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Google Confidential and Proprietary 1 Perspectives on the Cloud Computing Prasad Ram Eng & Site Director Google India Pvt Ltd January 2009

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Perspectives on Cloud Computing by Dr Prasad Ram, Google India Site Director, keynote delivered at Cloud Symposium, as part of Compute 2009, ACM Bangalore


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Google Confidential and Proprietary 1

Perspectives on the Cloud Computing

Prasad Ram Eng & Site Director Google India Pvt Ltd

January 2009

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computation & storage


ease of deployment








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The Internet The Personal Computer The Mainframe

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computation & storage


ease of deployment


The Internet







Make the cloud more accessible

Make the client more powerful

Keep connectivity pervasive

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The Personal Computer The Mainframe

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Open Web, Economic Incentives

Richer web apps

More users

More usage

More revenue

open web platform

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make it more powerful

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Client Connectivity Cloud

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Browser is the Client

1995 2008

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Multi-pocess architecture



•  LocalServer: offline access

•  Database: local, relational DB

•  WorkerPool: asynchronous threads

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What is Google Chrome all about?

Speed •  Google Chrome was

designed to be fast to –  Startup –  Open and render pages

–  Let users do what they do most often

Stability •  As we do more online, we

rely on our browser more

•  The browser must be as stable and fault-tolerant as possible. If a single page or plugin crashes, the rest of the browser should not be affected.

Security •  Google Chrome includes

features designed to help protect users from phishing, and malicious webpages designed to exploit the browser to install malware

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Open Source: Chromium

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Advantages for App Developers •  Better Security: Sandbox model •  Faster Apps: V8 Engine •  Easy Portability: Webkit

Tools for App Developers •  Web Inspector •  JavaScript Console •  JavaScript debugger •  Task Manager

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Client Connectivity Cloud

keep it pervasive

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Keep Connectivity Pervasive









2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09

Internet Users Mobile Phone Users

37% and 21% annual growth of mobile and internet users

Mobile Phone and Internet Users (M), India

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Why did Google invest in Android?

•  Help deliver on the promise of open mobile Internet access − Better browser, location, etc. technology

− Leverage point for cheaper, flat rate data plans

•  Drive innovation in the mobile industry − Build a large platform and application developer communities

− Drive investment in mobile software

•  Don’t get locked out! − Major mobile platform players are pushing into the software

services space

− Platform consolidation moving to the major players − Google can only be successful when there is true openness

and competition


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…and then give it away?

•  Android is no way tied to Google services − You could use it to build a Yahoo or Baidu phone*

•  We’ve open sourced the entire platform − Hosted at, not Google servers

− Will grow the core technical team to include many other entities

•  People don’t need a partnership with Google to launch Android-powered devices


* I leave out Microsoft because they would probably use Windows Mobile.

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Client Connectivity Cloud

Make it accessible

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Cloud is More Accessible

•  Empower3rdPartyDevelopers

–  Democra6zeInforma6onandTools

–  EnsureInteroperabilitywithOpenAPIs

–  ProvideAppsmone6za6onplaBorm


Revenue/user Google Confidential

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Google App Engine Running Web Apps on Google’s Infrastructure

•  Fully-integrated application environment

•  Python Runtime

•  Free quota of 5M pageviews per month

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OpenSocial Making the Web More Social

•  A family of APIs

•  A reference implementation •  A community of developers,

containers and apps

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Google Data & AJAX APIs Read / Write Access to Google Services

<your web apps> AtomPub Calendar Blogger

YouTube Notebook



Docs Contacts Spreadsheets Apps Base

Code Search

Google Confidential

Add Content To Your Existing Applications

<your web apps> News Local Listings

Maps Videos



RSS Atom

YouTube Search

Books REST

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Overcoming the Language Barrier


•  Transliteration API

•  AJAX Language API



Engish Speakers Indic Speakers

Google Confidential

Source: Census 2001

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Maps: Powerful medium to organize information


Today: Finding an Apartment

Go to a real estate web site: How safe is the area?

Where are good schools?

•  Built completely using the Maps API

•  Powerful user interaction features

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Open Source Cloud Computing

•  Hadoop: Hadoop is an open source Java software framework for running data intensive distributed applications on large clusters of commodity computers. Inspired by GFS an MapReduce

•  Eucalyptus: Eucalyptus (Elastic Utility Computing Architecture for Linking Your Program To Useful Systems) is an open source cloud computing infrastructure based on Xen, implemented using commonly available Linux tools and web services technologies.

•  10gen: 10gen is an open source web application Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) technology that helps developers focus on building application functionality. 10gen also has it own application server and file system, and the whole lot is available under open source licenses.


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Why Does Cloud Computing Matter to India?

•  Need for large number of solutions catering to citizens beyond the “elite”

•  Eliminate the barriers to innovate, cost of hosting; build into an environment that democratizes information and tools

•  Economics of developing and deploying applications need to be appropriate for India – cost effective. Open-Source and CC offer such economics to develop large scale apps


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Last thoughts on a cloudy future

The web belongs to you; it belongs to us; it's our platform. Together, we can move it forward.

The “cloud” would become more accessible through powerful clients and pervasive connectivity

OpenStandards: Market will have lots of competitors

Engineers: Your new employees is the “cloud generation”

Security: All companies in the cloud business need to gain users trust!

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Thank You! [email protected]