olio l. o pi iftr& · olio dcnoaat. washington. (oimtlt. rrotakdinca. telegraphic news. a...

WASHINGTON. (Oimtlt. rROtakDiNca. Olio Dcnoaat. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. A fintky HlterlnT. Chattanooa, Term, tan at. A deier- - OUR LADDER T. L. Wallace k Co.'s ARK Wi C0CNT1NQ THK COST hclo, January 37, 1891. Rlit art Drmonut .' There being an effort made to create a new county In the Fork of the Santtam and being a citlxen and legal voter of the proposed new countr, I dest.e to offer some reason to the tax of the new TuwsJay evening, Jan. 27tli, 1891. Present Mayor, Kecortlor, Marshal, Btreet CommiNKioner and Councllmen Fremili, llawkina, Tabler, Uurkhart, Smith and Uarrett. TIlO following Vlllla Ultra rr.1nrn,1 nul.t , ca ha mora Scotch than Edinburgh, ! u i. trusses Th rail !a Hit Unitsd Suit vouU go aroand Iht arth twdri time. O A rrlshtfal Aeeldeal. Scottdaw, Pa-Ja- n. 7. -- By the ex fTlfTvsfm iftr& ft ate attempt at Jail delivery occurred at Cleve- land, Ttnn, today. When Sheriff Duff un- locked the door of cnge he was teizd ry two ef lha eight men confmsd therein and s pistol Ukn from him. A Umpws knocked out of hit hand, and a desperate fight ensued, onsman agalnat eight. The plucky officer drew another pistol, snd firing began. Th prisontr who had Duff pinto' put it in front ot th oflicci's face nd fired, but th bullet missed it mark. Although tl.a stietiiT wit plosion of fire damn In the Mammoth shaft - c - ........ I ' M 1 V. , John iIollii.au, 37.10; lyo A Froman ot the It C Frlcke Coke Company y, THIS BEST John J.m InpNi Um qtadM waspest I r?unt, ,hl, meMurc pyer houlJ 0, pre, of hii "iridescent pi ili ; MiiMlia ! over 100 sturdy miners were ushered Into eternity and a nnmber seriously Injure!. The explosion occurred thl morninar head teeing drtaw" blossoa mi. shortly after 9 o'clock, and It I cupposed wa the result of the Icnltion of a miner's badly powder-burne- d, lie wrenched the oil camp. The after damp which follow weapon away and was matter of the situation, and kxkeb up lit unruly inmate of the cell S u. Ct3 Tfi , A rrearh rioud. Paris, fan ac The cilv of Arret is flood. Into cklsu reality. The advance of 30 per cent on the price of plate flat again hold the mirror up to the operation of the McKtnley bill. High tariffi are appropriate enough in mon- archic, la a republic where men are ut poed to have equal right, no man' buiint hould be built up at another man' opens. HARDWARE. eu tne lira damp 'xplos'on u (located nearly every workman. A few men, real- ising the awful iltuation.tell to the ground thereby preventing the gas striking them, Ihe persons not killed are In uuh a con dlilon that thwlr deaths are momentarily expected. Up to this writing fifty bodies sd, snd in th turroudlng country great dm ge ha been done. Recent snowstorm In Montenegro have caused greot dU'ress, ml in many district th people sre suffering from famine. The morcury la some ulacei I de (from our rowiiar snrrMnonusnt,) Wasiunqton, Jan. 19, 1891s Mr Matrtton has succeeded by persua- sion, bull doxlngand promise ot patronage In getting the republican senators to make ft last desperate effort to perpetuate the power of ihe republican party by patting the Force bill, and the fight I now on, which 1 to result either In striking a dead- ly blow at the liberty ot the American cltixen, by the passage ot a measure with- out a parallel in American annals, or In the final defeat ot the bill Finding It Impossible to uni'e the re- publican senators In support of the 1 evolu- tionary gag rule propoted by Senator Aldrlch the republicans have adopted the tit Ing out process, and hope by a continu- ous night and day session ot the senate to succeed In compelling the demo-ra- ts to ccede to a vote on the bill. This, It Is not believed, they can do. The session which began last Friday morning has been In continuous session ever since, ex-ce- ct on Sunday, and 1 to continue until the republican tire ct it or succeed. The democrats are making a grand fight In talking against time and express confi- dence bf being able to win. How the democratic senator feeMn this matter may be judged from the following extract from a speech ot Senator Reagan, which reflects the sentiment of his demo- cratic colleague, and show ihattthey will neverwllllrgiy surrender: "A dear army life I to me, as God It my Judge, if I could nros, tux.ro; John Ciulaiid, ; JH Dnvk 12; (J L fciavano, fU; tieorga IIukHo- -, I j fHltea A Nutting, $12.60 j & Warner, $2 P C Andnrson, (j; Arch niacklmru.ia.aO; Mr A Itlurkbum, 2.20! Karl Kane, 0; Hantlam Lumlior Co, 18.17 ; P Cohen, 9.60; wnCundlff, M i,L Uotlleb. & 1 li" Vunk.M ; John Ctilat-wp- I. S K lWndcr. $1.60 : H Brown, 10 1 OPltannnla, 1.70; J W Olvln A Co 15; John Maxwell, 122.05: W N Mil- - 50; A J Hunt, 147.75. ' BUI of J A Warntr, 5J, Mduwd to 111 nd allowod ; bill of John Hchuiocr con- tinued. The committee on Fire and Water rt ported In favor of certain prwautlonnry improvement! at houses of Chlnesojo nnd Hong Wa Chung, and that engine liouws and apparatus were found In (rood condition exwpt engine house of No 2, which should be rivalled. Adopted. A wheelbarrow was ordered purchased tor the city. The cHreet Commissioner reported property in Ida iHWHession as street commissioner, consisting of icrftpcrjum-ber- , etc. 'A M For Biich our would-b- o competitors will find it. f -..- -For Two ; Months'.. JANUARYi'"' FEBRUARY; Wc kick oyer tho traces and east all business rulea to tho wind3 aad do business at a loss. Every overcoat 11 have to be . out of the house at the expiration of tho time. gree below seero. have been recovered, all without sign of life. A reraliar asaaall, PxNDLtrow, Jan. 7-- The trial of A II Fennel! for the assault of Thorn Mari-h- - w C3 o E3 MS o "1 CC "9 CUTLERY, la Germany, 5,500,000 women earn their living by industrial purtultsj in England, 4 ooo,ooci in France, 3,750,000; In Aiufro Ilun-gr-y, about the lame, and in thia country, Including all occupation, over 1,700,000. SUMMONS., In tfa Circuit CvurtqtUSUUt ol Orrgenfvr iitiH vouniy, bank, w lih Intent to kilt, three ball taken effect In the victim's body I over, the Jurv bringing In a verdict ot guilty of simple assLalt, the evidence being In the prison- er's fsvitr. Judge Clifford hss sentenced Fentiell 13 pay a fine of I500 or serve ato days' In Jail. JOHN DIAMOND. Plaintiff, I First, then, our limited number of peo- ple make It unadvttable to divide the county now. The small amount of taxes now paid by the taxpayer In the limit of the proposed r.ew county dhow that It would be a grave mistake tor us to under take to assume the burden of a new coun. ty. The amount of taxe paid by the taxpayers of !clo, Franklin Butte, ftan-lla- m, Fot Valley and Rock Creek Pre- cinct this year under an iS mill tax will t $iiMfcS3. There I a mall portion of Lebanon, Waterloo and Sweet Home pre. cinct that lie within the limit of the new county. Thl would Increase the amount of taxe paid this year to about $13,000. Five eighteenth ct thl would go to the school fund which would be $3,600 leav- ing $9,400 to run a county. Of course It a. count were organised the deed, mort- gage, will, probate, circuit and county court Journal and ether recotd ot Linn county so far a they ould apply to the new county, would have to be copied for the use ot the new county. The most careful estimate show that to buv record boo and do thl work would cost at the lowest figure $6000 Thl would leave on' $3.4oo for bridge, roads county off- icer, pauper, etc. etc. Then, of course, the new county would have to have a court house and jail. There would be no escaping this. Then think of the bridge that we, single handed, and alone, would have to keep In repair. Suppose high waters shou'd wash two or three out There ha never been a time In It ry when the democratic party waa more closely united, more certain of Ita own be- lief, and more determined to stand or fall by lu Milled faith, thin It I to-d- ay. CARVERS, 12 2 vs Margaret tE Fludloy, Alex. andr Flndlor and Riman Finale? his wlO, Msm'l Kind-ley- , Jennie I'oud and lien ry l'uude ber bunhand. Nancy Wilson and J Wilson her bubnd, Hugh Kindley, Ktut Kind ley, J Utile Fimlly and fc.ll elatiford, Defendants Petition of CKBrownelt and others asked for privilege of laying water pipes along Ferry Street to southern boundary of city to be furnished with . water by !.. a jt l.u - I...-- - a T L0 Faithful i a greater attainment than acc, and unlike it i within the reach of every man. no matter what your potilion, be it either humble Or exalted, be faithful to the trust it impose, be true to yourself nd to your employer, and tuccen w'U lurely come at a reward. Read - the - Prices! Which 11 Have a Demoralizing Effect on our Competitors; A $12 Chinchilla overcoat will hayoJg,ffl i'""'t i niaunaincu at expense of petitioners, lteferred. LANTERNS, Licenses were grunted John Oiblin and Huffman & Taylor to tell liquor. T3 V 5 S3 sTJ save the American people from the pend To Margaret t K Findley, Alxndr findley, fflusan Findley, hauiKOl Findley, Jennie Poujade, Henry I'oujade, Nsncy Wlson.J Wilson, Hugh Fiii.tley, 1CU Findley, H ulls Findley and i;il fct fold, the above named defjttdants, IN THK NAME OF TUB 8TATK OF Oregon you are esquired lo eppear and answer the eomplaini of U atiove named plain Iff 10 the above enti ing measure by giving up my life, I wouTd surrender It as freely a 1 evsr performed any act ot my life." It was an Imposlt.g H Bid for boarding city prisoners was rend, as follows j J N I ioflman, 2i cents per meal. On motion accepted. Bids for lumber were rend at follows: Ureen Basin Lumber Co, 'J.OO per thou- sand on care at Albany, and 'J.40 un- - A t'atllo , IIxi.kna, Mont, Jim ay. Tonight both tide snnounce the details of the compromise complete, snd arrangement hv been md by which the united bo"t will meet tomorrow. The republicans have in a public tpliit con- ceded neatly cvety demand mad and th original proposition w accepted, with torn Kodifkatian, en Monday. The arrangement of a mods of procedur for the union wa in trusted to one senator from etch party, and they announce an agreement upon att point of th controversy. A public demonstration to follow tbe union-- to be made. ( Xv! laveailgalles), Wasiiihoton, Jan ay. Judge Vy, of Ih interstate commerr commission, slated today that tome lime during the next month the ccromisjion would Wav for Ih Pacific comu Tbe trip which will take In California, Wsl4lngton, Oregon aad possibly Nvad, ad will probdly occupy little lets tbsn two month, has beca forced on th commission by tbe many complaim from Ihe coast. The Judge id that eveiy osy the .ommiion r ceived many letter which empUsljted Ik be-l- ef that ibey should make an invest fgtk, Tke Wlttassette I alvetlly. Andrew Carnegie ha joined the socletjr of mechanic. Mr Carnegie' chief triumph In the field of mechanic I the controlling and application of the blind force of party politic so a to draw gold from the pocket of every cltiien of the United 8tate and concentrate It In lilt own. tled eourt, now 011 ale with the oierk of COPPER, lotuicu : eantiam Lumbering Co, 10.00 aid court, within ten days from the dale of the imrvlo of teals summon urxxi won. sight to ee Senator Reagan a he stood, every feature showing hi earnestness and sincerity, and spoke these word, and It was not surprising that they were greeted by an outburst ot deafening applause from ei n C5 per cur w 101a on dobm cars at Albany : Alfred Wheeler, 10.00 per thousand on board car at Albany. Contract was let to the Ureen Basin Lumbering Co at 0.40, to be unloaded where