pandas class home learning for monday 1 to friday 5

Pandas Class Home Learning for Monday 1 st to Friday 5 th February 2021 Please could choose whether you would like to scan/photograph and email remote learning in via your class email address once a week: [email protected] or whether you are going to put your book in the box by the main gate (in a plastic bag please) at the end of the week and take a second book to use. Please don’t do both! Some feedback will be via your book or emailed work but please be aware that the class Zoom sessions may also be used for feedback where work is discussed and perhaps even marked together. When children are working on Mathletics or Phonics Bug, teachers can already see what children are doing so no further feedback of a written kind will be given. Accelerated Reader Book Change Days: The following book levels will be put out by KS2 gate for changing: Mondays – 2.0 – 3.0 Tuesdays – 3.1 -3.6 Wednesdays- 3.7 – 4.0 Thursdays- 4.1-5.0 Fridays – 5.1+ Please note that we can only put out a small selection of books. The books will have been quarantined before putting the box out but obviously books from other children will have been added and touched to choose their new one. If you are ready to quiz, you need to use this link and then put in your password. It will not work if you google Accelerated Reader!

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Post on 26-Nov-2021




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Pandas Class Home Learning for Monday 1st to Friday 5th February 2021

Please could choose whether you would like to scan/photograph and email remote learning in via your class email address once a week:

[email protected]

or whether you are going to put your book in the box by the main gate (in a plastic bag please) at the end of the week and take a second book to use.

Please don’t do both!

Some feedback will be via your book or emailed work but please be aware that the class Zoom sessions may also be used for feedback where work is

discussed and perhaps even marked together. When children are working on Mathletics or Phonics Bug, teachers can already see what children are

doing so no further feedback of a written kind will be given.

Accelerated Reader Book Change Days:

The following book levels will be put out by KS2 gate for changing:

Mondays – 2.0 – 3.0

Tuesdays – 3.1 -3.6

Wednesdays- 3.7 – 4.0

Thursdays- 4.1-5.0

Fridays – 5.1+

Please note that we can only put out a small selection of books. The books will have been quarantined before putting the box out but obviously books

from other children will have been added and touched to choose their new one. If you are ready to quiz, you need to use this link

and then put in your password. It will not work if you google Accelerated Reader!

The daily class catch up is at 2.45 each afternoon. This is for children who are not working in school to connect with their teacher and classmates. It is not

for parents whose children are already in school.

Zoom Code for class catch up: : 974 8631 1840 Password: BrantB (2.45pm daily)

If for any reason you can’t access the Oak Academy learning, please either click:

This will take you to all the Year 5/6 subjects and then follow my steps from there.

Week beginning:

Collective Worship via Zoom

Meeting ID:

917 1706 8236 Password - BrantB

English Maths Foundation

Monday 9am English- Editing our balanced argument from last week. Firstly, you are going to create your own rubric (Steps to success- See below) Make a list of all the things you think are needed to create a good balanced argument. Use the PowerPoint from last week to help you. I expect to see things like the present tense or formal style. You might also want to focus on some of the grammar we have been looking at over the past few months. Things like: relative clauses, apostrophes, paragraphs, adverbs etc. Remember to put the things you find more challenging as the ‘going for gold’ steps.

Before you access your TTRS and Mathletics please can you complete pages 26-29 in your White Rose booklet TTRS – 20 mins Mathletics – 20 mins Set assignments

PE - YouTube Joe wicks ICT- Oak Academy- Subjects- KS2- Year 5- Computing- Paper database- Lesson 1 Class Zoom- 2:45 Catch up and chance to share learning from the day.

Go back through your writing and work your way through your rubric/steps for success ticking off everything you have included and noting things that you have missed off. Tally how many of each thing on your rubric you have. I then want you to pick a paragraph where you might be missing something(s) from your rubric and rewrite this underneath in a different colour (Pink pen if you can). Spelling Shed - 20 minutes practising this week’s spelling list Reading- Read pages 124-129 (chapter 11- These high heels are killing me) - Why do you think Dennis described this moment as - “That’s the best fun I’ve had…well, ever!” ? - Do you think Mac should eat that food for breakfast? Why/ Why not? - What does irony mean? - Do you think it was right for Lisa to say Dennis was coming into school with him tomorrow without discussing this? Why/Why not? - Do you think Dennis is only doing this to please Lisa or does he secretly want to do this for himself to see if he can pull it off? Why? Predict what you think ‘But little did Dennis know, as he tottered home in his uncomfortable shoes, that he was about to take a tumble..’

