national republican (washington, d.c. : 1872). (washington, dc) … · 2017-12-17 · all the...

y Mop! gqniMtam MUBTAGH.. ..Editor and Proprietor, W. J. THxNACTOMAi. ttxrrsi.ICA:r: Is published every morning (Sundays excepted) at the southwest cor- - nerd Thirteenth street and Pennsylvania avenue, aiulUftiriilshedtosabscrlVrstbveArrtersiat --atd Fitly Cent ret Month. Mall subscribers, postage paid, " Per T?"' MJO tor six months, and COO tor three months. Ttrxs Invariably la advance. BATES OF ADVERTISING; Twenty-flv- s cents per line. Advertisements "For Sale or Bent," "Wanted," I "Leetand Found," and "Personal," twelve and abalfcentsperilne. ll communications, whether on business or lor publication, should be addressed to WK. J. Mcbtagh, Proprietor. satiosax. BxruEtiCASt. Washington. D. O. TUB BJ.T10SSI. BSPUBLWAS BA.8 A. LIBBER OIBCULATIOX T3AN AFT OTHER ItDBXWa PATHS 1ST TEB DISTRICT OF SUBSCRIPTIONS AND ADVERTISE- MENTS lor the Dailv IYatiostai. Rkpcblicaw, left at tie following places, will be attended to promptly j. Brad. Adajis, stationer. No. S12 r ttreet northwest. & Sots?, publishers, booksellers and stationers, No. 121 Pennsylvania arenas N. W. MRTHEAST. S.n. Kxajhx, pharmacist, corner Third and H ttreet northeast. - Howaed Beau, drugglJt, corner of Eighth asd H streets northeast A. J. ScHArniRT, pharmacist, corner H and North Uapltol streets. SORTS TTASmjrGTOJT. Bourn's Old Stoei, southwest corner Seventh and N streets northwest. v k B. Stose, drn?alet, corner Seventh and O streets northwea'. opPlte Corcoran market. Jos. N. Honasiss, pharmacist, Seventh St., above Boundarv, opposite Le Droit Parle F. W. Kobs," druggist, corner Seventh and Boundary streets northwest. M. J. OBirmn, corner Fifth and O streets northwest. W. A. Gbat. druggist, corner of Fourth street ard Massachusetts avenue northwest. F. B Wimtee, druggist, northwest corner Teeth and M street" northwec Samcm. E. Linns, druggist. No. 1401 Four-ttent- h street, near P street northwest. WEST END. AUX21CT8 Da'is. druggist, corner ot Nine- teenth and K streets northwest. Wc U. DrcKETT &. Co.. corner Pennsylvania avenue and Twenty second street northwest. J. B. Moobx. druggist, No. 1921 Pennsylvania avenue northwest. EAST WASHISCTOX. R. B. FERorsos, draslst. corner of Second ttreet and Pennsylvania avenue, Canltol III1L F. X. Door-E- druggist. No. 123 Pennsylvania Avenue southeast. Edward B. Bcit, phsrmaclst, No. 112 Eighth ttreet southeast. sorTH u APHicoTO?r. Wsr. O. Dactsos., drugilst. No. 42) Seventh ttreet southwest. K. A. BACo.dragglit,No.52 Four-a- n ttreet southwest. OLOROETOWN. UhaELes BECKir, druggist. No. 12S High ttreet. Johs H. ScnriT c tobacconist, No. 53 Bridge ttreet. THURSDAY MOBNIJ.B. 1576. Why does not the United States Marshal arrest Hallet Kilbourn' How doss he know that Warden Crocker would not surrender him Does he need a posse comitalut ' Let him ask for it. TnE Republican party in the fifteen years of its rule has handled five times the amount of money that was collected and disbursed by all the preceding Administra- tions since the organization of the Govern- ment, and has lost by defalcations and cor- ruptions less than one fifth as much. Let the Democrats howl ! Let the Confed- erate House investigate ' GEN. HEIGB' TESTIMONY (!) April o. Gen. 51. C". 5Iei;s, Quartermaster Oeueral, was examined y liy the House Military Committee in regard to contracts for headstones for the national cem- eteries, and concerniui: the late change of the Quartermaster General's office from the build-i- n; at Fifteenth and G streets to the one now occupied at Pennsylvania avenue and Fifteenth s.treet. Gen. Meigs did not hesitate to con- demn In the broadest terms the headstone swindle, as well as the job of removing his office from a building well adapted for the purpose to one that Is not suitable. He said the law was violated in the letting of the hcad-Eton- o contract, and that the late Secretary of War was responsible therefor. The matter was entire!) taken from his control and jobbedpout to the Secretary's friend, Bridges, a retard to the removal of the Quartermaster General's office, he said that it was a plain violation of law, and one he never would have sanctioned had he been here. He had always found it for the best interest of the Govern- ment to obey the law, even if bv so doing money was lost. He i- - not of the opinion, however, that the transfer will be a monoy-Favin- g transaction. The above is made out of whole cloth, and is a fair illustration of the guesses of the Ht'Ji. Gen. Jleigs has never been be- fore the Military Committee of the House. Benjamin Franklin, in substance, said that the freedom of the press, subject to the conservative influence of a dogwood club, was a powerful instrument to advance civilization and perpetuate public liberty. The free use of the club at this juncture seems to be the only remedy. Lying communications without number have been floating through the press by the 5un' instrumentality for the last three months Private and public character has never been considered, if the slander guz- zlers could be satisfied, and the "shent per shenl" could be pocketed by Dana. What lootcd it to him and his employees and satellites that his sheet was without justifi- cation in bringing misery around many a fireside, where contentment had been earned by a lifetime of uprightness ? In the name of decency and justice, how long is this to be tolerated? That Gen. Banning desires to subserve the ends of jus- tice wo do not doubt, that he can be juggled by smart scoundrels as Clymerhas been, we do not believe. Inflation, by wind or otherwise, is our aversion, and, as a de- monstration of thecorrcctness of our philos- ophy on the Kind line, we offer the sug- gestive name a&IIietter Clymer. Puncture thU inflated carcass with the fine point of a cambric needle, and a whistle and collap36 represent the entity. Would in not be well to summon the Sun slanderer before the War Committee of the House, and let him state under oath, with the fear of the pains aid penalties f perjury impending, whether his lies were coined by him, u,nder a gene- ral policy of the paper he represents," or whether some other common slanderer was the middle hireling between him and danger? THE DEXOCBAVY BEFOULING ITS OWN NESr. Was Andrew Jackson at one time Presi- dent of the United States; Was Martin Van Burcn Were they the founders of the Democracy? Had we, indeed, in the past a Democracy, or James K. Polk, or Prank Pierce, or James Buchanan as Dcm ocratic Presidents ! Or does the present Democracy repudiate all relationship to the past all connection with the old Democ- racy t Upon all these inquiries the present atti- tude of the party creates harrowing doubt. We cannot fathom or explain its furious hostility to all its old antecedents its vitu- perative denunciation of its own history as a party, its measures of administration, its lire-lon- g policy, and, practically, of the character and acts of its "dead statesmen." Its grand and distinguishing principle of administration was, and is, "to the ticfors btlcng the spoils," and, a; John C. Calhoun declared, It was only consolidated and molded into a compact, aggressive body "by the cohesive of power publicplcnder!" It therefore created, maintained and justi- fied, from Jackson to Buchanan, in Con- gress, upon the stump and in its press, a condition of public affairs denounced by the old Whigs as corrupt and villainous, with its hosts of "brigands," "banditti," and "plundering janizaries," who, by their wholesale and systematic "pillage of the national revenues" of hundreds of thousands of millions in a thousand forms, had tamed the Government into a "den of tbierea," had impoverished and disgraced the nation, and had degraded the character, or reputation, of our public men ! But now with inexplicable horror, when their old policy, which, in 1801, naturally culminated in the rebellion, with its ap- palling iniquities, lias fastened upon the nation a public debt of thousands of mil- lions, necessitating, among other public burdens, a system of internal-revenu- the collection and disbursement of waich, with the payment of the naioinl debt, has mulii lied a hundred'1- fold the number of executive offices, has augmented in a like ratio the revenues and expenditures of the nat'on, and has consequently increased in a like proportion the power with increased inducements and- - temptations to corrup- tion and fraud in the administration for. as the Democracy so ingeniously argued in 18G9 to dodge the responsibility of Swartwout's gigantic plunder of a million and a quarter, systematically stole in the teeth and with the knowledge or the highest in authority for as long as "man is human and liable to steal," there will necessarily be corruption and fraud even in the purest systems. Now, pouncing like hungry vultures upon a single in- stance of proven corruption Belknap's an incident, a simple accident of adminis- tration, not (he result of a system, the Democracy denounce all its old principles of administration, its cardinal maxims and the "cohesive power," "public plunder" of its party, its whole past history. Indeed, in vituperative abuse of General Grant and the Republican party, And the multiplica- tion against both of charges which, if true, would, in the one, with the Democ- racy, have made him a hero, and in the ether, would have given it a prestige irre- sistible with the Democratic masses. For if public plunder, If administrative corruption and fraud, systematically pur- sued with impunity, bo crimes, their de- nunciation by the Democracy is a denun- ciation of Democracy, and of the Democ- racy from its rise under Jackson to its traitorous fall under Buchanan. And why i3 this thus? Why so de- nounce its own history? Why so vituper- ative of its own ' 'dead statesmen ?' ' Why so befoul all and everything which attaches to and distinguishes Democracy? Is it not a public confession of its life-lon- g guilt? Self convicted and filled with horror and remorse for tlie past, is it not a pub- lic declaration of its stupendous enmes and wrongs inflicted through years upon the country a proclamation and solemn public warning to the nation of the cor- ruption and crimes, which, with the in- creased patronage and revenues of the Government, will inevitably attend their elevation again to power and place? What else can it be? EDITOEIAlTFOSTSOSIPr. 'Vox Popcii" is Informed that coaimunlea ttens cent to this office without responsible signature; land in the waste basket without examination. In 1?00 we had no internal revenue system. It now yields one hundred million a year, and yet the Confederate Democrats think it can be collected without additional expense. 51 r. Hamlin is engaged in most laudable efforts to arrange mail freight rates so that the Department shall sustain no loss in carrying it. All the profits of the business are now de- rived from the letter and postal mails. The printed and freight matter yield a loss. While there may be Eomc sense in expending money for the cheap diffusion of intelligence into re- mote and sparsely settled portions of the coun- try, there can be none for carrying ordinary merchandise as freight at a loss. The Belknap impeachment court was organ- ized yesterday by the swearing in of the mem- bers. The oath was administered by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. The managers on the part of the House made the usual mo- tion for the citation of the accused, and the court adjourned to the 17th Instant, having made order for General Belknap to appear on that day. The proceedings of the Senate as a high court of Impeachment arc quite impos- ing and impreseire. In another place will be found a letter from "Citizen" on a subject that should command the attention of the proper author- ities. In no other place save Washington arc vast magazines of fuel permitted in the heart ot the city. Here coal and wood yards, containing hundreds of cords of wood and thousands of tons of coal, are permitted on the busiest thoroughfares. The pretense is that cheapness and convenience for con- sumers is attained In this way, but it is only a pretense. An office with one day's supply, or simply an office, with a magazine in the suburbs, would attain these ends as well, and a dangerous and unsightlj evil be remedied. The Confederate House design to abolish one hair the revenue officers, chiefly at those point where no revenue is collected". This reminds us of the showman who abolished his tent because he took In no money except at the Ccning. When, however, his shonr was surrounded Lv an opening he took in no money. 51 r. llandall will find that the aboli- tion of watchmen and revenue officers will encourage smuggling and illicit distilling and otLer evasions of the revenue laws to the detriment of the Treasury. "While ho is saviDc at the spigot he will be wastinj at the fcun3." 5Ir.. Sara .1. Spencer, having demolished "Olivia," is cow in pursuit of Colonel I.ubey, the superintendent of the alms- house, because he wants a reformatory institution for those poor girls who arc tent to the workhouse for vagrancy. 5Irs. Sara should not be so "touchy" on this subject of "reform for girls," unless, indeed, she has ob- tained a patent for her procesj. Her readi- ness to impute evil and selfish designs to others suggests no very high degree ot purity for her own. Between the protest of the man- agers of the "Industrial nomc" on the one side, and 5Irs. Sara's appeal to the Commis- sioners to reform the men and utilize their time and labor on the other, we fear Colonel I.ubey is in a bad way. CENTENNIAL. PERSONS VISITINO obtain Breakfast, Sapper and l.i lit Ide at twodollara (S2) per day In a private raraitvtir addressing 719XortbTlitrtvslxth street, rnilailtlphU, I'j. ap? F. A. FOSTER r. WOOD. G'ENEKAL INTELLIGENCE OFFICE, AND GESERAX, AUENCY AND COLLECTIONS, unite, C bei i nth street, between 1) and E north- west. athlnzton, D. c. Special attention given to RenUnir Houses ana Uoum&.fcexvants obtained and Employers supplied. information given In all matters. aplm 5fnfi C0C0ANUT8, SAN BLAS AND BARAOOA XO boxes Oranges and Lemons, 40 bbls. Malag4 Grapes, 20 nails New Dates, For sale by JHO. W. LUMSDON, - C itreet, opp. Centre MarUt, Wasblngton. Cor. Lombard and Hanover streets, Baltimore. apt 'rpHB BRUNSWICK." X UOYLSTON, COBNER CLARENDON STREET, BOSTON. Tbls new and commodious structure is now com- pleted and ready for toe receptlo n of gueats. The noose Is nic-pro-of and contains every modern im- provement. Inciadlng a pasiencer and baggage elevator. It Is elegantly lurnUhcd. Is contrail) located. In tie moil fasnlonabl: part or tbe city, near the Public Harden. Library and Common, and as convenient to the Batlroad Depots and Tbealrra as any flrst-claa- s Hotel In the city. No pains or money will be spared toinakollie Brun-wle- L take rant with the best hotels In this conntry. htrcf t ears pats tke doors. ni Wsi J. TV. WOLCOTf. TropT. GENERAL DEPOT tor Doors, Sashes, Blinds, Win- dows, Frames; Hardware, Glass, &c, ftc. Haviojc made arrangements with the best rs ofgeods in my line at greatly reduced prices. I am now prepared to furnish goods at finest much District. lower than has heretofore been offered Plesse call and examine prices and qntllty be- fore surchaili g elsewne.e. GEO. M. BARKER, , , tH9 cfc 651 tteir YorkrSvo. ALLKIrTOS OT OESTLEKKirS OAST. -- ik cm apparel eaa be sold to ttjTerT best r or calling oa "aw ausnsptiyatl irau. v--; "v'-'-r- f ' ". v r ?sr j T - ""- - j jr THE ATlUTAIi EEPUBUGAN. TEtTBSDAY MOBNING. A;PJ8ILV6.1876 ti 3S' meeting of the Illraols Republican S'ate AitocIallenwUlt held in tLe tecture-roo.