dcslttnated. Without old Linn to fall back on our plight the galleries which Jdr Morton was quick & would be a sorry one, Indeed. Our tax to reprove by threatening, to have tl e The whole stock of overcoats will bo closed out at game ratio. All woolen goods will ho sold at cost; consisting of fdiirts, underwear, etc. t A GREAT REDUCTION IN CLOTHING: Fine all wool suits, worth $15, and gold at other places for $15, will bo sold for $101 Fino dress suits,' warranted to fit equally as well as your tailor-mad- e, worth $27.50, wiL be closed out for $20, at an actual loss to us. AGENTS FOP. THE IVOOLEfi RILL GOODS. - Hole Afirtiiitu for IIANAX & SOX'S FIno Slioc. The following bids for gravel and dirt payer should not forget that we have more galleries cleared. acnator Stewart on Saturday gave BRASS, Again wage go down this time in the highly protected pottery industry at Trenton. The manufacturer there have submitted a schedule of wage whk 1 mean a reduction of about 33 per cent. W are tU wailing and watching to record the first instance of an increase of wage due 10 the increase in the tariff made ostensibly in the Uteres! of labor notice ot a motion to recommit the elee were reau : Mowart, 00 eta rr yard for pit gravel ; AB Morris, Calapoola gravel 70 ct, city gravel 6Hi els, gravel across the river $1.04; J vvhitemde, river gravel !M eta, pit gravel 04 eta. dirt 24 eta : on ca lion bill with Instructions to the committee to report li back with a provision for the S Livingstone A Lear, river gravel $1, pit grave Olcts, dirt 23 eta 5 N K Steel.rlw AL1M. Jn ay There wtta meeting of hi W S3 Q W h3 bridge than alt the balance ot the county. The truth is, that with our limited amount ot Uxable property and the at number ot bridge to build and keep In re- pair, If would not be to exceed three year until our new county would be bankrupt The total amount ot taxe raised In Linn county this year under an iS mill tax I $117,21050. The proposed new county pays $ 13,00c. or about one eight of It. Butthl new county would have nearly a. ij ceuie.pn gravel 3 cts.dirt 24c; Mike Cowan, river gravel 00 cU.pit gravel If served iu Llun oouuiy, Ore(OU but If In tr.y other county In tbe siaie of ore- - Son, then within twenl days from Hi of tboservk of this summons uixio youi if aurved by puMioatUin then on or bsfors tbe first day ot the next tegular teira of the above enililed court, to wit: Maastar, Use etli aay f March, lattl. ' Aod you are hereby potlftl iht ft you fail to ppcar and annwer atd ootr.pllot, as hereby required, the plaintiff will ap ply lo the court for the roller demanded In tbe cow plaint, ut wit For the fore closure ol a mortgage on and. an order of Ml tit the following doterlbed pemine to wit: turn NEK and the K of the rW VsndtheNw Jiof IheNW'f and theNK Vi of the SK ot tootloo 81. Also the 8 H or tut) NWii and tba N H of the HW H ofsentlon Si. all In Town hip 15 H K 8 Ktt cf Wlitsoueue aieridiaa In Linn county, Oregon. lueprooDedMarUlngfruta sues sale to be applied: First, lo the paymsntof thscoata and disbursement cf Una suit, and the sum of vo as, aliornays f. and the further sum of IS tor taxes advanoed therton. and the euat ot and accruing upon such m'.i. GRANITE cuuens wis evening lor tit pnrposs of dead Ing upon tome course to be pursued in the mailer of stsistsnc for Ihe Willamette univer- sity. A resolution wss sdopted, the tens ol which wthat ilecitixen realise the Im election of member of congress on days when no other elections are held In the several states; and this motion may be made the excuse for getting rid of the bill quietly when the republicans discover their Inability to pas It, for It It Is recom- mitted to the committee It will never get before the senate again. 50 rnts, dirt 22 cents. Contract wai let to Mike Cowan. Bids for building latteral sewers con- necting with HH sewer were read as fol o 2 I Cd The new Spanish tariff raise the duty on flour from S shilling to nearly 106 hilling a ton. This la the retaliation which come a the necessary conse- quence of the passage of the McKinley bill by congress. And whom doe It af- fect? The farmer, a the price of wheat must go down with the price of flour. portance ol me university to Salem and iu need fr sncreated facilities, and bcliev it a a duty 10 use all legitimate mean lo place the Institution in a pouiloa lo meet the demand lows: Jas Uturent, 78 cent jxr foot; (ieo W 1 Inches. 00 eta nor font twtMtn E half the expense for roads and bridge to First and Water.and others 1.20; Mason md apoa It, A cemnutta wss appointed 10 (teems 107V cents, tta mo- tion the contract wa let to Mason Strang, their average bid being 77 1&-2- 9 AND uru torn ways anu mean fur carrying out lb ides of the resolution, War AallrliMO. EVKStlTIIIVG Wauuamed, per tout, uie mailer being left to the committee on streets and public properly with power to act, contract to be signed In three days, bonds to be $1300. sai raAKCiscojAB a;. Co.onel R p It is laid that Rasscl Sag peremptorily re- fuses to loan more than 1500,000 a day. It i well to be cautious and strict, but reatly there i not any one of a who would think of asking the old gentleman fur a loan of more than $500, 000 at a time. AT- - N Mveond. To tbe parmnt of plaintiffs claim, amounting to the sum of f s and the oveta, If any there be, to be (aid to the above named delondsnu aa Contract fordoing city printing waa jet to Elites Nutting at 23eenU tHr Inch per Insertion. Bid of Herald 25 cent. Contact for printing posters was let to CW Watts at 25 cents per lot. Resignation ot W N Miller aa enirineer bear. But to my mind the very strongest objection that every taxpayer and especi- ally every father and mother would have, would be the death blow It would give to our school. The amount ot school funds that will be raised la the limits ot the new county this year is $3600. There are 33 chool district In the limit of the pro-pose- d county. Let u see how much these district would draw a a new county as compared lth the amount actually drawn thia year. Under the law for distributing school funds each district first receive $50 and thtn what Is left ot the fund I divided between the districts In proportion to the number of pupils In each. Under such division the fo'towlng tab'e' show the result. tlitdr inUrnMa may appear. And for such .unaH, ot rnt army, and I use K. Cans. oa of the secretary of war nf Oaut-crna- la' Utile rival, are ia lite city. Tbey are berrying bark to Central America lo be in lime for the war that they anticipate between tiautemala and Salvador. it Defeat. WAaiiiNotoN.Jan a6. Thecnatmet STEEL ia tquity be proper otcer rwiiet m nisy ami jut. 3 T. L. WALLACE & COS 1 he Ri'iitplaee of Grfftt and Itoaeat Bargains. Notwithstanding their having made speeches against the force bill Senator Teller, Wolcott, and Stewart are now act- ing and voting with their republican col- league In their effort to pas the bill. Thl Is significant, In a much a It shows that the democrat a need expect no help rom republican In defeating the bill. Mr Harrison' henchmen are now try. Ing to prevent ih passage ot Senator Vest a free coinage bill, which waa adopted last week by 'he senate as a substitute for that hodge-podg- e of absurdities known as the republican caucu financial bit', by the House by talking veto. The bill, which I now before the House committee on coinage, I In far more danger from Speak- er Reed' opposition than it Is from a presidential veto. Reed ha tbe audacity and the nerve to resort to any method 10 defeat It, and If he doesn.t attempt to do so. & o j and niiriitwalchtnan was accepted. The ; Chief Knglneer was directed to secure Tin sumrmn ia tmblisbsd bt order of lb If oa U P lioiae, ludg of th above autld eoutt, md at ehamber in th city of Ha Urn, tbe 3rd day of Jsnnsr), H91. J K. W K ATI' Kit FORD, (123) Attorney for Pl4i.utr. D at noon In continuation of the lcgllilvc day of Thursdsy last, the pending an engineer until next meeting. The Canadiana want us to sel Alaska to them. We cant do that, but we can do something better keep Alaska and Uke Canada at a fair price. You see we want Alaska, which I a "vast contiguity of hade," a an asylum for Hoar, Edmund, Ingalla, and a few more fit eater when they become penitent and cry for some place where they can hide Ihemselvc. wsatilic Albany. Strahan Block, iwn onng ine resolution to amend the rule by providing a method of closing debate, Morgan returned the floor, and WARE. continued Ids argument begun Saturday, Jan 20, 1891. c a o n opposition 10 trie At tl,. .ti , .... prono-c- u rule, win thVm.e7ofY YffasS work with Or Coahow. of vonrcitv. mm -- i . . I E ' 'iiiT. n' Ofgn .counselor. yielded for a moiinn h u'iMt 1. . j It will only be because he prcfei seeing j Tbe meetings at the M E cbnrch are ceed to ihe eanaidrtfV.n i it.. WATER P P- - Henry Watterson predicts "as complete downfall for the republican party in 1S91 a the Whig party met In 185a, when It carried only four states." Senator Hoar himself I credited with the remark that the action of the senate In laying aside the force bill "mean the death or the repub- lican party." He I not likely to Und by that, however. AT. ..COST.!.. My cn':ro stock of Pry Goods, to make room for a large ine of I ots and Shoes and Gent's Furnishings. SEE 1 X0W SOME Or THE LINES TUA.T ABB GOIXQ AT COST, jgt DESa GOODS, CORSETS, CLOAKS, " FLANNELS, RIBBON8. . LINEN. GINGHAM, CALICO, GOSSAMERS, BLANKETS, JCall early while the selection is good. " - irst street, -:- - -:- - Albany, Oregon. R till in good work Ing order, lie Aid- - mentblll IX lph moved to ley the mo- - rich has to return to hi home in Hon on the table, and the motion wa re southern Oregon, and hie place here will jected. be filled by the pastor of the Lebanon charge. May he prove to be a Daniel, la u.rm. ""P,rajrr NawYoaicJan. .lorm F Y Ames lias been platting the town, wa by tar the worst the telegraph com- - and finds that some of our citixensar panics here ever had to dvai with An hying in the alleys; notab'y ia W B Idea of the wretk.ge may be ga'thered BUncbard, and Lncle 8am at tbe post- - from the fact that out ot ioo running ln- - 0lHce- - lo the city, the Western fnlon htf but Thirteen persona nnited with tba M V. three wires work n thl moraine ti.. Mr Harrison, svhom he utslike very much, weaken and sign It. a I believe he will, If It pae the House. Mr Harrison ha made threat before, but his spinal column has alway wll.ed when the time came tc carry them out. Another aistw hlle republican I In the toil ot the law. W P Canada r ; who for many year, because of hi ability to con trol the North Carolina delegation to .re- publican national convention, held the position of Seargant-at-Arm- s of the Uni- ted State Senate, ha been arretted for Tbe first trip arcund the world was made SUMMONS. In A Ciruk Court or Linn County, StaU oj Oregon: Mary E. tnarwn, Plain tifT. v. , John Emersue, Defendant. To Juha K aorson, lb above um4 defea I--- ant. IN th asms of the stst of Of'goo, yo ar brby repaired to appear and answer th eomplalot of the above plaintiff, in lb above entitled Court, cow 00 111 .with the Clerk ot aaid court, oe or befare'tb tint day i,l th nat rvgaUr term of said eoort, which said term 00m in en te on Monday th Olb dy ef March. 