methodology baseline audit

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  • 8/2/2019 Methodology Baseline Audit


    Methodology of Base Line Audit

    B. P. Thapliyal

    Central Pulp & Paper Research Institute

  • 8/2/2019 Methodology Baseline Audit


    PAT FrameworkThe guiding principles for developing the PAT mechanism are Simplicity,

    Accountability, Transparency, Predictability, Consistency, and Adaptability. The PAT

    framework includes the following elements:

    Methodology for setting specific energy consumption (SEC) for

    each DC in the baseline year

    Methodology for setting the target to reduce the Specific Energy

    Consumption (SEC) by the target year from the baseline year. The process to verify the SEC of each DC in the baseline year and

    in the target year by an accredited verification agency

    The process to issue energy savings certificates (ESCerts) to those

    DCs who achieve SEC lower than the specified value

    Trading of ESCerts

    Compliance and reconciliation of ESCerts

    Cross-sectoral use of ESCerts and their synergy with renewable

    energy certificates

  • 8/2/2019 Methodology Baseline Audit


    What is the basis of fixing an energy

    consumption norm of a Designated Consumer?

    As per Section 14(g) of EC Act, 2001 [establish and prescribe such energy consumption norms and

    standards for designated consumers as it may be considered necessary: provided that the centralgovernment may prescribe different norms and standards for different designated consumers havingregard to such factors as may be prescribed] the central government can stipulate energy usage normsfor designated consumers.

    BEE has earlier conducted sector specific studies through various organizations to do the situationanalysis.

    As per the studies, the wide bandwidth of specific energy consumption (SEC) within an industrial sectoris indicative of the large energy-savings potential in the sector.

    The wide bandwidth is also a reflection of the differences in the energy-saving possibilities amongstplants because of their varying vintage, production capacity, raw material quality, and product-mix.

    Such wide variation also makes it difficult to specify a single benchmark SEC for the sector as a whole: older plants will find the benchmark impossibly high if it is set at the level of newer plants;

    newer plants will find it trivial if it is set at the level of older plants.

    The broad bandwidth of SEC within a sector, and the inability of all plants to achieve a sectoralbenchmark SEC, suggests that SEC improvement norms need to be set for individual plants.

    These SEC improvement targets can be based on the trend of energy consumption and energy-savings

    potential of the plants. In general, the higher the energy efficiency (or the lower the SEC), the lower the energy-savings

    potential. Thus, it is evident that it is not feasible to define a single norm/standard unless there issignificant homogeneity amongst units in a sector.

    Therefore, the energy efficiency improvement targets would have to be almost unit specific. Each DCis mandated to reduce its SEC by a fixed percentage, based on its current SEC (or baseline SEC) withinthe sectoral bandwidth.

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    SEC Bandwidth in Different SectorsSector Range of SEC

    Power plant 2300 3400 kcal / kwh

    Fertilizer 5.86 9.11 Gcal/T of Urea

    Cement 665 900 Kcal/Kg of Clinker (Thermal)

    66 127 KWH/ T (Elect)

    Integrated Steel 6.15 8.18 Gcal / tcs

    Sponge Iron 4.4 7.6 Gcal / T (Thermal)

    72 135 KWH/T (Elect)

    Aluminum (Smelter)

    Aluminium (Refinery) 15875 17083 KWH/T

    3.28 4.12 MKcal / T of Alumina

    Pulp & Paper 25.3 121 GJ/T Textile 3000 16100 Kcal/kg (Thermal)

    0.25 10 KWH/Kg (Elect)

    Chlor-Alkali 2300 2600 kwh/ T of caustic soda

  • 8/2/2019 Methodology Baseline Audit


    Establishment of Baseline SEC

    (a) How is the specific energy consumption of

    any industry calculated?

    (b) How is the plant boundary defined?

    (c) What is the baseline SEC and base year?

  • 8/2/2019 Methodology Baseline Audit


    The Rules of Establishing the Baseline SEC

    Rule #1 : Eight industrial sectors and Railways among the 15 energy intensive sector

    as per EC Act, 2001 have been included in the 1 stcycle of PAT.

    Rule #2 : Each industrial sector is divided into sub-sectors based on certain factors

    which are most common and prevalent.

    Rule #3 : The Specific Energy Consumption (SEC) is computed as the ratio of the total

    energy input to the total quantity of production of the DC.

    Rule #4 : The boundary of a DC is to be defined on a Gate-to-Gate (GtG) concept.

    Rule #5 : The baseline estimation of SEC will be based on historical data of individual

    plants as reported by the DC in the specified format.

