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  • 7/22/2019 Pk DNT Draft Anna










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  • 7/22/2019 Pk DNT Draft Anna





    Page No.

    Synopsis of the Report

    1. Introduction

    2. Brief History of Piramalai Kallar Tribe

    3. Adverse Impact of CT Act on Piramalai Kallar

    4. State intervention to improve the statusof the Piramalai Kallar Tribe.

    5. Present Status of the Piramalai Kallar Tribe

    6. Denial, Deprival and Digressof Piramalai Kallar Tribe

    7. Proposal for the improvement of soc io-economicand educational status of the Piramalai Kallar Tribe

    8. Conclusion

    List of Tables

    1. Comparative Statement of between District Crime and Kallar

    Crimes in Madurai District for the period 1933 and 1934.

    2. Comparative Vital Socio-Economic Indicators

    3. Children admitted under cradle baby schemes

    4. The Prevalence of Dowry and Infanticide among Piramalai Kallars

    5. Size of Farm Holding (in acres) among Piramalai Kallars

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    6. Socio-Economic Indicators Of Piramalai Kallars

    7. Literacy rate among Kallars as per 1921 census

    8. Number of Schools for a Population of more than 1.5 lakhs for

    Usilampatti Block Piramalai Kallars in 2011

    List of Figures

    1. Density of Population

    2. Decadal Population Growth

    3. Sex Ratio

    4. Percentage of urban Population

    5. Size of Farm Holding (in acres) among Piramalai Kallars

    6. Literacy rate

    7. Infant Mortality


    A) Location Map of Piramalai Kallar Tribes area

    B) List of Denotified Tribes complied by the Home Department in the

    year 1939 by Govt. of Tamil nadu

    C) List of Denotified Tribes indicating the means of livelihood and socio-

    economic status as compiled by the Home Department in the year1939 by Govt. of Tamil nadu

    D) Copy of GO MS No. 1310 of dated 30.7.1979 of Soc

    E) Copy of Community certificates dated 23.2.1973 and 26.2.1989

    F) List of Denotified Tribes as notified in GO 85/2008 issued by Govt. of

    Tamil nadu

    G) Copy of Honble High Court order depriving the privilege of

    recruitment in Piramalai Kallar Reclamation Schools.

    H) Copy of Photos of depicting the Social economic of Piramalai Kallar


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    Location of Usilampatti, in undivided Madurai District

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    Chapter I


    The Piramalai Kallar [community] Tribes of Tamilnadu

    is the most neglected denotified criminal tribes and aboriginal

    and primitive tribes of India. The Piramalai Kallar Tribes is

    most patriotic, independent, and egalitarian in outlook and

    worst victims of systematic discrimination, social exclusion,

    criminalization, human rights violation, atrocities of

    hegemonic foreign rules and highly backward in socio-

    economic-political-educational-health status mainly due to

    marginalization of Tribes by the main stream society and

    alienation of the Tribes.

    The social economic and educational backwardness of

    the Piramalai Kallar Tribes has been well documented by the

    British Administrators in various reports submitted by then

    Superintendent of Police of then Madura District Mr. E.B

    Love Luck in 1919 and Mr. T.E. Moir, then labour

    Commissioner report of 1920 and the Tribal Character of the

    Piramalai Kallar Tribes also have been well document by

    renowned anthropologist, Sociologist and Historians both in

    the past such as Prof Thurston, E (1906 Ethnographic Notes

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    in South India, Madras) and Prof Louis Dumont (1950

    Kinship and alliance among the Piramalai Kallar) and Prof.

    Anand Pandian of Department of Anthropology, Jonhs

    Hopkins University on the social- economic status of the

    settlement Kallars in Cumbam Valley of Theni District

    (Crooked Stalks: Cultivating Virtue in South India -Duke

    University Press, 2009, and Oxford University Press India,

    2010) and sri.P.M.uthuthevar.,Auther of Muvanther Kulathe

    samuga varallaru [social history].Kakuveeran. Printers.

    Karumathur. Madurai.Dist. Tamilnadu., smilarly the adverse

    impact of various suppressive measures such imposition of

    Criminal Tribes Act 1911 are well documented by the

    Department of History, Madurai Kamaraj University by Prof

    Jeyaraj and his Ph. D Scholars, Dr. Maheshwari on Criminal

    Tribes Act (2002) and Dr. P Jeganathan on the Kallar

    Panchayat System in Colonial Tamilnadu (2006).

    Despite meeting all the conditions of the tribal

    community, the Piramalai Kallar Tribes continue to be denied

    the status of scheduled tribes and the above stated

    documents and historical records are never examined by the

    concerned authorities. As this Piramalai Kallar Tribes have

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    been systematically terrorized and alienated from the

    mainstream and remain voiceless for last 60 years and their

    demand for due recognition and extension of constitutional

    and legislative benefits to this most deserving Piramalai

    Kallar Tribes fell in deaf ears. As the present government

    has constituted a High Level Committee to examine the

    impact of various measures taken by the state on the lives of

    the Indian tribes, our organization wish to use this

    opportunity and submit the present socio economic status of

    the Piramalai Kallar and make various specific practicable

    and effective proposal to improve the socio-economic status

    of the marginalized, backward, primitive aboriginal, denotified

    criminal tribe of the Piramalai Kallar Tribes.

    Keeping in view of the all India nature of the

    committee, we submit only a brief report of the status of the

    Piramalai Kallar Tribes and It is requested to allot time for in

    person presentation before the HLC along with all the

    supporting documents.

    The report has been divided into seven chapters along

    with Appendix of some of the supporting documents and

    photographs and to make the report is reader friendly, the

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    data are not loaded in the report and the same shall be

    presented during oral submission.

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    Chapter II


    The Piramalai Kallar Tribes of Tamilnadu is the one of

    the most ancient aboriginals of India. Unfortunately due to

    social exclusion of Piramalai Kallar, there are lots of

    misconception and myth about the tribal characters of the

    Piramalai Kallar. However, the recent discovery of the DNA

    of a Piramalai Kallar matching with the aboriginals of the

    Africa and Australia has pulverized all the misconceptions

    about the origins of the Piramalai Kallar and it has been

    established beyond reasonable doubt that Piramalai Kallar is

    certainly one of the most ancient, indigenous, Primitive

    aboriginals. As it happened with other Tribals of India, the

    invaders of India forced the aboriginals to move into forest

    and settle there and some of them remain a nomadic tribes

    and one of such Tribes is the Piramalai Kallar.

    As with any other Tribes initially there were hunters

    and food gatherers and during that period itself they had

    developed various skills of defence and offence such as

    Valaithadi which is similar to the Boomerang of the

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    Australian aboriginal. Though this tribal were living in plains,

    as they were highly freedom loving and independent, they

    never subjected themselves into the rule of any kingdom or

    governments. During the 3rd

    and fourth century itself, the

    Piramalai Kallars started semi-settled life and had a mixed

    pastoral-agro economy. However, they have been mostly

    engaged as paid warriors by the then rulers of the land and

    during peace time, they have been engaged in the work of

    Kaval and spies to collect intelligence gathering from the

    enemy territories and all these works were done by the

    Piramalai Kallars. This indigenous group settled in the foot

    hills of the outer western gates and evolved their own social,

    political and economic institutions. Though due to cultural

    diffusion, assimilation and interaction with other communities

    some of the features of the mainstream Hindu Cultures were

    also integrated into their system, the core culture of the

    Piramalai Kallars were preserved and practiced in letter and

    spirit till date. The core culture of the Piramalai Kallars of

    Kinship, Marriage system, political organization of Nadus,

    Panchayats and administration of Justice including criminal,

    civil and matrimonial disputes and religious practices such as

    division of labour during the social gathering and festivals,

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    worshiping original tribal God/Goddesses, pure system of

    tribal rituals and practices without any influence of

    bramanisation and sanskirtisation. The Temple structure and

    layout of the temples are unique to only Piramalai Kallars

    which are 100 per cent in tune with the primitive Tribes of

    India especially Gond tribes of central India and Chota

    Nagpur regions.

    Whenever, the outsiders tried to subjugate the

    Piramalai Kallars, they rebelled against them and

    successfully retained their original socio-political-economic

    structure. However, the Piramalai Kallars were having active

    relationship with the Kingdoms upto the 18 th centuries and

    mostly the Piramalai Kallars were used as reserved standing

    subsidiary army during war time and during peace as

    Kavalkars/guards/spies etc. As a result, they did not

    integrate with the main stream of the societies, though they

    had evolved robust social institutions, they could not keep

    pace with rapid advancement of modern civilization and

    technical advancement mainly due to total absence of

    organized education system and as a result they became

    socially, economically and educationally backward.

