new members orientation book orginal

1 New Pilgrim Rest Missionary Baptist Church Billy L. Bell, Sr., D. Min-Pastor/Teacher 1930 Gallagher Street- Dallas, TX 75212 (Ofc) 214-637-1019 or (Fax) 214-637-0249 Church Email:[email protected] or New Members Orientation Book 2 Week Course

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New Pilgrim Rest Missionary Baptist Church Billy L. Bell, Sr., D. Min-Pastor/Teacher

1930 Gallagher Street- Dallas, TX 75212 (Ofc) 214-637-1019 or (Fax) 214-637-0249

Church Email:[email protected] or

New Members Orientation Book 2 Week Course

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Lesson 1: What Is a Baptist?

Knute Rockne was the legendary football coach at Notre Dame from 1918 to 1930. He is regarded by many as the greatest football coach of all time. Coach Rockne had five undefeated seasons and won six national championships. Each year, at his first team meeting, he would tell his players they were going to have a winning season because they were going to stick with the fundamentals. Then, he would hold up a football and say, "Boys, this is a football." You can't get more fundamental than that! As Christians, we are not going to win the world for Christ unless we stick with the fundamentals of our faith. Whether or not you are a Baptist is determined by what you believe. There are (1) ___________________ essential beliefs that make us Baptists. These are essential beliefs on which we must agree. Many things in Baptist life are not essentials, so we sometimes differ on them as a matter of opinion or preference. Therefore, there is a lot of diversity among Baptists. In Romans 14:1b, what does the Bible tell us to do about these non-essential areas?

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This means we should accept people who don't believe everything the way we do and shouldn't quarrel over matters of opinion or preference. To be worthy of a quarrel or controversy, the disagreement must be about an essential belief. What is a non-essential belief? One example is how often we should observe the Lord's Supper. According to Jesus in 1 Corinthians 11:26, when should a church observe the Lord's Supper?

Some churches observe the Lord's Supper each week, some once a month, and some once a quarter. Still others observe it only once a year because Jesus transformed Passover into the Lord's Supper, and Passover was observed only once a year. The frequency with which we observe the Lord's Supper is a non-essential issue, as long as we observe it. In regard to non-essential issues, the Bible teaches we should never do anything to cause division or conflict in the church (Rom. 14:15, 21). Why, according to Romans 12:18?

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There is an old saying: "We don't have to be (2)

___________________ to be brothers and sisters in Christ." The point is we can disagree on some things, but there are seven things on which we must agree if we're going to be Baptists. Let's look at the seven essential Baptist beliefs. There are seven letters in the name "Baptist," and each letter can stand for one of the essential beliefs. (This acrostic is not original with this author, but the commentary is.)

B—Bible as our only (3) ___________________ As Baptists we don't have any creed or source of authority other than the Bible. It is our only and final authority on all matters of doctrine and behavior. The Bible was originally written in two languages—the Old Testament in Hebrew and the New Testament in (4) ___________________. The Bible is the inspired, infallible Word of God in written form. How is this fact stated in 2 Timothy 3:16a?

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All Scripture (all of the Bible), not some or most, is inspired by the Holy Spirit of God. This means the Holy Spirit guided the writers as they wrote down God's Word. It is absolutely (5) ___________________ for you to be certain the Bible is the Word of God. Nothing in your Christian life is as important as what you believe about the Bible. Because the Bible is God's Word, it is the final authority—not a creed, a denominational statement, nor what some talk show host says. We can trust the Bible because it is the inspired Word of God, not the writing of mere men. How does 2 Peter 1:21b describe how the Bible came to be written down?

When faced with a question or decision, we should first ask: "What does the Bible say?" The Bible is the authoritative basis for all we preach, teach, and believe. A—Autonomy of the local (6) ___________________

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The word "autonomy" means self- (7)

___________________ and independent. No denominational control from outside our local church can tell us what to do in any way. New Testament churches were autonomous. The twelve disciples needed help overseeing food distribution to widows so the disciples could spend their time in prayer and studying the Word of God. Therefore, they decide to turn this responsibility over to others. What do they say to the church in Acts 6:3a?

Therefore, the local church, not the apostles, chose its own deacons. They obviously did so by taking a vote, which is how an autonomous church makes major decisions. Baptists believe every local church should be self-governing ana independent of any kind of outside control from an association, state convention, or anyone else. P—(8) ___________________ of the believer The Bible teaches that every Christian is a priest. In Baptist churches, pastors lead the church but have no more access to God than any other believer. What does the Bible say about all believers in 1 Peter 2:9b?

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The word "priest" means (9) "___________________," or one who goes between people and God. We don't need anyone to stand between God and us anymore because all believers can go directly to God in prayer. We as believers are a royal priesthood. A priesthood must have a High Priest. We do—He is in heaven sitting at the right hand of God and takes our requests directly to God. There is only one mediator between us and God. Who is He, according to 1 Timothy 2:5?

You don't have to confess your sins or pray for forgiveness through a pastor or priest, because if you are Christian, you are a priest and have as much access to God as anyone.

