new york tribune.(new york, ny) 1892-03-20 [p 2].3 o'eli«k tmt day untll the next...

TIIK ANSWER A BOOMERANG. i) COLONEL BliS. ON MAVNAKU'S REPLY. TlOKii THK JUOOB AD.MiI IIIM-KU' G-.-.-T OF A COX-PIRA' - ' A Tribune laportat .11 <l aaoo OttM -I (Jeorso Bl.s-i yn-;_»rdav and a-ked liini foi hja etaWfl ou JUdgfl Mayiuu-1'h ler._r, ln Wbteb IM Judge tr.ed to defet.d liis rour^ ln retcard tu the theft of tli" t-orrectcd DnUhe-is rlei-tliii, nU.nis. Colonel lill-ir- aaM ¦ Yon, 1 bave read tl.e U-ttr-r of Judge M_yt.ard with p,HKi Mai uf cara. IM leataea tbal ui"->t Intereata aaa la M la taa fraah avoaral tbat h* wnhin a .eeaddae,' wltli other nnaaaatrl p»*i--i>t,«;. to defeal tM law whii-. l -MagM hetare taal .indge MayaaraV* aettea, iis an ifullv-Miial, waa a vlolatlon of tta Fenal Oode, IMa aeeaaa lo bm lo ron,<* daageroaaly n**...- an Mmla* -l.i-, uf galM ot a (on-iiiraiy wlttuu tiiat oode, Bec ttou MW dee.rea tbat 11 two or .no.- peraona eoa -inr- -fur ti," aerveretoo or ototrnctbai of Juatlec or >t tu- 8m _<ii!,ini-tf_tioii <>r tbe mmaf ti^y .n* gadJbf ol ii aiiaioaiaaanr Now, wtmt greater pecvoralen or otwtrurUon nt 'ii-uli-e. or of IM d,.«) admliilltration oi Ute law ran there, be thon te prevei.t ih,- rea* hlng tne Hocu-d ef Mata CUBlaaa*Ifl of tiie return of an ii,-<-ti'.ri vvtni!, tM Raujeeaae Oaart haa gaelarad to bo tba i-.irre. t retarn l lt-ar i.i liini*. that OMpteC 4»'*U Ol IM UWa "l 18-0 cjjbibiIj p-ovtaoe tiiat -wMaev-r it simii op pear by aMavIt t!»at errora bave occarrad in tl.e (ieu.iuin-t.oii ut tM Board ot County Oaavaaaera ln iay countv.' tiie tagcoaaa Conrt mny requ-B tta biwiil tfl re__s.-mr.le atirt lo eorrec*. Mirli erron, and tbaa deriare* mj far IM aaaaa .-hnii vary from iho orlfflnal certltiiate. ami nt_to.uent.-. the -tate lacnts and (-ertitiraU-s nmde undrr the i*rdir ol the mart shail Btaod la lieu IfcaaBBl and slia-ll ln oll .bMM 1* treutcU «lO. Uio BaflBfl OflOCl M U BBCh eor rxmat atattaaaot bM been a part of the orlglaal ra* qnlre.1 by law.' Iblfl _n of 1 «**.<- '»*.** MM dlrectly uplK-M by Ui" Court of AppealB as proper and con- stltutli.nal. ..Now under thla law the County Oaavaaaera . i>nt<tiess i-.Hiniv racooven-d in paraaaaea of u.e onler of the miih-'.-ii- ..urt. Thi'v- made a eoevoet oinviw. and Ihr, of ranv*.*, wa. IWjtaied by lh* -naaaaaa Oenrl to M forwarde' io tbe eertnin odtaera _r«ig'ia*<d bv atatata to whom all returns were lo be lerwaeded. Tta objeel at torward-Bg ti"*:n waa, of ...ur**. to prl tti.-m Iato tM bandfl of tha Boaid of .Mate. Canvaaaera, tbat ttay might thera ta ean* vaeeed, laateM ol the Mylod reium aJrcady before the board, whteh Ita Bepreaae Ooarl ami Ita Conrt of Appeala bad both declared :.I I I. IV OP C'lN-l'll*. M V. it aeeaM to ne <-!e»r. i»l<.!-o^.I-... lhal the pentletaen «rM aenl toto thb romblnc lo prevenl ttat latnra from inu !..»_ the proper ..llieer- «UN guiltv ot a ron- aplraey 1W tta perveMoa or obatraetlon d Juatlec or of tta 'lue ii.tinlnlslrHtlOti of U.e lavv-..' A- vou -mv, Judge Maynaid *,,>s tM aclloa ol hla ¦Moetatea aM liii.i-.-lf waa laaUfled bl tM ttlpulatlon eaterea Iato i.y eoan»el (" whteh ta appeala. Hut. In tba tir-t plaea, reaaeaiber lhe Courl <.f Appeala ha* l.eid Ita! everj rltlaen of the state i- dtrectly Intereal Ibe proper eanvaa»lng "f lhe return*. How rould dve lawyeie, no mattei hoa emln nl Ihey mlght be. enter Into a aUpalatlon tta effert ol whleh would i«- i<> pre- vent ttre nn of Jadge Mayaard aM l.i- aaaoetatefl Irom lielng a erunlaal enaaptrae) They roaM not b.n«l :my- }uA\- imi. IhaaaailTfi Thelr agreeaaeat- .f ttal flaade one- tlmt no eon-cted retama -MaM be f,,nv,.i_>-<l did not 'uMif.v niiv ihi" ii, ateallag aaeb h iatara if tor- vvaixl d. r.ut, farther tbaa that, tta eeey atlpalatloa ta viaiii, Jadga Maynaid appeala aa bla Jaatltkatlon i- a vi piiintioi, entltli.l iii Bve eertala pr^-e<-<liiiir-. aM h by ;.,. rv..>-*v terraa Bmlted lo thoae. Oae ot ttaai related ii Dateheaa county. bul it was a procecding aplnat ih» Mall Canvaaaera. .ii;<t.-' Maynard aaya Ihat tMa stipuiation prevent.yi the s.*nne pceaoaa or aagbody elae Irom epplylng lo IM -.peeaae court and nettine a maiidnmuR againal the Coaaty Oaavaaaera reqabtag them to do ,,"t eoarered in aay taraa by thr (.ih.T pi-...-4-np la whleh the atlpo.ttoe l,u<l baaa autaa. 11 ,- taAelenl t.. call aUaattoa io ibi* point lo f.ln.vv tl," nl.-uiility "f .tndi.-" Mnynui-d's p> _ti"n. it is abaard, and ta haowa u to be ataard. - Moraover, al tM rery time thnt Uda attpulatloa waa entered Into, 11 I reai4?inber eoncctlT, n.xl I am gara I d'i. ihe NOeeedlBg f"r a mandamn- te th" v.ountv CaaTaaaata bM alinadi ix-en bepm. and was known u> bave beea b-min. but IM »tipu- was not niadc io eover 11, lt -**ns not included ln the gfOeeca_igi i-e.itod ni i-overcd by the rtipui-- ti.ui. aM'freaa the rery natapa of ihe ca*e rould not ta ibrarni in it. TM paoeaae_a_B co*.red by ti>e -tipuiiitiuii wera pioceedlaga, aU of tt>n., agninit ee_eeaa, al bai aaa aaadaat Ibc ataaa Caavaa -"iv and the OtMr BUC apiii,"' tho 1->creiary Of r-tnie. Tltey vrere pron-i.tim*-. vvhirh eould be titiil-v IM ¦apabutaa labea le IM Oaart of Appeala wttbla tbo llr.i,- IMt ihe atipalattofl ealled lor, whleh leejulred ihe laana.alaga raferred lo by it not only to be tahen ui. but deoMed bv. tbe Coart of /Xiipeal-. liefore Dc- laaahar 30. IM piocoo-tnp lo iaonav_M the Ooaatg Caniaaaiaa to imv- ;i oorreet r,-turn nuwk-, aM t-i Mve Iba appeal fnm. IM1 labea lo the General Term nnd, tbe Oeneral Tena to tta ('....« ol Appeala, eoutd not. ea every knew, hava been brought to the Court "f Appeala la iIbm fur arg.neat aM deetalon lieforo the dav tlM-il 1,1 th" Mlpuuitiuii. The Conrt of Ippoala IM ea hm rarered by the atlpulatloa on lhe i.-i-t day tii. II aai hr bearlng argnment, whleh w;,-. i tuii'.t, Deeember 11, aM tbea adJoaraM t.< -leeceator -iii v> give Ita deebdon. MAYNAItliV 1\,rsK WAS Nil' V41.ll). ..nut Judge Maynard aaya it waa ander-too- lhal io otlM-r piotocdlnn were to be taken. Paaalng by the fact. as alraad] ntated, that i»¦ praeeedlna hM already Mea labea. II l* aaftoleal to >.-.v IMI ao one .n tho ¦iipa-lraa ade bM »nv aueh aaaeralandlng und that the Mpatatloa i-'.ntnlns aothtag of the aort. AM aa I huv-i' already aaM, ao aaeb nader-taadlng eooM Mve ju-tified Jadga atoyaard'fl aeilon. i may lurtber say Ibat, froai tiiln-'. tbal oeearrM darlng u.e eoaioaapl proceedlnw agateal Bubbm, i an peraoaally - tbal Ibe Idea td eMMag the efeet ol tta ..tlpuiiii'.n vv-tiet J.i'tre Mayaard doea, did aol preaenl it-- |f lo th« Deaaoeralfl untll tbey fonnd out tbal thoae peoeoefl-nga were golag lo farala- a aaaaaa of un eaithitii; ttie aetfl of Jnd^c Maynard ar.d his _.-.iprlit*ei. B>| Judge Maynaid appeala fy> an order ,,f ,iud_e Maybaaa, ajata on t',e SOth of Deeeaaber, ttie dav after IM ii"i,ni uf Mate ramaaaiaa t,ad eouated IM fai-'1 return-, aa juvtlfvin^ hlm. HOW aa 10 that matter, It i siiffieient to aay tbat tl wai u gniuaMlag beaaght by bome, as relator. i*aiiist tl.e ( minty 4ai, lu that eaaa Mr. nera, "f A_aay, was tiie eoanaal "f >ir. Oaborne. An <u-der to -J. m eaaaa was graate. bv .ludc" Maybaaa aa Deeeaaber SS, wtaraabla Deeeaaber gg, vilmti wh- tlu- <Uv on whlrh lt wsti known the de ,"l i.-i, uf the t'.inrt uf Appeala ln lhe eaaea arnoed be- |»M it wonM M Hadflred. lt was an order U> tbOW c_ii>e why Baadaawi ahoaM n«t i-su<* raf-Mag tne 4' (ltik to rctain ln hlv p.-Rscwslon nny other return tbaa tli': Mylod return. and to re- fruln from Hai anv ottier Mara vnth lhe mM -t. ¦. caavaaeara. order lo abow aaaaa wa« made, und *er\o* ufU-i tM tOBIOraed returns had be«Mi n.ntled u> Albaay und rea. hed tt," aaearal state oa_eea. oii its faie, lOOMd to the f_<-t that it WM not lo be lltagbl up ii mn after IM Omrt of Api>eaU !uid tedded as |e tbe Myled iatara and was tniended, If the eoarl "f Appeab aHawad the >iyiod retarn to riniiit..;. 11 aeeare tta eowrttM d that em the Ibaary taal M otber r.-turii wae b.-foi>* IM *-t_,t« iJanvuMH-rs. Aftor tl,- iiplnlim uf IM Oenrl of Appeala wu.s rendi-ivd, (N! DniieBBliar -"¦'. the wtglaal of thut. as of ull Uie opinion-. wae wnt 10 0M 8ee»-__ry of State'* oflir* ln ui-der tlmt aU lataWfllad BBlgM them. Mr. IT ru. _«borne-*WBB--l, examlaed Uie oglatoa witti raaareaee to Uie Myl«! rtuin. aa did BiyaflM and oth.-r eouaael. Mr. Kin-n. then -HM t<> M Md BaU exprrrfly thnt iindrr that oplnt.iii It w:,. Unpoaalblfl u> COanl IM Myted if'.iirn. and IbaaclatB thnt his iiror.-edliiB tn-fore jMgn Martaaa woaM bawa i<> ta dtoaalaaed. it su..i for i.'il.-i'k tMt aftern.K)!,. We tvpH.-d lo -Mr. FJero thnt we w.mld -<. down thet. with hlm and dl, mlss tt. Ue said thnt he would s4* us aisaln In a I»W mome-nts. He retnmed U.en and -*ld tbat be did aet llko tiidi-mtw tii- araeeed-Bg enVboart taaaulttag utt,ei- and a.ked therefore Umt the matter bfl adjonrned from 3 o'eli«k tMt day untll the next mornlni', to which \te promptly api-eed. THEY COt'N'THl THK MYI.OI1 RKTIRNS. -Tlmt ovcnlnir at 9 o'elork t^e State Canvassers ,-oonted thr Mylod retarn. wi>e» Ita next aaocatag the proceedlnc eaaaa np before .ludiw none uf tiie ¦epaMtoaa Boaaaal earrd lo b.- ix-esent, as thc thlnp that Judi:e >Iuv!-,!.,'- OfdCr .-riiurht tu have done abaatj taM daaa. I aai informed. bowever, Judge MajMta ..tatrd frOBB the N-nrh that tifidei- thrfce rlinimstaiKes be did >.<*t -*o tbnl he had anythiiif* furtber to 4io tbaa lo ii.