peace corps personal property management handbook

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  • 7/30/2019 Peace Corps Personal Property Management Handbook



    Rcrsognj Rropcrty Dngnmcdcgt Knghfooa


    Rropcr dngnmcdcgt ol S' Y' Movcrgdcgt propcrty cgsurcs tknt gcchch nsscts nrc nvnejnfjc*usnfjc* ngh lugiteogegm npproprentcjy tkroumkout tkcer jelc spng to njjow RI Ytnll ngh \ojugtccrsto pcrlord tkcer hutecs eg tkc dost cllcitevc dnggcr possefjc'

    Rcnic Iorps stnll rcjecs og Rcnic Iorps nsscts cvcry hny ns tkcy support tkc RI\s' Xkcy gcch EXcquepdcgt* lurgeturc* dcheinj cquepdcgt* ngh dngy otkcr nsscts to iodpjctc tkcer `ofssuiicsslujjy' Xkc monj ol propcrty dngnmcdcgt es to dnac surc tknt tkc gcchch nsscts nrc tkcrcwkcg stnll gcchs tkcd'

    Mooh propcrty dngnmcdcgt snvcs tedc ngh dogcy* fotk ol wkeik nrc oltcg eg skort suppjy' Etsnvcs tedc fcinusc stnll ing mct ngh usc gcchch cquepdcgt queiajy* fcinusc tkc jointeogs ngh

    qungtetecs ol nsscts nrc egijuhch eg tkc egvcgtory dngnmcdcgt systcd' Et snvcs dogcy fcinuscwkcg stnll agows cxnitjy wknt nsscts tkcy knvc og kngh* tkcy wejj got ugegtcgteognjjy rcpuriknscnsscts' Et njso snvcs dogcy wkcg stnll hesposcs ol uggcicssnry or ofsojctc propcrty' Xkc lughslrod tkc snjc ing fc utejezch to puriknsc gcw* sedejnr etcds to tkosc sojh ughcr tkcCxikngmc/Ynjcs promrnd'

    Eg skort* mooh propcrty dngnmcdcgt es vcry edportngt lor ng cllcitevcjy opcrntegm Rost* VcmeognjVciruetegm Olleic +VVO%* ngh lor Kcnhqunrtcrs' Dngunj Yciteog 3>> mevcs tkc ovcrnjj pojeiyrcmnrhegm pcrsognj propcrty dngnmcdcgt' Xkes Knghfooa wejj mevc dorc hctnejch eglordnteognfout tkc opcrnteogs ngh proichurcs ol propcrty dngnmcdcgt'

    Xkes knghfooa hclegcs stnghnrhs lor knghjegm pcrsognj propcrty nsscts nt Rcnic Iorps' Lor otkcrtypcs ol propcrty* pjcnsc scc tkc lojjowegm Rcnic Iorps Dngunj Yciteogs0

    \ckeijcs DY 36= Vcnj Cstntc DY =99 Dcheinj Yuppjecs ngh Rknrdnicuteinjs DY =98




    Vcspogsefejetecs ngh Ycpnrnteog ol Hutecs

    Niqueseteog ngh Vcicevegm

    Jelc ol ng Nssct
  • 7/30/2019 Peace Corps Personal Property Management Handbook



    Rropcrty Iogtroj

    Jost* Dessegm* ngh Hndnmch Nsscts

    Cxicss Rropcrty ngh Rropcrty Hesposnj

    Nppcghex NKow to intcmorezc ng nssct0

    Nppcghex FYcgsetevc Nsscts

    Nppcghex IHesposnj Lords

    Nppcghex HFnrXrnias Sscr Muehc


    ]knt es ng Nssct? Ngy etcd owgch fy Rcnic Iorps* wkeik kns sodc vnjuc* es ng nssct'

    ]knt es Rcrsognj Rropcrty? Rcrsognj propcrty es tkc tcrd lor propcrty tknt es got rcnj cstntc or nlour$wkccjch vckeijc'

    Rcrsognj Rropcrty Nsscts nrc tkc etcds owgch fy Rcnic Iorps tknt nrc got rcnj cstntc ngh nrcgot lour$wkccjch vckeijcs'

    ]knt nrc tkc Xypcs ol Rcrsognj Rropcrty Nsscts nt Rcnic Iorps? Njj nsscts fcjogm to ogc oltkc lojjowegm intcmorecs +scc Nppcghex N lor kcjp wetk intcmorezegm nsscts%0

    Gogcxpcghnfjc NssctsoGogcxpcghnfjc nsscts knvc n jelc cxpcitngiy ol ovcr ogc ycnr ngh ng egetenj

    niqueseteog iost ol (322 or dorc'

    oCxndpjcs egijuhc tkc lojjowegm0 mcgcrntors* trnejcrs* cxciutevc hcsas +el iost ovcr(322%

    Ycgsetevc NssctsoNgy cjcitrogei nssct*rcmnrhjcss ol preic* inpnfjc ol iogtnegegm Rcrsognjjy

    Ehcgtelenfjc Eglordnteog

    oNsscts cnsejy iogvcrtch lor pcrsognj usc +vujgcrnfjc to tkclt% tknt iost ovcr (>22oNsscts cnsejy iogvcrtch to insk ngh/or eg kemk hcdngh joinjjy +vujgcrnfjc to tkclt%

    tknt iost ovcr (>22

    oCxndpjcs egijuhc tkc lojjowegm0 MRY* tcjcveseogs* jnptops* ljnsk hrevcs
  • 7/30/2019 Peace Corps Personal Property Management Handbook



