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  • 8/6/2019 Newspaper (Juncal Eta Irati)



    InBarcelona, thedemonstration finishedwith apitched battle,between MossosdEsquadra and anti-system young people.


    LITERATURE(Page 2)Mario Vargas Llosa wasawarded the NobelPrize in Literature2010.


    She appeared kissing adark-skinned man, whonobody knows yet.

    Hunger in the World (PAGE 6)

    The hunger in the world is going up. The famine is a

    widespread scarcity of food that may affect humans.Theworst thing is that the food can be equally distributed, but

    there are many countries where there isnt any food.THE NEW PERFUME(Page 13)

    Apple Blue is theperfume that thefamous people use.

    130 YEARS YOUNG(Page 8)

    Today we are going tospeak to a woman who is130 years young.


    Thursday, 2nd of

    June 2011.

    Price: 1.50

  • 8/6/2019 Newspaper (Juncal Eta Irati)


    Sometimes the endingis not a good one.


    The general strike of 29th of Septemberwas a disaster.

    In Barcelona forexample, itfinishedwith apitchedbattle,between

    MossosdEsquadraand anti-system

    young people. Theycaused 50injuredpeople and17 peoplewerearrested.


    Mario Vargas Llosa was awarded theNobel Prize in Literature 2010.

    He wasawardedbecause, hiscareer hasbeen verylong and hehas

    written manybooks, such asLa ciudad y losperros (1962),La fiesta delChivo (2000)and El sueo delcelta (2010)

  • 8/6/2019 Newspaper (Juncal Eta Irati)



    Karate kid is a remake filmof the 1984. Its a martialarts

    film.The director is Harald Zwart,produced by Will andJadaPinkett Smith. The maincharactersare Jackie Chan and JadenSmith.

    The argumentDretriot (JadenSmith) moves withhis mother toChina, because

    they run awayfromthe neighborhoodbully.Mr. Han (JackieChan), a kung fumaster whoteaches him thesecrets to self-defense.Dretriot fell in love

    with Mei Ying, but he has a problem with her,because they arent allowed to be together.

  • 8/6/2019 Newspaper (Juncal Eta Irati)


    We are going to speak about Jennifer Anistons life.

    Her real name isJennifer JoannaAniston; shewas born on the

    11th February in1969 inCalifornia. Shewas marriedwith Brad Pitt.She is aproducer andfilm maker. Shegot recognition for

    interpreting Rachel Greenin the sitcom series called,Friends. This role made herwin an Emmyprize, a GoldenGlobe prize andan Artistsyndicate prize.

    Jennifer Aniston

    is enjoying acareer in thecinema, she isappearing inmore films in Hollywood.She has made more films,such as Shes the Onein1996, Office Spacein1999, The Good Girlin

    2002and Friends withMoneyin 2006, but hermore film are Bruce

    Almightyin 2003, AlongCame Pollyin 2004, TheBreak-Upin 2006, Marley

    & Mein 2008, andHes Just Not ThatInto You in 2009.

    Jennifer Aniston,

    Brad Pitts ex-wife,is the mostbeautiful actress inHollywood. MTV ex-president, TonyDiSanto, wants tobroadcast a realityshow about her


    El Hormiguero Cuatrosprogramme has become atelevision program where

    the famous go tobe interviewed. ElHormiguero hasdecided to bring

    Jennifer Anistonand Adam Sandler,

    because they havemade a new filmSigueme elRollo. At the

    moment the film in on atthe cinema and hasbecome a success.In thefilm, the mostimportant person is Adam

    Sandler whose role is awomanizer, and he willhave to make up a fabulousfamily and Jennifer Anistonwill be his wife.

    some gossipingabout JenniferAniston

  • 8/6/2019 Newspaper (Juncal Eta Irati)


    Jennifer Aniston, ex-girlfriend of Brat Pitt(was born on the11th February 1969)has a lot of

    photographies in verygood company onThanks Giving Daysholidays. She was enLos Cabos in Mexicowith some friends.