-nii- Hm- ganecedlagi aad tf«*t Mr. Plaea then stiitel IMI M aefl-M t<> baaa ivi order made nnd, u< -aaM eitbrr sUIrd or l.iferml. beo_vn lt ml-bt Imve suiiii- ,'!!,vt a* a prot.*<-t_un lo Kiiuuiv i.e -Saaatp Oarb <>f DaiaMaa t-ouuty, thu* tbo ordei vaa n_d.-, yet Judi.*,- Maynard btx* U.e audailty H _*_____¦ , lub-, rr.iniirai.i-. niul -te«nirr« siipBlled wlUi .__**.__,"_-__a* i.4,ui.Ui _r,u«__c and pork, pr«-*«*l lard- _7 0-7.. .in**.". j4.g» laat, M-taila.a, xc.-fort_ llSee-n, v_rirlia_ of «.-«»«_» and b_logi>_* tmportjd and Ji___2_«; Bu- t-bl* delkaelea: dlrect lr_per_IUai ef ^.,Mi__ caviar. C Peixeval, 100 and 7ta .lli-ava. AYER'S 8 ^VC^to. _.¦ I 8*M ::;.'._ v&P&Jfl**& Makes the Weak Strong For Scrofuia Catarr., Rheurnatisn. Debiiity !I)c_* what no other blood-purifier in <:.;- .istence ean da It aearchea out the -, ,,f Scrofula, Catarrb, Rheuma- t. ,,. .,;;.! Debiiity, and expela thein harmleaaly throngb thr* prnprr channela, It is the great bea-th-reatarerand bealtb- maintainer. It purifiea tbe blood, abarp- ens tbe appetite, atrengtbena tbe nervea, and invi^nratr3 the whole ayatem. Dr. C. I>. Bfoaa, of Cabeil C. II.. W. Va., voieea tbe experience of acorea dt eminent phyaieiana, when "I bave used AYER'S t^arsaparilla with abun daiit raccesa. In tubercular depodt and all lormi <>i acrofu*» tona diaeaae. I bave acarcely evei known it to fail. As an gJterative, it ia beyond all praiae, i">t*i lor old and young* ..I ;un convinced t!i..t after bavlng been si.k a wbole year from liver eomplaint, Ayer'a Saraaparilla aaved my Uie. 'J lio beat phyaiciana being unable to belp mc and bavlng tried otber medicinea beneflt, I at laat took Ayer'a Sarsa- panlla, and was _ur.(l."-Mary Scbubert, Kanaaa City, Kans. AYER'S. Sarsaparilla Prepared by Dr. J. 0. Ayer A Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggiata . Has cured others, will cure you .ippeal to tlmt prore**iin*, whirti the eeanaal m ehargfl ot it had expresslv stnte4l araa ln hii ophilon eoutin. y tn the ieeariea et the Ooart cf Appeala, as a (aat.ra* tion for i.i* aettea. "Judire, Mavnard mv tlmt Mr. Kjiinns. tlu- .vuntv Clerk of H-tche-s C.untT. wns l.nlMored Iato foiw.ii<l Inu the t-tnniii. and ha Blae aaya tlmt Mr. Baaa* bne- of Judiro In(tr»l,*in's -Uv li-fore he, forwai-rtrd tiie r,-- tnriisi. it ouk'ht tn he -iifh, i'*nt anawer lo thla i" aay tliul J_4l,re Cullci.. altei- bearlng all tlu.- eii.leiue. BBb rtnnl-liv tlnds thnt when J-'.maiis matled tba retarn* he dtd noi. linoiv <if ttie ftay bavlng h*'eii emnled. t.nt ln fuct lt wa- .svviirii .Unlft- Cullen hv Mr. l.,\ij,s. a ri'P4it4ililiv lavw,.,. of PDn|(&keep*le, uml eonnael "I Mr Emani blnuelf, thal Eauuia came lo blm wlth one of ttie Iteptililli-nn coiin-'cl on th<- nipht that h<- malled Uie retaraa. but beiwe ba bad done it. end ronanlted ln,,, as ti. wiirtlici Jie wus leqnlred t.i fonrard them nnd thal Mr. Lowna .-i«l\--«-*! hlm t!,ai it araa bla duty to fnrward th.'in at nn,<*. Thi* ndvlce araa glven ln ttie presen.e of one of tli" Republtcnn eounael. Mr. Lowna tlmt then be Mr. Kmen* aaldfl ami toM hini that if he hnew ul the actnal grantl . of another May, though it had not le-n B*.|*\-cd ..pon him. he vmnM be Jnstllied wtth In.idliip th- return*. Aft«-r thal adv e M,-. _nana ailiniiiiiiiy mulled lhe rrtnin-. and jrei Jndge Maynard ln his desperatlon <-l.,:..,- thal punr Bmana ara*. frlci.ieiied Into lorwardlng the retur *, and earefully aupprea-ed ttie fael if hu bavlng ..'.. Kidted hi- nvwi counael and bavlng taken hl* advlce, thiuic-li that fact muat have been knoam t'> Judge Mavnard. wnv MAY5ARD WAS N tT EXAMIXED. '. Yon a-k mc whj .ua*.-- Maynard araa examlned ii- ii wiiri's. i aaswer thal i fall. expected to ->. anilnc him; that after Jndge Learned nw appolnted referee lo laka le tlmony al Albany I neuttoned in eoarl that I propoaed (. examlna Jadge Mayaard among -thera. ami one ofth.unael preae t, i thlah Mr. Klilgway. lln- Dl-tri, I-Altm n-y Ol Klng* County, said thal Mr. Maynard w.i- roun -l and could rol ln* rompelled t<> teatlfy. I -rote .'' Ua} nard. haa in th'- iiir-aiiiiini- i/i-'i appolntod 3u*me ui the Court of Appeala In rearard fnr hi- condur*, t.-lllug hlm of the order and that I di-irii lo exanilnc blm, and a-knl liin, lo fl- .. tlme for bl rxuniliintlon. lle h;,d previoo-ly t>eeii ttibpoenaed before Judse < in lii-oolvliii. had pocketed in- fee, arh!< ¦¦till ntatna, and ttayed a*a*ay, aendln. an that be n»- hu.-v. "ln reply 10 n.y letter aaking Judge Maynard tn r,x ¦ Ume fnr lu* ezamlnatloii, ne wrote me .. rarcful.j iruarded letter. whleh l read in tlu- li.i.t of lhe ..i*-- n.**nt made r, Brooklyn thal he wa roun-el, i.i whirh letter Ite ,s»id in tabetanee if he knea aurthli.ii mertlnent t.> the raae and, Im w, - _i llbertj in itate," be vvo,,i,i be examlned on an) daj l*4*tw***?n the IM nnd the 1-th of r'Obru >'v -v t Baafle tii<* apaatataienl a-Hh Judge Learned lo,.* hli., with other uli.«. \tu*r tba pomtment bad l.n ma.ii- a <t when lt wn Imii io nitjniirn it. .iii.icr Maynard wtote o ,,,¦- lhal i,.' had infwlf a iiii.tHi.ii as fi tlw rn,,-,iliatliMi dai nl ihe Courl of Appeala, ami that he rould n 't be examlned on .. day ii\<-d. but was readj tn b- examlned imi nm* 4Xie\ .uv. ! vv-,-i,t tn Albaai oti Pebruary I. whi. .ral dav it,nt .i.xiire Maynard -a. np -n thi- Vonrl ot Apimils ii.-ni h. argard a raao l»efore hlm ln Uie n,',r,i mg, went it.iwi, i. lhe ufternooii t-i * uul i.e alll l.ff.,1 :. judge Lcnrned. amt there, i. the mo«l ntiax pwteg manaer. develaped the evktenee whlrh hrouBhl out .indpe Maynuitl'K phyalral coonertlcti i.ith U.^ tokiiii: of thc ri-iuin from the Controller'a otBoo. HlC WIUXIXI. N.,T Jl-'lll Il.l'. "All thnt I )iad any r'ght to laqalre into I" Ibfl pl eee_ln_B I araa <-,,tfari*.l .- wus tii- fael :,s lo -t i. >n dnet of Enmns. the County Clerk "f Dutrheaa ("oonlr, whetinr i.e hnd been pnllty of COBtempf. And lo thal end i Mhrwed the blrtory of UM r-ptoa »f the eoererted rataraa, provlog tiiat <>ne went Into Oovernor ii;ir- ofnee, whhii vaa redellvered, witb tii- npprovnl; ona went into tt,e Decretarj "f OtattYa oliee, wiix-h vvas re fleliv-ri- by hini-elf, and oaa arent imn the Ooa troller- oflke. whteh wn- tahen away hv Jjodge May nni-d. If I .oiild have .'xnunii^.l .Im!.''' Maynard thal afiemooa l abonM bava done bo, thouiffa really ll woaM lihv.- beea a work ,-f aapereropation, a.-* I baa all the fn'-.*. 'IXi do >n 1 .-iioulii hav- had pi »tay ovei an itber day la .Mi any, rn iii return tb. rr, whlcti l did i.oi iiilnk it vM.itii arlule ." .ln, i-p.-i .ily a* I rould im. i.-lieve tbat Jiidi;i- Maynard, If l<<* bad any exphin i.tmii to iinii..-. would nut pi.Hiipiiv in ,ii inm-, ir nf li bv maklng an Hiiniavu 1.1 ime ln tjnian-'* i-imlf in the uniti-nijii proceedinnk. i «i" not ttilnk theie 1- any eround for Mr. Maynard'* whlnlnn V-..U.-I-, be wa* not examlned, af.i*i Uie lutlmatloii t:.' had 111r.«-.*. n .mt thal hc pn>|.'-'I lu av-.ui hlm.s4.-lf of Iil- prlvtlege ot eoun el, and vvi,..,! my fall uiv te examtne by no meane aliui blm oul frum ^lvi:,.- bli i,--iliiini,v hi Ihe oaar. "JikU**- Maynard, referrfns to lhe di*cl lon of Ihe Conrt .>! Appeal* m the IMU bea* County tae, :,v - the coiii-t .\pi-i-. iv mii.,.-.I ii.ii parl "t fhe ordci ol 11« -j.'ial I .-im io !.. Btrurk out whleh prohtblb-d the f-tati- Board i'f <;iiivii.-vr^ from uslng auythlnK bul certtfled -tatement- forwanled by thr Counlj Clnrk. ii waa, ii,<-r.'i.,-i-, i.i- *aya, lhe plaln dnty nf Ute Rtate Board ol CBmvaraera i" make Uie eanva.i npon Hm return before lt -^vi derhire tii-- resuli accordlnglv. Thta i-xtra.i,(llruirv Btatemenl I* made by n man who dlagraee* the l.w,< l. of it,<- Courl of Appeal«, when ln liu* rery opl lon that tu- refera to tv- Courl of Appeal* anhraied the ramalnder if Ui* urder whlrh ...iiinln. an axprea* InluneUon rorblddlns lhe st.i.- hnvnaaera lo connl the Mj imi reliim, Tl.l*. fwi nin .. I- nfliiliMit t'< -how the ht.i'i of man who in- jmi upon Hm- beneh of the hlghe t ronrt ln rowni-d for aervleea wt,t<-h if they had noi eome niiv rli.ii'.al li.w n.o dangeronaly noar lt.* .M'IrliK KARL TIIINKH MAV.VAItl) ls VI\'|.|(:.\ I*RD. Albany, Marrh l!..-.ludi.'H Karl. Chiaf JadgB Bl tlu- Oaart of Appeala, when gaeetloned to-day viiti refei on-o to |ba letter aflgreeaed to hlm by Jadga Maynard, ri-ijiir'iinB the<-r'« pofltUon ln eooneetton aith u,,- eoarteated eaaaa, .ai.i "1 bava riirefniiy read Judge Maynard'* alalement Mr. John Jlungrr/ord I'ropr.-tor of Uie flne llv.-rv .tiilili* /iui-\, Kl.ntra, N. Y., so.i*: "1 bav. M'».|i«r ..b ,t thf Wi.', End faaad tbat Ho-kI'i, ln the Spring 'ii every r<**|ie<*t po** ahi-flil nf Hythlag I *-4-r txiKk fnr kidnry and Urer irnublra. fr-im, Wblch 1 bava ",f- IT*. > Rood 0)*nl Un* i*i-t vnur Of tiv n I |,:,w. takfi. foi.r ur Hv bottli-s and Uitnk lt, Inr- ranpiefelj PB f* crid m». v 1 bav* f ii | I H|t\# w"" ((r flavflral munu.s. OJl | | | w Otbri BMaabara uf u,.v tmmlly J Iwvi* t_k. ii BOfld'* ,s,r-a- p»rill» he K'ncral debiiity "ftd for Bailfjlag Bm Mat* ¦nd baaa bsaa hinbiy i.rat,n.*d «i ti,(. t*.o. n im. ,!,... mt.AW IbeflB. I alway* feal ,., ^8/ tf\U B tkO n.nifndln. li n ,- frl«-i .- fj M ^1 | JOHN ¦VMOEHPORD, vs-, M Bai Heaal,*, Vew-Teeb. At tJii- »i-s_on neerly fviry one n**0* a good niHii... ,,,,. mt purifv MM bU-od aud mpel the -BpertMfla vrtii.-h bava a. lUmuUU-d .!.,i.ii. I|.,< Mm- ti r. ll»iil'. (srir-nisirilla le BB woll ud_|>-'i| fnr tl.U |mr l«i**4* that it ls bagaad <oni- p^rlwn ».. « r*4ar»o« Medlclne. lt exprl. ev.