proposal part4 baru

1 THE EFFECTIVENESS OF TEACHING LISTENING ON NEWS ITEM TEXT USING VIDEO (An experimental study with the tenth Year Students’ of MA MATHOLI’UL HUDA Pucakwangi – Pati in the academic year of 2011/2012) A. BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Listening is one of success key in mastering language especially English as a second language. It is a process of taking and dissolving the main topic from the conversation or spoken language that has been listened. If it can be applied well, this basic skill can improve the basic building of language that has been recorded. Someone who has competent in listening not only get the meaning of spoken text, but also get the opportunity to master tenses, vocabulary, pronunciation, intonation, and idiom. Because listening has many contributions for our life, we can do this as a habit to develop this skill. 1 Teaching English at senior high school in Indonesia is based on a system which is called curriculum. Since 2006, the renewed curriculum was 1 Patrisius Istiarto Djiwandono, Strategi Belajar Bahasa Inggris, Belajar Menyimak, Membaca, Menulis, dan Berbicara dengan Taktis, (Malang: PT Malta Printindo, 2009), p.4.

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Page 1: Proposal Part4 Baru




(An experimental study with the tenth Year Students’ of MA MATHOLI’UL

HUDA Pucakwangi – Pati in the academic year of 2011/2012)


Listening is one of success key in mastering language especially

English as a second language. It is a process of taking and dissolving the main

topic from the conversation or spoken language that has been listened. If it

can be applied well, this basic skill can improve the basic building of

language that has been recorded. Someone who has competent in listening not

only get the meaning of spoken text, but also get the opportunity to master

tenses, vocabulary, pronunciation, intonation, and idiom. Because listening

has many contributions for our life, we can do this as a habit to develop this


Teaching English at senior high school in Indonesia is based on a

system which is called curriculum. Since 2006, the renewed curriculum was

applied. Namely school based curriculum or KTSP. This curriculum is aimed

to prepare the students in mastering four language skills those are listening,

speaking, reading and writing and language aspect. Deal with those

requirements of Indonesian students, like any other learners of language of

English also meet difficulties in learning English, because their native

language is quite different from English. Those elements that are similar to

his native language will be simpler for him, and those elements that are

different will be difficult. Even though it may be different for each learner,

generally the area and the degree of difficulties they encounter are almost

similar. However, the problem will appear when language learners from

1 Patrisius Istiarto Djiwandono, Strategi Belajar Bahasa Inggris, Belajar Menyimak, Membaca, Menulis, dan Berbicara dengan Taktis, (Malang: PT Malta Printindo, 2009), p.4.

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different countries with different cultures and backgrounds meet and speak

different languages because the text and its pronunciation is quite different.2

The material that has been taught for students of senior high school

not only vocabulary and grammar but also genres. Genres are written text that

have systemic linguists and characteristic lexicogrammatical features.3 One of

them is news item text. It is taught by teacher in order to inform about events

of the day which are consider newsworthy or important. However, many

students in Senior High School have difficulties to analyze the organization

of news item text in teaching learning process focused on listening. Students

have difficulties to analyze the organization of news item text that have been

listened, because it is using English as a second language for them. Listening

in learning process is basically the process when the teacher explains the

material or speaks use English; and the students just listen, so the students is

bored in the learning process.

English teacher has to be a facilitator to help students in order to

master all skills. Teacher must try to give good model. Then, encourage them

to practice the language. English teacher can use media and other source in

teaching activity. Teacher can use the media to teach or explain difficult

material to understand, or to make learn activity cheerful and not


Media is the means of communicating with large number of people,

television, radio and news paper. According to Gerlach and Ely (1971) said

that media in general human, material, or event that build the condition of

students so that they able get knowledge, skill, or attitude. In this case is

teacher, textbook, and school environment also media.4 Media will offer

different situation which increase students’ interest of the lesson. Media can

2 Standar isi untuk satuan badan pendidikan dasar dan menengah, standar kompetensi dan kompetensi dasar SMA/MA (Badan standar sosial pendidikan, 2006), P.134.

