recommended symbols in forming technology for cirp unified ... · recommended symbols in forming...

Recommended symbols in forming technology for CIRP unified terminology Citation for published version (APA): Houtackers, L. J. A. (1986). Recommended symbols in forming technology for CIRP unified terminology. (version 5 ed.) (TH Eindhoven. Afd. Werktuigbouwkunde, Vakgroep Produktietechnologie : WPB; Vol. WPA0301). Eindhoven: Technische Hogeschool Eindhoven. Document status and date: Published: 01/01/1986 Document Version: Publisher’s PDF, also known as Version of Record (includes final page, issue and volume numbers) Please check the document version of this publication: • A submitted manuscript is the version of the article upon submission and before peer-review. There can be important differences between the submitted version and the official published version of record. People interested in the research are advised to contact the author for the final version of the publication, or visit the DOI to the publisher's website. • The final author version and the galley proof are versions of the publication after peer review. • The final published version features the final layout of the paper including the volume, issue and page numbers. Link to publication General rights Copyright and moral rights for the publications made accessible in the public portal are retained by the authors and/or other copyright owners and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requirements associated with these rights. • Users may download and print one copy of any publication from the public portal for the purpose of private study or research. • You may not further distribute the material or use it for any profit-making activity or commercial gain • You may freely distribute the URL identifying the publication in the public portal. If the publication is distributed under the terms of Article 25fa of the Dutch Copyright Act, indicated by the “Taverne” license above, please follow below link for the End User Agreement: Take down policy If you believe that this document breaches copyright please contact us at: [email protected] providing details and we will investigate your claim. Download date: 31. May. 2020

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Page 1: Recommended symbols in forming technology for CIRP unified ... · Recommended symbols in forming technology for CIRP unified terminology Citation for published version (APA): Houtackers,

Recommended symbols in forming technology for CIRPunified terminologyCitation for published version (APA):Houtackers, L. J. A. (1986). Recommended symbols in forming technology for CIRP unified terminology.(version 5 ed.) (TH Eindhoven. Afd. Werktuigbouwkunde, Vakgroep Produktietechnologie : WPB; Vol.WPA0301). Eindhoven: Technische Hogeschool Eindhoven.

Document status and date:Published: 01/01/1986

Document Version:Publisher’s PDF, also known as Version of Record (includes final page, issue and volume numbers)

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Page 2: Recommended symbols in forming technology for CIRP unified ... · Recommended symbols in forming technology for CIRP unified terminology Citation for published version (APA): Houtackers,



revised by: L.J.A. Houtackers on invitation by CIRP

WPA-Rapport nr. 0301 (version 5) febr. '86 lJL

Page 3: Recommended symbols in forming technology for CIRP unified ... · Recommended symbols in forming technology for CIRP unified terminology Citation for published version (APA): Houtackers,





Scientific Technical Committee aF· (Forming)



*approved by Scientific Technical Committee "Forming" of C.l.R.P. in Paris, Jan. 1986 for


revised by L.J.A. Houtackers on invitation by C.I.R.P.

Division of Production Engineering and -Automation Department of Mechanical Engineering Eindhoven University of Technology

5th edition, February 1986.

Page 4: Recommended symbols in forming technology for CIRP unified ... · Recommended symbols in forming technology for CIRP unified terminology Citation for published version (APA): Houtackers,

February 1986 -3-

Explanation: - Numbers in column 3 refer to terms and texts in C.l.R.P. dictionary (part 5) in which the symbol of column 1 is used in a meaning which conforms to that in column 4;

- + behind number of term: no symbol mentioned in dictionary; - (d) behind number of term: difinition; - E = English text only; G = German text only; F = French text

only. - number in column 5 = ClRP Nr. in ClRP UNIFIED TERMINOLOGY

(Annals of the CIRP Vol. 33/2/1984 p. 575-581)


Pref. CIRP-UT vol. 5 33/211984

- acceleration a a - Beschleunigung 1.10

- acceleration

- area, cross-section A A 5302 EG - Flache, Querschnitt 1.4

- aire, section

- angle a a - Winkel 1 . 1

- angle

- width b b - Breite 1.3

- largeur

- engineering deformation number, deep drawing ratio

p - Proceszkennzahl, Tiefziehverhaltnis 1 . 1 - parametre du procede de deformation,

rapport d'emboutissage

Page 5: Recommended symbols in forming technology for CIRP unified ... · Recommended symbols in forming technology for CIRP unified terminology Citation for published version (APA): Houtackers,

