medicines. for the north. for foreign ports ......its narrow streets i hiking like threads.the...

THE TRI BINE. Prom the Cleveland ilenld. L E \ NOR; A SEQ.CEL T.) " LOVE AM) ITS DOTXGS." Wc sard tnc ring given bv Lewr, on .be rocht of the M u quende DaM «t the Tacon Theatre of Habana, wm<? the only c!uu t'-c stranger from the N'orth'unrl h i " for Ine :ri- r: ti'y of the foreakca bat passionate rJau^hter ol CMtile." This was not strictly the e:se, for on that mcirnrablc night she wore, a bnseiet of. a pceuliar fashion, the principal orn meat <>' which was f>n i:nr inmonly large opfj, t:. . taogtit refracted all the gradationsof color fr» in the hiiih'tnt lights «! tbech i.u.', and wh-ch reclied to the mini r,: thi "tranccr the beautiful hues of the Countcs* of Biessii »ton : -"Tlii« wnwV'j' '. m l.oo»«». thouchsoaie Krane« -.:! iem - tied mi * rVwtle Ii'ic'iI*»i*».V»vitv rOtbots eu'ver': ihm' its depth* in cnanrefu skacs, Likti'ie wild hgntuinp of u mjuigmi rve." Beside this he lud the well mc:r.S<..-.-J toni . of that sweet voice which hid so isci "-. oa tb':i first intcrvic v. Th< se w< rc "light traces it in truo, but, could they he made artd »bl< would serve as powerful auxiliaries for h<' i'lentity. But how were the) tobemadi so, n a strange city with its two hundred thooesi inhabitants, wan a question easier asked than answered. But accident often aids nmrc in unraveling mysteries than any systematic cfTir.; pngriblj could j «.t least it was bo in this ca«*, and ih&t is fifrleirrit for oar purpose. If tu» gcritic reiser will be kind enough »..> extend to us a lew moments indulgence, we will U !i how the Northerner found out the residence of Leanor, and whtt then name t'» piss! Tbc constitution of society as it exitts hrr--, and in Cuba, is widely liitFereiit. Here tho sexes mingle freely, and there in but little check u;»<m the heart's affect ons, save that imp4 scd by an ioas mamma:: ar:d more careful papas, in their de. sire to secure what the wi r-d pleased to call a 'desirable match* lor the r daughters, withi n1 ever consulting the feelings of those whoan mo interested, a'ui whose happioess lor life will im¬ pend upon their future husbands, '('bank heavi ii! this influence, although t.iion brought be upon their daughters, is rarely successful; yet we would advise, those who are throwing obsta¬ cles in tnc way of their daughters, in the free ex erciac of their affection, to look well into their own hearts.if hearta the;, hare.and see if, in their desire to secure their daughters a 'g-mi! match' in a worldly p'»int of vir*, ib^y du rmt barter away fur a 'mess of po'.tage' the futu <. happiness of ih'»se tney Im!-.) most ilc-ir. In Habana parental tyranny i cirried t'i mu» Ii greater lengths, a gentleman being ullowed visit a lady fiat two or three times 'and then 'rn , in the presence »if her mother, aunt, duenna, »>r some other * sh«? dragon 'j before declaring his .:- tentions. If Iii- proposals nr«r acccptanle, tin preliminarreH ol the morn ige are forthwith i.r ranged, without consulting the feelings ol th«o o most intereiiteii! This being the c»se, it is i to be wondered at that matrimonial infideli v and intrigue are so common at trie Habina, an«! that husbands and fathers stiould resort to bol s and bars to secure that virtue fur tIn ir wives in daughters which should have been instilled in them from infancy ! But, notwithstanding oil the vigilance of lathers and guardians, 'In-.i laughs at locksmiths,' and hirers find ou< thousand ways to hold converse with each o h' r On the plazi, while listening to the hinds of um Bicians that play there every night from tii_hi nine for the benefit ol all, ami wlinr'i Ii s bein appropriately styled ' the poor man's opera ; * the flelartos or ice-cream saloons; on the Pasc at the Theatre; ist Concerts, and hundreds other plates, hearts that respond to each other find moans to mitiglo thoughts and feel ngs, only for a moment, in spit-.: of the »flirts ol otfic d to prevent thi in. Thiastateoi sociiny hai alsu given rise to anotbor sinijiilar custom, Tlj' warmth of the dim ite renders the u e of glass >u the wiodows qu tc unn< et as r-., und, to kei out 'intruders, tin- windows are !l n ill tlw th bn n iron ui>.iiit an inert iu diameter, the weather in excluded by siiu'terti upon the outride. Tlv s- window* are very large und open from the i! to the ceiling, aiid, being the in ist pleasant p of the house during the heat ol tlio day, re nl most nl wo, s occupied by the ladic of the family As th* houses are mostly but one story ht>Th and close upon tlte narrow utreels, this CUstO \ Ol si' tiog in t!ic windows u'l'irrij fine opportunities Iovc.-h to iner t and hold a uiomeoi'fl coiivetri'.i with cadi other. The ladies boing tints coi s.untiv exposed to tht g /-" of !h«i juver-by, L" otuiie ueeil tu it, aiid <!t> h-.l deem it rttdi i'es-, h t entire strangers to ptarc e.t them, or even ^l and ask tlicin questions, ft is rather it turiou bigi.*. sc»! a.t almost every window t' 'u^ii wnole street, t.-o ..r throu ^ .rii lemon . hatl 04 s uiably with tltfl ladies through lb' iron grxies.. In this way our friend from tue sp tl miny pleasant hours, always stopping \.i acv he E.t>*' u pretty girl to ask directi .1,8 to some ui heard-of quart- r of the city, prolonging or shoit- ening It'ii stops according to the sociability or agrecableness of tbe ladies. A week or trn days subsequent to the even . rccor.'cd in our lato tale of " Lovs ami its !>¦.- iMoa." us tbe stratiger was quietly saunterii g through the Calle de In Muralta, near the place where he was first put down by the calcsaro, dis attention was arrested by tbe low tinkling of a gu;Ur, accompanying the soft melody of a fern; le voice, singing in one of the windows of a house near where lie was parsing, the uurtttinsof whicli wore closed. Tnc tune ol voice seemed familiar, but where and when ho had heard it, he tried in vain to recall. Presently the voice ceased and the stranger passed on, and was soon joined by some of his acquaintances, with whomhu went to the old where the bones of the great Columbus are deposited, and which now moulder ititodusi beside the elt-iitis thai once, through tlie potty envy of his enemies, bound him captive!. As ilit stranger treaded its labyrinths, pceptd into its cloisters ami confessiuu tl stands, ami finally st-iod upon tnc sill of ihe topmost windo v in its antiqU'itcd tower and gazed out upon the noble bay, with its forest of shipping.the frown ing walls of th« Moroand Casa Blanco.t'tc blue hills in the distance, crowned with cocoxuud palm tree-.with tnc city sp:i nl out at his fett, its narrow streets I Hiking like threads.the me <.- dyofthat sweet voice o>..ti null', fljatcd 'hroigh his imagination ; when all at once he tccollcct d to whom tt bei iitgcd. I 1 ms haste to get down ho came near precipitating himself out ol 1I1 window u,j ui the pavement below. However, he gainert the stn et in s.ifcty, and mride dt.--, ctl. for the Callr de la Muraila, bat found nothti there to gratify bis curiosity, for t' e blinds ivcri closed, tno music hu*hed, ami tin re ^ .. e no sounds of life within! S. d and disappointed,! 1 turned Iiis steps homeward; but the. neu even, ing found him again in front of tho house wrnri he had board the music tne previous day. Tin blinds were still clos»u, and he stepped into a Bbop opposite to enquire to whom the house be. longtvl. T'nere nu learned that tlio t'onde ,i« Y-resided there, hut was iriea »S sent in öpam. This waa all the information Ut could get, but while bo was loitering ar-iui tin .hop he heard tne ni>'.i-s of t guit-tr, a. comp intcd by the same soft, musical roi :e that he imri tu-.-,-<. th«! dav bel'oro. Wheu the song w-s fiaishc i, the curtains were partly drawn aside, ami tie saw nearly in front of tho window .1 lady DoUtcrcd tip in a large easy cbatr. dr back was pa ilytuni ed to tho window, hut I 0 could see trial siu- held in her hand a guitar, lie cr sstd the ttrcet to oee if ho could catch a glimpse of her ft a uns As be did so, sh-r raised her hand to the keys tbe inatrurneiii, «nu trie li^nt t* It up->u th>s are!I remembered opal orncrU t of the long sought. Lkssor: Here was a discovery, but I'o* wk> he avail himself of it i" His tirst impulse was to spc..k to ber, but on second thought he saw that tnai would defeat his object. Undecided course to pursue, lie t > k a turn around a sq'iaie tue lect hi' etctted thoughts. sVnen he returned, tb» bhuOv wrrn ctöx-U mid all w .s again busheO. Auer wainng f»: S'>tne fok', and no one appear, ing^he ritwly wenden bis way to his botsrl, rc- flecting u.rui uiu i-ti.sAge c-...ric. that hi? again thrown in rns way one .¦..inn ho n«d ru*t un»er_ the Bttast extraoriiirmr'x Ciicuiistunrxs, unl W/ao had parted a.-. Strang« !y rj^itey met. Tbc ne>t dav, and the',^«wl Tor several days thereafter," he pasf-d the house_6f-J^ano* Btreral times, but saw or heard nothing morewf ber. He inquired of the persons uppoahe, but ¦um . 111 ii-il ¦in^..i. -1. they cnu d tei him .-.'it'ting nn'y that they had I b**rd ihe family h -d embarked onboard a vr-?'(. Thi* was hli they knew about it, and of cour.-e Ciuld tell him nothing more. He went horrre provoked Wim In nse f end all the worldlhSside, at tnus losing, as ti«: thought, *!! trace* ol <-nn. in who** fate |>c S -gan to fed an intense interest, j la h few days be was to quit H-tvani», probab'y fir ever, and ho was an_-ry at himself (ol net mailing hirmei; known to thenhjectof tiia s^rci* when he saw her at the window. Hut it wüh now too late, and he had to make tbe bei of it The next morning on faking itp the "Diaro ! de la llabane," iie found among t.ic list ol pas- rcnj'-rr? in a v. s.i fur Ne v Orleans, the nime of D 'i on I-!f.(>r<; F- and her daughter, Donna Lcar:or.' This was undoubtedly h.t L«:iJ:0.-. whom chance one rn /re had thrown in h'* way, and he j prepared (or iiis passage with a lij.t heart and ri zdv hand, an:l two daj saft» r was daehing acr' iss I tiic tiu': waters of the üull o!" Mexico, OS his way to New Oik-ans where, upon :s arrival, btsfirst cr.qiiry was lor the vessel that had taken L.e=r. ,r from tlf Havana. It had arrived trie da;- pre vious, and irr passen j?'ts hsd ail gone on shore : j bin it c\\< not take our friend long to trace them o'lt, and in !.¦£« than hilf a day >-.ft r irs arrivil j he wan «gain acquainted with the residence of his Cddttliun maid : This dore, be cssuatchrd a j note to Iier rerju-stinc an interview, ;i reply t which was S'.nri placed upon ub!c. lit; tore open the teal nnl road as follows: " 1 nrn nn-lrr 'on z:'::l a-, obliration to 7"U. y.r. to deny foil any thiee. althouzn my physician t^k refund to permit me to leecnn-pM*; yt 1 mo t *e- you to tieiaa ). u once mof lot your friendly mtemoeitioo in preve-tina me from cuusutnma* line 'he r .ti n'l I aval ale.u' to commit. '* M* serrant will conduct yoo to me at 11 o'clock to-amr. row. Till thsn. adust, Lxuhor." Heavily the hours passed to the stranger, but " 11 o'clock" at knrrtli c^rne end in it lew nto. he was ushered into the: of his lone fought Leanor! The room was partly darkened whe-n he rn. tered. Its stillness und its twilight contrasted trangcly with the noise and glaring noonday in the- streets tin ne tide of the room, reclining upon a Ciueh, lay the object of his seaich, who, as soon s i.<j entered, extended her hand to welcome tiim. but her einoti n waa too "ret to permit he.- t'i speak, and she fell bd'-k upon her couch quite exhausted, Restoratives were immediately applied by the nurs'iarid the strunzer, wh thought as he leaned over /;er now almost lifeless form, that he liar: never beheld such beauty. Her dark waving I tresses falling back trom h'r tem;>!es displayed in all ili'ir classical symetry her delicately cbis. led features, while returning consciousness, like t >e morning dawn, began to light them up with a soil and fitful radiance Hint was almost en banting. Soon she revived and thanked him fnrlhein ' rest he had taken in rn.r welfare, and begged ¦mn to Ixense ber weakness. " Uut." she con tinned, " yii remember ihe driafiiul circum. stances under which we firet met, and Hteiiir viei Ims again brought them freshlj in my mind, . mil too weak t'» cuvirsc iviiti tmi now, Inn come ag mi at evening ; J would !).. glad in tain with you." Tue K'r-.ii!;- r took his leave, but at the firs', shadows of evening, was again on his way fi the house ol Leanor. He found her m >n culm and e.<oii|i sn-ti than h" had in the morning, but he was shocked to see tint ravages dis^ns, n id made up n licrform since he first met hprai the Tawn Tin litre. She motioned him ton seat lic<irie her; direc!- ed the nurse leave the apartment,nod 'hen be- ¦ran in it soft and uilvery tune to commumcuii what ita'" pirtscd hiiice iliey last met. " The night c'it the affair at ilie theatre I vas taken suddenly ill, and since then, I have ¦teen worse, and no hopes are nmv entertained "t .¦V recovery. 1 lytvo wished much to see you before I du that I might ttllyou how grat'-tid ! a", for >.»tir iiov:iig ^avid the hie "I "tie v im is .b arer to me tlnn ire itself. And I thank God t-ir thus unsttcring my praters My physit i»!!-- have ord.'refl n sea vi yago and a clntnge of a:r it i: if all of no avail; fur the. hand ol the con ijucrur is u;".n me und I : h ill soon go benCti." l*'->r mrvirul tl.iys tde stranger was constant in his visits to the lovely girl, and dal in Irs powi i io Rinuoth tlio counli <>l her suffi ring, but it w.s.- .i!! of no avail! Disease kept on i's nrpid work, tad like the M.iiniK't ti »wer, slie faded hour in i.i'ur, until she wns> near tbe confines where thosi two worlds meet.tlie living and ihe dead. A.botH a week nrter Irs arrival in Xow O.ieapf. the itrnneer v.called lo the bccsido of tue dy¬ ing pirl. As Boon an hi enternd, she motioned ti'.-ii loa sent biside htr. On enc side of Ii:«, e >ch kneeled her mother with it crucifix in her hm ', tin: '..tst'i.'d the nurse, locking the virj p-.Tsonirication of despair. A grillt change bad t ik-n place in ike lovely sufilrer. Tlte.hand of Death waa ujmn her, bm ner «y<' w is still bright nnd her breathing regular, yet her mind wandered continually among tin sce-i» s of the past. After a longer silence than usual, she. said, taking the hand of the stranger, upon wh cli was the ring given him at the then, 're, "this hand once saved me from committing a dreadful crime-! I had a demon in my heart then, but you tore it thence, and I have had peace einco." Then turning to hrr mother tdie it quired the day of the wet k. " Tuesday.'' " I thought so ! this is the l>rid il night of him I was about t" slay when you arrested my arm 1 IIn 1 ha! ita! that was a rare time!" end her mind w nidi red ofj' to seem s connected with the great disappointment she had met with. ISiH.n i!ie was rational agiin and bide her mother tell her faithless deceiver that "she Iimc loved him through lib and died invoking blessings on his head." " Puesday, Tin sday," she repeat, ed several limes, "Yes, Tuesday! he wi 1 be the husband of another, ami 1.h:> Leanor!.w,l! bt the bride of.of.death ! Yes. I hear Iiis l< o s'.ipnt the duo-! hark! he is calling me.yes I not impatienL Leave me with m> friends one in incut; but [loved him and thought lie loved me.oh, bitter, hithr hate !" In this Any her mind wandered on from o; e thi:'^ t" another; at times reveling amid ihi bii'is and blosson s that suriounded her earl) y»uth, bat ever returning to the seines connected with her uuhitpp) attachment. Fainter und faintor heat tier pulse and longei the intervals between her moments of conscious ness. Oh, it is painful to stand by the bedsidi oi" ihe departing under any circumstances, bu. when that one is young and be^uniui it is try¬ ing indeed. To leel y»ur own impotency at thai dread hour ano to know th^t you can do notliiop toarrestthi falling ol the hand that is to sevei the golden lit ks ol life! Tu hearthi a faintly murmured farewell ant the last s o.'i t>" .nie who isj'tst budding into It e. is tisi ruuen lor even a sioic to bear unmoved, and wc will n<>t then blame ihe stranger tor sinking u.> n his kti'is bv trie be side <.! tne dying oii 1! Uut » hy . Ae l upon scenes hkethes« I they niti>: t>-.- witness '11 > be felt. Alter ijnij e,-i te smsdess for a lorger ttnn than usual, she suddenly aiivke, tu« k leaveof all. asked lot f.e cn-ss, k..-s ,i it. then p issrd il ;>. ¦.- bosom,commend er ionlto lluu whog«v; it, hi.c closed her ens tor ever upon trie wo.-ii' ,::.i! us sorrows i-t as the n si taint tiais ol 'i morning lighted up the etc.;. at M » * « !n one cbrntrof the Catholic cemetery atiVew Or'«. is n i>'.iiti maibe tomb, s-rixdcil bv c ba u ul pomegranate Upon the slab that clone* tlie entrance is sculptured the pr» u.l crest oi tl« n< h e farett) ol L>e F-. Underneath th^s is j wreath, woven ia with the fiswers of which, is the iinine ol " Leanor " SPRAS Pl.VASAvTLT,. Dou'l sp-ak so CTOSS to ihai bov. Wuai iflie is an apprenticeT He h:.- it r-i'ims «s wi ll as >ou. Tel! hun plriauaantK to iluv job, and be-will jo about it imcoediately*. and do i as soon -ni'l as ». can. If von loo>> rriiss and simp at him. he will not e-re ho* nun h tone betakes, and how bunglingls ihe work iadone I his im* he wr, pg in ihe boy-rbut it i< hutiinu i n iure. Yju can c-.otx. bui you cannot dii»e. [i'ortlcud Exp ess. Pow i s Ijt.vr.ix ixtOM..Carlyle teils ihe bu i\ ofaghosr, which haunted a house iaScutland. occupied by credulous people, but «bicheni \es i- ttalion pn to he a rusty old un'al jaeK, t exi diKii. which in n>cr»-ar.'n^, j-rsirii;'ortl ones » hieh a fertile iuiaginarion t*»i-ie<i iu O" Once l-w,.6 hap-bap ha p\ ; now I'm nicere a de! " tJ. i v EtjiJ.vb .The !>.<'>. or a c lo-ed rcan v«wj '(.aid oh Tu-'.'a;. a'letruo i Ling in Uv water at tati eud os" tho wharf ncai ihö dry duck, si the Cfaarksjtown navy yaid. It hid apf a. rontly been in tbe water some time. TF* ' »n T l^ V.-t, .Mr. Wiü'a. a young m >n mi ling t\ '''onnv Falls, «rat !n>u»ht betor* Jus i ii'-»- Booth, of ibiaplice, for. examination, char:;-.! wi-h an nt'err.ptcommit a 'up* on tri» pT-en <>i a jo-ine lady raiding: in Rr-.veiioa, a ho had r>*en pitrril underbid protection by rvr (r-C d to conv-y trom Hudson torrris r.leo". On examination be eras rVM tr> had in the earn of {MHO, »hieb n-.t Itfhjg c' :.:i:.ed ho ha* tven irapris.«n*d to ».»ti; his trial. fW.t. Hr.». A,jv .->.:-. A jr. 1">. 1- Sr/noE.f Deith . Mr. John St^Ie. a worthy citizen r.t OMhuci County. Ky. wh:ie in cenver?«- tion with hi* wife and friend*, on the 4th in?:, fi?:! back in his chair, and died in an ioftaot, without a struggle. An aflectioe of the bean issupposed to tia-.e tie»n the sense vT his 5ut!il:-n and distressing Salt Riv: r. .Tt .-. said there is to be a m tss meeting of the Loco-Focos at the heed of Silt River in November. Mr. P-ilfc h tb preside on the occasion. [8altimore Patriot. j C 0 ü .!.* £ /»' C/.rl /. .1 ;V /> >/0 A*£ J' 3tt lr *"£/.' S. ---i|.at the Slot l< Kx< »sHH»e, Arii;:i«t it. 11000 X 7 City.V- 183...101 iho lbs Hsrtem.b60 7ltj I.jUJ Co I'TO. tin Jo hecil.r.e. U b<) i4'. lWa..01 <t.. ¦-<¦', SrOOXYSfc i-.l..r.iy luJiJ 100 tk>.,. 51£ ISiHO S-.-. If63 ..eontrllS ?>>r/s Wor.b30 fi3 S0i4Us5t.J8i3.fJ". its n». -v.. tAIObiotj*,ltf»,. !*-. ;io .io.... ,1'j '3 sa no.bie 5 £ o.'i fntttiT.' Loan.STifl 25 it i. r.l ', 31 No: & Wot.tti^l S3 do.61»,. 25 Co.«!?*. Public Stoi k Exchange, Ant;. 23. ?2>'fi N V -' t>. 1-&!..t40 109« :'r> ,hs Firm. Trtt-t... b90 luC0Ohio6sIM.... fSW To do.enth &9Jj EOno Kxatuekgia ...I** T2', 25 Contnlio. Ina.i.iu lo--; ¦.' lud j Bund*....ant* 44 ¦>: VVaib'rg Ins.s^ti ft loo di.1.30 41's-l'X) do.MOJrtl.'i Shto an .»> 4P, 40 no. "l i"0 i;ib.. 1ST».e»«>> 4tp,jino uv.po r>i'4 2'W «ii.i>3 4i lift do .-Jrn Can iVi.en-h 41 Ti Nor t tVor.UJ i.:\ l$ntbi Long Isl .eaah fci-J ;5 da. 2S i'o .s3 v3>'^Ts do.ensh »> ¦JÖ do.sill W '0 do.hlS ..; 73 do. Si'i 50 do.lilO Cl:t try- Th*re wan unite (i evn-il in ii;c «nie« of IVbeat renter il i> nt ii -li*la reduction in i>-ice». Ar» m 5«"ui dus .e's Ali in, ii rerf Niir ankle, «os taken for I.e. k;»»: nnllin: »t 11 rn ^»ii» i'tAt bu. ana (till afloat. ut notden me not ariltiag tuac. ri^le tn thrse Qiio'ntioi s. lTf'J i.u veimw hio <'orn liml mi nflet 0.40c sslnch ssas refuse'.4>',c. svjil bujr. Flour il irithout rlinnre In QUutatifiM ana no sal^s to nn? amour.1 harel»e»n.naule lor >ome dajre Ketni tradeP lupp'rlng nt t.iiinu .'ö fetmerclmnttbla Ohio and .Micrmtun. Hcset'crk joes Ott in smad (ju^iilitii» ut |ir n H 25 '. Itutfalo Guzettc. Aug. Paaaeii|Cera an ivett. In ihr nhip H' AVir Oritan*.Wm H Dolor r, PJnen s. end <4 in the ireCMge. In ihr ../|,p >",ct.