peace researcher vol1 issue33 dec 1992

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  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue33 Dec 1992




    Rpor of theAlrnav Comi

    on Nuclar Sp Vss

    art 1: The ase gainst Nuclear hip Visits

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue33 Dec 1992




    Report ofthe Alternative Committee

    on Nuclear Shp Visits

    Part T Cas gast Nuclar S sts

    T C

    Summcj!owedgemensMmb o h Aeaie Commi

    d Tm o c


    V Nucpropusion ! thlba1 omV N uc- im economy dV Nucpoered l d w Zdsovere* Li o Submiio o h ommi







  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue33 Dec 1992



    The Natona Govemen has incorrecly chracersed he issue of visits by nuclearpwed vessels as beng one of safey. Safey is no he only, or even he mn reason whynucle-poweed vessels should connue o e banned om New Zealand Quesions of safey

    willbe adssed in P Two of ou repor bu each of he other issues raised in his repo onis own is enough reason o jusify he nuclearfree policy

    The hra of nuclear weapons has no gone away he pos-Cold War world: he world sfaced with he dstrbing dual problems of nuclear powers ing heir weapons agains nonnucleanaons (especially n he Third World) nd also he emergence of ew nuclear weaponsaes New aland needs more han ever o mann pressure for nuclear disarmamenhough is nuclee sand

    Nuce-powered submaines and ships wer dangeous nd de-sabilising elemens of h

    old War A classes of nuclepowered vessels hae prly oensive raher handefensive les World opinion should discouage heir coninued use; nd New Zealnd shuno be seen suppong hese offensive roles

    The avanages for New Zealand of US naval visis negligible no negaive I is hUS her han New Zelad which obains benefs from os visis There simply isn' a godaso fo gng up our nuclear-ee saus

    " An anaysis of pas! Unied Saes Navy visis o New Zealand shows ha none wereconceed h "fending New alnd he ocial explnaion for he visis

    Nucle power poduces envinmenal problems of global signicance fom mning ndreprocessing hugh o decommissioned eacos and raoacive wase A maoriy of heuclear reacors he world ay in mili vessels New Zealand has ake a sandagains is ehnology by disassoiaing ourselves from land and sea based acors

    Plunum239 an ineviable produc of nucle power is a highly dangeous subsanceboh physially and pocally I foms a deadly link beween he envronmenal and nucleweaponplifeon consequnces of he connued use of nuclea power

    * New Zealnds nucleee policy provides a posive and much needed advange forepoers he ouis indusy There is ceainl no evidence of ny signifcn ham oade f he polcy This consideraon lone would oueigh ny claimed advantages ofaadong he ban on nuclear-powered essels

    iues demac a ske oo ule he ovemen could convince a clemaoy of New Zelder ha a chge he cler-ree legisain i reued would behoghl undemcac amend i

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue33 Dec 1992



    Th Atav Commtt would lk to th th following indviduals fo thi conibuiono th pss of schng, wing and dng P of his po:

    Jacqui BrngtonKatBoasRo GenNickyHagSimon HalsLRoMichal SzaboOwn Wlks

    Th com woud also k to thank th many indiduals and goups who ad

    suisions on th issu of safty and oth aspcts of nuca ship isits which fa within hms of fnc.

    Their submiions e summarised in Part f this report.

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue33 Dec 1992




    Alenaive ommiee on

    clea hip isis

    The commiee members

    Or J Rgr Bray, Research Ecolost, NelsonOr Jan Chappl, Plasc Surgeon, AucklandOr Nl Chrry Meteorology Lecturer, ChrstchurchMr Grry Ca, Consulng Engineer WelingonOr Rangnu Walkr Maoi Studies ctrer AucklandOr Pr Wll Physics Lectur, AucklandOr Bll Wln Radiobioogist Auckland

    The Aleave Comittee consider a bad range of technical and policalissues andreceivepublic submssions in er to assess the advisabty of allowg nuclear powered shipsto enter the toral waters of AoteaNew Zeald.

    The Comttee will consider and make dings on he following pics:

    1 The safety and envronmental cos of marme nuclear reactors in the context of hesevere consants of li seccy suoundg them;

    2 Theraonale for the gulaons, codes and liabty remes adopted by New Zealand andoher counes to gove the visits of nuclearpowd vessels

    3 The contingency plans and emergency procedures adopted by New Zeald and othecounies to'ppa for d deal with nuclear react accidents on vsing ships dueconsiraon of a full range of accident severity cludng a bach of reactorcontanment;

    4 e sks to the New Zealand public environment ade, and neaonal puon

    associated with visits by nuclear powered vessels consideon ven to thebenets of he present zesk policy in conast to the nite risk of a nuclear actoracident vsits were to sue

    The inteaonal d domestic poical contexts includng recent disnt iniaveswithn which he New Zealand goveent is cosidering alteons o the Nucle FreeAct o 1987

    The issues of aonl soveignty biltural ideny nd represenave goveentwhich are raised by the queson o chaging New Zealands nuclear law; carel

    consideraon be gven o the Treat o Wang pubc opnon and to the level ors om visis b ler powered vessels hat New Zealanders would d acceptable

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue33 Dec 1992


    Report of the Alterative Committee o Nucear Shi Visits

    Part 1: The Case Against Nuclear Ship Visits

    "We w give New Zealanders a clear guarantee that s coun w remain nucleafee - a is ee of boh nuclear weapons and nucarpowed vesse.

    - Jim Bg, press sttement Mh1990

    We ntend to keep Ne Zealand nuclearee ths te, next te and the tem afterha

    Jim Bg Apil 1991


    T Naonal Gvnt is considing canging Nw Zaland'snuclr- polic b andng 87 clr- lgislaon. Pronnt of tis cng argu tt nuclr waps soow nolongr an isu for Nw aland and tat onl iss aining rovd is wrnucard vesl pnt a ignicant at of accidnt wn vising Nw aland ars Sal Coiton Nuca Proplion was stablsd on 23 Dcbr to rt on isnaw isu of saft

    av Coiton Nclr Sip Visit was stabisd in Fba 2 in ns t Gotappointd coit T aon for fong a cond coie was at basis of tGvts appac ws id to b awd: sical, at t a ll int isssld to nucl stg wic js w Zland's nuclar- lic and t nuclar ractor

    saft dung visit i not t onl or vn t ain, on for opsing nuclar-pwrd warsipvii.

    T p of ttiv Coitt is to prsnt to th public a Govnt tbrad st of raons w nucl-powd wrsips soud contin to b band and t nuclar-fl tind in i nt fo

    Ts Pa On of t lteativ Coitt's r lk at h issus Pa covr tsub of t sk and cnsqcs of a nuclar actor accidnt dng a nucl-wrd wasip orubain visit to a Nw Zaand arbo Its focus will b a ctiqu of h Govn coitsrrt P Two lasd as sn s is practicabl afer Govt rpot bcs

    vlabl f or anlsis

    lv Coit as dcdd to andl nclar rator acidn iss saratly pasisat ar saft is a d ng in t curn discusion of Nw Zlnds nular- polic PTo hliht ne about th saft of nucla-wrd essls t ost of inaun for pring th nclar-f polic do not conce saft

    Thnce ovr nuclr acor saft is v sipl probablit of a actor accidnt duringa sot visit to a Nw Zland aur is low bt consqnc of accidnt cod b catastpic

    Sin bo adocats onnts of vist b ncar-owd vssls ag on is gnraconclson govnts lavisl fndd std of is sbct s nl t nbu aningnw to e dbat otr non-saft, ssus considrd in ts po c o rvn o dcision wthr to aintin Nw land ncar-fr oic

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue33 Dec 1992


    Since 1985. New alnd has been excluded m active patcipaon in the ANZUS alice by hUd States. A t to ll NUS membership is he Goveent's pncipal moivaion inattemptng to weaken or alish te nuclear-e But ANZUS ha never been a secuty guarantefor New Zealand The aty simply contans an agreement to conslt among the paer in the evet ofaseurity teat

    Finally we note that a "scientic" revew of nuclerpowered ship safety is not a new idea Aer Laur Goveent was elcted a nuclear-e policy in 984 goveent ocils opposed thpolicy came en Prime Miister David ange and pposed that he abndon his nti-nucear electiosnd. Accordng to ang e strategy proposed to hm at that me was to have a scienc iwwch oncluded that nuclearpowered shps were safe nd ten use ths juscation for owingisits b nuclear-wered wahis (and theraer all nuclear weapon capable wahips)!

    csy same appach ws pposed by en eader of the Opposion Jim Bolger on 9 Jly 97shoy fo te geeral electon nt page newspar sories Mr Bolger nonced hat aNaonal Goveentwould call for a new tudy of the safety of nuclear-wered ships and ba visiby nulerwed wahps nl eir safety was conmed2 Few people a the ime doubtd that thwas a tical sraegy desiged for placang e public whle undermining the nucle-fre policy

    The curnt view of nuclearpowed shp safety is not moivated by ny need for nuclearpowrdwaps to visit ew aand It appea at once agan a nuclear popsion iw has beenposed as a lical tool fo changing he nuclear-fe licy.

