new-york tribÜne. new-york daily tribune, coatiud. … · new-york dailytribune, by oreeley l...

NEW-YORK DAILY TRIBUNE, BY OREELEY L McELRATH. OFFICE, TRIBUNI MJILDINGS. FIVE IH-LLARS A YEAR. ____-_____-. TOI». VII. NO. 63. KKw.XlKR, TIEND4V MORtl »43. jnB JJ) IH47. Wftlll WO. !.»«. NEW-YORK TRIBÜNE. _,, Btsrw-TORK i' 111 > TiOKi'N-- II rVftLtwHCD BJtyfSf MORNIMI, SINDAY f XCEPTKI». »x the TrlbBwt» Rn'Miaas, rarster of «primer» aad Naaauu streets, enpoelie the City Hall. . liq ¿eHvered lo C'.lv Subscribers for lî$ Cran per * week, or, when tbey prefer, they can pay in advance at .w ibe P«sk for «lx month» or a year at the «ame rata, i siegle copies. Two Ceers. MaII i_b«cribert PlveDol- itr» per sneuBi, In advsnce, and the paper In no rea» a iraathWied heyonl lleitme for whteta U Upetd. Biih. " KrlplVoo» take« for «lx m antb». Throe Doiltri in ad- ' vttvce required In all exrfcanges with Country New«. ftpa-i Dal'v piper« received at ibis ' ff.ce who«* iriiM a," hlt-her Iran ihoave of Tex Tainas, sre not allowed any difference. Tittts or an» axTiaiee.'/a Aêrtmct ) ptre Line«, or le»». ftrti insertion.» cetiu. each «ubeequeot lneertloa.121 " ifhjlhe '.ntble " " " #rer Tea l.lnea-fir.t »n»erttnn.a rent« a Hoe. Jach »ub»equ»nl inierilon. which m»y be i rve»y lay ov once, twice, or ihree time« 2 reel» a Una t we»«, al fta) option of ihe edverl'.i'i. > THE MKMI-WKKIHI.V TIMBIM: paftstottol every WtnartnaV «r.d «aTVXOAY molting« Prre f»'< pe, sboupl Two coplee f*r ft». NKn.WUIH WKKKI.V TKIHINK. A WilV LAROK PAPf.R POR TIIK ÍOINTRY jfpeS'lshed a»erv Siti «' .v M"Kx »,, »t th» SBW price Ol t¿ per«, in »dv»nre IteOplOSfM wit or 2o -. . .__"_J_ NEW-YORK TRIBUNE« «' Lake «..,.., i., »»,.WBl» .*he publication of Ihis valuable paper has Met« lfBOve<i from Copper Harbor tag Saut.)»¦ S- (tau dinentintii-il during the Winter montl.», gat it ii r.ow resume»! »nrl edited with oven more tea former vigor. Jnnt X H.-ritiriM. is its aw»« Editor. a man of" rtrkioi whom it is Decenary to roow to form a proper estimate of rj.unkind The Irat ¡umber of the new leries of the ; r iioow be! ire ui, »listiiieuishi d for iitt-ra.-y at. riianiral ex» .«.!!, -nt o. W. l- v e it a full recommend Itlotl to till" I We learn Irotii it that books M* !he subi' riptirm of the. Hj.ital stock' r filto i »riipli'tion of a Ship Canal aroun l I now op n, and Unit there e'ery probability tl..- wbole amount. e, will so<>ii be tullen up tli.' ,i!i¡. .'.ion of tloi to- terpriie will givo ui NO nul.-«, rron ol Latve navi gation w- lad taigaingMflatpaparfiiBttito Ji 11 v Palmi .»launch »toarner aiel tr". . will make one nrtwo plesi'ire excursions during tin» months of.luly am! Aut"i»t i ¡- n Ihil u'r» Rt'-«t of I.ak»'S, the noble 8r- flRfiK.and w-e cannot too nrgi ,,'Jy advise til who ere tired of the dutt. the turmoil, and extrnv arf.nt beat of crowded cities, ami who sicken of the dull heart dispiriting conventionalities that char a-teriie I iff therein, to set/- the b.t« with tl.fir teeth, and hast» n to scones where they ran see Nttoro in all her untutored frcshnctt tuo! L-miuleur. I/esr what our elo»)iient contemporary to the /yrA<- Svpenor .New« says ot th.» mo-lity basin of water so little knowii even to our professional tnurist« "Plhiated between latltudet forty tlx and forty nine. with tn i'l»i»ndc of over two hundred yards above the level of the Ocean and n depth reaching tar below that Irre!.a co««t ot surpassing beauty and grand» ur. more than twelve hundi.d mile» in extent, tnd »bounding in a' phenomena, varied mineral wealth, «gate« cornelian iajper, opal and other precious stone«.with Its riven, bayi. c.tuarie». islands, presque Isle», perdu tola» rape«, pictured rockt transparent lakea, leaping eatcade». and bold highland«, limited with pure vein! at quartz «par. and ametbyatine crystal» full to repletion with mineral riches, retiircttng in gcrgeous majesty the inn's bright rays »nd the moons mellow blusb o'er- topped with ever verdant grove« ni br. c»dar and the mountain nth while the background it fil'ed up with mountain upon mountain, until ri«inr in majesty to the ckiudi, dlttanre toee« their Inequality- retting agalntt the eletr vtult of heav.-n Here you will tinil man too more like his orikrinal hitare.the Bons of the Fort-it, disdaining factitious tute« and superfluous attire, and maidens, unskilled incojuctry. with toilettes innocent of the comb The accomipoilntioii« of the lultn Pslmer." too. are ex relient, and too much cannot be »nid in praise of BW ft t »'mtiti'v r.»[ t.t-ti.r Ool W 1' Porter Tay- lor. You d-n't often see »iicli ncn. nmlwl" res I ol thi'in it is always on the Imt pai,e of the boo!-, artert t!,.\ .,t tin bctt tktagi < oiigi eaalonnl >nnilniillona. BtM^.ix VV la« btoM noiniiittfei! In the 111.! (' ngretliimhl Distri. t nf Alabama, by the Lnco Focos, ns candidate lor Coi.i'ri-as i .ttr.'i' the late incumbent, who made a speech against Gen. Taylor, an.l v.»le»l for an iinpiied »ensure rpot) him, rt etv»'.! !>ut ttsft kw*V Iroin pros- .Dt »ppearao.e« n.»l a Southern Moinbet of tin» .«ItCongress who votcl for the Hi'to'iition« ,,¡ i-n lore tv ill be returncil to the tuxt. In North Carolina, William K. Lane of Wayi..«. the Luco It». <i candiilate lor Coiiatress in the Vetybem District flusitat st S D.iiinel!. WUg. Tl.e llisti" t is .¡c i.le.lly WWf, In Ti'ii!it'««t'e. Mon I' P. S'a,it», i, L.-cn. a wailiilaliifia i». l.-.-tion framtbi \th Cottgri ¦«.».«> District. It fJftTft «'lay ,-insi in 14. VJF We i. ,'iv»-'l n '-tí. r ..ti the Wm\\)p I ot ItM union ol the C S QaaatM ma North Aincrlcsii IBM night (rom our Philadelphia nd. nt. the toSBS lion id which wai prevented by tho cro»d»d »tat., ol taj co'umii«. \\») h«vo ko doubt thst the Noilii Atneii can will continue t.. be sn able and laithtul advocai. kd Ihe ciuto ol »».und political morality. n** Hon. Joshi'4 II. (ItntiiM.i ol Ovsst is in the City snd at Judson s Hotel srg7* Meiars 1,unis,I.o, A Holbrook. of the N <. V>,,aysne, sre at the Aster House. r%>° Hon. Tho«. Corwin am! H..M rVni-xvK id Ohio, hsve signified their Intention of being present st the Hivpr snd Harbor Convention in Cblrtgo. on the Jib July next. Thin«?« nt \V«»l I'oinl. Cor etpoo ot Ihe Tribune. Wb.«t Point. Thnr«d«y. June IT, 1JI7. The Kxaniinatinn is pruoretsmtr rapid\ will allow. It is a pretly t't»'i»y> time t.» all c.mcA'inivd and the Hoard will undoubtedly be relieved when they cease to be b u.-d.the C»d.t»cert«inly will. The rxamloatloo Hall open all, and an opp -rtuiiity afforded to the totereated of wituetiing tue inanner in wbich operation« are conductud. Tbo member« ol Lie Board ap]»-ar to have all arrived.II.n. Dixou 11 sWrtt tet.though not «dif. II we may be allowed to eriticiae body tbef appear intelligent and ot much perton») »niht of character.especially the above named gen Ueman Mr. Lewi«'« chair arrived on Saturday eve t«g previous to ¡hi« he »aid to ham occupied two at table. But this report may have been circu¬ lated y tho un ch»r Liable The dal'y drillt are now exceedingly Interetiiug. et p*<!»"y the artillery. ictterdty atlerakHin the rirat caws fired at » target with iom« very heavy a ». . orgnan, ». The r.-p. i J »h'X'k the nelghtKirtng hüls. Ssxt»«t whleh reverN-raU-d the prolonged ch»»..« willi aaagniricriit « liect How «ubliroe rau»t be ihe thunder« .Is battle- «uch a one as Huena Visto Intense! y ex rtvVagand awfully grand in its perlormance. but dread iMValM Pon««-quen<ae» Ttoband plaT. every pleasant evening, bvlore the ho ¦.ifsrthe »prci«! benefit ol lb- B .«rd ol \ isitors Such a»B»r they «rtord » rich Ir.-al to ih-> amateur« of SSTMony--and who not When It «-.tea» enoush. it a rea'lj kielV'tillu! to litU-n to Ihctr playing.such sn .vantng. tor iDiUnce »» the !«»t. when many »v, «St not only by the «ttractlk.n« of the Baste, but a!«o by te diaplay of fireworks K aasater of BeoetHali wer» basj t'.'in tbe plain wen as freBB ! ort PuWam iffordltig s pleasing exhib-.liou. remarkable B»>t «o much k»til» variety Mr its ataspta excellence txN (IxhKBt)ChlL The Prraltlrnl'e Tour frma Tbe loioo ol Juae 19. We underetentl that the President ol tbe 1 aite»l States will leave this rlty on Tuesday next on a short »Mr »o the North He will, we te»ra. be aceompaned »7 Mr Clifford, the Attorney Oeeeral. aad should the .toM of the public buslaeae permit It. Mr Buchanan, the tservtary of State. m»y join him at New York al wbich '.tor etiy it expected tbe 1'rvxident will aritveoo Kri- aw seat, ¡be »Otb ln«t. ¦r Rurte ot New Hanaptbire. Mr Appleton of Mam.'. .ad pcawibly one n, two other pertoual friend* will ke .f his suite The other members ot ihe Cabinet will "Tttaio at Washington. bu. we learn, been Invited by the legislatures ol ¦»w-lisropsrure and Maine to extend I.-» visit to the ««pítala ol those Sutes sud we h»pe ke may iisve it In ¦ power to d,, » Ha i, wholly uncmnet-iavd with party politi¦.., or J*T pohtie«] ob»^., out j$ <<w, Whlph at the «ame tune ¦st It will aflord hint a brir I leUxatloo from his »rdu "«. tisbllc dutie», will enab'»» Mm t.» pay bis re«pert» t.» ¦<. toiiow-ciuaens of the northern secllou of the I nL»n. ¦sdto take a cursory view t their instituto»»», their ».¦. work« and other iaterestiog objects. «saadeisund that Mr« l'.dk will sttood the Presi¬ dent tu _ Bai timoré, at which city tbe and her ntoee, Miss R - will »eparate from htm. on a visit tag Tenues .to. Where tbey will remain rive or nx weeks. %W The nefroe« oí Co!. M Queoa. ot MouUobi .»! íí?^ A1.b*,,,» °*T« *~t ft* to Mobile la aid of | I.ateat from Vera (rax. lroui the New Orleant IMta. June t. .toliiuliip Wtmmji Ctjit. Scott, M hour« Ir.iii Ver, Cruz, rith In« »rrlvaad y«ul.!rday morning *'ea'n»b'p T. legrapb »nil venue Cutter M- »in- MB \ era Cri.g the former r,n the 4th tS ter .u the iib ¡n»t I for Ball iiort The I anr.y. in lat Bf toflgj BA* 81 »poke 1 | o( Rastport, trom Phitadelphli bound far L »b . .t. brought noil 8 MM We h«\e Ver« Crui peperiot theôth. we extract Iron» th« Hagle of that date the toi. .win» it. nu VE« r. ,r. t Statu a u upon their g -it pain« to *»y t:i»t than »pp. ajl tit* ». aaj inrn-ot in tb* k.¦Bel arid viruleric«; ol cm. * tj| lever, and ». duty to add our'.*n to the warn.ngt ol lb«: Hotrd ol A ''y urge train !eavi» thu place tbi* BJBfl I'liel. a. under llie », .ti.ah It carriet r,ut a mail uhe tint, we bette*« lor nearly i month.; and M»j«ir A (, I',enn»-tt. i'aymaster, in rhnrg. -t three hundred thousand doflan That I '.). a large lore-of Soldiery, corrp'Ued i.t coin pames r. id the 4th Infantry R of the ötn Infantry f. th infantry and K et th. i'.th Infantry, and I), (i and K. ol the .id Dragoon».in ail about-¦«) men lie ¦¦..'¦«inship Mary Hint«! «rid reached tbi» port ye, teid»y. having lelt New Orl.-an« on Em bring» 1'- teamitrr». 118 BtwSBB, »nd Lieut. IflOM In aiitry W. Ilammoud. G W. Artnitrung. ani I. QUI tt csbln pMsenger« Tbe thermometer has ranged between Ihe degreet ol f-7 «nd M, dsy ami m.'nt, for the ¡«at ten d»y«. In thli city. In the aaa it ha« been aa high aa 180 yet .t ap pearl Bl ho much warmer than indicated. ataaaehlp Maeeeehaeetta, < «pt Wood, »rrtrad tl this pert on Thuriday last with a deu- hm.r.t of th- \ rj liguer Reg ment c .naistiiig of .." ; rm I at ' low» Col T I' Andrew« I/r Ty leg, burgeon Company 11 71 men-Cent Oscar B Ed ward*, lat I.¡-ut J Tin M Btohal] Bd Ltswl Jm. ft May. Company I apt .la* S J'.lair, la: 1.1-1.1. v. b Walker, nd IIbbh HatwyaB Klgajraad WMhingt.m T«riett Company II 77 men .C, .1 rtarnard IM l.i-ut Jai 'il.tori, Id l.l-uts Tl 'an and VV Martin Al«0 Ml -r i'.ennett I'ay matter, B A ('apt Mrmt^-, l)r .-hi.-Id» aaal Mr. Poetar; and a detachment ni pany I .cut (°harli-i P. Vernon emmand - Oi r BAB .-V.T'.m U ..j May. .-it To (Ar l'.di'ur ii] lit Amir. an Egg?« W'.- trerg oiHbíim «ha tei «. day «itrr the <a¡> tore id Tuxpan to blockade tbi* place it,, entrance to tt r.v.-r nn which is «ituated th« t.wn of .- .to Manna distant »ome IS mile*. Oil« rving a proper degree ol caution on our »rrivr,, oi here, we BBBt our boat »shore with »uftVlent «rm» conce»led in her tor the praOjattafl of Ihe cr« w*. and c»me to anchor Id the brig near the opening ol the bar, at »ufliclent distance to oLuerve, by the aid r,| the glu*, tho movement! »»hire. and. in case of necessity, to give a fair range to play a game with oui ten Inch «hell«. On the arrival of our boat at Pleat, I villige « little initde the bar. the lew p, ople, neither dd fldent nor balligen nt approached the boat with count,- nances alternatively BBB4.Bin of *urprl»c. ruriotily ol gladiie«! tVltbowt the i!ii{ht<'it raaanra, they politely ataaatad and welcomed our m< n as». and »howed Bret atti-iil1'.!. til tri'' ,!'-,.r,,| the boat, to whom they treily coinmiinir-Ht.'d anawrs to evi ry q'li stmn he propound« d.Ir. m which he |.afl d that the iiolated politlón of tin; pince liad »i cured th'in an exemption Irom tho BBBBBJ of BXCltoB.Bl pn v».,ir¡g in otii-r r ti'.n* ol Ihi ir roniitry and. with :!..¦ MUBBotna o| .-ant«. Anna» BTawt ;i;nm> ta« declaim.' ,t punishable with death to supply our veiiil* or troopi »i?h pt at whatever price, they knew Htth "t wi.Kt wa« going rm in the cuntí y In BtwWfll to our Inqulrie» «boat troop«, they knew ol none, lave a hand of some j<J inen ball briiiaod» and hall »c|,tiers, under a It How re joirlng in the name of ("apt I'au'ino, whom they (eared ¦era than foreign for». Thl» fellow, it »ppear», payi thirn an occMlonal visit to make levie», with m little ceremony m ht» more notorious countryman, ¡rauta Anna. Notwithstanding all the »ppe»r»nre» of lrlendahip. prudence dictated caution io all our movement» whicb baa ended in our peaceable »urvey of the bar, bay and river, with accurate »oonding». be»ring». Ac »nrl we now only await the arrival at <"ir gillant Commodore from Tabasco, to go on any other service he may detail to perform.preferring, however il th«-choice wa» our own n on- active servir« than that of this month Or,, dore Terry a arrival. I doubt not Bewatexpe- dition will be fitted out lo ptwaeed Bat b»y »nd riv, r de Marina- tho dlataiic* IS mile». We a-e hourly '.r the ( uii'ii.'f and tbe rett id tata »qu»dr on Attar the parfonaat.i ear ten our n.xt dutn » w.ll ho perfdnwed on iho coait, to ttta »outiitvard and fleet flfBlw .> im »lure. I Hrazll. i In- ii-iti-r wo «war« BsjsbTw*, from lho \\ nilim--tun BUIlataflaBaiBBOB«M tlif. .I.e.iri.Hl of C,'iiim.-rr-p, eon tain» ii lothi'r elmpter in the Insiorv oi tin' culpable umtuet ul this A'ltninistration vvilh ntlicr lo'.titrus Washimitom. Juno 1 :J. The Cbe.v«iiet d" LtthOB, Ministe- Irom lirs/il.hss re- reired hi« letter 4 recall, a* i learn and 1* now nuking arrangement* lor hi» departure. Tin» being the cale, il may be regarded i prou! tiiat the l.iupi ror ot i.r»7.1 dm« mt clirruh any very Iricnd !y iiH-Hng toward Uta I nited State«. It may lie consider ml aim that Ihe evpUiutloii« Btodfl I')' Mr I.Utioa. in re gard to tin- caw ut Lieut. Davis, «re dual "»eil and fiat the harmony lalely iut'iullng bfltwwBB Bta two tiovern nient« i* already toba raptad A rumor wm got up tore ycateiday. to the cflcrl that taat dUpatcbM ii«l beaa raoetred tret» Bsaatoo, i.!. I that the Cabloel had baea in c lultatloa on tbi m. and lhat Iho remití were Brroral 11 !. paBM c»n »ay. ly, that lho whole itory is n hiiml'iig. 1.,'tti »¦ io i. '..»'.! ban oat tin- 17th from prirato h hic not pat tleularly favorable to poke.'. Owl al theea letton Myt that >ant« taaa'a realgnatloe bad not beea a. wpted.- li.utit» an eaareeeed »in ihi-r bbtj atswetoa "f PrawtaVaat » ill li held as legal. a»_w \niia. at til,- h.