

Upload: lertxun

Post on 16-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Recipe
Page 2: Recipe

Ingredients 4 peopleIngredients 4 people

14 pastry tartlets 14 pastry tartlets 3 Natural yoghurts 3 Natural yoghurts 2 eggs 2 eggs 125 grams of sugar 125 grams of sugar zest of 1 lemon zest of 1 lemon 125 ml sweet wine 125 ml sweet wine 28 raspberries 28 raspberries 6 cookies chocolate 6 cookies chocolate mint leavesmint leaves

Page 3: Recipe

1. Put yoghurt, eggs, 100 grams of sugar and 1. Put yoghurt, eggs, 100 grams of sugar and lemon zest in the bowl of the mixer. Shreds lemon zest in the bowl of the mixer. Shreds and book.and book.

2. Extends the tarts on baking tray lined with 2. Extends the tarts on baking tray lined with baking paper. Fill them with yogurt cream baking paper. Fill them with yogurt cream and baked at 150 ° C for 15 minutes.and baked at 150 ° C for 15 minutes.

3. Put the remaining sugar in a saucepan, pour 3. Put the remaining sugar in a saucepan, pour the sweet wine and let reduce. Water the the sweet wine and let reduce. Water the raspberries and let marinate a few minutes.raspberries and let marinate a few minutes.

4. Place the cookies in the mortar and májalas 4. Place the cookies in the mortar and májalas until they are reduced to dust.until they are reduced to dust.

5. Serves pastries, decorate with raspberries 5. Serves pastries, decorate with raspberries and powder biscuit. decorate with mint and powder biscuit. decorate with mint leaves.leaves.

Page 4: Recipe