parish of st. peter and the winchester martyrs · which we complete or graduate from once we have...

PETERPOST Parish of St. Peter and the Winchester Martyrs Alresford Stockbridge • Winchester Trinity Sunday 7th June 2020

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Page 1: Parish of St. Peter and the Winchester Martyrs · which we complete or graduate from once we have fin-ished the preparation for first holy communion or con-firmation. We are trying


Parish of St. Peter and the Winchester Martyrs

Alresford • Stockbridge • Winchester

Trinity Sunday 7th June 2020

Page 2: Parish of St. Peter and the Winchester Martyrs · which we complete or graduate from once we have fin-ished the preparation for first holy communion or con-firmation. We are trying

Fr Mark writes: Who is God? Who is this God who wishes to bring us closer to Himself, into the very heart of the Divine Life, and closer to each other? The Lord our God is one God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. This is the mystery at the very heart of our faith. By that I don’t mean the word ‘mystery’ in the sense of Agatha Christie, Death in Paradise or even Scooby Doo. I mean ‘mystery’ in the sense of that whose meaning is inex-haustible, of whom we can never be done thinking, speaking, adoring. In short, this is the mystery of Love. The Jesuit theologian Father James Hanvey SJ puts it this way: “The Trinity is the revelation that God is Love. Now we get Love wrong if we think of it as a ‘thing’ – something we can possess or control. It is a relationship and it is a verb – we can only ‘have’ love by loving, by participating in a relationship of love. So, the Trinity is Love Loving – dynamic, unfathomable, inexhaustible, eternally com-plete and creative. Yet, here is the great wonder. We only know this because the Father gives Himself to be known in His Son and the Son gathers us into this eternal self-giving through and in the Spirit. In other words, the fact that we can speak at all about God as Trinity is al-ready a sign that we are beginning to participate in God’s Triune life: we know and experience that the Trini-ty is Love Loving us. This is what we call grace. The whole of the Church’s liturgy lives out of this knowledge. It is our act of love, both a confession and a proclama-tion – ‘a great cry of wonder’ – that in loving us the Trin-ity takes us into these relations of life, so that we learn again how to love by participating in Love. Literally, by ‘being-in-Love’.” We are being brought closer to God, drawn deeper into the mystery of God’s very own life, whenever we re-spond to the love that tugs and nudges, deep within our own being – the love which we “receive” and the love which we “give” – and join in this Trinitarian dance of Eternal Love.

The Most Holy Trinity is not merely some model of per-fect Love whom we need to try by our own vain efforts to copy. Rather, the Trinity draws us into Love so that we may become incarnations of Love in the image and likeness of Christ. In our second reading this Sunday, St. Paul says: “Brothers, we wish you happiness” Happiness belongs to the very life of God and that is what God desires for us, to share fully in His happiness. In fact, the Greek here uses the word ‘chairete’, mean-ing ‘rejoice!’ God wishes us to be filled to overflowing with the joy that comes from knowing him, sharing his life, and that is what Paul desires too. Paul continues: “try to grow perfect;” The Greek here literally means ‘be perfected’. Only God is perfect but we are called to ‘be perfect as our Heav-enly Father is perfect’; we are challenged to grow in per-fection, little by little, day by day, a bit more today than yesterday and a little more tomorrow than today. That is why the Christian life is so very different to a ‘course’ which we complete or graduate from once we have fin-ished the preparation for first holy communion or con-firmation. We are trying to grow and be perfected in Love, to take steps deeper into Love, to become more Christ-like, true incarnations of Love. It is a lifelong jour-ney, and perhaps longer even than that. Paul continues: “help one another” Again here, the Greek is richer in its meaning. St. Paul is telling the Corinthian community, and so us also, to be “paracleted”! We came across the word Paraclete re-cently, Jesus using it to describe his own role and then promising to send another Paraclete, the Holy Spirit, to help us, console us, defend us, be alongside us and on our side. Now we discover more clearly that we are to allow God and our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ to help us, console us, be alongside us.

continues on next page

Trinity Sunday

Bringing Us Closer – into the very Heart of the Triune God

Page 3: Parish of St. Peter and the Winchester Martyrs · which we complete or graduate from once we have fin-ished the preparation for first holy communion or con-firmation. We are trying

Paul then urges us: “Be united” We are to be “of one mind”. Love unites, love purifies our thoughts, love draws us into the way God thinks and views the world. Through the working of grace, our commitment will become more and more prompt-ed by and directed towards Love. Finally, Paul says,

“live in peace”

St. Augustine of Hippo, writing several centuries later,

was able to pray to God,

“You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our hearts

are restless until they rest in You.”