101. at th Cvert Uoue, in Hi city ot Albany, Linn eonaty, Oregon. Aed yoa are hereby nvttticd lb, if Jen fail tospp aad tisvr id eomplauit, a bareby required, tbe plaintiff will Uka a decree of said eoutt agaitut yoa, dissolving the bond of matrimony now listing between you and pUiutiR, and for bar cost and disbursamsoU ef tiiia'.suit, and chansing plaintiff earn to that ot Mary K KliulTii.so. Tbis tammons is pab-liah- od in the Matx RidttTS Dkmockat b order ol th lln. it, . IWjis, jarfgs of th said cmort, rnwt t ehsmWrs oa tlx 20. h day if Janosry, 1&91. FILTERS, on !b ship Columbia, which left Boston Srpt. 30, 1787, under command of capt John Ken- - Mo. Amlrse A ail u DiHTS thm ftmr snmnt;. 1 I 175 30 f ill UO 2 2W 80 130 W 4 rj 20 140 00 8 478 80 l'.U 00 V 1H6 (M) VS 00 10 179 00 93 10 11 300 20 133 00 12 26'J IK) 123 00 21 224 60 113 00 22 252 80 130 00 23 171 60 00 00 33 228 20 109 00 84 243 60 114 00' C7 W 209 UO 123 00 61 137 30 89 00 62 194 20 JM 00 65 133 CO 78 00 68 1U0 00 87 00 70 251 00 116 00 71 228 20 109 00 73 417 00 172 00 75 247 20 115 00 76 167 85 89 00 77 160 00 07 00 79 194 20 98 00 82 224 40 108 00 83 180 0 05 00 84 235 85 112 00 05 279 70 125 00 06 209 35 103 00 88 103 85 I 88 00 104 drick, accompanied by tbe sloop Washington, church yesterday, some wboee heads other lre wl'h many ot the poles lie be- - Capt Robert Gray. At Nootkafnow Wash S d o r CO ca B mgton Temiory), Capt Grey took command of the Columbia and tailed for Caatoo, froo. obtaining money under false pretense. WARRANTED. And ye god, how cheap he sold his char. which port, with a carge of tea, via Cape nave ueen suverea try the frosts of many railway tracts, across fields and In winters. trees. T.ve Postal Telegraph Compauy The mother of Mrs New tan, of near hdnolo,,e lr working out from the bere, was burled in the city cemetery today, fcihe was quite old. A ratal suirrl Our furnitore dealer, Mr RC Warner, Spokane Falu, jaa lf.ed Coll, ha made an assignment In favor of his host of tbe street grading camp, killed Tlmmai creation. King, another foreman, in a stable in tbii city One case of scarlet fever and r.ns tJ tesr the Union Pacific naaaair UU acter. The amount he obtained on a Good Hop, be reached Boston Ang 10 1790. worthies check wa just $35. Some startling exposure wl I shortly be ALBANY.! Now is a good time for President Harrison to write a message on "the state of ib Union." made by the House committed which Is Investigating the silver pool charget.unlets measles in town. The diphtheria scare I pitchfork this afternoon. Tbey quarreled is about over. over the shoeing of horse nd one attempted Then is mach to write about. For instance, Nebraska has three governors and Connecticut two; Moataaa has three legislatures and Idaho SUBSCRIPTIONS!!! For AA tho Leadinjr Newspapers - and - Magazines, lteceived at F. L. KENTON'S Cash Grocery Store, We leiirn with pleasure that OP Co-- lod" .,Vo!,'eroB . Coll tbn OltEGON. W u I it. rev. Attornsy for l'tamtiff. the witnesses, among whom are Senator Stewart and Journal Clerk Smith of the House, shall refse to tell the committee - ....... . ... i k - 1 : r n . .. J'ow; ' wai' recovering big health in sun- - ix.iig wn m (mentors, mulcting a fatal wound. There were no wiinMica ia three United States senators; the northwest a j isiiiiuruMi. the affray. ha a horde of discontented Indians; Lord what they are alleged to have told to pri vat parties. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Tk Uhmrg AsTray AKflUK, Salist nry has been hittieg Mr Blaio over tbe bead in rather an exasperating way. and its 3StOY83, ' VTOTICK U HEREBY GIVEN TH T Districts 104 and 57 were organized since KosESiac, Jan 26. Yerterday eveaiug aboet 8 o'clock n Hercaiioa took place tear the depot hotel, thl city, between 1 E Smith. enemies declare that tbe republican party is Mr Br Williamson planted out bis 1 1 ine utnirignd nave ib't day been duljr appotnuM and ntisliftad aa adtntnia. the last apportionment was made. Republicans have had many bard thing to pruua srees lost weeg. tottering on the edge of the The oun- - Ibe above table takes no account of the -a- nd-' tram and admluistrsitrlx t I ho estate of Fank Mlnn, la?eof Linn county, Ore Oitkvitle " . r I b,rte,i(ler B'' ngel narr-e- d George la ?n't loll "l rftf. contend that ".bieh cut witb kefi! State fund as it would nike no difference. Ms a try has nut been in such a "state" for time. say about ihe democrats gerrymandering. W are free lo cor fets that democrat rc no. J EtatersJ s'"', w twiou. A'i person Having claim against Mid ewlsle at renulrsd to nruanl Let me be understood. District no I last it cumruifig free from this evil. The republican who U t n.i.TI 1 examination lotlay before Jus- -' . Anft acquainted dismissihecaseonlhegroundthallheevidenee V'' The diJ.ict ...or.ey moved lo 01 from Illinois year drew tu rn tbe County School fund (when The Hon Chauncey M Depew was busy at Ihem properly verlflwl, v. Is bio six womb I cm llil date, 10 the undersigned, at their pict at flo'jey, Llun county, with Mr C. taxes were 15 mills on the do'.lir) $175.30, woum not warrent holdins the dcfemlant to 1 . claim to be far txtsllence (he promoter and defenders of right dealing with respect to tie will of the people, will have an opjiortunity in REFERENCES: his desk in the Grand Central depot the ohei day, w hen Private Secretary Duval came ia But this year wbea taxes sre 1 8 mills it there vsnu cannot compete with us on the prune business, wi are ahead of any amwer, a he acted in self defence. The de- fendant wi accordingly discharged. Smith it doing fairly well, aad the doctor sy be was a- - new county it would draw fgi.oo and laid a photograph and two little rard the legislature lo thow their faith by the r pinw 111 uig cvuniy. The patent churn man baa facf n uii V""UUI, 1blSih day of Jnurr, 1801. LLflN MAfXDXK. T J MALONE. J K WKAinifhSMnn, Admlnlstrstors. Att.ruey for eatato. (I S3) This Vbmcs from tbe fact that in the forks of (be Santiam there are a great many mor c IiamiDB . Our before him. Tbe photograph portrayed a chubby baby, and one of the card (bowed We always keep our eye on the indicator of popular demand, and aro thereiore usually pre- pared to supply it at reduced rates. We are selling the Jewel stoves and ranges, the mos pop-- u !ar stoves made at present. If joa want to fti ve mont-- r on all torta u this last week, and, like everything win ict. jTcr. A ratllag AsTray. ll,A.II T.a mji .1 m woik. it will be necessary lo divide this stale into two congrct'ionat districts.. Tbe political parties In the state are to nearly even children ia proportion to tb taxable- - property a c cc a r WORK. 1 inruicia were an reauy 10 uile. Geo D ltartin ba tilnntn.l i,i. that he was Chauncey Depew Somebody w unci panicutir 01 a than in other portions of the county. District garden.' It may bo covered with water r!!rr,i'lei crim.eB"c!ed t Meaghei's landing on The other card bore the names of the fortun- ate parents. "No mug is called for with these," 34 last year drew 243 50 but at a new count ly balanced that fair dealing and good fith would require that one district shout bed dem in loiumma, Rbeut forty mile alnjve this yet, it was last year. cny, were recetve.i loJay. Early yesterday Oakville is trrowinir ranhllv. v;l,t.- -. it would have drawn only $114.00. Under PAY said Mr Duval, and Mr Depew, remembering StlMMOKS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Linn s morning jerry McOraw attacked hi brother. of hocseholil ariicira I a? 'em of un. We ocratic and one republican. But will the re- publicans in the legislature live uplo their new county we would be commerce to go uu niiurin. snd St a toed him thrr I im. bouses can be seen where not more than six could be seen two years ago. A Young man from (ha it wa. .i.. back 10 the three months school a year plan Or Hot a? You professions? We await their action with wo can Bava jou moaa Jte we make tfcal our business. MATTHEWS & WASHBURN. the experiences of the dignified senator and representative with tbe Baltimore baby, said he was glad that nobody had biro. "I Prt an nvrrm urn rj ma nf f - ..... tome or else raise Our taxes to 30 mills on the dollar. Mo cause fr the crime wa given except thai Ibe men h id been di inking The Injured man w tii'l a.,v when the Tekphone camebv ing some men butchering. After the curiosity. Tbi is the stern, frozen truth and those who GEORGE MUNUO, PlalmliT.I v I MARYJMUNKO, Defendant, J To Mary 3 Manro the above nruied PLEASE. man" Ta. UnTu? .TJ ! - - have chiljren tc educate should ponder over it s- - , be added, pointing to t'.ie baby's photograph. "My too Is named aft- -r me also, and I tell fart ot the beef hide waa found in his long and carefully before asking for a new net Dswa )a. ' G. L, B LAC "KM AN, - county. Fathers and mothers of the forks, W)K1D COVSIDEKIIG. F. M. French keps railroad tiro. pocxet. tiiiisBtory waa told by one of the butchers.) Antctia. PLUMBING him that by the time be 1 grown op, if ibis defendant: IN THE NAME OF THE STA1E CF you are berebr reomrt.il to sre you willing to have but three months Omaha, Jan a6. Commercial and railway circle were shocked and surprised this eve- ning i h the receipt of a manifesto from the average continues, tbe Chauncey Depcus will -3 g P CD UdW cream choose just reeeivsd at Coi.ra,! w 8j Contract' appear and answer the com paint of tbe nil 11 tbe office and jails in the country." school a year? or are you, as taxpayers, will- ing to be taxed at the rate of 25 to 30 mills Meyer. LEADING DRUGGIST Saatlaw Cirange Isistalla'lea. him Roan & Acliiaon liioir mimnnu nil Mr George M Pullman, the posessor of J on ,be doI1r to hsvc five and six months? . .1 . Union pAcific 10 the effect that at the city of Omaha ha., teen fit 10 enjoin Ihe delivery of the tJ5"!,ooo of Union depot bond, owing to ih refusal of the Union pacific to permit the Rock Island and Milwaukee to enler the city court, now on tile with the clerk ol ta d ooutt, within ton daye from the date of the sftrvloe of this summon unon tou: if rot wand prioes. B- T- Saturday, Jan. 24th, 1891. Deputy It A Tie truth i$ that mor money is taid back $5,000,000, recently said to a correspond .ATiBjJST'g" Frh New F.ntland mir.co meivt. on is's OTEG-OIsr- : rervfKl in Linn oount). Oregon, bat if lothefork$ tf tht Santiam than we fay to tit 1 n if ' Good. Workmen! irvtne, assisted by J Clem and Mies ent, when asked how it felt to be a mil served I.i any othur oounty in the ntate of Crabtrce, installed the officers. Arrivinir I ovr u brWci the company would make no county 1 tana. Then let every taxpayer in lionaire: "I have never thought of that, Mens', youths' and hnva clnlhirrr mnA uiegon.tDrn wiimn 20 days from tba mere at 10 a. m. we found a irrxvl nnml- -, rnu ueuvcrea, ano wouia the lorn who ha the good of himself and farnfsbing gooil at (i WHi'mpson'. DRUGS, FtlEDIGINES 8TATI0f.ARY.fiC -- "' i mi iiiiissiii ins i iiiMiiiiniisisiisMsissisiisniLui date or the service or thin sommona nnon . i . I I w '- - I tint .r. th. ITnir. . I . I . i n But now that you mention it, I believe that I am no better off certainly no 01 oiu iiujb grangers present. The meet-- 1 , i m a sum children at heart write to our member in the you! ir served by publication, thej on or before the first day of the next regular llav you seen those parlor soils that T Brink ha Just received f They ai tiiou. ng wing canea to order, after some pre- - ... vyaaiag siyie happier than I was when I didn't have a 'egislature protesting gaint the creation of a new county. iiiiwuait wurs jru. arviriR nrrMfpinn in 1 r ,iw.vm t . . . . n . Orrat reduction in mtn'i furninhmir unm ,naut. .1." 