numerical simulations and measurements of a droplet size ... · 1 numerical simulations and...

Numerical Simulations and Measurements of a 1 Droplet Size Distribution in a Turbulent Vortex 2 Street 3 Ellen Schmeyer * ,R´obertBord´as , Dominique Th´ evenin , Volker John §¶ 4 Abstract 5 A turbulent vortex street in an air flow interacting with a disperse 6 droplet population is investigated in a wind tunnel. Non-intrusive mea- 7 surement techniques are used to obtain data for the air velocity and the 8 droplet velocity. The process is modeled with a population balance system 9 consisting of the incompressible Navier–Stokes equations and a population 10 balance equation for the droplet size distribution. Numerical simulations 11 * Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics Leibniz Institute in Forschungsverbund Berlin e. V. (WIAS), Mohrenstr. 39, 10117 Berlin, Germany, [email protected] University of Magdeburg ”Otto von Guericke”, LSS/ISUT, Universit¨atsplatz 2, 39106 Magdeburg, Germany, [email protected] University of Magdeburg ”Otto von Guericke”, LSS/ISUT, Universit¨atsplatz 2, 39106 Magdeburg, [email protected] § Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics Leibniz Institute in Forschungsverbund Berlin e. V. (WIAS), Mohrenstr. 39, 10117 Berlin, Germany, and Free University of Berlin, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Arnimallee 6, 14195 Berlin, Germany, [email protected] corresponding author 1

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Page 1: Numerical Simulations and Measurements of a Droplet Size ... · 1 Numerical Simulations and Measurements of a 2 Droplet Size Distribution in a Turbulent Vortex 3 Street Ellen Schmeyer,

Numerical Simulations and Measurements of a1

Droplet Size Distribution in a Turbulent Vortex2


Ellen Schmeyer∗, Robert Bordas†, Dominique Thevenin‡, Volker John§¶4


A turbulent vortex street in an air flow interacting with a disperse6

droplet population is investigated in a wind tunnel. Non-intrusive mea-7

surement techniques are used to obtain data for the air velocity and the8

droplet velocity. The process is modeled with a population balance system9

consisting of the incompressible Navier–Stokes equations and a population10

balance equation for the droplet size distribution. Numerical simulations11

∗Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics Leibniz Institute in

Forschungsverbund Berlin e. V. (WIAS), Mohrenstr. 39, 10117 Berlin, Germany,

[email protected]†University of Magdeburg ”Otto von Guericke”, LSS/ISUT, Universitatsplatz 2, 39106

Magdeburg, Germany, [email protected]‡University of Magdeburg ”Otto von Guericke”, LSS/ISUT, Universitatsplatz 2, 39106

Magdeburg, [email protected]§Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics Leibniz Institute in

Forschungsverbund Berlin e. V. (WIAS), Mohrenstr. 39, 10117 Berlin, Germany, and Free

University of Berlin, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Arnimallee 6, 14195

Berlin, Germany, [email protected]¶corresponding author


Page 2: Numerical Simulations and Measurements of a Droplet Size ... · 1 Numerical Simulations and Measurements of a 2 Droplet Size Distribution in a Turbulent Vortex 3 Street Ellen Schmeyer,

are performed that rely on a variational multiscale method for turbulent12

flows, a direct discretization of the differential operator of the population13

balance equation, and a modern technique for the evaluation of the coales-14

cence integrals. After having calibrated two unknown model parameters,15

a very good agreement of the experimental and numerical results can be16


In einem Windkanal wird eine turbulente Wirbelstraße in einer Luft-18

stromung mit einer dispergierten Tropfchenpopulation untersucht. Um19

Daten bezuglich der Luft– und Tropfchengeschwindigkeiten zu gewinnen,20

werden nichtintrusive Messtechniken verwendet. Der zu Grunde liegende21

Prozess wird mit einem Populationsbilanzsystem modelliert, welches aus22

den inkompressiblen Navier–Stokes–Gleichungen und einer Populations-23

bilanzgleichung fur die Tropfchenverteilungsdichte besteht. Numerische24

Simulationen werden durchgefuhrt, welche eine variationelle Mehrskalen-25

methode fur turbulente Stromungen, eine direkte Diskretisierung des Dif-26

ferentialoperators der Populationsbilanzgleichung und ein modernes Ver-27

fahren zur Berechnung der Koaleszensintegrale verwenden. Nachdem zwei28

unbekannte Modellparameter kalibriert worden sind, kann eine sehr gute29

Ubereinstimmung der experimentellen und numerischen Ergebnisse beob-30

achtet werden.31

1 Introduction32

An active field of research in meteorology is the evolution of clouds. Since an33

enormous difficulty consists in obtaining reliable data from nature, a straight-34

forward approach is to perform wind tunnel experiments that represent some35

important properties of clouds. Based on available experimental data, models36


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and numerical methods can be studied for their ability to reproduce these data37

and therefore to be potential candidates for the modeling and simulation of38

clouds. This paper presents a study that includes experiments, modeling, and39

numerical simulations.40

Clouds can be thought of as consisting of small water droplets moving in41

air. The motion of the air is often turbulent and it causes frequent droplet-42

droplet interactions. The performed wind tunnel experiments focused exactly43

on this feature. In first experiments, described in detail in Bordas et al. (2011,44

