persuasion tactics for increased sales and signups


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Post on 28-Jan-2015




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Presentation from the South Florida User Experience Meetup. Discusses some of the major persuasion tactics you can use in your website to draw people to the content you want them to see, encourage them to sign up, and close the sale.


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Lauren Martin

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Persuasion versus Usability

Usability makes it easier for someone to do something, it makes it useable.

Persuasion is behind the persons motivation to do that thing in the first place.

At every barrier in usability there must be more motivation to complete the task than the effort required to complete it.

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Why persuasion works

Because it provides proven shortcuts for us that reduces our already maxed out daily cognitive load.

We have learned these automatic fixed-action patterns. It’s a very efficient way of behaving as it reduces the need to analyze our every decision.

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How does that help me?

So how can I use persuasion to Push the sale? Get new customers? And Increase customer loyality?

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Contrast PrinciplePerception based on what is presented immediately prior providing a contrast.

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Contrast Principle

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ReciprocationObligation to repay favors.

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Free Gift

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Free 1 Month Trial

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Reject then Retreat

Uses contrast principle, concession is a favor, therefore you return favor by complying with retreat.

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Motivation Challenges Experimentati

on Clear Goals Strong

Feedback Competition Reward Recognition

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Make it Easy to Experiment

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Provide Clear Goals

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Challenges & Reward

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Encourage Exploration

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Commitment & Consistency Once we make a choice,

we will commit to it. Public written commitments

are strongest Many small commitments

can change our self image

Low-ball Tactic Foot-in-the-door Ask someone to watch your


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Public Commitments

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Written Commitments

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Commitment to a Product

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Social Proof

We look to the actions of others for examples.

“fast-selling” “most popular” Number sold The more people, the better. Long lines Customer testimonials Ratings and Reviews

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Social Proof

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Social Proof

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Social Proof with Similar People

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Liking We’re more likely to comply

with those we like. Physical attractiveness Suckers to flattery Want people to cooperate with

us Familiarity with things Conditioning Positive association Similarity, “just like us”

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People Who are Like Us

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Working Together

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Limited availability

Fear of loss Deadlines Competition exclusivity.

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Scarcity on

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Supply & Demand / Exclusivity

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Don’t have too many similar options When your options get smaller gradually,

you are more likely to make a choice. Too many options overwhelm.

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Reduce Options

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Reduce Visible Options

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Organize Options

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Help them make a choice

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What is it you want to do?

Push the Sale? One day sales, timeline on offer Limited edition items, short supply Show positive reviews by other customers Show similar purchases by similar customers Provide a reason, “because” you deserve it Show it in comparison, you might like this instead Provide gifts with purchase Show how many other people made this purchase Frame it right, not “Still 10 left” but “Only 10 more”

instead of “only one payment of 49.95” use “only 3 payments of 16.65”

Prominance, this is front page stuff

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What is it you want to do?

Get new customers? Offer free trials, and gifts through promotions Give current customers discounts for

recommending friends New customer only discounted rates Attract attention with bright colors, and pretty

people Show how many others are doing this, using this

service, buying this product Associate your produt or service with other positive

feelings and images Resolve suspicions, show there is no “catch”

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What is it you want to do?

Increase Customer Loyalty & Membership? Customer Rewards and Frequent Buyer Punch Cards Exclusive invite only offers Access to pre-sale discounts Free or discounted shipping for members Give incentives and challenges towards rewards,

frequent flyer miles Encourage exploration, you might also like our other

offerings, cross sell and upsell Good defaults, automatically enroll me when I sign up Feedback, you this close to your free gift, do this to

get there Ask for commitments, leave a review for us on your

new product

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Good Resources on Persuasion

InfluenceThe Psychology of Persuasion By: Robert Cialdini

Neuro Web DesignWhat makes them click? By: Susan Weinschenk

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More Resources…

Design with Intent Toolkit:

Mind Bites:

Persuasive Design by Sebastian Deterding: