making standards based grading work in your world language classroom


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“NO MATTER HOW LOFTY OUR ESPOUSED EDUCATION GOALS, OUR GRADING PRACTICES REVEAL WHAT WE TRULY VALUE.” -Tony Winger “What we know today does not make yesterday wrong. It makes tomorrow better.” - Carol Commadore. Making Standards Based Grading Work in Your World Language Classroom. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Making Standards Based Grading Work in Your World Language Classroom


What we know today does not make yesterday wrong.It makes tomorrow better.-Carol Commadore

Making Standards Based Grading Work in Your World Language Classroom

Participants will be given an overview of basic principles of Standards-Based Grading and practical ideas about how to communicate clearly with students about their strengths and weaknesses. Well discuss ideas from A Repair Kit for Grading; 15 Fixes for Broken Grades by Ken OConnor. Examples of teacher-created standards-based scoring guides for speaking, writing, listening, reading, grammar, and vocabulary assessments will be shared. Explore how to make your class about learning and not just grades!Where are we coming from?Rockwood School District / Eureka High SchoolAll Spanish teachers / PLCs incorporate the same standard-based grading practices.RSD has a grading and reporting policy that is a work in progress.Disconnect between grading and reporting systemOur focus is on Standards Based Grading and Feedback NOT Standards Based Reporting.We are not experts. We are learning everyday. Our practice is constantly evolving.

3. What power does a grade have?ThinkPairShareWhat are the 15 fixes for broken grades?Ken O'Connor, a.k.a. The Grade Doctor, is an independent consultant who specializes in issues related to the communication of student achievement, especially grading and reporting. Rockwood School District has used Ken OConnors book as a starting point for book studies and common language about standards based grading.Please refer to your packet for an overview of the 15 fixes our presentation is based on these ideas.Suggestion: Do a book study with your colleagues.

1. Which of the following are reflected in grades in most classrooms in the U.S.?how well students behave in classhow well students can take testsif students are responsible and do their homeworkif students participate in classwhat students know and are able to dogroup work and projects that students dostudent attitudes towards the classall of the above

2. What do you think grades should reflect?how well students behave in class?how well students can take tests?if students are responsible and do their homework?if students participate in class?what students know and are able to do?group work and projects that students do?student attitudes towards the class?all of the above?

3. What do we think grades should reflect?We believe grades should reflect what students know and are able to do.

What should count in a grade?What shouldnt count in a grade?Vocabulary AssessmentsGrammar AssessmentsSpeaking AssessmentsListening AssessmentsReading AssessmentsWriting AssessmentsWork that is gradedWork that shows what a student knows and is able to do

ParticipationBehaviorHomework completionIf you brought your book to classExtra credit for extra workExtra credit for bringing in a box of Kleenex, etc.AttendanceGroup work gradesEhs spanish gradebook categories and weightsSpanishIIIPractice Work (where feedback is given)10%5%Vocabulary Quizzes30%25%Grammar Quizzes20%25%Communicative Skills40%45%SpanishIII, IV, & APVocabulary25%Grammar25%Communicative Assessments50%What do we do about Non-academic behavior issues?Failure to complete assignmentsTurning work in lateComing to class unpreparedAttitude problemsNot working up to potentialFalling asleep in class

What do we do about Non-academic behavior issues?We deal with them as BEHAVIOR issues with behavioral consequences.Talk to the studentBehavior modification tools (getting planner signed, reward system, physical proximity, seating chart adjustment, etc.)Phone call or e-mail homeMandatory academic tutoringDetention How is it fair to make the entire grade based on assessments only?We believe that ALL students can learn, just not always at the same rate.Students need to be held accountable for learning the material.Students who do not demonstrate proficiency are given opportunities to learn the material and re-assess.See Contract for Reassessment, Delayed or Make-up Assessment

Opportunities for re-assessmentDesigned for students who do not demonstrate proficiency (not prepared to move forward in their learning)Same format with different prompts or words. Must be done outside class time generally before or after schoolStudents must complete additional practice prior to reassessment. 2nd grade counts most recent evidence of what students know and are able to do

How do you decide what to assess?Unit Plan (backward design)Based on district curriculum / national standardsUnpack the standards for each unitFor each assessment.Reflect on which specific skills should be testedCreate assessments on which students demonstrate those skillsCreate a rubric that communicates the differences between performance levelsGradebook categories are not the same as the national standards.

Taking the mystery out of assessmentShare unit goals with students at the beginning of the unit.Share rubrics with students before assessments.

Taking the mystery out of assessmentShare unit goals with students at the beginning of the unit.Share rubrics with students before assessments.Provide practice and feedback before the assessment (practice quiz, skills practice, etc.) should be assessed in a World Language classroom?Use quality assessmentsWhat should be assessed in a World Language classroom?What are some of the problems with using assessments produced by textbook companies?What do quality assessments look like?Are the purposes for your assessments clear? Are they clear to the students?Do your assessments match the goals you have for your students?small changesStart thinking in terms of Performance Standards and not just letter grades (and get your students to start thinking that way too)!Integrate some ideas from Standards Based Grading and Reporting into the constraints of your districts grading system (must give letter grades, percentage cut offs for letter grades, quarter grades, grading policies, etc.) Possible Titles for Performance Standard LevelsAdvancedAdvancedAbove StandardExceptional ConsistentlyProficientProficientAt StandardProficientUsuallyPartialApproaching ApproachingProgressingSometimesMinimalBelowWell BelowBeginningSeldomHow to Grade for Learning, Ken OConnor, 2002, page 72EHS WL Department Titles for Performance Standard LevelsSame as MAP testUsed by some Language Arts teachers in our school common language for studentsEach gives a description of the students performance / ability related to the standard

AdvancedProficientBasicBelow BasicLink to PercentagesTraditional School ApproachStandards-Based Approach90-100%Outstanding / Excellent95-100%?

