our town july 11, 1930

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  • 8/7/2019 Our Town July 11, 1930



    Volume 16, No. 39- - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - _ . _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ._-.

    Narberth, Pa., July 11, 1930 PriCe, Five CentsBrynwood Manor Swimming Pool TermedtNeighborhood Nuisance' by Boro Residents



    Borough to Invoke ZoningOrdinance As Ousting


    Th e Brynwood Manor SwimmingPool on Montgomer y Avenue, Nar berth, has again bccolllc the focal pointof a comlllunity disturbance. I t is ancighborhood nuisance, according tomany res idents of the vicinity and isalso being conducted i n v io la ti on ofthe Borough's zoning ordinance.

    When th e pool was first projected,the organizers wcre given a permi t byt he B or ou gh wit h th e u nd er st an di ngthat it be used only by guests of th eBrynwood :Manor Inn and residentsof the cot tage s on t he tract. N ow w it hthc I nn and many of the cot tage s vacant, it is being conduc ted a s a swimming club in a pure ly commercia l manner.

    "I t will be a tt acked first," BurgessFrye said, "as a proposition i n v io la tion of thc Zoning Ordinance. I t ison the south s ide o f Montgomery Pikein a strictly residential section. I i wearc unable to ge t anywhere by thatap pro ach , t he re ar c any n umber ofneighbors who a re ready to swear thatit constitutes a nuisance."A hearing on th e case was held atE lm Hal l, Na rb er th , las t night. Thepropcrty is now owned by the BrynMawr Trust Company. Bud Rudolphis the manager of the pool.

    Last year application was made fora building permit to erect a bath houseadjacent to the pool. A temporarypermit, calling for a wooden structureto be' demolished in the ear ly fall wasgranted b y t he B or ou gh Council. Recently the pool backers applied for apermi t to pu t up a masonry bath houseon the proper ty which was refused bythe Building Inspector.

    Police Ball TeamDowns Bala-CynwydTighten Hold on First Place inPolice-Firemen League by

    9-to-7 Victory.


    Playgrounds ProveExtremely Popular

    Library Receives GiftThe ~ " J a r b e r t h Community Libra ry

    '. takes pleasure in announcinga' giftfrom Mrs . J eannet te Campbel l-Chet wood, of thc Windsor-Essex, of theincome from $500 to be used for thepurchase of l i te ra ture tending towardsthc devel opment a nd maint enance o fbetter homcs. Mrs. Campbell-Chetwood was so much imp res sed b y t heBetter Homcs \V cek exhibits of 1929,especially by thc part playcd by thechildren, that she desires to make somepermanent and continuous effort towards that same end. Th e l ibrary hasa lways added each yea r somc mater ia lof this so rt, but will now be able todevelop this section more fully.

    Attendance For First Three DaysNumbers 671; Tennis

    Courts Busy.SWEAR IN JUNIOR POllCESix hundred and seventy-one chil.

    dren is t he t ot al a tt enda nc e for th tfirst three days at the Narberth Play.grounds which opened f or t he s umme lon Monday. This is practically doublethe number f or t hi s time last year.

    There is never a momen t o f inac.tion on th e i lew tennis courts whichare being u ti li ze d to t he greatest pos.sible extent. From 9 :30 until 5:30they a re used hy the children who taketurns at fifteen-minute intelvals.

    Use of the court s witl b e permittedadul ts from 6 P. M. unt il dark and onSundays f rom I until 7 P. M. Onl)regulation Aat sol ed t enni s s hoes 01sneakers will be permi tt ed on til(courts since they a re in f ir st-class con.dition and it is the hope of those inchar ge t o keep t hem so. Adults wish.ing to play, said Allan B. WetheralLdirector of t he p la yg rounds , s houl dsign up on the bulletin board at th

    Great Crowd ViewsNarberth Fireworks

    Rotary Speaker Tells ofBusiness Racketeers

    One of the largest crowds ever assembled on the !vlain Line witnessedt he fi rewo rk s di sp la y on t he NarberthCommunity Playground on the evening of the Fourth.The affair, sponsored by a committeeof the Harold D. Speakman Post,

    American Legion of N'arberth, cameas a fitting close to the celebration ofI'ndependence Day in the Borough.The Na rb er th basebal l t eam turnedback Paoli an d Berwyn in well at .t en ded g ames in the morning andafternoon to tie Berwyn f or l ea gu ehonors, mak ing a playofT tomorrownecessary.

    Beginning with the thud of aerialb ombs , t he committee fol lowed withground display as dusk settled on thelarge open spot. Then the vast mul.titude of Borough and llain Line residents were entranced for upwards ofan hour with the beautiful and gorgeous displays of set pi eces and skypyrotechnics,

    As it grew darker, the varied coloredand repeating rockets cast theiretfulgence high in the heavens. Thed ispl ay was wi tn ess ed b y many fromtheir porches, whi le s pe ct at or s wcr epresent from points as far d is ta nt asPaoli.

    Four extra pol icemen were detai ledto handlc the traffic, cars being parkedfor blocks away.

    Brilliant Pyrotechnic Display Attracts People Fiom En tire Main Line.

    How honst business men anrobbed of many millions o f d ol la rseach y ear t hr ou gh th e op erat io n o f amultitude of r ac ke ts was s hown Tue s.day by George \V. Connor, of theBetter Business Bureau of Philadel.phia. Mr. Connor spoke as guest ofthe Bala-Cynwyd-Narberth Rotary_Club."Read before you sign, and beforeyou invest-investigate," Mr. Connorwarned, and then followed t he s ta te men t w ith a large number of examplesshowing the methods of businessracketeers.

    Some o f t he high point s of th e workof th e B et ter B us in ess Bureaus, ofwhich there are fifty-three in largecities, were shown in campaigns torestrict dishonest advertising, to control such stunts as th e "s to len fur"game and the "free lot" racket, and t oblock the picture enlarging enterprise.A warning on the s to le n fur, orsmuggled fur scheme was broadca st bythe bureau two weeks ago. Hundredsof people were shown to ha ve beenvictimized by the spurious sailor whoshows a worthless fur, claiming it tobe a v al uabl e piece smuggled in.


    Narberth and BerwynPlay for League TitleNarberth's baseball team willculminate a sensational spurtfrom c el la r to roof-top of theMain Line Baseball League thisSaturday, when it p la ys , at 3:15P. M. on the borough playground, a deciding game for thechampionship of th e first half ofthe league pennant race. It isexpected that th e contest witt bewitnessed by the l arge st c rowdof the year, from all poi nt s o fthe Main Line. The game willnot be played in Villanova asannounced in the Sunday papers.The opponent is Berwyn,whi ch is tie d with Narbe rth forfirst place, each team having wonfour games and lost three.In r is in g to first place , Narberth s taged a remarkable reco reI. Early in the season it was

    at the bottom of the league.Since then it defeated Media,Paoli and Brook li ne once e ac hand Berwyn twice-for fivestraight COIHjUests.Narberth won the leaguechampionship last season. ThisSaturday's game will determinethe borough nine 's chances foranother conquest this year.

    M, L. League StandingW. L. Pct,Narberth 5 3 .625Berwyn 5 3 .625Media 4 4 .500Paoli 3 5 .375Brookline 2 6 .250

    Winning Streak Goesto Ten Straight

    Results of Week's GamesJuly 2, Narberth, 11; MediaA. A" 3.July 4, Narberth, 6; Paoli, 4;Narberth, 7; Berwyn. 5.July 5, Narberth, 13; E. G.Budd, 3.July 7, Narberth, 6; 2

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town July 11, 1930


    Page Two OUR TOWN lui" 11, 1930






    N"EX'I ' SATURDAY"Troopers Three"

    Nancy Carroll in~ ~ H O N E Y "

    This Fr iday-George Bancroftin "Ladies La'l'e Brutes"

    I ..nure l n..." Hnrd)O_hlJ lo t to"


    ~ ~ T h e Love Parade"

    Nt.-xt lUON., '1 'IJES. Il lul WHIleNorma Shearer andChester Morris in~ ~ T h e Divorcee"

    St '" , t '1'111: !lSD,," \- II .... FIUIJ,," Y

    ' I ' l l IS S,\'I 'I-I\.I) ,\YMaurice Che'l'alier retuTlls in

    If you ha'l'en't seen it , don't miss it.If yOll ha'l'e seen i t, you 'l l want to suit again!

    Show Shop of the Main LineGuest Organist: A R TH U R H I NE T T

    Wed ne sd ay a nd Thu rs da y. "Humo rous, diverting, inimitable, delicious"are some o f t he t ri bu te s paid by criticst o t hi s n ew cha ra ct er iz at io n of America's foremost actor.Nex t F riday a nd S at urd ay Narberth's feature will be "Hunting Tigersin India," with "Today and Yesterday"as an extr a a tt ra ct io n. Coming s oonar c Norma Shearer in "The Divorcee,"h er b est and mos t n :c en t p ic tu re ; AIJolson in "Mammy," a nd N an cy C arroll in "Honey."