- n of the Y II. o. a. build ng THUKiDAT ETEN1NU, at T:ra o'clock. Byorderof therreiUent. THEO. L, DxLVKD. apt 1 Secretary. fSJ-jnEB- F. WILL DC All tXiHIHi' K5' Hon cfcantidatesf r appointment onthe Pol'cefoice ai Police Headquarters on apS-t- t Becrt'ary. SfBH.lII.RDII SILLIAROSIt Be BILLIARDS I ! Tbe patrons of Seaton Hall Billiard Batoon, corner of Ninth and D streets, arr i formed that the proprietors, to keep pace with tbe spirit of tbe times, hie the Fcio fee gaue to Firrxitx cists. Tbe room contains eleven of the latait improved LffkcrA- Co. 'stables. ap5-- st t257 DR H. O. MTEBJI. DEVTfST, lias removed to IT3J Pennsylvania avenue. Nitrons Oxide Uas administered. spin KJS 1IIE nDABTBBLT MEETIBiU VSS of the National Association win he held TUESDAY April 4, at 11 a. m.. at the Home for Colored W om, n and Chlldn n, on Eighth street, beyond the Boundary. A full attendance Is de- sired. MRS. E. L. SHERWOOD, ap-- becretary. 55 'ITOTICE T6 BCIXDEItS."-TH- E VJ nnderslgned would respectfully call the attention of Bunders and tbe public tagen;ral to the fact that ther have now on hand o E MIL- LION or GOOD BRICK, pressed (or Front Brlekland merchantable; all nand-mad- e. Uujers should give tht ma call before making their pur-cho- elsewhere. MARTIN & It 10.. mlili-lm- - Uriel: Yard PouthCapltol and R sts. t5-g-T- -- LOYXBS OP riKE BBIA.R- - 1S BOOT riPEU. M. U0LD8TEIS, 611 PenmjI-rnnla- t Avenue, lias received lto dozen of line Imported BKIAB-ROO- T PIPES, with and lthout amber mouthpieces, which be offers at flftv per cent, below tbe regular retail rates. Briar-ro- ot Pipes from25to 75 cents each: fancy wood Pipes from 25 to 30 cents each Call and examine the largest assortment ever of- fered In this market. sur""- - tf DB, A-- N. C. nTEIBENBOBN, riENTIST. Office Nn aWFourtepntu street northwest. m Sg-- J- IUID LIUIITKINQ. WAB-- V5S ranted to cure Ncutalgla, sold only at Corghlln's Temple Drug Store. mluo-t- f I-B HATIHG BEAL ES- - lE' TATE FOR SALE, DWELLINGS OR ROOMS 0R RENT. are Invited to record the same with us fr of charge, and secure the advantages of our adver-tltenie- Stevens A Roberts, No. 631 T street northwest, near City Po it Once, n building formerly occupied by the Second Na-on- Bank. mhKMm I'LOID LIOnTHINU. W to cure Headache, sold onlr at Temple Drug Store, i" and Ninth streets. ciMO-- tf rsr--r x. cr 1 1) licjhtnino. vtab. i2ey ranted Co cure all Nervous Pains, cold only at Coughlln's Temple Drue Ctcrc. inhlO-t- f A CABW.-T- O ALL WHO ABE suffering from the errors and IndUcretlons of youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss of manhood. Ac, I will tend a recipe that will cure you. FREE OF C1IAR0E, This great remedy was tflscore't-- bv a missionary In 8oulh America. Send a envelope to the Kev. U T. IMIAN. Station D, Bible Uouje. New York City. TO UAS COSSTJMXBS, Notice is herebv given that on Mny L, IS76, the net rrlce of gas be redt-cr- to 62.25 per l.oco mbie io. CHARLES B. BAILEY. Pecretry Washington Uaalight Company. IN TOUR CABDS AT ONCE fcS? for tbe ALPHABETICAL BUSINESS DIRECTOBYln the DAILT NATIONAL KircBU-ca- n. Address Box 6, Befusmcax office. TOCNG MEN'S CIIBIBTIAN AS SOCIATION, corner Ninth and U streets. ritKA ltAUinU KIHJU. PARLORS AND CONVERSATION ROOM. Evening Classes In German, French, Grammar and Arithmetic. LITERARY SOCIETY. Dallr Frayer meeting at 12:15 and 6 p. m. SABBATH SERVICES In LINCOLN HALL at 8:30 p. m., conducted by the Young Men of the As- sociation. 2!ualc led by Organ and Cornet. YOUNG MEN'S MEETING (exclusively) at P'YOIING MEN ARE COBDIALLYIINYITED. dcels-t- f . SAJIABITAN KEBYINE. THE ffreat nerve connneror. enrea enUentlcflts. eonmlaiona. anaama. St. Vitus danre and all ner vous diseases; the only known positive remedy for epileptic fits. It nas been tested by thousands, and has never been knows to fall in a single case. Trial package free. Enclose stamp for circular, evidence of cures. Address, Dr. 8. A. IC'HMOND, Box 741, St. Joseph, Mo. noS-l-y BEKEMBEB JTJHTIT' OLD BTA Nt). Hi, nivt for aprond-han- d Cloth Inf. BOOH. Hhoca. -- . as "Falrlcashl 1'rlces" as he always has, at (19 D street, between Sixth and Seventh streets northwest. Note by mall prompt ly attended to. sepll-t- f -- BOILINO-JTOT OB ICE-COL- D TEA, COFFEE AND CHOCOLATE, TUBE AND FRAGRANT, wirn Kllbnrn's TJnrlvnlled Soda, 1429 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, oct30-t- f Near Wlllard's Hotel. f-r- g TEETH 7 PEB BET. EXTHEK lJ Jaw, hy Dr. A.PRATT, graduate of Ohio College otDentalSnrrery. aa ra the Rush aledl cat College, Chicago, 401 Seven in atreet, east side, corner or D. Gas and chloroform used In extract ng teeth. jell-t- t 55J-D- B. J. b. jroniHoir, of alex- - K? andrla, Va., offers his professional ser- vices as Burgeon, Physician and Oculist to the eltl-xe- of the District of Columbia. Office No. 1411 Pennsylvania avenue, between Wlllard's hotelandthe Owen house. Office hours from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. myS-t- f 'I.niAI.AUD OTBEK BBIEFfj PRINTED AT THE SHORTEST NOTICE at the REPUBLICAN JOB OFFICE. noU-t- f WKAPPISa PAPEB FOB ssAXB at this office. PERSONAL. THE (INLY GENUINE "BOSS" UIOAK, of pure Pumarrega Havana Filler. Sold only at M. GOLDSTEIN'S California Cigar Store, 11 Pennsylvania avenue, at as per hundred; S cents each. Try them. inhzt-i- f HOTEL&RETAURANTS BELMONT HOTEL, 631, 623 and 823 Waslilneton at, Boston OrrosiTi Globi TnzATBz. Located In the centre or the city, and easily reached by streetearaandslagcs. Elevator, steam and all modern !mpro ements. Rooms, (European planjl II per day upward. A first-cla- Restaurant and Private Dining Rooms, If preferred, at mod erate rates. The moet convenient locaUon, aqnlet and comfortable home, and first-clas- s accomtnoda-datlo- at prices adapted to tbe stringency ol the tlmi-- are tlie special advantages afforded at tat BKLMONT." Jal"-l- HARDY ft CO., Proprietors. UNIOS HOTEL, UEOBOETOWH.D.O V. 8HINN, PnormiTOB, This Hotel Is conveniently located.betna situated on the line of the Washington and Georgetown City Passenger Railroad, the cars of which from the Railroad and Steamer Depots pass the door every two or three minutes. The guests of this House can reach any of the Public Buildings of the National Capital, or any place of amusement, Ac., by a pleasant ride of a few minutes. Board, pec day, 11. By the month at reduced rates. nov-t- f WIT-LAR- D'S HOTEL, WASHH-eTON.D.- ". sTXKODXLED. REFURNISHED. nrrx private bath-booj- u AND BLlVATOS ADDED OpasRoTtmbcx, IB. ocui-t- l J. r. OAJoe. Proprietor. UNITED STATES HOTEL. FCJRTY-SE- and Columbia and Elm ave- nues, opposite main exhibition building. Centen- nial grounds. '1 bis elegant of hotel Is now open for the reception of guests. It contains E3 rooms, xeplete m&h all modern improvements. Visitors to Philadelphia will nowhere meet with better accommodations or more reasonable rates. febll-Thi- P. B. BOOTHBY. Manager. BOBSMO EE HOTEL, JnncdouorBrondrvnT'.Seventh Avenne find Forty-secon- d street, NEW TORE CITY, Three blocks west or Grand Central Depot, near the Elevated Railroad, and but twenty minutes from Wall street a new and elegantly-furnishe- d hotel: all modern lmnrovenenta. Rates, 91 per day. Liberal terms to families. CHAS. E. LSLAND, Proprietor, Of Delavax Uouee. Albany, N. Y and olab-evdo- x IIotxu Saratoga. C. C. WILLARD, WASHINGTON. D. O. VOX OYSTERS. jT w- - HARVEY'S 0ld'E8tabHshed UdleY and Gentlcmen'i OiBTEB-fl&OOI- T AND EEBTATJBABT 1016 Pennsylvania avenne and Kiev jenth street. WASHINGTON, D. C. 'ine largest Oyster House In the United sums. All brands of the finest ovsters that tbe brlnv dees can produce are served with every lmaglnabu diaa that can be called for. The Ladles' Saloon Is one of the handsomest 11 all Its appointments, and Is conducted especially fcr them. Open from I a. m. until midnight. Terrapin and Game a specialty, HAHYEY & HOLDER, Proprietors. 'Harvey ," the inventor of Steamed Oysters. WEST END RESTAURANT, 1718 a ftreet H, tlfl THE FINEST STEAMED 3Ek HVRT-l!r- B IN THE aiTV. r AreostnAdatlonB for Table Boardera. Ones from 4 a.m. till 12 p.m. Hotels and families served with oysters in any part of the city or Georgetown and elsewhere free of charge. Per. aona will Tileaaa leave their orders at tha Restau rant, 8UU street. Thenar Is stocked with the finest brands of liquors, and every convenient luxury that a first-ela- n restaurant and the clly: market can supply will be found on my table. JsJ-t-f tC DeATXET. Proprietor.- - JBICHABD fiunu HIGGLES. PA11IT8, OsXSAJTD 'WlVBOWGIAaW. miu Za n. K trt HertBifeV. CJLOTHING. GREAT REDUCTIONS IN THE PRICE OP CLOTHING. 20 PEE CEUT. OFF FEOH iORHEJ PfllttS ON ALL GOODS FROM THIS DATE. WITH GREATLY REDUCED EXPENSES, Increased Facilities AND RENEWED ENERGY, I AM DETEBinNBD TO AND, Sell Goods at Prices To Suit the Times. 921 PENSSiXTAXIA ATE5UE. BLACK CLOTH FROCK COATS, Donble-breaste- well made; gocd Trimmings. FBICES.tlBTO 35. BLACK DOESKIN CASSIMERE PANTS, Faiblscable Cut; VTell Mule. FBICE8. C TO 112. BLACK CLOTH TESTS, FBOHfSTO C. BUSINESS SUITS, IS Double-brea- Frock Coals, Sicks and Cutaways; From I3 to 23 per Salt. YOUNG MEN'S SUITS, Of the New Styles of Diagonal and Casslmere, AT A VEEY LOW FIODEE. BOYS' SUITS, In Blue Diagonal, Casslmere and Melton. Children's Suits, In EouWe-breasW- d Sacks, Cutaways and Blouse, from four to eleven years of age, Extra Pants for Children From four to tea yesrs of see. Boys' Shirts, &c &c. NOAH WALKER & CO., mt2S-t-f 633 PetuuylranlA avenne. GENTLEMEN'S GOODS. SPRING OPENING-- , , NEW STYLES, Large Assortment AT DEVLIN t&icO.'S, 1106 F STREET. OF Beady-Mad- e Goods AT ANTE-WA- R PRICES. mna JACQUES JOUVENAL'S. TVrATTtTiT WOaSESi Be. Ml B Street, near lewla lekas Oa.sfc Co. Basak.' ah MoirtrjcEifTa en naad sow at a nut mwa Uoa. All new orders made by 4slitis of tit Utasa-style- s. Tbe best wortTnaatai8td test ITALIA3I anTtHT.xraaraatao ' ' AM , &FrTOOnPER DAY' AT HOME- .-. BOS ft CO.. rortUna, aHlne. m& It i -- e s- - ' i FORTHE LADIES QettheQEAUIHBl Bewareof jmhatiaaal THOMSON'S PATENT GLOYE-HTTI- Na CORSETS. each; eioht cibset OR.vors or gTiMFIS FINIS. THiMSO s" AI EACH WITH TBADE- - A PEB- - BP, A t'BOWJr, FElT FIT. They jrlve entire. satUfaclon, Every lady who has worn tbera recommend them. BE S L'liE TO UET THE GENUINE. A SOVELTT.-THOMSO- NB PAtamT BOLIO Fastisisc OAFnu cor.tT btxxu. The are ctiBBKAKASLX, and their tAitenlncs do not abrade tbedresiv Tor sale by,rit-clas- s dealers everywtere. Thomson, Langdon &;Co., N. Y,, Bole Importers and Patentees for the Unit edBtatcs. -- VTADAMEL.P.JEANERETTWILLOPEN lx on PATUttiiAY, apru l, ana aiun- - liAi. asm o, ar ao zm avenue, Washlnjrton, and Atio. b3 North ctharlea atreet. Baltimore. AortlS. acbotce asiortmentof FBESCU JULL1NEKV, 4c T B. W ABM BB'S SAN1TABY COBSET Wllh Skirt iapporternnd BelLAdj'nst Ins Pads, Beeures health and comfort of body with (trace and beauty of form. Three rarments In one. Approved by all physicians. VTARSElt 8B03.,73 Broad- way, New Tort, for sale by C. BACK. C8 Seventh street, Wnshlntrton, D. C. , PTTCIANS OPTICIAN". Erc-tiloss- Patented, warranted for one year not to break, framelessl manufac- -' tcr,c1 ami vnad to orf!.r. War. ranted not to produce caneera. as other Eye Glasses do. It does not slip from your nose If J ou it eat. come and Fee them and convince your selves of this beautiful invention. ISAAC ALKXAVDEB. V3 Pennsylvania ave., Optician and Jeweler. mbJS-t- f Brazilian Pebble Spectacles, AT FBAWKTJH & CO.'S, 1ST PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, del-l- y OPTIOIAHS. WOODANp COAL. PATENT BUNDLED KlHDLISa WOOD. me Den ta use. trreprca uvea vac be&( qaillij of VI r rial Pine, and Intro daelng a rtatyir Llcaterln ufh hosdldlsDenilarwltlitlieajeof kirosBBfi. ah&Tinjrs cr OaHxr. Sold brail Ukfor durbensoocFAtent Wood, and take no other. KTerr bundle hM printed label rinnc di- rections rtr use. All the belt anaUtlesofcoal con tantlr on band. BTSFHKN30N A BRO., soli Kannxactnrcri in thli District; oflce, ms araaaa-MJ- and Depot! lTnU-itre- i wbarL T' tCnronlcia.j Pinll WQODt WOOD J0ALI CUALi . aj. : p soaa, Wnoiesala and BetaU Dealers la all Studs c coaianawooa. uumseriana ioai. Depot at BILIT'8 wnarrts, foot of Clven h and Twelfth streets streets southwest. Branch yard. O street. Bttwtea Seeond and rax ftreeuuorthweat. oela-t- f. RAILROADS. o BB DOLLAB BATED. CHEAP BAILBOAD TICKET OH10I, Ballroad tickets boucht or sold, to or from all points, at a reduction upon any offlceor depotln this city. Apply to V.. D. WHITESIDE. W5 Pennsylvania avenue N. tbe clzarstore, Washington D. C. lals-l- y 1876. 1876. PENNSYLVANIA ROUTE TO THEKORTH. WEST AND SOUTHWEST. Doable Track, Steel Bulls, Splendid Scenery, Matmlflcent Equipment. Trains leave Washing-ton- , from Depot, corner ot Sixth and B streets, as follows: ror Pittsburg and the West. 6 a.m. dallv. with Parlor Car to Plttabnrr? 7:0p. m. dally, with Palace Car to Chicago, and ii:Ua. m. dally, except Sunday, Baltimore & Poloia Riilroal rorCanandalrua,Bochcster,BnSaIo,NIararaEalIa and the Ii ortb, 6 a. m. dally, except Sunday; and 7:40 p. m. dally, except Saturday, wrth Palace Caxstto Bochester. For Elmlra and Bnsalo, 11:SS a. m. dally, except Sunday. Tor New York and the East, 9:10 p. m. dally, with raise Cars attached: Limited Express ef Pull- man Parlor Cars. 93 a. m. dally, except Sun- day. For New Tort. ICO d. m. dally, except Bunday, with Parlor Cars attached. For Philadelphia, i:ao p. m. dally, except Bunday, and 4:5t and 9:10 p. m. dally. Limited Express, :a a. m. dally, except Sunday, Accommodation for Baltimore, 7:50 a.m. dally, and S:t3p. m. dally, except Bunday. For Pope's Creek Line, 7:50 a. m. and 1:20 p. m. dally, except Sunday TorAnnapoua.'Ocandll:eSa,m. andltUp. m., dally excei t Bunday. Aleniuu & iweitnUre Baiiw n ail iiei-aiar- ia & WasMniloa Ealtroafl. For Alexandria, 6, 7, . . 10, It a. in., I, S, tM. 5, 6, 7.09 and 11:U p. m. On Bunday at 8 and 9 a. m., 1 anc It. m. For I he South, via Richmond. 11:40 p. m. dally, ex. cept Sunday, and via Lyncbburx 7:54 a. m. and 11:50 p.m. dally. Trains leave Alexandria for Washlnnton, t, 7, 8. 9, 10,11a.m., 1.3,4, s. 6 and 7 p.m. On Bunday at ti and 10 a. m.. and 5 p.m. Tickets. Information, Bleeplna: and Parlor Car accommodations can be procured at tbe offices: Northeast corner of Thirteenth street and Penn ylvanta avenue, northeast corner of Sixth street and Pennsylvania avenue and at the depot, where orders can be left for tbe checking of baggage to destination from hotels and residences. FBANK THOMSON, V. M. BOYD, JR., Ben'l itanager. een'lPaasengerAgent. w ASB1NQTOH AND OHIO BAILKOAD, BTJIOIIB ABBANGKMZNT, BEQIUNISa 1PRII. . 1B7S TWO TBAHTB DAILY, EXCEPT, SUNDAY, BETWEEN ALKXaN-- ! umm. aau liuurill HI 1,1,, Leave Washington at t a. m.-a- nd 4p. m.rand Alexandria at too a. m. and 4:10 p. nuFpass Leeaburg, going westward, at 113) a, m. and:a) p.m., and arrive at Round U1U at U m. and 7 P. m. Leave Bonnd Bill at Sta a. m. p. m., pais Leesburg, going eastward, at a. m. and 1:10 p. m., and arrive at Alexandria 80S a. m. and !:1I p. to., and at Washington at 8:30 a.m. and J:S0p.m. from Washington will take the Washington and Ohio ears at the Baltimore and Potomac railroad station at s a. m. and 4 p. m., and go through to Bonnd Hill without change ot ears. The 9:13 a. m. train from Alexandria and 11:38 p, m. tram from Bound Hill connect at Bound Hill with Harris' Dally Line or Coaches for Snickers, tile, Berrrrlile and Winchester: also, with Beamer's Line of Coaches, which leave Leesburg dally for Aldle and AUddlebnrg. Both Trains westward make close connection at Vienna with BUson's Line oX Stages tor Fairfax Oourt-Hous- e. Commutation tickets, I cents per ana: annul tlCAcw, aoo, a, xi. nAVAflut, npa-f- c General Ticket Agent. "DALTlilOKE AMD OHIO BAILBOAD. CHANGE OF TIME. April 5, 1S7S, 6 00a m a 'ar LftTWajh1nrtAn- - lo Baltimore and Way Stations. TrtD Baltimore, Annapolis and Way Stations. 