    The Ateave Committee is using the eview as opportity to present he asons why most ewZeaanders sll strongly supt he nuclefree policy



    David ange sg a public fom in Wellingon 7 June 9922 "Naonal chnges sp an olcy", Dominion. 10 Jly 1987

    Now So s cd [om NATO commnd S ms] Ebws cnd bou o scu cs k ANZUS wn Ws ncSuc cs w xs no o muc o dnd Ws om n x nsbu o s s oms uncng ocs o nsu ou ccss o ky soucs n Td Wo 'T nw d s no on o doo bu o os M

    ncs w s b nd concuds o conon os wo no cogns noms o cson bou wo soud b s nd wo soud nos ew Z sner. J ,p

    New Zeaad's ucea eepoU thepost-Cod War eraMny of those who argue hat our nuclar fre policy is no longer ncessary in a stCold War worldbeliee hat nuclear weapo nd strateies have omehow disapprd or lost heir releae Threese is te ths nd t follong secion we desc ontnuing and intended dploymet ofnucler wean nd their new "uses plnnd by the wst nuclear ower d th growig prblmof nuclar wean plifertion

    "For th Utd Sts u of te aic frmwork of th Cold W mans intact apart fm hemdaies or ntroing omes opaon Th chgs in th gob systm are indeed

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue33 Dec 1992


    momo bt hae only a mid mpat un te damenta bes for US poles ws ehd Wod, thogh hey do modfy he condton under which ee cies ms b eed remo of lmted Soviet deterrt es e Uted States n he exercise of volen

    Wi the nsion m a Bh to a Intn adminson US fogn plicy ley ge n thcomig monhs but the los of he old adionl "eney wlconnue chlenge US miipoicy d te civin eges that derlie

    n view of nt ca and mlita unceainies and in e sakly new cicumses suondinghe gobl ggle for ues and sovegn mong naon t s illogica nd abs fr orgoveent eade t ppse a retu to nuclear nvolement wth the Uned Stes d he ANZUSlce or any oher mtary club To take hat backwa tep s to pend hat Unted Stt Nas somew en peaneny clened of nclear weapns nd e sgs to deploy 1d uset U ed Staes terests may not coincde wih New Zealand nert or wh oe o oneghbo nd ading pres As the evidence n this and foloing ons shows w sould playno p Untd Stes sategies to frther i own inteet at he exn of te of h Souh Pacfor ywer ee on he gobe

    Ule e which removed d plan to desy accal naal nclear weaps he US s

    reng a cideable ppoon i strage nd resees te right put m bac on shps at me s oud seen as deployent plcy a well a a ict dsammet sp e'ner co nor deny cy (N) wil ninue as a tacc desed pimly o cnfoundesce nulr weapons in endly ounies2 Alho he US has ten soe postie may ven stop nuclear teing temrily it sl i a massve nuceoong for new tage, mny in Thrd World naon3 Te at of nucea hlatonags on-nucle naton shold not be pa of he pstold r wod order

    N Z ' D

    Ths s t se me a me of d ination laionships and dmised nucle onontaon kp p su for dment. Many naon ad heir leade now mor opn negoaonnd nas fo cel elaon; bt large milityindurl esablshmen ll quckly oree gner new conct nd dene new enemies" juify ther estence a he momen frdsrmmen accelerats. New Zeaand nd other smll nations mt chaenge atemp t ateenes the hrd Wod

    Our ncle fe plcy h had nteaonal ipact cae t is n exale of a sm wes nationheg e shes of ple t shn all noment ih nclear weapn Ts courgeous act aon y the Uted Stas, e domiant paer in ANZUS The pcy hs led for eghtye e em wi he weight of law beind Raon ha aoud t mo b n bitecase Unted Stae canot blanly buly New eal wihot ng ineationa enre

    New ds sa agt nucler wn s sn nteationaly a morl stnd agst totllyimmo wapon of mas destcio. Viualy al naons wold ag w t descpon of eweapo les but few ae aken such a pstive moa step to cat pesu for ersmen W he fadng of the d W now s he me to incae tht ps no rl iIf we be dsmte or pioneeng nucler ee plcy, even wh he emngl smll step ofeesg e bn nuclear ppulson we wl ease be n eample for e d maoats fo ncler dsrment wil lost

    Chic d boogicl weapons hae been oawed nteaony Now he legit of ncearwea s ng henged n neaonl nitiatie wth te go of uadng h Unted Nationt e e to he eol o of Je (World ou for n ad opnon Fomalya Genea o May hs e he Wd Cour Pec h been gaig moenm fo se e challge w ched i New Zed 8 eCh ma4

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue33 Dec 1992


    :e Changing Gba aane PwerWith te olapse of e Soiet Blo e Uned Sts ad its alles hae ben le with massive mtaryd integence nfasture d hadwe lacking a clely dened "enemy" n enemy whose evilimage has en cy nuured fo decades The ngle mainng suower is the US whosewean ystems along wi thoe of Bian d Frce clude lage number of nucear weaps thatwi coninue b deployed despite recent ad plnned u to nuear rsenas by the Uted State2

    and Bit nd despe he ecent moves by nucea wes to sspend teng at leasttemarily

    A cet NATO plnnng document eals intent ue nuclear weapons st to end a war Thedocument says e deent vlue of nuea a connues to udei NATO's ene aegygeadto e defene of is 16 mem counes. Cric of he ese lace ay ths show NATOha faled to kp apromise to change nucea rms into weans of last resor '

    Wihe pread of nuclea weapns beyond he ackowledged six nucear powe (inuding Iae) thewold i facg nucleibiity n an unpcedend scle If he major nuclea powes contuetopose lge num of nucea weans it may become iuay imssible to control weaponsprolifeaon ohe cunie

    The fat at Isel ndia d Pkis hae deelod nuclea weapons, whle sever oher countriemay be yng ca be seen as a legacy of decades of Cold W duing wch e possession datened ue of weapos of mass decon were een to be legmised" by he ive nucea powef thos we now ei nuclea aenion toward te Thi Wold he acquision of nucearweas by w aons be encuraged. Poor couries hat acqu nucer capability wldver at lile economic capciy ey have to preng for nucear w ater tha feing ohingd housing hei ple d rasng ei liig stadas.

    The doctrne of deence which pvided he aone fo nucea escalaon for decades wil ontinueto oe credibliy as coure like Iaq and Afghansan proceed ih cnenon, or een evenalynucler belgeen i apparent ckless deace of nuclearrmed adversarie Te likeihood at

    nucle weans wl used offensiely or defesiely in a loca or eon conict wl nceasdmacally in he nxt decade.

    Te Gu wr saw he t lrge-scae ue by e US and is lies of ophcaed eleconcconenon wa d high-tech weaponry. Conay to much media emphasis the new fuelair ndclemunions bered on mass detcion ae an e hghly publced pinnt accuacye was le dobt hat acca nuclea weapos we on some US, UK and Fench wasips eNew Zeland goveent choe play a limied supng role i e Gulf nd to be counted aongUS ie.

    Pentagon panningThe Pentagon document ened "Defense lning Guidane" proides nsight into possible intetiono e US miary foreign policy n he new globa enviment. Those inentios woud befoused on a New od Ode w he Uted Sas the dot we US interests acrdingto oe source do not include y haing of we een wih current cose militry allies ke Japan in the Pacic gon t is signct at ap is not a economic ly ofthe US acrimony betwen hetwo goeens oe ade imbalnces is an ongoing featu of current laon

    Chge in US forei icy lkely unde he Clton adminisation d here i cope fo optimimtht tgon plig of e id descibed above wi not b adopted

    When ad we the US flte ecoomicly it nds its tau a the pe-emine ilitry powe al the

    mo esnl to prevent y othaded indusi nation m chlenging ovea US eadehipWhile ove US pocy espou hely compeion among ding naons he US Pentagon planingdocme about "deg ptet competo fom even pring to a larger regiona or globaoe

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue33 Dec 1992


    10e fense Plnnng Guidnc" document addsss e issue of nuclear stgy by prosingreduced nuclear forcs but wih numbes ofwarheads at aut 5 dicted againt everyreasonable adversy Many of hos adveses who would b tagetd,nd Indeed may arey eed in the i ord. Juscaon by e Pentagon ss upon its judgement hat suchnaons for example aq,are developng eir own es of mss destrucion or a ohewise hosleo wes intests"

    Th mili imt f uc-wd vNuclerpousion for ships nd submaes is massively epesie d ught wh techncl dpoic dicues Amp o delo commerci nuear ships failed In ap, Gemy and theUnid Stes. Each lt nd ried to orate a single nuerwe suace ship for commecl usof hose ship pjects wer evenually abndoned nd no her atmps at civlin nucear shppingar whe n ight Only he nuear iebe of former Soviet Uon which may consided cii are s in oon They a pbaby expnsive to ote but appnyeece in keeping the fr nor sea lnes on and have cely en g fori exchage byoffeng ust cruises I he Arctc Duig a recent cise one Soviet icbker was refusedmssion to ener an Amecan hrbour in Alska cause of conce about safety of is nucleapoplsion

    Oy mliary estbishments hve en able o "jus the development ad use of nuclearppledvesses becau o their key les In e condut of the Cold r t is no coincidence tt the fvenaons wh nuler wd essels toda (ecluding dia) so e ve majornuclear weaponpoe Nucer-weed blsc missle submes re essnl plaos for lanch of seabsed stgc nuclearweapos.