February 1986

c c


d d






5331 E(d)

- specific heat capacity - spezifische Warme Kapazitat - chaleur massique

- constant - Konstante - constante

- diameter - Durchmesser - diametre

used for differentials, increments or differences

- linear engineering strain - lineare Dehnung (bezogen auf


A4.1 also 4.11


Ausgangslange) 3.15 - allongement brut, dilatation linique See also £

- Young's modulus of elasticity - Elastizitatsmodul 3.19 - module de Young, module d'elasticite


- potential, input energy - Energie 3.28 - energie

- natural strain (true strain) 5331 EF(d) - naturl. (log.) Dehnung (Lokalwert) 3.15

- deformation vraie (def. rationnelle) See also e

- natural strain rate

5334 EF(d) - naturliche Dehnungsgeschwindigkeit (Lokalwert), Formanderungsgeschwin­digkeit

- vitesse de deformation

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February 1986







- equivalent (effective, generalized) strain

5338 EF(d) - Vergleichsformanderung (Lokalwert) - deformation equivalente

- equivalent strain rate

- Vergleichsformanderungsgeschwin-digkeit (Lokalwert)

- vitesse de deformation equivalente

- efficiency (factor) , work ratio (factor)

5330 - Umform wirkungsgrad - (coefficient de) rendement

- see ~

- force (load) 5301 GF(d) - Kraft (Belastung)

- force (effort)

- value of natural strain *)

- Umformgrad (log. Formanderungsver-





haltnis) 1.1 - valeur de la deformation vraie ou

rationnelle *) under the assumption of homoge­neous deformation

- natural strain rate *) - Umformgeschwindigkeit

- valeur de la vitesse de deformation t) under the assumption of homoge­

neous deformation

Page 7: Recommended symbols in forming technology for CIRP unified ... · Recommended symbols in forming technology for CIRP unified terminology Citation for published version (APA): Houtackers,

February 1986 -6-

- equivalent strain *) - Vergleichsumformgrad - - valeur de la deformation totale cp

equivalente *) under the assumption of homoge-

neous deformation

- equivalent strain rate *)

- Vergleichsumformgeschwindigkeit ... cp - valeur de la vitesse de deformation

equivalente *) under the assumption of homoge-

neous deformation -

9 9 1 . 11

- shear modulus G G - Schubmodul 3.20

- module de cisaillement

5331 - shear strain. shear angle "1 "1 - Schiebung. Schiebung(swinkel) 3.16

5338 - deformation de cisaillement

- shear strain rate

1 - Schiebungsgeschwindigkeit - vitesse de deformation de


- height h h - Hohe 1.3

- hauteur

Page 8: Recommended symbols in forming technology for CIRP unified ... · Recommended symbols in forming technology for CIRP unified terminology Citation for published version (APA): Houtackers,

February 1986 -7-

5304 (d) + - stroke length H 5651 (d) + - Hub

5654 + - course

5348 (d) - shear flow stress k 5349 (d) - Schubflieszspannung (von Mises)

- limite d'elasticite au cisaillement

- compression modulus K K - Kompressions modul 3.21

- module de compression

5331 - length 1 1 5736 - Lange 1.3

etc. - longeur

- mass m m - Masse 3.1

- masse

- plastic friction factor m m - (plastische) Reibungszahl 3.10

- ...

- moment M M - Moment

- moment

- Coulomb's friction coefficient ~,f ~ 5381 (d) - Coulombse Reibungszahl 3.23

- coefficient de frottement

- strain hardening exponent n 5470 (d) - Verfestigungsexponent

- coefficient d'ecrouissage

- Poisson ratio v v - Poissonzahl 3.18

- coefficient de Poisson

Page 9: Recommended symbols in forming technology for CIRP unified ... · Recommended symbols in forming technology for CIRP unified terminology Citation for published version (APA): Houtackers,

February 1986 -8-

- angular velocity w UI - Winkelgeschwindigkeit 1.7

- vitesse angulaire

- pressure p p 5302 - Flachenpressung (Druck) 3.12

- pression

- power (work per unit time) p p - Leistung 3.29

- puissance

- quantity (of heat, fluid) Q Q - Menge (Warme-, Flussigkeits-) 4.6

- quantite (de chaleur, liquide)

- radius (polar coordinate) r r - Radius (Polarkoordinate) 1.3

- rayon (coordonnee polaire)

5309 EF(d) - anisotropy parameter r - Kennwert fur Anisotropie

- coefficient d'anisotropie

- area reduction ratio R - Querschnittsverhaltnis

- variation de la section tranversale

- bending radius ~ - Biegeradius

- rayon de pliage

- thickness 5 - Dicke, Blechstarke 1.3

- epaisseur

- proceswe9· S

Page 10: Recommended symbols in forming technology for CIRP unified ... · Recommended symbols in forming technology for CIRP unified terminology Citation for published version (APA): Houtackers,

February 1986

5339 (d)

a a

5341 (d)

0' 5344 (d)

