more on groupoids in spaces contents

MORE ON GROUPOIDS IN SPACES 04P4 Contents 1. Introduction 1 2. Notation 1 3. Useful diagrams 2 4. Local structure 2 5. Groupoid of sections 3 6. Properties of groupoids 5 7. Comparing fibres 6 8. Restricting groupoids 6 9. Properties of groups over fields and groupoids on fields 7 10. Group algebraic spaces over fields 11 11. No rational curves on groups 12 12. The finite part of a morphism 13 13. Finite collections of arrows 20 14. The finite part of a groupoid 21 15. Étale localization of groupoid schemes 23 16. Other chapters 28 References 29 1. Introduction 04P5 This chapter is devoted to advanced topics on groupoids in algebraic spaces. Even though the results are stated in terms of groupoids in algebraic spaces, the reader should keep in mind the 2-cartesian diagram (1.0.1) 04P6 R // U U // [U/R] where [U/R] is the quotient stack, see Groupoids in Spaces, Remark 19.4. Many of the results are motivated by thinking about this diagram. See for example the beautiful paper [KM97] by Keel and Mori. 2. Notation 04P7 We continue to abide by the conventions and notation introduced in Groupoids in Spaces, Section 3. This is a chapter of the Stacks Project, version a296a049, compiled on Apr 04, 2019. 1

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1. Introduction 12. Notation 13. Useful diagrams 24. Local structure 25. Groupoid of sections 36. Properties of groupoids 57. Comparing fibres 68. Restricting groupoids 69. Properties of groups over fields and groupoids on fields 710. Group algebraic spaces over fields 1111. No rational curves on groups 1212. The finite part of a morphism 1313. Finite collections of arrows 2014. The finite part of a groupoid 2115. Étale localization of groupoid schemes 2316. Other chapters 28References 29

1. Introduction

04P5 This chapter is devoted to advanced topics on groupoids in algebraic spaces. Eventhough the results are stated in terms of groupoids in algebraic spaces, the readershould keep in mind the 2-cartesian diagram


R //


U // [U/R]

where [U/R] is the quotient stack, see Groupoids in Spaces, Remark 19.4. Manyof the results are motivated by thinking about this diagram. See for example thebeautiful paper [KM97] by Keel and Mori.

2. Notation

04P7 We continue to abide by the conventions and notation introduced in Groupoids inSpaces, Section 3.

This is a chapter of the Stacks Project, version a296a049, compiled on Apr 04, 2019.1



3. Useful diagrams

04P8 We briefly restate the results of Groupoids in Spaces, Lemmas 11.4 and 11.5 foreasy reference in this chapter. Let S be a scheme. Let B be an algebraic space overS. Let (U,R, s, t, c) be a groupoid in algebraic spaces over B. In the commutativediagram







R×s,U,t Rpr0oo


c// R




U Rtoo s // U

the two lower squares are fibre product squares. Moreover, the triangle on top(which is really a square) is also cartesian.

The diagram


R×t,U,t Rpr1 //



Rt //




R×s,U,t R

c //



Rt //



Rs //

t// U

is commutative. The two top rows are isomorphic via the vertical maps given. Thetwo lower left squares are cartesian.

4. Local structure

0CK9 Let S be a scheme. Let (U,R, s, t, c, e, i) be a groupoid in algebraic spaces over S.Let u be a geometric point of U . In this section we explain what kind of structurewe obtain on the local rings (Properties of Spaces, Definition 22.2)

A = OU,u and B = OR,e(u)

The convention we will use is to denote the local ring homomorphisms inducedby the morphisms s, t, c, e, i by the corresponding letters. In particular we have acommutative diagram





e // A






of local rings. Thus if I ⊂ B denotes the kernel of e : B → A, then B = s(A)⊕ I =t(A)⊕ I. Let us denote

C = OR×s,U,tR,(e,e)(u)



Then we haveC = (B ⊗s,A,t B)hmB⊗B+B⊗mB

because the localization (B⊗s,A,tB)mB⊗B+B⊗mBhas separably closed residue field.

Let J ⊂ C be the ideal of C generated by I ⊗B+B⊗ I. Then J is also the kernelof the local ring homomorphism

(e, e) : C −→ A

The composition law c : R×s,U,t R→ R corresponds to a ring map

c : B −→ C

sending I into J .

Lemma 4.1.0CKA The map I/I2 → J/J2 induced by c is the composition

I/I2 (1,1)−−−→ I/I2 ⊕ I/I2 → J/J2

where the second arrow comes from the equality J = (I ⊗ B + B ⊗ I)C. The mapi : B → B induces the map −1 : I/I2 → I/I2.

Proof. To describe a local homomorphism from C to another henselian local ringit is enough to say what happens to elements of the form b1⊗b2 by Algebra, Lemma150.6 for example. Keeping this in mind we have the two canonical maps

e2 : C → B, b1 ⊗ b2 7→ b1s(e(b2)), e1 : C → B, b1 ⊗ b2 7→ t(e(b1))b2

corresponding to the embeddings R → R ×s,U,t R given by r 7→ (r, e(s(r))) andr 7→ (e(t(r)), r). These maps define maps J/J2 → I/I2 which jointly give aninverse to the map I/I2 ⊕ I/I2 → J/J2 of the lemma. Thus to prove statementwe only have to show that e1 c : B → B and e2 c : B → B are the identitymaps. This follows from the fact that both compositions R→ R×s,U,t R→ R areidentities.

The statement on i follows from the statement on c and the fact that c(1, i) = et.Some details omitted.

5. Groupoid of sections

0CKB Suppose we have a groupoid (Ob,Arrows, s, t, c, e, i). Then we can construct amonoid Γ whose elements are maps δ : Ob → Arrows with s δ = idOb andcomposition given by

δ1 δ2 = c(δ1 t δ2, δ2)

In other words, an element of Γ is a rule δ which prescribes an arrow emanatingfrom every object and composition is the natural thing. For example

•:: •



__ =

•:: •oo


with obvious notation



The same procedure can be applied to a groupoid in algebraic spaces (U,R, s, t, c, e, i)over a scheme S. Namely, as elements of Γ we take the set

Γ = δ : U → R | s δ = idU

and composition : Γ× Γ→ Γ is given by the rule above

(5.0.1)0CKC δ1 δ2 = c(δ1 t δ2, δ2)

The identity is given by e ∈ Γ. The groupoid Γ is not a group in general becausethere may be elements δ ∈ Γ which do not have an inverse. Namely, it is clear thatδ ∈ Γ will have an inverse if and only if t δ is an automorphism of U and in thiscase δ−1 = i δ (t δ)−1.

For later use we discuss what happens with the subgroupoid Γ0 of Γ of sectionswhich are infinitesimally close to the identity e. More precisely, suppose givenan R-invariant closed subspace U0 ⊂ U such that U is a first order thickeningof U0. Denote R0 = s−1(U0) = t−1(U0) and let (U0, R0, s0, t0, c0, e0, i0) be thecorresponding groupoid in algebraic spaces. Set

Γ0 = δ ∈ Γ | δ|U0= e0

If s and t are flat, then every element in Γ0 is invertible. This follows because tδ willbe a morphism U → U inducing the identity on OU0

and on CU0/U (Lemma 5.1) andwe conclude because we have a short exact sequence 0→ CU0/U → OU → OU0

→ 0.

Lemma 5.1.0CKD In the situation discussed in this section, let δ ∈ Γ0 and f = t δ :U → U . If s, t are flat, then the canonical map CU0/U → CU0/U induced by f (Moreon Morphisms of Spaces, Lemma 5.3) is the identity map.

Proof. To see this we extend the bottom of the diagram (3.0.2) as follows

Y //

R×s,U,t Rc //



Rt //



// Rs //

t// U

where the left square is cartesian and this is our definition of Y ; we will not need toknow more about Y . There is a similar diagram with similar properties obtainedby base change to U0 everywhere. We are trying to show that idU = s δ andf = t δ induce the same maps on conormal sheaves. Since s is flat and surjective,it suffices to prove the same thing for the two compositions a, b : Y → R along thetop row. Observe that a0 = b0 and that one of a and b is an isomorphism as weknow that s δ is an isomorphism. Therefore the two morphisms a, b : Y → R aremorphisms between algebraic spaces flat over U (via the morphism t : R→ U andthe morphism t a = t b : Y → U). This implies what we want. Namely, by thecompatibility with compositions in More on Morphisms of Spaces, Lemma 5.4 weconclude that both maps a∗0CR0/R → CY0/Y fit into a commutative diagram

a∗0CR0/R// CY0/Y



(t0 a0)∗CU0/U




whose vertical arrows are isomorphisms by More on Morphisms of Spaces, Lemma18.1. Thus the lemma holds.

Let us identify the group Γ0. Applying the discussion in More on Morphisms ofSpaces, Remarks 17.3 and 17.7 to the diagram

(U0 ⊂ U)(e0,δ)


(idU0,idU ) &&

(R0 ⊂ R)

(s0,s)xx(U0 ⊂ U)

we see that δ = θ · e for a unique OU0-linear map θ : e∗0ΩR0/U0

→ CU0/U . Thus weget a bijection

(5.1.1)0CKE HomOU0(e∗0ΩR0/U0

, CU0/U ) −→ Γ0

by applying More on Morphisms of Spaces, Lemma 17.5.

Lemma 5.2.0CKF The bijection (5.1.1) is an isomorphism of groups.

Proof. Let δ1, δ2 ∈ Γ0 correspond to θ1, θ2 as above and the composition δ = δ1δ2in Γ0 correspond to θ. We have to show that θ = θ1 + θ2. Recall (More on Mor-phisms of Spaces, Lemma 17.2) that θ1, θ2, θ correspond to derivations D1, D2, D :e−1

0 OR0→ CU0/U given by D1 = θ1 dR0/U0

and so on. It suffices to check thatD = D1 +D2.