    Ycc Nppcghex N lor n jest ol nsscts tknt dust fc intcmorezch ns Ycgsetevc eg tkc propcrtydngnmcdcgt soltwnrc systcd' Xkc Rropcrty Olleicr ing nhh otkcr etcds to tkc jest ol nssctsintcmorezch ns Ycgsetevc* el nppjeinfjc nt Rost' Njdost njj EX cquepdcgt es Ycgsetevc'

    Vcsehcgtenj NssctsoVcsehcgtenj nsscts knvc n jelc cxpcitngiy ol ovcr ogc ycnr ngh ng egetenj

    niqueseteog iost ol (>22 or dorc

    oCxndpjcs egijuhc tkc lojjowegm0 aetikcg tnfjcs* iouikcs* fchs

    Otkcr NssctsoNsscts tknt ho got let egto tkc tkrcc intcmorecs nfovc nrc Otkcr Nsscts ngh ho got

    gcch to fc cgtcrch egto tkc Rropcrty Dngnmcdcgt Yoltwnrc Yystcd

    oCxndpjcs egijuhc tkc lojjowegm0 olleic suppjecs* heskcs* lojhegm ikners]knt es tkc hellcrcgic fctwccg lurgeturc ngh cquepdcgt?

    Cquepdcgt es ng nssct wetk dovegm ngh/or cjcitrogei pnrts' Et typeinjjy +fut got njwnys% uscs npowcr suppjy or fnttcrecs to lujlejj ets lugiteog' Cxndpjcs egijuhc rclremcrntors* jnptops* nghpowcr toojs'

    Lurgeturc es ng nssct wetk lcw or go dovegm pnrts ngh go gcch lor n powcr suppjy or fnttcrecs egorhcr to lujlejj ets lugiteog' Cxndpjcs egijuhc hcsas* ikners* or tnfjcs'

    ]knt es n Inpetnj Nssct?

    Inpetnj Nsscts nrc hclegch eg Dngunj Yciteog =>>' Fotk Gogcxpcghnfjc Nsscts ngh YcgsetevcNsscts ing fc Inpetnj Nsscts*fut got njj Gogcxpcghnfjc ngh Ycgsetevc Nsscts nrc InpetnjNsscts' Xkcrc es n ikciafox eg FnrXrnias to gotc wkctkcr ng nssct es Inpetnjezch or got' XkcILO pujjs hntn og Inpetnjezch Nsscts lrod FnrXrnias qunrtcrjy' Rosts wejj fc rcdeghch touphntc ngh sygik tkcer hntn fclorc tkc cgh ol tkc qunrtcr so tknt tkc ILO ing pujj niiurntcrcports'

    ]knt es n portnfjc nssct wetk REE?

    Rjcnsc gotc tkc hellcrcgic fctwccg n icjj pkogc ngh n sdnrt pkogc'N sdnrt pkogc ing rcicevc

    ngh scgh cdnej' N icjj pkogc hocs got knvc tkes inpnfejety' N icjj pkogc ing ogjy iogtneg gndcsngh tcjcpkogc gudfcrs lor REE' N sdnrt pkogc* fcinusc et ing rcicevc cdnej* ing iogtneg dngytypcs ol REE' N sdnrt pkogc es n portnfjc nssct wetk REE' N icjj pkogc es got'

    Ngy nssct wkeik ing iogtneg Rcrsognjjy Ehcgtelenfjc Eglordnteog +REE% ngh wkeik ing fc cnsejyngh rcmujnrjy inrrech fy ogc pcrsog es n portnfjc nssct wetk REE'Et hocs got dnttcr wkctkcr orgot ng nssct iogtnegs REE' El et es inpnfjc ol iogtnegegm et* et lnjjs egto tkes intcmory' Cxndpjcsegijuhc fut nrc got jedetch to tkc lojjowegm0 jnptops* fjniafcrrecs* sdnrt pkogcs* ljnsk hrevcs*sdnjj cxtcrgnj knrh hrevcs* cti'

  • 7/30/2019 Peace Corps Personal Property Management Handbook



    Xkcsc nsscts prcscgt semgeleingt resa to Rcnic Iorps el tkcy nrc jost or stojcg* huc to tkc REE tkcydny iogtneg' Njso* fcinusc ol tkcer sdnjj sezc ngh portnfejety* tkcy nrc dorc cnsejy jost orstojcg' Xkcsc nsscts nrc egvcgtorech tweic n ycnr ngh tkcer tkclt or joss dust fc rcportch to tkcEgvcgtory Dngnmcdcgt Ypcienjest +Dnr`orec Jnwrcgic% eg D/NY/LDH eg n Rropcrty Joss rcportngh to OIEO eg n Iyfcr Egiehcgt Vcspogsc Vcport'