T—(10) ___________________

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The Bible teaches a tithe of everything belongs to God (Lev. 27:30). The word "tithe" in the Bible refers to giving one (11) ___________________ of our income back to God. Jesus said the scribes and Pharisees tithed so meticulously they tithed from worthless garden products, including leaves from mint and cumin. Yet, they were neglecting the more important parts of the Law, such as justice, mercy, and faithfulness (Mt 23:23). Then, in the last sentence of that verse, what does Jesus say?

That means you should do both—tithe and not neglect the more important things in the Bible. Tithing is the way we finance our church. We don't finance it through cake sales, garage sales, etc. Our members finance our church because they love the Lord enough to give ten percent of what they earn back to the Lord's church. If we don't love the Lord enough to support His church, we should permanently close the doors. When you give your tithe, you are not giving it to the pastor or even to the church, you are giving back to the Lord. At offering time we are not giving to the Lord; we are giving back to God. We are giving back to God because of what fact found in Psalm 24: la?

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Everything we have is the result of God's blessings to us because every good thing we have is a gift from God (Jas. 1:17). Believers should give freely, without any compulsion or guilt, because what kind of giver does God love, according to 2 Corinthians 9:7?

It is so sad that in most Baptist churches offering time looks more like a sad funeral service than a time of cheerful giving back to the Lord.

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I—(12) ___________________ only The reason we are called "Baptist" is our strong feelings about the mode of baptism. Immersion is the only way we baptize because this is the way Christ was baptized. When Jesus was baptized, He immediately came up out of the water (Mt 3:16). The Greek word translated baptize [BAPTIZŌ, bap-teed'-zo] means to (13) ___________________, or immerse, in water. There is a Greek word for "sprinkle" (HRANTIZŌ, ron-teed'-zo; Heb. 9:13), but it is never translated "baptize." There is also a Greek word for the word "pour" (KATACHEŌ, kah-tah-keh'-oh; Mt 26:7), but it is also never translated "baptize." The word "baptism" means that the person goes (14) ___________________ the water. How does Colossians 2:12a describe baptism?

You can't do what that verse says unless you go under the water, and then come up out of the water. Baptism is a symbolic picture of what we believe about the death and resurrection of Christ. S—(15) ___________________ of the believer Some call this "the perseverance of the saints" (or better, "the preservation of the saints") or "once saved, always saved." God wants us to know we are saved. According to

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1 John 5:13b, why did John write his first epistle to us who believe in the name of the Son of God?

However, God not only wants us to know we are saved; He wants us to know we can never lose our salvation. Sometimes we may not feel saved or act saved, but our salvation is not based on how we feel or act; it is based on the promises of God (Rom. 10:9).

Furthermore, we cannot lose our salvation because we do not save ourselves (Eph. 2:8-9), and we do not keep ourselves saved. God does both. We are not secure in ourselves; we are secure in God's power. The Bible teaches salvation is not a future hope for true believers but a present reality. In John 5:24 what does Jesus promise to those who hear His Word and believe in the God who sent Him?

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We are saved when we believe in Jesus (Acts 16:31), not just about Jesus. The Greek word translated believe means to believe to the degree your life is changed; it is not just believing historical facts. In the Bible "faith" means (16)

"___________________." For example, do you believe what history tells us about Adolf Hitler? Probably so. Do you believe in Adolf Hitler? If you do, you are a Nazi. In the same way, believing about Jesus doesn't make you a Christian; believing in Him does.

Every believer is a project under divine construction, and God always finishes what He starts. Therefore, according to Philippians 1:6, of what can we be confident?

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The real issue concerning the security of the believer is who does the work of salvation. A person who is truly saved is always saved because salvation is the work of God from beginning to end. We are saved by grace through faith (Eph. 2:8). But what does the Bible declare in Ephesians 2:9?

If our salvation is based on works—past, present, or future, we are insecure. But if salvation is totally the work of God, not based on our works, we are secure. It is possible to lose the joy of our salvation, but not our salvation (Psa. 51:12). There are people who decide to be saved, but their decision is based on (17) ___________________, not commitment. They live the Christian life for a few weeks or months but then go back to their old ways of life. However, true believers continue, even though they may, like King David, temporarily falter in faith. John writes that some believers went out from us but never really belonged to the company of true believers. Why, according to 1 John 2:19b?

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There is an old saying that goes, "A faith that (18)

___________________ before the finish had a (19)

___________________ from the first." True disciples continue to follow Jesus (Jn 8:31). (Additional verses on security: John 10:28; Rom. 8:1, 29, 35-39; Eph. 1:13-14; 4:30; 2 Tim. 1:12; 1 Pet. 1:5; and Psa. 37:23-24) T—Telling others about (20) ___________________ The word gospel means (21) "___________________ News." It is the responsibility and privilege of every Christian to share the Good News that Jesus died on the cross for our sins and rose from the dead three days later to prove He was who He claimed to be. Before Jesus ascended back into heaven, He told His disciples, which includes you and me, to go into all the world and preach the Gospel to (22) ___________________, baptizing those who accept Christ in the name of the Trinity—the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (Mk 16:15 & Mt 28:19).

