o ii jll i. - oregonnews.uoregon.edu · aurpriso dinner at the home of ii ii t,. 1. 1.1. i!.1...

RKOTrXttllLK. TKurr.RASt'i cttini, TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. C5lw Of rmmt I'USTWFFICU WAR. The ar among the faithful lor the post KOT ALL FOOLS. CaAwrotiDsvitiK, Dec, aS, 1S90. OUn LADDER ill ii Jll For such our would-b- e . FOR TWO Li sLLiiliull coinpetitors will find it MONTHS, :. cast all business rules to the January and February Tbeladlaa right Wasiiinoton. Dec 30. The commltlontr nl'tn xfTnlu this morning received the following . illmntch horn scent D. F. Rover, T ... , , . - .. . - Ba,e ' iwgt inutoa igenry, ieceiiiuer 9 t a 11 f ?um,1 VM ,e ? "I" "'" .t,",u' "V c'rn1,",8 "V" 1 banu turrtnder. a ficbt place. Tl .T t!. .ifl..l.i. .11. vomuussinjer 01 inuian simus iu nut ftuoon teceiv.d a telega from Special Agent Cooper, at ! Ridge, raying that 150 tnutant were killed and SO wounded sod cap tured, 11 also states that lb Imlwn at-- 1 tacked a wsgon train this (Tuesday morning, two mile north of the siency, killing one soldier of the advsnc guard. The surueon ctnaral racelvsd from Medical Direc , or Bacl.e, at l'lne Ridge, a report of the I catua tkt among the troop at yesterday 1 fight bi !oiiowii"iiiiatn Wallace, twenty five u.en 01 mis aeventu cavany, and one Indian scout aiiieu, Cambitn PI4II. , CoutR, Citv, Wah , Dec, 30. Wal Iter B Webb, who wat cashier of the Northern PaclfU Exprc Company, at Bpokane Fall, from May, 1S89, until last Sunday, committed tuUlde here Ibis even Ing by shooting himself through the head. lie came from ripokane r slit iat nightiand played stud poker In IlUbeo Brotsaloon tin morninir, loaing all tne money he had, Thl afternoon he began playing, attain on u 1 1..1 n . - iu, eu uiiMi flnu v in mu noun ... , K. .. , , ..... V w w vm, .IVIEI V" ..win t.W.f 1 H.(U for the krv to the water.clut art! onlU,! . .. . --- out. in lets tuan a minute from the lime he left the saloon pUtol report was heard and the dead body of Webb was found In (tie closet, t nr In a nool of blood ... " , Ewomii, Dee. 3 Mr Jacob Spore, who wis prubablv the oldest man In Lane county, If not the oldest In the state, wat "rica touay, im was ntgtiiy respected y an woo anew mm, ana leaves a large family of children and grandchildren, lie came across the plains to Oregsn In 1847 and settled on a donation land claim near the McKcnx a river, rive mllra gene, where he resided until hit death. He was 96 year of age, and has been ot- - most lotallr b tnd for several ictrt We kick over the traces and winds, and do business at a to be out of tho house at tho loss. Every overcoat '11 have expiration of that time. READ THE PRICES: AYbk h 'i. fuve a pernor tihU tffect on our o called competitor. A $12 OhmohilK overcoat The whole stock of overcoat will bo closed out at tho same ratio.- - All woolen goods will bo or stiirto, underwear, etc. A GREAT OEOUOTiOfl IN GL0THII1G: Fine all wool Euits, vorth $15, and told at other places for $15, will bo sold ai $10, Ctr ,,!.. h.- - ,11.1.1.., ri,w.!i..,.. .-- n Dec. 20. IfiOO. fJnmo nf our vomitr mr-- fllWl full bnd wl'takey oa Ohriatniaa. as thev will dontnll rmu'ta I havo ever bctm. In ot- - ' tier to have a bimkI time, wa aunnnan Imt I . . .....;,. - -- . --- 11 anoum tiiiiiK tliey una miwseU It by 10 duing, 1 The Christinas trcci were well loaded .. is,v, with praavnu, and everybody Imd a good I I i. . 1.1 I s-'i . .rt?.?l'fl.f . V f!r 'H 'fill 1 ' ""'V" si - " ". ,," ""'"I"" " one 1 or n venr una action was vhkcii in hope ot allnying the trouble, and at the expiration of hi terra bulng able to elect someone aa a permanent pastor. IWowdbvUIo lotlce. No. 30. A. P. A. M.. keid their election of ofllccr on the SUth of Pro., rettulting aa follow fj lP Cooley, M W. , m 11 is.'wticy, fen w. WlJi;lanchard,JunW. tt N Thompson, Treaa. J W Hwaak, 8en D. u U iiiompson, J on D. w H Minim, lywr. , All were Itistalieil on the niuht ot their election. Tho Indict of the brethorn gave them a aurpritte by coining In at an opportune moment with well-fllle- tl bna- - kem 01 nice eatables. All had a right good tunc- - in social chat and lively games. Conto egiiin, Indies. - 1 p l i I. i ib, AiiuiD r rerrr. wiui iniurtnvu. is . t 'i oil 1110 SICK 111. - . . 1 J. A. BlttllCP. OI KttHt Portlancl. atnt .1... I "i.l -- j , ""iiye wiui remiivesnnu menu 01 tin place. Jay ay be cats four timet day hera and like the place on that account, lhia correspondence cloaca our labor In I.U ,li..l(.,n 1D.UI .t I hope to meet the rea.lera of the Dkmo- - Ckat. as a correnrtomlcnt. In ths vear B1 ami slmll try to give the mwa correctly 10 mo ijcm 01 our aoiiitv, bo we utu you I alt, and tho year 18U0, farewell. Tik(.BT. I tov J a worthy, 01 MieJda, preached u I a very . tiiteresttnK sermon In the new f ciiurcti on last haalmih to a full house, ... H, .. . . t . . . .1 110 win . conaurt . . a sertca 01 rev val aerrl- - ' - I ct aatiuu cnurcn. A friend mtneHta tlm publication of I the tact that Mr John Lornr now resides in Mulio. I Mr Pimnv Khort.lan Ana ir.nn, Svttleutire' .,... old euiployra, wbo fell from .. - - I utu oarn im. un sininifr. i arxntiinir 1 theholidaya InTangt-nt- . lie baa been at ... Ilia ilAmM In ... lVlrl.w f.ir .ii... ,.,A - -- - - ."'"V ,t,,,V, T,. ...... . . ..., . , I Tfc,n . 1,wv,vu.r . ...... irronu, I rTo '.e Tla dutie. '7rlcf- - pa teacher of our flon.l.liing oSl. Henry Knliditcn a three Ustnirhlf r. of Knox Butte.werw here visiting at li rand- - - I ma Vernon'a Friday and returned homo Saturday. Horn, . t In -- ..'" Tangent, . on . PunJay . morning, . ' J. U?WJ0WPU Andrew, Si l 1 ' ?V y't . 1 . , :r. w ""'"'"r IIIV. Mr Kd Rowland It tnovimr out ot town tk at la rts ttnaa (sKst.l The yotmg folk, had a very nice social party at L t Smlth'a residence oa laat Friday night, about nine couplet being present. Tho party liuUd till 12 o'clock. 4KTILLC, Chrlstinut wat not obeerved here. A few of the- - young people made aurpriso dinner at the home of II II t , . 1. 1.1. I ! .1 1 . .1 . . , - by Archie, who It slowly recovering from a two montht siege ol typhoid fever. Mr R A butchered four ol lilt fat hogs thit week. Une weighed 3iJ pounds, the swond 374. the third SO and the fourth making an average 01 auax poumit. These hogs were fatten ed on corn. Mr II. hat raited com and hogs in Illinois and Iowa and thoroughly understands the business, lie also knowt how to raise wheat. Mr John Currr. of Portland. Is via tins ! ' ' m 1 r 11 no uere. We are ready to go with Amicus any nice day and count the trees planted tint action, lie certainly It mistaken about two Hundred. A Y Smith rarrhwl th. n,a!l l. ,U lfr(tl.MMi.. i.ni. 1.1. I It f it 'I r i . i. . i , , i.r . mw is putming a large orcnara. Atnlcti. are vou ashamed of vour T.LfaJlacel Co., will go to for only $8. sold at cost; consisting OREfl-OH- . Wo always keep our eye on the indicator of popular demand, and are therefore usually pre- pared to supply it at reduced ratc3. AVe are selling the Jewel stoves and ranges, the mos pop- ular stoves made at present. If yvo wsat to eJ v money on all tocte bsuflxild rlic. tay. 'eta tf ot We wh mski tbat our 1 ueii ts A. Brown. S wu'comuTlS TJuluZj ttor OT, S '5 ih KU k.i atv utiiaj i.M i.i- - I ,hls morning iroopa were mated about he",d,an Mt llotehkhe gun. over- - 1 coionri rorsyme ordered an the 1 ALBAHY; - : cf now we cb Ii c i:tc MATTHEWS' iardvare, AND FARM & WASHBUliN. Edited bf Albany V, 0. T, V The Albany W. C. T, U., at It Inst meeting, took action to tend a protest to the Columblnn Commission, againtt keep- - In the exposition open on the huboath, and alto to request timtllnr action on the part of ench of the churches of the city and the I 11 . W. A. The W. C. T. I', expect to celebrate the anniversary of the woman' crusnde aisalntt tho tuition, by appropriate tvr vice at the ir nail, on trlJay evening, January a, isoi, Further notice of pro gram to be given. M at Dttf2s. of Oreaon City. L,riia i i'i. kT.,Ui t 'i,i,.n il fo!ljv.! uiv. ... .11..1 iii. .u... ' ITB KCUIlU'lll ilVlltlCU Willi feWIIUIUW- - l!or)i to tl, cmpcMnte Temple fai too ,eld(im. But the temiilebulldlntf spirit ha reached tit, and I w ant to tell you of a dedication I attended on November 21, at New lint. Thl it a small country plice on tho railroad, twenty milt from Portland, Only a railroad station, a grist milt, w mill, ponloriice and store com- bined, a few cottage scattered over the steep hillside, a Catholic church and a tpHtuallst camp around, ffo church edifice, no school house, no place where nubile meetings can he held, except the camp ground, which Is only available for summer, ana where trio yaiikeM tnnacitiy hgs hern proclaimed. mi noroic union n tnamtatneu it fortnightly meeting for five years, with a membership ot from ten to eighteen, who live on farm adjacent, tome of the mem ber Kolna from five ta eight mite through tummer'a heat and winter's mud. But with a steady, plodding horse to curry them, with a bab in front, they have fiiuhluiiy attended their meetings at cacn other' home. A ver ago the Inspiration came to their couragcout president, "Arise and build," I am ture no more touching InclJcnts ol tclf-dcnl- at, nor of patiently gathering up the littlet list been demonstrated In the erection of your gtcat thirteen story tem ple, than couiu do una 01 init orave nana ot ten women. The treasurer (aid the spent one half day last week In gathering in funds, r,d had splendid success. When atked how much, she rrptleJ, $3 I 11 , ,1' t.mm.ti ..-- !, ltM nnntitlthin f I ... h tfllit-- l , wi.'vi'i l.'V '' - - have been closed ecalntt themt but thev are now Independent and have a building where preachinir, (ur.day-tthoo- l, temper ance lecture, etc- - ca 1 be he'd, and where the neat, home-mad- e banner, of white letters on a blue ground, proclaims that . . . .... . I. J IMI.nI.I r. I 1. M mi.; i.. w, Home and Native Land. - The local grange It at united with them and owns half of the lot and building, but there It no conn lit in the object ot the two socle tie, and thev both participated In the dedication, whkh was conducted by read ing the Oregon IValm (4.0th), by prayer and tone, arid odarctiK- - by several 01 tne friend of the cause who were present "Politician to the Interest of ltd state about a freely and carelessly as a boy with a rubber Hall: Out, man Ij-k- j, we have many true hearted women, labor- ing and proving while they wait for the redemption 01 tins wveiy country irom tue grop 01 tne dctwyer." M. L. Da iocs ALliAlH I Ul iliUA liUUblj. NATIONAL SWEDISH LADIES CONCERT, From Htockholm. KDiMia itrtx BtaKir, ai iptu THE COMPANY: MHS JESSY XOIXKMU!, 1st Soprano. MISS T 8UKD1US. IttKoprsno. MISS IDA ItUUCK. 2nd Sopnno. MUS MAKIA H EDEN, 24 Soprano, MARIE SOllLBKfiO. lt Alio. fci.lZAP.l-r-i II BUUCE. lt AIUv. INU t.tCBURfi LINLtU)RN. 2nd Alto. AMEI.IK UEDLN,2.l Alto. !) . MR. M ELY IN R. DAY,- - fbe rrit Ikmloa Humorist The ladies appear iu the beautiful and picture. jue (tHtumetet their taiiv pror- - tnees, ...... Tbtrir QusttrUe sinafng kas never been o,ualtd in. tl.i rctji try, ibeir work tteicg tiropiy prii-ci- . ADMISSION, 1 i 60 cU and 81. lioserved s- -t at Will & .link's. kit um tV GI5AY bavtna told hia J f lentM runtiiCMi, to give pcoaeaaion uuary I, lSI. Hi' st srntlv renunaUi bis many uiaywUh blm to r"Hcnr teeta in gooa iepe.tr a Tore re unpuroesiistnj, aji wuo nod tnnrn Ives lrc3rl.ua to bim, are espeeleil tn 11 and artilo soon. HANTED.