newsletter 3 - oasis academy bank leaze · 2/14/2019  · about hinese new year and the hinese...

Newsletter 3 Work Hard Be Nice Show Character What a busy term we have had in Recepon! Our topic this term has been Winter Wonderlandwhich has given us some great opportunies to explore all the magic of the cold wintery weather. In literacy we have been on a Polar bear hunt and learnt about all of the amazing animals that live in the Arc. We have conducted our own experiments with ice, and learnt about the beauful Aurora Borealis (Northern lights). Throughout these last two weeks at school we have learnt all about Chinese New Year and the Chinese zodiac, last week we pracsed dragon dances and tried some tasty Chinese food, this week we have been immersed in the legend of the Chinese Dragon! In Maths Mastery the children have been exploring numbers to 15. We have really been thinking about how we can solve number problems independently. Please connue to support your children at home by reading with them EVERY day and pracsing their tricky words so that they can progress through the Recepon reading levels. Mrs Friend Hola from Year 3. The weather this term may have been grey and cold but Year 3’s thoughts travelled all the way to Sunny Spain. This term we learnt to speak Spanish in regards to colours, numbers and shapes. Year 3 then took a trip through me to the Pyramids of Ancient Egypt with a day out at Bristol Museum and Art Gallery. Our junior Pharaohs hunted for ancient artefacts and researched the life of ancient Egypans. We uncovered mummified cats, ancient toys, and sarcophagi with their mummies. The class then travelled back to the me of terrible lizards or dinosaurs to you and me. We looked at how fossils formed to follow up last term topic. We then took our learning to the Egypan gods. The class mummified Barbie and painted a Pharaoh death mask to make sure we were worthy rulers of Egypt. Great fun was had and we learned a lot about what it must have been like to live in ancient Egypt. Mrs White. Welcome to our Term 3 newsleer – wow the last six weeks have gone quickly! And its been a great six weeks: aendance has been brilliant – were so grateful for your support in this; it means we have the best chance of the pupils doing well (and thats all we want – the chance for them to unlock their futures); the children have worked incredibly hard - its just what they do in our school. Weve done some naonal tests and our children are doing very well compared with children across the country in other Oasis Academies. Its not just academically that the children are doing well: they connue to do brilliantly in their PE lessons with Bristol Sport and their Music lessons with Preludes. We will connue to strive to give the children the very best deal that we can in order to equip them to choose their own future. Have a great week with them. Best wishes, David Wayland. TERM DATES 2018/19 Term From Unl 4 Monday 25 th Feb. 19 Fri. 5 th April 19 5 Tuesday 23 rd April 19 (Bank Hols – Mon. 22 nd April & Mon. 6 th May 19) Fri. 24 th May 19 6 Mon. 3 rd June 19 Fri. 19 th July 19 Our new website is now live! Informaon about the Academy, news, events and updates can be viewed online at:

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Page 1: Newsletter 3 - Oasis Academy Bank Leaze · 2/14/2019  · about hinese New Year and the hinese zodiac, last week we practised dragon dances and tried some tasty hinese food, this

Newsletter 3

Work Hard Be Nice

Show Character

What a busy term we have had in Reception! Our topic this term has been ‘Winter Wonderland’ which has given us some great opportunities to explore all the magic of the cold wintery weather. In literacy we have been on a Polar bear hunt and learnt about all of the amazing animals that live in the Artic. We have conducted our own experiments with ice, and learnt about the beautiful Aurora Borealis (Northern lights). Throughout these last two weeks at school we have learnt all about Chinese New Year and the Chinese zodiac, last week we practised dragon dances and tried

some tasty Chinese food, this week we have been immersed in the legend of the Chinese Dragon! In Maths Mastery the children have been exploring numbers to 15. We have really been thinking about how we can solve number problems independently. Please continue to support your children at home by reading with them EVERY day and practising their tricky words so that they can progress through the Reception reading levels. Mrs Friend

Hola from Year 3. The weather this term may have been grey and cold but Year 3’s thoughts travelled all the way to Sunny Spain. This term we learnt to speak Spanish in regards to colours, numbers and shapes. Year 3 then took a trip through time to the Pyramids of Ancient Egypt with a day out at Bristol Museum and Art Gallery. Our junior Pharaohs hunted for ancient artefacts and researched the life of ancient Egyptians. We uncovered mummified cats, ancient toys, and sarcophagi with their mummies. The class then travelled back to the time of terrible lizards or dinosaurs to you and me. We looked at how fossils formed to follow up last term topic. We then took our learning to the Egyptian gods. The class mummified Barbie and painted a Pharaoh death mask to make sure we were worthy rulers of Egypt. Great fun was had and we learned a lot about what it must have been like to live in ancient Egypt. Mrs White.

