prueba fosfatasa alkalina

AL K ALIN E P H OSP HA TASE KIT Cat , no. Z132 Alkaline P ho s phatase i t 125 tests / kit E ach kit cont ains: Z 1 32A - T est Reag ent , 1 bottle 0.50 z. Pol y ethylene Dropper Bottle , 5ml Z 132B - Standard Reagent, 1 bottl e 0.50z. Polyethylene Dropper Bottle , 5011 Z 1 32 C - Color D e veloper, 1 bottl e 0 .5 0z . Pol y ethylene Dropper Bottle, 5ml I N TE N DED U S E Hardy Diagnos ics Alkalin e Ph os ph a t ase K it is recornmended for confirmation of suc cess ful pasteurization in milk butt e r, cream and cheese , using th e Rutgers method. l SU MMA RY Alkaline phosphatase is an en zy me natural y produced b y marnmary cel l s and pr ese nt in cow's milk . The concentration of alkaline phospha t as e can vary based on feed , season , bre e d of cows, stage oflac t ation , and milk yield. Alkaline phosphatase is inactivated at a higher temperatnre than is required to kill non-spore - forming bacterial patho g ens . Decreased activity of al kalin e phosphatase indicates that the milk ha s been exposed to enough heat to kill non- spore - forming bacterial pathogens. Alkaline pho s phatase activit y assays can therefore be used to determine ifthe milk was pasteurized p r op er ly and ifthe pasteurized milk has been contaminated with raw milk. Alkal i ne phosphatase is detected by its abilit y to c1eave phenolphthalein monopho s phate releasing phenolphthalein. Phenolphthalein is pink in alkaline conditions. . There are several methods that hav e been developed for the detection of alkal i ne phospbatase . Hardy Diagnostics Al k aline Phosphatase Kit i s ba s ed on the Rutgers method , which is a stable and sensitive method that provides an easy lo interprel color read out within 30 minutes (l) This method is also often used to d e tect the contamination of pasteurized milk by un - pa s teurized (raw) milk , as well as , pasteurization confirmation. FOR M U LA Test Rea g e nt (Z1 32 A ) 2-Amino-2-Meth y l-I-Propanol Phenolphthalei n Mono phosphate Hydrochloric Acid Final pH 10,0 +/ - 0 . 3 at 25 degrees C . 73,2gm 3 , 9gm 2l . 9rn J Standa rd R eagent (Z 1 32B) 2 - Amino - 2-Me th y l-I-Pr o p a n o l Ta r trazine Ph enolphthalein H y drochloric Acid Final pH 10.0  /  0 . 3 at 25 degrees C . Color D eve l oper (Z1 3 2C) S od iu m Hy d roxi d e De io n ized W at e r 73.5gm 40,Omg 10.Omg 21 . 9ml JO.Ogm 100,OrnJ  Adjusted and / or supplemented as requir e d to me e t p e rforman c e criteria. S T O R AGE AND S H E LF LI FE Storage: Upon r e ceipt tore at 2 t o 8 degree s C . Product should not be used ifthere are any signs ofprecipitate , contamination , discoloration , or if th e e x piration date ha s pas s ed. Th e ex pirat i on dat e applies to th e p ro du c t i n its in tact packag in g when stored as d i e c te d . This pr o d uct has the fol ow in g she l fl ife fro m the date of manufac t nre: 3 6 5 Days: Z 132 Alkaline Phosphatase Kit Ref e r to th e keyword Storage , in the Hard y Diagnostics software program HUGO  ', for  m or i nformation on storing cultnr e media, P RECAUTIONS Al sampl es o f m i l k and milk p roducts must be held at less than 4 . 4 d egrees C. from the ti m e of collection until sampling an d ana l ys i s; t h is will prevent microbial growth, w hi c h c a n c au s e false- positives , due to the production of microbial alkal ine pho s phatas e . Analysis must be started within 36 hours of collection. R e f e r to th e k eywo rd Pr eca uti o n s '' , in the Hardy Di ag no s tics so f t w ar e p rogram HUGOTM , f o r more information r e ga r din g gene r a l preca u t i o n s when using culture medi . Refer to the keyword MSDS , in the H a rd y Diagnosti c s softwar e program HUGO  for more inform a tion on handling potentially hazardous material . PR OC E D URE A positive control and a n eg ativ e c ontrol should he run with each test . To prepar e t h e positive control a dd 0 . 2ml o f fre s h raw milk t o 100ml of milk that has been heated at 9 5 degrees e , for I minute. To prepare the negative control heat 5ml

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ALKALINE PHOSPHA TASE KITCat, no. Z132 Alkaline Phosphatase Kit 125 tests/kit

Each kit contains:

Z 132A - Test Reagent, 1 bottle

0.50z. Polyethylene Dropper Bottle, 5ml

Z 132B - Standard Reagent, 1 bottle

0.50z. Polyethylene Dropper Bottle, 5011

Z 132C - Color Developer, 1 bottle

0.50z. Polyethylene Dropper Bottle, 5ml


Hardy Diagnostics Alkaline Phosphatase Kit is

recornmended for confirmation of successful

pasteurization in milk, butter, cream and cheese,

using the Rutgers method.l


Alkaline phosphatase is an enzyme natural yproduced by marnmary cells and present in cow's

milk. The concentration of alkaline phosphatase

can vary based on feed, season, breed of cows,

stage oflactation, and milk yield. Alkaline

phosphatase is inactivated at a higher

temperatnre than is required to kill non-spore-

forming bacterial pathogens. Decreased activity

of alkaline phosphatase indicates that the milk

has been exposed to enough heat to kill non-

spore-forming bacterial pathogens. Alkaline

phosphatase activity assays can therefore be used

to determine ifthe milk was pasteurized properly

and ifthe pasteurized milk has been

contaminated with raw milk. Alkaline

phosphatase is detected by its ability to c1eave

phenolphthalein monophosphate releasing

phenolphthalein. Phenolphthalein is pink in

alkaline conditions.

