or omo protests

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Post on 08-Mar-2016




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It has been going on for monthes


#OromoProtests 15.01.15

1. #OromoProtestsmore details about Biruk Dhufera Obsina a 4th year engineering student at Haromaya University who died this morning. He was thrown from 3rd floor by soldiers who came and attack him and his classmates. He was taken to Hiwot Fana Hospital but there was nothing doctors could do2. the march will not stop until TPLF stops mass killing, mass incarceration and eviction!!

Top of FormLikeCommentShare#OromoProtestsfollwing yesterday's protest Wachu town in Habro district of West Hararge under lock down with arrival of further reinforcement>========Harargee Lixaatti Magaalaan Waaccuu hiriira mormii kaleessa godhametti aansuun waraanni dabalataa waan dhufeef ukkaamsaa cimaa jala jirti

#OromoProtestscontinue in Inango ( West Walaga) January 15, 2016=========Falmiin ummata Oromoo har'as Inaangoo ( Lixa Wallaggaattii) itti fufee oole

#OromoProtestsA picture that speaks thousands if not millions of word about TPLF's brutality against Oromo people.http://yadesabojia.com///a-picture-worth-a-thousand-words/

A picture worth a thousand wordsIn the middle of the Oromo Protest, a seemingly confused spokesperson of Ethiopian government, Getachew Reda, sat with ETV's Tefera Gedamu to discuss the ongoing protest and the response of ...YADESABOJIA.COM

#OromoProtestsAliko Dangote's factory in Inchini/Mugar ( West Shawa) is being used as make shift prison and torture center. Full report soon#OromoProtestsfollwing yesterday's protest Wachu town in Habro district of West Hararge under lock down with arrival of further reinforcement>========Harargee Lixaatti Magaalaan Waaccuu hiriira mormii kaleessa godhametti aansuun waraanni dabalataa waan dhufeef ukkaamsaa cimaa jala jirti

Top of FormLikeCommentShare#OromoProtestscontinue in Inango ( West Walaga) January 15, 2016=========Falmiin ummata Oromoo har'as Inaangoo ( Lixa Wallaggaattii) itti fufee oole

#OromoProteststhis is Abdeta Betiri, who was kidnapped by TPLF security forces from his work place in Finfine on Dec, 13 2015. Abdeta was born in Ambo. He was imprisoned in connection with the 2014 #OromoProtests and was found not guilt and released on May 14, 2015 after one year. When the current #OromoProtests erupted, they went to his work place in Finfine on Dec 13, 2015, and kidnapped him again without any warrant. Now he's in Meakelawi and no family has seen him yet.

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#OromoProtests"G/sh/lixaa Aanaa jibaat magaalaa shananitti Fri Jan15, 2016 ganama sa'a 5:00 irraa haga sa'a 8:00 tiitti ol antummaa BBB (Barumsi Bilisummaa Booda) giruuphiitiin oolee ture, amma sa'a kana garuu poolisiin federaalaa barattoota Dararaa cimaan gara Mana sirreessaatti guuraa jira. Uummannis amma danda'e barattootaaf dahoo ta'uun gargaaraa jira .Aanaan jibaat bakka bara 2014 Haacaaluu Jaagamaa , Bultii yaaddessaa fi Bunguliin itti wareegaman ta'uun nii yaadatama . Qabsaa'aan nii kufa, qabsoon itti fufa!! suuraa fi video sa'a muraasaan booda siif erga galatoomi.#OromoProtestsBiruk Dhufera Obsina a 4th year engineering student at Haromaya University was who shot and being treated at Hiwot Fina Hospital in Harara has passed away. His body is being taken to his birth place Abuna Gindabart in West Shawa. January 15, 2016=======================Barataan Haramayaa university har'a ajjeefame, Buruk (Tolasaa) Dhufeeraa Obsina , Hospitaala Hiwot Faanatti kan du'e yoo ta'u reeffi isaa amma gara finfinnee deemaa jira. Biruuken b/taa Enginering 4th yr yoo ta'u dhalataa Abuunaa Gindabaratii ture.

#OromoProteststhe pick up car that fell of the cliff killing 4 TPLF soldiers in Chanka near Dambi Dollo last week. Oromos are watching every move

Top of FormLikeCommentShare#OromoProteststhat defiant singer Hawwi Tazara on hospital bed!!Gootititti wallistuu Oromoo Hawwii Tazarraa siree hospitaalarraayis qabsoon itti fufa jetti!!

Top of FormLikeCommentShareOromoProtestsSirna Awwaalcha goota Oromo Leencoo Dinqeessaa, Waddeessatti

Top of FormLikeCommentShare#OromoProtestsPeople of Wadessa honored Lencho Dinkessa by displaying his picture along the resistance colors.=========Ummanni Waddeessaa goota Oromoo dheengadda Ambotti wareegame suuraa isaa alaabadhaan walbira kaawuun kabajaan awwaalate.

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