We may check equality on stalks. Let u be a geometric point of U and let us use thelocal rings A,B,C introduced in Section 4. The morphisms δi correspond to ringmaps δi : B → A. LetK ⊂ A be the ideal of square zero such that A/K = OU0,u. Inother words, K is the stalk of CU0/U at u. The fact that δi ∈ Γ0 means exactly thatδi(I) ⊂ K. The derivation Di is just the map δi − e : B → A. Since B = s(A)⊕ Iwe see that Di is determined by its restriction to I and that this is just given byδi|I . Moreover Di and hence δi annihilates I2 because I = Ker(I).

To finish the proof we observe that δ corresponds to the composition

B → C = (B ⊗s,A,t B)hmB⊗B+B⊗mB→ A

where the first arrow is c and the second arrow is determined by the rule b1⊗ b2 7→δ2(t(δ1(b1)))δ2(b2) as follows from (5.0.1). By Lemma 4.1 we see that an element ζof I maps to ζ ⊗ 1 + 1⊗ ζ plus higher order terms. Hence we conclude that

D(ζ) = (δ2 t) (D1(ζ)) +D2(ζ)

However, by Lemma 5.1 the action of δ2 t on K = CU0/U,u is the identity and wewin.

6. Properties of groupoids

044Y This section is the analogue of More on Groupoids, Section 6. The reader is stronglyencouraged to read that section first.

The following lemma is the analogue of More on Groupoids, Lemma 6.4.

Lemma 6.1.044Z Let B → S be as in Section 2. Let (U,R, s, t, c) be a groupoidin algebraic spaces over B. Let τ ∈ fppf, etale, smooth, syntomic. Let P be aproperty of morphisms of algebraic spaces which is τ -local on the target (Descent onSpaces, Definition 9.1). Assume s : R → U and t : R → U are coverings for



the τ -topology. Let W ⊂ U be the maximal open subspace such that s−1(W )→ Whas property P. Then W is R-invariant (Groupoids in Spaces, Definition 17.1).

Proof. The existence and properties of the open W ⊂ U are described in Descenton Spaces, Lemma 9.3. In Diagram (3.0.1) let W1 ⊂ R be the maximal opensubscheme over which the morphism pr1 : R×s,U,tR→ R has property P. It followsfrom the aforementioned Descent on Spaces, Lemma 9.3 and the assumption thats : R → U and t : R → U are coverings for the τ -topology that t−1(W ) =W1 = s−1(W ) as desired.

Lemma 6.2.06R4 Let B → S be as in Section 2. Let (U,R, s, t, c) be a groupoidin algebraic spaces over B. Let G → U be its stabilizer group algebraic space. Letτ ∈ fppf, etale, smooth, syntomic. Let P be a property of morphisms of algebraicspaces which is τ -local on the target. Assume s : R → U and t : R → U arecoverings for the τ -topology. Let W ⊂ U be the maximal open subspace such thatGW → W has property P. Then W is R-invariant (see Groupoids in Spaces,Definition 17.1).

Proof. The existence and properties of the open W ⊂ U are described in Descenton Spaces, Lemma 9.3. The morphism

G×U,t R −→ R×s,U G, (g, r) 7−→ (r, r−1 g r)

is an isomorphism of algebraic spaces over R (where denotes composition inthe groupoid). Hence s−1(W ) = t−1(W ) by the properties of W proved in theaforementioned Descent on Spaces, Lemma 9.3.

7. Comparing fibres

04PA This section is the analogue of More on Groupoids, Section 7. The reader is stronglyencouraged to read that section first.

Lemma 7.1.0452 Let B → S be as in Section 2. Let (U,R, s, t, c) be a groupoid inalgebraic spaces over B. Let K be a field and let r, r′ : Spec(K)→ R be morphismssuch that t r = t r′ : Spec(K) → U . Set u = s r, u′ = s r′ and denoteFu = Spec(K) ×u,U,s R and Fu′ = Spec(K) ×u′,U,s R the fibre products. ThenFu ∼= Fu′ as algebraic spaces over K.

Proof. We use the properties and the existence of Diagram (3.0.1). There exists amorphism ξ : Spec(K)→ R×s,U,tR with pr0 ξ = r and c ξ = r′. Let r = pr1 ξ :Spec(K) → R. Then looking at the bottom two squares of Diagram (3.0.1) wesee that both Fu and Fu′ are identified with the algebraic space Spec(K) ×r,R,pr1(R×s,U,t R).

Actually, in the situation of the lemma the morphisms of pairs s : (R, r) → (U, u)and s : (R, r′)→ (U, u′) are locally isomorphic in the τ -topology, provided s : R→U is a τ -covering. We will insert a precise statement here if needed.

8. Restricting groupoids




In this section we collect a bunch of lemmas on properties of groupoids which areinherited by restrictions. Most of these lemmas can be proved by contemplatingthe defining diagram







**R×s,U U ′ //

U ′


U ′ ×U,t R

// Rs //



U ′g // U

of a restriction. See Groupoids in Spaces, Lemma 16.1.

Lemma 8.1.04RP Let S be a scheme. Let B be an algebraic space over S. Let(U,R, s, t, c) be a groupoid in algebraic spaces over B. Let g : U ′ → U be a morphismof algebraic spaces over B. Let (U ′, R′, s′, t′, c′) be the restriction of (U,R, s, t, c)via g.

(1) If s, t are locally of finite type and g is locally of finite type, then s′, t′ arelocally of finite type.

(2) If s, t are locally of finite presentation and g is locally of finite presentation,then s′, t′ are locally of finite presentation.

(3) If s, t are flat and g is flat, then s′, t′ are flat.(4) Add more here.

Proof. The property of being locally of finite type is stable under composition andarbitrary base change, see Morphisms of Spaces, Lemmas 23.2 and 23.3. Hence(1) is clear from Diagram (8.0.1). For the other cases, see Morphisms of Spaces,Lemmas 28.2, 28.3, 30.3, and 30.4.

9. Properties of groups over fields and groupoids on fields

06DW The reader is advised to first look at the corresponding sections for groupoidschemes, see Groupoids, Section 7 and More on Groupoids, Section 10.

Situation 9.1.06DX Here S is a scheme, k is a field over S, and (G,m) is a groupalgebraic space over Spec(k).

Situation 9.2.06DY Here S is a scheme, B is an algebraic space, and (U,R, s, t, c) is agroupoid in algebraic spaces over B with U = Spec(k) for some field k.

Note that in Situation 9.1 we obtain a groupoid in algebraic spaces

(9.2.1)06DZ (Spec(k), G, p, p,m)

where p : G → Spec(k) is the structure morphism of G, see Groupoids in Spaces,Lemma 14.1. This is a situation as in Situation 9.2. We will use this without furthermention in the rest of this section.

Lemma 9.3.06E0 In Situation 9.2 the composition morphism c : R ×s,U,t R → R isflat and universally open. In Situation 9.1 the group law m : G ×k G → G is flatand universally open.



Proof. The composition is isomorphic to the projection map pr1 : R×t,U,t R→ Rby Diagram (3.0.2). The projection is flat as a base change of the flat morphismt and open by Morphisms of Spaces, Lemma 6.6. The second assertion followsimmediately from the first because m matches c in (9.2.1).

Note that the following lemma applies in particular when working with either quasi-separated or locally separated algebraic spaces (Decent Spaces, Lemma 15.2).

Lemma 9.4.08BH In Situation 9.2 assume R is a decent space. Then R is a separatedalgebraic space. In Situation 9.1 assume that G is a decent algebraic space. ThenG is separated algebraic space.

Proof. We first prove the second assertion. By Groupoids in Spaces, Lemma 6.1we have to show that e : S → G is a closed immersion. This follows from DecentSpaces, Lemma 14.5.

Next, we prove the first assertion. To do this we may replace B by S. By theparagraph above the stabilizer group scheme G → U is separated. By Groupoidsin Spaces, Lemma 28.2 the morphism j = (t, s) : R → U ×S U is separated. As Uis the spectrum of a field the scheme U ×S U is affine (by the construction of fibreproducts in Schemes, Section 17). Hence R is separated, see Morphisms of Spaces,Lemma 4.9.

Lemma 9.5.06E1 In Situation 9.2. Let k ⊂ k′ be a field extension, U ′ = Spec(k′) andlet (U ′, R′, s′, t′, c′) be the restriction of (U,R, s, t, c) via U ′ → U . In the definingdiagram








R×s,U U ′ //

U ′

U ′ ×U,t R

// Rs //



U ′ // U

all the morphisms are surjective, flat, and universally open. The dotted arrowR′ → R is in addition affine.

Proof. The morphism U ′ → U equals Spec(k′) → Spec(k), hence is affine, sur-jective and flat. The morphisms s, t : R → U and the morphism U ′ → U areuniversally open by Morphisms, Lemma 22.4. Since R is not empty and U is thespectrum of a field the morphisms s, t : R → U are surjective and flat. Then youconclude by using Morphisms of Spaces, Lemmas 5.5, 5.4, 6.4, 20.5, 20.4, 30.4, and30.3.

Lemma 9.6.06E2 In Situation 9.2. For any point r ∈ |R| there exist(1) a field extension k ⊂ k′ with k′ algebraically closed,(2) a point r′ : Spec(k′) → R′ where (U ′, R′, s′, t′, c′) is the restriction of

(U,R, s, t, c) via Spec(k′)→ Spec(k)

such that(1) the point r′ maps to r under the morphism R′ → R, and



(2) the maps s′ r′, t′ r′ : Spec(k′)→ Spec(k′) are automorphisms.

Proof. Let’s represent r by a morphism r : Spec(K) → R for some field K. Toprove the lemma we have to find an algebraically closed field k′ and a commutativediagram

k′ k′1

















where s, t : k → K are the field maps coming from s r and t r. In the proof ofMore on Groupoids, Lemma 10.5 it is shown how to construct such a diagram.