1 5. retails Ol term 01 ine atovu entiiiea court, to wtu ' Monday, Ihe 0th day f March, lief, dollar to my nan.e, and had to work from lor tbe next 30 dy at VV V Rad . cVrosen fo l,rin7nlnVM due y . L"der h.ve veryone Talks I want fo say that the figures regarding the daylight until dark . I wore a good suit of I W Centlev. best boot snd shew mil ar' in and ou are notlflau that if yo.i fail being declared an bour' w.s iollt lt mi?. fKKffl.;; mi "'icaiKfflrBri y s . . THJS CELEBRATED . . . clothe then, and I can only wear one 1 ow. oitjr, rLre doors north of Dkmockat olfice. soc al converant ..n nrl .nn..,ml.. .1- .- ' "v ''v-r'"- e "-- . xjne ox ine amount of scltool funds drawn by the districts above named is taken from tbe records and to appear and 1 nswer said 00m nlatut. s hereby rcnuired tbe r!aln a ABOUT- - I relished It ree good meals a day then a Iwuntiful lunch tirpriArprt hv ti. I . sre 7 " name au-anoo- ter SMITH & WESSON For batgain in monament. hendU inea tiff will apply ti the cjurt for the relief cannot be gainsiy 1. The amount of taxe etc., goto Kgan &. AuhUnn. I lany, Oregon anr demanded la tn oomplalnt, to witi For UOLU nn Yn shnnld c.l'l S'ld sck lh. Hta hhri.ro Order again being called instructive ad ineoUM!r clied "b- - .Their dresses were Indulircd in . ,raubIe roe over a jame ot card, and nouncing tbe nroWd uiT They adjourned toa corral near" the ranch paid in the five precinct named shove is taken from se.sroent roll snd cannot be dis-- a dissolution ot the bond of ma.ritnony nowexlBtlnir. between plaintiff and defen laii.ps st C K UrowiiHil's btd'trii buying tl.e- - id ill iriiQi j Willi w$3 Tha Fls .n s.. r. u . . ft I , ... . tr wanuniciunHI. rj wheee, . dant, 1 . and . for auoh . other dtcroe as may Wo itJurt w,.Lia.-- . -- "w puuum g. Several cowboys attempted to Putcd II S Williams good deal more than I do three meals a day now. I had fewer cares; I slept better, and I may add, generally, that I btlleve I was far happier In those day than I have been many lime since I became a mil- lionaire. And yet It l a comfortable feel-In- g to be rich." P llnrrifwlfin 1 inn m m , - """ rs anoronriationa for IOV VVWICOD 00 just anu equiiao e. Ticket for ALL istm. iwiints. , liU me 11 gin. out wnnoui succes. The roads and opposing any large nppropria- - m. This summon Is publiuhed bv order stood bck to back, then each walker! ANY n.ote. for by W. Hj. Joter, t-- . P. ticket offic, tton for tbe miaaDii Itv (vorid-- a fatr, which were of the lion U P BoIm. Judge of tho above nfteeo slept, lurned and commenced fir H EXCELl I JfP kI unanimously passed. The usual vote of BEATEN AO. 'IN. Forfrosh mU of all kinds err to Jn!, n ing. Bill wa killed, four luiuea court mads ac cuamotrs in tbe city of Sa'.eui, tht 10th day of January, I I . n, ... . w . . . " manse ueing extended our worthy depu- ty the mcetimr closed with all fsnlino in Lj WORKMANSHIP and P CONVENIENCE In M LOADING an SAFETY. A Slaters, opuTtitft Schjieei' livervstah'a bullet striklnor him before he fell. Dab The calur tut MM.k 1....41.. . i wa thot three time, in the head. shoulder loui- iivvvii.Ma&nrun'i, (t 10) Attorney for P; ale tiff. Orders taken and prompt di liTory. I I r Bswar of cheaBlron Imii.iu.. good spirits and satisfied the day was woll Dr.unl ami 1 1. . C : The Cincinnati Commercial Catete, of lican. art tr.ln., i i ...... U Solid for IIKuf rated Catalogue and Price list toM For cold night bny TbosKay woolen mill lanketr, ciieapo't In town. Koraala bv (i era nip. He It lying at the ranch In a Ovlng condldon. Bjth men are form 'I ...... .. last Sunday, print the followl,,, .petl.l that th m h. . ." "!. .1". Larga and Choice Display of. Drv Goods, Clothing. Boots, Shoes, I Etc., Etc.y Etc., wj , 1 uiatonutism grunge Bill I lives and will continue in the good work. W Simpjp, SLfut. Albany, Orwu. s ca, out ineir real names are not known. dispatch from Washington -T- he .t.tement off d.b.'ur In 'th. !d 71" Z !2 J. C. smixariEho, mass, m NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. To all person having claim against tbe A fio 'i pla7 f childi iua school thrifts nn In these dispatches In regard to Senator doe in the house, met trh f, reaaejer for President. . Washington, Ian. 35 - Pennoicr's ceutertal :. atCK Browne) I h art goinK rapid- - restate of James Walsh, deceased, and to all feat yesterday. On motion of Wolcot boom for president It catchlntr or. In the ly as iir ii.nn nrsicort. ca'l nl relect pair U?ore tbey ar til gone. , NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. other person whom it may concern. Yoa ar hereby notified that tbe undersigned ex ecutoi of the ssid estate on the 24th dav of Including many noveltios. A fino lino of . Sealetto .Tnrlr. republican, of Colorado, the cloture rule wa laid aside for consideration o! the ap- portionment bllj. The following repub- licans voted with the democrat: Cameron December, 1S9( , filed in lbs county court of eatt, and quite a number of papers are al- ready taking It up and asserting that the democratic party might do worse than to nominate him. If this tort of thing con- tinue Pennover will have a reputation THK COUKTY COURT, OF JLINN county, Oregon. In the matter of the ets, Children's Hoods, &c, &c. JLlun County; Ureton. tua final acoonntin estate or Miriam Ilarrel, ueceased. Notice AH rubber god at eoKt at Klein Ilros, ' HACKMETAfK,' a bsth g sud fs snt perfume. Pi ice 25 arid 60 or ct. Fo aid estate, aod said court has appointed Teller, Stewart, Jones, Washburn and Monday the 2nd dav cf February. 18D1. at In the eatt by the tlm the democratic convention assemble in 1892, Wolcolt. ft is to enable them to force is hereby given that the undersigned, tLe duly appointed, qusllfled and aotinsr ad- ministrator of the estate of Miriam liar rel, deosaaed, has tbi. day filed his final acoouot la fbe matter of said estate, in iiu u oau iu xi iuu xecu, an bdli UU lb Jia au It a81t, the hour of I o'clock p m of &id day to hear and settle all objection to said final account. I shay Sc Mrcn, rgcfcts. Carll.le's attitude toward Mr Morrison as a presldcntal candidate Instead of Mr Cleveland, was not made upon rumor or gol. It wss a fair representation of a talk of.Mr Carlisle with 1 Herds There was not In this talk on hi tide any exhi- bition of unfriendliness to Cleveland. .Mr Carlisle at first contended the party had no other candidate who was available. As Mr Morrison's name and the advantage of his western posidor. and strength were presented Mr Carlisle said to hi friend, thai If Mr Morrison hould be brought out by Ihem he would be for Morrison. He w very emphatic at the last In express- ing not only hi willingness, but his pur. pose to suppoit Morrison." through the Fo'ce bill that republicans have been attempting to adopt the cloture rule. May thrv continue to fail. A If. T. Sterns. N aw York, Tan. 35. A violent wind in ps Uated thu 25ih day cf Deo 1800. VV. K.Bilyen. O W CLINE, Attorney. Executor. It you want the best Bemethlag fur the New Tear. The world renowned suooes cf flrxtetter' Stomach Kittnr, and thdr eontinoed popu- larity for over a third f a century a stomachic, is scarcely more wonderful tha tlifc welcome that urnet the annual appea rnoe of Hostetter's Almanac. Thjs vatuab medical treatise ia published by the hoste ter Company, Pituburn, Fa, ender the own immediate supervision, employing . hands in that department. Thev are ru ning about 11 months in the year 01 this 04k, and the iwua of rsmefor 1801 wi'l be innrethan ten mullior.a, prioted la ihe Eng-li- h, Gorman, Freoch, V,Uh, Norweyiau. Ssteditn. Holland, Bohemian and Spanish Imaign, Refer to a oopy of it for vslucbl 1 1 interesting reading concerning health and nomerou ttatlmouial a to th effiosey of Hostcttfr' Stomach Bitteia, amusemeut, vaiied ii' formation, astronoinioal calculations snd chron. logfod ItSmt, Ac, which can b depended on for oorrectces. The Aim-i- o for 1891 can be f re of cost, from druggists sod general country dealer all art of the country. 01 n 1 The ONLY place ia the ty where Eit ern tickets, osu be purcha it of W, L. J' Ster, at the Southern Pacific IV ticket olllu the abve court, and that the court has appointed Monday, toe 2nd day of Feb- ruary. 1891, at 1 o'clock, p in, aa tbe time for hearing objections to aaid final ao- - ') w r ! M I t H CI 1 1 3 1 ;n Kupeits. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE uire mat is manutactur Qed in thejiity go to This ia what you oairnt to hve. n fmi uount, end for the settlement lliereof. Dated Deo 23, 18OT. J L MILLER Administrator of the eslate of Miriam H&rrel. deceased Tho. Kay noli'.n mills Idm Lett, fUnnc l men', yotb' and boy' olothirp, f,.r srle O VV Sin ptou's, scMit, Alhsi j , Oir n. you rrnst hsv it, to enjoy lif. Thonsaodr NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN THAT ba been duly ap- pointed executrtK of the lust wilt and testament of George "VV Svlvi star, doi Hewitt Irvinb. i.ro sexrchiriK f-- r it dnily, and mourning be- cause thrv find it Dot. Thousands noon THOMAS Attys for Admr. , - litS BRINK'S tht'usaud of tiollar are soant aonaa'lv b ceased.by the honorable the connty court cf Lion county. Oretton. All neraons orfr people in the hopo that they mav attain and snowstorm In this cilv last night and early thia morning proved one of the most disastrens to telegraph and telephone and electric wire that ever visited thl city. Pole and wires are down all over this city. Many narrow escape recorded and the fire alarm and telephone service is rendered ;nearlyuselet A Dig force of men were put to work repairing the damage as early as 6 o'clock thl morning. An aeter Toe. Chicago, Jan. aS.Robert FItaslmmor.s the vanquisher of Jack Dempsey, Is to be- come, like J Lawrence Sullivan, n actor, Fitzslmmon and Jimmy Carroll have 6igned a contract with r'red Reynolds, proprietor ot "The Australian," a "melo- drama to join the est. Fr hay, oats, straw or chop on f,for. this boon. And vet it may h had bv all. A so-- e cor for the vthifky 'labit; l)r LiviDHtcL's Ai:tidot for . un timers will cut soy esse of the liqnur ibit in irom ten to trilii y days, from the n nriVra;e drinker to the drnukard. The Antidmc c 11 he given having claims airalnst the estate of tld ris a liiount, corner .of BAer acd First We susrante that Electrio Bitter, if used e city streets. 1'oUver to any part of without extra cost. deceased, are hereby notified to present tbe same duly verified, to me in persoa, or to my ttorney. weo W Wright, at his THAT CAN BB USEO CV.-.'K- V jjj is the kind that pays, iioores'sa, yorjig busii ess men, and huu-dre- ds of boo , 1 tf.-- n. according directions and th use persisted in, w bring you good digestion and oust the demon Dyspepsia eud install instesd in 1 cup of effto v. itlK ut Ih knowledge of the peron takinj? it. The t ut:ike will not injure the heultn iu cry )'. Mai nfaoloied ALBANY :OR. mnmm & hulbiet ergs,. Real -- Estate Agents. Farm snd Ranclies far BaW Also city briiiif.Tfy in Albany Eupcpsy. We recommcLd Electric Bitters ograpliers of both sexes, attribute their success to a course ot the 3ort!and i; jaj. Ean & Achinon hacdle tee celebrated Portland cement wall for cemetery lot. Fhese walls can he furnished st half the cost law onicein Albany: .Linn county ,Oregon wlihin six moDt-b- from this data" lftled loc 25, 189:1. MAKUH SYLVESTER, txt-citlsi- of the lsht will and tw"nr r for Jyspt 1 ia aid all ditessw of Liver. FOR DYSPEPSIA snd .iver Complaint you hsve priut (juarant:e 011 every bottle ,f Hhiloh's Vitalizer. It never fmlj to core. 1 itthay fi Msson, agents. nee 3 coue Tortlanil. Oretron, or tho Canital Duslne?g Cn'lA' lythe Livingston Chemie.il (.'o , laniard, Orjon rfruinj A Cuminiug. o.e ognht, Orfroa. IVvLt r lisn'i-- r the A. 1. ' sr c- - - j SU.1uai.l1 atid Kidneys. Hold ut SOa and $1 jier Iiottle by lohay & Mason, drugxista. ' or any other and ar far superior. Aiouuy.i '