    She appeared kissinga dark-skinned man,who nobody knowsyet. Both of them

    booked a luxuriousresort. They spent a

    very good timetogether.Nobody knows whothis man is, perhapshe is the man who

    Jennifer has sharedemotions since

    August.Jennifer loves Mexicoand we can see inthat photographythat she spent a verygood time with herman and her friends.

    Hunger in the World

    The hunger in the world is going up. The

    famine is a widespread scarcity of foodthat may affect humans.

    In ouropinion the hunger isthe most

  • 8/6/2019 Newspaper (Juncal Eta Irati)


    important problem inthe world, becausemore people dieevery dayeverywhere.

    The worst thing isthat the foodcan be equallydistributed,but there aremanycountries

    where thereisnt any food.But in othermanycountries there is a

    lot of food. Forexample in Africathere are a lot ofchildren who haventgot anything to eat.

    Nowadays the hungeris a problemwhich is in ourlife and wedont doanything tochange it.

    There areorganizations,though, whichare helping.

    Trip to BarcelonaDay 1

    Three weeks ago, we wentto Barcelona.We left fromPortugalete athalf past six.We went bybus all the tripand we used itto move for allthe places thatwe visited. The journeywas very longuntil wearrived inBarcelona, butwe enjoyed

    ourselves singing alltogether, listening to

    music, takingphotos orspeaking

    At two oclockmore or less,we arrived atCavas

  • 8/6/2019 Newspaper (Juncal Eta Irati)


    Codorniu. There, we couldvisit the cavas winery.Before that, we watched afilm explaining what wewere going to visit. Then,one tourist guide told ushow the cava was


    After visiting this museum,we visited two cathedrals:The Cathedral of theSea .The first day, wevisited the Rambles Streettoo.

    In the Rambles Street wewere allowed some free

    time. We decided go toshopping, and them wemet in the NapoleonStreet. Then we went tothe bus, and went to thehotel.Day 2

    Today we visited TheGell Park and theSacred Family Cathedralwe got a tourist guide totell us how it was built. Thebuilding is fantasticbecause it is AntonioGaudis construction. Verybeautiful.

    Then we went to the hotelin Barcelona.

    Day 3

    Thefollowingday, wevisited


    InTarragonawe sawmorethings. The

    amphitheatrewasconstructedby the

    Romans. Wesaw where

    the gladiators stayed.Its verybeautifulbecause its aRomanconstruction.

    Then we wentto the hotel inSalou.

    Day 4

    That day wewent to thePort Aventura

    Park. Westayed all day

    there. We ate inthe park. In PortAventura wemet other

    schools too. Weget on many

  • 8/6/2019 Newspaper (Juncal Eta Irati)


    rides, we gotreally wet from some ofthe rides.

    Day 5

    We visited the Camp

    Nou and then we cameback to Portugalete. In

    the Baras camp, wesaw the museum of allthe prizes. In the campwe could readsomething written in thestands: it said Ms que

    un club. It wasfabulous.


    Good morning. Today we are going tospeak with a woman who is 130 yearsyoung. She says that she feels like ayoung girl. Now we are going to interviewher. Listen to her talking about her life.

    1- What do you do to

    feel so young?Well I always do a bitexercise.

    2- Whatabout yoursons anddaughters?I have three

    sons andfourdaughters,but two of them are

    dead. (She is verysad).3- OkayAndWho

    is the person wholooks after you?

    My oldest daughtersdaughter. She is verygood at it.

    4- How old is she?75 years old.

    5- Wow!Does yourdaughter feel

    as young asyou?

    Yes! We do exercisetogether!

    6- What do you dowhen you go to doexercise?

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    We walk every day,around our garden orwe go to the park.

    7- And What is yourroutine like?Its the same as an

    other life. In the

    morning, I go shoppingwith my daughter. Then,I prepare the lunchwhile my daughter andmy granddaughter aresetting the table.


    1 1. Whatproductis thisadvertisement for?

    Orbitchewing gum.1 2. Whatpictures are

    used in theadvertisement?

    2 There is a picture wherepeople smiling appear,and their teeth shine.

    1 3. Whatcolours areused?

    2 There are soft colours,but, to advertise thechewing gum, they usedwhite.

    1 4. What kind oftypeface andsymbolsare used?