-Gi- rl to do aecetal bouse ? f ork Call at re.an0 or II Mt-rrll- l, earner t1 Ftrry and Eitveuth mreeia. TMSOLUTIOS NOTICK1. Not.'ce J J hereby c I Ton (bat I he copartnttshlp oi waunK anaon uaa tKn auUKUVtd by rout i! I emiwrjt. All liabUltlot will bo aautnif by IJtmrT Ohllrg, to whom an suouiii im pain. IIKMhY oiiltso. frank Wallace. Albany, Deo 24, 1MKJ. "VTOT1CE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT 1 U! annun. meeurifr or tba alack Eoldeia of tbt Karnifcra tit Msrcbanla In tnranrt Oompany. of Aibanv. Urnirnn will be beld at lb offloo of ttld Coaijwnv In Albany, I lnn county, Orecoa. on Wed- - rrcilty, January 7, 1S!)I, at tba boui of 2 o'clock; p in, of rid dsy, for tho purpose oi euciiuR nine uirv-ctor- or taia n.mpanj to serve fci one yar, and to traowet aocb omer rn net aamy rrgaiMriy come ba fore said uieeltng. lly order of the President. J. O. v piTHttAir, Sporetary, AlHsny.Or. Uio Ut, ItWU 8) Notice of Final Settle- - nieit. To all or ifcus l'ninjr claims actimk tha ftUto of J rr.es WsUh, dooil. sod to 11 other penous wbom it tny concern. You are notincd that the undprncnd es ecat I f the id ei.Ute en the 241b dsy of Decern tar, IS9', tiled In tbe county ecmrlcf Lian v;i nniv: urcson. liis Dual lemrnit n ttll eUie, and Siid conrt haa appointed Mondy the 2ad day of February, 1801, at the bonr of 1 o'clock o m of a&id dav to ham- - mi settle all objections to said final account. uatert this 20ih day of Deo 1890. W. It.Bilyeu, Q WCLINE, Attorney. Executor. Executors JVoticc. NOTICE H HERrBY GIVEN THAT has been dulv an. pointed exer-utrlv- : cf the last will and tesUncent of Geonre V Svlv. eter. d oca(erl,by the honorable the county court ci imn county, uretron. All ufrrsons having claims agilnst the estate of taid deceased, are. hereby notified to nresent the same duly veriflad, to me In peraoj, or to my xttorney, ueo W Wright, at his taw omcein Albany; liinn county .Oregon within Bix months from this dato- - Haled Doo 25, 3899. MARIAH SYLVESTER, Exrcudlx of the la&t will and tettament of Geo W Kvlvester, deo.ased. 12 28 Notice of Final Settle ment. IN THE COUNTY COURT, OF LINK county, Oregon. In tlio matter of the estate of MirUrn llarrnl, Ueceased. Notioe is hereby given that the undersigned, tte duly appointor!, qunllilad and aotlnj? ad- ministrator of the estate cf Xliiiam Har rel, deo.ased, has tbU day Hied his flnal-ecoour.- t In tbe mstter of said estate, In the abeve court, and that the court has appointed Monday, ton 2nd day of Feb- ruary. 3891, at 1 o'clock, p m, as the time for hearing objections to said final ao. count, snd for tbe settlement thereof. lted lHo 23, 1S9!. JL MILLER Admiulstrator of the esiat cf i.;ri.-- n office In this city rsgct fiercely. At the time when Postmnter Thompson's term will expire approaches, the heat and fire ot the contest Increase In Intensity. The ppllcantt are CW Watts, Frank L Ken ton, Thomat Montclllt Jr., S A Dawton nd S S Train. The Irhmdiof each claim that their man hat the pull. Ii It said that C W Wall bank his claim fur the office upon the Invaluable service rendered by hi father at a stumper In the last campaign tor Uatrrlson. Mr Montclth hopes tn suc ceed through the Influence w hich tome of hit particular Mends have with Senator Mitchell. Frank L Kenton ha hope that hi fine iccoid as an, efficient, thoroughly competent, and ever obliging deputy post master will lead to hi appointment. No one ha Informed ut upon what ground Dawson and Train bate their claim. L !'." i LJ.-- J J 8TILL WAUlMi. Much quiet woik was done yctcrday In theltitervitof the several candidate tor the pot, Day by Ony Ihe Interest Increase. Retort to a'.l source for "In fluence'' are now being made. Everything I being brought to bear to make suc- cess doubly u re. It I said that every re publican In town hat signed some one t petttton or written a letter In behalf of tome one ot the candidates, and one repub lican goes so tar at to tay that If one could eximlne the petition ot the several ap.ill cant now on Tile at Washington the ludi crous fact v.ruld appear that the names of mire than a tcore of republicans would be found on two or more petitions, and that the name of on ot the applicant would be found on the petition of another one of the applicants, all of which tend to make the situation high: Interesting. Dr. I. N. Love ol St. io a paper on his subject, said tint hit experience for five or six ycatt past had l:n Uiorgly in favor of taking a cup of strong, black coffee, without cream or sugar, between two g'asset of hot water, bcfoie lising every morning, at least aa hour before breikfsst. . The various se cretions were s'itnulated, ths nervous force wat aroused, aa hour Liter a hearty meal wat en joyed, and the dyt labor wat begun favorably, no matter how the dutict of the day and eight preceding might have drawn upon the system Another cp at four ia the alternoon wat suf ficient to sustain the energies for many hcuis. In this wty the full effect was secured. If slonj with this the proper diet wst takes at the proper timet and the kleal d'et for those who make targe draft upon their nervous system and expected to have them honored wis hot milk anJ at least eight hour of sleep were taken out of every twenty-fou- r, on' capacity for wmk would be almost sn'imiied A statement picpated at ths pension office showt that up to December aotb, the number of c'aims filed under the set of June 37th, lS, was 531.390. Nevertheless these figure dd not equal the democratic majoiity in the pop ular vole at the congrcstio&al elections last month. F. M. French kevt,rt'4 tiiim. Nd rtai viiauv j jc tt ivd at Courad Esu St Achituo Miling morqmtots at I'oitD J prices. Frot, Kuw Kiilaoil mioce rae', on sale atC K Browokll. A popalar place L Viorrek't akaving sod hair dretsieg parlor. Chmee et Delaware iirtp renvlved frssb every mcr,,it.g at C kfaos', youths' and bo)' eiutbirg sr.d furuUhiug goods at U W . A fl t ck ahave for only 13 et.t at L Vierwk'a, ttalt.rh Bl.wk, Albany, Or. Have you iitg thxe yulttt tuita that T Briok haa juut rtceived ! They art like. J W Buotlcy. best hox' t and sbu irukeria city, clr door north of Demccuat of Sue , For barfaio io heltioa, eto., Koto Kan ft Avhisoo, Albany .Orron. Yoa should ell and a thoos fius library lamp at C K Urowoeli' U'f'.rs ba ing t le-Ds- rt, By all mean see Will k Stark's l.'Cot liae of til var ware f.jr the ll-.!- i t) . Finest ever brought to Ailiany. Ticket for ALL eattra poioti, over ANY ruuta, for sle by W. Jettr, at 8. P. ticket otfioe, Fr cold night ley Tho Kay woolen mil blanket, chspt In town. Kuf sale by U W Simpn, agent. Albany, OrmM. O W pi 01 par. n Ua received hi fall ttcck d stockinette sad t j4cktU snd thre quarter tealet eluak'. and ,bave a ccov.ota acrtcneDt of all Jateat ttylts. Don't fail to our neu't and br-v- clothing boore ptirchaaing eUewhore. We sell the beat clothing for the lnt irtooey of any Boute in the city. Lcck aiid be con-vije- fd. GW Sm.pioii, . Boejfet ab4 Hark. The best tnak;are b be founditi Al- bany at l'rlce & Robson's, wiio have jv r rectved a carload of the finest hack 11 buri(letto be found. Their prices, con- sidering quality, arc remarkably low. It pays to ride In a good bugcy or hack. Keep thl tact In your head and when get-tin-ir. one call on Price 6c Robson, who have the largest variety to select from. Tub Reasos Why. M.y I It that Klein Ero. can afford to tell boot and shoe to reasonable? Because they ate both practical hne n.skera and make partcf their expenses by working on the hoe bench, any boot or 1 hoe you buy of theni. no matu r what kind it it man, womans or child, that rip, run over or the sole rips hiose tl--- repair them for you free of charge, and a they do all the woik them- selves, they don't charge you 35 to 50 cent a pair extra for a warrant to pay ro.ne hoemaker to repair them for ou. Thev also make a specialty of repairing rubber boots. 'Ths Statu Le, is'iture eonvmes on Jan' ary 12th. Kolidnv gunds at tiri.t eot't ac l'j onU tan's, fit li: ad ir at utl.tr cilcn-n- . Corwta. Cursets. We make a specialty of ladles and misses fine -- orse!s and waUt. We also have a drive in a French satlna corset at 75 cent Extra good valui:. SaMuki. E Vounc. Children Kj j Ths pl'jaaa st (1 ,voi, unu'iv acvitm and oth ing effects c.f Mjrup of Ki, when in 1 u I i f a laxative and if tb'j f.tiicr or tnothar be enstiv or bi.iout thi mos' trulifyinu remit f. Homing its us, hj ih..t it U ihu beat fam- ily remedy k uowo and s ry family thould have a bottle , rxaeh Tanr Wafers. The w ufevs are a sure and sife t'; rifi. for a l ii.c'tof femiile troubles arl, remo nil obtriiction to ,the mon- - ) period no mrtlcr what the cause. It are jl every woinun necu ; ai . can be ied with safety. For sale t' th Livlnrtone Chemical Co., also fron v sole arnt, J A Cuniming, drui'. Bi. berg b )ck, Albany, Oregon. K 1 ding i;iioU)gnii)hciii A any regon. V have bi.u, ht oil th. uu utiv nsllv L W Oark ai:d W ii Green ,.ood up to Nov 15'h, 5SS0. Duidicate can he Jed from htm ly (if ue xt reduotut i tes. VVehiVt slso t I t'Ut 13,000 (U'atives rade by our-sfl-ve , fr.iiii which duplia&t tcno bn bal t llkeii.es. We crry th 01 .y full liua lit vhjvvi if tli ia smte un i do o Azrpid work at 1 iv late f..r tircic!s..- - w tX. We shall h Vlem," the correspondent at this place of the Urownsvtlle Ttmtt seems about at cranky a the editor of that paper himself. In hit last correspondence he savsi If any other part of this county (and es pecially near Albany,) had at bad road at we have near here the county would pitch n and fix tt up In good shape. Now, I want to tay we are noc all tool here yet, and that nine out of ten of the tentlble tax payer here condemn the enteles and foolish attempt of the Timtt and It correspondent to manufacture prej udice against Albany. Now, every body know that there have been no bridge built at Albany, and that no assistance ha been clven by the county to keep tho road leading Into that city In repair ex cept to pa for a little lumber to make culvert and small bridge on the prattle swale, except about $1000 or $1500 to build a bridge on the CalapcoU, Tne Tim ha Insisted that the money ol the county should be expended tn the several precincts ot the county In proportion to the amount ot taxes paid In the precinct. By this rule Brownsville hat received much more than her share, Albany which pays from one.fourth to one third ot the taxes of the county doe not get back the one-tmlc- th part of what (he pay. I re cently yUlted Albany and talked with many of her tax payer about getting help from the county to repair our bridge and net a tingle one objected. The truth not one ot them teemed to kno that we had ever asked tor help. One would tup pose from reading "YlcmV letter that It I the custom n! the county court to ap propriate money to help gravel and grad road near Albany. I am Informed that the county court ha never done anything ot the kind. "Ylem' aythatour voting precinct pay a thousand dotlar taxes every vear and doe not eet back one fourth ot that. From assessment