-r>- tr.< e of humw frum the Mood. »..d ln.|_rt_ nrw llfe. (i-l Hood's Sarsaparilla And only HoodV. II li peeullar to l-artf- t*n purirv ui<- t)io''a ana a Blood HOOD- 91Lhk Ctrti Liaet IU* wl-i»ut pelx. Ptiretr vflgetaUla. and 1 COBaMer lt n eeaapMo vlndlrallon of hi* ton iln.t ln Ibe to. I tliinlt It oii.l.t to be aattataetory to all f,.ir aUatad men. i imve aatHag furtber to aay about tha aartter." IM.AIN WOROg l-OM A OmUxkM AI'XIK'RITV. Froea the r-unti* lettung) Marri, |0. Jaigs Maynard nee* a «re_t many worda bi mooo- f.-n.e .f iii.- rondurl In thr notorloo* Pnteheaa ttmntj ,-l.-itl.i.i ..mi.-I. that 1_ looUed upon. Bfl it reie. by btwyen. aa a -.nn .,f tne weahaeaa ol a raae. xae rule 44 111 be applleabta probablr ln thla .*¦**../.» iMn-tlnn is dimpiy whetaer Judge < allen** «rier to Bmana, the Cvnnty Clorb, the Immodlaw. ... iiv.iv ,.f the rorreeted elecUun pnliinn-. ls i»> "; conilderrd legallv operatlve «t Ihe tlrae Bmana -wit tbe reporlfl to Albany, wbere .they waaa taken trom lhe <«fli,-,- by Judge Uxynarri. The order wa* i--..-.i i>.-.-.-mh,*r in. and d<-p,,-it.-<i ... tlu* i-i.Tii'- offlee ln Poughheepeta Derember tli, «t a (.uarter to 0 o'rlu-h p. m. Kmans -ent the rep»orta nwny on the name evenlng. Bom Judge Maynard,.-who look Ihe report* ibe n<*_t mornlne ln Alhany. riaiina Ihat Kmans -lioiild have b'lli-Hi.l ihe ni4b'i "f J«dfB Purcmaii and not that of Jndge Cullen, legAlli the t-lerk'* nfltre I- rloaed Bl 3 o'eloeh, and all papera arrlvlng after thal boar an- to be Inohed uj)"ii u-* romlng nl u n'rloeh on the tollowlng mornlng. \\.i shaii i.n n' tn di-'i.te whether thls evaatva explanalion <>f Jndge Mavtuu-d wlll be upbeM by law or imi- It i- certain. however, lhal the publle wlll not :n pi Ihl* exptonnllon. Th- peopb- wlll Inm n- to ttl" opinion thal a Judge'* order beeomea artlve ,: ii i .rded i;i the ph.f -aaaa too wa- ibe Intentloi. uf Judge Culien. who began pro reedlntrtag ln«1 Bman* for rontempl ofroort. tt thal trial fi, ii ..j detrnre .itt.-r-d m.u >.y Judjr Maynard m ,- not bruugt.l forwaitl bv ,u,v. That Judge fiill.||i| ., t mdemn Bman* Pnally, for th* expee*** reaaon lhal he had n .' Brted Imlependently, bnl bad ..iiini.-<i i.iiii-.-f be iwed a* a tool liv othera, doea aol ,',,- ge U.e rav ln any nray. Bverythl g el«* lhal .lu.l_r Mnynnrd brlna forwanl ln hl* ii'I-iii- i- Irrrlevant. Tbe oae ;nA prlnilpni jiolni .f tlu'iii'h I."-. t.'W'-.'.-. i- wvah nn,i nnavatHng, and Jndge MaTtiard'* artlona wtll n<n b* apheM by ttie fnriiiii m public opinion. FOB A BAPT18T CEJi TF.XdEY. VOl'Xfl i'' "Pi.: '- si, n liis it; i;i\ tuvip. Wi.kk vv ini vi "M'l in v i \ parlor ro '..> ¦¦. of upreaentaMvea of >i"* ynaag people'* aorietle* ..' nearly .iil Ihe t.pttat rbarehea la Hi.i.ivr, vm- beM iiv-t evenlng al <),*¦ hoaaa el h C i:. i'lifit. Nn ..] _____i-ttr ave. lhe O-Jeet *.'.> '" lahe lhe tir-t -t pi regardlng the eenl aerj eomfl-flflaoca i,.., ,,f the ,i..-iv awveaaeet, In 1THJ Bbapa **r.i- labea by Wllllam Carey to *et on f""( ailaaioa ararb among lhe beathen and thfl Aaaarleaa BapfW mi-. lonary l'nlon purpoeo* to conimewoiale Ihe annl .i ...... ki tbia wm t>r ibe ta p.,,1., ind exlen lea "f the werb la whleh 11 ..,,. ,.._-,...i 0. thla aam ll t- rapeitad thii oae .. i u aHl*Sbe raterd bj the yonng prop'- uii . r;. ,' trhflOll Tbe meetl evi lag wa* preaMed aver bj Mi lledfoni, and Ihere arere aigreaeei by ll. C. Camp, .nt Mcretary i.f Ihe JUnerleaa Rapttot Mlaalonary l'nlon. WaMer t*. Noon. praaMaat ot lhe imn' People. Bapttat Pataa, *4 BaeebJpa' ii i naM rieorge it Coming, a. w Matae, a J Barrett aad othera. Tbe followit ,1 araa adoph d Koaolrog. Thal we beM » agaMoaary aaaaa-aaaattng ander lhe aaaplrea ..f the Bapttat rnaag peopta of liroohr/n, early In April. and that wa eereed uith thanka lhe olfer "f the Wa hlngtoo Aveaaa Chorrh fnr lli.-cii-i.i i. i.r otved, in,,, are, lepieacnttag Ihe yoaag paoph ,,f tbe Baptl . rhurrbe* ..f n.<* rlty, ronatltute .. .iivis a ..,-i,.,if-<- nf arrangemenl for said meellng and that we ¦.¦'¦ ,t opre io «i<rnre fr-",,, odr awmhern pii.ti-'- "f a,'' .i.,1.1'. and tbal wa reporl lhe nutn i-, ,. ih, .,mi, ii.ii ln Hu," fo bave » reaerved for eorti dflei B. olved .' m lhe repnfsentotlre frum tho eharrfa ln whlrh lhe ¦.'.,.'. v iu i .. held he and la bere i,y nppr.lntd rhnlrn ut of anrh rommlttee, aod thal lie U lierebj ,i\ owered to flll vara. ? i.i fSERAL RAl \I gEXABlXED AGAIX. Qii -i ;..\. :, "\ l-i \.-!"\ OPPICI AFPAIBI nv iii BOV roMMlTTEF. '.'.i ii..-.¦¦,,. ^¦:l^r!l 10. Thfl <-v,,t,.i. nf <.n,, ml loner Baum, "f Ihe Pen " Uureau, vi .- resnmed .1 v, ;, ,,i |- i. |on iifl,..* I,iv.--,lk-atl,,_ Cim .uitti.f tii. ii iii" Commluloner -md t'.a, Ber irUirj N'i.i.1 v. terday dlaapproved hi- rettim Uon for the appolntroenl of hi< dsaghter, M.. VValters, n* Iil* prlvate seerelaryi and 'nd ofdered hei in retnrn t" her worb In lhe Cenana fMbee, Pendlng ic Reeretary on ti"- r»*r anna ndatlnn, hJ daughter bad been --.iu,. ln on Marrh 11, *s witne**'* -¦i-ii*.irv. under b of ti.Mee. Appn.i-ni of tl,e !.. thii,..,<¦.,daii'iiis i.f Ihe i'iiinn,is-i.ii.r wa- Blmoel uiiif'irn,. and whea Ihere "..s dalay ln artlon, peratm* were ,,,i-tii.,i - *.v»-i,rn ln pendtng appraval nf Iha ,ii-..ii,,ni-,,iiati..i,. Hla daaghter bad noi mtlened or v-i ,i dropped tri.m the Oeaaaa ratta, and woaM return to duty in lhal o-bee Mondaj. Mr. K.iiiiK- aahed u," (¦¦ ¦ r if Ua aon, arbea actlng appotntmenl elerb, bad aol charged n aotary fofl of Bo eanta for .swrar-lnp men l».t', oflirc. Ib- replled lhal hk ."'i waa n aotary befora g.-lng lale tttkoe a,,d ehargN » i. Jt *»*- i."t atopped hy Ihe Herretary el th<- Intortor. Mr. K.iiiiw* Baaed Iha Oammlaatoaer how long he hmi beea ahaaal boai aM <in,,e atoea hta (.ppoint.ii.-iit px CommlaaWmnr. Mr. Kauui did aot Wnow. Mr. BbWm ,i !-. d |f || w.T" a y»r. Mr. Il-iini suld It wa* ;ii-i'ii'ist<-roiis to s.iiinist lhal i,n bad iiem ahaaal lhal llllll.-. Tbe eaaaaa of reaaaeal, ha aaM, wer.* eariana, i.. eeaipeteney and draahnaaeaa a*aea eaaaaa. A»k«i fir other mu ea, ba aaM; .. If a man enter* upm an ln trlk-ii'* tVi injure lln- offlr** nr to InJun. lhe (oinmls ttoner, aad hns enini^i*!! la Klvlnir out Information and ...iviiu.' .-ud ami eoaMPrt to ihos^ wh.. are tnrtng to doKtroy lhe O.marl^idoner or throw odlaai on the «Hi<-.i, I ri'i.':.iil thal :i aaaaa nnd nt a. cvxl one, nnd I have iii-.r.l on it In Kvi*nil,*." lle Imo n«-v.-r n> uiovi.i anv iierson Im-i-uu-,- af gUtoieaae la poHilca. A !..»- peraeaa h_d beea raaaaeai lae e_hnMva imrii.i.'i -hip. Mr. Balea aafeai ahonl a ananaa, ¦ nerii who wm rsii.i to bava o*Tr*,.,i aao lo m- aaa after t**it.i,' n-in- -'.iitivi. Tbe i 'i.iii,,i.-*-.oii'*r aald bla --on had oaUed ita atu-nt'.on to.thfl ,i.:itt'-i' Iiiiii,i-.lUtely aft'-rwnnt. Tl.e eterk -aid she iM it aal al fraHtatfa and d'.i i.ot ln- anv thli, | (onupt. ib-1 id the piwatdeni thal be wna r-tt**fi.«l the ahaiga thal in- aon had moke the nfrtrc a aeal of corrapttoo aad fnmd was tatoe. lla nUo *pt>ko io the PreaMeal nf tt,* rharge thal hts siin ikvI attoaaptod todefraad lhe Uovernaient ol BT8 whleh <a,,n- Into .* Imnds; toid |he I'ri'-ld'-iit th^ rli-i niii-taii'.-'- and «nld thnt ln bta opinion no grrater o.itmiri* had ever i»*^n t>ei-p<-tr»t«l thnii to ebarge his -,m witb _ntferta_ng ia wtthhoM u,at Bwney naaa iho OovaraaB-at iu/: r/,i7)irofis- _tr-r take no rER cext. Cl.teitgo, Manh 10. The nttempt of a mltiorlty of nedltora to aaaet tt." 39 imt r.-nt >-'tii*-inent by B. a K.-aii. the Chleago l,a:,Krr. who fail'-d for »-00.00i., was defeat'-d tidav in MN Appellatr. Court. .Iiidte vatormae gave tha deetaton, whteh eavaraaa Jaage hh'epard's order appolntlng B. A. nikln.s M reri-lver. nn: CBABOX CBAXOED TO UAXXLiVOieiER. l;n-t.iii, Ma . .. Mareh !...!¦ tl*v cx--e of Wllllam A. ptaunery. hnowa in ih<- theatrleal piefaaMea wm i.m \. ooaM, arhob-fled PagebM woin,, anoeheraator, two Ireeba u*a, tM rharge w_h . h».iKed to-day from nninb-r '" BaaaalaBghtor, »nd *V4.i*)0 flxed m tl.e immint of tmll ie'|inr«1. Tl.e prl-oner has not yet *m reeded in obUlnl.lg bondn. Tlu* linehl. aud only veaUbul.*d nlght traln for Bot-U.u 4-d ^ew-England potnt* iravea Brooklyn and Long Iiland City at 11 p. a. daily. . . .11 .MU Y& SISCE SIXTH AVE,, 13TH TO 14TH ST. UOVIaVG INTO XVJV BUILDING WB BAV* GR1ATLT EMLABGED OUR J)i:PAin\MESTS. ALL OP ILLINERY DEPT. .,,,,.,,.,, .....- WILLIHBRY PABLOB8, rleiliintlti furnl-hetl. nnd «//-)rrfl». Oflt BANDBOMM MAI }'"'"y'"' ,,,,....,_ oXE <>'' THE MOST ATCBACTIVE DJSPARXMBXT* IS tl *.*"8"**.yjr£T\ ,. KXTBEHEI.Y LOW PBIVES. USOMTMltVT oi-"s&txV"pAttZotiS AT niEXTY-PlVE PEB CENT. ,..*, ///.l.V ___»___--» CLOAKS. |f you are thinkingof purchasing a Spring W«P Of Jkek*, donrtjilto visit our new Clnak Department ad oinmg '«»ta««f Jfe "ftK.'ft boaat in saying that bv so doing you w.Tl .*^9g* t0 TWENTY DOLLARS on lach ancf every garment, according to quality. . $15.61 IMPORTED BLACK BROADCLOTH CAPES with yoke of Jet*. embroidered all over . ALL-WOOLIMPORTEDSCOTCH CLOTH NEWM.ARKETS, wllh Military Cape, at . . » » * » * * .. ,411 J 01.01 BLACK.PORTEOMELTOH CLOTH REEPERS, wi, .,. ,eam, Mf l.ed . . ^ . ^ STYLISHCAPES, IN TAN, NAVY, AND BLACK, at ....... $000 SPECIAL VlLUECHlinREN'SREEFERS. IN TAN, TRIMMED WITH BRAID. **.