
Pitch – Psycho X

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Post on 30-Jul-2015



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Pitch – Psycho X

Page 2: Pitch


The concept of the film is that a women named Jodie decides to break off her long relationship with her super attached boyfriend. He is known for his psychotic behaviour and makes it his goal to get her back for leaving him. As a result he decides to kidnap her for her actions and get her back. The Genre we are aiming for is a Horror/Thriller. This can easily be conveyed through the three key roles of any good production; these are the Directing (Good casting and location), the camerawork (Shots, which convey meaning) and Editing (Speed of the sequence, Colour correction and sound incorporation).

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Jodie has just left her stressful line of work as an assistant teacher. She has constant anxiety and stress due to her over attached ex-boyfriend and random texts from anonymous numbers. So she has finally left work when she received another anonymous text. Little does she know this will be the last text she ever has. She opens the text and it says “You shouldn't have done that to me!!!”. This is where the non-diegetic score soundtrack kicks in and slow motion shots are used to convey a very long tense scene.

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Equilibrium – Jodie has just left work and is on her way to her car

Disequilibrium – As Jodie is leaving work she receives a random text from an anonymous number. This is when the disequilibrium begins as everything is about to go wrong for her. She stops and reads the text message but then decides to ignore it and walk off. All off a sudden Chucky is creeping up behind her she turns around and he pistol whips her… She blacks out.

In our film we didn’t include the recognition to the problem. This is because Jodie doesn’t fear that Chucky Is serious about the text messages and she believes he is sane but overly attached. However in the back of her sub-conscious mind she knows the texts are coming from chucky so she chooses to ignore them.

As well as this, in our opening sequence we did add the element of Barthes ‘Enigma’ code. This is because the audience doesn’t know what the text messages are about and who they’re coming from. Therefore it leaves them in suspense and eager to find out what’s going on.

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As a group we sat down and began the casting process. Initially we had many different actors in mind who we believed would do well in the production. We did want to include more then 2 actors however this seemed to be difficult as we couldn’t find an actor who was able to play the role of an old beggar. However after careful consideration we chose to cast Penny Ives, as her innocent and friendly looks allowed us to easily portray her as the protagonist who has done nothing wrong other then break up with the wrong person.

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1. Suspense

2. Enigma

3. Fear of the unknown

4. Build-up

5. Instant change of pace

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Target Audience

Initially we are aiming this production to people who can relate to having harsh break ups and relationships. This ranges from people of the age of 15 to 26. This is because that’s usually when the childish relationships tends to end and people settle down in a mature manner. Both gender groups are being targeted.

Socio Economic groups: C1, C2, D, E.

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Inspired by

We were inspired by this film due its signature non diegetic score music and very intense build-ups this film has. As well as this it is a classing of the genre we are aiming for.

This was the first film that inspired us. The opening sequence was perfect as it included a very intense scene between two girls when they suddenly receive an anonymous call. This was the main idea we went for.

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As a group we believe that our film would be one of those exclusive films that will be on T.V Rather than the cinemas or DVD. We feel that it is better suited for this as the audience is pretty slim due to the fact that not many people enjoy this sort of psychotic horror film. As a result we quickly understood that it would be better suited for T.V and Channels such as Film 4.