Tuesday 9am English- Oak Academy- Subjects- KS2- Year 6- English- Grammar- Grammar practice- To explore the four types of sentence- statement, command,

Year 5: Oak Academy- Multiplication and division- Short

Science- Oak Academy- Subjects- KS2- Year 6- Science – Sustainability- Why is recycling important? Lesson 2

exclamation and question. Lesson One Reading – Read pages 130-136 (Chapter 12- Another World) - Do you think Lisa did clear Dennis being with her in school with the head teacher? If not, why did she lie? - Do you think Denis is going to regret following Lisa’s lead? Why/why not? - How do you think Lisa is feeling at this point? Clarify: sashayed, scrutinised, anonymous, unutterably, tended, chided and profusely Spelling Shed - 20 minutes practising this week’s spelling list

multiplication- Lesson 9 /lessons/short-multiplication-c8v64c

Year 6: Oak Academy-

Representing decimal numbers in a variety of ways- Lesson 1

Represent decimal numbers in a variety of ways ( Class Zoom- 2:45 Catch up and chance to share learning from the day.

Wednesday 9am English- This week we are going to focus on settings within our 500-word entry. You have now created and got to know your main character really well, so you need to now think about where your story is going to start and track it through. Is it in a made up place? Is it somewhere real? Do they visit Space? Do they find a completely made up planet? Think about your beginning, middle and end of your story. These are going to be the main places your story takes place. It might all happen in one place or it could be different places. Set the scene for where your story is going to begin. If you are struggling use the picture as your starting

Before you access your TTRS and Mathletics please can you complete pages 30-33 in your White Rose booklet TTRS – 20 mins Mathletics – 20 mins Set assignments

PE - YouTube Joe wicks Art/DT- Cut out dresses using a natural print for design. In Art today I want you to have a go at drawing a template of a dress/shirt and trousers. Once you have done this you then need to cut it out. This should then leave you with a space where the dress or shirt/trousers should be. Once you have done this you’re going to go around your house and photograph different ‘prints’ for your dress. This could be a table, trees, lights or even food to name a few. There are some examples of what I am expecting from you below. I have also attached a template of a dress that you can cut out if you are struggling to draw your own design. If you want an extra challenge, try and create more than one fashion outfit with different natural backgrounds. I look forward to seeing your creations.

point. Tell me things like: Where it is in the (real or made up) world What the temperature like there The types of people who live there What you see around you Major landmarks How long is a year etc. Now do the same for the other settings in your story. Now I want you to write the draft opening sentence for your story. This is a strong sentence that is going to set the scene and draw the readers (Mrs Loftus and Mrs Botham) in. My opening sentence would be: The vast sky suddenly started to glow an array of light purples and inky blues. Annie looked towards it and that was when she knew he was about to return again. Reading –. Read pages 137-142 - Why do you think the author is portraying Mac the way he is? (always eating, on his own, larger than the other children) Questioner: - Write down three questions for Lisa and three questions for Dennis? Really think about what you have read so far and link it to things you really want to find out later in the book. - Write two questions you want to ask the author- Maybe about what you have read so far or about what is going to happen or about one of the characters.

Class Zoom- 2:45 Catch up and chance to share learning from the day.

Spelling Shed - 20 minutes practise (all available lists)

Thursday 9am English: Recap what you wrote down yesterday all about settings and where you are basing your story. Look back at your opening sentence- Do you still like it? Or do you feel you need to edit it so it is more fitting to your setting ideas? You might even want to rewrite it completely OR keep it just as it is as you love it! Any of these choices are okay. I rewrote my opening sentence 6 times to get it to read how I wanted it to. You only have 500 words so this is a story that isn’t going to go on for pages and pages. It needs to be concise and action packed. You don’t have time to waste words on aspects that are not truly important to you. I have included below some examples of 500 words entries that have been entered into the BBC previously so you can see how important it is to use your words wisely for exciting and important content. Write down- What happens in the beginning, build up, problem/big event and the conclusion- This is going to be your plan. You are now going to plan your story out in more depth: - Think about a beginning (You openers and settings will help with this) A build up to a problem or a main event A resolution/ round up Ending

Year 5: Oak academy- Multiplication and division- Multiplying and dividing by 10,100,1000- Lesson 5 lessons/multiplying-and-dividing-by-10-100-1000-64t68e

Year 6: Oak Academy-Multiplication and division- Place value to three decimal places Lesson 2 Place Value to 3 Decimal Places (

Geography- Oak Academy- Subjects- KS2-Year 6- Geography- Globalisation- What does globalisation have to do with fashion? Lesson 4

RE- We are starting a unit of work about Hinduism. Have a look at the Knowledge Organiser to see what we will be learning over the next few weeks. Can you write down 5 things you know about Hindusim before doing any research – most of you have studied Hinduism in the past, what can you remember? Now have a look on the internet and see if you can find 5 new facts that you didn’t know before. Class Zoom- 2:45 Catch up and chance to share learning from the day.

