rc holy spirit ebulletin wb iv no. 12 dec 7, 2011

The Dove Officers and Members RY 2011-12 (Click for Resumes) PEDRITO M. CONDENO President Chair Membership IPP DIOGENES S. OSABEL Vice President & Chair Networking  FERNANDO M DELGRA JR Secretary & Chair New Generation MARCIA C SALVADOR Treasurer PP ROGELIO B BELLEZA, MD Auditor & Chair Health & Wellness LOWELL B CUSTODIO Sergeant-at-Arms & Chair Rotaract PP EMELINDA C PALATTAO Club Trainor & Chair Service Projects RICARDO P SALVADOR Chair Club Administrati on MARYLENE MARTINEZ, DDM President-Elect CP LEONIDES S RESPICIO Chair PR & Asst Chair Membership EUI BONG JUNG, OMD Chair The Rotary Foundation PERPETUAL S. RIVERA Chair Fund Generation IN IL DavidKIM  Chair Sports & Member Fund Gen AIDA E LORENZO Asst Chair Service Projects  FERDINAND VALBUENA PN & Asst Chair Sports JONG MYEONG KIM Asst Chair TRF & Member Fund Gen JOCELYN M FLORES ANGEL E. CASTRO WINNIE MAE U LEONOR ANTONIO KENT VALDERRAMA ESTRELLA C VALMOCINA Associate Members (RI Pilot Program) NENG ATENDIDO BABES M. BACULA CORAZON BUENO JENY FERNANDEZ NESON FRANCISCO MALOU JOSE TYRON KIM Honorary Members PDG DANILO V. FAUSTO AG EDMUND CHIU PDS SALVADOR VIARI JOSE B DEL ROSARIO JR FR STEVE TYNAN, MGL December 7, 2011 Rotary Club of Holy Spirit Club No. 69935 RI District 3780 Philippines Vol. IV No. 12 Official News eBulletin of the Rotary Club of Holy Spirit The FOUR-WAY TEST of the Things We Think, Say and Do Is it the TRUTH? Is it FAIR to all concerned? Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS ? Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerne d? RCHS & partners cheer up 300 kids in annual Christmas program In a joint project with SM Foundation  Inc and  the Don Antonio Heights Homeowners Asso- ciation, RCHS brought joy to 300 children aged 7-12 at the covered court of Don Anto- nio Heights last November 19, 2011. This year‘s Make a Child Happyproject had been an early Christmas treat for the chil- dren from families living in depressed parts of Barangay Holy Spirit The kids enjoyed fun games and prizes. Even the Rotarians pre- sent had fun watching the children play, sing and dance. At one point, PP Doc Roger Belleza was swamped by the kids when he asked for the dirtiest pair of slippers during  the Bring Megame. On hand to assist in the fun-filled activity were members of the Interact and Rotaract Clubs of Holy Spirit, as well as students from  the University of Makati who were brought in by SMFI. Each of the 300 kids brought home a gift from SMFI. Snacks for the kids, event organizers and volunteers were provided by RCHS, Carryboy Inc , and DAHHA Director Mrs Isabel Kim of KIMBEL International . Click photo below to view a photo-stream of the event.

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The Dove

Y 2011-12 (Click for Resumes) 



—New Generation

—Health & Wellness

s & Chair—Rotaract

—Service Projects

– Club Administration

– PR & Asst Chair—Membership

– The Rotary Foundation

—Fund Generation


—Sports & Member—Fund Gen

—Service Projects 


—TRF & Member—Fund Gen

sociate Members (RI Pilot Program)

onorary Members

December 7, 2011 Rotary Club of Holy Spirit Club No. 69935 RI District 3780 Philippines Vol. IV No. 12

O f f i c i a l N e w s e B u l l e t i n o f t h e R o t a r y C l u b o f H o l y S p i r i t

The FOUR-WAY TEST of the Things We Think, Say and DoI s i t t h e T R U T H ? I s i t F A I R t o a l l c o n c e r n e d ? W i l l i t b u i l d G O O D W I L L

a n d B E T T E R F R I E N D S H I P S ? W i l l i t b e B E N E F I C I A L t o a l l c o n c e r n e d ?

RCHS & partners cheer up 300 kids in annual Christmas program In a joint project with SM Foundation Inc

  the Don Antonio Heights Homeowners A

ciation, RCHS brought joy to 300 chil

aged 7-12 at the covered court of Don A

nio Heights last November 19, 2011.

This year‘s ―Make a Child Happy‖ project

been an early Christmas treat for the

dren from families living in depressed p

of Barangay Holy Spirit The kids enjoyed

games and prizes. Even the Rotarians

sent had fun watching the children play,

and dance. At one point, PP Doc R

Belleza was swamped by the kids when

asked for the dirtiest pair of slippers du

 the ―Bring Me‖ game.

