pasado, presente, futuro continuos

República Bolivariana de Venezuela Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Educación U.E colegio “Francisco Lazo Martí” Cabudare, Edo Lara. Past – Present - Future Continuous Integrantes: Álvarez Jhoanna Escalona Cesar Durán María Gutiérrez Daifred 5 año “B”

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Page 1: Pasado, presente, futuro continuos

República Bolivariana de VenezuelaMinisterio del Poder Popular para la Educación

U.E colegio “Francisco Lazo Martí”Cabudare, Edo Lara.

Past – Present - FutureContinuous

Integrantes:Álvarez JhoannaEscalona Cesar

Durán MaríaGutiérrez Daifred

5 año “B”

Page 2: Pasado, presente, futuro continuos

Pasado Continuo – (Past Continuous)

El Pasado Continuo, es un tiempo verbal que describe acciones que estaban siendo realizadas en un momento del pasado al que se hace referencia y que luego continuaron.

Page 3: Pasado, presente, futuro continuos

Oraciones Afirmativas

S + To Be (was – were) + V + ing + C + ET


I was practicing sports yesterday .

They were dancing in the party last night.

My family was visiting me last week.

Page 4: Pasado, presente, futuro continuos

Oraciones Negativas

S + To Be (was – were) + Not + V + ing + C


I wasn't changing the answers.

It wasn't starting to rain.

Josue wasn't living in Patanemo.

Page 5: Pasado, presente, futuro continuos

Oraciones Interrogativas

Was - Were + S + V + ing + C + ?


Was I climbing a tree?

Was Peter paiting the house?

Was he climbing the mountain?

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Respuestas a las Oraciones

Interrogativas Afirmativa Negativa

Yes, S + To be No, S + To Be + Not


Were they living in Caracas?

-Yes, they were. -No, they weren't.

Page 7: Pasado, presente, futuro continuos

Ejercicios Responder afirmativa y negativamente.- Was Nancy eating bread?- Were they living in Caracas?

Cambiar una oración afirmativa a interrogativa.

- They were playing football.- Mary was winning a joke.

Cambiar una oración afirmativa a negativa.- They were playing football.- Mary was winning a joke.

Page 8: Pasado, presente, futuro continuos

Presente Continuo (Present Continuous)

El Presente Continuo o Presente Progresivo es un tiempo verbal que se utiliza para expresar acciones que suceden en el mismo momento en que se está hablando.

Page 9: Pasado, presente, futuro continuos

Oraciones AfirmativasS + To Be + V + ing + C


Josue is living in Patanemo.

They are playing football.

Mary is winning a joke.

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Oraciones Negativas

S + To Be + Not+ V + ing + C


Josue isn’t living in Patanemo.

They aren’t playing football.

We aren’t studying in U.C.

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Oraciones Interrogativas

Am – Is – Are + S + V + ing + C + ?


Are they going to the beach?

Is Peter paiting the house?

Are they living in Caracas?

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Respuestas a las Oraciones

Interrogativas Afirmativa


Yes, S + To Be No, S + To Be + Not


Are they living in Caracas?

-Yes, they are. -No, they aren't.

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Ejercicios Responder afirmativa y negativamente.- Is Nancy eating bread?

- Are they living in Caracas?

Cambiar una oración afirmativa a interrogativa.

- They are playing football.- Mary is winning a joke.

Cambiar una oración afirmativa a negativa.- They are playing football.- Mary is winning a joke.

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Futuro Continuo – (Future Continuous)

El Futuro Continuo es un tiempo verbal que se utiliza para describir una acción que tendrá lugar en el futuro, que puede especificarse o no, y que seguirá desarrollándose en ese momento.

Page 15: Pasado, presente, futuro continuos

Oraciones AfirmativasS + Will Be + V + ing + C


I will be talking to somebody.

They will be travelling to London.

I Will be playing all the day.

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Oraciones Negativas

S + Will Not Be + V + ing + C


I will not be working next week.

Tom will not be playing on Sunday.

Susan will not be cooking tonight.

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Oraciones Interrogativas

Will + S + Be + V + ing + C + ?


Will Susan be cooking tonight?

Will I be talking to anybody?

Will you be playing all the day?

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Respuestas a las Oraciones

Interrogativas Afirmativa Negativa

Yes, S + Will No, S + Will Not


Will Susan be cooking tonight?

-Yes, she will -No, she won’t (will not)

Page 19: Pasado, presente, futuro continuos

Ejercicios Responder afirmativa y negativamente.- Will you be studying tomorrow?

- Will you be playing all the day?

Cambiar una oración afirmativa a interrogativa.

- He will be reading something.- They will be doing something.

Cambiar una oración afirmativa a negativa.- She will be having something.- I will be talking to somebody.