october 6, 2008 turn in “value drawing” (1/2 letter grade off each day it’s late) go over quiz...

October 6, 2008 •Turn in “Value Drawing” (1/2 letter grade off each day it’s late) •Go over quiz •Intro to next project •Vocabulary •Get your notebooks or paper!

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October 6, 2008

•Turn in “Value Drawing” (1/2 letter grade off each day it’s late)

•Go over quiz

•Intro to next project


•Get your notebooks or paper!


Printmaking:the process of preparing a ‘plate’ and

transferring the image on another surface

Print:the transferred image from a ‘plate’

Plate: a flat surface that is built up or carved into to create a design

Linoleum Cut:An image is carved into a linoleum


Etching:a needle is used to draw into a metal plate

to create details

Texture (element): The way an object’s surface feels to the touch

Implied texture:an illusion or idea of how something

feels to the touch

Stippling: Surface texture created with dots

Crosshatch: Surface texture created with many intersecting


Collagraph:a print made from textured materials

Actual texture:use of real materials in art that have a

texture of their own

Bas Relief (low relief): Sculpture that is raised a little from the

background of a flat surface

October 7

• Get your notebooks

• Finish notes

• Start drawing!

Assemblage: A work of art made of objects that were really made to be used in another way

Brayer:a tool used to roll ink onto a plate

Press:the machine that rolls an inked plate through

and squeezes the image onto a piece of paper

Series:several prints made of the same plate

Here are examples of finished “collagraph” prints…

You will…

• Use the image of a SKULL to create a small ‘collagraph’

• Use several different materials in various ways

• Roll ink on your ‘plate’

• Make 2-3 prints (‘series’)

Why are we doing this?

• Great way to explore implied and actual textures

• Halloween

• Day of the Dead

Balance (principle): A feeling of stability in a composition

or art work.

Symmetrical Balance: Has elements that appear on both sides of a

composition or object.

Asymmetrical Balance: Has 2 sides that are different but still

appear visually balanced.

Radial Balance:Symmetrical when cut down the center in

any direction.