The only opportunity some people you know will ever have to hear the Gospel is through (23) ___________________. The Bible tells us to always be ready to answer anyone who

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asks us about our hope, or the basis for our faith (1 Pet. 3:15). However, how are we to answer them, according to the last phrase in that verse?

We should live such holy lives that people will ask us questions about our faith. Then, we are to share with them in a gentle and respectful manner. In other words, we cannot act holier-than-thou or talk to them in a condescending way. We are saved sinners, or as someone said, "Witnessing is just one (24) ___________________ telling another (25) ___________________ how to find bread." Telling others how to be saved is as easy as ABCD: A— (26) ___________________ you are a sinner (Rom. 3:23). B— (27) ___________________ Jesus died on the cross to pay for all your sins (Jn 3:16; Rom. 5:8). C— (28) ___________________ that you believe Jesus is the Son of God who died on the cross and rose from the dead. In prayer, ask God to forgive you of all your sins and save your soul (Rom. 10:9-10) D— (29) ___________________ yourself to following Jesus daily as your Lord, or Boss (Lk 9:23).

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Another way to share the Gospel is the "Roman Road" (Rom. 3:23; 6:23; 5:8; and 10:9-10). Every Christian should be able to present a simple plan of salvation to anyone who asks them about their faith or how to be saved. Now, let's review the Seven Essential Baptist Beliefs... B (30) ______________________ as our only authority A (31) ______________________ of the local church P (32) ______________________ of the believer T (33) ______________________ I (34) ______________________ only S (35) ______________________ of the believer T (36) ______________________ others about Christ. Journey Series - Living Series and Studies - Journey Series – Journey into Church Membership.

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Answer Key Lesson One

(1) Seven (2) Twins (3) Authority (4) Greek (5) Imperative (6) Church (7) Governing (8) Priesthood (9) "Mediator" (10) Tithing (11) Tenth (12) Immersion (13) Dip (14) Under (15) Security (16) "Commitment" (17) Emotions (18) Fizzles (19) Flaw (20) Christ (21) "Good" (22) Everyone (23) You (24) Beggar (25) Beggar (26) Admit

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(27) Believe (28) Confess (29) Dedicate (30) Bible (31) Autonomy (32) Priesthood (33) Tithing (34) Immersion (35) Security (36) Telling

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Lesson 2: Fundamentals of Our Faith (Part 1)

In this lesson we will look at some of the most vital and practical Bible doctrines. Bible doctrines refer to what the Bible teaches about God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, salvation, etc. The New Testament has a strong emphasis on doctrine (Mt 7:28-29 & 1 Tim. 4:16) and tells us the time will come when people don't want to hear sound doctrine but instead will crowd to hear people who say what their (1) ___________________ ears want to hear (2 Tim. 4:3). Today, we call this the "prosperity" Gospel, in which preachers spiritualize greed and selfishness. Some preachers today boast they don't preach doctrine, so they must not preach the Bible since the Bible is doctrine and teaches we are to preach and teach sound doctrine. In Titus 2:1, what does the apostle Paul tell Pastor Titus?

To obey that command, our church must teach members sound doctrine, and that is what this course is all about. To teach sound doctrine, we will look at...

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1. What we believe about God The Bible teaches there is one, and only one, true God who exists in three persons—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. This is one of many things about God that is impossible for our finite minds to understand. The concept of God being three persons in one is called the (2) ___________________. Though He is three in one, there is only one God. How does God declare this in Isaiah 45:5a?

There are six things we need to know about God... (1) God is omnipotent—He is (3) ___________________. This means God can do anything. He hung the stars in space; He spoke the universe into existence; He keeps the planets on course; and He created the human race from the dust of the ground. What does the Bible tell us in Job 42:2?

(2) God is omnipresent—He is (4) ___________________. When Solomon finished the majestic temple in Jerusalem and led a prayer of dedication, he was overwhelmed by the

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awesomeness and magnitude of God. Knowing God's presence cannot be limited to the temple, what does he say about the omnipresence of God in 1 Kings 8:27b?

(3) God is omniscient—He knows (5)

___________________. God knows everything about the past, present, and future. To show His omniscience, God gave scores of prophecies about Jesus in the Old Testament hundreds of years before His birth. They were all fulfilled in Jesus' birth, life, death, and resurrection. He knows everything, even every detail of our bodies at this very moment. How does Jesus reveal this fact in Matthew 10:30?

The great news about the omniscience of God is He knows all about you and me and loves us anyway. Therefore, we can always be honest with God and not be afraid to share our hearts.

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(4) God is (6) ___________________. This means He is "set apart" or "sacred." This is the word used most often in the Bible to describe God's character. It means God is "set apart" and separated from all that is sinful. One example of the biblical emphasis on God's holiness is when Jesus taught us to pray: "Hallowed (holy) be thy name" (Mt 6:9, KJV). How does Habakkuk 1:13a describe God's holiness?