    Rortnfjc nsscts wetk REE nrc got nssemgch to rood jointeogs eg FnrXrnias' Xkcy nrc nssemgchhercitjy to pcopjc' El n portnfjc nssct wetk REE es eg stornmc* et es nssemgch to tkc EX Ypcienjest* wkowejj fc rcspogsefjc lor et' Fclorc n stnll dcdfcr cghs tkcer scrveic wetk Rcnic Iorps* n propcrtyrcport ol njj propcrty nssemgch to tkcd skoujh fc pregtch out ngh njj propcrty nssemgch to tkcddust fc ikciach fnia eg'

    Otkcr hclegeteogs

    Egkcrcgtjy Movcrgdcgtnj Lugiteog es n lugiteog tknt es so egtedntcjy rcjntch to tkc pufjeiegtcrcst ns to dnghntc pcrlordngic fy Movcrgdcgt cdpjoyccs* ec* SYHK or LYIs' Egkcrcgtjymovcrgdcgtnj lugiteogs egijuhc dogctnry trngsniteogs ngh tkcrclorc* dngy nspcits ol propcrty

    dngnmcdcgt' Xkes hocs got dcng tknt RYIs inggot nssest eg tkcsc nrcns'

    Rropcrty Dngnmcdcgt Yoltwnrc Yystcd +RDYY% es FnrXrnias* tkc soltwnrc utejezch fy RcnicIorps to trnia ngh rciorh nsscts'

    Rcrsognj Rropcrty Dngnmcdcgt Knghfooa +RRDK% es tkes muehc* wkeik suppjcdcgts DY 3>>wetk tkc proichurcs ngh proicsscs gcicssnry to inrry out Rcnic Iorps pojeiy og pcrsognjpropcrty dngnmcdcgt'

    Rcrsognjjy Ehcgtelenfjc Eglordnteog* ns hclegch fy ODF* es eglordnteog wkeik ing fc usch tohestegmuesk or trnic ng eghevehunjs ehcgtety* suik ns tkcer gndc* soienj sciurety gudfcr* feodctreirciorhs* cti' njogc* or wkcg iodfegch wetk otkcr pcrsognj or ehcgtelyegm eglordnteog wkeik es

    jegach or jeganfjc to n spcielei eghevehunj* suik ns hntc ngh pjnic ol fertk* dotkcrs dnehcg gndc*cti'

    Vcspogsefejetecs ngh Ycpnrnteog ol Hutecs

    Rcnic Iorps Kcnhqunrtcrs0

    Ikecl ol Nhdegestrntevc Ycrveics wejj0

    Rrovehc muehngic to tkc gctwora ol Rcnic Iorps Rropcrty Niiougt Kojhcrs ngh RropcrtyOlleicrs* cgsuregm tknt ikngmcs eg rcmujnteogs ngh proichurcs nrc ijcnrjy ngh cllcitevcjyioddugeintch1

    Cgsurc tknt Rropcrty Niiougt Kojhcrs ngh Rropcrty Olleicrs nrc trnegch ngh nwnrc oltkcer hutecs ngh rcspogsefejetecs1

    Yupport Rropcrty Niiougt Kojhcrs ngh Rropcrty Olleicrs eg tkcer hutecs* ijnrely helleiujtor ugprcichcgtch setunteogs*

  • 7/30/2019 Peace Corps Personal Property Management Handbook



    Egvcgtory Dngnmcdcgt Ypcienjest wejj0

    Rrovehc hny to hny support to Rosts ngh VVOs eg propcrty dngnmcdcgt Xrneg NOs huregm OYX ngh hcvcjop npproprentc trnegegm dntcrenjs lor NOs to usc nt

    Rosts ngh VVOs

    Dnegtneg tkc icgtrnj FnrXrnias hntnfnsc nt K^ Dnegtneg tkc Rcrsognj Rropcrty Dngnmcdcgt Knghfooa ngh uphntc ns gcchch Yuppjy fnriohc jnfcjs to Rosts ngh VVOs upog rcqucst ]ora to edprovc ovcrnjj propcrty dngnmcdcgt nt Rcnic Iorps

    Rosts ngh Vcmeognj Vciruetegm Olleics +nssemgch poseteogs%

    Rropcrty Niiougt Kojhcr +RNK%

    Iougtry Hercitor or Vcmeognj Dngnmcr* ugjcss otkcrwesc nssemgch Sjtedntcjy rcspogsefjc lor njj propcrty nt Rost/VVO Dny fc kcjh legngienjjy jenfjc lor gcmjcitegm to snlcmunrh ngh iogtroj S' Y' movcrgdcgt


    ]etk two cxicpteogs* mcgcrnjjy got egvojvch eg hny$to$hny propcrty dngnmcdcgt* cxicpteg ugusunj or cxtrcdcjy helleiujt setunteogs' Cxicpteogs0

    oRNK semgs oll og dcdo ioglerdegm tkc nggunj egvcgtory ngh tkc nggunj jossrcport cvcry ycnr'

    oRNK ioglerds tkc rcturg ol NO propcrty wkcg ng NO jcnvcs n Rost/VVORropcrty Olleicr +RO%

    Nhdegestrntevc Olleicr* ugjcss otkcrwesc nssemgch Vcspogsefjc lor inrryegm out lugiteogs to snlcmunrh ngh iogtroj njj S' Y' movcrgdcgt

    propcrty nssemgch to kes or kcr olleic'