Lemma 9.7.06E3 In Situation 9.2. If r : Spec(k) → R is a morphism such thats r, t r are automorphisms of Spec(k), then the map

R −→ R, x 7−→ c(r, x)

is an automorphism R→ R which maps e to r.

Proof. Proof is identical to the proof of More on Groupoids, Lemma 10.6.

Lemma 9.8.06E4 In Situation 9.2 the algebraic space R is geometrically unibranch.In Situation 9.1 the algebraic space G is geometrically unibranch.

Proof. Let r ∈ |R|. We have to show that R is geometrically unibranch at r.Combining Lemma 9.5 with Descent on Spaces, Lemma 8.1 we see that it sufficesto prove this in case k is algebraically closed and r comes from a morphism r :Spec(k)→ R such that sr and tr are automorphisms of Spec(k). By Lemma 9.7we reduce to the case that r = e is the identity of R and k is algebraically closed.

Assume r = e and k is algebraically closed. Let A = OR,e be the étale local ring ofR at e and let C = OR×s,U,tR,(e,e) be the étale local ring of R×s,U,t R at (e, e). ByMore on Algebra, Lemma 93.9 the minimal prime ideals q of C correspond 1-to-1 topairs of minimal primes p, p′ ⊂ A. On the other hand, the composition law inducesa flat ring map


// C q

A⊗s],k,t] A


p⊗A+A⊗ p′


Note that (c])−1(q) contains both p and p′ as the diagrams


// C

A⊗s],k k


A⊗s],k,t] A1⊗e]oo

OO Ac]

// C

k ⊗k,t] A


A⊗s],k,t] Ae]⊗1oo


commute by (3.0.1). Since c] is flat (as c is a flat morphism by Lemma 9.3), we seethat (c])−1(q) is a minimal prime of A. Hence p = (c])−1(q) = p′.



In the following lemma we use dimension of algebraic spaces (at a point) as definedin Properties of Spaces, Section 9. We also use the dimension of the local ringdefined in Properties of Spaces, Section 10 and transcendence degree of points, seeMorphisms of Spaces, Section 33.

Lemma 9.9.06FD In Situation 9.2 assume s, t are locally of finite type. For all r ∈ |R|(1) dim(R) = dimr(R),(2) the transcendence degree of r over Spec(k) via s equals the transcendence

degree of r over Spec(k) via t, and(3) if the transcendence degree mentioned in (2) is 0, then dim(R) = dim(OR,r).

Proof. Let r ∈ |R|. Denote trdeg(r/sk) the transcendence degree of r over Spec(k)via s. Choose an étale morphism ϕ : V → R where V is a scheme and v ∈ Vmapping to r. Using the definitions mentioned above the lemma we see that

dimr(R) = dimv(V ) = dim(OV,v) + trdegs(k)(κ(v)) = dim(OR,r) + trdeg(r/sk)

and similarly for t (the second equality by Morphisms, Lemma 27.1). Hence we seethat trdeg(r/sk) = trdeg(r/tk), i.e., (2) holds.

Let k ⊂ k′ be a field extension. Note that the restriction R′ of R to Spec(k′) (seeLemma 9.5) is obtained from R by two base changes by morphisms of fields. ThusMorphisms of Spaces, Lemma 34.3 shows the dimension of R at a point is unchangedby this operation. Hence in order to prove (1) we may assume, by Lemma 9.6, thatr is represented by a morphism r : Spec(k) → R such that both s r and t rare automorphisms of Spec(k). In this case there exists an automorphism R → Rwhich maps r to e (Lemma 9.7). Hence we see that dimr(R) = dime(R) for any r.By definition this means that dimr(R) = dim(R).

Part (3) is a formal consequence of the results obtained in the discussion above.

Lemma 9.10.06FE In Situation 9.1 assume G locally of finite type. For all g ∈ |G|(1) dim(G) = dimg(G),(2) if the transcendence degree of g over k is 0, then dim(G) = dim(OG,g).

Proof. Immediate from Lemma 9.9 via (9.2.1).

Lemma 9.11.06FF In Situation 9.2 assume s, t are locally of finite type. Let G =Spec(k) ×∆,Spec(k)×BSpec(k),t×s R be the stabilizer group algebraic space. Then wehave dim(R) = dim(G).

Proof. Since G and R are equidimensional (see Lemmas 9.9 and 9.10) it sufficesto prove that dime(R) = dime(G). Let V be an affine scheme, v ∈ V , and letϕ : V → R be an étale morphism of schemes such that ϕ(v) = e. Note that V is aNoetherian scheme as s ϕ is locally of finite type as a composition of morphismslocally of finite type and as V is quasi-compact (use Morphisms of Spaces, Lemmas23.2, 39.8, and 28.5 and Morphisms, Lemma 14.6). Hence V is locally connected(see Properties, Lemma 5.5 and Topology, Lemma 9.6). Thus we may replace V bythe connected component containing v (it is still affine as it is an open and closedsubscheme of V ). Set T = Vred equal to the reduction of V . Consider the twomorphisms a, b : T → Spec(k) given by a = s ϕ|T and b = t ϕ|T . Note that a, binduce the same field map k → κ(v) because ϕ(v) = e! Let ka ⊂ Γ(T,OT ) be theintegral closure of a](k) ⊂ Γ(T,OT ). Similarly, let kb ⊂ Γ(T,OT ) be the integral



closure of b](k) ⊂ Γ(T,OT ). By Varieties, Proposition 31.1 we see that ka = kb.Thus we obtain the following commutative diagram



"" ++ka = kb // Γ(T,OT ) // κ(v)



<< 33

As discussed above the long arrows are equal. Since ka = kb → κ(v) is injective weconclude that the two morphisms a and b agree. Hence T → R factors through G.It follows that Rred = Gred in an open neighbourhood of e which certainly impliesthat dime(R) = dime(G).

10. Group algebraic spaces over fields

0B8D There exists a nonseparated group algebraic space over a field, namely Ga/Z overa field of characteristic zero, see Examples, Section 43. In fact any group schemeover a field is separated (Lemma 9.4) hence every nonseparated group algebraicspace over a field is nonrepresentable. On the other hand, a group algebraic spaceover a field is separated as soon as it is decent, see Lemma 9.4. In this section wewill show that a separated group algebraic space over a field is representable, i.e.,a scheme.

Lemma 10.1.0B8E Let k be a field with algebraic closure k. Let G be a group algebraicspace over k which is separated1. Then Gk is a scheme.

Proof. By Spaces over Fields, Lemma 10.2 it suffices to show that GK is a schemefor some field extension K/k. Denote G′K ⊂ GK the schematic locus of GK asin Properties of Spaces, Lemma 13.1. By Properties of Spaces, Proposition 13.3we see that G′K ⊂ GK is dense open, in particular not empty. Choose a schemeU and a surjective étale morphism U → G. By Varieties, Lemma 14.2 if K isan algebraically closed field of large enough transcendence degree, then UK is aJacobson scheme and every closed point of UK is K-rational. Hence G′K has aK-rational point and it suffices to show that every K-rational point of GK is inG′K . If g ∈ GK(K) is a K-rational point and g′ ∈ G′K(K) a K-rational point in theschematic locus, then we see that g is in the image of G′K under the automorphism

GK −→ GK , h 7−→ g(g′)−1h

of GK . Since automorphisms of GK as an algebraic space preserve G′K , we concludethat g ∈ G′K as desired.

Lemma 10.2.0B8F Let k be a field. Let G be a group algebraic space over k. If G isseparated and locally of finite type over k, then G is a scheme.

Proof. This follows from Lemma 10.1, Groupoids, Lemma 8.6, and Spaces overFields, Lemma 10.7.

1It is enough to assume G is decent, e.g., locally separated or quasi-separated by Lemma 9.4.



Proposition 10.3.0B8G Let k be a field. Let G be a group algebraic space over k. IfG is separated, then G is a scheme.

Proof. This lemma generalizes Lemma 10.2 (which covers all cases one cares aboutin practice). The proof is very similar to the proof of Spaces over Fields, Lemma10.7 used in the proof of Lemma 10.2 and we encourage the reader to read thatproof first.

By Lemma 10.1 the base changeGk is a scheme. LetK/k be a purely transcendentalextension of very large transcendence degree. By Spaces over Fields, Lemma 10.5it suffices to show that GK is a scheme. Let Kperf be the perfect closure of K.By Spaces over Fields, Lemma 10.1 it suffices to show that GKperf is a scheme.Let K ⊂ Kperf ⊂ K be the algebraic closure of K. We may choose an embeddingk → K over k, so that GK is the base change of the scheme Gk by k → K. ByVarieties, Lemma 14.2 we see that GK is a Jacobson scheme all of whose closedpoints have residue field K.

Since GK → GKperf is surjective, it suffices to show that the image g ∈ |GKperf | ofan arbitrary closed point of GK is in the schematic locus of GK . In particular, wemay represent g by a morphism g : Spec(L)→ GKperf where L/Kperf is separablealgebraic (for example we can take L = K). Thus the scheme

T = Spec(L)×GKperf


= Spec(L)×Spec(Kperf ) Spec(K)

= Spec(L⊗Kperf K)

is the spectrum of a K-algebra which is a filtered colimit of algebras which are finiteproducts of copies of K. Thus by Groupoids, Lemma 7.13 we can find an affineopen W ⊂ GK containing the image of gK : T → GK .