7:80 BALTiuosxExrnxss-Dall- y. Breakfast at IteUv. tXO KswYOEXXxnixM. On Sunday to Balti- more only, stopping at Way Stations. 1:43 ClncInnaU.St. Louis and Pittsburg Express. 1:60 Baltimore and Way Stations; 9:15 a.m, on Sunday, stopping at Belay only. 1:50 Point of Boeks and Way Buttons. 10:15 BALTiMOnxUauatiTXPETrmaa. No stops, 12:11 Baltimore. Way Stations and Annapolis. 1:30 NxvTYORXAaDNoBTOLXBxrnisa jjaliy, ParlorCars. OnSundaytoBaltlmoreonly, stopping at Way Stations. 1:B0 Baltbnore, Frederick and Way Stations, tU main stem. 45 Point or Bocka, Frederick, Winchester and Way Stations. 4:80 BALTiuonx Exrsxss. Stopping at Laurel. 4:15 Baltimore, Annapolis and Way stations. Dally. 10 Chicago AMD COLnrecs EXTBXSS-Dal- ly. Connects for Hagerstown and Winchester. l:tO B AXTUtonx ExrsxsK. 4:05 Baltimore and War Stations. 8:C0 Baltimore and Way Stauona Dally. LOC1STILI.X, 8t. Louis xttd Pittbbceo Exraxss-Dall- y. AllWaysu-- tlona on Ohio and Chicago Divisions. Does not eonnect for Pittsburg on Sunday. Ids N rvr Yonx ExrEXES. Bleeping cars to New York Dally. (5 Baltimore, Bladensburg, Beltsvllle, Laurel and Annapolis Junction Dallr. LXAVX (UXirXW STATION, BALTIMOSX, FOX WASniaQTOSt - 4:13, 5:15. :0CO, 7:30, 8: a. m.. 1I: 4:10. 8:00, 50, ssandiouop.m, dally, except that 17430 p.m. train leaves at ISO p. m. Bunday. 1:50, 1:2), io:30 a. m., :U, ISO, 9:15 p. m. dally, except Sunday. No connection on Sunday for Hagerstown, Fred- erick, Annapolis, Staunton or Valley Branch, nor for New York and Philadelphia at 8:00 a. m. and 'For mfther Information apply at the Baltlmori: and Ohio ticket eflces, Washington Station, and'; 466 Pennsylvania avenue, where orders will be taken for barrage to bet cheeked and received at any point in taetiij. inw,o,ouajir, 11 aster of TrauanortAllou. L. If. COLE, General Ticket Agent. BEO. B. EOONTZ. SeneiU Aaenu: jat-t- l GOVERN1VIEN31 SALES,, J iOVEHNMENT SALE OF HOBSES, Ac, DirOT QrAitTHtvASTiB'BOmcr, 1 Washihoto.v. D. C, March IS, 1878. ( Will be sold at public auction, at the Quarter. master's Corral, corner of Fourteenth ana O ttaM northwest. t M. m.. MONDAY, AprU 17, 1STS, the followlng.deicrl bed property: Onehom, one Mule, and a lot of Oocoa Mat- - tJVW:?siH1lTw.Twii HttMif. . u iui, wucuiaxs appiy to lOffiU. ( Terns cash. WM. MYERS. tPhaxCt-'T- ;, ' Depot Unarurmutsr. gFXCIAX KOTICBJTO BTJSISXS8 XES. ..HhI,.,,.5,pW,itl,DOUai, formerlr known JiihS. Up!. " at the corner of Ninth northwest, enlarged and ttorojTMconatructed anointed ltnpln TIRaTJLABS BTYLE FOB OFFICE. l?.w i"?JJ2.,lUle "ST. CLOUD BTJILDINO." !7it3,?22!t transoms over the doors, new AtirCQ BlgUlf Ui ft,JtSJ5fS1,..1(w! IeMe ftea. Booms now ready fln" "to the'lrlnterest to rooms elsawhere. owners. AA.r . .,!. BABBEl Are. USmESSCHANCES F'OBTBDliLLIrUJLSI and 74 acres in the rlty of Aurora. 111. WU irauc mete tor city property, aau pay aocie csib difference. iv. mx ii&Lu. apct 8U Seventh street. "I70B TBADE A PLANTATION Or FIVE - nuadredandcityacrtaon Keaner. ia LcuulasaL,wo7thbeforetnewaraa,u)). will now tell for 3,oor. cr trade for cltyproper- - aj. ificctcitroitoiiungiaicc oiaie. apt--tt 81t Sevtntti street. TTOK EXCHarTOE TWO FOUE.B001I r , r.. ,. .,, s: . .- - . uuni,.nn .1 i in r onin u, u. ,r.upi foravacantlottothenortbofFitreetandweittCyl Jfrnrthttrtet, and pay Horfl crpuasa.dU.jJl C If nc sp;.jt USSevenlh street. TilOR EXOHANOE SPLENDID COTJNTBY Jt. oi. at near New York. Flue cottare. 17 rooms and all modern int roveinenxs; grounas Deauitrui 1) laid out and adorned; 37 aens; .SSPUBL. .ver r OOSUnlA of fruit. Place COSt fcTtlCO: will exchange for &2j.uui and take rVashlngtiin property, and assume 5,90, If un,..t,. ACTva.iute urcu:,ci) uuur. tCSI. HALL. api'St SIS Seventh strte. STOCK FOB TRADE. I HAVE SOME to exchange for a dwelllng.and will assume incumbrance on the bouse. FS1 k. h. hai.l. end ari-3- t IK beveeth street. 5 flflfs TO LOAN ON BEAL ESTATE VAIiUUV security for one year. M. Eastwood. Broter, sp4-i- f 1731 Pennsylvania avenne. QtJflfk ttJO, t0, tSOO, t,C00, AND ANY ?UULr, sum from 2.CC0to ajj,o M to loan ou city real estate security, from one to Ave years M. JI. KOUftEB, apl-t- f l,o. ivt Seventh atreet. piMEY POINT FOR KENT. THE DESIRABLE SUM1IEE BESOET kxowx as TINEY TOINT. In St. Bary's connty, Maryland, Uoffi red for rent for the season. 1 bl Point bas all the accommo- - cauons gaoa tr.i sh esqnpfsAB. unlie ground la a larr llotel. toeether wltna number of Cattirt. lman., ,n themctt comfortable stjle. Altogether this Is oneof tbemost attractive summer resorts onthe Potomac, and tnenearproxlmlty to Washington, and tLe atesmboats runulng from thla city and stopping at the Point, give additional charm to the place. The reputation Piney Point has borne foriearspast spealsfor f. and It might be aafe'y said that It has no equal on the Potomac. For particulars Inquire of JOHS ALEXANDEB. apl'BTuThlm No. 1231 Pennsylvania avenue. KEFRIOEKATOBS THE IOE KINO IS Call and see thein at 11 P atreet. BEN. F. FREN OH, Agent. mhtt-i- C teOLDSTEIN at CO . Loan and Coanmlisloa Brokers. COENEE OF TENTH AND D 8TEEST3. MONEY LOAN ED or ADVANCES MADE on valuable personal property to any amount, and tjt anv time desired, on i ery reasonable terms. Also. tfaods sold on Commission. At rrtvateSale Very Cheap A large lot of Un- redeemed Pledges and Commission uoods, new and second-ban- Every article fully warranted. All business strictly confidential. The oldest and the most reliable house In the city. mhis-t- f TTOUSES AND FARMS FOR SALE. aa- two-sto- Jiutista and cot- - XAUAar trontniy payments, i atuanie buiiu lug LOTS on easy term-- : aloFA.BMS In the! aiict, joaryianu ana ,iraiuim loreaxeor exchange. APFLETON P. CLARK. tf 70b E street northwest. TO I, OAN LABUE AND SHALL of MONEY on first. class real estate security. THEO. . OATCHEL, ml.ll-l- Corner Eleventh, and F street!. TTIOK EXCHANGE TEN ACRES NEAit - citv: goou new nouse, ui rooms, nice barn and othernnt-hutlrtlnv- ., in On, rrf ST W 111 trade for a house In the city and payjT.! WU.K WUU W. Nt.UK U1WC ,KALC. n. si. hall, mhl-t- f 817 taeventh street- - xilOIl TRADE A NEW HOUSE OF SIX loomsonientn street nortnrast, mcurn- -, .. wnu wnn srnaj. yi ui true on a stock or i for the difference. B. M. H AL mhtf 817 Seventh street. i 17IOR EXOHANOE A 1AHM OF THREE uuuuscu sH.ic3,itcAi gyia nsiiiUKivii; rood bnlidloeftj Ac: oint raod tlmhr: a bed ox tnjttrior 3Url: Imod finest la the country furtobicco. &c. $20 tt tcre; wim wipiorcltrDroDertr. luiDrovedor unlin- - D roved. r. at. H A1J OR TRADE 1,030 ACRES OF SPLENDID I.nntJ Will iraoe xor cu j property nu aisume some la- - vuiuutmaws. R. M. HALL, mhZ-- tr 817 Seventh street. TIIOE SALE CHEAP. AN ENTIRE . square or gronna near the Capitol, at 20 , R. M. HALI,, felO-t- f Snseventh street. TTIOR EXCHANOE A LAROE AND DE-- - eii(Atii,i vacant lot near tne Post Ofice, worth (30,000. will be exchanged for swu uivuuti u ui acaroi ajois, jio. R. M. HALL. fel9-t- f 817Beventh street. FOR TRADE A NEW BRICK HOUSE OF with gas, hot and cold water, - inline order and a good locality on Capitol ?! Hill, worth $8,000, Incumbrance of (3.000, will tradefor smaller house or vacant lots. - M- - HALL, felMf 817 Seventh street. FOB EXOHANOE FORTY-ACR- E FARM or the city, near the farm of O. W. Blgas, rich land, large bouse with flue Pa balcony, line fruit, baras. milk-hous- e. PW sprlngs-law- n and shade, five miles from city, "i Will trade this for clly property. B. M. HALL. Hfcmr 817 Seventh street. FOR TRADE TWO ACRES OF GROUND boundary or the city; some n oar trees; about a bouse or eight rooms; ? good garden land. Will trade It ualncum-K- B bered. and give some difference In mooeysa for a bouse Inside city limit s. It. II. 11 ALL, fel7-t- f Mo. 817 Seventh street. TpOR TRADE A SQUARE OF QHOUND, - vu tuc iiiABu.uj uuc uuaun.ii uivuiaoa ffet; will be d for Clttji near tlae. wiy. E. M. HALL, felMf No. 517 SeTenth itreet. FOR TRADE OVER ONE HUNDRED ml the Sti. RnrtnaPB. THulinirnpi. of fine Und, and would ubdlTldeaad sell well re lots It huoa It the fjunous Spa BprlDgB, and li destined to be the lam-- J xner reson. near Wajhlns-ion- . owlne to th great ralne of the water. Will trade It Xbr cuj vtvyu fci sutu V luuic umucAiws K. M. HALL. fe!7-t-f No. 817 Seventh street, FOR EXOHANOE A HOUSE AND LOT (rtoo and a vacant lot worth (3.0CO. Will be exchanged for a good brick house worth 13,CC0, and the difference paid In money. K. M. HALL. fei7-- tf No. 317 Seventh street. T7IOR EXCHANOE THREE AND A HALF a--- AUltES. on the seventh-stre- road, near city limits, having on It four A well- - a mjth ivgc voe, oi luurteen iwou, will be traded for a fine realdenea In the eltv. A. Al. ItALiLi, fe!7-- tf -- So. 517 Seventh streeL FOR SALE OR TRADE A HANDSOME on the corner of O and Tenth streets; will be sold or traded tnjpart to advan- - M Use. lcumbreneeff8,W0mustteassnmed.iSa Property worth (10.C00. K. M. HALL, " No. 517 Seventh street. fflOR TRADE. A LARGE HOUSE TN j- - ueorgetown, in nne condition, mansard roof, bath rooms and all modem Improve- ments; 21 rooms, and lot 80x13; and on a corner with some shade trees. Ac. Mortrare- - of (4,000. Will trade for a farm or vacant around In cltr. K. At. IIALL, felO-t- f 817 Seventh street. EXOHANOE. A HANDSOMELY-IMPROVE- D FARM, under .rood rnltl. vatlon. at Vienna station. It miles from Georgetown, In Virginia. Orchard of all ainus ox iruii. nouse nas nine rooms,' Dxiii, ac. n ui inuc lur ciby property. felO-t-f It. M. HALL, 817 Seventh street. filOR TBADE, FOR SMALL HOUSES. A - targe ana elegant resiaence in the old First ward. In good order, with 10,onr feet of --T ground: worthtis.000. I will trade this prop- - J." ertvfor amAller bmldlnra. Ja felO-- tf K. M. MALL. 6t7 Seventh street. TTIOK SALE OB EXOHANOE A LAROE J-- and elegant reatdence on K street north- - west, worth (3S.CO0, can be purchased of me W low, or exchanged In part for any other good property In thU cltv or west. J fei-t- f B. m. u ALL, 817 Seventh st. TfilOR TBADE A SMALL FRAME OF I - nrami, wiiu large grouuua, on t street northeast, will be traded for a small farm aown tne river, trice, (3,80J. H. M. HAV.V.. feS-t- f &17 Seventh st. FOR EXOHANOE 120 AORES OF FINE northeast of the city, with good will be traded ror property In the city not far from street-car- s and Is unin- cumbered. B. At. HALL. feS-t- f 317 Seventh st. FOR TBADE FARM OF COO ACRES.NEAB Point, well improved; will be traded for city property. Only (S.CC0; Tery cheap. feS-t- f K. M. HALL. 817 Seventh st. Q OOLDSTEIN A CO LOAN AND KJ COMM133ION BROKERS. NorthCASt corner of Tenth and D streets. Liberal adrancea made as loans, or on commisaioi onveryreasonble terms. Strictly confidential. teoj-- u TJIOR TRADE FOR OlTY PROPERTY A A-- - nne farm or two hundred acres, highly improrea, near laurei, on tne xtaiumore ana vmo rauruaa; gooa Duuaiugs, oarns, timber, fruits, Ac. I will trade the above and assume incumbrances on property In dfc7.UUlfUUl. AT11CC. tlAAt. B. K. HALL, ftt-t- f 817 Seventh street. .TTtOR TRADE ALAKGE BRIOX BESI-- J DENCB, 18 roontsVK square from the Post Omce, renting for tluper month. I "111 trade - for smaller Houses, parties to assume encnm- - .. brance of (7,000. A rare chance for a good" trade. Will sell low. .B. U. BALL, jaM-t- f 817 Seventh street. "I70B TBADE A FOUB-STOR- BRICK, faelnr the Patent Office. onO street. Will netraaea xoriwo amaucx uii, flweusna- - 31 srance on tne nouse. it. aa.aia.LUM tats-t- f 817 Seventh street; TltOK TRADE A FINE RESIDENCE OH H Jc streri. KSeX cevenva street, or at will be traded, unencumbered, (j round in nonuern part 'rtbALL, "ft jA3-t- f (17 Seventh i street. FOB EXCHANOE-10,6- 00 A0EE3 FINE near Mobile, with perfect title. and oa the railroad. 1 will trade this Land --SjSa and assume mortgages on city preperty orlp (Tveanewont. B. M.BALL, tK laa-t- f (17 Seventn street. "POR TRADE A LAROE DOUBLE BESI. --v: ijaox,wri'argeuroanas,weuiocatea In tbe dry. . I will trade for some money and smallerjllonies or vacant city Lets. - iejj Hoaicatataimln. R. Si. HALLJ i.m inflw..., .ti .f OTT Alf D AFTEB FEBBUABY 10 A BE. of twenty-av- e per cent, below the regular retail prices on all brand! or Havana and Key West and Domestic Cigars, and all kinds of Bmotlng aid Chewing Toba-e- o and Smokeia Ar- - Ides, at - M. eoLDBTXUCB California Cigar Store, 811 Pennsylvania avenue . nder Metropolitan llotel. - febio-t- f s END He. TO O. P. BO WELL A OO MEW York, for Parartlet-ofTO- mres. containing 1st of xoro newspapers,, and caUatatet showing MflMrtlSafliLsiBaaaiBaatafAtafar - auMtr FOE KENT. BOOXS. lTrr PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE A. 4 O I OItTIIWEST. For roorxa In aprlratc family: southern expo- sure and near the Department;. Inference will be required. Arply, after 4 o"cloci. as above. apa-- in)1 VERMONT AVENUE FOR RENT, Avaw A an apartment of three rooms, ele gantly rurnijhed. with coard If rrflulrtd. Lo a- - uva 'iy unit.Dic. Mil' Cir, THIRTEENTH STREET NORTH-JA- west-For Bent A splendldlr-furnlte- d suite of rooms, parlor and chamber on first tloor. Al.o, several double rooms. The.e rooms have bath-roo- and clo,ets attached. Henuvery low, Oil ELEVENTH STREET, BETWISEN OUU and I northwest. Foe rent Two lar, d Booms, communicating. Rent. ISSter mouth; orwlil beieu-- d separately: if re- - qotici, coarn in toe nouse can oe nag, aiijwr Q9Q AND Q?r VERMONT AVENUE, OAit OaO opposite Arlington hoteU FOB RENT, with BO a.1: 0 Handsomely-fur- - nisned partor and bed-ro- m on first floor: also. large and small on second door. Ac- - rommodatli3nfiirnl.hi hnhrii,itfw,k. mh23 lm GENTLEMEN IN WANT OF KOOMS, ror Patent or Claim business, bist location In tueclty. call at once. STEVENS A ROBEBTi. Seal Estate, Loan and Insurance, 631 street nortbwe.t. rehC-l- Near Clly Post Office. fTOf. THIRTEENTH STREET NORTH. iJ WEST. FOR BED-BOO- and PAKLORS. FOR BENT TWO LAROE, ELEUANTLY communicating BOOMS, fronting on Seventeenth atreet. and Pennsylvania avenue. Inquire corner Seventeenth atreet and Pennsylva-nl- A avenue. Army and Navy ilArlct. al--tf Pr"-- 1 THIRTEENTH STKEET NORTH-JAJ- L WEST, between E and F. Members of Congress and others desiring handsomely-furnishe- d Booms, with or without board, can be suited by applying as above. References ex- changed. no2-- tf KIT SEVENTH STBEET, OPPOSITE THE UJLJ. POST OFFICE.-F- OR RENT-T- wo com- municating office rooms, at (C3 per month: also, several handsomely-furnishe- d apartments In an elegant house, with or without board. Apply at Boom No. 2. 811 Seventh street- - de2-- tf HOUSES. 1 91 A. PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE SOUTHEAST For Eent-rt- ve mlnntes'walk f,om the Avenue cars, a vsxyvT pretty elsht-roo- frame house. contAlnlng gll modirn Improvements, bay window, elate taMlb mantels, front, side and large bus: yard; (25- - as above. Key next door. apVWI'stat TJIOR BENT 2S PER MONTH THREE. STOBY BBICJ1C HOUSE, with seven rooms, one square from Pennsylvania ave- - u'ie. uimmoiern iicprovementa. U'Strvet cars par s the door. Inonlre at 1S Fourteenth1 street northwest. apt-t- t' TOR RENT IN PHILADELPHIA, FOR A - term or tixor ccTea montas. an almost newtwelve-roomH-D- it ell arraased and " ran hanitinrfialw rMrnLha' tntil ii tt v.i "' . ?:.'"?." ":' - "., ,1 asuingiou, a, i.. ap4-- FOR RENT iSO PER MONTH HOUSE IN Droit Part, now In possession of 8. S. Bur ett. who will show the Pos- - Eifi selonglvenMayl.A nWAXm M spl-6- t Cltlrens National Bant. R1 O STREET SOUTHEAST FOR RENT' ux a comfortable seven-roo- UKIUK HOUSE, opposite linnet's urocerv store. Bent (so per month. Inquire next door. apl-o- t FOB RENT HOUSES NOS. lttT-lt- Cl Q also Nos. HIO. HIS, 14 lj, 1134 Cor- - coran street, with modern Improvements andu In perfect order: or will be sold upon i raoue-.