Advanced80-89%Above Average / Good85-94%?

Proficient70-79%Average / Satisfactory75-84%?Basic60-69%Below Average / Poor74% or below?Below Basic59% or belowFailing / UnacceptableFar Below Basic?Set the bar high, but help them reach itUse clear standards/goals/performance expectationswhen creating,explaining,giving,grading assessmentsPractice assessments, modeling, talking about the scoring guide these are all key steps to encouraging student success.Intro to scoring guides (see GOLD packet)PALs rubrics from Fairfax County This was our starting point for using descriptive standards-based rubrics department-wide levels, Speaking, Writing, Interactive TasksNote: The lowest grade is a 50% (not a zero)

Why use 50% as the lowest grade?A grade below 50% for work that was completed involves inappropriate mathematics. With the common grading scale where 59 and below is an F, there are A=11 points (90-100)B=10 points (80-89)C=10 points (70-79)D=10 points (60-69)F=60 points (0-59)The range for an F is six times greater than the other grades.Using 50% as the lowest grade evens things out.A=11 points (90-100)B=10 points (80-89)C=10 points (70-79)D=10 points (60-69)F=10 points (50-59)Do I have to do math?

writing rubric

speaking rubric

reading rubric

Reading text

Listening rubric

Grammar rubric

Vocabulary comprehension quiz rubric

Vocabulary production quiz rubric

Vocabulary production quiz full rubric

What do students think of Standard-Based Grading and Reporting?Comments from our students

Do you think its easier to get an A using the standard-based scoring guide? Why? Why not?Yes, I know exactly what must be done in order to be successful. I dont know if its easier to get an A, but it is definitely easier to understand your mistakes. Instead of just having a problem marked wrong, you understand what you did wrong and are able to learn from your mistakes and understand what you need to work on instead of making the same mistakes over and over.Do you think its easier to get an A using the standard-based scoring guide? Why? Why not?Yes, because you are given more points for doing things right. There is more focus on what we do well rather than what we do wrong.Yes, its tests more what youve learned instead of the little things you havent.What effect do the standard-based scoring guides have on your motivation to succeed?Id rather be advanced than just have an A.I like it a lot more because it says exactly what is expected, and is not so mysterious about what you have to do. I like getting advanced.What do you think your grade reflects in Spanish class?That you are getting better at Spanish when you get Proficient or Advanced.How well you understand the material you learn for the language and then how well you are able to apply what youve learned to put it all together.

What do you think your grade reflects in Spanish class?With the delayed assessment or re-take option, I dont have to worry about a bad day ruining my grade. Some days you just cant perform as well on a test for some reason, like if you arent feeling good, but with these options, you dont have to worry about one of those days ruining your grade. This results in my grade accurately depicting what I really know.What is your take-away?

With Whom can you discuss these ideas?Making Standards Based Grading Work in Your World Language ClassroomJenni Highfill [email protected] Pahl [email protected] Lackey [email protected]

Eureka High School, Rockwood School District

Espaol IV: Los Latinos en EE.UU.

MetasPreguntas esenciales

Students will:

comprender y usar el vocabulario necesario para dialogar sobre la convivencia y la aculturacin de los latinos en los EE.UU.

aprender del tema de fuentes autnticas y programas noticieros

entender y dialogar sobre los desafos que enfrentan los latinos en los EE.UU. decir lo que ha pasado y dar opiniones sobre lo que ha pasado con respeto a la comunidad latina en los EE.UU.Preguntas esenciales:

Los latinos, cmo han cambiado los Estados Unidos? Los EE.UU., cmo han cambiado a los latinos? Piensas que los latinos de hoy son vistos en una manera diferente que otras generaciones de inmigrantes? Por qu s o por qu no? Qu opinas del futuro de los EE.UU. con respecto a la poblacin latina?



Vocabulary Comprehension

Vocabulary Production quiz (para que + subjunctive)

Grammar: Present Perfect and Present Perfect of the SubjunctiveGlobal Communication Assessments:

Listening Comprehension

Reading Comprehension

Speaking: Tertulia (Discussion Group)



abandonar los estudiosto drop out of school

adaptarse ato adapt oneself to

ajustarseto adjust

dialogarto talk; to have a conversation

enfrentar to confront, to face up to

inmigrarto immigrate

intentar + infinitivoto attempt (to do something)

tratar de + infinitivoto try (to do something)

luchar (por)to struggle (for); to fight (for)

mantener lazosmaintain ties

obtener logrosto be successful

prevenir [ie,i] (conjugated like venir)to prevent

quedarse embarazadato get pregnant

respetarto respect

soler [ue] + infinitivoto tend to (do something); to usually (do something)

suicidarseto commit suicide

surgirto arise, come up, emerge

tomar buenas decisionesto make good decisions

tomar medidas parato take steps or measures to


el abuso de drogas / alcoholdrug / alcohol abuse

el apoyosupport

el aspectoaspect

el asuntoissue; matter; situation

el ciudadano estadounidenseUS citizen

el conflictoconflict

el conocedorexpert

el crimen de odiohate crime

el crimen por odio racistaracial hate crime

el crisolmelting pot

el desafochallenge

el embarazo adolescenteteen-pregnancy

el equilibriobalance

el idiomalanguage

el orgullopride

el riesgorisk

el vnculotie, bond

la aculturacinacculturation

la agresinaggression

la autoestimaself esteem

la conductabehavior

la convivenciacoexistence; life together

la cultura de origenculture of origin

la desesperanzahopelessness

la discriminacindiscrimination

la inmigracinimmigration

la rapidezspeed, rapidity

la religinreligion

la tasarate (frequency, measure)

los indocumentadosundocumented people

los medios de comunicacinmedia

los valores personalespersonal values

adjetivos y adverbios

estar orgulloso,-a deto be proud of

ser bilingeto be bilingual


familiarfamily (adjective)





expresiones y ms

(no) estar de acuerdoto agree (disagree)

