most comprehensive list of traits of narcissists

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  • 8/13/2019 Most Comprehensive List of Traits of Narcissists


    MOST COMPREHENSIVE LIST OF TRAITS OF NARCISSISTS(and other unsafe people like them):

    SENSE OF ENTITLEMENTNarcissists easily shift blame A sense of superiority places them above others

    Must be the center of attention, constantly seeking approval,

    acknowledgment, kudos, accolades, praise

    Act like they are the lead character in all things in life

    Dominate conversations because they believe they have the only worthwhile things to say

    Want others to give into their demands, request for favors, and put their needs first

    Have inflated egos, inflated sense of entitlement, inflated sense of importance, inflated need to be center stage

    Envious of other peoplesaccomplishments and will steal, lie, or sabotage others to get attention back to them

    Envious of other peoplespossessions, they will put such ownership down or minimize it to make themselves look

    more noble

    Search for constant approval and praise to reinforce their false grandiose sense of self, theyre on- stage,

    dominating the conversation, often exaggerating their importance

    (Since the self is so fragile an ever crumbling construction of their ego) use power, money, status, looks,

    supposed past glories (or supposed future glories) to boost their image

    See criticism as baseless attacks or betrayal and countered with cold-shoulder anger or rage or chilly stares or verbal


    Can never accept blame. Others are always to blame.

    Feel being center of attention is good, right, and proper

    Have a grandiose sense of self-importance

    Think they are special, God-touched, or privileged

    Think they can only be understood by other special or high-status people

    Have unreasonable expectation of favorable treatment

  • 8/13/2019 Most Comprehensive List of Traits of Narcissists


    Believe they are beyond the rules. Laws do not apply to them and remorse is only felt when someone catches and

    confronts them.

    However they are upset over any inconveniences they suffer as a result of being busted. They believe they have the right

    to do whatever it takes to get short term gratification without suffering any consequences. ~Lynne Namka

    TYPICAL WAYS OPERATING OR REACTIONS (blaming, drama storms, etc.) High maintenance because they need your attention, praise, and deference

    Fake sweetness, honor, and good intentions, but deprive them of something they want and look out as they reveal

    their true selves.

    Express grand, exciting plans, but rarely can make them happen

    Blame others rather than take personal responsibility

    Lack of empathy colors everything they do.

    May say, How are you? when you meet, but they are not interested

    Their blame-shifting creates defensiveness. Then they belittle the defensiveness: Why are you so angry?

    Since they shift blame so well & seamlessly, your guilt/insecurity issues stay raw and over-sensitive.

    Lend you a hand up, then subtlety cut off at the knees to keep you indebted & coming back.

    If you point out an error they made, they go into defensive mode counter any such notion with anger, venting, rage,

    cold-shoulder, or withdraw

    Give you a metaphorical rug & then keep pulling it out from under you

    They are: blowhards, braggarts, blusterers, brow-beaters, bullies, big-headed, and ultimately bogus.

    Help you gain certain skills/info/connections, but then forever make you feel beholden to them.

    Extremely skilled at making anyone under their influence crave their approval.

    Make you feel special & then emotional distance themselves in ways that keep you unsure of yourself.

    Use a judgmental youre OK/youre not OK yo-yoing to keep you off-balance & blameworthy.

    Groom people via manipulation (charm/rage combo) to sell their reality/rationalizations to others.

    Virtually all of their ideas or ways of behaving in a given situation are taken from others, people they know and

    perhaps think of as an authority.

  • 8/13/2019 Most Comprehensive List of Traits of Narcissists


    Their sense of self-importance and lack of empathy means that they will often interrupt the conversations of others

    Expect others to do mundane things, since they feel too important to do them

    Constantly use of I, me, and my when they talk.

    Very rarely talk about their inner life, memories and dreams, for example.

    Lie, using subterfuge and deception as tools

    Are stuck in one level of maturity where growth is not an option

    Only have eyes for me, myself, and I instead of we

    Dont understand empathy, except to fake it as a tool

    Play Give to get by being nice or helpful only to expect reciprocation

    Put on the air of having it all together and will not readily admit failure or weakness

    Jump to defensive mode readily and frequently

    May apologize, but it doesnt mean a real change in behavior

    Run from their own problems rather than tackling them

    Demand your trust rather than being transparent and earning it

    See you as extensions of themselves and resist your freedom

    Create stories, euphemisms, sayings, definitions, rules they hold up as Truth. Their world is false.