- M rite terms Apply to u. W.UI0O3, at niggi4' A Co.'s ban,or to J.W. P. MYERS, 7r street. mh3lm Af't PENNSYLVANIA At E. N. W UU1 between and Sixth' streets or rent a large stote. Apply to a. 11. Duvau. next ooor, inn-,- WANTS. WANTED. APPLY AT CANVASSERS AOO'CT, No. Ml F street northwest, up stairs. ap6 N T E D A PURCHASER FOR AN WA new brlct HOUSE. Two Par- ian, vising-roo- and Kitchen on flr-- t Coor; four chambers and bath-roo- Gcodlocatlon: online or car.. Price. t.:&i; (2,otq cash. Addtei-- . "Bn.lness." thl. office. . aps-- it PERSONS WANTING TO BENT ALL orROOMS.furnlshed or unfnrnMied, are Invited to call and examine our Business Chances. Information free. Satisfaction guaran- teed. Apply at the Washington Intelligence and Information Office, 425 seventh street north est. apfi-3- TtTAKTED-- A NICE BRICK HOUSE. vt with six or eight large rooms, convent- - Jj- cdccb, ac, la gvuu lucauua. &:bi i m.c. Address 6X1 F street. Pl" TTTANTED ONE OR TWO QENTLEMTJ7 IT to tate unfurnished roomi, delightful for the summer; 6UF street. ap3 -- TTTANTED TEN YOUNO MEN. GOOD v V nenmen and of good address, to fill options as talesmen about Centennial ralrOronuds. Ad dress. incostng stamp ror reply, iskui 21 ajiok-IO- Box 830, P. v., Washington. D. C. apa TTTANTED PABLOR OR SECOND FLOOR, tV nnfuinlshe. In good location on Capitol Hill. Family, two ac nits. State terms. Addreis Box 830, P. O. apo WANTEDBY A LADY (A LATE Burean of Engraving and Printing) a position as Amanuensis or coovtst. In elthir French or English. Please address "COPV- - lai, " tpis once. pa WANTED WlWlIN OR NEAR FiBMS In exchsge for city propcrtr. APPLiCTON P. CLAKK. 70s E street nort h west. TJirANTED TO PURCHASE, ON MONTH. 11 iv pavmems,acoui iwensy acres 01 isnu, -- nouse ana oarn. within three miles of city. pjfi APP LETOS" P. CLABK. Rll apS-l- 7l E atreet north west. " WANTED-B- Y A LADY. LATE In the Bureau of Engravlag and Printing, pupils In music Outtir and Plaao. Best otreference. Call at C3 I street northwest. ap43t Q nflft TO (10,000 TO INVEST IN OrJ.V'Us- - Congressional witness attendance from partlea summoned here to testify. Uood commercial piptr wanted. Apply to ASBUllYO. APPLEMAN. No. IC5S Pennsylvania ave.. apt-t- f Near Treaaury Department. YTTANTED, TO PURCHASE A HAND TV CART, similar to the twentr-llve-ce- Pop-p- er Express. Apply at this Office. mh23-S-t OIO A DAY AT HOME. ACIENTS Vl-- a wanted. Outfit and terms free. TRUE A CO.. Augusta. Maine. mirs-i- y ANTED MILITARY BOUNTY LAND w IBANTS, by WJl, . J. JOHNSTON, Attorner-at-La- an-l- v Boom 40, Le Draft Building. HAND CLOTHTNO WANTED AND SECOND CASH PRICES PAID. In con- sequence of the large sales made dally, I Am in need or the above, and am prepared to buy all kinds of OKNT17KMENH', BOYS' AND LA. DIES' GARMENTS, HATS. BOOTS, SHOES, BEDDING, WATCHES, PISTOLS, AC. at the very highest cash prices. By calling or adreulng by mall prompt attention will be given by angS-t- f 917 D street northwest. DB. A. PKATT, DENTIST, HAS BB to tbe northwest corner of Seventh and D streets, over Crandall'a book store, where he will be pleased to tee his old patrons, and the general public. le3-t-f BOARDING. CnR S" STREET NORTHWEST, NEAR OUO PATENT AND POST OFFIES-Fo- r Bent Furnished, a suite or EOOMb on second floor, with or without board; also, single rooms. apl-3- PRICE OF BOARD REDUCED. BE3T Board only (5 per week. Monthly rates very low; Transient Room and Board (i.50 day. CONTINENTAL HOTEL. mEs-S- "W OOD'S, 4T8 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE. First-clas- s BOARD at from (7 to 110 ner week: Tabic Board (o per week; Transients, It 80 per day. marg.lm A7CZ PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, NEAB tt f J Sixth-stre- et Depot. First-clas- s board, with room, from (8 to (10 per week; transient, ( per day. felt-t- f TBEMONT BOUSE, COR. OF SECOND AND INDIANA AVENUE. Bates;per day, 13.80: per week, (to: per month, (38. Table bOArdpermonih.(3. This favorite hotel has recently been Improved, newly furnished ad heated with steam. Metropolitan cars pass the house to andfrom the Capitol. No liquors sold. de2-- tr i. P. HILL. Proprietor. SEA OROVE, CA?EaLiTpolNr71?EV: JERSEY. Several Cottages to let or for sale, furnished or unfurnished, at thla new Seaside Resort, where lamiuea may apeiiu me summer asms iitue cost tt at their own homes. Splendid bathing tin nu sauiujc sati unc iiuuc, ,au ion:e use ls. Saleof llauor nrohlblte.1. LotaforaalAi low. E. K. WILSON, mhS-l- 811 Seventh street, CTOR SALE. EXCHANOE OR RENT THAT jw oeantuniiynnisnea;.c, ls-- 14 street northwest, eontalnlnr iteentfa rooms, most eligibly located, and tslngjf all modern lmnrovements. Half eaah. plytoW. NOTTINGHAM, corner of Third and K atreeta soutueast, or to 2 . A. tru3& x , fort goote, Maryland. jana-t- T F3R SALE OR KENT. ON OEORQETOWII The residence ot the Utelforrlt Adler. esq.; brick bouse, with fourteen rooms, kitchen and pantry: one acre of ground. Rent, (80 per month. Apply to W. H. DOUOAL, corner BoAd and High streets. oc30-- tf LOST AND FOUND. S25 BEWARD-LO- ST OK STOLEN. ON Seventh street, between o and K ttrieU northwest, a Lady's Gold Watch. ' Chain and Charm. The above reward win I b Bald for the same If returned to tnu owner. atNo.UiNewYork avenue northwest. ap-- rf atWESY stables. lAMES KELEHER'S (EsUblbhed 1538, Post oik LiTsiT ill fliiiu siiMa, 433, 433 and 427 EIG1TTH BTBEET, East Side, Between D and E Streets. CUrenee Carriages and Phaetons 'v tor hire and furnished to " " If rl nllfa rrlvate ParUes, Ac'.-b- the UT.SSEOBtM week or month. Boarding of Horses made a specialty. lat-t- LEADISOHAM T. If. 1YXDDX. , COMBE. LEADINOHAU OO, Boevrdlns:, LIverr.anel'RiriBA'ISUbles. Coachea.Brert'aPhaetona.Ltgnt Wagons, DonhlAj and Single Buggies, and all other vehicles prompt- ly furnished. Clot Oerrburet 'for' weddings,' calls and receptions. Orders UMt at WtllArd's Hotel or at the BtabletvdaT oe night, will receive prompt attention. STABLES No. 113 14 street, between pjnecnta sad rotneeniB streets K.W.' nou-t- f TOE SALE. T70B SALE RAILROAD TICKETS; AT jj- - jgreatiy recueea rates, at the PABSINSOfl HOTJoK. correr ofTblrd street and 1'ennsylvaaU avtnue. Ticket bought, sold and exchanxed. FOh SaLE HOUSE ON EAST CAPITOL sear Third: bath, water ana , geor f, stabl-.c- n all y. Prlce.(0ue. PV House (nearly new) on Btanton square, five VM rooms win. conrtnlencea ad stabe.av onTasyttrmj; Ten tmali cash payment. Price, A3.W0. Hcciecn Twelfth street, new Lincoln Park. large lot, grape vines, 4c. ; very desirable. Price Iiw and terns to snlt. APPLETON P. CLARK. ap3-l- 70s E strett north weet. EfOBSALE AVERYF1NELOTOFUKAR. A at Gold modern Diamond settings cossl, ting of Pins, Earrings, Rings, studs and Gent,' Plus. mounted h fine garn-t- a. pearls Ac. which we ofier for half the manufacturer's cost. Sellable for the Szcst diamonds. At S 4JOLDSTF.IN B t'O.'S, LoanTand rommtaalon Br'ke-- s. nt-- t cnhea3t corner Tenth and D streets FOR SALE-THR- EE 13) NEARLY ZtKW, FEAJIK HOUSES, near MaJach Small cah andSS monthly paymtnf. ALo for rent, a lrrtU Store-rco- and building, with ahelvlng anda. count, rs, suitable forgrocery or feo ator. Ap- ply to THOS. EWAUOAMAN. ap3.6t Jo. at Seventh street noitbwe.t. T?OR bALE ADESIBABLENEWHOUSE - nn toaiiecitcut avenue. Between 1. and ja 5treexj,w:tamouernconveninces. price apl-t- t 811 Seventh street TTIOE SivLE A NEAT. SOUND. a! yceng HORSE: suitable ror any purpose. Inquire at No. 743 Sixth stretti uuiueiii, mb21-4t- - FOR SALE SEVERAL THREESTOBT Dwellings on O and Corcoran. atreets, between Fourteenth and FlfteentheaT streets, containing ten rooms each. with mod CI em Improvements, and In complete order.1 Terms: Moderate cash payment; balance ia moathlv Installments. ApplytoO.-W- . Kid S,at Biggs A Co.'s bank, or to J. W. P. MYaR J. Ti Fifteenth street. mh30-l- "vrrrt.- - via ft? Qvri'nsr. vt ilrable DWELLINGS for :M ,c. buvue luc.iiun, au ureil Bargains. . . - u S....7 .,Uf.nAO. Aiu Aiute, lcsu ana insurance, - ... 631 F street northweat. " Near City Post Office.' t "D AILBOAD STOCKS FOR SALE NORTH and South Washington VtVif.k.1 bT a-- ooke, Too.: riii mh:4-i- OK SALE OR EXCHANOE FOR CITT lnWt"rgTnl"We rmitT xnd -- ral Lacl vT Mputc uoa in ine state or 8 acres of desirable Laud in Harris eoun-- 3acreaor desirable Land near Lynch- - uuik. , a.; rauiuaa turougn tne piece. Id) acres or desirable Land In Fairfax countr.Vt.. six m'les from Washington. SCSacrcsofdeslrableLand In Montgomery coun- ty. Md., near Beltsvllle. 7 cres or desirable Land In Montgomery coun- ty, Md flvt miles from Washington. 60 sens of desirable Ltnd In Prince George's count,. Md.,lonlcrlng on the District of Colum- bia, and near the Old Soldiers' Home. Abo, Houses and Lots In all sections ot this cl:r. at prices and on terms to suit purchasers. E.J. SWEET. Rial Estate Broter. mh.MWFlCt 511 Seventh street north wet. F10? SAoIiEtIRAI' TWO &N THREE - .v.j .v.a uui.om3 in nonnwest sec- tion, among which can be found the most de-- S ii."? r,'0?.'!' !'..'".?- - "I S?rta. and unl t ''"."' " "i- - purcuaser. some ox1-"- " which, at the price it Is offered, la unequaled as a real estate Investment. THEO. F. GATCnEL. mMI-l- m Corner Eleventh and F sts. n w SALE TWO VALUABLE Lots.ICby ICOfeet.on Eighth street, betwien r and Q: (ico cath; balance In five T"JS t six per cent. Interest. Inquire at 627 Pev.ath atreet northweat. mhS lm ffj 1STKEETNORTHEAST-FORSALE- --. brick .X K.;r;' - ""i". containing t.s",rriu.'A.p'"e4 eight rooms, SM hath, -- 1 water ,."(;-j,u.jn- iu, Inquire -- a - - ,......w. ouv.uuuuiuiiuiaa.K.. Jersey avenue, between Dana C streets north-""- '- feU-- tf VOH SALE FINE WATCHES. DIA- - - luuruB, jeweirr, ac, new ana second-- 1 s. i.iii.imtviv rotft. T . ..... ... -- .n.u.Z mA. fev--tf Northeast Corner Tenth ami D atr-- u F)R SALE OK EXCHANOE FOR CITY In Ellavllle, Prince Oeora'i .. county, Md., Sixteen Acres of Land, wltht-T- double Frame House, good water, an abun-K- B dance or fruit tree, grapes, 4c: high and" healthy location; twelve mtnutea' wr'k to the HyattsvUle depot, Baltimore and Ohlu rllroa-- L A photograph or the house can be seen and further Information obtained from B. H. STINEMETZ. 1137 Pennsylvania avenue. Ja'T-t- TJIOR AND MAS- - ..v't'"" Airasea-nne- x rront uousS, . with basement and bay window; Ohio stones trimmings; ten rooms; situated on P and i Blxteenln atreeta linrthwF.t. nrt'i t.t nn good building lot In part trade. Also, two. of .uc uuc. uuiut, iu Duepuen'i AtlocK, on new Jersey avenne and First and H and I streets. Vary low and easy terms. CHAS. P. PUSHAW. Broker. lais-t- r 430 and 632 F street. "POK SALE A f INE PLtATxI SHO a Inquire at Ho. 603 Loalslana arenne. lAlS-t- ? "IflOB SALE HOUSE ON O STREET. - uui tuncai, near ATrenty-nr- st street, con- -. Ulnlngeleven rooms, bath, water and gas; has tubllngfortwo R) horses and carriage. Price. IS.0U: oneAsvtenn. decls-t- f WM. J. COOKS. T7IOB SALE OK EXCHANGE. WILL SELI. - on long time and reasonable terms, or exchange for city or 1 cwuuir pivperiT. nne garm, a with House, stables, 4c, together! IrlK. with conalderahlA nlniM, land, comprising npwardt of 80 acree,.-ne- BtaSord Court-hous- e, Va.. and convenient.: to Aqula creek, which Is now navigable. For Infac matlon and terms inquire at this offlce. oc23-t- TJIOB SALE HORSE. BUOQY AND - xsAiness, in nrst- - rare oruer. llorse as Ainu, win stana wiinout hitching, and la a fast road horse. Inquire ataBBBBaw -- 0 KILXHXR'S STABLES, 5l 3-- tf a Eighth street. ZJcA' BUILDINQ MATERIALS TUB AKTTFTCIAL STONE COaPiaT THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA n,PPT, at ahert noUce, Tlllnx tor Bldewalss, Footwava and CnrblngrS different colors: Fountains, Lawn Ornament, House and Lawn Steps and Platforms: hoora fronted; cellar walla and flooring cemented to de dampness: kitchens and areas cemented east, made perfectly dry. and a sure preventive against the Intrusion or rats. Insects, 4c:. and all other work executed for which Portland Cement la adapted. Our Portland Cement becomea in a few days superior to any or the marble or natural slou In common use, aid is an admirable Imitation of either marble or none; la more durable, ana r? ,t?.er1Il1rla ut3ee with age. Its suat unquestionable. ItM CPBDCI J Oil T. We have on ourwharf about 1.KO.O0O fset laodt Inch inehea to B Inches wide, lo lo 24 feet long, aMIsm we are authorliedbythe ownert to sell fOAOAJa without regard to cost. In order to close It out as toon at possible, we have determined to aell It very mneh below cote, and very much less than It can be bought la tail Purchasers will and It to their Interest toaxxat. tne thla lumber and learn our prices. Large stock of LUMBER OF ALL STUDS' always on hud. at lowest market prices. T. BOW. CLABK aft COv, Oflce,Depot and Planrng-Mi- n. nthlt-- U Foot of Fourth at east. STEAMSHIP LINES. JL for Mattox Creek and Intermediate The slde-wbe- steamer, "E. MOBBIS Cant. T. E. BALDWIN-- " nui icmtc tfavsaioiraoa -- rrerT' 31UM1JA Y and THUKSDAr, at 7 a. m., from 81xtnstreet wharf coTnmtntlnr HondAr. March 6. RtnrnfTifr will leiTe Nomln! Til rsliA h. TRIOAT3at7a,m., makinrtlie aboTe lasdtiaxa, rno aj vt urm-- tiirnir a ICWM alt Aim m.UUUq, JaVKiJl)! AMERICAN LINBa, KAIX TEAMHHTP. out Liis caimiE tl5 iienca Flu tailing every Thursday from PHILADXLPH1 For OnevAnrtonm and Ui-arpoo-l, Catts, intermediate and Steerage ACCOMMODATIONS UNSURPASSED. JI ttet at low as by any other Srstlast Line. rZTXX WRIGHT A SONS, General Agents, IHTT.ATllCTrrTrTa . H. D, COOKE A COU, anlt-l- y 143 Tlstreet. Washington. IXO ALLAN LINE BTEAM BETWEEN BALTIMORE, LIVERPOOL AND O.UEENSTOWN7 The splendid Screw Steamer! ot the above win run u muvni. From Liverpool. FromBaltlaora. Sardinian, March 7. March 29, la. m. Austrian, iarch 21. April 1C a.m NovaScotian, April 4. April 28, Hibernian, AprU 18. May 10, a aim. And henceforth every fortnight, taking; pasha ters and freight to and from Liverpool. PRICES OF PAS3ASE: Baltimore to Liverpool or Queensto- w- Cabin........... tTSOold. .Steerage 23Cnrreaa Liverpool or Queenstown to Baltimore Cabin ....( M Gold. Intermediate 47 2S Gold. Steermie. .... 23 ooCurrtncr. At which prleea parties desiring to tend for their tTlendt can obtain tickets. These Steamers nave very best accommodatlnxj tsrpassengers. For passage applv to the Agents, A. BCHUMACHEB A Co. No. JSouthChAilesSt., Balttaonl laWAshlngton vu. t DTA. bbosnan. teJ.rv G St.. bet. Ninth and Tenth at. -- pBESEBVE YOPB IIaUIIH.., .. a. . To do this It Is necessary that yon should Inhale FBKSH and PURE AIR In tic rooms you dally and nightly occupy. This can only be done successfully and without exngcr er contracting vongns. cows tad tneix 6robablyattendant evils, by pnrchaslns amttulax Transparent VentHaters. . These VKNTILATOB3 may be applied to wtn-do- wt of all descriptions, and are stationary. They are Invaluable; for use in school-room- s, pubUn halls, hospitals. Invalid chambers, sleeping apart- ments and rooraa In general. These VKNTILATOKS are. on exhibition and, for sale at 1X3 F atreet. near corner ot Thirteenth northwtst, Washington, D. C and may also be seen In operation at the Billiard Booms of Miller Jones, over National Theatre, , jaa-ca- ll and examine them. GEO. WAGNXB, Inventor and Patentee), tnarl-l- y Washington. D. C. KOUMISS. - Tne benests derived from the use of XOUXXSS prove It oss of the most valuable remedlea of the britclAnsAretnvitd to test Its qualities, "" We are receiving It direct from the manufacturer, and guarantee every bottle sold bv ua tobe and pure. u. W. HEED'S BOWS. " Kit rttreeiTiV)rttwik; v