We find our true rest, our true peace in God, by partici-

pating in the life of God, by allowing ourselves to live in

harmony with those rhythms of love which are the

rhythms of the divine dance. This helps make sense of

Paul’s next line:

“and the God of love and peace will be with you.”

God will be with us. In fact, more than that, God will be

even closer than that. God will be living in us, abiding

in us, dwelling in us, and we will be living in God and

blessed by God:

“The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God and

the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.”

Thanks to everyone who made Fr Mark’s dream a reality! This is how St Peter’s church looked on Pentecost

Sunday, full of photos of parishioners. The sight warmed everyone’s heart, and the picture has become our

most liked, viewed and shared Facebook post. The photos will stay up for now —so it’s not too late! You can

still send your photo in and we’ll find a place for it. Email to [email protected].

Our cover image is the icon of the Trinity painted around 1410 by Andrei Rublev. It depicts the three

angels who visited Abraham at the Oak of Mamre - but is often interpreted as an icon of the Trinity. It

is sometimes called the icon of the Old Testament Trinity. The image is full of symbolism, designed to

take the viewer into the Mystery of the Trinity. The original icon, on a wooden panel, is held in

the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow. Our copy comes from the Vanderbilt Divinity Library, and is used

under a Creative Commons Licence.

Page 4: Parish of St. Peter and the Winchester Martyrs · which we complete or graduate from once we have fin-ished the preparation for first holy communion or con-firmation. We are trying

PLEASE PRAY FOR the repose of the souls of those who

have died recently.

Teresa Laishley RIP

Jo Parker RIP

Daphne Denny RIP

Josiane King RIP

Marion Swinden RIP

Mary Davis RIP

"Alone Together”

Both CWL and a post-Alpha group have found it useful

to refer to a website provided by the monks at Douai

Abbey helping us to live through the current social

exclusion that we are experiencing. You may find this

useful to you, especially if you are suffering from isola-



CAFOD is appealing for help with their emergency re-

sponse to the coronavirus which is affecting every coun-

try that they work in. Families already struggling for

enough to eat and without access to clean water and

healthcare are particularly vulnerable. As in the UK the

loss of jobs and other sources of income is pushing peo-

ple further into poverty.

Your prayers and gifts are needed more than even. You

can make a donation at this website

donations/one-off?_Appeal=3530 Alternatively, send a

cheque to the Parish office, noting that it is intended for

CAFOD. Thank you.

The Covenant with the Poor team will be appealing at

online masses on Sunday 7thJune for support for

'Firefly International

- education aid to

Syrian refugee chil-

dren'. Please sup-

port generously as

ever, by donating by

bank transfer to the

parish bank account

with the refer-

ence CWP. The ap-

peal leaflet can be

seen on the parish

website front page

and at the top of the

virtual church page.

Because of the Lock Down, we had to cancel the

talk in our Parish Centre in March by

Monsignor Rod Strange on St. John Henry


Now Monsignor Rod has kindly agreed to give

the talk by Zoom on Saturday 13th June at 10am

and will be able to answer your questions after-

wards.To join the Zoom meeting just click on the

link If

you need a number to join the meeting it is ID

813 2950 0405

Ecumenical Stations of the Resurrection – now online As

part of our “Thy Kingdom Come” celebrations and in collabo-

ration with the Upper Itchen Benefice, our parish is offering

an ecumenical “Stations of the Resurrection”. These are simi-

lar to the more familiar stations of the cross but focus on

aspects of the Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus. Follow

this Datto link.

filelink/74e1a-3fa31f2b-1948be7c75-2 - you can see a video

of the service, and follow all the words and pictures, at any


Churches Together in Winchester collaborated to put

together an ecumenical Pentecost Service with music

and readings and reflections from across the churches,

including our own parish. The result was a huge suc-

cess—very beautiful. It was broadcast last Sunday, and

you can still watch it here

Page 5: Parish of St. Peter and the Winchester Martyrs · which we complete or graduate from once we have fin-ished the preparation for first holy communion or con-firmation. We are trying

Masses and Liturgies:

Please follow mass on youtube here

St. Peter’s, Winchester


Saturday 6th June 8.00am: Andrew Gardiner RIP Saturday 6th June 7.00pm: Intentions of the Neil Family Sunday 7th June 10.00am: Jenny Westwood RIP Sunday 7th June: 7.00pm: Holy Souls in Purgatory Monday 8th June 7.00pm: For all those who have died from Covid 19 Tuesday 9th June 7.00pm: James Wheble RIP Wednesday 10th June 7.00pm: Louis Kearney RIP Thursday 11th June 7.00pm: For current, past and de-ceased members of the Eucharistic Adoration Group Friday 12th June 7.00pm: Rosine Mullholland RIP Saturday 13th June 8.00am: Deceased members of the Platt and Gilbert Families