    "Cuckoos," a Summer Tonic (Advt.)

    Start Today




    will be yours this time next year i f you start now andpu t away a small sum each week in our Thrif t Club.You will be surprised at the result of this easy andnew method of saving. We will be glad to explainit to you upon request.

    Bil! Hailles at h i hest.Fo x Movietone Ne\vs"Westerll Whool)ee"

    Sound FahlesClarJ, and l\Il'Culloug-h ill"H ired alld Fired"

    "Hunting Tigers i,l I ..dia"Also "Today and Yesterday"

    'J .

    ffThe Girl Said No"

    ' I ' l tentre-IUnt lnee Dn l l y n t 2.30

    JOHN BARRYMORE in" T h e Man from Blankleys"

    Anlericutx li'oremoHt Actor in ahi la r ious cornetly

    TJoIM FR IBAY 111111 SA'I 'URDAY

    ~ e x t 1\1011(11,, IlJul 'll l1CNtllt)

    x ..", t F I UBA Y l ind l ' , \ ' ! ' r IU)A Y


    'VedneHdny nn d TJlurHdny


    Haines and BarrymoreComedies'at Narberth\ViIliam Haines, comedian of wise

    cracking f ame, wj ll be seen-heard inone of his best characterizations at theNarberth Theatre this Friday andSaturday, "The Girl Said No." LeilaHyams, we bel ieve, is the girl. Also

    "Cuckoos," a Summer Tonic (Advt.)

    ~ D i v o r c e e , ' (Honey,' and(Cuckoos' FeatureFilms at Cynwyd

    i Geo rg e B an cr of t i n "Ladi es Lov e: Brutes," and Laurel and Hardy in"Blotto" arc featured at the EgyptianTheatre, Cynwyd, this Friday night.This Saturday Maurice Chevalier re tnrns in "The Love Parade"-colorfulInusical romance, filled w it h popul armelodies and adroit humor and with s ch edu le d t hi s we ek-e nd are Foxiluve-making by France 's most popular II Movietone News, a fable in soundI comedian. called "Western Whoopee," and ai Norma Shearer, one of the t a l k i l ~ g , clever Clark and McCullough comedy,, screen's most popular actresses, WIll "Hired and Fired."he seen-heard at the Egyptian T h e a t r ~ Next 'Monday and Tuesday, Nar -next Monday, Tuesday and Wednes- berth's feature wil l be "The Lummox,"day in "The Divorcee," h er g re at es t one of Fanny Hurst's touching and at

    a ~ l d I ~ t e s ~ role. ~ ~ s e d 01.1 a l ~ s ~ o . : y h). t he same t im e hum

    library at 10:30 A. M., on Thursday,July 17. Recent books for children willbe discussed. with emphasi s on thewinner of the Newbery Medal .5 7 T i

    Member Federal Reser'l 'e S"stem I II I I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I 'I " .1"--------------,

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town July 11, 1930


    July 11, 1930 OUR TOWN Page Three


    At thc corner by the Narberth Station, where apothecaries have plid their profession for over a quarter of acentury, we are glad to say our good town-folk havetraded with us so extcnsively that it has become necessary to cnlarge.

    TJ,;1lendezvousfor gGOODREFRESIDIENTI,

    Larger Quarters


    Absorbs NextDoor StoreIncreases Refreshment



    ready forbaskethalland hack-


    Fourth of July FundJ. J. Findeison"'alter StechheckRohert Weir\Villiam :\eeds\V. N. LvnchA. H. Wilson ......1\1 rs. 1\1 ary E. O 'Kee fe1\1 rs. F. N. Flo\'dRalph ;.i. RankinC;eorge C. Prior\V. M. Reeder ..Dorothy H. Barne tt ..1\1 rs. A lt on B. Maco levFrank X. Purcell .C. C. Tyson11 rs. J01111 J. Nealy .Thomas U . S chockC. B. Stoudt\Villiam 'vV. Brown.J. G. AtherholtRober t J . McClain.:\1 rs. Will iam Levisj. W. Joyce ..: \ Irs. Lill ian \V. Redifer.O. H. Evans .A. B. Gilfillan .11 atilda HoldenI.inwood L. SharpeEleanor L. BetusAliCl' J-I. Bossert .. ..... ..........Narberth PlumlJing & HeatingCo. .. 2.00

    P b y g r O : ~ ~ X ~ : : ~ Y - ~ O P U l a : - S h ~ : { ; ' : : : ~ ; ; Here IICONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Iand I

    IIJI.I'Al ter atio ns wer e complet ed last,'w eek bv Charles L. Jenkins in the va

    cant s t ~ r e be tween Dav is ' a nd She a' s IPharmacy at t he corner of Haverford!Avenue ncar the Narberth Station, and Ithis week J. Paul Shea found himse lfoccupying quarters double the size of Ihis former ones. The enlargement ofthe drug' store was made necessary by Ithe growth of his business. IThe building is owned by J. P.\Vhite and was bui lt hy John B. Alkerand Charles C. \Vhite with the purpose of making it the pret t iest buildingin ;.i arberth. Of Jndiana limestoneand r ed t ap es tr y brick, the apartmentsancl stores were completed four yearsago. The enlarged drug store's greaterf aci lit ies i nc lude a new soda fountainand sever al cool booths that will a idto make Shea's a Narberth refreshment center this snmmer. IThe cor ner is the site of many I'pharmacies. where druggists have heldforth s in ce t he heginning' of the cen

    tury, when \Vi ll iam F . J. Fiedler wasthe proprietor. Claude H. Crane maint ai ne d h is drug store there until hemoved to t he c or ne r o f Hav er fo rd and:-:arherth Avenues. now occ up ied by achain drug storc.!'aul Shea. one-time prescrtptlOnclerk for Crane , wi ll have conductedhis own pharmacy four years t hi s November. and in that per iod o f t ime hehas compounded 11early 20.000 pn"scriptions-attesting' to the confidenceaccorded him by his neighbo rs andfriends here.Stromberg.Carlson Is Here . 1The \ Vund er B at te n' an d ElectricService. across Forest' Avenue fromEIIII Hall. now has on d isp lay th e IStromberg-Carlson line of radios-ufor 'those who want the hest." Plans foran extensive sell ing campaign here arc

    being' formulated hy l\I r. \Vunder. whoalso sell s the Atwater-Kent RadioStromberg - Car ls ons a re made asr ad io s. a s phonographs, and as combinat ions of hoth. a nd hav e h igh reco111mendations for their true tone andselectivity,

    heing erected and will heusc today. The outdoorcourt was l ai d out . hasketshoards erected t hi s week.The s ervi ce s o f two ahle assistants',j Mr. Wetherall have been ohtained.

    ' l iss Mary E. Bach, who will he atthe C0111munity Playground. is a senior at the Universi ty of Pennsylvaniaand is very wel l equipped to carryonp layg ronnd work. Miss KatherineKrauser at the school playground. whois.a senior at Temple University. hasalso had speci al preparation for thistype of work.The present handicraft project is the

    making of multi-colored dipped vases ,and to d at e thirty-four have heen completed and many mor e in process ofcompletion.


    Summer d resses need to he laundered oh. so often. and St. :\Ian"sLaundry have a wonderful ly perfectedservice for the washing and finishing ofsummer frocks. Gingham. linens.piq ues. cl ean as the proverhial newp in . h ea ut if ul ly i ro ne d hy hand in ahuilding as clean and sweet smel l ingas a ~ u parlor! The charge forsleeveless

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town July 11, 1930


    FORE AND AFT ) I JESS-IN FUNThe waning of the theat ri ca l s eason I OUR m O ~ " ~ I Th e wor st , t he ver y wor st , has hap-in Philadelphia is again, as in past I A.Jl. \ , W i pened . J asmine wants to go t o Eur ope,seasons, th e p ea k of activity in Moy- I I have warned he r that travel is broad-