    2 They used smiles, andthe slogans typeface is

    very small.1 5. Choose five

    keywords from theadvertisement and writethem below.

    2 White is the keyword.1 6. Whatclaims or

    promises does theadvertisement make?

    2 The advertisementpromises you will have

    white smile by chewingthis gum.

    1 7. Whatslogans areused?

    2 Help keep teeth White.1 8. How does this

    advertisement make thereader want to buy the


    2 You can see very whiteteeth. If you eat chewing

  • 8/6/2019 Newspaper (Juncal Eta Irati)


    gum, you will haveshining smile.

    1 9. What is wrong withthis advertisement?Write four sentences

    below, following theexamples.

    2 We would put the sloganbigger than it is.



    When our parents told us a tale, it alwaysfinished well, but how do fairy tales reallyend?Sometimes the ending is not a good one,for example The Little Mermaid:Our parents told us that the littlemermaid married a Prince Charming. But

    really the little mermaid finishes as thefood of the prince.

    The day before thewedding day, thelittlemermaid

    went tohave abath.Suddenly,while shewasrelaxing

    someonehad done something

    her. In the nightwhen the prince was

    waiting forher, the

    servantbrought a dishof seafood.Everybodyknew what thefish on thisdish was.

    When theprince found the

  • 8/6/2019 Newspaper (Juncal Eta Irati)


    flower that he hadgiven to her the lastnight in the dish, heknew that the

    seafood was the littlemermaid. He wasvery heartbroken.




    When Spain playedvs. Holland on the 8th

    of July 1-0. In the 116minute Iniesta has

    scored a goal to

    Holland. The Spainwon The World Cup.

    The Spains fans

    were very happy,

    because their football

  • 8/6/2019 Newspaper (Juncal Eta Irati)


    team has won TheWorld Cup. TheHollands fans werevery sad, because

    their football teamhas lost The WorldCup.

    HANDBALL Spainselection haswon vs.Holland.

    They haveplayed on

    the 24th

    ofNovember.Spanishteam of girlswon 24 21to Holland

    team of girls. Spanish team, work very well


    TENNISRogerFederer haswon vs. RafaNadal. Theyhave playedon 28th ofNovember.RogerFederer gotthe first and

    third sets (3-6, 6-3, and 1-6). Rafa Nadal haslost Copa Masters and his dream has to wait.

  • 8/6/2019 Newspaper (Juncal Eta Irati)


    RecipeToday, we are going to prepare a beautifuldessert for a dinner with friends or family.

    This dessert is called:Fruits in mint and cinnamon syrup

    Ingredients for thedessert:200 gr of sugar.1 Litre of water.

    3 Sticks of cinnamon.1 Bunch of mint.3 Kiwis.3 Nectarines.10 Strawberries.

    Preparation: Heat the sugar with water and cinnamon. Let it

    boil for five minutes in a slow fire. Remove thesticks of cinnamon and add the mint. Crushthem with the knife and strain.

    Peel and cut the kiwis and the nectarines.Remove the strawberries stem and cut them ina half.

    Fill a big bowl with the fruits and then cover.

    With the mints syrup and cinnamon. Servecold because the taste is better.

    You can use different fruits for example: mangoand pineapple.

  • 8/6/2019 Newspaper (Juncal Eta Irati)



    With this perfume you will attract the manthat you want.

    Apple Blue is the perfume that the famouspeople use.

    You will be the number one. You will feel

    gorgeous. We have chosen this perfume because,

    the teenagers love smelling very well. This perfume will last for hours.

    BUY IT!


    Hello Jammy:We think you have toexplain all that you think toyour boyfriend. If you askyour boyfriend if he ischatting on you with otherand he agree, you have toforget him. He isnt for you.We hope that it will only beyour mind.KissesSally and Alice.

    Jammy, 15

  • 8/6/2019 Newspaper (Juncal Eta Irati)



    We are students of Ballonti High School. In this partof our newspaper we are going to express our

    opinion about the children whose lives are punishedby other people; for example: by their parents, theirfamily, their classmates

    Hi Sofia,Ask your friend to speakwith his friends to find

    out if he likes you or not.If he likes you dont loseyour time, but if hedoesnt like you dontlose hope. Try to get onwell with him, and maybe in a near future he willlike you.Kisses.

