november - december canticle 2010

 Upcoming Events Nov ember 25th, Church Office closed for Thanksgiving Great Cooki e Sale , Nov ember 26th, Country Springs Hotel Bring freshly baked cookies to church on Sunday, Nov. 21st. Men’s Club 6:30 pm December 13th V estr y Meeting 6:30 pm December 20th New Member Class 7:00 pm T uesday Evenings 5:15 pm Wednesd ay Evenin gs Christmas Services Friday December 24th, 4:00 pm, Children’s Pageant/ Holy Eucharist 10:00 pm Christmas Eve Service Sunday , Dec.26th (Christmas) 8 :00 am & 10:15 am Holy Eucharist December 2010 Our Mission: Come to see, Come to know, Come to Serve Jesus

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Stewardship Sunday is this Sunday, November 21st.

 Jesus said: “Man shall not live by bread alone.” He was certainly right! It is

not what we have that makes us happy. It is how we use what we have that makesthe difference. People are searching for happiness, peace and contentment. They can never

find it outside of the Kingdom of God.

From the very beginning of time, people have sought to find a real meaning to life.

They have turned to every kind of philosophy….every way of life...and have come up short.

All of these philosophies have failed to produce lasting happiness. Is there any real happi-ness in life? Yes, there is. It is to be found in Christ. To search for the truth, the way, the life

outside of Christ is to search in vain.

God is the Creator. We have been formed in God’s image and in God’s likeness. We

are made for fellowship with God. As we honor God with our daily living, we find our-

selves in complete agreement with our Creator. Our goal is to find eternal peace with

God. In order to enjoy that peace, you must grow in the grace and knowledge of your Sav-

ior. This means that you must study God’s word and communicate with God in prayer.

God desires that, first of all, you give yourself. When you do this, you will find a

certain satisfaction. Then God wants your time, talent, and resources to be focused forgood. This means total commitment of what you have to God. That’s a hard step to take,

but it will bring complete happiness and satisfaction in serving God. Others struggle with it

all of their lives and miss the real blessings of God.

God, gives us the right to choose the way that we will live our lives and wants us to

completely commit ourselves to good works. God promises us blessings when we do that.

Those who have tried it have verified that God is able to keep those promises to us.

Seek to be what God wants you to be today!

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The Book of Common Prayer reminds us that “our common life depends upon each othtoil.” If we do toil, we are fortunate. If we don’t, we keep looking for a job. Hard times suc

these call for gentle words. One finds them in unexpected places. The neighborhood sup

market, for instance. Occasionally one may bump into someone who looks familiar but most

barring the people who work there - we’re strangers.

There’s much to be learned. First of all, despite the economy, people are being incredibly

about it. You smile, they smile back. You say good morning, you get the response to match.

At the meat counter any woman will gladly tell you the best way to make round steak. A yo

person covered with tattoos will point out his (or her) favorite tat. A mother loves to hthat her child is beautiful. The market’s flower lady will explain why she loves her job. Peo

will give you a nickel if you’re five cents short. Retired people will give you skips in a long They aren’t in a hurry because they are, well, retired.

We know virtually nothing about the strangers we have met. We don’t know their burdens.

at the end of the day when we offer prayers at our meals we can think back to the private l

we have encountered and repeat the gracious words, “May we truly remember the needs of o


Terry Lorbiecki 

Please and Thank You

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New Members

We have two new member classes going presently. Have you introduced yourselves to the new

members . This is a very exciting time for both the new members and for the rest of the parish

Make them feel welcome and share some of your faith stories with them. Coffee hour is a good

time to do this. Have you signed up to provide for a Sunday coffee hour? Sign up on the newsboard.

The Daughters of the King held their meeting on Monday, September 25th at 7:00 pm. in the

hearth room. We elected new officers for the year and they are: President, Ruth Itzov, Vice

President, Sam Davies, and Secretary-treasurer, Joanne Holmes. We decided at this meeting to

meet twice a month. We will meet on the second Sunday of the month at noon to discuss our

study book, “Becoming a Prayer Warrior”. We will also continue to meet on the last Monday of

the month at 7:00 pm to conduct business and to continue discussion on our book. All wome

of the parish are invited to attend a meeting and discussion.

 Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service

 Emmanuel Community UMC at 7:00 pm on Wednesday, November 24th. 