-ad at hi» rab¬ illo army B bjeb M t' k ->" !o| I. in« ventured to show himiell la MesJc la iictual p.'Wei. and will tn< So «n'.il lio «hall lie «gain soundly -.t Rio .' The Adnmstatt.loa luve ait. i «etwaaoaatllatiea, *.nt a dispatch to Oea Baott ob the «abject of bta r ti..p. approving oi it » tt tOtM e\c.plioi,i. II Ihi-y baas «ia<> clothed him with more power»«» «.-got,at, i, and relnned lim trom the inUai lunmnt oi "mulling »itli, oi acting m conceit with Mr Til»!, they have then dono »omclhliig to»«id e\pcditing . peace. Mffl ihall probably have very important tu):'.'» from Oea Scott lu B low day». He. perhaps, advanced from I'liehla toward Mluttoo ». Bl .. Ut ol June. Ht« PotaOBtafl «t«mp*. which have t>e«'n prepared In Oonlotiiiity with the act ol the lait »"»».on are to tie du Iriliutcd to the dlltrrool lott Orh.-e* ou th.- 1*1 ol Ju'y They will bo convenient to Ihe pui-lie and an advantago t«'the r vei.ui- ot the 1',-parliiniit It dia-« not appear that thfl Postmasters «re to char,;, in <te tor them lb«fl their lace they »rv turniahed at lhcevp«-n»e ol the !'c part -ul ^^^^ I' i htm n; PBOE \ I'M,:. Bl i .Th« New Uric am 1'ieayuue, which we ought to have :. \. 1 n Satur¬ day lut did not contains »oino BBaVBa.É new» from \ eiie/ucl». by the toi| lai'.u». at tint poit. UN ¦ »t Mi portant al which niales to the aavjgattoaol tl.. co by «team, which ha» been granted in i \clu»hr pru. lege i. r eighteen year« to Vespasian Kill«, late Cbarg« d Artairv'i ot the I ulU-d Stales. The Isbius reports the brig I'»Iti Hallett. the on'y Amnican veasel in p<-rt. loading I .r New York The BrltUh l'»ik Syren, with BflBaS on hoard valued at y10,000, parted bar eabtai oa the eight of toeBBahall ».-nt aahore »nd «u wrecked \'e*»el and cargo a to¬ tal Uu». eaoept »oine.MO bag» ol cofee »»ved in a d»m- ag-1 «late I'heKahlu» brought over a cargo ut aJeTI bag* aafltas . Ourraan. the leader of the late Revolution » uh the unpunUbed of bl« f * . - ul ltA'tn num- .> re yet in prison at Caiacaa. Kor«omethe1m u wm general that no mor« execution« would lake place, and that tl -».' ri inaiiuog in prison would be .entinc.-d to hanlahment and h«rd labor fat '-He I -t In A «u.'ther outbreak at Km Chic » vil'st- on the eeeta b.-twe.n l.aguayra an,1 i'uerto tai'-llawhtah kplei " y lately, it was lupptued that the «rntence. which was t.' ;>.. made known aa the 1st lust. «IWflld be mor» «,' at IbbM on tiuiman C.'iigr.-M closed its Session on lb» l'>lh of May and iu acts i'i' one ii, lavor ot calm* made hy our Charg« d'Atlairc», re.»live lo Lie bftgfll Native and Ji> e also .lie in l«vi r ,t Qggg J li |)«ai,U. Mtt ITART FoJ If BE THt KolTK To OBI s It i* «ready ke.wn that .-e compsnies ot Volunteer« have beea ordered to be raised in MiM'Uri to be «sa p'.cyed io eitabiUhing military itaiion« oo the routa to Oregon, u provided by an act of the ImI Congre«» We leani that toe (roTernroeot ht» detennlned to euttbllth two »tatiooi or military posts.the f.r»t to be MaWBai near Orawd Ulaod. where the road to California enooun ten l'latte river and the »ecood «t or near Port Lara- mi- The Cîireroment bai already given orden In connee- tion wtih tbi« o>ove«oenL 'J"ho battalion will he bc"obi- paakad by an officer of the Corps el Kagineers and an Awlttaut Uu»rt< rm.Mier ot tar regular army, wboiedtt tie« will be »uch M belong to thc.r retpectiTe de(.rl ment», and tbey are to have eTery aid and aMittaaoe froat the commanding officer. There »re to be regular i. ia » "rajn f«e tnaipe of the command, lor the aa!>>r lurvcy* and reo«vnnoi»ancea neeauMry at »uch pa«». Tin» oomm»nding oBaaartotO be held r.»p.«o»ible for the r*rly completion el the work», and w'.l urge upon Btfl ti"« J.U that it Ihaer duty to hm!d wiith-nt" ..hem Two r_*dic,l officer», ona fron. «nd tbe other from tbe regular army, will ./. ..omp»'ny the coraoto*d. All 0t«ceeMry eouipag- - luin »bei by tbe Atiutant UJartarmatU'i.and he will he provided with fuud» M P»y the troop« tbelr per diem working parti««», under tbe law. Uu MM are accu rately deflneai Ho reo.ui.*d to d «bur»««. «l«o. »net ro.m > rr*y in' appropriated lor the post«. Trm laud* upon which iheee «¡tel are to he erected are o be puraha»ed trom Ihe Indian», and to be ai e»lr«0ilve tl* approprialion will procura. Ordnance and ord- nance Hun» will be tarnished tor tbe lort* by tbe proper commanding iflcsn. The battaltoa of »oiuoteer» will move m loon .. they cea be got ready for tbe mrrritm. lit Lo_t RapabUeatv Jut« It CITY 1TEMM. IT, Jatte 3! Il Ft 7 i. n~ R«f. MlMBIttBw .tin W.-ineidsy »ftermcin next the American Arrlrulturt' Asao»*toia»M will gire a second exhibition of Flower« FrtoM snd Vegetables at the Urge hall of the Lyceum in Broedwsy i.e»r Pnnce«t We learn that extensive pr-paratic.n« h»ve been m«de lo render the display » beeanfnl one. »id tho«e who viaited tbe former exhil.ft that ev.ry.r,.. inged to the beM advaatatgje. aber ol Iba ctwtebaton aa wall «i the of tteI . A..1 be greatly increased. M to whom Ibe mot; perfect ',f nstura! production« tre at tractive mty r, ¦ -i? a delightful tpe» :< the exhibition will be oper. |Ma y attended. A new Jewish 6yni- nam» d " Tne Qatto M Prsy r. in Wixretent ne»r * to be eon«eer»ted on r hd»y next, between I and J o'cl»ck P. M Rev Mr. ¡taact tata I fttoj i.'tn it c ngregition. to the putor. It expected that isafj) ftararyMai »-. the mn«ie bu been composed, »nd is to be conducted, by Mr E sided by tn orrhettr» of thirty of tte !'' S »clety.the rh'Ta»e« tn full »nd Ihr principal «oíos will be «ung by t Mi*« Rachel from Philadelphia. IT" lion. DtSaM H LbWU Bntrod in t iwn 'rut Stturd»y momng ft m Weit Point He bai lodging« »t the City Hob 1. Immi..»'.avt« .TI I t.'iini». t ».i immigrants arrived tt this port for the weck endine June 19, was fir** Sr lotU IJav it 'at»"i by the "-.«oui. Thefirand I.idgeot New- I w unit- -Aitn that of Connecticut I". 8. Suit» oui-» .Tht» BUp wi;l tan bor in the month r the N-rtl, illver thlt attern"-n and be ready Id Ihe morning to receive Mr Todd snd family. She will «til «a «con Mr 'I w tiled on board probably M Wedneeday. A draft ot ne»r two hundred men «nd boy« went on board this morning to supply tho vacaa- cle« made by tlrkiult, death »nd detert; n The U'akaxti'f: Hhpitai.s.There were in the II iipltsls »t Qu»r»ntine. Maten l«l»nd on the 1 ltb In«. 741 patient«. KmtgrenU »dmltted «tnee-AT.tott!. Bta, »Ji»obargi'd. Vm%.died, ¿.'4.still remaining, up to tbi« d»t»' _ A. (ii.ExT..A derrick ot the Harlem Bridée tell on Friday lait, teivereiy injuring two men. one ol whom It not expected to recover. P t h | .Martin Hamati Lew;« Mit. hei. Mary Ann Mitch.-'I and »"hrntiann i I.'m-we.lait nirht »r reeted by often Rattetota the sixth Ward, charged , > m r-nitrd Miller in a c.-:!»r at No 't Muinerry «t lasted n ...The teas* of 1.1 tine. No ÍH seventh «t »m taboal half past 1 o'sjoah !»»l night, through the tront basement wi ni w The Besas h- l Ml nine, who riitcovered the th>-,».» when they ran off They h»v« n. t been de t.-ct.-d... Tteodoro Qlltoepto was ltat algal ai n ato .-.,... -he rifth War!, charged with tub¬ bing Frederick Keeker with a knile. Locked up. Weekly Iteport «tenth« ¡n the City and Cox-ty of ¡Ve* York from the 12tA day of June to Ou 19íA day rf Jute. 1S47. Men, I0o. Women, Ci-Boy» '-.'e-Cirlt, 56. Total. 30? DtoMMR Fo \Diita*e$. flo Abscest. 'Heart Disease of. I Apoplexy. 4 H op fig Cough.....1 Astrma. 1 I Bronchitis. S Compression ol Brain..-. Caiuaite-t. 2 Chnler» Intantum. Conaumption.H7 Conviiliioni._?j . 7 Inf.ammstton. 1 of brain_ .'» ,f K welt.. 7 I Ch.-.t... nach I -at of Liver... I Co,,»t;p»ti..n. [aMananaaea. '.' Chicken l'.IX . a ,.I MaJfotTnati n. .Tremen»_.. I Mara«rnii».U hiarrli. a.80 M-»«!"a. .'1 l>rop»y. 'Mortification. 1 .. In Head. 7 I Aï»_. 4 Urowned. SJPalsy.2 I'vawrtte-y. tlfàataoa. 1 Lryitpelas. I Premature Birth. r.ruptiuu..- 1 Scrofula. 3 i-ver. 9 Small Pox. 1 Inflammatory_ 1 .'Sprue. .1 faerum al.- 4 Bole! ie.- ,'t f<emlttent ._ "Trarture. 1 Scarlet. llTeethtnr.I .. Typhoid.MCawBBtTw.. 4 Typhus.Ill - Ursvel. l| Tnul.30« Aor.Inder 1 year M ltofl I I ' I to 10. is in il 'JO lefts, M; 30 i II ; GO to 70, It i 10 to Ml, i «Oto M,!; 90 to UK), 1 unkiiown ft ToUl. livra or N »tivitv. I'r.ite.l St»»,». 17', Ireland, ntelaad I | -, t'ninl. tiermanv |j Franc- Prutila. 1 Kritiih Poisesaioni in N. America Weit Indict, I unknown. 4. Tata 1 r, tn the Aim» House. Illackwell't Itlind. 1 Almt H.iuie. Belli vu... It l- ..-¦ nie, M; Penitentiary Hoepitol, Hlackwell't l«lanr! 1! Lunatic Aavlurr- well's liland. I Itlooiningdai»- lbwpital I.', We». ¦. . Reeptoxl, l'o..'.i-iirn-,iaie D <:iv il répits Heeptoal, Blscktreir« l.'un.I. 7 Colored H Colored I'. ran» 17, A W WHiTF. City Im, Cur Nm'Icctoh'«. On ten. June -JO. 1-17. < envi, ti.iii ol the r'lnM. .. C irretponderurc ti A «ay Errate» Journal. Ih'D«ov J,.n»i It Melsri. Wi'll» A DAWtOla Qatofl 1 ho trial of the Fir.klea »nd other« for «n assault and battery with Intent to kill E I'. Cowle» ysotordsr, and resulted in a v.rd.ct of gui.ty «ganitt t'alvin Fin«:»- Bad Petto Pinkie of that charge, »nd ol «imple assault and battery »g»inst the other» After the kcrdlct wt» rendered the pntonera Were remanded to prit, n to taseeasaea Itey were uken down tw, »t » tune. Calvin and Peter being tbe ltat Uken down Alter th.y descended th« tta-ri into the main l»!e or entiance d tte I'lirt li.ue- they by » de»per»te cf ort cl»»»r.-d th» tnn-lvt « iiom the »lílcer« having lh.-in .n cuitody »nd ran into the Court 11 ,u»e y»rd, where th.y w.-ie «¡tur» d and taken ta priion after a »tout reiuunce Phey lhr-'»teo to raise Lirc.-s lr».ui »I,road to rei-n.» th. m they vveu tliretteti t,,f.r»i the city. Lait i. .tit th. K.-c.r.'ier made an order to employ twenty .he a:i. which wa» done. A night police wa* and the a«i»ect ot sfttylrs reminded one ol th»o!d Anti -11. Ml SV'ar here.all that wat wanted to make it a pe te.t »U'.br;;art was the pretence of s «plendld M itiry corpi .i y,,unity Tbe c.tir.-ni here are tnurh . xai-leraU'd againat the 1 taath t at, 11 to '. ill will be Very «ev,r.» upon them, »nd the more 11 in c, d«c.,ui nee ot their attempt to M> v»pe. _\,.ur«. truly. Imtoriaxt DUBI a .\ . tter B74MI Keokuk. '.>.» County Iowa, dated on the -tn intL lUte* on uu 1 u'.ted autboruy. that Judge TYIIHsl had that morn ing d.»»ide.) aatt»-r a week t «rgurnent «nd p»tient exam iuatioB ot tbe eaae. in HTM of the decree mie tn a iu:t betwraen the New Vor« Compsny «nd Wrght.tbu« e«- tabltthtng. the letter tayi tne title, by a Judge who wa« tatetosj by the «ettleri proteaeedly on the ground of hi« oppotiUoQ to the decree l'be Judge, in tbe concluiion of the case, «aid tbit he at olesacd tüat hi« opinion« on thu ¡uettlon had all b»>ec againat the decree, but. alter a thorough examr.. The ;»w aad the I ecu. be had no doubt ot the «aft Ley the decree, and that il mutt tie iuilalned. Law O-untv l.' the aeat ol the c.-.obrtted Had breed tract ot land. and tbi» declil-n involve! toe homestead» ot hundred! ol »etlier* in the County. IViibout meaning t.. ny anything of the m. nu of s mxtt» r which we are penectly unacqu«lnted » de- . tob at that now announced mutt excite s good '. I it better that the title t. »o much land saould tre .juieled. thtvn that it «hould ke Uve Mtototo ot perpetual litigan .n -.. out» Kepubl.can. June li. Fksji Cal ft -P.»!! .Mr Thmm H... an. «econd ofticer ol tbe «hip America of Stoninglon. arrived in towB yestordsy. snd reports that the Amarte« put into me bay ot St Margaret, on the coast ot C«.:toml« ! r the pur> se of whaling on the ."th ot Janu»rv last . Saw plenty of «cragg whale» bat on the Ü a while in pursuit of whale«, was alarmed by tw i s «plcxmi 'Klar se h »oners wbich made their »ppearar -e under the land, «weeping down toward the «hip. a eonse- voewce ot whicn Capt Naab gol under welgi and pr reeded t»» sea deeming it unaa'e to continu. la utelr oeighboroood. - Bedlord .Vercury M-vRi Metí» Priv »tiers, or Pira »i- bsrk Nsuttlas C»pt Inrera,.!' »rrivpj »t tt « morning t.-o:r. I'a.erm I via I Mbra'ur, which latter plsre .he left on the '.7th of M«y C»pt Inger» '1 report» that lour tel'jccss, nndcr Mexican cornm:»«' »'» known , to be cruising M the Méditerranéen The 1 rench »u- Ihontle« »re said to hive »topped one which i to Gibraltar and which was fittinj out «a a pr. vatear at r uear Orran. on IBe r,>awt ta Barbery A r.ver t-i the SoLtP. vd M-.'»;ad, re. .n the Haroary r >ast- was s»id to be tne sftgM where they -erried tlvtr» i »or of their teluccss wss supposed to be eruUtng u tho Westward ot tbe Strait». Cotton Tr»* Sn Max Oiii.w »I? .sx MSM «rtow iruwned from s bowl ciiotainlnf men an i a y te ! few da) « since a l>es Pistos river. The boal was up^t by tbe oxea becoming unmanajeable and rushiag to IIS edg". ICy Dandridtre Epes who murdered Mr. Muir Mar Petersburg. Va. a year cr two ago. aad who was Mioaennsiy reported to bars been reeeatly Missis* in New <>teens, ta bos» «aid to be residiag M Ts xas near riao Ajitooio Eirltrairnt anteeg ihe Predaee Dealer« of Haflale. Tne moat mttrna« nt it oment pr-em, tn. Predat« tiealer» la cuBwraaeaeB of tag hand prwaMetw i upon them through the it»sraiaertsliy ; t«¡,. Tele- f'tpb At an early hour to day tl r.-« eommur. tnaoaatiagth «d- Ttnce in Bread»turli. t :.r being ma'gttrd. at watn vedAgVoni cue of to« nouncmt a rreat decline Bad < r lera* htr ¦ - -:-¦-.-.-. ¦.-.:: ., r . i ,. »tancea * . r. made in th i city » ... Reaped dry j ,.r« The I ror»a, Weather, A e. The er 'p :n BMtry parti v M <. ». tad« that ot lut year. t'.,tn. Ilji- Oat» a I »re n t io promu BtS The ".'. ... Wkeit crop in Pre.I «¦ -.»:.. are« . «uperl \r Bflel -T r.ther backwi- I I it M BW BOOfl to form aa 0| io reg«-- -m» Ul that the are »t prêtent very pronhrtng r le« ¦ ¦ yield. - ctaad hear of The C plain» that »ec ry way nníavnra'.'.e and now. when the warm a J istity Bat that the pl«nt aim-wt everywhere ü . to Kiy pan rl 1». Ala- Mad all paru .:, «bort, I a tt -1 r m « m with 'i that the prospect, «t this «.aiou I the ye»r never wtt w.iraj The Chaitattofl S r Mercury of th» i:>h »ayi i '. -tiori ii( the Bl lorm» that the crop» of Cotton and grain a- Ibree or four week» l»ter th»n u»u»l. In conseqaetioe ol the barkwird Spring, look vigorous and thriving. I be Wheat crop ha» matured »nd li » !«r me A Frederickibursr. : ..( th« IVtimore I i triot, writing on the .'th. «ay» iarm.'ri h»vn cm inenced rutting their ¿r»in ¡n «ever»! pirti of Virginti . 'Ihe herwst w... aj ¦. t.'.«n »n av.-ran. Wheat it »«id ti be v.ry at] .'ain ripening tMt in the t: Ir.ry , ¿[, truj ." Rapp»h«nn«~k Preparation» BBS nulirj t, irreettog in all ¡ lart.-r» Th- ».either :n t1 ii vicin'ty hai been wry on.- and MllBthM ta the lar inert Tbe Corn and Oat» lo A very pr ¦ Thf Cs ii i .From ta who ttitiad to thtaeb all tbe rtv»r parun« » V, -n that the n.prêtent »tiioit favorable «npneratitn «ad «bould BOtbieg bereath r m the pre«ent prospect Tbe srmy worm h»t nowhere maie lu ap¬ pearance The «tate ot th:ng» in Ilapidei taBBl 1 BBBBI ' «SB the following exir'c-t o: a letter trutn a triend th. re not to be altogether io cheering 1 have been »omewhat mliipoied. arid have »een bat few ol my neighbor«, and the few I haee ieen. »r« *o down in the m .util in r insa-qience "t the iriry done tbem in their crop* by tbe late h»;l «t. rm. that they fceve hut little H »ay »'.nut m»::er» in general think. Irom what I can see around me. that it tome other disaster doe» not bel«', the BBSS Ked River planter» betöre Kail. they may yet make tm.-ra".le OtMBBS crops fwSM who are Bateg Into Ihe Su rar u»ine»« ap-.iear lo he In very ¦'ilerlam no StaaM rryaell of their ultimate success. The cane trows here »a -a does lu Luv other part statw B 0 Mat H Tht Wm hemloni. In latl BtnlbeWbeal aafoaaded, to t«r u tbe Reerrve li intorii . .orne , ¦ . m tl. ' o' - : ich lu« . ha« taker bold and ¡en tent ol the lata the last tew day«, lias bat ¡i .