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Page 1: National Republican (Washington, D.C. : 1872). (Washington, DC) … · 2017-12-17 · All the profits ofthe business are now de-rived from the letter and postal mails. The printed


Mop! gqniMtamMUBTAGH.. ..Editor and Proprietor,

W. J.

THxNACTOMAi. ttxrrsi.ICA:r: Is published every

morning (Sundays excepted) at the southwest cor- -

nerd Thirteenth street and Pennsylvania avenue,aiulUftiriilshedtosabscrlVrstbveArrtersiat --atd

Fitly Cent ret Month.Mall subscribers, postage paid, " Per T?"'

MJO tor six months, and COO tor three months.Ttrxs Invariably la advance.

BATES OF ADVERTISING;Twenty-flv- s cents per line. Advertisements

"For Sale or Bent," "Wanted,"I "Leetand Found," and "Personal," twelve andabalfcentsperilne.

ll communications, whether on business or

lor publication, should be addressed to WK. J.Mcbtagh, Proprietor. satiosax. BxruEtiCASt.Washington. D. O.




SUBSCRIPTIONS AND ADVERTISE-MENTS lor the Dailv IYatiostai. Rkpcblicaw,left at tie following places, will be attended topromptlyj. Brad. Adajis, stationer. No. S12 r ttreetnorthwest. & Sots?, publishers, booksellers andstationers, No. 121 Pennsylvania arenas N. W.

MRTHEAST.S.n. Kxajhx, pharmacist, corner Third and H

ttreet northeast. -

Howaed Beau, drugglJt, corner of Eighthasd H streets northeast

A. J. ScHArniRT, pharmacist, corner H andNorth Uapltol streets.


Bourn's Old Stoei, southwest cornerSeventh and N streets northwest.

v k B. Stose, drn?alet, corner Seventh andO streets northwea'. opPlte Corcoran market.

Jos. N. Honasiss, pharmacist, Seventh St.,above Boundarv, opposite Le Droit Parle

F. W. Kobs," druggist, corner Seventh andBoundary streets northwest.

M. J. OBirmn, corner Fifth and O streetsnorthwest.

W. A. Gbat. druggist, corner of Fourth streetard Massachusetts avenue northwest.

F. B Wimtee, druggist, northwest cornerTeeth and M street" northwec

Samcm. E. Linns, druggist. No. 1401 Four-ttent- h

street, near P street northwest.WEST END.

AUX21CT8 Da'is. druggist, corner ot Nine-teenth and K streets northwest.

Wc U. DrcKETT &. Co.. corner Pennsylvaniaavenue and Twenty second street northwest.

J. B. Moobx. druggist, No. 1921 Pennsylvaniaavenue northwest.

EAST WASHISCTOX.R. B. FERorsos, draslst. corner of Second

ttreet and Pennsylvania avenue, Canltol III1LF. X. Door-E- druggist. No. 123 Pennsylvania

Avenue southeast.Edward B. Bcit, phsrmaclst, No. 112 Eighth

ttreet southeast.sorTH u APHicoTO?r.

Wsr. O. Dactsos., drugilst. No. 42) Seventhttreet southwest.

K. A. BACo.dragglit,No.52 Four-a- n

ttreet southwest.OLOROETOWN.

UhaELes BECKir, druggist. No. 12S Highttreet.

Johs H. ScnriT c tobacconist, No. 53 Bridgettreet.


Why does not the United States Marshalarrest Hallet Kilbourn' How doss heknow that Warden Crocker would notsurrender him Does he need a possecomitalut ' Let him ask for it.

TnE Republican party in the fifteenyears of its rule has handled five times theamount of money that was collected anddisbursed by all the preceding Administra-tions since the organization of the Govern-ment, and has lost by defalcations and cor-

ruptions less than one fifth as much. Letthe Democrats howl ! Let the Confed-erate House investigate '

GEN. HEIGB' TESTIMONY (!)April o. Gen. 51. C". 5Iei;s,

Quartermaster Oeueral, was examined y

liy the House Military Committee in regard tocontracts for headstones for the national cem-eteries, and concerniui: the late change of theQuartermaster General's office from the build-i- n;

at Fifteenth and G streets to the one nowoccupied at Pennsylvania avenue and Fifteenths.treet. Gen. Meigs did not hesitate to con-

demn In the broadest terms the headstoneswindle, as well as the job of removing hisoffice from a building well adapted for thepurpose to one that Is not suitable. He saidthe law was violated in the letting of the hcad-Eton- o

contract, and that the late Secretary ofWar was responsible therefor. The matterwas entire!) taken from his control andjobbedpout to the Secretary's friend, Bridges,a retard to the removal of the Quartermaster

General's office, he said that it was a plainviolation of law, and one he never would havesanctioned had he been here. He had alwaysfound it for the best interest of the Govern-ment to obey the law, even if bv so doingmoney was lost. He i- - not of the opinion,however, that the transfer will be a monoy-Favin- g

transaction.The above is made out of whole cloth,

and is a fair illustration of the guesses ofthe Ht'Ji. Gen. Jleigs has never been be-

fore the Military Committee of the House.Benjamin Franklin, in substance, said

that the freedom of the press, subject tothe conservative influence of a dogwoodclub, was a powerful instrument to advancecivilization and perpetuate public liberty.The free use of the club at this junctureseems to be the only remedy.

Lying communications without numberhave been floating through the press bythe 5un' instrumentality for the last threemonths Private and public character hasnever been considered, if the slander guz-

zlers could be satisfied, and the "shent pershenl" could be pocketed by Dana. Whatlootcd it to him and his employees andsatellites that his sheet was without justifi-cation in bringing misery around many afireside, where contentment had beenearned by a lifetime of uprightness ?

In the name of decency and justice, howlong is this to be tolerated? That Gen.Banning desires to subserve the ends of jus-tice wo do not doubt, that he can be juggledby smart scoundrels as Clymerhas been, wedo not believe. Inflation, by wind orotherwise, is our aversion, and, as a de-

monstration of thecorrcctness of our philos-ophy on the Kind line, we offer the sug-

gestive name a&IIietter Clymer. PuncturethU inflated carcass with the fine point of acambric needle, and a whistle and collap36represent the entity. Would in not be wellto summon the Sun slanderer before theWar Committee of the House, and let himstate under oath, with the fear of the painsaid penalties fperjury impending, whetherhis lies were coined by him, u,nder a gene-ral policy of the paper he represents," orwhether some other common slandererwas the middle hireling between him anddanger?


Was Andrew Jackson at one time Presi-

dent of the United States; Was MartinVan Burcn Were they the founders ofthe Democracy? Had we, indeed, in thepast a Democracy, or James K. Polk, orPrank Pierce, or James Buchanan as Dcmocratic Presidents ! Or does the presentDemocracy repudiate all relationship to thepast all connection with the old Democ-racy t

Upon all these inquiries the present atti-tude of the party creates harrowing doubt.We cannot fathom or explain its furioushostility to all its old antecedents its vitu-perative denunciation of its own history asa party, its measures of administration, itslire-lon- g policy, and, practically, of thecharacter and acts of its "dead statesmen."Its grand and distinguishing principle ofadministration was, and is, "to the ticforsbtlcng the spoils," and, a; John C. Calhoundeclared, It was only consolidated andmolded into a compact, aggressive body"by the cohesive of power publicplcnder!"It therefore created, maintained and justi-fied, from Jackson to Buchanan, in Con-gress, upon the stump and in its press, acondition of public affairs denounced bythe old Whigs as corrupt and villainous,with its hosts of "brigands," "banditti,"and "plundering janizaries," who, bytheir wholesale and systematic "pillage ofthe national revenues" of hundreds ofthousands of millions in a thousand forms,had tamed the Government into a "den oftbierea," had impoverished and disgracedthe nation, and had degraded the character,or reputation, of our public men !

But now with inexplicable horror, whentheir old policy, which, in 1801, naturallyculminated in the rebellion, with its ap-

palling iniquities, lias fastened upon the

nation a public debt of thousands of mil-

lions, necessitating, among other publicburdens, a system of internal-revenu- thecollection and disbursement of waich,with the payment of the naioinl debt, hasmulii lied a hundred'1- fold the number ofexecutive offices, has augmented in a likeratio the revenues and expenditures of thenat'on, and has consequently increased ina like proportion the power with increasedinducements and- - temptations to corrup-tion and fraud in the administration the Democracy so ingeniously arguedin 18G9 to dodge the responsibility ofSwartwout's gigantic plunder of a millionand a quarter, systematically stole in theteeth and with the knowledge or thehighest in authority for as long as "manis human and liable to steal," there willnecessarily be corruption and fraud evenin the purest systems. Now, pouncinglike hungry vultures upon a single in-

stance of proven corruption Belknap'san incident, a simple accident of adminis-tration, not (he result of a system, theDemocracy denounce all its old principlesof administration, its cardinal maxims andthe "cohesive power," "public plunder"of its party, its whole past history. Indeed,in vituperative abuse of General Grant andthe Republican party, And the multiplica-tion against both of charges which, iftrue, would, in the one, with the Democ-racy, have made him a hero, and in theether, would have given it a prestige irre-sistible with the Democratic masses.

For if public plunder, If administrativecorruption and fraud, systematically pur-sued with impunity, bo crimes, their de-nunciation by the Democracy is a denun-ciation of Democracy, and of the Democ-racy from its rise under Jackson to itstraitorous fall under Buchanan.

And why i3 this thus? Why so de-

nounce its own history? Why so vituper-ative of its own ' 'dead statesmen ?' ' Whyso befoul all and everything which attachesto and distinguishes Democracy? Is itnot a public confession of its life-lon- g

guilt? Self convicted and filled with horrorand remorse for tlie past, is it not a pub-

lic declaration of its stupendous enmesand wrongs inflicted through years uponthe country a proclamation and solemnpublic warning to the nation of the cor-

ruption and crimes, which, with the in-

creased patronage and revenues of theGovernment, will inevitably attend theirelevation again to power and place? Whatelse can it be?


'Vox Popcii" is Informed that coaimunleattens cent to this office without responsiblesignature; land in the waste basket withoutexamination.

In 1?00 we had no internal revenue system.It now yields one hundred million a year, andyet the Confederate Democrats think it canbe collected without additional expense.

51 r. Hamlin is engaged in most laudableefforts to arrange mail freight rates so that theDepartment shall sustain no loss in carryingit. All the profits of the business are now de-

rived from the letter and postal mails. Theprinted and freight matter yield a loss. Whilethere may be Eomc sense in expending moneyfor the cheap diffusion of intelligence into re-

mote and sparsely settled portions of the coun-try, there can be none for carrying ordinarymerchandise as freight at a loss.

The Belknap impeachment court was organ-ized yesterday by the swearing in of the mem-bers. The oath was administered by the ChiefJustice of the Supreme Court. The managerson the part of the House made the usual mo-

tion for the citation of the accused, and thecourt adjourned to the 17th Instant, havingmade order for General Belknap to appear onthat day. The proceedings of the Senate asa high court of Impeachment arc quite impos-ing and impreseire.

In another place will be found a letterfrom "Citizen" on a subject that shouldcommand the attention of the proper author-ities. In no other place save Washingtonarc vast magazines of fuel permitted in theheart ot the city. Here coal and wood yards,containing hundreds of cords of wood andthousands of tons of coal, are permitted onthe busiest thoroughfares. The pretense isthat cheapness and convenience for con-

sumers is attained In this way, but it is only apretense. An office with one day's supply,or simply an office, with a magazine in thesuburbs, would attain these ends as well, anda dangerous and unsightlj evil be remedied.

The Confederate House design to abolishone hair the revenue officers, chiefly at thosepoint where no revenue is collected". Thisreminds us of the showman who abolished histent because he took In no money except atthe Ccning. When, however, his shonr wassurrounded Lv an opening he took in nomoney. 51 r. llandall will find that the aboli-tion of watchmen and revenue officers willencourage smuggling and illicit distilling andotLer evasions of the revenue laws to thedetriment of the Treasury. "While ho issaviDc at the spigot he will be wastinj at thefcun3."

5Ir.. Sara .1. Spencer, having demolished"Olivia," is cow in pursuit of ColonelI.ubey, the superintendent of the alms-house, because he wants a reformatoryinstitution for those poor girls who arc tent tothe workhouse for vagrancy. 5Irs. Sarashould not be so "touchy" on this subject of"reform for girls," unless, indeed, she has ob-

tained a patent for her procesj. Her readi-ness to impute evil and selfish designs toothers suggests no very high degree ot purityfor her own. Between the protest of the man-agers of the "Industrial nomc" on the oneside, and 5Irs. Sara's appeal to the Commis-sioners to reform the men and utilize theirtime and labor on the other, we fear ColonelI.ubey is in a bad way.


and l.i lit Ide at twodollara (S2) per day In a privateraraitvtir addressing 719XortbTlitrtvslxth street,rnilailtlphU, I'j. ap?F. A. FOSTER r. WOOD.



unite, C bei i nth street, between 1) and E north-west. athlnzton, D. c.

Special attention given to RenUnir Houses anaUoum&.fcexvants obtained and Employers supplied.information given In all matters. aplm


XO boxes Oranges and Lemons,40 bbls. Malag4 Grapes,20 nails New Dates,

For sale by JHO. W. LUMSDON,- C itreet, opp. Centre MarUt, Wasblngton.Cor. Lombard and Hanover streets, Baltimore.apt


Tbls new and commodious structure is now com-pleted and ready for toe receptlo n of gueats. Thenoose Is nic-pro-of and contains every modern im-provement. Inciadlng a pasiencer and baggageelevator. It Is elegantly lurnUhcd. Is contrail)located. In tie moil fasnlonabl: part or tbe city,near the Public Harden. Library and Common,and as convenient to the Batlroad Depots andTbealrra as any flrst-claa- s Hotel In the city.

No pains or money will be spared toinakollieBrun-wle- L take rant with the best hotels In thisconntry.

htrcf t ears pats tke Wsi J. TV. WOLCOTf. TropT.


Doors, Sashes, Blinds, Win-

dows, Frames; Hardware,Glass, &c, ftc.

Haviojc made arrangements with the best rsofgeods in my line at greatly reducedprices. I am now prepared to furnish goods at

finest muchDistrict.

lower than has heretofore been offered

Plesse call and examine prices and qntllty be-fore surchaili g elsewne.e.

GEO. M. BARKER,, , tH9 cfc 651 tteir YorkrSvo.

ALLKIrTOS OT OESTLEKKirS OAST.--ik cm apparel eaa be sold to ttjTerT best

r or calling oa

"aw ausnsptiyatl irau.

v--; "v'-'-r- f ' ". v r ?sr jT - ""- -j jr


3S' meeting of the Illraols Republican S'ateAitocIallenwUlt held in tLe tecture-roo.- n of theY II. o. a. build ng THUKiDAT ETEN1NU, atT:ra o'clock.

Byorderof therreiUent.THEO. L, DxLVKD.

apt 1 Secretary.fSJ-jnEB-F. WILL DC All tXiHIHi'K5' Hon cfcantidatesf r appointment onthePol'cefoice ai Police Headquarters on

apS-t- t Becrt'ary.

SfBH.lII.RDII SILLIAROSItBe BILLIARDS I ! Tbe patrons of SeatonHall Billiard Batoon, corner of Ninth and Dstreets, arr i formed that the proprietors, tokeep pace with tbe spirit of tbe times, hiethe Fcio fee gaue to Firrxitx cists.Tbe room contains eleven of the latait improvedLffkcrA- Co. 'stables. ap5-- st

t257 DR H. O. MTEBJI. DEVTfST,lias removed to IT3J Pennsylvania avenue.

Nitrons Oxide Uas administered. spinKJS 1IIE nDABTBBLT MEETIBiUVSS of the National Association win he heldTUESDAY April 4, at 11 a. m.. at the Home forColored W om, n and Chlldn n, on Eighth street,beyond the Boundary. A full attendance Is de-sired. MRS. E. L. SHERWOOD,

ap-- becretary.