roil Albany seem to py from S 15,000 to - w $33,000 per yesr In taxes and does not get back $100. It I to be hoped that the Timet and It correspondent will no longei make fool of themselves, or at least that they will cease attempting to make peo pie believe we are all tools up here. A long as we persist In misrepresenting any people' we may not expect to lecelve any sympathy or support from them In an effort to set aid from the county. I be liev e In honest, fair, square dealing. Jvstick, KXCtUMiES. Chicago Tribaut (Rep ) Iowa e'ected republican Secretary of State by a plurality 01 1,916 votet. But on the UcKlr.ley bl Issue It went democratic by 9,181, that be Ing the plurality received by the democrat ic congressional candidates. Yet In spli ot these facts such sheets as the Det Moines liegitttr Burlington as hye and Dubuque Timet are howling In chorus Stand by the McKlnley bill." If the re publican party takes that idlotlc'.advlce will do lust exactly what the democrats want It to. It Is the daily and nightly prayer of the democracy that the rrpubll cans will "staid by the bill," for the fo-m- c know that In that contingency and in no other they can e'ct their prrsldrnt I 1892 almost by a walkover. No wond the democrats are dellgh'ed when they tee these republican neapapert Insisting and begging thai the party shall commit suicide Philadelphia TeUerath (Rep.) The framets and looters of the McKlnley bl were not lenorant of the power of the farmers, and they sougt.t to deceive them They could have done no more fool Is thing, at the results of the late eiectiimt I the farming ttatct prove. They have now largely allied themselves with the demo- crats; and, unless the fraternization should be dissolved toon, the prospects of future successes will not be resuming to the re- publicans. They spent all the last long session legislating for the manufacturers and the pension-clai- m agents, two numer- ically small classes. They should, and if they have not tailed to learn anything from the events ot this fall the will, ' be- fore the 4th of March undo some of the mischief they have done, and do some- thing for the farmers, the workingraen and all others who were not bletted, but cursed rather, by dote legUlation. The time It short enough, but It I also long enough, to ive to the country intimation of repentence and of a disposition to do what the country wantt and not what one or two small classes demand. The Salem Journal locates this paper with the democrats while the Alban; Dem- ocrat would locate us with the republi- cans. N W Rtjo. m Journal. The Democrat has never located the Journal ai republican paper at we now recall It. If It wat done in these columns it was Inadvertently, as we have no reason to think the Journal Is republican at all. It is snore nearly democratic tnao it I re- publican, but It advocates tome principles not In accord with democracy. II. Dale, E. Silver and E. II. Mix, all of Baker city, are under srrett charged with for- ging county warrents. Mix was county clerk and lit time expire! last July. He wat a candidate before the last republican ttate con vention for .Secretary of State. Had thse conspirators been democrats, repablicao papers would have teemed with accounts of democrat- ic "cutsedness". The people are too intelli gent to be deceived Republic 11s are not necessarily meaner than democrats by reason of their party relation. Both panics have black theep. l Data of the trfala of ifirce large steamer thowing the comparative merltt of large and small screws, show that propellers of diameter have in each esse proved the more economical and efTidive, both in cretslng the speed and decreasing the coa1 onsump'ion. - New Blacksmith Sjkih. G rV Wlllli ha jut completed hi blacksmith shop at the corner of Second and Railroad street wliere all k!nd of iron and wood work can be nad and done in first cUn order Bring on your pi , wuor.n, etc., etc. for repa rs. SHILOn-- CATARRH REMEDY t positive curs f ir Catarrh, Diphtheria snd Csuker-Moul- A4 i JOJT3 IT. eTEt-ET- . Jr.o. Tt. Carley, tla weil known mewhant tailor, f US UuUt St. B, T., wrttts M the f. loj Co., tHftt for rear h was al4 wtti ayppla whieU ma'.Mxg iirrd tin he etmmnrti tatlnf Joj't TrfMk!t Jyrf!la. r eontlnnM, "I am rt'.U tatlne It, Its mlH Uxilits fToa - .1:r.rly trnufal to rh fjEm. It is a pit cunt msyrim airaiss tioa wfce so n m tr wwit TilK rOKC DIUr-Wt- UT IS IT? It ! scheme to take elections out tl th hand oi lh peopla and place them In charge of federal official. Brltflf stated, a chlcl supervisor of election I appointed In each United State Judicial district. Tbls chlel supervisor, when he U peti- tioned to do o.call upon the circuit court to convene and appoint supervisors of election three for each pulling precinct, two from one political part and one from the other. Thee appointment are made bjr the judge from the Hat of name fur- - nUhed bjr the chief upervlor, . The su- per lor are empowered to appoint a many deputjr marshals at arej.dcemed necessary to .carry out their plan ol se- curing uch retulta at the desire. Thl supervision t over ttate election when member of congress or presidential elect or are to be elected. The board of tupei vI or for a preclnt have power un' det direction of the chief to revise and iu pervlse the registration of voles, to es amine state ballot, boxe before flection begin, to aeep a poll list and the number of voter, to receive and count ballot re jected b the regular and dulv appointed judge of election. In titles of 20,000 In habitant and upward the chief majr re- quire an of the supervisors or deput marshal to make a house-to-hou-se can- - vat which ma begin five week before and end on the dav before the election, Thl 1 to Inquire Into the elllbllltr of voter and whether the have been legal! naturalised, which mean that these feder al flunkelc called deput marshal and su pervisors shall tlmpt make domiciliary vUlt doing the work of trlbers, Intimida tion, ticket peddler, and executers gen erally of the blocks oT five scheme to carry election. The are authorlied to call tor and examine naturalisation paper of foreign born citizen The are author- ised to Inform voter tn which bos to de- posit thelt ballot and It the see a demo- crat go with an voter Into a room or booth it I made the duty of one of them to enter and auperlotend the voting. When In- structed by their chief these supervisor are to make a full list of all totelgn berr cilUen who have been naturalised, with the date thereof, their place of natlv It and present residence and the name snd residence of witnesses used to obtain nat- uralization papcr,and the are to examine and note.lhe original aflidav it and applica- tion presented to the court. Tl United , State judge I directed by the chief su- pervisor to appoint a board of three can- vassers, who shall receive $15 pe day and they shall appoint a clerk who shall re- ceive $ia per day. They shall canvas the (la'ement and certificates of ballot cast at any election general cr special, to certify the results as shown by the return made by the supervisor to the chief They thus certify who 1 elected to congress. This Infamoua bill the pro- vide that it shall He. the duty of the clerk of the lower house of congress to make rp his roll of members elect from the return thus made by these supervisor. A mure devllUh scheme to thwart the will of the people was never concocted. The cer.ifl. cste of the governor or duly created can- vassing board of a state would be entirely Ignored. The bill provides that chief u per visor shall be appointed for life and his expense and salary provided tor by a per- manent appropriation. We have thus presented the chief pro- visions of the bill. Let the reader observe the whole chain a made up link by link. The president appoints circuit judge, the circuit judges appoint chief supervi sors, snd thev in turn appoint board of upcrvUor,who appoint deputy marshals. Under a packed judiciary, (and there i no obstacle in securing one,) rnd the step be- tween a bold president, (backed by an un scrupulous set of leaders,) and a dictator ship Is but a short one. Even if It never were csrrkd to such a length, the unscru pulous use of the power In a doubtful state or twu could very easily be made to de feat the willof the people. Moreover, as Senator Daniel, of Virginia, forcibly points out, if congres haa the right, under the constitution, to take charge of con- gressional elections, determining, through his supervisors, who have a right to reg- ister and vote, then the same power exists for congiess to take charge at the election of a United States Senator, by state leg- islature, and to decide who have the right to cast a vote tn that election. Tne re- strictions Imposed on congress by the con- stitution are precisely the same In, the one case as in the other with the tingle ex- ception that the flaci w here the election for senator Is to be held cannot be deter mined by congress. The federal election bill Is a dangerous bill dangerous not alone to the tranquility of the touth, but dangetous to the liberties of America north, south, east and wert 8ELFMMNES3. Tangent, Or. Dec 30. 1890. Editor $ Democrat; I want to say that selfidme in the human heart make countless thoniandi mourn. We see exemt)lifict:.ont of litis truth ever) dsjy in the year. Men, who are o.diaarily called men of good common tense, utterly refuse to do any act, unlets they know they arc to be ben- efitted thereby. If only some one else it to be benefitted they see so reison why they should act. This makes the world a cold, heartiest, unsympathetic one. This selfishness thowt itself not only In the common worljly affairs of life, but it shows its. If in the prejudices of the human hear'.. How hurtful, how poisonous it (be influence of religious prejudice. Things have occurred recently in aiu arounil Tanjen t il-- ha re brought p light the fact that the bum)) heart is ssdly depraved. "VboUmy neighbor?" It is be whom I bavs power to aid and blew. I' it he who, enjjgcd in some public enterprise, tod who nsedt my endorse- ment and approval th.it it my n:ig1ilor. Thert it loo much setfuhness, too much iilib-cral- i'y infringing up among ths people of Tun gent Let an effort be made tn smother these noxiout wecJt. Naivete Valuable Papplcmtnt With 'his week's issue of 'be weekly Dem- ocrat we supply our readers with Senator Vcoibcet gre t speech on the tnrifl quetlion delivered in fie United States senate. A majoriiy of the republican leaders declare their purpose lu stand by the McKiuley hill Dem- ocrats of course wi I not res' until they secure its repeal or rniterut modification. Hence svtylhing tint adds light to (hit vital issue Should be placed before the public. Every firmer ir Oregoi tbould res 1 this tpeach-Ever- y mechanic niiould res d it. Every body houlJ read it. We make a special request that every 1 ubscriber should see thit at least one of bit republican neigh 'xirs should read it. The win'ir evtuings are lonp and it is good time to ciscuUte it. The S'ltlrj, a large river in B;itis 1 India with a .!ec-n- t of I2,Ooo feet in I'io miies, is t!.e f.iV ;t flowing river in the world. A "okes of tncaUic ! Si o 3 Til 12 BEST t-- C3 s ta its C3 o JIARDWAIIS. GO isa CD M C3 mS3 En CVTLER7, I o S3 i CARVE IIS, zn T 59 t3 a? GJ LANTERNS, 1 H COPPER, -- 1 4 & BRASS, m n eu S o o GRANITE H t- - O C3 E w AND c N BTEEL o ca o D CJ TTAEE. O a E o WATER td P- - R Eh FILTERS, o S CTQ m WARRANTED. CO i Btaaass.sssBBSSBSBBaasaBBBSBBisiaasw, R h3 A llliAiN l i'4 OltEGON. Easges -a- nd- '., Huter?, CD REFERENCES: K t- - n I i&iammB uurj Q WORK. o a PAY cn DC I Or Not avion r LEASE. S h3 TLUMBINfl y ' Contract;. BY P n Good Workmen.: o RON HARROWS snt -- tvunUlyoa buy aa Iron first oall on Stewart A Sax 1 1 wilt pay you not to forg .t this. K TATK FOR SALE -- I have ot X4U uri, near Lowann depo Le Karrow Gauge, 10 miles from ' , All la cultivation. Fair hoisfe and bai. ...o, for eto" and domestio pnrpesei. Fine oak gr Aisoanoineriarm ol jaj acres, tbro' .ea fro.n Lebanon, All In cuitivatl . Fair house. Good water. Both p , 4 wheat Harms. Also house and two lots on Fifth tad Jefferson atreets, Albaayi For furth tr particulars call on A. Umpbrey.Ceutw. precinct, or on uewitc a Irvine. Aiimny. 