market research presentation


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Post on 15-Jul-2015




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WHY IS MARKET RESEARCH IMPORTANT?Market research is important because it’s a way of finding out what our target audience likes in a music video for example genre, setting, artist and narrative. As a group we decided to range our target audience to be 14 and over as it will give us a variety of views. In our survey we included ten questions that we would ask an audience and these were what genre are you, how often do you listen to music, what genre(s) of music do you listen to, how do you find about music videos, how do you view music videos, do you prefer to watch music videos as you are listening to the song, what would you like to see in music videos, do you like music videos that contain a narrative or performance, is there anything in music videos that you would not like to see, and finally how much do you pay attention to the lyrics. The survey was really helpful as it gave us responses that we will use to make our own music video better.


We asked the question ‘what gender’ because it would of separate the females and males into categories on what they each like to see in music videos and allow us to include elements that each categories likes. This would be helpful as both of the audiences will like some elements of the music video.

Looking at the results we can see that more females took part in our survey than males did. This would be a slight issue as its not equal and would give us different opinions and views. However, there was three responses that said prefer not to say which might be males or females.

HOW OFTEN DO YOU LISTEN TO MUSIC?We wanted to ask this question because it would of gave us an idea of how often our audience listens to music. This would be beneficial as we would know roughly how many times our music video will be watched.

Looking at the results we can see that 33 people listen to music everyday, 3 people listen to music often, and 3 people rarely out of 39 people. This was an important information as it would show us how many people will watch our music video. This will also help us with making the right decisions so that people can watch our video and leave a comment. To do this we could look at comments from the people who rarely watch music videos and analyse them according to what we can add in our music video.

WHAT GENRE(S) OF MUSIC DO YOU LISTEN TO?We decided to choose this question as it would of allow us to see what genre our audience likes to listen to. As a group we decided to pick the genre Pop as it suited all of our liking. This question was really beneficial as it shows us how many people listen to the genre that we chose.

Looking at the results I can see that Hip Hop was the most listened genre and Pop was the second one along with R&B. This is a good feedback as we can now look into these genres and look at what codes and conventions they use in their music videos so that we can include these in our one.

Looking at the other genres I could see that some people like House, Country, Folk, Soul, Indie, Jazz, Reggae, Rock, and Rap. This allows us the investigate more in these genres and be able to apply this to our music video.

HOW DO YOU FIND OUT ABOUT MUSIC VIDEOS?We decided to ask this question because it’s a way of how our audience finds about music videos, so that when our music video is published we might be able to use what they recommended.

Looking at the results I could see that the audience found music videos from YouTube Suggestions. Second was word of mouth and then social network e.g. Twitter and Facebook. I could see straight away that we can promote our music video on a social network and maybe create our own account where we can add information about the music and artists.

The results for the Other choice, 4 people gave responses and one of them was Soundcloud. This would be a good way to get our music across however, its not the right format as music videos can’t be published on it and it will just be the soundtrack. This also could be considered as copyright and our group wouldn’t want the music video to be removed.


We decided to ask this question because it’s a way of finding out how the target audience views music videos, where then we will be able to publish it so that the audience can watch our music video.

Looking at the results I can see that the audience mostly viewed music videos on YouTube. This question was really beneficial as it helped us with picking the right format to upload our own music video. This will also help our music video get more views.

DO YOU PREFER TO WATCH MUSIC VIDEOS AS YOU ARE LISTENING TO THE SONG?This question was useful as it asked the audience if they liked watching music videos of the song while listening to the song. This was useful because it gave us an idea on whether people will watch the music video and listen to the song or listen to the music without looking at the music video. I think our music video will be watched while listening to it, because its new and shows a remake of the actual artists music video.

Looking at the results I can see that the most common one was the ‘sometimes’ choice with 30 people choosing this. For the ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ choice people voted 4 for each.

WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO SEE IN A MUSIC VIDEO?We decided to ask this question because it’s one of the most important ones and it would allow us to see what our audience likes to see in music videos and it will be helpful as we can include these features in our own music video.

Looking at the results I can see that the most common one was dancing and the second one was variety of shots. As a group we will include these in our music video so that the audience will like to watch it as we included features that they recommended.


We decided to ask this question because we would like to know what our target audience likes in music videos, so that when we do our music video we can include these; Narrative and performance or both.

Looking at the results mainly people wanted to see both which was narrative and performance in music videos. This was useful as now we know as a group what to include when filming our video. The image below shows three responses that students wrote.


We decided to ask this question because it linked with question 7 as this one said what would you not like to see in music videos. This is an important question because as a group we wouldn’t want to include something that the target audience doesn’t like to see.

Looking at the results we can see that the audience doesn’t want to see unexpected endings and turning the music video into a movie. This was an important information as we wouldn’t want this to happen to our music video.

ON A SCALE OF 1-10 (10 BEING THE HIGHEST) HOW MUCH DO YOU PAY ATTENTION TO THE LYRICS?We wanted to ask this question to our target audience because we wanted to know whether they pay attention to the lyrics of the song or not. This is important because this will allow us to concentrate on different parts of the music video.

Looking at the results I can see that mainly people chose 8 on the scale of how close they pay attention to the lyrics. This was important as we will look at the lyrics carefully and add features from the lyrics so that it corresponds.