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Page 1: Olio L. O pi iftr& · Olio Dcnoaat. WASHINGTON. (Oimtlt. rROtakDiNca. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. A fintky HlterlnT. Chattanooa, Term, tan at. A deier-- OUR LADDER T. L. Wallace k Co.'s ARK

WASHINGTON. (Oimtlt. rROtakDiNca.Olio Dcnoaat. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. A fintky HlterlnT.

Chattanooa, Term, tan at. A deier- - OUR LADDER T. L. Wallace k Co.'sARK Wi C0CNT1NQ THK COST

hclo, January 37, 1891.

Rlitart Drmonut .'

There being an effort made to create anew county In the Fork of the Santtamand being a citlxen and legal voter of theproposed new countr, I dest.e to offersome reason to the tax of the new

TuwsJay evening, Jan. 27tli, 1891.Present Mayor, Kecortlor, Marshal,Btreet CommiNKioner and Councllmen

Fremili, llawkina, Tabler, Uurkhart,Smith and Uarrett.TIlO following Vlllla Ultra rr.1nrn,1 nul.t ,

caha mora Scotch than Edinburgh,

! u i. trussesTh rail !a Hit Unitsd Suit vouU go

aroand Iht arth twdri time.OA rrlshtfal Aeeldeal.

Scottdaw, Pa-Ja- n. 7. -- By the ex fTlfTvsfm iftr& ft

ate attempt at Jail delivery occurred at Cleve-land, Ttnn, today. When Sheriff Duff un-locked the door of cnge he was teizd rytwo ef lha eight men confmsd therein and spistol Ukn from him. A Umpws knockedout of hit hand, and a desperate fight ensued,onsman agalnat eight. The plucky officerdrew another pistol, snd firing began. Thprisontr who had Duff pinto' put it in frontot th oflicci's face nd fired, but th bulletmissed it mark. Although tl.a stietiiT wit

plosion of fire damn In the Mammoth shaft- c - ........ I 'M 1 V. ,John iIollii.au, 37.10; lyo A Froman ot the It C Frlcke Coke Company y,

THIS BESTJohn J.m InpNi Um qtadM waspest I

r?unt, ,hl, meMurcpyer

houlJ 0, pre,of hii "iridescent pi ili ; MiiMlia !over 100 sturdy miners were ushered Intoeternity and a nnmber seriously Injure!.The explosion occurred thl morninar

head teeing drtaw" blossoa mi.shortly after 9 o'clock, and It I cupposedwa the result of the Icnltion of a miner's badly powder-burne- d, lie wrenched theoil camp. The after damp which follow weapon away and was matter of the situation,

and kxkeb up lit unruly inmate of the cell Su.Ct3

Tfi, A rrearh rioud.

Paris, fan ac The cilv of Arret is flood.

Into cklsu reality.

The advance of 30 per cent on the priceof plate flat again hold the mirror up tothe operation of the McKtnley bill.

High tariffi are appropriate enough in mon-

archic, la a republic where men are ut

poed to have equal right, no man' buiinthould be built up at another man' opens.


eu tne lira damp 'xplos'on u (locatednearly every workman. A few men, real-ising the awful iltuation.tell to the groundthereby preventing the gas striking them,Ihe persons not killed are In uuh a condlilon that thwlr deaths are momentarilyexpected. Up to this writing fifty bodies

sd, snd in th turroudlng country great dmge ha been done. Recent snowstorm In

Montenegro have caused greot dU'ress, ml inmany district th people sre suffering fromfamine. The morcury la some ulacei I de

(from our rowiiar snrrMnonusnt,)

Wasiunqton, Jan. 19, 1891sMr Matrtton has succeeded by persua-

sion, bull doxlngand promise ot patronageIn getting the republican senators to makeft last desperate effort to perpetuate thepower of ihe republican party by pattingthe Force bill, and the fight I now on,which 1 to result either In striking a dead-

ly blow at the liberty ot the Americancltixen, by the passage ot a measure with-out a parallel in American annals, or In

the final defeat ot the billFinding It Impossible to uni'e the re-

publican senators In support of the 1 evolu-

tionary gag rule propoted by SenatorAldrlch the republicans have adopted thetit Ing out process, and hope by a continu-ous night and day session ot the senate tosucceed In compelling the demo-ra- ts toccede to a vote on the bill. This, It Is

not believed, they can do. The sessionwhich began last Friday morning hasbeen In continuous session ever since, ex-ce- ct

on Sunday, and 1 to continue untilthe republican tire ct it or succeed. Thedemocrats are making a grand fight In

talking against time and express confi-

dence bf being able to win.How the democratic senator feeMn this

matter may be judged from the followingextract from a speech ot Senator Reagan,which reflects the sentiment of his demo-cratic colleague, and show ihattthey will

neverwllllrgiy surrender: "A dear armylife I to me, as God It my Judge, if I could

nros, tux.ro; John Ciulaiid, ; JHDnvk 12; (J L fciavano, fU; tieorgaIIukHo- -, I j fHltea A Nutting, $12.60 j& Warner, $2 P C Andnrson, (j;Arch niacklmru.ia.aO; Mr A Itlurkbum,2.20! Karl Kane, 0; Hantlam LumliorCo, 18.17 ; P Cohen, 9.60; wnCundlff,M i,L Uotlleb. & 1 li" Vunk.M ; John Ctilat-wp- I.

S K lWndcr. $1.60 : H Brown, 10 1

OPltannnla, 1.70; J W Olvln A Co15; John Maxwell, 122.05: W N Mil- -

50; A J Hunt, 147.75. 'BUI of J A Warntr, 5J, Mduwd to 111

nd allowod ; bill of John Hchuiocr con-tinued.

The committee on Fire and Water rtported In favor of certain prwautlonnryimprovement! at houses of Chlnesojonnd Hong Wa Chung, and that engineliouws and apparatus were found In (roodcondition exwpt engine house of No 2,which should be rivalled. Adopted.

A wheelbarrow was ordered purchasedtor the city.The cHreet Commissioner reported

property in Ida iHWHession as streetcommissioner, consisting of icrftpcrjum-ber- ,


'A M

For Biich our would-b- o competitors will find it.

f -..- -For Two ; Months'..JANUARYi'"' FEBRUARY;Wc kick oyer tho traces and east all business

rulea to tho wind3 aad do business at aloss. Every overcoat 11 have to be .

out of the house at theexpiration of tho time.

gree below seero.

have been recovered, all without sign oflife.

A reraliar asaaall,PxNDLtrow, Jan. 7-- The trial of A II

Fennel! for the assault of Thorn Mari-h- -







la Germany, 5,500,000 women earn their

living by industrial purtultsj in England, 4ooo,ooci in France, 3,750,000; In Aiufro Ilun-gr-y,

about the lame, and in thia country,Including all occupation, over 1,700,000.

SUMMONS.,In tfa Circuit CvurtqtUSUUt ol Orrgenfvr

iitiH vouniy,

bank, w lih Intent to kilt, three ball takeneffect In the victim's body I over, the Jurvbringing In a verdict ot guilty of simpleassLalt, the evidence being In the prison-er's fsvitr. Judge Clifford hss sentencedFentiell 13 pay a fine of I500 or serve atodays' In Jail.

JOHN DIAMOND. Plaintiff, I

First, then, our limited number of peo-ple make It unadvttable to divide thecounty now. The small amount of taxesnow paid by the taxpayer In the limit ofthe proposed r.ew county dhow that Itwould be a grave mistake tor us to undertake to assume the burden of a new coun.ty. The amount of taxe paid by thetaxpayers of !clo, Franklin Butte, ftan-lla- m,

Fot Valley and Rock Creek Pre-cinct this year under an iS mill tax willt $iiMfcS3. There I a mall portion ofLebanon, Waterloo and Sweet Home pre.cinct that lie within the limit of the newcounty. Thl would Increase the amountof taxe paid this year to about $13,000.Five eighteenth ct thl would go to theschool fund which would be $3,600 leav-

ing $9,400 to run a county. Of course Ita. count were organised the deed, mort-gage, will, probate, circuit and countycourt Journal and ether recotd ot Linncounty so far a they ould apply to thenew county, would have to be copied forthe use ot the new county. The mostcareful estimate show that to buv recordboo and do thl work would cost at thelowest figure $6000 Thl would leaveon' $3.4oo for bridge, roads county off-

icer, pauper, etc. etc. Then, of course,the new county would have to have acourt house and jail. There would be noescaping this. Then think of the bridgethat we, single handed, and alone, wouldhave to keep In repair. Suppose highwaters shou'd wash two or three out

There ha never been a time In It ry

when the democratic party waa moreclosely united, more certain of Ita own be-

lief, and more determined to stand or fallby lu Milled faith, thin It I to-d- ay.



vsMargaret t E Fludloy, Alex.andr Flndlor and RimanFinale? his wlO, Msm'l Kind-ley- ,

Jennie I'oud and lienry l'uude ber bunhand.Nancy Wilson and J Wilsonher bubnd, Hugh Kindley,Ktut Kind ley, J Utile Fimllyand fc.ll elatiford, Defendants

Petition of CKBrownelt and othersasked for privilege of laying water pipesalong Ferry Street to southern boundaryof city to be furnished with

. water by!.. a jt l.u - I...-- - aTL0

Faithful i a greater attainment than

acc, and unlike it i within the reach ofevery man. no matter what your potilion, beit either humble Or exalted, be faithful to thetrust it impose, be true to yourself nd to youremployer, and tuccen w'U lurely come at areward.

Read - the - Prices!Which 11 Have a Demoralizing Effect on our Competitors;

A $12 Chinchilla overcoat will hayoJg,ffl

i'""'t i niaunaincu at expenseof petitioners, lteferred.LANTERNS,Licenses were grunted John Oiblin and

Huffman & Taylor to tell liquor.


save the American people from the pend

To Margaret t K Findley, Alxndrfindley, fflusan Findley, hauiKOl Findley,Jennie Poujade, Henry I'oujade, NsncyWlson.J Wilson, Hugh Fiii.tley, 1CU

Findley, H ulls Findley and i;il fct fold,the above named defjttdants,

IN THK NAME OF TUB 8TATK OFOregon you are esquiredlo eppear and answer the eomplaini of U

atiove named plain Iff 10 the above enti

ing measure by giving up my life, I wouTdsurrender It as freely a 1 evsr performedany act ot my life." It was an Imposlt.g H

Bid for boarding city prisoners wasrend, as follows j J N I ioflman, 2i centsper meal. On motion accepted.

Bids for lumber were rend at follows:Ureen Basin Lumber Co, 'J.OO per thou-sand on care at Albany, and 'J.40 un- -

A t'atllo ,

IIxi.kna, Mont, Jim ay. Tonight bothtide snnounce the details of the compromisecomplete, snd arrangement hv been mdby which the united bo"t will meet tomorrow.The republicans have in a public tpliit con-ceded neatly cvety demand mad and thoriginal proposition w accepted, with tornKodifkatian, en Monday. The arrangementof a mods of procedur for the union wa intrusted to one senator from etch party, andthey announce an agreement upon att pointof th controversy. A public demonstration tofollow tbe union-- to be made.

( Xv! laveailgalles),Wasiiihoton, Jan ay. Judge Vy, of

Ih interstate commerr commission, slatedtoday that tome lime during the next monththe ccromisjion would Wav for Ih Pacificcomu Tbe trip which will take In California,Wsl4lngton, Oregon aad possibly Nvad,ad will probdly occupy little lets tbsn twomonth, has beca forced on th commissionby tbe many complaim from Ihe coast. TheJudge id that eveiy osy the .ommiion rceived many letter which empUsljted Ik be-l- ef

that ibey should make an invest fgtk,Tke Wlttassette I alvetlly.

Andrew Carnegie ha joined the socletjrof mechanic. Mr Carnegie' chieftriumph In the field of mechanic I thecontrolling and application of the blindforce of party politic so a to draw goldfrom the pocket of every cltiien of theUnited 8tate and concentrate It In lilt own.

tled eourt, now 011 ale with the oierk ofCOPPER,lotuicu : eantiam Lumbering Co, 10.00 aid court, within ten days from the dale

of the imrvlo of teals summon urxxi won.

sight to ee Senator Reagan a he stood,every feature showing hi earnestness andsincerity, and spoke these word, and Itwas not surprising that they were greetedby an outburst ot deafening applause from


per cur w 101a on dobm cars at Albany :Alfred Wheeler, 10.00 per thousand onboard car at Albany. Contract was letto the Ureen Basin Lumbering Co at

0.40, to be unloaded where dcslttnated.Without old Linn to fall back on our plight the galleries which Jdr Morton was quick &would be a sorry one, Indeed. Our tax to reprove by threatening, to have tl e

The whole stock of overcoats will bo closed out atgame ratio.