Because God is holy, no sin or sinner can come into His presence. Therefore, He demands holiness in His people (Lev. 11:44a & 1 Pet. 1:16). That's why we need to understand the next fact about Him. (5) God is (7) ___________________. The word "grace" means unmerited favor or regard. Because of His grace, God provides a way out of pronouncing just punishment on us for our sin (Rom. 6:23). We deserve to suffer for our sin, but God sent His Son Jesus to die on the cross so we can be justified (declared righteous or holy) and escape the judgment God's law requires. How does Romans 3:24 describe the benefits of God's grace?

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(6) God is loving. That's why God took the necessary steps to remedy the sin problem that separates us from Him. How does John 3:16 describe this remedy? (Also, see Rom. 5:8).

This verse has correctly been called the "Bible in miniature" because it sums up the message of the entire Bible. 2. What we believe about Jesus Christ Who is Jesus Christ? The first person ever to ask that question was Jesus Himself. One day Jesus asks His disciples who people think He is. They answer that some think Jesus is Elijah, others think He is John the Baptist come back to life, and others think He is Jeremiah or another one of the prophets (Mt 16:13-15). Then, Jesus asks who they, the disciples, think He is. As usual, Simon Peter speaks up first, but this time, instead of putting his foot in his mouth he gives a marvelous answer called "The

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Great Confession." How does Peter answer Jesus' question in Matthew 16:16?

We call Him "Jesus Christ," but for clarity we should say "Jesus the Christ." The word "Jesus" is His given name, like your first name. The word "Christ" is His (8)

___________________, like "president" or "governor," and means "the anointed one." "Christ" is the equivalent of the Hebrew word "Messiah." So, Jesus Christ means "Jesus, the Anointed One" or "Jesus, the Messiah." In Acts 11:17 we find a word that appears more than one hundred times in the New Testament before the name Jesus. What is that word?

This means Jesus is the supreme authority or controller, literally master or boss, of our lives. Therefore, when we call Him "the Lord Jesus Christ," we are referring to Him as our Master—Jesus, the Anointed One.

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Jesus did not begin to (9) ___________________ (like we do) when He was conceived in His mother's womb because He existed in eternity past before He was born. Jesus came into this world from an eternal, preexistent state. In John chapter one, John calls Jesus the Word. John tells us the Word was in the beginning with God and all things were made by Him. Then, what do we read in John 1:14a?

Jesus said before Abraham was born "I am" (Jn 8:58). That's very poor English, but English cannot properly translate what Jesus said. The name I AM is the name God used for Himself when He spoke to Moses from the burning bush (Ex. 3:14). This name for God is a verb, but it is all three (10) ___________________ at once. So, Jesus is literally saying: "Before Abraham was born, I was, I am, and I will always be." He was God in the beginning and will always be God the Son. Jesus is the (11) ___________________ Son of God. He was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, died an atoning death,

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was bodily resurrected, ascended to heaven, and will return to set up His eternal kingdom. 3. What we believe about the Holy Spirit To help us live the Christian life, God has given us a wonderful spiritual resource: the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity. The Holy Spirit is referred to in the Bible as the Spirit of God (Gen. 1:2 & Job 33:4) and the Spirit of (12) ___________________ (Rom. 8:9b & 1 Peter 1:11). On the night before His crucifixion, Jesus tells His disciples He is going away. They wonder what will become of them when He is gone since they have given up everything to follow Him. Seeing the terror in their faces, Jesus tells them it is good for them He is going away (Jn 16:6-7a). Then, referring to the Holy Spirit, what does Jesus tell His disciples, according to the last part of John 16:7?

Christ's presence on earth was limited to one place at a time. However, His leaving meant the Holy Spirit could come to live in every believer, but Christ had to die first so we could become righteous and proper temples for the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit does several things in our lives.

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The Holy Spirit (13) ___________________ us. This means He lives in us. When we receive Jesus as our Savior, the Holy Spirit comes to live in us. Jesus tells His disciples the world cannot accept the Holy Spirit because they cannot see Him or know him (Jn 14:17). Then, what does Jesus say in the last part of John 14:17?

The Bible also says if we do not have the Spirit of Christ, we do not belong to Him (Rom. 8:9b). So, every believer has the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Jesus lives in every believer in the person of the Holy Spirit. That's why the Bible says believers are the (14)

___________________ of the living God (2 Cor. 6:16b). In the Old Testament, God's dwelling place was the tabernacle and later the temple. But now God's temple or dwelling place on earth is the hearts of believers, in the person of the Holy Spirit. He indwells us so He can lead us. This is called Spirit-led living, which means we allow the Holy Spirit to lead and guide us every day. How does Romans 8:14 express this truth?

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The Holy Spirit (15) ___________________ us. He first does this when we are lost by causing us to realize we are sinners in need of a Savior. Jesus said He would convict the world of sin (Jn 16:8). This is called the conviction of the Holy Spirit. When we sin after we become Christians, the Holy Spirit continues to convict us of any sin in our lives. The Holy Spirit (16) ___________________ us. One way He does this is by helping us understand the Bible. Jesus said when the Holy Spirit comes He will guide us into all truth (Jn 16:13a). How does Jesus describe this truth to which He is referring in John 17:17b?