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    While being so after the establishment of East Indian

    Company Governance in the southern part of Tamilnadu in

    the Madura Regions, the Piramalai Kallars proved to be

    insurmountable adversary of the Britishers in the entire

    length and breadth of the world, the British had superior fire

    power through their advanced guns and artilleries, the

    Piramalai Kallar could provided stiff resistance through their

    traditional weapon of livelihood (for hunting) i.e. Valaithadi.

    However, due to superior Army power of the company, the

    company for the first time invaded in the exclusive territory of

    the Piramalai Kallar and first thing they did, was collected all

    the 11000 Valaithadi of the Piramalai Kallars and burned on

    the same day. However, each and every individual of the

    Piramalai Kallar both the men and women are an

    independent Army on their own strength and they held the

    value of freedom more than their life. In fact this core value

    of independent living is as age old as human civilization, this

    value is ingrained into the DNA of each Piramalai Kallar, in

    spite of invasion of tumultuous modernization, westernization

    and globalization into their territory also, even today each

    individual of the Piramalai Kallar function as independent

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    republic and they never ever accept any form of superior

    and inferior treatment on any account.

    Therefore, the Piramalai Kallars proved to be real

    threat to the British Governance both during the company

    and Queens rules. Similarly some of the Tribes of the North

    India had also put forth stiff resistance to the British Rule,

    and all the three governance technique of Britishers viz.

    Suppression, Carrot and Stick Policy and Divide and Rule

    failed in controlling them, hence, the Britishers decided to

    apply the most draconian law a European Invention viz.

    Criminal Tribes Act to suppress these valiant, independent

    primitive tribes by branding them as criminal tribes which

    gave absolute power to the police and snatch away all the

    fundamental rights of the people and treat such human

    beings as beast.

    Thus the Criminal Tribe Act 1871 was enacted and

    implemented in the first phase in Northern Indian and after

    amendment in the year 1911, the said act was for the first

    time imposed on the Piramalai Kallars of Madura regions in

    the year 1914 only against the known dacoits (KD) of

    Keelakuilkudi Village but the Police could not succeed in

    subjugating the rebellious Piramalai Kallars and as a result

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    for the first time the said Act was imposed on the entire

    Piramalai Kallar Community in the years 1919. Under the

    said act the police has been given absolute power to curtail

    the human rights of the entire community as per their whims,

    as per the act all the adult males of the community must

    register under the CT Act and all of them should sleep only

    at police station every day during 6 PM to 6AM and during

    day time also they are not permitted to visit their near and

    dear without passport from the government officer and the

    police were given absolute power to arrest any Piramalai

    Kallar for any reasons or without reason and dispose him the

    way they like.

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    Table - 1

    Comparative Statement of between District Crime and Kallar Crimes

    in Madurai District for the period 1933 and 1934

    Type ofCrimes 1933 1934

    Total District


    Piramalai Kallar


    % of PK

    Crimesto totaldistrictcrimes

    Total District


    Piramalai Kallar


    % of PK

    Crimesto totaldistrictcrimes

    Incident Deduction Incident Deduction Incident Incident Deduction Incident Deduction Incident

    Murder 51 9 9 2 18 30 4 6 0 20

    Dacoity 3 0 2 0 67 5 1 4 1 80

    Robbery 41 19 29 14 71 36 10 12 6 33


    Breaking 159 34 85 23 53 156 27 61 18 39

    Theft 185 11 40 6 22 166 35 57 16 34

    cattletheft 132 44 71 31 54 141 48 88 37 62

    Total 571 117 236 76 41 534 125 228 78 43

    Source: The report on the administration of the Police of the MadrasPresidency, 1935-35

    The above table shall demolish and destroy the myth of

    branding Piramalai Kallars as born criminals because the

    proportion of the population in the total population in the

    then Madura district is more than 40 per cent and the overall

    crime incidence in respect of Piramalai Kallars is only 41 per

    cent and above all, the theory of Piramalai Kallars as

    dangerous criminals as that of thugs therefore the CT Act

    was imposed on the entire community has been proved to be

    false because the empirical data of the British Raj reveals

    that the though the incidents of cattle theft and dacoity are

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    reported to be higher than the average, the inhuman crime of

    murder is only 18 per cent total crimes which establish the

    hard fact that the Piramalai Kallars were not thugs and it all

    the more confirms that Piramalai Kallars are more human

    than the rest of the population of the district. Therefore the

    theory of the so called criminal tribes is only imaginary,

    invented and imposed by the British Raj to subjugate the

    valiant independent primitive aboriginals. Therefore, the

    Piramalai Kallars are the real victims of the ruthless,

    exploitative imperial forces and the exploitative society.

    Therefore the large society is indebted to undo the injustice

    heaped on these aboriginal tribes.

    The CT Act, apart from terrorizing the entire

    community, had completely restricted the movement of the

    Piramalai Kallar and the imposition of CT Act on the entire

    community by branding them as born criminals had created

    indelible social stigma against the Piramalai Kallar Tribes

    and became the worst victim of the double discrimination

    both by the Main stream societies and the foreign rulers,

    whereas the SC/ST was victim of single discrimination. The

    detailed accounts of the horrible and irreparable damage

    done to the Piramalai Kallars due to the said CT Act and

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    ever hunting social stigma shall be explained in the

    succeeding chapter. As the British Government tried to

    enroll the name of Piramalai Kallars male by recording the

    left thumb impression of them as almost 95 per cent of them

    were illiterate(thus the Act was also called as Thumb

    impression Act), the Piramalai Kallar put all the possible

    resistance against such registration and one notable

    incidence is that on 03.04.1920 the Piramalai Kallars of

    Perungamanallur decided to disobey the order of the officer

    and thus a crude war broke out between the able brave

    warriors of Piramalai Kallar and mighty and all power

    paramount British Raj and on the said incidence some 16

    persons including a women were shot dead on the spot. As

    this was widely published by then ethical vibrant media, the

    atrocities committed by the British Police came under severe

    criticism from all quarters both within the country and abroad.

    This lead to some change in the British approach and

    they had decided to use the age old carrot and stick policy

    i.e. the then Superintendent of Police Mr. Love Luck had

    recommended that while implementing the CT Act various

    welfare measures also should be taken. But this also did not

    succeed in subjugating them as the Piramalai Kallar were

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    highly independent and they never submitted to any

    sovereign power at any point of time.

    Thereafter, British adopted the divide and rule policy,

    and accordingly they introduced the Kallar Panchayat system

    and Abeyance system. Thereby, the British dived the Tribes

    into leaders and criminals and made the leaders to control

    the so called rebellious/criminal Kallars etc. This change in

    the system is also only to save the skin of the Britishers from

    the adverse criticism of the rest of world. Thus the atrocities

    and large scale human and animal rights violation continued


    Though the valiant individual rebellions and communal

    boycott of the system continued, some of freedom fighters

    such as George Josep, an advocate at Madurai, Pasumpon

    Muthuramalainga Thevar who spear headed the anti CT Act

    movement, NG Ranga leader of left wing, Shri Naidu also

    fought strenuously to put an end to this draconian law. In

    1936, at Abiramam Town of Ramnadu region an all Anti CT

    ACT conference was held and a delegation met then

    governor and submitted their resolution but nothing moved.

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    However, Mr. H.S.Hood, the Secretary, Department of

    Home, had sent circulars to all district collectors seeking the

    status report on the CT Act.

    The atrocities and extreme form of human subjugation

    for more than three decades caused irreparable damage to

    the socio-economic and political status of the Piramalai

    Kallar. The condition of the Piramalai Kallar was worst then

    the SC/ST, thus for the first time in the history of affirmative

    actions, the British Government initiated various welfare

    measures exclusively for the betterment of the Piramalai

    Kallar(as detailed infra) and the Harijan welfare schemes

    were started only thereafter. All the Piramalai Kallar welfare

    schemes were also implemented by the harijans welfare

    department both before and after independence. However

    due to total alienation from the main stream society and total

    absence of representation, the Piramalai Kallar were not

    classified as Schedule Tribes and denied their rightful

    constitutional safeguards and welfare measures. Above all,

    due to local political animosity, as the Piramalai Kallars were

    critical of any form of unjust system, a number of welfare

    measures provided by the then ruthless British rulers were

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    withdrawn gradually by the succeeding apathetic


    This kind of political maltreatment was also mainly due

    to sick minds of the then congress leaders because most of

    them are rebellious in nature, the call of Nethaji

    Subaschandra Bose to end the British Raj immediately and

    by any mean, naturally appeal to them and they reaming the

    torch bearers of his ideology of Nethaji and his Forward Bloc

    till date and they had joined INA in large number and

    sacrificed their lives to the mother land. Thus the Piramalai

    Kallars also became worst victim of political discrimination

    for committing only sin of supporting Nethajis who had no

    other vision then liberation of mother land.