Daughters of the King

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Flowers to Adorn God’s Altar

Flowers are placed on the Altar to express our thanksgivings, special prayers, anniversaries, birt

days or in memory of a special person in your life. Maybe you have seen some pretty flowers

the grocery store that you would like to buy and donate but don’t like arranging flowers. Ther

are people on the Altar Guild who take great enjoyment in arranging flowers. Just call Diane N

man at 262-250-0229 and she would be happy to help you. If you would like to donate money t

ward flowers with special intentions the cost would be $30 for an arrangement and can be put

the offering plate marked flowers. Sign up on the flower chart located on the News Board. Yo

can also share a date and cost with someone else.

Those wising to contribute toward Christmas flowers may sign up on the designated form on t

bulletin board (there will only be greens on the altar for Advent). All of us should consider taki

one Sunday to give glory to God for the many wonderful things happening in our lives. Please r

member that once the flowers are put on the altar they must remain there until the next Sund

LARCUM Upcoming Events

The week of Prayer for Christian Unity, is January 18-25. There is a possibility

of having a pulpit exchange for that Sunday.

The 2011 LARCUM Choir Concert to be held on Sunday, February 20, at St.

Mary’s Catholic Church.

The donation site from Hope Network has been moved to Holy Cross. See the

bulletin board for additional information.

If you have any questions about LARCUM events , please contact myself, J.D.

Polley, your Vestry representative to LARCUM.

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Angelus Guild

The Angelus Guild are making craft projects for their sale next year. They welcome all who

would like to make some items for their craft sale next year. All are welcome to join them, If

you have any questions on what to make or about the sale, feel free to contact Liz Stolaski.

2011 Entertainment Books

The 2011 Entertainment books are here!!!! Many restaurants and event coupons are in

there. Same great savings and even the same low price of $35. This is $5 off the retail price

and can be delivered to your home. You may start to use them immediately. You can even

order out of town books for loved ones across America.

We are also selling the smaller Gold C books ($15)). Either type of book makes an excel-

lent gift or present, so buy a few for your family and friends.

Please support this fund raising event and call Craig Korn (262-703-0321) to reserve your

books now. Hundreds of dollars of savings will be at your fingertips.

If you would like to help sell these books by talking them up at your work place, with

friends or neighbors, Craig would be happy to get you a book to show perspective buyers.

These make wonderful Christmas gifts, especially in these economic times when everyone

likes to save money when going out to eat. They also have coupons for sport events, dry

cleaners, car wash, golf courses etc.

The Entertainment Book Committee

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St. Francis Annual Parish Picnic

The annual parish picnic is history but the memories still remain. Fun was had by all those who atended. We had varieties of good food as well as the usual picnic hot dogs and brats . We would

like to thank all those who pitched in and helped with the planning and with the set-up, cooking,

games, organizing the food and clean-up. Without all your help it wouldn’t have been a success.

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Please keep these fellow parishioners in your thoughts and prayers throughout the

month. Send them a birthday card or, even better wish them a happy birthday

when you see them.

2nd Pat Hamilton

7th Jean Hufnagel

Kaleigh Kirchoff 

9th Mother Anita Braden

16th Andrea Archambeau

Regina Brisk 

19th Greta Smith

24th Andy Ukasick 

26th Shirley Kapus,


November Birthdays

18th Bill & Jo Grigg

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rant that their wills may be so knit to-

ether in your will, and their spirits in

our spirit, that they may grow in love

nd peace with you and one another all

he days of their life. Amen

December Birthday’s


4th Kaytlyn Korn

5th Skyler Kelley

6th Jen Lowrance

11th Matthew Holmes

15th Dorothy Parks

16th Sarah Chase

Ruth Itzov

17th Grant Bourn

18th Ted Itzov

20th Liz Gregovich

Leslie Thorkelson

22nd Mark Bogan

24th Sandy Tait

25th Mia Montenegro

26th Kamisa Holmes

5th Montie & Lil Montenegro

10th Ron & Diane Neuman

13th John & Rachel Kelley

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St. Francis Episcopal Church

N84 W16525 Menomonee Avenue

P. O. Box 194

Menomonee Falls, WI 53052-0194

St. Francis Episcopal Church

N84 W16525 Menomonee Avenue

Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin 53051


The Right Reverend Steven Miller, BishopThe Reverend Anita Braden, Rector

Bob Mustin, Jr. Warden

 J.D. Polley, Treasurer

 Worship Services

Sunday Mornings,

8:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist

9:00 a.m. Sunday School & Adult Education

10:15 a.m. Holy Eucharist