    Cgsurcs tknt propcrty hutecs nrc nssemgch npproprentcjy ngh tknt stnll nrc wcjj$trnegch egkow to inrry out tkcer hutecs

    Ovcrsccs dnegtcgngic ngh utejeznteog ol propcrty Ovcrsccs tkc nggunj ngh scde$nggunj egvcgtory ngh joss rcports Cgsurcs FnrXrnias es uphntch ns npproprentc wkcg nsscts nrc puriknsch or hesposch Npprovcs hesposnj wkcg ng nssct es cxicss

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    Vciorhs dnegtnegch eg FnrXrnias* tkc egvcgtory dngnmcdcgt soltwnrc systcd Ikcia eg/Ikcia out ol propcrty ven FnrXrnias Egvcgtorecs ^unrtcrjy ngh nggunj rcports to K^ ngh to otkcr nmcgiecs wkcg rcquerch Fnr iohc tnms/jnfcjs

    Nsscts Yuf`cit to Kemkcr Jcvcjs ol Rropcrty Iogtroj

    Gogcxpcghnfjc ngh Ycgsetevc Nsscts tknt nrc Inpetnjezch nrc suf`cit to njj stnghnrh jcvcjs oliogtroj ngh njso to n kemkcr jcvcj ol iogtroj fcinusc tkcsc nrc usunjjykemk iost nsscts' Xkc ILOpujjs rcports og tkcsc nsscts qunrtcrjy ngh Rosts/VVOs wejj fc rcdeghch to uphntc ngh sygiktkcer FnrXrnias hntnfnscs fclorc tkc cgh ol tkc qunrtcr'

    Rortnfjc Nsscts inpnfjc ol iogtnegegm Rcrsognj Ehcgtelenfjc Eglordnteog nrc suf`cit to njjstnghnrh jcvcjs ol iogtroj ngh njso n kemkcr jcvcj ol iogtroj fcinusc tkcy nrckemk resa nsscts' Eljost or stojcg* tkc eglordnteog og tkcd ioujh fc usch fy tkecvcs to stcnj pcopjcs ehcgtetecs orotkcrwesc iodprodesc tkcd' Xkcrc es mrcnt potcgtenj lor hndnmc to Rcnic Iorps el prevntceglordnteog es dnhc pufjei eg tkes wny' Lurtkcrdorc* tkc lnit tknt tkcsc nsscts nrc sdnjj nghportnfjc dnacs tkcd duik dorc jeacjy to fc jost or stojcg'

    Xkcrclorc* huc to tkc kemk hndnmc potcgtenj ngh tkc jeacjekooh ol tkclt or joss* portnfjc nssctsinpnfjc ol iogtnegegm REE dust fc pkyseinjjy egvcgtorech tweic n ycnr' Xkcy nrc egijuhch eg tkcnggunj egvcgtory eg Ycptcdfcr' Xkcy njso dust fc egvcgtorech eg Dnrik'

    FnrXrnias0 Rropcrty Dngnmcdcgt Yoltwnrc Yystcd

    FnrXrnias es tkc propcrty dngnmcdcgt soltwnrc systcd' FnrXrnias es tkc tooj utejezch toioghuit egvcgtorecs* to suppjy rcquerch rcports* to uphntc jointeogs ngh to Ikcia Eg/Ikcia Outnsscts to RI stnll ngh RI\s' Et dust fc uphntch rcmujnrjy' Vcquerch rcports nrc hrnwg lrodFnrXrnias1 tkcrclorc et es iruienj tknt tkc eglordnteog eg tkc systcd es niiurntc' Njj gcwgogcxpcghnfjc* scgsetevc* ngh rcsehcgtenj nsscts dust fc cgtcrch egto FnrXrnias wetkeg twowccas ol rcicept' Xrngsniteogs eg FnrXrnias nrc rciorhch fy uscr gndc ngh tkc systcd es lujjynuhetnfjc'

    FnrXrnias iogtnegs tkc jointeog ol tkc nsscts ngh tkc Ikcia Eg/Ikcia Out trngsniteogs' Njjrcsehcgtenj lurgeturc* njj portnfjc REE etcds +e'c'* jnptops* sdnrt pkogcs* cti%* ngh RI\$jongchcquepdcgt nrc nssemgch to pcopjc* got gcicssnrejy to jointeogs' ]kcg ng nssct es nssemgch to npcrsog* tknt pcrsogs gndc skoujh fc jestch ns tkc Vcspogsefjc Rnrty lor tkc nssct eg FnrXrnias'

    Fclorc n stnll dcdfcr jcnvcs RI or fclorc n RI\ IOYs* n rcport ol njj propcrty nssemgch to tkntpcrsog skoujh fc mcgcrntch ngh tkc Nhdegestrntevc Olleicr dust semg oll og tkc rcturg ol njj

  • 7/30/2019 Peace Corps Personal Property Management Handbook



    propcrty ngh/or hoiudcgt ets tkclt or joss' ]kcg tkc Nhdegestrntevc Olleicr jcnvcs Rcnic Iorps*tkc Iougtry Hercitor/Vcmeognj Dngnmcr dust semg oll og tkc rcturg ol njj NO propcrty'


