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M.A.N.I.A Causes of WW1 Militarism, Alliance System, Nationalism, Imperialism, Assassination

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M.A.N.I.A Causes of WW1Militarism, Alliance System, Nationalism, Imperialism,


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Militarism- Policy of building up military forces and weaponry and of

threatening armed aggression

- Attempting to solve political issues through threats of

aggression and war

- European countries, especially Germany and Britain, created

larger and more expensive militaries to protect existing

colonies and challenge other countries for control of new


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Militarism- By the turn of the century, Germany had the most powerful army in Europe, but

Britain had the most powerful navy and wanted to keep it that way

- This led to an arms race, with both Britain and Germany competing for the most

powerful navy

- Dreadnoughts- big, fast, warships with devastating firepower

- Constant threat of war and competition for

Weapons led to bad relationships between

European nations

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Alliance System- Germany was once 32 separate nations,

but in 1871 they joined to make one of

the most powerful nations in the world

- Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany was

aggressive, interfered with the business

of other countries, built a powerful navy

and army, and pushed for German

colonies around the world

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Alliance System- Germany’s aggression pushed

France and Russia into an alliance

(Dual Entente), Britain joined

after Germany’s navy began to

grow (Triple Entente)

- In response, Germany joined an

alliance with Italy and

Austria-Hungary (Triple Alliance)

- Triple Entente = Allies

- Triple Alliance = Central Powers

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Alliance System- These systems of alliance were intended to keep the peace in

Europe. War with any allied nation meant war with the whole

alliance, a threat intended to tame aggressive nations

- However, if war did break out, it would quickly spread across

continental Europe, which is exactly what happened.

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Nationalism- A shared sense of cultural heritage, pride in one’s home country, and a belief that

people of the same cultural and ethnic background should be united.

- European nations were very nationalistic, and thus willing to sacrifice themselves

to protect their country

- In the early days of the war effort, English Canadian men were eager to enlist in

order to demonstrate their nationalist pride for Britain.

- Russia felt the need to protect the Balkans because of shared cultural beliefs -


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Imperialism- Expanding one nation’s authority

or control of other lands by

economic, military, or political


- In other words, the creation of


- European countries trying to build

Empires by colonizing Asia, Africa,

America, ect.

- England and France became very

rich as a result of their colonies

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Imperialism- Germany wanted colonies as well and threatened the French

and British

- Austria-Hungary expanded its Empire by conquering the

Balkans, leading to hostility with Russia

- Canada, although a country in its own right, was still

considered a member of the British Empire, and thus had no

choice but to go to war with Germany.

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Assassination Part 1 - Background- The Balkans are a group of

countries located in Southeast

Europe, including Bosnia and


- Entire region controlled by the

Ottoman Empire until the 1800s

where they gained their


- Austria-Hungary conquered

Bosnia in 1908

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Assassination - Part 1 Background- Serbia was angry by this because Austria- Hungary was a threat to them, and ethic

Serbians living in Bosnia were now under Austrian rule (think Nationalism)

- Serbia also had a strong alliance with Russia

- Russia felt it was their duty to protect The Balkans because of a shared cultural

and ethnic background

- Animosity between Austria-Hungary and Russia over control of the Balkans.

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Assassination- Part 2: Franz Ferdinand- Archduke Franz Ferdinand of

Austria decided to visit Sarajevo,

Bosnia to inspect troops, along

with his pregnant wife

- On Sunday June 28, 1914, Franz

Ferdinand was shot by Gavrillo

Princip, a member of the Black

Hand, a Bosnian terrorist group

- The Black Hand wanted to force

Austria-Hungary out of Bosnia and

have Bosnia become part of Serbia

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“The Gunshot Heard Around the World”

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Consequences of the Assassination- After the assassination, it was discovered that The Black Hand was founded by a

Serbian General. This angered the Austria-Hungarians and they wanted answers!

- Austria-Hungary turned to alliance member Germany for support; feared

retaliation from the Russians

- Germany offered a Blank Cheque deal, meaning they would give Austria-Hungary

all the money and support they would need to defeat the Serbians

- Serbia was given a list of demands/ultimatums to avoid a war. They met all

demands expect one - they would not allow Austria Hungary into Serbia to

conduct their investigation into the assassination

- As such, Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia on July 28,1914.