Morning Prayer: Daily at 8am

Night prayer: Daily at 9pm

Antiphons & readings for Trinity Sunday

Entrance Antiphon Blest be God the Father, and the Only Begotten Son of God, and also the Holy Spirit, for he has shown us his merciful love. First reading Exodus 34:4-6,8-9

Responsorial Psalm Daniel 3:52-56 To you glory and praise for evermore. Second reading 2 Corinthians 13:11-13 

Gospel Acclamation cf.Rv1:8 Alleluia, alleluia! Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; the God who is, who was, and who is to come. Alleluia! Gospel John 3:16-18 Communion Antiphon Gal 4: 6 Since you are children of God, God has sent into your hearts the Spirit of his Son, the Spirit who cries out: Abba, Father.

Acts of the Apostles - Scripture Group Reflection

(Fridays 19:45-21:15; next "meeting" on Friday 12th June)

Join Deacon Martin again on our Virtual Church on Zoom, as

we reflect on the Acts of the Apostles together.

This week (Friday 12th June) we'll be looking at chapters 16

and 17; please read these chapters in advance of this Friday's

session - and bring your Bible with you on Friday!

In each of our weekly sessions, we look at 1-

2 chapters of Acts, and share what this book

of the Bible means for us today. The format

is informal, and discussion-based.

Don't worry if you missed last week's ses-

sion. All the sessions stand alone, so feel

free to join us at any time .

(Instructions to join the Virtual Prayer room

are on the Parish website https://

virtual_church/) If you are planning to come, and haven't

joined us before, it would help to email Deacon Martin on

[email protected], so we can plan a

space for you in our discussion groups.

SAFETY ONLINE— There are reports of fake emails going around,

which claim to be from a priest, asking people to buy something,

Please be super-careful: this email is spam. Please do not respond

or do anything if you receive this email.

Always check that emails are real. Make sure you verify email ad-

dresses. Any official correspondence will be from the diocesan ad-

dress (name), or If you are unsure, ask us by emailing

[email protected] - it’s never a bad idea to double-

check. And if it looks suspicious—it probably is.

Liturgical Calendar for the Week

Sun 7th The Most Holy Trinity

Mon 8th Feria

Tues 9th Feria

Weds 10th Feria

Thurs 11th St. Barnabas

Fri 12th Feria

Sat 13th am St. Anthony of Padua

Sun 14th Corpus Christi

Page 6: Parish of St. Peter and the Winchester Martyrs · which we complete or graduate from once we have fin-ished the preparation for first holy communion or con-firmation. We are trying

These weeks of lockdown are difficult for all of us, and we are

particularly mindful of those whose jobs and lives are put on

hold because of the pandemic. We want to be here for you

during these difficult times. Even so, we are entirely dependent

upon your generous charity. So that we can continue to pro-

vide the Liturgy of the Lord and continue with our mission, we

kindly ask all of you who are able to do so, to please continue

with your generous giving to the parish which would otherwise

lose vital income. To support our work, please donate to the

Parish via our website (click here ) or directly to the parish

bank account via bank transfer to:

Account Name: PRCDTR St Peter & The

Winchester Mar-


Account No: 00890996 Sort

Code: 30-93- 04

Please reference ‘Offerings’ when making payment.

Thank you for your continued kindness.

PRAYER CORNER: Each week, this section will contain an

intercession which I hope every parishioner will pray for,

during the coming week. In this way, we will all pray to the

Lord for the parish’s mission, because “if the Lord does not

build… in vain do the builders labour” (Ps

127:1). Fr. Mark

This Week’s Intention - Let us pray for the grace to know that God has forgiven us, so that we can forgive ourselves.

Music at Livestream Masses Fr Mark hopes everyone has been appreciating the beautiful

music which has been lovingly prepared by musicians from

across the parish to aid our liturgy (and to drown out his voice!).

He would like to add a little variety to our weekend masses

over this Easter season and so our Saturday 7pm mass will focus

mostly on "live music", with plenty of hymns to join in with; our

Sunday 10am mass (by far the most popular in terms of

"YouTube viewers") will continue to offer a blend of solo/choral

music with the opportunity for congregational singing; whilst

our Sunday 7pm mass will feature more contemporary worship

music. We hope you love the different offerings and Fr Mark

would love to hear your thoughts and comments.