511 A. UMfURKY. Conrad Mever. STAR BAKE Hi7 Coviier BroaSalMa and First 8ts., . DEALKK I- N- siBcd Fraits, Ctinne Jf2eat, riea Fralta, obttcco, ': axar S .'.(, ..Tea, i!tc lerythlng that la kep Ik Rn rri r 5 and grocery oro.- UteheM fstrlfcr Sola Ascnt3 fr Oregon sad WsIiLagton for I booked by oca of he cow, bate later r I animation proved that this is not the case hi a; ..j-.- r . , M j -- i.t I'tNDUtrOK, Dee. 30. Sunday afternoon 1 Joe LArocpue, while bunlinc a mars at a toiut I on mile and a hrlf above Cyutt ation, frulit- - oed some magpies, whkh flew hero the brush 1 b!,l 'p" 1 he loaidenl ., nroustd . lit HlliUII MM., I. B.A - - i " iwwihiii. ettigt h wat honmed by the drcovery of a tnaa' L. body . r tad , immediately . went toCayute, "ireie nw w-u-iga ins tccitun wen. Tb man. Bm i Henry From - w mw IMtHVSliW IliiS TteaekertMi ladtaa. Lisc-olm- , Neb., Dtc. :a At 8 o'clock nCtan to iOme forward awsv from tli iritti I They came an I set in a halt circle until I KAnNla-- 4 IlkmAHHi.i a l f.'nd iht- - Companv "K," C'apuln " anoce ana company u. captain arnum ine oraer was men Htven to twenty in ment ol troops at once began to scaren the vlllage.finding lhirty-eli;- lit jun. At thl tk was about completed, the Indian, surrounded by lompanl? K, and II beean to move. All of a sudden they threw their blankets to the ground, whipped up rilics and began firing rapidly at the troop: nt iiweniv leer itir. i)n irnniti mk at great disadvantage, fearing to shoot their own comrades. The Indian men, women and children then ran to the touth, the battery firing rapidly tt they ran. Soon mounted troops were after them, shooting them down on every hand. The engage- ment lasted fully an hour and a halt. To the touth many took refuse In a ravine, from which U was dlllicuit to dislodge them. I should estimate the k Sled tnd wounded, from what I saw on the field and I vlcinltr. at fiftv I ' itlafsl trlait Foaasi Cacva. Dec. so From nresrnt Indiraiion it look at t bough an awful crime bad been commuted near the old Hush home M.Mat W Cbrtoto- - pnr oscn, sceu 50 yesr. was the victim, i M, Abr.h.m . lrh. , - ,l,,k., v. , (1.. ceased, was the one who found tba bcqy.sad I . and be renotcd that his brother had - Ix-- , 1 Tbe coroner's jury did tot determine any thing special They asked tbe court for further time in which to investigate ss to tbe cause of tbe murder. ' A li4 VssMnIe. Tacossa, Dec. 39. -- The retail n.erchantt held a meeting tonight, end after a great deal of dikcutalon, agreed to clt so their stores st 6 p. m. A Meeat Wsswaa If'ALLA Walla, Dec sc. Ut thit after noon Jamct I'almer. a wol hauler, returned from tbe mountains," found bis Iitttt9ver old boy tick with diphtheria tad alone in the bouse and bis wile eon off with a man named W berna n, a well-kno- Eureka flat rancher It .... is r supposed that the euiltv bair hat tkinned .. qui luf vauiornia. The Sterti Iaeeease4 SALEM, Dec. 30. The directors or th Oregon Metallic I'aint Co. held a mce'ing H Salem today, and increased tbe capital stock from tijoo to fjooa The place oftutlnest it SiW, and the incorporators are Adam Mix! ler, D. D. Dayios and W. J. Herren. The plant is o be increased- - Suiiplemiotal articatt 01 incur; oration wui be tiled tomorro. Ceaaterrelter arrested. Hklkna, Dec. aS.Unlted Stales Mar shal Furrey ha Just succeeded In locating 4 couniei fi lter's den and captured two of the piimlpal counterfeiters, for some time counterfeit coins have been 'shoved" around the state and only on Christmas dsy vwis a clue obtained. A rancher natnid iom Kent, who owned a cabin near Hty Timber, nut far from Fort had rented the cabin to a couple 01 stianger, and when he wrnt to notify the men that they must vacate, he found a traiigc-lookl- ng furnace. He at once notified the marthal, wbo tent deputies to investigate, upon arriving there to-c'- ay tney lounu the furnace, which they ut once n cognized a that of counterfeiters. 1 he Trouble Over, Rapic City, S D , Dec. j3. The new yesterday indicate that the Indian trouble are obout to be brought to a close without the sacrifice of any more live. General Mile' advice of last evening, that '.he hotii et In the Bad lands had listened to the lovir and pertutslon of General Hrooke and the Ogallala and Brule peace commit-tlone- rt and were moving toward Pine Ridae, were confirmed bv General Brooke' dispatches today. Hlanesote Tanner's AlUsace, St. Pall, Minn., Drc. a8. Nearly a thousand delegate are gathered here for the farmer's alliance ttate convention. The general opinion it that Ignatius Donnelly will be elected president and tne Minneso ta tiate alliance will join the national alli- ance, Important Tin BUeevei let San Antonio, Tex., Dec. 28 Lonii Chard a prominent civil engineer, arrived in this city yesterday with specimens irom tut new tin dis covery, which has recently been made on the Colorado river, in Llamo county, loo miles north of here. The deposit covert a large ex- tern'. Girard brine: the ores hereto be sampled. He says new discoveries are being made daily. and sixty deposits have already been located. ' a King la the U.S. Los Angeles, Dec. 28. Kino Kalakaua and suite made a brief stop in the city this afte-noo- n on his way tn Coronado. He was met fat the depot by Mayor Hazard, General McD. AlcCook and several other prominent citizens. A Famest lottery Man New Orleans, L., Dec 28. Dr. M. A Dauphin, for twenty year president of the Louisiana Lottery Company, died here today, lie was a native of Alsnce-Lcrai- ne and was ' 53 years old. SCALES ' DOB't et weijflits any Many a fi".Mljr 1VM , DEERE'G NEW DEAL PLOWS. . !. . IV nt'lrt, rrTrlp;!e Fnrroir. Thry tir$M simple arid 'ximeso near abnoHstc thtwo xviio have turd llicm or even them work en not y enoosli in Ive AiikinIi ihi'iu w'lh or vvitliout scatattacuiucuu ect ftttavhiuenta are extra, DBEEE POWER XiIoTT STJXiTT XiOWS. i c BUCKEYE SHOE PRESS GRAIN D-!L- 0 I loe Tress Grain Drill. Bnckcre fiwdom, Bnckoye Sprlns Tooth narrow, Superior 4. . U ralu LirtUs, Superior Keedei a. . CORBiN'SDISC HARROW AND SEEDER. Hiieisi Improved Imilment lor sow.? irammer ta low. The most -- orarloto and sucfossful toil lor this purpose t a use. i.Iao tave a lull line of Buncies, CarriaKes, Pl astons, Mountain Wagons, flatfuriu aud other Spring A hicles. ODD a CO., tchs or Iron, teel MACHINERY. ' : 4fc-A- . tim J.' CAPM WftftflNC HMUUIIO. : ScientlSo Feed Mills, ALBANY, OREGON. THAT CAN BR USED EVKKV M ' sr .KS- - niucsiuumai pays, cores v. crcosot book-keepe- rs and sten 1 ! t Scots, Shoes, U 5 1 fine lir o of gealetto Jack- - QCMIITTI PR nco &"c.'hitpl!i'8 epriug-Toot- Karrow, Depre Kiuro'srs, i'acmi) ranuing Aiu.s, JIAISH nAIUI AVIH13. 11 C. ETC. : rou specxaz. cikcclaks A' prick lists. E. THRALL5 AGENT, X ? 3 y s? 0 jy?A' y J? ICVSV lSils ISC is . .... . name 7 II not, why didn't you tlgn tt to article last week. Mr I U Gibson will commence trach - Ing school to-da- y. He takce the place of Mrs Stockton, who it laid up with the lung K'vcr. ijrrt.i lUina uvd. Dec. 20, 1800. Jamet Care, r, jr., started to California yesterday. He will probably be gone a year. A social was given in kit honor on haturoay evening at tbe residence of lilt brother, tjiilord Uarger. Mrs. Fhiiuot it having a serious time with iter dp, it having been poisoned with a veil. Mr. and Mrs. Jamct Curtis have a little daughter, born Ihe. 18. Thit little haa eight brothers but no sinters, conse quently inert i great rejoicing in tbe vurus iainiiv. Miss Clara Tilton is spending the holl dnyt with her brother's family, near r.uKene. cue win return nome next Ihureuay. . , A SOciol (lance at the'reitlbnnn of linn. John Long it on tbe cards for neat thurs- - uay evening. Jamct Taylor and family spent Christ mas uere wun nit parcntt. Mr. and Mrs.' Cummings . came up to tf tl l(S mr. uussermtn i t riuay to attend the bail at Coburg that evening. AH those from Ibis neighborhood who attended the Coburg XmAS ball pro nouncec it a decided success. The music was good and tbe crowd large and or derry. Messrs. Wolf and Northern, of Browns-vi.l- e, were visiting relatives Mr. and Mrs. xiaywortn, last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. Q, A. Vaughn enter- tained Judge and son Claude, and Hon. and Mrs. John Long, and Miss McDonald at dinner on Christmas day. Miss Clara rhilpot is home for the Holidays. THIT WW Here-i- s an instantaneous picture of the cow caught by tbe Dkmocbat's kodak.as referred to by the accomplished Chair-ma- id o' the Milk Maids Convention; SoKii'thtng for the Mew Year, Tho world renowned snaoestof Hmtottor'. Storrfacb and thfir continued popu- larity for over a third iit a century a stomacbio, i toarcely more wonderful tha i.l.fc u ehioma that greet the arnual tppea-uo- e of Uitettr' Alina'ac. This valuab n e l nl treii'.Uo is puKlinbed by the hoste . ur Conipii.y, I'lttsbura, Ta, nnder the cm iminei'iute lupervipton, e(n ploying f i baiida in that department. They sre ta nini about II mouth, in tha year o-- j this wojU, and the of aumo or 1891 wi I be m eilmn ten nmllimis, printed la tbe Eog-iifc- h, French, Welsh, Norwegian, Sweditti. Holland, Bohemian and Spanish iatifcil igta. Ilefer to copy of it for valuable eml iutereatiog reading ooccerulng health m;d nuiiurous ttatimooia!. a to the cflicsoy of ilostttter' Stomach Uitteis, amufiemeiit, vaiie l iiformi.lion, astroDOtnical calculation, aud cbrou- - loyfoi Items, Slo, which can be dcpmdtd no .for correctnets. 'l'ho Airtia-ijk- o for l'$Jl can be obtained fre of c.. ographers of both sexes, Attribute tftcir success to a course et the Portlancl Bus- iness Collage, rortUnd, OrejTon, or the Capital Business College, Salens Oreffon. Botli are uudcr the management of A. P. An istrong, have same courses rt study, same rates of tuition. ttsiriess,Shorfhnnd,7ypenitiag, Penmanship and Eng lish Departments. Writs to either for joint Catalogue and specimen of penmanship. r Alls' TALK!!. ABOOT- - Wo n Large and Choice Display of Drv Goods. Clothing. Mc, Etc. ! Including many novelties. A ets. Children's ( 1 Tis eat ta Fit ths Feet, M pj p r r r n H r """3 p f p Hoods, c(:c, &c. E8 Oan fl) it ani ga it Esat. f3 q It you want tho best a;ul most durable furni ture that is manufactur ,I it t iiC city co to