    lan-Rose Valley a t t he Hedgerow The-I' A Co-optrati"e Community News.Maga..ine, founded in 1914 by the Narberth Ie nin g, h ut sh e s ay s that she is wit tingatre. Again , more and more Philadel- I to take a chance with her girlish figure.phians and suburbanites are taking thc I Ci"ic Association, and published e"ery Friday at Narberth, Pa., by the IThen shc says that Eng land will teachjaunt to Moylan-Rose Valley t o enj oy I LIViNGSTON PUBLISHING COMPANY ' both of us a great deat. There sheHedgerow's varied productions which scores a point . England WILL teachrun now from Tuesday to Saturday, I PHILIP ATLEE LIVINGSTON, President and General Manager he r a lot. With all due deference towith a different nlay holding forth each I ROBERT MOORE CAMERON, Editor th e little lady's intelligence I must pub-evening. The increasing numbers who licly confess t ha t sh e still thinks bar-reach Hedgerow by automobil e havc THOMAS A. ELWOOD. Associate EdItor risters a re t ho se t hi ng s whi ch t he Lit-made i t neces sary thi s year for Hedge-I tlekisses slide down in th e front hallr ow to c on ve rt a large field adjoiningI OHice-258 Haverford Avenue, Narberth Iwhi le p apa is writing h is novel , thatthe theatre i nt o par ki ng g rounds . It I h b f A dm Edinburgh is pronounced precisely inwoul d s eem to be almost time for Te ep one-Nar erth 2545; i no answer, r ore 3100 accordance w it h i ts spel1ing, and thatHedgerow to speculate on h ow to ac- t he A lber t Hal1 is a prominent socialcommodate, in a ycar or so, morc than I SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: $2.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE lion. But I can' t t ake her to Europe.the 168 people tha t the the atre can One reason is that I would neverhouse. i Entere!1 a ~ c ( ' o n d - d a ~ ~ matter, (lPloher 1:1, 1nH, at the Po,;1 Omce at be able to a nswer all her qucst ionsNext weck's program at Hedgcrow'l Narhl'l'th, 1'a., u nd er t he Ac t uf Mareh 3, lS7n. succcssfully. It is difficult enough nowin addition to fc atu ri ng t he two ncw- for mc to frame a successful rcply toes t plays in thc repcrtory-O'Neill 'sI "Where havc you been all even1l1g?""The F ir st 1\[an," and Chiarelli's "The July 11 , 1930 and "Whcre did t hc se b londe hairsMas k a nd th e Facc"-contains threc of I comc from?" What on earth would IEugene O'Neil l' s scrious dramas. "The Ido with "'Vhat makes the tower ofFirst Man," which opcned Saturday N . C . ? Pisa lean, J css?" "How many shill-evening, July II , will h av c i ts s ec on d UtSance or onventence. ings cqual ten mark s a nd forty-one

    performancc on Tuesday evening, July The Hrn1\voot! lVlanor Swimlllin l\1 f '975 CI stand down thc vVhite Horse Pikc.at , . rom ,I _ lcstnut trcd ' l 'roubiesollle Ovel'llead f. 5 d' I f II I I'l r St I - ' ' II , pen IIlg tI e u cay ynJn' under". ar r was unmarnc(. I ] ~ . C I' I '1' ...'. .xcess ree It. I

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town July 11, 1930


    July 11, 1930 OUR TOWN Page Five

    oStrawbridge & Clothier'sMa i n line S t o r e ' ~


    during July. The PhiladelphiaStore will he closed onSaturdays until August 30.

    > > YOU'D hear that we shop at TheMain Line Store. A young folks' store ..and that includes ou r mothers and ou rcousins and our aunts, our sisters, our niecesand our friends. A store that knows we can 'tgo to Paris, and so brings Paris lines to us.A store t ha t understands that though we dodress on a budge t, we will keep up withParis. Yes . . a sh op pin g p lac e th at isour trump in a _whole hand of tricks.

    T h was the-way welooked, my dear, ;nthat Summer of 1930> >ANNE had just s n a p p e ~ u with Joan'sgol f t rophy. For 1930was a sporting summer.We all wore the smart sports things from TheMain Line Store. And they must have beensuccessful, for socn we were buying wedding.dresses and dining-room curtains and linenshower presents. We counted heavily on oursports things that summer! And they didn't failus - t hose little cotton mesh suits in pink andblue with amusing berets and shorts. We didn'tpay but a few dollars for them. But then we

    '. knew a thing or two about shopping places I


    You Could TakePicture of Us

    IfTalking> > W E would reveal our whole bag of

    tricks. Where we find frocks that for $15 goto any length to give us power an d inAuence.How we wear Chanellines at budget prices.Where we buy the sports things tha t guarantee a Aock of tennis partners. Why we canhave so many frocks that one night a crooningorchestra finds us devilish and worldly iand the next night when the moon slipsbehind a cloud we ar e ruffles and roses.

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town July 11, 1930












    July 11, 1930

    STORE HOURS9A.M. to5P.M.SATURDAY9 A. M. to 9 . ~ O P. M.

    New Improved E-Z-estWayWickless Oil Range With15 Great Features



    Free Bu s Service to 69th St . Terminal



    CASHREADY TO USEINo Connections to MakelNothing Else to BuyI

    Store Hours 9 A. M. to 5 P. M.l Saturdays to 9.30 P. M. . _


    Sale 01 STOVES!$ 80

    THE EZest Way Wickless Oi l Range already has nearly1,000,000 satisfied users. No other singlefact offers sucheloquent proofofEZ-est Way merit. No other evidence, except the EZ-est Way itself, can be more convincing of quality,of service, and ofmoney-saving price.SAV E No wonder we are glad to offer it for aAdownpaymentofonly free 3D-days' trial period. By this plann.eO.brlngs yo u the y ou ar e the actual judge.~ ~ - : : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ( : r : ~ $25I Visit our store and see the EZestWayaUghtadditional carry- on display. Youwillnotice the big roomyinll charge) Is paid in d k h d bl damall amounU each oven an coo ing top- t e ura e anmonth. colorful finish and 15 outstanding features.r ~ e ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ d c ~ ; n Y ~ ~ l a d e ~ i a ~ ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - lI Gentlemen:- II Please send further informationlconcerning the E-Z-est Way Wickless Oil IRange.I II Name :.: .- '. ...Street Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II Cit . II Y S'tate . R-1 I- ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -ree Parking-Free Bus Service from 69th Street Terminal to West Philadelphia Store.iIiIiI----K ...~ ~ ~ . "-IlPf.Y..a ']111----


    Tune in on ALLSTATE'S RadioProgrammeDa.lly. 10.10 A. M. and 6.06 P. K..Station WPEN

    Reynolds Betters McKee's Strike-:ou t Mark in Narberth's I

    13to3 Victory.

    S 5 ~ , 52Qx4.40

    BALLOONOther sizes proportionatelylow priced

    WEST PHILA.Market at 63idAllegheny 4000Store Houra. 9A. M.S P. M.: Sat. to 9.30 P.M

    - -AND CO.

    Page Six

    By John UbertiMarc rccords werc shattcrcd in Nar-'bcrth's runaway conqucs t on Saturday!

    ovcr thc E. G. Budd Company o fPhi lade lphi a, when Wil li am J. Rey- Inolds, be ttc r know n as "Bil l" t o his;teammates, whiffed t hc g rand numbl'r iof thirtccn playcrs of thc rival club Ill:bcttcr McKcc 's rcccnt mark of twclve.:By virtue of Reynolds ' rcmarkablc :rccord-smashing hurling in this COIIte st, t hc N arbc rt h C lub c on tin uc d 011its l ong w inning campa ign to makc iteight in a row for thc scason, Th:svictory was earncd by thc scorc of 13to 3. .IBill Rcynolds w as ve ry penuriou.;:with his blinding offerings as hc al-'l ow ed t he chassis builders only seVl'1Iwidcly scat tered hit s which they gal'll- ;ercd at the avcrage rate of one an inning. Narher th ba ts crackcd out that Imany licks in onc in ni ng alonc tt)scorc ninc runs, as thcy camc dangerous ly nca r last yca r' s rccord for Olll' linni.ng' scoring hy connccting for scvel l .hefty n icks in t he t hi rd f rame t o cha ll,up a new h igh for the present season.The bcs t t he Davismen have done in a.singlc ipning was against the Ncwto"," .!Squarc C luh in Aug-nst of last seaSllilwhen thcv scored twelve runs in all:inning in iheir 2fi-to-2 win.Narberth's victory ovcr the E. C.Budd Company, dcs pitc thc unevellncs s of thc fray, p lace s t he Borough i tcs upon the highcst pedcsta l of Philadclphia haseball for, in vanquishing t h ~ 'foemcn, they cast asidc a power fn lpicce of bascball machincry whosc e ll gincs wcrc ncvcr givcn an opportunityto propcrly function. I n this ollc-sidedtriumph, it mus t b e rcalized that Nar-

    C O N T J N U l ~ D ON PA( ;I '] 9

    Down Chassis MakersFor Eighth Straight

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town July 11, 1930


    luly 11, 1930 OUR TOWN Page Seven


    WUNDER108 Forest Avenue

    Buy Your Boy theHAPPY BOYBICYCLEOnly $26.50

    Phone: NARBERTH 2866


    We Jel l b icycle acces sori es ,~ , l 1 d naintain an exper t r epai rdepar"ment. Bikes called for,repaire', and delivered.

    108 Forest Avenue



    Ralph S. DunneMain Line DistributorsPhones: NARBERTH 2430-2431


    Adorn your l awn with one of these lovely three-piece suites.Especial ly well constructed of CEDAR a nd CYPRESS, theslanting seats, broad arms and generous proportions assure};Ou of absolute comfort.