- ,1 T... I'll.I- .Tio- bl Up Wíirell'i if ,.: ftfi s*-.' «rt .s 'irg, hy wm d.'iti ¦; I'arttally intund The dry gooi« atan ol Mr MeLemar cuuum.d hy "re. I'ridiy. I.on «bout V. 00.totured !ur IUXW. ( « iBfttTBStlve t.rt- (ice.irr".l at C. HagtOB, Ky. ofl tho I lib The tobaewfl flaMfBBtaBary at Mr rnelius wm continu,-.I wMt .t« entire contenu The grocery »tore ol Mr I «nctit» r w«« alto a«.Matai; ltkewi»e rlio grocery »ton« BjaJ ri «. I. lire i| Mr I'unlop. BlatAMROAl B "a Ine MttaalBilBl Mohawk. c«pt Raed, «nlied yawtaraWy Ira. st LeaBt, reyerta thaJ ea Baa the '¦>rd. «unk t wriil.- ut, I. rw«y in a «g Sh« »truck a bank mi lien, » Island I ne l,o»t »nd a «r. . »re a total loa» butt. . paltfllgi-r« OU arl ». r I ,\.-.| s n Delta .'une ; I |"ïr* A dial ttempt »n ¦troy tbe family ol William Tuck- .¦r. Jr ot Am ¦ »to their to"d. A negro woman lia« D « -, cion - wi.-k"d act. r»** del ol John K-.-ae tota c.iylktll Co. Pa, fgT* TwATl l. arrive!« of isfBllllag Volunteers at Sew ()r!«»t.» "ii the 1 Ith 'nit. i£>eiictul fiioutss. PHRENOLOuISTS AND PUBLISHERS. EU U IRK» dk Whl.l,«, I'll Bjto____ta BJa V. TT Wnier-i or r--t»loi-h.n«-ot. it B . -, , i| ... ilsrB*y.)_ L Ur Shi. Ibeaarltaet ¦; M a:er lure. - . pad« «a* ibun T -. a a »lance may, hy afea, he aJ ."«el'-r « - ¦ y81 if ^«rTX LETTERS and NEWSPAl'ERS_<k>»t »3»w*abJ»JB. k,,k FOKhlliN I'OKT». amm9 r**" l.i'ller« liiia» - - "P"0 f the fld ¦. fThoi « Yor» Irtoa e tot tl f '¦¦ |fl Parta, i taataad o«w*p»r-er* Jer.'iii-vl 'n ÉM bBMB will a.»ayt be for- wardej ty tt.e v-ry ea- .-! « »a- s. This il»r»r'.rneOI is 'ie s;--l»! »uperv!«'... ef H M" VVR Rag w- mown for nuny r*«r» «etbeekpen« »d aad aft , «reif« Leiier l)a[>kr. - ..¦» | ¦.. . r r Ba«s «re >e «of tai . u -». i tor Um Btag place« . aa. w. Ireand. Havre. -,- h - men Hamiurgh. R'o de Janeiro . a a-a « I . fûVetjea, M a.a, Pan«rr.a. si- Tnun.a», Kirgiwn. (Jam I Ma miu Hav»ne> DfBce open trim u A. M t' '" P. M. fr letter» and >e« .p.tpcra » ! e" a . HAl'KK. Capu Alniworih. wUlch M . fir H«vre oa It.« 24ih ¡rut. A a will rye received »t Bta »a"1)" P ac, l.«i»r« sad Sewspspers tor ti- p.c»,t suT VICTORIA, Ce aajt, »h.rli M..» for LvDiloa on Bat BSE BwA J«17 A'»o, wl.l he rr.-eivel » « «tton «nd Ci» »p«peu .', r the ;-,. . IRRICE, C«| which »all» ^__^- ra*" % Card- T > . d Bro..«lvn»cd tweir vleiaity. byMri CHAPPIN ofBiuton. Mr* C. wh a " ' tho*»« per*on* *uSrriag f-oei cue*up ¦ « ». M . . . . . '»úx. )«iondi<oe,r»eBt- . '. ic Her prac.c- .. --- - ¦ ceasded -- . . ... . ... ¦. « - a* .. ... » -n e»a be «eon from the re«: - which fltfl can *how «i her room», V/7 Broadway, Stdoor from Prankllnut TtwM who woe d be healed ¦oat come qowk!» or Mu. C will remove when bee uaefaiteM u certain to be pot into reciuttioo wuaoui 8_M__Jet lmoe TT t'retea Ilaee at dO t rata per faat.-Coe- MB>vr» -»'.~ad : <«»«: y ..¦.tuet' advantage H exan. ne -.«i«« H.we naBif«C'.ur-d "y the .unccriier Bad w«rr«iiied s.perior i »( : «i «a »i» pne» »TKaMBOaT PtOPBlKrOAS «el ail oih«Ki p.. inu aruci« »>l "-e i.*_i »un .-. *^ci a manner «a * . »lUfacuirv. fbebeatof «lock »i.. ue uaaoi la ine BMBav f»ciunani the workm»"«' If »»Tan.ed T O r »t and myî» if basement -«r en Pearl and Chathana »u. tV The t.cnulne Keaao -oiip ... - «a as-« « i - « -. '«c- *emany kind» rar a A..BKRT l* W1NSHIP Chemist »rl Apothecary, .. i . M I asi Broa,; a>»y. tjp" BEataa* ( or» Maaw« Mm M E Oi«e eoam . r- ."« is--- -s ai bar t «ae . p-uj-et New Mu n «» «t.u «d'e« and Cifid'eaaituMl !.-. -^a-saufor 'V»T W.l.vw W«i«r Cara tVCmngre** »nrln«. Water . . ALBERT L. WIN« .«14 owf " »u«. Br «jw»y. ClTt.eBiiiae Haarlem till -Importad direct from Ho..aad for M.e wBoumu ai. ALBPRT L WlSflrllP >alt oaif 7" Pmi Broadway. Bar, Markst-BL /. D WHBBLdRB, OT t em.Ualea>er far the «taIB« M New-T-rt ad C«maeci_«t, Tnaiiny HaU- bU if ÄefjihitXf. SANDS 8 SARSAPARILLE, r i --. tarn » »«.-v «aaauaaar ci«» se »cl bis- «t«rt »«,».«». »aon »» iwrvt« rrtTS or I TM, IT'TVM rti .Vee/Ua ,- \ nit K--.., Hirom^". '.Soravat/ t\t.t>%i atwis» .* pwata./i ea:a- .Stag- H'f-e» .' T~'e~^ ai franraí nul Pi. of fl»«ir» aav* -.'«aj. .ixvkaV.--» ,' aatwa«.«. «mal Jasraarj «-»..»g/»»»t »a »afun/i«j rut ri \ tm se- Bsj v^lca.-r .< It'r .'«-»aticl »aurirxvit. »c!. fS". iV» a , . w wittofy tase »a. «od a t ' .. . t . a a . »nd la » --'-i a » »e»r »a » »ted for eonieatsaieaad aortahllt- a. ¦ i rtosBentepai - s«.» -' «a - . p- M -«rk .,» Morphine "f < . sut . 'a. s few grains et - M ¦ a f a il ,( iheerade ri'»t»nc»e. keaeetoe «-îpe r orliy of ir.»»- . » . t « -a v:ure, when aba uaed Ule «arre medicinal valu» « » n the great chain of . »I sod ka con¬ vinced. Wham ass done once, u w Naw-Y «v Aprtl *. 1M7. . Its --.-.raten Ha« » g been aJfl'.ct- »Sd re,-, . a »e pre- ¦ | Mace fcs Mate sjr Sarsapan; a I Bess . - » -«.- .. of in- .v-ct. have .-»., a--»»d».l wlih t*e ., > . ' IB rrr»ll n I ,... .... Bow. i -II T «.--., v ..-..-: tome at » u ¦¦ I . .. x. - K Pr»l rte, . a - V « shwwi a I -I» Mtv. f». w«i i week . . a i M . i » <. Means hkely to pre».» '. t ita« half of I, I » I h»d u»ed sear v . wat able . .ajsjaess. st'd. e'.ire I h».1 notsb*d the fourth wet ea well end sound as ever I . I tesa a «a;. .- that Baads's toreanertUa was the mean». under Prnaidaeee, of «aving niv !"nh. and I doubt not n y .ifa. »n.>«i cheerful v re,- eBinaad H Uie beet aru- e.e exi»m for « of the blood V r,, n.wt re»-,»,--/.,... JAMES MILLER Fttraci Iri in . etter fiutn Mr. Ingr«h»rn.« gentleman srs » . ¦ »wire Couniy. II Itself Sll slmiisrly «rf, Roxxt'itr. N. Y. M«rch X, IH7. '.-. IBM -My wife bss BSed «evnal lo-.-.l»« ef y.-ur rWraap»- ¦ » . fr en wr . .. ». »... » , k «ps tl '-er;»ht ihal I am indue-».) to add mine to i ... MOtry row a (1er a many olbe, r.iarv»» have fallen vc. B n.pposed trat . i ttme way. Bhs i at ... » . We were in- tarsaps I, from sd, to 'Jiti .' r th» past w a: :»'ri) lo ber u»ual do. . ReepecUuily »( J.iHM B. INMRAHAM. FOT ft BT pa «r«, «ed ror.r ... -e .f It, ue and eftcacy, »ee psinpri.ei!, which msy be o'-l» l.*.i Prepared and i v B ktl If 1 tTTtt. ITls »ateto. IM . ca.rner of VA'.l»!n, New Vor«. « «i .~t Broalway «¦:i 17 rlaai Br.ia.1way. »nd by drugs -, gbool the I'nued »a-« PrltWftt pM Mai ¦ »a o»r la my«, if Sxxcworka. t'IHÊWÔMKM ! KIIIKWOKK-»: v ... ¦ssoriMrai of saper rrfirew rhajeat »pened »nd for tale «rtaoieeeto aad retail,etaastoitag;of every vsrtety in ». - till», ». priées '. to plattes 1' ..«» to . smtaeihem je» iv i HAMMER k HOB n »l BRILLIANT FÎH 'PUF. «tara toi l u'«»' .' a . .... grew,. .. ......,.,» . " » a ». war» i BADEA '. v > ,n »t. I,MUM \\ ii.'.'tv .. t'a- -, se of all i /¦.« g Pira Works tebawS i». at wh » MNEB ta TOI amsL -;- J"iij!)ionablc (Tloil)ing ötorce- ; CLOTHIN1 JVANDCRBILT - 'l. sad It ¡ West Broad- . v ay. has a sp en i ».. lrtoier t o. gent«', boys' an I children'! c.oil.lng. 1.'- -unce tke'.elon new iiyle thirl .kin fro,-« u 1 «bad .. aus, a ..'»'... lo, srerj lite v ,., mora than eie .¡onai.l ;».,..« ..f latf'l »n»b e goodito ail of will be sold SI I e lowest llh e prlC». N K A ;.««»'-. frn:ri»r cat reit tn<1 ptnti from gi to s- . .V -.» Bro.twav h»IS Im- OLOTH'»Mk>, a i i-1 IBB »¦« » u i o a t. r. suir an il |JS, At I - flllllllli )_7 .... I'liirrh. t cloth:'« ; i «... ... Is V.V-i . vv. 11 D Hi) It »JOT '- _ I liuokB. NEW MAP OF THE WORLD. J| IT PI BUtBEl) A M- i .- . The ah s Map ¦ i'' flag« 'al".'. ..... .- «M I «n ru'e -. i the most an- toeaik M»p of the World puMish».. loleeals Mlby CHARI.KS a '¦. N. Y. j«18 1W orstK v.; SV HI.: NTS. "AN AND HER DISEASE-, 'P.I IM Till, I'KAI'I.K TuTHK (¡K V\ V V II eiaatve y tel . »étaler aw».,' t.-r 'f D. Pp ,.,.., « «Mretted Tbete -»y [.»r»ni d». . .- i . -nor»! I ,1 IULES II R."- idwsy. Age»'. . * .ICN'JiNE LONDON EDITION. T| D * Y la PI' B , . v II -¦' I a H M It I A Will », N c... . teaeTi I "rg«r . .. of the .-. el I, ... ,--..- ¦ . . s redef of the ... ':--¦.'« ' .a» IBXS . in the c . irry and . » ftftWROB v IKTI ,' «t. loie-»t itliacellancoaa. TIM KIMM * >1 ID! Til.HI' ' l T tots p«r ... Iwin't - it per. erman-nl I.» w. » »v»» Kr »nt» pa), a ». . I ... _ ^¦^H - al.l ¦. 3 ¦..:.-: . . . ». r * -a . t --..,. .. :..¦¦: . I Ma apar, T. Mil- \) Y ..¦.¦¦".¦ B j«rd tl th» ume toe B»md« beer 4f» »ad it t preeaatsd he y»t savd »»sic»». «»I can lafovM lioee v. a. . Ata a .»«.*' 4 '». ireauaad ««ore U v -aiioo l M R N 8 A «ma pare« srl to e.i '.rt*.*«e .* t- sal »trtonr.t rar: -un wanted___'.!__ NliriC R.-J.'riN M. NIC -LU ..>.. of Jots» Ñlte deceased. » Maw-Tort May «ftuto f »rinti gros «a '. '¦. w . , v'oee.tai . *>.,!gi __4 \ Y >r '.o the iab«ye..ber M Huartnrum L I »kW _I B «MKIJTT. F'KA>KI.I> lALf WATKat B4T11, Kortoelte of lae gutery .T»e Hioi» Ba., « I iw ^peo fjr 'he .eesoe. altor anaergolag a eoeapieie repaar, now ready far toe re»-epuoe of Lade» and tf*s ..emen. anJ the public .-eoeia. y ».very aiureiion will tea paid to vUltor«. Stwtoe nrsot» r,)»nir«^^iriaajioier_KS Ira sriHOMETER r^R CHE vT'DISEÂSEB Tl »ice s «ata», may ko inspecte I by the rasxtical p-ofaesaoe. and a -o bave ut «yirpioiiii -»I eb-ei Jiteataaean c,e-.»n »een an» baasr» . ¦Ij_ MftawAMs» TILl.lfcl \'«» kastwas of Urea. M.ixg u «.-... wer»;.» -a»- *,. an J .* .inea» a a . nein. Term« fo, / */"' Lin'.ng «nd psjlssn a. Dret» Makt-g :n ib« BaM aad aaset tastaieaskle style .w i»».Aeur:akie term». A tow good «trwer« wu. betangaiMad T 'iiyttera and peae- uca» Dree« Maxing for s few weeks' «a»nuance to sewing |»w IM*_ RiltlTAÜ-T tVèUNNINO, Deoasc has laawtrred fro« carne, of Ckess naws-ec and Brood way to U «Viad- My« tor* Banna, anà Sam«ur «Itôuint- DB. TOWESERDS SARSAFARILLA. THE MOST CATRAuBOlNART MEM-TIHB IM TUE WORLD. THiS EXTRACT t* pc.t .p In e_-i furrlai littitsroew Asa***, r eajBJVr ud »a--».-'--.! BbBbV*BI W tcy », J hrarat 3'».u*»s » in..-it Toeur««» p. ruf nr*ea- ter «e ***i»f«nag ine pta.-r-t The greaj beaa't ane »npeetorliy et ihta Bar«ap«rtll« oior «ii 'iiaer eeoedlee 1«. wbiu tl erallcaue JlawaM II invigorates boal« IT HAS PKKPORMV.D »cat Tea« IT.OtHI cran Tau rtat. I ,»MMt cea es or Rar h«t «x. I .'««III ccaaa r L)v»r«rsi». i.M'tlaaii or Jiaia.i DuuiTy'. want of N-rv. .. r .T.IMIII Paus »r »'mart uo ..» 7.IMKI 11 avi r 0 vr.aict rt v « , « r ,iir.)M, g»n Ehenm. P - kr Vr u-;etr..r wr."i nu»»»" . -ase« of t'.nue.mpi'.vc. Liver tompuini. Up nal Afee- Uona. he ThU. we «re *w»re u,a,t »praaa« lo-'ettt,». b'.i h»*e leueu f«vn «Hy»'C«n« ni ,>ur Ageri»fri«m til perú ^>f lúe l'siiad Suie«, inform! « j* "»uac.rdiB- »Iy cure« R l «n B'isk'-'k Kia .iru of ir« ir, «t rMpeca- ¦ . dracgUU m Newart S«w a y brasa MlbBI be .an r«fer io ¡not« ihui on, haBdred »3d fi'ty ca»au '.n that «-a rte. T«-»re are thjj«*ej* ,if r.»e» tn lh" Ctly of N»w.Y are, which will refer to wllb pleoeur«. and to me« of chancier wall known. INITPD STATUS 0PP1CPR. Ca 'l (1 SB McLean, m*>mbe>r of lb« Ne«-J»r»eT Legt«. lAiiir«. lote if tha Coned tone* N»vt. hM k ndiji ho. tit 'he Anlowin« cerilscaie. It teiu tl» owaatory R.u*,v tan V>. 1*47. A ye«r »ince I wm '.»l,.n wt.h toa ,a.1a^vr i and my »h <\- «ten, efl I ted «UM WM todoeed »0 try Dr.Tu aaeei Wwapa ...« and *fU«r nttag two ,.r ajjaa w»« i., aact re ¦¦..¦1 »-«i »in Staled M * . al' a«*« 'otlmied tai rig It. and hn.l in« -, ay. I leiteve it «aved mv iif«, aud wcruld not tie » ¦ MJ t,»t*ld«ra i'. m. .- vv McLKAN. THi". liHTOR. ¡arksori r*«rj Editor of the R,hw«y Republican, , «rufáeai«, a a/kaiaaa .aiiunal ». lowi T'i» Mecen M Dt. T iwatateTl prepararon of S»r»a- : a- It « . . . .' v r'i«rac'er »V« -.-..«' one from c'«pt MeLeea. of this urwa. aad eae Rea« Re« Mr vi e - , , Isr.d,agealtaeBBB well »e.w-n In Rahwav C»BL Mclx-«'! e.e« Ik« BMsdtctl e to have »ave hi* life, and Mr. IV tile *«*e-n» ta aetortain »n Bgaalif Mreag fdence In ¡U e . ¦¦. i 'n-n ke the*e » Rot prstse s.) »Uongly whsl II ve lu do- .erve lu - SCROPC1.4 Cl'RF.D. Tht« remírate «u han tei inio Dr Towruen.! * ortlc« ihl« wea^ t ene atta v prove BBkl hi« lirai «ri,,» Hm perfect roatrol ..ver the *r ,««i o:»tin»i« d'.aeaae« of lh« Need Three per«on« cur«« in one h..uM U unprece¬ dented. THREE CHILDREN D«. To» a««ai>-/'rni ,>V | have ihe p'een-» to to- firm V'Ki th»t three of my Cbttdnfl have ''een cured of lh« Bcrofhla be the u*e of year exeelWal medicine. They »ere aSRt.I very ae.-ie ¦, will bad ttreei have ukeB on.y for .¦-, -. Il toot -rn «w*v.'or wavh I feel tuy. .elf ander deer T u«« re«r«*etfully, I8AA1 W. CBAIM, IBS Woo»tar-»L Ncw-Tork. March i, l MB RHF.LMATISM ANO TUP. PILES. Sen»»»'« M> BhB Da T'Wairap.Cear So- My » ife i.«a leen for «ever al year* attlii > the ht« Ü 1 BBS y l.ffereoi ¦ . ai all m ao par* pom. Bhe wm Anally indneed v «--ng year adveiii*e- gtee yoar Bamparilla a trial We proeared sma« Of It from y "ir agent Van Husk''11 »n.l It give« me r.'e».i,re to »tale .hat usirg It sh.« esperiariced ¿real .1 wm tn a »«ry shorl nine peigwlly rand, f wm i . - with a maa tn my employ! i«a.lly trout-led . « '.y u»'og » «in«1! ipia'iiitj of y.Hir Ha«»ap«- .r complaint wa* cmp'eiely cured I MBAtdaj U ke beet of aiadktan, aad woa'd a»»ta» all wao an afHlcied to give il a trial. lIAflRIT liAKrUBRANT. .-I a Markeisi. Newark. CLFROYMK.N AND PHYSICIANS. Ai wit i. »a rnotsaii'» or nmm ia il t raaT« or th« I'nlled Slatea. are roatiaaallr lend'ng cartirraieiand in forming utof lunefiuderiveJ from Dr TownMnd'lSaiM- partlla I)« Ti>wait«r>-*ir Some ilme itceeynu req'iMierl my opinion of th« virtue« of tear Compouad Syrup of Maria* Perilla 1 am no« prepared to give 11 have uaedll In mi practice and pnacrtbed b '.' llu !a«t few month*, »n-1 decided preference ov«r »nylhlng of lh« which I «m ». tiiiaied. both M to lu medical . and the reM'>B«««le price «I «filch «ell It. In a ' »1 -cl'.on» cnl.neoin eruption* neaeral ly, d v* rupds, Indigaatlon, coative habita, and -r eoaelelala, I ¦¦ ple»«e.l with It« efteel«. In ll>-ae coiii|-!»li,U. or »r where a » « todtaaaaa, can wiih eoari- ¦¦ imanad it io the prathattoB a* - « . « Itaaaea in ».one of lu .. «« a «afe « id valuable IN .- r r KS.M. U. H. . .- R lays* Hfl tag ' «¦ .one time pul ''.en uto. tod wilt a l'a il. in«i ¦ a,|e. ilni .n my ling», and « ... . -. g et,.,,aura in I.»v.- ing alter preaching, »nd finding my alaa*a»e tu In- crease, with asa« B dlaV ly if *«r->«i.'iing «'el oilier alarm- \ I'lom*. wm ad rkied by a r ergyuian a f' lend of Bampanira. I did so, and «J er taking IWO or ihr. e teatlet f "in mv«e|f rel eve.t My tpBOillo be« been ritinrinl Had myMlfinoehrtreBg. e. «"'.1 hop» very «oon ta resume my usual dnlle». I hav« heen .<> great, y keaegtad ky Toureicellenl reedleiee, I «sel tl ty duty lo nuke known the fa ufor the henehi of other» Who may be laboring undarihe itteedlMcoldeelball li«v» been fur »oriie time pMt Re»pecifollv, yean, BAMUEE VVIilfH. CMior U| S»pisi Church, Maa. a. IBB» suieu i..»ud. ALMOST A MIRACLR. Kaau th« ». lo» IB«, an du it it you c«n, thai con. .emotion cannot be carad TbtaUonly me of ihe tarerai huiKlred -a*n* Out Townaend« MarMuarilla ha« «Brad Baeeaura, sept, if tage. Pa.TowaeBBB iJaar Ihr »«« UAea,alititaorar t ve»r »«M. er::), a «e/eie eoogt «nd pain In my itde. It in- cre«Ml on urn vary fail, indeed. I wm pronounced by MM 1 ..on. I mini Urge «i of bad an i iweau, and »Inking v-ry fest my t " let »aid be cra.,,1 do ooakiBg for me. I «g auaeéteé, bat wat I ira', e. »a» - Hslfto .... uaadeeeld «wnUy breatbe I ».h.o became « 11": was c 'Uhned ui my bed, and wmlo . ciinot give , description oiai wo,..i .i ,,. « ta ase aeee, I i| my 'nenl« to be peal re.o/.-ry i I had .¦« . lall lowoked le be io no P'iite'.a I naAofatawa ¦¦ try .-u-e« pew by your modi« -ne, nil to tell y./'i Die iruih. I . u u mo a '. Bib ig i ir sai h u wm tn «... »rd «id v«wy thinlfiil I did. I .iiimn »ay liui I n" - «I «in . fir r*.