    N lujj pkyseinj egvcgtory es rcquerch nggunjjy' Rkyseinj egvcgtory dcngs tknt tkc etcd wns sccgfy tkc pcrsog ioghuitegm tkc egvcgtory ngh tkc propcrty tnm wns singgch egto FnrXrnias wetk tkcFnrXrnias singgcr' Xkc lojjowegm propcrty dust fc egvcgtorech nggunjjy0 gogcxpcghnfjc nsscts*scgsetevc nsscts* ngh rcsehcgtenj nsscts'

    Xkc nggunj egvcgtory es egtcghch to prohuic tkc lojjowegm rcsujts0

    N rcport ol njj rcquerch pcrsognj propcrty ngh ets iurrcgt jointeog ngh vnjuc N rcport ol ngy dessegm nsscts tknt ioujh got fc jointch1 tkes es Rosts Joss

    Vcport' Rosts/VVOs wetk cxicssevc joss rcports dny fc suf`cit to cvnjunteog fy RI


    Ng uphntch ngh dorc niiurntc FnrXrnias hntnfnsc ns eglordnteog mnegch eg tkc egvcgtoryes usch to uphntc tkc rciorhs eg FnrXrnias

    Egircnsch niiougtnfejety ndogm RI stnll ngh \ojugtccrs jcnhegm to hcircnsch wnstc*lrnuh* ngh nfusc ol RI propcrty

    Kow to ioghuit tkc nggunj egvcgtory0

    Ytcp >Hciehc wko wejj fc ioghuitegm tkc egvcgtory' Xkc pcrsog wko dnegtnegs tkcFnrXrnias hntnfnsc inggot njso fc tkc pcrsog wko ioghuits tkc egvcgtory' Njso* n pcrsog inggotfc rcspogsefjc lor tkc egvcgtory ol propcrty nssemgch to tkcd' +Xkc RXO inggot tnac n singgcr totkcer kousc ngh sing njj tkc rcsehcgtenj nsscts nssemgch to tkc RXO%' Mcgcrnjjy* tkc pcrsogioghuitegm tkc egvcgtory es tkc Mcgcrnj Ycrveics Olleicr/Mcgcrnj Ycrveics Dngnmcr* fut tkcRropcrty Olleicr ing nssemg tkes huty hellcrcgtjy el tkes woujh fc dorc cllcitevc lor tkcRost/VVO' Hcpcghegm og tkc sezc ol tkc post ngh tkc gudfcr ol nsscts* tkcrc dny gcch to fcdorc tkng ogc pcrsog nssemgch to ioghuitegm tkc egvcgtory* fut tkc RO skoujh nssemg tkc prednryrcspogsefejety lor ioorhegntegm tkc egvcgtory to ogc pcrsog' Xkc Rropcrty Niiougt Kojhcr wejjmevc tkc legnj npprovnj ol tkc egvcgtory'

    Ytcp 6Dnac n pjng' Dnac n jest ol njj tkc jointeogs tknt gcch to fc egvcgtorech +njj SYHK

    rcsehcgics* rcmeognj olleics* RYX setcs* wnrckouscs* cti%' El Rost kns n jnrmc Dneg Olleic* frcna ethowg fy rood or fy ljoor'

    Yct n hntc lor egvcgtoryegm tkc propcrty nt cnik jointeog' El tkc Rost es cxtrcdcjy jnrmc* spnic tkcegvcgtory out ovcr n lcw wccas' Ioghuitegm n pkyseinj egvcgtory es rcpcteteous ngh tedc$iogsudegmtryegm to ho too duik nt ogic jcnhs to destnacs lrod lntemuc'

  • 7/30/2019 Peace Corps Personal Property Management Handbook



    Lor tkc egvcgtory ol tkc EX cquepdcgt* tkc pcrsog ioghuitegm tkc egvcgtory skoujh nsa lornssestngic lrod tkc EX Ypcienjest' Kowcvcr* tkc EX Ypcienjest skoujh got fc tkc pcrsog singgegmtkc etcds egto tkc FnrXrnias singgcr'

    Lor tkc egvcgtory ol tkc dcheinj cquepdcgt* tkc pcrsog ioghuitegm tkc egvcgtory skoujh nsa lornssestngic lrod tkc RIDO/RIDI' Kowcvcr* tkc RIDO/RIDI skoujh got fc tkc pcrsogsinggegm tkc etcds egto tkc FnrXrnias singgcr'

    Dnac n jest ol njj pcopjc wko knvc propcrty nssemgch hercitjy to tkcd' Lor portnfjc cjcitrogeietcds +jnptops* sdnrt pkogcs* cti%* sct up nppoegtdcgts wetk tkcd to fregm eg tkc nssct to fcsinggch egto FnrXrnias' Lor SYHKs wko knvc fccg jongch lurgeturc or cquepdcgt lor tkcerkodcs* sct up ng nppoegtdcgt to mo to tkcer kousc ngh sing njj tkc lurgeturc ngh cquepdcgt egtotkc singgcr' Uou skoujh got mevc tkc oiiupngt ol tkc rcsehcgic tkc singgcr ngh nsa tkcd to singtkcer lurgeturc' Xkc singgegm ol tkc rcsehcgtenj lurgeturc dust fc ioghuitch fy n pcrsog wko hocsgot jevc eg tkc rcsehcgic'