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The ar among the faithful lor the post


CaAwrotiDsvitiK, Dec, aS, 1S90.


ill ii Jll

For such our would-b- e


Li sLLiiliull

coinpetitors will find it


cast all business rules to the

January and February

Tbeladlaa rightWasiiinoton. Dec 30. The commltlontrnl'tn xfTnlu this morning received the

following. illmntch horn scent D. F. Rover,T ... , , . - .. . -

Ba,e ' iwgt inutoa igenry, ieceiiiuer9

t a 11 f

?um,1 VM ,e ? "I" "'"

.t,",u' "V c'rn1,",8 "V" 1 banuturrtnder. a ficbt place.

Tl .T t!. .ifl..l.i. .11.vomuussinjer 01 inuian simus iu nut

ftuoon teceiv.d a telega from SpecialAgent Cooper, at ! Ridge, raying that 150tnutant were killed and SO wounded sod captured, 11 also states that lb Imlwn at-- 1tacked a wsgon train this (Tuesday morning,two mile north of the siency, killing onesoldier of the advsnc guard.

The surueon ctnaral racelvsd from MedicalDirec , or Bacl.e, at l'lne Ridge, a report of the


catua tkt among the troop at yesterday 1 fightbi !oiiowii"iiiiatn Wallace, twenty five u.en01 mis aeventu cavany, and one Indian scoutaiiieu,

Cambitn PI4II. ,

CoutR, Citv, Wah , Dec, 30. WalIter B Webb, who wat cashier of theNorthern PaclfU Exprc Company, atBpokane Fall, from May, 1S89, until lastSunday, committed tuUlde here Ibis evenIng by shooting himself through the head.lie came from ripokane r slit iat nightiandplayed stud poker In IlUbeo Brotsaloontin morninir, loaing all tne money he had,Thl afternoon he began playing, attain onu 1 1..1 n . -

iu, eu uiiMi flnu v in mu noun..., K... , , .....

V w w vm, .IVIEI V" ..win t.W.f 1 H.(Ufor the krv to the water.clut art! onlU,!. .. .---

out. in lets tuan a minute from the limehe left the saloon pUtol report was heardand the dead body of Webb was found In(tie closet, t nr In a nool of blood

..." ,Ewomii, Dee. 3 Mr Jacob Spore,

who wis prubablv the oldest man In Lanecounty, If not the oldest In the state, wat

"rica touay, im was ntgtiiy respectedy an woo anew mm, ana leaves a large

family of children and grandchildren, liecame across the plains to Oregsn In 1847and settled on a donation land claim nearthe McKcnx a river, rive mllragene, where he resided until hit death. Hewas 96 year of age, and has been ot- -most lotallr b tnd for several ictrt

We kick over the traces andwinds, and do business at ato be out of tho house at tho

loss. Every overcoat '11 have

expiration of that time.

READ THE PRICES:AYbk h 'i. fuve a pernor tihU tffect on our o called competitor.

A $12 OhmohilK overcoat

The whole stock of overcoat will bo closed outat tho same ratio.- -

All woolen goods will boor stiirto, underwear, etc.

A GREAT OEOUOTiOfl IN GL0THII1G:Fine all wool Euits, vorth $15, and told at other places for

$15, will bo sold ai $10,Ctr

,,!.. h.- - ,11.1.1.., ri,w.!i..,.. .-- n

Dec. 20. IfiOO.

fJnmo nf our vomitr mr-- fllWl fullbnd wl'takey oa Ohriatniaa. as thev willdontnll rmu'ta I havo ever bctm. In ot- - 'tier to have a bimkI time, wa aunnnan Imt I

.. .....;,. - --.

--- 11

anoum tiiiiiK tliey una miwseU It by 10duing, 1

The Christinas trcci were well loaded ..

is,v,with praavnu, and everybody Imd a good I

Ii. . 1.1 I

s-'i . .rt?.?l'fl.f . V f!r 'H'fill 1 ' ""'V"si- " ".,,"""'"I"" "one 1 or n venr una action was vhkcii inhope ot allnying the trouble, and at theexpiration of hi terra bulng able to electsomeone aa a permanent pastor.

IWowdbvUIo lotlce. No. 30. A. P. A. M..keid their election of ofllccr on the SUthof Pro., rettulting aa follow

fj l P Cooley, M W. ,

m 11 is.'wticy, fen w.WlJi;lanchard,JunW.tt N Thompson, Treaa.J W Hwaak, 8en D.u U iiiompson, J on D.w H Minim, lywr. ,

All were Itistalieil on the niuht ot theirelection. Tho Indict of the brethorngave them a aurpritte by coining In at anopportune moment with well-fllle- tl bna- -

kem 01 nice eatables. All had a rightgood tunc-- in social chat and lively games.Conto egiiin, Indies.

- 1 p l i I.i ib, AiiuiD r rerrr. wiui iniurtnvu. is. t 'ioil 1110 SICK 111.- . . 1

J. A. BlttllCP. OI KttHt Portlancl. atnt.1... I "i.l-- j , ""iiye wiui remiivesnnu menu 01

tin place. Jay ay be cats four timetday hera and like the place on that

account,lhia correspondence cloaca our labor

In I.U ,li..l(.,n 1D.UI .t I

hope to meet the rea.lera of the Dkmo- -Ckat. as a correnrtomlcnt. In ths vear B1

ami slmll try to give the mwa correctly10 mo ijcm 01 our aoiiitv, bo we utu you I

alt, and tho year 18U0, farewell.


I tov J a worthy, 01 MieJda, preached u I

a very . tiiteresttnK sermon In the new f

ciiurcti on last haalmih to a full house,... H, .. . . t . . . .1110 win. conaurt. .a sertca 01 rev val aerrl- -' - I

ct aatiuu cnurcn.A friend mtneHta tlm publication of I

the tact that Mr John Lornr now residesin Mulio. I

Mr Pimnv Khort.lan Ana ir.nn,Svttleutire'.,...old euiployra, wbo fell from..- - Iutu oarn im. un sininifr. i arxntiinir 1

theholidaya InTangt-nt- . lie baa beenat... Ilia ilAmM In... lVlrl.w f.ir .ii... ,.,A- - - - - ."'"V ,t,,,V,

T,. ...... . . ..., . , I

Tfc,n .1,wv,vu.r. ...... irronu, I

rTo '.e Tla dutie. '7rlcf--

pa teacher of our flon.l.liing oSl.

Henry Knliditcn a three Ustnirhlf r. ofKnox Butte.werw here visiting at li rand- -

- I

ma Vernon'a Friday and returned homoSaturday.

Horn,. tIn

-- ..'"Tangent,.on. PunJay. morning,.

' J. U?WJ0WPU Andrew,Si l


' ?V y't . 1 . ,

:r. w ""'"'"rIIIV.Mr Kd Rowland It tnovimr out ot town

tk at la rts ttnaa (sKst.lThe yotmg folk, had a very nice social

party at L t Smlth'a residence oa laatFriday night, about nine couplet beingpresent. Tho party liuUd till 12 o'clock.


Chrlstinut wat not obeervedhere. A few of the-- young people made

aurpriso dinner at the home of II IIt , . 1. 1.1. I ! .1 1 . .1 . .

,-by Archie, who It slowly recovering froma two montht siege ol typhoid fever.

Mr R A butchered four ol liltfat hogs thit week. Une weighed 3iJpounds, the swond 374. the third SOand the fourth making an average01 auax poumit. These hogs were fattened on corn. Mr II. hat raited com andhogs in Illinois and Iowa and thoroughlyunderstands the business, lie alsoknowt how to raise wheat.

Mr John Currr. of Portland. Is via tins! ' ' m

1 r 11 no uere.We are ready to go with Amicus anynice day and count the trees planted tint

action, lie certainly It mistaken abouttwo Hundred.

A Y Smith rarrhwl th. n,a!l l. ,Ulfr(tl.MMi.. i.ni. 1.1.

I Itf it 'I r i . i . . i , ,i.r . mw is putming a large orcnara.

Atnlcti. are vou ashamed of vour

T.LfaJlacel Co.,

will go to for only $8.

sold at cost; consisting


Wo always keep our eye on theindicator of popular demand,and are therefore usually pre-pared to supply it at reducedratc3. AVe are selling the Jewelstoves and ranges, the mos pop-ular stoves made at present.

If yvo wsat to eJ v money on all toctebsuflxild rlic. tay. 'eta tf ot Wewh mski tbat our 1 ueii ts

A. Brown.

S wu'comuTlS

TJuluZjttor OT, S '5

ih KU k.i atv utiiaj i.M i.i- -


,hls morning iroopa were mated abouthe",d,an Mt llotehkhe gun. over- -

1 coionri rorsyme ordered an the 1




cfnow we cb Ii c i:tc


iardvare,AND FARM


Edited bf Albany V, 0. T, V

The Albany W. C. T, U., at It Instmeeting, took action to tend a protest tothe Columblnn Commission, againtt keep- -In the exposition open on the huboath, andalto to request timtllnr action on the partof ench of the churches of the city and theI 11 . W. A.

The W. C. T. I', expect to celebratethe anniversary of the woman' crusndeaisalntt tho tuition, by appropriate tvrvice at the ir nail, on trlJay evening,January a, isoi, Further notice of program to be given.

M at Dttf2s. of Oreaon City.L,riia i i'i. kT.,Ui t 'i,i,.n ilfo!ljv.!

uiv. ... .11..1 iii. .u...' ITB KCUIlU'lll ilVlltlCU Willi feWIIUIUW- -

l!or)i to tl, cmpcMnte Temple fai too,eld(im. But the temiilebulldlntf spiritha reached tit, and I w ant to tell you ofa dedication I attended on November 21,at New lint. Thl it a small countryplice on tho railroad, twenty milt fromPortland, Only a railroad station, a gristmilt, w mill, ponloriice and store com-

bined, a few cottage scattered over thesteep hillside, a Catholic church and atpHtuallst camp around, ffo churchedifice, no school house, no place wherenubile meetings can he held, except thecamp ground, which Is only available forsummer, ana where trio yaiikeM tnnacitiyhgs hern proclaimed.

mi noroic union n tnamtatneu itfortnightly meeting for five years, with amembership ot from ten to eighteen, wholive on farm adjacent, tome of the member Kolna from five ta eight mite throughtummer'a heat and winter's mud. Butwith a steady, plodding horse to currythem, with a bab in front, they havefiiuhluiiy attended their meetings at cacnother' home.

A ver ago the Inspiration came to theircouragcout president, "Arise and build,"I am ture no more touching InclJcnts oltclf-dcnl- at, nor of patiently gathering upthe littlet list been demonstrated In theerection of your gtcat thirteen story temple, than couiu do una 01 init orave nanaot ten women. The treasurer (aid thespent one half day last week In gatheringin funds, r,d had splendid success. Whenatked how much, she rrptleJ, $3 I

11, ,1't.mm.ti..-- !, ltM nnntitlthin f I...h tfllit-- l

,wi.'vi'i l.'V '' - -have been closed ecalntt themt but thevare now Independent and have a buildingwhere preachinir, (ur.day-tthoo- l, temperance lecture, etc-- ca 1 be he'd, and wherethe neat, home-mad- e banner, of whiteletters on a blue ground, proclaims that. . . .... .I. J IMI.nI.I r. I 1. Mmi.; i.. w,Home and Native Land. - The localgrange It at united with them and ownshalf of the lot and building, but there Itno conn lit in the object ot the two socletie, and thev both participated In thededication, whkh was conducted by reading the Oregon IValm (4.0th), by prayerand tone, arid odarctiK-- by several 01 tnefriend of the cause who were present

"Politician to the Interest of ltdstate about a freely and carelessly as aboy with a rubber Hall: Out, man Ij-k- j,

we have many true hearted women, labor-ing and proving while they wait for theredemption 01 tins wveiy country iromtue grop 01 tne dctwyer."M. L. Da iocs

ALliAlH I Ul iliUA liUUblj.



CONCERT,From Htockholm.

KDiMia itrtx BtaKir, ai iptu


MISS T 8UKD1US. IttKoprsno.MISS IDA ItUUCK. 2nd Sopnno.