On hand to assist in the fun-filled ac

were members of the Interact and Rota

Clubs of Holy Spirit, as well as students

 the University of Makati who were broug

by SMFI. Each of the 300 kids brought h

a gift from SMFI. Snacks for the kids, e

organizers and volunteers were provide

RCHS, Carryboy Inc, and DAHHA Director

Isabel Kim of KIMBEL International. 

Click photo below to view aphoto-stream of the event.

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RC Holy Spirit together with the Rotaract and Interact Clubs of Holy

Spirit joined up with the UST High School ‘70 Medical Mission So-

ciety last November 27, 2011 in a medical/dental mission at Area

B, Payatas, Quezon City. The mission was held at the Elite Busi-

ness School of Science and Trade owned by PP Linda Palattao.

A total of 551 patients from the area around the Payatas dumpsite

were the beneficiaries of the free medical/dental mission. Most of 

the patients served were pediatric cases. Rtn Dr Marlene Marti-

nez, together with Dr Annie Umali (herself a veteran of dental mis-sions sponsored by the office of Mayor Herbert Bautista), were on

hand for the dental aspect of the mission. They were soon jo

by President Terry Amado of our sister club RC Marikina No

Rotary International District 3800.

Meanwhile, PP Doc Roger Belleza worked with the mission‘s m

cal team and busily handled medical consultations for senior

zens, adults as well as pediatric cases. Assisting in the mis

were our Interactors and Rotaractors who were stationed in

registration, dental and pharmacy areas.

A similar partnership project with the UST High School ‗70 MedMission was conducted in the same area last November 8, 200

Medical-dental mission with UST alumni serves 551 poor patients in the Payatas area 

PP Dr Roger Belleza and Rtn OMD Dr Bong continue to provide healthcare for more poor patienDr Belleza, chair of our health & well-ness committee and his team of medi-cal, dental and other healthcare volun-teers serving with SM Foundation at-tended to 1,586 cases of sick patients inSan Pablo City last Nov 23, as follows:

1,000 medical consultations

120 dental service

98 optical

120 chest x-rays, 100 ECGs

80 urinalysis, 68 FBS tests

Club TRF Chair DBong Jung and hisof oriental medical vteers served 343 paincluding 200 acuture treatments.inUlilang Kawayan, City last Nov 12.

The Koreans profree consultationtreatment, medicvitamins and herbal


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My dear brothers and sisters in Rotary,

In late August, Binota and I were in Ghana, where

Rotary Foundation Trustee Vice Chair Sam

Okudzeto and enthusiastic local Rotarians took us

  to the ribbon-cutting for a water project in a little

village, Abutia Teti, about 60 miles from Accra. We

arrived at about 11 a.m., and the whole village seemed to bethere. Everyone had been waiting since early morning to welcome

us. In the past, the women had to walk over 3 miles to carry pails

of water from a river. Now they had a supply of safe, clean water

from tube wells in the village itself. It was a simple but effective

project in which Rotary and USAID had worked together. But what

struck us most that day was family: The men, the women, the

children were all there together, dancing, singing, and welcoming 

us. It made me think about how everywhere around the world,

people come together in families, and families join together as


And this made me happy that the first of our emphases in this

Rotary year is the family, because the family is where everything 

begins. It is where life begins, it is where our day begins, and it iswhere our Rotary service must begin. Because it is the family, and

not the individual, that is the building block of the community – 

and of Rotary.

t is one of my great priorities to encourage the involvement of 

families in Rotary service. I feel incredibly strongly that Rotary

should never, ever come between the Rotarian and the family.

Rotary service should be something that brings the family closer

together. For myself, if I cannot bring Binota with me to a Rotary

event, it‘s simple –  I don‘t go! Rotary is not just for me; it is for

both of us. This is why I encourage districts to welcome families at

district conferences, to involve spouses and children in service

projects, and to plan meeting times with families in mind. The

more that families are involved in Rotary, the more Rotary willhrive – today and tomorrow.

What is Rotary about? It‘s about so many things, but at its core,

Rotary is about these words: Love your neighbor as yourself . Ro-

tary is about love, and that love has to start with us – and with

those closest to us.

— President, Rotary International

RI President’s December Message 

Present as guests during the club’s regular meetinNovember 23, 2011 were PE Arnie Magpayo and Francis Rivera of RC Timog QC to discuss final arraments for the forthcoming 14th PDG Pete Morales CuDecember 9, 2011 at the Philippine Navy Golf Club.