The Holy Spirit helps us understand the truth of the Bible as we read it and hear it taught and preached. He helps us not only to understand it but also to apply it to our lives, to encourage us, and to help us grow spiritually.

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The Holy Spirit (17) ___________________ us. Jesus told His disciples they would receive power after the Holy Spirit came upon them (Acts 1:8). This means God empowers us to do His will and to fulfill His purpose for our lives. Philippians 2:13 tells us God works in us in the person of the Holy Spirit to do what?

It is not difficult to live the Christian life on our own; it is impossible! We need God's help. So, through the Holy Spirit, God gives us the desire and the power to live a good Christian life. We cannot do it in our own strength and power. That's why God gives us what command in Ephesians 5:18b?

This means we are to be (18) ___________________ by the Holy Spirit. Trying to live the Christian life in our own strength leads to frustration and exhaustion. However, God intends that we be plugged in to Him in the person of the

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Holy Spirit so we can have the power to live the Christian life. Because the Holy Spirit indwells, convicts, guides, and empowers us every day, we can live a (19)

___________________ Christian life. We will continue our discussion of the Fundamentals of Our Faith in the next lesson.

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Answer Key Lesson Two

(1) Itching (2) Trinity (3) All-powerful (4) Everywhere (5) Everything (6) Holy (7) Gracious (8) Title (9) Exist (10) Tenses (11) Eternal (12) Christ (13) Indwells (14) Temple (15) Convicts (16) Guides (17) Empowers (18) Controlled (19) Victorious

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Lesson 3: Fundamentals of Our Faith (Part 2)

In the previous lesson we looked at what we as Baptists believe about God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. These three are one and make up what we call the (1)

___________________. Now, we are going to look at five other fundamentals of our faith. 4. What we believe about sin As someone has said, "We are not sinners because we sin; we sin because we are sinners." God created Adam and Eve in His own (2)

___________________, without sin, and in perfect fellowship with Himself. But Adam and Eve rebelled against God in the Garden of Eden, and the human race was corrupted in spirit and has a nature prone to sin (Rom. 7:14-25). We still do good things, but we all sin. How does 1 John 1:8 confirm this fact?

The fact we all sin is called "total depravity." It doesn't mean we are totally bad or sinful, but that all human beings are depraved because we have all been corrupted by sin. It doesn't mean we are all equally vicious in our sins, or that

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there is not some good in all people. It simply means we are all sinners. How does Paul describe this truth in Romans 3:23?

This means all generations and individuals since the time of Adam have transgressed the will of God. The word translated sin in the New Testament (HAMARTIA, hay-mar-tee-uh) means "to miss the mark" or miss the (3)

___________________. The mark is being like God, and we all fall short of the character or glory of God. The worst possible sin in God's sight is not murder or adultery. Only one sin is so serious it results in eternal condemnation. According to Jesus in John 3:18b, what is the greatest of all sins?

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The penalty for sin is death (Rom. 6:23), spiritual death or eternal separation from God in a place called hell. The original sin of Adam and Eve produced the "total depravity" of the human race. This means everyone sins and there is a penalty to be paid for our sins. Therefore, God in His love and mercy offers the righteousness of Christ to all who will accept Him. As horrible as our sin is in God's sight, He extends His (4) ___________________ and forgiveness to us. Jesus came to take away our sins (1 Jn 3:5) and in Him there is no condemnation (Rom. 8:1) for our sins because He has already paid the penalty on the Cross. 5. What we believe about the Bible God has given us two resources to help us in our Christian lives. One is the Holy Spirit, our Counselor and Comforter. The other is the Bible, which is our primary (5)

___________________ of information about God and His purpose for our lives. The Bible is called "Scripture" and what does the Bible tell us about it in 2 Timothy 3:16a?

All of the Bible was breathed out from God because we speak by breathing out. The entire Bible was God-breathed into the minds of the writers, who wrote down God's Word.

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The Bible is a library of (6) ___________________ different books, 39 in the Old Testament and (7)

___________________ in the New Testament. All are inspired by God. It was written by forty different human authors from all walks of life—shepherds, kings, farmers, tentmakers, fishermen, and a physician. The writing took a period of around 1,500 years, beginning with Moses and ending with the apostle (8) ___________________. These authors lived in different countries; some of their lives were separated by centuries, and most never saw each other. Yet, the Bible is a close-fitting unity as if one author wrote it, which indeed is the case. How does 2 Peter 1:21b describe the one Author and how His message came to be written down?