Try and include as much as possible in this planning as the more you have the easier next week’s writing task will be! Reading – Read pages 143- 153 - How do you think Dennis felt when he realised Lisa had French today? - Why do you think Lisa lied to the French teacher and told her Dennis was a German exchange student? - Why do you think Mac shouted up that Dennis was French and not German? - Do you think Dennis meant to offend Madame Windsor? If not, why do you think he said what he did? - Why did the author described Dennis’ words like a bullet slowly making its way to her heart? Spelling Shed - 20 minutes practise (all available lists)

Friday 9am English- Oak Academy- Subjects- KS2- English Grammar- Grammar Practice- Year 6- To explore modal verbs- Lesson 4 Reading – Read pages 154-160 - This is the first time we see a break in Dennis’s and Lisa’s friendship. Do you think Lisa has a right to be angry, why/why not? - Why do you think Dennis lets his character slip when the football comes flying towards him? - Describe how Dennis and Lisa would have felt at the moment Dennis fell over and revealed it was him

DARE workshop- Please be on Zoom at 11am. This will be 1 hour long and finish at 12pm ready for lunch.

PE - YouTube Joe wicks Music – Oak Academy- Subjects- KS2- Music- Pulse and Metre 1- Exploring 6 beats in a bar- Lesson 5 Class Zoom- 2:45 Catch up and chance to share learning from the day.

dressed up. - Why has the author used Medusa to describe how Dennis felt? - Why do you think the other children were laughing in a cruel and mocking way? Predict: what you think is going to happen now Dennis’s true identity has been revealed. Spelling Shed - 20 minutes practise (all available lists)

Collective Worship

We will expect to see all pupils who are self isolating attending Collective Worship unless for reasons of illness or lack of a device (which we will have

been informed about prior to this) as they would do in school. See above for access codes to Zoo

Monday (English):

Going for..

Skills needed for writing a balanced argument



Going for Green

Going for Green

Going for Green

Going for Green

Going for Green

Going for Gold

Going for Gold

Wednesday (English):

English (Thursday):

The Fisherman’s tale

It was no ordinary moon; it was the largest moon that Malcolm had ever seen, it lit up the sky so that night became day. It was truly a supermoon so low in the sky that Malcolm became convinced that with a large extendable ladder and his old rowing boat he would be able to leave the small Northern fishing village where he had grown up and touch its surface.

He entered the millpond calm waters of the North Sea and rowed towards the glistening sphere that appeared to be hanging like a giant cheese just a few feet above the tranquil waters. As Malcolm left the harbour entrance with his back to the moon, he pulled long slow powerful strokes on the oars as his father had taught him as a child.

The further he rowed from the harbour the later into the night it became but the further he rowed the brighter the sky became. Malcolm peered over his shoulder to see the glowing globe becoming closer and closer and larger and larger.

After two hours of rowing, he looked up and there directly above him was the supermoon. He lay back in the rowing boat and soaked up this amazing vision.

With the help of his Grandfathers old wooden ladder and the calm sea he stood the ladder up in the boat and leant it against the surface of the moon. As he climbed the creaky rungs, he felt safe in the knowledge that it had been used by his father and grandfather for decades before. As he stepped off the top rung, he quoted the immortal words "one small step for man one giant leap for Yorkshire" and was now standing upside down on the bottom of the moon. "Why," Malcolm thought did he not fall straight into the sea but when he paced forward, he realised that he was glued to the surface of the moon. As he wandered around the giant cheese that was the moon, he stumbled across a flag that was attached to a sturdy wooden pole! It had fifty white stars on a blue background and thirteen red and white stripes. Malcolm looked around to see who was responsible for the flag but everywhere he looked there was nothing but barren landscape. The young fisherman thought what a perfect souvenir of his visit, he leant forward, picked up the flag and popped it in his back pocket, Malcolm looked around, and realised dawn was breaking and the moon would soon disappear. He was left wondering when the moon disappeared if he would end up falling into the sea. So, he hurried back to his ladder and quickly descended, folded it up and rowed away at great speed before the sun rose.

To this day Malcolm's vessel is the only Yorkshire fishing boat to fly the American flag and to this day NASA is still looking for their moon landing flag.

The Rise of the Phoenix

As he awoke, he yawned and stretched before preening his feathers of iridescent beauty, the colour of molten copper. He arose from his nest, cleverly created out of branches that had slowly blackened to the colour of coal over time, from his gentle snoring. In the bed next to him, his friend the Wizard also awoke. His scarlet robes in their full glory, shimmering in the morning sunlight.