Welcome to our Term 3 newsletter – wow the last six weeks have gone quickly! And it’s been a great six weeks: attendance has been brilliant – we’re so grateful for your support in this; it means we have the best chance of the pupils doing well (and that’s all we want – the chance for them to unlock their futures); the children have worked incredibly hard - it’s just what they do in our school. We’ve done some national tests and our children are doing very well compared with children across the country in other Oasis Academies. It’s not just academically that the children are doing well: they continue to do brilliantly in their PE lessons with Bristol Sport and their Music lessons with Preludes. We will continue to strive to give the children the very best deal that we can in order to equip them to choose their own future. Have a great week with them. Best wishes, David Wayland.

TERM DATES 2018/19 Term From Until

4 Monday 25th Feb. 19 Fri. 5th April 19

5 Tuesday 23rd April 19

(Bank Hols – Mon. 22nd April & Mon. 6th May 19)

Fri. 24th May 19

6 Mon. 3rd June 19 Fri. 19th July 19

Our new website is now live! Information about the Academy,

news, events and updates can be viewed online at:

Page 2: Newsletter 3 - Oasis Academy Bank Leaze · 2/14/2019  · about hinese New Year and the hinese zodiac, last week we practised dragon dances and tried some tasty hinese food, this

Year 1 have had a great start to the year learning all about different animals from our book ‘The Snail and the Whale’. We have written many stories, lists and continued our knowledge of poetry and

the use of expanded noun phrases. In science we have explored different life cycles of animals and we even learnt some history about David Attenborough. In Year 1’s Maths Mastery lessons we are now becoming secure with numbers to 20 and even learnt how to tell the time. We have moved onto becoming secure with numbers to 50 and knowing how many tens and ones are in a number. We have had lots of fun in our Music lessons we have practised playing many instruments and even had a go at conducting the class through pieces of music. With Bristol Sport we have learnt lots of skills for football and how to control and dribble the ball. During our Art lessons we were very excited to explore the feel of clay and learn how to mould it. We made our very own snails. Miss Baker

Year 4 have learnt about internet safety this term. They have learnt how to be a responsible digital

citizen by always being kind to others online and to always tell an adult if someone if unkind you or if they get that ‘uh oh’ feeling! The children know that they must always ask permission from an adult before they post a picture and to always get consent from others before posting their picture. The class had an excellent discussion about trustworthy sites, viruses and reliable passwords. They then created their own memorable passwords by using names of their pets, symbols and a mixture of lower case and capital letters. Miss Owen

What a term Year 6 have had! The children have completed a set of mock tests (in preparation for SATs in May) and have conducted themselves in an outstanding manner which has contributed to a superb set of results!! This is incredibly promising given that they are three months ahead of the national tests. I am incredibly proud of all of you! Our book this term has been The London Eye Mystery which the children have really enjoyed reading and has allowed us to study London as a city, looking at its landmarks, history and the British monarchy. As always, the children have been incredibly inquisitive about this topic and have enjoyed learning about their capital city. They continue to impress me with their hard work across every area of the curriculum and they have been a joy to teach this term. Miss Parsons.

World Book Day - Thursday 7th March 2019

This year, for World Book Day, your child is invited to dress up as their

favourite fictional character from a book they love.

We also want to highlight the importance of sharing stories with your

children - just 10 minutes a day, any time, anywhere, can help create

readers for life.

Page 3: Newsletter 3 - Oasis Academy Bank Leaze · 2/14/2019  · about hinese New Year and the hinese zodiac, last week we practised dragon dances and tried some tasty hinese food, this

Class Attendance

Whole School (excluding nursery and reception)

96.3% 0.3% higher than most schools



Year 3


2.3% higher than most schools



1.8% lower than most schools

Year 4


1.3% higher than most schools

Year 6


0.4% higher than most schools

Year 5


0.3% lower than most schools

Year 2


0.6% higher than most schools

Year 1


2.1% lower than most schools

100% Attendance A HUGE WELL DONE to the following pupils for coming to

school on time, every day this year! (Correct 12/02/2019)

Aaleyah (Y2) George (Y6) Mason (Y6) Aaron (Y2) Harrison (Y5) Max (R)

Adam (Y3) Harvey (Y4) Megan (Y4)

Aiyonia (R) Issac-Eddie (Y2) Mia (Y2)

Alisha (Y2) Jacob (Y3) Michael (Y2)

Amelia (Y3) James-Lee (Y6) Nikola (Y4)

Callum (Y6) Keira (Y3) Rhia (Y4)

Cameron (Y3) Kiera (Y5) Riley (Y6)

Ellie (Y6) Lataya (R) Tirion (Y6)

Elliott (Y2) Leon (Y3) Vincent (Y3)

Erin (Y2) Liana-May (Y3) Zac (Y5) Fatou (Y1) Lottie (Y6) Francis (R) Mantas (Y6)

Page 4: Newsletter 3 - Oasis Academy Bank Leaze · 2/14/2019  · about hinese New Year and the hinese zodiac, last week we practised dragon dances and tried some tasty hinese food, this

Poster designed by Nikola W (Y4)