    The spcic ol of e vous nuclear-owed vessels re disussed I detil in he next section onallance

    N n indndnc

    Snc 198 New Zeald's nucle e policy and law hve ended isis by nulea-caable dnuclewed vessels and have seed as a symbl o he rest of e wod of our gess to assera deg o f independent foign policy But New Zealnd has contnued to suppy most f e rst ofwhat he S wns out ofn lic reatonshp el:




    Pcpaon In he Guf warPhe of new AZAC gas,O ai of vast of he PaicSs intligene om sy faciltes at Tgmo and aihopaSupove og I the Untd ations Genel Assemblyoit exercises wih he usin mltryeeloent of a Low ntensity Conict capabily e Souh Pacific w our Ready Reacon


    The Wold focus of Low ntsiy Coict is a S development I couerinsurgecy warftmng fom Reagn administaon docne. hen st conceived in 17,he RDF was seen ale selt ske foe desied for apd seon Into mote Third Wold batleelds" 9 TheNew lnd Ready Reacon Fore was modeled on he S Rapid Deployent Force is equiedd aned fo ld oraon up o as high a scale of innsity as c be foseen I he crcumsancof the Soth Pacc

    Most of he naons of he So Pacic ad Souheast Asia New Zlnds neighu dinga - developg ir economies and reducing heir Involement in aai of the get

    mil!dustrawes t woud b a major secury bluder,both econoicly nd mltaly forN ad tu is backon hes naons in favour of rejoing lic whose maor go is hesppssion of Thrd Wold iendenc and !he mintenance of exploive access to ob natrad hma e Thrand use of nuclear weans may a par of such xpoon we ook

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue33 Dec 1992


    at oue, any naon that sted Ft Wold explotaton in n eo t conl t own deny wldatomatcaly b ou enemy by vte o o membehip o the wete alnce

    Nuclea weapn on vng Uned Sate wahp whaeve the ytem o popon eman abanal e o New alnde In the pat he publc pteted agan vt o nucle-capableveel beca hey we New Zaland' oly concete pont o contact wth nclea weap Oman way o acng agant he eon and hatened e nuclea weapo on a global cale weeby poteng he lmot cetn peence o nclea weapo on vg mlty veel d late bydcang oelve om nlea atege n a omal way thgh the ncleae leglatnTho ac wee vey eetve at dcng wold attenton twad he dange d llegmacy we a detcn

    O td eman mpotant becaue, depte cut n numbe he wean l pet n vat aenthat c globy deployed; the pblem wll al man that they cold be bght to NewZand The ncle wean that we n US Navy veel a ll avaable edeloyment thUS goveent decde t a ned n ome peceved c tan The ew Zeaandgveentand people w not told ny ch change deploymt nd the nethe cono deny polcr wll conne t a ou nuclea gnnce dung the whch coud nvlvev t New alnd by US nd/ UK navl veel Thi a nt whch pponent o chng te

    ncle e polcy cnvenenly gno

    Chmky, N 992 Deteng Democcy Hll and Wng, New Yo p 59

    "Sbject: mv o tacal nclea weapon" Deene Depaent Rpot tancpt PeteWlm, kemn 2 Jly 992 EPF40 Wllm "We have fmed at t [nee cmn deny lcy] hod eman n eect o ll o oce boh ea baed and land baed Btcaue o e change n oudeplment poli -- e ult o he Pdent Sepmbnuclea ave t been moded The net conm no deny tatement wll now ead,qote is general US policy notdeploy nuclear weapo aboard sace shis, ttack

    smarines naval aircqt Hover, we not discuss the resence or asence nuclearweons aoard specic sips, sumarines or aircrqt'" [empha added3 "Tnynke o mn nd" WM An and No Bulletin of the Atomic Scintists Apl

    992 pp 24254 Fm Hohma to the Hage, A Gude to the Wold Cou Poect, Keh Motheon

    Intaon Peace Beau Geneva, 9925 Letteto hte m Bh Hgh Commn Wlngton 3 Jne 9926. Kep bldng hoe bomb" H Gteo, New Scienst 2 Otbe 997. "Nato ategy alow e o nke t", Dominion 2 May 9928 vn Moy 988 A Legacy o he Reagn Doctne Intenty Coct n Lo Intensi

    Conict: Theo and Pactice in Central America and Southeast Asia d by Bay Crandane McKay be Unvey Ine o Latn Amecan Sde Monah Unvety

    Cen Soheat Aan Stde pp 999 Mchael !ae 98 eyond the Vitnam Syndrome Snterentionism n the 1980s. Intte

    frPcy Sde Wahngn, DC p 610 Zealand Deence Reie 983 p 8


  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue33 Dec 1992


    n Nuclear-powered Vessels ad lliaces dend y he Bolger Goveet the debate ut nuclear proon is bout whee t in-hzads of nava ac oueigh the advatag of a mpo of visi vessels of e US UK navies and ssily ose ofother contie, eve the exSoviet Unio econ ae t

    whaeer the hazard assocaed i nuclear ppsio, the advatages for ew Zlad of US vat visit n the contxtof the ANZUS alac whch does not include the UK quie negigble inotegave is e US raer thn New Zaand whch obtas ts m po isi d if poii be made at al shod o es dictated byNew Zeaad r by h U

    Ioe he S Nv mke fe c?Te ofcia US Nay Ojeives of visits to foi rt in he Pacic sucn x!s doume caed "Port visis b US avy ships to foreign ontes n Pacic Com[CNACST 3128.3] heir enry these ason are:

    Ptet US inrests and suprt US lices n foi cone

    b Aist US epresetavs aboad in he diharge of heir sposibit

    c Oban logiscs suprt

    d berty Le, shore leave] ad creao.

    e Aa fsato.

    l b that ve objecves a dIrecy rlated to sevi US Thee s no ofg aance obgaons towards smaler es no meno of ppag o defend sme

    as aganst agssie par Neither are the possibilitie xcluded A fmiasaoforexmple old we be in preparon for defendig a nation withn at area bu it cod equ bforaacng a naon n that area These Oeves have bee pmgated by te US PiCommaeri-Chieffor e beneft of the dividual ship ommder so we n a y arhe al' or oaonal' reaso for visit.

    The S entl annnces other asons for makig visits ason itded o make god impsion on the pubc raer to exps a obecve can be dbd dlaaoreaos A e height of the conve over uclear po sit for example, US mbssador o NewZeald Marndell said in her rt foal nteiew that po visi e sea csWhout m the abiity of he nIted States it ommiens nder he ANZUS ay and

    o it n maig srty in the South Paci gon wold hamr" i ufo thno N ovet ems ever to have uestioned t obvious oadctons bewee t decpoes and the raonal licies of the US Navy

    ys objtv n he PcUS obeces in maintaning n enoous miary pene he Paci were geesed he containme of he Soviet Uio The recent demise o Sove no soof cdible a has thefore bee expected o lead t a dese in US mta a ll h ng, bcause he Soviet threat ered s a ptex fo ongoing USmita ereon

    TrWo ounies. The min chage hrefo is thatthe US is ow foedt b a lte mre hones

    u its reo formaianng by far the most powel miliay esablismof ay na n e

    aci. As f s sgic ncear wepons coneed, e Pcic h nw be mr imptfo hosng US uearweaps n bfo,tto incee le Td

    misles re t vuneabd-baed missiles such as Minutem.