    T h Link Bdwun F O T ~ s t and H o m ~25 an d 29 BALA AVENUE-Cynwyd 662

    Shul l Lumbe r Company

    "Eureka," a Greek word meaning "I have fO:.Ind it," wa:; 1I:;cd inancient t imes to announce a great discoven.Thousant:s of wise householders in Philadelphia who lise JeddoHighland Coal may well say "Eureka" when speartinr,- o f t hi s Aristocrat of Anthrac i te , for Jeddo-Highland has all tbc v ir tues of anideal coal-high heating capacity, low ash ccntent, long burningpower-aIl these with economy.I f you a re n ot o ne o f t hl ' r ank s o f J edrln-Hilrh!anrl l'fil'rS, why no t,b e guided by th e experience o f t hous ands o f satisfied householders- f i I I you r b in with Jeddo-Highland a nd nex t w in te r you can truth-fully cry. "Eureka!" ,

    Pieces can be purchased separately. With the proper background of green you will have a delightful picture.





    -radio 's supreme achievement-Uno finer ndio made"- f o r those who want th e best- IS now on display at

    Thc Rcvcrcnd Jamcs A. Hcdgcs, of Avcnuc, was thc hostcss to thc I11cmHagcrman, N cw 1\1 cxico, and 1\1 rs. b cr s o f he r s or ori ty , t hc Al pha ThctaRusscII Van Ncst Black, of \ \Taync , Chi . last Thursday cvening. The l11emwerc the gues t s of Mr. and Mrs. Har- bel's of thc Alpha Thcta Chi haveold 1\Icrri ll , o f Rockl an d Avcnuc, a t r cn te d a cottage at Seas ide I 'ark, N. ]. ,d in ne r l as t Tuc sd ay evcning. for t hc t hi rd wcek in July.1\lr. and Mrs. H. T. Nash, Jr., and I\'liss Anabelle Ncedham, of Chest-child, of Shady Lane, were among the nut Avcnue. s pc nt t he Fourth of .Iulyvisitors at th e Chalfonte-I-Taddon Hall, wcck- end a t S ea si de Park, N. J.Atlantic City, l as t weck. ? ll rs . A . \\T. Necdham ha s just rc-Illr. and Mrs. ]. D. Jones , o f Chest- turncd frol1l a two-wecks' visit in Locknut Avenu c, spcnt s ev cr al d ay s l as t H av cn , N. J.wcek at t hc H ot el G ov er no r Clinton, Miss Ruth Q ui nu , o f Doylcstown,N eIV York City, wa s t hc gU(,st of M iss Evelyn Jeffcri3.Mr. Allan Claghorn, of Cheslnut of Dudlcy Avcnuc, ove r t hc Fourth ofAvenuc, s ai le d o n t he "Sa tu rn ia " on July wcek-end.Thursday and will visit the Mediterra- 1\1 r. and 1\l rs . E. K. 1\1 cnnington. ofncan, Venice, Lucerne, Naples, Sicily, Elmwood Avcnuc, returncd on 1\1 onPatras, Greece, Paris and London. day f rom A\' al on , N. J., whe re t he yMrs. James R. Col e, f ib s . Hel en s pent tllc I nont h o f Junc at their cotCole \Vipf and her daughtcr, I\fiss tagc.

    Helen Virginia Wip f, a ls o l\liss Jean- 1\lr. and 1\Irs. W. H. Balslcy, of AInettc Russell, of l\laryland, left last toona, ar c thc gucsts of 11r. and I\lrs.Mon da y o n an cxtcnsivc motor trip Frederick R. I \ loycr , of Chcstnut Ave-t hr ough t he N cw England Statcs. nue,Mr. and 101 rs. Kcnncth Rockshold,formerly of Narberth , entcr tained at a .\Iiss Eva Anderson, l\1r. Fred Harehouse party last week-end in their ncw and 1\11'. and Mrs, George 110rhard, ofh01lle at Yor k, P a. Those who 1110tor- Lantwyn Lane, spent Indcpendencecd from t hi s v ic in it v wcrc Mr, and l?ay week-end nlOtoring,to \l,ccan City,1\lrs. Charles H a r n d ~ n of Penn Val- C ap c .\Iay and AtlantiC Clly. Mrs.I ' : 1\lorhard rcturncd to Haw le y, P a. , o nc\: "I r. and l\l rs. 1 ~ l l l l c r Alburger, '1' I d ' f d 'II If ' I ' d ' I 1 ' I I' I UCS( ay an 111 a ew ays WI caveo l\ enon, an l\ 1'. all( l\ rs. au I' t' t t' tl I1 I I or an ex cnSlvc 1110 or np 1roug 1ey< en .. of l\[ e,non, anIS lOp, pru1clpa 0: r. an< '. rs. mer , lurger an thc Ludlow School, Shaker Heights,MIss Josel?hme ~ I b u r g e r , of l\1eadow C lc \' cl and Uhi o \ \' as the guest of ~ 1 i s sLane, I \ l e ~ l O n , saIled last . \\ 'c ek on the s. LucIa' Keiu; of Dudley Avenue.SC S. Rdehlantce t

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town July 11, 1930











    July 11, 1930


    semuly l ine-a moving track on whlcbcars in the pl 'ueess of ass emh ly wen tto th e workmen instead of t he workmen car ry ing par ts tu t he car. Theassembly line, perfe( ' ted in many ways,is now used I)y automobile manufacHIrers generallyThe value or the conveyor tn redueing physical l ahol ', in saving time. Inpreserving system and in eutting ,:ostssoon heeame apparent and i ts u se wasextended to other pnr po se s a bo ut t heplant. :'o:o\\' t he re a re l i teral ly miles ofcon \'C.I'OI'S of \':ll'i0I18 types in the Fordpia :1t. SOllie of I hem carry parts fromon(' h l l i l t l i n ~ to another a nd a re carefl1l1y ~ Y l 1 e I J l ' ( ) n i z e d so that t he p art sII I'ri \ ' l ' at pre"i:;ely t he r ig ht momen tand in the f'xact spot where they arenl',,I,t1. Oth',l's transpol't red hot Ingo;s Ilf steel \\'ei;:hing nearly a ton(,'H'h Still others mO\'e outgoing shl!}1 I 1 ( ~ Ill:.;.If it were no t f or ti le cu nv eyor s, ac( ' ' ' I ' t 1 i l 1 ~ to "lIi

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town July 11, 1930


    July 11, 1930

    Totals 3 7 24 II 2Narherth 0 2 9 1 0 0 I 0 x-13E. G. Budd '" 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 - 3

    Page Nine

    Pr i ce 800.50A little moreon month l ypaymen t p l"n

    ON L : S O OWNand 8 e a ch Mont h

    For the family that wants areally good electric' washerat a really low price, theLAUNDRY QUEEN is the an swer. Come in and see it

    for yourself!

    In a remarkable t es t a LAUNDRYQUEEN Electric Washer ra nwith a full load of washingnight and day without stoppingfor over 16,000 hours, more thantwo years, and the equivalen t of100 years of use i n y ou r home(figuring three hour. a week

    for each washing) 1


    enjoy It N.xt Washday



    To see this beautiful and durable LAUNDRY QUEEN isto marve l a t i ts low price. Six-sheet capacity; finishedin high-lustre stippled green and white v i t r e o u ~ enamelwith a glistening, mottled green tub of porcelain (easyto keep clean); new bal loon rol ls in f inest Lovellwringer with non-tarnishable metal; channel steelframe welded in one piece, no bolts to work loose orreplace; requires no oiling! The features of the highest-priced washers come to you in the LAUNDRY QUEENat its unusually low cost.


    Now 0On Special TermsTHIS NOTED E L E ~ T R I ~ WASHER

    coIooIoooooo-IG 21cl~ 01





    Total....... 13 13 27E. G. BUDDr hWay, 3h. . 0 0Arl1lstrong. p. ...... 0 0MacDonald. ss... . . 1 1\Vheeler. Ih. 0 3Kcrrigan, 2b. 0 ()Epstein. rf. 1 IGehhardt. If. ....... 0 IMcHendri, c. 0 0

    Heckle, cr. .Morgan, ssMcEntee, 1b.Fleck, If......Humphries, 3h.:Martin, rf. ..R uhincam, 2h. .. ..Young. c.Reynolds. p.....Yowcll. cr.M nlligan, 21>.