    Must talk about themselves & be in control. They want you to just be an ego-stroking entity for them.

    Find personality weaknesses & exploit them as easily as you & I ride a bicycle.

    Will rarely listen to or respect your No

    Take advantage of others to reach his or her own goals

    Appear tough-minded or unemotional

    React to criticism with anger, blame-shifting, shaming or humiliating others

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    Fail to recognize peoples emotions and feelings

    Exaggerate achievements, personal history or talents

    Are unpredictable in mood and behavior

    Become aggressive, hostile, verbally vicious, or withdraws when threatened

    Can vocalize regret for a short time when found out, but soon rationalizes it away

    Appearance is important, so primping or fastidiousness is common

    Withdraw or a cold shoulder is used as a tool to make you do what they want

    Rationalize everything to make sure they always come out on top

    Will steal an idea, quote, lesson plan, piece of wisdom call it their own

    Groom underlings and create organizational or business environments to suit their need for ego stroking

    Crazymakersthrive on drama, and melodrama requires a sense of impending doom. Everything is an emergency, a

    deadline, a matter of life and death, or something they will get to eventually. Read never Nearly any situation can be

    cast as melodrama to support a crazymakers plot lines

    A crazymaker is someone who makes you crazy by constantly stirring up storms. Normal doesnt serve their need for power. Everything is always their problem, but nothing is their fault.

    SOURCE: The Artists Way at Work Riding the Dragon. Twelve Weeks to Creative Freedom by Mark Bryan, with Julia

    Cameron and Catherine Allen


    Create Employment Hemorrhage narcissists drive people away with inconsistent, raging, and arrogant actions.

    Tend to be a lot of talk fantasizing about power, success and attractiveness

    Can suck up to bosses while talking down to those they think inferior

    Expect others to go along with them because their plans are better or special

    Expect constant praise and attention

    When work or plans fail, will blame others and make it sound plausible

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    Will take advantage of co-workers

    Will be jealous of others success but wear a face of confidence

    Play the If you dont like it Im taking my ball and going home game

    Exaggerate abilities and uses blame-shifting to cover deficits

    Cant understand There is no I in TEAM.

    Often argumentative, but arguments are convoluted, emotional, irrational

    The following tips on narcissistic behavior come from The Winning Teams website:

    They feel that the rules at work dont apply to them.

    They will always cheat whenever they think they can get away with it.

    If you share workload with them, expect to do the lions share yourself.

    They love to delegate work or projects and then interfere by micro-managing things

    If things go well, they take the credit; if the work turns out badly, they blame the person they delegated it to.

    There tend to be higher levels of stress with people who work with or interact with a narcissist, which in turn

    increases absenteeism and staff turnover.

    They get impatient and restless when the topic of discussion is about someone else, and not about them.


    Value religiositys rules or business protocol over spiritual growth.

    Take pride in their own righteousness and rightness.

    Attempt to belittle any version of reality that conflicts with theirs.

    Cant believe they make mistakes.

    Have an inability to feel or process or truly understand shame.


    Create scenarios to discover your weakness or fears to manipulate later.

    Dontuse language as communication. Its for hiding, deflecting, avoiding, masking, & manipulating.

  • 8/13/2019 Most Comprehensive List of Traits of Narcissists


    Their charm is false. Contradict them a few times & youll feel their out-of-proportion narcissistic rage.

    Their conversations & interactions arent meant to enlighten, but to confuse, control, & create drama.

    Are black holes, working to get time, money, or talent from you.

    Expect you to lend a listening ear and give votes of approval.

    Use emotional withdraw to create guilt and compliance.

    Will use the parental or child role to get what they want.

    Will betray secrets to feel more powerful.

    Can use flattery or sickly-sweet protests of innocence like a stealth weapon.

    Use verbal skills to block or deflect being confronted.

    Impact our lives negatively despite appearing to have some positive effect.


    Their subconscious creates a false ego from which to relate to the world. They are their own avatar!

    Subconsciously real relationships dont exist for them. Were all just players on the narcissists stage.

    Their sole subconscious pursuit is to be seen as Gods gift to the world in a certain area or skill set.

    Early emotional trauma freezes their worldview at that age, making them immature, impatient, inconsiderate.