All woolen goods will ho sold at cost; consisting offdiirts, underwear, etc. t

A GREAT REDUCTION IN CLOTHING:Fine all wool suits, worth $15, and gold at other

places for $15, will bo sold for $101Fino dress suits,' warranted to fit equally as well

as your tailor-mad- e, worth $27.50, wiL be closedout for $20, at an actual loss to us.


Hole Afirtiiitu for IIANAX & SOX'S FIno Slioc.

The following bids for gravel and dirtpayer should not forget that we have more galleries cleared.acnator Stewart on Saturday gave BRASS,

Again wage go down this time in the

highly protected pottery industry at Trenton.The manufacturer there have submitted aschedule of wage whk 1 mean a reduction ofabout 33 per cent. W are tU wailingand watching to record the first instance of anincrease of wage due 10 the increase in thetariff made ostensibly in the Uteres! of labor

notice ot a motion to recommit the elee

were reau : Mowart, 00 eta rr yardfor pit gravel ; A B Morris, Calapoolagravel 70 ct, city gravel 6Hi els, gravelacross the river $1.04; J vvhitemde, rivergravel !M eta, pit gravel 04 eta. dirt 24 eta :


lion bill with Instructions to the committeeto report li back with a provision for the SLivingstone A Lear, river gravel $1, pit

grave Olcts, dirt 23 eta 5 N K Steel.rlw AL1M. Jn ay There wtta meeting of



bridge than alt the balance ot the county.The truth is, that with our limited amountot Uxable property and the at

number ot bridge to build and keep In re-

pair, If would not be to exceed three yearuntil our new county would be bankruptThe total amount ot taxe raised In Linncounty this year under an iS mill tax I

$117,21050. The proposed new countypays $ 13,00c. or about one eight of It.Butthl new county would have nearly

a. ij ceuie.pn gravel 3 cts.dirt 24c;Mike Cowan, river gravel 00 cU.pit gravel

If served iu Llun oouuiy, Ore(OU but IfIn tr.y other county In tbe siaie of ore- -

Son, then within twenl days from Hiof tboservk of this summons uixio

youi if aurved by puMioatUin then on orbsfors tbe first day ot the next tegularteira of the above enililed court, to wit:

Maastar, Use etli aay f March, lattl. '

Aod you are hereby potlftl iht ft youfail to ppcar and annwer atd ootr.pllot,as hereby required, the plaintiff will apply lo the court for the roller demandedIn tbe cow plaint, ut wit For the foreclosure ol a mortgage on and. an order ofMl tit the following doterlbed pemineto wit:

turn NEK and the K ofthe rW VsndtheNw Jiof IheNW'fand theNK Vi of the SK ot tootloo 81.Also the 8 H or tut) NWii and tba N Hof the HW H ofsentlon Si. all In Town

hip 15 H K 8 Ktt cf Wlitsoueueaieridiaa In Linn county, Oregon.

lueprooDedMarUlngfruta sues sale tobe applied: First, lo the paymsntofthscoata and disbursement cf Una suit,and the sum of vo as, aliornays f. andthe further sum of IS tor taxes advanoedtherton. and the euat ot and accruingupon such m'.i.


cuuens wis evening lor tit pnrposs of deadIng upon tome course to be pursued in themailer of stsistsnc for Ihe Willamette univer-sity. A resolution wss sdopted, the tens olwhich wthat ilecitixen realise the Im

election of member of congress on dayswhen no other elections are held In theseveral states; and this motion may bemade the excuse for getting rid of the bill

quietly when the republicans discovertheir Inability to pas It, for It It Is recom-

mitted to the committee It will never getbefore the senate again.

50 rnts, dirt 22 cents. Contract wai letto Mike Cowan.

Bids for building latteral sewers con-necting with H H sewer were read as fol



The new Spanish tariff raise the dutyon flour from S shilling to nearly 106

hilling a ton. This la the retaliationwhich come a the necessary conse-

quence of the passage of the McKinleybill by congress. And whom doe It af-

fect? The farmer, a the price of wheatmust go down with the price of flour.

portance ol me university to Salem and iuneed fr sncreated facilities, and bcliev it aa duty 10 use all legitimate mean lo place theInstitution in a pouiloa lo meet the demand

lows: Jas Uturent, 78 cent jxr foot;(ieo W 1 Inches. 00 eta nor font twtMtn Ehalf the expense for roads and bridge toFirst and Water.and others 1.20; Mason md apoa It, A cemnutta wss appointed 10(teems 107V cents, tta mo-tion the contract wa let to MasonStrang, their average bid being 77 1&-2- 9

ANDuru torn ways anu mean fur carrying outlb ides of the resolution,

War AallrliMO.EVKStlTIIIVG Wauuamed,per tout, uie mailer being left to the

committee on streets and public properlywith power to act, contract to be signedIn three days, bonds to be $1300.sai raAKCiscojAB a;. Co.onel R p

It is laid that Rasscl Sag peremptorily re-

fuses to loan more than 1500,000 a day. It i

well to be cautious and strict, but reatly therei not any one of a who would think of askingthe old gentleman fur a loan of more than $500,000 at a time.

AT- -NMveond. To tbe parmnt of plaintiffsclaim, amounting to the sum of f sand the oveta, If any there be, to be(aid to the above named delondsnu aa

Contract fordoing city printing waajet to Elites Nutting at 23eenU tHrInch per Insertion. Bid of Herald 25cent. Contact for printing posters waslet to C W Watts at 25 cents per lot.

Resignation ot W N Miller aa enirineer

bear. But to my mind the very strongestobjection that every taxpayer and especi-ally every father and mother would have,would be the death blow It would give toour school. The amount ot school fundsthat will be raised la the limits ot the new

county this year is $3600. There are 33chool district In the limit of the pro-pose- d

county. Let u see how much thesedistrict would draw a a new county ascompared lth the amount actually drawnthia year. Under the law for distributingschool funds each district first receive $50and thtn what Is left ot the fund I dividedbetween the districts In proportion to thenumber of pupils In each. Under suchdivision the fo'towlng tab'e' show theresult.

tlitdr inUrnMa may appear. And for such

.unaH, ot rnt army, and I useK. Cans. oa of the secretary of war nf Oaut-crna- la'

Utile rival, are ia lite city. Tbey areberrying bark to Central America lo be inlime for the war that they anticipate betweentiautemala and Salvador.

it Defeat.WAaiiiNotoN.Jan a6. Thecnatmet

STEELia tquity be properotcer rwiiet m nisyami jut. 3 T. L. WALLACE & COS1 he Ri'iitplaee of Grfftt and Itoaeat Bargains.

Notwithstanding their having madespeeches against the force bill SenatorTeller, Wolcott, and Stewart are now act-

ing and voting with their republican col-

league In their effort to pas the bill.Thl Is significant, In a much a It showsthat the democrat a need expect no help

rom republican In defeating the bill.Mr Harrison' henchmen are now try.

Ing to prevent ih passage ot SenatorVest a free coinage bill, which waa adoptedlast week by 'he senate as a substitute forthat hodge-podg- e of absurdities known asthe republican caucu financial bit', by theHouse by talking veto. The bill, whichI now before the House committee oncoinage, I In far more danger from Speak-er Reed' opposition than it Is from apresidential veto. Reed ha tbe audacityand the nerve to resort to any method 10

defeat It, and If he doesn.t attempt to do so.


oj and niiriitwalchtnan was accepted. The; Chief Knglneer was directed to secure

Tin sumrmn ia tmblisbsd bt order of lbIf oa U P lioiae, ludg of th above autldeoutt, md at ehamber in th city of HaUrn, tbe 3rd day of Jsnnsr), H91.

J K. W K ATI' Kit FORD,(123) Attorney for Pl4i.utr.

Dat noon In continuation of the lcgllilvcday of Thursdsy last, the pending

an engineer until next meeting.

The Canadiana want us to sel Alaskato them. We cant do that, but we can dosomething better keep Alaska and UkeCanada at a fair price. You see we wantAlaska, which I a "vast contiguity ofhade," a an asylum for Hoar, Edmund,

Ingalla, and a few more fit eater whenthey become penitent and cry for someplace where they can hide Ihemselvc.

wsatilic Albany.Strahan Block,iwn onng ine resolution to amend therule by providing a method of closingdebate, Morgan returned the floor, and WARE.continued Ids argument begun Saturday,Jan 20, 1891.


n opposition 10 trieAt tl,. .ti , .... prono-c- u rule, winthVm.e7ofY YffasSwork with Or Coahow. of vonrcitv. mm -- i . .

I E' 'iiiT. n' Ofgn.counselor. yielded for a moiinn h u'iMt 1. .j It will only be because he prcfei seeing j Tbe meetings at the M E cbnrch are ceed to ihe eanaidrtfV.n i it.. WATERPP- -

Henry Watterson predicts "as completedownfall for the republican party in 1S91

a the Whig party met In 185a, when Itcarried only four states." Senator Hoarhimself I credited with the remark thatthe action of the senate In laying aside theforce bill "mean the death or the repub-lican party." He I not likely to Und bythat, however.

AT. ..COST.!..My cn':ro stock of Pry Goods, to make room for a large

ine of I ots and Shoes and Gent's Furnishings.SEE 1 X0W SOME Or THE LINES TUA.T ABB GOIXQ AT COST, jgtDESa GOODS, CORSETS,


JCall early while the selection is good. " -

irst street, -:- - -:- - Albany, Oregon.


till in good work Ing order, lie Aid- - mentblll IX lph moved to ley the mo- -rich has to return to hi home in Hon on the table, and the motion wa resouthern Oregon, and hie place here will jected.be filled by the pastor of the Lebanoncharge. May he prove to be a Daniel, la u.rm.""P,rajrr NawYoaicJan. .lormF Y Ames lias been platting the town, wa by tar the worst the telegraph com- -and finds that some of our citixensar panics here ever had to dvai with An

hying in the alleys; notab'y ia W B Idea of the wretk.ge may be ga'theredBUncbard, and Lncle 8am at tbe post-- from the fact that out ot ioo running ln--0lHce- - lo the city, the Western fnlon htf but

Thirteen persona nnited with tba M V. three wires work n thl moraine ti..

Mr Harrison, svhom he utslike very much,weaken and sign It. a I believe he will, IfIt pae the House. Mr Harrison hamade threat before, but his spinal columnhas alway wll.ed when the time came tccarry them out.

Another aistw hlle republican I In thetoil ot the law. W P Canada r ; who formany year, because of hi ability to control the North Carolina delegation to .re-

publican national convention, held theposition of Seargant-at-Arm- s of the Uni-

ted State Senate, ha been arretted for

Tbe first trip arcund the world was made


In A Ciruk Court or Linn County, StaU ojOregon:

Mary E. tnarwn, Plain tifT.v. ,

John Emersue, Defendant.To Juha K aorson, lb above um4 defea I---

ant.IN th asms of the stst of Of'goo, yoar brby repaired to appear and answer

th eomplalot of the above plaintiff, in lbabove entitled Court, cow 00 111 .with theClerk ot aaid court, oe or befare'tb tintday i,l th nat rvgaUr term of said eoort,which said term 00m in en te on Monday thOlb dy ef March. 101. at th Cvert Uoue,in Hi city ot Albany, Linn eonaty, Oregon.Aed yoa are hereby nvttticd lb, if Jen failtospp aad tisvr id eomplauit, abareby required, tbe plaintiff will Ukaa decree of said eoutt agaitut yoa,dissolving the bond of matrimony nowlisting between you and pUiutiR, and

for bar cost and disbursamsoU ef tiiia'.suit,and chansing plaintiff earn to that otMary K KliulTii.so. Tbis tammons is pab-liah- od

in the Matx RidttTS Dkmockat border ol th lln. it, . IWjis, jarfgs of thsaid cmort, rnwt t ehsmWrs oa tlx 20. hday if Janosry, 1&91.

FILTERS,on !b ship Columbia, which left Boston Srpt.30, 1787, under command of capt John Ken--

Mo. Amlrse A ail uDiHTS thm ftmr snmnt;.