2012, 2013b), a turbulent channel flow was considered. This type of flow is one45

of the simplest turbulent flows and it is characterized by the absence of large46

coherent eddies. In Bordas et al. (2012, 2013a), a research program containing47

experiments, modeling, and numerical simulations was performed for this type48

of flow. In particular, a number of numerical methods were identified such that49

a good agreement of experimental and numerical results could be obtained.50

However, large coherent eddies might be present in turbulent flows in clouds.51

For this reason, a second experiment was designed, which led to the formation52

of large coherent eddies (large with respect to the diameter of the droplets). To53

this end, a cylinder was inserted into the wind tunnel such that the formation54

of a turbulent Karman vortex street was caused. The current paper considers55

this configuration.56

Water droplets were injected into a Gottingen-type wind tunnel with a closed57

test section. In between the injection point and the test section, the cylin-58

der was inserted. Experimental data of both phases, i.e., velocities of air and59

droplets, were determined with non-intrusive measurement techniques. These60

time-averaged data were used as boundary conditions for the model and for com-61


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parison with the results from the numerical simulations. All measurement data62

are collected in an online database accessible at

The considered process can be found as M3 in this database. The raw measure-64

ment results were further post-processed, so that all required data are in a65

suitable form for comparisons and validation.66

The behavior of the air-droplet flow was modeled by means of a population67

balance system. The incompressible Navier–Stokes equations describe the mo-68

tion of the turbulent flow field. They are coupled with a population balance69

equation for the droplet size distribution (DSD). Whereas the velocity and the70

pressure of the flow field depend on time and space, the DSD depends in addi-71

tion on an internal coordinate, which is here the diameter of the droplets. In the72

used model, the transport of the droplets with the flow field, the growth of the73

droplets in supersaturated air, and the coalescence of droplets were considered.74

The selected collision kernel has two unknown parameters.75

There are several, principally different, approaches for the numerical simula-76

tion of population balance systems. Applying some time-stepping scheme, one77

has to solve in each discrete time a population balance equation that is defined78

in a 4D domain, spanned by the spatial coordinates and the internal coordinate.79

Popular approaches for dealing with this difficulty are momentum-based meth-80

ods, in particular the direct quadrature method of moments (DQMOM) from81

Marchisio and Fox (2005). Also operator-splitting schemes have been proposed82

in Ganesan and Tobiska (2012). These two approaches reduce the complexity83

of the numerical solution of the 4D equation by solving problems in lower-84

dimensional domains instead. However, this reduction of complexity introduces85

some (unknown) error. With the rise of computer power in the last decade, also86


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direct discretizations of the 4D equation became possible. Errors resulting from87

complexity reduction are avoided in this approach. Direct discretizations of the88

equation for the DSD will be studied in the numerical simulations presented in89

this paper.90

In recent years, we gained some experience with the approach of using direct91

discretizations, based on finite difference and finite element methods, see Bordas92

et al. (2012, 2013a); Hackbusch et al. (2012). In the numerical simulations pre-93

sented in this paper, the best methods from these studies were applied. A main94

goal of the numerical simulations was the identification of the unknown model95

parameters from the collision kernel. This goal was achieved by calibrating96

experimental and numerical data. The basis of this calibration was a space-97

time averaged DSD at the outlet of the test section. In addition, the impact of98

different kinds of flows on the same DSD will be investigated numerically.99

The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 describes the setup and the100

procedure for the measurements. The model of the process is introduced and101

discussed in Section 3. A short description of the numerical methods is provided102

in Section 4. The experimental and numerical results are presented in Section 5.103

The paper concludes with a summary and an outlook in Section 6.104

2 Measurement setup105

A wind tunnel capable of generating a disperse two-phase flow, available at the106

University of Magdeburg “Otto von Guericke”, has been used for the present107

measurements, roughly corresponding to conditions found in cumulus clouds as108

discussed in Bordas et al. (2011, 2013b), see also Table 1. This wind tunnel is109


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a fully computer-controlled, so-called Prandtl or Gottingen-type wind tunnel,110

shown in Fig. 1. The test section itself is of size height × width × length =111

0.5× 0.6× 1.5 m. It includes transparent windows of size 0.45× 0.5 m. In this112

manner, non-intrusive optical measurements are possible, which is essential for113

high-quality experimental investigations of such flows.114

Table 1: Comparison of physical properties in cumulus clouds and in the wind

tunnel flow, from Bordas et al. (2011).