-<n-r-4 ,a a . ¦ »tl »e,l in i f»w weei« I) n lo ih» Mda, and eight ¦ weal» ban lefi me. and raise leil very lotis, ar.d am ra*l latalag -iiy aaatl «'rehg-ii fe.i n « aatj lo ,iv«youa ilaieuinot of my ....e. to pabltah f roa ,-- PP.TKR BRi)'-VN,47 Linie tu Brooklya. ÖRP.AT PP.MALC MKDICINP. Dr Towruend . Hari»p»rtlla 11 «overe'gn and ipeaydy . tar h , em coi,«uiupi:iio, borreon«*»*, leucorrh.r« or »hue* o'.«ir'ir',ei aiion, incontln aaaaafartae, or tavatawatry i teaarge laawaof, »nd for g e general pr,»ir»tlon of the «yst-in-no sialier whalhaw -, I of inherent c«u«e«, or produced by Irregular :iy -.. « s ¿can '»emore«urprl«ior th»n It» Inv'goMtlnr ef- '.-. . ¦. fr*n - f-'i'ini a., »-««ne.« .,.) ... - «klag II. « ai and fall . .' lence. It 'mme.l . e , ,- .nnuraru .- .. fein».h frvine, which u the (real c»u»e of btvreaeei li »:l, r>..t ke «l| httod «f In cm»« of »o delicate » . . f ire» perfnriiied, but wa ma « ibe t.ieted « :. ¦.' '.»«... luve been . ... » ur.,e,i Ml Iree, altar wtag «taw bolita« ol hu ir.vtiua- - h hea.thy'«S»prln». Da.TowastBO My wlf- weadby . gsoera rta« cmiinualiy . , .. ., - g aowa, f*l.lng of ilu . -A:i rur| »gtoctad great earee, and ataa I u reeomsaeeatadtor «.chcoaeaMi i*.e d««criix»d. oouioed a kotue of Eklreet .' <»r««p« a.,d ' lb» , reef.r-is yiu g»ve n»e. In »»hoc. Uni" It removed 1er cotup «itu and re»iore<1 1er i. .-. e> ug gaieful for the ,c ib6u «he revolved, I lake pleajar« ,n thatBA kaowtadg g l, and re« rnmeodleg 11 to the | M D MOORE, cor. of liran i aal Lydtu* «A A n«ny, Aug. 17,1*44. D* Tumt'o- To all whora thli may cone- n. ThU Is to certtPy, thai my wife uaaad oae awttta of your SerMpa- . t«r ciniueueai, uuder lh« most aiarmiBg i ».* .;...»¦ .i »< | » :.h lh» drop- a. . «" i ' i feel rrra« aBeciioaa, aad »er, I my perauMlon.and Ih« reroramaudaiNU . . »..o e«d .»ed ii. «n« wm ladmad lo iry It, witb ««; ibe atodtcloe bad ibe uppy sod de«i*ed effeci nol «m v in lb« h.eir* of r.ontne- I after Ibe »«plraUue ef ana week of um, lb« *«y Ui an a«UinUl1ng Wr. ... ,.,-, » rasd nealO fir , . ' tirrvr« ji yo'i'r anyone who -, .- - I - i wet. -one ion. I «i,*c,'.'.e m¡mJ y r mut or»«*) oriiiged^ t a JtMMON. OPINIONS OP PHYSICIANS Dr. TowTueod u«.m..«i i»liy'»ceiviagordw»itom phy- «leían« In «iffereoi paru of i«a L'oioa. Tau U lo cen.fy l/ui we. me LCdcrttrned Phyitcuu« I lh« C.iy of llkaaj. I«>« kl »iim»r.«i*s«ai prearn.ii«« l>» T-wrueud s lia/M.'Br. », »cl bellsm u lo oe one of ika muiva .. « i '-.-« *aj-»apaC..u in ihe market H P. Paling, M D J Wusoc, M. U E. B Bnggi, M. 0 P. E- Elmendorf, M D. A. a-y. Apnl l. lrMA. The fouow.og from «a of the moat rstapectahla pbyat- :Ua« on Long laund OiutarotT, July 10, ItgS Da. Tow asi « Bhri ll wttn »aiufacuoa ihei 1 My tu yo«, thai I aava r->e«*«ny Mver«. caaaa cfa« Bvoat betwde'a. re«o,u fr-rra paar Exlracl uf l«r»pA- -tlla. Being ««uragad ta the pracure of medicine I bava ¦raaetfhwd II In s»Tera, -*.»*. »nd never wllboot beaeftt Ic the nrnova: ¡f \\m\%. artaing fvoa « deranged «tau ,f the dtgeeiive organ». ;«aadw», he. n far »reeadteaf' ttag 'the kind e»ar he'or« uaTered lo the . uB' t. Toe . -.i- ¦*¦- -.wo ioaea. be tt RMpe.t'u.iy yeata, S. C PEP.aTON M. D. Pr'narlpBi oAca, 1* P'i.u «ut. »o-i BilldlB/, N. » -, Bud- ling h Co- I SuueUL Boiloa Or U) nt A Bone. iU Nurta a. ilat'e.iirugt-tai. Baii'mor«. t M r.-.-arnCraa/iaWtoe; VA rlghl v e « . a_ M-w()r lesos; I a* Boa dl Pearl «A. AJ-anr B. Van Bullir», tn Broad, cor Mai «etui. New. ar». H. i ». ' '-u-guu generally ihroogb- «*i Siaie«. We«t IB.I.M aad use Cíñala« Notur- Itofl g -i >m pat op u the targe «e»ee«w tacttln. ...Btaia a «jutrt »ad »taned wilt .«wrluee «Igru- JirtafA P. TOWNSEMD. aod U »woe»1'"»"» °« <*>. ,_ tv» »-o'TiThAB lit. FRENCH DREaBMAEEB. AD C'l ASMAILLP. wood inf'HB» lbs ladtas of New. it «t »le *ia» ; j»» arrived front Parta with a.l ibe aitui Paru faaliioea, aa t M now prepared to to all orden i he. »». auy ne favored with aad pro«, puy tiieaded to at ¦p anataa-«i. Mi bja* SiiYtttifmft, 0t. COatiud. AUftTNTM Y* t NTKD- RÉLtataed, WeLtfe Uva'. yarsjBd govàaeeper. This book t rot sp «apéesele l ikoee wbo bay it frota roneu lieg lewyere Ne » * » « ee axsw-aa knee keen spared M «xatoe U veto an.« »very owe. It roauauas ibe new Ciatwtosiliie twd f "mi «Jepuai to It. The rapid «ave of U hot ledatgwd M ^ «eilt »teraoty peal, sed rave» re the srVe to V * rani* - «im our agent» we are very »tent,sag w»kave «avérai r»i -^a,**!r' .'"" . ,oí,*.¦ m .*.«. .-».»- «W Mto m**'_"+*¦- ** Nassau at BeraM ayaiMSaw -^dii^Tf» J04W cTwbjujr W t^ÜVí»-- v^wer w Ito « renta cegato! of totola» ei ib:« B tojftto* \17A.N*Bs7>-By ayoaaej ta-ttak lady __ » ? «overal Vjar. ^ twutalsg. . «kasttoM J«lfy or restdeet govteseea ______ . ~* given »be woeld be wUUa« te ____Z_.11__?_ :.* .vuntry, or assist la s sckoei. Aderees 0 «ateTaft «**.. ____ >etl *. \\ 4NTK1) By 1 P-; yuaH ,,,,, »,..,. v v o. ri So ihe cooAls«*. waetrn.» «as traalsuf, o, to 4a» ih« cban..»erwork and to sselel le ihe waektef M. tixstawtr -aw tg M go » abort distance la ihe coaatry Assay M »» We«..ftiiieee.bsl Vattl tf W4NTK1» -8v . respectable yoOBg »»att «~»4ta»» .a coos. aiaSft acd liaMser. or geeerel week, e, rhamterw.-tk The r»«et of ctiy reiwrerc« glare. Fútase lo cal. at o Yssdeweter »c Can be eeea for two laya le.l «V______ VS. A.>TKit-A panne, wim to #»,<*»csptial to vv â ,.» profit»..,e sod »ale '..»luee» !n a p.eosset «Jfta ne iba» N Arv .-oanmeniiraiiwe addressed to P. 0.. B»M«L»T»i. wt.i be suirUy coatdeounl aatt prompt!« rw- spa.r,de»i ua_jell 4f \V ANTHD Tt» PiTstt'Tl aTÑft^Two W4MMM ele- vv Mraa.aaaft h.»idirg fr, m sep to ton* gai.oos. atos a 'eec. n.l h»r,d e . from >ai lo ,,V lb« leoalre «I .e of ike Karitas Miairg Company. W Broadway W « ^TKU By a tsepectebto yoatag wrawaa a slwva vv uob ae waiter, tw te do toe gaaeial «aHtessrert efe . mell private Unity Referetycee gtvea fro« her toM piece apply M to Pitt el, toil ft* taL/aNTM» Heveraa a«eai» w»nla*rto~Mpwty the " c.-inlry with drug» and ready prepared «teallclsee. The t.-. t t .-> so large s verveiy ('.erg. ikaa was ever ¦vsstea oifered by any ee»ehlUhmeat la is I'olaad BtesesJ that «gen.». merchant» end pwdd.ereraa eat «appliaal with ergs or taaall çu«ntttlee The public caa aleo receive ike », .»..'.. atedteal aad «argicai irtwusaeai ky toe well- In.iwn Dr. »Momoe Heine (formerly of Hudsoa «ad -, M ms arte ¦ .«g- Air ikat particular yeipeea. . -1J has hisoface In Ike »ear »if toe «lore. Apply at she ,i»'-n«e. Uru«; ».id Store. 1/7 CI ««tlist« St New- Y»'! tot tot« as« i.. _.u.a. Uoaröing. 1"«4» i.KT- BsatseaM aparaaaaat, m stoat with "»»».«ai and lea, or, ui g»»tleai. wtvea T' « «pa'tine-t« will be ttf reapilred) fura le »ny w»y n. »ult the »pplicaei. The h.xi«e ha» keen tfcexr- a , aoed ihroughosL Apply at M II. Mark«: I »t I Jell lw« IMMKIIIM. IN Till 4 Ol NTRY.-A fkw"ta»r- I »»..u» esa be weil «vr. »,-.iaioci »ted wltk bâtard upoe iee- «.»nab.e i»,ma a in,« family residing os iba kaata* of toe lliida-.n. three mil»» »ti.-ve Iks viiiege of Blsg Ilse. M whten place a »leaml» .«i pites dally from New-Yifh. Ceo- reyeaee M «et fonn ike boat will be pr.i»i.l»»lai al! iltasa. Inquire ,-f Dr. A. A. H I'LL, Ciotoevt.le, WaeabeMer tie. )«|7 |w*_^^^ BOA HI» WAMTKD -By ageaiMMsa, la toe apper pari of the c'.ty in i, plain, reepactnble private hually where there mi few»r an » erwera »nal I ka a,«TenSB. Y»nn» .ii.»de,»ie. R»f«rea» eel» kanfed. AdSres» W. Trl bune -fTi. a._toll tf BtlAKIIINIa A «ai.llemea sad tsdy o, «taw t tag la geni'»men m»v be acromaodaied with »leesoBl ro,»aas and « at M Whlie-sL Alao a few day boarder« el toe tame p MB (ell 4w* OAKIÍ IN KAf»T HKIHUU AY.-A tpMttoMBM aid hta wife, an I two or ihiee ttagle geallestea, can he accomrri.«la,e,l win pleaasnt apariaieni» aad board ky applying attgï Kail Bi.aviwsy. eackaxflgee. Jet 1st* _______ |»OAIfll. \ geni in»n and wife and two or three skar Isgla gentler i-e r%n be acemm «Haled with pleasant room« and »»»a »I in a private farally. by epplytnj al 111 *»a,t« »l Term» modérale. fl |w* OAKI>l>4a Whh privets family ate use of ataao ("one llrequlravj. «AI McD.algai-SL tolllM yit I.KT, wlibiir wiih»»ui board, furnltSaal perkars «Ski I ta»di.i. mi, ai I "»i Canal-sk ftsfereacee satkasgag. jel» !¦' ¦ IT.1KTON MI'KINIJM, tWhl.a gulekarf-Ttato ..'»o »M-ieiii, »tiiialsHl upon ike .laa of the Aabure aad Rocheeter Railroad, beiaxeee C«««aa1«lgaa sad (ieneva. In Halarlo C- uniy, ba«1eg been »»largad aad tho¬ roughly filled up, Is now opea Tor the receplloe of rtoW lor» This place «dmtraMy »itaated ta a floarltvhtogeowBlry. in the bean of Ihe lisle, remota froM Ike solee sad «toM Bf large villa»»»« or rltiee. enibraclBg a nesuiiful rrvve ef tor- eat traes Its plesiui« grounds, frost lbs sates» of wkieta lows lu springs of purr and healthful water, so dMytsad hy Nature ». to please »nd tnteresi the visitor, and raatsra It »deelrahie relreal. whether for li.we seeking e MMtota» li.e f.oui .ltaea»e. ibnse wbo have t few leUer» day« or aeete laSpeM In '»ceallon and pteasore, or fo, those Wbo, weh ihetr fauilllea. are dUpoeed lo leave Iks healed wal.« of ac;iy reaideuce lo enyuy Iba refreshing breeiee and p o ,. atuioaphere of the country, luring the wsrxs esa- naavj The Water«, which »re matai v of a «ulphurotl« charac¬ ter, rhergad »usasBkel with so»l», m»tue«l» »nd caroonks gas. stand unsurpassed in their medlcln»! Vbaraeia,, as a rnnedy f " the van.anailn dl*aa»e«. rlieuiasil« «Reclina«, dyspepsia, gsMWB tobtnty of ihe system, fta, end bavs el '»...,..i coe» tu rasas where the waters of other springs have felted r .»., «¦ graiebil for the liber»! pakrooage herelolwre re ct.rxl. ika> a»)»«. »il»j>r vtoel reepeeifully aott ,t» tt» roatto uai re. A porter alway« In reallnr*« si the dtpOl to receive keg <»ge free, fcha'ge M. PABEft. Mancbaeter. May 29 l«n._tot tot BÖHOOLBY't MOÜlfTAIll SPRINQI. Maaiu » nsaTM aovta ¦ A4 TIIK Tl Ml . . »pioa. hi,,, for e.llsaa« to later mine uenn tba dtreetton ,fth»fr lunnirncirilia» «itention »ollrliad to ttite heal iky, ag reek le aai highly faahlonable place of Busuner resort. BstsaMve l«a- piovemert» asd «i»l."lil«hment» have bese mad« to ihe a .».,»...» I neiablUhiaenl «tsee Uto lest i»««"« BMeag whlcb li » ,. .«¦ of a aew and «pleadtd butldlag eeev lalnlng near stall sleeping apartment», conalracted la ate most modern sn.f Unproved tlyle for comfort sag eeeveav lenre, sod attordiog eeconintodallons fur ketweea elpklg »nd one hundred persons, In addition lo toa number f l«.r,i,et/c.,mni.»t»ted. Tbe fnrtilture for kutldlee Is ¦i« eddlibm* In furatuire end ked stag h»ve been made lu the whole establishment. The entirely new.and larga addl.loo» in furatture House is newlv painted and all Oiled up Is the best poeM lue manner The «really taereatved accominodailoaa and ..nifoiü of the place, sod lu rooiltvnlly growing popa- Isrity with the faahi nable end ihoaa In Uis purtett at* seahb, latify the anrfertlgried in the bops sod confident STpsrlBtlna ItaM tbe patronage ..f kla eetabltekmeel will continue ». ksrotatora, to the full of ti» opacity » ».i.i. i«h»,»»ni now ti now in re»d.,.ei!»ad .»pan for il.« r-, »pilon of .l.iio». -IJ In,«.,<!. K. MaRbH. B NATIONAL MOTkl, Ma.y . I.oeg lauandi-- Ihe »ubactiier having occupied lbs above sssset a « « »r.d | eaaaat premises for the last veer. feela j * »' .. lo hli frtendi tnd tba public fo, the liberal patronage they have extended toward him, asd hopas, by .'« undivided ai'»niton lo the comfort of hi« guests losseel with a »¦» «here of patronage Thi« place I* unsurpassed for sea-bathing, ceil set re¬ freshing breetes, fishing, fowling, sBieoifc, berg sod Isvel ro«.1l 'or drive». Ir Tht» hotiaels »busied »boat half a mile from loath Bag. near » Island imel. Visitors leaving New-Yexrfc Bar Long letafl I h! a a a .) 4 M »r « P M for ettker Par ¦..'..» or Dee, Park, will always tod stagee to raaatl- a«»» lo convey ",»., ui Babylon, and retarstog «say leere Babylon si i '»afore I and arrive In New.Tort by g A. M. ..-» a- a- »g»s sad boats to let on reaaaaatde ELRANAH JARVIB Hat.y'on. I-ine 14, I44T_|«I6 imwoat" OMÏOM HALL, »J AII ATOO A «PRINtiH The ri b.cdtiers hsve Ihe plea» «7? «lire of »gain ann uncing to lhavtr frleodi »ad Ute pebltc toal u.ey i on.iii'i» m taeu ine " I nl.n Hail." which will be Bpewsd for c .rnpariy on Moodsy, Ihe 24'b nil I., . »ttenti.e eitalilisbntantls «o well kaowas« «eereav ly iu raaxalre anaatitottoe « 'o a»y. Il .cupiae s front¬ age of »'< '»»i on Br.iadway »nd Csk gre*a«treet T »- . « «tatotee. Dining Ha », and Piaría», sad ih» de.ighifui (lardea and Pleasure groandt, saver tkenl t.eir acres of ia-d, wr.tle lu elaata vtelalty to Ike lastly ,-ei«braied Conprea» Spring, baring »boat BM faksl weal reu lera il . . enviable locsitiy. The wbo e bu ¡.din» h»» again under »«me ik"f'mgh reeskr, aad irye Btl BfJB, iMang R »»m» Haï!. Plastes, te., heaa ihor.eighiy reeovated by ik* band .rf a patatar, and »vary deper-meul furnlsh.d with «o poecihle regard to laVeM ant ro-iv«ciecre, which. It ti ronfl'lentl, believed BBlaag vrtok .' » p».»e'inal eieri; of the propriété»», wUI give »sttro .aiiafacuoL, and enture ihe eouUnuanca of s .literal ae» R- h W. rCTNABf aaraiof« «prlnr«. tasy tl. ItoT. _M»t4 tew4w*_ n»Ti»r»"»OOOI HOTEL, ftALLBTO»"T»rm. THE AHOVK RffTABI-lsHMltNT wilt be tpsasd BB» der i:,-: ma, ag»'Teot of Ule «ubecrllrer aa lew Mita daf of Jane in« The hweaiy if lu »Ituvitoe, asd lu Imase- i . i vvrtnity u> Baraiaig» Ipriags sad Lu«, ksve always rendered tbls p.see s deslrslile reeorl luring the «VaMBtsT «eawon. «rd ihe underalfned »»wares ikoee who may pe- 1 taesaarat Ms» iMB il __\ WE' 7 ' I Ï I- tr-misa h m. thai mi etTorl on hU earl «kali tira their comfort aad »ppruoailoa. -,'... iw m i THOMAR «/«»st ai ine .»id «tang Ne. T Bar- ay «L opp<ietu» ihe Astor, a vsrtory f »i «I to 1 octave Plasta Pertes, of >-r f variety M aeneiai, with ail toa modem luprovemeoii, to rueewood and «Bakogaay eaaee, ia»d '»every raepeet to give sariwVttne nv notais .m bins. JAMKM THUMPfrOM. iw« lAirTk, »l' k tUrvdtwL BONN ft ¦!*»»!.fae '«vreewt mv ... » is .. »rut 'rffrred to . a ». M a eacitr, -e of «o per «eat .».-i.»» fur Ihe «ensoa. The pea tic . .»r»l lesoecfiiy lavited to rai. M WARNILETM -tor», ii Ctikartnett be4weee E«s4 Brosdwaf aad llmtr, *__**_"_ Mn e MI » 11 »ArAni4»NM.-BATB; HAB^FÑIá i.a ».i Is nau «i 13 e«^»!*»»*.»»,!! ky JfttoMM ft4 , MM eleesni draa» asl» ai ftl M StW Ml tl, to¬ per or in sly le and Sol«b to ih»»«» to stoBJf pISOSS M tel r,e,i litt, »i |; C (I Murehwillbe pease«! m see hto friends st this eetaMeh-weBt. mv* lm- »r.0Ri»l5 P H. BROWN, Mt_ _ l.iillk AT TtllM.Ladies. gssilssBna. sjHtajJgTB.. yg »w< and children, atl thai are In » aal of a ^^^^^loe «ruvi« o< Boou or toses, cell st MT ftiaed- w»v where yoe will Bad toe torpmM .watal esto r-beeeeeiin r ut'ty. wboiawsl« «Bat rainli. N. B.- tosatta _7r~4 ¦».... ft< fleaim-l tf CABlLL Uff. iwLufKä^NIWflVMliftM ¦»«. lew la see.pressera may he gtade- »t»d to »all us» enea. Tato truss error tate i to give «ee». comfort tnd safely to too wear. . the chespesi and heel Tmii thai eon he taraud Dr (i. praeiUa.y vrjuataied wukBtOag kind r er-li fay p y n< Truase« lo every kind of rupture. He also ale tup porter» and a female to silswi tl spoa radies M thai, reatdeace to .»JS . -_ jeto THÖotraMttite rtiJaftaivS .*..*», ^.'-Jrr*THI»ni'S««1l rUMJ-U- TMUtJM, iQr:?t^^ W^ M «nd «. wb., tee iserm, «s toe |iim»reeaB aa gr v'.aataB frum ose to kfty «trend* oa toe rassors WMta» eat« a-« pal whvc» an-« «V **'\ *__ ____ *__. -t iMBg -« «ass «tJ tai- _^l^J^¡^Slí_\ an-MMM tptoaxt; Atosa^^*^--- ttoaaMMt Btet ntto»*a oh . ** m 9 ' ]_^_^____w,^mm^_^_tm^^-___m_____________\ W^-mm^fifrÜn Mitte to rte>te