>6a'i-. Jrnirt .Vrir (/rlrnns.M M S"l:etv!. Mr It K Jlirlir rk. I. Gatesaran. m'd J*. in tri»- s ^rniife. 1,1 Vi, ttrtrui S*lm.fram Oiattno..Mr. Yuung, ctniil and .erv nii r rcotland; Mr George I".»i«r. of£ngland.end ils in liie stc«-r:ii:e. MARINE JOURNAL. PORT <:F NEW-YORK, AUGUST23. Cloiireil. Brigi N"ptune, (3we) Bnrg.a. Trieste, IV Weiarer; Mc biie. in> hi .'o. M..I. .b. r-'o tu I 'I. <ri.r-iim- ÜThnrne, V\ i.«- . r. Wilmington, EJ Powell; sarah, Ferguson, Newhern, K M Blackwell, Sloe . l.xev'.. 1 >u mi £, Fall Itivti; U.ep Riv;r. Shaler, ;aitliinl. Saunier Eudora, i!;., vn. Fall River. A rrlveil. Sliio Ililrib, Flammond, It. dajri trow New Orlt-an*. mise, t.. niniier. Batqua Salem. Iliene, from Glisgowr, lTth July, mdte, to Kol en Keraiit. Sein KrauceaG flbrd, I iln>* Imm >'e»licrn, Nt', uith r..-:i in M Hin«. Srlir r s v. i. |i s s, 3 (isy, froni Newbern, KC,naval (. rev. to S I, Witch. II Sehr I'nmi. Fiiif-rd. 8day« frmn VVaibington, NC. na eal .lor-s. rs I. M.t. b. a ^. -.r r- ..i. U ol. on.,4 ilnys fr m \Wbingt in. .\P, n~v-> ..or.«.. :u .> I, Milchail. ?crir Ann-mt'i. Cranmer, 5 dayi from tVilinington, NC, naval s ou-., t . Ks IVarell. S. i.r \ A Fendignwe. »teeen». 6 ilayi from Richmond.Va, iron; uheot, t_». U> a Pnx*m. s. ir iteguiu«, i ol,-. 5 ,u,s it..m Wilmington,NC.naval (tores, lo * i, M.-,'ir if. ? i:r IVm Penn, Foster, 13 -n\, from Machias, lumi«r, to I in Seven ..r Prospect, s''.r-. r^teanisehf L'ncas. Mi l., uaniut I, produce Si in Caledonia. re|a?laian prneidrnce, inu-'uco. v:lir loudens. Urnwn. Fall Ktver. ;.r. dine, s. 'ir Lewis tdpicar, Mutr. Prurideuee, ,.r.«'nr». S. l:r Knbeil Kiuce. I Iils'ii'.. i.untT, i>'nvter, Sloop t'lesident. Frisbj. Near II iven, pits Dl.usrrr«. cce. Ca. Stur' I.''inn AsttacBTO.s..The »bin Lnr.l a^hhurlnn, Paul, Liverpoul !orr*i. J..lo.s. N'. II. with an samttca nrgo, ssii- lost neat Mraael-rd baihsir. moininM ol Slsl .> t . largo save to.r I. lie damaged 7*be -lai> b id In*' asasu tsvajr. bilged and filled. She wa« u new vessel, and t iusureo in Butt, n tt tig thi es f.i 845.010 urat Xo« I. uij..ii. Hi iruLrfaip Isaac Hicks, Imm Havre .'»'. passed s-n-ml Isige iticka ofsqaire lihibef and creut auantttka ol >*. bite pine i.'unk: saar aaaa or le». Uironal out the dayi '»t i'->v same time teat » i-n-r.* of .Inn's il^ck plonk; mked a* triun;!i it la,; *mi in the water bur « «Ii nr tiu Ju y -". i ü clock a. nt. lai 4ii .\. Ion S8 iVi James tt illiams.« .t inutn. a naUve nl etcalloa iy. si.rt'si d It '»:»!>. fell from ti.- nm of the nisin Uip to the deck, ih.c-ninnc his kkullsobadly that be died in a I -v. moments. Foreign i'orta. \t I'm t.. Slst nil. -!ii;.» III lochard, Hlnnchnr.l. for Porelmit ids: II 'idee..-« nie, for Philad. do; Lucy. UouM, lor Marble iiln..; Flavius, Jones, oncer, baique Ba*is. Itonne t Ma tga, 2" 'id-: t"'« Eugene, lirn.k>s..|h!r. lor K o Granne dg; and n'ii- before retMtr*en. Ship Hanover, lirummond or lb i , tailed Sunt, Barqus Lom.ii. Ii anehurrj. for Pottlai.'. and Kaltic, S:»«iir, fer 'In niaston.'U Sdaysbelore Shi| ijcaola, I hild, from New Orle«n*, arr ofTthe i>..rt 1-2'h. am «rasonlemttoVi«,,« rqoafautin«. Iijs...... rin.rim. Fish I'm a... no rt" » ». ills., t.rilrrtil lo Vn>>. Air tt Sydney. NS, i3th inst barque Hualco, llsn'en. f> rtöston, o^xi any: (ehrt*hyhick. Mauhesv«. I,»rd .. (antedar Barque Mautn, Lane: Imm Boston, ikl llth. i«n Palermo. ArraiStJohn NH. lith instant, (hip James Whit* Price Philadelphia: lath, brig Alobigan. SntalKry, \y rt>. 18th tchi ttueen. E>draige, Alesandria Cid 14 a. (ehi Flora, tV'neaton, Bang, r; iTtn. bnr tleien Anna. Hui'h-.. NFork. JM H )T8 AND SHOES. BOOTS AND fslUiL^. fOUXTRY MEUCHA NTS and cthets are invit-d ui eal ' and examine our stutK of iba above articles, in part ai folios, \ i: Men's 'i hick Uoot». Mens Kin Rrogant, Bor*' <:o d.1 Men's Calf Brogans, Roys'Calfand Kin do, I >u ilo >o*e«l tirogint, Vnutbs'dn DO Ut h p do do »ena Calfand dodo Boys'arid Youths' do Do tine do stitch do Iht _ <io peeged do Together with a great variety nl Women's nr.a Children' wear, lower than ever tor Cash or City Arreptancea, by lb, ,. iv ... i"r x»n. GALli <c < (>. i£i rearLst tuS3 lineotl" 1* S Hotel Building*, bile Boll's House. s.V o I'llt. l*Atilts..lilacs v.h House Shnet,jnst i( I eeisetl umi for snie cbeti. n 4*. inJn SMITH ü HAK'l Sil(»It.\ E. 17u Ful-,,r.-ti. DRGOKLYN lawn's ANH Slt'iES..-The (uirscn!<n D are now supplying themselves werk |,-i«t> tor Customei loots ami Sho-rs Gentlemen and Limes ein liave Lastt auuk nt ii em b) leaving U>e siui>c ot Uierr feet. »t Uie Bi.»jlilyi ...iu l.lnr..'r":n:e. l?o Ki;:-.'--..»trret. _ u7i _SMITH «r II MtTyiH'HVF. BRCX IKLVN Bin ITS AND rsin IKS..Tlvs subscriber are now »tipelymr rhein«r!ve» »:tr- l.-i»t« lor ustna . H....I, and Shoes. Gentlemen an-! Untre« enn Iji--- ondeto ri: r;iem bs laavuuc the «Im;* of their feet, »tila in-.lilj n L.'ic Island Store, lTn Fulton «tre^i jyä_SMITH & HAKTSHIIRNE. L API KS' GAITERS..Ladies' Gaiters of van, at Ci-i2a»ilesrruirioii.tram8s.to28«. And «t prueaiss t: »es! hl...mi oualitv r^-unl It. any n.n.le in llroailssay. jftl SMITH s. HAK SIM inM.. 170 Fnhonrt. fV ECONOMY AND FASHHsN..Tbetubsci erl Sa p dueed hat superior Iniltattoo .A!..>e»kiu ll^'o Ijr bo g5& riant to the eSlreme low pre* .e S'l Ilie above are an ehtgani t're»s Hat. tod will compare ad ranureoosll Mritb hat- -.i d at il 50 anJ S.t. Also, co tan.:;; nanutactunng Fur and Sjlk of Uie best cualer. latest vn\ em., nntl at the lowest i.rirrs. N. B Country dealerssnppliad by tlie case at iuw, it no' ¦uer, than any otnet house .n the e :> J. \V. hlLLLOGG. 133 Canal «treet. aiilS'm* e..user ol Thompson «ireet. I ÄIUES ami FEMALES BEWARE^F COMMÖA Li PREPARED CHALK.Il injures >..«- skin and leaves ..¦ ..... -a::.... a e tana but ti.e art .-'e ciileo 'he Span.. Uiy White givestba ss n n livingtnowi pasnclearBad dee, otiajure. sold, pnee 35 cents ¦ b>.\. .: 323 Broadway ai* ¦C iraathani -vetr^ or I3f Fulton tt- Bro .k!j d. Tutec..-e .>: . a.-e counterte.t. _Ku) i.n.rasn: ir._1.12 In. l ilt V. iiki DOCUMEMS. Tbe folio win: is a list of the Whig Document! tow for sale at the ''rih'.nr- Office, ' inters iron 'lay Clubs, W r-i- CornntittaeS, Kookseil.-rs, .Mei liar.--1 aud indhidcals, a.v;>rrtpR.niei! by the cas1 .rr promptly Mtr-ud^d to, «.nd rhe Documents &hi| n?d to any port ot tue United states. L\RGENT*S LIFE OF CLAY.The raCsst tad most complete Btotraphy ol Mr. Clay ever wnttea. Price US csnt» or uer 1ÜC... SS is .IFS AM» SPEECHES Ol HENRY CLAY. Svois. x.ih Enaiatriegi ; N.cnc" St ¦£>: by the Quantities... |. rHE CLAY TRIBUNE, a Weekly Newsparer. For rem» -Mfe Ploapaetns in s~or;ier column. rUS.AMERICAN LABORER. Halt bound. I S 'SOTEl HON AND FREE TRADE. A Tract or H. Iiweie>. fer 1'jU foiMe». 15- PRE TARIFF AS IT is. By H Gfeiey. Per 1.« ... 1 5 .EFCH Ji'P.N M. 100copies 1 _ '. ii!'. - INGS.Clai and r -~. ..c-luj-e-ij.en a.nun- hat collecooa ot m.., luucoi'iei. 1 5 [.Hs I'ARtFt Ui ESI IN :.\ .t.KMA.W.perlOO 1" tOMMERClA INTEROH RSEOFTHEI mted STAI LS AN 11 GREAT BRITAIN.per IPC coptei 1 ETI r.i S Ol CASStCS M. CLA f.6et il«' copies 1 V .HE w Hit: AU'.: \>\C-pai:EDcnpssa.: rut TEST. B, Jcnin*. per iju Co, .1 > HECCRRENCY. Ju. do . I i HE T RIFF o... - d,,. ....11... 1 \ IKK OF HENRY CL \ " do. . ..15 -.iI.lTIC'L ABl'UTlo.Vco" ia. .. . p lEMOt RACV dc. .. do, .s .ah it? \ndi apitaL de,«« .;; ; HE PUBUC LAN lea. oo. - c., . 15 .lATION OF 1'F.XAs. " -to. .. 9| 'AR1FF TRIUMPHANT; - do. 101 BT«»- (>aien m j»t V n.lii-essed t.t GR F.F. LEV 4r. McELRATH. Tntiuoa ttuudiog*. Nae.Yort »«..! .:o W.i.f» 25 do.I.i'-V 1 "j Kentucky tit. lol -5 do.biy-2' r>>u iio.ilO'nil'j 5) in. ilAA) do .If!',' JO do..h'ni- Strw III S;,l rjonds.-J) do.(lti*;.; 3' .1. 1.10 Bonds .«20 44 25 eo. 75thi Mtsclsanies Bk ....irc^i 50 do.a?J63 5- t*.k of Coin, full.: S . 50 do.f-0 '3 ¦m Vick.'.u-s. wi 25 . tj ,]. . 7 t'ti Lone loans.Sr'S rsi r'r.rrr,0's- Tru-t. ..l60 4a 150 Co.«M 83*, Ins Co.... « .'-I do.Un «4-4 & t'Ln-j.n Co.r33 «%| Tri do.bW ?4 Ml .27 50 do.s6u -3l.s 47 Frie R.U 'C-0 d.t. 8;!4 rOaonincton.44 jaw do. b30-4 5'J ou.söO 44 sVJ du. 8&f* SECOND BOARD. M.bsRrs.'l nr.Tuet 51KI 5" .as Nor &. Wnr-«3 <n\ _REAL ESTATE. FOB SJLLE. BLC*0*tlSBPR7 ft R -. Ü~ß-Tbe residence of th- |-!e >i*. l.-.CWs>.-t ».-.--.... 'Af«. MariT-1 ''.-.....« tr-c mmtsim >6 acre*. aNjd » o"»"»r »«t«. w. <vj b.nd: ti---.iI u rood, and «cl atJapfed to'aefjtJ«» «l b tt. renn or em.-« bcii:: pnnr::.a;if t-.c* 'and and hg-t. mea-dow. !r j.Mf« opoo the ."-.!«. MMitirmgd »..'n:aT ..' the town oflla> vied* Grace, ami span the DiesepcaSe Pay shade tr er .-» !. r;, s-.' -,.-r-:-.:"_ ion-.- .'..'-.; n a Wi-KerlyäNrectiu". T:,C'e ?r'n' ;s':;-:.i''l »iW. irboeeMre an tibejArÄ Th»poerroodtoBnftimore and tfce F"*.:'".:--'. - i:-. t more Ranr-ad paa» thnm.-h toe traeU. rjit-ii;,: rp» ;-.rv: r.evT er';-!'1*. n»inf t»n boora r de f-nm xlallancr?. f.icr h.itn trvm Philadelphia by one or iwo rraim daily. auWtng facility oftravel a*.-i icc-:--. tu ibe ktt. «t :h:»e cii-es. T:.e rn::-e vn""n vrrt <f «'..> railnvid. «w up- -e r. n ->: commanc.T.r and besot nil view of tbreetc* «-'C ^s^-«4 t «¦Itiiepare. tiftric rfu'Otwnajir'i nt« CMacwfta "".y.rr.u to*r.. Tbebo<»eisol .uiVie'-V'iani t tea-ant conajudiofl ..! brisk. 5? ftet front. «* fee öe»p. bout on a itone bsseraei r. CO' tro"'-s "ii'cri.n. «erraut«' r.^m«. p-.n ry. larder, and rcl- h* !ia privat« «taireaae :o j'* tan<,! *he boo.: in» parinr ha» a hall 10 leetby 45. a fitine par'nr. d'nm« ard draw- bis « rn. er.-h abottl ü by 21 lief; » lad-eV «t-.*.> n-m i !iy Ii. »an common ou» c .--:-; eeitn VS leet .> m .. aV mantel in each rixm and in töe chan 'nerv there »r» «;x b*d- .<M»ru» <>n he chamber rt ¦<.'. ei:d a larje hall «~.tß 13 feetctii- J ine« Tlie atiic» sre will tiaral-ed ..'h»f« h well if tn» Sre>t «rate» nt irir ioor. an exte« r atra elesant cir.:: ::, tw > peach urrli.-.r:«. and an menard ..t fvo m üiree hiindrea younc beanns aupie trees. There w a »t»ne «rjible arra enrr *z* heurf. a frame barn, a :.r>rk over. ^-r'» boose, m'h foot rr«im« and ptasa; .s;ute. '<->l »ud ce In.-j«». Th » olece ha.» i9J rc:c-~ aUached. am: 51l* c-:«.- m .e"djni>d adjoinm; . (la ti:.-> ..;>"» !.. ih« r~*r i < th« tVm !. nre, upon «h'rh ts--re " .j. nH ouare-.. barn,»tab'e.and ratr<«?»....*». io n n o e. etc..I.t.1 ncr»» r.trnrhed arc 6! r.prr« in !.>." hi i'rnm 1" to Iii aerei adjoimi c !!>e to vn. The 'bore in eve'y wny v»»l! eaatnrated lor a i-.«hery. ind would b-j v.;r> valuable for that purp>~<r. One-third of the pure are money will be rejoiinr! fn cajji; th« re>;aiie m one or two years, with '.-;r?-c;*. from iiie day ol «ale. »ecured bv hoed win n<.. t..'*a iecuritv. Referefico may he madejo pl!.n» and delcriprinoJ <r. the handanfD; l.-..-,o«.:n;e. on the premi^»: Miller et C>e>re». 116 Cm: ,-l it.% V: Pi >U' Ewioe, Alexandna. IK* r to the on- denHcned won will Mil üie wrmleor paru tntort yurchajcr.«, until tu« ant ol "inter next; Hy onl-r ul :n» <">r>'-an«' 1'ourr. J iHS B. PRICE. Tni'tee. au*! ?t Itavv*_ l»arlin;t..B. Ilarfo d County, .Aiari'an.!. Ft ft SALE.A creni bn-cinn n olf-'H to |tr-.:»cno. or mh er-, etutr.m'tctl with the IHiatnen. in the ialeof the «tncl and »ix-«'.« ofthe Ilm« SI -- So. £i at cor. <d Moti.. Kor tunr,»r ii:irir--'a:\ t.i RUßT. H. SHAäNOiV, \t!i.r-*r i: Laar, 2W Va'-m >t aul tt L.VV iTAH». B U A i K .. Kh.IK«MINES*. AM' CiVALUABLE rKACTt FLAXOr' R SALE,rrins ia 'ranee t Mun'y, n the Ramcpa Kinr. :i5 miles tror.i the ( itj ofNew York, tre \ew Vor« and i'.r,' uailroad.l tranceTurn rdke. andRarnar>oISirer paamne .-early through the centre ot .he tract. The ¦.»ater-power ;. eapabai ofdnvme Uaehisetr to ..i.i" any extent, :.i:n-re .«¦. «rrar boily waten » it.i -eve ra! Ihlh. There are atH.u' II ,(««> acrc^ of land, heavily Um rirred with k-.iM.I r>f '£> u> 40years' cm-aih. There ar? the »xten.ive iron mines ol fi.-t quality, and limestone poaaeumy ex HI Hi '¦:.-:;;. !'.:n : land areiud m-ik» excei'ent tarrr.«.. Thc'i nrrriii I.akr. two mUes lone and one mile «-«ie. beam nee i'i.rt of 'P': 'ra-"t. the -ce-fry ,.t which ..-; eautiful. The ;ila.-e u rem i'ksDly berU^hy. It;«known as Auxusta triict. und ia three rsriles above Pien<«'« Works. Access can be hid to a >n three of lour hoars from the ci'y ol Vew "fork bj the New V-irsan-.' Erst Railroad. i>tm fivem <ia hour- by in? way ol tlackenssck und .!.. »e Tnrnpike. or ..r jy the way ol Nysck or Havsrstxaw en '.He Budsoa liner Inijuire at So. tl Chatiiam .'_ i. i' slrr.* PAPER MILL TO LET. with two Enrinea and a bun «nee ol water, lilmtte within i4 h.i'p< ofthiscity, _, Enquire of GAÜAT k. UERRK K-OX, aal_I if soii'b-.treet. »_1 COTTON PACTUKY roR ÖALB..l*nai AaU. Ixnd Factory, ntaaied in the town of eharon, t'or.n _.near Hrtxhcock'a t.'omer. will be solo at a (mat Lar; en ii Tue property eonsisb ol a valuable water power, three if four acre* ol bed. one dwellms boose, cm! the Factory boildinc, m «'iirh are 18 loom«, wiui U>eneceaiaryprepam rjon. dressiert frames; tools, Ur ae. nearly new. and all in eomiile'e order f<- »mrtn.i: t.'l' The jiri'i^rty will lie >old en ¦ire or the mn-hin- ry aeoamtery, a* may out 'he ptirrhii»er. nt n!ii<-",l pncea mod no easj* farms. Penona wnhmit toeaan-tne the mamerty «rill r-!i ui" n V.r. Amariah Hitebeock, at Hitch Coca's l.'i; and f. r lerrm <¦'. te. «. r. ino'iue of .trSlrn« E' «fj hsJMUS'."' I MLf/rSIN NEVVA11K.Several Lot. in Newark. N\J. will teexebansed for dry couls. Address II A Ü. at lbi> olle e. ai;Jl Iw* FOK MALE OR LEASE.The COTTON MILI Ci.xl at Peterson, NewJcrsey; known as the 'Carroll '.' '»'"¦-« '¦!"»' ¦»' «ah the nmi-hiiierj. The lot of land 17' ;iy WO lest, i he boitalinx '? very >ui Itantialls both of -tone, with t ipk v»n' ?. four« hirh. and abont 'V '"et 'one and i"> te-i »nie. T^e band is well «:tu :ie.l, ami otherbnildmca may be advantaeeoualy ens-?cl up> n .!. The Mill is now opetation. and r.m bedebvered oa 10th Isnoary n*«r. whrn :. e r~en:««e »;. re«. Apply nt l'al»r»on to Thonm» Ko- c^rs. or hi Now.York to j' SQjJ _VV. F. «:AKY.!'J Pmc street, FOItriAi.E tilt LEAdK..Thuny-two Ia.u o- !n and loi«. e ru tiartrmu*-, N. J. buuiided by Jene*] atl'.'f^ rVvenue, ami Erie, Hanunua. and S«wto^treets.ab .. .ie m le from Jersey (ity F¦>. particulars, iiiquire nt t. Chathajn-atreet. je-i'';ni* MÄlMPROVi D FARM3 FOR8Al.E-Ona near Cold. <e^V »prinx. Lone Island, 19) seres. 4 miln from the Rml- in» ne ,t VVeateheatet Villace, IM n-rrs. 1 an-! J mi!e» from Raiie .ii'.; iroia thet ity. Will be ha iced futC '.r omperty. Apply to BiSSnt* C. IIOL'IUN, 56tiKamarich^treet, FOR SALE.A mmt valuable FARM, cmitainm: .r^sr.-Js'ab ot l;n'r.«. ,n «hole nt by d rnjiona, d'lichtf H> .L I UBtl don .New \i<:< .'¦ny, l!nd.ii N^'J., about thra mih . soo'h ot Jhc.-j- fit.. f'( qnality ofthe aoll esnnntbi .nrna««ed for product venea», be .;. in a h rh ':it«..i rnluva ti^n. Iltcpr luectwhieh ami cmiimatiding embracinsar e\tor>i,e mid luehly mlercstins rirw \t>the« it) and warl»ui ol r«ew York. Mr a»kiy . bland Stntan Sia.,.!. tl e i -. ami il Kiaoii Kivers, h'ishi v and li.wline. in the «ea an; can be enjoved to any cx tent. T ere are three paid Itwalhna.tfouaea, witii outltumej, on mid Farm, web fruit ofvnrioo« k'mb). 'lie Miuation ia peculiarly lavomble to health. a:.d t.'.. neighborhood evi r way re> iwciab eand aercexhle. Said Farm can be advanuigroa^ly divid'd into a numberol -i ui trv -eet. wrlh »'l,-c»int i*ountry ntirt h.-iib-ir prmpeeta ihotiaphic maps ol aaid property may be had of FRAN 'IS PKll t. -n at Ihr-, -er..;,.' Ii .i,r .\ ¦. S I'm- -Ina '. wrofT '«. WaKEMAN, K-i. at the American Institute who nreantnoriai d to five finthrr particulars, if 'eootrari. niul state the price, teiun i.c autkl StawSw ¦¦^.a FORf"*.LE.An Klemmt Country Re^alence. and ajajNT Kaon of raj acres ofexcelk -! Land, v..r .\ewbur::h ..i^in'r*' c Iii u-e l-ir-;.'. ronvrn ent and Mtontcil intheoui ikiru nfa grove ofold Ibrfsjttieea. The Lawn, «hieb com. ornes about .5 acre*, is weil fil'ed witn fruit ami ornamental ret-.adjisi i.'C the Lawn ami within a tew roils ofthe House ? " bona iftd I,».sc 18 nr lu acres, wh «c banlu are ornament- edby »ralka and la'L-e treea. fh* oulhuild'oxaare aliam 'larriace-Huoae, fee Honae. tte Inipiiriiof Vvmru fct.'n i-i sVmtb, Cray it iaieoll. ITCedar.or E L I'ancher. 'SS J"h. .tre»t._it'JI 2-.»» SÜÄ'i.NE t.l 'IIIF. Vu.-l VAI.CABI.n FARMS 1% \BsS l HF. STA ,ij"l CONNECTICCT. is now off..-., i.,c. b-' slc on rrrj mr Ijrr.r. It contains IS' aeiea u aii-n.'y nhivated land, on the piemiasi is a Inrne ,!»ei!inr louse in exci lient repair, toiether with all otbes rieeessary «ui 'luildinc«. It !*ei:.« .iiunted thil SmilesofNew Haven an- ID ol New A ork. the toeatioa avitl be found in be eiccedin.'b .eairnbic. Pmfttrthi r inlornwuca apply to Ui SSELL SMJ m, res and CooJtjeUer. lelQ tl :] Lii/erty-st. Y. PARTICULARS of the Kami in Huntington Tnwnship I I.I. 'dvenned some time «inceb« SV.ot J. T.Tapaeeet .an now be had at Ibeii olEi e, Tri South it. comer of Maidvi (vine. aiilri TO SJt: LET. AN EXTENSIVE WATER PRIVILEGE to lensr near New Haven, Cl iura ierm nfynars hnring _fine larce bwldina r manulacturine purposes ol uij ?itul, with oul-buttdinea am: d»vel!ine-bouaeaaitached. The inn now ci-nlnina a complete wot ol uiier Marl inery, viz r'oundraier anil dryer, ö larce nre»^», a engine,. Ate. whicl an be bought on the moat teatonsbis terras, out are to be re uo»ed if im nrivieee remetl for Otherpurpoaea. The Km » about I'.* tiet the »treiun never huliiiz. u Tich lor a mil .anit rei-'er^ n e,jual if not rooeriof to any ia the State. Item -r naviita'eil from the Sound to within a jh.,rt distance ol thi lam. For intormation apply to ELI WHITNEY. .New Haven, JnneS. Imi. jeJT 3ta» TuThecStf MSTORE Tt LET -Store No. 10 Cedar »t. will let. I'oissmion 1st ol Septen.ber next. Inquire of the nc. i_>>.'( irutri'i ii..A a.-_cie oltlus raJuaMe F*n: i ret.i ..'i .'..'...:. f..d.Noirihe Jerttp MauUnoei States /.'.'aed Xvi Mottrial. F rsahratSS t 'hamlierv.tree: Hrmrriiber the n1.:. ,b.*r, Si i. .nil en-.Irret, bclweeu the Kai! and Palmn'i. and near the !'<. l-t lirice. POI DRETTE ma* e apphed to Corn, and mostotbe i-rop« iireswd a Ith the h *. witn r.-".u,y m caul elf- ct at tin nr»i. ar. l :,-en at tlie«« '.i.»--ii.j, a.« ii apniied at plantms- m-.l when used al !he boeter*, it »»¦!! nuttut th-cr-.p a weel or ten daya e...-lier t!ian an.- other manure in or!u.rya--c When applssd at planU'mt. the m..Terence .n maturing will roR two waaslci over onUnaiy manure. '.!.:e rarmer. Ia«t year used Umbarreb on f«land :Uua year ne ha» hodove .liu-ty barrel*. The :..-:;. :e pretitre.! by L' e \ iw- Yor.K Com jany. in the I.' ty. has h'rn a ad will j.':^ ne lound raj er ur «ny other i-reieiieii in trie eirini.'y. It is SO as a matter n Boupte, ai they c...iei: il.e marerral in Tufa ar»i CatUe, whiu- j'Airy cobeci it in Bt ats. into «Inch thrown the matenai tana and *a:»r. a.» taken fron the -.:r.-.« c: n g;it, when no iii> -nnnnatMi i-Hii be l-e,..htrt not m. with tilt Com. any, wka have day ligh! tose'ecrrhe rood and discard the worui'ev a< they <lon« more r.-an 100 l..s.d; thi« -er^on. Be careful taen, to ea!! at 'he rzl:' nlace, 'Si l.'hamla-r« «treer, »vne»e! .an he n id tanawJis .'; urets Sx 85. nr 10 lurrris lor f is -or at the Manufactory, t corner"!' Avenu- B, bi ¦JuUnd -it s'e.-nt« a biohel. fmgtri |) K. MINOR T'HE II' iWAr.H INSURANCE COMPANY make :n I si;»cnc«-» ngvm>t loa» "r dain.ige by rise and inland navi cati-ir-. on term* laaorsble a, any other nm.lar imtnutioa in .fie euy. CamtaL ja<j.rA..¦ rffiee. No. bi Wail »treet. DRKCTOas R. Haven*. Cale.. 11. Hs.l.iev!. John Ranlin. KajahTaylor. W'ni.lV.T-ji, Meies 0. Btstjaroia. J. I1i:lbi~ l'frrnix, Wm Couch Nktllaniel Weed, -'anninc l'.'1 ucker. B L Wotdley. FerCtnand riunsam David L^e. J.B.Varnum. HenrjO.' h..uiy»t,n' John I). VWle. Michael Kaidwm. Peter L. Neatus. !.jAiiUi ny. iL HÄVENS. PrasidenL Lxwts i tttiLrys. Secre'iry. ul1 tf WHIG lüWEMiO.VS ! . I r*ti'M»:iTi EES raakme aoanaemi pa gr.. ile ,"e.;^v>iei !.. r«-!l are', ir. BANNERS, TRANSPARENCIES, tc. DESIGN! |i AND EXECU1 KU BY ACKERM »..N «c »111J.KK. A fc M. havmg rernrned I their >«d ?>and, which baa beer i'lfd u.i e.»i..e- y fur ORNAMENTAL PADJTING. an a..» preprirei t.> execute their work nt the.hone»t no-ice an-* .n reasonable term.. CL »Y CLUBS m nil pa-u nl the limoi an rnranhed w.-h a in:» rlanaet lot 10, lä, i', ij. 30, 3s. 4), 0. St, T5. or Kaj «.:'»*., Ly -O.o g At RERM \N & MILLER, aull tS-T 1* No. 101 NasmtMmet, New-York. CHEAP S«'AP 'V- .KK.