchewanLegislative Building to learn more about

our history through History Alive! Vignettes.

History Alive!VIGNETTES

CANADA IS 150 YEARS OLD! Make this the year you visit the Saskatchewan

Legislative Building; you won’t be sorry you did! Open 7 days a week from 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Last Tour of the Day 4:30 pm (until Sept. 4) • 4:00 pm (after Sept. 4)




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Selection of a site for the Legislative Building provedto be quite controversial, many locals did not supportthe plan to build it where it stands today; they foundit to be too far from the people (where the downtownis now). Premier Scott, however, was not about tochange his mind, and the building was built on the sitehe preferred. The surrounding area was designatedparkland.

As a result, the Deputy Premier of the day, Hon.James Calder, proposed that a white light be installedat the top of the dome, and that it should shinetoward the city on those evenings the Assembly wassitting, thereby appeasing the people and makingthem feel more connected to the legislature. PremierScott countered by proposing that the light shouldshine in all four directions, confident that one daythe city would expand on all four sides of the building.To this day a bright white light shines in all fourdirections from the lantern atop the dome, whenthere are evening sittings of the Legislative Assembly.

This photo of the dome with its new coppercladding was taken last summer after the completionof its significant refurbishment. Only a year old, thenew shiny copper has oxidized considerably, dueto our climate. In a few more months the copperwill be right back to the dark green/black colour weare accustomed to. Ottawa’s climate is slightlydifferent - that’s why the copper on ParliamentHill has oxidized to a much lighter green.


The story ofTHE LANTERN

Meet our first Premier Walter Scott, our first female Member of the Legislative Assembly, portrait artist Edmund Morris and constructionworkers from 1908 - 1912.

Performances and tours take place every Monday and Wednesday afternoons from July 3 until September 6 at 1:00, 2:00, 3:00 and 4:00 pm



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SUMMER 20178

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And remember...get active, stay active and take a walk outdoors!

Summertime is the perfect time to get activeand stay active! With warmer weather andlonger days of sunshine, what better time to

get outdoors and start moving! Summer activitiesare endless! From walking, cycling, swimming,tennis, team sports to gardening, house renovationsand camping, there are so many fun and excitingthings to do. If you find you are being held backfrom enjoying summer due to muscle and jointpain and ailments, nagging injuries, arthritis,migraines or tension headaches, back and neckpain, then it's time to restore your health withPhysiotherapy and/or Acupuncture.

Westlake Physical Therapy & Acupuncture is dedicated to professional,individualized, hands-on treatment to get you back on track.Owner Sandy Westlake, your neighbourhood physiotherapist andacupuncturist, obtained her Physiotherapy Degree from the U of S,Certification in Medical Acupuncture from the U of A, completedan internship in Beijing with Dr. Aung and has 20+ years of experiencein Physiotherapy and Acupuncture.

Sandy’s philosophy is to assess and treat each patient according totheir needs. This includes a hands-on treatment approach to correctthe problem and is followed up with the necessary education andappropriate exercises to assist each patient in achieving theiroptimal level of functioning.

Don’t let pain and muscle soreness get youdown. Get out and enjoy the Land of the Living Skies and our peaceful prairie!

Westlake Physical Therapy is here to serve you.

Don’t LetAches and Pains

Get in the Way!


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Page 10: MAGAZINE • SUMMER 2017 rd Fundraising Legislative Assembly ... · ALERT MAGAZINE 3 W elcome to our Saskatchewan summer, the season we all look forward to with holiday travel, and

Found After 17 years. Jonah Kent tells his story at the 3rd Annual Child Find Fundraising Breakfast - of being bounced from town totown and state to state. He never went to school but learned threelanguages and became a brilliant craftsman. That was the childhoodexperience of Jonah Kent who was abducted by his father in Floridawhen he was two years old. He did not know that he was missing and

he did not contact his mother for over 17 years. His story is fascinating.

SUMMER 201710

Jonah Kent was our special guest at the 3rd AnnualFundraising Breakfast for Child Find Saskatchewan,held at TCU Place on May 25, 2017 in recognition of

International Missing Children’s Day. Our 200 plus guestsenjoyed a hot buffet breakfast, greetings from the provincewith Minister Gordon Wyant and from the Saskatoon PoliceService. Chris Krieger from Deluxe Design Group in Calgarywas the host of the interview with Jonah and Child Findpresident, Phyllis Hallatt. The abduction of Jonah Kent wasone of the first cases for Child Find SK. His mother asked forour assistance when she was living in Estevan in the mid1980’s, just when Child Find was incorporated. However,this was 12 years after Jonah had gone missing. We had ourwork cut out for us.