Staying in touch

If you take part in the Sunday 10am

Mass, Fr Mark would love to give you a

shoutout—if you’ve heard the list of

names, why not add yours to it? All wel-

come. Drop us a note via Facebook or

email and we’ll take care of it.

And also, every evening Fr Mark & Fr Stephen light candles

just before the evening mass for anyone who asks. They take a

photo of the candles, to be shared on our facebook page,

along with the names of the people we’re praying for. The

candle will remain lit during each mass. If you’d like a candle

lit for a loved one, please send a message to pray-

[email protected] or send a message to our Face-

book page (St Peter and the Winchester Martyrs)

Catholics admitted to Hospitals It is important when a

Catholic is admitted to hospital, that the family ensure the

Catholic Chaplaincy is contacted so that appropriate

support can be given. As access to the hospital may be

restricted, it is suggested that the patient has a note to give to

hospital staff on admission notifying staff that they are

Catholic and would appreciate the Catholic chaplaincy

service. This could be followed up by a telephone call from

the family to the ward making the request.

Prayer of Spiritual Communion

My Jesus, I believe that you are present

in the most Blessed Sacrament.

I love You above all things and

I desire to receive You into my soul.

Since I cannot now receive You sacramentally,

come at least spiritually into my heart.

I embrace You as if You were already there,

and unite myself wholly to You.

Never permit me to be separated from You.


Children's Liturgy online is now going strong via the Zoom platform. We look forward to seeing you all again at 9.30 am this Sunday. The session lasts roughly 15 - 20 minutes so you are then free to join us for the 10am live streamed Mass if you wish. Come and join us to pray, sing, listen and discuss the Gos-pel. To make the sessions as secure as possible, you will need to pre-register using this link. You will then receive an email with a unique ID (please don't share this with anyone) and a few safeguarding re-minders. A colouring sheet & useful links and resources are on the Young People's page on the parish website: https://

Let’s Connect with Alpha!

Our current Alpha season is underway, but

you can still register an interest in joining a

future Alpha by completing the form on the

Alpha page of the parish website, here and we’ll be in touch with

you soon. To find out more, watch the Alpha video here .

We are experimenting with CHAT AND COM-

MENTS on the livestream at the Sunday 10am

Mass—let’s hope it works! If you are watching on

the YouTube channel, say hello or tell us what is

inspiring you today, or make any Mass-related

comments —the button is easy to find. (You need

to be signed in to YouTube to post.) And THE TEA-

ROOM will be open after Mass—quickly make your

cup of coffee or tea & come and join in with Zoom

for socializing.

j/4388694572 Password, if you are asked, 381440.

Page 7: Parish of St. Peter and the Winchester Martyrs · which we complete or graduate from once we have fin-ished the preparation for first holy communion or con-firmation. We are trying

Virtual church! There are many opportunities for online prayer, Rosary, readings and chat as well as the livestreamed Masses,

and Morning and Evening Prayer. See timetable below: more details on our Facebook page and website


Evangelisation & Leadership Director: Allegra Mutanda

[email protected] Youth Ministry

[email protected]

Parish Office 01962 852804

[email protected]


St. Peter’s Church, Jewry Street,

Winchester, Hants, SO23 8RY

01962 852804

Parish Priest: Fr. Mark Hogan

Assistant Priests: Fr. Tom McGrath

Fr Stephen Vooght

Priest in Residence: Canon Peter Wilkie

Deacons: Rev. Gerard Dailly;

Rev. Martin McElroy

Email: [email protected]

There’s a space for you here if you’d like to come and get to know us

and Jesus a little better; a home away from home. Come and see.

Zoom virtual room – joining by phone

You can now join the prayer or social times by telephone. Simply ring any of the following telephone numbers and

follow the instructions given. Tel: 0131 460 1196 / 0203 051 2874 / 0203 481 5237. Meeting ID 438 869 4572, password 381440

Click here to participate in Mass online live, click here to see recorded services. The virtual sessions take place on the online platform Zoom. These can be accessed through the following

link Alternatively, open your Zoom app (if installed), enter or copy/

paste the Meeting ID: 438 869 4572 then click ‘Join’.

Page 8: Parish of St. Peter and the Winchester Martyrs · which we complete or graduate from once we have fin-ished the preparation for first holy communion or con-firmation. We are trying


FROM OUR PARISH MEETING More than 50 parishioners gathered for a virtual zoom meeting on Sun-

day 24th May, to pray together and share our experiences and needs in lockdown. It was a posi-

tive, love-filled meeting, and Fr Mark is already thinking about the next one.