*« RUCS! RUCS!! Conlinuation of our large Sale of ORIENTAL RUGS and SMYRNARUGS. Over 1.000 varietles to select from. BLACK DRESS GOODS. This deptrtment is well stocked with hvnt makei of Beasonable goodl al the lowcst price.** ever quotocL :.0 I'M- Ei llf.A.'l' AI.MV SI.'.i.l' BC« 1 wc_v.- Brvat I.i ».r» r,rVr,*d »t, lan tfi.ii (li BIM pfll va.-il. .J'± Oar r - :.'. PlEl K.s l.LAi K . R.P.POM .vi.M.r.!:. .0 JCl tm !.. - a v u.i.-tii ti-1 11 i ao l'li.' BM I'l.... iv it N lt; PTA, i.i .,..»..*¦ ) da witli rirfi MM -.irtfi »! Vr i-r 0(1 vard. ... 1*0 I'M' TV BLACK ' A-illVI'.KU »'l Wflol. Vr -. ;¦-'.' V . ll"1 ptt 7_1 oar 4, l'li a BLA. g S1I.K Mi WOOL 81. II.- J" IAN\ Hi bruraii.-i Mfl* BraMfl ,!¦.-. r. d'l- OQ |ar f1.78 gaatf..... Fr. mo rr.'i.-i;i.A< k i:-ii;t.v KltF.i ll *rt\ HEVIOl 10 i « ¦'. *ata« 1 r tl.ZS ,. M l'i 1.- - BLA. R AXOORA l."I II. v..r I .aa qualitr. *.'> l_-» - *»l- tabi a-. OQ ,.*, pircn r.i. ii .< i M.i.v*u M"ii ii ... 1 * ». ' /i.i Mfl pr-r Ul'l .4.7 _ riuti: DE JAl'i'V ln wl Qg mi- rfrrcta.; worUJi ei 71 ajkttwm to vu i .-. li. a- i; uiii'i: i.i: JAPOX, i.-i iu iirm'i .59 H pr r.s K.ACR Xt'X'S HFRflK doubl* T twint. .'.'I laaa* artia ',--,ai y taft fai *»i .'.'> f)0 |*r rard. ' < mr I.,' llliV- Iv AI.I.MI.K i.l.l.N »- I KI nl.*-, ii plaa m ii*. - ¦. aa*1 amixx ~0 . 11.26 - l BLACK SILKS. IVil- I4.ixch wisT.WAnr blaik ixdia i-.-.. Ml.l. li.ii 1 fn- II .1 -.. . .) BI.O |. ir*! .1 -. k ..f IMP. Hl li BLACK Hl'mil i. Mi -.rt Itmealliie tlalah, emrb trate i *,- -trala .6*c., .09c. and $1.25. OUR 8T)CK OF BLACK iu:.\~ nali \r.s is NOWtomrl/:/ /: A V/> THE PRICES A HE VER V ATTRACTIVE. Our cotnlepo arf loden with Rte/i Nortttiett in Black Grottntlx, with eolopotl i'/j'fits, aud, ohp /H'icf-s (I Ft' tt iif/il :st iottflbt 1/ i'ft'f/ much lotcer than eloctrftcpe, 0X1 v-l. iil _.'|.\i ll ln i.MI.--1 ir RLA. h Kl'K v il Bl*n i i-.-. loi sl kalr IU - -ind tn |ia,*l-. l¦:_¦ m :.,,'i iv:,:,.- irorUl BO .*.* tllk. trertft II M) . iJO COLORED SILKS. We :ire sliewint' a very exteu- sive collecttan of Printed Endiu SiJks. ...\. i.hT Vi IXCIfnfi vif.i: .D \'ALI E cn "ll *1 0.1 ,(),) .".IN. II Ul VM WMUl. JM'AMM. {¦(* 11 vm I Al hlLK .OU FANCY GOODS. ONE LOI 09 ..I'l.n 1'I.ati: i III.1VK-, .39 Alao BOL10 SII.VI'.R l Ul I.INKS, at. .49 Novelties in Hetal, Silver Plate, Leather, and Wooilen Goodl Suit- able for l.anter l.ifts. AOPBCIAL BAROAIM IK UAIRBR1 .-.ill.s SPECIAL FOR ONE DAY ONLY. .24 %$k KED C-OVES. Tn MM* Ihr Ia.0.->. ot S. iv.Y.irk vihn ,lo not Vaa* __. .rmulni* 1oi>t4*r faiavr* Ifl tr» ,h.-,,, ».. .:lUj| 0,|,.r tl) Tb^Zy:.^'^^-:'['" r"""" *"omm. ta at 99 cts- Thl«. aalr w.,1 b* rnnlln -il .. niiu ila>-. jn \ sa|,, ,. .,, eaaaaaMt iin,iii*4 t*. ;i pai.*.. SILK HANDKERCHIEFS. I.AI1IKS' WIIITF. JAl'AM Sl'. Ki-iinh. ', h.-r,, *q HiirU. "oi-. ttt. . > Au i am i.v wiii 11. JAPAMEU. U.IU..1. le-Uui,, oi '..,n<h lun., wnrth 4<n- _i . .->4 LAD1K.S' WIIITI-J JAl*.\NI>K, n.l.ii.'il, ,..,. (-. timldr-n-d, Klliirl,, wiirtl, ;,,v,-, ;,t. ._y_: I.Al.ll.s- ItOU-KE-JKE i>l'. si.ii-. _t (aa. "iii »t vu!.,..., aa _tqcq for T.V., ."' .*°t knd >0U Ml.N's M-IVCH <ll INA, mrii l.i-m, rvgalai tt lirici XHe, at . * * . iti.Ns _o im ll JAPAjnOBB, l.i.i'i. >"». qq ii-Juriil ln.rilir.i. f,,ri,n'rlT .§¦., at .*». RUCS! RUCS!! i ontiiiiiatiou of'oui* larM Sale olOKIIMAIi antl S.TIVB..A UtC_l. Oacr 1,000 varii'tiea to .elfct iVont. BEDS & BEDDING. Mattresses. $1.99 PI-AI.V EXCELSIOIl if'ill *la«) . v 3.49 plain iiimii ifiiii tt;/*). 2.34 F.XCEUJIOR-JI'TI IOP (Ml .!»«). 4.59 rini'.i: avi, iimi*. T"i' ran -¦"* . io P0UMD9 IHORT RAIR [fall .I'*). 13 97 M FOCXM B. A. iiAir. (ful. »i/»). a«aa*ri 10 POl'KM IH >'i* BLOCR, LOlfO DRAW* . 2.1.21 Woven Wire "Spring Beds," ,,-,., ,in $2.10. $2.86. $3.79 aaa CAXVA8 COT BEDfl M.17 ma 4^1.40 PBOLSTERED < OT iu !>-. vi**4b ». *, *>i.<4 arovirx wiri ror bkd_ «M.b4 aai ij>2.U4 EXCF.I KIOII l' 1 TOP M vT- Cl _J 1 POB >. r Bl I'V.. 4?J.tA M'OBTU 9it0. Feather Pillows a ;' V'ERT t/iW llll, EM 64c. 82c, $1.17. $1.66. $2.07 and $2.24 each. Brass and Iron Bedsteads. Wll ITI. 1 * v Ml I.ii, IltfiN lll D tfTRAOB, Wllli BRASfi MOVBTINUl K.-i.r. M7.1- $7.48.,,,,,, $17.54 At*b. BBA8- BEDSTKAD. I. l.i. M/.l $28.81,,., $60.76 wh. IBOK CKIRfl fWHITR BRAMRLRO «PO.40 ..fc BABBlRCTTRa *.*, II l I *Q 1 Q <v1t.Q1 ksami i.i.u, oJW.lO _._ $10.ol _,rh. LACE DEPT. N.'w Btock <>. Blacfc Silk lllisll (ll MMKi*. .unl I'oint dfl liene l.atv. 23c 47c S lecfeBfl aHie. frMB "^ l* *tr\t paraaaa, 49c ,. 74c [v. ,,,, * ,. WlC ,,, J>1.4_ I ^r ,..,, Tlir MOMT DK8IRABLE Q4TOD9 am> TBE BRBT \- vl.' 1. IN 1 in i 11"« TO-DA1 BPBi 1 .ui la r.:.4i i. BILR DRAFKBT m ra 13 otC. ,r<t ,ilC. ,,.r,,, IM.v, K II tM III.I.V l.v, f, n 01 m l\.. j am vn.rtli 93 ii" "-I « 't Bl 1.4.7 -r;.. vi. 1.411 ORtl STAL. vm. V il.l \. il.vvi v I. vi ES wortfe 20 1 .!. * c .10 II.VN OS. 4--*- 'I'.l M INI' "I' RLA. Iv 11 vN ILL. LAI I. BARDfl fai M 31c ., 1.81 ORRAT VABIBT. or m\i i.tin iKii.iM,*. Ai.:. [_oRS in llll l"N E-LBHOIDBREU ii:p:min .- I.l^C ,. $1.14 DRESS TRI1YIIY1INGS. !.<.. le-. 9c*. loo, i.v, isc.!Sfl.jari ' J4«. .»lc Sfe, 19c, lle. 71c, »9r. yard* r i' nr PASS1 IfRRTRRIEM 4fc. lle, (iSc, 74c. 81c, Ht, 96c, 99c. yard Monh rRlMMlXDR i. Btaak -nd all Um ae* r\n I _tt p r v .ud . .tO mi?lr&«w!t."~-~46o.f49o.56c.TB. COLORED BRAO EDOIRON loC, 1 _.C. vd. A Vl.llV LAltOR ass. iin'.MKNT ..f ct r jirr OIRDLI .-. a.1 I NTlT.t.s. 114.1, §199, $299, $MI, 81.49, 15.41, $-.31. S7..I each. sPKCIAi. tl ii'i' ORRAMEMI PRIROR, Q r* laflbca *_ -i>: |.er v,ir,i OuC. SPRING AND SUMMER UNDERWEAR. Men's NATURAL IVlli'l, BHIBTH ANl. im.WVF.OS 48c. 68c, 89c. $1.24. $1.44 .,'.. AIJU-WOOL IN nn III 11:. ORAT, AMi BBOWB $1.79, $1.99, ... $2.09 ^ riu:\> ll BALBRIOOAM B1I1BTN a.m, nitAwr-'Rs 59c ,_... l.M.l.lsii BALBBIOOAB .Mliitrs AND DBAWBRR $..19 .., $1.49 Mh. Ladies* .iKiisr.v RIBBBO vi:*-is. i.K-ii aaeh au* n. aimrt alaeafla . y_4 JBBBBI RIBBBO, low mv- aad nhort '0Z *ilL'iV'», Vbllfl *.il I'.nyiitiau .38 JI'i'.M..' RIBBBO VlXi.-,, i,iKh mtaa, long VZ and rihorl alrov**., 4,hlti' antl K^jl'ttau. **%** SHOES. ¦00 I'AlltS . IIII.I.'.S MltAK.HI' OOA- AND ttt X i.i.A/.Ki) Kin. iprlafl tn-i-1, aatlea. Sl |Q .200 I'AIHM MliiMBB' BTBAIOBT <;<>at and q m* OIiASBD ivii», afrlag turi, battea $1.44 VISV. ABtOBTMBXI OK LABIBR* Kli, $2.67 liiin N BOOT-, mi ataflfl itjrla CjO *J A LAIHI.s- BOTAL Iv'ID, PATKNT TII". 1IAND-' SI'AVI'.D, lll IU.N IIOOTS; «.lUl M|g »i . ..." $4.69*>' CLOTH TOP. KU> VOZBO, PAT-Un a. m Tii', Wi.l.i BOOI . $0.74 SPECIAL: M-;w UrB <»r BOOTB, bAMK __, _KJLD KOR XllE JUABl i'WO W__t___ ._ $X,6g POTTERY AND GLASSWARE. V ft m, 24 » <iri BICBL Y (11 TA BL I. f.LASS. WA /»./:, ALL OF MODEBN DEm 8IGH AND MOST EFFBCTIVM 8TYLB OW WORKMAN8BIW AND OW UNEXCELLED BBILLIANCT. a RraciAL ll.A.lTU, THII WI.I.K ls A ai'pp.RB MSPIaAl Ol Lily Vases, Roso Bowlg and Flower Baskots DBBIORBD rar ALTAR m. taiu.. AOOBRMI >T at BXTBKMI t.V i.nvv j-nr. is I'rO RTVTAL i AXOELABBAfl | LfOlfTI thn f\m .LT OLAfB PBIBNfl vv.k.m*. OC.vU EASTER CIFTS. i.Ma.i. aaar-l Untmi c.i/iibitittn tf hanft pminxxoul E 4. H Tl. li Ui o s, BI8QUE EOO IHSIILs. and FLOWER HOLDER8 OUitalrU tor EA8* TER UIFTS. CHOICS OF 1,001 BtlRTOB «,<J LREBB PLOWRR roTI «..l J M'.i.ivir."., M i., ,29 vn.low. OLB ROaR aa. 'Lt\ .,,. *. .. CARD R2CRTV1 '*.s DRCORATRO CIIIXA, i(\ B8UU88 MOVRTBB, NTORTfl BIM .. .4*7 CROCXERY. '.a»*mrnt.) ri v bl ra, RagUahOeeaael I M aaa - wo--*, O Q_l DIKXRR si r> v <-;-u i* i * o i .>¦ >**-i- pl. a . . .'.!*>. 14.01 CRAMBBB BKTB, BBfB*a I-Oralaflfl <1 .*¦.*>. O CQ Mlaa, ciiiii|^**i4* 41,(11 ku, -..,ih -.. ,' 6.O4J SILVERWARE. ii'i CSAFIRO ur BVTBBB DISRBB, ni. ael iiliiiHt. cflaeat*** witi, f. U.n|, kmlM M-rv#r, hot wab-r 1. n.|.->r,in. ..rc-i. v».,th a: :.-, ONYX TABLES. CEXTRE Taiu.r.v 13 la Uralraa najra :¦._> a,,<1 llll x ..i.itr* ' ¦-. ei:.i>. CLOCKS. 2.99 5.99 v lt. .il fl..or > V.A'.'ll l. I'LCK'R. m j..1 v i'.i. diaU. Q C\i - 'I-l M M .v N I. . I/" 1.-. 11.1 - .lli i.n- at l __l ilial**. «i(i V*'' ¦.. aptmaml ..<.*- 10 tL.trx M-N II I. i l.i .. K 1, f9 oj 99J0M Itt.Ol HOUSEFURNISHING DEPT. Sint'r Opfnitttt ttHP iific tmiffliitft tn-hare iii'enthi enlartfd thit* de- I'ttrtint'iif. (imi uoic cttmf n htrnep ottpck 0/ Ixiteheu Fttmiturt than ttiitf other honse. nt itriccs '.'.» to .'l't l-.'i les* tImn elsetrhere. M- NT'-. KN 1.1 vNISi. MAI UINI*. L';,,.;'. .¦ff.r.V* ".. 9i"M' $28-83 BRAVl ii.iri.L. ¦¦ I. BAVCS. ^Qc 2.36 *.71 4 06 ...inu WABH ROIU-M °'* a.'flJae-B ...l'lT.i; TBA Kinus Ol-. _, IU-. ____! 49i* mi'i'i-.v. RBA-l'BE- _.--.,- *-*-».. HAiii.wi.oii in Mt.vrs $5.58 m $".96 HAlli.Wn.ii. BBPBIOBBATOM O.VO to10.ll 1 64 oak D1HIRO CHA1R1 'aa . at _*._.1 lc rtowBB m.em x*im\ 9c lawn OBABO BRRIM i'***. Our llooU aad Stationerti />?». partnients, tjeeathi enlartted, ttrn noic 011 secoud floor mf 98*980 haild- i"Wt Splcuriid tissnrtinrot of Eostcr Cttri.s aud BoottlBtOe HARNESS AND SADDLF.RY. iJ'tiir I r. ... li a.u tiul!-l__., Department enlarsredi complete and elegrant as- sortment of Harness. Sad- dles, Blankets, and Lap Robes. Inspectlon invlted. SPECIAL SALE ALL WOOL ART SQUARES. ,3J laar, aaaa imti-ing.) Iii 11 grofl varloty of now pat- terns and coloriii^s. ospecially adaptcd to tho furiiisliiiij; of rountry houaot. and soaside oot*» tatres. At jfreatly reducod prices l MN 3 ran!* br Vt rarAx. . $5*39 fi 47 site 3 laaa- br 3 fai*. ».* Maa 3 paaia br 3. T*rda. '' ¦aa 3 re** by * patia. J- MMllN-a-ri^lw*. *. a,,. 4 v*.d' t»y .% jaaa-. 1Ul 10 79 sl.. 3 v.fd< by 5 rar-. * . mu « pM* br » r«d,. Mj