“There were many roadblocks in our way over the yearsthat we looked for Jonah. The laws are different in Florida.A custodial parent can take their child and they are notconsidered missing. At first, Jonah was not included on anymissing persons list so law enforcement was not lookingfor him. This made the search much more difficult,” saidPhyllis Hallatt, President of Child Find Saskatchewan.

Phyllis also spoke of the technology available in 1985. Thetools at her disposal were printed photos, a fax machine,the telephone and the postal system. A far cry from whatwe have at our finger tips today and the speed at whichinformation can travel now is incomparable. But throughsheer determination, a little luck and Jonah needing a drivers’

license which would put him on the grid, Jonah’s dad finally handed him his mother’s phone number. 17 yearsafter Jonah was taken, he called his mother on ChristmasEve. If you ask Jonah about his experience as a missingchild, he does not speak of regret or bitterness. He hasgreat respect for his father despite his unconventionalchildhood.

Child FindFundraising Breakfast

3rd Annual Child FindFundraising Breakfast

3rd Annual

Was a Success!Was a Success!

“I know it’s hard to see it from my perspectivebut my father was a brilliant man and he hadlove for mankind and all living things. AlthoughI lived an alternative lifestyle as a child, it wasn’ta bad childhood. But the reality is, and the onenegative, other than not knowing my mom ofcourse, is the lack of formal education and thathas caused me grief. However, having to learnthings on my own as a child has served me well.If I needed to know something, I'd have to justgo learn how to do it, somewhere, some howand that is what I do today with my music andhow I craft my guitars. I am not afraid to plungeinto new things, learn new skills. So despitewhat my dad did, I was safe and loved, that’smore than a lot of kids get.”

Jonah Kent

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Jonah’s unique story told from the perspective of the missing childis a rare story indeed and we are grateful he was able to share hisstory with us. For more information on Jonah’s story, stay tuned forup-dates from Child Find on the release date of a documentarywritten and produced by Chris Krieger and Chantelle Kolesnik fromDeluxe Design Group about Jonah and his life as a missing child.

Child find would like to thank all our guests who attended and donated to our fundraising breakfast. We could not do what we dowithout you. a special thanks to minister gordon Wyant for bringinggreetings from the province of saskatchewan and inspector russfriesen for bringing greeting on behalf of Chief Clive Weighill of thesaskatoon police service. Thank you saskatchewan federation of police officers for your generous donation and thank you TD for yoursponsorship again this year. assante Wealth management first avenue, thank you for your very generous donation to Child find sk.steve Chisholm at 98 Cool, always a great friend of Child find, thankyou for your media support and for being our m.C. shaw Televisionand global Tv saskatoon, a big “thumbs up” for your continued support. Child find could not begin organize this event without the efforts of Darrell nordstrom and val meshke, members of our breakfast fundraising Committee. We appreciate your assistancemore than you know.

To our searching families of Saskatchewan, please know we willnever stop searching and that there is always hope. Funds raised at the Breakfast help fund the development and delivery of programs and services to families of Saskatchewan. All of the programs and services offered by Child Find SK are free of charge.

Minister Gordon Wyant Inspector Russ Friesen

SPS Bike Patrol

Presentation - Saskatchewan Federation of Police OfficersChris Krieger, Jonah Kent and Phyllis Hallatt

TD Sponsors

Darrell Nordstrom Teedly and Qwaleigha Linklater

Photos by Lyndon B.Smith Photography and Video

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All Aboard! Southern Prairie Railway has beguntheir sixth season of giving train rides on theRed Coat Road and Rail Shortline, located in

Ogema, Saskatchewan. This train tour is one andone-half hours south of Regina but has train ridersfrom all over the world.