cumulus clouds wind tunnel

relative humidity saturated saturated

(vertical) velocities a few m/s ∼ 2.5 m/s

LWC 0.1 . . . 7 g/m3 ∼ 2 g/m3

mean droplet diameter 10 . . . 20 µm ∼ 12.5 µm

number density 1 . . . 7000 no./cm3 ∼ 2000 no./cm3

The present paper considers a configuration with a bluff body. It is a cylinder115

with a diameter of D = 0.02 m, fixed at the height of z = +0.09 m perpendicular116

to the main flow, right before the measurement section as shown in Fig. 1,117

right. For the reasons described in Bordas et al. (2012), the measurement area118

is finally restricted to the lower half of the cross-section in the wind tunnel. The119

longitudinal coordinate of the beginning of the measurement section was set120

to be x = 0 m. Different measurement planes perpendicular to the main flow121

direction were investigated, at x = 0 m, x = 0.2 m, and x = 0.4 m. The first122

plane at x = 0 m was measured particularly thoroughly, since it provided the123

information needed for the boundary condition of the numerical simulations.124

The disperse phase was generated with the help of a spray system, actuated125


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by means of eccentric screw pumps. The number of revolutions per minute of126

the pumps (rpm), needed to inject the required water volume flow rate, was127

adjusted by a frequency regulator including a Proportional Integral Derivative128

(PID) regulation coded in LabView. In order to generate a typical cumulus129

cloud droplet spectrum, a full cone air-assisted atomizing nozzle was used (type130, co. Lechler). The applied air gauge pressure was 1.2 bar.131

Experimental measurements were systematically carried out by means of132

non-intrusive measurement techniques. Therefore, a small quantity of suitable133

tracer particles had to be added to the flow. Such particles follow the structures134

of the continuous phase much better than the considered droplets, allowing an135

indirect measure of the gas flow properties. For this reason, the velocities of136

both phases were measured in two separate steps.137

3 The Model of the Process138

The process was modeled via a population balance system consisting of the in-139

compressible Navier–Stokes equations to describe the flow field and a population140

balance equation which describes the behavior of the droplet size distribution.141

Considering first the flow field, the incompressible Navier–Stokes equations142

are given by143

∂tu−∇ · 2νD(u) + (∇ · u)u +1

ρ∇p = 0 in (0, te)× ΩNSE,

∇ · u = 0 in (0, te)× ΩNSE,


where u (m/s) is the velocity field, p (Pa) the pressure, ρ = 1.2041 kg/m3 the den-144

sity of dry air at T = 293.15 K, ν = 15.031 · 10−6 m2/s the kinematic viscosity,145

ΩNSE the flow domain, and te (s) denotes the final time. The velocity deforma-146

tion tensor, which is the symmetric part of the velocity gradient, is denoted by147


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D(u). Because of the low Mach number in the experiments, the density can be148

assumed to be constant. The term describing the gravitational acceleration was149

absorbed into the pressure. In our experience, as well in the experiments as in150

the numerical simulations, the considered measurement section is too short for151

the gravity to possess a noteworthy influence. The motion of the droplets with152

the air flow dominates their motion caused by gravity.153

The computational domain has to contain the cylinder and the measurement154

section. Measurements were performed only in the lower half of the wind tunnel155

such that the consideration of this half is sufficient. The inlet has to be chosen156

sufficiently far away from the cylinder. In addition, a boundary condition for157

the air velocity at the last measurement plane was not known. In the numerical158

simulations, a standard outflow condition was applied. In order that this con-159

dition does not distort the computational results at this plane, the outlet of the160

computational domain was chosen to be somewhat behind this plane. Taking161

all these constraints into account and setting the origin of the coordinate system162

in the center of the wind tunnel at the location of the first measurement plane,163

the domain for the flow simulation was chosen to be164

ΩNSE = (−0.3, 0.5)× (−0.225, 0.225)× (−0.18, 0) m3.

Appropriate boundary conditions and an initial condition are necessary to165

close the Navier–Stokes equations (1). As initial condition, a fully developed166

flow field, which was computed in a preprocessing step, was used. The boundary167

condition at the inflow boundary Γin = −0.3 × (−0.225, 0.225) × (−0.18, 0)168

was based on experimental data. Before reaching the cylinder, the flow is a169

channel flow as it was considered in Bordas et al. (2012, 2013a). Therefore, the170

experimental inlet data for the flow from Bordas et al. (2012, 2013a) were used171