*-T^"i7rrcrr»TV-iir!..».» a.iu -s'ore Seepew are «applied cheaper than can .>- i.tul t-Uewnere -xauune trie 4-.,rf-k irf JOIiN*riO.\ & VKOOM, and compars «>irh aiy iher. if > on »»:-r. «u. h amcJes m (bey «upylv. .'S Tr_c.:y .-ice. :ate l.Lao<r >.'.«.., _aS In.* ri CLEAN t;!iL-\.--K SP« iTSFRt M L'J 01 HESAN] »«.ii .- EN«*..*i b*)Mae*tc Erasive**oap aim >>'in* ant.i smovea xiease »taias ftom Lioibca of erery kind wrtnuot m- iry. learin« xr» palt« c ear. ttlntBt and new. S It! at Ir i »as and821 ir::ham. Tnee 15 rent*. al2 Im PiiK BEST SOAP IN THE WORLD.-Robecs' In, X oroared Br-iwi Sitiu r-i-. «vdi e *n«il U e re, ' of be- t.« the tanx atticar t: opt 1 r durst tf >n. etM n y. a* it«oe> imrn tnrif-' a:.u it -->*« -j,.-.l-Ti.s tl a: :.o oire- doe-. *urh v- no tij'.liif cone. ;*i.-ii.k ¦:t :!i:.nel-, ai 4 fottakaaxitiea^oal if Carp»'.»».*r:..^t it.jif-i » lÄec or. to- -a> it moat ot the (¦rincii>aUir"->r» in thi«I ny and KmoUtrs. I ear in nniiä n . a K-..WI! und n- t a Pale Soap. ^I«nufarory .40 Che.-rr-*:. aul"_t. ROBEKTa. i DELICIOU-- SOAP '. . 1Ü- '"' KT.THE CO- .X. U a. L .. i.iP.-.i n;-s. a «o leir is. !-thtr. impar. 'f w >: da .ir-;.u« fii ue- t '.>: ¦ cr>*' "> Ul" I' .«. and i~-r ectytrF-oaparent. coda: ^ Broadway ai-d Tl Chatham- -iree'. Price *jj cer.t«_tali Im » REALLY GoCiD SH (.VING 9 iaF at l.AST.-Tb« ."V o d ayle» ri.».n n a.*« uao a erfjaxd fn^lt ard to d ai *£J Ibcadwayan S hath im »tr et. I' r -any makeaafin« tioc». nrn b~in« laiiar. aoiicicr to'bi- xkj- uau beard that vill net dry o.. ihe lerc like mo.: .-ha. nx Soap. Genia irj rJiza once only. _ el3 In TMPORTAVi""^ jiANTFACj i rt^ru.-.-ruiler'i Soap 1 ol a luperor duality A -o Lar i UU tn.taoit lor mnnnlac- *5T Hr^ei:^Oe::-^fRL-M.^K0BEirre. MEDICINES. DS. DIOSST, OCULIST AND OPHTHALMIC SURGEON, So. 59« '.-t ber*-si r <<i,cr» i\ of Broad v.->, .\r»>\i.ri'. g^'OXFXVES .>¦. mat ce ... DISEASES I. El E, ^ s'.,.j..>r»T,ti"-r cjrret rJrni Urge.;, nd its appendages. .: OSemi E*s- terrtsd. It I». nas tor the is? eight v«tr« .re- v.-r-v InsaaeolM n aimort eaJusivelj- ro tin* tottJortAW brail n or the pr tetsiua havinc been a rrupu "''Vs. eluott.tutje ,-K-r. ,. : ¦: vr : .irsg arl'h-- -r. -. . Foat rattiTtons [trfrabamus, «rar».-. *r land traatrnent. ct'ur.-rs tn. derate. Otise fcuur- Ifwi'i f A. .1- .>!. .-.urll Im _ _ iatFOSTAXT ::y RtcJlnrti. i vi).-' Celebrated .v rtERlCAN P \N ICE \. nrtjns 51ali.:irr. tompousded -. lei;-r-o.-n vei-«t«b!e matter, i t,». r-i: .. -iZ-.i .rr-:.*ftJt.-re:r m r.r.y insre .;>ct.- j.'t.-.nier.t»l to wr*. Jr»c,tor-.' :-'..'.T; J'fA? nnee, by tin individual sorely aifieieti with I LCERAlfclJ SCEuFULA. and who hat been under the treatment &. r-r emrnoot pbyi aas n the I a ted Slate* fix eight year., a^jctUte leaatapparent hope of restoration to Mart-., nnu wrr* by'hem prunoonc».! ir.<-urab?tr. bet echo. nUer tafcinrin* eaove named rsedicäe for rive week., was restored t., pertect s-tu*:.. I".-.-.: :. -e he- tteen ..>..: wits unprecedented r-tic- eeaa. owl hit never fiiileslin any insutncet when taten - accords dance w ith directions) to edict s perfect cure .if th* totlowina wit .SALT RHEUM SI ROFULA ujer- yted SCROFI i.V PSUSCrirnS, FEVER SORE*. KIXCS EVTL TltfSTELO LNFLAMJLATORY. ANI chronic rheumatism, piles, erysipelas HI K> sCTRt '. .CHKI INICSI IRE EYES. BL< rTClD> P MPLESON ill-: FAI E. SCALD HEAD AM' W.I CLTANEOLS DISEASES "it PAINS" «R I'LrEte iVRISLNi.FROM IN INJUDICIOUS CSE OlrMKKC1 t: t OR AN IMPURE STATE OF THE BLCi ID. Tneetbee- ei ¦.: that rnedietne Itaa treen tetted in ail tbe luseese-nbn«t enum-ran«,:. sn-t :r-. nice:.- ate truly nsroi; Jsin<. 'niy one tn ¦ I etaken by an adult each rooming before eal truf, which usually produces a tone ehVt, while tn moat rnx» . usoacttaaa ire':!1* cathartic, inrren,on« the appetite sue r-: neiiltii of'he paOent, CattsilK ail ulcernre«! *ore^ r.i iir> c airce more pn.f-isely. nn.i pri»Iu--ins .tn erfo.-ruai sir-."-iri»« nfthe whole«y>-em. punfyme and products* a partactactine rjriheblond. Perwios. while taking ;t. ihonld retrain Botn ffca ose ol ah ft-muiatinc drinks or bifhlf teasoiv-i lo> -i. r'orjeile by Obtained tl »HWeSaJe ..i l'H< >S. t;. I AIMLAGE. General agent, 99 Pin« itrcet. opposite the C worn House. Nett York : and n: 10 Aster Uousa : 110. 6M3 and 771 Breadway ; comer Broadway and Chambent-4reel No. » Front-.r-eet; No. Hi '.Ve t-tr-'t: No*.63and 830 Bowery No. 30 l-!;.:..ii rfreet; No. ÖS nn.i iiti Mudm n. and 96 HammoodJtrest, mr. Hu -or: : No 3Ct>Grand-street; N... 167 and 1> Greenwtcb- ttreei Ifa U3and SCherry-street: No, !>' IVaJkerstieet: So. re Catharine-street: BS>l niil til Pearl-stntc:; No. 114 t.'ar..-.! street. , ., .... Brni , yn, .1. VV. Sm.m. cornsr ol Fulton und I ranfcerry- areet«: ami Wis. Blagrote. r>|mre'» Buildiitp. corner U:l- .<.«. and AtlaaUCHts., end by nil the pri:ic:p:;i i:nr*g:st.< in United States. Dr. V. B. Iiocktow, No. at Baa*er-sr. Clinton Buunings. General Wholesale nml lleta.l Asen; li.r Albany. T. W. Drottet Son. No. 1»? Secood-st., Genera., IVholasnla Agent fist Philadelphia. lonructtooi lor r:iL, as tl.e ,r:n-ie. ami a *reat r.umtier ol cer tiiieate«nnJ trsumonhu* may be wen and obtained at any oi the above nutces. atMeodlre ly i I What would h be in imparrson with a 3iU«UUl/. healthy state, free I'romC aehs. Colds, spit. lingoi ii ..Consumptian, l'.r nerut ». Whooping Cough, A-thmn. Dirneul* t!re..t.'un;, TirSbne or Ri-mc in the Thront. cer Con .. ac lit SWAYNE*S COMFX'UNII SYRUP '.' Wil.l» CHERRY mi. benid to far -\rel all thermei einen Only prepared by DR. S'.VAYNE. N. W. corner of EIGHTH and RACE streets, PHLADELPHIA. \. :.. . '.'.mi Milnor. M. II. eomerol Broadway and .l"hn .rrtet: E B. VVarner. Stti Itl-wker. corner of Minetta ttreet, and K. A. Sands. Church Hio.en'iry I** Bowery, corner of rtpt rig rtreet, New York; W. G Wood. U. D. H-irlem; Ptorrefc Harrison, J70 Bread ttreet. Newark, ^. J.: Jooatban r Hall, No I Union tl eel, Brewer: Steven* & l.-u«hing, sä» Wa>liiiiL'ton «rreet. and Ransom & Staren, No, 325 Washing¬ ton «rn-er. Boston : W. II. Petrce. Albany, N. Y. nn.l Backus <; l!i:'l. X.i. SA Riv-r -irco', Tmy, X. V. n'4 3m* :\ \ .vr;.- i MtMINA riVE B.\LSA"M-T^Tn certain, -nfr and effectual retnedy lot Dysentery. Dtarrhota, or Loose. ?*«. i'hi.iera Morbus, Mimiuer Complaint. Colic, siru»;¦¦ Pain*. Sot r Plomach, S.cs and Nervous Headache, Heart. burn, Waterbrath, pain or »ickue** ofthe Stomach, (omitina, ¦tpituncno of Food aftoi Eating, and also where it im*««-» thnritrs toe body nnehnnged. VVani of \ppetite, Be*tlas*ne»s tml Inabihty to Sieep. «viml m the and Bowest, Hysteric*, i ramp, errout Tremors and 1'witching*. Sen -',. Faintinn, Melancholy nml l^iwneai of Spirits, Fret ting and Crying ol Infanrs, nmi lor all Bowel ArTectioo* and "' irvotu Dssen e* Hints one of the rnort'lneient. parasani and sate eompnai. tiome^reroilereu to the public w the cure of. ibe.ranous de. rbe Stomach and Bowels, mi'1 tr»e »nlu urticle irorthy nttl leasl confidence fot curing . 'holern Infantum ..< ...imtiier i tumplaint: und in nil the above disrascs it really uct» ike a charin. A t>er« .i-.nre reu:io-re:! to try :t. (or without eti-enti. n it thamotl valuable lamily medleine.ereryet ditenvered. Hun had*, nay, rjtonsards ol catuneates have been rscetved from Pltysietan*. I .^rc men. and families ol rherti«' resr^ectabtliry, searing Use strongest tettimooyui its favor, too numeroui to uublisb. ,s..i rit who'.^-ile*"'! r-tri hy A. It. ,"c I). Sin I.. DrttCgist*. Vo. 7f Fulton-st.: ri!3 Broadway; 77 t«i,r Broadway Pries iOcents. _ _au 14 tin ria?OlTr\N'.-R KIOLAHDcOX Cn.'-' re"elin.tMl I AM Eh li IAN PANaCEA. is adtertswd on tlte ttuiet .. re t this paper, is crTecting the mos a*u>ni*htng cures re i in hstort .' tesof sxrofubt, existing from infancy ml her*dit-i huv» i»en emir^ y cured, and no re urn.. .h- mo»i aggm*»i*d cbaioeler.w ich have de ed .h litest med c.l «iil ant rbe paUeuta given up with the ex. ..ei-inii n that Ütey count live only a la^ 'layt lime l-e n le- .toredtoperiec health, and are nowtheli mc wui.e.< iof Jiemvagej the disease had made on tnejrperS'-nt, These .; b.en er| e'.d SO C V bv it, Il>.», e. the pettent* vt e e .-.' ...e.! to ink" any o ner kind ol medicine. We hate - ony of in. my four first physicians »in, have ««ed iheir pmctiee tnat itt« the lies] anti loe.xnpal medicine .vr duvmn n .!. and ''la it no riva' in tbe pur ricfion r.r.l . per and ettuar cnxulation of the blood. Let those afflict. -«i with r.!.» of tfca tit eases euümerateu in the ei-t rake a thorop h !.;.:! of it. !t« tar'-r. .< mnntfe:t it' t- being HiteatteoU raol thewhole system wittoi:.'tiie doirnie^Ltl con «qiiencet ol drug slierauxe*. v. tn Asrenae* X .. - ie rtrest Nesw-Yntk. \ >. '4! Vorth See,*!d-stret .. t hi adelnhia, unit No. ^4 r'.-i.-r.-fs-. t. .'it ton Builrlinn. A Iwny : and at reiail at ah tbe p-ir.cip»l D'uggitts in rite Cni'ed rMates, suJ J.i eo.i ^t Utt*A'a ACOUSTIC OIL.Hera is something worth eadingto, cnmio*a*itu>a*s from n man *o extensively known asm M r I ImefT, both in the en> and c-uutrj " I ce'eby certify that! from the effects.'. a seveto ' last rinter. I taken.utiafly .'ear attended with rar» dasutnrea ¦tat noises bite ringina of bell*,«tc', which gradually mere e oitil I r.ini|.'e*elv '.t-t the henrittg of oneear. when I wait in '.i .».! r.i t-r Scatpa** Acoustic * hi, nmt mn no** happj lo say bat;.with the usn ofone botlle o| the above med-cine, can ie r as well as aver, and all disagreeable noise* n.-veen'irely i!sn;.D.^»red. Any further information re«ise. t"'c mj case vvii at lly given by eaJling on me at No. 4 L, North t>i"i«i.. .r Ri re, DANIEL GRAEFF. Philadelnhia. Nov. 11. Sj43." Prei iied !ly B BELL, and sold wholesale and iet»i! by A. B.&D.SAi\D-<. Drusgists No » Fulton-street, 273 Broad- .ay, ami 77 Ltia'. BrnaSuay. Price S3. ni l Im J A'X F.'S HAIR TONIC.After irivinrih,'« article a fait ¦J rr nl we unbetitatrngly pronounce it tube >. hat u professes he bes) article, without not exception;in use, for iberestora- nn an ' preseuaiionol the human hair. We know ul numer. him instances where linir ha- been restored to beads which have .-ii b»; a d we think we cannot do a better fkvoi nan in recommend to a:! our render* who :ir» sttng iheir inor. .i inniic a rcai oftbl*Tonic immediately..//os< m -Wait .Vji I, 1841. Prepared onlybrDr D.JAYNE. No. SO South THIRD -t.-eet. Philadelphia, vsbere nil bu oÜM r valuable preparatiunt nny !«¦ nbtaineu. Sold in New York hy A. it. & D. SANDS. Druggist*. No Fulton «treer. jT3 Broadway, 77 East Broadway, nirenr« foi h-r i.ropr eior. _aul4 Im ^KBRING'S RISSTI »l< ATI VF. I 'i iRDIAL.¦.. m.t'y ee V. 3 brate.i t..r -i.;re ,.i DYsPEPitiA. NERVuCS At tCTIONtf. DEBIUTV. fee., as prepared and. whole tie and nrtail. by the proprtebir. at No 6Marray it. lima) -o Iwr ol.tiiiuei ..I tli- lol'iiwin* r.!..-tuI m |lrug*ivt* aid ( ii-ii». rig; J s. AsptnwaiL fit William si.; Rusliton ti To.. 110Broadway ami 10 \ttnt Himsa; IVus. Itur.--r. 5i ßouttland -t ; A. II. & I' Sand*.'? Fulton -t.: A. » Send* ... !o ÜTa Broatlwas David Sai U. t to,, 77 East Bmadwa*: srael Minor, 214 t'ult.-i. st.; J. Tartant, st, Greenwich »t.: U. kdby 351 Pearl il : J. L. Scheifelin. 114 Canal st J. U. s ,'t..n. 227 Hudson st.; E. Cbastaney, l&u Bowery: E. L. lottQ -*s5 lüeerii^r .treet. Arem in NxwvsRK, E. K. T. WiUians, 243 Broad .t. aul Im* V SPLENDID AND SCIENTIFIC ART ICLE Fl IR THE GROWTH AN REST IRATK »N. TO BEAUTIFY, DRESS. CLEAN AND SOFTEN THE HUMAN HAIR, And otherwise improve and render it a splendid ornament to both scio. fol Uie Low Price of Three Shillings« READER! we tell throe shilling bottles, that you mny know thts it nut uie ul the hair Eumbugs nfthe day ar 11 .Ve SXpect you t., buy it more ttuin once, ns we warrant it lo ,._,.«, tbe lollnwing qoali'ies: It . ill force ti e hair to crow .ii any part a hers Nature intended iiair to crow, stop it lulling .if. cur» Settl or Dandruff.and m.ike light, red or grey h ir rrowdaik. Fordressing the loir sort sod rilky, nothing ex- eeds this. It b iodeedihe most economical, yet.uperu.r. airi le m .de for rbe hair l: ¦ rhaaper Uaui thiUash ealledbaii ..I«. and il will »ee.i Uie hnir in order with one application wica at | us r.ny other nrt rlo maiie. Sold.prtceS, \ ... g .hdtmg* a tatitte.*t 'he »i*n of the \meri-'in Eagle. B3Chatham- treet, [Mew-York l.f Fulton .t-eer, Brooklyn : SState >:;...t, Bostel:; 3 Ledger Building*. Phliadelobia. auia lm* A ,M<)ST BLESSED, STRANGE, ASTOUNDING AND MIRACULOUS INVEN PION, TO CTRE CUTANEOUS ERUPTIONS AMI CLEAR DARK, SLN-i UKNT, YELleOW. UISCOlORED OR FRECKLED SKIN. MAN\ .ey. there n*» many who have been cheated w ith tra-b. and therefore thrik the power* "f Ihe genuine loneVi S>'ap areexacgerated: letmeli rive it afairtnaL Ii , indeed the mo t ilngnfairly wonderful curative pieparatioB ever made, in all ikm ditnatst In r*4drrm ur never oils ir. curing Prmpies. Blotches, Freckle*, Tan. Morplew. Pah Mieum. Seurvj. Erysipelas. Haruer's Itch. Bingworm.Old sores, m-ii Sore Heed,. But mind, tt is Jouess Soap has done, tin! st'l! etTecrt th.-*r ure*. Get it no where eate ia r.ii, e. r>.>.r you will be twin r ed wtin a counterfeit.out Kt lb* sign ofthe Arueriean tine *3Chaiham-srraet, and83 Bassdway.N. Y ; in Boston, a' Scsldii.c'.. * St .t» .trret ; Zi' li-r. 2 Ledger liu.ld.o*». Phi'u Wphat: and 12V Kultiin-srree», Bnoklyn. aul2 lm* I Sjiil \ r.Xt.1. At . .'S Van'.taer..ry ofl'itl 'md pta'i »I. G-Ass.,1 evetrdascriiitina: Solar, Lard and Caasobi e ljv1i.U-, warranted new i.atterrss .,) Ginadole*. fandeUbra*. irakeo. i.'rar.lei.ers from one to twelve bebt*. Hall Lamps u .1 ivinterns of ese.y poltern. Frencr. Cnira Lamnt aJt»r«.l. ei«t ie,: zvA rrti,;-::eU qu..l to new. We call Uie artennon nl .. untry tncrchanti and o ners u* cell and IISllllltias ia regont 'o j»Mce» and .jual ty i.r"art:c!ej. ConVanrly .oi nttiid a en nulete s^..^ment of al- tie above. Glas* oade aadcut tt> «.r.:er. Ail ar*» rti:- re1-«! t<, ever> .it era. Fact ry N*n.3Cold .*r«et. X. Y. Wholesale an-. Retail Srorc. No 3 John sr. near Bn iulwey. aul4 -m»_J. STUUVENELCO. COUTMUOÜ sV NEVERS, 341 BeoadwaT, MANCFAtm REES OF LAMPS. GIRANDOLES t ANDELABRAj Dealers ia HUUSE-FUK- VISH1NG Gt'DirS generally..htm; connected with un: he largest nusnutruaonc* in rue Cr.ired States, u.ey ire tui, i!*d to oder Lamps, L'sn'leiabrtu &c for Uhurcnta. Hail., Ho sis. Private r.:-. rtntmrrrarrf and Pankeu, on the w -aasonab'e tarms, and of a .jus .ry not to be surpassed in <r> _/ other country Especial aUsiction icv.ted to their Si^.- :nd sn.i, ljt~a\*. ;".r ecuoo»ny and .urht. »up«-»^ding ail other elnretne pub::c No less than ror/Z -.old and two at'.vi, -sDsLa nave, withia the Ins: se.en yeu.% been swarded t-. 'r» ttM urr.nrrs ttrJ ".; < : I :^» in eias* "t good. Tn aaiuiaspeetiairy itvi-e.: i.. e*.t ia! »irsa« -t txitat. tvea .1~ cirra! "*s:;?.s tu- -ii*-! a' Tnai.rr yrej*._ VOOD '.-''""".. vV'M. .VAt'ULNi..- 1?T^'£ '4 YE.S H> e* err:..- oethei with man] va.i ü able uapaieeawnrt and add uo* lo hu lärrnar touh ¦ \4(. eaaoh Jassubscribartoniri in.a£riiortrMjQe8,an* - Ml ittlien perfa ictaatrucl ..:.:: -ratsand w»r». »^.s -u. , >i .. estojitane wuodmalitu vanetww '- - - ;-..n:r..-r-r tur-ic.ceonly. orcurtiag rnocd' .-Vi»o. uiaeiog.voneueir.gana *rouvetA| i( ornl'bemng. and plamn* Clapp boards. jS^a ApeCeanoo may be made to uit tu »cnser at m _^ r j. estalilrshmert in Foxtwro'. i*ai hrsorl ce. corner o imhlSil .Coransercitl ar.d l/ientiw, Poston. where Ma 3 S.Tfs cisiaes may Ik ^en, and toy lntormnton relatir. 'S ~ *5 . rhe vin.e. m-.y cbtarned. tn »ei' as nf 0. Rtekweil te Co. New-York, or J. W. Schenci fl AJttr.y. LeUen of mere mQuiry mu»t be psat-paid. . SAMUEL B. SCHENCK.'. idast. Ai<U 1. 12>W. jja im'taf FOR THE NORTH. .. L~\«--rV.v«.aK «LBANV Aril) T'tVV! " K ¦. f ... -Vi 1 -;->v «s5-.*.»¦«.-.. v.*.'.- : si ¦-1 fTi - . .'"tt*..i dial cm:.»-!*/». ., irnei CttSaS. Lisi S. K. Be* M tsaty ....n«. 1 Trirlav >L>rc Cy, »t J o'c.;>x«. _ ._ ra.-Y.i snt A; ...d'.-i*.!«rc»r Mrtir-c*. *.»" o'clock. ,. tine frvm tkejpoi o/CaurUaKtU tVOtn I StVAUJrt. Caps. A..Mcf*a « ¦. tar. Zi"--'i:".KS LINE STEAMBvATS rua L**Al B \ V"-!>aSi. «!-.-» . J" Tnn ush Datet. '' 7 u'doex I' M. From h(.v'w«^iKr .. !i inttLi '-"¦fCKEBJ"! CKXtt. > -" ...., and Friday twei Etas rufi.! '¦' aun .1 ^.'.>.r e."-.-p. tl 7. ..CTV- -1 ."'-...»- '.'- '';. ' r-l"... |'\ i...':!.( .CK-'.!:, i ..*.- ''¦ lotat Hom£y. Wetttestfeyetuj Friday fvrr...-c<. -.i: . ...t» vr;!> and reptrarttinl, are turmsaeo ^.fTJi. Ü eii.-.: Stale z&i Mr treav in«! ncour m~*r''*"»« are unrivaled on th* Hudson For wastage of fr-.ttht. irmly ..!. Uftrd. otto au!9 y C StTHULTZ. attJwOffleo oo at W ¦..ari . .... . . .-.\\;i i.\ FERMEIMATE fcs._<;..\\:'!.m:.-\.Ti.-. .v.,.n:.iM »VI4ST ^^iÄRtrlFT*-.»' 11 ESTEE. Cam VVm. H. MeUeo. artU eave the io»»t ol Cedai itreet, on Kiwlayi. Wednesday* and Fridays a'S P, >! connecting at tludaun r.-.'h the [iitdsoa and Betksn re Railrnad [the ran ofwhich leave on the arrivalol no boats, sad teas r>« Badsm nn SnndiTs. TuefHfi smJ Tour«:ays at P. llLoron s a:-:-.a ol.. t..n.t.--.-.;.i^aco way a' the irrtannedrrite btrndrtics. Pickets ihrourn to tTtts- field IS 40 and to Weal Stoekkridgsj $1 '!"~"'': ^!Ärs5 EPliENSON. E9 We,, .,. ti is ,.. h.a. .". >t!.-': v ..v-r.i 'Uled. and her n.-r,.oi rmdation mtmpruved .¦.>>.¦.. us to any boat on :hen»er, sn aihinional number ol ."late iox,nii a^vini or.:n a-iceil. 'Fix» b< at towi no ham"1.J2J£_ ^ fc B. CARPENTER k iT/S I .INF. FOB O.n EWBI rRGH.Land di at Uda* e ,. v\ »t nt, Coldsprine, CotnwaJL and Fishxiil :-:..-.t JAMES m IDISON. Cart. Charles Hal. ffffit, «nll aar« the Wanw-stieot [Im every Slooday at 3 ot 'ick '.' M ¦'' ' every Toesdaf an.t;.- at 4 o'eJoeR; p m Returoinx. will leave NeavberirA every r*oeaday njorn- iacat fe o'eloek. and easty Wednesday acd SanusayatS " C\ '! B-«Je, Paekac-» or Parrob. Itnnk r!:ll« or9peaäe, put or' hoard rhu bo t! w ithout beimtentered on Idle book ox rsawpt- eil for. mast be at the ritk ofthe uwmersüiervol._ifH tf - L. Va t PEEKSKILL AND NEVV.VuRK- L i<T..oehoi* at laul". Laraima. Vsaplanek;s ^'^CrsF~*£r>I*"'»'. «:-o-v I'-int. M.v.erarraw. S:,e.-.v!v er'.. >!t:- :1.t'< [-..::'!'".c. V- tl l'o-jtan . -i«-a. .Nyi-t. ..- utr 'an.! Ituylert Landint*. . nie iiteambnat ARR-'W, Capt. Smith, will leave Nevr- rk ".. ..: H" snson street, every mormni at s oclock, ter the above named landhurt. (Sundays excepted,) totjehiu at the (out ol Hnmmond -treat each way. Ketumins, will leave reeksk U at 1 o'clock, nn.i Nyack ai 3 ""cock. P. m. lom- ineirriuc Monday. July la. N. ITn's affords a ßne opportunity for plenmre p.irticaor military rmmpanies to take an excurum to Nyack. remain ther«, abottl live boors, ai;.l return to ihe cily between r> and a ^ All kimls of freight taken at low ratet. jyif Im* « r>eyr»' a- T. Pij well cv «S LINE POH P *jr\_l''Nr!rV\TlURCH.Landing at CaMwell i. V\ . <n»ftTrT^*-»^-Po'tt:-1 't-' a'id I 'iittiwa!:. IncStemnlKMlinOHL^NIIElt Capt r. Wanlrop. will 'eeve the pier fuoi of Warrvn öt. even Uoaday. V\ cdneatlay, Thnnilay sad raatiuday a* 4 o'clock. V. m. trains', will leave Newanraa "very Monoay and I burs. da >. ¦ -'-, A. and Tuesday sad Fri lay at j P. m. For lieijht or ,>c»vi<e. n^ii.y to the Captain oo i-'n~"i. F.a^- tngt and frcixht ofall detenpti ins, tmna litds or s(*bckput on Ih.ard nisi 1- at '.he rul: of owcor !. cr:o.'. '.¦n'.ni n bill ol ..a ding- or re^nti! be aiciC'! for the . ana. aS I6K.Si MMKH .¦IHH.i.yi'iEMK.VT-^FOB j MlDDLEl'OWN RuSUEN imi i»t»ksi">i- sTaplsgks -NSW iTORX A.Mi ERIE RAIL ^'g-STTlii >AL'.-The new are! i..!»! »ten n' eUkeRAV Capt A '"Sander II. Pbultx, leaves the of IhianeatrvOt. da.iy. iSi;:. !ar» excepted.)at7 o'clock A.BL, and . P P.. paa» n( the m at beanUful teenery ol tae llud-on river, »)P cnaamt where pa^e.i^cra laite tliecaimrrvodioua ear, .i th ¦>. ihroacn u:-j pietuivstqac valley of the aainapo, to !< Middlstowa, en-, t uminx re Miitdletowa at 8 A. m. and 4 P. m. j-Morning Line can tretna :; fi..,n three to fön: noiir» at Gothen and *aiddJtfown.aad rciunt in tli«- city at . o'cli It .^T" Famibeaanil Pleiunro Pur.;« find thiwhe moitde uhtfu: Excuriiem from the city. The cat ire unusually com- rnjcalioos and have apartments atmropriated expressly to huh**. For fur'ii.t j,.-:. -n' ira, ittouiraofÜN Captain mi hi nr.l. or ni'J, VAN RENSSBLAER, nsrent comer id Duans and NV-.-.r treets. ü. C SEyMOUR. Superintendent Paaaenxera lor Dwexu. Bimthamptnn, and all thejariaeipal olaees in the Sootbatri Counties ol t*s State ofNew rork nd N'nrthem Couutiei ol Pmnsylvwtia. asill find hrat mr.* ..;.<?. nil .'arwul driven to takf them from Mi Wetown cheaper ai .. ~, ed.