Choose a quasi-compact open V ⊂ GKperf containing the image of W . By Spacesover Fields, Lemma 10.2 we see that VK′ is a scheme for some finite extensionK ′/Kperf . After enlarging K ′ we may assume that there exists an affine openU ′ ⊂ VK′ ⊂ GK′ whose base change to K recovers W (use that VK is the limit ofthe schemes VK′′ for K ′ ⊂ K ′′ ⊂ K finite and use Limits, Lemmas 4.11 and 4.13).We may assume that K ′/Kperf is a Galois extension (take the normal closureFields, Lemma 16.3 and use that Kperf is perfect). Set H = Gal(K ′/Kperf ). Byconstruction the H-invariant closed subscheme Spec(L) ×G

KperfGK′ is contained

in U ′. By Spaces over Fields, Lemmas 10.3 and 10.4 we conclude.

11. No rational curves on groups

0AEK In this section we prove that there are no nonconstant morphisms from P1 to agroup algebraic space locally of finite type over a field.

Lemma 11.1.0AEL Let S be a scheme. Let B be an algebraic space over S. Letf : X → Y and g : X → Z be morphisms of algebraic spaces over B. Assume

(1) Y → B is separated,(2) g is surjective, flat, and locally of finite presentation,(3) there is a scheme theoretically dense open V ⊂ Z such that f |g−1(V ) :

g−1(V )→ Y factors through V .Then f factors through g.



Proof. Set R = X×ZX. By (2) we see that Z = X/R as sheaves. Also (2) impliesthat the inverse image of V in R is scheme theoretically dense in R (Morphisms ofSpaces, Lemma 30.11). The we see that the two compositions R → X → Y areequal by Morphisms of Spaces, Lemma 17.8. The lemma follows.

Lemma 11.2.0AEM Let k be a field. Let n ≥ 1 and let (P1k)n be the n-fold self product

over Spec(k). Let f : (P1k)n → Z be a morphism of algebraic spaces over k. If Z is

separated of finite type over k, then f factors as


projection−−−−−−−→ (P1k)m

finite−−−−→ Z.

Proof. We may assume k is algebraically closed (details omitted); we only do thisso we may argue using rational points, but the reader can work around this if she/heso desires. In the proof products are over k. The automorphism group algebraicspace of (P1

k)n contains G = (GL2,k)n. If C ⊂ (P1k)n is a closed subvariety (in

particular irreducible over k) which is mapped to a point, then we can apply Moreon Morphisms of Spaces, Lemma 35.3 to the morphism

G× C → G× Z, (g, c) 7→ (g, f(g · c))over G. Hence g(C) is mapped to a point for g ∈ G(k) lying in a Zariski openU ⊂ G. Suppose x = (x1, . . . , xn), y = (y1, . . . , yn) are k-valued points of (P1

k)n.Let I ⊂ 1, . . . , n be the set of indices i such that xi = yi. Then

g(x) | g(y) = y, g ∈ U(k)is Zariski dense in the fibre of the projection πI : (P1

k)n →∏i∈I P

1k (exercise).

Hence if x, y ∈ C(k) are distinct, we conclude that f maps the whole fibre of πIcontaining x, y to a single point. Moreover, the U(k)-orbit of C meets a Zariskiopen set of fibres of πI . By Lemma 11.1 the morphism f factors through πI . Afterrepeating this process finitely many times we reach the stage where all fibres of fover k points are finite. In this case f is finite by More on Morphisms of Spaces,Lemma 35.2 and the fact that k points are dense in Z (Spaces over Fields, Lemma16.2).

Lemma 11.3.0AEN Let k be a field. Let G be a separated group algebraic space locallyof finite type over k. There does not exist a nonconstant morphism f : P1

k → Gover Spec(k).

Proof. Assume f is nonconstant. Consider the morphisms

P1k ×Spec(k) . . .×Spec(k) P

1k −→ G, (t1, . . . , tn) 7−→ f(g1) . . . f(gn)

where on the right hand side we use multiplication in the group. By Lemma 11.2and the assumption that f is nonconstant this morphism is finite onto its image.Hence dim(G) ≥ n for all n, which is impossible by Lemma 9.10 and the fact thatG is locally of finite type over k.

12. The finite part of a morphism

04PB Let S be a scheme. Let f : X → Y be a morphism of algebraic spaces over S. Foran algebraic space or a scheme T over S consider pairs (a, Z) where

(12.0.1)04PCa : T → Y is a morphism over S,Z ⊂ T ×Y X is an open subspacesuch that pr0|Z : Z → T is finite.



Suppose h : T ′ → T is a morphism of algebraic spaces over S and (a, Z) is a pair asin (12.0.1) over T . Set a′ = ah and Z ′ = (h× idX)−1(Z) = T ′×T Z. Then (a′, Z ′)is a pair as in (12.0.1) over T ′. This follows as finite morphisms are preserved underbase change, see Morphisms of Spaces, Lemma 45.5. Thus we obtain a functor

(12.0.2)04PD (X/Y )fin : (Sch/S)opp −→ SetsT 7−→ (a, Z) as above

For applications we are mainly interested in this functor (X/Y )fin when f is sep-arated and locally of finite type. To get an idea of what this is all about, take alook at Remark 12.6.

Lemma 12.1.04PE Let S be a scheme. Let f : X → Y be a morphism of algebraicspaces over S. Then we have

(1) The presheaf (X/Y )fin satisfies the sheaf condition for the fppf topology.(2) If T is an algebraic space over S, then there is a canonical bijection

MorSh((Sch/S)fppf )(T, (X/Y )fin) = (a, Z) satisfying 12.0.1

Proof. Let T be an algebraic space over S. Let Ti → T be an fppf covering (byalgebraic spaces). Let si = (ai, Zi) be pairs over Ti satisfying 12.0.1 such that wehave si|Ti×TTj

= sj |Ti×TTj. First, this implies in particular that ai and aj define

the same morphism Ti ×T Tj → Y . By Descent on Spaces, Lemma 6.2 we deducethat there exists a unique morphism a : T → Y such that ai equals the compositionTi → T → Y . Second, this implies that Zi ⊂ Ti ×Y X are open subspaces whoseinverse images in (Ti ×T Tj) ×Y X are equal. Since Ti ×Y X → T ×Y X is anfppf covering we deduce that there exists a unique open subspace Z ⊂ T ×Y Xwhich restricts back to Zi over Ti, see Descent on Spaces, Lemma 6.1. We claimthat the projection Z → T is finite. This follows as being finite is local for the fpqctopology, see Descent on Spaces, Lemma 10.23.

Note that the result of the preceding paragraph in particular implies (1).

Let T be an algebraic space over S. In order to prove (2) we will construct mutuallyinverse maps between the displayed sets. In the following when we say “pair” wemean a pair satisfying conditions 12.0.1.

Let v : T → (X/Y )fin be a natural transformation. Choose a scheme U and asurjective étale morphism p : U → T . Then v(p) ∈ (X/Y )fin(U) corresponds to apair (aU , ZU ) over U . Let R = U ×T U with projections t, s : R → U . As v is atransformation of functors we see that the pullbacks of (aU , ZU ) by s and t agree.Hence, since U → T is an fppf covering, we may apply the result of the firstparagraph that deduce that there exists a unique pair (a, Z) over T .

Conversely, let (a, Z) be a pair over T . Let U → T , R = U ×T U , and t, s : R→ Ube as above. Then the restriction (a, Z)|U gives rise to a transformation of functorsv : hU → (X/Y )fin by the Yoneda lemma (Categories, Lemma 3.5). As the twopullbacks s∗(a, Z)|U and t∗(a, Z)|U are equal, we see that v coequalizes the twomaps ht, hs : hR → hU . Since T = U/R is the fppf quotient sheaf by Spaces,Lemma 9.1 and since (X/Y )fin is an fppf sheaf by (1) we conclude that v factorsthrough a map T → (X/Y )fin.

We omit the verification that the two constructions above are mutually inverse.



Lemma 12.2.04PF Let S be a scheme. Consider a commutative diagram

X ′j




of algebraic spaces over S. If j is an open immersion, then there is a canonicalinjective map of sheaves j : (X ′/Y )fin → (X/Y )fin.

Proof. If (a, Z) is a pair over T for X ′/Y , then (a, j(Z)) is a pair over T forX/Y .

Lemma 12.3.04PG Let S be a scheme. Let f : X → Y be a morphism of algebraicspaces over S which is locally of finite type. Let X ′ ⊂ X be the maximal opensubspace over which f is locally quasi-finite, see Morphisms of Spaces, Lemma 34.7.Then (X/Y )fin = (X ′/Y )fin.

Proof. Lemma 12.2 gives us an injective map (X ′/Y )fin → (X/Y )fin. Morphismsof Spaces, Lemma 34.7 assures us that formation of X ′ commutes with base change.Hence everything comes down to proving that if Z ⊂ X is an open subspace suchthat f |Z : Z → Y is finite, then Z ⊂ X ′. This is true because a finite morphism islocally quasi-finite, see Morphisms of Spaces, Lemma 45.8.

Lemma 12.4.04PH Let S be a scheme. Let f : X → Y be a morphism of algebraicspaces over S. Let T be an algebraic space over S, and let (a, Z) be a pair as in12.0.1. If f is separated, then Z is closed in T ×Y X.

Proof. A finite morphism of algebraic spaces is universally closed by Morphismsof Spaces, Lemma 45.9. Since f is separated so is the morphism T ×Y X → T , seeMorphisms of Spaces, Lemma 4.4. Thus the closedness of Z follows from Morphismsof Spaces, Lemma 40.6.

Remark 12.5.04PI Let f : X → Y be a separated morphism of algebraic spaces. Thesheaf (X/Y )fin comes with a natural map (X/Y )fin → Y by mapping the pair(a, Z) ∈ (X/Y )fin(T ) to the element a ∈ Y (T ). We can use Lemma 12.4 to defineoperations

?i : (X/Y )fin ×Y (X/Y )fin −→ (X/Y )fin

by the rules

?1 : ((a, Z1), (a, Z2)) 7−→ (a, Z1 ∪ Z2)

?2 : ((a, Z1), (a, Z2)) 7−→ (a, Z1 ∩ Z2)

?3 : ((a, Z1), (a, Z2)) 7−→ (a, Z1 \ Z2)

?4 : ((a, Z1), (a, Z2)) 7−→ (a, Z2 \ Z1).