Entiendo tu punto de vista peroI understand your point of view but

La buena noticia esThe good news is

a la vezat the same time

al contrarioon the contrary

para que + subjuntivoso that (with change of subject)

(los inmigrantes) de primera generacinfirst generation (immigrants)

segnaccording to

sin papeleswithout documentation


Vocabulario en contexto

adaptarse ato adapt oneself to

Los inmigrantes nuevos a los Estados Unidos necesitan adaptarse a una cultura nueva que puede ser muy diferente de su cultura nativa.

ajustarseto adjust

Puede ser difcil ajustarse a la vida estadounidense y muchas veces los adolescentes tienen conflictos entre la cultura de su familia y la cultura de sus amigos.

dialogarto talk; to have a conversation

Debemos dialogar ms sobre estos asuntos para comprender mejor las situaciones y pensar en resoluciones.

enfrentar to confront, to face up to

He aprendido que los latinos enfrentan desafos en sus vidas que no enfrento en mi vida.

inmigrarto immigrate

Cuando las personas llegan a los Estados Unidos de su pas para establecerse aqu, han inmigrado.

intentar + infinitivoto attempt (to do something)

Muchos inmigrantes intentan obtener logros en los Estados Unidos.

soler [ue] + infinitivoto tend to (do something); to usually (do something)

Los latinos suelen darle mucha importancia a la familia.

tratar de + infinitivoto try (to do something)

La mayora de inmigrantes trata de aprender ingls despus de llegar en los EE.UU.

luchar (por)to struggle (for); to fight (for)

Por lo general, los latinos tienen que luchar por tener xito porque enfrentan muchos retos.

mantener lazosmaintain ties

Al contrario de los inmigrantes de otras regiones, los latinos suelen mantener lazos con sus parientes y la cultura de su pas de origen.

prevenir [ie,i] (conjugated like venir)to prevent

Para prevenir problemas como la depresin u otros problemas mentales, es necesario que las latinas mantengan lazos con su cultura de origen y que establezcan una relacin muy fuerte con sus padres.

quedarse embarazadato get pregnant

Porque muchas latinas se quedan embarazadas, tantas tienen que abandonar sus estudios y nunca se gradan del colegio.

respetarto respect

Para dialogar bien, es necesario respetar las opinions de los otros estudiantes.

suicidarseto commit suicide

Segn el programa Latino in America, varias latinas enfrentan dificultades con vivir en dos mundos y desafortunadamente algunas intentan suicidarse para escapar.

surgirto arise, come up, emerge

Es importante entender los desafos que surgen.

tomar buenas decisionesto make good decisions

Es necesario tomar buenas decisiones para tener xito en la vida.

tomar medidas parato take steps or measures to

Los padres necesitan tomar medidas para prevenir problemas con hijos, como hablar sobre los asuntos importantes.

el ciudadano estadounidenseUS citizen

Los ciudadanos estadounidenses tienen el derecho de votar.

el crisolmelting pot

El crisol refiere a la mezcla de razas y culturas en los EE.UU.

el vnculotie, bond

Es importante que los inmigrantes mantengan los vnculos con su familia porque necesitan su apoyo.

la aculturacinacculturation

La aculturacin es un proceso de adaptacin gradual de un individuo (o de un grupo de individuos) de una cultura a otra con la cual est en contacto continuo y directo.

los indocumentadosundocumented people

La palabra indocumentado refiere a una persona que est en los EE.UU. sin papeles o que ha cruzado la frontera ilegalmente.

los medios de comunicacinmedia

Los medios de comunicacin pueden aumentar los estereotipos de los latinos.

los valores personalespersonal values

Es importante respetar los valores personales de otra gente.

estar orgulloso,-a deto be proud of

Los latinos deben estar orgullosos de su cultura.

familiarfamily (adjective)

A los latinos les importan los lazos familiares.

How to do the math for Scoring Guide percentages

Decide what you want the lowest score to be. This will equal 50%. Figure how many boxes you need. If its a lot, using landscape orientation can help fit it all in. Formula for percentages: (# of boxes 1) = X 50 X = Y Subtract Y from 100 and each result to get the percentages. Round off to nearest 10th.