    Down Chassis MakersFor Eighth Straight ICONTINUED FROM PAGE 6 I

    berth's win over the visitors was Imainly due to their s howi ng in that!urbuleut th ird inning merry-go-roundattack. Three pitcher s of the alien Icorps were never given an opportunity It o s et tl e d own on t ha t pinnacle, and tokeCI) the adversay off guard continually, is ha lf t he bat tl e, a ccording tosJlort crit ics of evcry capacity.This teeming third inning cluster of Inine runs, at which t ime the local l ine-.up wen t i nt o its second round of bat-Iting, c ame as a surprise to the E. G.Budd Company nine and will evidentlyIgive them someth ing to t al k about t hi swinter in their fireside discussions over IIcading e ve nt s of th e past season. 'That slugging Narberth clan is evidcntly preparing for the championshipgoo scheduled at the Vi llanova Stadiumthis week, for not only did they attack'Armstrong, Hilbu rn and Eps te in withcyclic regularity, bu t each bingle wasdetrimental to the rival cause. OfNarberth's thirteen hits, e ig ht w er esingles, three were triples and twowere doubles, Ray Young making themos t auspi ci ou s showing by gellingo ne o f t he se triples and a s ingle.At first it seemed as though Reynolds would win a shut-out victorv as '1the Philadelphia Cl uh mai nt ai necl adormant disposition for the f irst fiveinnings of the game. Only t hr ee h it shad been granted the enemy up unt ilthis t ime and in the suhsequent stanzat he y s urpr is ed t he ir own fol lowers byscoring a 1"1111. Two 1I10re in the seventh w er e g ran ted for charity 's sake Ihut ~ f t e r that Bill put a clamp to alieniscormg.Narherth scored a pair of runs inthe. s ec on d a nd on e in the fourth ands cventh. \Ve shall now descrihe thatnoisy third inning affair wherein theytahhed nine pointers. Heckl e s truckont, which is a poor w ay to start arecord-hreaking dash. 11 o rg an wen tto first h y means of an alien blunder,which also is considered an abominable Iway of ge tt in g on. Thcn :M cEnteetriple(! to r i g h ~ field .to send in ~ l o r g a . n ' 1a nd l 'l ee k raIsed Ius consecutive hIt-I'ting m ark t o fi ft een games as hes in gl ed t o c cn tr e field to ship in the IPcnnac wizard. Humphries po!e(r adouhle crack into left field and ~ ar t in Istrolled to pack the bases . Then Joe l 1Ruhincam, always dangerous with a Ihat in his hand, emptied the lanes witha long t riple into the right wing. Young 1sent in t he Rube with a single to leftcentre and Revnolds. the hittingpitcher, singled to the infield. Heckle Icame to bat agai n th is inning andsingled for his only hit of the game. I\Vhen Morgan failed in his bid for abingle, Heckle was retired at the keystone and Young came home with arun. Armstrong balked on the peakand Reyno ld s was motioned home bythe umpire. McEnt ee was hit by apitched ball and MacDonald blunderedt o s en d F le ck t o first unnlOlested, while110rgan eountcd ofT thc error. I-hlnlphries, with his glaring red cap, was d is appointed when he lofted to Hilhurn.for Genc Dav is was just beginning toadd up the havocs of war.NARBERTH

    J' h 0o 1 22 1 I7271 1 12102 2 I1 12 13oo1

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town July 11, 1930



    Jul')' 11, 1930.

    H. B. WALLPlllmbing ... Hrating100 FOREST AVENUE

    Phone: Narberth 3652-M

    FOR : l H ~ ~ ~ i ; g CALLIOBERT COMPTON109 Forest Avenue

    Narberth 2485

    ----_. -- - -Demand depo" i t" ......... -210,765.791 . .-------. . - - - - - - - - ~Time depo"ltH 340,364.02

    f '01'1 '( '( '1--. ' \ 1 t ( ' ~ t :1 ~ ( ) W I N P. D O l ~ J ) ,CHAH. K K R E M J , ; n ,H. H O A n D M A N HO f>PI;n,l _ l i r ( ' ( t o r ~ .

    OUR TOWN1 3 012 0 15 0 03 I 00 2 22 0 00 0 0- - -2-l 6 3

    Humphrcys, 3b. .... 2 2Burns, c. ................ 1 2Martin, Ih . .......... 2 3.Rnhinc. ":1.45. "4.05, "4.2:>, NARBEH l'H WITH ., 'E 1*4.4:'i. 5.1I:'i, :>.2:0, :>.45, U.05, 11.25. 11.45, TO BRYN 1\1A 'VR7.0:. 1.25, 7 . J ~ , 8.0:;, ~ . : : : i , S.45, n.o:l.~ i ~ ; h ~ I . 4 5 . 11).05. 10.2:>. 10045. 11.05. Il.2:;. SUNDAYS EASTBOUND

    .\ . !\1.--:'i.40, 6.00. n.20. 6 .40 , " .00 , 7..20, A . I t I ~ 1 2 . 0 5 , 1 2 ~ 2 : ; , 1.00. ::.00.1.-10, s.OO" 8.20, 8.40. 9 .0 0, n .2 0, 0 .4 0, 11l'-II\e Archnore Stntlol l n t :;.3010 .00, 10 .20 , 111.40., 11.40. 54th and City Line A. 1\1.la, . ~ I . - ~ , ~ ~ O O , .... 1 2 . . 2 ~ . , 1 : : . 4 ~ , ~ . O O . 1.20, A. M.-6.10, 6 .3 0, 6 .:i 0, 7 .1 0, 'i.ao, ' l ' lu'u ."-tr) hull ' huu r unt i l 12.00

    1 . ~ U , _.00 ......:0 . _ . 4 ! : , ' . : ~ ' O O . : : 3._0. , ~ . 4 0 , 4 . ~ O , 7.r.O. 8.10, 8 .3 0, 8 .5 0, f).10. 0.:-10, D.50, A. , ,l\(. .,., ,4._0, 4.40 00 _0....40 . 11.00. 0_0, 10 10 10 ~ r 10J\0 1110 11.30 1140 I h"1l 1 _. _0 A . 1\1. IIlld " " " r , ' tw , , " t )O.4U, '1.00, 2 0, 7 .4 0, 8.00, 8.20, ~ . 4 0 , . .;10 ' 1';' 3t) 10> :i'0 i 10 i\iO 1',)0' IIllnllteN unt i l 12.0n P. ~ I l \ l Idulght ,o.n!!, 9 . 20 , 0 . 40 , 1 0 .0 0 , 1 0 .2 0 , 1 0 .4 0 , l ~ . O O , 2:io.' :.:10: 2.r;O,....:i.io, a.ao, 3 : ~ O , 4:io: 'rllell 12.:10 unci 1.:-10 A. ~ I 11 ._0 , 1 1 .4 0 . 4':10. 4 .: 10 . 1 i. 10 . :;.30, /i./i0. 6.10. 0.10, J , e l l " l n ~ P. n. n. Stl l t lon In Nnr -A. 1 \1. -1: : .00 , 12 .30 , 1.:10. 0.:0. 7 . 10 , 7 . 30 . 7 . 50 . 8.10. 8 . 3 0 ~ 8.:;0,9.10, h ~ r t l l He,'ell nllonteR I nt er t ho n th e. 0':10. 11.50. 1,0.10. 10 .aO. 10 .50 . U .10 .11 . aO, IIb' ' ' ' e ment lol lel l thneM.U.liO.A. 1\1.--1.2.10, 12.:10, 1.0:;, 2,0:1.

    A. l \1. - ' l .4' , 0 .0 7. 6 . 2 6.47, 1.07, 7'.27, Narberth .Station- I ~ e n " ' e 82.,,1 ~ , u l l \l nl ,'c rn A ' ....' ; .17. S.O:-. R.27, S . 1 ~ . :l.0'. fJ.2'. 0.47, A . 1 \1 .- 0. 20 , 6.40, 7".00, 7.20, 7.40, Phl ln .10 .07 . 1 0 .2 7 . 10.47. 11.07, 11 .27 . 11 .47 . R.OO. 8 .20. 8 .4 0. 0 .0 0. 0.20. 0 .4 0, 1 0. 00 , ~ . ~ n r t l n ~ ' ~ 6 i ~ ~ : l f A ' b ~ ~ ; r t lnt l l 12.ao II:. ~ ! - - = 1 2 . ; ~ ! : . 1; .2! , 12.47, t.,O!, t .2!, 10.20, 1 0 . 4 ~ ; 1 1 . 0 ~ ; . ~ 1 . 2 0 . ; 1 1 . ~ O . t l l e l l l l " ; ~ . 4 - ; ~ - l ~ ) 1.;,1.:.., - . ~ ! , : . , -'-,:. .4 ,. 3 . ~ . ~ . 2 ; , 3t.. P ~ I _ ~ ~ ; O O " . I -0 , 1 _ . 4 ~ , 1.00, 1.20, T lt en e "' er t " ' en t . nlhlutes un t i l4 ,0 ., 4 ._ ., 4 .4 :;.07, ri 7 ., .... 7, 0.,,7, 1.4Cl, .....00 . 2 0, _,40, 3.00. 3 .....0, 3.40, 4.00, 11 .... PlY >U.2" 0.,t7, 7.07, 7.:=7. 1.47, 8.4\7, ~ . 2 7 , 4.20. 4.40. : . 00 . : 1. 20 , :;.40, 6.()O, 8.20, .; . 1\ N.41, 1.0., 0.27, n.47, 10 .0 . , 10 . 2. , 10.47,0.40, 7.00, 1.:::0, 7.40, 8 .0 0, 8 .2 0. 8.4 0, ' l h en 1::.0:; A. 1\1., 12.30, 1.00 nnd11.0'1.11.:: 11.47.,0.40,10.00,10.20,10.40, A. ]tl .\. ]tI.--12.07, 12.:1'1. 1.a7. 11.20. 11.40. . 1 . , , " , l n ~ 54th l ' t r "e t nll.I C I t ) 1.llIe

