new advisor training 2014 lia sophia updated

JEWEL SCHOOL An Intro into your NEW Adventure with

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Post on 16-Nov-2014




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New Start Training -- Here is the presentation that we were using. I really wanted to record like a webcast using the powerpoint, but hadn't got around to it. A huge thank you to Heather Bennett and JoAn Stead for sharing their presentations with me and Tara Locklear for the catchy name "Jewel School" which I love love love. If you don't have my fonts loaded or are opening this from a Mac, you may have some adjusting to do with regards to formatting. I hope this helps, I can also share a PDF if needed! Just send me a message!


  • 1. J EWEL SCHOOL An Intro into your NEW Adventure with

2. WELCOME TO THE TEAM! You can expect your lia sophia leader to: -- Provide Support & Encouragement -- Hold monthly training opportunities with handouts & time for questions -- Provide access to personal & Zone training -- Open her shows to shadow, observe & learn -- Be available during office hours for questions As part of the team, please attend meetings. These help us to be effective as a team. After all, those who show up, GO UP! 3. Welcome to your NEW adventure! 1. Define Your Goals 2. Starting Strong 3. Control Your Calendar 4. Booking Parties 5. Hostess Coaching 6. THE SHOW! 7. Entering Orders 8. Building a Team 9. Tips, Tricks & FYI Lets get this party STARTED! 4. DEFI NE YOUR GOALS KNOW your WHY! 5. CONSI STENT + PERSI STENT = THE RESULTS YOU WANT! We dont always see immediate results from what we do today in our business It may take 2 weeks, 2 months or longer!! Do a little each day to avoid getting in a stop & go cycle that gets frustrating and makes us think its not worth it! 6. Guarant eed Growt h wit h Consist ency! Book & HOLD a min of ONE show each week $180-200 weekly paycheck Purpose to get 2 bookings from each show 1 to replace the show you just held 2 to have business growth Have a Recruiting Mindset Look for 2 people at every show to give an opportunity packet to & FOLLOW-UP! 7. KNOW YOUR WHY! Define Your WHY This will be your FOUNDATION to move you forward, even when the going gets tough! Having a WHY is a constant reminder in the back of your mind pushing your when you meet a challenge. Your WHY gets you back in the game and helps you re-focus to do it again! 8. Revisit your WHY and your goals OFTEN! Your WHY will change and evolve over time. Keep your eye on the prize! WHAT IS YOUR WHY? Ask yourself 5 times! Thats how deep we need to go to find our TRUE why! We are like onions, peel away the layers! 9. How much do YOU want t o make each week? Average party is $650 Your paycheck would be $195 How many parties a week? Break down your goals. Then, do what it takes to get there! 10. STARTING STRONG! LAUNCH PARTY TELL EVERYONE INVITE EVERYONE CALL & TEXT EVERYONE ANNOUNCE ON FB 11. HABITS become BEHAVIORS BEHAVIORS = CONSISTENCY CONSISTENCY = SUCCESS! SMART START HABI TS 12. SMART START MEANS FREE JEWELRY Make it your GOAL to earn AS MUCH free jewelry as you can in your first 8 weeks!! NO LIMIT! 13. Attend Dreaming of Leadership Presentation SMART START MEANS FREE GI FTS 1st Recruit within 8 weeks of Starter Show Starter Show within 28 Days of Advisor Agreement 14. Dont FORGET t o f ill out your f orm! Make a habit to fill out your Smart Start form on Sunday nights for the previous week! Your week-end date will always be a FRIDAY, so you have until that Monday to submit! 15. BE PREPARED Make 10 Hostess Packets Make 10 Recruiting Packets Order Business Cards Set-up Your Personal Website 16. CONTROLLI NG YOUR CALENDAR Make a PLAN - Mark out family obligations, work, social, sleep, etc. When will you WORK your lia sophia business? Schedule OFFICE time (booking shows, paperwork, making packets, calling people, building relationships) Schedule your SHOW nights Work with your FAMILY so it is something they can EXPECT and count on. 17. BOOKI NG PARTI ES The BUSINESS is in the BOOKINGS! To book a party you have to ASK for the booking and be prepared with creative ways to meet objections or hesitations. LIVE parties are more likely to be successful and help move your business forward. Facebook/Catalog parties should be reserved for past hostesses OR family that live far away. 18. WHO DO YOU KNOW LI ST! 1. Get A Binder/Notebook 2. Start a WDYKL in the back and keep adding to it 3. Use the FRANK method (Friends, Relatives, Acquaintances, Neighbors, people you know through Kids) 19. NO TERRI TORI ES THINK BIG, THINK WIDE, THINK VIRTUAL 20. GENERAL TI PS 1 out of 10 people who are ASKED will book a show! GO FOR THE NO! Each NO puts you that much closer to a YES!! Set GOALS, Visualize your dreams, Share your goals with your upline! 