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God, in the person of the Holy Spirit, used human instruments to write down His Word in the Bible. The word "Bible" comes from a Latin word that means "collection of writings." Thus, the Bible is a collection of books. It was originally written in two primary languages: the Old Testament in Hebrew, with portions of Ezra and Daniel in Aramaic (air-uh-may-ek) and the New Testament in Greek. The Bible is composed of two main parts: the Old Testament and the New Testament. The word "testament" means "covenant" or (9) "___________________." The difference between the two testaments is the OT is the record of God's dealing with people under the Law, and the NT is the record of God's dealing with people under grace. The old covenant ended and the new one began at the Cross. 6. What we believe about salvation We believe all who receive Jesus Christ by faith are saved from eternal damnation. God's salvation is offered freely by grace to all who will repent (turn from their sinful ways) and by faith accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior (Acts 20:21). Salvation is a gift from God, apart from any works. How does Ephesians 2:8 explain salvation?

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Grace is God's part, and faith is our part. It is as though God's hand of grace reaches down from heaven and when our hand of faith reaches up and takes His hand of grace, salvation occurs. All true believers reveal their salvation by changed lives. There is an old saying that goes: "It is faith alone that saves but a faith that saves is never (10) ___________________." It is always accompanied by a changed life. When we become Christians, we have new attitudes about God, the church, the Bible, and other believers. How does 2 Corinthians 5:17 describe our changed lives if we are saved or "in Christ"?

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7. What we believe about the church According to the New Testament, every Christian should be actively involved in a local church. In the New Testament the word "church" is never used to designate a building or a denomination. The word translated "church" (EKKLESIA, ek-clay-see-uh) means "the called out or assembly." The Bible refers to the church as members of God's household (Eph. 2:19). The word translated household refers to relatives or family members. So, the church is God's (11) ___________________. The Bible also describes the church as the pillar and ground, or foundation, of the truth (1 Tim. 3:15). What happens when a building doesn't have any pillars or foundation for support? It collapses! In the same way, without a church family our Christian lives will collapse because we will not have the right support or foundation. The church is the original support group. The Bible teaches we should not get into the habit of forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, which means we should not neglect church services. How does Hebrews 10:25 state the purpose for gathering together?

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The church has one leader, or head, and that is Christ (Eph. 5:23). However, God has called people to serve in particular offices within the church under the leadership of Christ. The Bible teaches there are two offices in the local church.

First is the office of pastor (Eph. 4:11). The Greek word translated "pastor" literally means (12) "___________________" or "shepherd" (1 Pet. 5:2). A "pastor" shepherds the church by feeding and leading her with the Word of God. How does 2 Timothy 4:2a describe the primary responsibilities of a pastor?

This means a pastor should preach the Word of God when it is popular and when it is not. He is to use the Word of God to lead and feed the church over which God has made him overseer, even when it conflicts with culture. The qualifications for a pastor are found in 1 Timothy 3:1-7.

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The second office in the church is that of deacon. The word translated "deacon" means (13) "___________________." Deacons are to serve the church, not run it. The choosing of the first deacons, though they are not called that, is found in Acts 6:1-4. The new church in Jerusalem was growing very rapidly, and the Greek-speaking Jews complained their widows were being overlooked in the daily distribution of food, with favoritism being shown to Hebrew-speaking widows. The Hebrew-speaking widows were native, Jewish Christians, or (14)

___________________, while the Greek-speaking Jews were from other lands and were converted on the Day of Pentecost. Because of this claim of discrimination, the apostles tell the church to choose, or elect, seven men with good reputations and who are full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom. What responsibility are they given (Acts 6:1,3a).

The qualifications for deacons are found in 1 Timothy 3:8-12. So, we see deacons lead in the ministry of the church, and pastors lead in preaching, teaching, and overseeing the church. These are the two basic offices in the church. The church also has two (15) ___________________. Until Jesus returns, a New Testament church is to proclaim two things through symbolic acts called "ordinances."

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The first is the ordinance of (16) ___________________. This is when a believer is immersed in water to proclaim his or her belief in the life, death, burial, and resurrection of Christ. It also symbolically proclaims a death to the old self and being raised to live a new kind of life (Rom. 6:4). The second ordinance is the (17) ___________________. This involves the ceremonial meal of bread and the fruit of the vine, or grape juice. In Matthew 26:26-29 what does Jesus say the following represents? Bread: ___________________ Fruit of the vine: ___________________ As we observe the Lord's Supper, we are reminded of the great price Jesus paid for the forgiveness of our sins. Jesus commands us to observe the Lord's Supper until He returns (1 Cor. 11:24-25).

8. What we believe about "last things" In theology this is called "eschatology," which means the study of "last things," or the end of the age. At the end of the age there will be a visible, (18) ___________________ return of Jesus Christ when every eye shall see Him (Rev. 1:7). The Bible also teaches the bodily resurrection of the saved (1 Thess. 4:16) to spend eternity in heaven, and the

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resurrection of the unjust to everlasting punishment in hell. How is this truth taught in Daniel 12:2?

The last book of the Bible, the book of Revelation, gives a detailed account of "last things." No one knows when Christ will return, but it could be any day, and the Bible teaches we should be ready. Sometimes people ask, "Why isn't life fair?" Nowhere in the Bible are we told life is always fair because often it's not. That's why there is a heaven and a hell and a Righteous Judge—God Himself, who will determine who goes to each place. The eight truths we have covered in the fundamentals of our faith are part of what the Bible calls sound doctrine. One of the qualifications of a (19) ___________________ is he must have a good grip on what he has been taught, or the fundamentals of the faith (Titus 1:9a). Why, according to Titus 1:9b?