    A. JI . -12 .00 , 12.:.:0, 12.40, 1.1:;, ::.1:. : ~ l ~ ~ l t l ' c ' : J ~ ~ : : t ~ 7 n l ~ ~ t e r t l lnn t Il e n bo '- eArdmore Station- 1 .. ~ ' ~ : " t W f . . I ' ~ I ~ ' ~ ; I I ~ ~ " s ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n t : . ' : . n N ~ ~ ~ ;A. ]t1 .- t1 . :l0 . n.50 , '1 .10 . '1.:10, '1.50. 8.10, IIh." , , mentlol led thneM.\. 111.-11.00. .1211, 11.,111. . .00. 7.20, :-0.:10. S./iO. 0.10, 11':10, 11.50, 10.10, 10.aO,'1.10. S.OIl . S .2I1 . S.40. 11.00. 0 . 20 . 9 . 40 , 10 . :0 0 , 11.10, 11':10, 11.:;, ' '1.10. 11.011, 11.20.1t.olO. 1' .111.-12.10,1: : .30, 12.:>0. 1.10, 1 . : ~ 0 . Fo r o ther informa tion and 1\1.-12.00. 1 : :. 2 0, 1 2 .4 0 , 1.00, 1 . 20 , 1 .: ;0 , 2 . 10 , 2 . 30 , ::.:10, :-1.10, 3':10. 3.:;0, 4.10,1 .4 0 , 2 .0 0, 2 .2 0. 2 .4 0. 3 .0 0. 3 .2 0. 3.40,4.:10. 4.:>0. /i.10. :>.30, /i./i0. ,6.;1.0. 0.30, schedules call Bryn Mawr 12804.00, 420.4.40. / i. 00 . 5 . 20 , 5 . 40 , 0.00. n.20, 1I.r-O. '1.111, ".30. 7.:>0, R.l0. !'l.;l0,' R.liO,[

    U . ~ O . '1.00. '1.20. '1.40, 101.00, 8.20, 8.40. 11.00, I I . ] ! I . ll.:IO, :1.:00, 10.10, 10.:W. 111.;;11. 11.10. f I 'd T .II ::0. 11.40. 10.00. 10.20, 1.1.40. 11.00. 11"10, 11 .l iO. Agent or Peop es Rap, rans,t11 .20 . 1 1 .4 0 . A. ] t1 . -1 2 .1 0 , 12.30, 12.50. 1 . 25 . 2 . 25 . d G h d B L'A. 1\1. - -12 .20 . 12.:10. 1.:>0. "T o .. lJJ:n.! .. l U ~ : r S t . , ~ l o n . an rey olin us mes

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town July 11, 1930


    Juty 11, 1930 OUR TOWN Page Eleven

    Comparable with other Mowers at $10 to $12

    Thousands the Country Over Approve These Light-Weight

    Full 16-inch Cut

    Seashoi:e Express

    STORE HOURS9A.M. to5P.M.SATURDAY9 A. M. to 9.:;0 P. M,

    -doo r to door service, withtrunks, etc. , de livered sameday, Rates t o s ea sh or e a ndother ))oints on request.Local an d long distancehauling.SERVICE COMPANYFrank H. Seely, Jr., Prop.a BALA AVE., GALAPhone : CYNWYD 877

    111 () I{ NINC; GAMENARBERTHr h 0 a eHeckle, d. ............ I () I I 0Rurns, c. ................ 1 0 5 0 1Babb, 2b. .............. 1 1 2 1 ()Fleck, If .. ............... () 1 0 0 0l I J ~ s t e r s , rf. .......... 1 1 0 0 0!lIcEntee, Ih. I 1 13 I ()Humphreys. 3h. I 1 2 2 ()Kearney, SS . () 1 I I 1Graham, p. 0 0 0 -l ()Rubincan, 2b. 0 0 3 3 0Totals (, (i 27 13 2PAOLI

    r h 0 a ePotter, 3h. I I I 1 11I1cCue, d. 0 1 2 () 0Verna, 2b. I 1 2 1 0............ .1Larkins. c. ........ , 0 0 8 () ()CO:-;'1'INlll'JD 0:-< NEXT p", r; Jo;

    "Cuckoos," a Summer Tonic (Advt.)

    hag-5. Bu t only for a momen t, f orBabb came up and touched N ohlitt fora long- double into right field to send inHeckle, Micke y g oi ng t o thir d. F le ckwas unproductive in his appearanceand struck out. Masters raised a deepfly i nt o cen tref ic ld whi ch was creditedhim as a sacrifice hit. i n that Mickeyscampered h ome w ith the se cond r un .Then 1\1 cEntee came f or th to depressthe game Noblitt with a circuit hitsending in Babb for the third andfourth and final runs of the contest.There wa s no more scoring in thisgame as th e foemen outhit the Boroughites. seven to six.

    >I< * *\Valter 1\1 aster, a h ighly e st eemedpitcher f rom th e college ranks, scaledthe peak in the second game, bu t theenemy 1>ectively. Bu t that is ahoutall the hom age that can be paid thisIelderly player of Narherth. There ar ct \\ 'o l lIen whose services for th e N ar herth canse contrihuted larf{e1y to th esuccess ful outcome of the day. \V esha1l 110t he verhose in ou r descriptionof Joel Huhincal11 and Joe McEnteewhose s ingu la r per formances a rc esteemed by all, fans p ro and con, an dthey surely did show it.McEntee's home-run c lout in th e

    morning g-ame which accounted fortwo rnns, proved to be the knock thatspelled ddeat for the Paoli Cluh, fora sprightly r al ly hy the f ,iemen in thatferVid. pulsating fifth were enouf{h tosnat! t he g ame had not l\! cEntee comethrough with his timely rap. In th es econd gaml' , 11 IeEntee made still amor e imp re ss iv e showing- when hepounded out a .750 mark, which is com'puted from his three nicks out of fourofficial trips t o t he p la te . Two douhlesand a s in gl e w er e credited this starPen'uac first has eman whi le a wa lk i nhis initial appearance at t he pen tagonf{ave him an opportunity to display hiskeel1ness of eye in watching for th eg-ood ones. In addition t o a ll this, Jo ealso scored two of the seven runscoiu'ed by t he Borough c la n, whi le h istean1ullate. Joel Ruh in cam. o n s econdhase, accot'mted for anoth'er t wo r un sin t hi s s econd game.Rubincam did no t s hi ne s o much as

    a s ~ i c k w i e l d e r ill t he se two games asmuch as he did afield, The Ruhe fieldedsplehdidly against those' dangerous ad versaries, his f lawless retrives and ac-Icura te assis ts .mowing down five of t hefourteen nl'cl1 ill t he second conquest.Down by the

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town July 11, 1930


    Page Twelve OUR TOWN July 11, 1930..










    oBERWYNr hI 1 1221I 1 0I 3 1022012o 1 13005002

    Totals 5 11 27 16 2Narberth " 0 0 0 2 0 2 2 1 0 -7Berwyn 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 3 0 -5

    e Baker, 2b.o McMoniJ.{le, ss. ....o Doyle. If " ..o Shank, d ..o Trost, 3b. "''' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '1 Burke, rf. "''''''''''''Redmond, 1b .o Hemscher, c ..o \Vagner, p .oo



    ~ h l l d r e n ' s and

    Misses' and Girls' s i z e & 2 1 ~ to 8

    Babies' sizes 4 to 8

    GEUTING'S'.\130810 Chestnut Street 1230'Market Street

    1 E., LancasterlAvenue,IArdmore

    Jr . Misses' sizes Illh to 2

    . '2 .90, ,

    Children's sizes 8 lh to 11 f 3.65.~ : ' l ~ ~

    (;hildren's Shoes'

    (;hlldren's Oxfords. straps and pumps. fo r dress and sports _ leatherand rubber sales in compl ete range of styles andleathers. Every pair a Shoor-Tred. '-Generous savings.\Boys. Shoor-Tred Oxfords o(tan or black calle'

    for dress or s p o r ~ t h . e ; ' d o u b l e wear"ikind with leather or rubber soles_ including our.' .,ramous "Prep" series. All drastically reduced.

    Phone Narberth 4005Try Our 14 Flavors!


    there is no ice cream inAmerica that is so close toFrench ice cream-in richn ess a nd in taste.The col or ing u sed by manymakers of so-called 'French'ice cream is no t used by us-w e rely on rich cream andnatural delicious ingredients.

    Than White's,

    Totals " " 4 7 27 11 2*Batted for Spellman in the ninth.Narbcrth .."........ 0 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 -6Paoli """",,,,,,,,,,,, 0 0 0 I 3 0 0 0 0-41I

    CONT. FROM PRECEDING PAGEUmback, rf. .......... 0 I I 0 0 Boys' Shoesenry, ss . ............ I 0 1 3 0Spellman, If. I 1 2 0 0Eachus, Ih. .... I 1 10 I 1 Sizes}l to 6 < : " . f ) ' - - . ' - " ~ fot.3.90oblitt, p. 0 0 0 3 0 ..;-'.*Smith .................... 0 I 0 0 0


    A II Saints Church\Vynnewood.Rev. Gibson Hell, Rector.A. ?1. -l \1or tl ing prayer andmono


    Y. M. C. A. PermanentCamps With All ConveniencesCAMP DWIGHT FOR BOYSCAMP SUNRiSE FOR GIRLSCAMP CASTLE FOR CHILDREN6 TO 11OUTING CAMP FOR ADULTSAND FAMILIESWrite or Pholle for Illustrated BookletThe Y. M. C. A. of Philadelphia, 1425 Arch Street.or Y. M. C. A. Camps,Downingtown, Pa.

