maggies decision destroyer

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The Art of Decision MakingAnd Problem Solving



By Wal Heinrich

EFT Master Maggie Adkins


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Decision Making Using Maggie’s Decision


EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) are primarily known for their ability to release pain, phobias, fear, past traumas and negative beliefs about yourself and the world. However, making clear decisions is another fascinating usage for this amazing technique. And you can put it to good use easily in your day to day decision making.

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Decision Making Examples From


Some examples of problems my clients have resolved using this easy and powerful decision making technique are:

* Is it best for me to rent again or buy a house now?

* I have two possible names for my business – which one is the best?

* Want to go out to dinner – is Thai or good old Aussie food best for me tonight?

* I don’t really want to go to that meeting – is it best for me to go or stay home?

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Decision Making Made Simple

The above are just a few examples to get you started thinking about how my Decision Destroyer decision making process can be of value to you. You can use this for any decision that you find difficult. It’s just this simple.

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Step 1Write Down Your


It is important that you actually write down your choices instead of just thinking about them. When you write something down, you can actually see it and you will most probably use more descriptive and accurate words.

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Step 1Example

Let’s say you need to choose an estate agent for the sale of a house and you are not sure which agent to choose. You may have to decide between 2 or 3 or 4 different agents. Write down each choice as below:

* “Robby is my estate agent, he does a great job, the house sells and I can move on.”

* “Jan is my estate agent, she does a great job, the house sells and I can move on.”

Please note that the above affirmations are very specific. They name the person, say he/she does a great job, the house actually sells and the person can move on.

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Step 2Find A Quiet Place to

Sit & Tap

Now that you have written your choices down in a clear affirmation, find a quiet space where you will not be disturbed for 5-10 minutes. Using the first affirmation, say the entire affirmation once at each of the EFT points.

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Tapping Points Introduction

I’ll give you the tapping points here, just in case you are brand new to EFT. Lightly tap with your fingertips on each EFT point about 7-10 times while saying your complete affirmation. While you are doing this process, tune into your inner voice and your body sensations. Often the body will get calmer or go into a little anxiety in response to this process. This is decision making by allowing the body to tell you which decision is best for you.

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Tapping Points

Tap on these points in order while saying your affirmation once at each point:

* Karate Chop Point – side of hand by little finger. In middle between wrist joint and first joint for little finger.

* Top of head – tap on crown of head * Eyebrow – tap just above where the eyebrow starts * Side of eye – about an inch back from where your

eye ends * Under eye – about an inch under your eye * Under your nose – in middle of your face, just

under your nose * Under your lips – just under your lips in middle of

face * Collarbone – just under the beginning of the bone

that goes around your neck and almost meets in the middle of your throat. Go to one side or the other and tap.

* Under arm – about a hand span down from your armpit.

* Wrist – about where you would wear a watch on top or bottom of your arm

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Step 3How does it feel?

The above is one round of EFT. Take a nice deep breath and maybe some water and see how your body feels. What is it telling you?

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Step 4Repeat steps 2 and 3

After a minute or two, do the same process with the other affirmation you have written down. Note the difference in how you feel. Often there is a big difference, making decision making easy.

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Step 5Decision Making

Most people are surprised at the difference they feel right away. If you cannot tell which decision is best for you, repeat the process. If you are brand new to this, you may need to do this 2 or 3 times. Continue listening to your inner voice and tuning in to how your body feels.

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Tune In For Decision Making

Our body is a fine diagnostic tool for how we are living our life. Yet we have tuned it out over the years and then wonder why we have pain or discomfort. If you do this process and listen to your body, you will most probably be both surprised and amazed at how easy decision making becomes.

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More Information

For more information see:-

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