June 3, 2017 marked the first day of the season andwas very successful with the Heritage Train Tour andthe new Love Train tour. This first Heritage Train Tourwas special with 50 riders which included a groupfrom Elmwood Group Home from Saskatoon. Amongthis group was Orest Klypack, the son of Walter Klypack.Walter has a special place in the heart of Ogema andSouthern Prairie Railway because he helped thembring back the missing piece of their community atthe end of Main Street, the CPR Train Station.

Take a Tripto the Past with

Southern PrairieRailway

Southern Prairie Railwayshowcases the beauty and

modesty of the prairies. Visitorsare treated to a rail excursionsimilar to what pioneers of the1920's would have experiencedwhen arriving in this new and

mysterious land.

Enjoy the Ride!

SUMMER 201712

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Ogema had decided to start up a traintour because they had the 117 km RedCoat Road and Rail Shortline goingthrough their town from Pangman toAssiniboia but first they needed tofind a train station like the one thatwas torn down when CPR abandonedthe rail line. The only station left inSaskatchewan was found on WalterKlypak’s farm at Simpson so Ogemaapproached Walter to see if theycould buy his train station. Walter hadbeen using the station on his farm forgrain storage for the last 30 years so itwas decided to replace the station withgrain storage - namely two hopperbottom steel bins that the Ogemagroup received from Peter Sakundiak,who had donated one and they paidhis cost for the other one. In June2002, Ogema residents organized awork bee/ family camping event tobuild the new grain bin in Walter’s yard.Twenty-three people participated inbuilding two new bins on the Klypakfarm in two days. That fall, the stationwas moved in two pieces with thehouse and office coming first andthen the freight shed coming later.

Ogema worked on restoring the trainstation for the next two years and forSaskatchewan’s 100th birthday andthe Ogema Homecoming they had agrand opening of the fully restoredtrain station. They had repainted theSimpson Train Station sign and had aplaque put on it and presented it toWalter in honour of his commitmentto keeping the train station intact forthe last 30 years. Walter donated thesign to Southern Prairie Railway,which, along with a picture of Walterand a write up about the Simpson station from the community book,has a place of honour on a wall in thefreight shed. The Walter Klypak storyis a part of the tour of the train stationto this day.

The Love Train concluded their traintours for the kickoff of the first day ofthe season for Southern Prairie Railway.There were 13 couples who made thistrip their date night and three of thecouples were celebrating their 40th

Wedding Anniversary. The total of theyears were added to up see howmany years all the couples had been

together and the total came to 389years! That’s a lot of love! The price ofthe ticket included a train ride to theHorizon Community Hall (a convertedRoman Catholic Church), a rose for eachof the ladies, and a complimentaryglass of wine for each rider to go withthe Italian meal that was served.

All in all, it was a great way to start thenew season. Something else new thisyear is that Southern Prairie Railway isadvertising on CTV during the summermonths.

Take a trip to the past with us. Viewour schedule and book tickets can also phone for tickets at 306-459-7808.

All Aboard!

Photos by Melira Photography

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SUMMER 201714

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The dawning of a bright sunny day was symbolic earlier this month for Saskatchewan kids and families as they learned about the bright future for pediatric and maternal healthcare in our home province. Jim Pattison’s $50 million donation to the Children’s Hospital Foundation of Saskatchewan was a de�ning moment and the largest one-time donation to a charitable organization in Saskatchewan’s history.


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“We want to express our deepest gratitude and appreciation for this extraordinary gift that will bene�t the children and families of Saskatchewan for generations to come,” said Premier Brad Wall. “Mr. Pattison’s generous donation, together with the $235.5 million contribution from the province, and the impressive fundraising of the Children’s Hospital Foundation of Saskatchewan, will ensure that a world class children’s hospital will �nally become a reality in Saskatchewan.

In honour of the remarkable gift, Children’s Hospital of Saskatchewan has been renamed Jim Pattison Children’s Hospital. The Foundation followed suit, becoming Jim Pattison Children’s Hospital Foundation.

“The people in this province are so special,” explained Pattison, originally from Luseland, Saskatchewan. “My family and I owe a lot to Saskatchewan. My mother’s family were homesteaders, my father’s family were homesteaders. We wouldn’t be here without Saskatchewan people.”

“Mr. Pattison is no stranger to building on a dream and is keenly aware of working from the ground up,” said Brynn Boback-Lane, President and CEO of Jim Pattison Children’s Hospital Foundation. “His gift to our Foundation is a ‘passing forward’ to those who never give up and to those who face adversity every day.”