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TOI».VII. NO. 63. KKw.XlKR, TIEND4V MORtl »43. jnB JJ) IH47. Wftlll WO. !.»«.

NEW-YORK TRIBÜNE._,, Btsrw-TORK i' 111 > TiOKi'N-- II rVftLtwHCD

BJtyfSf MORNIMI, SINDAY fXCEPTKI».»x the TrlbBwt» Rn'Miaas, rarster of «primer»aad Naaauu streets, enpoelie the City Hall.

. liq ¿eHvered lo C'.lv Subscribers for lî$ Cran per* week, or, when tbey prefer, they can pay in advance at.w ibe P«sk for «lx month» or a year at the «ame rata,i siegle copies. Two Ceers. MaII i_b«cribert PlveDol-

itr» per sneuBi, In advsnce, and the paper In no rea»a iraathWied heyonl lleitme for whteta U Upetd. Biih." KrlplVoo» take« for «lx m antb». Throe Doiltri in ad-' vttvce required In all exrfcanges with Country New«.

ftpa-i Dal'v piper« received at ibis ' ff.ce who«*iriiM a," hlt-her Iran ihoave of Tex Tainas, sre notallowed any difference.

Tittts or an» axTiaiee.'/a Aêrtmct )ptre Line«, or le»». ftrtiinsertion.» cetiu.

each «ubeequeot lneertloa.121 "

ifhjlhe '.ntble " " " .¦#rer Tea l.lnea-fir.t »n»erttnn.a rent« a Hoe.Jach »ub»equ»nl inierilon. which m»y be i

rve»y lay ov once, twice, or ihree time« 2 reel» a Unat we»«, al fta) option of ihe edverl'.i'i. >

THE MKMI-WKKIHI.V TIMBIM:I« paftstottol every WtnartnaV «r.d «aTVXOAY molting«Prre f»'< pe, sboupl Two coplee f*r ft».


jfpeS'lshed a»erv Siti «' .v M"Kx »,, »t th» SBW priceOl t¿ per«, in »dv»nre IteOplOSfM wit or 2o-. . .__"_J_NEW-YORK TRIBUNE«

«' Lake «..,.., i., »»,.WBl».*he publication of Ihis valuable paper has Met«

lfBOve<i from Copper Harbor tag Saut.)»¦ S-

(tau dinentintii-il during the Winter montl.»,gat it ii r.ow resume»! »nrl edited with oven more

tea former vigor.Jnnt X H.-ritiriM. is its aw»« Editor. a man of"

rtrkioi whom it is Decenary toroow to form a proper estimate of rj.unkindThe Irat ¡umber of the new leries of the ; r

iioow be! ire ui, »listiiieuishi d for iitt-ra.-y at.

riianiral ex» .«.!!, -nt o. W. l- v e it a full recommendItlotl to till" IWe learn Irotii it that books M* !he subi' riptirm

of the. Hj.ital stock' r filto i »riipli'tion of a ShipCanal aroun l I .¦ now op n, and Unit there

i« e'ery probability tl..- wbole amount. e,

will so<>ii be tullen up tli.' ,i!i¡. .'.ion of tloi to-

terpriie will givo ui NO nul.-«, rron ol Latve navigationw- lad taigaingMflatpaparfiiBttito Ji 11 v Palmi i¡

.»launch »toarner aiel tr".. will make one nrtwo

plesi'ire excursions during tin» months of.luly am!Aut"i»t i ¡- n Ihil u'r» Rt'-«t of I.ak»'S, the noble 8r-flRfiK.and w-e cannot too nrgi ,,'Jy advise tilwho ere tired of the dutt. the turmoil, and extrnv

arf.nt beat of crowded cities, ami who sicken of thedull heart dispiriting conventionalities that chara-teriie I iff therein, to set/- the b.t« with tl.firteeth, and hast» n to scones where they ran see

Nttoro in all her untutored frcshnctt tuo! L-miuleur.I/esr what our elo»)iient contemporary to the /yrA<-Svpenor .New« says ot th.» mo-lity basin of water

so little knowii even to our professional tnurist«"Plhiated between latltudet forty tlx and forty nine.

with tn i'l»i»ndc of over two hundred yards above thelevel of the Ocean and n depth reaching tar below thatIrre!.a co««t ot surpassing beauty and grand» ur. morethan twelve hundi.d mile» in extent, tnd »bounding in

a' phenomena, varied mineral wealth, «gate«cornelian iajper, opal and other precious stone«.withIts riven, bayi. c.tuarie». islands, presque Isle», perdutola» rape«, pictured rockt transparent lakea, leapingeatcade». and bold highland«, limited with pure vein! atquartz «par. and ametbyatine crystal» full to repletionwith mineral riches, retiircttng in gcrgeous majesty theinn's bright rays »nd the moons mellow blusb o'er-

topped with ever verdant grove« ni br. c»dar and themountain nth while the background it fil'ed up withmountain upon mountain, until ri«inr in majesty to theckiudi, dlttanre toee« their Inequality- retting agalntt theeletr vtult of heav.-nHere you will tinil man too more like his orikrinal

hitare.the Bons of the Fort-it, disdaining factitioustute« and superfluous attire, and maidens, unskilledincojuctry. with toilettes innocent of the comb Theaccomipoilntioii« of the lultn Pslmer." too. are ex

relient, and too much cannot be »nid in praise ofBW ft t »'mtiti'v r.»[ t.t-ti.r Ool W 1' Porter Tay-lor. You d-n't often see »iicli ncn. nmlwl"res I ol thi'in it is always on the Imt pai,e of theboo!-, artert t!,.\ .,t tin bctt tktagi

< oiigi eaalonnl >nnilniillona.BtM^.ix VV la« btoM noiniiittfei! In the

111.! (' ngretliimhl Distri. t nf Alabama, by theLnco Focos, ns candidate lor Coi.i'ri-as i .ttr.'i'

the late incumbent, who made a speech againstGen. Taylor, an.l v.»le»l for an iinpiied »ensure

rpot) him, rt etv»'.! !>ut ttsft kw*V Iroin pros-.Dt »ppearao.e« n.»l a Southern Moinbet of tin»

.«ItCongress who votcl for the Hi'to'iition« ,,¡ i-n

lore tv ill be returncil to the tuxt.

In North Carolina, William K. Lane of Wayi..«.i« the Luco It». <i candiilate lor Coiiatress in theVetybem District flusitat st S D.iiinel!. WUg.Tl.e llisti" t is .¡c i.le.lly WWf,In Ti'ii!it'««t'e. Mon I' P. S'a,it», i, L.-cn. i« a

wailiilaliifia i». l.-.-tion framtbi \th Cottgri ¦«.».«>

District. It fJftTft «'lay ,-insi in 14.

VJF We i. ,'iv»-'l n '-tí. r ..ti the Wm\\)p I ot ItMunion ol the C S QaaatM ma North Aincrlcsii IBMnight (rom our Philadelphia nd. nt. the toSBSlion id which wai prevented by tho cro»d»d »tat., ol

taj co'umii«. \\») h«vo ko doubt thst the Noilii Atneii

can will continue t.. be sn able and laithtul advocai. kd

Ihe ciuto ol »».und political morality.

n** Hon. Joshi'4 II. (ItntiiM.i ol Ovsst is in theCity snd at Judson s Hotel

srg7* Meiars 1,unis,I.o, A Holbrook. of the N <.

V>,,aysne, sre at the Aster House.

r%>° Hon. Tho«. Corwin am! H..M rVni-xvKid Ohio, hsve signified their Intention of being presentst the Hivpr snd Harbor Convention in Cblrtgo. on theJib July next.

Thin«?« nt \V«»l I'oinl.Cor etpoo ot Ihe Tribune.

Wb.«t Point. Thnr«d«y. June IT, 1JI7.

The Kxaniinatinn is pruoretsmtr a» rapid\ will allow. It is a pretly t't»'i»y> time t.» all

c.mcA'inivd and the Hoard will undoubtedly be relievedwhen they cease to be b u.-d.the C»d.t»cert«inly will.The rxamloatloo Hall I« open t» all, and an opp -rtuiiityI« afforded to the totereated of wituetiing tue inanner in

wbich operation« are conductud. Tbo member« ol Lie

Board ap]»-ar to have all arrived.II.n. Dixou 11 sWrtttet.though not «dif. II we may be allowed to eriticiae

M» body tbef appear intelligent and ot much perton»)»niht of character.especially the above named genUeman Mr. Lewi«'« chair arrived on Saturday eve

t«g previous to ¡hi« he i» »aid to ham occupied at table. But this report may have been circu¬

lated y tho un ch»r LiableThe dal'y drillt are now exceedingly Interetiiug. et

p*<!»"y the artillery. ictterdty atlerakHin the riratcaws fired at » target with iom« very heavy a ». .

orgnan, ». The r.-p. i J »h'X'k the nelghtKirtng hüls.Ssxt»«t whleh reverN-raU-d the prolonged ch»»..« willi

aaagniricriit « liect How «ubliroe rau»t be ihe thunder«.Is battle- «uch a one as Huena Visto Intense! y ex

rtvVagand awfully grand in its perlormance. but dreadiMValM Pon««-quen<ae»Ttoband plaT. every pleasant evening, bvlore the ho

¦.ifsrthe »prci«! benefit ol lb- B .«rd ol \ isitors Sucha»B»r a« they «rtord i« » rich Ir.-al to ih-> amateur« of

SSTMony--and who I« not When It I« «-.tea» enoush. ita rea'lj kielV'tillu! to litU-n to Ihctr playing.such sn

.vantng. tor iDiUnce »» the !«»t. when many »v,

«St not only by the «ttractlk.n« of the Baste, but a!«o byte diaplay of fireworks K aasater of BeoetHaliwer» basj t'.'in tbe plain .¦ wen as freBB ! ort PuWamiffordltig s pleasing exhib-.liou. remarkable B»>t «o muchk»til» variety a» Mr its ataspta excellence

txN (IxhKBt)ChlL

The Prraltlrnl'e Tourfrma Tbe loioo ol Juae 19.

We underetentl that the President ol tbe 1 aite»lStates will leave this rlty on Tuesday next on a short»Mr »o the North He will, we te»ra. be aceompaned»7 Mr Clifford, the Attorney Oeeeral. aad should the.toM of the public buslaeae permit It. Mr Buchanan, the

tservtary of State. m»y join him at New York al wbich'.tor etiy it i» expected tbe 1'rvxident will aritveoo Kri-aw seat, ¡be »Otb ln«t.¦r Rurte ot New Hanaptbire. Mr Appleton of Mam.'.

.ad pcawibly one n, two other pertoual friend* will ke

.f his suite The other members ot ihe Cabinet will"Tttaio at Washington.H« bu. we learn, been Invited by the legislatures ol¦»w-lisropsrure and Maine to extend I.-» visit to the««pítala ol those Sutes sud we h»pe ke may iisve it In¦ power to d,, »Ha i, wholly uncmnet-iavd with party politi¦.., or

J*T pohtie«] ob»^., out j$ <<w, Whlph at the «ame tune¦st It will aflord hint a brir I leUxatloo from his »rdu"«. tisbllc dutie», will enab'»» Mm t.» pay bis re«pert» t.»¦<. toiiow-ciuaens of the northern secllou of the I nL»n.¦sdto take a cursory view t their instituto»»», their».¦. work« and other iaterestiog objects.«saadeisund that Mr« l'.dk will sttood the Presi¬

dent a« tu _ Bai timoré, at which city tbe and her ntoee,Miss R - will »eparate from htm. on a visit tag Where tbey will remain rive or nx weeks.

%W The nefroe« oí Co!. M Queoa. ot MouUobi.»! íí?^ A1.b*,,,» °*T« *~t ft* to Mobile la aid of |

I.ateat from Vera (rax.lroui the New Orleant IMta. June t.

.toliiuliip Wtmmji Ctjit. Scott, M hour«Ir.iii Ver, Cruz, rith In« »rrlvaad y«ul.!rday morning

*'ea'n»b'p T. legrapb »nil K« venue Cutter M-»in- MB \ era Cri.g the former r,n the 4th tS

ter .u the iib ¡n»t I for Ball iiortThe I anr.y. in lat Bf toflgj BA* 81 »poke 1 |o( Rastport, trom Phitadelphli bound far L »b . .t.

brought noil 8 MM We h«\e Ver« Crui peperiottheôth. we extract Iron» th« Hagle of that date thetoi. .win» it. nuVE« r. ,r. t

Statu a u upon their g -it pain«u« to *»y t:i»t than »pp. ajl tit* ». aaj inrn-ot in tb*k.¦Bel arid viruleric«; ol cm. * tj| lever, and ».

duty to add our'.*n to the warn.ngt ol lb«: Hotrd ol

A ''y urge train !eavi» thu place tbi* BJBflI'liel. a. under llie », .ti.ahIt carriet r,ut a mail uhe tint, we bette*« lor nearly i

month.; and M»j«ir A (, I',enn»-tt. i'aymaster, in rhnrg.-t three hundred thousand doflan That I

'.). a large lore-of Soldiery, corrp'Ued i.t coin

pames r. id the 4th Infantry R of the ötn Infantry infantry and K et th. i'.th Infantry, and

I), (i and K. ol the .id Dragoon».in ail about-¦«) menlie ¦¦..'¦«inship Mary Hint«! «rid reached tbi» port ye,

teid»y. having lelt New Orl.-an« on Embring» 1'- teamitrr». 118 BtwSBB, »nd Lieut. IflOMIn aiitry W. Ilammoud. G W. Artnitrung. ani I. QUItt csbln pMsenger«

Tbe thermometer has ranged between Ihe degreet olf-7 «nd M, dsy ami m.'nt, for the ¡«at ten d»y«. In thlicity. In the aaa it ha« been aa high aa 180 yet .t appearl Bl ho much warmer than indicated.

ataaaehlp Maeeeehaeetta, < «pt Wood, »rrtrad tlthis pert on Thuriday last with a deu- hm.r.t of th- \ rjliguer Reg ment c .naistiiig of .." ; rm I at

' low» Col T I' Andrew« I/r Tyleg, burgeon Company 11 71 men-Cent Oscar B Edward*, lat I.¡-ut J Tin M Btohal] Bd Ltswl Jm. ftMay. Company I apt .la* S J'.lair, la:1.1-1.1. v. b Walker, nd IIbbh HatwyaB KlgajraadWMhingt.m T«riett Company II 77 men.C,.1 rtarnard IM l.i-ut Jai 'il.tori, Id l.l-uts Tl

'an and VV Martin Al«0 Ml -r i'.ennett I'aymatter, B A ('apt Mrmt^-,l)r .-hi.-Id» aaal Mr. Poetar; and a detachment nipany I .cut (°harli-i P. Vernon emmand


Oi r BAB .-V.T'.m U ..j May. .-itTo (Ar l'.di'ur ii] lit Amir. an Egg?«

W'.- trerg oiHbíim «ha tei «. day «itrr the <a¡>tore id Tuxpan to blockade tbi* place it,, entrance to tt .¦

r.v.-r nn which is «ituated th« t.wn of .- .to d« Mannadistant »ome IS mile*. Oil« rving a proper degree olcaution on our »rrivr,, oi here, we BBBt our boat »shorewith »uftVlent «rm» conce»led in her tor the praOjattaflof Ihe cr« w*. and c»me to anchor Id the brig near theopening ol the bar, at »ufliclent distance to oLuerve, bythe aid r,| the glu*, tho movement! »»hire. and. in case

of necessity, to give a fair range to play a game with ouiten Inch «hell«. On the arrival of our boat at Pleat, Ivillige « little initde the bar. the lew p, ople, neither ddfldent nor balligen nt approached the boat with count,-nances alternatively BBB4.Bin of *urprl»c. ruriotily olgladiie«!

tVltbowt the i!ii{ht<'it raaanra, they politely ataaatadand welcomed our m< n as». and »howed Bret

atti-iil1'.!. til tri'' ,!'-,.r,,| the boat, to whomthey treily coinmiinir-Ht.'d anawrs to evi ry q'li stmn hepropound« d.Ir. m which he |.afl d that the iiolatedpolitlón of tin; pince liad »i cured th'in an exemptionIrom tho BBBBBJ of BXCltoB.Bl pn v».,ir¡g in otii-r r

ti'.n* ol Ihi ir roniitry and. with :!..¦ MUBBotna o| .-ant«.Anna» BTawt ;i;nm> ta« declaim.' ,t punishable withdeath to supply our veiiil* or troopi »i?h ptat whatever price, they knew Htth "t wi.Kt wa« goingrm in the cuntí y In BtwWfll to our Inqulrie» «boattroop«, they knew ol none, lave a hand of some j<Jinen ball briiiaod» and hall »c|,tiers, under a It How re

joirlng in the name of ("apt I'au'ino, whom they (eared¦era than foreign for». Thl» fellow, it »ppear», payithirn an occMlonal visit to make levie», with m littleceremony m ht» more notorious countryman, ¡rautaAnna.

Notwithstanding all the »ppe»r»nre» of lrlendahip.prudence dictated caution io all our movement» whicbbaa ended in our peaceable »urvey of the bar, bay andriver, with accurate »oonding». be»ring». Ac »nrl wenow only await the arrival at <"ir gillant Commodorefrom Tabasco, to go on any other service he may detailu« to perform.preferring, however il th«-choice wa»our own n on- active servir« than that of this monthOr,, dore Terry a arrival. I doubt not Bewatexpe-dition will be fitted out lo ptwaeed Bat b»y »nd riv, r

de Marina- tho dlataiic* I« IS mile». We a-e

hourly '.r the ( uii'ii.'f and tbe rett id tata»qu»dr on Attar the parfonaat.i ear tenour n.xt dutn » w.ll ho perfdnwed on iho coait, to ttta»outiitvard and fleet flfBlw .> im »lure. I

Hrazll.i In- ii-iti-r wo «war« BsjsbTw*, from lho \\ nilim--tun

BUIlataflaBaiBBOB«M tlif. .I.e.iri.Hl of C,'iiim.-rr-p, eon

tain» ii lothi'r elmpter in the Insiorv oi tin' culpableumtuet ul this A'ltninistration vvilh ntlicr lo'.titrus

Washimitom. Juno 1 :J.

The Cbe.v«iiet d" LtthOB, Ministe- Irom lirs/il.hss re-

reired hi« letter 4 recall, a* i learn and 1* now nukingarrangement* lor hi» departure.Tin» being the cale, il may be regarded a» i prou! tiiat

the l.iupi ror ot i.r»7.1 dm« mt clirruh any very Iricnd!y iiH-Hng toward Uta I nited State«. It may lie considerml aim that Ihe evpUiutloii« Btodfl I')' Mr I.Utioa. in re

gard to tin- caw ut Lieut. Davis, «re dual "»eil and fiatthe harmony lalely iut'iullng bfltwwBB Bta two tiovernnient« i* already toba raptadA rumor wm got up tore ycateiday. to the cflcrl that

taat dUpatcbM ii«l beaa raoetred tret» Bsaatoo,i.!. I that the Cabloel had baea in c lultatloa on tbi m.and lhat Iho remití were Brroral 11 !. paBM c»n »ay.

ly, that lho whole itory is n hiiml'iig.1.,'tti i» »¦ io i. '..»'.! ban oat tin- 17th from prirato

h hic not pattleularly favorable to poke.'. Owl al theea letton Mytthat >ant« taaa'a realgnatloe bad not beea a. wpted.-li.utit» an eaareeeed »in ihi-r bbtj atswetoa "f PrawtaVaat» ill li held as legal. a»_w \niia. at til,- h.-ad at hi» rab¬illo army B bjeb M t' k ->" !o|I. in« ventured to show himiell la MesJc I» la iictualp.'Wei. and will tn< So «n'.il lio «hall lie «gain soundly

-.t Rio .'

The Adnmstatt.loa luve ait. i «etwaaoaatllatiea, *.nta dispatch to Oea Baott ob the «abject of bta rti..p. approving oi it » tt tOtM e\c.plioi,i.

II Ihi-y baas «ia<> clothed him with more power»«»«.-got,at, i, and relnned lim trom the inUai lunmnt oi

"mulling »itli, oi acting m conceit with Mr Til»!,they have then dono »omclhliig to»«id e\pcditing .

peace.Mffl ihall probably have very important tu):'.'» from

Oea Scott lu B low day». He. perhaps, advanced fromI'liehla toward Mluttoo ». Bl .. Ut ol June.Ht« PotaOBtafl «t«mp*. which have t>e«'n prepared In

Oonlotiiiity with the act ol the lait »"»».on are to tie duIriliutcd to the dlltrrool lott Orh.-e* ou th.- 1*1 ol Ju'yThey will bo convenient to Ihe pui-lie and an advantagot«'the r vei.ui- ot the 1',-parliiniit It dia-« not appearthat thfl Postmasters «re to char,;, in <te tor them lb«fltheir lace they »rv turniahed at lhcevp«-n»e ol the !'cpart -ul


I' i htm n; PBOE \ I'M,:. Bl i .Th« New Uricam1'ieayuue, which we ought to have :. \. 1 n Satur¬

day lut did not contains »oino BBaVBa.É new» from\ eiie/ucl». by the toi| lai'.u». at tint poit. UN ¦ »t Miportant al which niales to the aavjgattoaol by «team, which ha» been granted in i \clu»hr pru.lege i. r eighteen year« to Vespasian Kill«, late Cbarg«d Artairv'i ot the I ulU-d Stales.The Isbius reports the brig I'»Iti Hallett. the on'y

Amnican veasel in p<-rt. loading I .r New York TheBrltUh l'»ik Syren, with BflBaS on hoard valued aty10,000, parted bar eabtai oa the eight of toeBBahall».-nt aahore »nd «u wrecked \'e*»el and cargo a to¬

tal Uu». eaoept »oine.MO bag» ol cofee »»ved in a d»m-ag-1 «late I'heKahlu» brought over a cargo ut aJeTIbag* aafltas

. Ourraan. the leader of the late Revolution» uh the unpunUbed of bl« f * . - ul ltA'tn num-

.> re yet in prison at Caiacaa. Kor«omethe1mu wm general that no mor« execution« would

lake place, and that tl -».' ri inaiiuog in prison would be.entinc.-d to hanlahment and h«rd labor fat '-He I -t In

A «u.'ther outbreak at Km Chic » vil'st-on the eeeta b.-twe.n l.aguayra an,1 i'uerto tai'-llawhtah

kplei " y lately, it was lupptued that the «rntence.which was t.' ;>.. made known aa the 1st lust. «IWflld bemor» «,' at IbbM on tiuiman

C.'iigr.-M closed its Session on lb» l'>lh of May andiu acts i'i' one ii, lavor ot calm* made hy our

Charg« d'Atlairc», re.»live lo Lie bftgfll Native and Ji>e also .lie in l«vi r ,t Qggg J li |)«ai,U.