1 I 175 30 f ill UO2 2W 80 130 W4 rj 20 140 008 478 80 l'.U 00V 1H6 (M) VS 00

10 179 00 93 1011 300 20 133 0012 26'J IK) 123 0021 224 60 113 0022 252 80 130 0023 171 60 00 0033 228 20 109 0084 243 60 114 00'C7W 209 UO 123 0061 137 30 89 0062 194 20 JM 0065 133 CO 78 0068 1U0 00 87 0070 251 00 116 0071 228 20 109 0073 417 00 172 0075 247 20 115 0076 167 85 89 0077 160 00 07 0079 194 20 98 0082 224 40 108 0083 180 0 05 0084 235 85 112 0005 279 70 125 0006 209 35 103 0088 103 85 I 88 00


drick, accompanied by tbe sloop Washington, church yesterday, some wboee heads other lre wl'h many ot the poles lie be--Capt Robert Gray. At Nootkafnow Wash S





mgton Temiory), Capt Grey took commandof the Columbia and tailed for Caatoo, froo. obtaining money under false pretense.

WARRANTED.And ye god, how cheap he sold his char.which port, with a carge of tea, via Cape

nave ueen suverea try the frosts of many railway tracts, across fields and Inwinters. trees. T.ve Postal Telegraph Compauy

The mother of Mrs New tan, of near hdnolo,,e lr working out from thebere, was burled in the city cemeterytoday, fcihe was quite old. A ratal suirrl

Our furnitore dealer, Mr R C Warner, Spokane Falu, jaa lf.ed Coll,ha made an assignment In favor of his host of tbe street grading camp, killed Tlmmaicreation. King, another foreman, in a stable in tbii cityOne case of scarlet fever and r.ns tJ tesr the Union Pacific naaaair UU

acter. The amount he obtained on aGood Hop, be reached Boston Ang 10 1790.worthies check wa just $35.

Some startling exposure wl I shortly be ALBANY.!Now is a good time for President Harrisonto write a message on "the state of ib Union." made by the House committed which Is

Investigating the silver pool charget.unletsmeasles in town. The diphtheria scare I pitchfork this afternoon. Tbey quarreledis about over. over the shoeing of horse nd one attempted

Then is mach to write about. For instance,Nebraska has three governors and Connecticut

two; Moataaa has three legislatures and Idaho

SUBSCRIPTIONS!!!For AA tho Leadinjr

Newspapers - and - Magazines,lteceived at

F. L. KENTON'SCash Grocery Store,

We leiirn with pleasure that OP Co-- lod" .,Vo!,'eroB . Coll tbn OltEGON.W u I it. rev.Attornsy for l'tamtiff.

the witnesses, among whom are SenatorStewart and Journal Clerk Smith of theHouse, shall refse to tell the committee

- ....... . ... i k - 1 : r n . ..J'ow; ' wai' recovering big health in sun- - ix.iig wn m (mentors, mulcting a

fatal wound. There were no wiinMica iathree United States senators; the northwest aj isiiiiuruMi. the affray.ha a horde of discontented Indians; Lord what they are alleged to have told to privat parties.

ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.Tk Uhmrg AsTrayAKflUK,Salist nry has been hittieg Mr Blaio over tbebead in rather an exasperating way. and its 3StOY83, 'VTOTICK U HEREBY GIVEN TH TDistricts 104 and 57 were organized since KosESiac, Jan 26. Yerterday eveaiug aboet

8 o'clock n Hercaiioa took place tear thedepot hotel, thl city, between 1 E Smith.

enemies declare that tbe republican party is Mr Br Williamson planted out bis 1 1 ine utnirignd nave ib't day beenduljr appotnuM and ntisliftad aa adtntnia.the last apportionment was made.

Republicans have had many bard thing to pruua srees lost weeg.tottering on the edge of the The oun-- Ibe above table takes no account of the -a- nd-'tram and admluistrsitrlx t I ho estate ofFank Mlnn, la?eof Linn county, OreOitkvitle " . r I b,rte,i(ler B'' ngel narr-e- d George

la ?n't loll "l rftf. contend that ".bieh cut witb kefi!State fund as it would nike no difference.Ms

atry has nut been in such a "state" fortime.

say about ihe democrats gerrymandering.W are free lo cor fets that democrat rc no. J EtatersJs'"', w twiou. A'i person Having claim

against Mid ewlsle at renulrsd to nruanlLet me be understood. District no I last it cumruifigfree from this evil. The republican whoU t n.i.TI 1 examination lotlay before Jus--'

. Anft acquainted dismissihecaseonlhegroundthallheevideneeV'' The diJ.ict ...or.ey moved lo01 from Illinoisyear drew tu rn tbe County School fund (whenThe Hon Chauncey M Depew was busy atIhem properly verlflwl, v. Is bio six wombI cm llil date, 10 the undersigned, attheir pict at flo'jey, Llun county,

with Mr C.taxes were 15 mills on the do'.lir) $175.30, woum not warrent holdins the dcfemlant to1 .claim to be far txtsllence (he promoter anddefenders of right dealing with respect to tiewill of the people, will have an opjiortunity in

REFERENCES:his desk in the Grand Central depot the oheiday, w hen Private Secretary Duval came ia

But this year wbea taxes sre 1 8 mills it there vsnu cannot compete with us onthe prune business, wi are ahead of any

amwer, a he acted in self defence. The de-fendant wi accordingly discharged. Smithit doing fairly well, aad the doctor sy be

was a- - new county it would draw fgi.ooand laid a photograph and two little rard the legislature lo thow their faith by the r pinw 111 uig cvuniy.The patent churn man baa facf n uii

V""UUI,1blSih day of Jnurr, 1801.

LLflN MAfXDXK.T J MALONE.J K WKAinifhSMnn, Admlnlstrstors.

Att.ruey for eatato. (I S3)

This Vbmcs from tbe fact that in the forks of(be Santiam there are a great many mor c IiamiDB . Ourbefore him. Tbe photograph portrayed a

chubby baby, and one of the card (bowed

We always keep our eye on theindicator of popular demand,and aro thereiore usually pre-pared to supply it at reducedrates. We are selling the Jewelstoves and ranges, the mos pop--u

!ar stoves made at present.If joa want to fti ve mont-- r on all torta

u this last week, and, like everythingwin ict. jTcr.

A ratllag AsTray.ll,A.II T.a mji .1 m

woik. it will be necessary lo divide thisstale into two congrct'ionat districts.. Tbepolitical parties In the state are to nearly even

children ia proportion to tb taxable- - property


WORK.1 inruicia were an reauy 10 uile.Geo D ltartin ba tilnntn.l i,i.that he was Chauncey Depew Somebody w unci panicutir 01 athan in other portions of the county. District garden.' It may bo covered with water r!!rr,i'lei crim.eB"c!ed t Meaghei's landing onThe other card bore the names of the fortun-ate parents. "No mug is called for with these,"

34 last year drew 243 50 but at a new countly balanced that fair dealing and good fithwould require that one district shout bed dem

in loiumma, Rbeut forty mile alnjve thisyet, it was last year.cny, were recetve.i loJay. Early yesterdayOakville is trrowinir ranhllv. v;l,t.- -.it would have drawn only $114.00. Under PAYsaid Mr Duval, and Mr Depew, remembering


In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon forthe County of Linn s

morning jerry McOraw attacked hi brother. of hocseholil ariicira I a? 'em of un. Weocratic and one republican. But will the re-

publicans in the legislature live uplo theirnew county we would be commerce to go uu niiurin. snd St a toed him thrr I im.

bouses can be seen where not more thansix could be seen two years ago.

A Young man from (ha it wa. .i..back 10 the three months school a year plan Or Hot a? Youprofessions? We await their action with

wo can Bava jou moaa Jte we make tfcal our business.


the experiences of the dignified senator andrepresentative with tbe Baltimore baby, saidhe was glad that nobody had biro."I Prt an nvrrm urn rj ma nf f - .....

tomeor else raise Our taxes to 30 mills on the dollar.Mo cause fr the crime wa given except thaiIbe men h id been di inking The Injured manw tii'l a.,v when the Tekphone camebving some men butchering. After thecuriosity.Tbi is the stern, frozen truth and those who


MARYJMUNKO, Defendant, J

To Mary 3 Manro the above nruied

PLEASE.man" Ta. UnTu?.TJ ! - -have chiljren tc educate should ponder over its- - ,

be added, pointing to t'.ie baby's photograph."My too Is named aft- -r me also, and I tell fart ot the beef hide waa found in hislong and carefully before asking for a new net Dswa )a.

' G. L, B LAC"KM AN, -county. Fathers and mothers of the forks,W)K1D COVSIDEKIIG.

F. M. French keps railroad tiro.pocxet. tiiiisBtory waa told by one ofthe butchers.) Antctia. PLUMBINGhim that by the time be 1 grown op, if ibis


IN THE NAME OF THE STA1E CFyou are berebr reomrt.il to

sre you willing to have but three monthsOmaha, Jan a6. Commercial and railwaycircle were shocked and surprised this eve-ning i h the receipt of a manifesto from the

average continues, tbe Chauncey Depcus will



UdW cream choose just reeeivsd at Coi.ra,!w 8j Contract'appear and answer the com paint of tbenil 11 tbe office and jails in the country."school a year? or are you, as taxpayers, will-

ing to be taxed at the rate of 25 to 30 mills Meyer. LEADING DRUGGISTSaatlaw Cirange Isistalla'lea. himRoan & Acliiaon liioir mimnnu nilMr George M Pullman, the posessor of J on ,be doI1r to hsvc five and six months? . .1 .

Union pAcific 10 the effect that at the city ofOmaha ha., teen fit 10 enjoin Ihe delivery ofthe tJ5"!,ooo of Union depot bond, owing toih refusal of the Union pacific to permit theRock Island and Milwaukee to enler the city

court, now on tile with the clerk ol ta dooutt, within ton daye from the date ofthe sftrvloe of this summon unon tou: if

rot wand prioes. B- T-

Saturday, Jan. 24th, 1891. Deputy It ATie truth i$ that mor money is taid back$5,000,000, recently said to a correspond .ATiBjJST'g"Frh New F.ntland mir.co meivt. on is's OTEG-OIsr- :rervfKl in Linn oount). Oregon, bat iflothefork$ tf tht Santiam than we fay to tit 1 n if ' Good. Workmen!irvtne, assisted by J Clem and Miesent, when asked how it felt to be a milserved I.i any othur oounty in the ntate ofCrabtrce, installed the officers. Arrivinir I ovr u brWci the company would make nocounty 1 tana. Then let every taxpayer inlionaire: "I have never thought of that, Mens', youths' and hnva clnlhirrr mnAuiegon.tDrn wiimn 20 days from tbamere at 10 a. m. we found a irrxvl nnml- -, rnu ueuvcrea, ano wouiathe lorn who ha the good of himself and farnfsbing gooil at (i WHi'mpson'. DRUGS, FtlEDIGINES 8TATI0f.ARY.fiC

-- "' i mi iiiiissiii ins i iiiMiiiiniisisiisMsissisiisniLui

date or the service or thin sommona nnon. i . I I w '-- I tint .r. th. ITnir. . I . I . i nBut now that you mention it, I believe

that I am no better off certainly no01 oiu iiujb grangers present. The meet-- 1 , i m a sumchildren at heart write to our member in the you! ir served by publication, thej on or

before the first day of the next regularllav you seen those parlor soils that T

Brink ha Just received f They ai tiiou. ng wing canea to order, after some pre-- ... vyaaiag siyiehappier than I was when I didn't have a 'egislature protesting gaint the creation of anew county.

iiiiwuait wurs jru. arviriR nrrMfpinn in 1 r ,iw.vm t . . . . n .Orrat reduction in mtn'i furninhmir unm ,naut. .1." 1 5. retails Ol term 01 ine atovu entiiiea court, to wtu'

Monday, Ihe 0th day f March, lief,dollar to my nan.e, and had to work from lor tbe next 30 dy at VV V Rad . cVrosen fo l,rin7nlnVM due y . L"der h.ve veryone TalksI want fo say that the figures regarding thedaylight until dark . I wore a good suit of I W Centlev. best boot snd shew mil ar' in and ou are notlflau that if yo.i failbeing declared an bour' w.s iollt lt mi?. fKKffl.;; mi "'icaiKfflrBriy s . . THJS CELEBRATED . . .clothe then, and I can only wear one 1 ow. oitjr, rLre doors north of Dkmockat olfice. soc al converant ..n nrl .nn..,ml.. .1- .- ' "v ''v-r'"- e "--

.xjne ox ine

amount of scltool funds drawn by the districtsabove named is taken from tbe records and

to appear and 1 nswer said 00mnlatut. s hereby rcnuired tbe r!aln a ABOUT- -I relished It ree good meals a day then a Iwuntiful lunch tirpriArprt hv ti. I . sre 7 " name au-anoo- ter SMITH & WESSONFor batgain in monament. hendU inea tiff will apply ti the cjurt for the reliefcannot be gainsiy 1. The amount of taxe etc., goto Kgan &. AuhUnn. I lany, Oregon anrdemanded la tn oomplalnt, to witi For UOLU nnYn shnnld c.l'l S'ld sck lh. Hta hhri.ro

Order again being called instructive ad ineoUM!r clied "b- - .Theirdresses were Indulircd in . ,raubIe roe over a jame ot card, and

nouncing tbe nroWd uiT They adjourned toa corral near" the ranch

paid in the five precinct named shove is takenfrom se.sroent roll snd cannot be dis--

a dissolution ot the bond of ma.ritnonynowexlBtlnir. between plaintiff and defenlaii.ps st C K UrowiiHil's btd'trii buying tl.e- - id

ill iriiQij Willi w$3

Tha Fls .n s.. r. u . . ft I, ... . tr wanuniciunHI. rjwheee, . dant,1 . and

.for auoh

.other dtcroe as may WoitJurt w,.Lia.-- . -- "w puuum g. Several cowboys attempted toPutcd II S Williams

good deal more than I do three meals aday now. I had fewer cares; I slept better,and I may add, generally, that I btlleve Iwas far happier In those day than I havebeen many lime since I became a mil-lionaire. And yet It l a comfortable feel-In- g

to be rich."