From the day he had hatched from his gnarly egg a year ago, the Phoenix had never been able to fly. Try as he might, he was never able to take flight. He had told his friend the Wizard, that more than anything in the world, he wished he could fly, like a Phoenix should. The Wizard understood how upsetting it was for him, he had always been teased by his friends. He had found a recipe for a potion, and that day they were setting off on a treacherous journey to find the key ingredient, a magic Puff Fruit.

They had set out early that morning. The duo had now reached the forest, known for being a dangerous place. Raindrops glistened like jewels on the leaves and branches from the early morning rain which had now disappeared. Suddenly, they heard heavy breathing and thundering footsteps. Searing flames billowed out from behind a towering spruce tree! They ran and hid, afraid the monster would find them. Then, they saw it! Two beady green eyes, a black twitchy nose...they gasped, shivering with fear. Then came a soft voice,

"Hello?" it called.

It was big, hairy and kind of ugly but didn't sound like a monster! "Sorry about the flames, I sneezed, I'm sure I have a cold coming. What are you doing in the forest?"

They explained they were on a mission to find the magic Puff Fruit for something very important, and their new friend told them he knew exactly where they could find one. They were overjoyed and immediately set off with their new companion.

They travelled for days, over vast fields, crashing foamy oceans and through humid jungles. They were becoming weary when suddenly the craggy mountain they had been searching for came into sight. Carved and etched into the face of the mountain, many centuries before by the endemic people of the land, was the symbol of the Puff Fruit. This was it!

Without hesitation, the trio sprinted up the mountain where they found one lonely Puff Fruit hanging from a dense branch. This was all they needed to make the potion. Quickly, they picked the fruit, combined some other ingredients and the 'Potio Volantes', meaning flying potion was ready to drink.

The Phoenix anxiously took a sip, flapped his wings and began to rise into the air. He couldn't believe it! He wept uncontrollably with joy; he had never felt so happy. These two extraordinarily kind people had unimaginably changed his life forever and he would never forget it. Ever.

The Picture

Thunderous clouds, sliced by daggers of lightning, pelted rain onto the surface of the ship like a thousand piercing needles. I grasped hopelessly at anything to support me, before we all perished into the icy depths of the sea. My pounding heart was in my throat as immense fear paralysed my body.

The whole crew and I had been travelling for months avoiding countless wreckages and storms, yet I knew our luck had finally ceased. We were being picked off one by one; order unknown. The ship tossed and turned as the murderous waves played a dangerous game of catch. Ferocious winds clawed, ruthlessly stripping the sails and tearing apart the deck.

My ragged breath came in gasps as I watched helplessly at corpses, blue and battered like the waves, were flung off the ship and came to rest on their death beds on jagged rocks. I screamed at the cabin boy as he was dragged under by the merciless waters that choked on seaweed and vomited foam. It was too late. Nothing could stop this black world of destruction from engulfing us into a watery grave. Was this the end? I put my torn hands together, the skin ripped from the endless scramble to find something to cling onto, I prayed.

My head pounded, my body ached, the surrendering cries of lost sailors ringing in my ears. Hacking and retching until I could barely breathe, I collapsed into an exhausted heap. My heart was hammering and my lungs were burning as I peered at my frail body. My shredded clothes clung onto bruised skin, droplets of blood seeping through cuts. I was alive and there was hope. I cautiously sat up, the waves lashing at the rocks, hurling ship remains.

Determined to find other survivors, I stood unsteadily and with increasing pain, I started to climb. My hands and feet dug into every crevice of the rocks. I clambered up until I reached the top and saw other survivors in the distance. Soaked and fatigued, hauling themselves onto the perilous rocks and shore, away from the tragedies of the sea.

I could taste the sea on my lips, the wind blowing through my matted hair. I could see screeching seagulls circling above as a crack appeared in the gloomy, grey sky. A sliver of blue in the distance. That was God's calling. If I followed, maybe it would lead me to......

"Lucy, come on. You've been staring at that painting for ages. Let's go to the gift shop."

My sister's voice brought me back to reality, I glanced at the painting in front of me and read the sign: A Shipwreck in Stormy Seas by Claude-Joseph Vernet.

"I'm coming." I call, sneaking a last glimpse at the picture as I walk away.

Art (Wednesday):

This section of the

dress needs cutting

out leaving the white

of the paper around

it and a ‘hole’ where

the dress should be.

Place the dress cut

out over your desired

print- a

table/tree/food and

take a photo.

This section of the

dress needs cutting

out leaving the white

of the paper around

it and a ‘hole’ where

the dress should be.

Place the dress cut

out over your desired

print- a

table/tree/food and

take a photo.