21. OVERCOMI NG OBJ ECTI ONS If people give you a reason why they cant host a show, SOMETIMES they just need you to help them solve a obstacle they face. Here are some examples 22. MY HOUSE I S TOO SMALL KI DS or HUBBY AT HOME Suggest having the show at a restaurant (Mexican restaurants lend themselves well to this) Would a friend of hers be willing to co-host with you to split the benefits? Is she a close enough friend that you could use your home and she provide the food? 23. MY FRI ENDS HAVE NO MONEY! Remind them not to get STICKER SHOCK, our sales allows people to get an incredible VALUE. Make it a Mother/Daughter party! Sometimes its just a fun excuse to get together. You never know if youre answering a need for a gift they already have to buy. No pressure. 24. I M TOO BUSY!! Remind her that YOULL do all the invites and party planning! She deserves a break with friends, One night out! Happy Hour Parties (Restaurants) Bring the party to her! T-Ball Practice, Tailgating, Office Party MAKE IT FUN, EASY, SIMPLE! Something salty, something sweet - Dont clean the whole house, just the living room and bathroom! 25. BOOKI NG BLI TZ Make a list of 10 people youre going to call USE an Outline/Script If needed, rewrite it so youre comfortable with the wording. Offer an incentive, ASK FOR THE BOOKING, and have your calendar in front of you! 26. Circle The Dates YOU Want To WORK THEN FILL THOSE DATES!! BOOKI NG BLI TZ 27. NEXT STEP: GET GUEST LI STS Guest List = REAL PARTY Until a future hostess takes the time to make a guest list, the party is not REAL WAYS to INVITE Hostess Connection, Evite, Facebook, Red Stamp or have her send you addresses, whichever you like best BUT GET A GUEST LIST!! Do NOT give your current hostess credit for the booking until a guest list is received! 28. HOSTESS COACHI NG Encourage her by telling her you want her to have the BEST party possible and get the most FREE jewelry! Set a GOAL for TEN Guests Theres never going to be a night thats perfect for everyone So about 1/4 will be able to attend! A guest list of 40-50 people is AWESOME. Guide her through FRANK method or 50 Guests in FIVE Minutes Flyer 29. YOURE THE PARTY PLANNER! HELP YOUR HOSTESS! Send a SAVE THE DATE Text to each hostess Encourage her to forward to guests. REDSTAMP App has really cute invites that can be saved & sent as a photo for FREE. Set-up a Facebook Event Post humor, helpful, relatable pics or cute outfit options using our jewelry. US MAIL Create fun invites & send some to the hostess in the MAIL for her to pass out! Or send postcards to guests for her! USE MULTIPLE FORMS OF INVITES - NOT JUST ONE! 30. KEEP IN TOUCH with your HOSTESS Stay Organized with a System Have ONE binder or notebook thats easy to keep with you that has all your upcoming party info. Keep a list of Maybe Laters and cancellations & follow-up. PRE-WRITE & Save Show Flow Emails (set them up as Canned Emails) Use for requesting guest lists, checking in for RSVPs, Thank Yous, etc. to keep your hours down. ALWAYS personalize the beginning of an email! HOSTESS COACHI NG 31. HOSTESS COACHI NG PARTNER WITH YOUR HOSTESS FOR BOOKING SUCCESS! Remind her about what she can earn! BEFORE THE SHOW! DURING THE SHOW! AFTER THE SHOW! 32. THE SHOW SET-UP Your Display needs to look NICE not HUGE! Use Pinterest or Google to find creative ideas Michaels/Hobby Lobby have neckstands Use 40% off coupon!! Keep it Simple! 33. PARTS TO THE SHOW 1. Thank the Hostess & Guests 2. Introduce Yourself & lia sophia 3. Lifetime Guarantee 4. Demonstrate Jewelry, Versatility & Tips (YouTube) 5. Customer Save Plan & Specials 6. VISUAL Hostess Benefits Plan 7. Share WHY & Opportunity 34. Watch Show Presentations & GET ideas that you LIKE! THEN MAKE IT YOUR OWN! Show presentation ideas available in Advisor Advantage Resources > Online Learning > Show > Best IN Show BE I NSPI RED 35. MOST I MPORTANT PART of THE SHOW HAVE FUN & GET THE GUESTS PLAYING WITH YOU AND NODDING ALONG!! EDUCATE & SHARE SMILE, LAUGH and ASK QUESTIONS to the GUESTS!! LAUGHTER RELAXES 36. SHOW GAMES Show Games/Presentation Left/Right Game PURSE Game Funny Money/Gotta Have It Booking Games Dice/Envelope Game Booking Necklaces Book to Look Recruiting Games Ask Me Questions Game 37. KNOW THE MONTHLY SPECI ALS Latest specials are in the NEW & NOW