    Holy Trinity Lutheran ChurchRev. C1etus A. S en ft , Pastor.Sunday. July 139:45 A. M . -Bible School.II :00 A. 1\1 . -The Service. Theme:"An Unf ai r Advantage."No Lut he r League mcet ing or Evening Sen-icc.

    "Cuckoos," a Summer Tonic (Advt.)

    II :()O

    Methodist Episcopal ChurchRev. Samuel MacAdams, Pastor.Sunday. July 13:9:45 A. ~ I . - S u n d a v School.11 :00 A. M.-Morniilg 'Vorship andSermon. "The Glo ri ou s Gos pel."Thursday. July 17:5:30 to 7:30 1'. M. -Platter supper onthe church lawn undcr t he a us pices of the Sunshine BibleClass. Tickets, 50 cents.

    The Presbyterian ChurchRev. Jo hn Van Ness, !\finister.!II eetings for July 13:10:00 A. M.-Bible Schoo l. Mr. F. M.Rohh, Superintendcnt.I I :00 A. ~ I . - M o r n i n g worship. Sermon themc: "Living a ChristianLife at Colosse."7 :45 P. !\I.-Evening worship in thecool social room. Sermon theme:"Praying for the Colossians."For three Sunday mornings and evenings ~ I r . Van Ness will deliver aseries of sermons from the Epistle ofColossians.

    Baptist Church of the E..,angelRobert E. Keighton, Minister.

    Sunday, July 13:9:45 A. ?1.-Church School.II :00 A. M.-M orninJ.{ worship. SernlOn: "Paul's Life Purpose."7:00 P. ?I. -Lawn service. Sermon

    by t he Rev . Samuel MacAdams.First Church of Christ, ScientistAthens and Linwood Aves., Ardmore.Sunday Services:11:00 A. ~ 1 and 8 P. M.

    II :00 A. !l1.-Sunday School.Reading Room, 19 \V cst Lancaster

    Avenue, open dai ly , 10:30 A. M. to4:30 I'. M. \Vednesday evenings, 9:15to 9 :45.The suh ject for t he Bible lesson sermon for Sunday is "Sacrament."From June 15 to September IS, bothinclusive, t he Sunday evening services

    will he omitted.

    I Church Notes I ::7:.,:e::::: I I C u ~ u ~ : ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ f T r M ~ E,.,. Editor, "Our Town" : Burns, c "".". 0 1 10Before leaving Narberth as a resi-I McEntee, lb . "".". 2 3 10dent I should like to draw att en tion of IFleck, If. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1 1 1its kindly people t o s ometh in g t he y Humph re ys , 3b. "" 1 2 0may not have noticed, that I hope Willi Rubincan, 2b. """" 2 0 4give them pleasure as It has me. Yowell, d. """""" 0 2 1There is a working hor se here go - ~ ~ ~ ~ : ~ : ' 55, " " " " g 1 0ing its rounds in th e streets day after I ' p. ",,,....,,. _ 0 0day, in heat or cold, rain or shine, that Totals 7 11 27 14is so well cared for, treated with such I """""''''''

    kindly intelligence, that it is a pleasure ' ~ = ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 5 5 ~ ~ 5 $ a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ s ~ S ~ ~ ~ ~ 5 ~ ~ ~ ; io wat ch it. I do not know the nameof e it he r hor se o r driver, though I am I '" --,,( . ,as Is U ; ] ~ 1 bOfi!h h a ~ e naImes! . 0,le rst tune saw It was a very Ihot dav whcn other horscs of tha t class:were ' pant ing with heat, many with Icheck so t ight there could bc no re-lief hy change of position of head orneck. I had ju st se en on e milk horse iroughly yanked about by the poor sen- isitive mouth. Turning away, it was a Ipleasant surprise to see a perfectlycl1lnfortable, happy-Ioking horse at tached to a Bond Bread wagon, beingIt urned about by the driver, hy quietlylaying his hand on one flank. Th ehorse understood at once. I watched Iit as the man got ou t a nd went from Ihouse to hous e, turning slightly and Imotioning the horse. It crossed the Istrcet there, or followed here, evidently Ihoth horse and driver enjoy ing the Ipleasant und.erstanding between them. IAnother tunc, I happened to passand saw a support taken from the Iwagon for the feed hag. Thi s t ime it Iwas cold. and other horses were chilledfrom having been over-hurried, and Ithen left without protection in thewind. This one showed no sign of Idiscomfort, was watching happily asthe bag was adjusted to the rightheight . then huried i ts n os e in it while Ithe man. having thrown a r ug ove r it,lpatted its neck before he walked away. I\Vhen t ha t hor se r ea ches the Jt \ (lgment Scat. its evidence will no t be Iagainst " ~ an." I am glad there willi

    bc olle. and I am glad it is hav. i ng i ts Ili fe in Narberth-a town r. too, havefound kind. M. \V. 1'.(Editor's Note-This lett'5 was Ihanded the Edi to r of "Our Town" forpublication this week hy l i tt le old Mrs.George Parkinson, for many yea rs aresident here, whose husband d ied avear ago. She was in Narberth on ainatter o f h us ine ss . a ft er r et ur ni ngfrom a convention of t he Deaf in NewYork, and is spending the summer near I:Marblehead, Mass.) INarberth Captures Two I

    On Fourth of July

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town July 11, 1930


    luly 11, 1930 OUR TOWN Page Thir teen

    Phone, Paoli 250

    Adelizzi Bros102 Fo re s t Avenue


    J. Alman105 Essex AvenueArcade Tailor Shop719 Montgomery Avenue

    Hewit's Cleaners & Dyers23 4 Haverford AvenueNarberth Tai lo ri ng C o.215 Haverford Avenue

    The Oldest Storein Narberth

    Saturdays at 1 P. M., duringJuly and August, our shopswill be closed. We trust thisannual custom will not inconvenlence our patrons, and weextend best wishes for YOllr enjoyment of summer week-ends.

    finish you can see andtest before it is installed.That's Cromar. It is completelyfinished atth e factory-like furniture. Machines doth e milling, filling, varnishing; they evenapply a treatment against moisture.This machine-finishing makes Cromar OakFloors more beautiful, more durable, easierto keep clean-and quicker to lay (nail itdown and it 's ready to use).We like to sell this machine-finished hardwood flooring because i t makes happy customer&.


    carry in stock theonly hardwood flooringin the world whose final


    Get These Records-o-the-Week


    for )our summer p h o n o ~ r a p h . Only Hie each, and Dav is ' g-et anew one every Thursday. Among- th e recent re leases : St . . Jaml 'sInfirmary, Song Without a Name, Spring-time in th e Rocl

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town July 11, 1930










    .- -- -====----- - -

    , , ~ . '.

    NORMALIZEMilk is nature's normalizing food. It puts firmResh on the undernourished, and protects thehealthy. Yet no excess fat is added, even tooverweights. Elements intended to replenishmuscle, bone, blood and organs are providedabundantly by milk. Vital to children, its priceless vitamins are fully as necessary to grownfolks. Whatever your weight, put Health inyour diet by drinking more milk. If far fromnormal, consult your physician. Gold MedalMilk holds thirty-four highest awards for purityand Ravor. Scientific safeguards bring eachbottle fresh and pure to your door.





    The mar ri ag e o f M is s W il he lm in aWeige l, daugh te r of Mr . and Mrs.J oh n Wei ge l, of 330 Oxford Road,_Brookline, and Mr. Dud ley Rushton ,'of 335 Lancaster Avenue, \Vynnewood,witt t ake p lace tomorrow at 3 o'clockin th e Holy Trini ty Lutheran Church,Narberth. Th e Rev. Cletus A. Senft,pastor of the church, will oll1ciate.Th e bride, who witt be given ,in marriage by he r father , wil l wear a c re pesilk. gown fashioned on the new princess lines, with short s le ev es . She willwear long white kid gloves. He r wedding veil witt be of white tulle, arranged in a tiara effect, with sprays ofo range b lo ssoms on eaell side. She willcarry a bo uqu et o f w hi te roses and

    Wilhelmina Weigel to Wed '!liIieS of t he valley.Miss Rose \Veigel , a s is te r o f theKenneth Rushton Tomorrow bride. will act as mai d of h onor . Hergown will b e o f o rc hi d c re pe and he rha t will be o f e cr u lace a nd l on g lacemits. She will carry a bouquet of bluelarkspur, p ink gladol i and roses.Th e bridesmaids witt be Mrs . Antho llyMorris, of Ardmore , who willwear a frock of maize crepe and MissMabel Ma cCormi ck , a ls o o f A rdmo rewho will wear a gown of g reen c repe :Their hats amI long mits will be the'

    sallie as those of the maid' of h ono ralso ' their bouquets . '.M r. Carson Simpson . o f Overb rook ,wIll act as 'best man and the usherswil l be Mr. Albert Cresmer, of \Vayne,and 1\1 r. Anthony 1\1 o rr is , o f Ardmore .,\fter a wedding trip. 1\1 r. Rushtonand. his bride witt reside at t he Vi ncent Court Apar tments Ove rbrook .They witt be at home a f t ~ r August '1.