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    Tdia US oecives ar luratd by a samet Admirl Ha D Tran a USCngssi Cmmie i 180 He said a" with or wtu the tha f he bugeg SovieNavy th Utd Saes reqs wldwde mim surty er wh wuld sek o deny usaccess o o ngy ur aw mateils d ur adig paers By ou eergy and raw materis hmet f ou enrgy suces ad raw materials f ird Wd curies d i pacularMddle Eas o

    A 989 US Coessia Rsarch Seric par said"US is in secu access through Oceaa ast gon ncludig Ausa New Zad and the sm isld couts i e cnl d SuhPacc Oc - is grar ody ha at any tme sc h nd of Wod W The Asi-Paicgi ha m iceas im f US omi delont d cuty conce,"

    Acordg o Gge Shtz Sta o Sta at im NZ we nucarf Amrca's neress ne gin d e int fds ru a ong d nt U S psec n ee pa h Pc

    Wthe demis th So that l hs chgd US my even caims that isAmeric ha is eeded n mo now e pt. Rcet nessoa tsmony2 nudee fowig:

    our gon tests i Asa wil remain smila to he we hae pursu i pa . wbeee that forwa presc in h Asia Pacic go wi remi iticaL

    "The ed of the Cld Wa.. does n ma he ed f militry riry mong aions . I dsot men end f gge fr pwer ad nu, It may wl man incased instabltypdictability d ece ,

    "i is e Tird Wold regos whe mny f u vl ite lie the sd owintesiy t (C) ana

    One f he prbms fr he S caused by th oss f the Svit tha is at th US s now ding ihader get r acess fo ts nava shps ad uppr fm its lis I is lik th 970s l over agAcc US Nay esmy to Congss the moe wards relato of esis etweeWhgon d Msw has raed percepon mg some i e gi at Svie militryapabiy te Paci is n ga mae o mao ce. Sm ging qusin thned for h smems dicut ic ad miry eos s necessa to maian th vigr of urfrmewrk"

    The diio of the hpp ejc US mily bas s of cour he maj xple f he USmiliary ng ven ls wme i Pacic bfo The nd ct for New Zd f is

    increasig popuay o US miltary forcs s a just as n h 970s w r liely o cme udergreate prssr pod mr acess,

    Nu pn a a s e hs ann ees r ur p on nr prpln four cms of na-poeedvssel h y offi th dfnv e, f we hooe adm hm w w ndcg o s osty aggsi US mtr activities

    T m inuos submeged gurtee heirn pe a n mss ing w wars of he Pacicn m 0% a couple f a3 smn rg so e ps s nt dcly

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue33 Dec 1992



    levnt to e NZ debate The 1960 visit of e Halib (see econ on U Ndisplay below) was a once-only air


    2. Arf carrier Tese massve esss have pdigous rgy qumes or etngto deployment areas at gh speeds nd hen mang high ss le glachd and coved ey have o ca enoous quns ofa

    el, h l

    space le for shp el, d hnce the US Navy woud pfer nerly US if c t bnucleawered Air ces are he pmry shpclass for US ntrnia waagastsmaer coute whch in y way chalenge US gemony e ae n to visit New Zed however The 964 visit of the E (low el pa

    3 Attack subrne. Aack submarns foerly concetated on he mp aigSoiet stgc issile submanes and, if necssry p-empely dyg 'e. connes ut hs downgrded now t the Commonwe of S longer stgc submanes out n Pacic watrs and no loner er-su msi on t US Ack submanes a also ery mrtant re a

    war aganst raq, ing paculrly suited snkng suac sig meant d enmy aack submanes US aak sumallg In O mdeeavy use of Ausin pots while vsits 0 NZ wer pc po

    4 Gid miile rue Cruirs ae bigger, mor healyad vesels h dsye ndgats nd are dsigd to opte hghat envoents in hgins namnei!her indndeny or as so for arcra carre. Nuclrweed clfor sorts of oratons ad e enoous expe of nue opo e spd w whch hey can avel great distances whout elig ur US jnte= rapdydevelopng crses Durg e '70s US ongssionl tmony w mp !hese s alegedy jusng eir cos e 80s he ws less uim bgnucerpropled ae vesses In e 's as e US loses ba il bb mo tstin tem, although hgh costs ma be phbie Clawd cus mt como nclearprolled isito NZ and re ey o m mmn the uld NZ decide admit hem

    Unte Stat Navvit to New ZealanUS N iss to ew Zld began long befo od Wa at les f ck T oWag when ssels of the US Nay Anc Exditon of ommodW By sla T "Grat hte Feet uder Admira Perr put ino Auck in ih wodwide gaving ur e biggest isit of was 1925 when almos S in Zs four an os as pa of a deploment itendd to demot US al! k

    Jap Sin Wold War a tota of 229 US milir ships have made 73 n N ODpw ssible for 490 fhese in suppr of Antacc acve h of man inerest nd they a shown i gphca fon in gre T cni of Exte Relao d Tade ERT) les f sp Md chrked stcoprary pess r

    Por isi World Wa nto 6 cealy dened peods:

    Aftermah of World War Seer ships isite e wke B's Aac exton udou por, Tisw follow bya one US warshp at al cme despite these ng he k ye h e

    Uon w supsdlymo aggssv, expionist ad daneut,at

    ay mbfror

    sice. Itis noworh theANZUSTreay was sgned n hmdl tgap, bu w

    exofa gh prfle visit be cer Tarwa in 1954 he US d ot av muchrs

    v o e e

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue33 Dec 1992





    Visits to New Zealand (including Cook Islands) by United States Military Ships

    (exluding Operation Deepfreeze vessels). from Wrld a o he pese

    Ty 01 ipAr rA o pC CG g t = syrT oy lr 0 fg D DHQ = h md s D DI krL = (g sus, go} D D or k D DS scnc gpy a) D DR & D DST se nr D DSub 1 sbn

    D DD D

    D D DD D


    P 1 Po

    1 4

    h ppar _ U ii cc

    Wthn h umn wr vs n gn hv m ow" ge essels

    Po P 6

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue33 Dec 1992



    2 Z A pleaant place fo soe eae". Te US Nay in 95 6 seed sddenly 'discoeNZ and US pt visi in ths peiod wee mo fquent at ay othe me befoe o sice Adcumet e R es indicats that the Navy fod New Zeaand be "a peant placefo sho leae Mos of e ships were on he way to he Taiw Sas crisis, in wch e USwa prtcng Tawa m he mainand nes Goveen

    3 Ncle day. It was in e od 196066 at ncler-pped sh t came to ewZead I 1960 the gided missie sbmane Hut isid ad pudy displayed i nceartd Regulu missile Acad ad elign I 964 t nceapowed carrer e Enrs, sited Welington together wi two nur-pweed cises in hecoe o wodwide ise ntended impss ends and en enemies wi he globaeach of US ncle weapons and nclr ppusion Apa m this e US Nay showed lieintest in New Zead in his rd

    4 Vieam Wa Fm mid1966 nl late 197 US Navy ships we ing at he te of abutone a moh mo in coecion wi he Viem wa Shs ng m Vieam dy

    e US we clg o pvide R&R ir cws and as p of a ppaganda efot en ehusiasm in e N pubic fo he unpr Ve war and remind NewZee hat e US was smehow pcing hir intes by naining he Viemesemce to e fe wod. Ship visis we md cincide with aeaies of e Bale ofhe Cr Sea, when the US Nay supsdy savd NZ m Japane inasion No nucepled shp visied in parcr becau m 1 971 onwds NZ Goveen sed topei hem on he gods at he US resd accept liabity for nclea acciden

    5 Mudoon er Nuearsing ew Zala Fm 1976 ay 198 ships wee visiing t he raof one evey o monh moy for l ps Prme Minsr Rob Mdon wa ner and tly eager pvoe domc ic cnnon he nsistd on iingthe unplar Souh Acn Spngbs to our rgby fed nd nucawed vesses to oup The So can nd US Goe we ony wlig to oblge is w aped whn cnc at nucear wer haza was incing wodwde, ad he US Navywa hving incrang diclty obtining po ac fo i nucler vsel Egypt for exampleoay bnnd nuceapwer of he i Sez C ernng he NZ n-nuearmovement seemed be a high poiy ofthe US Nay, no doubt a pr of a crdindam get nmpeded acess to mo impr prs elehe hs od we hecelebd cononatios e NZ peae squadn and he nuceappelled Ttu LonBch Pn HOd ex Pn and Qu. Non-nucearpoed shps made aspec out of mkng godwil vsits all e ale NZ pncil pts. I e ptfusd on e impnding Tdent sbmane prgmme place t agig Polaris a) andhe expnding commeil nclear industy her han on foi nl visi

    6 Nuclefe ea No isits I 1984 New Zeaand became nclearfe wi he elecon ofe Lange Goeen and Laurs nclear- licy (he pcy became aw in 1987 ea iolaon of its supposed NZUS cmmiens he US ct o al mia contacs wihNew Zand, nd no sps visited Een visi by Oprion Deepez shps ed enrely

    n a his hi it is obvious hat isits incudng paicuay e nuapwed onessred US nts er NZ ineet Visi were made fo a ooa os pideR&R o fo ps of jont execises wi e Ausia and New ad naes o b) fo icleaos pmly geneng Z enhusiam f he e Tiwn St opeon the e w, ndfo US nlc weapn d nuclea ppion and pmote he wode f nuea pwe

    oher wods we ee US ppses and none seed NZ pps ess one wishes arge at the NZ Navy es m ng in it eeies desigd dvelop apabes foatackng and vadng ohe tes y e of e eerises pued o be cced wit