    Sofia, 14

    If you want to ask for some advice, call us or write us.Our telephone number is: 979 558 617

    And our address is: High Street, 15. London.If you want to e-mail us:thepopular/[email protected]

    Dear Popular:Im a teenager who is 15 years old.I have a big problem with myboyfriend. I think that he chattingon me with other girl in my class. I

    dont what I have to do, Imbecoming crazy! Help me, please.Thanks. Kisses xxx

    Hello Sally and Alice,

    Im 14 years old. I like a boy but Ithink he hasnt set eyes on me. He isone year older than me but I have afriend who she gets on well with hisfriends. I like him a lot, what can Ido?Thanks. xxx

  • 8/6/2019 Newspaper (Juncal Eta Irati)


    Children arent toys, dont use them as slaves


    Sagittarius23rd November 22nd December

    Love: you will meet aspecial boyfriend and hellsaid I love you You are thebest.

    Gemini21st May 21stJune

    At work: this month will notbe good for your job.

    Capricorn23rd December 20thJanuary

    Love: you will meet aspecial person.

    Cancer22ndJune 23rdJuly

    At work: your job willstressyou.

  • 8/6/2019 Newspaper (Juncal Eta Irati)


    Aquarius21stJanuary 19th February

    Love: this month you willfall in love with your bestfriend; it is very fabulous.

    Leo24thJuly 23rd August

    At work: this month youwill find the ideal job.

    Pisces20th February 20th March

    Love: you will meet a newand special friend.

    Virgo24th August 23rd September

    At work: this month youwill get a promotion.

    Aries21st March 20th April

    Love: your relationship withyour boyfriend will be very


    Libra24th September 23rd October

    At work: you will win thelottery and you mustnt

    work more.Taurus

    24th September 23rd October

    Love: this month you willmeet more people but onlyone is special.

    Scorpio24th October 22nd November

    At work: you will do a verygood work this month.



  • 8/6/2019 Newspaper (Juncal Eta Irati)



    6.00New 24h

    The news The newsThe fusionsonora

    The news

    7.00 The


    Shin Chan The algos The news Buena



    Public mirror The ZappingAna Rosassprogram

    Get up andwin


    Knowhow tolive


    Red alarm Futurama

    11.00 The

    morningThe CuatroMorning

    Family gay



    women &vice versa




    Rich &Famous



    The Sipmsons

    The news The goodlaw

    The news

    15.00 The

    newsFriends The news I know that

    you weredoing16.0

    0Love introubledtime

    The news +weather

    Channel n 4 Save me

    (diary)17.0 Loves Afternoons

  • 8/6/2019 Newspaper (Juncal Eta Irati)


    0 sea film Numb3ers18.00 Direct


    3D Highvoltage


    The diary Money UEFAEuropaLegue



    People KarlosArguiano

    The news The news



    The news Thestreetwalker

    The news Theintermediate



    Physics &chemistry

    Film Big brother Who livesthere?



    Today, Thursday, it is going to be cloudy and itmay rain. The maxim temperatures will be 30Cand minim 19C.

    Tomorrow, Saturday, its going to be better, it willbe cloudy. The maxim temperatures will be 26Cand minim 18C.

    On Sunday its going to be cloudy and its going torain. The maxim temperatures will be 24C andminim 15C.

  • 8/6/2019 Newspaper (Juncal Eta Irati)


    On Monday its going to better but its cloudy. Themaxim temperatures will be 23C and the minim15C.



    The film is about a boy who works in themuseum. During the night the museumbecomes alive.

    Tierra delobos

    Leticia yFelipe

    This film is about two teenagers who fellin love. They go through many problems.

    This series is about the life of our king &queen. It tells us what their life is like.

    The series is about what happened inSpain in the 2nd century.

    Threemetersabovethe sky

    Thenight onthemuseum


    The series is about two families in 1875.

    The film is about the boy who becomesan avatar, and he falls in love with theshe-avatar. It happens in 2154.