real world static analysis boot camp

Paraso& Copyright © 2014 1 Real World Sta,c Analysis Boot Camp Part 1 2014

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Real  World  Sta,c  Analysis  Boot  Camp  Part  1  2014  

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VoIP •  Choose “Telephone” and dial

using the information provided Submit questions and comments via the Questions panel

Note: Today’s presentation is being recorded and will be provided within a week.

Your  Par6cipa6on  

GoToWebinar  Housekeeping  

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Why  sta6c  analysis  

Prevent  Problems  

Target  Problems  


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Types  of  Sta6c  Analysis  

Pattern Based Flow Analysis


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What’s  it  for?  

Sta6c  Value  







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Selec6ng  a  tool  

§  Types  of  analysis  §  Languages  covered  §  IDE  integra6on  §  Number  of  rules  /  standards  covered  §  Ac6ve  development  §  Supported  workflows  §  Repor6ng  

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PaYern-­‐Based  Sta6c  Analysis  

What:  •  Iden6fy  specific  paYerns  in  the  code  

Why:  • Find  dangerous  prac6ces  • Prevents  defects  • Ensure  inclusion  of  required  items  • Security  • Branding  

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Data  Flow  Analysis  

What:  •  Simulate  execu6on  to  find  paYerns  • Analyze  paths  • Analyze  data  usage  

Why:  •  Find  real  bugs  •  Find  security  vulnerabili6es  

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Results  within  IDE  

1 Results delivered as uniform view within IDE

2 Directly access line of code to fix 3 Check-in

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Workflow  Integra6on  

§  Has  to  work  with  your  development  UI  §  Same  configura6on  for  desktop  and  server  § Minimize  nega6ve  impact  § Minimize  6me  to  find  /  fix  viola6ons  

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Historical  trends  

Drill-­‐down  for  detail  

Cri6cal  info  • Developer  • Project  • Severity  • Category  

“Without  the  right  informa6on,  you’re  just  another  person  with  an  opinion.”        -­‐  Tracy  O’Rourke,  CEO  of  Allen-­‐Bradley  


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Sample  Report    

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Selec6ng  a  rule  configura6on  

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Being  Successful  

Choose  rules  carefully  

Implement  progressively  • Fewer  to  more  rules  • Extend  date  backward  

Suppressions  to  manage  


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Choosing  rules  

§  Things  happening  in  the  field  §  Things  you  worry  will  happen  §  Things  happening  in  the  news  §  Standards  you  must  comply  with  

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Don’t  Get  Run  Over  

Same  set  of  rules  for  everyone  

Small  set  of  rules  

Less  rules  that  are  followed  is  beYer  than  

more  that  are  not  

If  you  wouldn’t  fix  it,  don’t  check  

for  it  

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Configura6on  Op6ons  

Configura,on  affects  adop,on  

Rules  for  new  code  vs  legacy  

code  Cut-­‐off  dates  

The  right  rules  Avoid  “we  

want  to  comply  with  this  later”  

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Refining  the  Rules  

Check  the  rules  on  real  code  

Reduce  rules  if  there  are  too  

many  viola6ons  

Suppress  files  that  have  too  

many  viola6ons  

Rules  that  have  too  many  viola6ons  may  not  be  a  good  candidate  

Spot-­‐check  rules  with  developers  

Run  on  second  

code  base  

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Tackling  Sta6c  Analysis  Output  

§  Avoid  old-­‐fashioned  model  “automated  build  and  email”    

§  Avoid  complicated  manual  assignment/triage  process  

§  Avoid  having  results  outside  of  the  development  IDE  

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Implementation of Static Analysis

1 Chose Rulesets and workflow

3 Cross-reference with source

2 Scan Code

4 Deliver Results

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Everything  is  a  Task  

§  Everything  a  developer  does  is  task  §  Quality  tasks  §  Coding  tasks  §  Code  review  tasks  §  Tes6ng  tasks  §  …  tasks  

§  Tasks  in  the  UI  are  easier  than  email  

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Fixing  Viola6ons  

§ Mul6ple  methods:  §  Suppress  §  Quick-­‐fix  §  Change  the  code  §  Code  review  

§  Check  the  docs  for  info  

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What  is  Noise?    

Incorrect  messages  

Unhelpful  messages  

Irrelevant  messages  

Anything  I  don't  need  to  hear    

Anything  I  don't  want  to  hear  

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Common  nega6ve  misconcep6ons  

It’s  a  pain  

I  don’t  like  it  

It’s  wrong  

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It’s  Too  Much  

Sta6c  Analysis  is  about  process   It’s  incremental  

Avoid  bi6ng  off  more  than  you  can  chew  

Avoid  any  rule  you  won’t  stop  the  build  for  

Star6ng  with  too  many  rules  

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Tips  and  Traps  

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False  posi6ve  misconcep6ons  

False  posi6ves  are  the  big  problem  

Manual  review  &  priori6za6on  is  the  way  

Suppressions  should  be  outside  the  code  

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§ Why  do  sta6c  analysis?  §  Because  it’s  the  right  thing?  §  Increase  quality?  §  Decrease  costs?  §  Reduce  development  6me?  

§  Flow  analysis  is  enough  § When  will  it  pay-­‐off?  §  How  can  I  tell  it’s  paying  off?  

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The  Right  Approach  

§  Running  SA  on  all  your  code  (Don’t)  §  It’s  all  about  the  reports  (Or  is  it?)  

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Sta6c  Analysis  for  Preven6on  

It’s  quicker  to  deal  with  false  posi6ves  than  bugs  

Flow  analysis  finds  complicated  problems  

Run6me  analysis  should  match  flow  analysis  

Rules  should  be  chosen  based  on  real  problems    

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SA  for  Process  Improvement  

Flow  analysis  won’t  find  everything  

Flow  rules  have  corresponding  paYern-­‐based  


Prevent  the  poten6al  rather  than  chase  paths  

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Policy  IS  Important  

§ What  teams  need  to  do  SA?  § What  projects  require  SA?  § What  rules  are  required?  § What  amount  of  compliance?  § When  can  you  suppress?  §  How  to  handle  legacy  code?  §  Do  you  ship  with  SA  viola6ons?  

§ Which  ones?  

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§  Web  §  hYp://www.paraso&.com/jsp/resources  

§  Blog  §  hYp://alm.paraso&.com  

§ Social  § Facebook:  hYps://  

§ TwiYer:  @Paraso&  @MustRead4Dev  @CodeCurmudgeon  

§ LinkedIn:  hYp://  

§ Google+:  +Paraso&  +ArthurHickenCodeCurmudgeon  § Google+  Community:  Sta6c  Analysis  for  Fun  and  Profit  

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Coming  up  

Oct  9th  –  Sta6c  Analysis  Boot  Camp  Part  2  

Oct  15-­‐16th  -­‐  StarWest  

Oct  17th  –  Sta6c  Analysis  for  DevOps  

Oct  24-­‐25th  –  Southland  Tech  Conf  

Oct  29-­‐30th  –  Cloud  Expo  Asia