    This discrimination continued even after the so called

    offspring of the Justice Movement, the Dravidars Party came

    to power and one such case is that the Social Welfare

    Department of government of Tamilnadu vide its GO M.S.

    No. 1310 dated 30.7.1979 had order that henceforth the

    DNTs shall not be called as Tribes and they shall be called

    only as Community. This was done of the state government

    without any reasons or rhyme but the said GO erroneously

    quotes the Government of India, Ministry of Home letters

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    111019/18/78-SCT-V dated 4.11.1978 and BC. 11026/2/79-

    SC.BCD III dated. A perusal of the said GO annexed with

    this report shall reveal that the very reasoning cited therein is

    uncalled for, illogical, perverse and illegal on many respects

    because even the latest National Commission for DNTs has

    specially recommended constitutional safeguards to DNT.

    Therefore, the said GO should be allowed to exist even for a


    That apart, the DNTs in Tamilnadu are not given

    separate reservation, they have been erroneously included

    into Most Backward Class where number of numerically

    predominant, relatively far advanced then, the Piramalai

    Kallars, thus the reservation benefits to DNT remains an

    unrealizable dream/day dream whereas governments after

    governments in the state have been trying to extent the

    reservation benefits only to already advanced societies thus

    vide GO MS. 85/2008 the government has given exclusive

    reservation of SC Arunthathiyars and BC Muslims and above

    all, the said GO has tempered with the list of DNTs in

    Tamilnadu, without any basis by including more than 19

    non DNTs into DNTs.

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    Thus the brief history of Piramalai Kallar stated supra

    shall real that this is the only tribes in the whole world,

    against who double, triple discrimination, temporal and

    contemporary human rights violations and extreme form of

    injustice are being perpetuated mainly due to misconception

    and non representation of the Piramalai Kallars, therefore,

    before studying the present socio-economic status of the

    Piramalai Kallar, it is pertinent to learn the adverse impact of

    the imposition of CT Act against them and consequent ever

    chasing social stigma on the lives of the Piramalai Kallars.

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    Chapter III



    The adverse impact of the CT Act on the Piramalai

    Kallar socio-economic status is highly deplorable and well

    documented but subsequently all most, most of the

    sufferings of the Piramalai Kallars has been suppressed as

    stated supra partly due to political animosity and partly due

    to misconception and myth about the Piramalai Kallar Tribes

    and partly due voicelessness/noiselessness of Piramalai

    Kallar Tribes. Thus, it is sine quo non to highlight only a

    spectrum of the pathetic story of the Piramalai Kallars in the

    succeeding Paragraphs of this chapter.

    a) The said CT Act empowered the Government to

    designate any tribe, gang or class of person 'a criminal tribe'

    if they were addicted to the systematic commission of non-

    bailable offences(explicit objective but the evil deign was to

    brand the rebellious aboriginals who had unparallel mastery

    over the guerilla warfare as criminal thereby deprive them

    the survival support from the majority of the main stream

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    society). Further, once notified the members of the tribe had

    no appeal to the court. The notified criminal tribes were

    restricted to the confines of the villages they live and also in

    the criminal settlements. Such peoples were not allowed to

    move away from the village without any passport and they

    were asked to report to the Police Station every night and

    stay till dawn of the day.

    b) Thus, the notified criminal tribes were put to a lot of

    hardship and were deprived of their personal liberty. For

    more than 3 decade, they could not lead a normal live, and

    the atrocity did not end with male members alone but done

    to women, children, aged and also their cattle and chattel.

    c) The members of the designated criminal tribes were

    placed outside the provisions of the ordinary law and

    subjected to intensive and indefinite Police supervision and

    they were exposed to the harassment and blackmail of the

    Police and the local land-lords and village officers who were

    also entrusted with the supervision. Hence W.J. Hatch said

    that, "I was doubtful whether any other Act on the statute

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    book goes so far in giving the Police powers to take away a

    man's freedom".

    d) During the imposition of the CT Act against

    Piramalai Kallars endless list of the custodial death,

    encounters, massacres were carried out by the police with

    impunity as per the records on the 1st day of April 1920, 750

    Piramalai Kallars of Mettupati village were arrested at the

    dawn of the day and tied together in a single rope and

    marched to prison in the hot sun and they are not allowed to

    have water and food during the said ride not even the cattle

    were sparred as there were no men in the villages many

    cattle died of starvation as they were tied in the shed of

    Piramalai Kallar. On 03.4.1920 as stated supra 16 Piramalai

    Kallars were shot, killed, and burned like beasts.

    e) They were used as slaves in tea plantations of

    western gates (which has been well depicted by the national

    award winning movie Pithamagan).

    f) They had been used as slaves for all purposes and

    which recorded by none other than Mr. M.S.Pattibhirama

    Ayyar, a member of the Legislative Assembly expressed that

    the Act was passed by the Imperialist Government to

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    strengthen their own hands. It was used as a political

    weapon and during the Non-Co-operation Movement, the

    Police harassed them by dubbing as criminal tribes Under

    this Act and these people were used as readymade audience

    and they were brought to the places which were visited by

    Simon Commission in order to show that the Indians were

    welcoming the Simon Commission. Thus politically, this Act

    resulted 'contrary effect to the British as in the case of the

    Minto-Morley Reforms Act of 1909 ( Madras Legislative

    Assembly Debate (MLAD), March-April, 1947, p.567).

    g) They were forced to work in the farms and houses of

    the police officers/revenue officers without wage a crude

    form of forced labor.

    h) In the process, they had lost all their livelihoods and

    whatever little assets they had. Their land became barren

    and unsuitable for cultivation and due to deforestation, their

    traditional livelihood also totally deprived of

    i) They were deprived of any public life as persons of

    other community, thus there was 100 % absence of their

    representatives in any institutions of governance etc.

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    j) As they were uprooted from their home land to settle

    them in faraway places as plantation workers/mining

    workers/industrial workers, they lost all their age old rich

    culture and heritage and their robust social institutions

    evolved over millions of years were severely damaged.

    k) As the entire Piramalai Kallars were branded as

    Criminals, an indelible social stigma has been engraved on

    the face of each Piramalai Kallar individuals and as a result

    the anger against the main stream societies are manifested

    in the form of various deviant behaviors and including their

    works, actions and approach towards the main stream

    society which needs to be rectified immediately before

    capitalized by the extreme elements in the society.

    l) Because of the imposition of CT Act, the Piramalai

    Kallars were denied their Traditional jobs of Kaval(a job of

    protectors of persons and property combined with immigrant

    officer), rather, the then government itself instigated other

    communities to mobilize fund and fight against Piramalai

    Kallars. The Piramalai Kallars were forced to be at war with

    everyone in the world as their due place is not given by the

    society mainly due to their egalitarian ethos in conflict with

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    the exploitative, imperial and capitalistic organization of the

    main stream society.

    m) Because of the imposition of CT Act, indeed, many

    individuals had became hardened criminals not because the

    entire community is criminal but faulty imposition of

    draconian law upon highly egalitarian and judicious tribes.

    n) The discrimination suffered by the Piramalai

    Kallar because of the CT Act is many fold because the SC

    caste face discrimination only due to the notion of purity-

    pollution principle of the caste system whereas the Piramalai

    Kallar suffered discrimination on account of this principle of

    purity-pollution also as they were also meat eating tribes

    and similarly the Tribal people suffered only geographical

    isolation, the Piramalai Kallar also suffered geographical

    isolation besides they suffered from statutory discrimination

    by the foreign rules by breading them criminal tribes, they

    were treated as slaves, they were employed as forced labour

    and they were not even allowed to have natural mating

    during the night for 3 decades, their human rights were

    violated beyond the capacity of any language to describe

    their sufferings.

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    o) The adverse impact of the CT Act on lives of

    Piramalai Kallars is spoken by various members of the then

    legislative members :-

    i) In the Legislative Assembly in the year 1947, Mr.