-a 5345 E(d)

t t 5342 (d)

t t


- components of stress tensor (in orthonormal vectorbasis)

- Komponenten des Spannungstensors (in orthonormaler Vektorbasis)

- composantes du tenseur des contraintes

- components of deviatoric (reduced) stress tensor (in orthonormal vectorbasis)

- Komponenten des deviatiorischen (reduzierten) Spannungstensors (in orthonormaler Vektorbasis)

- composantes du tenseur deviatorique (reduit) des contraintes, Mdeviateur"

- hydrostatic or mean stress - hydrostatische Spannungskomponente - contrainte hydrostatique

- flow stress value - Flieszspannung - tension d'ecoulement

- effective (generalized, equivalent) stress

- Vergleichspannung - contrainte equivalente (effective,


- shear stress - Schubspannung, (Scherspannung) - contrainte de cisaillement

- time - Zeit - temps

- temperature - Temperature - temperature





Page 11: Recommended symbols in forming technology for CIRP unified ... · Recommended symbols in forming technology for CIRP unified terminology Citation for published version (APA): Houtackers,

February 1986 -10-

- angle 8 - Winkel

- angle

u u 5306 G - displacement, velocity v v - Verschiebung, Geschwindigkeit 1.9 w w - deplacement, vitesse

- clearance U - Ziehspalte

- marge d'outil

I - volume

V V - Volumen, Rauminhalt 1.5 - volume

- work, dissipated energy 3.27 W W - Arbeit

- travail

Page 12: Recommended symbols in forming technology for CIRP unified ... · Recommended symbols in forming technology for CIRP unified terminology Citation for published version (APA): Houtackers,

February 1986 -11-


Pref. meaning Bedeutung signification

- axial a - axial

- axial

- width, bottom b - Breite, Boden

- largeur, fond .

- bending B - Biegung

- pliage

- critical c - kritisch

- critique

- contact C - kontakt

- contact

- die, drawing D - Matrize, Ziehen

- matrice, etirage

- deformation ex: Tdef def - Umform

- deformation

- final, electric e - Endwert, elektrisch

- final, electrique

Page 13: Recommended symbols in forming technology for CIRP unified ... · Recommended symbols in forming technology for CIRP unified terminology Citation for published version (APA): Houtackers,

February 1986

- effective eff - Effektivwert

- effectif

- elastic el - elastisch

- elastique

- flow f - Fliesz

- ecoulement

- fracture F - Bruch

- rupture

- friction Fr - Reibung

- frottement

- height h - Hohe

- hauteur

- denoting components of a tensor i,j - Be~eichnung fur Tensorkomponente

- indices des composants d'un tenseur

- ideal id - ideell

- ideal

- inner I - innen

- interne

- length, longitudinal 1 - Lange (Langskomponente), longitudinal

- longeur, longitudinal


Page 14: Recommended symbols in forming technology for CIRP unified ... · Recommended symbols in forming technology for CIRP unified terminology Citation for published version (APA): Houtackers,

February 1986 -13-

- lower L - unter

- inferieure

- average ex: om m - Mittelwert

- moyenne

- machine M - Maschine

- machine

- maximum max - Maximalwert, Grenzwert

- maximum

- minimum min - Minimalwert, Grenzwert

- minimum

- normal n - normal ex: normal Force = Fn

- normal

- nomimal N - nominal (Nennwert)

- nominal

- initial, original 0 - Anfangswert

- initial

- outer 0 - auszer

- externe

- optimal opt. - Optimalwert

- optimal

Page 15: Recommended symbols in forming technology for CIRP unified ... · Recommended symbols in forming technology for CIRP unified terminology Citation for published version (APA): Houtackers,

February 1986 -14-

- pressure p - Druck

- pressiom

- punch p - Stempel

- poin~on

- plastic pI - plastisch

- plastique

- radial r - radial

- radial

- relative reI - relativ

- relatif

- shearing, blanking S - Scherschneiden

- poin~onnage

- specific 5 - spe7.ifisch

- specifique

- tangential t - tangential

- tangential

- total tot - total

- total

- torsion, tensile T - Torsion, Zug

- torsion, traction

Page 16: Recommended symbols in forming technology for CIRP unified ... · Recommended symbols in forming technology for CIRP unified terminology Citation for published version (APA): Houtackers,

February 1986 -15-

- uniform, ultimate u - gleichmassig, ausserste

- uniforme, ultime

- upper U - oben

- superieure

- workpiece W - Werksttick

- eprouvette

x - in direction x etc. y - in x-Richtung usw. z - en direction x etc.

1 - principal directions 2 - Hauptrichtungen 3 - directions principales

r - polar coordinates 8 - Polarkoordinaten z - coordonnees polaires