    Fourth of JulyFundCONTINUED I"ROM PAGE 2

    for keepingcool an d Incondition.

    Sign o f Best Mea ts

    DclivcriCJ Twicc DailyTo YOllr DoorPhone Rittenhouse 70702106-08 MARKET ST .


    Call NARBERTH 2399

    I). & . I I . l ,u t" Ju ln 'u n nn u .. 11I ' ~ ' h i ~ h "ullt-,- .\ u th r n . U , 11.... n""st, ( ' h- n lu" s' " ut - I.

    A STOCK HHOKERgoa\'e a friend of his a

    tip. "When t he market isdown, buy real e st at e, o rstocks and honds." And weadd ed , "Bu si ne ss men andal1 saYinrr men also huytheir eoal when the \>ril'e isdown." Bu)' now,

    - 235 Haverford Ave.

    Page Fourteen

    You al l know MAX

    Free Delivery

    Fresh fruit a: d vegetablesdaily.

    Sea Food Fresh 011 Fridays.Watch for our opening specials.

    L. M. TholUpSOnBala Ave.-CYNWYD 280

    Are Best At TheCBRADLEYMARKET eo.



    David J . L anahan 1.00Dan ie l J . I-less 2.00Edi th Aus ti n Gar a 1.00P. A. Beatly 2.00Hugh Clement Mart in 2.00C. H. \Voolmington 2.00William P. Kerigan 2,00G e o r g ~ W. Martin 2.00meats 1\lary E. Starr 1.00d ICharles V. Noel 2.00go o John .I. Fittipoldi S.OO. C. W. Bates 2.00

    I Ernest A . Bai le y 2.00!R. L. Beatty 5.00John B. Wittiams 10.00J. E. Lewis 2.001\[ rs. F. E. Chamness 1.00T. Leaming Smith 5.00\Y. \Y. Tomlinson 3.00A. T. Kirk 1.00Wil li am J . Tough li n 1.00Fred Evans . 5.00H ancv \V. 1\Ionks 2.001,. L. ~ l i 1 l e r 2.00IStephen G. Duncan 3.00':Ill1uc1 Vance, Jr 2.00John H. Patton 2.00A. I. lIcw\tott 1.001\1 r. and 1\1 rs. George ~ (;itt .. , 2.00' : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ : I J o c Kelley. Jr.. 1.00. Elizabeth Kellev 1.00Howard Dilworth 1.00 IWilliam O'Brien 2,00

    C. J. l\lcCrea 1.00Esther \Varner Fabien. 2.00H. C. Collins 2.00Anonymous 2.00 IAlbert E. Bowers 1.00 IElizabeth ]{, Chalfont 2.00W. H. Nason 2.00\V . Zentmayer 3.001\1 rs. Elizabeth Wilsoll 1.001\1 an ' V. Brown 1.00Johli Burt 1.00Daniel Leitch 5.00Fred P. McCarthy......... 3.00(;ertrude I'. Horlacher 5.00William C. Claghorn 1.00Donald Heckel................ 1.00Fred Hecke l ..... 1.00F. Richard (;ifford . 1.00C. W . Munr o . 1.00Trotter Bros. 2.00Hebecca G. Smith 2.00G. I-1. James 2.00


    .1. Lebo ... 1.00Mrs. H o w ~ r d Co Wise 1.00 I1\Irs. B1esslllg 1.00\V. A. Fox .. , .. , .: 3.00Etta Godcfro\ ' Reichncr 1.00Htlda D. Nordblom 2.00A. C. Staples .:.. ' : .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 1.00Anna L. Burrowes 2.00 IElizal>eth ';Smith Crispin 1.00Anna-t(."Van Aukcn 1.00

    1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ~ ~ \ ~ ~ l ~ . ~ \ ~ ~ ~ ~ l e r tg8Katharine V. Harley........... 1.00Blanche E. Knecht ,........... 2.00John Albrecht, Sr. . 5.00John A. !viowrer 1.00J. W. McAlliff 1.00IA. \y. Frederick .. 1.00IY6 ~ n I 3 a t i ~ ~ ~ i ; ; , 1.8gHan1t'r Bros. 1.00G. T. Ryan 3.00\\ ' alter Tait .. ... 1.00E. \V. Fehr 2.00R. N. Van S an t 1.00IAnonymous 1.0DR. B. ~ cClatchey 2.00D. F . Lei st er 3.00Clarencc Vincent 1.00J. Q. ~ ackey 2.00Paul C. L\'nn 1.00Frederick \V. Lacey LOOChar le s H. Smith 2.00Aus ti n Hat rzel l 2.00Jallies 1\1 orrison 1.00W. E. G. 1\1 : l1er . 2.00Anna J. Butler. 1.001.. M. Hcnderson 1.00 IT. B. Du11arios .. 2.0011\1 rs. Alan ) . Smith' .. .. 2.00 II 24th 'Ward Bows !I )o e 1 \ 1 ~ K e c scorcd a.nother jubilant I

    t ~ l l l l l \ P h 111 !\Ionday nIght's seven-in-IIIIng game with Twcnty-fourth \Vard

    Iwhen the abbreviated contest rohhedhim of .an cxcellent opportunity to redeem hll11self of his lost -pitching' prestige now hel d hy Bil1 Rt'vlll!llds. Howe\'er. Joe won with e a ~ e - over the foeIlIell from the - lOth : tn(1 Race Street>

    1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 f ~ ~ ~ i ~ } t ~ ~ e ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l l \ ' t ~ . h t l ~ S C ~ ~ I ~ l t ( l ~ f ~ ~ ~ .

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town July 11, 1930


    an dPool


    Balhillg-D a l l l ' i l l g


    Page Fifteen




    Seashore HotelsASBURY PARK, N . J.

    Hotel ENGLISH

    A merican Plan Only

    "Minute to Everything"

    32 1 Sixth A,e ANlmr)' Purk , S. J .CornCort, \ v i t h o u t ext ravagance. H u u nin" wate r , privale halllH. BOIIIl t iful ,homelil

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town July 11, 1930



    Page Sixteert OORTOWN july 11, 1930Wheat Crop of Penshurst Farm, Gathered ThisW ee k. to Be Cons umed by PrizeThrcshing commcnced Monday andis expccted t o bc fin ishcd by the cnd

    of this week at Pcnshurst Farm. Ift hi s i tcm appear cd in a rural newspaper, it would occas ion only s li gh tinterest. nu t in thi s scc ti on , well , r eadon . . . .Along Statc Road, in Pcnn Vallcy,Lower :Mcrion, sixty acres of wheatarc bcing thrcshcd by a tractor, thrcshing machinc and fif tecn mcn. Dr. E,

    Ill this p art o f the country. And it is sold through the Scott-Powell Dairy.Ayrsh,resI The wheat harvested this year ispart of a rota t ion of crops required to. f keep the soil of the sixty-acre farm atS. Deubler, superintendent 0 the farm, its best. Last year corn was plantedexpects a crop of about 1200 bushels. Nex t yea r alfalfa, and the following.And because wheat prices are at their corn again.lowest in y ea rs , h e expects to feed the The farm, o ne o f th e f inest in Pennwheat to the cattle on the fa rm, in- s ylvania, and certainly the largest onstead of sel ling the flour. or near the Main Line, is not f ar fromThere are 300 head of registered our well b uil t up suburban communiAy rsh ire cat tl e o n t he farm-one of ties of Bala-Cynwyd and Narberth. Itthe fincst herds in the Uni ted States, h as becn known a s Penshur st FarmsThcir milk goes to Bryn Mawr Hos- for thirty year s, a nd is survivor ofpital and othc r ins ti tu tions and dealers t he many in t hi s sec tion which were

    in cxistence over a hundrcd years ago.The owner , Per civa l Rober ts , J r. ,

    inherited the farm from his father, whopurchased it about hal f a century ago.Th e original holdings have been enl ar ged, and it is renowned under themanagement of Mr. Rob erts and Dr.Deubler as bcing one o f the mos t modcrn and well-run farms in thi s country.

    I f you think there's somethingwrong with this community do something besides t alk about it."Cuckoos," a Summer Tonic (Advt.)








    Cool, colorful, crisp ... the smart new washable frocks prescribed by Fashion for thisSummer. They look so dainty and so adorable when new. And they'll stay that way-if you send them to us regularly. We launder them safely in mild soft-water suds . iron them with paiftstaking care . returnthem to you as fresh as a Summer dawn! It'sa service you're sure to appreciate!

    . . .and that Means Us!