    Raghavayya said, " the CTA has been condemned by one

    and all, not only Judges, not only Politicians, but the great

    Indian National Congress condemned it in 1936 and every

    civilized man had nothing but contempt for this most horrible

    piece of legislation". Further, he stated that these notified

    criminals were expected to render forced labour by the

    Police (or) the Village Munsif for their personal end, failing

    which they would be charged with false cases. Further he

    said, with regard to the settlement that many persons who

    did not committed any offence were confined to it as he knew

    that there were some families who had been confined for

    generations - father, son and grandchildren were in the


    ii) Though the Act at least in principle aimed to reform

    the so-called criminals, it did not do so and hence another

    member of the assembly by name Pillalammari

    Venkateswarlu said, " that the provisions of the Act are so

    rigorous that their application to members of the tribes is

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    more likely to make them hardened criminals than to reform


    iii) Mr. Nagappa explained how the notified criminal

    tribes had suffered at the hands of the Police. He said that if

    a Police Officer want anything to be done, he simply sent for

    these people and asked them to do it all for nothing, for no

    wages he used them as they were the slaves. The problems

    caused by the CT Act were also brought to light. The notified

    criminal tribes who were asked to report to the Police

    Stations at odd hours were asked to stay in the Police

    Station itself even though they were ailing. Even amidst

    severe illness they were stressed to report. An incumbent

    who was operated for strangulated hernias too met with such

    stresses. So the members of the Legislature of Madras

    demanded the repeal of the Act of 1924 and early removal of

    their distresses. It was accused that those people who did

    not attend the Police Station were also branded as 'habitual

    offenders'. Such measures not only degraded the prestige of

    the individuals but also encouraged them to continue their

    unlawful deeds.

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    p) Even today jobs are denied to the Piramala Kallar on

    seeing their community certificates.

    q) Because of the backward culture of the Piramalai

    Kallar no single public or private industries are established in

    the regions of Kallar nadu for last 6 decades and no standard

    schools or higher educational Institutions has been


    Therefore the adverse impact of the various atrocities,

    injustice committed against the Piramalai Kallars by the

    British Raj and the larger society is immeasurable. In the

    history of Piramalai Kallars, the 19th and 20

    th century is a

    dark age and it has pushed them down into the

    unfathomable pits of pathetic adverse socio-economic

    conditions. Hence, to heal the wound done to the very

    psychic of the Piramalai Kallar, numbers of affirmative and

    ameliorative actions are required in a sufficient scale,

    magnitude and commitment and not mere lip or paper


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    Chapter - IV



    a) Before Independence

    Though the British government was interested in establishing

    their government only, when they imposed the most draconian law

    on the rebellious aboriginals of the India, they came under server

    criticism of progressive thinker of the world. Thus in the year

    1924, as a measure of Reclamation of Piramalai Kallar, the British

    Government launched the Kallar Reclamation Scheme under

    which a Piramalai Kallar Reclamation Fund was also created. The

    said fund was managed by a Committee of 12 members aiming at

    the general improvement of the community by granting loans for

    agricultural and other purposes and also for the general welfare of

    the community. The Kallar Reclamation Scheme mainly

    endeavoured to educate the students of the Piramalai Kallar

    community and at the end of 1940 itself, there were 60 schools

    established under Kallar Reclamation Scheme with student

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    strength of over 3182 (Administration Report for the year 1940,

    Government of Madras, 1940, p.11). Further Piramalai Kallar

    students were granted scholarships and stipends. These schemes

    were implemented by Piramalai Kallar Special Officers for Madurai

    by pooling officers from Police, Revenue, Educational and Co-

    operative Departments. As a result 270 special cooperative

    societies for the betterment of Piramalai Kallars were established

    at the end of the year 1946 (MLAD, September-October, 1 947,

    p.206) The under the CT Act a Piramalai Kallar Special Officers

    for Madurai was also appointed. Besides this the following

    schemes were also implemented :-

    i) As most of the Piramalai Kallars were asset less and

    land less, the government after deforesting the areas

    assigned the land to the Piramalai Kallars to encourage

    them to undertake settled cultivation. Thus during the

    period between 1935 to 1939 for about 270 farmers

    about 648 acres of lands were assigned for cultivation

    (Administrative Report for the year 1939, Government

    of Madras, 1939, p.17 and 18).

    ii) In the land were dry lands, in order to enable them for

    digging and deepening of wells for irrigation Takkavi

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    Loans were granted to Piramalai Kallars. To assign

    lands for cultivation.

    iii) As most of the Piramalai Kallars also homeless, the

    British government also allotted house site to them.

    iv) Two Special Revenue Inspectors were attached to the

    establishment for Dark-hast and loans for Kallars upto

    1938 (G.O. Ms.276, Home, dated 18 January 1939).

    v) Three industrial scholarships for training the students in

    the Industrial Schools at Madurai was implemented

    vi) The Scout Units were employed to engage the boys

    and girls in spinning, mat-weaving, basket making,

    knitting and other cottage industries.

    vii) To avoid people from lapsing into illiteracy and to

    continue education among adults, night classes were

    held in the Schools.

    viii) 'A Kallar Reclamation Employment Bureau' was

    started during February 1937. Through this Bureau 30

    educated and 500 uneducated Kallars were provided

    with suitable jobs(Letter No.M.1892/37-CCCI of the

    District Magistrate, Madurai to the Home Secretary).

    b) After Independence

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    It is painful to submit that after independent due to

    various historical and political reasons, the most

    deserving section of the society, Piramalai Kallar was

    neglected in very respects, as stated supra even the

    Kallar Reclamation department functioning under harijans

    welfare department was not allowed to function under the

    said department and it was transfer to social welfare

    department. With lukewarm response and willy-nilly, only

    the Kallar Reclamation schools were allowed to run and

    even in the general schemes, the area settled by the

    Piramalai Kallar were the most neglected area. However,

    due to the community efforts of one Arts college was

    established in the year 1970 but the same is yet to deliver

    quality education for want of facilities and fund. Rather

    after independence all the specials schemes as listed

    infra had been discontinued making the socio economic

    conditions of the Piramalai Kallar very pathetic as

    explained in the chapter on present socio economic

    conditions of Piramalai Kallar.

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    c)Impact of the state intervention on the lives

    of Piramalai Kallar Tribe

    A careful analysis of the various special schemes taken

    by the British raj and in Free India, shall reveal that though

    the Britishers had taken number of steps to improve the

    socio-economic and educational status of Piramalai Kallar,

    they could not make any serious impact on the lives of

    Piramalai Kallars for number of reasons because majority of

    the Piramalai Kallars did accept the welfare schemes of the

    Britisher as it is against their core value of being subservient

    to a foreign rulers and on the other hand the Britisher were

    interested only in suppressive this rebellious tribes rather

    than their upliftment and above all the schemes were

    imposed by the outsiders who had very little knowledge

    about the structure and functions of Piramalai Kallars who

    are true aboriginals till date. After independence as

    explained supra and infra, no special schemes for this

    victims of brutal imperial suppression rather even schemes

    implemented by the Britishers were withdrawn and the result

    is the Piramalai Kallars become extremely backward in all


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    Chapter V



    Social Status

    If all the pathetic social conditions of the Piramalai

    Kallar are submitted here no average person can

    continuously read without breaking down. It is true that

    various other communities were meted out with extreme

    injustice and hardship but certainly that the scale and style,

    depth and width of the suffering of the Piramalai Kallars.

    The fact that despite documentation of large number of well

    intentioned human being about the pathetic socio-economic

    conditions, none of the policy makers and the government

    wanted to take affective affirmative action to improve the

    social-economic conditions of these primitive tribes. Perhaps,

    it is one of the largest living, open museum of Human

    Suffering, injustice and heart rending living conditions.

    However, in this report only to meet the so called official

    indicators the data on the socio Economic Conditions of the

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    Piramalai Kallar has been compiled from the State, District

    and Block level statistical hand book. Though the Piramalai

    Kallars are living mainly in Madurai, Theni, and Dindigul and

    to some extent in Virudunagar District and also in various

    Piramalai Kallar settlements near Kanchipuram, the living

    conditions of all the Piramalai Kallars are more are less

    same except the geographical differences. As there is no

    caste wise census, it would be most pertinent to take the vital

    statistics of Usilampatti Block as representative statistics of

    Piramalai Kallars and compare the same with the District,

    State and All India state to assess the present conditions of

    the Piramalai Kallars. The data were compiled mainly from

    the published secondary sources of Government of

    Tamilnadu, Statistical Department, and primary data

    collected through filed survey by trained social investigators

    and published in leading papers and Magazines and a few

    personal story of the worst victims of social backwardness

    and discrimination are also taken from the secondary

    sources and duly acknowledged.

