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Lecture 26 1/30 Physics 111 Lecture 26 (Walker: 13.1-3) Oscillations I April 6, 2009 Quiz Wednesday - Chaps. 10 & 11 (but not 11.8-9) Lecture 26 2/30 Periodic Motion (Oscillations) Oscillations have some common characteristics: 1. They take place around an equilibrium position; 2. The motion is periodic and repeats with each cycle. If an object vibrates or oscillates back and forth over the same path, each cycle taking the same amount of time, the motion is called periodic .

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Lecture 26 1/30

Physics 111Lecture 26 (Walker: 13.1-3)

Oscillations IApril 6, 2009

Quiz Wednesday - Chaps. 10 & 11 (but not 11.8-9)

Lecture 26 2/30

Periodic Motion (Oscillations)

Oscillations have some common characteristics:1. They take place around an equilibrium position;2. The motion is periodic and repeats with each cycle.

If an object vibrates or oscillates back and forth over the same path, each cycle taking the same amount of time, the motion is called periodic.

Lecture 26 3/30

Periodic Motion CharacteristicsPeriod T: time required for one cycle of periodic motion (unit: s)Frequency f: number of cycles per unit time

The frequency unit is called a hertz (Hz):Amplitude A: maximum distance object moves from equilibrium (unit: m)

Lecture 26 4/30

Frequency and Period1/ and 1/f T T f= =

is the frequency (units: Hz oscillations per second)f

is the period (units: s)T

Lecture 26 5/30

Example: Frequency and PeriodWhat is the frequency of a pendulum swing that takes 2 seconds to complete a cycle?

Note that 1 Hz = 1/s

f = 1/T = 1/(2s) = 0.5 s-1 = 0.5 Hz

Lecture 26 6/30

Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM)

A spring exerts a restoring force that is proportional to the displacement from equilibrium:

SHM is a special kind of periodic motion that results when a mass is acted on by a force that is proportional to the mass’s displacement from equilibrium.

Look at mass attached to spring of spring constant k:

The minus sign on the force indicates that it is a restoring force – it tries to restore the mass to its equilibrium position.

Lecture 26 7/30

We assume that the surface is frictionless. There is a point where the spring is neither stretched nor compressed; this is the equilibrium position. We measure displacement from that point (x = 0).The force exerted by the spring depends on the displacement:

Lecture 26 8/30

SHM-Mass & Spring

A-A 0

Lecture 26 9/30

Simple Harmonic MotionA mass on a spring has a displacement as a

function of time that is a sine or cosine curve:

Here, A is called the amplitude of the motion.


Lecture 26 10/30

Position vs. time in SHMIf we call the period of the motion T (this is

the time to complete one full cycle) we can write the position as a function of time as:

For this position function, the position at time t + T is the same as the position at time t (one period earlier), as we would expect.

Lecture 26 11/30

Connections between Uniform Circular Motion and Simple Harmonic Motion

An object in simple harmonic motion has same motion as one component of an object in uniform circular motion:

Lecture 26 12/30

Uniform circular motion projected into one dimension is simple harmonic motion (SHM).

Connections between Uniform Circular Motion and Simple Harmonic Motion

Lecture 26 13/30

Consider particle rotating ccw, with the angle φincreasing linearly with time:

cosx A φ=

, so if 0 at 0.t ttφω φ ω φ∆

= = = =∆

( ) cosx t A tω=

Uniform Circular Motion vs. SHM

Lecture 26 14/30

Connections between Uniform Circular Motion and Simple Harmonic Motion

Here, the object in circular motion has an angular speed of

where T is the period of motion of the object in simple harmonic motion.

Lecture 26 15/30

Summary: Position Function for SHMThe position as a function of time for object in SHM started at x=A at time t=0:x = A cos (ωt) = A cos (2πft) = A cos (2πt/T)

Lecture 26 16/30

Example: Finding the TimeA mass, oscillating in simple harmonic motion, starts

at x = A and has period T.At what time, as a fraction of T, does the mass first

pass through x = ½A?

11 162

cos2 2 3T Tt Tππ π

⎛ ⎞−⎜ ⎟⎝ ⎠

= = =


2cos tx A ATπ

= =

Lecture 26 17/30

Velocity in SHMThe velocity as a function of time for object in SHM started at x=A at time t=0:


vmax = ωA


Lecture 26 18/30

Example: A System in SHMAn air-track glider is attached to a

spring, pulled 20 cm to the right, and released at t=0. It makes 15 completeoscillations in 10 s.

a. What is the frequency of oscillation?b. What is the object’s maximum speed?c. What is its velocity at t=0.50 s?

f = 15 oscillations / 10s = 1.5 Hzvmax = ωA = 2πfA = 2(3.14)(1.5/s)(0.2m)

= 1.89 m/sv =-ωAcos[ω(0.8s)] =-(1.89m/s)cos[2π(1.5/s)(0.8s)] = -.59 m/s

Lecture 26 19/30

Acceleration in SHMThe acceleration as a function of time for object in SHM started at x=A at time t=0: :



amax = ω2A

Lecture 26 20/30

Lecture 26 21/30

Example: Acceleration in SHM• A can in a paint can shaker is in SHM with an

amplitude of 0.5m and ω=3 rad/s. What is the maximum acceleration experienced by the can?

• amax = ω2A = (3 rad/s)2(0.5m) = 4.5 m/s2

Lecture 26 22/30

The Period of a Mass on a SpringSince the force on a mass m on a spring is proportional to the displacement x from equilibrium, Newton’s 2nd law gives


Substituting the time dependencies of a and xgives:

Lecture 26 23/30

The Period of a Mass on a SpringTherefore, the period is:

Lecture 26 24/30

End of Lecture 26For Wednesday, read Walker, 13.4-5.

Homework Assignment 13a is due at 11:00 PM on Wednesday, April 8.

Quiz Wednesday - Chaps. 10 & 11 (but not 11.8-9)