    Rule #6 : The SEC Estimation is based on application of the Gate-to-Gate (GtG)

    concept and the Rule for Definition of SEC. This may be defined as Reported


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    The Rules of Establishing the Baseline SEC

    Rule #1 : Eight industrial sectors and Railways among the 15 energy intensive sector

    as per EC Act, 2001 have been included in the 1 stcycle of PAT.

    Rule #2 : Each industrial sector is divided into sub-sectors based on certain factors

    which are most common and prevalent.

    Sector Basis for Sub-sector Sub-Sector

    Thermal Power plant Fuel Based Coal, Gas, Oil

    Cement Process Based Dry, Wet

    Iron & Steel Operation Based Integrated, Sponge Iron

    Fertilizer Feedstock Based Natural Gas, Naptha

    Aluminum Product Based Refinery, Smelter

    Pulp & Paper Raw Material Based Wood, Agro, RCF

    Textile Operation Based Spinning, Processing,

    Composite, Fiber yarn

    Chlor-Alkali Technology Based Membrane cell, Mercury

  • 8/2/2019 Methodology Baseline Audit


    How is the Specific Energy Consumption

    of any Industry Calculated?

    Rule #3 : The Specific Energy Consumption (SEC) is computed as the ratio ofthe total energy input to the total quantity of production of the DC.

    The SEC of an industry would be calculated based on Gate-to-Gate conceptwith the following formula.

    Total energy input to the plant boundary

    SEC = --------------------------------------------------------

    Quantity of the Product

    While calculating the total energy input to the plant, all energy sources wouldbe converted to a single unit i.e. MTOE (metric ton of oil equivalent) usingstandard engineering conversion formulae: Electricity purchased from Grid: 1 kWh = 860 kcal.

    Solid fuel: Quantity (kg) * GCV (kcal/kg) kcal.

    Liquid fuel: Quantity (m3) * density (kg/m3) * GCV (kcal/kg) kcal.

    1 MTOE = 107 kcal.

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    In this calculation, the following would be considered :

    All forms of energy (Electricity, Solid fuel, Liquid fuel, Gaseous fuel, by-

    products used as fuel etc.) which are actually consumed for production

    of output should be considered.

    Energy consumed in colony and for outside transportation system should

    not be accounted.

    Energy used through renewable energy sources should not beaccounted.

    Any energy consumed for major construction work would not

    be accounted as this is not meant for producing the product.

    Quantity of such energy should be separated out from total

    energy consumption.

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    Definition of Product - The Product is the key

    Parameter.The definition of product for various sectors has been shown below for the

    purpose of calculating SEC. This has been arrived at considering the typicalpractice of defining SEC and consistency in product output.

    Sector Main Product Unit

    Cement Cement Tonnes

    Fertilizer Urea Tonnes

    Iron & Steel (Integrated) Crude Steel Tonnes

    Iron & Steel (Sponge Iron) Sponge Iron Tonnes

    Aluminium (Refinery) Alumina Tonnes

    Aluminium (Smelter) Molten Aluminium Tonnes

    Aluminium (Integrated) Molten Aluminium Tonnes

    Paper (Pulping) Pulp Tonnes

    Paper (Paper Making) Paper Tonnes

    Paper (Pulp & Paper) Paper Tonnes

    Textile (Spinning) Textile (Composite) kg

    Textile (Processing) Fabric kg

  • 8/2/2019 Methodology Baseline Audit


    Rule #4 : The boundary of a DC is to be defined on a Gate-to-

    Gate (GtG) concept.

    The plant boundary would be selected such that the total energy input

    and the above defined product output will be fully captured.

    Typically it is the entire plant excluding colony, residential complex and

    transportation system.

    Similarly, mining operations in case of Iron & Steel, Aluminium and

    Cement sector are not part of plant boundary.

    Once the plant boundary has been fixed, the same boundary should be

    considered for entire PAT cycle.

    Ideally, plant boundary should not change during the entire cycle.

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    Pulp & Paper






    Cleaners ,










  • 8/2/2019 Methodology Baseline Audit


    Rule #5 : The baseline estimation of SEC will be based on historical data of

    individual plants as reported by the DC in the specified format.

    The base line SEC would be calculated based on the following procedure:

    All DCs would submit the details of production and annual energy consumption

    since 2005-6 to 2009-10 through a notified form which is a mandatory as per EC

    Act, 2001.

    Few additional sector specific information like process technology, process flow,

    raw material, product mix etc. would also be collected.

    The SEC calculated from step(a) would be the Reported SEC by the DC.

    As there may be various variable factors which affect the energy consumption

    significantly, some Normalization Factors would be considered. It is proposed to

    consider the capacity utilization as one of the most important parameter to have

    a normalization factor. However, the rationale for developing the normalization

    factors is underway by suitable agencies through a scientific manner.

    Now the reported SEC will be normalized after incorporating the normalizationfactor.