3 Gerrot and Wignel, Making Sense of Functional Grammar: An Introductory of Workbook, (Australia: Gred Stabler AEE, 1998), p. 190.

4 Azhar, Arsyad, Media Pembelajaran, (Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo Persada, 2005), p. 32

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be used by both teachers and students. It gives more detail information and

focuses students on the material and skill that is being taught. The use of

media also allows students to be involved in teaching and learning process. It

gives teachers and students opportunity to do activity together. Then, teacher

has to know the appropriate media for the students. Media is divided to three

parts; those are audio, visual and audio-visual media. The writer will take the

effectiveness of audio-visual media especially video as a learning aids.

Video is needed to make learning process success. Video is type of

magnetic tape used for recording moving pictures and sound or copy of a film

programmed that is recorded on videotape. It is connected with seeing or

sight used in teaching to help people understanding something.

Some studies have also proven that video are very helpful way for

students in learning in new language, especially English. For example,

Awwalul Mukaromah (073411014) an IAIN student in her thesis entitled, the

effectiveness of teaching speaking hortatory exposition text using video clip.

Another study was conducted by Nur Zaenah (073411018) an IAIN student in

her thesis entitled, the use of video critic as a medium of teaching to improve

students’ ability in writing analytical exposition text.

Because of the reasons above the writer wants to run an experimental

study in MA Matholi’ul Huda Sokopuluhan Pucakwangi Pati in the academic

year of 2011/2012 by implementing video as a medium to improve students’

understanding in news item text.


From the background of study that has been explained above, the

research question is:

How is the effectiveness of teaching listening on news item text using

video with the tenth Year Students’ of MA MATHOLI’UL HUDA

Pucakwangi – Pati in the academic year of 2011/2012?


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1. Objective of the study

In this thesis, the writer do the research “the effectiveness of

teaching listening on news item text using video” is to find out the

effectiveness of teaching listening news item text using video.

2. Benefit of the research

a. For the writer

The result of the investigation will be useful reference for the

writer to improve the knowledge about listening on news item text

using video and it will be useful in the future as the prospective teacher

in preparing teaching process.

b. For the teacher

The result of research is expected can give reference and improve

their way to teach news item text.

c. For the students

It hopes that the students will enjoy following the English class.

They will be easy to understand the lesson and memorable, so that, it

can improve their understanding on news item text.

d. For the reader

It is hoped can give more information and contribute the



The research will describe some works which are relevant to these thesis

to make the thesis arrangement easier:

1. Awwalul Mukaromah (073411014) an IAIN student in her thesis entitled,

the effectiveness of teaching speaking hortatory exposition text using

video clip. (An Experimental Research at Eleventh Grade of MAN 1

Kebumen in the Academic Year of 2010/2011). This thesis is conducted to

avoid students’ problem on speaking. Generally, they have many ideas to

speak, but they can express with different language. Video is selected as


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one of media to motivate them. The formula that was used to analyze the

data was t-test. It was used to determine whether or not there was a

significance difference between students’ score in experimental group and

students’ score in control group. The result of study shows that the pre-test

average of the experimental group was 62.84 and control group was 62.32.

While, the post-test average of the experimental group was 75.05 and

control group was 69.47. It was found that t-test was (3.481), whereas the

t-table was (1.99) for a = 5%. The t-test score was higher than the t-table

(3.481 > 1.99). It was meant that Ha was accepted while Ho was rejected.

Since t-test score was higher than the t-table, using video clip was

effective media in improving students’ speaking skill in MAN 1


2. Nur Zaenah (73411018) an IAIN student in her thesis entitled, the use of

video critic as a medium of teaching to improve students’ ability in writing

analytical exposition text. (A Classroom Action Research with Students of

X1-1 of SMA Wahid Hayim Tersono Batang in the Academic Year of

2010 – 2011). The researcher do this research because she wants to help

students to make writing on hortatory exposition easier with medium

which is appropriate and successful to make learning process well done

like previous researches. Researcher used critic video as a medium of

teaching writing. The research finding shows a difference in achievement

of students’ writing before and after being treated by using video critic.