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also in the simulations presented here. For this purpose, a time-averaged ex-172

perimental velocity uexp(−0.3, y, z) and the corresponding time-averaged stan-173

dard deviation σexp(−0.3, y, z) were available. In the simulations, these data174

were disturbed with noise calculated with the method proposed in Klein et al.175

(2003). This method enables the calculation of a spatially and temporally cor-176

related random variable, where the fluctuations of a point correlate with those177

of the same vortex. The integral length scales serve as measures for the vortex178

lengths. For the considered example, the most important integral length scale,179

which is the length scale in flow direction, could be determined in the experi-180

ments (Lx = 0.065 m). For the two other length scales, Ly and Lz, experimental181

data were not available. In front of the cylinder, a nearly isotropic flow field is182

given where all length scales are the same. Past the cylinder, the turbulence183

has been increased mainly in flow direction. But the length scales Ly and Lz184

should be still roughly of the same size as Lx. Numerical simulations showed185

that setting them equal to Lx led to similar flow fields like obtained with white186

noise (which one wants to avoid using the method from Klein et al. (2003)).187

Based on numerous numerical studies, we found that Ly = Lz = 0.02 m were188

appropriate values. In this way, a field Rx of correlated random numbers was189

obtained and the inflow condition was set to be190

u(t,−0.3, y, z) = uexp(−0.3, y, z)+Rx(t,−0.3, y, z)σexp(−0.3, y, z) in (0, te)×Γin.

Values at the inlet away from the measurement points were computed using191

bilinear interpolation. The second and third component of the inlet velocity192

were set to be zero.193

Since measurement data for the flow field at the outflow boundary were194

not available, a standard outflow boundary condition, the do-nothing boundary195


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(2νD(u)− pI)n∂Ω = 0 in (0, te)× Γout

was used, where n∂Ω denotes the unit normal vector and Γout = 0.5 ×197

(−0.225, 0.225) × (−0.18, 0). On all other boundaries, a free slip with pene-198

tration condition was applied in (0, te)199

n∂Ω · (2νD(u)− pI)n∂Ω = 0, τ i,∂Ω · (2νD(u)− pI)n∂Ω = 0, i ∈ 1, 2.

Here, τ 1,∂Ω, τ 2,∂Ω is a system of orthonormal tangential vectors at the bound-200

ary. This choice of the boundary condition differs from the simulations without201

cylinder studied in Bordas et al. (2012, 2013a), where on the top boundary a202

symmetry condition was used. Clearly, for the turbulent vortex street, symme-203

try is not given.204

The second equation of the population balance system models the droplet205


∂tf+∇x ·(fudrop)+∂d


= C+ +C− in (0, te)×ΩDSD×(dmin, dmax), (2)

where f (no./m4) is the droplet size distribution, d ∈ (dmin, dmax) (m) is the207

internal coordinate (diameter of the droplets), udrop= udrop(t, x, y, z) (m/s) is208

the droplet velocity, a = 5.0613 ·10−12 m2/s the growth rate, C+ the coalescence209

source, C− the coalescence sink, and ΩDSD the spatial domain in which the DSD210

was simulated.211

For the well-posedness of (2), it is necessary to prescribe boundary conditions212

at the inlet. Since measurement data, which could be used for this purpose, were213

available only at the first measurement plane x = 0 m, the domain for simulating214

the DSD was chosen to be215

ΩDSD = (0, 0.5)× (−0.225, 0.225)× (−0.18, 0) m3.


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At this plane, also data for the time-averaged air velocity uair,exp(0, y, z) and216

the time-averaged droplet velocity udrop,exp(0, y, z) were available. Usually, one217

would assume in the considered model setup that the droplets are so small that218

they move with the flow field and flow velocity and droplet velocity coincide,219

i.e., udrop(t, x, y, z) = uair,sim(t, x, y, z). However, in the experimental setup,220

the spray system is so close to the measurement section that this situation is221

not yet given and the droplets are slower, in main flow direction, than the air222

flow in this section.223

The experimental air velocity uair,exp(0, y, z) was utilized for a comparison

with the time-averaged air velocity that is obtained from the simulations, see

Section 5. In (2), the droplet velocity udrop(t, x, y, z) is needed for all times

and in the whole domain ΩDSD. For constructing an appropriate function,

both experimental data uair,exp(0, y, z) and udrop,exp(0, y, z) were extrapolated

constantly into ΩDSD, e.g., udrop,exp(x, y, z) = udrop,exp(0, y, z) for all (x, y, z) ∈

ΩDSD. Then, the first component of the droplet velocity was defined by

(udrop)1(t, x, y, z) :=(udrop,exp(x, y, z) + uair,sim(t, x, y, z)− uair,exp(x, y, z)


For the other two components of udrop, the model is used that droplet velocity224

and air velocity coincide, i.e., these components of udrop were set to be equal225

to the components coming from the numerical solution of (1). In this way, the226

simulated turbulent flow field determines the motion of the droplets.227

Also equation (2) for the DSD has to be equipped with appropriate boundary228

and initial conditions. The choice of the boundary condition for the droplets229

at the inlet of ΩDSD was based on experimental data. Measurements were230

performed at a grid of nodes at the first measurement plane x = 0 m. For a231

detailed description of the conversion of the experimental data to values for the232