    Normalized SEC =f( Reported SEC , Normalization factors)

    The base line SEC will be estimated by taking the average normalized SEC of last 3

    years i.e. 2007-8, 2008-9, 2009-10.

    The base year may be defined as 2009-10.

    The base line SEC for each DC is expected to be fixed by January 2011.

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    In the context of PAT, it is proposed to collect data as specified in Form 1 under

    the provisions of the Energy Conservation Act 2001. As it was felt that the

    information may not be sufficient, an additional annexure has been designed

    (also provided for reference in Form 1).

    As per the EC Act, it has been mandatory for all industrial consumers to file

    annual energy consumption returns from 2005-06. As a result, it is proposed to

    collect the above data for five years up to 2009-10.

    The following items of data relating to energy consumption and production are

    to be collected based on the specified format:

    1. Installed capacity

    2. Actual quantity of production

    3. Electricity purchased from grid

    4. Electricity sold to the grid or other facility

    5. In house generation of electricity by CPP/DG sets/Co-Generation

    6. All solid fuels used

    7. All liquid fuels used

    8. All gaseous fuels used

    9. All recovered energy from process [byproducts etc.,]

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    Rule #6 : The SEC Estimation is based on application of the Gate-to-Gate

    (GtG) concept and the Rule for Definition of SEC. This may be defined as

    Reported SEC.


    Electricity (KWH)

    FO (Liter)

    NG (SCM)

    Coal (KG)

    Others (KG or Ltr)

    Product (Kg)

    Total Energy Consumption (Etotal) =

    [Elect x 860 + FO x GCVfo

    + Coal x GCVcoal

    + NG x GCVng

    + Others x GCVeach

    ] Kcal

    Total Electrical Energy Consumption (ELtotal) = Electricity KWH

    Total Thermal Energy Consumption (THtotal) =

    [FO x GCVfo + Coal x GCVcoal + NG x GCVng + Others x GCVeach] Kcal

    Gateto-Gate SEC = [Etotal /kg of product] Kcal/kg

    CASE -I : All Energy Purchased and Consumed

    Electricity is purchased from the Grid

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    Electricity (KWH)

    FO (Liter)

    NG (SCM)

    Coal (KG)

    Others (KG or Ltr)



    Total Energy Consumption (Etotal) =

    [Elect x 860 + A x GCVa

    + FO x GCVfo

    + Coal x GCVcoal

    + NG x GCVng

    + Others x GCVeach

    ] Kcal

    Total Electrical Energy Consumption (ELtotal) = (Purchased Electricity + X) KWH

    Total Thermal Energy Consumption (THtotal) =

    [(FO-A) x GCVfo + Coal x GCVcoal + NG x GCVng + Others x GCVeach] Kcal

    Gateto-Gate SEC = [Etotal /kg of product] Kcal/kg





    A (Ltr) X ( kwh)


    CASE -II : Electricity Partially Generated by DG Sets, other Energy Purchased and Consumed

    Electricity is purchased from the Grid & generated by DG set

    l i i d b h h d & d

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    CASE -III : Electricity Generated by CPP, other Energy Purchased & Consumed,

    Electricity partially sold to grid

    Y (KWH) to Grid

    Electricity is generated by Coal Based CPP, partially sold to grid

    Coal (KG)

    NG (SCM)

    FO (Ltr)

    Others (KG or Ltr)

    Product (Kg)


    Heat Rate (Kcal/Kwh)

    A (KG) X ( kwh)


    Total Energy Consumption (Etotal) =[FO x GCV

    fo+ Coal x GCV

    coal+ NG x GCV

    ng+ Others x GCV

    each] Kcal

    Total Electrical Energy Consumption (ELtotal) = (X - Y) KWH

    Total Thermal Energy Consumption (THtotal) =

    [FO x GCVfo

    + (Coal-A) x GCVcoal

    + NG x GCVng

    + Others x GCVeach

    ] Kcal

    Gateto-Gate SEC = [Etotal /kg of product] Kcal/kg

    If X is known and A is known, Heat Rate (HR) = [( A x GCVcoal ) / X] Kcal/kwhIf A is known X = [( A x GCVcoal ) / HR ] kwh where HR = Avg. Plant Heat RateIf X is known A =[ ( X * HR)/GCVcoal] KG where HR= Avg. Plant Heat Rate* If plant HR is not available, then National Avg. HR i.e. 2717 Kcal/kg may be considered

    * The total electricity consumption also includes the auxiliary power consumption of CPP

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    CASE -IV : Electricity Generated by CPP, other Energy Purchased & Consumed, Electricity

    partially sold to grid from CPP.

