progress for people how life was made better for the ‘little guy’ during industrialism!

PROGRESS FOR PEOPLE How life was made better for the ‘Little Guy’ during Industrialism!

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Page 1: PROGRESS FOR PEOPLE How life was made better for the ‘Little Guy’ during Industrialism!


How life was made better for the ‘Little Guy’ during Industrialism!

Page 2: PROGRESS FOR PEOPLE How life was made better for the ‘Little Guy’ during Industrialism!

Sponge Question

• What would make you ever want to move out of this country?

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I. Objective #1- Immigration Describe the difference between “Old” and “New” immigrants to

America. What part of Europe did each group originate from? What group had the most advantages upon reaching the United States? Why? List three reasons people would have left Europe for the United States?

A. ‘Old’ Immigration (Before 1865)

1. Northern & Western Europe

a. Great Britain, Germany, Scandinavia

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Objective #1- Immigration

2. Better Educated & Skilled

a. Most had a skill of some sort (a trade)

Ex. Carpenter / Butchers

3. Cultural Similarities

WASP! a. Spoke English (Easier to Assimilate)

b. Protestant (Religion)WhiteAngloSaxonProtestant

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Objective #1- Immigration

B. ‘New’ Immigration (After 1865)1. Southern & Eastern Europe

a. Italians, Greeks, Russians, Polish2. Unskilled Labor

a. Mostly poor Farmersb. No School Education

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a. Language – Little to no English

b. Religion

Ex. Catholic / Eastern Orthodox / Jewish

** Much harder to ASSIMILATE** Definition???

4. ASSIMILATION (Fitting In)

a.Children lead the way

b. Speak English/Clothes/School

1st GENERATION: Immigrant / Speaks only foreign Language

2nd GENERATION: Son/Daughter of Immigrant / Speaks English & Parent’s Language

3rd GENERATION: Grand Children of Immigrant / Speaks ONLY English

Objective #1- Immigration

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Objective #1- ImmigrationC. Why Immigrate?

1. Religious – Jews suffer Russian ‘Pogroms’ Killing and driving out of Russia

2. Economic – Too Little Land/$$$$$3. Crop Failures

D. Where did they Go??1. Ellis Island in New York City

a. 1880-1930 20mill. Immigrant (Out of 27Million)b. Those not “desireable” sent back!

2. Angle Island (San Francisco)a. Mainly Chinese

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II. Objective #2- Working & Living in Cities Describe working and living conditions in most cities during this time period. Describe

what type of places did immigrants get jobs at in the cities? Explain the housing situation for most immigrants. Describe the Triangle Shirt Waist Factory Disaster. Identify Jacob Riis and explain his and name his book.

A. Population Explosion

1. American Migrants

a. African Americans from South

b. Farming Families (Failed Homesteads)

2. Immigrants from Europe


1. ‘New’ Immigrants

a. Little to no skills (need factory jobs)

b. Settle with same nationality in neighborhoods.

Ex. Little Italy / Little Warsaw (Polish)

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2. Working Conditions

a. Sweatshop Work (Factories)

b. 12-18hr. Days / Poor Money / Kids / Dangerous

Ex. Triangle Shirt Factory (HW Sheet)

3. Living Conditions

a. Tenement Living

ex. Apartments with small rooms, generally rented by families (1 Room = 1 Family)

b. Filth, Overcrowding, Disease, Poverty

Objective #2- City: Working & Living

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Objective #2- City: Working & Living

C. Reaction to Cities & Immigrants 1. Anti-Immigration Feelings

a. “Nativism” (Amer. Protective Assoc.)-Against Immigration

b. Congress Acts**RACIST - 1st Law, Chinese Exclusion Act (1882)

-Literacy Bill (Vetoed by 3 Pres.) until 1917c. Violence

-1880 Denver, Whites attack Chinese-Race Riots, Whites attack Af. Americans

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Objective #2- City: Working & Living

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III. Objective #3- Labor Unions & Big Business How did labor unions affect how big business treated workers? What was the unions’ biggest weapon in confronting the corporations? Who did the government usually side with in these disputes? Give two examples of how union protest turned deadly?