-M,,,,, r^nn nnv i.fh.'r rout". nt" THE EAST. k D. W. V[S8CHER*S EXPRESS will r.'tv_i '. ! NEVV VORK on Momianj «r- -!~~riT-c->" **si¦ Thurtilai in Sie. nibont NIMI si i.». M. Air West Stockbrhlire via llousntonin 11 Itm Return leave West Stockbrida^ for Now V. r> Tuesdoj ana! frhliij fo theiraraujorUttJO! of bnndles, yackiicn. .V.iuey-m.'. .". tifätv ita IDtl Waat Stroel ... :. . ,.»» mr r~i'~ m .'UMMER .i'i:.».v.;.-.-.i p. _r*N.«W RICandNEW YtjRK.-lircrm.a Jvr5»i5.w ,:S.'V-.!-'» C"ai'-!''io .. * end s«- ill [ i u- P «MtJvvTCapt JohaUarTy, * and .t''.'r Monday, May la. w ui run v- fidlows: Ls are Ne wa rk. I. e s » » i\ c n Y .>. * . fc-iioH*eutrert motol Barcla] :. tl'-i A. M. ami Ui P. M. tt 10 A. M. and 4 P. M. UN -i KDAYS.Leave Newark A.AL and 3 P.M. md New.York nt 10 A. M. and a r\ M I n .¦.'v. rnrna.1 at v,t7 neitor.-.'il» -i_ .tiiKitis am ;c..\ "...if .K<»\;-.-.-m. m' MEB V RRANGEftlENT.Comni» ins Puei 2a». Ar^rilt ieU. .eNewYork. Newark | i>vave ftlorritown. 5 o'eJoex A. 4L 6 o nock A.M. 7 o'clock A.M. tX " .'.-.!. I 5»: " P.M. I CS " P.M. 1 iv« road has been reeert.y relaid anta a ttsaey ir m rJte~;pattarn andis now mpee^ctordtir. New and rpkaodid a". .1 n rap'mjt have oe-n placed unoo tS~»»ani-, *:» i totsaMty and comaul ive iinsurptueed. TnvreJen for Momt ;.>vn, Scbooley'a Mountrua and Eastoa, or 8'.ividem, t "v.-e^o. Newton. Snuilmpe, lir.wr, ParRppany, Rockaway.and Buk e,,.a!^«, will Pmi t.ii, :hs mctt wiia kad expeditiotta o; «n» otbtn rno.le -.1'conveyance. r- .^¦:,"-rt wiahinc to er- Easnth will arrive at Newark in urnc lot "b" Philadelphia trains, and tt New-York in i:rt.t- to, mas. N-.rih und Bast, ai ' o'iJiäs. By the present arrafiareinent, ux rmtus will h" a.:.'-rie.t to t«:«:r.: of busts oat.." puasaro. :n New-York, i^r.d (on; m Afor ¦.. :.;.'. .. .CT" rheCaisoi this Company iun i.'-r...i;j'ri Irom deo«j ., -.. lorrtrtown.thusavoufmsthedalay ana ineonvetiieooi -.l.n»e.llle". cp'.n .> cluuiie ot t 'er». .1 IRA D0U1». r-Hit^inttirustnt .... PAT ER£K IN RA1LROAU Si .«uo Aitr.tiaox .fcj^^J^iiasTTa..rare 37S cenu frum Jeraey City to fat ^.r^sS^LDeave Patersoo Depot. Lena* fiew York. MiH o'eJock. A.M. At8o'clock, A. m. At s o'clock. A. m. At 9 o'clock. A. si. At ll\ o'elm k, A. LVL AtUko'c.». p m At a o'clock, P. m. I At 6o'clock, P. m. ill SiWDaxa. ha Sundais. At8o'clock, A. M. At 9 o'clock. A SL At 5 o'clock. P. m. I At a o'clock. P. m. All baestiire ft ri«S ol nwnsra. ttrSrn« at 7j (Viu.-Janr!t-it. and at lieooi. I'fiiter»..n. m4 igTATEN ISLAND PERKY, potrr oi run as f. **¦ fZr"> pi * AT EN ISLANll FERRY. ".lTsiiULL..The boats will ri jr^m »."urii j--t. i,,^., ,jn,,| farther notice; T>rave New-Yuri n. \ lu. II. l.R tie, 6.6 7. l»savc StaU;r. ['land T, H. I'). II, 1.8,4, 5 rj, 7> (111 m la-rive MJiU-n I'lnnd 7, 9. 1<, I'). II. I. -J. 4. 5. 8, 7V. On r-iin.every bcnr from 8 A. M. to7 p, J| »ic;;tc«!.| SORT naMlhTOS". i^j-ive New-York.d a M.. 2S P. M. Leave Fort Hamilton.7>j A. RL, 4.-; P. M. (Sundays excepted.) ourmit. Leave New.York.ii A. .',].. Hand 3'J P. t>|. Leave t Niton.Tk A. M ., and Ls P. M. r^*' Ift.iRdaya eareirfi-d. i HE kTiWü VVATEK AND srKA>li\i; a NEW AND VALUABLE IM. PROVKMENT.MU.NGEK aap M kR-Sti s p JTtN STEAM In ui Bit.The Bub^nbera havinx teeured the exclusive rixhl lot th" City and Oonty of New York, le in ciiinl in a'jle to in'riKiuce ,. tae [n.hlic the mint valuable article now in it^j. V\ r>h ihr, imi.-'iveiner.t ite^m or boiline water can le ;.ro rioeed with ..." third the qnantiiy .i lu-land in bull r i,*- time that it cnu be done with any other 'iriyriratu, ret inarefited, it rs ina porudble ami en.dy eartied by two persons.may beu-ol with cqoaJ liinhty mtl.e hou^; nr ofM-m air. The Rdhiwioc era tome of the man] valua¬ ble pu rp:«* for which ihe Patent Steam Bo der ., intended: I. For beaU'nx w.-.'cr |nr bathe, and making ,'eani for vVpor hnih-, it it superior t.. ar.y thine that has ever la.-e:i u*e tiir that jiiirix..e. and u much Beaded in Ihn city at ihe presanttune 2 For waahimt purp. m~.i i; uneqaaltoil.the ek the*are boil, d ma w«Kid-n ruh witaoat üie p...,!j:hty ofhein< m-ired by u«t or bumeil by the l.r» 3. For hotel.,where hoi water convanlJy wartc-l. thc.teain from tli- Iwoler n.nv uvrd l.;r Hearnisg ~'-y amount cl -.ere- tables at the tome time. 4. For farmeri it is invaluable f ,r or boiline reretn- h « for faitenmc .t.^-k, a;:u ma] elsa he n -ed by the tamilrfba wash ax, etc. ' 5. For hatten' manufacturm? purnoae<it i.comnlete ai they win readily perceive on examination, & Eor coach and najim inaksr, and Others, lor steaaung 7. F. r Botari.c l».«:tor.. for Ixolinx or .teamin» herbs, tie. r rcomb Dwnoiacttimrs. y For tanner-, tu toeir liqnor. 10. K..r VKrtun'iog boat e>, it w ill «.jyi>ly ihcui with h'jt water and r,»«4ti eir -lea n nihlet at the tame time. ii. F»j> h"almi; z evn houve» il u fjucd to produce the beat kind < f heat. I '. For butchers, to heal wn'erfur nealdlag h.-eanrd dreaanit oahry. and l..r all kind* of mecnames or ot;.er nhich hot water or .team may he required. The; ualic rifL. reapectfully invited to "all and eaamine i,tm they can .-ce iu lull operation nt 'he store of J. st E. BACKUS. 31 Bowery. , , or Hey« d-trecl. Also, a seneral a-v.rrment of Orlice, Parlor and c««kinx StOT**-_ a23 lm*_ a^trh.. »-'**l-'KUH BEi.ijj ANli :n<\v;, riM'k.-i- . £ S I he tu!*er:oer. wrvo was awavnied a Ihploma a 1 ft ,-1* New \ ork state Fair, of l*s4^> and IM2 lor th. dvT»Ä best -jxied I hurch Bell, and ulto a Silver Medal lo toe oesl.Beil.and Diploma n.rTnwn IJfaek. exhi Hiad at the Fair ot the American Irw.tute n ,. w nrepared at h.a Foumfry at We»t Troy. New-York, to fur llent of from 2U n. lO.t/ai nvute of the b*»l matcnnla iv .vhrmnted to Rand and t.*e to pien»e.rVstrca to them im -r'lvnl I'aai L-oi, Yoke* with Mover.!.le Arms. The locreatn. irnand liirha. Bella ia the nest rvideoee thai can be j.ven .."i -.wir cxrell«ni;e. Order, hive !«en rece-vril from the tanadaj ind aunot*. all the Statt*, and ah»ut 4UQ have tjwr. fum tlayi u fferent ibic^tin the Stale of New-York from hn Foundry- .'. «» t'lorti, ;^>v- ind ^.:rvay.nn Inktrumen'i, !>>di»»- ll"L»i l.'iirnri. lie. ¦_AMlKKW MEM-ELY ri; Gftr-v -fcret ihs'.-iiVi-:ked.-4:iinavts 1 PA1 rl»1 V E iS IV.This » - -t b an acid which, beau* combined in proper chemical prot^im-rf« w:tn uu aJ«n i. im Texnn'e* tbedouxb iaithcaro«4lic icid en. c ihiKjt arfc.-me .. ¦.) way tbeonxinail.»rtre ol rm- Fb.nt r nd this when tiled producms rrsi .: t eskao la tn^ t CUAAN i > PA . E\" 1 YEAST liere never can bo a jrood for bavins poor bread. A 'icmical certaim y just as ure ivver to rn.-a a mat heman il certainty : and if lha bread b* n t h«rt, >pooi> and sweet -as, in a wort, it be not perle t, it ia bec-uv! the io> portions of ii* Yeast an«t S.ieratus in n«it en-cflr'.. Ti e commou .uod* o! raising douta is by the tlow utnee^ of vin. ermen- ..;ion: the tew mtyie is h7 nlmott msraniane iu-etT- v-seenre. You may naa^e it. tnd iske it, and have it on tr*; able, too, ¦n tnirty miuuten. and eat it hot or cold as y..u Iis.. , wilhoui langer to your health. Sold »bo!"«i'eand retail by M. P. UUSSET, Clinton Hall, . ¦' tf corner of Beekn.aa and Noayiu-it-eets. FOR FOREIGN PORTS: ,_si \V IAS¥. OF PACKETS fob LIVERPOOL i___.P*cket SWi Au*n»*. .y."- . : .: i«MM. p.-.c.n ssp sinnox; flwwtömi hcrtrt'n.ii-,.«. E. B. loa.. wol »aii on }io__V *»Jl \oif O't. he" rrrula» dar. - ptoft »H i/On ton*idoupward* .naaabuOtlO e -¦»"'- t»' Use . n.1 'ry. w .l ' " cdvnn-..-.-> btderrwd fr*« Mise» cth^l-re ip^g . rnto ¦n*0lta!f.t'tlw tCftfll eapnCJtyrettner* ine*r,«_.,, .. ... .., ; - Inf..*.or I C»i4r).tJ4 :, .". , r ,r.-r-»-». r - ... ... *. »« - ¦(» wrvA^J " , , .. -v. pocket*. PtCKiO* '».«n.._ :.. iee.r. _e_ . .'. d Lot tail to wake eerfr rtptrjt*-rt i';'|;v« harf VValt-atieeUorto- 1 \: rJrrir Getierel P. »»exe Office. .t>.«. u;o »tr*.;, i.' rner V*v!en 140* Tbe?ir>DONS fail(ma Utarrpnoj on the ii:h ,.f ,Je:o_ bet Person« wishing tn send for Utetr fremt. cm ba*» ttera roochtoni in thai mac >mct«: Pack;anynt n, . .6i <.:. the I . fin. 11th. I*!t. IM a d »h.*rt^ ... ... ... l-vo-ab'etern., apvltentb* to be madea** " t'ii IFT«" tnl nn» amount. t»;*he on '»;»:. wiser* I oWnunt in all the ranttcipal mwm oi hnsland i «*-ie ?.,«. .,.'..* ..,-! v\ a*-,. >o -.- so t .:..» - > b'vi . i on »ivi e.rtw, j ^^^P^^TtlfKK^ OF THE WTST.wa .ucree-' the Sl_t> >.\r-. axd siil en the Sl*t Mitten er. her re¬ gular day. .»,n I-lv.vol: * v. m t\|'-i ulT. in !iw;,«ff dirpujj ,;K i. KU PAlüi & ft' »N. V»: VV .<..:.., It .1 ZL F<»R I.OVDON.Packet of S*<»emt>. TaiTai ajj. n »mpST. JAMES 9. R. iieyet». ota*u » .- ab re, hr reeutarday. For 1 reiehxec*e***|a, ., . 1 :,. nodal .. a;.; > 10 UN t sprain ^^^^s^ii^vfUN fcro >*_., The packet ship G LA .»< It. 1 ...';¦«; II; ¦.<»>. m»«»r. will mcctcd the et Jam-* and *a:I f*p. Win. ner i*r*Au itar _;_,-!"13. (....!: liverpool.I^wketotSeptamberath-sTat jSvne C ;"' ket «I >P ^HBI K POV. hurtben iMttmt, BSCrriltmri H inle»ton. in wer. will tail a* »:?««. her.rfj. ffTrT" lirr 1 are«p*c*-u»andeJecantlr fiuiasbed.u«| ifford o .e. r accomtnoJatioii c.m"-!civr u> the coit-.eurtuce tM :^:*»rlZZt* at*ir .'. Cit captain on heard « th '"' .M'r'i7;:!vNn.ri':,MINTrRV t W..-8SantlHt The packet «hip g EoRG e washi >gto>, P. P tier,. m.i«t-r. will succeed the A»ht ..."...n, ar.d «nii Ik-M'jet «h. h*r teculardar._alt ^_Arrangements f< r iwi.-old bstab- rajalv i.ISHED FASSSAGE OFFICE..100Pinecotnerai uth st*. ,., «>e> leare to mil the at'enti n of hi* <r:*nr}| and t'-e public in cmeril to the (ilknmnr *ri*''.reinents t>< |sj, for tne purp.. ol brit t in«i ut Cabin MCaran and .»teer. .,.-,..... ;er»brtlieKe«ular Una oiljveruool Packet*, irut. the In. tkb. Htb. l&h. SUt, and 9«h>of«re0 inooth. Hr l,*.|,.r Packele u, «Ol ff.;.« .New \ ;k Ihel.t lO-h, d .N.-h and fei tu I ondon on the ith.ljih andaWoreaeh neank. In .. ainect'on the si»»'. *n tor the ourpojeol »rT.wdie» s lereaterftciiiti >.¦. i'livf: ihe*ub*eribet !i«etobjr**tj a regularhaeortlfttclasj .\e»-\o ii j üb. c<*i«*red ¦adeae- m r taateneil s-'u.... to rail punctuallr every v.eel. tfir.mri.ot ih->enr Rw theaccommosUtton ofperann«wirhmatoreaat money to'heir f :o 1*8*"rfriends rtratts are cucn. ta)ab*i ut .irht. on the followina Rank*, r z: Provmcinl l!:itiksot Ireland.oayable at rv I.mien. k. Cloemel, l»nd"n<)erry. t>tia>o* »V *lord. hVlfait, W.terl rd. Galwar. Armaab, :\«nl"lri-1 G*"^ . TraU- . \011rhal, EmmkiPen. Monaaban. Bnnhrktje. Ba lyiuena, P m n.toea, Hownnatiick. "Sitan. Lurean, i-nmrh. Dun.annon. B-n ..n. Knnu. INiiy.harjnoo rtirahane, Skibereen, Mallow. Wotseymota, Coothill. K'lrush, Uubnn. Skibtie een. ricrtland-The Ciw Bank ofCtwiw. Brc'and.Me**r*.Spooner, -\rs*-«».>.t & o.Banken Ijm nn; R. Murphy. Waterloo Roud, Liverpool: payable in erery town ir Uieat Britain. . Forlurther information, (ifhe leti. r. po.t-nnid.) *pp> JnnLI'll Mc«URKAV,lMPina-«ii«*t, Comet nl South. \'es* York. 0, Merer. 1- W BYRNES 4 CO. Bu23y 3b' Waterloo Road, l.isenmn'. N'OTICE . All perton* are cautioned aa un»t barborn 1 or tmstina .becrew ofthc Portosnea* bnt Emma,Captafa film, trom lisbnn. as 00 deb's o! tbe.r contracting will at natdbr U»» Captain or Consignee*___. . buJo lw GKINNELL hUNTURN<cC0 TSSoothta. CONSIGNEES per brig EMMA, fmm l.ubon. are ."v.iv- requested to ten 1 their Permit* on boa>d at 1'ier 9 Hj-ij ' Evl Riser. Ill good* nut permuted wit'»n 8 d*j« ~ be tent t.. Public Store. »"* 30 LEGAL EDWARD C. WEST, ATTORNEYJIXD COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Alton, initroia. .J9 3m' Hon. t\ T. McCoun, ) FrnncM It. t'uttioir. / New Yoik. William <'. Ru.-el. > HENRY M. COLLIER. J IMES II COLLIER. aTTORKBYa *T Law ami auUCITOB« I" CHAJrcBBT, \\: II I. aiiend In nnv bwinesi that may I«' wiiruued to VV diem in die vanoui courts of law and eouii" Ibtj will a*'eiid personally to lha collection and seeming "frl*. b, in noy imrt ot'thestite The business will be under tb* general lupcrvision d counsel al 'heir lather. JOHN s COLLIER Plew.e n ldress U M. and J. H. t'o.'/icr, Bi.iirhim'no. Brooree I .¦nn'r, N. V._r"* LAW CARD.Jonh M. Hornau», ul n h«s. Miwasig pi, willatlendtn legal busineesthai may bedwitided bus in the Circuit Courts of Adam* and 'he m.,nceni cminiie*, *rd in the Superior Courts of the f^nr*. A raeombla pr»ie*uorai conoec on l^iuhiana will enable him tn attend to bua'iae* ..... |i ihc Par ihei iifthat -'nee. near Matches. II- refer, t. Gmi v Barton. van rlrsdale. CavJawell srd riob.Cochmn, «g«ntior Brown. Wamock, Bp an, i-. C .. rjlakohn ft- Gaol, Onchmn, Henry Lararty. »v IKs n ihr «1 D__ P Y VIRTUE of« Precept waned >ut of and und« fle.w,| S7..I tbeCourtolOrerajuii'enri ner. to ma directc sndos- brered.P.-oclamiiltoii i-> iori!i\ 111.'our. «* 1 »yer ... i i ermioei and Jml lletiecy in ;»r-'* lorlliefSl* n at l^ooaty ot Nrw York,.»ill be held in the Citi llallol thesaul Qiy «g r. e-'rh Monday uf cenlembornext.ami tillpersonj bounahi appear l>) rvcognigance otlarrwise; and all Justic.1 tlar Ptuce, Hie Coroner, high 1 'unsl itdc. petty Constabl and Vi,- tnaM, ami -ill persons bound to pn*ecute in laid Court,bs lh»nandtnera, in thai own proper person*, withibeirniils, record., indiclmenis und o her remenibmiice*. 10 du iIi.js Honrs «dich to their utlice, 111 uns liehn.f shall appertain to Iks I..ven under my itnndnl the Bhenri seines the loth day 0 July. ISM and ntour Indeprndence lie 69th IhiiedJul) 13th. IS44. VVlLUAM JONES,SbtrfT. i> i3 luwtSI_ SICK I 1 s .-ALE.Bv virtueofa writ 01 Fieri Faeiasts me directed and delivered. will expose for -ale m the Vest oiie ol Iba 1 iry had. 11 Monday tl e 'hh dnv ufSeptfBh ber Mtt.All the right, title nod iuleiest which Jams* llfjck- hur.t had on the l9ih of April; IMi. i.r al any 1 me a tervssi.ii in lue* hands soever .he ^.1111« uib» be.toot iu nie fölhiwii I de sciibed prooeny, viz..All those ISaii certain L"is piscaset [lareels ol Ijiimi, iitunte, lying snd fiwnu on 'be iwrihwe.erly ..da oi in« Eigktn Avenue, f.< tw»en i'h ¦!). seventh and 1 hir- ti tit thstreeti in ibe late AratA KVi <t in the Hty ot>aw> York, known awl drsitnguulnrd on a map entitled VI .u h* !. r.t I' rikionotibe Estata of Samuel a. VoitiNt, litostedia the .'.mi.'t Wajdoftb- City of New \.nk. ran ..>. d <.,-. ber in« hoiin ii Eigl t Hundred snd Fort» tm.!>. Ii im*1 I wen, I'iiy f-urvevor, i.y the uuuiheni f..l no.- to wii;.Naashsc no.eiwee 119,1 twenty IS",) uv-i.ty o. e (21.1 and *ent| Iwa £l 1.'b.ut i'h r.. Lot. 1.11.1 premises eontainius ingethsi ia breadth in iro. t on Eighth avenue and u'-o in real »>n>iii .i/*t l-et nine inches and in length on e.ieb , de nur hundrtd leet-ni d nr. 1.Keiner puueeted -mini Enstei y n Eighth »v. enue, Sui h-VVestarly Lot known and datinguithed on lbs nn^ afotssetid. by the number i%reat* Utrea ._ r-.ufi. llVt- erly by Lot numiasr eighteen i.rj.j on laid iuu;>. and North- Etuterli by Tbirty^igbth lUett uloresnid tS II. JONE?, Sherd?". Ili\ltv C. r-'coTT. Ih-p'v SlierifT. Neu York. July iflih. 18H. jy'27 l:.w 6w_ IN PURSUANCE ofan nrler of the Surrnca.of ihafVsiBly ol New.York notice ia hereby given bt all persons baviai claims against I hartes Walker, lata ofthe City ul* New Wirk, Counsellor al Law. deceased, t.»ure*er.l the snrne, wlhth* vouchers thereof, tn tne iub*eriber, at his nfllce. No. rsl s\ oil street, in the City uf New York, on or before the eigiiieenth dar ofJanuary r.ext. Ikated New Y"ri<. the wth dav ol July. 1844. r/13 Inwtmii WM. EMERS* IN, Bgscutnr. LI'/r.ItNK l'iiL'M'v.S-l Tlier. mmonwea thol lenfl- lylvania. To tbeShsriirof said county. GREETING. !. homas 'larke nuke you iccura ol prosecuting In-.-lairn. rh»n we command you mat y u lumaina i.y K'e.d and lawful tiimntooers. Kam: Vroct und Joaephus Luring and theutur. v.v .r. andhia heir*.and aasign* Tru-teees boiding 'he t.tis of a portion of the land, und William, Thorn, sVnf__> dua Cooper, A. Quackanbuah, William E. H'*«, llar.naa Ruggl '*. X. Griswold, A. l_tfoy, K. Townientl, J.eeuh V l\nir'it. I!..f»-r Nichols and Isaac Vroct, tor », ivitb and othersaid land, m held m t/u»t by theatiMesaid 'rrus- tee*, and their and each of tl.eir rea:«cii'e hem nnH l^rsl rs- |iresefi'nt:v.., btteul )our county, >e<.neu to that they tat md api aarbelureourjudg * at Wi kesliarre, at our .-..urty t VmiR ofI !ommon Pleas, ther- tn lie held me rir.i Monday at Nnvembei neat; to show wherefore wnerer.. th.-y the >eid I%omas and Iho said ilelendanis, r> rether and undivided do hi Id tract «I land situate in Providence t.iwn.i, p. Lurern* c.nir.t) and State nl 1 ennsylvania. hoomied northerly b" land ol Pranci* A. C. SmiUi, aailerly by the l.ue ol ire L..»ii>hip ol Providence, southerly by landaof Ctnsier Phil ;<-. and west. erly by :tie Lackawana, eawbiNfing eieht hnndned acre* of land, more or less, ihepurpart belonging to PlniniirT b*>a( the one Rrurth inr- ami portion of lite same, m:d the tame th* .md Defendant* partition thereofbet.een tiiom to he made ac¬ cording Pi the Invs, and custom* of th;a Cof ui'.iivsealrh in Mich case made and provided, do gainsay, ami e *ams to i<e done, do not permit, very unjojtjy, law* and coatoms as 'tis said. And have yoauiea them iiwnaro** ol; tummiioer*, end mis writ. Witness the Boo. John N Conyngliem, Ptemdentof tier said court at W.lkesbnir*. Use ninth day olAcguN, A. I). Eighteen Hund'et and Potty Four A. litiii-'i 'KI>. Protlior.otary. \\ ibarre. Aug. 14. aul94w /'l.'i'ti; CLOCK ST 'HE.-J It. Ml!.I..- _ CO. Van AI ufacturert ol Ute YEAR CLOCKS would ren-ntulir eail 'be attaalhas .,1 Ute pt_!jctolheunp_aJMed in.yr..»eui*-t and decidi d advantar - these IJtoc. have over all ther ume- ;.e... n how .11 o.e. j hey are warranted '/» run tana yei'.rwittt ottcetarinding and lo keep good tune, aed are civ* luruds at lljtt Pulton s'reet. New York. The rn-.ti..ii ia pn dueed by vveinle. in the 3ft day cbe-ka, »od by a nmin spring wound upon a tusee in the year cberk. The power of the weight, ot ipring n reiariled in thu cbKk, and nuvietoletain regnlarity in motion liy the iceniotusr- ran.' '..em nl the escapement (.m! .-rmluliim. When ; 00 look al clock, y u perceiva 1 gilt bull four and a hall inch** ta at ir, at ll.e end ct a »mall .tsel rod!. It revolve, ihre* tine* end a half one way. and the same numler ol uimssth* 'j ,; ,A!ll'**uPP«r''r.d.,ftiero<inari iruceniou* an<1 delieaie double lever in iven.ent. reaching to rhe eacapemenr, which it catche»ar.d leaves without a-.y scoible Inction. Theipnog reacts upon the bail aided hv lUown g avity. iinilthe ro¬ tary mot.on 1. cwtiniied,the aaeaMnrsent eourrnllinr Uie penou. lum. a-moliiercfi^k.. Th.s ball i* hofaow aiidhn. an internal ^ppnralu.. by which it* rotary motu 111 is reculared. S hers srs f.iir snmll wt igbtiat rcht anirlsntoeneli « two or" BIOUAft- ed upon a wire, which ia a h> nzonul diameter of the *l..r>. rne wire ha* on it the thread «.f H ».-rew . and earh t-molit prolucw1 an «xaet movement of the weic bis to orfp-m U>e reO- Ä* *h'rl' Caa '* reuul t d u, the sn.a liest Irocrion I urns 1 he two ther weirt". are fasiened to a «e/ni-eircuiar band eompo ed ot three oitfeiem u erula. 'econiraction or expansion ol which al*. change, Uieir po.iUun witbie the ball. 'Iks w-h«».e interior anotigement ensure*, in u beSeveo, entire anf tormny or motion in the globe. It will at cave ue aeen that the IrirtKan of the common pen- tfn urn » av...ded. The revolution, of ihn ball are found by si y.ri.i.r.ritand obaerrati,.n Ut bei>.chropal. .he pllet . °Ut PUl "U" °' L*iU "-,'>.11 rt<Julre' ua °'' 00 'I neieviiiutiontof the swine wheel are 6* time, lea or m Ji'ler words Mtj)yean in u.akine n. many leroiutiont at 'b* «linen or seeond pendulum r'i« k m mk >e.r. Infucis *-'i«h' ol 1 :«Mjud. keeps 10 motion each i>ait «»t the time sad 'MJ?-t :'e machinery for IA week.. ' °? hour* »:ruck'1. mean* of a ro'anr hammer. TBS eert heat». .f rhe American InCitala show thai in M*y. W__ re ol IbetwelveflMMiia eh ci.s was pi .c.J with them. .ud 1.t .t ha. i*rtiirm*o in til ie»iy'et. n* v*as *xi«r-r«i , tie w<-e. a'a moderate. The public are invited toca'I an** '¦" 'heiLMt v.-.._nlZ Iu- KK,-!N~ED SUGAJri * ."' I.3YAND WOOLSE\ froa* thiadauu-at ta_ » 1 '.-....'i.r'" I-'f'bLt, kj'FfNt t. si GAJ.r-rjMU' of ing low price*, viz.. . .oef... .11 cents per Dounn. iWikom Jaan rive pas_*_»» as* .rushed 11 do do > purchased, h_U t cent pe pou_ ¦ «jeder d 11*, do do \ addiUc-nal. The above a. packed at ro^owir l^vas. iabxsof 3ri:ibi.i gashed in bbhol _50 '. , "Soc.har;c for pacJrax. t'owdered in Co Jfi " \ Apply lo the Naw York Paieur .-tutar i!_i_wry. cor. >f roi_ k !,i"a}f,ma!y *i*. 01 at * Wail w. rs. a. Onion out of the city mius be eccompamed br a reinrt- anca. aul l_*