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A New Testament church must preach and teach what is consistent with sound doctrine (Titus 2:1). One question you should always ask before joining any church is, "Does it teach and preach sound doctrine? This means does it preach and teach the Bible as the (20)

___________________, authoritative Word of God?

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Answer Key Lesson Three

(1) Trinity (2) Image (3) Target (4) Grace (5) Source (6) 66 (7) 27 (8) John (9) "Agreement" (10) "Alone" (11) Family (12) "Feed" (13) "Servant" (14) Locals (15) Ordinances (16) Baptism (17) Lord's Supper (18) Bodily (19) Pastor (20) Inspired

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Lesson 4: What Is Expected of Members?

We only expect our members to do what the Bible expects every Christian to do. Any organization has expectations for its members. The Bible teaches that all Christians, which obviously includes all church members, are expected to do at least three things:

First, protect the (1) ___________________ of our church The primary way we do this is refusing to gossip about any members or staff. More problems and disunity are created in churches because of gossip than anything else. This is because of what truth found in Proverbs 16:28b?

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It doesn't matter if the information is true or not; if your sharing of someone's personal information is not to help or protect, it is the sin of gossip. When you protect the unity of our church by refusing to gossip, you obey what command found in Ephesians 4:3?

We expect our members to protect the unity of our church, and... Second, (2) ___________________ in the ministry of our church You share in the ministry of our church by doing three things:

A. (3) ___________________ the unchurched graciously. A good place to start is FRAN, an acrostic for friends, relatives, associates, and neighbors. To invite others graciously means with respect and gentleness, as opposed to being obnoxious or acting "holier-than-thou."

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B. Make our church even more (4)

___________________. The number one reason a visitor returns to a church is feeling welcome. Research reveals that for visitors to feel welcome they must have had their hands shaken at least (5) ___________________ times by different people. One of the most important ministries of our church is making people feel welcome. That's why we have what command in Romans 16:16a?

In New Testament times this was a common greeting. Today's equivalent is a warm handshake or hug. Go the "extra mile" every service to make visitors feel welcome. Every Sunday be sure to greet everyone you meet in the parking lot, pass in the hallways, and those who sit near you. You participate in the ministry of our church when you invite the unchurched graciously, make our church even more friendly, and... C. (6) ___________________ church services faithfully. We all get discouraged from time to time in our Christian lives. That's why God gave us the church. The Bible tells us we are not to forsake assembling ourselves together as some do but to encourage each other (Heb. 10:25).

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Every time you attend a church service your presence encourages other members. Every time you miss for no good reason you discourage other members and set a bad example. We expect all our members to: protect the unity of our church, participate in the ministry of our church, and... Third, pursue God's (7) ___________________ for your life God has a plan for each of our lives, and finding that purpose is the only way our lives will ever have real meaning and significance. Nothing can make the Christian life more exciting and fulfilling than discovering God's very important purpose for our lives. God has always had a purpose for your life (Eph. 2:10). To pursue God's purpose, you must do five things:

First, (8) ___________________. This requires taking a PEEP at who you are. The word PEEP is an acrostic. The first "P" stands for personality. God's purpose for your life began when He chose your mother and father. He chose a certain woman and man for your parents because each of them contributed (9) ___________________ chromosomes (the microscopic, rod-shaped bodies that convey hereditary characteristics), which He divinely combined to make you the unique person He wants you to be. This means you are not an accident, regardless of the circumstances of your

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birth. Your parents may not have planned you, but God did because He has a purpose for your life. The Bible teaches God created, or wove, you together in your mother's womb (Psa. 139:13). This means He chose the exact hereditary characteristics He wanted from your mother and your father and wove them together to give you the personality you need to match His purpose for your life. Then, what does the Bible tell us in Psalm 139:16b?

In the womb God also knit your father and mother's chromosomes for another reason, which brings us to the first "E" in PEEP: (10) ___________________, which we call abilities and talents. Some people are good with numbers, others are good with people, some are good at organization, and others are good with words, music, etc. God often transforms abilities or talents into spiritual gifts. The difference between a talent and a gift is: a talent performs, but a gift ministers. To prepare you for His purpose God has allowed you to have certain (11) ___________________, the second "E" in PEEP. These include vocational, educational, cultural, family, and sometimes painful experiences. God often prepares us for His purpose through painful experiences. God wants us to be good stewards of our pain. Sometimes our greatest opportunities for ministry come as a result of

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our pain, failure, or mistakes. How does the Bible describe this fact in Romans 8:28a?

To take a PEEP at your purpose, you must look at your personality, endowments, experiences, and the last "P"... You have a (12) ___________________ for certain things. This is what you love to do—your interests and the things you really enjoy. Have you noticed some things you do bring delight and other things bring despair? When we find and do God's purpose for our lives, it brings immeasurable satisfaction and delight to our lives. The deep passion of our hearts will never be satisfied until we pursue and do God's purpose for our lives. When we do, we will experience what truth found in Psalm 145:16?