Example: You have a scoring guide with three standards. Each one is worth 4 points, making the total raw score 12. The lowest score for each standard is 1, so the lowest raw score is 3.3456789101112

You have 10 boxes total. Refer to the formula. (10 1) = X, 9 = X50 9 = Y. Y = 5.56100 5.56 = 94.4% This is the percentage for the 11 box.3456789101112


When deciding the cut off for Advanced, Proficient, Basic, and Below Basic, you may want to consider what a student needs to get to have each total raw score. For example, if a student has 2 Proficient scores and 1 Advanced score, their overall score would be Proficient. 3456789101112


Below BasicBasicProficientAdvanced

More examples:Below BasicBasicProficientAdvanced





Below BasicBasicProficientAdvanced

Hora_______ Nombre__________________________________________________________________ #_______Espaol IV: Unidad de repasoLas metas escolares50%53.3%56.7%60%63.3%66.7%70%73.3%76.7%80%83.3%86.7%90%93.3%96.7%100%


Below BasicBasicProficientAdvanced

Task Completion Does not demonstrate ability to express ideas in the future.

1Demonstrates ability to express ideas in the future in limited ways simple future, infinitive constructions, etc.

2Demonstrates ability to express ideas in the future in a variety of ways simple future, infinitive constructions, etc. 3Demonstrates ability to express ideas in the future in a wide variety of ways simple future, infinitive constructions, etc. 4

Content Content undeveloped. Inadequate, inaccurate, and/or irrelevant response. Response difficult to score due to inadequate evidence

1 Limited response Lack of cohesive response / ideas not connected in paragraph form Some information in response may be incorrect or irrelevant.

2 Appropriate response Well organized in paragraph form Response includes correct and relevant information that completely answers the prompt.

3 Substantial response with well-developed ideas Clearly organized in paragraph form Creates original sentences Response includes correct and relevant information as well as elaboration. 4

Compreheopn-sibilityText barely comprehensible. Errors of grammar and/or spelling may be impossible to decipher.1Text mostly comprehensible, requiring interpretation on the part of the reader.

2Text comprehensible, requiring minimal interpretation on the part of the reader.

3Text readily comprehensible, requiring no interpretation on the part of the reader.4

VocabularyInadequate and/or inaccurate use of vocabulary from the Unidad de repaso vocabulary list; vocabulary may be used inappropriately or out of context; repetitive; possible use of English. 1 Somewhat inadequate and/or inaccurate use of vocabulary from the Unidad de repaso vocabulary list; few attempts to include less commonly used vocabulary.

2Adequate and accurate use of vocabulary from the Unidad de repaso vocabulary list; some attempts to include less commonly used vocabulary.

3Rich use of vocabulary from within and beyond the Unidad de repaso vocabulary list; frequent attempts to include less commonly used vocabulary.


Language Control (Grammar)Emerging use of subject/verb agreement, adjective/article/noun agreement, verb tenses and conjugations. Correct use about of the time.1Emerging control of subject/verb agreement, adjective/article/noun agreement, verb tenses and conjugations. Correct use about of the time.

2Correct use of subject/verb agreement, adjective/article/noun agreement, verb tenses and conjugations. Correct use most of the time, but not all of the time.

3Correct use of subject/verb agreement, adjective/article/noun agreement, verb tenses and conjugations; advanced structures attempted with some success. Correct use most of the time, but not all of the time. 4

Comentario: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Hora: _________ Nombre: ______________________________________________________________________ #_________

Dime un poco sobre tus amistades. Cul es tu personaje favorito de EXTR@ y por qu? Realidades 3: Captulo 4-1GCA: HABLAR / Interactive Speaking



Below BasicBasicProficientAdvanced

Task completionDoes not complete the task. Responds inappropriately or has a limited response to most parts/prompts of the conversation.

1Partially addresses and/or completes the task. Responds inappropriately to some parts/prompts of the conversation.

2Appropriately addresses and completes the task. Responds appropriately and fully to all or almost all parts/prompts of the conversation.

3Fully addresses and completes the task. Responds fully and appropriately to all or almost all parts/prompts of the conversation. Adds details and elaborates on ideas.4

Comprehens-ibilityMessage barely comprehensible, requiring frequent interpretation; pronunciation may frequently interfere with communication. Response may be too limited to evaluate. 1Message mostly comprehensible, requiring interpretation; pronunciation may occasionally interfere with communication.

2Message comprehensible, requiring minimal interpretation; pronunciation does not interfere with communication.

3Message readily comprehensible, requiring no interpretation; pronunciation enhances communication.


FluencySpeech halting and uneven with long pauses or incomplete thoughts. 1Speech choppy and/or slow with frequent pauses; few or no incomplete thoughts. 2Somewhat fluent speech with some hesitation but speaker manages to continue and complete thoughts. 3Fluent and natural speech with few pauses or false starts.


Vocab.Inadequate and/or inaccurate use of vocabulary.

1Somewhat inadequate and/or inaccurate use of vocabulary; too basic for level III. 2Adequate and accurate use of vocabulary for level III.

3Rich use of vocabulary and appropriate use of idiomatic expressions. 4

Language ControlEmerging use of basic language structures. (Used correctly about of the time)1Emerging control of basic language structures. (Used correctly about of the time). 2Control of basic language structures. (Used correctly most of the time, not all of the time).3Excellent control of basic structures with possible use of advanced language structures.4

Basic structures = article/adjective/noun agreement; subject/verb agreement; verb conjugations ; negations (no es)Advanced structure = Use of subjunctive in dependent clauses after verbs of emotion and/or impersonal expressions

Hora ______ Nombre ______________________________________________________________ #_______Realidades 3: GCA Leer Captulo 3-3 FORMA A



Below BasicBasicProficientAdvanced

Main Idea Unable to demonstrate accurate interpretation of the main ideas of the reading selection. 0 Demonstrates accurate interpretation of main idea of the reading selection. 2

Supporting DetailsUnable to accurately identify details from the reading selections. (5 or fewer correct)1Accurately identifies minor details from portions of the reading selections. (6-7 correct)2Accurately identifies minor details from the majority of the reading selections. (8 correct) 3Accurately identifies minor details from the all or almost all of reading selections. (9-10 correct)


Meaning from contextIdentifies accurate meaning for one or fewer words based on context of selection.1Identifies accurate meaning for some words (2-3) based on context of selection.2Identifies accurate meaning for most words (4-5) based on context of selection.3Identifies accurate meaning for all words based on context of selection.4

Estrs: Cmo afrontar los retas de la vida

I. Supporting Information Circle the letter of the 8 details mentioned in the article. For each detail that is mentioned, write the section number associated with that section of the article.