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Page 1: MEDICINES. FOR THE NORTH. FOR FOREIGN PORTS ......its narrow streets I Hiking like threads.the me..ti null', fljatcd 'hroigh his imagination; whenall

THE TRI BINE.Prom the Cleveland ilenld.

L E \ NOR;A SEQ.CEL T.) " LOVE AM) ITS DOTXGS."Wc sard tnc ring given bv Lewr, on .be

rocht of the M u quende DaM «t the TaconTheatre of Habana, wm<? the only c!uu t'-cstranger from the N'orth'unrl h i " for Ine :ri- r:

ti'y of the foreakca bat passionate rJau^hter olCMtile." This was not strictly the e:se, foron that mcirnrablc night she wore, a bnseiet of.a pceuliar fashion, the principal orn meat <>'

which was f>n i:nr inmonly large opfj, t:. .

taogtit refracted all the gradationsof colorfr» in the hiiih'tnt lights «! tbech i.u.', andwh-ch reclied to the mini r,: thi "tranccr thebeautiful hues of the Countcs* of Biessii »ton :

-"Tlii« wnwV'j' '. m

l.oo»«». thouchsoaie Krane« -.:! iem - tied mi* rVwtle Ii'ic'iI*»i*».V»vitv .«

rOtbots eu'ver': ihm' its depth* in cnanrefu skacs,Likti'ie wild hgntuinp of u mjuigmi rve."

Beside this he lud the well r« mc:r.S<..-.-J toni .

of that sweet voice which hid so isci "-.

oa tb':i first intcrvic v. Th< se w< rc "light tracesit in truo, but, could they he made artd »bl<would serve as powerful auxiliaries for h<'

i'lentity. But how were the) tobemadi so, n

a strange city with its two hundred thooesiinhabitants, wan a question easier asked thananswered. But accident often aids nmrc inunraveling mysteries than any systematic cfTir.;pngriblj could j «.t least it was bo in this ca«*,and ih&t is fifrleirrit for oar purpose. If tu»

gcritic reiser will be kind enough »..> extend to us

a lew moments indulgence, we will U !i how theNortherner found out the residence of Leanor,and whtt then name t'» piss!Tbc constitution of society as it exitts hrr--,

and in Cuba, is widely liitFereiit. Here tho sexesmingle freely, and there in but little check u;»<m

the heart's affect ons, save that imp4 scd by an <¦

ioas mamma:: ar:d more careful papas, in their de.sire to secure what the wi r-d i« pleased to call a

'desirable match* lor the r daughters, withi n1

ever consulting the feelings of those whoan mo

interested, a'ui whose happioess lor life will im¬

pend upon their future husbands, '('bank heavi ii!this influence, although t.iion brought t« beupon their daughters, is rarely successful; yetwe would advise, those who are throwing obsta¬cles in tnc way of their daughters, in the free exerciac of their affection, to look well into theirown hearts.if hearta the;, hare.and see if, intheir desire to secure their daughters a 'g-mi!match' in a worldly p'»int of vir*, ib^y du rmtbarter away fur a 'mess of po'.tage' the futu <.

happiness of ih'»se tney Im!-.) most ilc-ir.

In Habana parental tyranny i cirried t'i mu» Iigreater lengths, a gentleman being ullowedvisit a lady fiat two or three times 'and then 'rn ,

in the presence »if her mother, aunt, duenna, »>r

some other * sh«? dragon 'j before declaring his .:-

tentions. If Iii- proposals nr«r acccptanle, tinpreliminarreH ol the morn ige are forthwith i.r

ranged, without consulting the feelings ol th«o o

most intereiiteii! This being the c»se, it is i

to be wondered at that matrimonial infideli v

and intrigue are so common at trie Habina, an«!that husbands and fathers stiould resort to bol s

and bars to secure that virtue fur tIn ir wives in

daughters which should have been instilled inthem from infancy ! But, notwithstandingoil the vigilance of lathers and guardians, 'In-.ilaughs at locksmiths,' and hirers find ou<thousand ways to hold converse with each o h' r

On the plazi, while listening to the hinds of umBicians that play there every night from tii_hi i»

nine for the benefit ol all, ami wlinr'i Ii s beinappropriately styled ' the poor man's opera ; *

the flelartos or ice-cream saloons; on the Pascat the Theatre; ist Concerts, and hundredsother plates, hearts that respond to each otherfind moans to mitiglo thoughts and feel ngs,only for a moment, in spit-.: of the »flirts ol otfic d

to prevent thi in. Thiastateoi sociiny hai alsugiven rise to anotbor sinijiilar custom, Tlj'warmth of the dim ite renders the u e of glass >u

the wiodows qu tc unn< et as r-., und, to kei out

'intruders, tin- windows are !l n ill tlw th bn n

iron ui>.iiit an inert iu diameter, the weather inexcluded by siiu'terti upon the outride. Tlv s-

window* are very large und open from the i!to the ceiling, aiid, being the in ist pleasant pof the house during the heat ol tlio day, re nlmost nl wo, s occupied by the ladic of the familyAs th* houses are mostly but one story ht>Th andclose upon tlte narrow utreels, this CUstO \ Ol si'

tiog in t!ic windows u'l'irrij fine opportunitiesIovc.-h to iner t and hold a uiomeoi'fl coiivetri'.iwith cadi other. The ladies boing tints coi

s.untiv exposed to tht g /-" of !h«i juver-by, L"otuiie ueeil tu it, aiid <!t> h-.l deem it rttdi i'es-, h t

entire strangers to ptarc e.t them, or even ^land ask tlicin questions, ft is rather it turioubigi.*. sc»! a.t almost every window t' 'u^iiwnole street, t.-o ..r throu ^ .rii lemon . hatl 04 s

uiably with tltfl ladies through lb' iron grxies..In this way our friend from tue sp tl

miny pleasant hours, always stopping \.i acv

he E.t>*' u pretty girl to ask directi .1,8 to some ui

heard-of quart- r of the city, prolonging or shoit-ening It'ii stops according to the sociability or

agrecableness of tbe ladies.A week or trn days subsequent to the even .

rccor.'cd in our lato tale of " Lovs ami its !>¦.-iMoa." us tbe stratiger was quietly saunterii gthrough the Calle de In Muralta, near the placewhere he was first put down by the calcsaro, disattention was arrested by tbe low tinkling of a

gu;Ur, accompanying the soft melody of a fern; levoice, singing in one of the windows of a housenear where lie was parsing, the uurtttinsof whicliwore closed. Tnc tune ol voice seemed familiar,but where and when ho had heard it, he tried invain to recall. Presently the voice ceased andthe stranger passed on, and was soon joined bysome of his acquaintances, with whomhu went to

the old where the bones of the greatColumbus are deposited, and which now moulderititodusi beside the elt-iitis thai once, through tlie

potty envy of his enemies, bound him captive!.As ilit stranger treaded its labyrinths, pceptdinto its cloisters ami confessiuu tl stands, amifinally st-iod upon tnc sill of ihe topmost windo v

in its antiqU'itcd tower and gazed out upon thenoble bay, with its forest ofshipping.the frowning walls of th« Moroand Casa Blanco.t'tc bluehills in the distance, crowned with cocoxuudpalm tree-.with tnc city sp:i nl out at his fett,its narrow streets I Hiking like threads.the me <.-

dyofthatsweet voice o>..ti null', fljatcd 'hroighhis imagination ; when all at once he tccollcct dto whom tt bei iitgcd. I 1 ms haste to get downho came near precipitating himself out ol 1I1window u,j ui the pavement below. However,he gainert the stn et in s.ifcty, and mride dt.--, ctl.for the Callr de la Muraila, bat found nothtithere to gratify bis curiosity, for t' e blinds ivcri

closed, tno music hu*hed, ami tin re ^ .. e no

sounds of life within! S. d and disappointed,! 1

turned Iiis steps homeward; but the. neu even,

ing found him again in front of tho house wrnri

he had board the music tne previous day. Tinblinds were still clos»u, and he stepped into a

Bbop opposite to enquire to whom the house be.longtvl. T'nere nu learned that tlio t'onde ,i«

Y-resided there, hut n« was iriea »Ssent in öpam. This waa all the information Utcould get, but while bo was loitering ar-iui tin

.hop he heard tne ni>'.i-s of t guit-tr, a. comp intcd

by the same soft, musical roi :e that he imri tu-.-,-<.

th«! dav bel'oro. Wheu the song w-s fiaishc i,the curtains were partly drawn aside, ami tie saw

nearly in front of tho window .1 lady DoUtcrcd tip

in a large easy cbatr. dr back was pa ilytunied to tho window, hut I 0 could see trial siu- heldin her hand a guitar, lie cr sstd the ttrcet to

oee if ho could catch a glimpse of her ft a uns

As be did so, sh-r raised her hand to the keystbe inatrurneiii, «nu trie li^nt t* It up->u th>s are!Iremembered opal orncrU t of the long sought.Lkssor:Here was a discovery, but I'o* wk> he tö avail

himself of it i" His tirst impulse was to spc..k to

ber, but on second thought he saw that tnai

would defeat his object. Undecided course

to pursue, lie t > k a turn around a sq'iaie tue

lect hi' etctted thoughts. sVnen he returned,tb» bhuOv wrrn ctöx-U mid all w .s again busheO.Auer wainng f»: S'>tne fok', and no one appear,ing^he ritwly wenden bis way to his botsrl, rc-

flecting u.rui uiu i-ti.sAge c-...ric. that hi? againthrown in rns way one .¦..inn ho n«d ru*t un»er_the Bttast extraoriiirmr'x Ciicuiistunrxs, unl W/ao

had parted a.-. Strang« !y rj^itey met.Tbc ne>t dav, and the',^«wl Tor several

days thereafter," he pasf-d the house_6f-J^ano*Btreral times, but saw or heard nothing morewf

ber. He inquired of the persons uppoahe, but

¦um . 111 ii-il ¦in^..i.-1.

they cnu d tei him .-.'it'ting nn'y that they hadI b**rd ihe family h -d embarked onboard a vr-?'(.Thi* was hli they knew about it, and of cour.-e

Ciuld tell him nothing more. He went horrre

provoked Wim In nse f end all the worldlhSside,at tnus losing, as ti«: thought, *!! trace* ol <-nn. inwho** fate |>c S -gan to fed an intense interest,

j la h few days be was to quit H-tvani», probab'yfir ever, and ho was an_-ry at himself (ol net

mailing hirmei; known to thenhjectof tiia s^rci*when he saw her at the window. Hut it wüh

now too late, and he had to make tbe bei of itThe next morning on faking itp the "Diaro

! de la llabane," iie found among t.ic list ol pas-rcnj'-rr? in a v. s.i fur Ne v Orleans, the nime ofD 'i on I-!f.(>r<; F- and her daughter, DonnaLcar:or.' This was undoubtedly h.t L«:iJ:0.-. whomchance one rn /re had thrown in h'* way, and he

j prepared (or iiis passage with a lij.t heart andri zdv hand, an:l two daj saft» r was daehing acr' iss

I tiic tiu': waters of the üull o!" Mexico, OS his wayto New Oik-ans where, upon :s arrival, btsfirstcr.qiiry was lor the vessel that had taken L.e=r. ,r

from tlf Havana. It had arrived trie da;- previous, and irr passen j?'ts hsd ail gone on shore :

j bin it c\\< not take our friend long to trace themo'lt, and in !.¦£« than hilf a day >-.ft r irs arrivil

j he wan «gain acquainted with the residence ofhis Cddttliun maid : This dore, be cssuatchrd a

j note to Iier rerju-stinc an interview, ;i reply t

which was S'.nri placed upon hü ub!c. lit; tore

open the teal nnl road as follows:" 1 nrn nn-lrr 'on z:'::l a-, obliration to 7"U. y.r. to deny foil

any thiee. althouzn my physician t^k refund to permit me to

leecnn-pM*; yt 1 mo t *e- you to tieiaa ). u once mof lotyour friendly mtemoeitioo in preve-tina me from cuusutnma*line 'he r .ti n'l I aval ale.u' to commit.

'* M* serrant will conductyoo to me at 11 o'clock to-amr.row. Till thsn. adust, Lxuhor."

Heavily the hours passed to the stranger, but" 11 o'clock" at knrrtli c^rne end in it lew nto. he was ushered into the: of hislone fought Leanor!The room was partly darkened whe-n he rn.

tered. Its stillness und its twilight contrastedtrangcly with the noise and glaring noonday in

the- streetstin ne tide of the room, reclining upon a

Ciueh, lay the object of his seaich, who, as soons i.<j entered, extended her hand to welcome

tiim. but her einoti n waa too "ret to permit he.-t'i speak, and she fell bd'-k upon her couch quiteexhausted,

Restoratives were immediately applied by thenurs'iarid the strunzer, wh thought as he leanedover /;er now almost lifeless form, that he liar:never beheld such beauty. Her dark waving

I tresses falling back trom h'r tem;>!es displayedin all ili'ir classical symetry her delicately cbis.led features, while returning consciousness, like

t >e morning dawn, began to light them up witha soil and fitful radiance Hint was almost en

banting.Soon she revived and thanked him fnrlhein

' rest he had taken in rn.r welfare, and begged¦mn to Ixense ber weakness. " Uut." she con

tinned, " yii remember ihe driafiiul circum.stances under which we firet met, and Hteiiir

viei Ims again brought them freshlj in my mind,. mil too weak t'» cuvirsc iviiti tmi now, Inncome ag mi at evening ; J would !).. glad in tainwith you." Tue K'r-.ii!;- r took his leave, but atthe firs', shadows of evening, was again on hisway fi the house ol Leanor. He found her m >n

culm and e.<oii|i sn-ti than h" had in the morning,but he was shocked to see tint ravages dis^ns,n id made up n licrform since he first met hpraithe Tawn Tin litre.She motioned him ton seat lic<irie her; direc!-

ed the nurse leave the apartment,nod 'hen be-¦ran in it soft and uilvery tune to commumcuiiwhat ita'" pirtscd hiiice iliey last met." The night c'it the affair at ilie theatre I

vas taken suddenly ill, and since then, I have¦teen worse, and no hopes are nmv entertained "t

.¦V recovery. 1 lytvo wished much to see youbefore I du that I might ttllyou how grat'-tid !

a", for >.»tir iiov:iig ^avid the hie "I "tie v im is.b arer to me tlnn ire itself. And I thank Godt-ir thus unsttcring my praters My physit i»!!--

have ord.'refl n sea vi yago and a clntnge of a:r

it i: if all of no avail; fur the. hand ol the con

ijucrur is u;".n me und I : h ill soon go benCti."l*'->r mrvirul tl.iys tde stranger was constant in

his visits to the lovely girl, and dal in Irs powi i

io Rinuoth tlio counli <>l her suffi ring, but it w.s.-

.i!! of no avail! Disease kept on i's nrpid work,tad like the M.iiniK't ti »wer, slie faded hour ini.i'ur, until she wns> near tbe confines where thositwo worlds meet.tlie living and ihe dead.

A.botH a week nrter Irs arrival in Xow O.ieapf.the itrnneer v.called lo the bccsido of tue dy¬ing pirl. As Boon an hi enternd, she motionedti'.-ii loa sent biside htr. On enc side of Ii:«,e >ch kneeled her mother with it crucifix in herhm ', tin: !¦ '..tst'i.'d the nurse, locking the virjp-.Tsonirication of despair.A grillt change bad t ik-n place in ike lovely

sufilrer. Tlte.hand of Death waa ujmn her, bmner «y<' w is still bright nnd her breathing regular,yet her mind wandered continually among tinsce-i» s of the past. After a longer silence thanusual, she. said, taking the hand of the stranger,upon wh cli was the ring given him at the then,'re, "this hand once saved me from committinga dreadful crime-! I had a demon in my heartthen, but you tore it thence, and I have hadpeace einco." Then turning to hrr mother tdieit quired the day of the wet k. " Tuesday.'' " Ithought so ! this is the l>rid il night of him I was

about t" slay when you arrested my arm 1 IIn 1ha! ita! that was a rare time!" end her mindw nidi red ofj' to seem s connected with the greatdisappointment she had met with.

ISiH.n i!ie was rational agiin and bide hermother tell her faithless deceiver that "she Iimcloved him through lib and died invoking blessingson his head." " Puesday, Tin sday," she repeat,ed several limes, "Yes, Tuesday! he wi 1 be thehusband of another, ami 1.h:> Leanor!.w,l! btthe bride of.of.death ! Yes. I hear Iiis l< o

s'.ipnt the duo-! hark! he is calling me.yesI not impatienL Leave me with m>friends one in incut; but [loved him and thoughtlie loved me.oh, bitter, hithr hate !"

In this Any her mind wandered on from o; e

thi:'^ t" another; at times reveling amid ihibii'is and blosson s that suriounded her earl)y»uth, bat ever returning to the seines connectedwith her uuhitpp) attachment.

Fainter und faintor heat tier pulse and longeithe intervals between her moments of consciousness. Oh, it is painful to stand by the bedsidioi" ihe departing under any circumstances, bu.when that one is young and be^uniui it is try¬ing indeed. To leel y»ur own impotency at thaidread hour ano to know th^t you can do notliioptoarrestthi falling ol the hand that is to seveithe golden lit ks ol life!Tu hearthi a faintly murmured farewell ant

the last s o.'i t>" .nie who isj'tst budding into It e.

is tisi ruuen lor even a sioic to bear unmoved, andwc will n<>t then blame ihe stranger tor sinkingu.> n his kti'is bv trie be side <.! tne dying oii 1!Uut » hy . Ae l upon scenes hkethes« I they niti>:t>-.- witness '11 > be felt.

Alter ijnij e,-i te smsdess for a lorger ttnnthan usual, she suddenly aiivke, tu« k leaveof all.asked lot f.e cn-ss, k..-s ,i it. then p issrd il ;>.

¦.- bosom,commend er ionlto lluu whog«v;it, hi.c closed her ens tor ever upon trie wo.-ii',::.i! us sorrows i-t as the n si taint tiais ol'i morning lighted up the etc.;.

at M » * «

!n one cbrntrof the Catholic cemetery atiVewOr'«. is n i>'.iiti maibe tomb, s-rixdcil bv c

ba u ul pomegranate Upon theslab that clone*tlie entrance is sculptured the pr» u.l crest oi tl«n< h e farett) ol L>e F-. Underneath th^s is j

wreath, woven ia with the fiswers of which, isthe iinine ol " Leanor "

SPRAS Pl.VASAvTLT,. Dou'l sp-ak so CTOSS toihai bov. Wuai iflie is an apprenticeT He h:.-it r-i'ims «s wi ll as >ou. Tel! hun plriauaantK toiluv job, and be-will jo about it imcoediately*. anddo i as soon -ni'l as ». n« can. If von loo>>rriiss and simp at him. he will not e-re ho* nun htone betakes, and how bunglingls ihe work iadoneI his im* he wr, pg in ihe boy-rbut it i< hutiinu i n

iure. Yju can c-.otx. bui you cannot dii»e.[i'ortlcud Exp ess.

Pow i s Ijt.vr.ix ixtOM..Carlyle teils ihe bui\ ofaghosr, which haunted a house iaScutland.occupied by credulous people, but «bicheni \es i-

ttalion pn to he a rusty old un'al jaeK, t exi diKii.which in n>cr»-ar.'n^, j-rsirii;'ortlones » hieh a fertile iuiaginarion t*»i-ie<i iu O" Oncel-w,.6 hap-bap ha p\ ; now I'm nicere a de! "

tJ. i v EtjiJ.vb .The !>.<'>. or a c lo-ed rcan

v«wj '(.aid oh Tu-'.'a;. a'letruo i Ling in Uvwater at tati eud os" tho wharf ncai ihö dry duck,si the Cfaarksjtown navy yaid. It hid apf a.

rontly been in tbe water some time.

TF* ' »n T l^ V.-t, .Mr. Wiü'a. a young m >n

mi ling t\ '''onnv Falls, «rat !n>u»ht betor* Jusi ii'-»- Booth, of ibiaplice, for. examination, char:;-.!wi-h an nt'err.ptcommit a 'up* on tri» pT-en <>i a

jo-ine lady raiding: in Rr-.veiioa, a ho had r>*en

pitrril underbid protection by rvr (r-C d to conv-ytrom Hudson torrris r.leo". On examination be eras

rVM tr> had in the earn of {MHO, »hieb n-.t Itfhjgc' :.:i:.ed ho ha* tven irapris.«n*d to ».»ti; his trial.

fW.t. Hr.». A,jv .->.:-. A jr. 1">.1-

Sr/noE.f Deith . Mr. John St^Ie. a worthycitizen r.t OMhuci County. Ky. wh:ie in cenver?«-

tion with hi* wife and friend*, on the 4th in?:, fi?:!back in his chair, and died in an ioftaot, without a

struggle. An aflectioe of the bean issupposed totia-.e tie»n the sense vT his 5ut!il:-n and distressing

Salt Riv: r. .Tt .-. said there is to be a m tss

meeting of the Loco-Focos at the heed of SiltRiver in November. Mr. P-ilfc h tb preside on

the occasion. [8altimore Patriot.

j C0ü .!.*£ /»' C/.rl /. .1 ;V /> >/0 A*£ J' 3tt lr *"£/.' S.---i|.at the Slot l< Kx< »sHH»e, Arii;:i«t it.

11000X 7 City.V- 183...101 iho lbs Hsrtem.b60 7ltjI.jUJ Co I'TO. tin Jo hecil.r.e. Ub<) i4'. lWa..01 <t.. ¦-<¦',SrOOXYSfc i-.l..r.iy luJiJ 100 tk>.,. 51£ISiHO S-.-. If63 ..eontrllS ?>>r/s Wor.b30 fi3S0i4Us5t.J8i3.fJ". its n». -v..tAIObiotj*,ltf»,. !*-. ;io .io....

,1'j '3 sa no.bie 5 £o.'i fntttiT.' Loan.STifl 25 it i. r.l ',31 No: &Wot.tti^l S3 do.61»,.25 Co.«!?*.

Public Stoi k Exchange, Ant;. 23.?2>'fi N V -' t>. 1-&!..t40 109« :'r> ,hs Firm. Trtt-t... b90luC0Ohio6sIM.... fSW To do.enth &9JjEOno Kxatuekgia ...I** T2', 25 Contnlio. Ina.i.iu lo--;¦.' lud j Bund*....ant* 44 ¦>: VVaib'rg Ins.s^ti ftloo di.1.30 41's-l'X) do.MOJrtl.'iShto an .»> 4P, 40 no. "li"0 i;ib.. 1ST».e»«>> 4tp,jino uv.po r>i'42'W «ii.i>3 4i lift do .-JrnCan iVi.en-h 41 Ti Nort tVor.UJ i.:\

l$ntbi Long Isl .eaah fci-J ;5 da.2S i'o .s3 v3>'^Ts do.ensh »>

¦JÖ do.sill W '0 do.hlS ..;

73 do. Si'i 50 do.lilO Cl:t

try- Th*re wan unite (i evn-il in ii;c «nie« of IVbeat renteril i> nt ii -li*la reduction in i>-ice». Ar» m 5«"ui dus .e's Ali in,ii rerf Niir ankle, «os taken for I.e. k;»»: nnllin: »t 11 rn^»ii» i'tAt bu. ana (till afloat. ut notden me not ariltiag tuac.ri^le tn thrse Qiio'ntioi s. lTf'J i.u veimw hio <'orn liml mi

nflet 0.40c sslnch ssas refuse'.4>',c. svjil bujr. Flour ilirithout rlinnre In QUutatifiM ana no sal^s to nn? amour.1harel»e»n.naule lor >ome dajre Ketni tradeP lupp'rlng ntt.iiinu .'ö fetmerclmnttbla Ohio and .Micrmtun. Hcset'crkjoes Ott in smad (ju^iilitii» ut |ir n H 25

'. Itutfalo Guzettc. Aug.

Paaaeii|Cera an ivett.In ihr nhip H' AVir Oritan*.Wm H Dolor r,

PJnen s. end <4 in the ireCMge.In ihr ../|,p >",ct.>6a'i-. Jrnirt .Vrir (/rlrnns.M v» M S"l:etv!.

Mr It K Jlirlir rk. I. Gatesaran. m'd J*. in tri»- s ^rniife.1,1 Vi, ttrtrui S*lm.fram Oiattno..Mr. Yuung, ctniil

and .erv nii r rcotland; Mr George I".»i«r. of£ngland.endils in liie stc«-r:ii:e.


Cloiireil.Brigi N"ptune, (3we) Bnrg.a. Trieste, IV Weiarer; Mc

biie. in> hi .'o. M..I. .b. r-'o tu I 'I.<ri.r-iim- ÜThnrne, V\ i.«- . r. Wilmington, EJ Powell;

sarah, Ferguson, Newhern, K M Blackwell,Sloe . l.xev'.. 1 >u mi £, Fall Itivti; U.ep Riv;r. Shaler,;aitliinl.Saunier Eudora, i!;., vn. Fall River.

A rrlveil.Sliio Ililrib, Flammond, It. dajri trow New Orlt-an*. mise, t..

niniier.Batqua Salem. Iliene, from Glisgowr, lTth July, mdte, to

Kol en Keraiit.Sein KrauceaG flbrd, I iln>* Imm >'e»licrn, Nt', uith r..-:i

in M Hin«.Srlir r s v. i. |i s s, 3 (isy, froni Newbern, KC,naval

(. rev. to S I, Witch. IISehr I'nmi. Fiiif-rd. 8day« frmn VVaibington, NC. na

eal .lor-s. rs I. M.t. b. a^. -.r r- ..i. U ol. on.,4 ilnys fr m \Wbingt in. .\P, n~v->

..or.«.. :u .> I, Milchail.?crir Ann-mt'i. Cranmer, 5 dayi from tVilinington, NC,

naval s ou-., t . Ks IVarell.S. i.r \ A Fendignwe. »teeen». 6 ilayi from Richmond.Va,

iron; uheot, t_». U> a Pnx*m.s. ir iteguiu«, i ol,-. 5 ,u,s it..m Wilmington,NC.naval

(tores, lo * i, M.-,'ir if.? i:r IVm Penn, Foster, 13 -n\, from Machias, lumi«r, to I

in Seven ..r Prospect, s''.r-.r^teanisehf L'ncas. Mi l., uaniut I, produceSi in Caledonia. re|a?laian prneidrnce, inu-' v:lir loudens. Urnwn. Fall Ktver. ;.r. dine,s. 'ir Lewis tdpicar, Mutr. Prurideuee, ,.r.«'nr».S. l:r Knbeil Kiuce. I Iils'ii'.. i.untT, i>'nvter,Sloop t'lesident. Frisbj. Near II iven, pits

Dl.usrrr«. cce.

Ca. Stur' I.''inn AsttacBTO.s..The »bin Lnr.l a^hhurlnn,Paul, Liverpoul !orr*i. J..lo.s. N'. II. with an samttcanrgo, ssii- lost neat Mraael-rd baihsir. moininM ol Slsl .> t. largo save to.r I. lie damaged 7*be -lai> b id In*' asasutsvajr. bilged and filled. She wa« u new vessel, and t iusureoin Butt, n tt tig thi es f.i 845.010

urat Xo« I. uij..ii. Hi iruLrfaip Isaac Hicks, Imm .'»'. passed s-n-ml Isige iticka ofsqaire lihibef andcreut auantttka ol >*. bite pine i.'unk: saar aaaa or le». Uironalout the day i '»t i'->v same time teat » i-n-r.* of .Inn's il^ck plonk;

mked a* triun;!i it la,; *mi in the water bur « «Ii nr tiuJu y -". i ü clock a. nt. lai 4ii .\. Ion S8 iVi James tt illiams.«.t inutn. a naUve nl etcalloa iy. si.rt'si d It '»:»!>. fell from ti.-nm of the nisin Uip to the deck, ih.c-ninnc his kkullsobadlythat be died in a I -v. moments.