God gave you a passion for something, and when you use your passion for His purpose, the deep desires of your heart will be satisfied.

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Investigating God's purpose for your life requires taking a PEEP at your Personality, Endowments, Experiences, and Passion. When you find God's purpose for your life, these all fit perfectly together like a puzzle. To pursue God's purpose for your life, you must investigate and...

Second, (13) ___________________. To put together your purpose puzzle, you must try doing different things. You probably have many talents you don't even know about because you've never tried certain things. You may have the gift of teaching children, youth, or adults. You should try all three age groups because they require three different gifts. If you've never tried teaching, you don't know if you're good at it or not. You may have musical gifts, so you should participate in our church's music ministry. You may have the gift of hospitality (1 Pet. 4:9) and are good at (14)

___________________ people, so you should try being a greeter or usher in our church. If you haven't found something you're good at and enjoy, you need to participate in more areas of our church's ministry. Everyone has at least one spiritual gift. Therefore, what does 1 Peter 4:10 tell us?

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Finding your spiritual gift, which matches God's purpose for your life, is much like discovering a natural talent. You would never know you are good at basketball if you never tried to play. You would never know you were good at writing, sewing, math, computers, or whatever, if you never tried. To find God's purpose, we must let God show us what it is as we participate in different areas. How does Jesus state this truth in Matthew 7:7?

To pursue God's purpose for your life, you must investigate, participate, and...

Third, (15) ___________________. After participating in several areas of ministry, ask yourself, "Did I enjoy that?

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Did it seem to fulfill a deep desire in my heart? Did it bless other people?" The joy that comes from fulfilling the desires of our hearts is one way God reveals our purpose. This has been called "the eureka feeling." The word "eureka" is a Greek word that means "I have (16)

___________________ it!" As long as we live in this world, our personal desires will often conflict with God's purpose for our lives, so we must be cautious in this area. However, what wonderful promise does God give us in Psalm 37:4?

After participating, evaluate the experience to see if it is something that fulfills the desires of your heart. To pursue God's purpose for your life, you must investigate, participate, evaluate, and also you must... Fourth, (17) ___________________. When we find God's purpose for our lives, we must dedicate our personalities, endowments, experiences, and passions to His purpose. This is basically obeying what command in Romans 12:1?

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To dedicate means we offer ourselves as living sacrifices to God and say, "Lord, here are my personality, endowments, experiences, and passions. Take them and use them to fulfill Your purpose for my life." This means we put all our energy and resources at God's disposal, trusting Him to use them to fulfill His purpose for our lives. Basically, we dedicate ourselves to (18)

___________________ others (1 Pet. 4:10). Whatever our gifts and abilities, they are never to be used for selfish purposes or to gain (19) ___________________. They are given to us by God to fulfill His purpose of ministering, serving, and being a blessing to others. Therefore, every believer should be actively involved in the ministry of the local church. To pursue God's purpose for your life, you must investigate, participate, evaluate, dedicate, and... Fifth, (20) ___________________. As we discover our purpose, which is always connected and works with our spiritual gifts, we must always be working to improve our gifts to be more proficient in fulfilling God's purpose for our lives. Spiritual gifts are like seeds that grow and produce fruit when properly cultivated. As you use your gift in fulfilling God's purpose for your life, you will learn to use it more proficiently and it will become more and more a (21) ___________________ to you and your church. As Christians, we should never stop learning and growing; when we do, we stop being a blessing to others.

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As we cultivate our spiritual gifts in fulfilling God's purpose for our lives, we must have the right (22)

___________________. The Bible teaches that even though I may have great speaking ability, great biblical knowledge, enough faith to move mountains, and be a sacrificial giver, if I lack one thing, it all means nothing. According to 1 Corinthians 13:13, what is that one thing?

As a member of our church, we expect you to protect the unity of our church, participate in the ministry of our church, and pursue God's purpose for your life. This all begins with a commitment. So, our members are asked to sign the following commitment card:

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Membership Commitment As a member of ___________________, I commit to do the following: 1. Protect the unity of my church by refusing to gossip. 2. Participate in the ministry of my church by inviting the unchurched graciously, making my church even more friendly, and attending church services faithfully. 3. Pursue God's purpose for my life. Signed ___________________ Date ___________________ Now, we will end our class by looking at some basic information about our church Our church was organized in ___________________. Our church has ___________________ staff members. Our church has an annual budget of $___________________. Additional information about our church:

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Answer Key Lesson Four

(1) Unity (2) Participate (3) Invite (4) Friendly (5) Seven (6) Attend (7) Purpose (8) Investigate (9) 23 (10) Endowments (11) Experiences (12) Passion (13) Participate (14) Greeting (15) Evaluate (16) Found (17) Dedicate (18) Serve (19) Attention (20) Cultivate (21) Blessing (22) Motivation