The average of the students’ result in pre-cycle was 62, 21, in the cycle

one test was 71, 21, in cycle two test was 76, 42, and in the post-cycle was

77, 34. It proved that the result of the post-cycle was better than the

standard score of KTSP (2006) standard that is 65. The non-test analysis

shows that the students’ positive attitude in writing analytical exposition

text increased. Based on the results of the research, it can be concluded

that by using video critics in teaching writing, teacher can improve

5 Awwalul Mukaromah , “The Effectiveness of Teaching Speaking News item Text Using Video Clip”, Thesis S1 IAIN Semarang FT Tarbiyah of IAIN, 2011


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students’ writing ability. The students were more attracted, more active,

and more interested in studying. And it was hoped that it can be valuable

as the information resource for students, teachers, and the writer herself.6


1. Teaching listening for Senior High School

According to Andrew Basquille, Listening is the activity of paying

attention to and trying to get the meaning from something that has been

listened. While hearing is passive, successful listening is definitely an

active skill which requires involvement.7

Listening is the success key in mastering language especially

English as a second language. It is a process of taking and dissolving the

main topic from the conversation or spoken language that has been

listened. Listening is the process in trying to hear the attention the process

of understanding speech in a first or second language. The study of

listening comprehension processes in second language learning focuses on

the role of individual linguistic units (e.g. phonemes, words, grammatical

structures) as well as the role of the listener’s expectations, the situation

and context, background knowledge and the topic.8

According to Rost:

listening is a process holding a continuum of active passive process, where is the process is under the control of the listener, and passive process. listening means the process where is the listener catch what the speaker has said; to get the speaker’s idea; to decode the speaker message; to unpack the speaker’s content; to receive the transfer of images, impression, thought, beliefs, attitudes, and emotional from the speaker.9

6 Nur Zaenah, “The Use of Video Critic as a Medium of Teaching to Improve Students’ Ability in Writing Analytical Exposition Text.”, Thesis S1 IAIN Semarang FT Tarbiyah of IAIN, 2011

7 Andrew Basquille, Listening Skills: Improving Learners’ Skills with News Reports

8 Patrisius Istiarto Djiwandono, Strategi Belajar Bahasa Inggris, Belajar Menyimak, Membaca, Menulis, dan Berbicara dengan Taktis, p.4.


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From definitions above, the writer conclude that Listening is the

act of hearing attentively. Listener gets the information from the speaker,

and then can result imagination and understanding. When a person decides

to communicate with another person, he or she does so to fulfill the need.

The person wants something, feels discomfort, and or has feeling or

thoughts about something. In deciding to communicate, the person selects

the method or code which he or she believes it will effectively deliver the

message to the other person. The code used to send the message can be

either verbal or nonverbal. When the other person receives the coded

message, they go through the process of decoding or interpreting it into

understanding and meaning. Effective communication exists between two

people when the receiver interprets and understands the sender’s message

in the same way the sender intended it.

Larry Alan Nadig states that there are three basic Listening Modes.

First, Competitive or Combative Listening. It happens when listeners are

more interested in promoting our own point of view than in understanding

or exploring someone else’s view on listening. They either listen for

openings to take the floor, or for flaws or weak points they can attack. As

they pretend to pay attention they are impatiently waiting for an opening,

or internally formulating their rebuttal and planning their devastating

comeback that will destroy the argument and make them the victor.