It i* «ready ke.wn that .-e compsnies ot Volunteer«have beea ordered to be raised in MiM'Uri to be «sa

p'.cyed io eitabiUhing military itaiion« oo the routa to

Oregon, u provided by an act of the ImI Congre«» Weleani that toe (roTernroeot ht» detennlned to euttbllthtwo »tatiooi or military posts.the f.r»t to be MaWBainear Orawd Ulaod. where the road to California enoounten l'latte river and the »ecood «t or near Port Lara-mi-The Cîireroment bai already given orden In connee-

tion wtih tbi« o>ove«oenL 'J"ho battalion will he bc"obi-

paakad by an officer of the Corps el Kagineers and an

Awlttaut Uu»rt< rm.Mier ot tar regular army, wboiedtttie« will be »uch M belong to thc.r retpectiTe de(.rlment», and tbey are to have eTery aid and aMittaaoefroat the commanding officer. There »re to be regulari. ia » "rajn f«e tnaipe of the command, lor the aa!>>r

lurvcy* and reo«vnnoi»ancea neeauMry at »uch pa«».Tin» oomm»nding oBaaartotO be held r.»p.«o»ible for

the r*rly completion el the work», and w'.l urge uponBtfl ti"« J.U that it i« Ihaer duty to hm!d wiith-nt"

..hem Two r_*dic,l officer», ona fron.«nd tbe other from tbe regular army, will ./.

..omp»'ny the coraoto*d. All 0t«ceeMry eouipag- -

luin »bei by tbe Atiutant UJartarmatU'i.and he will he

provided with fuud» M P»y the troop« tbelr per diem a»

working parti««», under tbe law. Uu MM are accu

rately deflneai Ho 1» reo.ui.*d to d «bur»««. «l«o. »netro.m > a« rr*y in' appropriated lor the post«.Trm laud* upon which iheee «¡tel are to he erected are

o be puraha»ed trom Ihe Indian», and to be ai e»lr«0ilvea« tl* approprialion will procura. Ordnance and ord-nance Hun» will be tarnished tor tbe lort* by tbe propercommanding iflcsn. The battaltoa of »oiuoteer» willmove m loon .. they cea be got ready for tbe mrrritm.

lit Lo_t RapabUeatv Jut« It

CITY 1TEMM.IT, Jatte 3!

Il Ft 7 i. n~ R«f. MlMBIttBw .tin W.-ineidsy»ftermcin next the American Arrlrulturt' Asao»*toia»Mwill gire a second exhibition of Flower« FrtoM snd

Vegetables at the Urge hall of the Lyceum in Broedwsyi.e»r Pnnce«t We learn that extensive pr-paratic.n«h»ve been m«de lo render the display » beeanfnl one.»id tho«e who viaited tbe former exhil.ftthat ev.ry.r,.. inged to the beM advaatatgje.

aber ol Iba ctwtebaton aa wall «i theof tteI . A..1 be greatly increased. Mto whom Ibe mot; perfect ',f nstura! production« tre at

tractive mty r, ¦ -i? a delightful tpe» :<

the exhibition will be oper.|Ma y attended.

A new Jewish 6yni-nam» d " Tne Qatto M Prsy r. in Wixretent ne»r

* to be eon«eer»ted on r hd»y next, between Iand J o'cl»ck P. M Rev Mr. ¡taact tata I fttoj i.'tn it

c ngregition. I« to b« the putor. It i« expected thatisafj) ftararyMai »-. the mn«ie bu

been composed, »nd is to be conducted, by Mr E P»sided by tn orrhettr» of thirty oftte !'' S »clety.the rh'Ta»e« tn !» full »nd

Ihr principal «oíos will be «ung by t Mi*«Rachel from Philadelphia.IT" lion. DtSaM H LbWU Bntrod in t iwn 'rut

Stturd»y momng ft m Weit Point He bai lodging«»t the City Hob 1.

Immi..»'.avt« .TI I t.'iini».t ».i immigrants arrivedtt this port for the weck endine June 19, was

fir** Sr lotU IJav it 'at»"i by the"-.«oui. Thefirand I.idgeot New-

I w unit- -Aitn that of Connecticut

I". 8. Suit» oui-» .Tht» BUp wi;l tan bor in themonth r the N-rtl, illver thlt attern"-n and be readyId Ihe morning to receive Mr Todd snd family. She

will «til «a «con t« Mr 'I I« w tiled on board probablyM Wedneeday. A draft ot ne»r two hundred men «nd

boy« went on board this morning to supply tho vacaa-

cle« made by tlrkiult, death »nd detert; n

The U'akaxti'f: Hhpitai.s.There were inthe II iipltsls »t Qu»r»ntine. Maten l«l»nd on the 1 ltb

In«. 741 patient«. KmtgrenU »dmltted «tnee-AT.tott!.Bta, »Ji»obargi'd. Vm%.died, ¿.'4.still remaining, up to

tbi« d»t»'_

A. (ii.ExT..A derrick ot the Harlem Bridéetell on Friday lait, teivereiy injuring two men. one ol

whom It not expected to recover.

P t h | .Martin Hamati Lew;« Mit. hei. MaryAnn Mitch.-'I and »"hrntiann i I.'m-we.lait nirht »r

reeted by often Rattetota the sixth Ward, charged, > m r-nitrd Miller in a c.-:!»r at No

't Muinerry «t lasted n ...The teas* of 1.1tine. No ÍH seventh «t »m taboal half past 1

o'sjoah !»»l night, through the tront basement wi ni w

The Besas h- l Ml I¦nine, who riitcovered theth>-,».» when they ran off They h»v« n. t been det.-ct.-d... Tteodoro Qlltoepto was ltat algal ai n ato

.-.,... -he rifth War!, charged with tub¬

bing Frederick Keeker with a knile. Locked up.

Weekly Iteport oí «tenth«¡n the City and Cox-ty of ¡Ve* York from the 12tA day of

June to Ou 19íA day rf Jute. 1S47.Men, I0o.Women, Ci-Boy» '-.'e-Cirlt, 56. Total. 30?

DtoMMR Fo \Diita*e$. floAbscest. 'Heart Disease of. IApoplexy. 4 H op fig Cough.....1Astrma. 1

I Bronchitis. SCompression ol Brain..-.Caiuaite-t. 2Chnler» Intantum. .»


. 7

Inf.ammstton. 1of brain_ .'»,f K welt.. 7

I Ch.-.t...

nach I-at

of Liver... I

Co,,»t;p»ti..n. [aMananaaea.'.'Chicken l'.IX .


,.I MaJfotTnati n..Tremen»_.. I Mara«rnii».U

hiarrli. a.80 M-»«!"a. .'1

l>rop»y. 'Mortification. 1.. In Head. 7 I Aï»_.4

Urowned. SJPalsy.2I'vawrtte-y. tlfàataoa.1Lryitpelas. I Premature Birth.r.ruptiuu..- 1 Scrofula. 3i-ver. 9 Small Pox. 1

Inflammatory_ 1 .'Sprue. .1faerumal.- 4 Bole! ie.- ,'tf<emlttent ._ "Trarture. 1Scarlet. llTeethtnr.I

.. Typhoid.MCawBBtTw.. 4Typhus.Ill-

Ursvel. l| Tnul.30«Aor.Inder 1 year M ltofl I I ' I to 10.

is in il 'JO lefts, M; 30 iII ; GO to 70, It i 10 to Ml, i «Oto M,!; 90 to

UK), 1 unkiiown ft ToUl.livra or N »tivitv. I'r.ite.l St»»,». 17', Ireland,

ntelaad I | -, t'ninl. tiermanv |j Franc-Prutila. 1 Kritiih Poisesaioni in N. America WeitIndict, I unknown. 4. Tata

1 r, tn the Aim» House. Illackwell't Itlind. 1 AlmtH.iuie. Belli vu... It l- ..-¦ nie, M; PenitentiaryHoepitol, Hlackwell't l«lanr! 1! Lunatic Aavlurr-well's liland. I Itlooiningdai»- lbwpital I.', We». ¦. .

Reeptoxl, l'o..'.i-iirn-,iaie D <:iv il répitsHeeptoal, Blscktreir« l.'un.I. 7 Colored HColored I'. ran» 17, A W WHiTF. City Im,Cur Nm'Icctoh'«. On ten. June -JO. 1-17.

< envi, ti.iii ol the r'lnM. ..

C irretponderurc ti A «ay Errate» Journal.Ih'D«ov J,.n»i It

Melsri. Wi'll» A DAWtOla Qatofl 1 ho trialof the Fir.klea »nd other« for «n assault and batterywith Intent to kill E I'. Cowle» ysotordsr,and resulted in a v.rd.ct of gui.ty «ganitt t'alvin Fin«:»-Bad Petto Pinkie of that charge, »nd ol «imple assaultand battery »g»inst the other» After the kcrdlct wt»rendered the pntonera Were remanded to prit, n to

taseeasaea Itey were uken down tw, »t »

tune. Calvin and Peter being tbe ltat Uken down Alterth.y descended th« tta-ri into the main l»!e or entianced tte I'lirt li.ue- they by » de»per»te cf ort cl»»»r.-dth» tnn-lvt « iiom the »lílcer« having lh.-in .n cuitody»nd ran into the Court 11 ,u»e y»rd, where th.y w.-ie

«¡tur» d and taken ta priion after a »tout reiuuncePhey lhr-'»teo to raise Lirc.-s lr».ui »I,road to rei-n.»th. m they vveu tliretteti t,,f.r»i the city. Lait i. .titth. K.-c.r.'ier made an order to employ twenty

.he a:i. which wa» done. A night police wa*

and the a«i»ect ot sfttylrs reminded one olth»o!d Anti -11.Ml SV'ar here.all that wat wanted to makeit a pe te.t »U'.br;;art was the pretence of s «plendldM itiry corpi .i y,,unity Tbe c.tir.-ni here are tnurh. xai-leraU'd againat the 1 taath t at, 11 to

'. ill will be Very «ev,r.» upon them,»nd the more 11 in c, d«c.,ui nee ot their attempt to M>

v»pe. _\,.ur«. truly.Imtoriaxt DUBI a .\ . tter B74MI Keokuk.

'.>.» County Iowa, dated on the -tn intL lUte* on uu1 u'.ted autboruy. that Judge TYIIHsl had that morn

ing d.»»ide.) aatt»-r a week t «rgurnent «nd p»tient examiuatioB ot tbe eaae. in HTM of the decree mie tn a iu:tbetwraen the New Vor« Compsny «nd Wrght.tbu« e«-

tabltthtng. the letter tayi tne title, by a Judge who wa«

tatetosj by the «ettleri proteaeedly on the ground of hi«oppotiUoQ to the decree

l'be Judge, in tbe concluiion of the case, «aid tbit heat olesacd tüat hi« opinion« on thu ¡uettlon had all b»>ecagainat the decree, but. alter a thorough examr..The ;»w aad the I ecu. be had no doubt ot the «aft Leythe decree, and that il mutt tie iuilalned. Law O-untvl.' the aeat ol the c.-.obrtted Had breed tract ot land.and tbi» declil-n involve! toe homestead» ot hundred!ol »etlier* in the County.

IViibout meaning t.. ny anything of the m. nu of smxtt» r which we are penectly unacqu«lnted » de-

. tob at that now announced mutt excite s good'. I it better that the title t. »o much

land saould tre .juieled. thtvn that it «hould keUve Mtototo ot perpetual litigan .n

-.. out» Kepubl.can. June li.

Fksji Cal ft -P.»!! .Mr Thmm H... an. «econdofticer ol tbe «hip America of Stoninglon. arrived in

towB yestordsy. snd reports that the Amarte« put intome bay ot St Margaret, on the coast ot C«.:toml« ! r

the pur> se of whaling on the ."th ot Janu»rv last .Saw plenty of «cragg whale» bat on the Ü a whilein pursuit of whale«, was alarmed by tw i s «plcxmi'Klar se h »oners wbich made their »ppearar -e under

the land, «weeping down toward the «hip. a eonse-

voewce ot whicn Capt Naab gol under welgi and prreeded t»» sea deeming it unaa'e to continu. la utelr

oeighboroood. - Bedlord .Vercury

M-vRi Metí» t« Priv »tiers, or Pira »i-

bsrk Nsuttlas C»pt Inrera,.!' »rrivpj »t tt «

morning t.-o:r. I'a.erm I via I Mbra'ur, which latter plsre.he left on the '.7th of M«y C»pt Inger» '1 report» thatlour tel'jccss, nndcr Mexican cornm:»«' n» »'» known

, to be cruising M the Méditerranéen The 1 rench »u-

Ihontle« »re said to hive »topped one whichi to Gibraltar and which was fittinj out «a a pr.

vatear at r uear Orran. on IBe r,>awt ta Barbery A

r.ver t-i the SoLtP. vd M-.'»;ad, re. .n the Haroary r >ast-

was s»id to be tne sftgM where they -erried tlvtr»i »or of their teluccss wss supposed to be eruUtng u

tho Westward ot tbe Strait». Cotton Tr»*

Sn Max Oiii.w »I? .sx MSM «rtow iruwnedfrom s bowl ciiotainlnf I« men an i a y te

! few da) « since a l>es Pistos river. The boal was up^t

by tbe oxea becoming unmanajeable and rushiag to

IIS edg".ICy Dandridtre Epes who murdered Mr. MuirMar Petersburg. Va. a year cr two ago. aad who was

Mioaennsiy reported to bars been reeeatly Missis* in

New <>teens, ta bos» «aid to be residiag M Ts xas near

riao Ajitooio

Eirltrairnt anteeg ihe Predaee Dealer« ofHaflale.

Tne moat mttrna« nt itomen t pr-em, tn.

Predat« tiealer» la cuBwraaeaeB of tag hand prwaMetw iupon them through the it»sraiaertsliy ; t«¡,. Tele-f'tpb At an early hour to day tl r.-« eommur.

tnaoaatiagth «d-Ttnce in Bread»turli. t :.r being

ma' watn vedAgVoni cue of to«

nouncmt a rreat decline Bad < r lera* htr ¦-

-:-¦-.-.-. ¦.-.:: ., r . i ,.

»tancea .¦ * . r. made in th i

city » ...

Reaped dry j ,.r«

The I ror»a, Weather, A e.

The -¦ .¦ ,«

er 'p :n BMtry parti v M <. ». tad«a»

that ot lut year. t'.,tn. Ilji- Oat» a I »re n t io promuBtSThe".'.... Wkeit crop

in Pre.I «¦ -.»:.. are«. «uperl \r Bflel -T

r.ther backwi- I I itM BW BOOfl to form aa 0|io reg«--

-m» Ul

that theare »t prêtent very pronhrtng r le« ¦

¦ yield. - ctaad

hear ofThe C

plain»that »ec ry waynníavnra'.'.e and now. when the warm a

J istity Batthat the pl«nt aim-wt everywhere ü


to Kiypan rl 1». Ala-Mad all paru .:, «bort,

I a tt -1 r m« .» .« m with 'i

that the prospect, «t this «.aiou I the ye»r never wtt

w.irajThe Chaitattofl S r Mercury of th» i:>h »ayi i

'. -tiori ii( the Bllorm» u« that the crop» of Cotton and grain a-

Ibree or four week» l»ter th»n u»u»l. In conseqaetioe olthe barkwird Spring, look vigorous and thriving. I beWheat crop ha» matured »nd li » !«r me

A Frederickibursr. : ..( th« IVtimore I i

triot, writing on the .'th. «ay» iarm.'ri h»vn cminenced rutting their ¿r»in ¡n «ever»! pirti of Virginti .'Ihe herwst w... aj ¦. t.'.«n »n av.-ran.

Wheat it »«id ti be v.ry at] .'ain I«

ripening tMt in the t: Ir.ry , ¿[, truj." Rapp»h«nn«~k Preparation» BBS nulirj t,

irreettog in all ¡ lart.-r» Th- ».either :n

t1 ii vicin'ty hai been wry on.- and MllBthM ta the lar

inert Tbe Corn and Oat» lo A very pr ¦

Thf Cs ii i .From tawho ttitiad to thtaeb

all tbe rtv»r parun« » V, -n that then.prêtent »tiioit favorable

«npneratitn «ad«bould BOtbieg bereath r m the pre«entprospect Tbe srmy worm h»t nowhere maie lu ap¬pearanceThe «tate ot th:ng» in Ilapidei taBBl 1 BBBBI ' «SB the

following exir'c-t o: a letter trutn a triend th. re not tobe altogether io cheering

1 have been »omewhat mliipoied. arid have »een batfew ol my neighbor«, and the few I haee ieen. »r« *o

down in the m .util in r insa-qience "t the iriry donetbem in their crop* by tbe late h»;l «t. rm. that they fcevehut little H »ay »'.nut m»::er» in general think. Irom

what I can see around me. that it tome other disasterdoe» not bel«', the BBSS Ked River planter» betöre Kail.

they may yet make tm.-ra".le OtMBBS crops fwSM whoare Bateg Into Ihe Su rar u»ine»« ap-.iear lo he In very

¦'ilerlam no StaaM rryaell of theirultimate success. The cane trows here »a -a

does lu Luv other part statw B 0 Mat HTht Wm

hemloni. In r« latl BtnlbeWbealaafoaaded, to t«r u tbe Reerrve liintorii .

.orne ,¦

. m tl. '

o' - : ich lu«.

ha« taker bold and¡en tent ol the lata the lasttew day«, lias bat ¡i

.- ,1 T...

I'll.I- .Tio- bl Up Wíirell'i if ,.: ftfi s*-.'

«rt .s 'irg, hy wm d.'iti ¦;I'arttally intundThe dry gooi« atan ol Mr MeLemar

cuuum.d hy "re. I'ridiy. I.on «bout V. 00.totured!ur IUXW.

( « iBfttTBStlve t.rt- (ice.irr".l at C. HagtOB, Ky. ofltho I lib The tobaewfl flaMfBBtaBary at Mr c« rneliuswm continu,-.I wMt .t« entire contenu The grocery»tore ol Mr I «nctit» r w«« alto a«.Matai; ltkewi»erlio grocery »ton« BjaJ ri «. I. lire i| Mr I'unlop.

BlatAMROAl B "a Ine MttaalBilBl Mohawk.c«pt Raed, «nlied yawtaraWy Ira. st LeaBt, reyertathaJ ea Baa the'¦>rd. «unk t .« wriil.- ut, I. rw«y in a «gSh« »truck a bank mi lien, » Island I ne l,o»t »nd a

«r. . »re a total loa» butt. .

paltfllgi-r« OU arl ». r I ,\.-.|s n Delta .'une ; I

|"ïr* Adial ttempt »n¦troy tbe family ol William Tuck-

.¦r. Jr ot Am ¦ »to theirto"d. A negro woman lia« D « -,

cion - wi.-k"d act.

r»** a»del ol John K-.-ae tota c.iylktll Co. Pa,

fgT* TwATl l. arrive!« of isfBllllagVolunteers at Sew ()r!«»t.» "ii the 1 Ith 'nit.


EU U IRK» dk Whl.l,«,I'll Bjto____ta BJa V.

TT Wnier-i or r--t»loi-h.n«-ot. it B .

-, , i| ... ilsrB*y.)_ L Ur Shi. Ibeaarltaet¦; M a:er lure. - .

pad« «a* ibun T -. a a »lance may, hyafea, he aJ ."«el'-r « - ¦ y81 if

^«rTX LETTERS and NEWSPAl'ERS_<k>»t»3»w*abJ»JB. k,,k FOKhlliN I'OKT». amm9

r**" l.i'ller« liiia» - - "P"0 f the fld ¦. fThoi «

Yor» Irtoa e tot tl f '¦¦ |fl Parta, i taataado«w*p»r-er* Jer.'iii-vl 'n ÉM bBMB will a.»ayt be for-

wardej ty tt.e v-ry ea- .-! « »a- s. This il»r»r'.rneOI is

'ie s;--l»! »uperv!«'... ef H M" VVR Ragw- mown for nuny r*«r» «etbeekpen« »d aad aft

,.¦ «reif« Leiier l)a[>kr.

- ..¦» | ¦.. . r r

Ba«s «re >e «of tai . u -».

i tor Um Btag place«. aa. w. Ireand. Havre. A« -,- h -

men Hamiurgh. R'o de Janeiro . a a-a «

I . fûVetjea, M a.a, Pan«rr.a. si- Tnun.a», Kirgiwn.(Jam I Ma miu Hav»ne>DfBce open trim u A. M t' '" P. M.

fr letter» and >e« .p.tpcra »

! e" a .

