
Neptune is the planet of the unconscious and the otherworld. It acts as a mediator between spirit and matter, intercepting images from the airwaves and feeding them to the body through the psyche , or soul. Therefore, when you feed and care for the psyche, you are also nurturing Neptune. Dreamtime When Neptune is well tended, our dreams elicit feelings of love, well being, sympathy and creativity. However, when the psyche and soul are neglected and/or disrupted, our dreams bring forth moodiness, secretiveness, self-destruction and depression. Therefore, the best way to understand Neptune’s otherworldly energy on a uniquely personal level is by observing the emotional responses elicited by your dreams. Our dreamtime visions can lead us deep within the soul, wherein lies transformation, and thus the ability to realize our heart’s desire. Most dreams come from the physical world. These are the kinds of dreams our minds create. Yet the spirits, which exist in Neptune’s otherworldly dimension, also send us dreams. These shadowy images are where the soul (and Neptune) lives. The Psyche Do you ever feel misplaced in a world of traditional values that don't coincide with your true beliefs? When the impressionable psyche is bombarded with a host of divergent dogmas, behaviors and creeds other than those with which we are familiar, memories regarding our essential inner nature become lost in a Neptunian haze of mental/emotional fog. We most readily experience this type of dissociation in our dreams, wherein the symbols that appear before the mind's eye seem exotic, inaccessible and incomprehensible. However, our strange dream images may also serve as a means of redefining our entire personality, which is a vehicle of expression for the soul. Soul Searching Soul reflects the spirit. It subdues, transforms and provides a place of permanence through which spirit may operate. You can thoughtfully ponder the meaning of the soul, but it is much easier just to sense its presence. Then you are reminded that it is an emotional quality, an instinct, a feeling, an experience, and not merely a by-product of the logical mind . The soul is an integral part of family life and the immediate present. Therefore, the soul may come to feel rejected, downtrodden and ignored—a

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Neptune is the planet of the unconscious and the otherworld

Neptuneis the planet of the unconscious and the otherworld. It acts as a mediator between spirit and matter, intercepting images from the airwaves and feeding them to the body through the psyche, or soul. Therefore, when you feed and care for the psyche, you are also nurturing Neptune.DreamtimeWhen Neptune is well tended, our dreams elicit feelings of love, well being, sympathy and creativity. However, when the psyche and soul are neglected and/or disrupted, our dreams bring forth moodiness, secretiveness, self-destruction and depression. Therefore, the best way to understand Neptunes otherworldly energy on a uniquely personal level is by observing the emotional responses elicited by your dreams.Our dreamtime visions can lead us deep within the soul, wherein lies transformation, and thus the ability to realize our hearts desire. Most dreams come from the physical world. These are the kinds of dreams our minds create. Yet the spirits, which exist in Neptunes otherworldly dimension, also send us dreams. These shadowy images are where the soul (and Neptune) lives.The Psyche Do you ever feel misplaced in a world of traditional values that don't coincide with your true beliefs? When the impressionable psyche is bombarded with a host of divergent dogmas, behaviors and creeds other than those with which we are familiar, memories regarding our essential inner nature become lost in a Neptunian haze of mental/emotional fog. We most readily experience this type of dissociation in our dreams, wherein the symbols that appear before the mind's eye seem exotic, inaccessible and incomprehensible. However, our strange dream images may also serve as a means of redefining our entire personality, which is a vehicle of expression for the soul.Soul SearchingSoul reflects the spirit. It subdues, transforms and provides a place of permanence through which spirit may operate. You can thoughtfully ponder the meaning of the soul, but it is much easier just to sense its presence. Then you are reminded that it is an emotional quality, an instinct, a feeling, an experience, and not merely a by-product of the logical mind.The soul is an integral part of family life and the immediate present. Therefore, the soul may come to feel rejected, downtrodden and ignoreda seemingly defiled and spiritless state. Shall we abandon the soul to its dark and miserable wasteland, or bring it into the clear light of day where it may heal and recover its wholeness? Here are some suggestions for caring for your Neptune and feeding your soul.Soul FoodAn unhappy soul weakens the body, so pay attention to your health. If youve been feeling down or out-of-sorts, be on the lookout for auto-immune deficiencies (fibromyalgia, lupus, chronic fatigue), fungal and viral infections, parasites (candida), hypersensitivity disorders (anxiety and panic attack), and substance abuse problems.Herbalists suggest that we take St. Johns Wort, Valerian, Kava Kava (herb) or GABA (an amino acid), as these natural remedies will calm your nerves and allow you to think clearly, should the right brain functions be affected. See a medical practitioner for advice before using these remedies.Trust the psychic impressions you receive while you're awake. If you are fearful and doubt yourself, you are actually telling the psyche that you accept this state of being as your reality. Then, you may not be able to hear what the voice of intuition has to say.Use positive statements that are self-focused, in the present, short and to the point when you think or speak, because the psyche absorbs the most simply expressed suggestions best. Affirmations such as, I am empowered, I am confident and I am prosperous, cover a whole range of problems without extraneous detail.Try creating a mental image of your deepest desire. What does your soul crave above all else? Draw a picture of what you want and color it in. See your dream visions as present realities. Definite images have a will and life all their own. Maintain an aura of confidence about achieving your desires, because when it comes to Neptune, what you feel when you dream is what you get in real time.GlossaryThe psyche is part of the collective unconscious, the group or world mind that is often associated with Pluto's attributes of transformation, regeneration, compulsion and deep-analysis. It is also associated with the sub-conscious mind, which is astrologically connected with the Moonand its qualities of emotions, feelings, responses, memory and changeability.The logical or self-conscious mind corresponds with the energies relating to the Sun, including the attributes of vitality, ego, will, individuality and purpose.Neptune rulesthe pineal gland and the right brain hemisphere.