MUS MAKIA H EDEN, 24 Soprano,MARIE SOllLBKfiO. lt Alio.

fci.lZAP.l-r-i II BUUCE. lt AIUv.INU t.tCBURfi LINLtU)RN. 2nd Alto.


!). MR. M ELY IN R. DAY,- -

fbe rrit Ikmloa Humorist

The ladies appear iu the beautiful andpicture. jue (tHtumetet their taiiv pror- -tnees, ......

Tbtrir QusttrUe sinafng kas never beeno,ualtd in. tl.i rctji try, ibeir work tteicg

tiropiy prii-ci-.

ADMISSION, 1 i 60 cU and 81.lioserved s- -t at Will & .link's.

kit um tV GI5AY bavtna told hiaJf lentM runtiiCMi, to give pcoaeaaionuuary I, lSI. Hi' st srntlv renunaUi

bis many uiaywUh blm tor"Hcnr teeta in gooa iepe.tr a Tore reunpuroesiistnj, aji wuo nod tnnrn

Ives lrc3rl.ua to bim, are espeeleil tn11 and artilo soon.

HANTED.-Gi- rl to do aecetal bouse? f ork Call at re.an0 or II

Mt-rrll- l, earner t1 Ftrry and Eitveuthmreeia.

TMSOLUTIOS NOTICK1. Not.'ceJ J hereby c I Ton (bat I he copartnttshlpoi waunK anaon uaa tKn auUKUVtdby rout i! I emiwrjt. All liabUltlot willbo aautnif by IJtmrT Ohllrg, to whoman suouiii im pain.IIKMhY oiiltso.frank Wallace.Albany, Deo 24, 1MKJ.

"VTOT1CE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT1 U! annun. meeurifr or tba alackEoldeia of tbt Karnifcra tit Msrcbanla Intnranrt Oompany. of Aibanv. Urnirnnwill be beld at lb offloo of ttld CoaijwnvIn Albany, I lnn county, Orecoa. on Wed- -

rrcilty, January 7, 1S!)I, at tba boui of 2o'clock; p in, of rid dsy, for tho purposeoi euciiuR nine uirv-ctor- or taia n.mpanjto serve fci one yar, and to traowet aocbomer rn net aamy rrgaiMriy come bafore said uieeltng.

lly order of the President.J. O. v piTHttAir, Sporetary,

AlHsny.Or. Uio Ut, ItWU 8)

Notice of Final Settle- -

nieit.To all or ifcus l'ninjr claims actimk tha

ftUto of J rr.es WsUh, dooil. sod to 11

other penous wbom it tny concern. Youare notincd that the undprncnd esecat I f the id ei.Ute en the 241b dsy ofDecern tar, IS9', tiled In tbe county ecmrlcfLian v;i nniv: urcson. liis Dual lemrnit nttll eUie, and Siid conrt haa appointedMondy the 2ad day of February, 1801, atthe bonr of 1 o'clock o m of a&id dav to ham--

mi settle all objections to said final account.uatert this 20ih day of Deo 1890.W. It.Bilyeu, Q WCLINE,

Attorney. Executor.

Executors JVoticc.

NOTICE H HERrBY GIVEN THAThas been dulv an.

pointed exer-utrlv- : cf the last will andtesUncent of Geonre V Svlv. eter. doca(erl,by the honorable the county courtci imn county, uretron. All ufrrsonshaving claims agilnst the estate of taiddeceased, are. hereby notified to nresentthe same duly veriflad, to me In peraoj,or to my xttorney, ueo W Wright, at histaw omcein Albany; liinn county .Oregonwithin Bix months from this dato- -

Haled Doo 25, 3899.MARIAH SYLVESTER,

Exrcudlx of the la&t will and tettament ofGeo W Kvlvester, deo.ased. 12 28

Notice of Final Settlement.

IN THE COUNTY COURT, OF LINKcounty, Oregon. In tlio matter of the

estate of MirUrn llarrnl, Ueceased. Notioeis hereby given that the undersigned, tteduly appointor!, qunllilad and aotlnj? ad-ministrator of the estate cf Xliiiam Harrel, deo.ased, has tbU day Hied his flnal-ecoour.- t

In tbe mstter of said estate, Inthe abeve court, and that the court hasappointed Monday, ton 2nd day of Feb-ruary. 3891, at 1 o'clock, p m, as the timefor hearing objections to said final ao.count, snd for tbe settlement thereof.

lted lHo 23, 1S9!. J L MILLERAdmiulstrator of the esiat cf i.;ri.-- n

office In this city rsgct fiercely. At thetime when Postmnter Thompson's termwill expire approaches, the heat and fire otthe contest Increase In Intensity. The

ppllcantt are C W Watts, Frank L Kenton, Thomat Montclllt Jr., S A Dawton

nd S S Train. The Irhmdiof each claimthat their man hat the pull. Ii It said thatC W Wall bank his claim fur the office

upon the Invaluable service rendered byhi father at a stumper In the last campaigntor Uatrrlson. Mr Montclth hopes tn succeed through the Influence w hich tome ofhit particular Mends have with SenatorMitchell. Frank L Kenton ha hope thathi fine iccoid as an, efficient, thoroughlycompetent, and ever obliging deputy postmaster will lead to hi appointment. Noone ha Informed ut upon what groundDawson and Train bate their claim.

L !'." i LJ.-- J J8TILL WAUlMi.

Much quiet woik was done yctcrday In

theltitervitof the several candidate torthe pot, Day by Ony Ihe InterestIncrease. Retort to a'.l source for "Influence'' are now being made. EverythingI being brought to bear to make suc-

cess doubly u re. It I said that every republican In town hat signed some one tpetttton or written a letter In behalf of

tome one ot the candidates, and one republican goes so tar at to tay that If one couldeximlne the petition ot the several ap.illcant now on Tile at Washington the ludicrous fact v.ruld appear that the names ofmire than a tcore of republicans would befound on two or more petitions, and thatthe name of on ot the applicant wouldbe found on the petition of another one ofthe applicants, all of which tend to makethe situation high: Interesting.

Dr. I. N. Love ol St. io a paper onhis subject, said tint hit experience for fiveor six ycatt past had l:n Uiorgly in favor of

taking a cup of strong, black coffee, withoutcream or sugar, between two g'asset of hot

water, bcfoie lising every morning, at leastaa hour before breikfsst. . The various secretions were s'itnulated, ths nervous force wat

aroused, aa hour Liter a hearty meal wat en

joyed, and the dyt labor wat begun favorably,no matter how the dutict of the day and eightpreceding might have drawn upon the systemAnother cp at four ia the alternoon wat sufficient to sustain the energies for many hcuis.In this wty the full effect was secured. Ifslonj with this the proper diet wst takes atthe proper timet and the kleal d'et for thosewho make targe draft upon their nervous

system and expected to have them honored

wis hot milk anJ at least eight hour of sleepwere taken out of every twenty-fou- r, on'capacity for wmk would be almost sn'imiied

A statement picpated at ths pension officeshowt that up to December aotb, the numberof c'aims filed under the set ofJune 37th, lS,was 531.390. Nevertheless these figure ddnot equal the democratic majoiity in the popular vole at the congrcstio&al elections lastmonth.

F. M. French kevt,rt'4 tiiim.Nd rtai viiauv j jc tt ivd at Courad

Esu St Achituo Miling morqmtots atI'oitD J prices.

Frot, Kuw Kiilaoil mioce rae', on saleatC K Browokll.

A popalar place L Viorrek't akaving sodhair dretsieg parlor.

Chmee et Delaware iirtp renvlvedfrssb every mcr,,it.g at C

kfaos', youths' and bo)' eiutbirg sr.dfuruUhiug goods at U W .

A fl t ck ahave for only 13 et.t at LVierwk'a, ttalt.rh Bl.wk, Albany, Or.

Have you iitg thxe yulttt tuita that TBriok haa juut rtceived ! They art like.

J W Buotlcy. best hox' t and sbu irukeriacity, clr door north of Demccuat ofSue ,

For barfaio io heltioa,eto., Koto Kan ft Avhisoo, Albany .Orron.

Yoa should ell and a thoos fius librarylamp at C K Urowoeli' U'f'.rs ba ing t le-Ds- rt,

By all mean see Will k Stark's l.'Cotliae of til var ware f.jr the ll-.!- i t) . Finestever brought to Ailiany.

Ticket for ALL eattra poioti, overANY ruuta, for sle by W. Jettr, at8. P. ticket otfioe,

Fr cold night ley Tho Kay woolen milblanket, chspt In town. Kuf sale by UW Simpn, agent. Albany, OrmM.

O W pi 01 par. n Ua received hi fall ttcckd stockinette sad t j4cktU snd threquarter tealet eluak'. and ,bave a ccov.otaacrtcneDt of all Jateat ttylts.

Don't fail to our neu't and br-v-

clothing boore ptirchaaing eUewhore. Wesell the beat clothing for the lnt irtooey ofany Boute in the city. Lcck aiid be con-vije- fd.

G W Sm.pioii,

. Boejfet ab4 Hark.

The best tnak;are b be founditi Al-

bany at l'rlce & Robson's, wiio have jv rrectved a carload of the finest hack 11

buri(letto be found. Their prices, con-

sidering quality, arc remarkably low. Itpays to ride In a good bugcy or hack.Keep thl tact In your head and when get-tin-ir.

one call on Price 6c Robson, whohave the largest variety to select from.

Tub Reasos Why. M.y I It thatKlein Ero. can afford to tell boot andshoe to reasonable? Because they ateboth practical hne n.skera and make partcftheir expenses by working on the hoebench, any boot or 1 hoe you buy of theni.no matu r what kind it it man, womans orchild, that rip, run over or the sole ripshiose tl--- repair them for you free ofcharge, and a they do all the woik them-selves, they don't charge you 35 to 50cent a pair extra for a warrant to payro.ne hoemaker to repair them for ou.Thev also make a specialty of repairingrubber boots.

'Ths Statu Le, is'iture eonvmes on Jan'ary 12th.

Kolidnv gunds at tiri.t eot't ac l'j onUtan's, fit li: ad ir at utl.tr cilcn-n- .

Corwta. Cursets.

We make a specialty of ladles and missesfine -- orse!s and waUt. We also have adrive in a French satlna corset at 75 centExtra good valui:.

SaMuki. E Vounc.

Children Kj jThs pl'jaaa st (1 ,voi, unu'iv acvitm and othing effects c.f Mjrup of Ki, when in 1 u I i fa laxative and if tb'j f.tiicr or tnothar beenstiv or bi.iout thi mos' trulifyinu remitf. Homing its us, hj ih..t it U ihu beat fam-

ily remedy k uowo and s ry family thouldhave a bottle ,

rxaeh Tanr Wafers.The w ufevs are a sure and sife t'; rifi.

for a l ii.c'tof femiile troubles arl,remo nil obtriiction to ,the mon- - )

period no mrtlcr what the cause. Itare jl every woinun necu ; ai .

can be ied with safety. For sale t' thLivlnrtone Chemical Co., also fron vsole arnt, J A Cuniming, drui'. Bi.berg b )ck, Albany, Oregon.

K 1 ding i;iioU)gnii)hciii A any regon.

V have bi.u, ht oil th. uu utiv nsllvL W Oark ai:d W ii Green ,.ood up to Nov15'h, 5SS0. Duidicate can he Jed fromhtm ly (if ue xt reduotut i tes. VVehiVtslso t I t'Ut 13,000 (U'atives rade by our-sfl-ve

, fr.iiii which duplia&t tcno bn bal tllkeii.es. We crry th 01 .y full liua litvhjvvi if tli ia smte un i do o Azrpid work at1 iv late f..r tircic!s..- - w tX. We shall h

Vlem," the correspondent at this placeof the Urownsvtlle Ttmtt seems about atcranky a the editor of that paper himself.In hit last correspondence he savsi

If any other part of this county (and especially near Albany,) had at bad road atwe have near here the county would pitchn and fix tt up In good shape.