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DSD in these nodes, denoted by fin,exp(x, d), and the corresponding standard233

deviation σf (x, d), it is referred to Bordas et al. (2012). The values in the nodes234

were interpolated to the whole measurement plane and the boundary condition235

was set to be236

f(t,x, d) =

fin,exp(x, d) + randnormal(t,x)σf (x, d), for d ∈ [dmin, dmax],

0, for d ∈ [dmin,art, dmin),


with x = (0, y, z), t ∈ [0, te], and randnormal denotes a normally distributed237

random variable. In (3), dmin,art = 0 m is an artificial smallest diameter for238

the droplets that was introduced to define the necessary boundary condition239

with respect to the internal coordinate because of the positive growth rate, see240

Bordas et al. (2012) for a discussion of this topic. In the numerical simulations,241

dmin = 10−6 m was used. An initial distribution is not known from the ex-242

periments. Since the simulations were started with a fully developed flow field,243

the extrapolation of the experimental DSD from the first measurement plane244

to ΩDSD was considered to be a reasonable approach for defining an initial con-245

dition. It should be noted already here that the time averaging of the data246

from the simulations started not at t = 0 s but after having allowed the system247

to develop for a while. Hence, the influence of the actual choice of the initial248

condition of the DSD on the time-averaged numerical results is expected to be249


The coalescence was modeled using the volume V of the droplets. Let fV

be the DSD and C+,V , C−,V be source and sink, all with respect to the volume

of the droplets. Then, the source term has the form proposed in Hulburt and


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Katz (1964)

C+,V =1


∫ V


κcol(V − V ′, V ′)fV (V − V ′)fV (V ′) dV ′

and the sink term251

C−,V = −∫ Vmax


κcol(V, V′)fV (V )fV (V ′) dV ′

= −fV (V )

∫ Vmax


κcol(V, V′)fV (V ′) dV ′.

The choice of an appropriate collision kernel was discussed in detail in Bordas252

et al. (2013a). In particular, it was emphasized that in the wind tunnel ex-253

periments, unlike as, e.g., in clouds, a gravitational kernel can be neglected.254

Therefore, the combination of a standard Brownian motion kernel and a shear255

kernel was used256

κcol(V, V′) = Cbrown


(3√V +

3√V ′)( 1



3√V ′


√2∇udrop : ∇udrop

(3√V +

3√V ′)3

, (4)

where kB = 1.38 10−23 J/K is the Boltzmann constant and µ = 18.15 ·10−6 kg/ms257

is the dynamic viscosity. The model parameters Cbrown and Cshear were un-258

known and they will be determined by calibrating numerical results against259

experimental data.260

A main mechanism of the studied process is the turbulence of the flow.261

Because of this feature, the use of the shear kernel, which models turbulent262

shear coagulation, see Saffman and Turner (1956), is a straightforward choice.263

The scaling factor of this kernel has been studied in a number of papers, see264

de Boer et al. (1989) for a brief overview. For the case of homogeneous isotropic265

turbulence, values of order 1 were found. Since in the considered process the266

turbulence is neither homogeneous nor isotropic, the factor Cshear is a priori267


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unknown. It is known (Pruppacher and Klett, 1997, Chap., and we268

found it also in our numerical studies, that the shear kernel affects droplets that269

are larger than a few microns. However, the studied process involves also smaller270

droplets, such that a complementary model is needed for these droplets. We271

chose the Brownian motion kernel for this purpose. One finds in the literature272

that it affects droplets with radii . 1 µm, e.g., see (Pruppacher and Klett,273

1997, Chap. 11.5), where one finds also a detailed discussion of this kernel. We274

could not find in the literature collision (coagulation) coefficients which take275

into account a flow field. For this reason, the parameter Cbrown was introduced.276


4 Numerical Methods278

A number of numerical methods for solving the population balance system279

(1), (2) were explained in detail and studied comprehensively in Bordas et al.280

(2013a). Therefore, only a short presentation of the methods will be provided281

here and it is referred to Bordas et al. (2013a) for a detailed description.282

All methods, which were studied in Bordas et al. (2013a), were also studied283

for the experiment considered in this paper, see Schmeyer (2013). For the sake284

of brevity, only the results for the best methods from Bordas et al. (2013a) will285

be presented here.286

The general solution strategy for the population balance system was as fol-287

lows. In each discrete time, first the Navier–Stokes equations (1) were solved288

and the flow field was computed. Then, the equation for the DSD (2) was solved,289

where the coalescence terms were always treated explicitly with respect to the290


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DSD. With this approach, the problem in 4D became linear.291