Separate from this historic gift, the Foundation’s “We Can’t Wait” capital campaign has accumulated $54 million towards a campaign goal of a minimum of $75 million.

“To be on the world stage, we will need to reach higher, just as the Mayo Clinic, SickKids, and St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital have,” added Boback-Lane. “These funds will allow us to create pediatric and maternal research opportunities right here at home, give us

leverage to collaborate with other major children’s hospitals and research institutes, allow for pediatric and maternal research chairs, fellowships, extended education and knowledge. It will enable sustainable programming and highly specialized equipment within the children’s hospital. It will also allow for a Children’s Hospital Foundation Operational Endowment, one of the �rst in Canada, so that we can always keep administration costs low, and the funds �owing directly to the cause.”

Pattison acknowledged the signi�cance of the gift, and remarked that it takes a village to build something as important as a children’s hospital.

“What makes a community is the people in it, the volunteers and the community spirit that comes along with it. Any e�ort, no matter how small can help,” explained Pattison. “That’s what builds the community, a province, and what builds the country.”

Learn more:


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This summer is the perfect time to visit us andexplore the hills, valleys and history offered inthe Big Muddy Valley. Come see Saskatchewan’s

Castle Butte, an age old landmark used from the veryearliest settlers and travelers as a directional point.Climb to the top for one of the most fantastic views.Relive the history of cattle rustlers and horse thieveshiding in the caves to dodge the law on both sides ofthe border. Walk where infamous outlaws like ButchCassidy, Dutch Henry and Sam Kelly and their menhid their stolen livestock. See the early developmentof the North West Mounted Police in this area, thelocation of the first depot in this part of the country.The Buffalo and Turtle effegies, ceremonial circle andtipi rings that were so very sacred to the First Nationstribes that lived in the area.

The Big Beaver Nature Center displays the animalsand history of the area in a very unique way, and astop at Aust’s General Store will remind you again ofwhat a general store used to be. We will take you tovisit Paisley Brook School, a century-old building.You will see how different it was going to school inthe early days.

Join us for the 150 year Canada Day CelebrationsJuly 1st and make this holiday especially memorable.

While you’re here, there’s lots of great camping,fishing, boating opportunities at the Poplar RiverCommunity Park, the best little camp ground by a“dam” site. Be sure to check it out!

Explore theof the

Think Saskatchewan is flat? Thinkagain! A visit to the Big Muddy Valleywill leave you in awe of the ruggedbeauty surrounding the historicbuttes and caves of the badlands.Listen carefully and you might hearechoes of the past...

Big MuddyOutlaw Caves

For more information on our tours, please call306-267-3312 or go to our website Come enjoy the sitesand memories that we can give you in this partof Saskatchewan’s history.

During your stay in the area, book a tour withSask Power and Westmoreland Coal to view first-hand the massive equipment and operationsneeded in the production of power. This tour isavailable by calling 306-267-2078.

Enjoy a round of golf on one of the nicest coursesyou will find in Southern Saskatchewan.

Sam Kelly Outlaw Caves

SUMMER 201718

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Paisley Brook School

In 1903, outlaw Sam Kelly joined forces with notorioushorse thief, Dutch Henry, and outlaws Bloody Knifeand Pigeon Toe Kid. Known as the Wild Bunch, theywould steal as many as 200 horses on one drive, altertheir brands, herd them into Canada, sell them, andthen steal them again for resale back in Montana andthe Dakotas.

The Big Muddy was an ideal haven for outlaws. SamKelly enlarged a weathered wolf den for his livingquarters and used a nearby cave to hide his horses.

Take a tour of the Sam Kelly Outlaw caves – they arestill very much the same as how he left them.

Sam Kelly Outlaw Caves

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Tickets on sale now!TTiTicTickTickeTicketTicketsTickets Tickets oTickets onTickets on Tickets on sTickets on saTickets on salTickets on saleTickets on sale Tickets on sale nTickets on sale noTickets on sale nowTickets on sale now!Tickets on sale now!



Tom Cochrane With Red Rider • 54-40 • The SadiesShadowy Men On A Shadowy Planet • Lindi Ortega

Basia Bulat • The Wooden Sky • Northcote • The DudesMegan Nash • The Garrys • Ava Wild • Small City Blues

Badland Country Band • Library Voices • And More!