. There are several methods that have been

developed for the detection of alkaline

phospbatase. Hardy Diagnostics Alkaline

Phosphatase Kit is based on the Rutgers method,

which is a stable and sensitive method that

provides an easy lo interprel color read out

within 30 minutes(l)

This method is al so often used to detect the

contamination of pasteurized milk by un-

pasteurized (raw) milk, as well as, pasteurization



Test Reagent (Z132A)


Phenolphthalein Monophosphate

Hydrochloric Acid

Final pH 10,0 +/- 0.3 at 25 degrees C.



Standard Reagent (Z132B)




Hydrochloric Acid

Final pH 10.0   /  0.3 at 25 degrees C.

Color Developer (Z132C)

Sodium Hydroxide

Deionized Water







  Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to

meet performance criteria.


Storage: Upon receipt store at 2 to 8 degrees C.

Product should not be used ifthere are any signs

ofprecipitate, contamination, discoloration, or if

the expiration date has passed.

The expiration date applies to the product in its

intact packaging when stored as directed.

This product has the fol owing shelflife from the

date of manufactnre:

365 Days: Z132 Alkaline Phosphatase Kit

Refer to the keyword Storage , in the Hardy

Diagnostics software program HUGO ', for

 mor information on storing cultnre media,


Al samples ofmilk and milk products must be

held at less than 4.4 degrees C. from the time of

collection until sampling and analysis; this will

prevent microbial growth, which can cause false-

positives, due to the production of microbial

alkal ine phosphatase.

Analysis must be started within 36 hours of


Refer to the keyword Precautions'', in the Hardy

Diagnostics software program HUGOTM,for

more information regarding general precautions

when using culture media.

Refer to the keyword MSDS , in the Hardy

Diagnostics software program HUGO  for

more information on handling potentially

hazardous material.


A positive control and a negative control should

he run with each test. To prepare the positive

control add 0.2ml of fresh raw milk to 100ml of

milk that has been heated at 95 degrees e , for I

minute. To prepare the negative control heat 5ml

01 mil k or 5gm 01 milk product to 95 degrees C.

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for I minute. For testing other dairy products,

such as sour crearn, ice cream, cheese, butter,

etc., see listed referencesI

1. Pipette Iml ofsample into each ofthe two test

tubes. Label one tube Test and the other tube

 Standard .

2. Place the tubes in a waterbatb or incubator and

warm to 37 degrees C.

3. Add 1 drop (0.04ml) ofTest Reagent to the

tube marked Test , and 1 drop (0.04ml) of

Standard Reagent to the tube marked Standard .

Mix thoroughly by tapping the bottom ofthe


4. lncubate the tubes at 37 degrees C. for 30


5. Add I drop (0.04ml) ofColor Developer to

each tube and mix Ihoroughly.

6. Visually compare the color of the Test to the

color ofthe Standard .


A positive result is determined by a color in the

 Test tube that is pink or more pink than the

color of the Standard control tube. This

indicates that there is still alkaline phosphatase

present in the milk and it has either not been

pasteurized or has been contaminated by

unpasteurized milk.

If the Test solution is white or less pink than

the Standard control it is interpreted as a

negative test for the presence of alkaline

phosphatase. This indicates that the alkaline

phosphatase has been inactivated by


The Standard approximates pasteurized milkthat contains 0.1% raw milk. The positive control

consists ofpasteurized milk that contains 0.2% of

raw milk.


Note: The alkaline phosphatase content of

mixed-herd milk may vary with the breed of

cows and the season.

This test is intended to be used as an indicator

that milk has been properly pasteurized. It doesnot guarantee that all organisms have been


AII samples must be placed in clean containers,

refrigerated, and tested within 36 hours in order

to be certain that no development ofmicrobial

phosphatase has occurred. Exposure to

temperatures above 4 degrees C. could lead to

false-positives due to the presence ofmicrobial

contamination that can produce alkaline


Alkaline phosphatase methodology is applicable

to cheese. However, one must be certain that no

mold is evident. In addition, it is high1y

recomrnended that cheese be sampled before theaddition of condiments, such as peppers or

spices, as these materials may also be responsible

for false-positive tests.



Standard laboratory supplies and equipment such

as pipettes, test tubes, waterbaths, and incubators,

etc., are not provided.

QUALITY CONTROLThis product is tested for sterility and acceptable

pH. Refer to the above section, entitIed

 Formula , for applicable pH range.

Check for signs of contamination and



• Test Reagent (Z132A) should appear clear,

and yellow in color.

• Standard Reagent (Z 132B) should appearclear, and orange in color.

• Color Developer (Z132C) should appear

c1ear and colorless.


 Murthy, G.K., et al. 1992. Standard Methods

For The Examination of Dairy Producls 16th ed.

R.T. Marshall, PhD., editor, Chapter 14, p. 425-

426. American Public Health Association,

Washington, D.C.

2. Wong, K.A. 2005. Phosphatase Tesl on Milk

Samples lo Determine Proper Pasteurization

California Polytechnical State University, San

Luis Obispo, C.A.

3. Murthy, G.K., et al. 1992. Standard Methods

For The Examination of Dairy Producls  16th ed.

R.T. Marshall, PhD., editor, Cbapter 14, p. 421-

422. American Public Health Association,

Washington, D.C.



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