Second, In Passive or Attentive Listening we are genuinely interested in

hearing and understanding the other person’s point of view. We are

attentive and passively listen. We assume that we heard and understand

correctly. but stay passive and do not verify it. Finally,

Active or Reflective Listening is the single most useful and important

listening skill. In active listening we are also genuinely interested in

understanding what the other person is thinking, feeling, wanting or what

the message means, and we are active in checking out our understanding

9 Michael rost.2002. Teaching and researching listening. Great Britain: personal education limited. P.2.


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before we respond with our own new message. We restate or paraphrase

our understanding of their message and reflect it back to the sender for

verification. This verification or feedback process is what distinguishes

active listening and makes it effective.10

Based on curriculum (KTSP 2006) the target of teaching English in

Senior High School is to gain all of function skills, those are listening,

speaking, reading and writing. It means that the target of education is to

make students be able to communicate oral or written to solve their

problems in their daily life. From the quotation above, the purpose of

teaching English in Senior High School is the ability of communication

with their mastering in four skills.11

The writer states that the English teacher has to make listening

class communicate with giving more chance for students. He/she can link

the lesson with students’ daily problems and give materials relate on how

to solve the problems. It is also good if students can learn moral values

from the lesson that will be used in their daily life. The important thing for

the teacher is to give the students more opportunity to practice their

listening skill by providing more activity that put them into the real

practice of communication.

2. News item text

News item is one kind of genres. Linda gerot and Peter wignel state

that genre is a type of writing that provides systematic linguistics and

characteristic lexicogrammatical features. The genres are described in

school and non-school environment. These genres arose in social interaction

to fulfill human social purposes.12 Culture context created genres that every

10Larry Alan Nadig, Tips on Effective Listening, taken from:, accessed on February 6th 2012

11 Standar isi untuk satuan badan pendidikan dasar dan menengah, standar kompetensi dan kompetensi dasar SMA/MA, P.134

12 Gerrot and Wignel, Making Sense of Functional Grammar: An Introductory of Workbook, P. 190.


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text has communicative purpose, generic structure, and characteristic of

linguistics. Each genre has specific language features. 13 They state that

beside news item text, there are many kinds of genre, those are spoof,

recount, report, analytical exposition, anecdote, narrative, procedure,

description, hortatory exposition, explanation, discussion, and review.14

In this research, the writer will focuses on one genre that is news

item text. Bambang Sugeng and Noor Zaimah in their book stated that news

item is a text written which has function to give information to readers,

listeners, or viewers about events of the day which are regarded newsworthy

or important.15 Didin kholidin also states that news item is a text which

informs readers about events of the day. The events are considered

newsworthy or important.16

From the definition above, the writer can conclude that the news

item text is the factual text which has the purpose to inform the readers

about events of the day which are considered newsworthy or important.

Specifically news item text inform publicly about the thing happened which

is considered as newsworthy. It is important to be known publicly as it often

happens in one part of region and the function of news item text is to

socially spread the news.

The social function of news item is to informs readers’ of daily

newspaper about events of the day which are regarded as newsworthy or

important. Newspaper need to make the news as readable as possible in

order to attract as many readers as possible. News stories especially the ones

13 Department Pendidikan Nasional, Kurikulum 2006 Standar Kompetensi Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris, (Jakarta: Depdiknas, 2006), P. 37.

14 Gerrot and Wignel, Making Sense of Functional Grammar: An Introductory of Workbook, P.190-223

15 Bambang Sugeng and Noor Zaimah, Contextual English 1 for Grade X Senior High School, (Solo: PT Tiga Serangkai Pustaka Mandiri, 2009), p.189

16 Didin kholidin, News Item text, taken from: Retrieved on February 6th 2012


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published in afternoon newspaper often make the events of the day as

dramatic or as sensational as they can in order to make more people buy


It means that the purpose of news item text is to give the important

information deals with events that are regarded as newsworthy in some way.

The information consist of the answer of word question (who, what, where,

why, when and how). Besides that, the purpose of it is to interest the

readers, so they are interested to find the news.

Each text of genres has a specific structure based on the

communicative purpose of the text itself. However, there are similarities

among the texts which have some purposes. The similarities create an

expectation of the general schematic structure on the text that is called

generic structure of a text. The generic structure of news item usually has

three components. First, Newsworthy Events. It is put at the beginning

because the reader needs to get the angle on the events before deciding

whether to read on. This stage gives information about who, what, when,

where, and why the events occurred. This information has to be compressed

into a small space because news story writers have to share space on the

page with lots of other newspaper stories. This part recounts the event in the

summary form. Second, Background Events. It contains information about

the events that lead up to. It can include information about how and why the

events occurred, the circumstances surrounding the crisis. After the lead up

events’, the news writer will often give more information about what

happened during and after the Crisis what is likely to happen in the future.