P llnrrifwlfin 1 inn m m , - """ rsanoronriationa forIOV VVWICOD 00 just anu equiiao e.Ticket for ALL istm. iwiints. , liUme 11 gin. out wnnoui succes. Theroads and opposing any large nppropria- - m. This summon Is publiuhed bv orderstood bck to back, then each walker!ANY n.ote. for by W. Hj. Joter, t-- .P. ticket offic,

tton for tbe miaaDii Itv(vorid--a

fatr, which were of the lion U P BoIm. Judge of tho abovenfteeo slept, lurned and commenced fir H EXCELl I JfP kIunanimously passed. The usual vote ofBEATEN AO.'IN. Forfrosh mU of all kinds err to Jn!, n ing. Bill wa killed, four luiuea court mads ac cuamotrs in tbecity of Sa'.eui, tht 10th day of January,I I . n, ... . w . . . "

manse ueing extended our worthy depu-ty the mcetimr closed with all fsnlino in


A Slaters, opuTtitft Schjieei' livervstah'a bullet striklnor him before he fell. DabThe calur tut MM.k 1....41.. . i wa thot three time, in the head. shoulderloui- iivvvii.Ma&nrun'i,

(t 10) Attorney for P; ale tiff.Orders taken and prompt di liTory. I Ir Bswar of cheaBlron Imii.iu..good spirits and satisfied the day waswoll Dr.unl ami 1 1. . C :The Cincinnati Commercial Catete, of lican. art tr.ln., i i ......

U Solid for IIKufrated Catalogue and Price list toMFor cold night bny TbosKay woolen mill

lanketr, ciieapo't In town. Koraala bv (iera nip. He It lying at the ranch In aOvlng condldon. Bjth men are form'I ...... ..last Sunday, print the followl,,, .petl.l that th m h. . ." "!. .1".

Larga and Choice Display of.

Drv Goods, Clothing. Boots, Shoes,I Etc., Etc.y Etc.,

wj , 1 uiatonutism grunge Bill Ilives and will continue in the good work.W Simpjp, SLfut. Albany, Orwu. s ca, out ineir real names are not known.dispatch from Washington -T-he .t.tement off d.b.'ur In 'th. !d 71" Z !2 J. C. smixariEho, mass, m


To all person having claim against tbeA fio 'i pla7 f childi iua school thrifts nnIn these dispatches In regard to Senator doe in the house, met trh f, reaaejer for President. .

Washington, Ian. 35 - Pennoicr'sceutertal :. atCK Browne) I h art goinK rapid- -restate of James Walsh, deceased, and to allfeat yesterday. On motion of Wolcot boom for president It catchlntr or. In thely as iir ii.nn nrsicort. ca'l nl relect

pair U?ore tbey ar til gone. , NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT.other person whom it may concern. Yoaar hereby notified that tbe undersigned executoi of the ssid estate on the 24th dav of Including many noveltios. A fino lino of . Sealetto .Tnrlr.

republican, of Colorado, the cloture rulewa laid aside for consideration o! the ap-portionment bllj. The following repub-licans voted with the democrat: Cameron

December, 1S9( , filed in lbs county court of

eatt, and quite a number of papers are al-

ready taking It up and asserting that thedemocratic party might do worse than tonominate him. If this tort of thing con-tinue Pennover will have a reputation

THK COUKTY COURT, OF JLINNcounty, Oregon. In the matter of the ets, Children's Hoods, &c, &c.JLlun County; Ureton. tua final acoonntin estate or Miriam Ilarrel, ueceased. Notice

AH rubber god at eoKt at Klein Ilros,'

HACKMETAfK,' a bsth g sud fssnt perfume. Pi ice 25 arid 60 or ct. Fo

aid estate, aod said court has appointedTeller, Stewart, Jones, Washburn and Monday the 2nd dav cf February. 18D1. atIn the eatt by the tlm the democraticconvention assemble in 1892,Wolcolt. ft is to enable them to force

is hereby given that the undersigned, tLeduly appointed, qusllfled and aotinsr ad-ministrator of the estate of Miriam liarrel, deosaaed, has tbi. day filed his finalacoouot la fbe matter of said estate, in

iiu u oau iu xi iuu xecu, an bdli UU lb Jia au It a81t,the hour of I o'clock p m of &id day to hearand settle all objection to said final account.

I shay Sc Mrcn, rgcfcts.

Carll.le's attitude toward Mr Morrison asa presldcntal candidate Instead of MrCleveland, was not made upon rumor or

gol. It wss a fair representation ofa talk of.Mr Carlisle with 1 Herds Therewas not In this talk on hi tide any exhi-bition of unfriendliness to Cleveland. .MrCarlisle at first contended the party hadno other candidate who was available. AsMr Morrison's name and the advantage ofhis western posidor. and strength werepresented Mr Carlisle said to hi friend,thai If Mr Morrison hould be brought outby Ihem he would be for Morrison. Hew very emphatic at the last In express-ing not only hi willingness, but his pur.pose to suppoit Morrison."

through the Fo'ce bill that republicanshave been attempting to adopt the cloturerule. May thrv continue to fail.

A If. T. Sterns.N aw York, Tan. 35. A violent wind in ps

Uated thu 25ih day cf Deo 1800.VV. K.Bilyen. O W CLINE,

Attorney. Executor. It you want the best

Bemethlag fur the New Tear.The world renowned suooes cf flrxtetter'

Stomach Kittnr, and thdr eontinoed popu-larity for over a third f a century astomachic, is scarcely more wonderful thatlifc welcome that urnet the annual appearnoe of Hostetter's Almanac. Thjs vatuabmedical treatise ia published by the hosteter Company, Pituburn, Fa, ender theown immediate supervision, employing .

hands in that department. Thev are runing about 11 months in the year 01 this

04k, and the iwua of rsmefor 1801 wi'l beinnrethan ten mullior.a, prioted la ihe Eng-li- h,

Gorman, Freoch, V,Uh, Norweyiau.Ssteditn. Holland, Bohemian and SpanishImaign, Refer to a oopy of it for vslucbl

1 1 interesting reading concerning healthand nomerou ttatlmouial a to th effioseyof Hostcttfr' Stomach Bitteia, amusemeut,vaiied ii' formation, astronoinioal calculationssnd chron. logfod ItSmt, Ac, which can bdepended on for oorrectces. The Aim-i- o

for 1891 can be fre of cost,from druggists sod general country dealer

all art of the country.

01 n 1

The ONLY place ia the ty where Eitern tickets, osu be purcha it of W, L.J' Ster, at the Southern Pacific IV ticketolllu

the abve court, and that the court hasappointed Monday, toe 2nd day of Feb-ruary. 1891, at 1 o'clock, p in, aa tbe timefor hearing objections to aaid final ao- - ') w r ! M I t H CI1 1

3 1 ;nKupeits. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE uire mat is manutactur

Qed in thejiity go toThis ia what you oairnt to hve. n fmiuount, end for the settlement lliereof.

Dated Deo 23, 18OT. J L MILLERAdministrator of the eslate of Miriam

H&rrel. deceased

Tho. Kay noli'.n mills Idm Lett, fUnnc l

men', yotb' and boy' olothirp, f,.r srleO VV Sin ptou's, scMit, Alhsi j , Oir n.

you rrnst hsv it, to enjoy lif. Thonsaodr NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN THATba been duly ap-

pointed executrtK of the lust wilt andtestament of George "VV Svlvi star, doi

Hewitt Irvinb.i.ro sexrchiriK f-- r it dnily, and mourning be-cause thrv find it Dot. Thousands noon THOMASAttys for Admr. ,

- litS BRINK'Stht'usaud of tiollar are soant aonaa'lv b ceased.by the honorable the connty courtcf Lion county. Oretton. All neraonsorfr people in the hopo that they mav attain

and snowstorm In this cilv last night andearly thia morning proved one of the mostdisastrens to telegraph and telephone andelectric wire that ever visited thl city.Pole and wires are down all over thiscity. Many narrow escape recorded andthe fire alarm and telephone service isrendered ;nearlyuselet A Dig force ofmen were put to work repairing thedamage as early as 6 o'clock thl morning.

An aeter Toe.

Chicago, Jan. aS.Robert FItaslmmor.sthe vanquisher of Jack Dempsey, Is to be-

come, like J Lawrence Sullivan, n actor,Fitzslmmon and Jimmy Carroll have6igned a contract with r'red Reynolds,proprietor ot "The Australian," a "melo-drama to join the est.

Fr hay, oats, straw or chop on f,for. this boon. And vet it may h had bv all.

A so-- e cor for the vthifky 'labit; l)rLiviDHtcL's Ai:tidot for . un timers willcut soy esse of the liqnur ibit in irom tento trilii y days, from the n nriVra;e drinker tothe drnukard. The Antidmc c 11 he given

having claims airalnst the estate of tldris a liiount, corner .of BAer acd First We susrante that Electrio Bitter, if usede city

streets. 1'oUver to any part ofwithout extra cost.

deceased, are hereby notified to presenttbe same duly verified, to me in persoa,or to my ttorney. weo W Wright, at his

THAT CAN B B USEO CV.-.'K- V jjjis the kind that pays, iioores'sa,yorjig busii ess men, and huu-dre- ds

ofboo , 1 tf.--n.

according directions and th use persistedin, w bring you good digestion and oustthe demon Dyspepsia eud install instesd

in 1 cup of effto v. itlK ut Ih knowledge ofthe peron takinj? it. The t ut:ike will notinjure the heultn iu cry )'. Mai nfaoloied

ALBANY :OR.mnmm & hulbiet ergs,.

Real --Estate Agents.Farm snd Ranclies far BaWAlso city briiiif.Tfy in Albany

Eupcpsy. We recommcLd Electric Bitters ograpliers of both sexes, attribute their success to a course ot the 3ort!and i; jaj.Ean & Achinon hacdle tee celebrated

Portland cement wall for cemetery lot.Fhese walls can he furnished st half the cost

law onicein Albany: .Linn county ,Oregonwlihin six moDt-b- from this data"lftled loc 25, 189:1.

MAKUH SYLVESTER,txt-citlsi- of the lsht will and tw"nr r

for Jyspt 1 ia aid all ditessw of Liver.

FOR DYSPEPSIA snd .iver Complaintyou hsve priut (juarant:e 011 every bottle,f Hhiloh's Vitalizer. It never fmlj to core.

1 itthay fi Msson, agents.nee 3 coue Tortlanil. Oretron, or tho Canital Duslne?g Cn'lA'lythe Livingston Chemie.il (.'o , laniard,

Orjon rfruinj A Cuminiug. o.e ognht, Orfroa. IVvLt r lisn'i-- r the A. 1. ' sr c- - -j SU.1uai.l1 atid Kidneys. Hold ut SOa and $1jier Iiottle by lohay & Mason, drugxista.

' or any other and ar far superior.Aiouuy.i '