ppt on dale carnegie part 1 & 2

Influence Towards Successful Life! - SARRAH

Upload: sarapitalwala

Post on 18-Nov-2014




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  • 1. Influence Towards Successful Life!

2. Sketch of Principles 3. Fundamental Techniques in Handling People 4. Become a Friendly Person: 5. The Great Secret of Dealing With People 6. Share knowledge & Inspire others 7. Six Ways To Make People Like You 8. DO This And Youll Be Welcome Anywhere You can Have anything in life if you will help enough other people get what they want. 9. A Simple way to make good First Impression 10. If You Dont Do This, You Are Headed For Trouble 11. Become A Good Conversationalists 12. Win People to Your Way of Thinking: 13. How To Make People Like You Instantly 14. Secrets To a Happy Life! 15. Shuckriya!!!