    Table -2


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    No. Vital Socio-Economic Indicators






    Nadu India


    Density (Population per Sq.Kms)

    (2011 Census)

    247 823 555 382


    Decadal Growth Rate (2011

    Census) 18 17.95 15.6 17.6


    Sex Ratio ( Females per 1000

    Males) (2011 Census)

    936 990 995 940

    4 percentage of Urban population 32 60.64 48.45 31.2

    5 Birth Rate - 2011 (SRS) 18 17.2 15.9 21.8

    6 Death rate - 2011 (SRS) 7.5 6.6 7.4 7.1

    7 Infant Mortality Rate -2011(SRS) 31 21.2 22 44

    8 Maternal Mortality Rate -2011 (SRS) 1.7 1.7

    9 Literacy Rate - 2011 64.2 81.66 80.3 74Source : Usilapmatti Block, Statistical Handbook 2011-2012, Madurai Dt and

    Tamilnadu Statistical Hand Book 2013.

    An analysis of the vital statistics of the Piramalai Kallar with

    the rest of the population of India as shown in Table 1 reveals that

    as the land settled by the highly dry and only 30 % of the land is

    under cultivation, the population density is not as high as in the

    rest of the district of Madurai where it is 823 per Sq.Kms but the

    same is only 287 per Sq.Kms which less than the All India figure

    of 382 per Sq.Kms and which demonstrates that this region is one

    of the most backward region and hostile conditions for human

    living with result the concentration of the people is less and above

    all another reason for this phenomena of thin concentration of

    population is as there is no employment opportunities large

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    number of people have migrated to other District and States in

    search of jobs and livelihood. The following figure-1 shall depict

    the comparison better.

    Figure -1

    Source : Usilapmatti Block, Statistical Handbook 2011-2012, Madurai Dt and

    Tamilnadu Statistical Hand Book 2013.

    As far as population growth is concerned despite

    prevalence of foeticide and infanticide, the population is

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    higher mainly due to illiteracy and other social and economic

    facts such as poor economic conditions etc.

    Figure -2

    Source : Usilapmatti Block, Statistical Handbook 2011-2012, Madurai

    Dt and Tamilnadu Statistical Hand Book 2013.

    The sex ratio among the Primalai Kallar is one of the

    lowest in the whole countries that too in a state where it is

    more than 995 whreas in it is only 936 in the Usilampatti

    Block where is in another Bclok were also the poplution of

    Pramalai Kallr is more than 85 per cent, the sex ratio is

    only 904. The reason for the lowest sex ratio is mainly due

    to very low social status to women among the Piramalai

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    Kallars, though orginally as in any other Tribes women

    were given equal status in all respect but due to advrese

    conditions in which this tribes were made to live, the

    practice of dowry system and extreme poverty , has lead

    to degenration of the value sytem and all the anger

    against the main stream society due to continued

    discrimination and illtreatment, and the entire budren of

    unjust historical anger, are vent upon the women of

    Piramalai Kallars and the level of suffering of Prmalai

    Kallar of women is such that it is extermely challanging to

    be born as second girl child in the Prmalai Kallar Tribes

    and compelete full cycle of life even as a first girl child

    because due to social backwardness number of savage

    practives are still continued.

    Figure -3

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    Source : Usilapmatti Block, Statistical Handbook 2011-2012, Madurai

    Dt and Tamilnadu Statistical Hand Book 2013.

    One such Practice is female infenticides and foeticide

    which has been well documented by the UNICEF and

    Inidan Counsel for Child Welfare. The female infendicite

    is a practice where only the first girl child would be

    spared. If the family bears another girl child, the milky sap

    from an Oleander (Yerukkum) shrub or Cactus (Kalli)

    plant will be squeezed, mixed with castor oil and fed into

    the newborn's throat. and number of other motheds.

    Female infant mortality rate (defined as mortality in the

    first year per 1,000 females born) in in Madurai it was 70

    and the figure in respect of the whole of Tamil Nadu was

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    44.3. Specifically, the early neo-natal female mortality rate

    (that is, death within six days of birth) in Madurai it was

    43.4; and the State average was 24 during 1986.

    Several sociological factors influence the preference

    for male children that is at the root of female infanticide

    and female foeticide. The heart-rending tale of

    Thedaselvam exemplifies some of them. Frail and

    anaemic, she had tried to abort her five-month-old foetus

    but her husband, who had lost both his legs in an

    accident, had prevented her. His overriding concern was

    that if she died owing to complications arising from an

    improper abortion, there would be no one to look after him

    and their eight-year-old son and six-year-old daughter: the

    family survives on the Rs.15 a day that Thedaselvam

    earns as a farm labourer. But Thedaselvam asked

    tearfully, "What will I do if this too is a girl? The

    expenditure we incur on a girl all through her life is

    enormous (there are six occasions on which ceremonies

    are to be performed for a girl). (Frontline

    NVESTIGATION: Scanning for death:In a region in Tamil

    Nadu where female infanticide is endemic, increasing

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    instances of foeticide employing modern tools of medical

    technology raise a range of questions by ASHA

    KRISHNAKUMAR in Usilampatti Vol. 15 :: No. 25 :: Dec.

    05 - 18, 1998)

    Cradle babies of Piramalai Kallar Calotropis plant : POISONOUS SAP USED TO KILLFETUS

    Apopular but crude and primitive abortion method

    adopted by the traditional midwives involves killing a fetus

    with the poisonous sap of the Calotropis plant that grows

    wild in the state.The mid-vein of an overripe leaf of the

    plant is carefully cut out with a pair of scissors.

    The tip of the stiff vein is dipped into the sap squeezed out

    from a fleshy leaf of the plant. A thin strip of gauze is

    wound tightly around the tip of the vein and dipped again

    into the sap. It is then inserted into the pregnant womans

    vagina. Unhygienic, crude methods of abortions can

    cause serious medical complications to women. It could

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    rupture and infect the uterus.The entire reproductive

    system of the affected woman can go for a toss.

    Better for her to die now

    Chinnammalwith her first daughter who was allowed to live

    Normally, the day should have been one of great

    rejoicing for 35-year-old Kuppusamy and his 26-year-old

    wife Chinnammal, both agricultural workers in Chulive-

    chanpatti village in the Usilampatti taluk of Madurai

    district. It was a May morning of sparkling sunshine and

    Chinnammal, attractive and slim despite her pregnancy,

    was in labour inside her mud-and-thatch hut. In a few

    minutes her second child would be born. Her first,

    daughter Chellammal, 3, played outside.

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    The new-born cried lustily as it came into this world. It

    was a bonny child, fair of complexion, its eyes, squinting

    at the sunlight that filtered in. But when the mother laid

    eyes on her baby, tears welled up in her eyes. They were

    not tears of joy. Chinnammal had .seen the sex of the

    child: a girl. What crossed her mind was not the

    anticipation of the joys of motherhood but the trials that

    lay ahead. How could a family of daily-wage agricultural

    workers belonging to the Kallar group of the Thevar

    community afford to bring up and marry off two

    daughters? How could they, when thedowry demanded by

    bridegrooms was always astronomical? The couple had

    decided to have a second child only in the desperate hope

    that it would be a boy. But on this sunny day, the dream

    lay shattered.

    There was only one way out of a lifetime burden of

    bringing up two daughters. And Kuppusamy decided on

    what they had to do. That evening he trudged

    somewhat unsteadily into a nearby field, plucked a

    handful of oleander berries that are known for their lethal

    poison, and returned home. Chinnammal mashed them

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    into a milky paste and fed her crying infant with the

    substance. The parents then shut the small door of their

    hut, sat outside, and waited for the poison to do its work.

    Within an hour the baby began to twitch and tremble

    fitfully. Slowly she started spouting blood through her

    mouth and nose. The parents heard her whining. A few

    more minutes, and all was quiet. Chinnammal knew that

    everything was over. She quietly walked over to her

    mother's hut close by, dug up a little patch of ground

    inside, brought and buried the dead baby.