A. # _______ Talk to your doctor if you think you may have health problems caused by stress.

B. # _______ People with fewer social contacts tend to suffer more from stress.

C. # _______ Fatigue, headaches, and gaining or losing weight are possible signs of stress.

D. # _______ Any type of change can make you feel stressed.

E. # ________ Exercise improves your physical fitness and makes you feel better in general.

F. # ________ When taking deep breaths, slowly fill your lungs with air.

G. # ________ Talking with a friend is a way to manage stress.

H. # ________ There are many forms of meditation.

I. # ________ Teens often experience stress as they respond to increasing demands and pressures.

J. #________ The first step toward reducing stress is to recognize when you feel stressed.II. Meaning from context Based on the passage, choose the best translation for each word.

_____ 1. retosA. rightsB. challengesC. qualities

_____ 2. ansiedad A. anxiety B. excitementC. advanced age

_____ 3. empeorarlosA. improve themB. worsen themC. worst

_____ 4. tal como / tales como A. instead of B. just like C. such as

_____ 5. ColoqueA. PlaceB. PointC. Breathe _____ 6. Dle vueltaA. AcheB. TurnC. Draw

III. Main Idea / Purpose of Text / Organizing Principle

_______ What is the purpose of the article?A. Advice on how to eliminate stress from your lifeB. Instructions on how to meditateC. An explanation of the causes of stressD. Answers to frequently asked questions about stress and some strategies on how to manage it

Estrs: Cmo afrontar los retos de la vidaQu causa el estrs? Las sensaciones de estrs son ocasionadas por el instinto que el cuerpo tiene de defenderse a s mismo. Este instinto es bueno en emergencias, como salirse del camino si viene un carro a alta velocidad. Pero el estrs puede causar sntomas fsicos si contina por mucho tiempo; tal como en respuesta a los retos de la vida diaria y a los cambios.

Cuando esto sucede, es como si su cuerpo se preparara para saltar para esquivar el carro pero usted est quieto. Su cuerpo est trabajando ms de lo necesario sin tener ningn lugar donde poner toda esa energa adicional. Esto puede hacerlo sentir ansioso, temeroso, preocupado y tenso.Qu cambios pueden causarle estrs? Cualquier tipo de cambio puede hacerlo sentir estresado as sea un cambio bueno. No es solamente el cambio o el suceso en s, pero tambin la forma como usted reacciona ante ste, lo que importa. Lo que es estresante es diferente para cada persona. Por ejemplo, una persona puede sentirse estresada al jubilarse del trabajo, mientras que otra puede no sentir esto.

Otras cosas que pueden causarle estrs incluyen perder el trabajo, cuando su hijo o hija se marcha o regresa a la casa, la muerte de un cnyuge, el divorcio o el matrimonio, una enfermedad, una lesin, una promocin en el trabajo, problemas de dinero, mudarse o tener un beb.Puede el estrs causarme problemas de salud? El estrs puede causar problemas de salud o empeorarlos si usted no aprende tcnicas para manejarlo. Hable con su doctor de la familia si usted piensa que algunos de sus sntomas son por causa del estrs. Es importante cerciorarse de que sus sntomas no son causados por otros problemas de salud.Qu puedo hacer para disminuir mi estrs?El primer paso es aprender a reconocer cuando usted se est sintiendo estresado. Las primeras seales de estrs incluyen tensin en los hombros y cuello, o cerrar sus manos en forma de puo.

El siguiente paso es escoger una forma para manejar el estrs. Una forma es evitar el evento o la cosa que le produce el estrs; pero con frecuencia esto no es posible. Una segunda forma es cambiar la forma como usted reacciona al estrs. Esto, por lo regular, es la mejor manera.Seas posibles de estrs Ansiedad Dolor de espalda Estreimiento o diarrea Depresin Fatiga Dolores de cabeza Presin arterial (sangunea) elevada

Insomnio Problemas en sus relaciones con los dems Sensacin de "falta de aire" Tensin en el cuello Malestar estomacal Subir o bajar de peso

Consejos para manejar el estrs No se preocupe por las cosas que usted no puede controlar tales como el clima. Preprese lo mejor que pueda para sucesos que usted sabe que pueden ocasionarle estrs, como por ejemplo para una entrevista de trabajo. Trate de ver los cambios como un reto positivo no como una amenaza. Trate de resolver los conflictos con las dems personas. Hable con un amigo en el cual usted confa, con un familiar o con un consejero. Fjese metas realistas tanto en la casa como en el trabajo. Haga ejercicio de manera regular. Coma comidas bien balanceadas y duerma lo suficiente. Medite. Participe en algo que no le produzca estrs tal como en deportes, eventos sociales o pasatiempos. Por qu el ejercicio resulta til? Pasos para la respiracin profunda Acustese sobre una superficie plana. Coloque una mano sobre el estmago inmediatamente por encima del ombligo. Coloque la otra mano sobre el pecho. Llene sus pulmones de aire despacio y trate de hacer que su estmago se levante un poco. Mantenga la respiracin por un segundo. Exhale lentamente y deje que su estmago regrese a la posicin baja.

El ejercicio es una buena forma de manejar el estrs pues es una forma saludable de aliviar la energa y la tensin reprimida. Adems, le ayuda a ponerse en mejor condicin fsica lo cual lo hace sentirse mejor en general.Qu es la meditacin? Le meditacin es una forma de pensamiento guiado. Puede tomar muchas formas. Usted puede hacerlo con algn ejercicio en que se repiten los mismos movimientos una y otra vez, como caminar o nadar. Usted puede meditar practicando las tcnicas de relajacin, con el estiramiento o respirando profundamente.

El entrenamiento de relajamiento es fcil. Empiece con un msculo. Mantngalo tenso por unos cuantos segundos y luego reljelo. Haga lo mismo con cada uno de sus msculos.

El estiramiento tambin puede ayudarlo a aliviar la tensin. Dle vuelta a su cabeza haciendo un crculo suave. Levante los brazos tratando de alcanzar el techo y dblese de lado a lado lentamente. Haga movimientos circulares con los hombros.

La respiracin relajada y profunda (ver el cuadro a la derecha) por si misma puede ayudar a aliviar el estrs. Esto le ayuda a obtener bastante oxgeno.

Si usted desea ms ayuda para el tratamiento de los sntomas del estrs, pdale consejos a su mdico de familia.FuenteEscrito por el personal editorial de Estadounidense de Mdicos de FamiliaRevisado/Actualizado: 05/07Creado: 10/01 Copyright 2001-2009 American Academy of Family Physicians Pgina inicial | Pgina inicial en espaol | Poltica de PrivacidadContactarnos | Sobre Este Sitio | Poltica para publicidad Hora:______ Nombre:__________________________________________________________ #:______

Espaol 3Captulo 3 GCAEscucharForma A



Below BasicBasicProficientAdvanced

Interpretation of Main Ideas (Parte A)Unable to demonstrate accurate interpretation of main ideas in listening selections designed for native speakers of Spanish.(3 or more errors) 1Demonstrated accurate interpretation of some main ideas in listening selections designed for native speakers of Spanish. (2 errors) 2Demonstrated accurate interpretation of most main ideas in listening selections designed for native speakers of Spanish. (1 error) 3Demonstrated accurate interpretation of all main ideas in listening selections designed for native speakers of Spanish. 4

Interpretation of Supporting Details(Partes B & C)Unable to accurately identify details in listening selections designed for Spanish learners.(7 or more errors)

1Demonstrated accurate interpretation of some supporting details in listening selections designed for Spanish learners.(5 6 errors)2Demonstrated accurate interpretation of most supporting details in listening selections designed for Spanish learners.(3 4 errors) 3Demonstrated accurate interpretation of nearly all supporting details in listening selections designed for Spanish learners.(1 2 errors) 4Demonstrated accurate interpretation of all supporting details in listening selections designed for Spanish learners.(0 errors) 5

A. Los anuncios de salud pblica. Escucha los anuncios de salud pblica y escoge el mejor tema para cada uno.A. Control and prevent asthma.B. Cover your cough.C. General information about the flu and flu vaccineD. See your doctor regularly.E. The dangers of cough & cold medicines for very young childrenF. Vaccinate your children against the flu.G. Warning & advice about an antibiotic-resistant bacterial infectionH. Wash your hands to prevent the Nor virus.

______ Ejemplo ______ 3.

______ 1. ______ 4.______ 2.______ 5.B. En este programa de radio, varias personas llaman al Dr. Salvavidas para pedirle consejos. Escucha y contesta las siguientes preguntas de comprensin. (CD 4, Track 22)

Srta. Durante:

_______1. Which of the following does Srta. Durante mention as a symptom?A. stomach acheB. ear acheC. coughingD. fever of 39 C

_______2. In order to find out more about the problem, what question does Dr. Salvavidas ask?A. What do you advise?B. Have you ever had this problem before?C. What do you usually eat?D. Do you take vitamins?

_______3. Which of the following does Srta. Durante NOT mention?A. cheeseburgersB. ice creamC. cakeD. cookies

_______4. Which of the following suggestions does Dr. Salvavidas offer her?A. Change your eating habits.B. Take an antibiotic.C. Walk in the park after lunch.D. Eat more fiber and carbohydrates.

Sr. Ros

_______5. Whats wrong with Sr. Ros?A. He is hot.B. He is very weak.C. He has chills.D. He feels awful.

_______6. Which two body parts does Sr. Ros mention?A. ear and headB. chest and throatC. stomach and chestD. legs and back

_______7. What does Dr. Salvavidas think the problem is?A. Sr. Ros has a very strong cough.B. Sr. Ros has an allergy.C. Sr. Ros has the flu.D. Sr. Ros has a cold.

_______8. What does Dr. Salvavidas recommend to Sr. Ros?A. to go to the doctor right awayB. to stay in bed for a few daysC. to drink plenty of liquidsD. to avoid junk food

_______9. What does Dr. Salvavidas say that Sr. Ros needs?A. vitaminsB. fruits and vegetablesC. antibioticsD. medication wont help him

C. El Dr. Moya tiene un programa de radio muy popular. Las personas que llaman al programa describen sus sntomas y el doctor les da consejos. Escucha y contesta las siguientes preguntas. (Assessment CD 12, Track 4) Luisa

_______10. What is Luisas principle complaint?A. She has no energy.B. She cant walk because her legs hurt.C. Her teacher gets mad at her when she falls asleep in class. D. She spends all her free time resting on the couch.

_______11. Which of the following is NOT a suggestion from Dr. Mora?A. Dont skip breakfast.B. Follow a balanced diet.C. Exercise more often.D. Get sufficient sleep at night.


_______12. Which of the following is NOT one of Juans symptoms?A. a coughB. a loss of appetiteC. a feverD. an ear ache

_______13. Which of the following is a suggestion from Dr. Mora?A. Take cough syrup.B. Drink a lot of liquids.C. Rest for one day.D. Avoid heavy meals.


_______14. Marta ______.A. sneezes more in the spring than in the winterB. has an eye infectionC. has pain in her eyes and earsD. sneezes in the morning when she gets up

_______15. Dr. Mora tells Marta to ______.A. take antibiotics twice a day to cure her infectionB. get allergy shots C. avoid cats due to her allergyD. take medicine twice a day and avoid going to the country


_______16. Which is the following is most likely Albertos diagnosis?A. a broken boneB. the fluC. allergiesD. hes dying

_______17. What does the doctor recommend that Alberto do for his fever?A. take aspirinB. drink liquidsC. rest for a dayD. go to another health clinic

Hora:________ Nombre:___________________________________________________________________________________ #:________

Espaol 3Captulo 3-2Gramticalos mandatos formales y plurales 5678910111213141516171819


Below BasicBasicProficientAdvanced

Choice of Affirmative vs. Negative Command(Vocabulary)Significant errors in comprehension of vocabulary when choosing to make commands affirmative or negative. (5 or more errors) 1Some errors in comprehension of vocabulary when choosing to make commands affirmative or negative. (3-4 errors)

2Usually demonstrates comprehension of vocabulary when choosing to make commands affirmative or negative. (1-2 errors)

3Demonstrates advanced comprehension of vocabulary when choosing to make commands affirmative or negative. (0 errors)4

Choice of Register (Ud. or Uds. Command)Significant errors in understanding of whom to address with Ud. vs.Uds. (5 or more errors) 1Some errors in understanding of whom to address with Ud. vs.Uds. (3-4 errors)

2Usually demonstrates understanding of whom to address with Ud. vs.Uds. (1-2 errors)3Demonstrates advanced understanding of whom to address with Ud. vs.Uds. (0 errors) 4

Formation of Commands(Verb forms)Significant errors in command forms. (5 or more errors) 1Some errors in command forms. (3-4 errors)

2Most commands forms are grammatically correct. (1-2 errors)

3Commands are grammatically correct. (0 errors) 4

Use of pronounsSignificant errors in correct choice and placement of reflexive pronouns with affirmative and negative commands. (3 or more errors) 1 Some errors in correct choice and placement of reflexive and direct object pronouns with commands. (2 errors)

2Usually demonstrates correct choice and placement of reflexive pronouns with affirmative and negative commands. (1 error)

3Demonstrates correct choice and placement of reflexive pronouns with affirmative and negative commands. (0 errors)


Accent marks4 or more errors in inclusion of and/or placement of accent marks. 12-3 errors in inclusion of and/or placement of accent marks.

2Uses accent marks only when necessary and places them correctly on commands. (0-1 errors)


Instrucciones: 1. Decide whether an affirmative or negative command would be more logical advice. Mark + or in the column to indicate whether each command should be affirmative or negative.2. Decide whether you should use an Ud. or Uds. command based on whom you are speaking to and write Ud. or Uds. in the indicated column.3. Then write the Ud. or Uds. commands, using reflexive pronouns on the set below the heavy line.

Consejos para personas enfermas+ o -Ud. o Uds.A quin?Mandato

vomitar en la claseSra. Martnezen la clase.

aliviar los sntomas con TylenolPablo y Pepelos sntomas con Tylenol.

beber muchas sodasSra. Gonzlezmuchas sodas.

dormir muchoSr. Gmezmucho.

prevenir la gripeSr. y Sra. Lpezla gripe.

hacer grgaras con agua saladaSrta. Lamasgrgaras con agua salada.

ir al trabajoChicosal trabajo.

tomar muchos lquidosNiosmuchos lquidos.

toser en otras personas Estudiantesen otras personas.

cubrirse la bocaLupita y Martitala boca.

hacerse daoSr. Fernndezdao.

lavarse las manosSr. Tanlas manos.

levantarse de la cama Niosde la cama.

mejorarseSra. Gamboa

quedarse en camaSr. y Sra. Zragaen cama.

quejarse de todoSra. Moralesde todo.

Hora______ Nombre________________________________________________________________ #______

Avancemos 2: Unidad 3, Leccin 2 Vamos al mercado FORMA APrueba: Comprensin de Vocabulario




Identifying vocabulary in spoken context4 or fewer words identified correctly15 words identified correctly26-7 words identified correctly38 words identified correctly4

Identifying vocabulary in written context8 or fewer words chosen correctly19 words chosen correctly

210 words chosen correctly

311 words chosen correctly

412 words chosen correctly

513 words chosen correctly

614 words chosen correctly

715-16 words chosen correctly8

A. ESCUCHAR. Listen to the sentences referring to the picture below. Number the pictures in the order you hear them.



B. Complete Pablos conversation with a merchant in Viejo San Juan. Write the letter of the correct answer in the blank in each sentence.Vocabulary Recognition QuizA. con mucho gusto B. cunto cuestanC. cueroD. disculpeE. est hecha F. me deja verG. no hay de quH. son deI. una gangaJ. nica

Pilar: ______ , seora. Me gustara ver aquella pulsera, por favor.Vendedora: Claro, seorita. Pase.Pilar: De qu ______ la pulsera? Es de plata?Vendedora: S. Tambin tengo carteras. Son de ______.Pilar: Pero me gusta mucho la pulsera. Es muy fina.Vendedora: Gracias. Est hecha a mano y muy ______. Pilar: Tambin me gustan los aretes. _____ esos aretes? Vendedora: ______ , seorita. Aqu tienen. ______oro. Pilar: ______?Vendedora:Slo cuestan veinte dlares.Pilar: Es ______! Los compro. Gracias!Vendedora: ______ . Gracias a usted.

C. Definiciones. Write the letter in each blank that corresponds to the correct word from the box.

A. artesanoB. baratosC. cermicaD. piedraE. probarF. probarse G. recuerdosH. regateanI. venden

1. Debes ______ el agua de jamaica. Es deliciosa!2. Los clientes y los vendedores en el mercado ______ para decidir un precio.3. Los recuerdos en el mercado no son caros; son ______.4. Venden figuras de ______ y de ______.5. Hay muchos ______ para turistas en el mercado.

ESCUCHAR: Teacher Script

1. El cinturn de cuero es barato.2. El vejigante es una mscara tradicional de Puerto Rico.3. Hay muchos artculos de madera en este mercado.4. Me gustara beber un agua fresca.5. Necesito una bolsa cuando voy al mercado.6. Traigo mi dinero en efectivo en mi cartera.7. Venden dulces en el puesto en el mercado.8. Voy a hacer compras en el centro comercial.

Hora______ Nombre______________________________________________ #_______

Espaol III, Unidad 1-1 Vamos a acampar Prueba de aplicacin%

Contesta la pregunta usando por lo menos 5 palabras o frases del recuadro.canteen; water bottlegas stovematchessleeping bagtentto light the campfireUnit vocabulary: Production of targeted words, spelling (including diacritical marks), included 5 or more words 2 4 6 8 10

Unit vocabulary: Appropriate use of targeted words: meaning, grammar (conjugations, agreement, word order) 2 4 6 8 10

Overall Language Use: Grammar and Vocabulary 1 2 3 4

Overall Communication: Content Substantial, well-organized response 1 2 3 4

Overall Communication: Comprehensibility 1 2 3 4

Ms Vocabulario: 0-4 / 5-6 / 7/ 8-9 / 10 2 4 6 8 10


Raw Score 9101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142

Below BasicBasicProficientAdvanced

1. . Qu equipo traes cuando vas a acampar? Por qu / Para qu lo necesitas?_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Contesta la pregunta usando por lo menos 5 palabras o frases del recuadro.beautifultrail; pathto climb mountainsto go whitewater raftingto observe natureto take a hikeUnit vocabulary: Production of targeted words, spelling (including diacritical marks), included 5 or more words 2 4 6 8 10

Unit vocabulary: Appropriate use of targeted words: meaning, grammar (conjugations, agreement, word order) 2 4 6 8 10

Overall Language Use: Grammar and Vocabulary 1 2 3 4

Overall Communication: Content Substantial, well-organized response 1 2 3 4

Overall Communication: Comprehensibility 1 2 3 4

Ms Vocabulario: 0-4 / 5-6 / 7/ 8-9 / 10 2 4 6 8 10


Raw Score 9101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142

Below BasicBasicProficientAdvanced

2. Qu actividades puedes hacer al aire libre? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Full Scoring Guide for Vocabulary Production QuizzesPercentage(50525446486062646668707274767880828486889092949698100

Raw Score(7891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132

Below BasicBasicProficientAdvanced

Unit Vocabulary Spelling (including diacritical marks)1 targeted word spelled correctly

22 targeted words spelled correctly

43 targeted words spelled correctly

64 targeted words spelled correctly

85 or more targeted words spelled correctly, including all or almost all diacritical marks 10

Unit Vocabulary Application Meaning & Grammar

(conjugations, agreement, word order)1 targeted word applied correctly in context with correct grammatical structures

22 targeted words applied correctly in context with correct grammatical structures

43 targeted words applied correctly in context with correct grammatical structures

64 targeted words applied correctly in context with correct grammatical structures

85 or more targeted words applied correctly in context with correct grammatical structures


Overall Language Use Grammar & Vocabulary

Significant errors in basic grammatical structures and/or vocabulary, (including spelling) inhibit communication. 1Errors in basic grammatical structures and/or vocabulary, (including spelling) somewhat inhibit communication. 2Few errors in grammatical structures and/or vocabulary (including spelling) do not inhibit communication. 3 No or only minor errors in grammatical structures and/or vocabulary (including spelling). 4

Overall Communication Content and Organization

Inadequate, inaccurate, and/or irrelevant response. Poorly organized.1Some information in responses may be incorrect or irrelevant. Limited response. Organization lacking.

2Appropriate, organized response to prompt that provides correct and relevant

3Substantial, well-organized response to prompt that provides correct and relevant information with elaboration. 4

Overall Communication Comprehensibility Large portions of responses are very difficult to understand and must be interpreted by the reader.

1Responses are understood with some interpretation by the reader.

2Responses are understood with minimal interpretation by the reader.

3Responses are easily understood. Reader does not have to interpret meaning. 4