The stage fills out the context of the events for the reader. It elaborates what

happened with the news, to whom and in what circumstances. Third,

Sources. The news story has to show where the journalist got the

information about the events. The news story is supposed to be about real

events. If the writer is to appear reliable or the writer wants to highlight its

17 Literacy and Education research Network and the Directorate of Studies, A Genre-Based Approach to Teaching Writing Book 1: An Introduction to Genre- Based Writing, (Australia: Common Ground. 1990), p.34.


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importance, the she needs to point to a reliable and relevant source of

information. This stage is called sources because it shows who provided the

information. The sources point up the significance of the events that lead to

and followed the crisis makes the events newsworthy. This part includes

comments by participants in, witnesses to and authorities’ expert on the


News Item Text has The Significant Lexicogrammatical Feature.

Firstly is short. The telegraphic information about story summarized in one

sentence headline. For example, “KILLER CYCLONE WRECKS 4

TOWNS”. Second, use material or action processes to re-tell story. For

example, started moving, left, destroyed, flattened, ripped, through, were

unroofed, drowned, etc. Third, use projecting verbal processes in sources

stage. Fourth, focus on circumstantial meanings (especially in newsworthy

background). Finally, often dramatic use of participant structure especially

thematic position.19

3. Video as media

One way to support teaching and learning process is media. It can

make teacher’s presentation in the classroom easier. It is also expected that

students will get better understanding from the teacher’s explanation;

therefore, media also has contribution in improving students’ skill.

Gerlach and Ely state that the media is person, material or events that

established condition which enable the learners acquire knowledge, skill

and attitude.20

18 Literacy and Education research Network and the Directorate of Studies, A Genre-Based Approach to Teaching Writing Book 1: Factual Writing, (Australia: Common Ground. 1990), p.34.

19 Literacy and Education research Network and the Directorate of Studies, A Genre-Based Approach to Teaching Writing Book 1, p.34.

20 Azhar Arsyad, Media Pembelajaran, (Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo Persada, 2003), P. 3.11

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Based on the statement above, media is needed to help students in

acquiring lessons that are being taught. Media gives some resourceful

teaching aids that help both teacher and students in material.

Anderson has classified teaching media into three categories. First,

Visual media. They are media that can be seen. For example: magazine,

newspaper and textbook. Second, Audio media. They are media that can

be listened. For example : radio and mp3 player.. Finally, Audio-visual

media. They are media that have sound and picture. For example:

television and video.21

In this study, the writer use the audio-visual media named video as

the interaction media, because by using video, it can motivate the students

to learn and pay attention to the material given and make students

understand well and easier gained the material as second language


Video is the technology of electronically capturing, recording,

processing, storing, transmitting, and reconstructing a sequence of still

images representing scenes in motion.22

From the definition, writer say that video is the pictures in the

frame, where frames from mechanism LCD. So, that is can seen by us that

the pictures are motion. By teaching using video combines entertainment

and instruction, to make the learning enjoyable.

There are three basic types of video which can be used in class.

First, Programmers uses recorder to record the program from a television

channel should be engaging for our students and of a sensible length. This

type named off-air programmers. Apart from overall language level, some

off-air video is also extremely difficult for students to understand,

21 Listyaning Sumardiyani and Zulfa Sakhiyyah, Speaking for Instructional Purpose a Handbook (Semarang: IKIP PGRI Press, 2007), P. 48-59