    Poisonous oleander berries used to kill baby girls

    I killed my child to save it from the lifelong ignominy of

    being the daughter of a poor family that cannot afford to

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    pay a decent dowry, Chinnammal said, as she sipped

    water to keep her voice from breaking. But all the same,

    it was extremely difficult to steel myself for the act. A

    mother who has borne a child cannot bear to see it suffer

    even for a little while, let alone bring herself to kill it. But I

    had to do it, because my husband and I concluded that it

    was better to let our child suffer an hour or two and die

    than suffer throughout life. Kuppusamy, at first reluctant

    to talk, admitted later during an interview: I get Rs 13 a

    day as agricultural wages, on the days that I manage to

    find work. My wife gets Rs 6 a day. I cannot dream of

    decently marrying off two daughters. Killing girl babies

    due to fear of the dowry problem is very common in our

    Kallar community.

    Thus insulated from the scrutiny of government

    officials, politicians and social workers, the Kallars of

    Usilampatti remain the prisoners of their burdensome,

    savage traditions. By S. H. Venkatramani - Born to Die -

    Female Infanticide published inIndia Todayvol 31, 15

    (June 1986) 26-33.

    We have no money to keep our daughters alive

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    Annamal, 35, now a mother of five killed her first three

    daughters. "I had to kill," she says. "We believed if wekilled a female the next child would be a male."

    Gender disparity manifests itself in several other ways

    in a patriarchal society and contributes to the shaping of a

    mindset that perceives girl children as a "burden". Thus in

    1992, the State Government acknowledged for the first

    time the seriousness of the problem of female infanticide.

    It introduced several schemes, including one under which

    parents could abandon "unwanted" girl babies in cradles

    kept in noon meal centres, primary health centres and

    orphanages; the babies would then be brought up in

    State-run orphanages. About 50 babies were thus found

    abandoned in Usilampatti. But the scheme fizzled out

    because many babies that were "adopted" by the State

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    died. According to data compiled by the Social Welfare

    Department, 133 babies were found abandoned in cradles

    in Usilampatti and Salem between 1992 and 1996. Of

    these 70 died. Another scheme, under which the State

    Government was to invest Rs.2,000 in the name of every

    girl child born in poor households, was not implemented

    until 1997.

    Table - 3

    Times of India, Chennai (times city P-8) Sep 24 2011

    In a filed study conducted by SIRD an NGO in Madurai

    has reveal that the practice of dowry and practice of

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    foeticide and infanticide is worst than the Dalits and other


    Table -4

    The Prevalence of Dowry and Infanticide among Piramalai Kallars

    Name of the


    Dowry Harassment Practice ofFoeticide/


    Yes No Yes No



    24 33 48 9

    Dalit 12 27 27 12

    Other castes 7 17 4 20

    Source: Jeeva, M; Gandhimathi and Phavalam : Female Infanticide: Philosophy, Perspective and concern of SIRD - search Bulletin.

    July-Sept. 1998. 13(3). P.9-17.

    Of the 57 Piramalai Kallar respondents suveyed, 48

    shared that they were, Practicing Female Infenticide i.e 86

    per cent and among dailts it is only 69 per cent. Simarly

    the dowry harrasess ment also more among the Piramalai

    Kallars 42 per cent and among dalist it is only 31 per cent

    Thus the social backwardness is very serve in the case of

    Piramalai Kallar than the Dalits. As a result the sex ratio

    is lowest in India.

    The populous of the Piramalai Kallars are predominantly

    living in rural area. Despite rapid urbanization in the

    Madurai District and Tamilnadu during the last decade

    two decade from 1991 to 2011, the Usilamptii Block

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    witnessed only a marginal increase in Urbanization.

    However large number of them have migrated to various

    cities of India as far as Jammu in the north and Assam in

    the East, mostly engaing in mobile Dosa shop woking

    through out the day and struggling to compete with the

    large scale hotels.

    Figure -4

    Source : Usilapmatti Block, Statistical Handbook 2011-2012, Madurai Dt andTamilnadu Statistical Hand Book 2013.

    Besides the general to the bacwardness of Piramalai

    Kallars in these vital indicators, the Piramalai Kallars are

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    look down with contempt evry one in other comminity and

    the government mechinary mainly due to the stigma of

    Criminal Tribes. The Police offficer had a baise against

    the Piramalai Kallars were ever they live, large number of

    false cases are filed and put to unbearable torcher and in

    some cases, they force them to indulge in criminal

    activities. As the level of education of the Piramalai

    Kallars are not sufficient to get them a job in the market

    the lumpen elelment use them in all kind of criminal

    activities and they had no other optition but the fall prey to

    such a exploitation. Even durng the recruitments of

    various services of central and state goverements on

    reading the caste name of the individuals, they are

    rejected without assiging any reasons mainly due the

    brand of the criminal Tribes. There are number of

    individual stories that highly meritorious individuals are

    denied jobs on the the ground of being criminal tribes

    whereas their mediocare counterpart from other parts

    were able to get the lucarative jobs. The Home

    Department of Madras Presidency compliled the socio-

    economic status of all criminal tribes in the year 1939

    and the same is enclosed as Appendix. Out of 89 criminal

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    tribes, all most all of them were able to get over the

    burden of the past by successfully improving their social

    and ecomonic status because of a host of advandagious

    factors i.e. i) the CT Act itself was not imposed in the

    entire community as vigoraously as in the case of

    Piramalai Kallars, ii) their livelihood was not deprived off;

    iii) they were already in the take off stage in respect of

    economic empowerment; iv) they are not tribals and they

    had been already integrated in the main stream societies

    whereas the Piramalai Kallars as a unique tribes and

    original aboriginals dispite their best effort to emulate the

    main stream culture, they failed mainly due to their core

    value of each individual being a sovereign power and

    unable to accept the unjust pattern of the main stream

    society and the quality of tolerence to the ambiquity is

    also all most absent among the Piramalai Kallars. Though

    aparantly seemed to the rude and uncivilized but there is

    fine threat of respect for justice and primitive communisim

    and judicious humanism in every walk of the Piramalai

    Kallars and they have built structurally rigid and

    functionally flexcible social institutions along with change

    in continuity but which require a special skill to understand

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    and the main stream society failed to understand their

    unique culture and value system and rejected them as

    socially unfit and the result is vicious cycle of rejection-

    rebellion process and the outcome is they are lacking

    behind in the race to modernisation and social-economic

    advancement. Therefore affirmative action by

    constutitional safeguard shall go long way in mitigation the

    suffering of the Piramalai Kallars and integration with main

    stream while preserving their unique culture.

    Economic Status

    The mainstay of the Piramalai Kallar economy is

    agriculture. The landholding size of the farmers among

    the Piramalai Kallars is so small that it is impossible to

    undertake any commercial agriculture and thus the entire

    economy is subsistence economy. In fact, the concept of

    private property is alien to them even during the early part

    of the 20th century and whence everyone worked in the

    field and everyone was allowed to enjoy the produce and

    thus there was a kind of absolute primitive communism.

    But after the imposition of CT Act their entire livihood

    pattern is damaged irrevocably and forced to be asset

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    less, skill less phycical labour. The deprival is so much so

    that many of them could even affort to have hue/an

    equipment to work in the filed and thus left unemployed or

    to look for deviant way of living. The following table shall

    reveal that the all most 99 percent of the farmers are

    small farmers and out this another 65 per cent have only

    less that one acre of the land which is not cacapable for

    producing any surplus produce for market and thus they

    are outside the reach of market.


    Size of Farm Holding (in acres) amongPiramalai Kallars

    size of farms (in

    Acres) Number of Farmers percentage

    1 0.50-1 17990 65.06

    2 1-2 3926 14.20

    3 2-3 4356 15.75

    4 3-4 878 3.18

    5 4-5 264 0.95

    6 5-6 108 0.39

    7 6-7 90 0.33

    8 7.5-10 18 0.07

    9 10-20 18 0.07

    10 above 20 4 0.01

    Total 27652 100.00

    Source : Usilapmatti Block, Statistical Handbook 2011-2012, Madurai Dt.

    Figure -5

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    Source : Usilapmatti Block, Statistical Handbook 2011-2012, Madurai Dt.

    As there is no institutional credit support to these farmers

    even to plough the land they had to depend onmany lender. The

    money lenders inturn plough their lives and treat them as salves.