These are some of the key topics discussed:

—Reaching out to those who are not online, making sure no-one is left behind now and in the fu-

ture. Ideas and plans welcome.

-—The success of the livestreaming and the positive responses to the services and to the virtual

church activities: livestreaming a huge help to the housebound who did have access.

—Things parishioners would like more of: 2-way Praise and Worship, opportunities for Prayer, small

groups for discussion and Discipleship, more Catechesis, retreats.

—The success of PeterCares (see below) and how we want to make sure it continues and expands

once lockdown is over.

—There were thanks to Fr Mark and Fr Stephen for all they do.

So – whether you attended this one or not, watch out for the next date, and keep us in touch with

your thoughts and ideas ([email protected]) on the above or any other topics of im-

portance to you and the Parish.

PETERCARES is a simple befriending initiative which offers a range of support by linking volunteer

parishioner telephone callers with fellow parishioners. While ensuring we stay in touch with one

another, it also enables us to strengthen our relationships in the parish. The support provided in-

cludes a friendly chat, continued connection with the parish, information about our virtual church,

practical help where requested and a conduit for prayer requests. You can contact PeterCares

via website, Facebook, email or phone., 01962

852804, [email protected]

NEWS FROM THE CONVENT—Parishioners have been enquiring about the nuns at Medstead so we

are delighted to have this report from Sister Mary Frances: ‘The sisters at Medstead are all well. They

are blessed to have lots of outdoor space in which to enjoy the beautiful weather, and to have the

shopping delivered. They are not going out unless absolutely necessary. They are also enjoying

watching Masses from all over the world - although more by chance than by design! ‘

All the clergy are still doing well also. And our staff are mostly still on furlough but all are well.

NEWSLETTER Please add yourself to our email list, so you receive the newsletter by email each

weekend —we are trying to extend this. Just drop a line to [email protected]

Perhaps if you know someone who would like to receive it you can suggest it to them—we know

there are a lot more potential readers out there than are on our current list! Even if you look at the

newsletter online, the email that accompanies the mailout is an extra communication method that

we will be using more and more. ‘Premium Content’, as techy start up businesses say. Give it a try.

Our FACEBOOK PAGE is one of the best ways of contacting us right now— FB says we have an ex-

cellent response rate. And we also feature beautiful pictures, music clips, ideas and messages from

around the Parish and around the world, prayers and Bible verses. It’s also a great way to get your

candle lit by Fr Mark, and your shoutout at Sunday Mass.

Words for the HYMNS AND RESPONSES for weekend Masses are

appearing separately now. If you get the newsletter emailed to

you, they will be sent to you in a later email. Otherwise there will

be links to them on our website or on the YouTube channel where

Mass is broadcast. (Or ask for the email as above)

A REMINDER If someone is not online: they could hear the Mass if a

friend phoned them, then watched Mass on YouTube with the

phone line open. Worth bearing in mind—it is easy and low-tech.

The photo shows one Parishioner’s setup—she is sending the Mass

by phone to another lady in Alresford who wouldn't otherwise be

able to participate.

Page 9: Parish of St. Peter and the Winchester Martyrs · which we complete or graduate from once we have fin-ished the preparation for first holy communion or con-firmation. We are trying


Do you feel called to pray for others? If so

would you like to join our intercessors

group? At a time when we are still separat-

ed from each other, and some of us will

remain apart in the weeks to come, we are

trying to develop ways of being a commu-

nity that supports each other in pray-

er. Regular prayer requests are passed to

the prayer intercessors via the email below

(with personal details removed) and the

intercessors then pray for these intentions.

We welcome new members to our team of intercessors.

If you would like us to pray for you or for someone you know, please let us know

on [email protected] . It is simple, anonymous and informal and we will start praying

straight away.

The Pope and Events in the

USA Pope Francis has ad-

dressed the people of the

USA in one of his regular

audiences: this is part of

what he said.

“I have witnessed with

great concern the disturb-

ing social unrest in your nation in these past days,

following the tragic death of Mr George Floyd.”

“My friends,” the Pope said, “we cannot tolerate or

turn a blind eye to racism and exclusion in any form

and yet claim to defend the sacredness of every

human life. At the same time, we have to recognize

that “the violence of recent nights is self-destructive

and self-defeating. Nothing is gained by violence

and so much is lost”.

The Pope said he joins the Church in Saint Paul and

Minneapolis, and in the entire United States, in pray-

ing for the repose of the soul of George Floyd and of

all those others who have lost their lives “as a result

of the sin of racism.”

“Let us pray for the consolation of their grieving fami-

lies and friends and let us implore the national recon-

ciliation and peace for which we yearn.”