    Electricity is generated by Coal Based CPP, partially sold to grid. CPP is in separate Boundary



    X (KWH)

    FO (Liter)

    NG (SCM)

    Coal (KG)

    Others (KG or Ltr)

    Product (Kg)

    CPPY (KWH) to Grid

    Coal (KG)

    Aux P (a%)Others (KG or Ltr)

    G (KWH)

    Total Energy Consumption (Etotal) = [X *860 + FO x GCVfo + Coal x GCVcoal + NG x GCVng + Others x GCVeach] Kcal

    Total Electrical Energy Consumption (ELtotal) = X kwh

    Total Thermal Energy Consumption (THtotal) = [FO x GCVfo + Coal x GCVcoal + NG x GCVng + Others x GCVeach] Kcal

    Gateto-Gate SEC = [Etotal /kg of product] Kcal/kg

    Here, in case of two separate boundaries, two different Norms / Targets to be established

    For the Production Plant Boundary (A):

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    Total Energy Consumption (Etotal) = [FO x GCVfo + Coal x GCVcoal + Others x GCVeach] Kcal

    Total Electrical Energy Consumption (ELtotal) = ( G ) x (a/100) kwh

    Gateto-Gate SEC ( i.e Net Heat Rate) = Etotal / (G - ELtotal) Kcal / kwh

    For the Captive Power Plant Boundary (B):

    Here, the target setting criteria of Power Plant should be adopted which is based on Net Heat R

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    CASE -V : Energy Purchased & Consumed, Electricity & Heat partially Generated

    through Co-Gen plant

    Electricity & Heat are generated by Co-Gen Plant

    Coal (KG)

    NG (SCM)

    FO (Ltr)

    Others (KG or Ltr)

    Product (Kg)



    Plant Eff. (%)

    A (KG) X ( kwh)


    Elect (KWH)

    Y (Kcal)

    Total Energy Consumption (Etotal) = [Elect x 860 +FO x GCVfo + Coal x GCVcoal + NG x GCVng + Others x GCVeach] Kcal

    Total Electrical Energy Consumption (ELtotal) = (Elect + X) KWH

    Total Thermal Energy Consumption (THtotal) = [FO x GCVfo + Coal x GCVcoal + NG x GCVng + Others x GCVeach + Y] Kcal

    Gateto-Gate SEC = [Etotal /kg of product] Kcal/kg

    CASE -VI : Energy Purchased & Consumed Heat energy partially met by waste /

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    CASE -VI : Energy Purchased & Consumed, Heat energy partially met by waste /

    by-product of the Process

    PROCESSCoal (KG)

    NG (SCM)

    FO (Ltr)

    Others (KG or Ltr)

    Product (Kg)

    Elect (KWH)

    By-Product (X KG)Z Kcal

    Heat Content of By-Product = Y Kcal / Kg

    So, Energy Available Z = X * Y Kcal

    Total Energy Consumption (Etotal) = [Elect x 860 +FO x GCVfo + Coal x GCVcoal + NG x GCVng + Others x GCVeach] Kcal

    Total Electrical Energy Consumption (ELtotal) = (Elect) KWH

    Total Thermal Energy Consumption (THtotal) = [FO x GCVfo + Coal x GCVcoal + NG x GCVng + Others x GCVeach + Z] Kcal

    Gateto-Gate SEC = [Etotal /kg of product] Kcal/kg

  • 8/2/2019 Methodology Baseline Audit


    Rule #6 : The SEC will be normalized, during baseline and target periods, based on a

    statistical procedures.

    Although there may be multiple factors that affect energy consumption, it is suggested

    that only the Capacity Utilization may be considered for Normalization as this is likely tovary in every year as a result of many factors such as :

    The Normalization procedure is proposed to be applied if the Capacity Utilization (CU) or

    Plant Load Factor (PLF) has a deviation of more than 30% (and considered by BEE after a

    study of the inputs from the technical expert committees) in any of the last three years

    when compared to the average CU of the historic data provided.

    It will be applied only if CU has deviated due to uncontrollable factors which will be

    declared by the DC.

    The factors for which Normalization is proposed to be applied are:

    Natural disasterRioting or Social Unrest

    Acute shortage of raw material

    Major change in government policy

  • 8/2/2019 Methodology Baseline Audit


    The Normalization procedure is depicted and comprises the following steps:

    Calculate the annual SEC for the last 3 years.

    Calculate the capacity utilization (CU) for the same period.

    The average CU is also computed for the same period.

    The SEC for a specific year will be Normalized if:

    If the deviation of the CU in that year is greater than 30% and

    If the deviation of the SEC is more than 5% for that year, and

    If production operations did not begin in that specific year, and

    If capacity did not increase more than 10% as compared to the previous year.

    This Normalization will be done by performing a statistical analysis of the SEC andproduction data:

    Plotting the Production versus Energy Consumption curves.