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    ' defending New Zealad - te Longex exeise f 19 nd even on ths ocasion he eercse wastimed t concide with e N election ad ws undoubtedy held for plical purposes

    The only net" New Zelad cold lim to have civd from these visits was income derved fromte sle of soeni hospitality" and liquor (miitay vessels do not pay noa port fes)

    P ss d he Aline.Ther is nong n he tet o e ANZUS Treaty which says hat a juor ly has to accpt visits bynclea-polled hps. Nor s e nythng in e text whch gives he US e rght nlaly todica e condiions of New lnd parcipaon in ANZUS The ANZUS Treaty is a befgeney-worded dome whose mn provisions a for consulon among he signoriesHoweve e facs of he maer are hat he US has usped he aliance activies inluding militaeecises sharing of intelligece d meengs hat hd evlved wih New Zeland ad Ausaia oee years, nd insead enered to a co bilater alince wi Ausrla

    A nt auoitve po o he state of the Ausla-NZ-US rlaonp, by he Hawi-bsedUSIA EastWet Cenr ss off by notig hat he er of oert llins is over and hat ANZUS isnow dsnconal in hat it is seen s a bullyg laonsip and at moe subtle meas for sengNZ ompline wih US aims wi neded in ure4

    cl; ship ss by he vesThe ny oher nation lkely o mke eiher nucler-wered or nule- weapon-capable ship visits toNew ald is Gat Britai Brtain has, like he US, remoed nucler wpons fm ll its vesselsoher th e strategic missile submarnes Howeer he Brih Navy has no nuclear-pwered suracships nd Btsh nuclea-powered atck submarines hae rrly deployd to he Pacic in e past and hus ukely to visit New elad in he near tu er is nly oy one ble BriishPolis stgic submarine My Brish nuclear-wed submris experiencing seus

    oronl prblems due to cracks in e acto Frnce has on one occion deplyed a nulrpowere sbmarine to the Pacic in suprt f he operation agst the Rinbow Wior. It is hard toimagine een Glic ga being ufcint for Frce to rquest nuclear access to NZ r or a Zgveent g bve enough to grant it5


    The US Navy mkes port clls in fig countries sere its own objectives, irrspecive of wheherese coincde wh or dier fom host naion obectives Apr om sml gin of fori exchngehe is no eviden of New alnd directy benetng from such visi

    US navl acvity in gerl has virtu no le i defendng US tertory or soveiy, but isconeed a1r with maintaiig US dominaion over he Pacic mintining US accss to othernaion sou US mla ctivies mosy oeive aer h defensive in ntr nd ainerenona, pvocative ad destablising New Zland s inrst in no ay sered bysuppng such acivity f w d defec d secury lanhips at all we should b developinghem wih ohe aios i ou p of he wol wih similr iteres nd in a simr strategic siatoto ouve

    Q ap m safety o uear populson l e comple issues associatd wih the enrenle el cy ating nlear wte we should partuarly way of hstng nuclepowed es e een more ne for oensive specs of US milia actvity hana o ss

    A exmao of e histPj ofU S av pr cls i New Zad shows at nav visi her have

    ot di fm e no of upg U bjecves aer ln host naon interests. Te US

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    shwed no resect for New Zealand sovereiy or diity in is ampt ly us into drig ournuclee legislaion

    T ANZUS aiance never bneted New Zealand in any way and since demise of e SEATOrlaonship in 97 it s seed a a veicle for secng N s for US miitay advenismelw


    Evng ! 0 Sept 979.2 S quot in alk May 992 p -83 Pan Ma 99 p 2. "Ausaa New Zealad, and e Unied Sas Fy yea of aiance laons Rept

    of a sdy pject" Rchard W Ber EtWes Cenr nona Reaios c-snsrd by he Auaian of Inonal Affairs and theIs f Policy Stuies Weingon Sepmr 99 p xi

    t is motely ssible ha Soviet icebakers might sart orng in Anaic water

    i ti "oseason", i which case N por visis might e requested.

    V Nucearpropusion a thegoba eviromete "safy of nucarerd vsses h en ery naowly dned i e conet of theGeent review My of he consequces of nuclear power eher miliary or civiian, areadyexs nd of muc onger du h ose at migt e caused by acciet a harourThoe poblems inue he envinml impats of he nuclear e cycle and he dissal of rrd

    ucleawed vess and nucar weapons The onsequences of nuear ower are gobal And itshod recosed here many mor nucer ractors on he sea (amos al of them mir)ta on land Alhoug nava ao aer andbased acors heir mobii mns t heconquences of clar accidens ! acto and weans) have he enal o cover mos of egloe including t lar ons

    he e f nuclear co to pduce eleccal energy is n envinmenly ous tecmoogy thathas aady pducd my dangeus and exsive acidents The s of hese acciden and heaae sbsJdisaon of h nucear indusy via he miiar and via goee es ondew coss of acciden hav ben saggering but widely unaciad coss and pubicsusiies hve en igh on a gobal scale it is ikey at nuclear wer is not economicayfeasibe nd never b Ecoomic css and coss to the gobal ient coninu to mout

    ih each new nuc ant accident. Le numbrs of aging nucar wer plans, including navanes nc he poiiy of oher Cheoylsize accident

    V fw vilian mmeial nucler actos a ing built at psent none in e United Saes) andmy ones wih ang reaco wi not place them because of high costs of decommisioningepaement nd environmenta pblems including dispos o rdioacve wat Mane eac nomic shown by uuccess eots by severl conies to deveop cmmea nuceap shi Oy miiary appcaons fe of norma conomic conant have peitted eveoment ad deploymt of marne reactos

    e nucle deate has ways een aut helh n saety: aut e toicology eidemiology ofran Iomon on hes maes has e ccumulag i scienc ad medicl iteraure at anv ici e over vel decades at i ts st vme since 958 is now

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    pd aey coveng a aspc of rdiaon nd heh The accumulag buk of serchp is ladig o he iescapable cocsion tht e is o loger y vible ocept of thrsholdor "safe dose or rdiao

    Radiat is a pacully ilent toxi havig ot only he potentl to iure d kill cells, but so tol d ndmently lter them incresig prcuary the risk of vios cncers oer heem o he ectd ndiidl Of even grar conce is he uher capcity to lter prodciegenes so a fue generios a ivocbly dmged


    A en estime he year 2ofhe addiol ft ncs cused by mility testing of more ha waos was This is p of te legacy of relesed rdiation hat hs occurd ine lce w A te rt o tat lec escps rom commerci er rctors e esimaed at e or so cler ctos wod-wide, ee if hey cotie o operte at se s level wl lose caesim37 into e eionent motg to 6 Cheobyla e 25 yeas qute without oer accdet

    Theminng of um o, e enrichmet reprocessig d rnton of uler materis, d he

    lge old blemsofcler wste stoge, paticuay for high level wastes om nuearracto rcs,6 aalas to he envinent d to hum sfety.

    Pesg nm for use i reactors nd bombs begins wih extrction fm seer differen types ofgeologal scered und the globe This is also the ginng of eviet pblemsU s oacve nd decays to other elements, some of which lo rdioactive, icludigadm22 d rdo222 gs. The gs escps when the o is mined nd its decay prodces modioce eleme some of whch contminte dust prcles that peate he air round an activem or widblow mne tlngs The dnger to miers from lug ccr csed by inhlg rdioctivedst as kown sic the 1930s.

    Miig was re rdoactive nd chemicly toxic The solid ings have accmulad s vst

    adioae moi mine sites Wid nd ter eosion hs movd thee wstes into eby vers lcaon causig seros pouon of domestc water supplies dim seeks boe i the bodyd mor dge ha sum90 Thosds of litres of quid wste are generatd per tonne ofme d inate soil nd wter.

    ee is ecss to concentat e desired ssionble isoto U235, to leels ht ws a eacion e enichme process is dicult and dngeous producing urumhexalud, "ex" s his matr is ced is a highly corosive, ctive gs tht equirsx ar i g Ths pcess quis vst mouts of elecrcl eney which i the US wsrg pd m spmid co bued i then power plts T iro in s fact sholdt esp h of adoates of en nucler power

    t s estiy te provice of he goee der mitay auspices hough tca e 1970. e Daet of Energy currntly mges he US enhment pogrmme.v d o b tid into e enichme field bcause of the eoous costs involed budg d oang echme facit nd the sks hat insufcient commerci cstomersmgt e e a radioae white elephnt ad ncil in Ciilin enchmennpse lgely in the 190s gaty complicag the prblem of segudigsp am d ptom he ater from yet aoher epesie nd dgeus psig.

    fe mv m ay cl ector ter a peod of oprtio conais a large umbr ofroaiv incug putm. (a ractors becuse of he high echmet nd highmn-lU)" fuls, ite lnium239) Sice e days o he hattn rojectO g ued fssle matera that cn suppleme limited suppis of U235 !m ad bmbs h lopment of breedr ac o a larg sale would create a