55 'ITOTICE T6 BCIXDEItS."-TH- EVJ nnderslgned would respectfully call theattention of Bunders and tbe public tagen;ral tothe fact that ther have now on hand o E MIL-LION or GOOD BRICK, pressed (or FrontBrlekland merchantable; all nand-mad- e. Uujersshould give tht ma call before making their pur-cho-

elsewhere. MARTIN & It 10..mlili-lm- - Uriel: Yard PouthCapltol and R sts.


M. U0LD8TEIS,611 PenmjI-rnnla- t Avenue,

lias received lto dozen of line ImportedBKIAB-ROO- T PIPES,

with and lthout amber mouthpieces,which be offers at flftv per cent, below tbe regularretail rates. Briar-ro- ot Pipes from25to 75 centseach: fancy wood Pipes from 25 to 30 cents eachCall and examine the largest assortment ever of-fered In this market. sur""- - tf


Office Nn aWFourtepntu street northwest.m

Sg-- J- IUID LIUIITKINQ. WAB--V5S ranted to cure Ncutalgla, sold only atCorghlln's Temple Drug Store. mluo-t- f


are Invited to record the same with us fr ofcharge, and secure the advantages of our adver-tltenie-

Stevens A Roberts,No. 631 T street northwest, near City Po it Once,

n building formerly occupied by the Second Na-on-

Bank. mhKMm

I'LOID LIOnTHINU. Wto cure Headache, sold onlr at

Temple Drug Store, i" and Ninth streets.ciMO-- tf

rsr--r x. cr 1 1) licjhtnino. vtab.i2ey ranted Co cure all Nervous Pains, coldonly at Coughlln's Temple Drue Ctcrc.

inhlO-t- f

A CABW.-T- O ALL WHO ABEsuffering from the errors and IndUcretlons

of youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss ofmanhood. Ac, I will tend a recipe that will cureyou. FREE OF C1IAR0E, This great remedywas tflscore't-- bv a missionary In 8oulh America.Send a envelope to the Kev. U

T. IMIAN. Station D, Bible Uouje. NewYork City.


Notice is herebv given that onMny L, IS76,

the net rrlce of gas be redt-cr- to62.25 per l.oco mbie io.CHARLES B. BAILEY.

Pecretry Washington Uaalight Company.


Address Box 6, Befusmcax office.



Evening Classes In German, French, Grammarand Arithmetic.

LITERARY SOCIETY.Dallr Frayer meeting at 12:15 and 6 p. m.SABBATH SERVICES In LINCOLN HALL at

8:30 p. m., conducted by the Young Men of the As-sociation. 2!ualc led by Organ and Cornet.


dcels-t- f .

SAJIABITAN KEBYINE. THEffreat nerve connneror. enrea enUentlcflts.

eonmlaiona. anaama. St. Vitus danre and all nervous diseases; the only known positive remedy forepileptic fits. It nas been tested by thousands,and has never been knows to fall in a single case.Trial package free. Enclose stamp for circular,

evidence of cures. Address, Dr. 8. A.IC'HMOND, Box 741, St. Joseph, Mo. noS-l-y

BEKEMBEB JTJHTIT' OLDBTA Nt). Hi, nivt for aprond-han- d Cloth

Inf. BOOH. Hhoca. -- . as "Falrlcashl 1'rlces" ashe always has, at (19 D street, between Sixth andSeventh streets northwest. Note by mall promptly attended to. sepll-t-f



wirnKllbnrn's TJnrlvnlled Soda,1429 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE,

oct30-t- f Near Wlllard's Hotel.

f-r-g TEETH 7 PEB BET. EXTHEKlJ Jaw, hy Dr. A.PRATT, graduate of Ohio

College otDentalSnrrery. aa ra the Rush aledlcat College, Chicago, 401 Seven in atreet, east side,corner or D. Gas and chloroform used In extractng teeth. jell-t- t

55J-D- B. J. b. jroniHoir, of alex- -K? andrla, Va., offers his professional ser-vices as Burgeon, Physician and Oculist to the eltl-xe-

of the District of Columbia.Office No. 1411 Pennsylvania avenue, between

Wlllard's hotelandthe Owen house.Office hours from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. myS-t-f



WKAPPISa PAPEB FOB ssAXBat this office.


of pure Pumarrega Havana Filler.Sold only at M. GOLDSTEIN'S

California Cigar Store, 11 Pennsylvania avenue,at as per hundred; S cents each. Try them.

inhzt-i- f


631, 623 and 823 Waslilneton at, BostonOrrosiTi Globi TnzATBz.

Located In the centre or the city, and easilyreached by streetearaandslagcs. Elevator, steamand all modern !mpro ements. Rooms, (Europeanplanjl II per day upward. A first-cla- Restaurantand Private Dining Rooms, If preferred, at moderate rates. The moet convenient locaUon, aqnletand comfortable home, and first-clas- s accomtnoda-datlo-

at prices adapted to tbe stringency ol thetlmi-- are tlie special advantages afforded at tat

BKLMONT."Jal"-l- HARDY ft CO., Proprietors.


This Hotel Is conveniently located.betna situatedon the line of the Washington and GeorgetownCity Passenger Railroad, the cars of which fromthe Railroad and Steamer Depots pass the doorevery two or three minutes. The guests of thisHouse can reach any of the Public Buildings of theNational Capital, or any place of amusement, Ac.,by a pleasant ride of a few minutes. Board, pecday, 11. By the month at reduced rates. nov-t- f



sTXKODXLED. REFURNISHED.nrrx private bath-booj- u

AND BLlVATOS ADDEDOpasRoTtmbcx, IB.ocui-t- l J. r. OAJoe. Proprietor.


and Columbia and Elm ave-nues, opposite main exhibition building. Centen-nial grounds. '1 bis elegant of hotel Is nowopen for the reception of guests. It contains E3rooms, xeplete m&h all modern improvements.Visitors to Philadelphia will nowhere meet withbetter accommodations or more reasonable rates.

febll-Thi- P. B. BOOTHBY. Manager.

BOBSMO EE HOTEL,JnncdouorBrondrvnT'.Seventh Avenne

find Forty-secon- d street,NEW TORE CITY,

Three blocks west or Grand Central Depot, nearthe Elevated Railroad, and but twenty minutesfrom Wall street a new and elegantly-furnishe- dhotel: all modern lmnrovenenta. Rates, 91 perday. Liberal terms to families.

CHAS. E. LSLAND, Proprietor,Of Delavax Uouee. Albany, N. Y and olab-evdo- x

IIotxu Saratoga.




HARVEY'S0ld'E8tabHshed UdleY and Gentlcmen'i


1016 Pennsylvania avenne and Kievjenth street.


'ine largest Oyster House In the United sums.All brands of the finest ovsters that tbe brlnv deescan produce are served with every lmaglnabu diaathat can be called for.

The Ladles' Saloon Is one of the handsomest 11all Its appointments, and Is conducted especiallyfcr them.

Open from I a. m. until midnight.Terrapin and Game a specialty,

HAHYEY & HOLDER, Proprietors.'Harvey ," the inventor of Steamed Oysters.


1718 a ftreet H, tlflTHE FINEST STEAMED 3Ek

HVRT-l!r- B IN THE aiTV. rAreostnAdatlonB for Table Boardera. Ones

from 4 a.m. till 12 p.m. Hotels and familiesserved with oysters in any part of the city orGeorgetown and elsewhere free of charge. Per.aona will Tileaaa leave their orders at tha Restaurant, 8UU street. Thenar Is stocked with thefinest brands of liquors, and every convenientluxury that a first-ela- n restaurant and the clly:market can supply will be found on my table.

JsJ-t-f tC DeATXET. Proprietor.- -


'WlVBOWGIAaW.miu Za n. K trt HertBifeV.







Increased FacilitiesAND



Sell Goods at PricesTo Suit the Times.



FROCK COATS,Donble-breaste- well made; gocd Trimmings.



CASSIMERE PANTS,Faiblscable Cut; VTell Mule.

FBICE8. C TO 112.




Double-brea- Frock Coals, Sicks and Cutaways;

From I3 to 23 per Salt.

YOUNG MEN'S SUITS,Of the New Styles of Diagonal and Casslmere,


BOYS' SUITS,In Blue Diagonal, Casslmere and Melton.

Children's Suits,In EouWe-breasW- d Sacks, Cutaways and Blouse,

from four to eleven years of age,

Extra Pants for Children

From four to tea yesrs of see.

Boys' Shirts, &c &c.


mt2S-t-f 633 PetuuylranlA avenne.




Large AssortmentAT

DEVLIN t&icO.'S,

1106 F STREET.


Beady-Mad- e GoodsAT



Be. Ml B Street, near lewla lekasOa.sfc Co. Basak.'

ah MoirtrjcEifTa en naad sow at a nut mwaUoa. All new orders made by 4slitis of tit Utasa-style- s.

Tbe best wortTnaatai8td test ITALIA3IanTtHT.xraaraatao ' ' AM ,&FrTOOnPER DAY' AT HOME- .-.

BOS ft CO.. rortUna, aHlne. m& Iti -- e s-- '


FORTHE LADIESQettheQEAUIHBl Bewareof jmhatiaaal


GLOYE-HTTI- Na CORSETS.each; eiohtcibset OR.vors or


BP, A t'BOWJr, FElT FIT.They jrlve entire. satUfaclon, Every lady who

has worn tbera recommend them. BE S L'liE TOUET THE GENUINE.


Fastisisc OAFnu cor.tT btxxu. The arectiBBKAKASLX, and their tAitenlncs do not abradetbedresiv

Tor sale by,rit-clas- s dealers everywtere.Thomson, Langdon &;Co., N. Y,,

Bole Importers and Patentees for the Unit edBtatcs.

--VTADAMEL.P.JEANERETTWILLOPENlx on PATUttiiAY, apru l, ana aiun- -

liAi. asm o, ar ao zmavenue, Washlnjrton, and Atio. b3 Northctharlea atreet. Baltimore. AortlS. acbotceasiortmentof FBESCU JULL1NEKV, 4c


Wllh Skirt iapporternnd BelLAdj'nstIns Pads,

Beeures health and comfort of body with (trace andbeauty of form. Three rarments In one. Approvedby all physicians. VTARSElt 8B03.,73 Broad-way, New Tort, for sale by

C. BACK.C8 Seventh street, Wnshlntrton, D. C.




Patented, warranted for one yearnot to break, framelessl manufac- -'tcr,c1 ami vnad to orf!.r. War.ranted not to produce caneera. as other EyeGlasses do. It does not slip from your nose If J ouit eat. come and Fee them and convince yourselves of this beautiful invention.

ISAAC ALKXAVDEB.V3 Pennsylvania ave., Optician and Jeweler.

mbJS-t- f

Brazilian Pebble Spectacles,AT


del-l- y OPTIOIAHS.


PATENT BUNDLED KlHDLISa Den ta use. trreprca uvea vac

be&( qaillij of VI rrial Pine, andIntro daelng a rtatyir Llcaterlnufh hosdldlsDenilarwltlitlieajeofkirosBBfi. ah&Tinjrs cr OaHxr. Sold brailUkfor durbensoocFAtent Wood, and take noother. KTerr bundle hM printed label rinnc di-rections rtr use. All the belt anaUtlesofcoal contantlr on band. BTSFHKN30N A BRO., soli

Kannxactnrcri in thli District; oflce, msaraaaa-MJ- and Depot! lTnU-itre- i

wbarL T' tCnronlcia.j Pinll


. aj. :

p soaa,Wnoiesala and BetaU Dealers la all Studs c

coaianawooa. uumseriana ioai.Depot at BILIT'8 wnarrts, foot

of Clven h and Twelfth streetsstreets southwest.

Branch yard. O street. Bttwtea Seeond and raxftreeuuorthweat. oela-t- f.



Ballroad tickets boucht or sold, to or from allpoints, at a reduction upon any offlceor depotlnthis city. Apply to V.. D. WHITESIDE.W5 Pennsylvania avenue N. tbe clzarstore,Washington D. C. lals-l- y

1876. 1876.


Scenery, Matmlflcent Equipment.Trains leave Washing-ton- , from Depot, corner ot

Sixth and B streets, as follows:ror Pittsburg and the West. 6 a.m.

dallv. with Parlor Car to Plttabnrr?7:0p. m. dally, with Palace Car toChicago, and ii:Ua. m. dally, except Sunday,

Baltimore & Poloia RiilroalrorCanandalrua,Bochcster,BnSaIo,NIararaEalIa

and the Ii ortb, 6 a. m. dally, except Sunday; and7:40 p. m. dally, except Saturday, wrth PalaceCaxstto Bochester. For Elmlra and Bnsalo,11:SS a. m. dally, except Sunday.

Tor New York and the East, 9:10 p. m. dally, withraise Cars attached: Limited Express ef Pull-man Parlor Cars. 93 a. m. dally, except Sun-day. For New Tort. ICO d. m. dally, exceptBunday, with Parlor Cars attached.

For Philadelphia, i:ao p. m. dally, except Bunday,and 4:5t and 9:10 p. m. dally. Limited Express,:a a. m. dally, except Sunday,

Accommodation for Baltimore, 7:50 a.m. dally,and S:t3p. m. dally, except Bunday.

For Pope's Creek Line, 7:50 a. m. and 1:20 p. m.dally, except Sunday

TorAnnapoua.'Ocandll:eSa,m. andltUp. m.,dally excei t Bunday.

Aleniuu & iweitnUre Baiiwn ail iiei-aiar- ia

& WasMniloa Ealtroafl.

For Alexandria, 6, 7, . . 10, It a. in., I, S, tM. 5,6, 7.09 and 11:U p. m. On Bunday at 8 and 9 a. m.,1 anc It. m.

For I he South, via Richmond. 11:40 p. m. dally, ex.cept Sunday, and via Lyncbburx 7:54 a. m. and11:50 p.m. dally.

Trains leave Alexandria for Washlnnton, t, 7, 8.9, 10,11a.m., 1.3,4, s. 6 and 7 p.m. On Bundayat ti and 10 a. m.. and 5 p.m.Tickets. Information, Bleeplna: and Parlor Car

accommodations can be procured at tbe offices:Northeast corner of Thirteenth street and Penn

ylvanta avenue, northeast corner of Sixth streetand Pennsylvania avenue and at the depot, whereorders can be left for tbe checking of baggage todestination from hotels and residences.FBANK THOMSON, V. M. BOYD, JR.,

Ben'l itanager. een'



TWO TBAHTB DAILY, EXCEPT,SUNDAY, BETWEEN ALKXaN-- !umm. aau liuurill HI 1,1,,Leave Washington at t a. m.-a- nd 4p. m.randAlexandria at too a. m. and 4:10 p. nuFpass

Leeaburg, going westward, at 113) a, m. and:a)p.m., and arrive at Round U1U at U m. and 7 P.m. Leave Bonnd Bill at Sta a. m. p. m.,pais Leesburg, going eastward, at a. m. and 1:10p. m., and arrive at Alexandria 80S a. m. and !:1Ip. to., and at Washington at 8:30 a.m. and J:S0p.m.

from Washington will take theWashington and Ohio ears at the Baltimore andPotomac railroad station at s a. m. and 4 p. m.,and go through to Bonnd Hill without change otears.

The 9:13 a. m. train from Alexandria and 11:38 p,m. tram from Bound Hill connect at Bound Hillwith Harris' Dally Line or Coaches for Snickers,

tile, Berrrrlile and Winchester: also, withBeamer's Line of Coaches, which leave Leesburgdally for Aldle and AUddlebnrg.

Both Trains westward make close connection atVienna with BUson's Line oX Stages tor FairfaxOourt-Hous- e.

Commutation tickets, I cents per ana: annultlCAcw, aoo, a, xi. nAVAflut,

npa-f- c General Ticket Agent.


CHANGE OF TIME. April 5, 1S7S,6 00a m

a 'ar LftTWajh1nrtAn- -

lo Baltimore and Way Stations.TrtD Baltimore, Annapolis and Way Stations.7:80 BALTiuosxExrnxss-Dall- y. Breakfast at

IteUv.tXO KswYOEXXxnixM. On Sunday to Balti-

more only, stopping at Way Stations.1:43 ClncInnaU.St. Louis and Pittsburg Express.1:60 Baltimore and Way Stations; 9:15 a.m, on

Sunday, stopping at Belay only.1:50 Point of Boeks and Way Buttons.

10:15 BALTiMOnxUauatiTXPETrmaa. No stops,12:11 Baltimore. Way Stations and Annapolis.1:30 NxvTYORXAaDNoBTOLXBxrnisa jjaliy,

ParlorCars. OnSundaytoBaltlmoreonly,stopping at Way Stations.

1:B0 Baltbnore, Frederick and Way Stations, tUmain stem.45 Point or Bocka, Frederick, Winchester and

Way Stations.4:80 BALTiuonx Exrsxss. Stopping at Laurel.4:15 Baltimore, Annapolis and Way stations.Dally.10 Chicago AMD COLnrecs EXTBXSS-Dal- ly.

Connects for Hagerstown and Winchester.l:tO B AXTUtonx ExrsxsK.4:05 Baltimore and War Stations.8:C0 Baltimore and Way Stauona Dally.

LOC1STILI.X, 8t. Louis xttdPittbbceo Exraxss-Dall- y. AllWaysu--tlona on Ohio and Chicago Divisions.Does not eonnect for Pittsburg on Sunday.

Ids N rvr Yonx ExrEXES. Bleeping cars to NewYork Dally.(5 Baltimore, Bladensburg, Beltsvllle, Laureland Annapolis Junction Dallr.