HAl'KK. Capu Alniworih. wUlch M . fir H«vreoa It.« 24ih ¡rut.

A a will rye received »t Bta »a"1)" P ac, l.«i»r« sad

Sewspspers tor ti- p.c»,t suT VICTORIA, Ceaajt, »h.rli M..» for LvDiloa on Bat BSE BwA J«17A'»o, wl.l he rr.-eivel » « «tton «nd

Ci» »p«peu .', r the ;-,. . IRRICE, C«|which »all» ^__^-ra*" % Card- T > m» u«

. d Bro..«lvn»cd tweir vleiaity. byMri CHAPPINofBiuton.Mr* C. wh a " '

tho*»« per*on* *uSrriag f-oei cue*up ¦

« ». M. . . .

. '»úx. )«iondi<oe,r»eBt-. '. ic

Her prac.c- .. --- - ¦

ceasded-- . .

... . ... ¦. « - a*.. ...

» -n e»a be «eon from the re«: - r«

which fltfl can *how «i her room», V/7 Broadway, Stdoorfrom PrankllnutTtwM who woe d be healed ¦oat come qowk!» or Mu.

C will remove when bee uaefaiteM u certain to be potinto reciuttioo wuaoui8_M__Jet lmoe

TT t'retea Ilaee at dO t rata per faat.-Coe-MB>vr» .« -»'.~ad : <«»«: y ..¦.tuet' advantageH exan. ne -.«i«« H.we naBif«C'.ur-d "y the .unccriier Badw«rr«iiied s.perior i »( : «i «a »i» pne»»TKaMBOaT PtOPBlKrOAS «el ail oih«Ki p..

inu aruci« »>l "-e i.*_i »un .-. *^ci a manner «a *

. »lUfacuirv. fbebeatof «lock »i.. ue uaaoi la ine BMBav

f»ciunani the workm»"«' If »»Tan.edT O r »t and

myî» if basement -«r en Pearl and Chathana »u.

tV The t.cnulne Keaao -oiip .»

... - «a as-« « i

- «-. '«c- *emany kind»rar aA..BKRT l* W1NSHIP Chemist »rl Apothecary,

.. i .M I asi Broa,; a>»y.

tjp" BEataa* ( or» Maaw« Mm M E Oi«e eoam. r- ."« is--- -s ai bar t «ae . p-uj-et New

Mu n «» «t.u «d'e« and Cifid'eaaituMl!.-. -^a-saufor 'V»T W.l.vw -» W«i«r Cara *» tí

tVCmngre** »nrln«. Water.


ALBERT L. WIN«.«14owf


»u«. Br «jw»y.

ClTt.eBiiiae Haarlem till -Importad direct fromHo..aad for M.e wBoumu ai.

ALBPRT L WlSflrllP>alt oaif 7" Pmi Broadway. Bar, Markst-BL

/. D WHBBLdRB,OT t em.Ualea>er far the «taIB« M New-T-rtad C«maeci_«t, Tnaiiny HaU- bU if


r i --. tarn » »«.-v «aaauaaar ci«» se »cl bis-«t«rt »«,».«». »aon »» iwrvt« rrtTS or

I TM, IT'TVM rti.Vee/Ua ,- \ nit K--.., Hirom^". '.Soravat/ t\t.t>%i

atwis» .* pwata./i ea:a-

.Stag- H'f-e» .' T~'e~^ M» aifranraí nul Pi. of t« fl»«ir» aav* -.'«aj. .ixvkaV.--»

,' aatwa«.«. «malJasraarj «-»..»g/»»»t <» »a »afun/i«j rut ri \

tm se- Bsj v^lca.-r .< It'r.'«-»aticl »aurirxvit. »c!. fS". iV»

a , . w wittofy tase »a. «oda t

' .. . t .a a . »nd la

» --'-i a » »e»r»a »

»ted for eonieatsaieaad aortahllt-a.

¦i rtosBentepai - s«.»-' «a - . p- M -«rk .,» Morphine "f

< . sut . 'a. s few grains et - M¦ a f a

il ,( iheerade ri'»t»nc»e. keaeetoe «-îper orliy of ir.»»- . » .

t « -a v:ure, when aba uaed Ule«arre medicinal valu»

« » n the great chain of. »I sod ka con¬

vinced. Wham ass done once, u wNaw-Y «v Aprtl *. 1M7.

. Its --.-.raten Ha« » g been aJfl'.ct-

»Sd re,-, . a »e pre-¦ | Mace fcs Mate

sjr Sarsapan; a I Bess . - » -«.- .. of in-.v-ct. have .-»., a--»»d».l wlih t*e


> . ' .¦IB rrr»ll n I,...

.... Bow.i

-IIT «.--., v ..-..-: tome

at » u ¦¦

I . .. x. - KPr»l rte, . a -

V «

shwwia I -I» Mtv. f».

w«ii week .

. a iM . i

» <. Meanshkely to pre».» '. t ita« half of

I, I » I h»d u»edsear v . wat able .

.ajsjaess. st'd. e'.ire I h».1 notsb*d the fourthwet ea well end sound as ever I . I tesa a

«a;. .- that Baads's toreanertUa was the mean».under Prnaidaeee, of «aving niv !"nh. and I doubt notn y .ifa. »n.>«i cheerful v re,- eBinaad H a« Uie beet aru-e.e exi»m for « of the blood

V r,, n.wt re»-,»,--/.,... JAMES MILLERFttraci Iri in . etter fiutn Mr. Ingr«h»rn.« gentleman

srs » . ¦ n» »wire Couniy. II Itself i»Sll slmiisrly «rf,

Roxxt'itr. N. Y. M«rch X, IH7.'.-. IBM -My wife bss BSed «evnal lo-.-.l»« ef y.-ur

rWraap»- ¦ » .

fr en wr . .. ». »... » , k «ps tl '-er;»ht ihal Iam indue-».) to add mine to i ... MOtry row

a (1era many olbe, r.iarv»» have fallen vc.

B 4» n.pposed trat .

i ttme way. Bhs iat ...

» .We were in-

tarsaps I, fromsd, to 'Jiti .' r

th» pastw a: a« ,¦ :»'ri) lo ber u»ual do.. ReepecUuily »(

J.iHM B. INMRAHAM.FOT ft BT pa «r«, «ed ror.r ... -e .f It,

.» ue and eftcacy, »ee psinpri.ei!, which msy beo'-l» l.*.iPrepared and i v B ktl If 1 tTTtt. ITls »ateto. IM

. ca.rner of VA'.l»!n, New Vor«.« «i .~t Broalway «¦:i 17 rlaai Br.ia.1way. »nd

by drugs -, gbool the I'nued »a-«PrltWftt pM Mai ¦ »a o»r la my«, if

Sxxcworka.t'IHÊWÔMKM ! KIIIKWOKK-»: v ...

¦ssoriMrai of saper rrfirew rhajeat »pened »nd fortale «rtaoieeeto aad retail,etaastoitag;of every vsrtety in

». - till», ». priées'. to plattes 1' ..«» to . smtaeihem

je» iv i HAMMER k HOB n »l


l u'«»' .' a . ....

grew,. .. ......,.,»

." »

a ». war»

i BADEA '. v > ,n »t.

I,MUM \\ ii.'.'tv ..

t'a- -, se of all i /¦.«

g Pira Works tebawSi». at wh

» MNEB ta TOI amsL-;-

J"iij!)ionablc (Tloil)ing ötorce-



JVANDCRBILT - 'l. sad It ¡ West Broad-. v ay. has a sp en i ».. lrtoier t o. gent«', boys' an I

children'! c.oil.lng. 1.'- -unce tke'.elon new iiyle thirl

.kin fro,-« u 1 «bad .. aus, a ..'»'... lo, srerj lite v ,.,

mora than eie .¡onai.l ;».,..« ..f latf'l »n»b e gooditoail of will be sold SI I e lowest

llh e prlC».N K A ;.««»'-. frn:ri»r cat reit tn<1 ptnti from gi to

s- . .V -.» Bro.twav h»IS Im-

OLOTH'»Mk>,a i i-1 IBB »¦« » u i o a a » t. r. suir

an il I» |JS,At I -

flllllllli)_7.... I'liirrh.t

cloth:'« ;

i «... ... V.V-i .

vv. 11 D Hi) It »JOT '-




J| IT PI BUtBEl) A M-i

.- .

The ah s Map ¦ i'' flag« 'al".'.......- «M I «n ru'e

-. i the most an-

toeaik M»p of the World puMish».. loleealsMlby CHARI.KS

a '¦. N. Y.

j«18 1W orstK v.; SV HI.: NTS.

"AN AND HER DISEASE-,'P.I IM Till, I'KAI'I.K TuTHK (¡K V\ V V IIeiaatve y tel . »étaler aw».,' t.-r

'f D. Pp,.,..,

« «MrettedTbete

-»y [.»r»ni d». .

.- i

. -nor»!I ,1 IULES II R."-

idwsy.Age»'. .



T| D * Y la PI' B

, . v II -¦' I a H M It I A 4» Will

», Nc... . teaeTi I "rg«r

. .. of the

.-. el I,...

,--..-¦ '«

. . s redef of the... ':--¦.'« ' .a» IBXS .

in the c . irry and . »

ftftWROB v IKTI ,' «t. loie-»t


TIM KIMM * >1 ID! Til.HI' ' l T tots p«r... Iwin't P«

- it per.erman-nl I.» w. » »v»» Kr

»nt» pa),a ». .

I ...


^¦^H - al.l ¦.

3 ¦..:.-: .



r * -a . t --..,.

.. :..¦¦: . I Ma apar, T. Mil-

\) Y ..¦.¦¦".¦B j«rd tl th» ume toe B»md« beer 4f» »ad it t preeaatsdhe y»t savd »»sic»». «»I can lafovM lioee v. a.


Ata a .»«.*' 4 '». ireauaad ««ore Uv -aiioo l M R

N 8 A «ma pare« srl to e.i '.rt*.*«e .* t- sal»trtonr.t t« rar: -un wanted___'.!__NliriC R.-J.'riN M. NIC -LU ..>.. of Jots» Ñlte

deceased. » Maw-Tort May «ftutof »rinti gros «a

'. '¦.

w . , v'oee.tai. *>.,!gi__4 \ Y >r '.o the iab«ye..ber M Huartnrum L I


F'KA>KI.I> lALf WATKat B4T11, Kortoelteof lae gutery .T»e Hioi» Ba., « I iw ^peo fjr 'he

.eesoe. altor anaergolag a eoeapieie repaar, !» now readyfar toe re»-epuoe of Lade» and tf*s ..emen. anJ the public.-eoeia. y

».very aiureiion will tea paid to vUltor«. Stwtoe nrsot»

r,)»nir«^^iriaajioier_KS Ira


«ata», may ko inspecte I by the rasxtical p-ofaesaoe. and a

-o bave ut «yirpioiiii -»I eb-ei Jiteataaean c,e-.»n»een an» baasr»


¦Ij_MftawAMs» TILl.lfcl \'«» kastwas of Urea. M.ixg

.» u «.-...

wer»;.» -a»- *,. an J .* .inea» a a

. nein. J» Term« fo, / */"'Lin'.ng «nd psjlssn a. Dret» Makt-g :n ib«BaM aad aaset tastaieaskle style .w i»».Aeur:akie term». Atow good «trwer« wu. betangaiMad T 'iiyttera and peae-uca» Dree«Maxing for s few weeks' «a»nuance to sewing|»w IM*_RiltlTAÜ-T tVèUNNINO, Deoasc has laawtrredfro« carne, of Ckess naws-ec and Brood way to U «Viad-

M» My« tor*

Banna, anà Sam«ur «Itôuint-DB. TOWESERDS SARSAFARILLA.


THiS EXTRACT t* pc.t .p In e_-i furrlai littitsroewAsa***, r eajBJVr ud »a--».-'--.! BbBbV*BI W tcy

», J hrarat 3'».u*»s » in..-it Toeur««» p. ruf nr*ea-

ter «e ***i»f«nag ine pta.-r-tThe greaj beaa't ane »npeetorliy et ihta Bar«ap«rtll«

oior «ii 'iiaer eeoedlee 1«. wbiu tl erallcaue JlawaM IIinvigorates .» boal«

IT HAS PKKPORMV.D»cat Tea« IT.OtHI cran Tau rtat.

I ,»MMt cea es or Rar h«t «x.I .'««III ccaaa r L)v»r«rsi».i.M'tlaaii or Jiaia.i DuuiTy'. want of

N-rv. .. r

.T.IMIII Paus »r »'mart uo ..»

7.IMKI 11 avi r 0 vr.aictrt v « , « r ,iir.)M, g»n

Ehenm. P - -« kr Vr u-;etr..r wr."i nu»»»". -ase« of t'.nue.mpi'.vc. Liver tompuini. Up nal Afee-

Uona. he ThU. we «re *w»re u,a,t »praaa« lo-'ettt,».b'.i w« h»*e leueu f«vn «Hy»'C«n« ni ,>ur Ageri»fri«mtil perú ^>f lúe l'siiad Suie«, inform! « j* oí "»uac.rdiB-»Iy cure« R l «n B'isk'-'k Kia .iru of ir« ir, «t rMpeca-¦ . dracgUU m Newart S«w I« a y brasa MlbBI r«fer io ¡not« ihui on, haBdred »3d fi'ty ca»au '.n that«-a rte. T«-»re are thjj«*ej* ,if r.»e» tn lh" Ctly of

N»w.Y are, which w« will refer to wllb pleoeur«. and to

me« of chancier wall known.

INITPD STATUS 0PP1CPR.Ca 'l (1 SB McLean, m*>mbe>r of lb« Ne«-J»r»eT Legt«.

lAiiir«. lote if tha Coned tone* N»vt. hM k ndiji ho. tit

'he Anlowin« cerilscaie. It teiu tl» owaatoryR.u*,v tan V>. 1*47.

A ye«r »ince I wm '.»l,.n wt.h toa ,a.1a^vr i and my»h <\- .¦ «ten, efl Ited «UM WM todoeed »0

try Dr.Tu aaeei .« Wwapa ...« and *fU«r nttag two ,.r

ajjaa w»« i., aact re ¦¦..¦1 »-«i »in Staled M* . al' a«*« 'otlmied tai rig

It. and hn.l in« -, ay. I leiteve it «avedmv iif«, aud wcruld not tie » ¦ MJ t,»t*ld«rai'. m. .- vv McLKAN.

THi". liHTOR.¡arksori r*«rj Editor of the R,hw«y Republican,

, «rufáeai«, a a/kaiaaa .aiiunal». lowi

T'i» Mecen M Dt. T iwatateTl prepararon of S»r»a-: a- It « . .. .' v r'i«rac'er»V« -.-..«' one from

c'«pt MeLeea. of this urwa. aad eae Rea« Re« Mr vi e

- , , Isr.d,agealtaeBBB well »e.w-n In RahwavC»BL Mclx-«'! '« e.e« Ik« BMsdtctl e to have »ave hi* life,and Mr. IV tile *«*e-n» ta aetortain »n Bgaalif Mreagfdence In ¡U e . ¦¦. i 'n-n ke the*e »

Rot prstse s.) »Uongly whsl II ve lu do-.erve lu -

SCROPC1.4 Cl'RF.D.Tht« remírate «u han tei inio Dr Towruen.! * ortlc«

ihl« wea^ t ene atta v prove BBkl hi« lirai «ri,,» Hmperfect roatrol ..ver the *r ,««i o:»tin»i« d'.aeaae« of lh«Need Three per«on« cur«« in one h..uM U unprece¬dented.

THREE CHILDREND«. To» a««ai>-/'rni ,>V | have ihe p'een-» to to-

firm V'Ki th»t three of my Cbttdnfl have ''een cured of lh«Bcrofhla be the u*e of year exeelWal medicine. They»ere aSRt.I very ae.-ie ¦, will bad ttreei have ukeBon.y for .¦-, -. Il toot -rn «w*v.'or wavh I feel tuy..elf ander deer T u«« re«r«*etfully,

I8AA1 W. CBAIM, IBS Woo»tar-»LNcw-Tork. March i, l MB


Da T'Wairap.Cear So- My » ife i.«a leen for «ever

al year* attlii > the ht« Ü 1 BBS yl.ffereoi ¦ . ai allm ao par*pom. Bhe wm Anally indneed v «--ng year adveiii*e-

gtee yoar Bamparillaa trial We proeared sma«Of It from y "ir agent M« Van Husk''11 »n.l It give« me

r.'e».i,re to »tale .hat usirg It sh.« esperiariced ¿real.1 wm tn a »«ry shorl nine peigwlly rand, fwm

i . - with a maa tn my employ! i«a.lly trout-led. « '.y u»'og » «in«1! ipia'iiitj of y.Hir Ha«»ap«-

.r complaint wa* cmp'eiely cured I MBAtdaj U

ke beet of aiadktan, aad woa'd a»»ta» all waoanafHlcied to give il a trial. lIAflRIT liAKrUBRANT.


Ai wit i. »a rnotsaii'» or nmm ia il t raaT« or th«

I'nlled Slatea. are roatiaaallr lend'ng cartirraieiand in

forming utof lunefiuderiveJ from Dr TownMnd'lSaiM-partlla

I)« Ti>wait«r>-*ir Some ilme itceeynu req'iMierl myopinion of th« virtue« of tear Compouad Syrup of Maria*

Perilla 1 am no« prepared to give 11 have uaedll In mi

practice and pnacrtbed b '.' llu !a«t few month*, »n-1decided preference ov«r »nylhlng of lh«

which I «m ». tiiiaied. both M to lu medical. and the reM'>B«««le price «I «filch «ell It. In

a ' i« »1 -cl'.on» cnl.neoin eruption* neaeral ly, d v*

rupds, Indigaatlon, coative habita, and -r eoaelelala, I¦¦ ple»«e.l with It« efteel«. In ll>-ae coiii|-!»li,U. or

»r where a » « todtaaaaa, can wiih eoari-¦¦ imanad it io the prathattoB a*

- « . « Itaaaea in ».one of lu.. «« a «afe « id valuable

IN .- r r KS.M. U.H. . .- R

lays* Hfl tag ' «¦ .one time pul''.en uto. tod wilt a l'a il. in«i ¦ a,|e. ilni .n my ling», and

«... . -. g et,.,,aura in

I.»v.- ing alter preaching, »nd finding my alaa*a»e tu In-crease, with asa« B dlaV ly if *«r->«i.'iing «'el oilier alarm- \

I'lom*. wm ad rkied by a r ergyuian a f' lend ofBampanira. I did so, and

«J er taking IWO or ihr. e teatlet f "in mv«e|f rel eve.t

My tpBOillo be« been ritinrinl Had myMlfinoehrtreBg.e. «"'.1 hop» very «oon ta resume my usual dnlle». I hav«heen .<> great, y keaegtad ky Toureicellenl reedleiee, I «seltl ty duty lo nuke known the fa ufor the henehi of other»Who may be laboring undarihe itteedlMcoldeelball li«v»been fur »oriie time pMt Re»pecifollv, yean,

BAMUEE VVIilfH. CMior U| S»pisi Church,Maa. a. IBB» suieu i..»ud.

ALMOST A MIRACLR.Kaau th« ». lo» IB«, an du it it you c«n, thai con.

.emotion cannot be carad TbtaUonly me of ihe tareraihuiKlred -a*n* Out Townaend« MarMuarilla ha« «Brad

Baeeaura, sept, if tage.Pa.TowaeBBB iJaar Ihr »«« UAea,alititaorar t

ve»r »«M. er::), a «e/eie eoogt «nd pain In my itde. It in-

cre«Ml on urn vary fail, indeed. I wm pronounced byMM 1 ..on. I mini Urge

«i of bad an i iweau, and »Inkingv-ry fest my t " let »aid be cra.,,1 do ooakiBg for me. I

«g auaeéteé, bat watI ira', e. »a» - Hslfto

.... uaadeeeld «wnUy breatbe I ».h.o became« 11": was c 'Uhned ui my bed,

andwmlo . ciinot give, description oiai wo,..i .i ,,. « ta ase aeee, I

i| my 'nenl« to be peal re.o/.-ry i I had.¦« . lall lowoked le be io

no P'iite'.a I naAofatawa ¦¦ try .-u-e« pewby your modi« -ne, nil to tell y./'i Die iruih. I . u

u mo a '. Bib ig i ir sai h u wm tn«... »rd «id v«wy thinlfiil I did. I

.iiimn »ay liui I n" - «I «in . fir r*.-<n-r-4,a a . ¦ »tl »e,l in

i f»w weei« I) p» n lo ih» Mda, and eight¦weal» ban lefi me. and raise leil very lotis, ar.d am ra*l

latalag -iiy aaatl «'rehg-ii fe.i n « aatj lo ,iv«youailaieuinot of my ....e. to pabltah f roa ,--

PP.TKR BRi)'-VN,47 Linie tu Brooklya.

ÖRP.AT PP.MALC MKDICINP.Dr Towruend . Hari»p»rtlla 11 «overe'gn and ipeaydy. tar h , em coi,«uiupi:iio, borreon«*»*, leucorrh.r«

or »hue* o'.«ir'ir',ei aiion, incontln

aaaaafartae, or tavatawatry i teaarge laawaof, »nd forg e general pr,»ir»tlon of the «yst-in-no sialier whalhaw

-, I of inherent c«u«e«, or produced by Irregular :iy-.. «

s ¿can '»emore«urprl«ior th»n It» Inv'goMtlnr ef-'.-. . ¦. fr*n - f-'i'ini a., »-««ne.« .,.)