The reason this works is that Z1∩Z2 is both open and closed inside Z1 and Z2 (whichalso implies that Z1 ∪ Z2 is the disjoint union of the other three pieces). Thus wecan think of (X/Y )fin as an F2-algebra (without unit) over Y with multiplicationgiven by ss′ = ?2(s, s′), and addition given by

s+ s′ = ?1(?3(s, s′), ?4(s, s′))

which boils down to taking the symmetric difference. Note that in this sheaf ofalgebras 0 = (1Y , ∅) and that indeed s+ s = 0 for any local section s. If f : X → Y



is finite, then this algebra has a unit namely 1 = (1Y , X) and ?3(s, s′) = s(1 + s′),and ?4(s, s′) = (1 + s)s′.

Remark 12.6.04PJ Let f : X → Y be a separated, locally quasi-finite morphism ofschemes. In this case the sheaf (X/Y )fin is closely related to the sheaf f!F2 (insertfuture reference here) on Yetale. Namely, if V → Y is étale, and s ∈ Γ(V, f!F2),then s ∈ Γ(V ×Y X,F2) is a section with proper support Z = Supp(s) over V .Since f is also locally quasi-finite we see that the projection Z → V is actuallyfinite. Since the support of a section of a constant abelian sheaf is open we see thatthe pair (V → Y,Supp(s)) satisfies 12.0.1. In fact, f!F2

∼= (X/Y )fin|Yetalein this

case which also explains the F2-algebra structure introduced in Remark 12.5.

Lemma 12.7.04PK Let S be a scheme. Let f : X → Y be a morphism of algebraicspaces over S. The diagonal of (X/Y )fin → Y

(X/Y )fin −→ (X/Y )fin ×Y (X/Y )fin

is representable (by schemes) and an open immersion and the “absolute” diagonal

(X/Y )fin −→ (X/Y )fin × (X/Y )fin

is representable (by schemes).

Proof. The second statement follows from the first as the absolute diagonal is thecomposition of the relative diagonal and a base change of the diagonal of Y (whichis representable by schemes), see Spaces, Section 3. To prove the first assertion wehave to show the following: Given a scheme T and two pairs (a, Z1) and (a, Z2)over T with identical first component satisfying 12.0.1 there is an open subschemeV ⊂ T with the following property: For any morphism of schemes h : T ′ → T wehave

h(T ′) ⊂ V ⇔(T ′ ×T Z1 = T ′ ×T Z2 as subspaces of T ′ ×Y X

)Let us construct V . Note that Z1∩Z2 is open in Z1 and in Z2. Since pr0|Zi

: Zi → Tis finite, hence proper (see Morphisms of Spaces, Lemma 45.9) we see that

E = pr0|Z1 (Z1 \ Z1 ∩ Z2)) ∪ pr0|Z2 (Z2 \ Z1 ∩ Z2))

is closed in T . Now it is clear that V = T \ E works.

Lemma 12.8.04QE Let S be a scheme. Let f : X → Y be a morphism of algebraicspaces over S. Suppose that U is a scheme, U → Y is an étale morphism andZ ⊂ U ×Y X is an open subspace finite over U . Then the induced morphismU → (X/Y )fin is étale.

Proof. This is formal from the description of the diagonal in Lemma 12.7 but wewrite it out since it is an important step in the development of the theory. Wehave to check that for any scheme T over S and a morphism T → (X/Y )fin theprojection map

T ×(X/Y )finU −→ T

is étale. Note that

T ×(X/Y )finU = (X/Y )fin ×((X/Y )fin×Y (X/Y )fin) (T ×Y U)

Applying the result of Lemma 12.7 we see that T ×(X/Y )finU is represented by an

open subscheme of T ×Y U . As the projection T ×Y U → T is étale by Morphismsof Spaces, Lemma 39.4 we conclude.



Lemma 12.9.04QF Let S be a scheme. Let

X ′

// X

Y ′ // Y

be a fibre product square of algebraic spaces over S. Then

(X ′/Y ′)fin

// (X/Y )fin

Y ′ // Y

is a fibre product square of sheaves on (Sch/S)fppf .

Proof. It follows immediately from the definitions that the sheaf (X ′/Y ′)fin isequal to the sheaf Y ′ ×Y (X/Y )fin.

Lemma 12.10.04QG Let S be a scheme. Let f : X → Y be a morphism of algebraicspaces over S. If f is separated and locally quasi-finite, then there exists a schemeU étale over Y and a surjective étale morphism U → (X/Y )fin over Y .

Proof. Note that the assertion makes sense by the result of Lemma 12.7 on thediagonal of (X/Y )fin, see Spaces, Lemma 5.10. Let V be a scheme and let V → Ybe a surjective étale morphism. By Lemma 12.9 the morphism (V ×Y X/V )fin →(X/Y )fin is a base change of the map V → Y and hence is surjective and étale,see Spaces, Lemma 5.5. Hence it suffices to prove the lemma for (V ×Y X/V )fin.(Here we implicitly use that the composition of representable, surjective, and étaletransformations of functors is again representable, surjective, and étale, see Spaces,Lemmas 3.2 and 5.4, and Morphisms, Lemmas 9.2 and 34.3.) Note that the prop-erties of being separated and locally quasi-finite are preserved under base change,see Morphisms of Spaces, Lemmas 4.4 and 27.4. Hence V ×Y X → V is separatedand locally quasi-finite as well, and by Morphisms of Spaces, Proposition 50.2 wesee that V ×Y X is a scheme as well. Thus we may assume that f : X → Y is aseparated and locally quasi-finite morphism of schemes.

Pick a point y ∈ Y . Pick x1, . . . , xn ∈ X points lying over y. Pick an étaleneighbourhood a : (U, u)→ (Y, y) and a decomposition

U ×S X = W q∐




as in More on Morphisms, Lemma 36.5. Pick any subset

I ⊂ (i, j) | 1 ≤ i ≤ n, 1 ≤ j ≤ mi.Given these choices we obtain a pair (a, Z) with Z =

⋃(i,j)∈I Vi,j which satisfies

conditions 12.0.1. In other words we obtain a morphism U → (X/Y )fin. Theconstruction of this morphism depends on all the things we picked above, so weshould really write

U(y, n, x1, . . . , xn, a, I) −→ (X/Y )fin

This morphism is étale by Lemma 12.8.

Claim: The disjoint union of all of these is surjective onto (X/Y )fin. It is clearthat if the claim holds, then the lemma is true.



To show surjectivity we have to show the following (see Spaces, Remark 5.2): Givena scheme T over S, a point t ∈ T , and a map T → (X/Y )fin we can find a datum(y, n, x1, . . . , xn, a, I) as above such that t is in the image of the projection map

U(y, n, x1, . . . , xn, a, I)×(X/Y )finT −→ T.

To prove this we may clearly replace T by Spec(κ(t)) and T → (X/Y )fin by thecomposition Spec(κ(t))→ T → (X/Y )fin. In other words, we may assume that Tis the spectrum of an algebraically closed field.

Let T = Spec(k) be the spectrum of an algebraically closed field k. The morphismT → (X/Y )fin is given by a pair (T → Y,Z) satisfying conditions 12.0.1. Here isa picture:


// X

Spec(k) T // Y

Let y ∈ Y be the image point of T → Y . Since Z is finite over k it has finitelymany points. Thus there exist finitely many points x1, . . . , xn ∈ X such that theimage of Z in X is contained in x1, . . . , xn. Choose a : (U, u) → (Y, y) adaptedto y and x1, . . . , xn as above, which gives the diagram

W q∐i=1,...,n



// X

U // Y.

Since k is algebraically closed and κ(y) ⊂ κ(u) is finite separable we may fac-tor the morphism T = Spec(k) → Y through the morphism u = Spec(κ(u)) →Spec(κ(y)) = y ⊂ Y . With this choice we obtain the commutative diagram:


// W q∐i=1,...,n



// X

Spec(k) // U // Y

We know that the image of the left upper arrow ends up in∐Vi,j . Recall also that

Z is an open subscheme of Spec(k) ×Y X by definition of (X/Y )fin and that theright hand square is a fibre product square. Thus we see that

Z ⊂∐



Spec(k)×U Vi,j

is an open subscheme. By construction (see More on Morphisms, Lemma 36.5)each Vi,j has a unique point vi,j lying over u with purely inseparable residue fieldextension κ(u) ⊂ κ(vi,j). Hence each scheme Spec(k)×U Vi,j has exactly one point.Thus we see that

Z =∐

(i,j)∈ISpec(k)×U Vi,j

for a unique subset I ⊂ (i, j) | 1 ≤ i ≤ n, 1 ≤ j ≤ mi. Unwinding the definitionsthis shows that

U(y, n, x1, . . . , xn, a, I)×(X/Y )finT

with I as found above is nonempty as desired.



Proposition 12.11.04QH Let S be a scheme. Let f : X → Y be a morphism of algebraicspaces over S which is separated and locally of finite type. Then (X/Y )fin is analgebraic space. Moreover, the morphism (X/Y )fin → Y is étale.

Proof. By Lemma 12.3 we may replace X by the open subscheme which is locallyquasi-finite over Y . Hence we may assume that f is separated and locally quasi-finite. We will check the three conditions of Spaces, Definition 6.1. Condition(1) follows from Lemma 12.1. Condition (2) follows from Lemma 12.7. Finally,condition (3) follows from Lemma 12.10. Thus (X/Y )fin is an algebraic space.Moreover, that lemma shows that there exists a commutative diagram

U //

(X/Y )fin


with horizontal arrow surjective and étale and south-east arrow étale. By Propertiesof Spaces, Lemma 16.3 this implies that the south-west arrow is étale as well.