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Page 1: New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1892-03-20 [p 2].3 o'eli«k tMt day untll the next mornlni', to which \te promptly api-eed. THEY COt'N'THl THK MYI.OI1 RKTIRNS.-Tlmt ovcnlnir at 9 o'elork







A Tribune laportat .11 <l aaoo OttM -I (Jeorso Bl.s-i

yn-;_»rdav and a-ked liini foi hja etaWfl ou JUdgflMayiuu-1'h ler._r, ln Wbteb IM Judge tr.ed to defet.dliis rour^ ln retcard tu the theft of tli" t-orrectcdDnUhe-is rlei-tliii, nU.nis. Colonel lill-ir- aaM

¦ Yon, 1 bave read tl.e U-ttr-r of Judge M_yt.ard with

p,HKi Mai uf cara. IM leataea tbal ui"->t Intereataaaa la M la taa fraah avoaral tbat h* wnhin a .eeaddae,'wltli other nnaaaatrl p»*i--i>t,«;. to defeal tM lawwhii-. l -MagM hetare taal .indge MayaaraV* aettea,iis an ifullv-Miial, waa a vlolatlon of tta Fenal Oode,IMa aeeaaa lo bm lo ron,<* daageroaaly n**...- an Mmla*-l.i-, uf galM ot a (on-iiiraiy wlttuu tiiat oode, Becttou MW dee.rea tbat 11 two or .no.- peraona eoa

-inr- -fur ti," aerveretoo or ototrnctbai of Juatlec or >t

tu- 8m _<ii!,ini-tf_tioii <>r tbe mmaf ti^y .n* gadJbf olii aiiaioaiaaanr Now, wtmt greater pecvoralen or

otwtrurUon nt 'ii-uli-e. or of IM d,.«) admliilltration oiUte law ran there, be thon te prevei.t ih,- rea* hlngtne Hocu-d ef Mata CUBlaaa*Ifl of tiie return of an

ii,-<-ti'.ri vvtni!, tM Raujeeaae Oaart haa gaelarad to bo

tba i-.irre. t retarn llt-ar i.i liini*. that OMpteC 4»'*U Ol IM UWa "l

18-0 cjjbibiIj p-ovtaoe tiiat -wMaev-r it simii op

pear by aMavIt t!»at errora bave occarrad in tl.e

(ieu.iuin-t.oii ut tM Board ot County Oaavaaaera ln

iay countv.' tiie tagcoaaa Conrt mny requ-B ttabiwiil tfl re__s.-mr.le atirt lo eorrec*. Mirli erron, and

tbaa deriare* mj far a» IM aaaaa .-hnii vary from

iho orlfflnal certltiiate. ami nt_to.uent.-. the -tate

lacnts and (-ertitiraU-s nmde undrr the i*rdir ol the

mart shail Btaod la lieu IfcaaBBl and slia-ll ln oll

.bMM 1* treutcU «lO. Uio BaflBfl OflOCl M U BBCh eor

rxmat atattaaaot bM been a part of the orlglaal ra*

qnlre.1 by law.' Iblfl _n of 1 «**.<- '»*.** MM dlrectly

uplK-M by Ui" Court of AppealB as proper and con-

stltutli.nal...Now under thla law the County Oaavaaaera .

i>nt<tiess i-.Hiniv racooven-d in paraaaaea of u.e onler

of the miih-'.-ii- ..urt. Thi'v- made a eoevoet oinviw.

and Ihr, of ranv*.*, wa. IWjtaied by lh*

-naaaaaa Oenrl to M forwarde' io tbe eertnin odtaera_r«ig'ia*<d bv atatata to whom all returns were lo be

lerwaeded. Tta objeel at torward-Bg ti"*:n waa, of

...ur**. to prl tti.-m Iato tM bandfl of tha Boaid of

.Mate. Canvaaaera, tbat ttay might thera ta ean*

vaeeed, laateM ol the Mylod reium aJrcady before the

board, whteh Ita Bepreaae Ooarl ami Ita Conrt of

Appeala bad both declared I I. IV OP C'lN-l'll*. M V.

it aeeaM to ne <-!e»r. i»l<.!-o^.I-... lhal the pentletaen«rM aenl toto thb romblnc lo prevenl ttat latnra

from inu !..»_ the proper ..llieer- «UN guiltv ot a ron-

aplraey 1W tta perveMoa or obatraetlon d Juatlec or

of tta 'lue ii.tinlnlslrHtlOti of U.e lavv-..'A- vou -mv, Judge Maynaid *,,>s tM aclloa ol hla

¦Moetatea aM liii.i-.-lf waa laaUfled bl tM ttlpulatloneaterea Iato i.y eoan»el (" whteh ta appeala. Hut. In

tba tir-t plaea, reaaeaiber lhe Courl <.f Appeala ha* l.eid

Ita! everj rltlaen of the state i- dtrectly InterealIbe proper eanvaa»lng "f lhe return*. How rould dve

lawyeie, no mattei hoa emln nl Ihey mlght be. enterInto a aUpalatlon tta effert ol whleh would i«- i<> pre-vent ttre nn of Jadge Mayaard aM l.i- aaaoetatefl Irom

lielng a erunlaal enaaptrae) They roaM not b.n«l :my-}uA\- imi. IhaaaailTfi Thelr agreeaaeat- .f ttal flaadeone- tlmt no eon-cted retama -MaM be f,,nv,.i_>-<l did

not 'uMif.v niiv ihi" ii, ateallag aaeb h iatara if tor-vvaixl d.

r.ut, farther tbaa that, tta eeey atlpalatloa taviaiii, Jadga Maynaid appeala aa bla Jaatltkatlon i- a

vi piiintioi, entltli.l iii Bve eertala pr^-e<-<liiiir-. aM h by;.,. rv..>-*v terraa Bmlted lo thoae. Oae ot ttaai relatedii Dateheaa county. bul it was a procecding aplnatih» Mall Canvaaaera. .ii;<t.-' Maynard aaya Ihat tMastipuiation prevent.yi the s.*nne pceaoaa or aagbodyelae Irom epplylng lo IM -.peeaae court and nettinea maiidnmuR againal the Coaaty Oaavaaaera reqabtagthem to do ,,"t eoarered in aay taraa bythr (.ih.T pi-...-4-np la whleh the atlpo.ttoe l,u<l

baaa autaa. 11 ,- taAelenl t.. call aUaattoa io ibi*

point lo f.ln.vv tl," nl.-uiility "f .tndi.-" Mnynui-d's p>_ti"n. it is abaard, and ta haowa u to be ataard.

- Moraover, al tM rery time thnt Uda attpulatloawaa entered Into, 11 I reai4?inber eoncctlT, n.xl I am

gara I d'i. ihe NOeeedlBg f"r a mandamn- te th"

v.ountv CaaTaaaata bM alinadi ix-en bepm. andwas known u> bave beea b-min. but IM » was not niadc io eover 11, lt -**ns not includedln the gfOeeca_igi i-e.itod ni i-overcd by the rtipui--ti.ui. aM'freaa the rery natapa of ihe ca*e rould not

ta ibrarni in it. TM paoeaae_a_B co*.red by ti>e

-tipuiiitiuii wera pioceedlaga, aU of tt>n., ee_eeaa, al bai aaa aaadaat Ibc ataaa Caavaa-"iv and the OtMr BUC apiii,"' tho 1->creiary Of r-tnie.

Tltey vrere pron-i.tim*-. vvhirh eould be titiil-v IM¦apabutaa labea le IM Oaart of Appeala wttbla tbollr.i,- IMt ihe atipalattofl ealled lor, whleh leejulredihe laana.alaga raferred lo by it not only to be tahenui. but deoMed bv. tbe Coart of /Xiipeal-. liefore Dc-

laaahar 30. IM piocoo-tnp lo iaonav_M the OoaatgCaniaaaiaa to imv- ;i oorreet r,-turn nuwk-, aM t-i MveIba appeal fnm. IM1 labea lo the General Term, tbe Oeneral Tena to tta ('....« ol Appeala, eoutd

not. ea every knew, hava been brought to theCourt "f Appeala la iIbm fur arg.neat aM deetalonlieforo the dav tlM-il 1,1 th" Mlpuuitiuii. The Conrt of

Ippoala IM ea hm rarered by the atlpulatloa on

lhe i.-i-t day tii. II aai hr bearlng argnment, whlehw;,-. i tuii'.t, Deeember 11, aM tbea adJoaraM t.<

-leeceator -iii v> give Ita deebdon.MAYNAItliV 1\,rsK WAS Nil' V41.ll).

..nut Judge Maynard aaya it waa ander-too- lhalio otlM-r piotocdlnn were to be taken. Paaalng bythe fact. as alraad] ntated, that i»¦ praeeedlna hMalready Mea labea. II l* aaftoleal to >.-.v IMI ao one

.n tho ¦iipa-lraa ade bM »nv aueh aaaeralandlngund that the Mpatatloa i-'.ntnlns aothtag of the aort.AM aa I huv-i' already aaM, ao aaeb nader-taadlngeooM Mve ju-tified Jadga atoyaard'fl aeilon. i may

lurtber say Ibat, froai tiiln-'. tbal oeearrM darlng u.e

eoaioaapl proceedlnw agateal Bubbm, i an peraoaally- tbal Ibe Idea td eMMag the efeet ol tta..tlpuiiii'.n vv-tiet J.i'tre Mayaard doea, did aol preaenlit-- |f lo th« Deaaoeralfl untll tbey fonnd out tbal thoaepeoeoefl-nga were golag lo farala- a aaaaaa of un

eaithitii; ttie aetfl of Jnd^c Maynard ar.d his

_.-.iprlit*ei.B>| Judge Maynaid appeala fy> an order ,,f ,iud_e

Maybaaa, ajata on t',e SOth of Deeeaaber, ttie dav after

IM ii"i,ni uf Mate ramaaaiaa t,ad eouated IM fai-'1

return-, aa juvtlfvin^ hlm. HOW aa 10 that matter, It

i siiffieient to aay tbat tl wai u gniuaMlag beaaght bybome, as relator. i*aiiist tl.e ( minty 4ai, lu

that eaaa Mr. nera, "f A_aay, was tiie eoanaal "f >ir.

Oaborne. An <u-der to -J. m eaaaa was graate. bv

.ludc" Maybaaa aa Deeeaaber SS, wtaraabla Deeeaabergg, vilmti wh- tlu- <Uv on whlrh lt wsti known the de

,"l i.-i, uf the t'.inrt uf Appeala ln lhe eaaea arnoed be-

|»M it wonM M Hadflred. lt was an order U> tbOWc_ii>e why i» Baadaawi ahoaM n«t i-su<* raf-Mag tne

4' (ltik to rctain ln hlv p.-Rscwslon nny other

return tbaa tli': Mylod return. and to re-

fruln from Hai anv ottier Mara vnth lhe mM-t. ¦. caavaaeara. order lo abow aaaaa wa« made,

und *er\o* ufU-i tM tOBIOraed returns had be«Mi n.ntled

u> Albaay und rea. hed tt," aaearal state oii its faie, lOOMd to the f_<-t that it WM not

lo be lltagbl up ii mn after IM Omrt of Api>eaU !uid

tedded as |e tbe Myled iatara and was tniended, If

the eoarl "f Appeab aHawad the >iyiod retarn to b«

riniiit..;. 11 aeeare tta eowrttM d that em the Ibaarytaal M otber r.-turii wae b.-foi>* IM *-t_,t« iJanvuMH-rs.

Aftor tl,- iiplnlim uf IM Oenrl of Appeala wu.s rendi-ivd,(N! DniieBBliar -"¦'. the wtglaal of thut. as of ull Uie

opinion-. wae wnt 10 0M 8ee»-__ry of State'* oflir* ln

ui-der tlmt aU lataWfllad BBlgM them. Mr. IT ru.

_«borne-*WBB--l, examlaed Uie oglatoa witti raaareaee

to Uie Myl«! rtuin. aa did BiyaflM and oth.-r eouaael.Mr. Kin-n. then -HM t<> M Md BaU exprrrfly thnt

iindrr that oplnt.iii It w:,. Unpoaalblfl u> COanl IMMyted if'.iirn. and IbaaclatB thnt his iiror.-edliiB tn-fore

jMgn Martaaa woaM bawa i<> ta dtoaalaaed. it su..i

for i.'il.-i'k tMt aftern.K)!,. We tvpH.-d lo -Mr.

FJero thnt we w.mld -<. down thet. with hlm and dl,

mlss tt. Ue said thnt he would s4* us aisaln In a I»Wmome-nts. He retnmed U.en and -*ld tbat be did aetllko tiidi-mtw tii- araeeed-Bg enVboart taaaulttag utt,ei-

and a.ked therefore Umt the matter bfl adjonrned from

3 o'eli«k tMt day untll the next mornlni', to which

\te promptly api-eed.THEY COt'N'THl THK MYI.OI1 RKTIRNS.