... -«klag II. « ai and fall.

.' lence. It 'mme.l . e , ,- .nnuraru.- .. .« fein».h frvine, which u the (real

c»u»e of btvreaeeili »:l, r>..t ke «l| httod «f u» In cm»« of »o delicate »

. . f ire» perfnriiied, but wa

ma « ibe t.ieted « :. ¦.' '.»«... luve been. ...

» ur.,e,i Ml Iree, altar wtag «taw bolita« ol hu ir.vtiua-- h hea.thy'«S»prln».

Da.TowastBO My wlf- weadbya« . gsoera rta« cmiinualiy. , .. ., - g aowa, f*l.lng of ilu

.-A:i rur|»gtoctad great earee, and ataa

I u reeomsaeeatadtor «.chcoaeaMi i*.e d««criix»d.oouioed a kotue of Eklreet .' <»r««p« '¦ a.,d '

lb» , reef.r-is yiu g»ve n»e. In »»hoc. Uni" It removed1er cotup «itu and re»iore<1 1er i. .-. e> ug gaiefulfor the ,c ib6u «he revolved, I lake pleajar« ,n thatBAkaowtadg g l, and re« rnmeodleg 11 to the |

M D MOORE, cor. of liran i aal Lydtu* «AA n«ny, Aug. 17,1*44.D* Tumt'o-To all whora thli may cone- n. ThU

Is to certtPy, thai my wife uaaad oae awttta of your SerMpa-. t«r ciniueueai, uuder lh« most aiarmiBg

i ».* .;...»¦ .i »< | » :.h lh» drop-a. . «" i

' i feel rrra« aBeciioaa, aad »er,I my perauMlon.and Ih« reroramaudaiNU

. . »..o e«d .»ed ii. «n« wm ladmad lo iry It, witb««; ibe atodtcloe bad ibe

uppy sod de«i*ed effeci nol «m v in lb« h.eir* of r.ontne-I after Ibe »«plraUue ef ana week of "« um, lb«

*«y Ui an a«UinUl1ngWr.... ,.,-, » rasd nealO fir ,


' tirrvr« ji yo'i'r anyone who-, .-

- I - i wet.-one ion. I «i,*c,'.'.e m¡mJ y r mut or»«*)


Dr. TowTueod u«.m..«i i»liy'»ceiviagordw»itom phy-«leían« In «iffereoi paru of i«a L'oioa.Tau U lo cen.fy l/ui we. me LCdcrttrned Phyitcuu«

I lh« C.iy of llkaaj. I«>« kl »iim»r.«i*s«ai prearn.ii«« l>»T-wrueud s lia/M.'Br. », »cl bellsm u lo oe one of ikamuiva .. « i '-.-« *aj-»apaC..u in ihe market

H P. Paling, M D J Wusoc, M. U E. B Bnggi, M.0 P. E- Elmendorf, M D.A. a-y. Apnl l. lrMA.The fouow.og 1« from «a of the moat rstapectahla pbyat-

:Ua« on Long laund OiutarotT, July 10, ItgSDa. Tow asi« Bhri ll 1« wttn »aiufacuoa ihei 1

My tu yo«, thai I aava r->e«*«ny Mver«. caaaa

cfa« Bvoat betwde'a. re«o,u fr-rra paar Exlracl uf l«r»pA--tlla. Being ««uragad ta the pracure of medicine I bava¦raaetfhwd II In s»Tera, -*.»*. »nd never wllboot beaefttIc the nrnova: ¡f \\m\%. artaing fvoa « deranged «tau

,f the dtgeeiive organ». ;«aadw», he. n far »reeadteaf'ttag 'the kind e»ar he'or« uaTered lo the . uB' t. Toe. -.i- ¦*¦- -.wo ioaea. be tt

RMpe.t'u.iy yeata, S. C PEP.aTON M. D.

Pr'narlpBi oAca, 1* P'i.u «ut. »o-i BilldlB/, N. » -, Bud-

ling h Co- I SuueUL Boiloa Or U) nt A Bone. iU Nurtaa. A» ilat'e.iirugt-tai. Baii'mor«.

t M r.-.-arnCraa/iaWtoe; VA rlghlv e « . a_ M-w()r lesos; I a* Boa dl Pearl «A.

AJ-anr B. Van Bullir», tn Broad, cor Mai «etui. New.

ar». H. i ».' '-u-guu generally ihroogb-«*i Siaie«. We«t IB.I.M aad use Cíñala«

Notur- Itofl g -i>m pat op u the targe «e»ee«w tacttln.

...Btaia a «jutrt »ad »taned wilt .«wrluee «Igru-

JirtafA P. TOWNSEMD. aod U »woe»1'"»"» °« <*>.,_

tv» »-o'TiThAB lit.

FRENCH DREaBMAEEB.AD C'l ASMAILLP. wood inf'HB» lbs ladtas of New.

it «t »le *ia» ; j»» arrived front Parta with a.l ibe

aitui Paru faaliioea, aa t M now prepared to to all ordeni he. »». auy ne favored with aad pro«, puy tiieaded to at¦p anataa-«i. Mi bja*

SiiYtttifmft, 0t. COatiud.

AUftTNTM Y* t NTKD- RÉLtataed, WeLtfe Uva'.yarsjBd govàaeeper. This book t rot sp «apéesele

l a« ikoee wbo bay it frota roneu lieg lewyere Ne» * » « ee axsw-aa knee keen spared M «xatoe U veto

an.« u» »very owe. It roauauas ibe new Ciatwtosiliie twdf "mi «Jepuai to It. The rapid «ave of U hot ledatgwd M^ «eilt »teraoty peal, sed rave»re the srVe to V * rani* -«im our agent» we are very »tent,sag w»kave «avérair»i -^a,**!r' .'"" . ,oí,*.¦ m .*.«. .-».»- «W Mto

m**'_"+*¦- ** Nassauat BeraM ayaiMSaw-^dii^Tf» J04W cTwbjujrW t^ÜVí»-- v^wer w Ito « renta cegato! of totola»

ei ib:« Btojftto*

\17A.N*Bs7>-By ayoaaej ta-ttak lady__» ? «overal Vjar.^ twutalsg. . «kasttoMJ«lfy or restdeet govteseea ______


given »be woeld be wUUa« te ____Z_.11__?_:.* .vuntry, or assist la s sckoei. Aderees 0 «ateTaft

«**..____ >etl *.\\ 4NTK1) By 1 P-; yuaH ,,,,, »,..,.v v o. ri i» So ihe cooAls«*. waetrn.» «as traalsuf, o, to 4a»ih« cban..»erwork and to sselel le ihe waektef M. tixstawtr-aw tg M go » abort distance la ihe coaatry AssayM »» We«..ftiiieee.bsl Vattl tfW4NTK1» -8v . respectable yoOBg »»att «~»4ta»»

.a coos. aiaSft acd liaMser. or geeerel week, e,rhamterw.-tk The r»«et of ctiy reiwrerc« glare. Fútaselo cal. at o Yssdeweter »c Can be eeea for two laya

le.l «V______VS. A.>TKit-A panne, wim to #»,<*»csptial tovv â ,.» profit»..,e sod »ale '..»luee» !n a p.eosset «Jftane iba» N Arv .-oanmeniiraiiwe addressed to P. 0..B»M«L»T»i. wt.i be suirUy coatdeounl aatt prompt!« rw-

spa.r,de»i ua_jell 4f

\V ANTHD Tt» PiTstt'Tl aTÑft^Two W4MMM ele-vv Mraa.aaaft h.»idirg fr, m sep to ton* gai.oos. atos a

'eec. n.l h»r,d e . from >ai lo ,,V lb« leoalre «I.e of ike Karitas Miairg Company. W Broadway

W « ^TKU By a tsepectebto yoatag wrawaa a slwvavv uob ae waiter, tw te do toe gaaeial «aHtessrert efe

. mell private Unity Referetycee gtvea fro« her toMpiece apply M to Pitt el, toil ft*taL/aNTM» Heveraa a«eai» w»nla*rto~Mpwty the" c.-inlry with drug» and ready prepared «teallclsee.The t.-. t t .-> so large s verveiy ('.erg. ikaa was ever¦vsstea oifered by any ee»ehlUhmeat la is I'olaad BtesesJthat «gen.». merchant» end pwdd.ereraa eat «appliaal withergs or taaall çu«ntttlee The public caa aleo receive ike

», .»..'.. atedteal aad «argicai irtwusaeai ky toe well-In.iwn Dr. »Momoe Heine (formerly of Hudsoa «ad

-, M ms arte i« ¦ .«g- Air ikat particular yeipeea.. -1J has hisoface In Ike »ear »if toe «lore. Apply at she,i»'-n«e. Uru«; ».id Store. 1/7 CI ««tlist« St New-

Y»'! tot tot«as« i.. _.u.a.

Uoaröing.1"«4» i.KT- BsatseaM aparaaaaat, m stoat

with "»»».«ai and lea, or, ui g»»tleai.wtvea T' « «pa'tine-t« will be ttf reapilred) fura le

»ny w»y n. »ult the »pplicaei. The h.xi«e ha» keen tfcexr-a , aoed ihroughosL Apply at M II.

Mark«: I »t I Jell lw«

IMMKIIIM. IN Till 4 Ol NTRY.-A fkw"ta»r-I »»..u» esa be weil «vr. »,-.iaioci»ted wltk bâtard upoe iee-«.»nab.e i»,ma i« a in,« family residing os iba kaata* oftoe lliida-.n. three mil»» »ti.-ve Iks viiiege of Blsg Ilse. Mwhten place a »leaml» .«i pites dally from New-Yifh. Ceo-reyeaee M «et fonn ike boat will be pr.i»i.l»»lai al! iltasa.Inquire ,-f Dr. A. A. H I'LL, Ciotoevt.le, WaeabeMer tie.)«|7 |w*_^^^BOA HI» WAMTKD -By ageaiMMsa, la toe apper

pari of the c'.ty in i, plain, reepactnble private huallywhere there mi few»r an » erwera »nal I ka a,«TenSB.Y»nn» .ii.»de,»ie. R»f«rea» eel» kanfed. AdSres» W. Trlbune -fTi. a._toll tf

BtlAKIIINIa A «ai.llemea sad tsdy o, «taw ttag la

geni'»men m»v be acromaodaied with »leesoBl ro,»aasand « at M Whlie-sL Alao a few day boarder« el toetame pMB (ell 4w*

OAKIÍ IN KAf»T HKIHUU AY.-A tpMttoMBMaid hta wife, an I two or ihiee ttagle geallestea, can

he accomrri.«la,e,l win pleaasnt apariaieni» aad board kyapplying attgï Kail Bi.aviwsy. eackaxflgee.

Jet 1st* _______

|»OAIfll. \ geni in»n and wife and two or three skarIsgla gentler i-e r%n be acemm «Haled with pleasantroom« and »»»a »I in a private farally. by epplytnj al 111*»a,t« »l Term» modérale. fl |w*

OAKI>l>4a Whh privets family ate use of ataao("one llrequlravj. «AI McD.algai-SL tolllM

yit I.KT, wlibiir wiih»»ui board, furnltSaal perkars «SkiI ta»di.i. mi, ai I "»i Canal-sk ftsfereacee satkasgag.jel» !¦'

¦ IT.1KTON MI'KINIJM, tWhl.a gulekarf-Ttato..'»o »M-ieiii, »tiiialsHl upon ike .laa of the Aabureaad Rocheeter Railroad, beiaxeee C«««aa1«lgaa sad

(ieneva. In Halarlo C- uniy, ba«1eg been »»largad aad tho¬roughly filled up, Is now opea Tor the receplloe of rtoWlor»This place I« «dmtraMy »itaated ta a floarltvhtogeowBlry.

in the bean of Ihe lisle, remota froM Ike solee sad «toM Bf

large villa»»»« or rltiee. enibraclBg a nesuiiful rrvve ef tor-eat traes t» Its plesiui« grounds, frost lbs sates» of wkietalows lu springs of purr and healthful water, so dMytsadhy Nature ». to please »nd tnteresi the visitor, and raatsraIt »deelrahie relreal. whether for li.we seeking e MMtota»li.e f.oui .ltaea»e. ibnse wbo have t few leUer» day« or

aeete laSpeM In '»ceallon and pteasore, or fo, those

Wbo, weh ihetr fauilllea. are dUpoeed lo leave Iks healedwal.« of ac;iy reaideuce lo enyuy Iba refreshing breeieeand p o ,. atuioaphere of the country, luring the wsrxs esa-

naavjThe Water«, which »re matai v of a «ulphurotl« charac¬

ter, rhergad »usasBkel with so»l», m»tue«l» »nd caroonks

gas. stand unsurpassed in their medlcln»! Vbaraeia,, as a

rnnedy f " the van.anailn dl*aa»e«. rlieuiasil« «Reclina«,dyspepsia, gsMWB tobtnty of ihe system, fta, end bavs el'»...,..i coe» tu rasas where the waters of other springshave felted

r .»., «¦ graiebil for the liber»! pakrooage herelolwre re

ct.rxl. ika> a»)»«. »il»j>r vtoel reepeeifully aott ,t» tt» roattouai re.A porter alway« In reallnr*« si the dtpOl to receive keg

<»ge free, fcha'ge M. PABEft.Mancbaeter. May 29 l«n._tot tot

BÖHOOLBY't MOÜlfTAIll SPRINQI.Maaiu » nsaTM aovta

¦ A4 TIIK Tl Ml . . »pioa. hi,,, for e.llsaa« to latermine uenn tba dtreetton ,fth»fr lunnirncirilia»«itention I« »ollrliad to ttite heal iky, agreek le aai

highly faahlonable place of Busuner resort. BstsaMve l«a-piovemert» asd «i»l."lil«hment» have bese mad« to ihea .».,»...» I neiablUhiaenl «tsee Uto lest i»««"« BMeagwhlcb li » ,. .«¦ of a aew and «pleadtd butldlag eeevlalnlng near stall sleeping apartment», conalracted la atemost modern sn.f Unproved tlyle for comfort sag eeeveavlenre, sod attordiog eeconintodallons fur ketweea elpklg»nd one hundred persons, In addition lo toa number fl«.r,i,et/c.,mni.»t»ted. Tbe fnrtilture for kutldlee Is

¦i« eddlibm* In furatuire end ked

stag h»ve been made lu the whole establishment. Theentirely new.and larga addl.loo» in furatture

House is newlv painted and all Oiled up Is the best poeMlue manner The «really taereatved accominodailoaa and..nifoiü of the place, sod lu rooiltvnlly growing popa-

Isrity with the faahi nable end ihoaa In Uis purtett at*seahb, latify the anrfertlgried in the bops sod confidentSTpsrlBtlna ItaM tbe patronage ..f kla eetabltekmeel willcontinue ». ksrotatora, to the full of ti» opacity

» ».i.i. i«h»,»»ni i» now ti now in re»d.,.ei!»ad .»pan foril.« r-, »pilon of .l.iio». -IJ In,«.,<!. K. MaRbH.B NATIONAL MOTkl, Ma.y . I.oeg lauandi--

Ihe »ubactiier having occupied lbs above sssseta « « »r.d | eaaaat premises for the last veer.

feela j * »' .. lo hli frtendi tnd tba public fo, the liberalpatronage they have extended toward him, asd hopas, by.'« undivided ai'»niton lo the comfort of hi« guests losseelwith a »¦» «here of patronageThi« place I* unsurpassed for sea-bathing, ceil set re¬

freshing breetes, fishing, fowling, sBieoifc, berg sod Isvelro«.1l 'or drive». IrTht» hotiaels »busied »boat half a mile from loath Bag.

near » .» Island imel. Visitors leaving New-Yexrfc Bar

Long letafl I h! a a a .) 4 M »r « P M for ettker Par¦..'..» or Dee, Park, will always tod stagee to raaatl-

a«»» lo convey ",»., ui Babylon, and retarstog «say leereBabylon si i '»afore I and arrive In New.Tort by g A. M.

..-» a- a- »g»s sad boats to let on ELRANAH JARVIB

Hat.y'on. I-ine 14, I44T_|«I6 imwoat"

OMÏOM HALL,»J AII ATOOA «PRINtiH The rib.cdtiers hsve Ihe plea»«7? «lire of »gain ann uncing to lhavtr frleodi »ad Ute pebltctoal u.ey i on.iii'i» m taeu ine " I nl.n Hail." which will beBpewsd for c .rnpariy on Moodsy, Ihe 24'b nil

I., . »ttenti.e eitalilisbntantls «o well kaowas« «eereav

ly iu raaxalre anaatitottoe « 'o a»y. Il .cupiae s front¬age of »'< '»»i on Br.iadway »nd Csk gre*a«treet

T »- . « «tatotee. Dining Ha », and Piaría», ih» de.ighifui (lardea and Pleasure groandt, savertkenl t.eir acres of ia-d, wr.tle lu elaata vtelalty to Ikelastly ,-ei«braied Conprea» Spring, baring »boat BM fakslweal reu lera il . . enviable locsitiy.The wbo e bu ¡.din» h»» again under »«me ik"f'mgh reeskr,

aad irye Btl BfJB, iMang R »»m» Haï!. Plastes, te., heaaihor.eighiy reeovated by ik* band .rf a patatar, and »varydeper-meul furnlsh.d with «o poecihle regard to laVeM antro-iv«ciecre, which. It ti ronfl'lentl, believed BBlaag vrtok.' » p».»e'inal eieri; a« of the propriété»», wUI give »sttro.aiiafacuoL, and enture ihe eouUnuanca of s .literal ae» R- h W. rCTNABfaaraiof« «prlnr«. tasy tl. ItoT. _M»t4 tew4w*_

n»Ti»r»"»OOOI HOTEL, ftALLBTO»"T»rm.THE AHOVK RffTABI-lsHMltNT wilt be tpsasd BB»

der i:,-: ma, ag»'Teot of Ule «ubecrllrer aa lew Mita dafof Jane in« The hweaiy if lu »Ituvitoe, asd lu Imase-i . i vvrtnity u> Baraiaig» Ipriags sad Lu«, ksve alwaysrendered tbls p.see s deslrslile reeorl luring the «VaMBtsT«eawon. «rd ihe underalfned »»wares ikoee who may pe-

1 taesaarat Ms»

iMB il__\ WE'7' I Ï I-

tr-misa h m. thai mi etTorl on hU earl «kalitira their comfort aad »ppruoailoa.

-,'... iw m i THOMAR

«/«»st ai ine .»id «tang Ne. T Bar-ay «L opp<ietu» ihe Astor, a vsrtoryf »i «I to 1 octave Plasta Pertes, of>-r f variety M aeneiai, with ail toa

modem luprovemeoii, to rueewood and «Bakogaay eaaee,ia»d '»every raepeet to give sariwVttne nv notais.m bins. JAMKM THUMPfrOM.

iw« lAirTk, »l' k tUrvdtwL

BONNft ¦!*»»!.fae '«vreewt mv... » is .. t» »rut 'rffrred to

. a ». M a eacitr, -e of «o per «eat

.».-i.»» fur Ihe «ensoa. The pea tic

. .»r»l t« lesoecfiiy lavited to rai. M WARNILETM-tor», ii Ctikartnett be4weee E«s4 Brosdwaf

aad llmtr, *__**_"_MneMI » 11 »ArAni4»NM.-BATB; HAB^FÑIá

i.a ».i Is nau «i 13 e«^»!*»»*.»»,!! kyJfttoMMft4 , MM eleesni draa» asl» ai ftl M StW Ml tl, to¬

per or in sly le and Sol«b to ih»»«» to stoBJf pISOSS M telr,e,i litt, »i |; C (I Murehwillbe pease«! m see htofriends st this* lm- »r.0Ri»l5 P H. BROWN, Mt__

l.iillk AT TtllM.Ladies. gssilssBna.sjHtajJgTB.. yg »w< and children, atl thai are In » aal of a

^^^^^loe «ruvi« o< Boou or toses, cell st MT ftiaed-w»v where yoe will Bad toe torpmM .watal estor-beeeeeiin r ut'ty. wboiawsl« «Bat rainli. N. B.- tosatta_7r~4 ¦».... ft< fleaim-l tf CABlLL

Uff. iwLufKä^NIWflVMliftM¦»«. lew la see.pressera may he gtade-»t»d to »all us» enea. Tato truss error tate

i to give «ee». comfort tnd safely to too wear.. the chespesi and heel Tmii thai eon he

taraud Dr (i. i» praeiUa.y vrjuataied wukBtOagkind oí r

er-li fay

p y n< Truase« lo every kind of rupture. He alsoale tup porter» and a female to silswitl spoa radiesM thai, reatdeace to .»JS


THÖotraMttite rtiJaftaivS .*..*»,^.'-Jrr*THI»ni'S««1l rUMJ-U- TMUtJM,

iQr:?t^^W^ M «nd «. wb., tee iserm, «s toe |iim»reeaBaa gr v'.aataB frum ose to kfty «trend* oa toe rassors WMta»

eat« a-« pal whvc» an-« «V **'\ *__ ____ *__.-t iMBg -« «ass «tJ tai- _^l^J^¡^Slí_\an-MMM tptoaxt; Atosa^^*^--- ttoaaMMt Btet

ntto»*a oh . ** m 9 ' ]_^_^____w,^mm^_^_tm^^-___m_____________\

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