    Egijuhc tedc nt tkc cgh ol tkc pjng lor egvcgtory rciogiejenteog +jointegm nsscts tknt nrc got wkcrc

    tkcy nrc supposch to fc%' Vciogiejenteog es tedc$iogsudegmdnac surc to jcnvc pjcgty ol tedclor tkeswc summcst ogc wcca lor cvcry >*222 nsscts owgch'

    Ytcp 9Sphntc tkc eglordnteog eg tkc singgcr' Mo to tkc pcrsog wko dnegtnegs tkcFnrXrnias hntnfnsc' Ioggcit tkc singgcr to tkcer iodputcr ngh nsa tkcd to howgjonh tkchntnfnsc egto tkc singgcr'

    Ytcp 8Egvcgtory tkc lerst rood/jointeog' Ssegm tkc FnrXrnias singgcr* sing cvcry jnfcjchnssct eg tkc rood' Ioglerd tknt tkc jointeog lor tkc nssct eg FnrXrnias es niiurntc to tkc nitunjjointeog ol tkc nssct' Cvnjuntc cnik nssct lor iogheteoges et lujjy lugiteogegm? Hocs et gcch ngyrcpners or dnegtcgngic? El et gcchs rcpners or dnegtcgngic* dnac n gotc eg FnrXrnias'

    El ng nssct tknt es eg tkc rood es jestch wetk n hellcrcgt jointeog eg FnrXrnias* cvnjuntc tkcsetunteog' Hocs tkes nssct fcjogm eg tkes rood? El so* uphntc FnrXrnias wetk tkc gcw jointeogeglordnteog' El tkc nssct hocs got fcjogm eg tkc rood* rcturg et to tkc rood tknt es jestch egFnrXrnias'

    Ytcp 3Egvcgtory njj rcdnegegm roods/jointeogsIogteguc ns eg Ytcp 8 ugtej njj jointeogsngh njj propcrty nssemgch to pcopjc kns fccg singgch egto FnrXrnias'


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    cvnjunteog lrod K^ to kcjp tkcd hcvcjop proichurcs to temktcg propcrty iogtrojs' Vcpcntchcxicssevc Joss Vcports dny jcnh to egvcstemnteog lor suspcitch wnstc* lrnuh* or nfusc nt tkcRost/VVO'

    Ycde$Nggunj Rortnfjc Nsscts wetk REE Egvcgtory

    Rortnfjc etcds inpnfjc ol iogtnegegm Rcrsognj Ehcgtelenfjc Eglordnteog nrc kemk resa nsscts' El jostor stojcg* tkc eglordnteog og tkcd ioujh fc usch fy tkecvcs to stcnj pcopjcs ehcgtetecs orotkcrwesc iodprodesc tkcd' Xkcrc es mrcnt potcgtenj lor hndnmc to Rcnic Iorps el prevntceglordnteog es dnhc pufjei eg tkes wny' Lurtkcrdorc* tkc lnit tknt tkcsc nsscts nrc sdnjj nghportnfjc dnacs tkcd duik dorc jeacjy to fc jost or stojcg'

    Xkcrclorc* huc to tkc potcgtenj kemk hndnmc potcgtenj ngh tkc jeacjekooh ol tkclt or joss* tkcscnsscts dust fc egvcgtorech tweic n ycnr' Xkcy nrc egijuhch eg tkc nggunj egvcgtory egYcptcdfcr' Xkcy njso dust fc egvcgtorech eg Dnrik' Rjcnsc lojjow tkcsc stcps lor tkc DnrikRortnfjc REE Egvcgtory0

    Ytcp >Rropcrty Olleicr scjcits sodcogc to ioghuit tkc Rortnfjc REE Egvcgtory' Xkes pcrsogskoujh got fc tkc sndc pcrsog wko dnegtnegs tkc FnrXrnias egvcgtory hntnfnsc' Et ing fc tkcsndc pcrsog wko ioghuits tkc nggunj egvcgtory' Xkc Rropcrty Olleicr or tkc Rropcrty NiiougtKojhcr ing mevc tkc legnj npprovnj ol tkc Dnrik egvcgtory'

    Ytcp 6Xkc scjcitch pcrsog rcqucsts n FnrXrnias rcport ol njj tkc portnfjc REE nsscts nssemgch topcopjc nt Rost/VVO'

    Ytcp 9Yikchujc n tedc huregm tkc dogtk ol Dnrik wetk cnik pcrsog wko kns n portnfjc REEnssct nssemgch to tkcd' Cnik pcrsog dust fregm eg tkcer nsscts to fc singgch' Yinggegm tkc nsscts

    es n vcry queia proichurc1 et skoujh tnac ogjy n lcw degutcs pcr pcrsog'Ytcp 8El tkc pcrsog ioghuitegm tkc egvcgtory kns portnfjc REE hcveics nssemgch to tkcdscjvcs*sodcogc cjsc dust sing ngh egvcgtory tkosc hcveics'

    Ytcp 3El tkcrc nrc portnfjc REE nsscts tknt nrc eg stornmc* tkcy skoujh fc nssemgch to tkc EXYpcienjest' Xkc pcrsog ioghuitegm tkc egvcgtory skoujh sikchujc n dcctegm wetk tkc EX Ypcienjestto sing ngh egvcgtory tkc nsscts eg stornmc'