Shop And DineFood Trucks& Artisans


See you there!

Kenosee Superslideswill be offering avariety of fun and

exciting events for allages. So throw on yourbathing suits and head

to the slides!

Featuring:3 Kiddie Slides | 800’ Lazy Canal | 8 Storey Free Fall Slide | Bonzai Slides | 2 Twister SlidesTube Slides | 150 Man Hot Tub | Sand Volleyball | Kids Play Area | Locker & Tube RentalsASK US ABOUT GROUP RATES! SEE WEBSITE FOR HOURS, RATES & LOCATION


SUMMER 201720


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Get Your Passport!Unlimited Three Day Access for only $1618 of 22 Pavilions are at Prairieland Park

Children 12 and Under are FREE! saskatoonfolkfest.comALERT MAGAZINE 21

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SUMMER 201722


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July 4-6 - - - - - - 99th Amateur Women's and 31st Mid-Amateur Men's at Lloydminster GCC, Lloydminster

July 10-12 - - - 67th Junior Women's and 91st Junior Men's at Chinook GC, Swift Current

July 17-20 - - - 106th Amateur Men's at Deer Park Municipal GC, Yorkton

July 25-27 - - - 54th Senior Women's and 98th Senior Men's at North Battleford GCC, North Battleford

Aug 9-10 - - - - 47th Women’s Rosebowl at Harbour GR, Elbow

Aug 19 - - - - - - 1st Interclub Team Championships at The Legends GC, Warman

Aug 26-27 - - - 19th Mixed Team at Cooke Municipal GC, Prince Albert

“We host exceptional provincial championships!”

Register Online at www.golfsaskatchewan.orgSUMMER 201724


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Rosthern, SaskatchewanTel.

Station Arts Centre Presents





July 7 - August 6, 2017Tuesday - Saturday 8pm

Wednesday, Friday & Sunday Matinees 2pmPre-Show Dinners available by Reservation

Beautiful Valley Regional Park is located in the“Heart” of the Valley Area, just 35 minutes north ofSaskatoon on Highway 11 near Rosthern. Youngand old alike find this park an excellent place to stayfor an afternoon, a couple of days or a week.The park has always been lauded for its beautifullylandscaped grounds with mature trees and rollingterrain. Numerous tourist attractions just a shortdrive away such as a beautiful campground, picnicarea, and magnificent golf course, keep familiesvisiting year after year.

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harmonies to revive your spirits!

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harmonies to revive your spirit

An old-time tale of love and hopefilled with toe-tapping gospel

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An old-time tale of love and hopefilled with toe-tapping gospel

harmonies to revive your spirits!

Pre Show DinnAnAAn






























Children love the large, creative playground area and games, including a 100’ zipline and 80’ slide.


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SUMMER 201726

Visit our Interactive Showroom and view our wide selection of quality kitchen, bathroomand lighting fixtures and brands, with the knowledge and support of expert consultants.

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Book your consultation today!



The concept of the Green Ribbon of Hope originated withstudents and faculty of Holy Cross Secondary School inSt. Catharines following the abduction and subsequent

murder of one of their students, Kristen French. In memory ofthis tragedy, the students and faculty directed that their ideafor the green ribbon be used exclusively by Child Find as an avenue to increase national public awareness and to raise fundsto support educational and preventative programs for missingpersons. Proceeds generated in our fundraising efforts for

Green Ribbon Month also enable us to assist law enforcement inthe search for missing persons.

Child Find SK would like to thank all who participated in the2017 Green Ribbon of Hope Campaign. All our programs andservices are offered free of charge. We receive limited government funding and rely heavily on the generous donations of corporations, businessesand the good people of Saskatchewan.

Green Ribbon of Hope

Thank You


Green is the colour of hope and symbolizes light in the darkness. The GreenRibbon is recognized as a symbol to remember missing children and to seektheir safe return. We wear the green ribbon to express our thoughts of hopefor missing and exploited persons.

125 Chairs for 125 Missing Persons in SaskatchewanCurrently there are 125 long term missing persons cases in saskatchewan.april 30 to may 6 was declared Missing Persons Week, recognized by theprovincial government.

if you have any information on any missing persons case, you are encouraged to contact your local police or Child find saskatchewan.