Foreign i'orta.\t I'm t.. Slst nil. -!ii;.» III lochard, Hlnnchnr.l. for Porelmit

ids: II 'idee..-« nie, for Philad. do; Lucy. UouM, lor iiln..; Flavius, Jones, oncer, baique Ba*is. Itonne tMa tga, 2" 'id-: t"'« Eugene, lirn.k>s..|h!r. lor K o Grannedg; and n'ii- r« before retMtr*en. Ship Hanover, lirummondor lb i , tailed Sunt, Barqus Lom.ii. Ii anehurrj. for Pottlai.'.and Kaltic, S:»«iir, fer 'In niaston.'U Sdaysbelore Shi|ijcaola, I hild, from New Orle«n*, arr ofTthe i>..rt 1-2'h. am«rasonlemttoVi«,,« rqoafautin«. Iijs...... rin.rim. Fish I'ma... no rt" » ». ills., t.rilrrtil lo Vn>>.Air tt Sydney. NS, i3th inst barque Hualco, llsn'en. f>

rtöston, o^xi any: (ehrt*hyhick. Mauhesv«. I,»rd .. (antedarBarque Mautn, Lane: Imm Boston, ikl llth. i«n Palermo.ArraiStJohn NH. lith instant, (hip James Whit* Price

Philadelphia: lath, brig Alobigan. SntalKry, \y rt>. 18th tchittueen. E>draige, Alesandria Cid 14 a. (ehi Flora, tV'neaton,Bang, r; iTtn. bnr tleien Anna. Hui'h-.. NFork.


fOUXTRY MEUCHANTS and cthets are invit-d ui eal' and examine our stutK of iba above articles, in part aifolios, \ i:

Men's 'i hick Uoot». Mens Kin Rrogant,Bor*' <:o d.1 Men's Calf Brogans,Roys'Calfand Kin do, I >u ilo >o*e«l tirogint,Vnutbs'dn DO Ut h p do do»ena Calfand dodo Boys'arid Youths' doDo tine do stitch do Iht

_<io peeged do

Together with a great variety nl Women's nr.a Children'wear, lower than ever tor Cash or City Arreptancea, by lb,,. iv ... i"r x»n. GALli <c < (>. i£i rearLsttuS3 lineotl" 1* S Hotel Building*, bile Boll's House.

s.V o I'llt. l*Atilts..lilacs v.h House Shnet,jnst i(

I eeisetl umi for snie cbeti. n 4*.inJnSMITH ü HAK'l Sil(»It.\ E. 17u Ful-,,r.-ti.

DRGOKLYN lawn's ANH Slt'iES..-The (uirscn!<nD are now supplying themselves werk |,-i«t> tor Customeiloots ami Sho-rs Gentlemen and Limes ein liave Lastt auuk

nt ii em b) leaving U>e siui>c ot Uierr feet. »t Uie Bi.»jlilyi...iu l.lnr..'r":n:e. l?o Ki;:-.'--..»trret. _u7i _SMITH «r II MtTyiH'HVF.

BRCX IKLVN Bin ITS AND rsin IKS..Tlvs subscriberare now »tipelymr rhein«r!ve» »:tr- l.-i»t« lor ustna.

H....I, and Shoes. Gentlemen an-! Untre« enn Iji---ondeto ri: r;iem bs laavuuc the «Im;* of their feet, »tilain-.lilj n L.'ic Island Store, lTn Fulton «tre^i

jyä_SMITH & HAKTSHIIRNE.LAPI KS' GAITERS..Ladies' Gaiters of van, at

Ci-i2a»ilesrruirioii.tram8s.to28«. And «t prueaiss t:

»es! hl...mi oualitv r^-unl It. any n.n.le in llroailssay.jftl SMITH s. HAK SIM inM.. 170 Fnhonrt.

fV ECONOMY AND FASHHsN..Tbetubsci erlSa p dueed hat superior Iniltattoo .A!..>e»kiu ll^'o Ijr bo

g5& riant to the eSlreme low pre* .e S'lIlie above are an ehtgani t're»s Hat. tod will compare ad

ranureoosll Mritb hat- -.i d at il 50 anJ S.t. Also, co tan.:;;nanutactunng Fur and Sjlk of Uie best cualer. latest vn\em., nntl at the lowest i.rirrs.N. B Country dealerssnppliad by tlie case at iuw, it no'¦uer, than any otnet house .n the e :>

J. \V. hlLLLOGG. 133 Canal «treet.aiilS'm* e..user ol Thompson «ireet.

I ÄIUES ami FEMALES BEWARE^F COMMÖALi PREPARED CHALK.Il injures >..«- skin and leaves..¦ ..... -a::.... a e tana but ti.e art .-'e ciileo 'he Span..Uiy White givestba ss n n livingtnowi pasnclearBad dee,otiajure. sold, pnee 35 cents ¦ b>.\. .: 323 Broadway ai*

¦C iraathani -vetr^ or I3f Fulton tt- Bro .k!j d. Tutec..-e .>: .

a.-e counterte.t. _Ku) i.n.rasn: ir._1.12 In.

l ilt V. iiki DOCUMEMS.Tbe folio win: is a list of the Whig Document!

tow for sale at the ''rih'.nr- Office, ' inters iron

'lay Clubs, W r-i- CornntittaeS, Kookseil.-rs, .Meiliar.--1 aud indhidcals, a.v;>rrtpR.niei! by the cas1.rr promptly Mtr-ud^d to, «.nd rhe Documents &hi|n?d to any port ot tue United states.L\RGENT*S LIFE OF CLAY.The raCsst tad most

complete Btotraphy ol Mr. Clay ever wnttea. PriceUS csnt» or uer 1ÜC...SS is

.IFS AM» SPEECHES Ol HENRY CLAY. Svois.x.ih Enaiatriegi ; N.cnc" St ¦£>: by the Quantities... |.

rHE CLAY TRIBUNE, a Weekly Newsparer. Forrem» -Mfe Ploapaetns in s~or;ier column.


H. Iiweie>. fer 1'jU foiMe». 15-PRE TARIFF AS IT is. By H Gfeiey. Per 1.« ... 1 5.EFCH Ji'P.N M. 100copies 1 _

'. ii!'. - INGS.Clai and r -~. ..c-luj-e-ij.en a.nun-hat collecooa ot m.., luucoi'iei. 1 5

[.Hs I'ARtFt Ui ESI IN :.\ .t.KMA.W.perlOO 1"tOMMERClA INTEROH RSEOFTHEI mtedSTAI LS AN 11 GREAT BRITAIN.per IPC coptei 1ETI r.i S Ol CASStCS M. CLA f.6et il«' copies 1 V.HE w Hit: AU'.: \>\C-pai:EDcnpssa.:rut TEST. B, Jcnin*. per iju Co, .1 >HECCRRENCY. Ju. do . I iHE T RIFF o... - d,,. ....11... 1 \IKK OF HENRY CL \ " do. . ..15-.iI.lTIC'L ABl'UTlo.Vco" ia. .. .plEMOt RACV dc. .. do, .s.ah it? \ndi apitaL de,«« .;; ; -¦

HE PUBUC LANlea. oo. -c., . 15

.lATION OF 1'F.XAs. " -to. .. 9|'AR1FF TRIUMPHANT; - do. 101BT«»- (>aien m j»t V n.lii-essed t.t

GR F.F.LEV 4r. McELRATH.Tntiuoa ttuudiog*. Nae.Yort

»«..! .:o W.i.f» 25 do.I.i'-V1 "j Kentucky tit. lol -5 do.biy-2'r>>u iio.ilO'nil'j 5) in.ilAA) do .If!',' JO do..h'ni-Strw III S;,l rjonds.-J) do.(lti*;.;3' .1. 1.10 Bonds .«20 44 25 eo.75thi Mtsclsanies Bk ....irc^i 50 do.a?J635- t*.k of Coin, full.: S . 50 do.f-0'3¦m Vick.'.u-s. wi 25.

tj ,]. . 7 t'ti Lone loans.Sr'Srsi r'r.rrr,0's- Tru-t. ..l60 4a 150 Co.«M83*, Ins Co.... « .'-I do.Un «4-4& t'Ln-j.n Co.r33 «%| Tri do.bW ?4

Ml.27 50 do.s6u -3l.s47 Frie R.U 'C-0 d.t. 8;!4rOaonincton.44 jaw do. b30-45'J ou.söO 44 sVJ du. 8&f*

SECOND BOARD.M.bsRrs.'l nr.Tuet 51KI 5" .as Nor &. Wnr-«3 <n\


BLC*0*tlSBPR7 ft R -. Ü~ß-Tbe residence of th- |-!e>i*. l.-.CWs>.-t ».-.--.... 'Af«. MariT-1 ''.-.....«

tr-c mmtsim >6 acre*. aNjd » o"»"»r »«t«. w. <vjb.nd: ti---.iI u rood, and «cl atJapfed to'aefjtJ«» «l b tt.

renn or em.-« bcii:: pnnr::.a;if t-.c* 'and and hg-t. mea-dow.!r j.Mf« opoo the ."-.!«. MMitirmgd »..'n:aT ..' the town oflla>vied* Grace, ami span the DiesepcaSe Pay shade tr er .-»

!. r;, s-.' -,.-r-:-.:"_ ion-.- .'..'-.; n

a Wi-KerlyäNrectiu". T:,C'e ?r'n' ;s':;-:.i''l »iW.irboeeMre an tibejArÄ Th»poerroodtoBnftimoreand tfce F"*.:'".:--'. - i:-. t more Ranr-ad paa» thnm.-h toe

traeU. rjit-ii;,: rp» ;-.rv: r.evT er';-!'1*. n»inf t»n boora r def-nm xlallancr?. f.icr h.itn trvm Philadelphia by one or iwo

rraim daily. auWtng facility oftravel a*.-i icc-:--. tu ibe

ktt. «t :h:»e cii-es.T:.e rn::-e :« vn""n vrrt <f «'..> railnvid. «w up- -e r. n ->:

commanc.T.r and besot nil view of tbreetc* «-'C ^s^-«4 t

«¦Itiiepare. tiftric rfu'Otwnajir'i nt« CMacwfta "".y.rr.uto*r.. Tbebo<»eisol .uiVie'-V'iani t tea-ant conajudiofl..! brisk. 5? ftet front. «* fee öe»p. bout on a itone bsseraei r.CO' tro"'-s "ii'cri.n. «erraut«' r.^m«. p-.n ry. larder, and rcl-h* !ia privat« «taireaae :o j'* tan<,! *he boo.: in» parinr

ha» a hall 10 leetby 45. a fitine par'nr. d'nm« ard draw-bis « rn. er.-h abottl ü by 21 lief; » lad-eV «t-.*.> n-m i !iyIi. »an common ou» c .--:-; eeitn VS leet .> m .. aV

mantel in each rixm and in töe chan 'nerv there »r» «;x b*d-.<M»ru» <>n he chamber rt ¦<.'. ei:d a larje hall «~.tß 13 feetctii- Jine« Tlie atiic» sre will tiaral-ed

..'h»f« h well if tn» Sre>t «rate» nt irir ioor. an exte« r

atra elesant cir.:: ::, tw > peach urrli.-.r:«. and an menard ..t

fvo m üiree hiindrea younc beanns aupie trees. There w a

»t»ne «rjible arra enrr *z* heurf. a frame barn, a :.r>rk over.

^-r'» boose, m'h foot rr«im« and ptasa; .s;ute. '<->l »ud ce

In.-j«». Th » olece ha.» i9J rc:c-~ aUached. am: 51l* c-:«.- m

.e"djni>d adjoinm; .

(la ti:.-> ..;>"» !.. ih« r~*r i < th« tVm !. nre, upon«h'rh ts--re i« " .j. nH ouare-.. barn,»tab'e.andratr<«?»....*». io n n o e. etc..I.t.1 ncr»» r.trnrhed arc 6! r.prr«

in !.>." hi i'rnm 1" to Iii aerei adjoimi c !!>e to vn. The 'bore .»

in eve'y wny v»»l! eaatnrated lor a i-.«hery. ind would b-j v.;r>valuable for that purp>~<r.One-third of the pure are money will be rejoiinr! fn cajji;

th« re>;aiie m one or two years, with '.-;r?-c;*. from iiie day ol«ale. »ecured bv hoed win n<.. t..'*a iecuritv.

Referefico may he madejo pl!.n» and delcriprinoJ <r. thehandanfD; l.-..-,o«.:n;e. on the premi^»: Miller et C>e>re». 116Cm: ,-l it.% V: Pi >U' Ewioe, Alexandna. IK* r to the on-

denHcned won will Mil üie wrmleor paru tntort yurchajcr.«,untiltu« ant ol "inter next;

Hy onl-r ul :n» <">r>'-an«' 1'ourr.J iHS B. PRICE. Tni'tee.

au*! ?t Itavv*_ l»arlin;t..B. Ilarfo d County, .Aiari'an.!.

Ft ft SALE.A creni bn-cinn n olf-'H to |tr-.:»cno. or mher-, etutr.m'tctl with the IHiatnen. in the ialeof the «tncl

and »ix-«'.« ofthe Ilm« SI -- So. £i at cor. <d Moti..Kor tunr,»r ii:irir--'a:\ t.i RUßT. H. SHAäNOiV,\t!i.r-*r i: Laar, 2W Va'-m >taul tt

L.VV iTAH». B U A i K .. Kh.IK«MINES*. AM'CiVALUABLE rKACTt FLAXOr' R SALE,rrins ia'ranee t Mun'y, n the Ramcpa Kinr. :i5 miles tror.i the ( itjofNew York, tre \ew Vor« and i'.r,' uailroad.l tranceTurnrdke. andRarnar>oISirer paamne .-early through the centre ot

.he tract. The ¦.»ater-power ;. eapabai ofdnvme Uaehisetr to..i.i" any extent, :.i:n-re .«¦. «rrar boily waten » it.i -evera! Ihlh. There are atH.u' II ,(««> acrc^ of land, heavily Umrirred with k-.iM.I r>f '£> u> 40years' cm-aih. There ar? the»xten.ive iron mines ol fi.-t quality, and limestone poaaeumyex HI Hi '¦:.-:;;. !'.:n : land areiud m-ik» excei'ent tarrr.«..Thc'i nrrriii I.akr. two mUes lone and one mile «-«ie. beam nee

i'i.rt of 'P': 'ra-"t. the -ce-fry ,.t which ..-; eautiful. The ;ila.-eu rem i'ksDly berU^hy. It;«known as Auxusta triict. undia three rsriles above Pien<«'« Works.Access can be hid to a >n three of lour hoars from the ci'y ol

Vew "fork bj the New V-irsan-.' Erst Railroad. i>tm fivem<ia hour- by in? way ol tlackenssck und .!.. »e Tnrnpike. or

..r jy the way ol Nysck or Havsrstxaw en '.He Budsoa linerInijuire at So. tl Chatiiam .'_i. i' slrr.*

PAPER MILL TO LET. with two Enrinea anda bun «nee ol water, lilmtte within i4 h.i'p< ofthiscity,

_, Enquire of GAÜAT k. UERRK K-OX,aal_I if soii'b-.treet.

»_1 COTTON PACTUKY roR ÖALB..l*nai AaU.Ixnd Factory, ntaaied in the town of eharon, t'or.n

_.near Hrtxhcock'a t.'omer. will be solo at a (mat Lar;en ii Tue property eonsisb ol a valuable water power, threeif four acre* ol bed. one dwellms boose, cm! the Factoryboildinc, m «'iirh are 18 loom«, wiui U>eneceaiaryprepamrjon. dressiert frames; tools, Ur ae. nearly new. and all ineomiile'e order f<- »mrtn.i: t.'l' The jiri'i^rty will lie >old en

¦ire or the mn-hin- ry aeoamtery, a* may out 'he ptirrhii»er. nt

n!ii<-",l pncea mod no easj* farms. Penona wnhmit toeaan-tnethe mamerty «rill r-!i ui" n V.r. Amariah Hitebeock, at HitchCoca's l.'i; and f. r lerrm <¦'. .¦ te. «. r. ino'iue of

.trSlrn« E' «fj hsJMUS'."' IMLf/rSIN NEVVA11K.Several Lot. in Newark.

N\J. will teexebansed for dry couls. Address II AÜ. at lbi> olle e. ai;Jl Iw*FOK MALE OR LEASE.The COTTON MILI

Ci.xl at Peterson, NewJcrsey; known asthe 'Carroll '.'

'»'"¦-« '¦!"»' ¦»' «ah the nmi-hiiierj. The lot of land i« 17';iy WO lest, i he boitalinx '? very >ui Itantialls both of -tone,

with t ipk v»n' ?. four« hirh. and abont 'V '"et 'one andi"> te-i »nie. T^e band is well «:tu :ie.l, ami otherbnildmcamay be advantaeeoualy ens-?cl up> n .!. The Mill is nowopetation. and r.m bedebvered oa 10th Isnoary n*«r. whrn:. e r~en:««e »;. re«. Apply nt l'al»r»on to Thonm» Ko-c^rs. or hi Now.York to

j' SQjJ _VV. F. «:AKY.!'J Pmc street,

FOItriAi.E tilt LEAdK..Thuny-two Ia.u o-

!n and loi«. e ru tiartrmu*-, N. J. buuiided by Jene*]atl'.'f^ rVvenue, ami Erie, Hanunua. and S«wto^treets.ab ..

.ie m le from Jersey (ity F¦>. particulars, iiiquire nt t.Chathajn-atreet. je-i'';ni*

MÄlMPROVi D FARM3 FOR8Al.E-Ona near Cold.

<e^V »prinx. Lone Island, 19) seres. 4 miln from the Rml-

in» ne ,t VVeateheatet Villace, IM n-rrs. 1 an-! J mi!e» fromRaiie .ii'.; iroia thet ity.Will be e» ha iced futC '.r omperty. Apply toBiSSnt* C. IIOL'IUN, 56tiKamarich^treet,

FOR SALE.A mmt valuable FARM, cmitainm:.r^sr.-Js'ab ot l;n'r.«. ,n «hole nt by d rnjiona, d'lichtf H>.L I UBtl don .New \i<:< .'¦ny, l!nd.ii N^'J., about thramih . soo'h ot Jhc.-j- fit.. f'( qnality ofthe aoll esnnntbi.nrna««ed for product venea», be .;. in a h rh ':it«..i rnluvati^n. Iltcpr luectwhieh ami cmiimatiding embracinsare\tor>i,e mid luehly mlercstins rirw \t>the« it) and warl»uiol r«ew York. Mr a»kiy . bland Stntan Sia.,.!. tl e i -.

ami il Kiaoii Kivers,h'ishi v and li.wline. in the «ea an; can be enjoved to any cx

tent. T ere are three paid Itwalhna.tfouaea, witii outltumej,on mid Farm, web fruit ofvnrioo« k'mb).'lie Miuation ia peculiarly lavomble to health. a:.d t.'..

neighborhood evi r way re> iwciab eand aercexhle.Said Farm can be advanuigroa^ly divid'd into a numberol

-i ui trv -eet. wrlh »'l,-c»int i*ountry ntirt h.-iib-ir prmpeetaihotiaphic maps ol aaid property may be had of FRAN

'IS PKll t. -n at i» Ihr-, -er..;,.' Ii .i,r .\ ¦. S I'm- -Ina '.wrofT '«. WaKEMAN, K-i. at the American Institutewho nreantnoriai d to five finthrr particulars, if 'eootrari. niul

state the price, teiun i.c autkl StawSw

¦¦^.a FORf"*.LE.An Klemmt Country Re^alence. andajajNT Kaon of raj acres ofexcelk -! Land, v..r .\ewbur::h..i^in'r*' c Iii u-e i« l-ir-;.'. ronvrn ent and Mtontcil intheouiikiru nfa grove ofold Ibrfsjttieea. The Lawn, «hieb com.

ornes about .5 acre*, is weil fil'ed witn fruit ami ornamentalret-.adjisi i.'C the Lawn ami within a tew roils ofthe House? " bona iftd I,».sc 18 nr lu acres, wh «c banlu are ornament-edby »ralka and la'L-e treea. fh* oulhuild'oxaare aliam'larriace-Huoae, fee Honae. tte Inipiiriiof Vvmru fct.'n i-i

sVmtb, Cray it iaieoll. ITCedar.orE L I'ancher. 'SS J"h..tre»t._it'JI 2-.»»

SÜÄ'i.NE t.l 'IIIF. Vu.-l VAI.CABI.n FARMS 1%\BsS l HF. STA ,ij"l CONNECTICCT. is now off..-.,i.,c. b-' slc on rrrj mr Ijrr.r. It contains IS' aeiea u

aii-n.'y nhivated land, on the piemiasi is a Inrne ,!»ei!inrlouse in exci lient repair, toiether with all otbes rieeessary «ui'luildinc«. It !*ei:.« .iiunted '« thil SmilesofNew Haven an-

ID ol NewA ork. the toeatioa avitl be found in be eiccedin.'b.eairnbic. Pmfttrthi r inlornwuca apply to

Ui SSELL SMJ m, res and CooJtjeUer.lelQ tl :] Lii/erty-st. Y.

PARTICULARS of the Kami in Huntington TnwnshipI I.I. 'dvenned some time «inceb« SV.ot J. now be had at Ibeii olEi e, Tri South it. comer of Maidvi(vine. aiilri

TO SJt: LET.AN EXTENSIVE WATER PRIVILEGE to lensrnear New Haven, Cl iura ierm nfynars hnring

_fine larce bwldina f« r manulacturine purposes ol uij?itul, with oul-buttdinea am: d»vel!ine-bouaeaaitached. Theinn now ci-nlnina a complete wot ol uiier Marl inery, viz

r'oundraier anil dryer, ö larce nre»^», a engine,. Ate. whiclan be bought on the moat teatonsbis terras, out are to be reuo»ed if im nrivieee i» remetl for Otherpurpoaea. The Km» about I'.* tiet the »treiun never huliiiz. u Tich lor a mil

.anit rei-'er^ n e,jual if not rooeriof to any ia the State. Item-r naviita'eil from the Sound to within a jh.,rt distance ol thilam. For intormation apply to ELI WHITNEY..New Haven, JnneS. Imi. jeJT 3ta» TuThecStfMSTORE Tt LET -Store No. 10 Cedar »t. will 1» let.

I'oissmion 1st ol Septen.ber next. Inquire of the nc.

i_>>.'( irutri'i ii..A a.-_cie oltlus raJuaMe F*n:i ret.i ..'i .'..'...:. f..d.Noirihe Jerttp MauUnoeiStates /.'.'aed Xvi Mottrial.F rsahratSS t 'hamlierv.tree:Hrmrriiber the n1.:. ,b.*r, Si i. .nil en-.Irret, bclweeu the Kai! and Palmn'i. and near the !'<. l-t lirice.POI DRETTE ma* e apphed to Corn, and mostotbe

i-rop« iireswd a Ith the h *. witn r.-".u,y m caul elf- ct at tinnr»i. ar. l :,-en at tlie«« '.i.»--ii.j, a.« ii apniied at plantms-m-.l when used al !he boeter*, it »»¦!! nuttut th-cr-.p a weelor ten daya e...-lier t!ian an.- other manure in or!u.rya--cWhen applssd at planU'mt. the m..Terence .n maturing will 1»roRtwo waaslci overonUnaiy manure. '.!.:e rarmer. Ia«t yearused Umbarreb on f«land :Uua year ne ha» hodove.liu-ty barrel*. The :..-:;. :e pretitre.! by L' e \ iw- Yor.K Comjany. in the I.' ty. has h'rn a ad will j.':^ ne lound raj er ur :«

«ny other i-reieiieii in trie eirini.'y. It is SO as a matter n

Boupte, ai they c...iei: il.e marerral in Tufa ar»i CatUe, whiu-j'Airy cobeci it in Bt ats. into «Inch i« thrown the matenaitana and *a:»r. a.» taken fron the -.:r.-.« c: n g;it, when no iii>-nnnnatMi i-Hii be l-e,..htrt not m. with tilt Com. any, wkahave day ligh! tose'ecrrhe rood and discard the worui'eva< they <lon« more r.-an 100 l..s.d; thi« -er^on. Be carefultaen, to ea!! at 'he rzl:' nlace, 'Si l.'hamla-r« «treer, »vne»e!.an he n id tanawJis .'; urets Sx 85. nr 10 lurrris lor f is-or at the Manufactory, t corner"!' Avenu- B, bi¦JuUnd -it s'e.-nt« a biohel. fmgtri |) K. MINORT'HE II' iWAr.H INSURANCE COMPANY make :n

I si;»cnc«-» ngvm>t loa» "r dain.ige by rise and inland navicati-ir-. on term* u« laaorsble a, any other nm.lar imtnutioa in.fie euy.

CamtaL ja<j.rA..¦ rffiee. No. bi Wail »treet.DRKCTOas

R. Haven*. Cale.. 11. Hs.l.iev!. John Ranlin.KajahTaylor. W'ni.lV.T-ji, Meies 0. Btstjaroia.J. I1i:lbi~ l'frrnix, Wm Couch Nktllaniel Weed,-'anninc l'.'1 ucker. B L Wotdley. FerCtnand riunsamDavid L^e. J.B.Varnum. HenrjO.' h..uiy»t,n'John I). VWle. Michael Kaidwm. Peter L. Neatus.

!.jAiiUi ny.iL HÄVENS. PrasidenL

Lxwts i tttiLrys. Secre'iry. ul1 tf

WHIG lüWEMiO.VS ! . Ir*ti'M»:iTi EES raakme aoanaemi

pa gr.. ile ,"e.;^v>iei !.. r«-!l are', ir.


ACKERM »..N «c »111J.KK.A fc M. havmg rernrned I their >«d ?>and, which baa beer

i'lfd u.i e.»i..e- y fur ORNAMENTAL PADJTING. ana..» preprirei t.> execute their work nt the.hone»t no-ice an-*.n reasonable term.. CL »Y CLUBS m nil pa-u nl the limoian '« rnranhed w.-h a in:» rlanaet lot 10, lä, i', ij. 30, 3s. 4),0. St, T5. or Kaj «.:'»*., Ly -O.o g

At RERM \N & MILLER,aull tS-T 1* No. 101 NasmtMmet, New-York.

CHEAP S«'AP 'V- .KK.*-T^"i7rrcrr»TV-iir!..».» a.iu -s'oreSeepew are «applied cheaper than can .>- i.tul t-Uewnere

-xauune trie 4-.,rf-k irf JOIiN*riO.\ & VKOOM, and compars«>irh aiy iher. if > on »»:-r. «u. h amcJes m (bey «upylv..'S Tr_c.:y .-ice. :ate l.Lao<r >.'.«.., _aS In.*

ri CLEAN t;!iL-\.--K SP« iTSFRt M L'J 01 HESAN]»«.ii .- EN«*..*i b*)Mae*tc Erasive**oap aim >>'in* ant.i

smovea xiease »taias ftom Lioibca of erery kind wrtnuot m-

iry. learin« xr» palt« c ear. ttlntBt and new. S It! at 3£Ir i »as and821 ir::ham. Tnee 15 rent*. al2 ImPiiK BEST SOAP IN THE WORLD.-Robecs' In,X oroared Br-iwi Sitiu r-i-. «vdi e *n«il U e re, ' of be-t.« the tanx atticar t: opt 1 r durst tf >n. etM n y. a* it«oe>imrn tnrif-' a:.u it -->*« -j,.-.l-Ti.s tl a: :.o oire- doe-. *urhv- no tij'.liif cone. ;*i.-ii.k ¦:t :!i:.nel-, ai 4 fottakaaxitiea^oalif Carp»'.»».*r:..^t it.jif-i » lÄec or. to- -a> it moat ot the(¦rincii>aUir"->r» in thi«I ny and KmoUtrs. I ear in nniiä n. a K-..WI! und n- t a Pale Soap. ^I«nufarory .40 Che.-rr-*:.

aul"_t. ROBEKTa.i DELICIOU-- SOAP '. . 1Ü- '"' KT.THE CO-

.X. U a. L .. i.iP.-.i n;-s. a «o leir is. !-thtr. impar.'fw >: da .ir-;.u« fii ue- t '.>: ¦ cr>*' "> Ul" I' .«. and r» i~-r

ectytrF-oaparent. coda: ^ Broadway ai-d Tl Chatham--iree'. Price *jj cer.t«_tali Im

» REALLY GoCiD SH (.VING 9 iaF at l.AST.-Tb«."V o d ayle» ri.».n n a.*« uao a erfjaxd fn^lt ard to d ai

*£J Ibcadwayan S hath im »tr et. I' r -any makeaafin«tioc». nrn b~in« laiiar. aoiicicr to'bi- xkj- uau beard thatvill net dry o.. ihe lerc like mo.: .-ha. nx Soap. Genia irjrJiza once only.


el3 In

TMPORTAVi""^ jiANTFACj i rt^ru.-.-ruiler'i Soap1 ol a luperor duality A -o Lar i UU tn.taoit lor mnnnlac-

*5T Hr^ei:^Oe::-^fRL-M.^K0BEirre.