22 12

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especially where particularly marked accents are used or where there is a

high preponderance of slang or regional vernacular. The best programmers

and excerpts are ones which we can use for a range of activities including

prediction, cross-cultural awareness, teaching language, or as spurs for the

students’ own creativity. Second, the learners use real-world video. There

is no reason why we and our students should not use separately published

videotape material such as feature films, exercise manual, wildlife

documentaries or comedy provided that there are no copyright restrictions

for doing this. Once again we need to make our choice based on how

engaging and comprehensible the extract is likely to be, and whether it has

multi-use potential. We need to judge the length of the extract in the same

way too. Finally, using language learning videos. Many publishers now

produce free-standing language learning videos- or videos to accompany

course book. Frequently these have accompanying workbooks. The

danger of language learning videos, however, is that they fail the quality

test either because the production is poor, the situations and the language

are inauthentic, or the content is too unsophisticated. Our choice,

therefore, has to be limited to those sequences which our students will

accept and enjoy.23

According to Harmer, there are some reasons why can add a

special, extra dimension to the learning experience. First, Seeing Language

in Use. One of the advantages of video is that the students do not just hear

language they see it too. Second, Cross- Cultural Awareness. Video

uniquely allow students a look at situations far beyond their classroom.

Video is also of great value in giving students a chance to see such things

as what kinds of food people eat in other countries, and what they wear.

Third, the Power of Creations. When students use video cameras

themselves they are given the potential to create something memorable

and enjoyable. Finally, Motivation. Most students show an increased level

23 Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching, (England: Pearson Education Limited, 2001), p. 284.


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of interest when they have a chance to see language in use as well as hear

it, and when this is coupled with interesting task.24

4. Using Video in Teaching News Item Text

Teaching English as a foreign language sometimes make the

teachers realize that are transferring knowledge to the students are not

easy. A good teacher will not surrender, if the students are boring with the


There are many reasons why video is used as a tool in teaching

English. The first reason is video has the ability to use both auditory and

visual system. Learners can construct a meaning of a story from either

audio or visual information alone, but it appears that when presented

together, each source provides additional and complementary information.

Through video, learners can write a summary of a movie completely better

than when they only listen to the audio-only version. It means that

information that is obtained visually is memorable. Second, videos can

connect students with faraway place. Videos permit the students to

observe the dynamics of interaction as they observe native speakers in

authentic situation and using different accents, registers, and paralinguistic

cues such as gestures and postures. Videos give great sense of what the

country would be like if the students visited it. Third, videos can enhance

self-confidence and breakdown social-stereotypes. Authentic videos have

even been shown to inspire self-confidence. As a result, students say that

they have fewer obstacles about using their second language.

Fourth, videos give opportunities for students to learn foreign culture.

Videos appear to be a rich source for teaching culture because it presents

students with an image of a “living vibrant people who use the target

language for daily communication.” It is also said that today’s students are

part of the TV era and that visual aids help them with cultural awareness.

Fifth, videos help to demonstrate abstract ideas. Videos, by nature, are 24Jeremy Harmer ,The Practice of English Language Teaching, p. 282


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filled with valuable extra-linguistic clues. Research shows that exposure to

visual stimuli increases students' comprehension and retention of lexical

items. Then, that visual exposure, when joined with an audio component,

significantly increases students' comprehension of a video text. It means

that videos help to give pictures of abstract ideas.

The writer applies video as alternative media in teaching news

item. Using video in teaching listening on news item text is actually help

students in improving vocabulary and listening skill easily, because video

gives description about something case. It can help students to build their

ability in listening news item text.

Without any media, when the teacher asks students to listen, they

will get difficulty. By using video as a technical tool, it can help engage

students especially to improve students’ ability in listening, especially in

teaching listening news item text.

According to Kenneth Beare:25

They key to helping students improve their listening skills is to

convince them that not understanding is OK. This is more of an

attitude adjustment than anything else, and it is easier for some

students to accept than others. Another important point that I try to

teach my students (with differing amounts of success) is that they

need to listen to English as often as possible, but for short periods of


From the statement above, the writer conclude that listening for

senior high school need consistently practice and supporting media

especially video that is short for the beginner ESL students.