Issues on hole sponsorships, ticket sales, tournarules and program for the whole-day event were clarThe golf tournament is jointly hosted by RC TimogRC Holy Spirit.

AG Rose Imperial of RC Loyola Heights droppeshortly before the meeting started to remind club offand members about the District Conference to be heApril 19-21, 2012 in Tagaytay City.

Plans are finalized for the PDG Pete Mora

Cup on December 9

December 9 Friday 8AM - 14th PDG

Morales Cup golf tournament at the PhilipNavy Golf Club. Whole-day event is jointly ssored by RC Timog QC and RC Holy Spirit

December 9 Friday - District Christmas part Daytime for children hosted by RC Camp Cram

Mardi Gras  and Fellowship Night for grow

organized by “hands-on” presidents led by

Dulce dB. Coyukiat

December 13 Tuesday 7PM - RCHS club Xparty at the DAHHA Clubhouse

December 19 Monday 1PM - Christmas gram & gift-giving for 108 disadvantaged Spupils of Dona Juana Elementary School

December 22 Thursday 6PM - Christmas pfor members of the Interact and Rotaract Cof Holy Spirit to be hosted by Marcia Salva

  Venue at No. 3 Don Senen St., Don AnHeights. Come and join us cheer up our yoreliable partners in service!


Register Early and Save

December is Family Month in the Rotary Calendar

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For missed club meetings get engaged with

ROTARY e-Club One .

It’s only a click away from here. 

2011 is United Nations Year of Forests

Avoid Unnecessary Use of Paper. Go Digital! 

Rotary Club of Holy Spirit

How to Get In Touch With Us

Pres Ped Condeno — 0917-880-2145; [email protected]  Help Desk: Club Admin Ric Salvador — 0919-361-6406;

[email protected]  

Mail address: 33 Don Carlos St., Don Antonio Heights, QC

Club meets every Wednesday, 7:00 PM at the Clubhouse of Don

 Antonio Heights subdivision

Let’s all help curb Global Warming !

The Dove, Weekly Bulletin of the Rotary Club of Holy Spirit, is published

by the Administration Committee of the club.

Printed copies are distributed to club members during meetings while thedigital e-bulletin edition is e-mailed to members & friends, to donors, to

selected District 3780 officers, to most of the 92 district club presidentswho have known e-mail accounts, and to selected RI offices.  

Current editors are Dir Ric and Treasurer Marcia Salvador with email [email protected].  

View Past Issues of the eBulletin

June 4, 2009 First Issue of The Dove  Vol. I No. 1 

November 2, 2011 The Dove Vol. IV No. 10 

November 16, 2011 The Dove Vol. IV No. 11 

Back-track for earlier issues. 

For general information and fun -

Latest update on the Weather from PAGASA

Up-to-the-hour world news from CNN

Follow RC Holy Spirit on

Watch Sports - Yahoo!  Sports Minute 

Video for review & discussion:

Where do good ideas come from? Watch Steven Johnson

7:00PM Assembly-Dinner-Fellowship

Call to Order Pres Ped Condeno 


National Anthem

Rotarian’s Pledge 

Introduction of guest(s)

Business Agenda-

Golf tournament project co-sponsored with RC Timog Dec 9

District x’mas party Dec 9 

RCHS x’mas party Dec 13 

Christmas program for SPED pupils Dec 19


President’s Time Pres Ped Condeno

  Adjournment Pres Ped Condeno

Program for MeetingNight Chairman - Dr Eui Bong Jung


For Rotary news & information -

Rotary International www.rotary.org 

District 3780 Website www.distrct3780.org 

District Governor’s Monthly Letters

July August September October November

Rotarians on the Internet

December birthday celebrantsDec. 4 - Fr. Steve Tynan

Dec. 17 - IPP Cong. Dodgie Osabel

Floods receding in Bangkok

Rotary International News -- 1 December 2011

 According to a November article in the Bangkok Post , the recent flooding in theThai capital, site of the 2012 RI Convention in May, is receding, although floodwa-ters remain high in some areas near the Chao Phraya River.

The article quotes Anond Snidvongs, executive director of the Geo-Informatics andSpace Technology Development Agency, as saying that the worst of the crisis isover. Although the district of Thon Buri is expected to experience some floodingover the next month, neither the Impact Exhibition & Convention Center nor hotelsin which RI has blocks of rooms are located in the affected area.

Rotary International and Rotarians in Bangkok will continue to monitor conditionsthere. Any changes in plans for the convention and related events will be commu-nicated via email to all registrants, and be posted on the RI website and socialmedia sites.

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Click here Kimbel INTERNATIONAL for more information online.

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Belleza family