    Performing statistical analysis to represent the relationship between the production and energy


    Extrapolating the above relationship to generate CU versus energy consumption and CU versus

    SEC data for a suitable range of CU values.

    The average CU will be used to identify the corresponding SEC value from the above table.

    The normalized SEC will be the value as computed in the previous step.

    Above Normalization process will be repeated for each year that the CU has deviated greater

    than 30% from the average over the last 3 years.

    The above calculation will result in the Normalized SEC for the DC.

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    Rule #7 : The baseline SEC estimation will be the simple arithmetic average of the SEC of the

    last three years. The base year will be defined as 2009-10.

    Summary of Steps of Establishing Baseline SEC


    (from Mandatory Reporting)

    Normalized SEC

    (from Statistical Analysis)


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    General Principles of Target Setting

    1. Industry Focused:

    This principle indicates that the overall target setting process utilize various scientificmethods and logical techniques that are widely used and in general usage in similar

    situations in policy formulation for industrial technical assessments.

    2. M&V Compliant:

    This principle requires that the overall target setting process be designed in such technical

    terms so as to be readily amenable to effective and fair Measurement & Verification

    (M&V) practices by the M&V infrastructure that will be put in place.

    3. Pro-rata Approach:

    The national energy saving objective will be apportioned to various components of the

    industry using a pro-rata approach. This means that in general, a sector or cluster which

    consumes more energy shall be apportioned a larger portion of the energy saving

    estimate.4. Percentage SEC Reduction:

    The targets assigned to each DC shall be a percentage reduction with respect to its

    current estimated Baseline SEC.

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    General Principles of Target Setting

    5. Independent Targets:

    Each DC shall be assigned independent targets expressed as a percentage reduction withrespect to its current estimated Baseline SEC. This reinforces the principle that a plant or

    DC is essentially working to improve energy efficiency with respect to itself.

    6. Differential Targets:

    This principle states that more inefficient plants shall be assigned higher targets or larger

    percentage reductions with respect to their current estimated Baseline SEC. This principle

    also incorporates the general industry feedback that early movers should be recognized.

    The more efficient plants or DCs shall be assigned smaller targets or smaller percentage

    reductions with respect to their current estimated Baseline SEC.

    7. SEC Captures Plant Variations

    This principle states that the current estimated Baseline SEC, the historic SEC data and

    SEC analysis of a DC, captures various characteristics and static and dynamic effects of thevarious plant specific parameters that may be unique to that particular plant or DC.

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    8. Relative SEC Index based targets:

    This principle states that the targets that are assigned to a DC shall be based on the

    Relative SEC Index of that DC. This principle also implies the natural principle that more

    inefficient plants shall be assigned larger targets expressed as a percentage reductionwith respect to their current estimated Baseline SEC.

    9. Targets for TPP and Fertilizer Plants

    In the case of thermal power plants and fertilizer plants, the targets for SEC decrease are

    to be aligned with the existing tariff-setting context. In the case of thermal power plants,

    the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC) and in the fertilizer sector, theDepartment of Fertilizers are in the process of integrating these targets in their

    respective tariff setting exercise.

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    Rule #1 : The total estimated energy savings will be apportioned and

    disaggregated for sectors based on the pro-rata approach in the same ratio

    as their relative energy consumption in the baseline year.

    SN SectorEnergy


    Share of


    Apportioned Energy

    reduction Target

    (mMTOE) (%) (mMTOE)

    1 Power (Thermal) 160.30 66.64% 6.66

    2 Iron & Steel 36.08 15.00% 1.50

    3 Cement 14.47 6.02% 0.60

    4 Fertilizers 11.95 4.97% 0.50

    5 Railways (Approx.) 9.00 3.74% 0.37

    6 Textile (Approx.) 4.50 1.87% 0.19

    7 Aluminium 2.42 1.01% 0.10

    8 Paper & pulp 1.38 0.57% 0.06

    9 Chlor-Alkali 0.43 0.18% 0.02

    Total 240.53 100.00% 10.00

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    National Target

    (10 mMTOE)



    SN SectorEnergy


    Share of


    Apportioned Energy

    reduction Target

    (mMTOE) (%) (mMTOE)

    1 Power (Thermal) 160.30 66.64% 6.66

    2 Iron & Steel 36.08 15.00% 1.50

    3 Cement 14.47 6.02% 0.60

    4 Fertilizers 11.95 4.97% 0.50

    5 Railways (Approx.) 9.00 3.74% 0.37

    6 Textile (Approx.) 4.50 1.87% 0.19

    7 Aluminium 2.42 1.01% 0.10

    8 Paper & pulp 1.38 0.57% 0.06

    9 Chlor-Alkali 0.43 0.18% 0.02

    Total 240.53 100.00% 10.00

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    Target Setting

    The overall target reduction of 10 mMTOE would be apportioned amongst the

    sectors in proportion to their relative energy use to ensure that the sectoral

    reduction is equal, in percentage terms, to the percentage of the energy

    consumption of all covered plants in a sector to the overall energy consumption of

    all covered plants.

    The next level of allocation of reduction target would correspond to the

    disaggregation of the sectoral reduction target to each plant within the sector.

    Given the diversity of plant configurations within a sector, and of plant vintages, it

    is being proposed to apply gate-to-gate approach for each plant.

    The target SEC would need to be achieved over a 3 year period commencing from

    1st April, 2011. The targeted improvement in energy efficiency would be a

    percentage improvement over its base line SEC.

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    The methodology is based on the expectation that all DCs

    would reduce their SEC, the less energy-efficient DCs in a

    sector being required to achieve a greater reduction in

    their SEC than the more energy-efficient DCs in the same


    The SEC targets will be fixed as per a statistical analysis

    followed by stakeholder consultation in each designated


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    Application of this methodology would entail the following allocations to various

    sectors, given that the overall goal of energy consumption reduction under the PAT

    scheme is expected to be 10 mMTOE.

    SN SectorEnergy


    Share of





    No. of Probable


    (mMTOE) (%) (mMTOE)

    1 Power Plant (Thermal) 160.30 69.24% 6.92 146

    2 Iron & Steel 36.08 15.58% 1.56 101

    3 Cement 14.47 6.25% 0.60 83

    4 Fertilizers 11.95 5.16% 0.51 23

    5 Textile (Approximated) 4.50 1.94% 0.20 128

    6 Aluminium 2.42 1.05% 0.11 11

    7 Pulp & paper 1.38 0.60% 0.06 51

    8 Chlor-Alkali 0.43 0.19% 0.02 20

    Total 231.6 100.00% 10.00 563

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    Total Consumption = 1.38 mMtoe

    Share of % (51 plants) = 0.60 %

    Share of Saving from Pulp & paper = 138000 Mtoe

    175827 X = 138000 Mtoe

    X = 0.785

    The further apportionment of targeted energy saving would be upto the level of

    sub-sector as described earlier.

    Example: Target Setting of 51 Pulp & Paper plants (Illustrative)

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    Example : Pulp & paper Sector

    Plant Reference P-10

    Prodn. In Base Year 156254 Tonne (From Baseline Analysis)

    Baseline SEC 750 KgOE/t (From Baseline Analysis)

    Target 3.22 % (From Statistical Analysis)

    Target SEC 725.6 kgOE/t (Calculated)

    Target Energy Saving 3812.6 MTOE (Calculated)

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    Scenario#1 (Over-Achieved)

    SEC in the Target Year 720 kgOE/t (Assumed)

    % reduction 4.0 % (Calculated)

    Estimated Energy Saving 4687.6 MTOE

    Extra Energy Saved 875.0 MTOE

    Value of escerts for issuance 875.0 X INR (@ X INR per MTOE)

    Scenario#2 (Under-Achieved)

    SEC in the Target Year 735 kgOE/t (Assumed)

    % reduction 2.0 % (Calculated)

    Estimated Energy Saving 2343.8 MTOEShortfall in Energy Saving 1466.5 MTOE

    Equivalent Monetary Value 1468.8 X


    (Say 80% by) Purchase of Ecerts 1175.0 MTOE

    Monetary Value (A) 1175.0 X INR

    (Rest 20% by) Paying Penalty for 293.8 MTOE (Calculated)

    Upfront penalty 1000000 INR (As per Act)

    Non-compliance Penalty 293.8 X INR

    Total Penalty Value(B) 1000000+293.8 X INR

    Total Monetary Implications to DC A + B INR

  • 8/2/2019 Methodology Baseline Audit



    Market Regulator & Administrator

    SDA DENA DesignatedConsumers (DCs)

    Central Registry Trading Exchange

    Updated list

    of DCs and


    Any Baselines


    Audited Result

    of DCs

    Any Baselines



    Apply for


    through PAT




    Issuance of


    Updated Obligation

    of DCs: Deficit or


    Updated ESCertsAccount Info

    Settlement Details

    ESCerts Trading



    Regular Checks & Levy Penalties in case of defaults

    E-filingApply for





  • 8/2/2019 Methodology Baseline Audit




    Scheme Administrator




    2 Target



    Information Exchange

    (instruction to monitortransactions)

    3 Obligations




    (trade data)

    Issue ESCerts & record

    transactions of

    Obligatons and ESCerts


    Energy Auditor


    4 Monitoring,

    verification &


    6 Annual

    Redemption of


    1 Appointment &


    Energy Auditors

    5 ESCerts


    Information Exchange

    (compliance reports)



    Agency7 Decide &

    Levy penalty

    D i d E A di (DENA) FIRM COMPANY

  • 8/2/2019 Methodology Baseline Audit


    Designated Energy Auditor (DENA) FIRM or COMPANY or


    Qualification (Qualifications for accreditation of DENA is under

    process): Should be a firm/company registered/incorporated in

    India. Should have at least 3 certified energy auditors or

    organization/sectoral associations having more than 3

    personnel with more than 10 years of experience inparticular designated energy intensive industrial sector(however, association should have 3 certified energyauditors within stipulated time).

