pb top 10 things about israel palestine conflict

Top 10 Things to Know About the Israeli—Palestinian Conflict

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Top 10 Things to Know About the

Israeli—Palestinian Conflict

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1. Claims to the LandIsraelis

Jewish people with religious and historical ties to the land


Muslim Arabs with religious and historical ties to the land

Both groups controlled the territory at various points in time, as well as other groups. The last group to have control over the territory before the conflict “began” was the Ottoman Empire.

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2. Promises Made

• 1916 Hussein—McMahon Correspondence: British promised to set up an independent Arab state across all Arab land that was part of the Ottoman Empire if they would begin a rebellion against the Ottomans—which helped the Allies win the war (WWI)

• 1917 Balfour Declaration: Britain pledged to help establish a national home for Jews in Palestine. British hoped to gain support from Jews in America to urge US to join WWI

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3. 1920 British Mandates

With the end of WWI, Britain took control of the territory and broke it into two states: Palestine and Transjordan.

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4. 1947 UN PartitionBritain handed over responsibility for solving the Zionist-Arab problem to the UN in 1947.

The UN set up a special committee which recommended splitting the territory into separate Jewish and Palestinian states. Palestinian representatives, known as the Arab Higher Committee, rejected the proposal; their counterparts in the Jewish Agency accepted it.

The plan was never implemented.

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5. Events in 1948

•British leave Palestine Mandate. •Israel declares itself an independent state.• Arab states refused to recognize Israel.•Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and Iraq forces invade Israel•Armistice (cease-fire) was signed with Egypt taking control of the Gaza Strip and Jordan taking the West Bank.

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6. 1967 Six Day War

• Israel launched surprise attack to destroy Egyptian and Syrian air forces

• Took control of the Sinai Peninsula

• Drove Jordanian army out of the West Bank

• Took control of strategic position of Golan Heights in Syria

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7. Notable Peace Settlements

1979 Camp David Accords

Egypt made peace with Israel.

They agreed to recognize Israel’s sovereignty.

In return, Israel returned the Sinai Peninsula and agreed to allow limited autonomy for Palestinians

1993 Oslo Peace Accords

Palestine agrees to recognize Israel’s sovereignty and vice versa

Israel agrees to withdraw from Palestinian territories and allow them more self-rule.

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8. Palestinian Leadership

1964: Palestinian Liberation Organization formed

1994: Palestinian Authority formed as governing body over the Gaza Strip and town of Jericho on the West Bank with the signing of the Oslo Accord.

2006, split within PA with Hamas winning elections against Fatah (Hamas controls Gaza Strip, Fatah controls West Bank)

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9. Currently

Palestine received non-member observer state status within the United Nations.

They hold the same status as the Vatican. Switzerland once held this status.

Palestine wants to go back to 1947 boundaries.

Palestine believes this change in status will help them in peace negotiations with Israel.

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10. Items They Need to Resolve

the status of Jerusalem

the fate of the settlements (in Gaza Strip and West Bank)

the precise location of borders

the right of return of Palestinian refugees

water rights and security arrangements

Israeli security