    The following table of socio economic indicators of Piramalai

    Kallars demonstrates that they are in the lower rung of the

    development. Of the total population 59.2 per cent are workers

    and among the women 46.1 per cent are in the work force which is

    highest in the country. These labours also engage only in

    agricultural activities, of the total workers 81.8 per cent of them are

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    agricultural workers in contrast with negligible figure of 2.5 per cent

    in manufacturing industries. As stated earlier no single industries

    worth mention in the regions of the Piramalai Kallars and as the

    agriculture also mostly rain fed and the ground water level has

    also been depleted beyond recharge, the there is large scale

    migration to eke out their living. As most of them are unskilled,

    they are employed only as unskilled labours in various

    plantation/mining/spinning units. Another pathetic phenomena is

    duly to extreme poverty, the children are made to work on the farm

    and off the farm at a tender age depriving their childhood rights

    and in worst cases, they are lent for few hundreds to work in

    various household snag manufacturing industries and where the

    children are being forced to work for more than 20 years without

    rest and without adequate and sleep. In fact, if all the true story of

    these unfortunate children are written perhaps we shall become

    sleepless forever because indeed along with frying the snags they

    are being virtually fried and at time their limbs and at some other

    time their bodies are also fried and all these suffering is alas only

    in the fond hope of survival. Inaddition to the above in terms of the

    infrastructural development also they are lacking behind in all


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    No. Socio-Economic Indicators



    1 Average size of household 3.4

    2 Percentage of workers to total population 59.2

    3 Percentage of female workers to total workers 46.1


    Percentage of agricultural Labourer to total

    labourars 81.8

    5 Percentage of workers in Manufacturing industries 2.5

    6 Percentage of small and marginal farmer 95

    7 percentage of net are sown to total geographical area 32.28

    8 Number of post office per thousand population 0.39

    9 Number of letter box 9510 Number of residential telephone 654

    11 Number of Nationalized bank 5

    12 Number of scheduled Bank 1

    13 Number of Primary Agricultural cooperative bank 5

    14 Noon meal centers 88

    Source : Usilapmatti Block, Statistical Handbook 2011-2012,

    Madurai Dt

    Political StatusAs the Piramalai Kallar is concentrating with winnable

    majority in only one constitution i.e. Usilampatti constituency with

    over 2,11,000 voters and since all along they have been voting

    only for the candidates of All India Forward Bloc , they remain

    political orphan because the All India Forward Bloc never find any

    representation in the council of Ministers . In other constituency of

    Madurai, Dindigul and Theni districts comprising nearly 30

    constituencies they are present very significantly but they could not

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    mobilize successfully to make their representation effective.

    Indeed, no representative of Piramalai Kallar had ever taken part

    in the decision making process either in legislature or in the

    executives. The participation of Piramalai Kallars in the higher

    administration is almost absent except one or two second/third

    generation individuals. The same is the case in Group A, Group B,

    Group C and Group D Services of both the central and state

    governments and only mode of assured job was recruitment in

    Kallar Reclamation as teachers in clerks numbering over 500

    vacancies and as stated supra this also has been discontinued

    after 1999. Thus on the whole over 40 lakhs people of Piramalai

    Kallars remain as powerless, voiceless, asset less and lifeless.

    Educational StatusAs explained earlier, though the Piramalai Kallars had evolved

    various robust social institutions, they could not evolve any system

    of educational institutions not even a dormitory type among the

    Piramalai Kallars. As a result the remained mostly illiterate till

    1920s when after the establishment of schools exclusively for

    Piramalai Kallars under the Kallars Reclamation Scheme and

    some well intentioned Christian Missionary Schools in the Regions

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    of Piramalai Kallars, the rays of modern education spread into the

    Piramalai Kallar Nadu.

    Table - 7

    Literacy rate among Kallars as per 1921 census

    Sex Population Literacy Percentage

    Men 259428 42223 16

    Women 274544 144 0.1

    Total 533972 43665 8

    Source: Venkatasamy Nattar, N,.M. KallarSarithiram, Jeyam & Co, Trich irappalli, 1923, P 136.

    However, the table of data above reveals that the literacy

    among the women was almost zero and the overall literacy is only

    8 per cent but this is also not true reflection of Piramalai Kallars

    education status because the data includes more advances Kallars

    of other regions also.

    In fact the Britishers thrust of welfare measures was on

    educating the Piramalai Kallars and the first mission mode project

    of Kallar Reclamations schools were established at end 1940 there

    were 60 schools but after 60 years of Independence the number of

    school for Piramalai Kallars are very few. For a population of 1.5

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    lakhs in Usilampatti Block there are only 7 High schools and 6

    Higher Secondary Schools.


    Number of Schools for a Population of morethan 1.5 lakhs for Usilampatti Block

    Piramalai Kallars in 2011

    S.No. Level of schools

    Number of


    Total trained and



    1 Pre-primary schools 5 26

    2 Primary Schools 64 201

    3 Middle Schools 20 183

    4 High Schools 7 198

    5 Higher Secondary Schools 6 78

    6 Matriculation Schools 4 73

    Source : Usilapmatti Block, Statistical Handbook 2011-2012,

    Madurai Dt

    Even in these schools most of the teachers are non-trained

    and thus there is no quality education and the infrastructural

    facilities also very poor as funds are not allotted from the main

    accounts of department of education but from the Kallar

    reclamation scheme for whom only very nominal fund is allotted

    and 90 % of the funds are used against only the revenue

    expenditure and thus no new schools/building/hostels and not

    even repair and renovation works are taken in time as a result

    number of buildings have become beyond economical repair. Thus

    even now the level of literacy is less than the national, state and

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    district average and the glaring contrast con be seen between the

    Piramalai Kallars and District literacy levels. Similarly the ratio of

    higher education among the Piramalai Kallars is also appalling.

    Figure -6

    Source : Usilapmatti Block, Statistical Handbook 2011-2012,

    Madurai Dt

    Health Status

    In all the indictors of the health viz. longevity, morbidity,

    mortality, infant mortality, maternal mortality, and patient doctor

    ratio etc. the Piramalai Kallars are extremely backward mainly due

    to social and cultural backwardness and partly due to poor health

    and sanitation facilities in the regions of Piramalai Kallars. The

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    Infant mortality rate in the region is much less than the healthy

    figures of a healthy state and district as depicted in the following


    Figure -7

    Source : Usilapmatti Block, Statistical Handbook 2011-2012,

    Madurai Dt

    Over all Status

    An objective study of various socio-economic indicators

    discussed supra manifestly reveals that the Piramalai Kallars are

    in the bottom scale of all the indicators and above all due to their

    socio-economic backwardness they have been leading an

    inhuman life and they are not only victims of the so called purity-

    pollution principle but also the heavy burden of imagined, invented

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    and imposed criminal tribes indelible social stigma and

    consequent discrimination in every walk of life in general and in

    jobs and social participation in particular.

    Therefore immediate statutory intervention is required to

    integrate them into the main stream society and have rightful place

    in the larger society.

    Chapter - V



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    A) Withdrawal/abandonment/d ivers ion of welfare

    measures/institutional mechanism of Piramalai Kallar


    i) The Kallar Reclamation schemes were not

    increased in proportion to the growth in other


    ii) The Kallar Reclamations was not provided with

    adequate fund even to run the day to day


    iii) Many schools and Hostels opened exclusively for

    Piramalai Kallars were abandoned.

    iv) Vide GO. M.S 1310 dated 30.7.1979 of social

    welfare department, government of Tamilnadu

    the nomenclature of Denotified Criminal Tribes

    was changed to Denotified Community.

    v) Vide GO. M.S. 28 dated 19.07.1994 of the

    backward class and Most backward class

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    department the Christian Piramalai Kallars were

    denied to be treated as DNT.

    vi) Vide GO 7 dated 15.2.1999 of the backward

    class and Most backward class department has

    denied the claim of appointing only persons

    belonging to Piramalai Kallar as Teachers in

    Kallar Reclamation Schools and rather imposed

    the communal roster in the recruitment to be

    made in the Kallar Reclamation department.

    vii) The state government abandoned the Amatchiya

    Puram via railway line to Usilampatti Taluk

    major irrigation project from Vaigai Dam.

    viii) The Thirumangalam Main canal irrigation

    projected was diverted from its original plan and

    deprived the major irrigation facilities of major

    portion of the Piramalai Kallars Community.

    ix) The demanded of Pappapatti 58 villages

    irrigation project was denied for 4 decades and

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    under implementation for 2 decade without any

    hope of ever delivering single drop of water into

    this dry regions.

    x) Even the portion of Piramalai Kallar land being

    irrigated through Vaigai Dam is not released as

    per entitlement and only when there is surplus, it

    is released and there is no equitable distribution

    of the available water.

    xi) The Special Kallar co-operative societies are


    xii) The voluntary Kallar fund was also wound up.

    xiii) The employment bureau established under the

    Kallar Reclamation Scheme has been abolished.

    xiv) The service entitlement card issued to the

    Piramalai Kallar has also been discontinued.