    Should have conducted at least 3 energy audit, in theparticular designated energy intensive industrial sector, inlast 5 years.

    Should have energy auditing instruments

  • 8/2/2019 Methodology Baseline Audit


    Role of DENA

    DENA have been proposed for the various

    activities under PAT (Perform, Achieve &

    Trade) like

    Baseline data collection

    Baseline Energy Audit

    Monitoring & Verification

    And other PAT related activities

  • 8/2/2019 Methodology Baseline Audit


    Definition & Objectives of Energy Management

    The judicious and effective use of energy to maximize profits

    (minimize costs) and enhance competitive positions

    (Cape Hart, Turner and Kennedy, Guide to Energy Management

    Fairmont press inc. 1997)

    The strategy of adjusting and optimizing energy, using

    systems and procedures so as to reduce energy requirements

    per unit of output while holding constant or reducing total

    costs of producing the output from these systems

  • 8/2/2019 Methodology Baseline Audit



  • 8/2/2019 Methodology Baseline Audit


    Wood Based Mill

  • 8/2/2019 Methodology Baseline Audit


    Wood Based Mill

    Hard wood / Bamboo Based

    Name of The Mill Year Produ. MTOE/tBaseLine YearProduction SEC Avg Saving Pot.(%) SEC Saving Target MTOE/t

    Mill 1 09-10 81181 1.406436 1.406436 1.617833 13.06665882 0.130666588 1.2227

    08-09 81231 1.829229

    Mill 2 09-10 125404 3.151077 3.151077 3.278811 52.49987643 0.524998764 1.4968

    08-09 110176 3.406545

    07-08 52751 1.557439

    Mill 3 09-10 53589 9.891844 9.891844 9.780067 0.957286751 0.009572868 9.7972

    08-09 65132 9.686444

    07-08 75628 9.761914

    Mill 4 09-10 137741 1.792365 1.792365 1.846121 2.911829114 0.029118291 1.7402

    08-09 134383 1.872977

    07-08 132500 1.873021

    Mill 5 09-10 173638 1.714384 1.714384 1.628429 3.169517696 0.031695177 1.660008-09 173682 1.594088