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue33 Dec 1992



    bal pluum econmy In fact Japan's beder progmme l t te t large commercaspment f plutonium, over ne tnne om Fce in Novembr 192. Many countes along poiblehppng utes (which emaned sect for secui rass) have expessed conce abut the dangesf ting plunium The ony soure of plutonium is nuclear actos whose but fuels must berepcessed in rder to cover te plutonium. his is why nucler pwer aco have always beenidend as an inhent f nuear wean producon

    luum s an expesive and dangerous commodty b physical and litica senses e divngf bhnd it has bnuclar miitasm; te pduction meld has bnular racto

    "It [plunum] is g stckpled aund e wrld w no idea f what is o ome f it or how tokeep it fm udeging e gm meamhoss nt bombs 7 Plutoniums hgh toxicity is due t itsrdiactivy. It wod hard imagine a wose subsc t use as e bais for a global energyeconmy a vualy lmless el, but e vital indient for envinmental devastation

    "T Candor repo ppa for Americn Secreta of Stat Dan Aeson in 19 came to adiaying onlusion even by hat e it hd become impossible o be f he wheeu of e wrlds ptnim. I he ensung decades his pblem has incesed tenthousandfld

    he s f he nud ans an pwrIn enmic rms e nuclea weas indusy consum nnualy bions of dolas, al dived mbaic humn needs lean water f, heal, ucatin and husing Nulear weapns puconcsumes hn energ and sienfc and engineeing exse in an exavagant, waeful nhuma endeavour language of the indus is dsied pcicay to enable ts worke tavoid g about the l of their laus Thus e have an aeady iluo conept of sfedo" a b fo wokplace ated in eommend dose" and levels of danreed beng desd as "wihin norm pscrd limis" as if daon we necessar t healthBmb pls in S maquede der such bland names a the Fed Maeas Pducon ntein Fed Ohi "Savannah iver Naon imenta Reseach Pak.9 Boh of te ls

    mong o n t wens ducon sstem have leaked siiant amun of adionuclides ntthe enviment

    These a contnue and add to e widespe damage t human and other fs oflife wch patnucl cden hav pduced It is not widely own hat the Cheobyl accident was bggtsine noc dsar wod hoy he eonm oss f the nuclear plant and it eeciuut has en dwaedby e damage to human and aml life and by he loss fiving space anble f and

    The sts of acde eend fr beynd hum heath and direct enomc losses: accden atMle sland )nucea acor in 1979 pvides a drmac demoon that faco des

    injry d d damage mse srous costs Despit e fact at not a singe peon didnd few if n latent ccer fatliies re excted n ther accident in our histry hs roduc suchcy cel impas

    We c ancpate her fos f nuclear acdent resung frm nuclear wstes accumulng pmayin leaky mpora surace stage many countries aund e world incasng nmr of hosecuntres s liely be in e hi World where ecnomic desan may dve gvements tacpt ncear nd oxic wes m develped cuntries i u fr fregn exchnge Of money to payf mssie fig debs to se same rst world

    mpts n n to o th ther own high-level nuclear wss by dep burial have cost bilions funds nd have yet eld ny pemaent slun

    t esmat at t cst f ceaning up e mmdiate vcinity f the nuclea instaaon e U wold penly eceed US$0 blion Even s would nly b washng-dwn scrag ups ying radacive matal vy expnsive bt s nly empra view of he fact

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    tat ome nucear isoops in wasts a vy long-lived, psisng for hundds or thousnds of years.Navl nucler actors account for a lavly sml protion of hi-levl wasts. But th pblm ofobslt nucler vesls remns: their power plan r moderatly radioacve and must evnuy bdalt with This dcommissioning pcess alone is mrging as a major envinmntal chang forwich here is a yet no solution The sevra hundd naval acto in xistnc in sevralnuclear navis

    New Zealan's enronmenta role

    As New Zender w hav wilingly takn some eps cur our contbutons globalnvironment pblems nd a oen prepaed to tk lead in enviromenl plicy plning. Thisas ben he ae i our aempt to duc emiions of chloroluocarbon (CFC) gass hatndger saospheric ozon nd missions of grenhos gases includng CO2 nd nitrus oxidNO). nal for enviromental dage has bn a major reason w a jected nucareacor which produc powr1 or ppl ships13


    1 . R.D Pol d 1979 T Nugg Fl: x fm gmn' palJl n nulapw an an an f Union of Conced Scintists. Cambridg Mass

    T US PceAnderson Act of 1957 imits e liability of the nuclear ndusry in the case oaccidnts Wihout his indusry proecion by t Ameicn txpayer it is doubl hat nuclarpowr woud hav n developd in the US Watr Paeron 1976 Na Pw PenguinBooks pp 230-23.

    Biologicl eec ofioising radiaion V. 1990. National Riation Couni of th US Acadmyof Sciences

    4 Inetionl Physicins for Prevenon of Nuclar War. 1991 Raa avn an aAx ss.

    5 J Gofman 19 Raan nu an fm l-d xu Book Division pp17-25

    6 "Th gopolics of nucear wte, Eliot Marhll Sn 22 Fbrary 1991, pp 864-867 W Paron 184. T Plunum Bun and Spa f Bmb Grnada Pbing,

    Londo p vi Paon 984 p 199 Te Candor Repor was a repr on the blak prspects of inteation

    conol of nucler marils was prpad by pn chaired by Robe Oppenheimr, head ofthe Mhatt Project

    9 R. Dl Tdici 1987 A Wk n Fl f mbD Prcepion of rsk P Slovic, 1987, Sn 236:21 Bitain ushs throu plans for undrground nucl sor Nw Sn Octor 190, p Rep o h New Zelnd Govent of th Fc Finding Group on Nlr Powr 977

    Goveent Printer, Wlington

    1 T Nucla-Fr Act psed by Nw Zealand Prlimn in Jun of 19

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    V Nucear-free mage, theeconoy ad trade gumet most uenly ised b oppont of e nuclear-lc is hat he lic ha New alnd's ade, No evdence is ever pvided to sup tht connon. In ths seonwe show at in fact he opposi is tue

    Te New Zeland eonom h undegone immee chages dung the pst to decades mansg m chnges in New Zelands ading laonshps adg lionships on wchNew aland's Eun enom ws built hve all bt go: le ooil compaes ike theBohwicks meat exg comp hve dspaed during the p eas Btain has tou nd e Comonwe h ced o n economic ommunt

    Fo Nw alnd exe nd pduce hs h demanded rpid chages d diveaon huge Bockt ezing wo fo exmple have eplced b alle wos whch nowproess mea in spal w o new nd divee maes

    chag n ding lins seen the stiscs Fgs V d V show upe (whch

    man mens Bitin) bing ep b Asia s New Zeds man ex mat1

    Six of New Zads op dng pes i 99 wee An and s Asi couties whereexr grwng most pid New Zlnds eonomc t les on developng derst ofde ltohps lmot cen wth fous on As

    Te sgce of hese nds to New nd's ncleafe lic is at he ntess hve cg amil in cen decades Mn of he new expo conacts and maet and tosmwch e Nw Zeland enom is now lant un had nong to do h New Zelnd's "tdoni new ading laonshp have ben developd cause he adonal es ed to vdesu fo ew nd conom

    New Zelan mst judge i ntes as he now not s e e in the 9 nd 6s ededen elaonshp which New Zlnd hd h Btan nd e Uited tates in he postWodW od fomed he bs of he mi linces dominted b ese to coes

    F v " d V 2 - -" J-

    ' . ". ,

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue33 Dec 1992


    Bt in the 1 i is no longe arpiate or necessry fo New Zealad to judge nation policies likehe nclear-e cy through he eyes of its "tditonal aies. One p of hs asessme is tocoser e eect of he nucear-fe policy on New Zelds evolving adig relaonships and so on

    the ecnomy.

    What naurl comtive adntages does New Zealand have in inteationa ade?

    One is hat as a sothe hemisphere country New Zeald ca pply seasonl poduce o northe

    hemispher shops durng he off-season that siaon for example New Zealad apples competewith apples m sohe Afca ad Sou America in Eupen maet.

    er advange is a ve cheap gssbsed' prd range: meat d and wool The delne ofdiionl Epe markets or hese hs quird a apid diversication of market oheradvntage i go mate for rapid gw of plnaon fosts. Hee New Zed comtes witoer cotes i a simiar posion noably Chile whch has large pltations

    Also, tere smler sale enterpises aming at nche markes for example mussels culvated iisolated pars of New Zealnd ad air-eigted to he West Coast of he United Staes And of courehe is New nd s putaion as an unspilt turst destnation Tourism is now New Zealands

    single largest soe of overes incme

    In ll of hese cses New Zealand prduces exps nd tourism ople have reised the advatageprvided by New Zealad's clean gen' eptaon.

    New ald tmr compaies for exmple, have recenty lanched a major inteaiona pmooncampign psenng New Zelnd as the wold's envirmentaly sound imber d wood fibre soure.