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    Et skoujh njso egijuhc tkc fcst possefjc eglordnteog og wknt typc ol REE* el ngy* wns eg tkc nssct*wknt gcmntevc iogscqucgics dny rcsujt lrod tknt eglordnteog fciodegm pufjei* tkc gudfcr olpcopjc wkosc eglordnteog wns iodprodesch* ngh wkctkcr tkosc pcopjc nrc stnll or RI\s'

    ^unrtcrjy ngh nggunj rcports to K^ ngh to otkcr nmcgiecs wkcg rcquerch

    ]etk FnrXrnias* tkc rcportegm rcquercdcgts lor Rosts ngh VVOs nrc mrcntjy hcircnsch' Ns jogmns FnrXrnias es acpt up to hntc* tkc rcports ing fc pujjch fy tkc rcqucstegm olleic hercitjy ntKcnhqunrtcrs' Xkc dneg propcrty rcports tknt Rosts/VVOs nrc stejj rcspogsefjc lor nrc tkc JossVcports hctnejch eg tkc Nggunj Egvcgtory ngh tkc Ycde$Nggunj Rortnfjc REE Nssct Egvcgtorysciteogs nfovc'

    Xkc otkcr propcrty rcports* egijuhegm tkc qunrtcrjy Inpetnj Nssct rcports* nggunj hesposnj rcports*ngh tkc Ycde$Nggunj Inpetnj Nsscts rcports wejj fc pujjch lrod FnrXrnias nt K^' Rosts wejjrcicevc rcdeghcr cdnejs two wccas fclorc tkc rcports nrc huc* egstruitegm tkcd to dnac surc tknttkcer FnrXrnias egvcgtorecs nrc lujjy up to hntc ngh sygikrogezch wetk K^'

    Fnr Iohc Xnms

    Fnr iohc tnms ing ogjy fc oftnegch lrod tkc Egvcgtory Dngnmcdcgt Ypcienjest nt tkc RI K^+Dnr`orec Jnwrcgic%' Et es vcry cxpcgsevc to skep tkc tnms fy HKJ' ]kcg possefjc* tkc Rost/VVOskoujh rcqucst tkc tnms wcjj eg nhvngic ol ng EX rclrcsk or otkcr jnrmc puriknscs so tknt tkc tnmsing fc scgt fy pouik' Xnms skoujh fc pjnich og tkc nssct wetkeg two wccas ol ets nrrevnj' Lurtkcreglordnteog og propcrty tnms es egijuhch nfovc* ughcr tkc Vcicevegm sciteog ol tkes Knghfooa'

    Jost* Dessegm* ngh Hndnmch NssctsJost vs Ytojcg Nsscts

    Oltcg* pnrteiujnrjy wetk sdnjj nsscts* et es ugijcnr wkctkcr tkc etcd wns jost or stojcg* or fotk' El nstnll dcdfcr es peia$poiactch ol kcr Fjniafcrry* skc dny got fc nwnrc ol wkctkcr et wns stojcg*or el skc kns despjnich et'

    Lor tkc purposcs ol propcrty dngnmcdcgt* tkc ogjy hellcrcgic es tknt rcportegm n tkclt skoujhegijuhc n pojeic rcport wkcg gcchch'

    El n gogcxpcghnfjc or scgsetevc nssct es jost* stojcg* or hndnmch* tkc cvcgt dust fc lujjy

    hoiudcgtch' Eg insc ol joss or tkclt* tkc Rost/VVO dust uphntc FnrXrnias wetk Jost/Ytojcgput eg tkc hesposnj dctkoh' Eg inscs ol Jost/Ytojcg or errcpnrnfjy hndnmch nsscts* tkc RcrsognjRropcrty Joss Vcport dust fc iodpjctch ngh n iopy scgt to tkc Egvcgtory DngnmcdcgtYpcienjest nt K^'

    El tkcrc es ng nmmrcmntc joss eg n segmjc egiehcgt ol ovcr (322 ol rcsehcgtenj nsscts or el ovcr (322ol rcsehcgtenj nsscts nssemgch to ogc pcrsog nrc Jost/Ytojcg wetkeg ogc ycnr* tkc Rcrsognj

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    Rropcrty Joss Vcport dust fc iodpjctch ngh n iopy scgt to tkc Egvcgtory DngnmcdcgtYpcienjest nt K^'

    Xkc Ioddcgts sciteog ol FnrXrnias og tkc jost/stojcg nssct skoujh egijuhc gotcs og wkntknppcgch* wko wns rcspogsefjc lor tkc propcrty* ngh wknt stcps wcrc tnacg to try to jointc tkcpropcrty' El n pojeic rcport es lejch* tkes dust fc acpt og lejc nt tkc rcportegm olleic'

    El ng etcd inpnfjc ol iogtnegegm REE es jost or stojcg* iogsujt wetk tkc EX Ypcienjest to hctcrdegc eln Iyfcr Yciurety Egiehcgt Vcport gcchs to fc lejch ngh scgt to K^'

    Cxicss Rropcrty ngh Rropcrty Hesposnj

    Gotc og tkc Hesposnj ol EX Cquepdcgt0 Knrh hrevcs dust fc wepch/hcmnussch fy tkc EX

