prepare for the next recession

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  • 7/25/2019 Prepare for the Next Recession


    Prepare For The Next Recession

    By Martin Wolf

    What might central banks do if the next recession hit while interest rates were still far below

    pre-2008 levels? As a paper from the London-based Resoltion !ondation arges" this is

    highl# likel#$ %entral banks need to be prepared for this eventalit#$ &he most important partof sch preparation is to convince the pblic that the# know what to do$

    Today, eight-and-a-half years after the first signs of the financial crisis, the highest short-term

    intervention rate applied by the Federal Reserve, the European Central Ban, the Ban of !apan

    or the Ban of England is the latter"s half a per cent, #hich has been in effect since March $%%&and #ith no rise in sight' The ECB and the Bo! are even using negative rates, the latter after

    more than $% years of short-term rates of %'( per cent, or less' The plight of the )* might not be

    that dire' +evertheless, the latest maret epectations imply a base rate of roughly '. per cent in$%$ and around $'( per cent in $%$( - less than half as high as in $%%/'

    What are the chances of a significant recession in the )* before $%$(0 1ery high indeed' Thesame surely applies to the )2, euro3one and !apan' 4ndeed, the imbalances #ithin the Chinese

    economy, plus difficulties in many emerging economies, mae this a ris no#' The high-incomeeconomies are liely to hit a recession #ith much less room for conventional monetary loosening

    than before previous recessions'

    What #ould then be the options0

  • 7/25/2019 Prepare for the Next Recession


    5ne #ould be to do nothing' Many #ould call for the cleansing depression they believe the

    #orld needs' 6ersonally, 4 find this idea cra3y, given the damage it #ould do to the social fabric'

    7 second possibility #ould be to change targets, possibly to ones for gro#th or level of nominalgross domestic product or to a higher inflation rate' 4t #ould probably have been #ise to have

    had a higher inflation target' But changing it #hen central bans are unable to deliver today"slo#er target might destabilise epectations #ithout improving outcomes' Moreover, #ithout

    effective instruments a more ambitious target might 8ust seem empty bombast' 2o the thirdpossibility is either to change instruments or to use the eisting ones more po#erfully'

    5ne instrument, not much discussed, #ould be to organise the deleveraging of economies' This

    might need forced conversion of debt into e9uity' But, #hile desirable in etreme circumstances,this #ould be practically difficult'

    7nother #ould be a still bigger scale of 9uantitative easing' 7t the end of the third 9uarter of last

    year, the Bo!"s balance sheet #as /% per cent of :;6, against less than