promotional methods

Promotional Methods It is extremely important to promote my magazine in order to get the widest audience base possible and to gain popularity for my magazine. I would need to use promotional methods that would allow a huge readership and circulation in order to increase sales when the magazine is released.

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Post on 25-May-2015




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Page 1: Promotional methods

Promotional MethodsIt is extremely important to promote my magazine in order to get the widest audience base possible and to gain popularity for my magazine. I would need to use promotional methods that would

allow a huge readership and circulation in order to increase sales when the magazine is released.

Page 2: Promotional methods

Billboard adverts are a great way of catching attention as they are extremely large, and are based in popular, busy places for example: on the sides of motorways, shopping centres. They are used in many places up and down the

country therefore they are essential in promoting my magazine as it will be seen by many. Because it will be seen by so many people, I would need to make the magazine as appealing as possible, perhaps by including an offer that

would be limited to the first issue. I would also include the website and the social media pages in order to increase the

circulation and add to the anticipation of the release.

Page 3: Promotional methods

Another promotional method I would use would be through public transport. This is because so many people use public transport on a daily basis and therefore this would help me to increase the circulation and readership of the magazine. For example, buses and trains travel great lengths every day for long hours, therefore a huge variety of people will be able to see the advert. Also, my target audience tend to use public transport a lot travelling to and from gigs, and therefore they will see the advert multiple times which is essential for my magazine to be recognised by them. Also, people not on the transport will be able to see the advert from the side as it is large and eye catching, and this will also help to increase my audience base.

Page 4: Promotional methods

I will make sure that when advertising, I will make it recognisable to my magazine and I will also include aspects likely to be popular with my target audience. I will definitely promote the use of Twitter and Facebook to create personal relationships with the audience and enable them to connect and communicate with the magazine. To create anticipation for the release of my magazine and entice people to buy it, I will include a competition to meet Claudia (the main feature of the first issue) and win backstage passes and signed merchandise from her. Hopefully, this will make people want to buy the magazine and with good promotion this will increase sales.