Remark 12.12.04QI The condition that f be separated cannot be dropped fromProposition 12.11. An example is to take X the affine line with zero doubled, seeSchemes, Example 14.3, Y = A1

k the affine line, and X → Y the obvious map.Recall that over 0 ∈ Y there are two points 01 and 02 in X. Thus (X/Y )fin hasfour points over 0, namely ∅, 01, 02, 01, 02. Of these four points only threecan be lifted to an open subscheme of U ×Y X finite over U for U → Y étale,namely ∅, 01, 02. This shows that (X/Y )fin if representable by an algebraicspace is not étale over Y . Similar arguments show that (X/Y )fin is really not analgebraic space. Details omitted.

Remark 12.13.04QJ Let Y = A1R be the affine line over the real numbers, and let

X = Spec(C) mapping to the R-rational point 0 in Y . In this case the morphismf : X → Y is finite, but it is not the case that (X/Y )fin is a scheme. Namely,one can show that in this case the algebraic space (X/Y )fin is isomorphic to thealgebraic space of Spaces, Example 14.2 associated to the extension R ⊂ C. Thusit is really necessary to leave the category of schemes in order to represent the sheaf(X/Y )fin, even when f is a finite morphism.

Lemma 12.14.04RI Let S be a scheme. Let f : X → Y be a morphism of algebraicspaces over S which is separated, flat, and locally of finite presentation. In this case

(1) (X/Y )fin → Y is separated, representable, and étale, and(2) if Y is a scheme, then (X/Y )fin is (representable by) a scheme.

Proof. Since f is in particular separated and locally of finite type (see Morphismsof Spaces, Lemma 28.5) we see that (X/Y )fin is an algebraic space by Proposition12.11. To prove that (X/Y )fin → Y is separated we have to show the following:Given a scheme T and two pairs (a, Z1) and (a, Z2) over T with identical firstcomponent satisfying 12.0.1 there is a closed subscheme V ⊂ T with the followingproperty: For any morphism of schemes h : T ′ → T we have

h factors through V ⇔(T ′ ×T Z1 = T ′ ×T Z2 as subspaces of T ′ ×Y X




In the proof of Lemma 12.7 we have seen that V = T ′ \E is an open subscheme ofT ′ with closed complement

E = pr0|Z1(Z1 \ Z1 ∩ Z2)) ∪ pr0|Z2

(Z2 \ Z1 ∩ Z2)) .

Thus everything comes down to showing that E is also open. By Lemma 12.4 wesee that Z1 and Z2 are closed in T ′ ×Y X. Hence Z1 \Z1 ∩Z2 is open in Z1. As fis flat and locally of finite presentation, so is pr0|Z1

. This is true as Z1 is an opensubspace of the base change T ′×Y X, and Morphisms of Spaces, Lemmas 28.3 andLemmas 30.4. Hence pr0|Z1 is open, see Morphisms of Spaces, Lemma 30.6. Thuspr0|Z1 (Z1 \ Z1 ∩ Z2)) is open and it follows that E is open as desired.

We have already seen that (X/Y )fin → Y is étale, see Proposition 12.11. Hencenow we know it is locally quasi-finite (see Morphisms of Spaces, Lemma 39.5)and separated, hence representable by Morphisms of Spaces, Lemma 51.1. Thefinal assertion is clear (if you like you can use Morphisms of Spaces, Proposition50.2).

Variant: Let S be a scheme. Let f : X → Y be a morphism of algebraic spacesover S. Let σ : Y → X be a section of f . For an algebraic space or a scheme Tover S consider pairs (a, Z) where


a : T → Y is a morphism over S,Z ⊂ T ×Y X is an open subspace

such that pr0|Z : Z → T is finite and(1T , σ a) : T → T ×Y X factors through Z.

We will denote (X/Y, σ)fin the subfunctor of (X/Y )fin parametrizing these pairs.

Lemma 12.15.04RR Let S be a scheme. Let f : X → Y be a morphism of algebraicspaces over S. Let σ : Y → X be a section of f . Consider the transformation offunctors

t : (X/Y, σ)fin −→ (X/Y )fin.

defined above. Then(1) t is representable by open immersions,(2) if f is separated, then t is representable by open and closed immersions,(3) if (X/Y )fin is an algebraic space, then (X/Y, σ)fin is an algebraic space

and an open subspace of (X/Y )fin, and(4) if (X/Y )fin is a scheme, then (X/Y, σ)fin is an open subscheme of it.

Proof. Omitted. Hint: Given a pair (a, Z) over T as in (12.0.1) the inverse imageof Z by (1T , σa) : T → T ×Y X is the open subscheme of T we are looking for.

13. Finite collections of arrows

04RS Let C be a groupoid, see Categories, Definition 2.5. As discussed in Groupoids,Section 13 this corresponds to a septuple (Ob,Arrows, s, t, c, e, i).

Using this data we can make another groupoid Cfin as follows:(1) An object of Cfin consists of a finite subset Z ⊂ Arrows with the following

properties:(a) s(Z) = u is a singleton, and(b) e(u) ∈ Z.



(2) A morphism of Cfin consists of a pair (Z, z), where Z is an object of Cfinand z ∈ Z.

(3) The source of (Z, z) is Z.(4) The target of (Z, z) is t(Z, z) = z′ z−1; z′ ∈ Z.(5) Given (Z1, z1), (Z2, z2) such that s(Z1, z1) = t(Z2, z2) the composition

(Z1, z1) (Z2, z2) is (Z2, z1 z2).

We omit the verification that this defines a groupoid. Pictorially an object of Cfincan be viewed as a diagram

•e ::



To make a morphism of Cfin you pick one of the arrows and you precompose theother arrows by its inverse. For example if we pick the middle horizontal arrowthen the target is the picture

• •oo



Note that the cardinalities of s(Z, z) and t(Z, z) are equal. So Cfin is really acountable disjoint union of groupoids.

14. The finite part of a groupoid

04RT In this section we are going to use the idea explained in Section 13 to take the finitepart of a groupoid in algebraic spaces.

Let S be a scheme. Let B be an algebraic space over S. Let (U,R, s, t, c, e, i)be a groupoid in algebraic spaces over B. Assumption: The morphisms s, t areseparated and locally of finite type. This notation and assumption will we be fixedthroughout this section.

Denote Rs the algebraic space R seen as an algebraic space over U via s. LetU ′ = (Rs/U, e)fin. Since s is separated and locally of finite type, by Proposition12.11 and Lemma 12.15, we see that U ′ is an algebraic space endowed with an étalemorphism g : U ′ → U . Moreover, by Lemma 12.1 there exists a universal opensubspace Zuniv ⊂ R ×s,U,g U ′ which is finite over U ′ and such that (1U ′ , e g) :U ′ → R ×s,U,g U ′ factors through Zuniv. Moreover, by Lemma 12.4 the open



subspace Zuniv is also closed in R×s,U ′,g U . Picture so far:


%%R×s,U,g U ′

// U ′



s // U

Let T be a scheme over B. We see that a T -valued point of Zuniv may be viewedas a triple (u, Z, z) where

(1) u : T → U is a T -valued point of U ,(2) Z ⊂ R ×s,U,u T is an open and closed subspace finite over T such that

(e u, 1T ) factors through it, and(3) z : T → R is a T -valued point of R with s z = u and such that (z, 1T )

factors through Z.Having said this, it is morally clear from the discussion in Section 13 that we canturn (Zuniv, U

′) into a groupoid in algebraic spaces over B. To make sure willdefine the morphisms s′, t′, c′, e′, i′ one by one using the functorial point of view.(Please don’t read this before reading and understanding the simple constructionin Section 13.)

The morphism s′ : Zuniv → U ′ corresponds to the rule

s′ : (u, Z, z) 7→ (u, Z).

The morphism t′ : Zuniv → U ′ is given by the rule

t′ : (u, Z, z) 7→ (t z, c(Z, i z)).

The entry c(Z, i z) makes sense as the map c(−, i z) : R×s,U,u T → R×s,U,tz Tis an isomorphism with inverse c(−, z). The morphism e′ : U ′ → Zuniv is given bythe rule

e′ : (u, Z) 7→ (u, Z, (e u, 1T )).

Note that this makes sense by the requirement that (e u, 1T ) factors through Z.The morphism i′ : Zuniv → Zuniv is given by the rule

i′ : (u, Z, z) 7→ (t z, c(Z, i z), i z).

Finally, composition is defined by the rule

c′ : ((u1, Z1, z1), (u2, Z2, z2)) 7→ (u2, Z2, z1 z2).

We omit the verification that the axioms of a groupoid in algebraic spaces hold for(U ′, Zuniv, s

′, t′, c′, e′, i′).

A final piece of information is that there is a canonical morphism of groupoids

(U ′, Zuniv, s′, t′, c′, e′, i′) −→ (U,R, s, t, c, e, i)

Namely, the morphism U ′ → U is the morphism g : U ′ → U which is defined bythe rule (u, Z) 7→ u. The morphism Zuniv → R is defined by the rule (u, Z, z) 7→ z.This finishes the construction. Let us summarize our findings as follows.



Lemma 14.1.04RU Let S be a scheme. Let B be an algebraic space over S. Let(U,R, s, t, c, e, i) be a groupoid in algebraic spaces over B. Assume the morphismss, t are separated and locally of finite type. There exists a canonical morphism

(U ′, Zuniv, s′, t′, c′, e′, i′) −→ (U,R, s, t, c, e, i)

of groupoids in algebraic spaces over B where(1) g : U ′ → U is identified with (Rs/U, e)fin → U , and(2) Zuniv ⊂ R×s,U,g U ′ is the universal open (and closed) subspace finite over

U ′ which contains the base change of the unit e.