-Tlmt ovcnlnir at 9 o'elork t^e State Canvassers

,-oonted thr Mylod retarn. wi>e» Ita next aaocatagthe proceedlnc eaaaa np before .ludiw none

uf tiie ¦epaMtoaa Boaaaal earrd lo b.- ix-esent, as thc

thlnp that Judi:e >Iuv!-,!.,'- OfdCr .-riiurht tu have done abaatj taM daaa. I aai informed. bowever,

Judge MajMta ..tatrd frOBB the N-nrh that tifidei- thrfce

rlinimstaiKes be did >.<*t -*o tbnl he had anythiiif*furtber to 4io tbaa lo ii.-nii- Hm- ganecedlagi aad tf«*tMr. Plaea then stiitel IMI M aefl-M t<> baaa ivi order

made nnd, u< -aaM eitbrr sUIrd or l.iferml. beo_vnlt ml-bt Imve suiiii- ,'!!,vt a* a prot.*<-t_un lo Kiiuuivi.e -Saaatp Oarb <>f DaiaMaa t-ouuty, thu* tbo ordeivaa n_d.-, yet Judi.*,- Maynard btx* U.e audailty H

_*_____¦ , lub-, rr.iniirai.i-. niul -te«nirr« siipBlled wlUi.__**.__,"_-__a* i.4,ui.Ui _r,u«__c and pork, pr«-*«*l lard-_7 0-7.. .in**.". j4.g» laat, M-taila.a, xc.-fort_llSee-n, v_rirlia_ of «.-«»«_» and b_logi>_* tmportjd andJi___2_«; Bu- t-bl* delkaelea: dlrect lr_per_IUai ef^.,Mi__ caviar. C Peixeval, 100 and 7ta .lli-ava.

AYER'S 8 ^VC^to. _.¦ I 8*M::;.'._ v&P&Jfl**&





For ScrofuiaCatarr.,Rheurnatisn.Debiiity

!I)c_* what no other blood-purifier in <:.;-

.istence ean da It aearchea out the-, ,,f Scrofula, Catarrb, Rheuma-

t. ,,. .,;;.! Debiiity, and expela theinharmleaaly throngb thr* prnprr channela,It is the great bea-th-reatarerand bealtb-maintainer. It purifiea tbe blood, abarp-ens tbe appetite, atrengtbena tbe nervea, and invi^nratr3the whole ayatem. Dr. C. I>. Bfoaa, of Cabeil C. II.. W. Va.,voieea tbe experience of acorea dt eminent phyaieiana, "I bave used AYER'S t^arsaparilla with abundaiit raccesa. In tubercular depodt and all lormi <>i acrofu*»tona diaeaae. I bave acarcely evei known it to fail. As an

gJterative, it ia beyond all praiae, i">t*i lor old and young*..I ;un convinced t!i..t after bavlng been si.k a wbole year

from liver eomplaint, Ayer'a Saraaparilla aaved my Uie. 'J lio

beat phyaiciana being unable to belp mc and bavlng triedotber medicinea beneflt, I at laat took Ayer'a Sarsa-panlla, and was _ur.(l."-Mary Scbubert, Kanaaa City, Kans.

AYER'S. SarsaparillaPrepared by Dr. J. 0. Ayer A Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggiata .

Has cured others, will cure you

.ippeal to tlmt prore**iin*, whirti the eeanaal m ehargflot it had expresslv stnte4l araa ln hii ophilon eoutin. ytn the ieeariea et the Ooart cf Appeala, as a (aat.ra*tion for i.i* aettea.

"Judire, Mavnard mv tlmt Mr. Kjiinns. tlu- .vuntv

Clerk of H-tche-s C.untT. wns l.nlMored Iato foiw.ii<lInu the t-tnniii. and ha Blae aaya tlmt Mr. Baaa* bne-of Judiro In(tr»l,*in's -Uv li-fore he, forwai-rtrd tiie r,--

tnriisi. it ouk'ht tn he -iifh, i'*nt anawer lo thla i" aaytliul J_4l,re Cullci.. altei- bearlng all tlu.- eii.leiue. BBbrtnnl-liv tlnds thnt when J-'.maiis matled tba retarn* hedtd noi. linoiv <if ttie ftay bavlng h*'eii emnled. t.nt lnfuct lt wa- .svviirii .Unlft- Cullen hv Mr. l.,\ij,s.a ri'P4it4ililiv lavw,.,. of PDn|(&keep*le, uml eonnael "IMr Emani blnuelf, thal Eauuia came lo blm wlth oneof ttie Iteptililli-nn coiin-'cl on th<- nipht that h<- malledUie retaraa. but beiwe ba bad done it. end ronanltedln,,, as ti. wiirtlici Jie wus leqnlred t.i fonrard themnnd thal Mr. Lowna .-i«l\--«-*! hlm t!,ai it araa bla dutyto fnrward th.'in at nn,<*. Thi* ndvlce araa glven lnttie presen.e of one of tli" Republtcnn eounael. Mr.Lowna tlmt then be Mr. Kmen* aaldfl amitoM hini that if he hnew ul the actnal grantl . ofanother May, though it had not le-n B*.|*\-cd..pon him. he vmnM be Jnstllied wtthIn.idliip th- return*. Aft«-r thal adv eM,-. _nana ailiniiiiiiiy mulled lhe rrtnin-. and jreiJndge Maynard ln his desperatlon <-l.,:..,- thal punrBmana ara*. frlci.ieiied Into lorwardlng the retur *,and earefully aupprea-ed ttie fael if hu bavlng ..'..Kidted hi- nvwi counael and bavlng taken hl* advlce,thiuic-li that fact muat have been knoam t'> JudgeMavnard.

wnv MAY5ARD WAS N tT EXAMIXED.'. Yon a-k mc whj .ua*.-- Maynard araa examlned

ii- ii wiiri's. i aaswer thal i fall. expected to ->.

anilnc him; that after Jndge Learned nw appolntedreferee lo laka le tlmony al Albany I neuttonedin eoarl that I propoaed (. examlna Jadge Mayaardamong -thera. ami one ofth.unael preae t, i thlahMr. Klilgway. lln- Dl-tri, I-Altm n-y Ol Klng* County,said thal Mr. Maynard w.i- roun -l and could rolln* rompelled t<> teatlfy. I -rote .'' Ua} haa in th'- iiir-aiiiiini- i/i-'i appolntod 3u*me uithe Court of Appeala In rearard fnr hi- condur*,t.-lllug hlm of the order and that I di-irii lo exanilncblm, and a-knl liin, lo fl- .. tlme for bl rxuniliintlon.lle h;,d previoo-ly t>eeii ttibpoenaed before Judse< in lii-oolvliii. had pocketed in- fee, arh!<¦¦till ntatna, and ttayed a*a*ay, aendln. anthat be n»- hu.-v.

"ln reply 10 n.y letter aaking Judge Maynard tnr,x ¦ Ume fnr lu* ezamlnatloii, ne wrote me .. rarcful.jiruarded letter. whleh l read in tlu- li.i.t of lhe ..i*--n.**nt made r, Brooklyn thal he wa roun-el, i.i whirhletter Ite ,s»id in tabetanee if he knea aurthli.iimertlnent t.> the raae and, Im w, - _i llbertjin itate," be vvo,,i,i be examlned on an) daj l*4*tw***?nthe IM nnd the 1-th of r'Obru >'v -v tBaafle tii<* apaatataienl a-Hh Judge Learned,.* hli., with other uli.«. \tu*r tbapomtment bad l.n ma.ii- a <t when lt wn Imiiio nitjniirn it. .iii.icr Maynard wtote o ,,,¦- lhal i,.' hadinfwlf a iiii.tHi.ii as fi tlw rn,,-,iliatliMi dai nl ihe Courlof Appeala, ami that he rould n 't be examlned on ..

day ii\<-d. but was readj tn b- examlned imi nm* 4Xie\.uv. ! vv-,-i,t tn Albaai oti Pebruary I. whi..ral dav it,nt .i.xiire Maynard -a. np -n thi- Vonrl otApimils ii.-ni h. argard a raao l»efore hlm ln Uie n,',r,i

mg, went it.iwi, i. lhe ufternooii t-i *uul i.e allll.ff.,1 :. judge Lcnrned. amt there, i. the mo«l ntiax

pwteg manaer. develaped the evktenee whlrh hrouBhlout .indpe Maynuitl'K phyalral coonertlcti i.ith U.^tokiiii: of thc ri-iuin from the Controller'a otBoo.

HlC WIUXIXI. N.,T Jl-'lll Il.l'."All thnt I )iad any r'ght to laqalre into I" Ibfl pl

eee_ln_B I araa <-,,tfari*.l .- wus tii- fael :,s lo -t i. >n

dnet of Enmns. the County Clerk "f Dutrheaa ("oonlr,whetinr i.e hnd been pnllty of COBtempf. And lo thalend i Mhrwed the blrtory of UM r-ptoa »f the eoerertedrataraa, provlog tiiat <>ne went Into Oovernor ii;ir-

ofnee, whhii vaa redellvered, witb tii- npprovnl; onawent into tt,e Decretarj "f OtattYa oliee, wiix-h vvas refleliv-ri- by hini-elf, and oaa arent imn the Ooatroller- oflke. whteh wn- tahen away hv Jjodge Maynni-d. If I .oiild have .'xnunii^.l .Im!.''' Maynard thalafiemooa l abonM bava done bo, thouiffa really llwoaM lihv.- beea a work ,-f aapereropation, a.-* I baa allthe fn'-.*. 'IXi do >n 1 .-iioulii hav- had pi »tay oveian itber day la .Mi any, rn iii return tb. rr, whlcti l didi.oi iiilnk it vM.itii arlule ." .ln, i-p.-i .ily a* I rouldim. i.-lieve tbat Jiidi;i- Maynard, If l<<* bad any exphini.tmii to iinii..-. would nut pi.Hiipiiv in ,ii inm-, irnf li bv maklng an Hiiniavu 1.1 ime ln tjnian-'*i-imlf in the uniti-nijii proceedinnk. i «i" notttilnk theie 1- any eround for Mr. Maynard'* whlnlnnV-..U.-I-, be wa* not examlned, af.i*i Uie lutlmatloiit:.' had 111r.«-.*. n .mt thal hc pn>|.'-'I lu av-.uihlm.s4.-lf of Iil- prlvtlege ot eoun el, and vvi,..,! my falluiv te examtne by no meane aliui blm oul frum ^lvi:,.-bli i,--iliiini,v hi Ihe oaar.

"JikU**- Maynard, referrfns to lhe di*cl lon of IheConrt .>! Appeal* m the IMU bea* County tae, :,v - thecoiii-t .\pi-i-. iv mii.,.-.I ii.ii parl "t fhe ordci ol 11«-j.'ial I .-im io !.. Btrurk out whleh prohtblb-d thef-tati- Board i'f <;iiivii.-vr^ from uslng auythlnK bulcerttfled -tatement- forwanled by thr Counlj Clnrk.ii waa, ii,<-r.'i.,-i-, i.i- *aya, lhe plaln dnty nf Ute RtateBoard ol CBmvaraera i" make Uie eanva.i npon Hmreturn before lt -^vi derhire tii-- resuli accordlnglv.Thta i-xtra.i,(llruirv Btatemenl I* made by n man whodlagraee* the l.w,< l. of it,<- Courl of Appeal«, whenln liu* rery opl lon that tu- refera to tv- Courl ofAppeal* anhraied the ramalnder if Ui* urder whlrh...iiinln. an axprea* InluneUon rorblddlns lhe st.i.-hnvnaaera lo connl the Mj imi reliim, Tl.l*. fwi nin ..

I- nfliiliMit t'< -how the ht.i'i of man who in-jmi upon Hm- beneh of the hlghe t ronrt ln rowni-dfor aervleea wt,t<-h if they had noi eome niivrli.ii'.al li.w n.o dangeronaly noar lt.*

.M'IrliK KARL TIIINKH MAV.VAItl) ls VI\'|.|(:.\ I*RD.Albany, Marrh l!..-.ludi.'H Karl. Chiaf JadgB Bl tlu-

Oaart of Appeala, when gaeetloned to-day viiti refeion-o to |ba letter aflgreeaed to hlm by Jadga Maynard,ri-ijiir'iinB the<-r'« pofltUon ln eooneetton aith u,, eoarteated eaaaa, .ai.i

"1 bava riirefniiy read Judge Maynard'* alalement

Mr. John Jlungrr/ordI'ropr.-tor of Uie flne llv.-rv .tiilili*/iui-\, Kl.ntra, N. Y., so.i*: "1 bav.M'».|i«r ..b

,t thf Wi.', Endfaaad tbat Ho-kI'i,

ln the Spring'ii every r<**|ie<*t po** ahi-flil nf Hythlag I *-4-r txiKk fnrkidnry and Urer irnublra. fr-im, Wblch 1 bava ",f-IT*. > Rood 0)*nl Un* i*i-t vnur Of tiv n I |,:,w.takfi. foi.r ur Hv bottli-s and Uitnk lt, Inr- ranpiefelj

PBf* crid m». v 1 bav* f ii

| I H|t\# w"" ((r flavflral munu.s.OJl | | | w Otbri BMaabara uf u,.v tmmllyJ Iwvi* t_k. ii BOfld'* ,s,r-a-

p»rill» he K'ncral debiiity "ftd for Bailfjlag Bm Mat*¦nd baaa bsaa hinbiy i.rat,n.*d «i ti,(. t*.o. n im. ,!,...

mt.AW IbeflB. I alway* feal ,.,^8/ tf\U B tkO n.nifndln. li n ,- frl«-i .-

fj M ^1 | JOHN ¦VMOEHPORD, vs-, MBai Heaal,*, Vew-Teeb.

At tJii- »i-s_on neerly fviry one n**0* a good niHii... ,,,,.

mt purifv MM bU-od aud mpel the -BpertMfla vrtii.-h bavaa. lUmuUU-d .!.,i.ii. I|.,< Mm-ti r. ll»iil'. (srir-nisirilla leBB woll ud_|>-'i| fnr tl.U |mrl«i**4* that it ls bagaad <oni-

p^rlwn ».. « r*4ar»o« Medlclne. lt exprl. ev.-r>- tr.< e of

humw frum the Mood. »..d ln.|_rt_ nrw llfe. (i-l

Hood's SarsaparillaAnd only HoodV. II li peeullar to l-artf-

t*n purirv ui<- t)io''a ana a


HOOD- 91Lhk Ctrti Liaet IU* wl-i»ut pelx.Ptiretr vflgetaUla.

and 1 COBaMer lt n eeaapMo vlndlrallon of hi* ton

iln.t ln Ibe to. I tliinlt It oii.l.t tobe aattataetory to all f,.ir aUatad men. i imve aatHagfurtber to aay about tha aartter."

IM.AIN WOROg l-OM A OmUxkM AI'XIK'RITV.Froea the r-unti* lettung) Marri, |0.