    New Zelads ncere polcy has graly ehanced and pbcised hs clea gen mage prbablymo tha ay oher facor The nclearee lcy h pvid an unepecte compve advtageto New Zand cmpanies d pdcer ords by building on his incresingly import marketngimage.

    The nulear image ws built n or naonl jecon of nclear amed ad powered vessels but italso dveses he absece of nuclear pwer geneon in hs conry. It generly evokes an image ofa contry removed m he worst conseqences of nclear tecology

    For emple exs of New d wines to Sween have ncease in ecent years "New Zeand' sbig b nto he Swedih arket ce aer he Cheobyl nle reacr melt-dow. Therewe fer Ern wine was ing ntminated.2

    diaon mong pgrmme is conducd by or adiaon laratoes at Christchurch and LowerHtt to provide " a wng of ay nf of aril rdioacvity in he rgon, from y soure. The

    Chebyl nclear acr disster of 26 May 196 hghlighted he ned to be able o efecvelymonr e impact of incidents which may gve se to asnday effects even in countes rmotefmhe incident. New Zealnd as an agiculual food pung cony is paricularly vulnerable osuch even3

    If the nclearfree law we ged to ow nucear-powerd essels to visit New Zealand here would inteation public ht New Zalad had stopped eing nclea-ee Ths is e lastadveisemen in e wod ht New nd needs for is exrers ad toism indust. We woldlo spil nuclea-free icenive for overseas cusmes by our griculrl producsComtito wod step in ky d aggrsiey to tke advang of our abndoment of henlear-f mage

    At a me wn ew Zd en ready hs seve pblems we simpy cannot aord tothw awa oe of ou mot pot copetiie advantges for n apparnt economic or securitygain

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue33 Dec 1992


    T foowing qotes pss how some op ditly involved in pmoon of erts andu tse isues:

    Owen Je psident of Federated Faes Fdetd Faers is not awa of any ce wheour nt nule-fee licy a hindrae o ade. Inded, evidene is mounng ofit ingan ange4 InteViewed by ME magazine, said that a vea of e nucear-fe plicy wold


    Jo MDnd, mdicor of the ompany pruing ad makengNew Zeaad Natlmine wer sys his meng stratgy is basd un shwng New d n nlud adce evionmen For his mp "to kp on making ads oveseas Ne alnd' s ean agehd maintad e Goveents moves to age New als an-nuclea san wiluce ovese demand for podut maetd on a clea gen image ,6

    a Leisur, a Amecn magazine selling over one millon coes a monh, a siason on New d n Novemr 1991 whch dcrid New aland as he envinmentaldeaon of he 990s ouism Mnistr ohn Banks d publicaon psened "e big me i old New Zealad

    Kikou Ditt Council "Kakoras n enviment is a siiant dawcd for man overestots [aikoura Disict) Counil as tav of the loal mmuniy, lee that pal oramdment e eisng nucea-ee legislaton wold bady damage New Zealand's g putaonoe118

    n Fr! New Zlnd's ommisioner Gnel for EX 92 "New Zealds clea green age isimtan avilion wl iorcing ths. We a makig this statement to a gup of plew ve in he most lled most congested aa of e wod New aland' s nucle- iage isl ant d ' be ming ts in as we did Ex 88. 9

    Hower oi Minister n Mcinon ratdly arges that he nulea-e y dmages Newalands de wi Unitd Stats e any bais to is alegaon? e Trade NgoaonsMir, Pp not Wen asked aut e ned to de blok with miiyblo Buon resndd e may a oiidental orraon but hem as havg yaumatc kage siply is neither cort or resile"

    To dte e is no ublied evidene at al to u r con's Trade staiscs (sge V.I show tt the vlue of exrts to e Uid Stats rse fter tween 198 ad 1987, hene nule-licy wa esbished in e ris fo and ine The we conceivablyso nes of negave eaco for example we US ocials ed to inteede Nwalnds but the must ae had minor imac

    iard Notge, chif exeutie of M Mcon' s Minitry of Exte Relaos and Tre, tldjoi in gst 1991 hat the eonomic and trade laonshi wi he Ui Stats si the id980s hd bn ve very good 1 1 Septmr 1992, a new ade agement betwn NewZead nd the Unied Sates s sed, eng "he imne our wo govermnents plaeomng nd epandng our ade and invese es"

    A ly publhed sy rt of a maor sdy of the ANZUS lonship cncuded stANZU New ands defenc laons wh Astralia ntinue; onomi elaion US n n ad coperaion on oer issues pds apace emphass added

    A cmpson with Auralia pus eged ad "pblems" in rspectie Aa has accepted

    wed United Sates wahip visits, spos ANZUS, nd has pmied pe o Und Saes bes whih have bn acknowledged by the Gvenent as nuclear taesYe U as Goveent has no inteVe to stop tade pracces whch have boged Auin wheat ef sugr d coal mets

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    Anger t tee acon led coneae Australia faes to ptest during Pesident Bshs ecent visitto Aua And i an earlir potest they us the tracto to wreck he chaed gate of an AmecanNASA paceckg base in West Asalia

    A vo on thede argent ed by goeent ocials is a the ay have been lile daageto de but t te uclerfee polcy sll has New Zealds f trade possibilies

    Shortly aer ssie changes to he nuclear-e policy we nonced late 1991 Nation ParyMemr of lime ceied a cndeal bieng m Mnisy of Etel Relation and Tade ocials4 The cenl theme of hat ieng was t GA1 inteaoal tradenegoaos were doomed to fail nd that New alands best chces for e tre econoically lay injoing a US de bloc probably e Nort Amercan Free Tade Ageement (NAA) Abandonngthe uclear-ee lcy, it was aged, wod lp New Zealand get into NAFTA

    The RT agment is seriosly awed. NA while cetd on the US nd Canada, is crenyg epded south into Mexico ad Latin Ameca The is increasig discssion in Asralia andNew ald aut tying t oin NAA e a many mtant issues involved i his subject bta major conideo is siply wheer w tpes of poducs New Zealand exprts, joing a adebloc wth te te Staes is help.

    The Unted States pduces a splus of daiy pduct which it has to dp n he wod aet t has a plenl supply of beef and sheep met These a New Zeands ain expo prodcts

    It mkes lte ene for New eald base is adng te on es wth couns which alady haa sulus of kd of pdcs we prodceBeides a Unted Stes' deciso to invite New ald to join NAF A wold of course based onwbeer it w ee to i he Uited States ecomic inrests The dieencs twen Newd d e Uited Staes in disaament and defence licies wold hae no o leance hanthey have had i Mexco's NIA negoaions.

    ality the Ne Zeald Goven's tradig objectis ly focsed on Asia, wih a recnteample g e "Asia 20" sema in Aucand

    he tde amet' apas oly to be used by pele whose prmay iteest is ndeining enulear-ee cy. is not herd om te ple actua iolved in tade; hey oen say ust heopsite eer qtes lsate

    A seior memr a New Zeal pducer gup descrd to te wer a recent beng he receivedfm ew mbassador Deis McLe i hington.16 He says at M McLean raied wthhim te ha wich New Zala' s clea-free lcy is casing o NS tade When asked toprode idee of dage, Mr McLen said it w dicult to gie cic eample but suggeteda he e ost oppornes he pducer grop epreentatie says hat he td r McLean

    he did ot e was ha ad hat if the was eer a l itce of a i or ef, orcasen oder ig lot owing to e nuclearfee licy, to please gie h a phone call ih eevidence.

    mably Mr McKinon ses the trade argment bcase his ain reson for opposing the ncleafe licy te wi to suppo e clear coments of a United States miliary alance has ittbcking e New Zealand public and is harder and hrder to js in the pstCold War pod

    In conclusio e is no evidnce t New Zalands ncler-ee licy has hamed ade Rather itshold viewed a a si and uch neded advanag for exre and he toust indsty Thewoud need lare ga lsewhere f allowg nucleapowed wahip visits to offst he

    disadantages such isits wol nlict on he ono


  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue33 Dec 1992


    1 e nd e sian Tiger", Raesh Domnion, 3 Ju 1992 V. 1 V2 m rce ur

    2 "'s nuclear-e plon a to Sedes" Chrtchurch Mail 23 July 1992 Noal Raaon Laory view for e y 19861, rstrch, New


    4 "Sustanble l management - a lausers scve", ch by On JennngsInteaonal Conference on sble agmt 1 8 Novemr 11

    5 "Nucler bn shows sis of meltdon" Bnwen Red, e Magazine, 27 June 126 " Splng N mage in dager" Jemy Ft, Christchurch Star. 1 8 Januay 1992. "NZ place go magaz tels S us", Suzanne Pola ofN in Los

    Angeles, Christchurh tr 1 1 Noemr 19918 G Nola, Dsct Manager Kakoura Dsct Cucl, leer t Hon D McKinon 1

