philippine daily inquirer-lipstick toxi.docx

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  • 8/9/2019 Philippine Daily Inquirer-lipstick toxi.docx


    Philippine Daily Inquirer

    2:27 PM | Tuesday, February 11th, 2014

    MANILA, Philippines!"#en, $hether l""%in& '"r$ard t" a (alentine)s date "n Friday "r n"t, sh"uld be

    $at*h'ul "' $hat they put "n their lips+

    Men t"", sh"uld be $ary ab"ut the painted lips they %iss+

    P"lluti"n and t"i* $aste $at*hd"& -*"!aste ."aliti"n $arned the publi* "n Tuesday "' lipsti*% pr"du*tsa/ailable in the #ar%et that *"ntain healthda#a&in& *he#i*als, su*h as arseni*, lead and #er*ury+

    Arseni*, lead and #er*ury in lipsti*% #ay be abs"rbed "r in&ested $hen y"u li*% "r $et y"ur lips, drin% and

    eat $hile $earin& a tainted lipsti*%, "r $hen y"u %iss "r l"*% lips $ith s"#e"ne $earin& "ne, said -*"$aste

    nati"nal *""rdinat"r Aileen Lu*er"+

    !hile instant ad/erse e''e*t is n"t epe*ted, be '"re$arned that *hr"ni* l"n&ter# ep"sure t" t"i* #etals

    e/en at l"$ d"ses *"uld har# a pers"n)s health, she t"ld a brie'in& in 3ue"n .ity+

    -*"!aste said it s*reened 70 lipsti*%s sellin& '"r P7 t" P50, $hi*h the &r"up b"u&ht 'r"# 16 dis*"unt sh"ps ini/is"ria and 3uiap" in Manila, and in 8a*laran in Para9aue and Pasay *ities "n Feb+ 7+

    The sa#ples $ere tested '"r dan&er"us *he#i*als usin& a p"rtable ;