Proof. See discussion above.

15. Étale localization of groupoid schemes

04RJ In this section we prove results similar to [KM97, Proposition 4.2]. We try to bea bit more general, and we try to avoid using Hilbert schemes by using the finitepart of a morphism instead. The goal is to "split" a groupoid in algebraic spacesover a point after étale localization. Here is the definition (very similar to [KM97,Definition 4.1]).

Definition 15.1.04RK Let S be a scheme. Let B be an algebraic space over S Let(U,R, s, t, c) be a groupoid in algebraic spaces over B. Let u ∈ |U | be a point.

(1) We say R is strongly split over u if there exists an open subspace P ⊂ Rsuch that(a) (U,P, s|P , t|P , c|P×s,U,tP ) is a groupoid in algebraic spaces over B,(b) s|P , t|P are finite, and(c) r ∈ |R| : s(r) = u, t(r) = u ⊂ |P |.The choice of such a P will be called a strong splitting of R over u.

(2) We say R is split over u if there exists an open subspace P ⊂ R such that(a) (U,P, s|P , t|P , c|P×s,U,tP ) is a groupoid in algebraic spaces over B,(b) s|P , t|P are finite, and(c) g ∈ |G| : g maps to u ⊂ |P | where G→ U is the stabilizer.The choice of such a P will be called a splitting of R over u.

(3) We say R is quasi-split over u if there exists an open subspace P ⊂ R suchthat(a) (U,P, s|P , t|P , c|P×s,U,tP ) is a groupoid in algebraic spaces over B,(b) s|P , t|P are finite, and(c) e(u) ∈ |P |2.The choice of such a P will be called a quasi-splitting of R over u.

Note the similarity of the conditions on P to the conditions on pairs in (12.0.1). Inparticular, if s, t are separated, then P is also closed in R (see Lemma 12.4).

Suppose we start with a groupoid in algebraic spaces (U,R, s, t, c) over B and apoint u ∈ |U |. Since the goal is to split the groupoid after étale localization wemay as well replace U by an affine scheme (what we mean is that this is harmlessfor any possible application). Moreover, the additional hypotheses we are goingto have to impose will force R to be a scheme at least in a neighbourhood ofr ∈ |R| : s(r) = u, t(r) = u or e(u). This is why we start with a groupoid schemeas described below. However, our technique of proof leads us outside of the category

2This condition is implied by (a).



of schemes, which is why we have formulated a splitting for the case of groupoidsin algebraic spaces above. On the other hand, we know of no applications but thecase where the morphisms s, t are also flat and of finite presentation, in which casewe end up back in the category of schemes.

Situation 15.2 (Strong splitting).04RL Let S be a scheme. Let (U,R, s, t, c) be agroupoid scheme over S. Let u ∈ U be a point. Assume that

(1) s, t : R→ U are separated,(2) s, t are locally of finite type,(3) the set r ∈ R : s(r) = u, t(r) = u is finite, and(4) s is quasi-finite at each point of the set in (3).

Note that assumptions (3) and (4) are implied by the assumption that the fibres−1(u) is finite, see Morphisms, Lemma 19.7.

Situation 15.3 (Splitting).0DTB Let S be a scheme. Let (U,R, s, t, c) be a groupoidscheme over S. Let u ∈ U be a point. Assume that

(1) s, t : R→ U are separated,(2) s, t are locally of finite type,(3) the set g ∈ G : g maps to u is finite where G→ U is the stabilizer, and(4) s is quasi-finite at each point of the set in (3).

Situation 15.4 (Quasi-splitting).04RV Let S be a scheme. Let (U,R, s, t, c) be agroupoid scheme over S. Let u ∈ U be a point. Assume that

(1) s, t : R→ U are separated,(2) s, t are locally of finite type, and(3) s is quasi-finite at e(u).

For our application to the existence theorems for algebraic spaces the case of quasi-splittings is sufficient. Moreover, the quasi-splitting case will allow us to prove anétale local structure theorem for quasi-DM stacks. The splitting case will be used toprove a version of the Keel-Mori theorem. The strong splitting case applies to givean étale local structure theorem for quasi-DM algebraic stacks with quasi-compactdiagonal.

Lemma 15.5 (Existence of strong splitting).03FM In Situation 15.2 there exists analgebraic space U ′, an étale morphism U ′ → U , and a point u′ : Spec(κ(u)) → U ′

lying over u : Spec(κ(u)) → U such that the restriction R′ = R|U ′ of R to U ′ isstrongly split over u′.

Proof. Let f : (U ′, Zuniv, s′, t′, c′) → (U,R, s, t, c) be as constructed in Lemma

14.1. Recall that R′ = R ×(U×SU) (U ′ ×S U ′). Thus we get a morphism (f, t′, s′) :Zuniv → R′ of groupoids in algebraic spaces

(U ′, Zuniv, s′, t′, c′)→ (U ′, R′, s′, t′, c′)

(by abuse of notation we indicate the morphisms in the two groupoids by the samesymbols). Now, as Zuniv ⊂ R ×s,U,g U ′ is open and R′ → R ×s,U,g U ′ is étale(as a base change of U ′ → U) we see that Zuniv → R′ is an open immersion. Byconstruction the morphisms s′, t′ : Zuniv → U ′ are finite. It remains to find thepoint u′ of U ′.

We think of u as a morphism Spec(κ(u))→ U as in the statement of the lemma. SetFu = R×s,USpec(κ(u)). The set r ∈ R : s(r) = u, t(r) = u is finite by assumption



and Fu → Spec(κ(u)) is quasi-finite at each of its elements by assumption. Hencewe can find a decomposition into open and closed subschemes

Fu = Zu qRestfor some scheme Zu finite over κ(u) whose support is r ∈ R : s(r) = u, t(r) = u.Note that e(u) ∈ Zu. Hence by the construction of U ′ in Section 14 (u, Zu) definesa Spec(κ(u))-valued point u′ of U ′.

We still have to show that the set r′ ∈ |R′| : s′(r′) = u′, t′(r′) = u′ is contained in|Zuniv|. Pick any point r′ in this set and represent it by a morphism z′ : Spec(k)→R′. Denote z : Spec(k)→ R the composition of z′ with the map R′ → R. Clearly,z defines an element of the set r ∈ R : s(r) = u, t(r) = u. Also, the compositionss z, t z : Spec(k) → U factor through u, so we may think of s z, t z as amorphism Spec(k) → Spec(κ(u)). Then z′ = (z, u′ t z, u′ s u) as morphismsinto R′ = R×(U×SU) (U ′ ×S U ′). Consider the triple

(s z, Zu ×Spec(κ(u)),sz Spec(k), z)

where Zu is as above. This defines a Spec(k)-valued point of Zuniv whose image vias′, t′ in U ′ is u′ and whose image via Zuniv → R′ is the point r′ by the relationshipbetween z and z′ mentioned above. This finishes the proof.

Lemma 15.6 (Existence of splitting).0DTC In Situation 15.3 there exists an algebraicspace U ′, an étale morphism U ′ → U , and a point u′ : Spec(κ(u))→ U ′ lying overu : Spec(κ(u))→ U such that the restriction R′ = R|U ′ of R to U ′ is split over u′.

Proof. Let f : (U ′, Zuniv, s′, t′, c′) → (U,R, s, t, c) be as constructed in Lemma

14.1. Recall that R′ = R ×(U×SU) (U ′ ×S U ′). Thus we get a morphism (f, t′, s′) :Zuniv → R′ of groupoids in algebraic spaces

(U ′, Zuniv, s′, t′, c′)→ (U ′, R′, s′, t′, c′)

(by abuse of notation we indicate the morphisms in the two groupoids by the samesymbols). Now, as Zuniv ⊂ R ×s,U,g U ′ is open and R′ → R ×s,U,g U ′ is étale(as a base change of U ′ → U) we see that Zuniv → R′ is an open immersion. Byconstruction the morphisms s′, t′ : Zuniv → U ′ are finite. It remains to find thepoint u′ of U ′.

We think of u as a morphism Spec(κ(u)) → U as in the statement of the lemma.Set Fu = R×s,U Spec(κ(u)). Let Gu ⊂ Fu be the scheme theoretic fibre of G→ Uover u. By assumption Gu is finite and Fu → Spec(κ(u)) is quasi-finite at eachpoint of Gu by assumption. Hence we can find a decomposition into open andclosed subschemes

Fu = Zu qRestfor some scheme Zu finite over κ(u) whose support is Gu. Note that e(u) ∈ Zu.Hence by the construction of U ′ in Section 14 (u, Zu) defines a Spec(κ(u))-valuedpoint u′ of U ′.

We still have to show that the set g′ ∈ |G′| : g′ maps to u′ is contained in |Zuniv|.Pick any point g′ in this set and represent it by a morphism z′ : Spec(k) → G′.Denote z : Spec(k) → G the composition of z′ with the map G′ → G. Clearly,z defines a point of Gu. In fact, let us write u : Spec(k) → u → U for thecorresponding map to u or U . Consider the triple

(u, Zu ×u,u Spec(k), z)



where Zu is as above. This defines a Spec(k)-valued point of Zuniv whose imagevia s′, t′ in U ′ is u′ and whose image via Zuniv → R′ is the point z′ (because theimage in R is z). This finishes the proof.

Lemma 15.7 (Existence of quasi-splitting).04RW In Situation 15.4 there exists analgebraic space U ′, an étale morphism U ′ → U , and a point u′ : Spec(κ(u)) → U ′

lying over u : Spec(κ(u)) → U such that the restriction R′ = R|U ′ of R to U ′ isquasi-split over u′.

Proof. Let f : (U ′, Zuniv, s′, t′, c′) → (U,R, s, t, c) be as constructed in Lemma

14.1. Recall that R′ = R ×(U×SU) (U ′ ×S U ′). Thus we get a morphism (f, t′, s′) :Zuniv → R′ of groupoids in algebraic spaces

(U ′, Zuniv, s′, t′, c′)→ (U ′, R′, s′, t′, c′)

(by abuse of notation we indicate the morphisms in the two groupoids by the samesymbols). Now, as Zuniv ⊂ R ×s,U,g U ′ is open and R′ → R ×s,U,g U ′ is étale(as a base change of U ′ → U) we see that Zuniv → R′ is an open immersion. Byconstruction the morphisms s′, t′ : Zuniv → U ′ are finite. It remains to find thepoint u′ of U ′.

We think of u as a morphism Spec(κ(u))→ U as in the statement of the lemma. SetFu = R×s,U Spec(κ(u)). The morphism Fu → Spec(κ(u)) is quasi-finite at e(u) byassumption. Hence we can find a decomposition into open and closed subschemes

Fu = Zu qRest

for some scheme Zu finite over κ(u) whose support is e(u). Hence by the construc-tion of U ′ in Section 14 (u, Zu) defines a Spec(κ(u))-valued point u′ of U ′. To finishthe proof we have to show that e′(u′) ∈ Zuniv which is clear.

Finally, when we add additional assumptions we obtain schemes.

Lemma 15.8.04RX In Situation 15.2 assume in addition that s, t are flat and locallyof finite presentation. Then there exists a scheme U ′, a separated étale morphismU ′ → U , and a point u′ ∈ U ′ lying over u with κ(u) = κ(u′) such that the restrictionR′ = R|U ′ of R to U ′ is strongly split over u′.

Proof. This follows from the construction of U ′ in the proof of Lemma 15.5 becausein this case U ′ = (Rs/U, e)fin is a scheme separated over U by Lemmas 12.14 and12.15.

Lemma 15.9.0DTD In Situation 15.3 assume in addition that s, t are flat and locallyof finite presentation. Then there exists a scheme U ′, a separated étale morphismU ′ → U , and a point u′ ∈ U ′ lying over u with κ(u) = κ(u′) such that the restrictionR′ = R|U ′ of R to U ′ is split over u′.

Proof. This follows from the construction of U ′ in the proof of Lemma 15.6 becausein this case U ′ = (Rs/U, e)fin is a scheme separated over U by Lemmas 12.14 and12.15.

Lemma 15.10.04RY In Situation 15.4 assume in addition that s, t are flat and locallyof finite presentation. Then there exists a scheme U ′, a separated étale morphismU ′ → U , and a point u′ ∈ U ′ lying over u with κ(u) = κ(u′) such that the restrictionR′ = R|U ′ of R to U ′ is quasi-split over u′.



Proof. This follows from the construction of U ′ in the proof of Lemma 15.7 becausein this case U ′ = (Rs/U, e)fin is a scheme separated over U by Lemmas 12.14 and12.15.

In fact we can obtain affine schemes by applying an earlier result on finite locallyfree groupoids.

Lemma 15.11.04RZ In Situation 15.2 assume in addition that s, t are flat and locallyof finite presentation and that U is affine. Then there exists an affine scheme U ′,an étale morphism U ′ → U , and a point u′ ∈ U ′ lying over u with κ(u) = κ(u′)such that the restriction R′ = R|U ′ of R to U ′ is strongly split over u′.

Proof. Let U ′ → U and u′ ∈ U ′ be the separated étale morphism of schemes wefound in Lemma 15.8. Let P ⊂ R′ be the strong splitting of R′ over u′. By Moreon Groupoids, Lemma 9.1 the morphisms s′, t′ : R′ → U ′ are flat and locally offinite presentation. They are finite by assumption. Hence s′, t′ are finite locallyfree, see Morphisms, Lemma 46.2. In particular t(s−1(u′)) is a finite set of pointsu′1, u′2, . . . , u′n of U ′. Choose a quasi-compact open W ⊂ U ′ containing each u′i.As U is affine the morphism W → U is quasi-compact (see Schemes, Lemma 19.2).The morphism W → U is also locally quasi-finite (see Morphisms, Lemma 34.6)and separated. Hence by More on Morphisms, Lemma 38.2 (a version of Zariski’sMain Theorem) we conclude that W is quasi-affine. By Properties, Lemma 29.5we see that u′1, . . . , u′n are contained in an affine open of U ′. Thus we may applyGroupoids, Lemma 24.1 to conclude that there exists an affine P -invariant openU ′′ ⊂ U ′ which contains u′.

To finish the proof denote R′′ = R|U ′′ the restriction of R to U ′′. This is the same asthe restriction ofR′ to U ′′. As P ⊂ R′ is an open and closed subscheme, so is P |U ′′ ⊂R′′. By construction the open subscheme U ′′ ⊂ U ′ is P -invariant which means thatP |U ′′ = (s′|P )−1(U ′′) = (t′|P )−1(U ′′) (see discussion in Groupoids, Section 19) sothe restrictions of s′′ and t′′ to P |U ′′ are still finite. The sub groupoid scheme P |U ′′is still a strong splitting of R′′ over u′′; above we verified (a), (b) and (c) holds asr′ ∈ R′ : t′(r′) = u′, s′(r′) = u′ = r′′ ∈ R′′ : t′′(r′′) = u′, s′′(r′′) = u′ trivially.The lemma is proved.

Lemma 15.12.0DTE In Situation 15.3 assume in addition that s, t are flat and locallyof finite presentation and that U is affine. Then there exists an affine scheme U ′,an étale morphism U ′ → U , and a point u′ ∈ U ′ lying over u with κ(u) = κ(u′)such that the restriction R′ = R|U ′ of R to U ′ is split over u′.

Proof. The proof of this lemma is literally the same as the proof of Lemma 15.11except that “strong splitting” needs to be replaced by “splitting” (2 times) and thatthe reference to Lemma 15.8 needs to be replaced by a reference to Lemma 15.9.

Lemma 15.13.04S0 In Situation 15.4 assume in addition that s, t are flat and locallyof finite presentation and that U is affine. Then there exists an affine scheme U ′,an étale morphism U ′ → U , and a point u′ ∈ U ′ lying over u with κ(u) = κ(u′)such that the restriction R′ = R|U ′ of R to U ′ is quasi-split over u′.

Proof. The proof of this lemma is literally the same as the proof of Lemma 15.11except that “strong splitting” needs to be replaced by “quasi-splitting” (2 times) andthat the reference to Lemma 15.8 needs to be replaced by a reference to Lemma15.10.



16. Other chapters


(1) Introduction(2) Conventions(3) Set Theory(4) Categories(5) Topology(6) Sheaves on Spaces(7) Sites and Sheaves(8) Stacks(9) Fields(10) Commutative Algebra(11) Brauer Groups(12) Homological Algebra(13) Derived Categories(14) Simplicial Methods(15) More on Algebra(16) Smoothing Ring Maps(17) Sheaves of Modules(18) Modules on Sites(19) Injectives(20) Cohomology of Sheaves(21) Cohomology on Sites(22) Differential Graded Algebra(23) Divided Power Algebra(24) Hypercoverings


(25) Schemes(26) Constructions of Schemes(27) Properties of Schemes(28) Morphisms of Schemes(29) Cohomology of Schemes(30) Divisors(31) Limits of Schemes(32) Varieties(33) Topologies on Schemes(34) Descent(35) Derived Categories of Schemes(36) More on Morphisms(37) More on Flatness(38) Groupoid Schemes(39) More on Groupoid Schemes(40) Étale Morphisms of Schemes

Topics in Scheme Theory

(41) Chow Homology(42) Intersection Theory

(43) Picard Schemes of Curves(44) Adequate Modules(45) Dualizing Complexes(46) Duality for Schemes(47) Discriminants and Differents(48) Local Cohomology(49) Algebraic and Formal Geometry(50) Algebraic Curves(51) Resolution of Surfaces(52) Semistable Reduction(53) Fundamental Groups of Schemes(54) Étale Cohomology(55) Crystalline Cohomology(56) Pro-étale Cohomology(57) More Étale Cohomology(58) The Trace Formula

Algebraic Spaces(59) Algebraic Spaces(60) Properties of Algebraic Spaces(61) Morphisms of Algebraic Spaces(62) Decent Algebraic Spaces(63) Cohomology of Algebraic Spaces(64) Limits of Algebraic Spaces(65) Divisors on Algebraic Spaces(66) Algebraic Spaces over Fields(67) Topologies on Algebraic Spaces(68) Descent and Algebraic Spaces(69) Derived Categories of Spaces(70) More on Morphisms of Spaces(71) Flatness on Algebraic Spaces(72) Groupoids in Algebraic Spaces(73) More on Groupoids in Spaces(74) Bootstrap(75) Pushouts of Algebraic Spaces

Topics in Geometry(76) Chow Groups of Spaces(77) Quotients of Groupoids(78) More on Cohomology of Spaces(79) Simplicial Spaces(80) Duality for Spaces(81) Formal Algebraic Spaces(82) Restricted Power Series(83) Resolution of Surfaces Revisited

Deformation Theory(84) Formal Deformation Theory



(85) Deformation Theory(86) The Cotangent Complex(87) Deformation Problems

Algebraic Stacks(88) Algebraic Stacks(89) Examples of Stacks(90) Sheaves on Algebraic Stacks(91) Criteria for Representability(92) Artin’s Axioms(93) Quot and Hilbert Spaces(94) Properties of Algebraic Stacks(95) Morphisms of Algebraic Stacks(96) Limits of Algebraic Stacks(97) Cohomology of Algebraic Stacks(98) Derived Categories of Stacks(99) Introducing Algebraic Stacks

(100) More on Morphisms of Stacks(101) The Geometry of Stacks

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[KM97] Sean Keel and Shigefumi Mori, Quotients by groupoids, Ann. of Math. (2) 145 (1997),193–213.