which can be found in the quick launch guide on Advisor Advantage. You are ONLY able to offer the sale from lia sophia, be sure to prepare yourself before going into a show! Know the additional Hostess Perks, too! 38. BOOKI NG BOARDS When booking AT a show, USE your booking board! Be FIRM in your policies. Dont give your current hostess credit for a booking that is more than 60 days out! Write in YOUR next FIVE available dates and ONLY bring THIS to the show! This way you work when YOU can work, not when people tell you to work. 39. HOSTESS BENEFI TS Glue together the boxes that your jewelry came in from your starter show to demonstrate the Hostess Benefits in your presentation KNOW these inside and out! It will help you with BOOKING shows based on wish lists or when people compliment necklaces you have on! 40. **BE SURE TO WATCH THE ONLINE LEARNING** **CLASS UNDER TECHNOLOGY!** **THIS WILL HELP YOU STEP BY STEP!** TAKI NG ORDERS 1. Add Regular Price & Half off Items 2. Subtract any coupons/discounts ($5 or $10/customer & 30% comes out of your pay) 3. Add shipping (Flat $4.25 & taxable in most states) 4. Calculate Tax (example 7% would be multiplied by .07) Tax is based on SHIPPING zip code, you can find this by entering zip in bullseye and it will tell you tax rate Customer Selection Tickets 41. How to Stay Organized Find this document in LSU (#1309) Use 9x12 manilla envelopes & place all orders in this, then write customer name and SUBTOTAL on the first box. Use the SUBTOTAL to quickly add up the Show sales to tell the hostess where she currently is at with her FREE jewelry! THE SHOW! Know where the SHOW is at the end of the night! 42. HOSTESS BENEFI TS Qualified Show = $250 PROFITABLE sales and at least one buying Guest PROFITABLE SALES are the total of all HALF OFF & REGULAR PRICED items! A Hostess can use her 5 half off items to add to show sales, but only receives these if the show reaches $250 with them. For 40% level, Hostess must have 10 orders (she counts as 1) and 2 DATED bookings. Tell the Hostess where she is at, Encourage outside orders for any additional benefits and SET a show closing date with her! How to Total Show Sales 43. ORDER TYPES Show Orders/Starter Show Orders Direct Sales Orders-Hostess Thank you Gifts/Bonus Item Preorders Sample Orders- Jewelry for YOUR display at your 70% off, 1 item per style, using your Jewelry Premiums Supply Orders- Catalog, Order Forms, 10 piece collectible kits, catalog covers, New & Nows, etc. Other: Catalog Case, Privilege Purchase, Gem Kits 44. SHARE THE LOVE Share your passion, INVITE others to join your team! START NOW! You dont have to know all the answers, but doing things together is always easier! JUST invite them to meetings and we will help train! Grow Your Team 45. BENEFI TS OF BUI LDI NG A TEAM Earn 40% Commission on your personal sales 10% Commission on your team sales BENEFI TS OF BUI LDI NG A TEAM Promote to Leadership 46. I MPORTANT I NFORMATI ON 47. BENEFI TS OF BUI LDI NG A TEAM Double Your Paycheck As A Leader 48. MORE I MPORTANTLY HELP WOMEN Add to Their Family Income Achieve a Financial Goal Build Confidence Meet New Friends Have the BEST Sisterhood Around Earn FREE Vacations FIND the courage to Dream Become SUCCESSFUL 49. FI SCAL CALENDAR Fiscal Months will always end on the CIRCLED Monday, which means that is the LAST DAY FOR SALES for that MONTH must be ENTERED by NOON CST. All Shows & Orders entered by NOON CST on a Monday are paid out the FOLLOWING Monday! Weekly Paychecks! 50. POLI CI ES & TAXES 51. EXPENSES Mileage - To and From Shows, Meetings, Events, Deliveries, Business Shopping, Post Office, etc. Receipts- Business Supplies, Stamps, Jewelry Purchases, Display Items, Prizes, Portion of Internet/Phone, Paper, Ink, etc. Apps like Shoeboxed can really help keep your expenses organized!! Keep Track of Everything! 52. BUSI NESS SUPPLI ES Tools of the Trade - Computer w/ Internet Access, Printer, Planner, Clipboard Must Have Supplies - Business Cards (Vistaprint), Labels for catalogs (Avery), Folders or Envelopes for Hostess/Opportunity Packets, Paper, Pens Nice to Have Supplies - Jewelry Display Items, Retired Jewelry for Prizes, Extra Calculators 53. SHOPPI NG TI PS Inexpensive Business Cards Jewelry Display Items Travel Jewelry Cases Cute & Creative Marketing Supplies 54. PLUG-I N TO TRAI NI NGS Team Chats- Offered Weekly Monthly In-Person Meetings Download LSU Advisor Manual SHADOW SHOWS! LIVE/RECORDED Online Learning Classes Annual Conference in June YOUTUBE Social Fashion Videos THOSE WHO SHOW UP, GO UP!