Now, I want to tay we are noc all tool

here yet, and that nine out of ten of thetentlble tax payer here condemn theenteles and foolish attempt of the Timtt

and It correspondent to manufacture prejudice against Albany. Now, every bodyknow that there have been no bridgebuilt at Albany, and that no assistance habeen clven by the county to keep thoroad leading Into that city In repair ex

cept to pa for a little lumber to makeculvert and small bridge on the prattleswale, except about $1000 or $1500 tobuild a bridge on the CalapcoU, TneTim ha Insisted that the money ol the

county should be expended tn the several

precincts ot the county In proportion tothe amount ot taxes paid In the precinct.By this rule Brownsville hat receivedmuch more than her share, Albany which

pays from one.fourth to one third ot thetaxes of the county doe not get back theone-tmlc- th part of what (he pay. I re

cently yUlted Albany and talked with

many of her tax payer about getting helpfrom the county to repair our bridge andnet a tingle one objected. The truthnot one ot them teemed to kno that we

had ever asked tor help. One would tuppose from reading "YlcmV letter that ItI the custom n! the county court to appropriate money to help gravel and gradroad near Albany. I am Informed thatthe county court ha never done anythingot the kind. "Ylem' aythatour votingprecinct pay a thousand dotlar taxesevery vear and doe not eet back onefourth ot that. From assessment roil

Albany seem to py from S 15,000 to- w

$33,000 per yesr In taxes and does not getback $100. It I to be hoped that theTimet and It correspondent will no longeimake fool of themselves, or at least thatthey will cease attempting to make peopie believe we are all tools up here. A

long as we persist In misrepresenting anypeople' we may not expect to lecelve anysympathy or support from them In aneffort to set aid from the county. I believ e In honest, fair, square dealing.



Chicago Tribaut (Rep ) Iowa e'ected

republican Secretary of State by a plurality01 1,916 votet. But on the UcKlr.ley bl

Issue It went democratic by 9,181, that be

Ing the plurality received by the democratic congressional candidates. Yet In spliot these facts such sheets as the DetMoines liegitttr Burlington as hye and

Dubuque Timet are howling In chorusStand by the McKlnley bill." If the re

publican party takes that idlotlc'.advlcewill do lust exactly what the democratswant It to. It Is the daily and nightlyprayer of the democracy that the rrpubllcans will "staid by the bill," for the fo-m- c

know that In that contingency and in no

other they can e'ct their prrsldrnt I

1892 almost by a walkover. No wondthe democrats are dellgh'ed when theytee these republican neapapertInsisting and begging thai the party shallcommit suicide

Philadelphia TeUerath (Rep.) Theframets and looters of the McKlnley bl

were not lenorant of the power of thefarmers, and they sougt.t to deceive them

They could have done no more fool Is

thing, at the results of the late eiectiimt I

the farming ttatct prove. They have now

largely allied themselves with the demo-

crats; and, unless the fraternization shouldbe dissolved toon, the prospects of futuresuccesses will not be resuming to the re-

publicans. They spent all the last longsession legislating for the manufacturersand the pension-clai- m agents, two numer-

ically small classes. They should, and if

they have not tailed to learn anythingfrom the events ot this fall the will, ' be-

fore the 4th of March undo some of themischief they have done, and do some-

thing for the farmers, the workingraenand all others who were not bletted, butcursed rather, by dote legUlation. Thetime It short enough, but It I also longenough, to ive to the country intimationof repentence and of a disposition to dowhat the country wantt and not what oneor two small classes demand.

The Salem Journal locates this paperwith the democrats while the Alban; Dem-

ocrat would locate us with the republi-cans. N W Rtjo. m Journal.

The Democrat has never located theJournal ai republican paper at we nowrecall It. If It wat done in these columnsit was Inadvertently, as we have no reasonto think the Journal Is republican at all.It is snore nearly democratic tnao it I re-

publican, but It advocates tome principlesnot In accord with democracy.

II. Dale, E. Silver and E. II. Mix, all of

Baker city, are under srrett charged with for-

ging county warrents. Mix was county clerkand lit time expire! last July. He wat acandidate before the last republican ttate con

vention for .Secretary of State. Had thseconspirators been democrats, repablicao paperswould have teemed with accounts of democrat-

ic "cutsedness". The people are too intelli

gent to be deceived Republic 11s are not

necessarily meaner than democrats by reasonof their party relation. Both panics haveblack theep.


Data of the trfala of ifirce large steamerthowing the comparative merltt of largeand small screws, show that propellers ofdiameter have in each esse proved themore economical and efTidive, both in

cretslng the speed and decreasing the coa1

onsump'ion. -

New Blacksmith Sjkih. G rV Wlllliha jut completed hi blacksmith shop atthe corner of Second and Railroad streetwliere all k!nd of iron and wood workcan be nad and done in first cUn orderBring on your pi , wuor.n, etc., etc.for repa rs.

SHILOn-- CATARRH REMEDY tpositive curs f ir Catarrh, Diphtheria sndCsuker-Moul-

A4 i

JOJT3 IT. eTEt-ET- .

Jr.o. Tt. Carley, tla weil known mewhanttailor, f US UuUt St. B, T., wrttts M the f.

loj Co., tHftt for rear h was al4wtti ayppla whieU ma'.Mxg iirrd tin heetmmnrti tatlnf Joj't TrfMk!t Jyrf!la.r eontlnnM, "I am rt'.U tatlne It, Its mlHUxilits fToa - .1:r.rly trnufal to rhfjEm. It is a pit cunt msyrim airaisstioa wfce so n m tr wwit


It ! scheme to take elections out tlth hand oi lh peopla and place them In

charge of federal official. Brltflf stated, a

chlcl supervisor of election I appointedIn each United State Judicial district.Tbls chlel supervisor, when he U peti-

tioned to do o.call upon the circuit courtto convene and appoint supervisors ofelection three for each pulling precinct,two from one political part and one from

the other. Thee appointment are made

bjr the judge from the Hat of name fur- -nUhed bjr the chief upervlor, . The su-

per lor are empowered to appoint a

many deputjr marshals at arej.dcemednecessary to .carry out their plan ol se-

curing uch retulta at the desire. Thlsupervision t over ttate election whenmember of congress or presidential elector are to be elected. The board of tupei v I

or for a preclnt have power un'det direction of the chief to revise and iupervlse the registration of voles, to esamine state ballot, boxe before flection

begin, to aeep a poll list and the numberof voter, to receive and count ballot rejected b the regular and dulv appointedjudge of election. In titles of 20,000 In

habitant and upward the chief majr re-

quire an of the supervisors or deputmarshal to make a house-to-hou-se can- -vat which ma begin five week beforeand end on the dav before the election,Thl 1 to Inquire Into the elllbllltr ofvoter and whether the have been legal!naturalised, which mean that these federal flunkelc called deput marshal and su

pervisors shall tlmpt make domiciliaryvUlt doing the work of trlbers, Intimida

tion, ticket peddler, and executers generally of the blocks oT five scheme to

carry election. The are authorlied tocall tor and examine naturalisation paperof foreign born citizen The are author-

ised to Inform voter tn which bos to de-

posit thelt ballot and It the see a demo-

crat go with an voter Into a room or boothit I made the duty of one of them to enterand auperlotend the voting. When In-

structed by their chief these supervisorare to make a full list of all totelgn berrcilUen who have been naturalised, withthe date thereof, their place of natlv It

and present residence and the name sndresidence of witnesses used to obtain nat-

uralization papcr,and the are to examineand note.lhe original aflidav it and applica-tion presented to the court. Tl United

, State judge I directed by the chief su-

pervisor to appoint a board of three can-

vassers, who shall receive $15 pe day and

they shall appoint a clerk who shall re-

ceive $ia per day. They shall canvasthe (la'ement and certificates of ballotcast at any election general cr special, to

certify the results as shown by the returnmade by the supervisor to the chief

They thus certify who 1 electedto congress. This Infamoua bill the pro-

vide that it shall He. the duty of the clerkof the lower house of congress to make rphis roll of members elect from the returnthus made by these supervisor. A muredevllUh scheme to thwart the will of the

people was never concocted. The cer.ifl.cste of the governor or duly created can-

vassing board of a state would be entirelyIgnored. The bill provides that chief u

per visor shall be appointed for life and his

expense and salary provided tor by a per-

manent appropriation.We have thus presented the chief pro-

visions of the bill. Let the reader observethe whole chain a made up link by link.The president appoints circuit judge,the circuit judges appoint chief supervisors, snd thev in turn appoint board of

upcrvUor,who appoint deputy marshals.Under a packed judiciary, (and there i noobstacle in securing one,) rnd the step be-

tween a bold president, (backed by an un

scrupulous set of leaders,) and a dictator

ship Is but a short one. Even if It neverwere csrrkd to such a length, the unscru

pulous use of the power In a doubtful stateor twu could very easily be made to defeat the willof the people. Moreover, asSenator Daniel, of Virginia, forciblypoints out, if congres haa the right, underthe constitution, to take charge of con-

gressional elections, determining, throughhis supervisors, who have a right to reg-ister and vote, then the same power existsfor congiess to take charge at the electionof a United States Senator, by state leg-

islature, and to decide who have the rightto cast a vote tn that election. Tne re-

strictions Imposed on congress by the con-

stitution are precisely the same In, the onecase as in the other with the tingle ex-

ception that the flaci w here the electionfor senator Is to be held cannot be determined by congress. The federal electionbill Is a dangerous bill dangerous notalone to the tranquility of the touth, but

dangetous to the liberties of Americanorth, south, east and wert


Tangent, Or. Dec 30. 1890.

Editor $ Democrat;I want to say that selfidme in the human

heart make countless thoniandi mourn. Wesee exemt)lifict:.ont of litis truth ever) dsjy in

the year. Men, who are o.diaarily calledmen of good common tense, utterly refuse to do

any act, unlets they know they arc to be ben-

efitted thereby. If only some one else it to bebenefitted they see so reison why they shouldact. This makes the world a cold, heartiest,unsympathetic one. This selfishness thowtitself not only In the common worljly affairs oflife, but it shows its. If in the prejudices of thehuman hear'.. How hurtful, how poisonousit (be influence of religious prejudice. Thingshave occurred recently in aiu arounil Tanjen til-- ha re brought p light the fact that the

bum)) heart is ssdly depraved. "VboUmyneighbor?" It is be whom I bavs power toaid and blew. I' it he who, enjjgcd in some

public enterprise, tod who nsedt my endorse-

ment and approval th.it it my n:ig1ilor.Thert it loo much setfuhness, too much iilib-cral- i'y

infringing up among ths people of Tun

gent Let an effort be made tn smother thesenoxiout wecJt. Naivete

Valuable Papplcmtnt

With 'his week's issue of 'be weekly Dem-

ocrat we supply our readers with SenatorVcoibcet gre t speech on the tnrifl quetliondelivered in fie United States senate. A

majoriiy of the republican leaders declare their

purpose lu stand by the McKiuley hill Dem-

ocrats of course wi I not res' until they secureits repeal or rniterut modification. Hence

svtylhing tint adds light to (hit vital issueShould be placed before the public. Everyfirmer ir Oregoi tbould res 1 this tpeach-Ever- y

mechanic niiould res d it. Every bodyhoulJ read it. We make a special request

that every 1 ubscriber should see thit at leastone of bit republican neigh 'xirs should read it.The win'ir evtuings are lonp and it is goodtime to ciscuUte it.

The S'ltlrj, a large river in B;itis 1 Indiawith a .!ec-n- t of I2,Ooo feet in I'io miies, is

t!.e f.iV ;t flowing river in the world.

A "okes of tncaUic !

Sio3 Til 12 BEST

t--C3 s taitsC3




M C3





T 59



--1 4&




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h3A llliAiN l i'4


Easges-a- nd- '.,



K t- - n Ii&iammB uurj Q


I Or Not avion



y' Contract;.

BY PnGood Workmen.: o


tvunUlyoabuy aa Iron

firstoall on Stewart A Sax 1 1 wilt pay younot to forg .t this.