The turbulent flow field was simulated with a projection-based variational292

multiscale (VMS) method, which was introduced in John and Kaya (2005).293

More precisely, the version of the method which utilizes an adaptively chosen294

projection space presented in John and Kindl (2010) was applied. The Crank–295

Nicolson scheme was used as time stepping scheme and the inf-sup stable pair296

of finite element spaces Q2/Pdisc1 as spatial discretization.297

For the discretization of the differential operator on the left-hand side of (2),298

three schemes were studied in Bordas et al. (2013a): a total variation diminish-299

ing essentially non-oscillatory (TVD-ENO) finite difference method from Shu300

and Osher (1988) and two linear flux-corrected transport methods with Crank–301

Nicolson time stepping (CN-FCT, CN-GFCT) proposed by Kuzmin (2009). The302

conclusion of Bordas et al. (2013a) was to recommend the TVD-ENO scheme,303

because it was the most efficient scheme and the finite element schemes were304

shown to introduce too much numerical diffusion if the convection field and the305

grid are aligned. The strong alignment of the flow field and the grid is a main306

feature in the channel flow studied in Bordas et al. (2013a). But this situation is307

not given for the turbulent vortex street studied here. Therefore, we think that308

it is of interest to present also results for the finite element schemes. Both con-309

sidered schemes are of very similar accuracy, see John and Novo (2012). Thus,310

results will be presented only for the more efficient scheme, which is the group311

finite element version CN-GFCT.312

A number of approaches were studied in Bordas et al. (2013a) for the eval-313

uation of the integral terms on the right-hand side of the population balance314

equation (2). The recommendation of Bordas et al. (2013a) was a method pro-315


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posed in Hackbusch (2006, 2007, 2009). This method requires the use of special316

grids with respect to the internal coordinate. They have to be piecewise equidis-317

tant with respect to the volume of the droplets. In these grids, the nodes did318

not coincide with the internal coordinates for which experimental data were319

available. Thus, an interpolation of the experimental data became necessary.320

In Bordas et al. (2013a), a linear interpolation and a log-normal interpolation321

were studied. It turned out that the experimental data could be reproduced322

better with the linear interpolation.323

5 Results324

5.1 Experiments325

The velocity distribution of the air phase at the inlet plane (x = 0 m) was326

measured by means of Laser-Doppler Velocimetry (LDV). Measurements were327

carried out with a main flow velocity of U = 2.32 m/s, corresponding to a328

cylinder-based Reynolds number of Re = UD/ν = 3 · 103. During these mea-329

surements in the continuous phase, the nozzle was operating at the same pressure330

as in normal (spray) operation, but only with air and without water. Since the331

mass flow rate of air and water entering the nozzle are similar for normal oper-332

ation conditions, only minor flow changes should be induced by this necessary333


In order to define the locations of the measurement points for the Laser-335

Doppler Velocimetry and the Phase-Doppler Anemometry (PDA) techniques, a336

measurement grid was generated with 874 (19 in z-direction × 46 in y-direction)337

measurement points, with 0.01 m distance in both directions between them.338


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LDV and PDA measurements led to a high temporal resolution. Thus, the ve-339

locity components measured in the mean flow direction, Fig. 2, left, included340

the temporal fluctuations as well. In this way, the determination of the turbu-341

lence intensity was also possible, Fig. 2, right. The measured mean velocity of342

the air flow was U = 2.45 m/s. Based on U and on the hydraulic diameter of343

the wind tunnel (DH = 0.5454 m), the Reynolds number of the flow is 8 · 104.344

The measured fluctuation of the air flow velocity in main flow direction was in345

the average u′ = 0.33 m/s. This leads to a mean turbulence intensity of 15%.346

The energy cascade of a turbulent flow can be estimated by post-processing the347

measurement results. The resulting Kolmogorov length scale is 2 · 10−4 m, as348

shown in Bordas et al. (2013b).349

The properties of the disperse phase (water spray) were then measured sep-350

arately in the three vertical planes at x = 0 m, x = 0.2 m, and x = 0.4 m, using351

the same measurement grid as previously. Velocities measured by PDA are based352

on the same principles as LDV. However, using PDA, the simultaneous mea-353

surement of the diameter and the velocity values was possible. Calculating the354

droplet Stokes number St from the droplet properties, the Kolmogorov length355

scale and the RMS velocity fluctuations, the most frequent value of St = 2 ·10−3356

in a range of St = 10−3 . . . 102 was found.357

At the outlet boundary (x = 0.4 m), experimental data were needed as well358

for comparison purposes. Therefore, a corresponding post-processing of the359

PDA measurements was necessary to obtain values for the number density or360

droplet concentration. These calculations were performed in the same manner361

as described, e.g., in Bordas et al. (2012), resulting in the droplet concentration362

as a function of the droplet diameter, together with the corresponding standard363