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DOB: April 4, 1992Missing since: August 17, 2007

Missing from: Radisson SK

3065-UKEVIN CHARLESDOB: August 17, 1976

Missing since: April 3, 1993Missing from: Chitek Lake SK

3136-UTAMRA KEEPNESSDOB: September 1, 1998

Missing since: July 5, 2004Missing from: Regina SK


DOB: April 11, 1987Missing since: October 11, 2008

Missing from: Edmonton AB

3186-SRDRAPER LEE JIMDOB: December 7, 1978

Missing since: February 21, 2006Missing from: North Battleford SK


DOB: March 11, 1966Missing since: May 13, 1984

Missing from: Lanigan SK


DOB: July 2, 1999Missing since: April 12, 2016

Missing from: Yorkton SK


DOB: March 6, 1984Missing since: February 11, 2007

Missing from: Regina SK


DOB: March 13, 1967Missing since: October 28, 1988

Missing from: Vancouver BC

3234-UKANDICE SINGBEILDOB: September 18, 1982

Missing since: May 26, 2015Missing from: Saskatoon SK


DOB: November 22, 1990Missing since: July 9, 2004Missing from: Estevan SK


A MissingPerson is


Anyone with information, please contact local police or Child Find at1.800.387.7962 or 306.955.0070

All call are confidential - you do not have to leave your name

� � � � � � �

� � �� � � �

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This is what we do:• Set-up a table at the event for the “All About Me ID” Clinic.• Provide the custodial parent or guardian with an ID Booklet and a photo of their child, plus and imprint of their child’s fingerprints or footprints.• Provide room in the booklet to record details of the physical description and personal information about the child.

This is what you do:• Call us at 306-955-0070 to book your free “All About Me ID” Clinic.

This is what your guests do:• Fill out the physical description and personal information in the ID Booklet and keep it updated along with adding a new photo as the child grows.• Store the booklet in a safe, location, accessible to parents, babysitters and grandparents.• Immediately provide the booklet to law enforcement should the child wander off or go missing so the search can start NOW.

Child Find SK does not retain any records of your child’s personal information. All information goes home with the parent.

Thanks for inviting us to your gathering! Stay safe.

SUMMER 201728

There are about 10 million boaters in Canada. Accordingto the Lifesaving Society, most fatal boating incidentsoccur during recreational activities (78 per cent). Half of

the Canadian boating deaths occur on lakes (53 per cent) andalmost all boating victims are male (91 per cent). If you aregoing to go boating, make sure the captain or person handlingthe boat is experienced and competent. Here are a few moresafety tips to keep in mind.

Alcohol and water don’t mix. One third of boating deaths arealcohol related. Alcohol distorts a person’s judgment no matterwhere they are. That distortion is even greater on the waterbecause there are no road signs or lane markers on the waterand the weather can be unpredictable. Fatigue, sun, wind andthe motion of the boat dull your senses. It is important to beable to think quickly and react well under pressure, and alcoholdiminishes your abilities and impairs your judgment. Drinkingand driving (on land or water) is illegal.

Be Safe When Using Your Boat This Summer

We would love to be invited to your Community Association Picnic, Safety Day, Parent Group, Preschool, Family Expo or basically anywhere

families gather to promote family values, safety and community.

Can we come toyour gathering?

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SUMMER 201730



Sun-Thurs 11am-11pm•Fri-Sat 11am-1am

Boat Safety Continued...

Always use personal flotation devices (PFD). It’s always agood idea for everyone on the boat to wear a Coast Guard-approved life jacket (or a personal flotation device), whetherthe boat is a large speedboat or a canoe — and whetheryou’re a good swimmer or not. It may take a few minutes toget used to it, but it definitely can be a lifesaver. Don’t leaveland without it.

Stay in touch. Before going out on a boat, let somebody onland know where you are going and about how long you’llbe out. That way, if you do get into trouble, someone willhave an idea of where to look for you. If you’re going to beon the water for a long time, it’s a good idea to have a radiowith you so you can check the weather reports. Water con-ducts electricity; so if you hear a storm warning, get off thewater as quickly as you can.

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BUSINESS HOURS:Mon-Fri: 8:00 am to 5:00 pmSat: 9:00 am to 12:00 pm