    B) Discriminate action of the State Machinery and

    Human Rights Violation against Piramalai Kallar


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    The systemic and institutional discrimination against

    the Piramalai Kallars are appalling and deplorable.

    Though the CT Act has been abolished long back still the

    ghost of the social stigma hunts the youth of Piramalai

    Kallars, they are forced by the police to indulge in criminal

    activities and thereafter they are booked under various

    server section of IPC and other special and local laws

    offences and in many case without any justification they

    were also killed in the police custody and the so called the

    encounter murders. Only on knowing that a person is from

    Piramalai Kallar community how so ever that person is

    noble in action and thought, still that person is looked

    down and kept as a suspect and in most case booked as

    criminal by the police with impunity. Thus, there is large

    scale human rights violation day in day out in the present


    Apart from the police atrocities, even in various direct

    recruitments the Piramalai Kallar tribes candidates are

    given very less marks despite having their exemplary

    performance mainly due to biased and prejudice psychic

    of the persons from other community which is also mainly

    due to misconception about the Piramalai Kallars ethos

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    and value system. One such incidence is one Suruli of

    Kalapanpatti of Uslimpatti taluk was a C certificate holder,

    gold medalist in mechanical Engineering, having cleared

    SSB selection in short service commission, he was

    rejected and he could not find a job in the state

    government also, whereas his class mates who had clear

    the degree after many years were also able to get

    lucrative post in the state but he could content with only a

    post in Highways department and retire from the lower

    rung of the serve. Such stories of discrimination and

    maltreatment are many to be accounted. This

    discrimination is not confined to only in the state

    machinery but also in all public sectors be it Railways,

    Post, Telegraph, EB, Nationalized Banks, Public Sector

    Undertaking of central and state governments.

    C) Social discrimination and abusing the people of Piramalai


    The magnitude and scale of discrimination suffered by

    the Piramalai Kallars are enormous and immeasurable

    and in any case, certainly more than the discrimination of

    the schedule caste and scheduled tribes because as

    stated supra the incidence and impact of discrimination

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    against the SCs are mainly on account of the unjust caste

    system but the incidence and impact of discrimination of

    Piramalai Kallars are many fold in all respect of life and

    both temporal and contemporary. Above all, the

    discrimination is both internal and external because as

    they are true aboriginals they cannot abandon their

    cultural values immediately and adopt the so called

    modern values which is unjust whereas the SCs have

    abandon all the so called polluting practices and readily

    embraced the modern values and secondly among all the

    communities only among the Piramalai Kallars the

    women and children are worst victims of the both internal

    and external discrimination. Thus the Piramalai Kallars

    symbolize the epitome of the discrimination and only

    through constitutional safeguard, they can be rescued.

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    Chapter - VI





    As submitted supra the people of Piramalai Kallar Tribes are

    lacking behind in all respect of life, the a holistic, effective and

    specific legislative and policy measures needs to be taken to

    improve their socio-economic status and thus the following

    proposals are submitted for the kind consideration of the High

    Level Committee for strong recommendation to the central

    Government for immediate implementation.

    a) Legislative measures.

    1. As the Piramalai Kallar Tribes meet all the criteria of a

    schedule Tribes, the High Level committee should

    recommend to the Government to issue presidential

    notification to include the Piramalai Kallar Tribes as

    Schedule Tribes under Article 342 of the Constitution

    of India and extent all the benefits as being extend to

    the schedule Tribes.

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    2. As the DNT constitute 15 crore population of India,

    they should be treated as specially disadvantaged

    groups, accordingly the constitution of India should

    amended to incorporate this section of people as a

    special category and insert the word DNT after the

    words SC/ST wherever it appears especially in Article

    15, 16, 17, 46, 243, 244, 300 to 342 and 371, schedule

    V of the constitution of India.

    3. The nomenclature of Piramalai Kallars should be

    changed as Piramalai Aboriginals (Piramalai Athikudi

    in Tamil).

    4. The state government should give 5 % reservation to

    DNT as given by Maharashtra to Vimukthi Jati.

    5. The area of the DNT should be declared as scheduled

    area and included in the Schedule V of the Constitution

    of India in all states and the article 371 should be

    amended to include special status to the scheduled

    area of DNT of Tamilnadu also included in the Article

    371 of the constitution of India.

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    6. The SC/ST(Prevention of Atrocities) Act 1989 should

    be amended as suggested by the National commission

    of DNT to include DNT also under the protection

    umbrella of the said Act that will go a long way in

    preventing serious human rights violation against the

    DNT due to aged old Stigma and preconceived


    7. All the discriminative laws like Habitual Offenders Act

    etc, which are having adverse impact on the lives and

    livelihood of the DNT should be repealed/amended

    immediately because existence of such anarchic law is

    against the mandate of the Constitution of India and

    various UN declaration on the rights of Primitive and

    Indigenous Tribes.

    b) Policy Measures

    1. As stated above due to change of nomenclature

    of the Primitive and indigenous Tribes in General

    and Piramalai Kallar Tribes in particular has let to

    deprival of various legislative and welfare

    entitlement of these backward tribes because the

    Government of India vide its GO MS 1310 dated

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    30.07.1979 of Social Welfare Department has

    issued that the word Tribe shall not be used for

    the Denotified, Nomadic and semi nomadic

    Tribes in future and Instead they shall be called

    as the Denotified, Nomadic and Semi-nomadic

    Communities only. This has been done mainly

    relying on the Government of India, Ministry of

    Home Affairs letters No. 11019/18/78- SCT V

    dated 4.11.78 and No. BC. 11026/2/79 SC BCD

    III dated 20.03.1979. Above all the reason cited

    for such decision is patently illegal, perverse and

    prima facie the political malice is writ large on the

    face of the said GO 1310 because after all the

    said national commission has only emphasized

    that besides SC/ST there are 258 communities

    throughout the country and only these

    communities are called Backward class and in

    the report written it has used the word the

    community instead of Tribes and at any rate that

    does not mean it has directed the stated

    government to issue GO changing the

    nomenclature of these Tribes. Therefore the

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    central government immediately issue policy

    letter withdrawing the above mentioned Ministry

    of Home Affairs letter if any and direct the

    concerned state governments to withdraw such a

    mischievous GOs forthwith.

    2. All the central and state government policy on

    the legislative and welfare aspect of DNT must

    be consolidated and a National Policy on DNT

    must be redrawn keeping in view various rights

    recognized by the various International Bodies.

    3. The policy of the central and state government

    must be widely published and all the stock

    holders such as Government Machineries, Civil

    Societies and the people of concerned Tribes.

    4. A separate Website should hosted by the both

    the central and state government disclosing all

    the policy measures of the government.

    5. The Government should involve all the

    communities of the DNT at all stage of policy

    formulation, implementation and evaluation so

    that it does not destroy their age old rich culture

    and heritage and at the same time keep them

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    advance in all respect of life according to the


    c) Insti tutional set up.1. As recommended by the National Commission

    for DNT and accepted by NAC and Technical

    Group of the Ministry of tribal Welfare a

    Permanent statutory Commission should be

    established at national level and state level to

    protect the rights of the DNT and monitor the

    measures being taken by the governments to

    improve the status of the NDT,

    2. Separate Ministry of the DNT Welfare should be

    created at the central and state government to

    implement various special programmes for the


    3. National and state level financial Corporation

    with adequate seed capital should be established

    to finance various enterprise of the DNT people.

    d) Reservation measures

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    1. All the reservation benefits extend to STs should

    be extend to DNT by including them the ST.

    2. Alternatively all the DNT should be treated as a

    special group and reservation should be provided

    in central and state government services, public

    Sectors companies, Banks, Private companies


    3. The Reservation benefits in promotion also

    should be extended to DNT.

    4. Above all there should reservation to DNT in the

    judiciary including in the lower judiciary and

    higher judiciary and in prosecution agencies.

    5. Only teachers belonging to Piramalai Kallar tribes

    should be appointed as Teachers in the Schools

    run by the Kallar Reclamation so that the unique

    culture of the Piramalai Kallar is preserved which

    has been appreciated as the best system by all

    the sociologist of the world.

    6. There should be reservation in representative

    bodies to DNT such as in Lok Shaba, Rajaya

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    Shaba, State legislative assembly, counsel and

    Local Bodies

    e) Educational Schemes

    1. As there is no higher educational institutions of

    over a million population of one Taluk in Madurai