25 Kenneth Beare, “The Challenge of Teaching Listening Skills”, taken from, accessed February 3th 2012


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The writer suggests that listening use audiovisual resources can be

effective language learning tools. According to Hanson-Smith (2004),

there are many benefits of using videos as in-class learning resources. In

addition, video is increasing access to professional audiovisual resources

that are free, authentic, and suitable for language learning development.

Finally, it can be give the benefits of implementing a video production

component in language classes. Sharp (2005) also states that describes a

class video project suitable for middle school students. Based on

statement, implementing video production in the middle school classroom

can easily be extrapolated to the college-level classroom.26


“Hypothesis consists of words hypo and thesis. Hypo is under or less or

weak. Thesis is theory or proposition that showed as a proof.” 27 Hypothesis is

a temporary answer of problems in research until proved from the data which

collected.28 So, hypothesis can define a weak truth statement towards

problems on research and need to prove the truth after collecting data. The

hypothesis of this research is: video are effective to improve students’

listening skill on news item of students’ MA Matholi’ul Huda Sokopuluhan

Pucakwangi Pati in the academic year of 2011/2012.


1. Research Approach

This research is an experimental study. An experiment is the way to

get the relationships between variables by deliberately producing a change

26 Nicolas Gromik, Video Games Studies And The Emerging Instructional And Revolution.

27 Sutrisno Hadi, Statistik, Vol. 2, (Yogyakarta: Andi, 2004), p. 210.

28 Suharsimi Arikunto, Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktek, (Jakarta: Rineka Cipta, 1998), p. 64.


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in one.29 In this research, the writer used the form of quantitative approach

to analyze the data. Experimental research is an attempt by the writer to

maintain control over all factors that may affect the result of an

experiment. In doing this, the writer attempts to determine or predict what

may occur. An experimental research involved two groups: experimental

group and control group. An experimental group received a new treatment

while control group received a usual treatment. According to Nunan,

experiment is designed to collect data in such a way that threats to the

reliability and validity of the research are ministered.30

2. Research setting

This research is conducted in MA Matholi’ul Huda located at

Tiwongso Timur Street Sokopuluhan Pucakwangi Pati. This research is

conducted in the second semester in the academic year of 2011/2012.

3. Variable and indicator of the research

Dependent variable of this research is listening ability on news item,

because this variable is found from the other variable named independent

variable. The independent variable is the use of video.

The indicators of this research using video are:

1) The ability to identify the material.

2) The ability to manage the information found from the video.

3) The ability to monitor learning process on listening video exercise.

4) The ability to do the listening exercise well through video.

5) The ability to evaluate the content of video and the mistakes from the


4. Population and sample

29 Suharsimi Arikunto, Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktek, P. 3.

30 David Nunan, Research Method in Language Learning, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992), p. 47.


Page 18: Proposal Part4 Baru

a. Population

Population is a set of all elements processing one or more

attributes of interest.31 In my view, population is any group of

individuals that has one or more characteristic in common that interest

to be investigated. Population of this research is tenth year students of

MA Matholi’ul Huda Sokopuluhan Pucakwangi Pati in the academic

year of 2011/2012. The total population was 185 students.

b. Sample

Sample is a group of individual which is taken from a given

population.32 Sample is part of population which has same

characteristics. In this research, the writer will take two classes from

tenth grade of MA Matholi’ul Huda Sokopuluhan Pucakwangi Pati in

the academic year of 2011/2012. To determine the two classes, the

researcher used cluster random sampling technique. as a sample which

X A as an experiment class and X B as a control class. Each class

consisted of 38 students.

5. Technique of The Data Collection

The writer will carry out three activities to gain the data containing

treatment for the experiment group and post test. The writer developed the

instrument of research and administered it to the students to collect the

data. The instrument is:

a. Test

Test is used to asses and measure students’ achievement; mainly

the cognitive side related the students’ mastery on learning as aim of

31 Encyclopedia of educational evaluation as quoted by Arikunto, 2006:130

32 Arikunto, p. 27.18

Page 19: Proposal Part4 Baru

education and teaching.33 Test is containing number of questions. In this

research, test will be done once for each group, control and experiment

groups. It is post-test. This test is to measure students’ achievement on

news item text both of control group and experiment group. Whereas

the purpose giving post-test to know the students understanding on

news item text after the teaching learning process.

b. Documentation

Another data is needed to help the writer run the research. In

addition to do that, data will be collected though documentation of the

students’ previous examination scores from the school. It will be used

to valid the sample.