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5.2 Numerical Simulations and Comparison with the Ex-365

perimental Data366

All simulations were performed in the time interval [0, 1] s. In [0, 0.5] s, the367

system was allowed to develop and time-averaging of data was performed in368

[0.5, 1] s. In particular, all droplets injected at t = 0 s had already left the369

domain before the start of the time-averaging.370

The grid for ΩNSE is presented in Fig. 3. On this grid, there were 973 728371

degrees of freedom for the velocity and 156 032 degrees of freedom for the pres-372

sure. The grid is refined in the domain around and behind the cylinder since373

most of the turbulence can be expected in these regions. The grid for ΩDSD was374

just the right part of the grid for ΩNSE, starting at x = 0 m. All measurement375

points were nodes of the grid. For the internal coordinate, an appropriate grid376

for the method for evaluating the coalescence integrals was chosen which had 94377

nodes. Altogether, there were 4 086 650 degrees of freedom for the TVD-ENO378

and CN-GFCT discretizations of the DSD equation. The length of the time379

step was always set to be ∆t = 10−3 s.380

The simulations were performed with the research code MooNMD, see John381

and Matthies (2004).382

First, the flow field will be considered. Behind the cylinder, a turbulent383

Karman vortex street is developing, see Fig. 4. As already mentioned above,384

experimental data for the time-averaged velocity component in flow direction385

were available at the plane x = 0 m, see Fig. 2. A reduction of the velocity can386

be observed in the regions behind the cylinder and behind the spray injection387


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system (z < 0.7 m,−0.4 m < y < 0.4 m). In Fig. 5, the time-averaged velocity388

that was obtained in the simulations at x = 0 m is shown. One can observe a389

very good agreement. The values are in the same range and the slight asymmetry390

observed experimentally is well reproduced. Thus, one can conclude that the391

choice of the inlet condition as described in Section 3 was appropriate and392

also that the simulation of the turbulent flow field with the VMS method was393

accurate, at least with respect to the time-averaged velocity.394

Concerning the DSD, the first goal was the determination of suitable pa-395

rameters Cbrown and Cshear in the collision kernel (4). Because of the turbulent396

nature of the flow, the time-averaged experimental data were different in differ-397

ent measurement points. Therefore, a spatial averaging was applied. The same398

strategy was used in the numerical simulations for calibrating the parameters.399

The calibration of the model parameters was performed by trial and error400

using the method TVD-ENO. It turned out that a good fit between experimental401

and numerical results was obtained for Cbrown = 105 and Cshear = 30, see402

Fig. 6. Comparing these parameters with the parameters found for the channel403

flow in Bordas et al. (2012), one can observe some differences. For the channel404

flow, Cshear = 0.1 was found to be appropriate, but it was also noted that405

this parameter has only little influence in those setting. We checked that with406

Cshear = 30 one obtains for the channel flow almost the same results as for407

Cshear = 0.1. Thus, Cshear can be calibrated in the same way for both situations.408

For the parameter Cbrown, it should be noted that the value of the Brownian409

motion part in the collision kernel for droplets of around the same size is of order410

10−11 m3/s (with Cbrown = 105). Since we found in the numerical simulations411

that generally√

2∇udrop : ∇udrop ∈ (100, 200), one can conclude that the shear412


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part in the collision kernel (4) starts to dominate the Brownian motion part if the413

diameter of the droplet is around 11−15 µm. For the channel flow, it was found414

that Cbrown = 1.5 ·106 is an appropriate value. Thus, there is a difference of one415

order of magnitude for Cbrown between the two settings. There is most probably416

some uncertainty in the experimental data which might contribute to having417

obtained different parameters. Furthermore, difficulties with the measurement418

of small droplets, with diameter less than 15 µm, and the development of an419

appropriate collision kernel have been reported also recently in Siewert et al.420

(2014). However, the modeling question of an appropriate collision kernel is an421

active field of research but outside the scope of the present paper.422

Results obtained with the two numerical methods for discretizing the left-423

hand side of the DSD equation (2) are presented in Fig. 7. One can observe that424

the curve obtained with CN-GFCT is somewhat below the curve computed with425

TVD-ENO. This result is similar to the observation for the turbulent channel426

flow from Bordas et al. (2013a). Thus, even if the vortex street is not that closely427

aligned to the grid as the channel flow, CN-GFCT behaves similarly for both428

situations. This method seems still to introduce too much numerical diffusion,429

a feature which was identified in Bordas et al. (2013a) for the case that grid and430

convection are aligned.431

Figure 8 presents results which are spatially resolved and only temporally432

averaged. For each node at the outlet plane x = 0.4 m, the temporally averaged433