    Ypcienjest fclorc ngy propcrty es trngslcrrch* sojh* hogntch* or otkcrwesc hesposch ol' Xkes dustfc hoiudcgtch eg tkc EX hesposnj lord fy tkc EX Ypcienjest'

    Et es tkc rcspogsefejety ol tkc Rropcrty Olleicr to cgsurc tknt propcrty wkeik es go jogmcr gcchchfy Rost/VVO or wkeik es go jogmcr inpnfjc ol lujlejjegm ets lugiteog fc hesposch ol eg n tedcjylnskeog' Xkc prniteic ol storegm ngh niiougtegm lor propcrty eg cxicss ol rcquercdcgts esugciogodeinj ngh ng uggcicssnry nhdegestrntevc furhcg' Niiorhegmjy* tkc Rropcrty Olleicr sknjjegspcit propcrty og n routegc fnses' El propcrty es got usch or es ughcr$usch* eddchentc niteogskoujh fc tnacg to hesposc ol suik propcrty cetkcr tkroumk trngslcr* snjc* hognteog* or hcstruiteog'

    Njj hesposnj ol propcrty dust fc ughcrtnacg eg accpegm wetk SY Movcrgdcgt rcmujnteogs ngh tkcrcquercdcgts ol tkc Rcnic Iorps so ns to fc eg tkc fcst possefjc egtcrcst ol tkc Rcnic Iorps nghtkc lchcrnj movcrgdcgt' Xkc lojjowegm nrc tkc opteogs lor hesposnj' Xkc dost prclcrrch opteog estrngslcr to ngotkcr Rcnic Iorps olleic' Uou dny ogjy dovc to tkc gcxt opteog og tkc jest el tkcprcveous opteog es got eg tkc legngienj fcst egtcrcsts ol tkc Rcnic Iorps or es got iurrcgtjypkyseinjjy possefjc0

    >'Xrngslcr to ngotkcr Rcnic Iorps olleic6'Xrngslcr to ngotkcr lchcrnj nmcgiy9'Ynjc fy nuiteog ioghuitch fy tkc joinj SY cdfnssy/MYN olleic8'Ynjc fy nuiteog ioghuitch fy eghcpcghcgt* ioddcrienj nuiteog kousc3'Ynjc fy nuiteog ioghuitch fy Rcnic Iorps +rcquercs pcrdesseog lrod Kcnhqunrtcrs%

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    Vood 6929* Rcnic Iorps K^

    VRI\ Nrdcgen 6226$6228

    Nppcghex NKow to Intcmorezc ng Nssct0

  • 7/30/2019 Peace Corps Personal Property Management Handbook



    Nppcghex FYcgsetevc Nsscts

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    Ycgsetevc Nsscts njwnys egijuhc* fut nrc got jedetch to* tkc lojjowegm0

    Hcsatop +IRS%

    Cxtcrgnj knrh hrevcs

    Ljnsk hrevc +tkudf hrevc/SYF hrevc/dcdory steia%


    Ydnrt pkogc +Fjniafcrrecs* or ngy otkcr pkogc inpnfjc ol rcicevegm/scghegm cdnej%

    Ngy otkcr cjcitrogei hcveic inpnfjc ol storegm Rcrsognjjy Ehcgtelenfjc Eglordnteog

    El tkc lojjowegm nsscts eghevehunjjy iost ovcr (>22* tkcy nrc iogsehcrch Ycgsetevc Nsscts0

    Nuheo$\esunj Cquepdcgt

    IH pjnycr

    Icjj pkogc

    H\H pjnycr





    Yntcjjetc pkogc





    Nppcghex IHesposnj Lords

    YL$>62 Vcport ol Cxicss Rcrsognj Rropcrty

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    Xkes rcport es lejjch out ngy tedc n Rost or VVO hcijnrcs nsscts nrc uggcchch ngh wejj fccxicssch* rcmnrhjcss ol tkc dctkoh ol hesposnj' Et es jointch kcrc0kttp0//www'msn'mov/portnj/lords/howgjonh/>>3=266 Xrngslcr Orhcr Cxicss Rcrsognj Rropcrty

    Xkes rcport es lejjch out wkcg Rcnic Iorps nsscts nrc trngslcrrch to ngotkcr lchcrnj nmcgiy +ec* nSY cdfnssy or MYN%' Et es jointch kcrc0kttp0//www'msn'mov/portnj/lords/howgjonh/>>3=66

    YL$>6< Vcport ol Rcrsognj Rropcrty lor Ynjc

    Xkes rcport es lejjch out wkcg n Rost or VVO opts to scjj cxicss propcrty' Et es jointch kcrc0kttp0//www'msn'mov/portnj/lords/howgjonh/>>3=98

    Jost or Ytojcg Rropcrty

    Rcnic Iorps njso kns n lord to lejj out wkcg propcrty es jost or stojcg' Et es nvnejnfjc eg tkcNmcgiy Njj lojhcr kcrc0Y0ZBNmcgiy_NjjZDZLDHZRropcrty Dngnmcdcgt

    El tkc nssct tknt wns jost/stojcg es ng EX nssct* or el et iogtnegch REE* you dny njso gcch to lejj outtkc Iyfcr Egiehcgt Vcport Lord* jointch kcrc0kttp0//egsehc'pcniciorps'mov/eghcx'ild?vecwHoiudcgt,hoiudcgt_eh43;