A. Abuse of the Workers

1. Horrible Working Conditions

a. 12-18hr. Days / 6-7day work weeks

b. Child Labor

c. Sweatshops- Dirty, filthy factories

2. Physical Abuse & Disasters

a. Fired for anything

-getting hurt, complaining

b. Fire escapes locked

c. Triangle Shirt Waist Fire

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Objective #3- Labor Unions & Big BusinessB. Creation of Unions

1. Workers Organize

a. Organized to stop abuse

b. 1st Union: Knights of Labor

2. Fighting Big Business

a. Strikes: Stop working until you get changes

b. Collective Bargaining: Union makes deals with companies for all workers

C. Big Business Fights Back

1. Hires new workers for those on strike

a. Tons of immigrants who need jobs

2. Government Helps Big Business

a. Sends in Army & Police

b. Beat-up Strikers & Union Members

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A. Suffrage Movement – Want women to VOTE1. Early Beginnings

a. Seneca Falls Declaration (NY) – 1848 -Called for equal rights before Civil War

2. Leaders a. Susan B. Anthony /Elizabeth Cady Stanton

3. Fights: Hunger Strike / Get Arrested4. Results:

a. Western states lead way-Women working side by side in tough

conditions of homesteading, farming, ranching-Wyoming Suffrage – 1890

b. 19th Amendment (1919)- ALL WOMEN CAN VOTE!“Women stand in laundries for 13 and 14 hours…. Surely these women won’t lose

their beauty and charm by putting a ballot in the ballot box.”

IV. Objective #4- Women Reform the Country How did women try to reform the country? What did Settlement Houses do and who were they run by? Where were women allowed to vote first? Why were women so against alcohol? Name the two leaders of the suffrage movement.

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Objective #4- Women Reform the CountryB. Women Help Cities

1. How they Can helpa. Better Educated- Rights to: college, practice law, and medicine

2. Jane Addams & Settlement Housesa. Jane Addams

-What can she do after college?? (Teach? Mother? Nurse? Is that all??????)b. Hull House

-1st Settlement House in U.S. (Chicago)*Help Immigrants /Clean up Cities / Jobs for educated women

c. Helps Immigrants-Teacher English-Babysitter-Helps with Job Skills

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Objective #4- Women Reform the Country

C. Prohibition, (Temperance) Movement

1. Make Alcohol Illegal

2. Women lead Prohibition

a. Men abuse & gambling problems

-Women had no rights!!!

3. 18th Amendment 1917 – OUTLAWS ALCOHOL

(Overturned with 27th Amend. In 1932)

D. Other City Improvements

1. Fixing Health Problems

a. Sewers / Water Systems / Building Codes

b. Industry Helps

-Subways / Trolleys / Paved Street

-Less Horses = Less Mess

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New York Subway - 1904

Brooklyn Bridge 1883

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1885BrooklynSewer System

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OBJ 1 thru 4 REVIEW

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A. Business Progress and Reform1. Business Problems

a. Monopolies, Big $$, Horrible Factories2. Newspapers lead charge “Muckrakers”

a. Reporters & Authors “Digging Up” Problems-Business, Factories, Corruption

Ex. “The Jungle” by Upton Sinclair- How Horribly Dirty Meat Factories Are

V. Objective #5- Changes to Business & Government Explain how the Progressive Movement changed both business and government. What president was known as a Trust Buster? Name at least two ways voters gained more power in America because of this reform. What role did Muckrakers play?

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Page 34: PROGRESS FOR PEOPLE How life was made better for the ‘Little Guy’ during Industrialism!

Objective #5- Changes to Business & Government

3. TRUST BUSTERSa. Teddy Roosevelt President

-“Square Deal” – fair treatment for all -End Laissez-faire “_______________”

b. Government regulation of businessb. Government Watches Businesses

-Interstate Commerce Act/Commission-Federal Reserve (Banking)-Food & Drug Act/Commission-National Parks

**HELP Make Lives Better!!!!!- Did it Work?


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Objective #5- Changes to Business & Government

B. GOVERNMENT Reform1. What needs to be fixed?

a. Spoils System (political machines)-jobs given to friends of politicians

ex. Boss Tweed-NY (not even elected)2. U.S. Government takes action

a. President Garfield ends “Spoils System”-Civil Service Commission & Exam-Committee to fill jobs in the gov’t

b. 16th Amend.- Income Taxc. 17th Amend.- Directly Elect Senators

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Objective #5- Changes to Business & Government

3. State Reformsa. Primary Elections (Wisconsin)

**Who you get to vote for (Republican/Democrat decided by the people, not Party

Bosses like Boss Tweedb. Oregon System -Initiatives- public can put issues on ballot to become law -Referendum- voters can reject laws passed by legislators -Recall- voters can remove elected officials if they do not

like their performance**Who had more power as a result of the reforms???



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Initiative & Popular

Referendum Popular Referendum Only Initiative on Constitutional

Amendments ONLYNo Referendums or Initiatives