DSD is a curve of the form presented in Figs. 6 and 7. In the top row of434

Fig. 8, the maximal values of these curves are shown and in the bottom row435

the corresponding abscissas. One can see that the numerical results (right-436

hand side) are more equilibrated (smeared) compared with the experimental437


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data (left-hand side). The maximal values of the experimental data are taken438

in (1.5, 3.5) · 1014 no./m4 whereas for the numerical DSD we obtained values in439

(1.75, 2.75) · 1014 no./m4. The maximal experimental data are obtained mostly440

for d = 7 µm and d = 9 µm (note that experimental data in between are not441

available) and for the numerical results, the maxima are taken for d ∈ (7, 8) µm.442

One reason for the numerical results to be more equilibrated is certainly the443

numerical viscosity which is introduced by the turbulence model. Also, the444

use of different meshes for the internal coordinate in the experiment and the445

simulations seems to have some influence. But despite the differences in detail,446

there is a good overall agreement of experimental and numerical results.447

The simulations were performed on a compute server HP BL680c G7 2xXeon,448

Ten-Core 2400MHz. For one time step, solving the Navier–Stokes equations449

took around 125 seconds, computing the coalescence integrals nearly 30 seconds,450

applying TVD-ENO around 5 seconds, and CN-GFCT about 45 seconds.451

Finally, the impact of different turbulent flows on the same DSD is studied452

in a model situation. To this end, the turbulent channel flow considered in453

Bordas et al. (2012, 2013a) and the turbulent vortex street presented in this454

paper were used. Concerning the DSD, three isolated diameters were chosen,455

dsmall = 9 × 10−6 m, dmiddle = 19 × 10−6 m, and dlarge = 39 × 10−6 m. At456

the inlet, the value of the DSD was set to be 103 no./m4 for these diameters457

in all nodes. All other inlet values of f were set to be zero. The simulations458

were performed with TVD-ENO, Cbrown = 105, and Cshear = 30. The resulting459

DSD at the outlet is presented in Fig. 9. One can observe that the number of460

droplets for the considered diameters is smaller for the turbulent vortex street.461

On the other hand, one can see clearly that for dmiddle and dlarge more droplets462


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with larger diameters are created, due to coalescence, for the turbulent vortex463

street. This observation corresponds to the expectation that in the turbulent464

vortex street there are more collisions of droplets and therefore eventually more465

successful coalescence processes occur.466

6 Summary and Outlook467

This paper studied the behavior of a disperse droplet population in a turbulent468

air flow. Inserting a cylinder into a wind tunnel, a turbulent vortex street was469

generated. Data of the velocities of air and droplets were obtained by non-470

intrusive measurement techniques. The process was modeled with a population471

balance system. Simulations of this model were performed by using modern472

numerical methods. Two unknown model parameters had to be calibrated. Very473

good agreements between experimental and numerical data could be observed474

for the mean velocity in a cut plane and for the space-time averaged droplet size475

distribution at the outlet.476

A possible improvement of the collision kernel for the coalescence integrals477

should be considered in future. The calibration of one of the parameters re-478

sulted in a different order of magnitude for the considered vortex street and479

a channel flow in previous simulations. Concerning the numerical methods, a480

better understanding and improvement of CN-GFCT would be desirable. This481

method can be applied, in contrast to TVD-ENO, not only on tensor-product482

meshes. From this point of view, CN-GFCT would be a potential method to be483

used if general spatial domains are considered.484


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The funding of this project in the framework of the priority program SPP 1276486

MetStrom: Multiple Scales in Fluid Mechanics and Meteorology, by the Ger-487

man Research Foundation (DFG) is gratefully acknowledged. E. Schmeyer was488

founded under grant number Jo329/8-3 and R. Bordas under grant number489



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Figure 1: Two-phase Prandtl wind tunnel with closed test section (left), mea-

surement section with counter-flow droplet injection and a cylindrical bluff body

right before the test section (right).

−200 −100 0 100 2000








−200 −100 0 100 2000








Figure 2: Mean longitudinal velocity distribution in the plane x = 0 m (left),

turbulence intensity distribution in the plane x = 0 m (right).

Figure 3: Grid for the simulations.


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Figure 4: Snapshot of the simulated flow field, iso-surfaces of the pressure for

two values.

Figure 5: Time-averaged first component of the velocity from the simulations.

Figure 6: Calibration of the model parameters Cbrown (left, with Cshear = 30)

and Cshear (right, with Cbrown = 105), simulations with TVD-ENO.


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Figure 7: Comparison of results with different discretizations of the DSD equa-

tion (2), Cbrown = 105, Cshear = 30.

Figure 8: Spatially resolved and temporally averaged DSD at the outlet plane

x = 0.4 m; maximal values of the DSD (top) and corresponding abscissas

(bottom); experiment (left) and numerical simulation with Cbrown = 105 and

Cshear = 30 (right).


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Figure 9: Effect of different turbulent flows on certain droplets with different

diameters, TVD-ENO, Cbrown = 105, Cshear = 30.