So. 59« '.-t ber*-si r <<i,cr» i\ of Broadv.->, .\r»>\i.ri'.

g^'OXFXVES .>¦. mat ce ... DISEASES I. El E,^ s'.,.j..>r»T,ti"-r cjrret rJrni Urge.;, nd its appendages. .:

OSemi E*s- terrtsd. It I». nas tor the is? eight v«tr« .re-

v.-r-v InsaaeolM n aimort eaJusivelj- ro tin* tottJortAW brail n

or the pr tetsiua havinc been a rrupu "''Vs. eluott.tutje,-K-r. ,.

: ¦: vr : .irsg arl'h-- -r. -. .

Foat rattiTtons [trfrabamus, «rar».-. *r land traatrnent.ct'ur.-rs tn. derate. Otise fcuur- Ifwi'i f A. .1- .>!.

.-.urll Im __

iatFOSTAXT ::yRtcJlnrti. i vi).-' Celebrated

.v rtERlCAN P \N ICE \.nrtjns 51ali.:irr. tompousded -. lei;-r-o.-n vei-«t«b!e matter,i t,». r-i: .. -iZ-.i .rr-:.*ftJt.-re:r m r.r.y insre

.;>ct.- j.'t.-.nier.t»l to wr*. Jr»c,tor-.' :-'..'.T; J'fA?nnee, by tin individual sorely aifieieti with I LCERAlfclJSCEuFULA. and who hat been under the treatment&. r-r emrnoot pbyi aas n the I a ted Slate* fix eight year.,a^jctUte leaatapparent hope of restoration to Mart-., nnu

wrr* by'hem prunoonc».! ir.<-urab?tr. bet echo. nUer tafcinrin*eaove named rsedicäe for rive week., was restored t., pertects-tu*:.. I".-.-.: :. -e he- tteen ..>..: wits unprecedented r-tic-

eeaa. owl hit never fiiileslin any insutncetwhen taten - accordsdance w ith directions) to edict s perfect cure .if th* wit .SALT RHEUM SI ROFULA ujer-yted SCROFI i.V PSUSCrirnS, FEVER SORE*.KIXCS EVTL TltfSTELO LNFLAMJLATORY. ANIchronic rheumatism, piles, erysipelasHI K> sCTRt '. .CHKI INICSI IRE EYES. BL< rTClD>P MPLESON ill-: FAI E. SCALD HEAD AM' W.ICLTANEOLS DISEASES "it PAINS" «R I'LrEteiVRISLNi.FROM IN INJUDICIOUS CSEOlrMKKC1 t: t

OR AN IMPURE STATE OF THE BLCi ID. Tneetbee-ei ¦.: that rnedietne Itaa treen tetted in ail tbe luseese-nbn«tenum-ran«,:. sn-t :r-. nice:.- ate truly nsroi; Jsin<. 'niy one tn

¦ I etaken by an adult each rooming before ealtruf, which usually produces a tone ehVt, while tn moat rnx»

. usoacttaaa ire':!1* cathartic, inrren,on« the appetite sue

r-: neiiltii of'he paOent, CattsilK ail ulcernre«! *ore^ r.i iir>c airce more pn.f-isely. nn.i pri»Iu--ins .tn erfo.-ruai sir-."-iri»«nfthe whole«y>-em. punfyme and products* a partactactinerjriheblond.Perwios. whiletaking ;t. ihonld retrain Botn ffca ose ol ah

ft-muiatinc drinks or bifhlf teasoiv-i lo> -i. r'orjeile byObtained tl »HWeSaJe ..i l'H< >S. t;. I AIMLAGE.

General agent, 99 Pin« itrcet. oppositetheC worn House. NettYork : and n: 10 Aster Uousa : 110. 6M3 and 771 Breadway ;

comer Broadwayand Chambent-4reel No. » Front-.r-eet;No. Hi '.Ve t-tr-'t: No*.63and 830 Bowery No. 30 l-!;.:..iirfreet; No. ÖS nn.i iiti Mudm n. and 96 HammoodJtrest, mr.

Hu -or: : No 3Ct>Grand-street; N... 167 and 1> Greenwtcb-ttreei Ifa U3and SCherry-street: No, !>' IVaJkerstieet:So. re Catharine-street: BS>l niil til Pearl-stntc:; No. 114t.'ar..-.! street. , . , ....

Brni , yn, .1. VV. Sm.m. cornsr ol Fulton und I ranfcerry-areet«: ami Wis. Blagrote. r>|mre'» Buildiitp. corner U:l-.<.«. and AtlaaUCHts., end by nil the pri:ic:p:;i i:nr*g:st.< in

United States.Dr. V. B. Iiocktow, No. at Baa*er-sr. Clinton Buunings.

General Wholesale nml lleta.l Asen; li.r Albany.T. W. Drottet Son. No. 1»? Secood-st., Genera.,

IVholasnla Agent fist Philadelphia.lonructtooi lor r:iL, as tl.e ,r:n-ie. ami a *reat r.umtier ol cer

tiiieate«nnJ trsumonhu* may be wen and obtained at any oitheabove nutces. atMeodlre ly

i IWhat would h be in imparrson with a

3iU«UUl/. healthy state, free I'romC aehs. Colds, spit.lingoi ii ..Consumptian, l'.r nerut ». Whooping Cough,A-thmn. Dirneul* t!re..t.'un;, TirSbne or Ri-mc in the Thront.

cer Con .. ac lit SWAYNE*S COMFX'UNIISYRUP '.' Wil.l» CHERRY mi. benid to far -\rel allthermei einen Only prepared by DR. S'.VAYNE. N. W.

corner of EIGHTH and RACE streets, PHLADELPHIA.\. :... '.'.mi Milnor. M. II. eomerol Broadway and .l"hn.rrtet: E B. VVarner. Stti Itl-wker. corner of Minetta ttreet,and K. A. Sands. Church Hio.en'iry I** Bowery, corner ofrtpt rig rtreet, New York; W. G Wood. U. D. H-irlem;Ptorrefc Harrison, J70 Bread ttreet.Newark, ^. J.: Jooatbanr Hall, No I Union tl eel, Brewer: Steven* & l.-u«hing, sä»

Wa>liiiiL'ton «rreet. and Ransom & Staren, No, 325 Washing¬ton «rn-er. Boston : W. II. Petrce. Albany, N. Y. nn.l Backus<; l!i:'l. X.i. SA Riv-r -irco', Tmy, X. V. n'4 3m*

:\ \ .vr;.- i MtMINA riVE B.\LSA"M-T^Tn certain, -nfrand effectual retnedy lot Dysentery. Dtarrhota, or Loose.

?*«. i'hi.iera Morbus, Mimiuer Complaint. Colic, siru»;¦¦Pain*. Sot r Plomach, S.cs and Nervous Headache, Heart.burn, Waterbrath, pain or »ickue** oftheStomach, (omitina,¦tpituncno of Food aftoi Eating, and also where it im*««-»thnritrs toe body nnehnnged. VVani of \ppetite, Be*tlas*ne»stml Inabihty to Sieep. «viml m the and Bowest,Hysteric*, i ramp, i«errout Tremors and 1'witching*. Sen-',. Faintinn, Melancholy nml l^iwneai of Spirits, Fretting and Crying ol Infanrs, nmi lor all Bowel ArTectioo* and"'

irvotu Dssen e*

Hints one of the rnort'lneient. parasani and sate eompnai.tiome^reroilereu to the public w the cure of. ibe.ranous rbe Stomach and Bowels, mi'1 tr»e »nlu urticleirorthy nttl leasl confidence fot curing . 'holern Infantum ..<

...imtiier i tumplaint: und in nil the above disrascs it really uct»ike a charin.A t>er« .i-.nre reu:io-re:! to try :t. (or without eti-enti. n it i«

thamotl valuable lamily medleine.ereryet ditenvered. Hunhad*, nay, rjtonsards ol catuneates have been rscetved fromPltysietan*. I .^rc men. and families ol rherti«' resr^ectabtliry,searing Use strongest tettimooyui its favor, too numeroui to

uublisb.,s..i rit who'.^-ile*"'! r-tri hy A. It. ,"c I). Sin I.. DrttCgist*.

Vo. 7f Fulton-st.: ri!3 Broadway; 77 t«i,r Broadway PriesiOcents. _ _au 14 tin

ria?OlTr\N'.-R KIOLAHDcOX Cn.'-' re"elin.tMlI AM Eh li IAN PANaCEA. is adtertswd on tlte ttuiet.. re t this paper, is crTecting the mos a*u>ni*htng cures re

i in hstort .' tesof sxrofubt, existing from infancyml her*dit-i huv» i»en emir^ y cured, and no re urn..

.h- mo»i aggm*»i*d cbaioeler.w ich have de ed.h litest med c.l «iil ant rbe paUeuta given up with the ex...ei-inii n that Ütey count live only a la^ 'layt lime l-e n le-

.toredtoperiec health, and are nowtheli mc wui.e.< iofJiemvagej the disease had made on tnejrperS'-nt, These.; b.en er| e'.d SO C V bv it, Il>.», e. the pettent* vt e e

.-.' ...e.! to ink" any o ner kind ol medicine. We hate- ony of four first physicians »in, have ««ediheir pmctiee tnat itt« the lies] anti loe.xnpal medicine

.vr duvmn n .!. and ''la it no riva' in tbe pur ricfion r.r.l. per and ettuar cnxulation of the blood. Let those afflict.

-«i with r.!.» of tfca tit eases euümerateu in the ei-t

rake a thorop h !.;.:! of it. !t« tar'-r. .< mnntfe:t it' t- beingHiteatteoU raol thewhole system wittoi:.'tiie doirnie^Ltl

con «qiiencet ol drug slierauxe*.v. tn Asrenae* X .. - ie rtrest Nesw-Yntk. \ >. '4!

Vorth See,*!d-stret .. t hi adelnhia, unit No. ^4 r'.-i.-r.-fs-. t..'it ton Builrlinn. A Iwny : and at reiail at ah tbe p-ir.cip»lD'uggitts in rite Cni'ed rMates, suJ J.i eo.i

^t Utt*A'a ACOUSTIC OIL.Hera is something wortheadingto, cnmio*a*itu>a*s from nman *o extensively

known asm M r I ImefT, both in the en> and c-uutrj" I ce'eby certify that! from the effects.'. a seveto ' last

rinter. Itaken.utiafly .'ear attended with rar» dasutnrea¦tat noises bite ringina of bell*,«tc', which gradually mere -¦ e

oitil I r.ini|.'e*elv '.t-t the henrittg of oneear. when I wait in'.i .».! r.i t-r Scatpa** Acoustic * hi, nmt mn no** happj lo saybat;.with the usn ofone botlle o| the above med-cine, canie r as well as aver, and all disagreeable noise* n.-veen'irelyi!sn;.D.^»red. Any further information re«ise. t"'c mj case vviiat lly given by eaJling on me at No. 4 L, North t>i"i«i...r Rire, DANIEL GRAEFF.Philadelnhia. Nov. 11. Sj43."Prei iied !ly B BELL, and sold wholesale and iet»i! by A.

B.&D.SAi\D-<. Drusgists No » Fulton-street, 273 Broad-.ay, ami 77 Ltia'. BrnaSuay. Price S3. ni l Im

J A'X F.'S HAIR TONIC.After irivinrih,'« article a fait¦J rr nl we unbetitatrngly pronounce it tube >. hat u professeshe bes) article, without not exception;in use, for iberestora-nn an ' preseuaiionol the human hair. We know ul numer.

him instances where linir ha- been restored to beads which have.-ii b»; a d we think we cannot do a better fkvoinan in recommend to a:! our render* who :ir» sttng iheir inor..i inniic a rcai oftbl*Tonic immediately..//os< m -Wait .VjiI, 1841.Prepared onlybrDr D.JAYNE. No. SO South THIRD

-t.-eet. Philadelphia, vsbere nil bu oÜM r valuable preparatiuntnny !«¦ nbtaineu.Sold in New York hy A. it. & D. SANDS. Druggist*. NoFulton «treer. jT3 Broadway, 77 East Broadway, nirenr« foi

h-r i.ropr eior. _aul4 Im

^KBRING'S RISSTI »l< ATI VF. I 'i iRDIAL.¦.. m.t'y eeV.3 brate.i t..r -i.;re ,.i DYsPEPitiA. NERVuCS AttCTIONtf. DEBIUTV. fee., as preparedand. wholetie and nrtail. by the proprtebir. at No 6Marray it. lima)-o Iwr ol.tiiiuei ..I tli- lol'iiwin* r.!..-tuI m |lrug*ivt* aid( ii-ii». rig; J s. AsptnwaiL fit William si.; Rusliton

ti To.. 110Broadway ami 10 \ttnt Himsa; IVus. Itur.--r. 5ißouttland -t ; A. II. & I' Sand*.'? Fulton -t.: A. » Send* ...!o ÜTa Broatlwas David Sai o« U. t to,, 77 East Bmadwa*:srael Minor, 214 t'ult.-i. st.; J. Tartant, st, Greenwich »t.: U.kdby 351 Pearl il : J. L. Scheifelin. 114 Canal st J. U. s

,'t..n. 227 Hudson st.; E. Cbastaney, l&u Bowery: E. L.lottQ -*s5 lüeerii^r .treet.Arem in NxwvsRK, E. K. T. WiUians, 243 Broad .t.aul Im*V SPLENDID AND SCIENTIFIC ART ICLE


THE HUMAN HAIR,And otherwise improve and render it a splendid ornament to

both scio. fol UieLow Price of Three Shillings«

READER! we tell throe shilling bottles, that you mnyknow thts it nut uie ul the hair Eumbugs nfthe day ar 11

.Ve SXpect you t., buy it more ttuin once, ns we warrant it lo,._,.«, tbe lollnwing qoali'ies: It . ill force ti e hair to crow.ii any part a hers Nature intended iiair to crow, stop it lulling.if. cur» Settl or Dandruff.and m.ike light, red or grey h ir

rrowdaik. Fordressing the loir sort sod rilky, nothing ex-eeds this. It b iodeedihe most economical, yet.uperu.r. airile m .de for rbe hair l: ¦ rhaaper Uaui thiUash ealledbaii..I«. and il will »ee.i Uie hnir in order with one applicationwica at | us r.ny other nrt rlo maiie.Sold.prtceS, \ ... g .hdtmg* a tatitte.*t 'he »i*n of the

\meri-'in Eagle. B3Chatham- treet, [Mew-York l.f Fulton.t-eer, Brooklyn : SState >:;...t, Bostel:; 3 Ledger Building*.Phliadelobia. auia lm*




MAN\ .ey. there n*» many who have been cheated w ithtra-b. and therefore thrik the power* "f Ihe genuine

loneVi S>'ap areexacgerated: letmeli rive it afairtnaL Ii, indeed the mo t ilngnfairly wonderful curative pieparatioBever made, in all ikm ditnatst In r*4drrm ur neveroils ir. curing

Prmpies. Blotches, Freckle*, Tan. Morplew.Pah Mieum. Seurvj. Erysipelas. Haruer's Itch.Bingworm.Old sores, m-ii Sore Heed,.

But mind, tt is Jouess Soap has done, tin! st'l! etTecrt th.-*rure*. Get it no where eate ia r.ii, e. r>.>.r you will be twin

r ed wtin a counterfeit.out Kt lb*sign ofthe Arueriean tine*3Chaiham-srraet, and83 Bassdway.N. Y ; in Boston, a'Scsldii.c'.. * St .t» .trret ; Zi' li-r. 2 Ledger liu.ld.o*». Phi'uWphat: and 12V Kultiin-srree», Bnoklyn. aul2 lm*

I Sjiil \ r.Xt.1. At . .'S Van'.taer..ry ofl'itl 'md pta'i»I. G-Ass.,1 evetrdascriiitina: Solar, Lard and Caasobi e

ljv1i.U-, warranted new i.atterrss .,) Ginadole*. fandeUbra*.irakeo. i.'rar.lei.ers from one to twelve bebt*. Hall Lampsu .1 ivinterns of ese.y poltern. Frencr. Cnira Lamnt aJt»r«.l.ei«t ie,: zvA rrti,;-::eU qu..l to new. We call Uie artennon nl.. untry tncrchanti and o ners u* cell and IISllllltias iaregont 'o j»Mce» and .jual ty i.r"art:c!ej.ConVanrly .oi nttiid a en nulete s^..^ment of al- tie above.

Glas*oade aadcut tt> «.r.:er. Ail ar*» rti:- re1-«! t<, ever>.it era. Fact ry N*n.3Cold .*r«et. X. Y. Wholesale an-.Retail Srorc. No 3 John sr. near Bn iulwey.aul4-m»_J. STUUVENELCO.COUTMUOÜ sV NEVERS, 341 BeoadwaT,MANCFAtm REES OF LAMPS. GIRANDOLES

t ANDELABRAj Dealers ia HUUSE-FUK-VISH1NG Gt'DirS generally..htm; connected with un:

he largest nusnutruaonc* in rue Cr.ired States, u.ey ire tui,

i!*d to oder Lamps, L'sn'leiabrtu &c for Uhurcnta. Hail., Hosis. Private r.:-. rtntmrrrarrf and Pankeu, on thew-aasonab'e tarms, and of a .jus .ry not to be surpassed in <r>

_/ other country Especial aUsiction i» icv.ted to their Si^.-:nd sn.i, ljt~a\*. ;".r ecuoo»ny and .urht. »up«-»^ding ail otherelnretne pub::c No less than ror/Z -.old and two at'.vi,-sDsLa nave, withia the Ins: se.en yeu.% been swarded t-. 'r»ttM urr.nrrs ttrJ ".; < : I :^» in eias* "t good. Tn

aaiuiaspeetiairy itvi-e.: i.. e*.t ia! »irsa« -t txitat.tvea.1~ cirra! "*s:;?.s tu- -ii*-! a' Tnai.rr yrej*._VOOD '.-''""".. vV'M. .VAt'ULNi..-1?T^'£ '4 YE.S H> e* err:..- oethei with man] va.iü able uapaieeawnrt and add uo* lo hu lärrnartouh¦ \4(. eaaoh Jassubscribartoniri in.a£riiortrMjQe8,an*- Ml ittlien perfa ictaatrucl ..:.:: -ratsand w»r».

»^.s -u. , >i .. estojitane wuodmalitu vanetww'- -

- ;-..n:r..-r-r tur-ic.ceonly. orcurtiag rnocd'.-Vi»o. uiaeiog.voneueir.gana *rouvetA|

i( ornl'bemng. and plamn* Clapp boards.jS^a ApeCeanoo may be made to uit tu »cnser at m

_^r j. estalilrshmert in Foxtwro'. i*ai hrsorl ce. corner o

imhlSil .Coransercitl ar.d l/ientiw, Poston. where Ma3 S.Tfs cisiaes may Ik ^en, and toy lntormnton relatir.'S ~ *5 . rhe vin.e. m-.y cbtarned. tn »ei' as nf

0. Rtekweil te Co. New-York, or J. W. Schencifl AJttr.y.

LeUen ofmere mQuiry mu»t be psat-paid..

SAMUEL B.'. idast. Ai<U 1. 12>W. jja im'taf

FOR THE NORTH... L~\«--rV.v«.aK «LBANV Aril) T'tVV!

" K ¦. f ... -Vi 1 -;->v«s5-.*.»¦«.-.. v.*.'.- : si ¦-1

fTi - . .'"tt*..i dial cm:.»-!*/».., irnei CttSaS. Lisi S. K. Be* M tsaty ....n«.

1 Trirlav >L>rc Cy, »t J o'c.;>x«. _ ._

ra.-Y.i snt A;...d'.-i*.!«rc»r Mrtir-c*. *.»" o'clock. ,.tine frvm tkejpoi o/CaurUaKtU tVOtn I

StVAUJrt. Caps. A..Mcf*a « ¦. tar.

Zi"--'i:".KS LINE STEAMBvATS ruaL**Al B \ V"-!>aSi. «!-.-».

J" Tnn ush Datet. '' 7 u'doex I' M. Fromh(.v'w«^iKr .. !i inttLi

'-"¦fCKEBJ"! CKXtt. >-"

...., and Friday tweiEtas rufi.! '¦' aun .1^.'.>.r e."-.-p. tl 7.

..CTV- -1 ."'-...»- '.'- '';. '

r-l"... |'\ i...':!.( .CK-'.!:, i ..*.- ''¦

lotat Hom£y. Wetttestfeyetuj Friday fvrr...-c<. -.i: .

...t» vr;!> and reptrarttinl, are turmsaeo^.fTJi. Ü eii.-.: Stale z&i Mr treav in«! ncourm~*r''*"»« are unrivaled on th* HudsonFor wastage of fr-.ttht. irmly ..!. Uftrd. otto

au!9 y C StTHULTZ. attJwOffleo oo at W ¦..ari

. .... . . .-.\\;i i.\ FERMEIMATEfcs._<;..\\:'!.m:.-\.Ti.-. .v.,.n:.iM »VI4ST

^^iÄRtrlFT*-.»' 11ESTEE. Cam VVm. H. MeUeo. artUeave the io»»t ol Cedai itreet, on Kiwlayi. Wednesday* andFridays a'S P, >! connecting at tludaun r.-.'h the [iitdsoa andBetksn re Railrnad [the ran ofwhich leave on thearrivalolno boats, sad teas r>« Badsm nn SnndiTs. TuefHfi smJTour«:ays at P. llLoron s a:-:-.a ol.. t..n.t.--.-.;.i^acoway a' the irrtannedrrite btrndrtics. Pickets ihrourn to tTtts-

field IS 40 and to Weal Stoekkridgsj $1'!"~"'': ^!Ärs5 EPliENSON. E9 We,, .,.

ti is ,.. h.a. .". >t!.-': v ..v-r.i 'Uled. and her n.-r,.oi

rmdation mtmpruved .¦.>>.¦.. us to any boat on :hen»er,sn aihinional number ol ."late iox,nii a^vini or.:n a-iceil.'Fix» b< at towi no ham"1.J2J£_^ fc B. CARPENTER k iT/S I .INF. FOB

O.n EWBI rRGH.Land di at Uda* e ,. v\ »tnt, Coldsprine, CotnwaJL and Fishxiil

:-:..-.t JAMES m IDISON. Cart. Charles Hal.ffffit, «nll aar« the Wanw-stieot [Im every Slooday at 3ot 'ick '.' M ¦'' ' every Toesdaf an.t;.- at 4 o'eJoeR;p m Returoinx. will leave NeavberirA every r*oeaday njorn-

iacat fe o'eloek. and easty Wednesday acd SanusayatS" C\ '! B-«Je, Paekac-» or Parrob. Itnnk r!:ll« or9peaäe, putor' hoard rhu bo t! w ithout beimtentered on Idle book ox rsawpt-eil for. mast be at the ritk ofthe uwmersüiervol._ifH tf- L. Va t PEEKSKILL AND NEVV.VuRK-

L i<T..oehoi* at laul". Laraima. Vsaplanek;s^'^CrsF~*£r>I*"'»'. «:-o-v I'-int. M.v.erarraw. S:,e.-.v!ver'.. >!t:- :1.t'< [-..::'!'".c. V- tl l'o-jtan . -i«-a. .Nyi-t. ..-

utr 'an.! Ituylert Landint*. .

nie iiteambnat ARR-'W, Capt. Smith, will leave Nevr-rk ".. ..: H" snson street, every mormni at s oclock, ter

the above named landhurt. (Sundays excepted,) totjehiu at

the (out ol Hnmmond -treat each way. Ketumins, will leave

reeksk U at 1 o'clock, nn.i Nyack ai 3 ""cock. P. m. lom-ineirriuc Monday. July la.N. ITn's affords a ßne opportunity for plenmre p.irticaor

military rmmpanies to take an excurum to Nyack. remain

ther«, abottl live boors, ai;.l return to ihe cily between r> and a

^All kimls of freight taken at low ratet. jyif Im*

« r>eyr»' a- T. Pijwell cv «S LINE POHP *jr\_l''Nr!rV\TlURCH.Landing at CaMwell i. V\ .

<n»ftTrT^*-»^-Po'tt:-1 't-' a'id I 'iittiwa!:.IncStemnlKMlinOHL^NIIElt Capt r. Wanlrop. will

'eeve the pier fuoi of Warrvn öt. even Uoaday. V\ cdneatlay,Thnnilay sad raatiuday a* 4 o'clock. V. m.

trains', will leave Newanraa "very Monoay and I burs.da >. ¦ -'-, A. and Tuesday sad Fri lay at j P. m.For lieijht or ,>c»vi<e. n^ii.y to the Captain oo i-'n~"i. F.a^-

tngt and frcixht ofall detenpti ins, tmna litds or s(*bckput on

Ih.ard nisi 1- at '.he rul: of owcor !. cr:o.'. '.¦n'.ni n bill ol ..a

ding- or re^nti! be aiciC'! for the . ana. aSI6K.Si MMKH .¦IHH.i.yi'iEMK.VT-^FOB

j MlDDLEl'OWN RuSUEN imi i»t»ksi"> sTaplsgks -NSW iTORX A.Mi ERIE RAIL

^'g-STTlii >AL'.-The new are! i..!»! »ten n'

eUkeRAV Capt A '"Sander II. Pbultx, leaves the ofIhianeatrvOt. da.iy. iSi;:. !ar» excepted.)at7 o'clock A.BL,and . P P.. paa» n( the m at beanUful teenery ol tae llud-onriver, »)P cnaamt where pa^e.i^cra laite tliecaimrrvodioua ear,

.i th ¦>. ihroacn u:-j pietuivstqac valley of the aainapo, to!< Middlstowa, en-,

t uminx re Miitdletowa at 8 A. m. and 4 P. m.j-Morning Line can tretna :; fi..,n three to

fön: noiir» at Gothen and *aiddJtfown.aad rciunt in tli«- city at. o'cli It^T" Famibeaanil Pleiunro Pur.;« find thiwhe moitde

uhtfu: Excuriiem from the city. The cat ire unusually com-rnjcalioos and have apartments atmropriated expressly to huh**.For fur'ii.t j,.-:. -n' ira, ittouiraofÜN Captain mi hi nr.l. or

ni'J, VAN RENSSBLAER, nsrent comer id Duans andNV-.-.r treets. ü. C SEyMOUR. SuperintendentPaaaenxera lor Dwexu. Bimthamptnn, and all thejariaeipal

olaees in the Sootbatri Counties ol t*s State ofNew rork ndN'nrthem Couutiei ol Pmnsylvwtia. asill find hrat mr.* ..;.<?.nil .'arwul driven to takf them from Mi Wetown cheaper ai ..

~, ed.-M,,,,, r^nn nnv i.fh.'r rout". nt"


r.'tv_i '. ! NEVV VORK on Momianj «r-

-!~~riT-c->" **si¦ Thurtilai in Sie. nibont NIMI sii.». M. Air West Stockbrhlire via llousntonin 11 Itm

Return leave West Stockbrida^ for Now V. r> Tuesdoj ana!frhliij fo theiraraujorUttJO! ofbnndles, yackiicn. .V.iuey-m.'.