4:13, 5:15. :0CO, 7:30, 8: a. m.. 1I: 4:10. 8:00, 50,ssandiouop.m, dally, except that 17430 p.m.

train leaves at ISO p. m. Bunday.1:50, 1:2), io:30 a. m., :U, ISO, 9:15 p. m. dally,

except Sunday.No connection on Sunday for Hagerstown, Fred-

erick, Annapolis, Staunton or Valley Branch, norfor New York and Philadelphia at 8:00 a. m. and'For mfther Information apply at the Baltlmori:

and Ohio ticket eflces, Washington Station, and';466 Pennsylvania avenue, where orders will betaken for barrage to bet cheeked and received atany point in taetiij. inw,o,ouajir,

11 aster of TrauanortAllou.L. If. COLE, General Ticket Agent.BEO. B. EOONTZ. SeneiU Aaenu: jat-t- l


DirOT QrAitTHtvASTiB'BOmcr, 1Washihoto.v. D. C, March IS, 1878. (

Will be sold at public auction, at the Quarter.master's Corral, corner of Fourteenth ana OttaM northwest. t M. m.. MONDAY, AprU17, 1STS, the followlng.deicrl bed property:

Onehom, one Mule, and a lot of Oocoa Mat- -

tJVW:?siH1lTw.Twii HttMif. .u iui, wucuiaxs appiy to lOffiU.(

Terns cash. WM. MYERS.tPhaxCt-'T- ;, ' Depot Unarurmutsr.

gFXCIAX KOTICBJTO BTJSISXS8 XES...HhI,.,,.5,pW,itl,DOUai, formerlr knownJiihS. Up!. " at the corner of Ninth

northwest, enlarged andttorojTMconatructed anointed ltnplnTIRaTJLABS BTYLE FOB OFFICE.

l?.w i"?JJ2.,lUle "ST. CLOUD BTJILDINO."

!7it3,?22!t transoms over the doors, new

AtirCQ BlgUlf Uift,JtSJ5fS1,..1(w! IeMe ftea. Booms now ready

fln" "to the'lrlnterest torooms elsawhere.owners.

AA.r . .,!. BABBElAre.

USmESSCHANCESF'OBTBDliLLIrUJLSI and74 acres in the rlty of Aurora. 111. WUirauc mete tor city property, aau pay aociecsib difference. iv. mx ii&Lu.apct 8U Seventh street."I70B TBADE A PLANTATION Or FIVE

- nuadredandcityacrtaon Keaner. iaLcuulasaL,wo7thbeforetnewaraa,u)). willnow tell for 3,oor. cr trade for cltyproper- -aj. ificctcitroitoiiungiaicc oiaie.

apt--tt 81t Sevtntti street.TTOK EXCHarTOE TWO FOUE.B001Ir , r.. ,. .,, s: . .- - .uuni,.nn .1 i in r onin u, u. ,r.upiforavacantlottothenortbofFitreetandweittCylJfrnrthttrtet, and pay Horfl crpuasa.dU.jJlCIf ncsp;.jt USSevenlh street.TilOR EXOHANOE SPLENDID COTJNTBYJt. oi. at near New York. Fluecottare. 17 rooms and all modernint roveinenxs; grounas Deauitrui1) laid out and adorned; 37 aens; .SSPUBL..ver r OOSUnlA of fruit.Place COSt fcTtlCO: will exchange for &2j.uui andtake rVashlngtiin property, and assume 5,90, Ifun,..t,. ACTva.iute urcu:,ci) uuur.


to exchange for a dwelllng.andwill assume incumbrance on the bouse. FS1

k. h. hai.l. endari-3- t IK beveeth street.

5 flflfs TO LOAN ON BEAL ESTATEVAIiUUV security for one year.

M. Eastwood. Broter,sp4-i- f 1731 Pennsylvania avenne.

QtJflfk ttJO, t0, tSOO, t,C00, AND ANY?UULr, sum from 2.CC0to ajj,o M to loan oucity real estate security, from one to Ave years

M. JI. KOUftEB,apl-t- f l,o. ivt Seventh atreet.


kxowx asTINEY TOINT.

In St. Bary's connty, Maryland,Uoffi red for rent for the season.1 bl Point bas all the accommo- -cauons gaoa tr.i sh esqnpfsAB.unlie ground la a larr llotel.toeether wltna number of Cattirt. lman., ,nthemctt comfortable stjle. Altogether this Isoneof tbemost attractive summer resorts onthePotomac, and tnenearproxlmlty to Washington,and tLe atesmboats runulng from thla city andstopping at the Point, give additional charm tothe place. The reputation Piney Point has borneforiearspast spealsfor f. and It might beaafe'y said that It has no equal on the Potomac.For particulars Inquire of

JOHS ALEXANDEB.apl'BTuThlm No. 1231 Pennsylvania avenue.

KEFRIOEKATOBS THE IOE KINO ISCall and see thein at11 P atreet. BEN. F. FREN OH, Agent.


C teOLDSTEIN at CO .Loan and Coanmlisloa Brokers.


MONEY LOAN ED or ADVANCES MADE onvaluable personal property to any amount, and tjtanv time desired, on i ery reasonable terms.

Also. tfaods sold on Commission.At rrtvateSale Very Cheap A large lot of Un-

redeemed Pledges and Commission uoods, newand second-ban- Every article fully warranted.

All business strictly confidential.The oldest and the most reliable house In the

city. mhis-t- fTTOUSES AND FARMS FOR SALE.aa- two-sto- Jiutista and cot- -

XAUAar trontniy payments, i atuanie buiiulug LOTS on easy term-- : aloFA.BMS In the!aiict, joaryianu ana ,iraiuim loreaxeorexchange. APFLETON P. CLARK.

tf 70b E street northwest.

TO I, OAN LABUE AND SHALLof MONEY on first. class real estate

security. THEO. . OATCHEL,ml.ll-l- Corner Eleventh, and F street!.

TTIOK EXCHANGE TEN ACRES NEAit- citv: goou new nouse, ui rooms, nicebarn and othernnt-hutlrtlnv- ., in On, rrf ST

W 111 trade for a house In the city and payjT.!WU.K WUU W. Nt.UK U1WC ,KALC.n. si. hall,mhl-t- f 817 taeventh street- -

xilOIl TRADE A NEW HOUSE OF SIXloomsonientn street nortnrast, mcurn- -, ..

wnu wnn srnaj. yi ui true on a stock or ifor the difference. B. M. H ALmhtf 817 Seventh street. i

17IOR EXOHANOE A 1AHM OF THREEuuuuscu sH.ic3,itcAi gyia nsiiiUKivii;rood bnlidloeftj Ac: oint raod tlmhr: a

bed ox tnjttrior 3Url: Imod finest la thecountry furtobicco. &c. $20 tt tcre; wimwipiorcltrDroDertr. luiDrovedor unlin- -D roved. r. at. H A1J


iraoe xor cuj property nu aisume some la- -vuiuutmaws.

R. M. HALL,mhZ-- tr 817 Seventh street.

TIIOE SALE CHEAP. AN ENTIRE. square or gronna near the Capitol, at 20 ,R. M. HALI,,

felO-t- f Snseventh street.TTIOR EXCHANOE A LAROE AND DE--

- eii(Atii,i vacant lot near tne PostOfice, worth (30,000. will be exchanged forswu uivuuti u ui acaroi ajois, jio.

R. M. HALL.fel9-t- f 817Beventh street.

FOR TRADE A NEW BRICK HOUSE OFwith gas, hot and cold water, -

inline order and a good locality on Capitol ?!Hill, worth $8,000, Incumbrance of (3.000,will tradefor smaller house or vacant lots. -

M- - HALL,felMf 817 Seventh street.

FOB EXOHANOE FORTY-ACR- E FARMor the city, near the farm of O.

W. Blgas, rich land, large bouse with flue Pabalcony, line fruit, baras. milk-hous- e. PWsprlngs-law- n and shade, five miles from city, "iWill trade this for clly property.

B. M. HALL.Hfcmr 817 Seventh street.

FOR TRADE TWO ACRES OF GROUNDboundary or the city; some n

oar trees; about a bouse or eight rooms; ?good garden land. Will trade It ualncum-K- B

bered. and give some difference In mooeysafor a bouse Inside city limit s. It. II. 11 ALL,

fel7-t- f Mo. 817 Seventh street.TpOR TRADE A SQUARE OF QHOUND,

- vu tuc iiiABu.uj uuc uuaun.ii uivuiaoaffet; will be d for Clttji near tlae.wiy.

E. M. HALL,felMf No. 517 SeTenth itreet.

FOR TRADE OVER ONE HUNDREDml the Sti. RnrtnaPB. THulinirnpi.

of fine Und, and would ubdlTldeaad sellwell re lots It huoa It the fjunousSpa BprlDgB, and li destined to be the lam-- Jxner reson. near Wajhlns-ion- . owlne to thgreat ralne of the water. Will trade It Xbr cujvtvyu fci sutu V luuic umucAiwsK. M. HALL.

fe!7-t-f No. 817 Seventh street,

FOR EXOHANOE A HOUSE AND LOT(rtoo and a vacant lot worth

(3.0CO. Will be exchanged for a good brickhouse worth 13,CC0, and the difference paid Inmoney. K. M. HALL.

fei7-- tf No. 317 Seventh street.

T7IOR EXCHANOE THREE AND A HALFa--- AUltES. on the seventh-stre- road,near city limits, having on It four A well- -amjth ivgc voe, oi luurteen iwou, willbe traded for a fine realdenea In the eltv.

A. Al. ItALiLi,fe!7-- tf --So. 517 Seventh streeL

FOR SALE OR TRADE A HANDSOMEon the corner of O and Tenthstreets; will be sold or traded tnjpart to advan- - M

Use. lcumbreneeff8,W0mustteassnmed.iSaProperty worth (10.C00. K. M. HALL, " No. 517 Seventh street.

fflOR TRADE. A LARGE HOUSE TNj-- ueorgetown, in nne condition, mansardroof, bath rooms and all modem Improve-ments; 21 rooms, and lot 80x13; and on acorner with some shade trees. Ac. Mortrare- -

of (4,000. Will trade for a farm or vacant aroundIn cltr. K. At. IIALL,

felO-t- f 817 Seventh street.


FARM, under .rood rnltl.vatlon. at Vienna station. It miles fromGeorgetown, In Virginia. Orchard of allainus ox iruii. nouse nas nine rooms,'Dxiii, ac. n ui inuc lur ciby property.

felO-t-f It. M. HALL, 817 Seventh street.

filOR TBADE, FOR SMALL HOUSES. A- targe ana elegant resiaence in the oldFirst ward. In good order, with 10,onr feet of --T

ground: worthtis.000. I will trade this prop- - J."ertvfor amAller bmldlnra. Ja

felO-- tf K. M. MALL. 6t7 Seventh street.TTIOK SALE OB EXOHANOE A LAROEJ-- and elegant reatdence on K street north- -west, worth (3S.CO0, can be purchased of me Wlow, or exchanged In part for any other goodproperty In thU cltv or west. J

fei-t- f B. m. u ALL, 817 Seventh st.TfilOR TBADE A SMALL FRAME OF I

- nrami, wiiu large grouuua, on t streetnortheast, will be traded for a small farmaown tne river, trice, (3,80J.

H. M. HAV.V..feS-t- f &17 Seventh st.

FOR EXOHANOE 120 AORES OF FINEnortheast of the city, with goodwill be traded ror property In the citynot far from street-car- s and Is unin-

cumbered. B. At. HALL.feS-t- f 317 Seventh st.

FOR TBADE FARM OF COO ACRES.NEABPoint, well improved; will be traded

for city property. Only (S.CC0; Tery cheap.feS-t- f K. M. HALL. 817 Seventh st.

Q OOLDSTEIN A CO LOAN ANDKJ COMM133ION BROKERS. NorthCAStcorner of Tenth and D streets. Liberaladrancea made as loans, or on commisaioi

onveryreasonble terms. Strictly confidential.teoj-- u

TJIOR TRADE FOR OlTY PROPERTY AA-- - nne farm or two hundred acres, highlyimprorea, near laurei, on tne xtaiumoreana vmo rauruaa; gooa Duuaiugs, oarns,timber, fruits, Ac. I will trade the aboveand assume incumbrances on property Indfc7.UUlfUUl. AT11CC. tlAAt. B. K. HALL,

ftt-t- f 817 Seventh street..TTtOR TRADE ALAKGE BRIOX BESI-- J

DENCB, 18 roontsVK square from the PostOmce, renting for tluper month. I "111 trade -for smaller Houses, parties to assume encnm- - ..brance of (7,000. A rare chance for a good"trade. Will sell low. .B. U. BALL,

jaM-t- f 817 Seventh street.

"I70B TBADE A FOUB-STOR- BRICK,faelnr the Patent Office. onO street. Will

netraaea xoriwo amaucx uii, flweusna- -31srance on tne nouse. it. aa.aia.LUMtats-t- f 817 Seventh street;

TltOK TRADE A FINE RESIDENCE OH HJc streri. KSeX cevenva street, or atwill be traded, unencumbered,(j round in nonuern part 'rtbALL, "ft

jA3-t- f (17 Seventh istreet.

FOB EXCHANOE-10,6- 00 A0EE3 FINEnear Mobile, with perfect title.

and oa the railroad. 1 will trade this Land --SjSaand assume mortgages on city preperty orlp(Tveanewont. B. M.BALL, tKlaa-t- f (17 Seventn street.

"POR TRADE A LAROE DOUBLE BESI.--v: ijaox,wri'argeuroanas,weuiocateaIn tbe dry. . I will trade for some money andsmallerjllonies or vacant city Lets. - iejjHoaicatataimln. R. Si. HALLJ

i.m inflw..., .ti .f

OTT Alf D AFTEB FEBBUABY 10 A BE.of twenty-av- e per cent, below the

regular retail prices on all brand! or Havana andKey West and Domestic Cigars, and all kinds ofBmotlng aid Chewing Toba-e- o and Smokeia Ar--

Ides, at - M. eoLDBTXUCBCalifornia Cigar Store, 811 Pennsylvania avenue. nder Metropolitan llotel. - febio-t- f

sEND He. TO O. P. BO WELL A OO MEWYork, for Parartlet-ofTO- mres. containing

1st of xoro newspapers,, and caUatatet showingMflMrtlSafliLsiBaaaiBaatafAtafar - auMtr


lTrr PENNSYLVANIA AVENUEA. 4 O I OItTIIWEST. Forroorxa In aprlratc family: southern expo-

sure and near the Department;. Inference will berequired. Arply, after 4 o"cloci. as above.apa--

in)1 VERMONT AVENUE FOR RENT,Avaw A an apartment of three rooms, elegantly rurnijhed. with coard If rrflulrtd. Lo a- -uva 'iy unit.Dic. Mil'Cir, THIRTEENTH STREET NORTH-JA-

west-For Bent A splendldlr-furnlte- d

suite of rooms, parlor and chamber on first tloor.Al.o, several double rooms. The.e rooms havebath-roo- and clo,ets attached. Henuvery low,

Oil ELEVENTH STREET, BETWISENOUU and I northwest. Foe rent Two lar,d Booms, communicating. Rent.

ISSter mouth; orwlil beieu--d separately: if re- -qotici, coarn in toe nouse can oe nag, aiijwrQ9Q AND Q?r VERMONT AVENUE,OAit OaO opposite Arlington hoteUFOB RENT, with BO a.1: 0 Handsomely-fur- -nisned partor and bed-ro- m on first floor: also.large and small on second door. Ac- -

rommodatli3nfiirnl.hi hnhrii,itfw,k.mh23 lm


business, bist location In tueclty. call at once.STEVENS A ROBEBTi.

Seal Estate, Loan and Insurance,631 street nortbwe.t.

rehC-l- Near Clly Post Office.


FOR BENT TWO LAROE, ELEUANTLYcommunicating BOOMS, fronting

on Seventeenth atreet. and Pennsylvania avenue.Inquire corner Seventeenth atreet and Pennsylva-nl- A

avenue. Army and Navy ilArlct. al--tf


WEST, between E and F. Members ofCongress and others desiring handsomely-furnishe- d

Booms, with or without board, can besuited by applying as above. References ex-changed. no2-- tf

KIT SEVENTH STBEET, OPPOSITE THEUJLJ. POST OFFICE.-F- OR RENT-T- wo com-municating office rooms, at (C3 per month: also,several handsomely-furnishe- d apartments In anelegant house, with or without board. Apply atBoom No. 2. 811 Seventh street-- de2-- tf



mlnntes'walk f,om the Avenue cars, a vsxyvTpretty elsht-roo- frame house. contAlnlng gllmodirn Improvements, bay window, elate taMlbmantels, front, side and large bus: yard; (25- -

as above. Key next door. apVWI'statTJIOR BENT 2S PER MONTH THREE.

STOBY BBICJ1C HOUSE, with sevenrooms, one square from Pennsylvania ave- -u'ie. uimmoiern iicprovementa. U'Strvetcars par s the door. Inonlre at 1S Fourteenth1street northwest. apt-t- t'

TOR RENT IN PHILADELPHIA, FOR A- term or tixor ccTea montas. an almost

newtwelve-roomH-D- it ell arraased and "ran hanitinrfialw rMrnLha' tntil ii ttv.i "' . ?:.'"?." ":' - ", ,1 asuingiou, a, i..ap4--

FOR RENT iSO PER MONTH HOUSE INDroit Part, now In possession of 8. S.

Bur ett. who will show the Pos- - EifiselonglvenMayl.A nWAXm M

spl-6- t Cltlrens National Bant.R1 O STREET SOUTHEAST FOR RENT'ux a comfortable seven-roo- UKIUKHOUSE, opposite linnet's urocerv store.Bent (so per month. Inquire next door.

apl-o- t

FOB RENT HOUSES NOS. lttT-lt- Cl Qalso Nos. HIO. HIS, 14 lj, 1134 Cor- -

coran street, with modern Improvements anduIn perfect order: or will be sold upon iraoue-.- M

rite terms Apply to u. W.UI0O3, at niggi4'A Co.'s ban,or to J.W. P. MYERS, 7rstreet. mh3lmAf't PENNSYLVANIA At E. N. WUU1 between and Sixth'streets or rent a large stote. Apply to a.11. Duvau. next ooor, inn-,-


street northwest, up stairs. ap6

N T E D A PURCHASER FOR ANWA new brlct HOUSE. Two Par-ian, vising-roo- and Kitchen on flr-- t Coor; fourchambers and bath-roo- Gcodlocatlon: onlineor car.. Price. t.:&i; (2,otq cash. Addtei-- ."Bn.lness." thl. office. . aps-- it

PERSONS WANTING TO BENTALL orROOMS.furnlshed or unfnrnMied,are Invited to call and examine our BusinessChances. Information free. Satisfaction guaran-teed. Apply at the Washington Intelligence andInformation Office, 425 seventh street north est.


