references - nasa · ghz; a handbook for satellite system design (second edition),’’nasa...

References Amoroso, F. and W. W. Jones [1988], ‘Modeling Direct Sequence Pseudonoise (DSPN) Signaling with Directional Antennas in the Dense Scatterer Mobile Environment~98th IEEE Vehicular Technology Confenmce, Philadelphia, PA, pp 419-426, 15-17 June. Barts, R. M. and W. L. Stutzman [1991], ‘Modeling and Simulation of Mobile Satellite Propagation,” IEEE Tmns. Antennas Pmpagat., (in press). Barts, R. M., W. L. Stutzman, W. T. Smith, R. S. Schmier, and C. W. Bostian [1987], ?- ‘Land Mobile Satellite Propagation Modeling,” Pm of the 1987 IEEE A/YP Society . International Symposium, Vol. 1, pp 20-23. Bell, T.E. [1988],‘Technology 88- Communications,” IEEE Spectrum, pp 41-43, Jan. Bundrock,A. and R. Harvey[1988],“PropagationMeasurements for an AustralianLand Mobile-SatelliteSystem,” Pmc. of Mobile Satellite Confetwace, pp 119-124. r Butterworth, J. S. [1984a],”Propagation Measurements for Land-Mobile Satellite Systems L at 1542 MHz,” Commun. Res. Cent., Ottawa,CanadaTech. Note 723, Aug. Butterworth J. S. [1984b], ‘Propagation Measurements for Land-Mobile Satellite Services in the 800 MHz Band,” Commun. Res. Cent., Ottawa,CanadaTech. Note 724, Aug. Butterworth, J. S. and E. E. Matt [1983] ‘The Characterization of Propagation Effects for Land Mobile Satellite Services,” IEE hi International Conference on Satellite Sgstems . k

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Page 1: References - NASA · GHz; A Handbook for Satellite System Design (Second Edition),’’NASA Reference Publication 1108(02), December. Goldhirsh,J. and W. J. Vogel [1987],broadside


Amoroso, F. and W. W. Jones [1988], ‘Modeling Direct Sequence Pseudonoise (DSPN)Signaling with Directional Antennas in the Dense Scatterer Mobile Environment~98thIEEE Vehicular Technology Confenmce, Philadelphia, PA, pp 419-426, 15-17 June.

Barts, R. M. and W. L. Stutzman [1991], ‘Modeling and Simulation of Mobile SatellitePropagation,” IEEE Tmns. Antennas Pmpagat., (in press).

Barts, R. M., W. L. Stutzman, W. T. Smith, R. S. Schmier, and C. W. Bostian [1987], ?-

‘Land Mobile Satellite Propagation Modeling,” Pm of the 1987 IEEE A/YP Society .

International Symposium, Vol. 1, pp 20-23.

Bell, T.E. [1988],‘Technology 88- Communications,”IEEE Spectrum, pp 41-43, Jan.

Bundrock,A. and R. Harvey[1988],“PropagationMeasurementsfor an AustralianLandMobile-SatelliteSystem,”Pmc. of Mobile Satellite Confetwace, pp 119-124.

rButterworth, J. S. [1984a],”Propagation Measurements for Land-Mobile Satellite Systems L

at 1542 MHz,” Commun. Res. Cent., Ottawa,CanadaTech. Note 723, Aug.

Butterworth J. S. [1984b], ‘Propagation Measurements for Land-Mobile Satellite Servicesin the 800 MHz Band,” Commun. Res. Cent., Ottawa,CanadaTech. Note 724,Aug.

Butterworth, J. S. and E. E. Matt [1983] ‘The Characterization of Propagation Effects forLand Mobile Satellite Services,” IEE hi International Conference on Satellite Sgstems



Page 2: References - NASA · GHz; A Handbook for Satellite System Design (Second Edition),’’NASA Reference Publication 1108(02), December. Goldhirsh,J. and W. J. Vogel [1987],broadside



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