.". tifätv ita IDtl Waat Stroel ... :. . ,.»»

mr r~i'~ m .'UMMER .i'i:.».v.;.-.-.i p._r*N.«W RICandNEW YtjRK.-lircrm.a

Jvr5»i5.w ,:S.'V-.!-'» C"ai'-!''io .. * end s«- ill [ i u-

P «MtJvvTCapt JohaUarTy, * and .t''.'r Monday, Mayla. w ui run v- fidlows:

Ls are Ne wa rk. I. e s » » i\ c n Y .>. * .

fc-iioH*eutrert motol Barcla] :.

tl'-i A. M. ami Ui P. M. tt 10 A. M. and 4 P. M.UN -i KDAYS.Leave Newark A.AL and 3 P.M.

md New.York nt 10 A. M. and a r\ MI n .¦.'v. rnrna.1 at v,t7 neitor.-.'il» -i_

.tiiKitis am ;c..\ "...if .K<»\;-.-.-m. m'MEB VRRANGEftlENT.Comni» ins Puei2a». Ar^rilt ieU.

.eNewYork. Newark | i>vave ftlorritown.5 o'eJoex A. 4L 6 o nock A.M. 7 o'clock A.M.tX " .'.-.!. I 5»: " P.M. I CS " P.M.1 iv« road has been reeert.y relaid anta a ttsaey ir m

rJte~;pattarn andis now mpee^ctordtir. New and rpkaodida". .1 n rap'mjt have oe-n placed unoo tS~»»ani-, *:» i

totsaMty and comaul ive iinsurptueed. TnvreJen for Momt;.>vn, Scbooley'a Mountrua and Eastoa, or 8'.ividem, t "v.-e^o.Newton. Snuilmpe, lir.wr, ParRppany, Rockaway.and Buke,,.a!^«, will Pmi t.ii, :hs mctt wiia kad expeditiotta o; «n»otbtn rno.le -.1'conveyance.

r- .^¦:,"-rt wiahinc to er- Easnth will arrive at Newark inurnc lot "b" Philadelphia trains, and tt New-York in i:rt.t- to,mas. N-.rih und Bast, ai ' o'iJiäs.By the present arrafiareinent, ux rmtus will h" a.:.'-rie.t to

t«:«:r.: of busts oat.." puasaro. :n New-York, i^r.d (on; m Afor¦.. :.;.'. ...CT" rheCaisoi this Company iun i.'-r...i;j'ri Irom deo«j., -.. lorrtrtown.thusavoufmsthedalay ana ineonvetiieooi

-.l.n»e.llle". cp'.n .> cluuiie ot t 'er»..1IRA D0U1». r-Hit^inttirustnt

.... PAT ER£K IN RA1LROAU Si .«uo Aitr.tiaox

.fcj^^J^iiasTTa..rare 37S cenu frum Jeraey City to fat^.r^sS^LDeave Patersoo Depot. Lena* fiew York.MiH o'eJock. A.M. At8o'clock, A. m.At s o'clock. A. m. At 9 o'clock. A. si.At ll\ o'elm k, A. LVL AtUko'c.». p mAt a o'clock, P. m. I At 6o'clock, P. m.

ill SiWDaxa. ha Sundais.At8o'clock, A. M. At 9 o'clock. A SLAt 5 o'clock. P. m. I At a o'clock. P. m.

All baestiire ft ri«S ol nwnsra. ttrSrn« at 7j (Viu.-Janr!t-it.and at lieooi. I'fiiter»..n. m4

igTATEN ISLAND PERKY, potrr oirun as f.

**¦ fZr"> pi * ATEN ISLANll FERRY.*« ".lTsiiULL..The boats will ri

jr^m »."urii j--t. i,,^., ,jn,,| farther notice;T>rave New-Yuri n. \ lu. II. l.R tie, 6.6 7.l»savc StaU;r. ['land T, H. I'). II, 1.8,4, 5 rj, 7>

(111 mla-rive MJiU-n I'lnnd 7, 9. 1<, I'). II. I. -J. 4. 5. 8, 7V.

On r-iin.every bcnr from 8 A. M. to7 p, J|»ic;;tc«!.|

SORT naMlhTOS".i^j-ive New-York.d a M.. 2S P. M.Leave Fort Hamilton.7>j A. RL, 4.-; P. M.

(Sundays excepted.)ourmit.

Leave New.York.ii A. .',].. Hand 3'J P. t>|.Leave t Niton.Tk A. M ., and Ls P. M.

r^*' Ift.iRdaya eareirfi-d. i

HE kTiWü VVATEK AND srKA>li\i;a NEW AND VALUABLE IM.PROVKMENT.MU.NGEK aapM kR-Sti s p JTtN STEAMIn ui Bit.The Bub^nbera havinxteeured the exclusive rixhl lot th"City and Oonty of New York, lein ciiinl in a'jle to in'riKiuce ,.tae [n.hlic the mint valuable articlenow in it^j. V\ r>h ihr, imi.-'iveiner.tite^m or boiline water can le ;.rorioeed with ..." third the qnantiiy .ilu-land in bull r i,*- time that it cnube done with any other 'iriyriratu, retinarefited, it rs ina porudble ami en.dy

eartied by two persons.may beu-ol with cqoaJ liinhty mtl.ehou^; nr ofM-m air. The Rdhiwioc era tome ofthe man] valua¬ble pu rp:«* for which ihe Patent Steam Bo der ., intended:

I. For beaU'nx w.-.'cr |nr bathe, and making ,'eani for vVporhnih-, it it superior t.. ar.y thine that has ever la.-e:i u*e tiir thatjiiirix..e. and u much Beaded in Ihn city at ihe presanttune2 For waahimt purp. m~.i i; uneqaaltoil.the ek the*are boil,d ma w«Kid-n ruh witaoat üie p...,!j:hty ofhein< m-ired byu«t or bumeil bythe l.r»3. For hotel.,where hoi water :« convanlJy wartc-l. thc.teainfrom tli- Iwoler n.nv 1« uvrd l.;r Hearnisg ~'-y amount cl -.ere-tablesat the tome time.

4. For farmeri it is invaluable f ,r or boiline reretn-h « for faitenmc .t.^-k, a;:u ma] elsa he n -ed by the tamilrfbawash ax, etc.


5. For hatten' manufacturm? purnoae<it i.comnlete ai theywin readily perceive on examination,& Eor coach and najim inaksr, and Others, lor steaaung7. F. r Botari.c l».«:tor.. for Ixolinx or .teamin» herbs, tie.

r rcomb Dwnoiacttimrs.y For tanner-, tu toeir liqnor.10. K..r VKrtun'iog boat e>, it w ill «.jyi>ly ihcui with h'jt water

and r,»«4ti eir -lea n nihlet at the tame time.ii. F»j> h"almi; z evn houve» il u fjucd to produce the beat

kind < f heat.I '. For butchers, to heal wn'erfur nealdlag h.-eanrd dreaanitoahry. and l..r all kind* of mecnames or ot;.er hot water or .team may he required.The; ualic rifL. reapectfully invited to "all and eaamine i,tm they can .-ce iu lull operation nt 'he store ofJ. st E. BACKUS. 31 Bowery.

, , or Hey« d-trecl.

Also, a seneral a-v.rrment of Orlice, Parlor and c««kinxStOT**-_ a23 lm*_a^trh.. »-'**l-'KUH BEi.ijj ANli :n<\v;, riM'k.-i-. £ S I he tu!*er:oer. wrvo was awavnied a Ihploma a

1 ft ,-1* New \ ork state Fair, of l*s4^> and IM2 lor th.dvTȀ best -jxied I hurch Bell, and ulto a Silver Medal lo

toe oesl.Beil.and Diploma n.rTnwn IJfaek. exhiHiad at the Fair ot the American Irw.tute n ,.w nrepared at h.a Foumfry at We»t Troy. New-York, to fur

llent of from 2U n. lO.t/ai (» nvute ofthe b*»l matcnnla iv.vhrmnted to Rand and t.*e to pien»e.rVstrca to them im-r'lvnl I'aai L-oi, Yoke* with Mover.!.le Arms. The locreatn.irnand liirha. Bella ia the nest rvideoee thai can be j.ven .."i-.wir cxrell«ni;e. Order, hive !«en rece-vril from the tanadajind aunot*. all the Statt*, and ah»ut 4UQ have tjwr. fum tlayi ufferent ibic^tin the Stale ofNew-Yorkfrom hn Foundry-

.'. «» t'lorti, ;^>v- ind ^.:rvay.nn Inktrumen'i, !>>di»»-ll"L»i l.'iirnri. lie.


ri; Gftr-v -fcret ihs'.-iiVi-:ked.-4:iinavts1 PA1 rl»1 V E iS IV.This » - -t b an acid which, beau*combined in proper chemical prot^im-rf« w:tn uu aJ«n i. imTexnn'e* tbedouxb iaithcaro«4lic icid en. c ihiKjt arfc.-me

.. ¦.) waytbeonxinail.»rtre ol rm- Fb.nt r nd this whentiled producms rrsi .: t eskao la tn^ t

CUAAN i > PA . E\" 1 YEASTliere never can bo a jrood for bavins poor bread. A'icmical certaim y just as ure ivver to rn.-a a» a mat hemanil certainty : and if lha bread b* n t h«rt, >pooi> and sweet

-as, in a wort, it be not perle t, it ia bec-uv! the io> portions ofii* Yeast an«t S.ieratus in n«it en-cflr'.. Ti e commou.uod* o! raising douta is by the tlow utnee^ of vin. u« ermen-..;ion: the tew mtyie is h7 nlmott msraniane iu-etT- v-seenre.You may naa^e it. tnd iske it, and have it on tr*; able, too,¦n tnirty miuuten. and eat it hot or cold as y..u Iis.. , wilhouilanger to your health. Sold »bo!"«i'eand retail by

M. P. UUSSET, Clinton Hall,. ¦' tf corner of Beekn.aa and Noayiu-it-eets.


.y."- . : .: i«MM. p.-.c.n ssp sinnox;flwwtömi hcrtrt'n.ii-,.«. E. B. loa.. wol »aii on }io__V*»Jl \oif O't. he" rrrula» dar.- ptoft »H i/On ton*idoupward*.naaabuOtlO e -¦»"'- t»' Use . n.1 'ry. w .l


"cdvnn-..-.-> :» btderrwd fr*« Mise» cth^l-re ip^g

. rnto ¦n*0lta!f.t'tlw tCftfll eapnCJtyrettner* ine*r,«_.,,.. ... .., ; - r» Inf..*.or I C»i4r).tJ4:, .". , r ,r.-r-»-». r - ... ... *. »« - ¦(» wrvA^J"

, , .. -v. pocket*. PtCKiO* '».«n.._ :.. iee.r. _e_. .'. d Lot tail to wake eerfr rtptrjt*-rt i';'|;v« harfVValt-atieeUorto-

1 \: rJrrir Getierel P. »»exe Office. .t>.«. u;o »tr*.;,i.' rner V*v!en 140*Tbe?ir>DONS fail(ma Utarrpnoj on the ii:h ,.f ,Je:o_

bet Person« wishing tn send for Utetr fremt. cm ba*» tteraroochtoni in thai mac >mct«: Pack;anynt n,

. .6i <.:. the I . fin. 11th. I*!t. IM a d »h.*rt^... ... ... l-vo-ab'etern., apvltentb* to be madea**


t'ii IFT«" tnl nn» amount. t»;*he on '»;»:. wiser*I oWnunt in all the ranttcipal mwm oi hnsland i «*-ie ?.,«.

.,.'..* ..,-! v\ a*-,. >o -.- so t .:..» - > b'vi . i on »ivi e.rtw, j

^^^P^^TtlfKK^ OF THE WTST.wa.ucree-' the Sl_t> >.\r-. axd siil en the Sl*t Mitten er. her re¬gular day.

.»,n I-lv.vol:*

v. m t\|'-i ulT. in !iw;,«ff dirpujj,;K i. KU PAlüi & ft' »N. V»: VV .<..:.., It .1

ZL F<»R I.OVDON.Packet of S*<»emt>. TaiTaiajj. n »mpST. JAMES 9. R. iieyet». ota*u »

.- ab re, hr reeutarday. For 1reiehxec*e***|a,., p« . 1 :,. nodal .. a;.; > 10 UN t sprain u«

^^^^s^ii^vfUN fcro >*_.,The packet ship GLA .»< It. 1 ...';¦«; II; ¦.<»>. m»«»r.

will mcctcd the et Jam-* and *a:I f*p. Win. ner i*r*Auitar _;_,-!"13.

(....!: liverpool.I^wketotSeptamberath-sTatjSvne C ;"' ket «I >P ^HBI K POV. hurtben iMttmt,BSCrriltmri H inle»ton. in wer. will tail a* »:?««. her.rfj.ffTrT" lirr 1 are«p*c*-u»andeJecantlr fiuiasbed.u«|ifford o .e. r accomtnoJatioii c.m"-!civr u> the coit-.eurtuce tM

:^:*»rlZZt* at*ir .'. Cit captain on heard « th*« '"' .M'r'i7;:!vNn.ri':,MINTrRV t W..-8SantlHtThe packet «hip g EoRGe washi>gto>, P. P tier,.

m.i«t-r. will succeed the A»ht ..."...n, ar.d «nii Ik-M'jet «h. h*rteculardar._alt^_Arrangements f< r iwi.-old bstab-

rajalv i.ISHED FASSSAGE OFFICE..100Pinecotneraiuth st*.

,., «>e> leare to mil the at'enti n of hi* <r:*nr}|and t'-e public in cmeril to the (ilknmnr *ri*''.reinents t><|sj, for tne purp.. ol brit t in«i ut Cabin MCaran and .»teer..,.-,..... ;er»brtlieKe«ular Una oiljveruool Packet*, irut.h« the In. tkb. Htb. l&h. SUt, and 9«h>of«re0 inooth. Hrl,*.|,.r Packele u, «Ol ff.;.« .New \ ;k Ihel.t lO-h, d.N.-h and fei tu I ondon on the ith.ljih andaWoreaeh neank.In .. ainect'on the si»»'. *n tor the ourpojeol »rT.wdie»s lereaterftciiiti >.¦. i'livf: ihe*ub*eribet !i«etobjr**tja regularhaeortlfttclasj .\e»-\o ii j üb. c<*i«*red ¦adeae-m r taateneil s-'u.... to rail punctuallr every v.eel. tfir.mri.otih->enr Rw theaccommosUtton ofperann«wirhmatoreaatmoney to'heir f :o 1*8*"rfriends rtratts are cucn. ta)ab*i ut.irht. on the followina Rank*, r z:

Provmcinl l!:itiksot Ireland.oayable atrvI.mien. k. Cloemel, l»nd"n<)erry.

t>tia>o* »V *lord. hVlfait, W.terl rd.Galwar. Armaab, :\«nl"lri-1 G*"^

.TraU- . \011rhal, EmmkiPen.Monaaban. Bnnhrktje. Ba lyiuena, P m n.toea,Hownnatiick. "Sitan. Lurean, i-nmrh.Dun.annon. B-n ..n. Knnu. INiiy.harjnoortirahane, Skibereen, Mallow. Wotseymota,Coothill. K'lrush, Uubnn. Skibtie een.ricrtland-The Ciw BankofCtwiw.Brc'and.Me**r*.Spooner, -\rs*-«».>.t & o.Banken Ijm nn;

R. Murphy. Waterloo Roud, Liverpool: payable in ererytown ir Uieat Britain. .

Forlurther information, (ifhe leti. r. po.t-nnid.) *pp>JnnLI'll Mc«URKAV,lMPina-«ii«*t,Comet nl South. \'es* York.

0, Merer. 1- W BYRNES 4 CO.Bu23y 3b' Waterloo Road, l.isenmn'.

N'OTICE . All perton* are cautioned aa un»t barborn 1 ortmstina .becrew ofthc Portosnea* bnt Emma,Captafa

film, trom lisbnn. as 00 deb's o! tbe.r contracting will atnatdbr U»» Captain or Consignee*___. .buJo lw GKINNELL hUNTURN<cC0 TSSoothta.

CONSIGNEES per brig EMMA, fmm l.ubon. are

."v.iv- requested to ten 1 their Permit* on boa>d at 1'ier 9Hj-ij ' Evl Riser. Ill good* nut permuted wit'»n 8 d*j«~

be tent t.. Public Store. »"* 30



.J9 3m'Hon. t\ T. McCoun, )FrnncM It. t'uttioir. / New Yoik.William <'. Ru.-el. >


aTTORKBYa *T Law ami auUCITOB« I" CHAJrcBBT,\\: II I. aiiend In nnv bwinesi that may I«' wiiruued toVV diem in die vanoui courts of law and eouii" Ibtjwill a*'eiid personally to lha collection and seeming "frl*.b, in noy imrt ot'thestite The business will be under tb*general lupcrvision d counsel al 'heir lather.

JOHN s COLLIERPlew.e n ldress U M. and J. H. t'o.'/icr, Bi.iirhim'no.

Brooree I .¦nn'r, N. V._r"*LAW CARD.Jonh M. Hornau», ul N» n h«s. Miwasig

pi, willatlendtn legal busineesthai may bedwitided t» busin the Circuit Courts ofAdam* and 'he m.,nceni cminiie*, *rdin the Superior Courts of the f^nr*. A raeombla pr»ie*uoraiconoec on l^iuhiana will enable him tn attend to bua'iae*..... |i ihc Par ihei iifthat -'nee. near Matches. II- refer, t.

Gmi v Barton. van rlrsdale. CavJawell srdriob.Cochmn, «g«ntior Brown. Wamock,

Bp an, i-. C .. rjlakohn ft- Gaol,Onchmn, Henry Lararty.

»v IKs n .¦ ihr «1 D__P Y VIRTUE of« Precept waned >ut of and und« fle.w,|S7..I tbeCourtolOrerajuii'enri ner. to ma directc sndos-brered.P.-oclamiiltoii i-> iori!i\ 111.'our. «* 1 »yer... i i ermioei and Jml lletiecy in ;»r-'* lorlliefSl* n at l^ooatyot Nrw York,.»ill be held in the Citi llallol thesaul Qiy «gr. e-'rh Monday uf cenlembornext.ami tillpersonj bounahiappear l>) rvcognigance otlarrwise; and all Justic.1 tlarPtuce, Hie Coroner, high 1 'unsl itdc. petty Constabl and Vi,-tnaM, ami -ill persons bound to pn*ecute in laid Court,bslh»nandtnera, in thai own proper person*, withibeirniils,record., indiclmenis und o her remenibmiice*. 10 du iIi.jsHonrs «dich to their utlice, 111 uns liehn.f shall appertain toIks undermy itnndnl the Bhenri seines the loth day 0

July. ISM and ntour Indeprndence lie 69thIhiiedJul) 13th. IS44. VVlLUAM JONES,SbtrfT.i> i3 luwtSI_SICK I 1 s .-ALE.Bv virtueofa writ 01 Fieri Faeiasts

me directed and delivered. will expose for -ale m theVest oiie ol Iba 1 iry had. 11 Monday tl e 'hh dnv ufSeptfBhber Mtt.All the right, title nod iuleiest which Jams* llfjck-hur.t had on the l9ih of April; IMi. i.r al any 1 me a tervssi.iiin v» lue* hands soever .he ^.1111« uib» be.toot iu nie fölhiwii I desciibed prooeny, viz..All those ISaii certain L"is piscaset[lareels ol Ijiimi, iitunte, lying snd fiwnu on 'be iwrihwe.erly..da oi in« Eigktn Avenue, f.< tw»en i'h ¦!). seventh and 1 hir-ti tit thstreeti in ibe late AratA KVi <t in the Hty ot>aw>York, known awl drsitnguulnrd on a map entitled VI .u 0» h*!. r.t I' rikionotibe Estata of Samuel a. VoitiNt, litostediathe .'.mi.'t Wajdoftb- City of New \.nk. ran ..>. d <.,-. berin« hoiin ii Eigl t Hundred snd Fort» tm.!>. Ii im*1 I wen,

I'iiy f-urvevor, i.y the uuuiheni f..l no.- to wii;.Naashscno.eiwee 119,1 twenty IS",) uv-i.ty o. e (21.1 and *ent| Iwa£l 1.'b.ut i'h r.. Lot. 1.11.1 premises eontainius ingethsi iabreadth in iro. t on Eighth avenue and u'-o in real »>n>iii .i/*tl-et nine inches and in length on e.ieb , de nur hundrtdleet-ni d nr. 1.Keiner puueeted -mini Enstei y n Eighth »v.

enue, Sui h-VVestarly b» Lot known and datinguithed on lbsnn^ afotssetid. by the number i%reat* Utrea ._ r-.ufi. llVt-erly by Lot numiasr eighteen i.rj.j on laid iuu;>. and North-Etuterli by Tbirty^igbth lUett uloresnid

tS II. JONE?, Sherd?".Ili\ltv C. r-'coTT. Ih-p'v SlierifT.Neu York. July iflih. 18H. jy'27 l:.w 6w_

IN PURSUANCE ofan nrler of the Surrnca.ofihafVsiBlyol New.York notice ia hereby given bt all persons baviai

claims against I hartes Walker, lata ofthe City ul* New Wirk,Counsellor al Law. deceased, t.»ure*er.l the snrne, wlhth*vouchers thereof, tn tne iub*eriber, at his nfllce. No. rsl s\ oilstreet, in the City uf New York, on or before the eigiiieenthdar ofJanuary r.ext. Ikated New Y"ri<. the wth dav ol July.1844. r/13 Inwtmii WM. EMERS* IN, Bgscutnr.

LI'/r.ItNK l'iiL'M'v.S-l Tlier. mmonwea thol lenfl-lylvania. To tbeShsriirof said county. GREETING.

!. homas 'larke nuke you iccura ol prosecuting In-.-lairn.rh»n we command you mat y u lumaina i.y K'e.d and lawfultiimntooers. Kam: Vroct und Joaephus Luring and theutur.v.v .r. andhia heir*.and aasign* Tru-teees boiding 'he t.tisof a portion of the land, und William, Thorn, sVnf__>dua Cooper, A. Quackanbuah, William E. H'*«, llar.naaRuggl '*. X. Griswold, A. l_tfoy, K. Townientl, J.eeuhV l\nir'it. I!..f»-r Nichols and Isaac Vroct, tor »,ivitb and othersaid land, m held m t/u»t by theatiMesaid 'rrus-tee*, and their and each of tl.eir rea:«cii'e hem nnH l^rsl rs-|iresefi'nt:v.., btteul )our county, >e<.neu to that they tatmd api aarbelureourjudg * at Wi kesliarre, at our .-..urty

t VmiR ofI !ommon Pleas, ther- tn lie held me rir.i Monday atNnvembei neat; to show wherefore wnerer.. th.-y the >eidI%omas and Iho said ilelendanis, r> rether and undivided dohi Id tract «I land situate in Providence t.iwn.i, p. Lurern*c.nir.t) and State nl 1 ennsylvania. hoomied northerly b" landol Pranci* A. C. SmiUi, aailerly by the l.ue ol ire L..»ii>hipol Providence, southerly by landaof Ctnsier Phil ;<-. and west.erly by :tie Lackawana, eawbiNfing eieht hnndned acre*of land, more or less, ihepurpart belonging to PlniniirT b*>a(the one Rrurth inr- ami portion of lite same, m:d the tame th*.md Defendant* partition thereofbet.een tiiom to he made ac¬cording Pi the Invs, and custom* of th;a Cof ui'.iivsealrh inMich case made and provided, do gainsay, ami i« e *ams to i<edone, do not permit, very unjojtjy, law*and coatoms as 'tis said. And have yoauiea them iiwnaro**ol; tummiioer*, end mis writ. Witness the Boo. JohnN Conyngliem, Ptemdentof tier said court at W.lkesbnir*.Use ninth day olAcguN, A. I). Eighteen Hund'et and Potty

FourA. litiii-'i 'KI>. Protlior.otary.\\ ibarre. Aug. 14. aul94w/'l.'i'ti; CLOCK ST 'HE.-J It. Ml!.I..- _ CO. VanAI ufacturert ol Ute YEAR CLOCKS would ren-ntulireail 'be attaalhas .,1 Ute pt_!jctolheunp_aJMed in.yr..»eui*-tand decidi d advantar - these IJtoc. have over all ther ume-;.e... n how .11 o.e. j hey are warranted '/» run tana yei'.rwitttottcetarinding and lo keep good tune, aed are civ* lurudsat lljtt Pulton s'reet. New York.The rn-.ti..ii ia pn dueed by vveinle. in the 3ft day cbe-ka, »od

by a nmin spring wound upon a tusee in the year cberk. Thepower of the weight, ot ipring n reiariled in thu cbKk, andnuvietoletain regnlarity in motion liy the iceniotusr-ran.' '..em nl the escapement (.m! .-rmluliim. When ; 00 lookal clock, y u perceiva 1 gilt bull four and a hall inch** ta

at ir, at ll.e end ct a »mall .tsel rod!. It revolve, ihre*tine* end a half one way. and the same numler ol uimssth*'j ,; ,A!ll'**uPP«r''r.d.,ftiero<inari iruceniou* an<1 delieaiedouble lever in iven.ent. reaching to rhe eacapemenr, which itcatche»ar.d leaves without a-.y scoible Inction. Theipnog

reacts upon the bail aided hv lUown g avity. iinilthe ro¬tary mot.on 1. cwtiniied,the aaeaMnrsent eourrnllinr Uie penou.lum. a-moliiercfi^k.. Th.s ball i* hofaow aiidhn. an internal^ppnralu.. by which it* rotary motu 111 is reculared. S hers srsf.iir snmll wt igbtiat rcht anirlsntoeneli « two or" BIOUAft-ed upon a wire, which ia a h> nzonul diameter of the *l..r>.rne wire ha* on it the thread «.f H ».-rew . and earh t-molitprolucw1 an «xaet movement of the weic bis to orfp-m U>e reO-

Ä* *h'rl' Caa '* reuul t d u, the sn.a liest Irocrion I urns1 he two ther weirt". are fasiened to a «e/ni-eircuiar bandeompo ed ot three oitfeiem u erula. 'econiraction or expansionol which al*. change, Uieir po.iUun witbie the ball. 'Iksw-h«».e interior anotigement ensure*, in u beSeveo, entire anftormny or motion in the globe.It will at cave ue aeen that the IrirtKan of the common pen-tfn urn » av...ded. The revolution, of ihn ball are found by siy.ri.i.r.ritand obaerrati,.n Ut bei>.chropal..he pllet

. °Ut PUl "U" °' L*iU "-,'>.11 rt<Julre' ua °'' 00

'I neieviiiutiontof the swine wheel are 6* time, lea or m

Ji'ler words Mtj)yean in u.akine n. many leroiutiont at 'b*«linen or seeond pendulum r'i« k m mk >e.r. Infucis*-'i«h' ol 1 :«Mjud. keeps 10 motion each i>ait «»t the time sad'MJ?-t :'e machinery for IA week..

' °? hour* »:ruck'1. mean* of a ro'anr hammer. TBSeert heat». .f rhe American InCitala show thai in M*y. W__re ol IbetwelveflMMiia eh ci.s was pi .c.J with them. .ud 1.t.t ha. i*rtiirm*o in til ie»iy'et. n* v*as *xi«r-r«i ,tie w<-e. a'a moderate. The public are invited toca'I an**

'¦" 'heiLMt v.-.._nlZ Iu-

KK,-!N~ED SUGAJri* ."' I.3YAND WOOLSE\ froa* thiadauu-at ta_

» 1 '.-....'i.r'" I-'f'bLt, kj'FfNt t. si GAJ.r-rjMU'of ing low price*, viz... .oef... .11 cents per Dounn. iWikom Jaan rive pas_*_»» as*.rushed 11 do do > purchased, h_U t cent pe pou_

¦ «jeder d 11*, do do \ addiUc-nal.The above a. packed at ro^owir

l^vas. iabxsof 3ri:ibi.igashed in bbhol _50 '.

, "Soc.har;c for pacJrax.t'owdered in Co Jfi " \Apply lo the Naw York Paieur .-tutar i!_i_wry. cor. >froi_k !,i"a}f,ma!y *i*. 01 at* Wail a. Onion out ofthe city mius be eccompamed br a reinrt-anca. aul l_*