TtTAKTED-- A NICE BRICK HOUSE.vt with six or eight large rooms, convent- - Jj-

cdccb, ac, la gvuu lucauua. &:bi i m.c.Address 6X1 F street. Pl"

TTTANTED ONE OR TWO QENTLEMTJ7IT to tate unfurnished roomi, delightful for the

summer; 6UF street. ap3--TTTANTED TEN YOUNO MEN. GOOD

v V nenmen and of good address, to fill optionsas talesmen about Centennial ralrOronuds. Address. incostng stamp ror reply, iskui 21 ajiok-IO-

Box 830, P. v., Washington. D. C. apa

TTTANTED PABLOR OR SECOND FLOOR,tV nnfuinlshe. In good location on Capitol

Hill. Family, two ac nits. State terms. AddreisBox 830, P. O. apo

WANTEDBY A LADY (A LATEBurean of Engraving and

Printing) a position as Amanuensis or coovtst. Inelthir French or English. Please address "COPV- -lai, " tpis once. pa

WANTED WlWlIN OR NEARFiBMS In exchsge for city propcrtr.APPLiCTON P. CLAKK.

70s E street nort h west.

TJirANTED TO PURCHASE, ON MONTH.1 1 iv pavmems,acoui iwensy acres 01 isnu, --

nouse ana oarn. within three miles of city. pjfiAPP LETOS" P. CLABK. Rll

apS-l- 7l E atreet north west. "

WANTED-B- Y A LADY. LATEIn the Bureau of Engravlag and

Printing, pupils In music Outtir and Plaao. Bestotreference. Call at C3 I street northwest. ap43t

Q nflft TO (10,000 TO INVEST INOrJ.V'Us- - Congressional witness attendancefrom partlea summoned here to testify. Uoodcommercial piptr wanted. Apply to

ASBUllYO. APPLEMAN.No. IC5S Pennsylvania ave..

apt-t- f Near Treaaury Department.

YTTANTED, TO PURCHASE A HANDTV CART, similar to the twentr-llve-ce- Pop-p- er

Express. Apply at this Office. mh23-S-t

OIO A DAY AT HOME. ACIENTSVl--a wanted. Outfit and terms free. TRUEA CO.. Augusta. Maine. mirs-i- y


an-l- v Boom 40, Le Draft Building.

HAND CLOTHTNO WANTED ANDSECOND CASH PRICES PAID. In con-sequence of the large sales made dally, I Am inneed or the above, and am prepared to buy allkinds of OKNT17KMENH', BOYS' AND LA.DIES' GARMENTS, HATS. BOOTS, SHOES,BEDDING, WATCHES, PISTOLS, AC. at thevery highest cash prices. By calling or adreulngby mall prompt attention will be given by

angS-t- f 917 D street northwest.

DB. A. PKATT, DENTIST, HAS BBto tbe northwest corner of Seventh

and D streets, over Crandall'a book store, wherehe will be pleased to tee his old patrons, and thegeneral public. le3-t-f

BOARDING.CnR S" STREET NORTHWEST, NEAROUO PATENT AND POST OFFIES-Fo- rBent Furnished, a suite or EOOMb on secondfloor, with or without board; also, single rooms.


PRICE OF BOARD REDUCED. BE3TBoard only (5 per week. Monthly rates

very low; Transient Room and Board (i.50 day.CONTINENTAL HOTEL. mEs-S-

"WOOD'S, 4T8 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE.First-clas- s BOARD at from (7 to 110 ner

week: Tabic Board (o per week; Transients, It 80per day. marg.lm

A7CZ PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, NEABtt f J Sixth-stre- et Depot. First-clas- s board,with room, from (8 to (10 per week; transient, (I.toper day. felt-t- f


Bates;per day, 13.80: per week, (to: per month,(38. Table bOArdpermonih.(3. This favorite hotelhas recently been Improved, newly furnished adheated with steam. Metropolitan cars pass thehouse to andfrom the Capitol. No liquors sold.

de2-- tr i. P. HILL. Proprietor.


Several Cottages to let or for sale, furnished orunfurnished, at thla new Seaside Resort, wherelamiuea may apeiiu me summer asms iituecost tt at their own homes. Splendid bathing tin

nu sauiujc sati unc iiuuc, ,au ion:e use ls.

Saleof llauor nrohlblte.1. LotaforaalAilow. E. K. WILSON,

mhS-l- 811 Seventh street,CTOR SALE. EXCHANOE OR RENT THATjw oeantuniiynnisnea;.c, ls-- 14street northwest, eontalnlnr iteentfarooms, most eligibly located, and tslngjfall modern lmnrovements. Half eaah.plytoW. NOTTINGHAM, corner of Third and Katreeta soutueast, or to 2 . A. tru3& x , fort goote,Maryland. jana-t- T

F3R SALE OR KENT. ON OEORQETOWIIThe residence ot the Utelforrlt

Adler. esq.; brick bouse, with fourteen rooms,kitchen and pantry: one acre of ground. Rent,(80 per month. Apply to W. H. DOUOAL, cornerBoAd and High streets. oc30-- tf


S25 BEWARD-LO- ST OK STOLEN. ONSeventh street, between o and K

ttrieU northwest, a Lady's Gold Watch. 'Chain and Charm. The above reward win I

b Bald for the same If returned to tnuowner. atNo.UiNewYork avenue northwest.

ap-- rf


(EsUblbhed 1538,

Post oik LiTsiT ill fliiiu siiMa,

433, 433 and 427 EIG1TTH BTBEET,East Side, Between D and E Streets.

CUrenee Carriages and Phaetons 'v

tor hire and furnished to " " If rl nllfarrlvate ParUes, Ac'.-b- the UT.SSEOBtMweek or month.

Boarding of Horses made a specialty. lat-t-


LEADINOHAU OO,Boevrdlns:, LIverr.anel'RiriBA'ISUbles.

Coachea.Brert'aPhaetona.Ltgnt Wagons, DonhlAjand Single Buggies, and all other vehicles prompt-ly furnished. Clot Oerrburet 'for' weddings,'calls and receptions. Orders UMt at WtllArd's Hotelor at the BtabletvdaT oe night, will receive promptattention. STABLES No. 113 14 street, betweenpjnecnta sad rotneeniB streets K.W.' nou-t-f

TOE SALE.T70B SALE RAILROAD TICKETS; ATjj-- jgreatiy recueea rates, at the PABSINSOflHOTJoK. correr ofTblrd street and 1'ennsylvaaUavtnue. Ticket bought, sold and exchanxed.

FOh SaLE HOUSE ON EAST CAPITOLsear Third: bath, water ana ,geor f, stabl-.c- n all y. Prlce.(0ue. PV

House (nearly new) on Btanton square, five VMrooms win. conrtnlencea ad stabe.avonTasyttrmj; Ten tmali cash payment. Price,A3.W0.

Hcciecn Twelfth street, new Lincoln Park.large lot, grape vines, 4c. ; very desirable. PriceIiw and terns to snlt.APPLETON P. CLARK.

ap3-l- 70s E strett north weet.

EfOBSALE AVERYF1NELOTOFUKAR.A at Gold modern Diamond settings cossl, tingof Pins, Earrings, Rings, studs and Gent,' Plus.mounted h fine garn-t- a. pearls Ac. which weofier for half the manufacturer's cost. Sellablefor the Szcst diamonds. At

S 4JOLDSTF.IN B t'O.'S,LoanTand rommtaalon Br'ke-- s.

nt-- t cnhea3t corner Tenth and D streets


MaJach Small cah andSSmonthly paymtnf. ALo for rent, a lrrtUStore-rco- and building, with ahelvlng anda.count, rs, suitable forgrocery or feo ator. Ap-ply to THOS. EWAUOAMAN.ap3.6t Jo. at Seventh street noitbwe.t.

T?OR bALE ADESIBABLENEWHOUSE- nn toaiiecitcut avenue. Between 1. andja 5treexj,w:tamouernconveninces. priceapl-t- t 811 Seventh street

TTIOE SivLE A NEAT. SOUND.a! yceng HORSE: suitable ror anypurpose. Inquire at No. 743 Sixth strettiuuiueiii,

mb21-4t- -

FOR SALE SEVERAL THREESTOBTDwellings on O and Corcoran.atreets, between Fourteenth and FlfteentheaTstreets, containing ten rooms each. with mod CIem Improvements, and In complete order.1Terms: Moderate cash payment; balance iamoathlv Installments. ApplytoO.-W- . Kid S,atBiggs A Co.'s bank, or to J. W. P. MYaR J. TiFifteenth street. mh30-l-

"vrrrt.- - via ft? Qvri'nsr.vt ilrable DWELLINGS for :M,c. buvue luc.iiun, au ureil Bargains.

. .- u S....7 .,Uf.nAO.Aiu Aiute, lcsu ana insurance,

- ... 631 F street northweat." Near City Post Office.' t


VtVif.k.1 bT a-- ooke, Too.: riiimh:4-i-

OK SALE OR EXCHANOE FOR CITTlnWt"rgTnl"We rmitT xnd -- ral LaclvT Mputc uoa in ine state or

8 acres of desirable Laud in Harris eoun--

3acreaor desirable Land near Lynch- -uuik. , a.; rauiuaa turougn tne piece.Id) acres or desirable Land In Fairfax countr.Vt..six m'les from Washington.

SCSacrcsofdeslrableLand In Montgomery coun-ty. Md., near Beltsvllle.7 cres or desirable Land In Montgomery coun-ty, Md flvt miles from Washington.

60 sens of desirable Ltnd In Prince George'scount,. Md.,lonlcrlng on the District of Colum-bia, and near the Old Soldiers' Home.Abo, Houses and Lots In all sections ot this prices and on terms to suit purchasers.E.J. SWEET.

Rial Estate 511 Seventh street north wet.F10? SAoIiEtIRAI' TWO &N THREE- .v.j .v.a uui.om3 in nonnwest sec-tion, among which can be found the most de-- Sii."? r,'0?.'!' !'..'".?-- "IS?rta. and unl

t''"."' " "i- - purcuaser. some ox1-"- "which, at the price it Is offered, la unequaled as areal estate Investment.

THEO. F. GATCnEL.mMI-l- m Corner Eleventh and F sts. n w

SALE TWO VALUABLELots.ICby ICOfeet.on Eighth street,

betwien r and Q: (ico cath; balance In fiveT"JS t six per cent. Interest. Inquire at627 Pev.ath atreet northweat. mhS lm


brick.X K.;r;'- ""i". containingt.s",rriu.'A.p'"e4eight rooms, SMhath,-- 1 water ,."(;-j,u.jn- iu, Inquire --a- - ,......w. ouv.uuuuiuiiuiaa.K..Jersey avenue, between Dana C streets north-""- '-

feU-- tf

VOH SALE FINE WATCHES. DIA- -- luuruB, jeweirr, ac, new ana second-- 1

s. i.iii.imtviv rotft.T . ..... ... --.n.u.Z mA.

fev-- tf Northeast Corner Tenth ami D atr-- u

F)R SALE OK EXCHANOE FOR CITYIn Ellavllle, Prince Oeora'i ..

county, Md., Sixteen Acres of Land, wltht-T-double Frame House, good water, an abun-K- B

dance or fruit tree, grapes, 4c: high and"healthy location; twelve mtnutea' wr'k to theHyattsvUle depot, Baltimore and Ohlu rllroa-- LA photograph or the house can be seen and furtherInformation obtained from B. H. STINEMETZ.1137 Pennsylvania avenue. Ja'T-t-

TJIOR AND MAS- -..v't'"" Airasea-nne- x rront uousS, .with basement and bay window; Ohio stonestrimmings; ten rooms; situated on P and iBlxteenln atreeta linrthwF.t. nrt'i t.t nn

good building lot In part trade. Also, two. of.uc uuc. uuiut, iu Duepuen'i AtlocK, on newJersey avenne and First and H and I streets. Varylow and easy terms.

CHAS. P. PUSHAW. Broker.lais-t- r 430 and 632 F street.

"POK SALE A fINE PLtATxI SHOa Inquire at Ho. 603 Loalslana arenne.

lAlS-t- ?

"IflOB SALE HOUSE ON O STREET.- uui tuncai, near ATrenty-nr- st street, con- -.

Ulnlngeleven rooms, bath, water and gas;has tubllngfortwo R) horses and carriage.Price. IS.0U: oneAsvtenn.

decls-t- f WM. J. COOKS.T7IOB SALE OK EXCHANGE. WILL SELI.- on long time and reasonableterms, or exchange for city or 1

cwuuir pivperiT. nne garm, awith House, stables, 4c, together! IrlK.with conalderahlA nlniM, wrwwt.alland, comprising npwardt of 80 acree,.-ne-BtaSord Court-hous- e, Va.. and convenient.: toAqula creek, which Is now navigable. For Infacmatlon and terms inquire at this offlce. oc23-t-

TJIOB SALE HORSE. BUOQY AND- xsAiness, in nrst- - rare oruer. llorse

as Ainu, win stana wiinout hitching,and la a fast road horse. Inquire ataBBBBaw

-- 0


TUB AKTTFTCIAL STONE COaPiaTTHE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIAn,PPT, at ahert noUce, Tlllnx torBldewalss, Footwava and CnrblngrS

different colors: Fountains, Lawn Ornament,House and Lawn Steps and Platforms: hoorafronted; cellar walla and flooring cemented to dedampness: kitchens and areas cemented east,

made perfectly dry. and a sure preventive againstthe Intrusion or rats. Insects, 4c:. and all otherwork executed for which Portland Cement laadapted. Our Portland Cement becomea in a fewdays superior to any or the marble or natural slouIn common use, aid is an admirable Imitation ofeither marble or none; la more durable, ana r?

,t?.er1Il1rla ut3ee with age. Its suatunquestionable.


We have on ourwharf about 1.KO.O0O fset laodtInchinehea to B Inches wide, lo lo 24 feet long, aMIsmwe are authorliedbythe ownert to sell fOAOAJawithout regard to cost.

In order to close It out as toon at possible, wehave determined to aell It very mneh below cote,and very much less than It can be bought la tailPurchasers will and It to their Interest toaxxat.tne thla lumber and learn our prices.Large stock of

LUMBER OF ALL STUDS'always on hud. at lowest market prices.

T. BOW. CLABK aft COv,Oflce,Depot and Planrng-Mi- n.

nthlt-- U Foot of Fourth at east.

STEAMSHIP LINES.JL for Mattox Creek and Intermediate

The slde-wbe- steamer,

"E. MOBBISCant. T. E. BALDWIN-- "nui icmtc tfavsaioiraoa --rrerT'31UM1JA Y and THUKSDAr, at 7a. m., from 81xtnstreet wharfcoTnmtntlnr HondAr. March 6.

RtnrnfTifr will leiTe Nomln! Til rsliA h.TRIOAT3at7a,m., makinrtlie aboTe lasdtiaxa,rno aj vt urm-- tiirnir aICWM alt Aim m.UUUq, JaVKiJl)!

AMERICAN LINBa,KAIX TEAMHHTP.out Liis caimiE tl5 iienca Flu

tailing every Thursday from PHILADXLPH1For OnevAnrtonm and Ui-arpoo-l,

Catts, intermediate and SteerageACCOMMODATIONS UNSURPASSED.

JI ttet at low as by any other Srstlast Line.rZTXX WRIGHT A SONS, General Agents,


H. D, COOKE A COU,anlt-l- y 143 Tlstreet. Washington. IXO


The splendid Screw Steamer! ot the abovewin run u muvni.From Liverpool. FromBaltlaora.Sardinian, March 7. March 29, la. m.Austrian, iarch 21. April 1C a.mNovaScotian, April 4. April 28,Hibernian, AprU 18. May 10, a aim.

And henceforth every fortnight, taking; pashaters and freight to and from Liverpool.

PRICES OF PAS3ASE:Baltimore to Liverpool or Queensto- w-

Cabin........... tTSOold..Steerage 23CnrreaaLiverpool or Queenstown to Baltimore

Cabin ....( M Gold.Intermediate 47 2S Gold.Steermie. .... 23 ooCurrtncr.At which prleea parties desiring to tend for their

tTlendt can obtain tickets.These Steamers nave very best accommodatlnxj

tsrpassengers.For passage applv to the Agents,

A. BCHUMACHEB A Co.No. JSouthChAilesSt., BalttaonllaWAshlngtonvu. t

DTA. bbosnan.teJ.rv G St.. bet. Ninth and Tenth at.



To do this It Is necessary that yon should InhaleFBKSH and PURE AIR In tic rooms you dallyand nightly occupy.

This can only be done successfully and withoutexngcr er contracting vongns. cows tad tneix6robablyattendant evils, by pnrchaslns amttulax

Transparent VentHaters.. These VKNTILATOB3 may be applied to wtn-do- wt

of all descriptions, and are stationary. Theyare Invaluable; for use in school-room- s, pubUnhalls, hospitals. Invalid chambers, sleeping apart-ments and rooraa In general.

These VKNTILATOKS are. on exhibition and,for sale at 1X3 F atreet. near corner ot Thirteenthnorthwtst, Washington, D. C and may also beseen In operation at the Billiard Booms of MillerJones, over National Theatre, ,

jaa-ca- ll and examine them.GEO. WAGNXB, Inventor and Patentee),

tnarl-l-y Washington. D. C.

KOUMISS. -Tne benests derived from the use of XOUXXSSprove It oss of the most valuable remedlea of the

britclAnsAretnvitd to test Its qualities, ""We are receiving It direct from the manufacturer,and guarantee every bottle sold bv ua tobeand pure. u. W. HEED'S BOWS." Kit rttreeiTiV)rttwik; v