Jaigs Maynard nee* a «re_t many worda bi mooo-f.-n.e .f iii.- rondurl In thr notorloo* Pnteheaa ttmntj,-l.-itl.i.i ..mi.-I. that 1_ looUed upon. Bfl it reie.

by btwyen. aa a -.nn .,f tne weahaeaa ol a raae. xaerule 44 111 be applleabta probablr ln thla .*¦**../.»iMn-tlnn is dimpiy whetaer Judge < allen** «rier to

Bmana, the Cvnnty Clorb, the Immodlaw. ...

iiv.iv ,.f the rorreeted elecUun pnliinn-. ls i»> ";

conilderrd legallv operatlve «t Ihe tlrae Bmana -wit

tbe reporlfl to Albany, wbere .they waaataken trom lhe <«fli,-,- by Judge Uxynarri.The order wa* i--..-.i i>.-.-.-mh,*r in. and d<-p,,-it.-<i ...

tlu* i-i.Tii'- offlee ln Poughheepeta Derember tli, «t a

(.uarter to 0 o'rlu-h p. m. Kmans -ent the rep»ortanwny on the name evenlng. Bom Judge Maynard,.-wholook Ihe report* ibe n<*_t mornlne ln Alhany. riaiinaIhat Kmans -lioiild have b'lli-Hi.l ihe ni4b'i "f J«dfBPurcmaii and not that of Jndge Cullen, legAllithe t-lerk'* nfltre I- rloaed Bl 3 o'eloeh, and all paperaarrlvlng after thal boar an- to be Inohed uj)"ii u-*

romlng nl u n'rloeh on the tollowlng mornlng.\\.i shaii i.n n' tn di-'i.te whether thls evaatva

explanalion <>f Jndge Mavtuu-d wlll be upbeM by lawor imi- It i- certain. however, lhal the publlewlll not :n pi Ihl* exptonnllon. Th- peopb- wlll Inm n-

to ttl" opinion thal a Judge'* order beeomea artlve,: ii i .rded i;i the ph.f -aaaa

too wa- ibe Intentloi. uf Judge Culien. who began proreedlntrtag ln«1 Bman* for rontempl ofroort. tt thaltrial fi, ii ..j detrnre .itt.-r-d m.u >.y Judjr Maynardm ,- not bruugt.l forwaitl bv ,u,v. That Judgefiill.||i| ., t mdemn Bman* Pnally, for th* expee***reaaon lhal he had n .' Brted Imlependently, bnl bad..iiini.-<i i.iiii-.-f be iwed a* a tool liv othera, doea aol,',,- ge U.e rav ln any nray.

Bverythl g el«* lhal .lu.l_r Mnynnrd brlna forwanlln hl* ii'I-iii- i- Irrrlevant. Tbe oae ;nA prlnilpnijiolni .f tlu'iii'h I."-. t.'W'-.'.-. i- wvah nn,i nnavatHng,and Jndge MaTtiard'* artlona wtll n<n b* apheM by ttiefnriiiii m public opinion.


VOl'Xfl i'' "Pi.: '- si, n liis it; i;i\ tuvip. Wi.kk

vv ini vi "M'l in v i

\ parlor ro '..> ¦¦. of upreaentaMvea of >i"* ynaagpeople'* aorietle* ..' nearly .iil Ihe t.pttat rbarehea laHi.i.ivr, vm- beM iiv-t evenlng al <),*¦ hoaaa el h Ci:. i'lifit. Nn ..] _____i-ttr ave. lhe O-Jeet *.'.> '"

lahe lhe tir-t -t pi regardlng the eenl aerj eomfl-flflaocai,.., ,,f the ,i..-iv awveaaeet, In 1THJ Bbapa **r.i-

labea by Wllllam Carey to *et on f""( ailaaioa ararbamong lhe beathen and thfl Aaaarleaa BapfW mi-.

lonary l'nlon purpoeo* to conimewoiale Ihe annl.i ...... ki tbia wm t>r ibe ta

p.,,1., ind exlen lea "f the werb la whleh 11..,,. ,.._-,...i 0. thla aam ll t- rapeitad thii oae.. i u aHl*Sbe raterd bj the yonng prop'-uii . r;. ,' trhflOllTbe meetl evi lag wa* preaMed aver bj Mi

lledfoni, and Ihere arere aigreaeei by ll. C. Camp,.nt Mcretary i.f Ihe JUnerleaa Rapttot Mlaalonary

l'nlon. WaMer t*. Noon. praaMaat ot lhe imn'

People. Bapttat Pataa, *4 BaeebJpa' ii i naMrieorge it Coming, a. w Matae, a J Barrett aadothera.Tbe followit ,1 araa adoph dKoaolrog. Thal we beM » agaMoaary aaaaa-aaaattng

ander lhe aaaplrea ..f the Bapttat rnaag peopta ofliroohr/n, early In April. and that wa eereed uiththanka lhe olfer "f the Wa hlngtoo Aveaaa Chorrhfnr lli.-cii-i.i i.

i.r otved, in,,, are, lepieacnttag Ihe yoaag paoph,,f tbe Baptl . rhurrbe* ..f n.<* rlty, ronatltute ...iivis a ..,-i,.,if-<- nf arrangemenl for said meellngand that we ¦.¦'¦ ,t opre io «i<rnre fr-",,, odr awmhernpii.ti-'- "f a,'' .i.,1.1'. and tbal wa reporl lhe nutn

i-, ,. ih, .,mi, ii.ii ln Hu," fo bave » reaervedfor eorti dflei

B. olved .' m lhe repnfsentotlre frum tho eharrfaln whlrh lhe ¦.'.,.'. v iu i .. held he and la berei,y nppr.lntd rhnlrn ut of anrh rommlttee, aod thallie U lierebj .¦ ,i\ owered to flll vara.



Qii -i ;..\. :, "\ l-i \.-!"\ OPPICI AFPAIBI nviii BOV roMMlTTEF.

'.'.i ii..-.¦¦,,. ^¦:l^r!l 10. Thfl <-v,,t,.i. nf <.n,,ml loner Baum, "f Ihe Pen " Uureau, vi .- resnmed

.1 v, ;, ,,i |- i. |on iifl,..* I,iv.--,lk-atl,,_ Cim.uitti.f tii. ii iii" Commluloner -md t'.a, BerirUirj N'i.i.1 v. terday dlaapproved hi- rettim

Uon for the appolntroenl of hi< dsaghter, M..VValters, n* Iil* prlvate seerelaryi and 'nd ofdered heiin retnrn t" her worb In lhe Cenana fMbee, Pendlng

ic Reeretary on ti"- r»*r anna ndatlnn, hJdaughter bad been --.iu,. ln on Marrh 11, *s witne**'*-¦i-ii*.irv. under b of ti.Mee. Appn.i-ni oftl,e !.. thii,..,<¦.,daii'iiis i.f Ihe i'iiinn,is-i.ii.r wa- Blmoeluiiif'irn,. and whea Ihere "..s dalay ln artlon, peratm*were ,,,i-tii.,i - *.v»-i,rn ln pendtng appraval nf Iha,ii-..ii,,ni-,,iiati..i,. Hla daaghter bad noi mtlened or

v-i ,i dropped tri.m the Oeaaaa ratta, and woaM returnto duty in lhal o-bee o« Mondaj.

Mr. K.iiiiK- aahed u," (¦¦ ¦ r if Ua aon, arbeaactlng appotntmenl elerb, bad aol charged n aotaryfofl of Bo eanta for .swrar-lnp men l».t', oflirc. Ib-

replled lhal hk ."'i waa n aotary befora g.-lng laletttkoe a,,d ehargN » i. Jt *»*- i."t atopped hy IheHerretary el th<- Intortor.

Mr. K.iiiiw* Baaed Iha Oammlaatoaer how long he hmibeea ahaaal boai aM <in,,e atoea hta (.ppoint.ii.-iit pxCommlaaWmnr. Mr. Kauui did aot Wnow. Mr. BbWm,i !-. d |f || w.T" a y»r. Mr. Il-iini suld It wa*

;ii-i'ii'ist<-roiis to s.iiinist lhal i,n bad iiem ahaaal lhalllllll.-.Tbe eaaaaa of reaaaeal, ha aaM, wer.* eariana, i..

eeaipeteney and draahnaaeaa a*aea eaaaaa. A»k«i firother mu ea, ba aaM; .. If a man enter* upm an lntrlk-ii'* tVi injure lln- offlr** nr to InJun. lhe (oinmls

ttoner, aad hns enini^i*!! la Klvlnir out Information and...iviiu.' .-ud ami eoaMPrt to ihos^ wh.. are tnrtng to

doKtroy lhe O.marl^idoner or throw odlaai on the «Hi<-.i,I ri'i.':.iil thal :i aaaaa nnd nt a. cvxl one, nnd I have

iii-.r.l on it In Kvi*nil,*." lle Imo n«-v.-r n>

uiovi.i anv iierson Im-i-uu-,- af gUtoieaae la poHilca. A!..»- peraeaa h_d beea raaaaeai lae e_hnMva imrii.i.'i-hip.

Mr. Balea aafeai ahonl a ananaa, ¦ nerii who wm

rsii.i to bava o*Tr*,.,i aao lo m- aaa after t**it.i,' n-in-

-'.iitivi. Tbe i 'i.iii,,i.-*-.oii'*r aald bla --on had oaUed itaatu-nt'.on to.thfl ,i.:itt'-i' Iiiiii,i-.lUtely aft'-rwnnt. Tl.eeterk -aid she iM it aal al fraHtatfa and d'.i i.ot anv thli, | (onupt.

ib-1 id the piwatdeni thal be wna r-tt**fi.«l the ahaigathal in- aon had moke the nfrtrc a aeal of corrapttooaad fnmd was tatoe. lla nUo *pt>ko io the PreaMealnf tt,* rharge thal hts siin ikvI attoaaptod todefraad lheUovernaient ol BT8 whleh <a,,n- Into .* Imnds; toid|he I'ri'-ld'-iit th^ rli-i niii-taii'.-'- and «nld thnt ln btaopinion no grrater o.itmiri* had ever i»*^n t>ei-p<-tr»t«lthnii to ebarge his -,m witb _ntferta_ng ia wtthhoMu,at Bwney naaa iho OovaraaB-at

iu/: r/,i7)irofis- _tr-r take no rER cext.

Cl.teitgo, Manh 10. The nttempt of a mltiorlty of

nedltora to aaaet tt." 39 imt r.-nt >-'tii*-inent by B. a

K.-aii. the Chleago l,a:,Krr. who fail'-d for »-00.00i.,was defeat'-d tidav in MN Appellatr. Court. .Iiidtevatormae gave tha deetaton, whteh eavaraaa Jaagehh'epard's order appolntlng B. A. nikln.s M reri-lver.

nn: CBABOX CBAXOED TO UAXXLiVOieiER.l;n-t.iii, Ma. .. Mareh !...!¦ tl*v cx--e of Wllllam A.

ptaunery. hnowa in ih<- theatrleal piefaaMea u« wm

i.m \. ooaM, arhob-fled PagebM woin,, anoeheraator,two Ireeba u*a, tM rharge w_h . h».iKed to-day from

nninb-r '" BaaaalaBghtor, »nd *V4.i*)0 flxed m tl.e

immint of tmll ie'|inr«1. Tl.e prl-oner has not yet *m

reeded in obUlnl.lg bondn.

Tlu* linehl. aud only veaUbul.*d nlght traln for Bot-U.u4-d ^ew-England potnt* iravea Brooklyn and LongIiland City at 11 p. a. daily. . .

.11 .MU .»




ILLINERY DEPT..,,,,.,,.,, .....- WILLIHBRY PABLOB8, rleiliintlti furnl-hetl. nnd «//-)rrfl».

Oflt BANDBOMM MAI }'"'"y'"' ,,,,....,_ oXE <>'' THE MOST ATCBACTIVE


USOMTMltVT oi-"s&txV"pAttZotiS AT niEXTY-PlVE PEB CENT. ,..*, ///.l.V

___»___--» CLOAKS.|f you are thinkingof purchasing a Spring W«P OfJkek*, donrtjilto

visit our new Clnak Department ad oinmg '«»ta««fJfe "ftK.'ftboaat in saying that bv so doing you w.Tl .*^9g* t0 TWENTYDOLLARS on lach ancf every garment, according to quality.

. $15.61IMPORTED BLACK BROADCLOTH CAPES with yoke of Jet*. embroidered all over .

ALL-WOOLIMPORTEDSCOTCH CLOTH NEWM.ARKETS, wllh Military Cape, at . . » » * *¦ » * *

.. ,411 J 01.01BLACK.PORTEOMELTOH CLOTH REEPERS, wi, .,. ,eam, Mf l.ed . . ^ .


RUCS! RUCS!!Conlinuation of our large

Sale of ORIENTAL RUGS andSMYRNARUGS. Over 1.000varietles to select from.


This deptrtment is well stockedwith hvnt makei of Beasonablegoodl al the lowcst price.** ever

quotocL:.0 I'M- Ei llf.A.'l' AI.MV SI.'.i.l' BC« 1

wc_v.- Brvat I.i ».r» r,rVr,*d »t, lan tfi.ii (liBIM pfll va.-il. .J'±

Oarr -

:.'. PlEl K.s l.LAi K . R.P.POM .vi.M.r.!:. .0 JCltm !.. - a v u.i.-tii ti-1 11 i

ao l'li.' BM I'l.... iv it N lt; PTA, i.i .,..»..*¦ ).» da witli rirfi MM -.irtfi »! Vr i-r0(1vard. ...

1*0 I'M' TV BLACK ' A-illVI'.KU »'l Wflol. Vr -.