K TATK FOR SALE -- I haveot X4U uri, near Lowann

depo Le Karrow Gauge, 10 milesfrom ' , All la cultivation. Fairhoisfe and bai. ...o, for eto"and domestio pnrpesei. Fine oak grAisoanoineriarm ol jaj acres, tbro' .eafro.n Lebanon, All In cuitivatl . Fairhouse. Good water. Both p , 4 wheatHarms. Also house and two lots on Fifthtad Jefferson atreets, Albaayi For furthtr particulars call on A. Umpbrey.Ceutw.precinct, or on uewitc a Irvine. Aiimny.

511 A. UMfURKY.

Conrad Mever.

STAR BAKE Hi7Coviier BroaSalMa and First 8ts.,


siBcd Fraits, Ctinne Jf2eat,

riea Fralta,obttcco,

': axar S .'.(,..Tea,

i!tclerythlng that la kep Ik Rn

rri r 5 and grocery oro.- UteheMfstrlfcr

Sola Ascnt3 fr Oregon sad WsIiLagton for

I booked by oca of he cow, bate later r

I animation proved that this is not the case

hi a;

..j-.- r


, M j-- i.tI'tNDUtrOK, Dee. 30. Sunday afternoon 1

Joe LArocpue, while bunlinc a mars at a toiut I

on mile and a hrlf above Cyutt ation, frulit- -oed some magpies, whkh flew hero the brush 1

b!,l 'p" 1 he loaidenl.,

nroustd.lit HlliUII MM., I. B.A - - i" iwwihiii.

ettigt h wat honmed by the drcovery ofa tnaa'


. rtad

, immediately.

went toCayute,"ireie nw w-u-iga ins tccitun wen.Tb man. Bm i Henry From

- w mw IMtHVSliW IliiS

TteaekertMi ladtaa.Lisc-olm- , Neb., Dtc. :a At 8 o'clock

nCtanto iOme forward awsv from tli iritti

I They came an I set in a halt circle untilI KAnNla-- 4 IlkmAHHi.i a l

f.'nd iht- - Companv "K," C'apuln" anoce ana company u. captain arnumine oraer was men Htven to twenty in

ment ol troops at once began to scaren thevlllage.finding lhirty-eli;- lit jun. At thltk was about completed, the Indian,surrounded by lompanl? K, and II beeanto move. All of a sudden they threw theirblankets to the ground, whipped up rilicsand began firing rapidly at the troop: nt

iiweniv leer itir. i)n irnniti mk atgreat disadvantage, fearing to shoot theirown comrades. The Indian men, womenand children then ran to the touth, thebattery firing rapidly tt they ran. Soonmounted troops were after them, shootingthem down on every hand. The engage-ment lasted fully an hour and a halt. Tothe touth many took refuse In a ravine,from which U was dlllicuit to dislodgethem. I should estimate the k Sled tndwounded, from what I saw on the field and

I vlcinltr. at fiftvI '

itlafsl trlaitFoaasi Cacva. Dec. so From nresrnt

Indiraiion it look at t bough an awful crimebad been commuted near the old Hush homeM.Mat W Cbrtoto- -pnr oscn, sceu 50 yesr. was the victim,

i M, Abr.h.m .lrh., -,l,,k., v. ,(1..ceased, was the one who found tba bcqy.sad

I.and be renotcd that his brother had -Ix--,

1 Tbe coroner's jury did tot determine anything special They asked tbe court for furthertime in which to investigate ss to tbe cause oftbe murder.

'A li4 VssMnIe.

Tacossa, Dec. 39. -- The retail n.erchanttheld a meeting tonight, end after a greatdeal of dikcutalon, agreed to clt so theirstores st 6 p. m.

A Meeat WsswaaIf'ALLA Walla, Dec sc. Ut thit after

noon Jamct I'almer. a wol hauler, returnedfrom tbe mountains," found bis Iitttt9ver oldboy tick with diphtheria tad alone in the bouseand bis wile eon off with a man namedW berna n, a well-kno- Eureka flat rancherIt....isr supposed that the euiltv bair hat tkinned. .qui luf vauiornia.

The Sterti Iaeeease4SALEM, Dec. 30. The directors or th

Oregon Metallic I'aint Co. held a mce'ing HSalem today, and increased tbe capital stockfrom tijoo to fjooa The place oftutlnestit SiW, and the incorporators are Adam Mix!ler, D. D. Dayios and W. J. Herren. Theplant is o be increased- - Suiiplemiotal articatt01 incur; oration wui be tiled tomorro.

Ceaaterrelter arrested.Hklkna, Dec. aS.Unlted Stales Mar

shal Furrey ha Just succeeded In locating4 couniei fi lter's den and captured two ofthe piimlpal counterfeiters, for sometime counterfeit coins have been 'shoved"around the state and only on Christmasdsy vwis a clue obtained. A ranchernatnid iom Kent, who owned a cabinnear Hty Timber, nut far from Fort

had rented the cabin to a couple01 stianger, and when he wrnt to notifythe men that they must vacate, he founda traiigc-lookl- ng furnace. He at oncenotified the marthal, wbo tent deputies toinvestigate, upon arriving there to-c'- ay

tney lounu the furnace, which they utonce n cognized a that of counterfeiters.

1 he Trouble Over,

Rapic City, S D , Dec. j3. The new

yesterday indicate that the Indian troubleare obout to be brought to a close withoutthe sacrifice of any more live. GeneralMile' advice of last evening, that '.hehotii et In the Bad lands had listened tothe lovir and pertutslon of General Hrookeand the Ogallala and Brule peace commit-tlone- rt

and were moving toward PineRidae, were confirmed bv General Brooke'dispatches today.

Hlanesote Tanner's AlUsace,St. Pall, Minn., Drc. a8. Nearly a

thousand delegate are gathered here forthe farmer's alliance ttate convention. Thegeneral opinion it that Ignatius Donnellywill be elected president and tne Minnesota tiate alliance will join the national alli-


Important Tin BUeevei letSan Antonio, Tex., Dec. 28 Lonii Chard

a prominent civil engineer, arrived in this cityyesterday with specimens irom tut new tin discovery, which has recently been made on theColorado river, in Llamo county, loo milesnorth of here. The deposit covert a large ex-

tern'. Girard brine: the ores hereto be sampled.He says new discoveries are being made daily.and sixty deposits have already been located.

'a King la the U.S.

Los Angeles, Dec. 28. Kino Kalakauaand suite made a brief stop in the city thisafte-noo- n on his way tn Coronado. He wasmet fat the depot by Mayor Hazard, GeneralMcD. AlcCook and several other prominentcitizens.

A Famest lottery Man

New Orleans, L., Dec 28. Dr. M. ADauphin, for twenty year president of theLouisiana Lottery Company, died here today,lie was a native of Alsnce-Lcrai- ne and was

'53 years old.

SCALES ' DOB't et weijflits anyMany a fi".Mljr 1VM

, DEERE'G NEW DEAL PLOWS. .!. . IV nt'lrt, rrTrlp;!e Fnrroir. Thry tir$M simple arid 'ximeso near abnoHstc

thtwo xviio have turd llicm or even them work en not y enoosli inIve AiikinIi ihi'iu w'lh or vvitliout scatattacuiucuuect ftttavhiuenta are extra,


0 I loe Tress Grain Drill. Bnckcre fiwdom, Bnckoye Sprlns Tooth narrow, Superior 4. .

U ralu LirtUs, Superior Keedei a. .

CORBiN'SDISC HARROW AND SEEDER.Hiieisi Improved Imilment lor sow.? irammer ta low. The most --orarloto and

sucfossful toil lor this purpose t a use.i.Iao tave a lull line of Buncies, CarriaKes, Pl astons, Mountain Wagons,flatfuriu aud other Spring A hicles.

ODD a CO.,tchs or

Iron, teelMACHINERY. '

: 4fc-A- . tim J.'

CAPM WftftflNCHMUUIIO. :ScientlSo Feed Mills,


THAT CAN BR USED EVKKV M 'sr .KS- - niucsiuumai pays, cores v.

crcosot book-keepe- rs and sten


! t

Scots, Shoes,U

5 1fine lir o of gealetto Jack- -

QCMIITTI PRnco &"c.'hitpl!i'8 epriug-Toot- Karrow, Depre Kiuro'srs,

i'acmi) ranuing Aiu.s,JIAISH nAIUI AVIH13. 11C. ETC.

: rou specxaz. cikcclaks A' prick lists.E. THRALL5 AGENT,

X ? 3 y s? 0 jy?A'y J? ICVSV lSils ISC is

. .... .name 7 II not, why didn't you tlgn tt toarticle last week.

Mr I U Gibson will commence trach -Ing school to-da- y. He takce the place ofMrs Stockton, who it laid up with thelung K'vcr. ijrrt.i lUina uvd.

Dec. 20, 1800.

Jamet Care, r, jr., started to Californiayesterday. He will probably be gonea year. A social was given in kit honoron haturoay evening at tbe residence oflilt brother, tjiilord Uarger.

Mrs. Fhiiuot it having a serious timewith iter dp, it having been poisonedwith a veil.

Mr. and Mrs. Jamct Curtis have a littledaughter, born Ihe. 18. Thit littlehaa eight brothers but no sinters, consequently inert i great rejoicing in tbevurus iainiiv.

Miss Clara Tilton is spending the holldnyt with her brother's family, nearr.uKene. cue win return nome nextIhureuay. . ,

A SOciol (lance at the'reitlbnnn of linn.John Long it on tbe cards for neat thurs--uay evening.

Jamct Taylor and family spent Christmas uere wun nit parcntt.

Mr. and Mrs.' Cummings.came up totf tl l(Smr. uussermtn i t riuay to attend the

bail at Coburg that evening.AH those from Ibis neighborhood who

attended the Coburg XmAS ball pronouncec it a decided success. The musicwas good and tbe crowd large and orderry.

Messrs. Wolf and Northern, of Browns-vi.l- e,

were visiting relatives Mr. and Mrs.xiaywortn, last week.

Mr. and Mrs. J. Q, A. Vaughn enter-tained Judge and son Claude,and Hon. and Mrs. John Long, and MissMcDonald at dinner on Christmas day.

Miss Clara rhilpot is home for theHolidays.


Here-i- s an instantaneous picture of thecow caught by tbe Dkmocbat's kodak.asreferred to by the accomplished Chair-ma- id

o' the Milk Maids Convention;

SoKii'thtng for the Mew Year,Tho world renowned snaoestof Hmtottor'.

Storrfacb and thfir continued popu-larity for over a third iit a century astomacbio, i toarcely more wonderful thai.l.fc u ehioma that greet the arnual tppea-uo- e

of Uitettr' Alina'ac. This valuabn e l nl treii'.Uo is puKlinbed by the hoste .

ur Conipii.y, I'lttsbura, Ta, nnder thecm iminei'iute lupervipton, e(n ploying f i

baiida in that department. They sre tanini about II mouth, in tha year o-- j thiswojU, and the of aumo or 1891 wi I bem eilmn ten nmllimis, printed la tbe Eog-iifc- h,

French, Welsh, Norwegian,Sweditti. Holland, Bohemian and Spanishiatifcil igta. Ilefer to copy of it for valuableeml iutereatiog reading ooccerulng healthm;d nuiiurous ttatimooia!. a to the cflicsoyof ilostttter' Stomach Uitteis, amufiemeiit,vaiie l iiformi.lion, astroDOtnical calculation,aud cbrou- - loyfoi Items, Slo, which can bedcpmdtd no .for correctnets. 'l'ho Airtia-ijk- o

for l'$Jl can be obtained fre of c..

ographers of both sexes, Attribute tftcir success to a course et the Portlancl Bus-iness Collage, rortUnd, OrejTon, or the Capital Business College, SalensOreffon. Botli are uudcr the management of A. P. An istrong, have same courses rtstudy, same rates of tuition. ttsiriess,Shorfhnnd,7ypenitiag, Penmanship and English Departments. Writs to either for joint Catalogue and specimen of penmanship.


Alls' TALK!!.ABOOT- -


Large and Choice Display of

Drv Goods. Clothing.

Mc, Etc.!Including many novelties. A

ets. Children's( 1

Tis eat ta Fit ths Feet, M

pj p r r r n H r """3 p f p

Hoods, c(:c, &c.

E8 Oan fl) it ani ga it Esat.

f3 q It you want tho besta;ul most durable furniture that is manufactur,I it t iiC city co to