    07-08 169891 1.576816

    Mill 6 09-10 91126 2.686274 2.686274 2.682069 0.156796768 0.001567968 2.6821

    08-09 92298 2.677864


    Wood Based Mill

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    Hardwood Based

    Mill 7 09-10 254903 2.66844 2.66844 2.773524 3.78883037 0.037888304 2.5673

    08-09 245008 2.79788

    07-08 245471 2.854252

    Mill 8 09-10 264086 2.401463 2.401463 2.14958 11.13065603 0.11130656 2.1342

    08-09 247032 2.13696

    07-08 245777 1.910318

    Mill 9 09-10 117989 1.792518 1.792518 1.757865 2.112097868 0.021120979 1.7547

    08-09 119779 1.76034

    07-08 124312 1.720737

    Bamboo Based

    Mill 10 09-10 110000 1.947123 1.947123 NA

    Mill 11 09-10 60312 1.84428 1.84428 1.723188 4.925079799 0.049250798 1.7534

    08-09 65012 1.686965

    07-08 96621 1.63832

    Market Based Mills

    Mill 12 09-10 28230 1.889857 1.889857 0.629952 NA

    Wood/RCF Producing Newsprint

    Mill 13 09-10 100546 0.96059 0.96059 0.910808 6.122197346 0.061221973 0.9018

    08-09 108005 0.916788

    07-08 116111 0.855047

    Agro Based Mills

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    Agro Based Mills

    Year Prod. MTOE/t

    BaseLine Year

    Production SEC Avg Saving Pot.(%) SEC Saving Target MTOE/t

    Mill 1 09-10 60553 1.219011 1.219011 1.134234 7.47442174 0.074744 1.127897185

    08-09 54277 1.049456

    Mill 2 09-10 54583 1.745113 1.745113 2.138734 18.4043862 0.184044 1.423935796

    08-09 56535 2.341094

    07-08 53670 2.329995

    Mill 3 09-10 34729 0.724047 0.724047 0.691407 10.9356242 0.109356 0.644867549

    08-09 34022 0.734377

    07-08 33796 0.615797

    Mill 4 09-10 123639 1.144931 1.144931 1.181847 76.1680092 0.76168 0.272859739

    08-09 67302 2.118952

    07-08 40832 0.281658

    Mill 5 09-10 34675 2.098814 2.098814 2.049406 10.7757037 0.107757 1.872652397

    08-09 35770 2.220836

    07-08 34675 1.828568

    Mill 6 09-10 40312 3.681669 3.681669 3.078448 19.5949601 0.19595 2.960247363

    08-09 44212 2.475228


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    Mill 7 09-10 60404 1.464446 1.464446 1.600899 76.5989172 0.765989 0.342696134

    08-09 61469 1.336607

    07-08 40108 2.001645

    Mill 8 09-10 14838.14 0.825739 0.825739 0.462515 0.825738806

    Mill 9 09-10 79485 0.561807 0.561807 0.586547 4.21797137 0.04218 0.538109667

    08-09 79005 0.583952

    07-08 64472 0.613882

    Mill 10 09-10 48879.01 0.37049 0.37049 0.308922 19.9299028 0.199299 0.296651368

    08-09 54553.58 0.247354

    Mill 11 09-10 16641 1.352799 1.352799 1.414875 4.38744171 0.043874 1.293445264

    08-09 15021 1.412516

    07-08 16087 1.479312

    Mill 12 09-10 27366 0.41196 0.41196 0.559276 26.3405184 0.263405 0.303447322

    08-09 23995 0.623084

    07-08 23905 0.642784

    RCF Based Mills

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    RCF Based Mills

    RCF Based Mills YEAR Prod. MTOE/t

    BaseLine Year

    Production SEC Avg Saving Pot.(%) SEC Saving Target MTOE/t

    Mill 1 09-10 13129 0.270268 0.27026777 0.28945 12.2875317 0.122875 0.237058532

    08-09 14364 0.344199

    07-08 14893 0.253884

    Mill 2 09-10 41683 0.315778 0.31577762 0.316301 0.16554296 0.001655 0.315254869

    08-09 48894 0.316825

    Mill 3 09-10 42375 0.156593 0.15659257 0.169323 7.51870242 0.075187 0.144818837

    08-09 41776 0.182054

    Mill 4 09-10 48775.5 0.088371 0.08837056 0.090941 2.82612596 0.028261 0.085873101

    08-09 46000.9 0.093511

    Mill 5 09-10 48627.9 0.383172 0.38317221 0.338532 30.9414202 0.309414 0.264613288

    08-09 43815 0.398638

    07-08 41386 0.233785

    Mill 6 09-10 17726.58 0.721659 0.72165868 0.778176 7.26281117 0.072628 0.669245969

    08-09 14645.43 0.834694

    Mill 7 09-10 25960 0.560019 0.56001864 0.56647 6.32361248 0.063236 0.524605235

    08-09 22825 0.608743

    07-08 15546 0.530649

    Mill 8 09-10 96186 0.444642

    Mill 9 09-10 11796 0.536187 0.53618694 0.503892 0.536186945

    08-09 12717 0.471596

    Mill 10 09-10 125415 0.759691 0.75969081 0.86215 11.8841047 0.118841 0.669408359

    08-09 119655 0.826931

    07-08 66725 0.999826


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    Mill 11 09-10 248515 1.176226 1.17622618 1.280145 8.11770995 0.081177 1.080743554

    08-09 154902 1.315208

    07-08 125677 1.349

    Mill 12 09-10 28425 1.033077 1.03307652 1.005273 1.50973114 0.015097 1.017479839

    08-09 44715 0.992647

    07-08 51425 0.990096

    Mill 13 09-10 3480 0.245212 0.24521207 0.247489 0.91986106 0.009199 0.242956459

    08-09 2934 0.248759

    07-08 3266 0.248495

    Mill 14 09-10 33000 0.448606

    Mill 15 09-10 21159 1.153993 1.15399319 1.13813 10.8695952 0.108696 1.028558805

    08-09 16563 1.245976

    07-08 15038 1.014419

    Mill 16 09-10 29420 0.353339 0.35333855 0.645385 45.2515009 0.452515 0.19344755

    08-09 26986 0.815248

    07-08 22681 0.767568

    Mill 17 09-10 22166 0.349105 0.34910512 0.397823 12.2462001 0.122462 0.306353009

    08-09 18686 0.402018

    07-08 15061 0.442347

    Mill 18 09-10 105296 0.621689 0.62168917 1.354663 0.621689169

    08-09 125021 0.544321

    07-08 139501 0.565959