Documentation of students’ listening test recording is used to

evaluate students’ listening skill.

6. Technique of Data Analysis

a. Pre-requisite test

Initial state of data analysis aimed to determine the initial

conditions and the experimental class control class before getting a

different treatment, whether two classes from a homogenous sample or

not. Therefore, the writer uses the daily tests of both the experimental

class and control class.

It was meant to get the assumption that sample of research came

from a same condition or homogenous.

1) Test of Data Normality

Before doing the research, the first step that had to be done was

testing the data normality. It was aimed to know whether the data

came from normal distribution or not. The researcher used Chi-

Square formula.33 Nana Sudjana, Penilaian Proses Hasil Belajar, (Bandung: PT Remaja Rosdakarya,

1999), 6th Ed, p. 3519

Page 20: Proposal Part4 Baru

Steps for the data normality as follow:

a) Hypothesis that be used

H0 : the data is normal

Ha : the data is not normal

b) Choose the statistic method that be used

The formula that be used to count the normality of students’ result

is Chi-quadrate.

c) Using α

The alpha significance that be used in this research is 5 % and dk

= k-3.

d) Determine the criteria of hypothesis test

H0 is accepted if <

Ha is accepted if ≥

e) The formula that be used as follow:34

Adopted from Sudjana.35


= Chi-quadrate

= Frequency that was obtained from data

= Frequency that was hoped

k = the sum of interval class

34 Suharsimi Arikunto, Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktik, hlm. 318.

35 Sudjana, Metoda Statistika, (Bandung: Tarsito, 2002). p. 273.20

Page 21: Proposal Part4 Baru

2) Test of Homogeneity

Test of homogeneity was meant to get the assumption that

sample of research came from a same condition or homogenous. The

researcher used the formula as follow:

F =

Cited from Sugiyono.36

To measure the sample homogenous or not, the writer use F-table

score with significant 5% and dk= k-1 of significance. If ≤

, Ho was accepted.37 So, both of experimental and control

group had similar variants (homogenous).

b. Hypothesis Test

Firstly, the test was done in both groups, experimental and

control group before are given different treatment. Secondly, the result

of the test was scored by using analytic scale. Thirdly, the means score

of the two groups were determined. Finally, the two means were

compared by applying t-test formula. T-test was used to differentiate if

the students’ result of students’ listening skill in news item text by

using video and without video was significant or not.


36 Sugiyono, Statistika Untuk Penelitian, (Bandung: Alfabeta, 2007), p. 140

37 Sudjana, Metode Statistika, (bandung: Tarsito, 2002), hlm. 250.21

Page 22: Proposal Part4 Baru

Cited from Sudjana.38


= the mean score of the experimental group

= the mean score of control group

= the number of the experimental group

= the number of the control group

s = standard deviation

= variance

If the obtained score was higher than t-table score by using 5%

alpha of significance, Ho was rejected. It means that Ha was accepted:

“There was a significant difference in listening achievement between

the experimental and control group.


In order to make this research comprehends; the writer will divide the

thesis into five chapters:

Chapter I presents introduction, which contains of general background

of the research, question of the research, objective and benefit of the research.

Chapter II presents the literature review. In this chapter the writer

discusses about previous research, theoretical framework and hypothesis.

Chapter III is the method of investigation. It is about research design,

research setting, the choice of population and sample, variable and indicator,

the technique of data collection and technique of data analysis.

38Sudjana, Penilaian Proses Hasil Belajar., p. 239.22

Page 23: Proposal Part4 Baru

Chapter IV presents the analysis the data.

Chapter V is conclusion and suggestion.