    Sepmr 19929 n Fr qod te Dominion Su Tes 19 April 1210 Trnscpt Raio N Rural Report 22 cr 19911 1 Jon Schaer. Uted States Infoaon gency er, 1 1 Sepmber 1992

    12 "Rosier view ofannue lcy oed". Dominon 1 August 19911 "Ausa New Zealand, d Uned Ss: Fy ea ofalce lao Repof a sdy pojec chad W B$er Eastst Center Inteaona RelaonPrgram cssod by Ausa Iste of Inon Affars nd teInstu of Pcy Sdies Welngton Septemr 1991. p xi

    14 Unatbutable Naon Party .15 GTT=General Agment on Tas Tde16 Uabutble nteie

    VI.uearpoered e and ew eaad overeitFoi warshps vsg New Zala ad esss over whch e exert no noal leglconl on y ission he Imltder of soe conl to a fo ourttory l of conce in cas of embssies consus d e lke nd olwapsm otr endly cns vted or it to visit our Hower, man nulearractors pt \l t sfty d so we ay co ely io of noal legal cons wch ould ake ple if nuclear pd a onceagan lod visit our

    en a nuewed wah the erc or Bsh Nay ts a foi a

    ssu a s g dplomc ches rg t safety pcautons foow n coon w orons in home be sctly obsee Sc. nassu is vn at ng dischrged om e shp whch wod cause a msbleinc in the geral backgud dioacvit of e envient tt uing of visi, shp w ressble for envenal motong Thee is n assurnc tatapat authortes of the hos goveent be noed imedately n th ee n adentolvig racr of the warshp However. on- motong r c by nn ist itted as arsng out of a nclear incident nvolving a viing nucear-ed wp cosied be deat wth u dilomatc channels in accordance it cstmary pcedus for teselement o f ional cams

    Ce aut accides wi nuear wen at mght on-b vitig warps w dlt w

    faly in 196 In an exchnge of notes tween the US and New Zealand the US me ion t "Stnda Sament coerng lability i te case in-pr accident involving a nuclar

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue33 Dec 1992


    wean New Zealnd accepted h US plng wuld adequate to over such a sitaon But theplannng issue was complcated by neier n nor deny lcy whch meant that ny prplnning by New Zeand wold not diplomacy accepble


    The pssage of e nuclearfe lw n 198 dmed l such sunces and agements to indeqae for New Zelnd and bann nuleweed essels as well s nuclear weans fm ouretry as a measu make New nd nuclere and eby onbu to ans conrol anddsme d naonal secuty Bang nuclearwed sps was an impot meauconbung to the gene hst of nw law cuse it made it clear at visis by such vessels couldbrng no bnet wch was commee wih e sks nolved Up nl hen egulaon had mde itdicult for nuclearwed mehant sps f e hdl tat exisd) t visit New aland but lrelevnt eglary meses we waed for warsp in favu f accptng diplomatic assunces(D sl mainins a prcal bn on isis by nuclear-wed wrsips by sing to wie herelevant guo

    O f e mjor fars to consided n laon to he pona hazs psed by nuclear-poweredwarsp is issue of who is in cnl n e event of a mshap When nulear-wered shps visidNew Zeald previously, loc des desied eir own contngenc plns whout detaled knowledge

    of what acon would be en by e owne of t vessel n e eent of an accident Ts wsnecessry cause US miliar auores rese o coopeate wi the hos naon in te design pacicand execon of reacr accdent conngency plans. arguing at plans a unnecessa for pos which seldom visid e sccss of y congency plan dends on wheer it has designed toco wh he aca crmstces of e accident nd wheher ere is adequate cooperaon betweena pes inled

    In te event of dactive eese due to a nulear actor misap in a New Zelnd , a weexecut conngency pln should ble o duce e numr of casuales b local autoties woud gen the mnmum f infotion wch US mlay auotes consideed was nded for anapppt snse f it ws tugt at publc xsue o adian was going t min low cen level New nd uoes wod evtually be infoned vi Wsngton at n accident

    had cud At an exctd exposu level ve times ger adie t te immedae ptecvemeasures would noally b gen and execuon of e local conngeny l ould mmene Atinnediatleels. New Zend authotes would adised to take prepratoy sps to w hepublc tht ey shud rady o evacua a cean a

    Havng winy seed key elemens of is soei New Zealnd culd nt ins fignnnel t ake a aulr couse of acn 0 minmize to e local plaon in e event of arear miap We would not have adequate infonaon and we wold wholy dedent on headvice. infonaton and acio of nnel who a nswerabl not to New Zealn authoies. but toa forei goveent fr eir foance in a csis w potenaly seous consequences for Newalanders and heir envinmnt These are indeed gronds for mantanng a totl ban on isi bynuclearwe wahip

    Democcynd natona soverigtWhen he Nona Goveet inatd its view of he ban on nucle-weed wahps inSeptembr 99 it agued h mst public supr for New Zeald's nuclear-ee cy conceednule wens nd hat e ublc w not conced aut nucer-powerd essels

    A major opinin on nucerpowerd wrp wa conducted by e Naonl Busess Review in

    Octor 199 aer The p vealed ht % of he peple iniewed did not up chngng enuclear-f legislion ow nucer-powed wahips bac ino New Zealad prs Ony salentge foed chngin e legisation folowup pol by he NBR showed some decline from

    he 7% bu he w sl a ong epon of opnon agint chnging he leisation

    As mor sme a obect of nin idet and pide nd s a declrion of indendencehe nucee pcy h boe sng sm n New Zealand ife Not oy do New Zeaer

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue33 Dec 1992


    ovewmin ppo the nlear-ee licy they eved a clear d unambigouscint m Govemt fo e l elecon at e ncleare egislaon wold no baltd Th e ae imant iss cocng or democc inson hich must conidd n ation o n poposa to mod ou nuce-e stas

    Uness e Goveent cod onvince a ar majoy of New Zalande tat a cage e nceafe leon i id i ould thoroghly undemocc to amd i

    Written ubmiion to the lteative Committee on Nulear Sp Visit

    Li o son o Go

    Nw Zad Conci for Wod Peac Naal Oce2. Nw Zld Counci fo Wod Pace - ristchch Branch sup ee3 Wh Ind Peace Gup

    4 A Pao5 Pale Tano6 Jona Eisn7 Aucklad8. Whgai Pay Bch9 o Edwa Moon0 OHon1 1 e o Pece Lowe Hu12 Naon Cosle Commion Disaament Welgton13 B Ker-M4 Neon Ro Combned Pac Gps aman ectorate Suey15 Roald Hnve


  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue33 Dec 1992


    A 42. Frankvn Kuyk

    43 Bnny Moime Roger Mos4 Jue Wga C and Peace Grop (5 memr4 Aln Booth47 Ly hk8 Pete Kmme - Gree e, Whanga49 Ku Brme50 ohn C5 M Dk B Craig5 Mrgat Ma5 Bety eee S Ros6 Cao Bro Women's Eeora Lobby ( - Hmio (Jdy Pkard8 Hauk Bnh of Roya orst nd Bi Socety Waihee Islnd

    9 C Aukld (Ma Leadar60 Gena - Auckland Jacq Bngton)6 1 ey Easton addition to PHA submission Conngency plns fo nulea powered shp

    n additon the abve submsio Ateave Commiee ceived f s cabmssos ivuls Of ose submssions 1 suppored retentio of our ueaeeaw wiho on o mo of the ohbon on nuceapoweed vesel

    ndvd idicaed on e card at s/e ws in favour of removing he pohbiion on V

    Jont Submssons to the lternate Commttee on Nclear Shp Vstsand the Specal Commttee on Nuclear Propulson

    Lit o Peo ndGups










    Pb Hth Asiaton WengtonP ome of Memas Ui AuckandAln P. Smp Dt of yss Uiv AukdWomns Inetional Lage fo Peace nd eedom Aoearoa Seco Mauen Hoy)d Nao Assoiaon auie SaasWomens Ineona Lege fo Peae d eeom Wellngn Sou a Unwn)f bet E h Cen for Pea Studes Uni AuckndN Foudon fo Peae Stdies Auknd Mon Hanoc)E Subub ee Grup Aukd Sue Rawson)Wawhe-Loe Hu! Peace Gup A.P Quin)Medssbye lc Quson ommttee - Welgton Hele WonFen - Qaer ee d Sere - Ctchh Ma Tay)hitec g ea m Wlinn Dere Wlo FT B


    Dagn t Ege



  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue33 Dec 1992


  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue33 Dec 1992


    Sui to Pee Reeher

    Pubs snce 1983 nds yo su to co its work.Fou ues pr er, suo:

    NZ1 p er n Ne d; 20 p ea A Ml to Ausaia;NZ25 p yr A Ml lswh


    SptionDoaioTowl Ecl:

    Sd :P R 0 Box , Ll Uivrsity, Caerbur NZ

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue33 Dec 1992