;¦-'.' V . ll"1 ptt 7_1oar

4, l'li a BLA. g S1I.K Mi WOOL 81. II.- J"IAN\ Hi bruraii.-i Mfl* BraMfl ,!¦.-. r. d'l- OQ|ar f1.78 gaatf..... rr.'i.-i;i.A< k i:-ii;t.v KltF.i ll *rt\HEVIOl 10 i « ¦'. *ata« 1 r tl.ZS

,.M l'i 1.- - BLA. R AXOORA l."I II. v..r I

.aa qualitr. *.'> l_-» - *»l- tabi a-. OQ

,.*, pircn r.i. ii .< i M.i.v*u M"ii ii ...1 * ». '

/i.iMfl pr-r Ul'l .4.7

_ riuti: DE JAl'i'V ln wl Qgmi- rfrrcta.; worUJi ei 71 ajkttwm

to vu i .-. li. a- i; uiii'i: i.i: JAPOX, iu iirm'i


H pr r.s K.ACR Xt'X'S HFRflK doubl* Ttwint. .'.'I laaa* artia ',--,ai y taft fai *»i .'.'> f)0|*r rard. '

< mrI.,' llliV- Iv AI.I.MI.K i.l.l.N »- I

KI nl.*-, ii plaa m ii*. -¦. aa*1 amixx ~0

. 11.26 - l


I4.ixch wisT.WAnr blaik ixdia i-.-..Ml.l. li.ii 1 fn- II .1

-.. . .) BI.O |. ir*!.1 -. k ..f IMP. Hl li

BLACK Hl'mil i. Mi -.rt Itmealliie tlalah, emrb tratei *,- -trala

.6*c., .09c. and $1.25.OUR 8T)CK OF BLACK iu:.\~nali \r.s is NOWtomrl/:/ /:A V/> THE PRICES A HE VER VATTRACTIVE.Our cotnlepo arf loden with

Rte/i Nortttiett in Black Grottntlx,with eolopotl i'/j'fits, aud, ohp /H'icf-s(I Ft' tt iif/il :st iottflbt 1/ i'ft'f/ muchlotcer than eloctrftcpe,0X1 v-l. iil _.'|.\i ll ln i.MI.--1 ir RLA. h

Kl'K v il Bl*n i i-.-. loi sl kalr IU - -ind tn|ia,*l-. l¦:_¦ m :.,,'i iv:,:,.- irorUl BO.*.*

tllk. trertft II M) . iJO

COLORED SILKS.We :ire sliewint' a very exteu-

sive collecttan of Printed EndiuSiJks....\. i.hT Vi IXCIfnfi vif.i: .D \'ALI E cn"ll *1 0.1 ,(),).".IN. II Ul VM WMUl. JM'AMM. {¦(*11 vm I Al hlLK .OU

FANCY GOODS.ONE LOI 09 ..I'l.n 1'I.ati: i III.1VK-, .39

Alao BOL10 SII.VI'.R l Ul I.INKS, at. .49Novelties in Hetal, Silver Plate,

Leather, and Wooilen Goodl Suit-able for l.anter l.ifts.AOPBCIAL BAROAIM IK UAIRBR1 .-.ill.s




Tn MM* Ihr Ia.0.->. ot S. iv.Y.irk vihn ,lo not Vaa* __..rmulni* 1oi>t4*r faiavr* Ifl tr» ,h.-,,, ».. .:lUj| 0,|,.r tl)

Tb^Zy:.^'^^-:'['" r"""" *"omm. ta

at 99 cts-

Thl«. aalr w.,1 b* rnnlln -il .. niiu ila>-. jn \ sa|,, ,. .,,eaaaaaMt iin,iii*4 t*. ;i pai.*..

SILK HANDKERCHIEFS.I.AI1IKS' WIIITF. JAl'AM Sl'. Ki-iinh. ', h.-r,, *q

HiirU. "oi-. ttt. . > Aui am i.v wiii 11. JAPAMEU. U.IU..1. le-Uui,, oi

'..,n<h lun., wnrth 4<n- _i . .->4LAD1K.S' WIIITI-J JAl*.\NI>K, n.l.ii.'il, ,..,. (-.

timldr-n-d, Klliirl,, wiirtl, ;,,v,-, ;,t. ._y_:

I.Al.ll.s- ItOU-KE-JKE i>l'.si.ii-. _t (aa. "iii »t vu!.,..., aa _tqcqfor T.V., ."' .*°t knd >0U

Ml.N's M-IVCH <ll INA, mrii l.i-m, rvgalai tt

lirici XHe, at .* * .

iti.Ns _o im ll JAPAjnOBB, l.i.i'i. >"». qqii-Juriil ln.rilir.i. f,,ri,n'rlT .§¦., at .*».

RUCS! RUCS!!i ontiiiiiatiou of'oui* larM Sale

olOKIIMAIi antl S.TIVB..AUtC_l. Oacr 1,000 varii'tiea to.elfct iVont.

BEDS & BEDDING.Mattresses.

$1.99PI-AI.V EXCELSIOIl if'ill *la«) .v

3.49plain iiimii ifiiii tt;/*).

2.34F.XCEUJIOR-JI'TI IOP (Ml .!»«).

4.59rini'.i: avi, iimi*. T"i' ran-¦"*.

io P0UMD9 IHORT RAIR [fall .I'*).13 97

M FOCXM B. A. iiAir. (ful. »i/»). a«aa*ri

10 POl'KM IH >'i* BLOCR, LOlfO DRAW*.

2.1.21Woven Wire "Spring Beds,",,-,., ,in $2.10. $2.86. $3.79 aaa

CAXVA8 COT BEDfl M.17 ma 4^1.40PBOLSTERED < OT iu !>-. vi**4b ». *, *>i.<4

arovirx wiri ror bkd_ «M.b4 aai ij>2.U4EXCF.I KIOII l' 1 TOP M vT- Cl _J 1 POB >. r Bl I'V.. 4?J.tAM'OBTU 9it0.

Feather Pillowsa ;' V'ERT t/iW llll, EM

64c. 82c, $1.17. $1.66. $2.07and $2.24 each.

Brass and Iron Bedsteads.Wll ITI. 1 * v Ml I.ii, IltfiN lll D


K.-i.r. M7.1- $7.48.,,,,,, $17.54 At*b.

BBA8- BEDSTKAD. I. l.i. M/.l

$28.81,,., $60.76 wh.

IBOK CKIRfl fWHITR BRAMRLRO «PO.40 ..fcBABBlRCTTRa *.*, II l I *Q 1 Q <v1t.Q1ksami i.i.u, oJW.lO _._ $10.ol _,rh.

LACE DEPT.N.'w Btock <>. Blacfc Silk lllisll

(ll MMKi*. .unl I'oint dfl liene l.atv.23c 47c

S lecfeBfl aHie. frMB "^ l* *tr\t paraaaa,

49c ,. 74c [v. ,,,,

* ,. WlC ,,, J>1.4_ I ^r ,..,,Tlir MOMT DK8IRABLE Q4TOD9 am> TBE BRBT

\- vl.' 1. -¦ IN 1 in i 11"« TO-DA1

BPBi 1 .ui la r.:.4i i. BILR DRAFKBT

m ra 13 a« otC. ,r<t ,ilC. ,,.r,,,IM.v, K II tM III.I.V l.v, f, n 01 m l\.. j am

vn.rtli 93 ii" "-I « 't Bl 1.4.7-r;.. vi. 1.411 ORtl STAL. vm. V il.l \.

il.vvi v I. vi ES wortfe 20 1 .!.* c.10

II.VN OS. .» 4--*- 'I'.l M INI' "I' RLA. Iv

11 vN ILL. LAI I. BARDfl fai M31c ., 1.81

ORRAT VABIBT. or m\i i.tin iKii.iM,*.Ai.:. [_oRS in llll l"N E-LBHOIDBREU

ii:p:min .- I.l^C ,. $1.14

DRESS TRI1YIIY1INGS.!.<.. le-. 9c*. loo, i.v, isc.!Sfl.jari'

J4«. .»lc Sfe, 19c, lle. 71c,»9r. yard*


4fc. lle, (iSc, 74c. 81c, Ht,96c, 99c. yard

Monh rRlMMlXDR i. Btaak -nd all Um ae* r\nI _tt p r v .ud . .tO

mi?lr&«w!t."~-~46o.f49o.56c.TB.COLORED BRAO EDOIRON loC, 1 _.C. vd.

A Vl.llV LAltOR ass. iin'.MKNT ..f ct r jirrOIRDLI .-. a.1 I NTlT.t.s.

114.1, §199, $299, $MI, 81.49,15.41, $-.31. S7..I each.

sPKCIAi. tl ii'i' ORRAMEMI PRIROR, Q r*laflbca *_ -i>: |.er v,ir,i OuC.



48c. 68c, 89c. $1.24. $1.44 .,'..AIJU-WOOL IN nn III 11:. ORAT, AMi BBOWB

$1.79, $1.99, ... $2.09 ^riu:\> ll BALBRIOOAM B1I1BTN a.m, nitAwr-'Rs

59c ,_...l.M.l.lsii BALBBIOOAB .Mliitrs AND DBAWBRR

$..19 .., $1.49 Mh.Ladies*.iKiisr.v RIBBBO vi:*-is. i.K-ii aaeh au* n.aimrt alaeafla . y_4JBBBBI RIBBBO, low mv- aad nhort '0Z*ilL'iV'», Vbllfl *.il I'.nyiitiau .38JI'i'.M..' RIBBBO VlXi.-,, i,iKh mtaa, long VZ

and rihorl alrov**., 4,hlti' antl K^jl'ttau. **%**

SHOES.¦00 I'AlltS . IIII.I.'.S MltAK.HI' OOA- AND ttt X

i.i.A/.Ki) Kin. iprlafl tn-i-1, aatlea. Sl |Q.200 I'AIHM MliiMBB' BTBAIOBT <;<>at and q m*

OIiASBD ivii», afrlag turi, battea $1.44VISV. ABtOBTMBXI OK LABIBR* Kli, $2.67

liiin N BOOT-, mi ataflfl itjrla CjO *J ALAIHI.s- BOTAL Iv'ID, PATKNT TII". 1IAND-'

SI'AVI'.D, lll IU.N IIOOTS; «.lUl M|g»i . ..." $*>' CLOTH TOP. KU> VOZBO, PAT-Un a. m

Tii', Wi.l.i BOOI . $0.74SPECIAL:

M-;w UrB <»r BOOTB, bAMK __, _KJLD KORXllE JUABl i'WO W__t___ ._ $X,6g



MSPIaAl OlLily Vases, Roso Bowlg and

Flower DBBIORBD rar ALTAR m. taiu..AOOBRMI >T at BXTBKMI t.V i.nvv j-nr. isI'rO RTVTAL i AXOELABBAfl | LfOlfTI thn f\m.LT OLAfB PBIBNfl vv.k.m*. OC.vU

EASTER CIFTS.i.Ma.i. aaar-l

Untmi c.i/iibitittn tf hanftpminxxoulE 4. H Tl. li Uio s, BI8QUEEOO IHSIILs. and FLOWERHOLDER8 OUitalrU tor EA8*TER UIFTS.

CHOICS OF 1,001 BtlRTOB «,<J LREBBPLOWRR roTI «..l J M'.i.ivir."., M i., ,29vn.low. OLB ROaR aa. 'Lt\ .,,. *. ..




ri v bl ra, RagUahOeeaael I M aaa - wo--*, O Q_lDIKXRR si r> v <-;-u i* i * o i

.>¦ >**-i- pl. a . . .'.!*>. 14.01CRAMBBB BKTB, BBfB*a I-Oralaflfl <1 .*¦.*>. O CQMlaa, ciiiii|^**i4* 41,(11 ku, -..,ih -.. ,' 6.O4J


iiliiiHt. cflaeat*** witi, f. U.n|,kmlM M-rv#r, hot wab-r 1. n.|.->r,in...rc-i. v».,th a: :.-,

ONYX TABLES.CEXTRE Taiu.r.v 13 la Uralraa najra :¦._>

a,,<1 llll x ..i.itr* ' ¦-.ei:.i>.




v lt. .il fl..or >V.A'.'ll l. I'LCK'R. m

j..1 v i'.i. diaU. Q C\i- 'I-l

M M .v N I. . I/" 1.-. 11.1 - .lli i.n-

at l __lilial**. «i(i V*'' ¦.. aptmaml ..<.*- 10 tL.trx

M-N II I. i l.i .. K 1,

f9 oj99J0M Itt.Ol

HOUSEFURNISHING DEPT.Sint'r Opfnitttt ttHP iific tmiffliitft

tn-hare iii'enthi enlartfd thit* de-

I'ttrtint'iif. (imi uoic cttmf n htrnepottpck 0/ Ixiteheu Fttmiturt thanttiitf other honse. nt itriccs '.'.» to.'l't l-.'i les* tImn elsetrhere.M- NT'-. KN 1.1 vNISi. MAI UINI*.

L';,,.;'. .¦ff.r.V* ".. 9i"M' $28-83BRAVl ii.iri.L. ¦¦ I. BAVCS. ^Qc 2.36

*.71 4 06...inu WABH ROIU-M °'* a.'flJae-B

...l'lT.i; TBA Kinus Ol-. _, IU-.

____! 49i*mi'i'i-.v. RBA-l'BE- _.--.,- *-*-»..

HAiii.wi.oii in Mt.vrs $5.58 m $".96HAlli.Wn.ii. BBPBIOBBATOM O.VO to10.ll

1 64oak D1HIRO CHA1R1 'aa . at _*._.1

lcrtowBB m.em x*im\9c

lawn OBABO BRRIM i'***.

Our llooU aad Stationerti />?».partnients, tjeeathi enlartted, ttrn

noic 011 secoud floor mf 98*980 haild-i"Wt Splcuriid tissnrtinrot ofEostcr Cttri.s aud BoottlBtOe

HARNESS AND SADDLF.RY.iJ'tiir I r. ... li a.u tiul!-l__.,

Department enlarsredicomplete and elegrant as-

sortment of Harness. Sad-dles, Blankets, and LapRobes. Inspectlon invlted.


ALL WOOL ART SQUARES.,3J laar, aaaa imti-ing.)

Iii 11 grofl varloty of now pat-terns and coloriii^s. ospeciallyadaptcd to tho furiiisliiiij; ofrountry houaot. and soaside oot*»tatres. At jfreatly reducod prices l

MN 3 ran!* br Vt rarAx. . $5*39fi 47

site 3 laaa- br 3 fai*. ».*

Maa 3 paaia br 3. T*rda. ''

¦aa 3 re** by * patia. J-MMllN-a-ri^lw*. *.

a,,. 4 v*.d' t»y .% jaaa-. 1Ul

10 79sl.. 3 v.fd< by 5 rar-. * .

mu « pM* br » r«d,. Mj